RajahChapter 8 free porn video

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Neal Court had tossed and turned, writhing in the grip of some odd, heretofore unexperienced sensation. He had drunk too much, he thought, had become woozy and thick of tongue as he always did when he'd over- imbibed, and as he had in the past, the lethargy of sedation made him want to sleep.

But this time the liquor was keeping him awake, rather than soporifically inducing him to shut his eyes and dream. There was a weird agitation in his belly, a burning fire in his loins, which, when he allowed himself to think about it, seemed to make his penis tingle and his testicles ache. To be without a woman for three days.

He sat bolt upright. A woman! What had made him think in terms of a woman and not his wife! It was Sharon he had been without, only Sharon, his lovely, trusting, innocent wife -- and to think in terms of making love to just any female was wrong! What would Sharon think if she knew his thoughts? He blushed in the darkness...

But still his body refused to honor the purity of his intentions. Images of hot squirming female bodies filtered through his drugged mind, and he groaned and tossed and turned. The bedsheets pressed against his naked skin, tantalizingly soft and smooth as his cock and testicles came into contact. His limp member began an involuntary rise, an unwanted erection, yet one he was powerless to control.

Then he noticed that the bedroom door was slowly opening that the dim light from the hall was spearing across the floor. He tensed. "Is that you, Sharon? he whispered. His penis gave a compulsive shudder at the idea of his blonde wife coming to bed, coming to sheath with her warm pulsating cunt, her husband's throbbing sword.

There was a shadow now, a silhouette against the light. Neal stared at it as the black shadow became larger, bolder. It contained the curves of a woman. A naked, smooth skinned woman, standing by the door, just out of his vision, his touch.

"Honey ?"

Then there was the firm, white flesh of the woman as she stepped into the room. Neal gasped in shock, bewilderment making his face form into frowning lines. "Lena!"

The black-haired woman was like a Valkrie in the spotlight of the hall. She stood spread-legged and proud, her firm, high breasts outlined like the crests of moons; her nipples, hard and jutting, were etched in clarity. The soft, triangular patch of her pubic hair was evident, and the filtering light caught the stray pubic curls which were between her velvet thighs, and Neal could even make out the pink, excitedly swollen ridges of her vaginal lips

"Lena! What... what is this ?"

"I want you to fuck me, Neal."

Neal was shaken to the core of his being. The obscene request was like fire, her magnificently displayed body like a torch to his already ignited passions. His body broiled with sudden waves of lust, as if it was triggered to its complete pagan yearnings by the woman's naked entry.

"No..." the young husband groaned, trying to control the surge in his blood. What was the matter with him, for God's sake? He had never wanted another woman, not after having met and married Sharon. Yet here he was, his cock in full and painful erection, tenting the thin sheet for her to see, to know. He forced his brain to reject the adulterous proposal. "No Lena, it's not right!"


He was helpless under the influence of the potion, and the lewdly smiling Lena Alvaro knew it. She approached the bed confidently. "I've wanted you to fuck me for a long time," she purred, looming over him, cradling her breasts with both hands. "I've wanted that strong cock of yours -- the one I can already see growing with anticipation -- and I've wanted to give you my body, all of it to do with as you will. Take me, Neal; take me now!"

Neal Court groaned and tried to turn away, but some inviable force held him there, fastened his eyes on the writhing, seductive beauty of his boss' wife. Saliva glistened around his lips and his body shook.

Lena sat down on the bed and slipped one hand under the sheet. She smiled seductively, and then clutched his jerking cock with a certain finality... moving into a knowing and gentle massage.

Neal sucked in his breath as he felt her skinning his penis back so that the pulsing, red-hot head literally popped out from the thick foreskin. He squirmed around on the bed, drawing his legs up and then flat out, shudders of uncontrolled desire running rampant through his marrow.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God..." he moaned, now completely at the mercy of the older woman.

Lena used her other hand to slide the sheet down to where his cock was finally exposed to view. The cooling night air rushed against it, and then his boss' wife bent down and thrust his erect shaft deep into the warm, wet confines of her mouth in one, long, continuous movement. She began to suck, causing him to pant and heave his thighs upward involuntarily as the soft, clasping flesh of her mouth sent a wild spasm wracking through him. She drew slowly up and away until only the head was clasped by her ovaled, teasing lips.

Neal could hardly breathe. His penis throbbed with hardness and as much as he hated himself for it, as much as he knew that come tomorrow and the facing of his own, trusting wife he would be suicidal with remorse, he knew that he had to have this raven-haired bitch, this wife of his own superior. Lena was stroking his cock tenderly now, working the heavy, blood-engorged rod up and down as thin droplets of lubricating fluid seeped from the tiny opening. Neal cursed himself for his lack of control. He had been thinking of having a woman, any woman, and now his perverted wish had been fulfilled beyond his wildest imagination. Knowing he was sick, knowing this was wrong was not having the icy effect of stopping the rush to copulate in adulterous frenzy, and that made him all the more chagrined. He stared down at the wildly pumping hand of the lust-crazed woman, saw his own cock in frantic response, his mind, drugged and shocked, capitulated entirely. He was going to have to release the pressure in his balls, soon -- now! -- and he was going to take her, take this woman and fuck her just as she had asked. Either that or he was going to burst!

He tried to grab her in his arms, drag her down to him, but she wouldn't let him. "No," Lena said. "Not here."

"Why?" Then Neal thought he knew. "Yes, Sharon! She might enter at any moment."

"My room. Come." She rose, her hand still tightly wrapped around Neal Court's aching prick, and like her grip was that of a choke collar around his neck, he blindly followed without hesitation. He stumbled shiveringly out into the long hall, a sigh escaping him as he saw that it was empty. He hurried after her, watching her firm yet full rounded buttocks undulating provocatively before him. He groaned, all of his moral and logical senses drowned out by the overwhelming carnal desire the potion had infused him with.

She led him directly to the master bedroom, knowing that the timing would be just right. Her husband had just finished spewing his sperm into the young wife of the man whose cock she now held, just as she and Lord Marlowe had finished fucking to simultaneous orgasms, and as she had slipped out of the one door to fetch Neal Court, Marlowe was calling for the dwarf to bring in Rajah by the other door. Things should be merrily on their way by now, she gleefully thought, and opened the door.

She stood to one side of the entrance while Neal crowded in behind her, his hungry cock pressed hotly into the crevice of her buttocks. Neal looked over her shoulder, his loins throbbing like rampaging waves of a stormy surf as Lena rotated her buttocks and ground back against his penis. Unconsciously he reached around the squeezed one of her breasts, tweaking her nipple between forefinger and thumb until the woman winced in smiling pain.

He tried to peer into the dim room, lit as it was only by ruby lamps. Everything seemed to be a blur at first, and then he made out recognizable forms. There was Lord Marlowe, naked! And Wafto, with so huge a cock to the relative size of his slight body that it hung down almost below his knees in soft state -- which it most certainly was not now! And, horrors! there was his boss, Neal saw. Lena's husband, Rodney. They were all standing around a satin-sheeted round bed of massive dimensions, urging on a small, muscular man wearing a fur coat. No... Neal squinted, his eyes accustoming themselves. No, it was an animal! A small ape! And the brute was on top of... was slobbering over... was making the motions of intercourse with...

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" Neal Court blurted unintelligibly. "It's Sharon! My wife's being fucked by an ape!"

"Rodney," Sharon Court whimpered, "please get hard again I'm going mad inside for you. Please get hard and fuck me again, please..."

Rodney Alvaro chuckled. He had filled this beauteous young wife's cunt to the brim with his thin quick spurts of cum, he had gleefully watched the blonde girl trying not to lose a drop of the hot, lust- inciting fluid as her vaginal lips clenched his cock in a desperate effort to keep up with his ejaculating penis. And, after his prick had throbbed out the last remaining streams of warm sticky sperm, Sharon had desperately moved all the way around and took his deflating shaft in her mouth.

And now she was begging for more. He heard the call by Lord Marlowe for Wafto and Rajah, and knowing what was in store for the once innocent, now gluttonous woman on the bed, he rolled from her and stood up. "In due time you will be fucked, Mrs. Court." He laughed harshly. "Mrs. Court!" he repeated contemptuously. "Mrs. Court, my beauteous American bitch."

"Dear God, haven't I done everything you wanted? Why do you torture me so?"

"Be patient, Sharon," her husband's boss replied, grinning sardonically and once more falling into using her familiar name. "We have something extra special for you. A treat, because you have been so good. Isn't that right, Mark?"

"An understatement, my good man," was the smiling reply.

God! What now? What more could be done to me? I don't care what they do to me... my cunt is on fire! I'm going out of my mind! The lovely, drugged wife reached down between her legs and massaged her own ravaged clitoris in an effort to relieve the screaming agony swirling around deep down in her belly. I've got to be fucked! My God, why do they hold off ? Please... please... !

She only dimly heard the command to Wafto, and what penetrated her ears never reached the conscious part of her mind. Instead she gazed smokily upwards at the mirrors over the bed, seeing the sheer, wanton desire reflected in her eyes from the glass, and she writhed more lasciviously, uncontrollably. She saw herself stroking her own cunt- flesh, manipulating the tiny pink erection of her clitoris. Eventually she let all of her fingers play there in the opening within the flushed lips of her contracting pussy, slowly widening the edges, and she slipped both index and middle finger in and out smoothly between the lubricated folds. Her facial muscles tightened and she entertained two more fingers and heard and saw them disappear with soft, wet, sucking sounds. I don't care! I really don't care now!

She became possessed with her own body. It was beautiful and she knew that she was flushed and straining for a climax. She groaned in frustration as her fingers thrust deeper and harder, but they were not enough. Desperately, she realized that they wouldn't bring her to orgasm this time, that more was needed, yet her hand beat on with insane staccato against the sheets.

And then suddenly the slight gray head of Lord Marlowe bent over her, blotting out her own image in the mirror above.

"Are you ready, my love?" he grinned satanically at her.

"Oh, yes... yes," Sharon moaned. "You're going to fuck me. Good..."

"No, not I," Marlowe said gleefully. "Rajah!"

Sharon suddenly came back to reality as she heard the name. She looked at the foot of the bed then, to where the naked dwarf stood snickering, holding the end of a golden chain. And at the other end, fastened by a throat band, was the excited, but grotesque form of the ape she had seen before! Sharon felt her stomach completely turn over and a deep, piercing wail escaped from her throat. The grinning monster was the most horrifying sight she had ever witnessed, its evil black eyes darting at her as though searching for something to fasten its great, leathery paws on and shred. She jerked the back of her masturbating hand to her mouth.

The massive beast growled, annoyed by her sudden action and shrill scream, and she instinctively stifled another cry for fear of taunting him further. She froze... her thigh still spread not daring to move lest it attack her. The monster beast growled menacingly at her again, his great, simian head just above her defenseless loins.

Sharon tried to slowly wriggle away then, the beady, lustful gaze of the brute frightening her. "Don't let it touch me! Don't let that animal touch me!" she whimpered.

"It's too late," Lord Marlowe said contemptuously, and grasped her shoulders as he had when Wafto had sodomized her, the strong, sinewy fingers digging harshly into her skin. He loomed above her, his eyes void of pity. "Rajah likes you, my dear."

As if in some sympathetic response, the gargantuan ape shifted slightly on his large, padded feet, and Sharon saw that his animal cock was in full erection again, just as he had when he had sighted her for the first time in the stone hut. Sharon drew her thighs together in anguished fear, her mouth dropping loosely open as she stared at the gigantic lust- hard penis in astonished disbelief. It was scarlet, and inflamed looking as it protruded from its furry covering, a long and rigid shaft with a tapered head and secreted seminal fluid expectantly, and a bulbous base that was double the already incredible girth of the penis. And distended below, pulsing with heat, were the simian testicles, churning with alien sperm-seed meant to be pumped deep into her cringing vagina.

"Please... please don't," she pleaded, but her whimpers fell on deaf ears. She looked up, first at the beast, and then cast pleading glances at Marlowe, Rodney Alvaro on her other side, and then at the hunch-backed servant. But all shone features of cold excited lust, cruel and unyielding, boring into the very depths of her soul.

"Oh God, no, I mean it," the helpless young woman moaned. "I can't do it. I just can't!"

"Relax, and you may find you enjoy it," Alvaro crooned into her ear. "My lovely wife, Lena adores the taste of it inside her."

"Up Rajah!" commanded Marlowe, and Wafto flicked the chain. The animal flexed its hairy shoulders and beat its chest once, and then advanced on the prostrate girl who was frozen to the bed, immobile by the terror of the sight and of what was to come. Sharon tried to move away, but couldn't, even when she felt the brute's hands creep across the flesh of her thighs and stomach. Rajah grunted excitedly, and she could see his lusting animal eyes between the valley of her breasts and see his wide, flaring nostrils flex with the scent of her female cunt, and his rubbery lips pull back and bare his teeth like a giant snarling mastiff.

She wanted to scream out again, but the paralyzing fear held her motionless, her flesh crawling in abhorrence from the strange touch of the human appearing beast. Her body struggled to sink deeper into the mattress in escape, but it was useless, for what little she might of done to avoid contact was stopped by the imprisoning grip of Marlowe and Alvaro.

There was no sanctuary from the impending rape of her helplessly open cunt.

The weight was heavy upon her, for the brute rested all of his body upon hers, not holding himself up slightly as a man would. Low whining pleas droned almost incoherently from the distraught housewife between clenched teeth.

"Oh God! Get him off me! Please get him off me! Please! Please!" Her head whipped from side to side, her torso straining against the hands holding her. "Oh God, get him off of me!"

"Say shit, fuck, cunt," the grinning Lord Marlowe demanded.

"Ohhhh, shit, fuck, cunt!" The words spat from her mouth without hesitation. There was no thought of resistance left, only the revulsion of this horrible beast hardened to violate her female sanctity. Her body shuddered, for she knew that she was at their mercy. She could fight against pain or even humiliation -- but not this -- not this horror -- that was asking too much. Only death would be better and she would gladly have killed herself that very minute to escape her fate, but there was no way. There was only hopeless submission. "Shit! Fuck! Cunt!"

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"Hi Jack," she said, her soft continental purr already sending shivers down my spine, "How are you?" "I'm fine thanks Mrs. Woodcock," I replied, trying to think of a way to get away as fast as possible without being impolite. "You can call me Chantelle now, Jack," she smiled. She began asking me how uni was, and I found her surprisingly easy to talk to, until we must have been chatting for about ten minutes. "Oh merde! Sorry, I just remembered my parking ticket's going to run...

3 years ago
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Wait it feels good

Dylan walked into his room, locking the door behind him. He knew what he needed after a hard day at school. As usual he turned the TV on, and walked to his chair, where he pulled his laptop over to his lap, whipped out his semi-large dick, and began to stroke lightly as he opened up a video of an eighteen year old girl, who grabbed a light pink colored vibrator, which she used to pleasure herself while making slight moans and groans. *Knock Knock Knock* "Hey Dylan! You in there?" "Uh,...

3 years ago
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My Birthday Present

It was my birthday and my husband, James, had promised me a surprise I’d never forget. He handed me a box. When I opened it I discovered a beautiful black dress. It was cut low in both the front and back, came just above the knee, and was slit up the thigh. He told me that I was to wear the dress with nothing on underneath it. As I looked at it, I realized I couldn’t have worn much underneath it anyway. The dressed hugged every curve of my body. I felt incredibly sensual as I slipped it over my...

3 years ago
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You Bet Your Wife

It took Cian a long time to save up for it, and put him in debt for the next ten years, but he finally did it. He finally bought a brand new Jaguar XJ6--a car that was worth what he made in a year as a junior computer programmer for Megatelco in New York City. At least, being single, he had no other major expenses. He arrived home from work Friday night to his flat overlooking the river Hudson, and began to nuke his dinner. Then, as he sat down to eat, his phone rang. "Hello?" "Oh, hi...

1 year ago
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A Summer Night With Arlis Part 1

I was home from school after my first semester in university and was spending a few days with a friend at his family's lake house. It was my third night there and was leaving the day after. We were having a great time and I was looking forward to the remaining time to be memorable. Little did I know at the beginning of the day it would be much more memorable than I ever could have dreamed. The day was filled with the crazy things adolescents find enjoyable...swimming, running, eating, and...

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A New LifeChapter 3

September 20, 1847 I grabbed my medical kit and hurried after the girl as she led me toward town. Elizabeth was close behind me as we ran. I saw a crowd in the front of one of the stores. Pushing my way through, I found Claire on the street with Louise holding her head in her lap and her hand on Claire's arm above a bleeding wound. Kneeling next to her I pushed people away and asked her, "Claire! What happened? Any other injuries?" I was rambling to try and settle my nerves, because I had...

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My Mother chapter 2

part 2 Well in about 1978 after I divorced my daughter's mother. I was without a place to live and had custody of my daughter. My mother said we could stay with her because she was alone and had the room. She had a small two bedroom place. She said we could put my daughter in the one room along with a twin bed for her to sleep in. She gave me her room with the queen bed. Most nights it was the same old thing take care of daughter...

1 year ago
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My Life As A Gigolo In Chennai 8211 Part 1

Hey ISS readers, this is Rajesh from chennai () back with an real life experience. And thanks for the overwhelming response for my previous story So once I graduated from college I joined a mundane 9to 5 job at an it company here in chennai. And I had an a breakup with my girlfriend shruthi whom I mentioned in earlier story . Being lonely was taking a toll on me and I was kinda bored. That’s when I met a person called sathish who happens to be my new neighbor .As a matter of we hit a bar in a...

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Alexa Chapter 34 Mondays

Alexa Chapter 34: Mondays God, I hate Mondays! I always have. I think everyone does. Getting back into the grind of everyday life was never any fun, but today was even worse. The events of the previous night cast a pall over not only my feelings but most of the state. Sure, the Vikings lost yet another NFC Championship, we were used to it. But the way they lost was so unlike the way the team had played all season was confounding. Add to that the sheer joy that had been created...

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Donalds Path The SequelChapter 7

Moore's Manor Bently and I had stayed in my London apartment last night since the initiation had taken far longer than I had anticipated. But now we were coming up on the last bend in the road to my home. It did indeed feel strange after essentially four years away. Of course I had spent two weeks at Christmas here every year. The first year I did that, the Dean's family had shown up for one week of that. And for the next two years it was repeated. That first summer after starting school...

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Gonna Sell the Bitchs CarChapter 2

We lasted eleven weeks as the house band, a pretty good run. Our agent said it best. "House bands are like strippers, once they get used to your face they get bored." While we were there I got close to Sandy and Sammi, as friends. Because our schedules actually matched we could get together and go to movies, art galleries, flea markets, or just hang out. I thought things were fine until Sandy forced the issue. "Look Wiley, you have to know we both like you. It's time to take it up a...

3 years ago
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Sexy Reunion With Virgin School Friend

Hi, I am Kunal (name changed) who just started his first job in Pune. I am not a tall guy but my complexion is good and blessed with big dick. A few days before joining my job, I was traveling by bus as my bike had some problems. I was cursing the heated bus but had no choice. I saw one of my old classmates traveling. Anjali (name changed) left the school after 10th standard and I was seeing her after 5 years. She was a real sex bomb. She was around 6 feet tall with big boobs and hot curvy...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 30

The beautiful voice behind the beautiful blue eyes asked, "Sie ist sehr schön, bitte, Hat sie wirken wie dies die ganze Zeit? Ist sie auf Medikamente und vergessen, es zu nehmen? Wird sie in Ordnung sein?" She is very beautiful, please. Does she act like this all the time? Is she on medication and forgot to take it? Will she be okay? "We're from the Princessapality. American" "Amerikaner? Princessapality?" The explanation was made, but no mention of Heir Apparent, or Princess was...

2 years ago
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Soft Cuffs on the Couch

So, last night, decided thatI was up for a little self bondage. Stipped down to a t-shirt and panties (light blue for those who want to know), chose a DVD (Ballista 2, an older one) and went to the couch. While standing up, I put on soft cuffs around my ankles adn on my thighs. Could shuffle aroudn if I had to but wasn't planning on it. For a little stimulation, bent over and inserted a small, vibrating anal probe, letting the control dangle from the panties waist band, didn't turn it on.On...

1 year ago
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The New HireChapter 2

The next morning, after she left for meetings, I began packing to move. On the back of the bathroom door was a pair of blue and green floral boyshorts panties with a label from you know where. I could not resist visioning them on her beautiful ass and then sniffing them again and again to get a rush from the aroma. I quickly washed them and put them on the clothes wire to dry. I was tempted to keep them in their original condition and take them home. For the next two days, I had my own room,...

2 years ago
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Cousin David

I usually met David on occasions, our conversations were always brief, David lived with his parents after his divorce, his mother doted on him, I think it was one of the reasons Lucy divorced him, a number of years later he re-married a woman called Margaret a woman in her mature years. David was a heavy drinker he loved his pint of beer and watching rugby, he spent a most of his evenings visiting various public houses and rugby clubs. One evening about 21:30 there was a knock on door, it...

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My neighbor fucked me

Hello, my name is Maria, and I'm going to tell you another adventure of mine, this time it was with a neighbor, his name is Helio, 34 years old, very nice, married and has a little boy ... They live very close to my house, in a Sunday afternoon he was in front of my house talking to my husband when I saw him, without a shorts shirt I went crazy, because I always found him horny, and I had already noticed his looks for me, so I left and stayed close as who He did not want anything, it was hot, I...

1 year ago
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Marriage Divorce or Sex Ch 03 The making of a

The week following my introduction to Nicole's secret lifestyle also introduced me to my own hidden desires. With Nicole's help I discovered voyeurism, and the desire to not only watch, but direct as well. My controlling personality wanted control of Nicole's extracurricular sexual activities to satisfy my own needs and I couldn't help but think of the profit margin selling her assets with emphases on ass. My company, although on autopilot at the moment, provided income enough to make a...

1 year ago
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Lyla Meets her match

"Sunni, the take away arrived." Lyla called through the bedroom door."I'll be out in a second!" Snapped Sunni."What is up with her lately," Lyla thought to herself, "She has been acting so fucking weird."She emptied the food from the containers onto plates and poured two glasses of wine. This girls catch up was long overdue, ever since the fuck up at the convention Lyla had been so distracted with trying to make it right to Clarke, she had barely seen Sunni in the last two weeks. "Sorry I...

3 years ago
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Training Nikkis Master Part 1

Jodie had received an email from Nikki(a petite oriental sub) who wanted to bring her fiance for a weekend session. Since Nikki was a sub she had asked that we train her Fiance Todd to be her master. He was reluctant not wanting to hurt the one he loved(as I had been) and wanted the best teacher availble and that was Mistress Jodie. The driver at the airport held a sign that said Nguyen/Rush. That is us the small Vietnamese women said. Her companion was quite different than her standing over a...

1 year ago
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Office Control

I smiled as I surveyed the struggling body before me, “Jesus fucking Christ, Becky. It’s a single push up, how is it that you can’t do this one simple thing?” I was being mean, I knew I was. Becky and I loved to tease each other, hell it was our favourite way to break up the working day. Run P50i forms, grab a coffee and spend a discreet ten minutes poking fun at each other in the break room. Lately however our idle teasing had taken on something of a new dimension as our comments had become...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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I found my sister stripping Ch 8

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A plan formed in my mind that night, which I put into action the next morning. I made a few calls, setup a few appointments, and then called my girls to let them know I would be at a conference for the weekend. Each of them handled it differently. They all wanted to go, but when I told them that I wouldn't go with anyone who continued to treat me indifferently, their personalities came out. Geo informed me that she would start treating me...

2 years ago
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Boyfriend Se Uske Ghar Me Chudi

Hello friend mera naam pinky h aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki ek aur sacchi kamukta kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main apne boyfriend se uske ghar me chudi aur mujhe apne byfriend ke mote aur lambe lund se chudwa kar bahut maja aaya. Mera ek ladke se bahut din se affair chal raha tha wo ek mobile company me kaam karta h aur uski salary bhi acchi h wo mujhe bahut acche acche hotel me le jata h aur khana khhilata h aur meri shopping bhi wahi karwata h. Hum dono ki dosti ek party me huwi thi...

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Shemale, tranny or as some like calling them t-girls, I like them. Im not talking cross dressers, I'm talking about the ones with titties, curves and sound like a woman. Being a bi male, to me its the best of both worlds. I like watching porn of them and honestly I prefer the ones of them doing a strip tease, ending with them stroking their cock and cumming all over themselves. I met one, unknowingly, once while playing around on a chat site. I was cruising thru the members "online" when I came...

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Mausi Ki Ladki Chodi

Main Maahi, Btech kr chuka tha aur ek saal ka drop leke ghar par bank ki prep kr rha tha. Main padhne me accha tha, padhane me bhi maja aata tha aur paise bhi chahiye the apne kharche k liye. To Maine padhna shuru kiya baccho ko. Ek din pass me Hi rehne wali sagi Mausi ka phone aaya ki beta Mansi ko bhi padha do physics. Pichle saal fail ho gyi thi. Tm Ghar ke ho wrna bahar kiske pass bheje. Unko kya pta kutto se bachane k liye wo apni beti ko bhediye k pass bhej ri thi. Padhana start hua. Meri...

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SweetheartVideo Lyra Law Brandi Love The Slightest Touch

Olivia (Lyra Law) is very nervous when she lays on the massage table. Tomorrow she’s joining a convent and she wants to experience a few things before she dedicates her life to God. This surprising revelation stuns Emma (Brandi Love). She is honoured that she has chosen her for this experience and she’s curious to learn more about what she has on her bucket list. Olivia smiles, she knows exactly want she means, Emma is curious about if she will have sex before she joins the convent....

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Slave Sanctuary 3 Tamara

I own an island at the outskirts of Samoa for my Slave Sanctuary of wanton women of all over the worldI re-named it in English also as Slave Sanctuary, I warmly welcome women who want to serve as a slaveI am so far the only male inhabitant, as all mothers have given me more and more dear dirty daughtersI will introduce them bit by bit, in small groups of friends, working my way around all of the world!I make an exception for Tamara, as she is exceptional in expressing publicly her wish to be...

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Last One StandingChapter 6

For the hundredth time, Sebastion Stodder looked around the lavish confines of his cell. There wasn’t much else for him to do. He was almost disappointed by what he saw. It just didn’t look the way a cell ought. Hell, the room was better than Sebastion’s own quarters. His own little dorm certainly didn’t have such an impressive view of the outside. Didn’t make it any less a cell. Normal rooms didn’t have bulletproof glass. The sun was particularly warm and bright today, barely a cloud in...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 16

Osborn and I left the gym at 9pm. We both were absolutely exhausted. She followed me to the pub for dinner. Juanita had made a giant taco salad from which she dished a bowl of stuff for each of us. I had a dark beer and the salad, while Osborn had a bowl of the salad and a diet coke. "What's up with the diet coke?" I asked. "I'd like to have a body a little more like yours, than like mine," she said. "You have to be kidding. Didn't you see how those guys looked at you. They looked...

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