Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 298
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Lisa and I woke early enough to workout for a few minutes before showering and dressing to go flying. She was headed to Montana and I was going to Las Vegas. I was going to be able to do some Marshal's Service business, plus do some further investigation of the sniper I had disposed of during the recent mission that never happened.
The girls were not happy to have to get up this morning, but it was to be a full day for them. They had made plans to spend time with Sue and Mercy again to do some planning for what I thought was to be for the babies coming.
Lisa and I were both flying Learjets this morning, and we were both leaving early. When I arrived at the airpark at seven fifteen, the two couples I was transporting had just arrived by limo. The aircraft was ready, so I did my preflight with the mechanic on duty, and prepared to get going, after making sure my passengers were buckled up. I showed them how the coffeepot worked and where the booze was stashed. I checked and there was ice in the refrigerated container.
We were soon at thirty-four thousand feet, doing about point six mach, or if you wanted to be crude, haulin' ass. We had a little headwind, so I needed to make a stop to refuel or I would be cutting it a little close. I flipped on the cabin speakers and told the passengers to pick a place to refuel. If we were going to just do a quickie refuel, we would stop in Amarillo. If they wanted to do some early morning partying, we could stop in New Orleans or Houston. They all yelled for a quick stop in Amarillo.
On approach to Amarillo, I called transient services to have four inflight breakfasts brought out while we refueled. The service said they would have them ready.
The runway and private operations area are close to each other, so it takes just a minute or two after landing to be parked and ready for the approaching fuel truck. While the service tech was fueling the plane, I received the four breakfasts, complete with some cartons of juice and milk for the passengers. The meals were still hot.
After checking the fuel covers, I signed for the fuel and breakfasts and made a hasty departure. Too bad I didn't have afterburners like the fighters do so I could really scoot. We set down just about twelve thirty in the afternoon. I had called ahead for a limo that met us out where we parked. I left the aircraft to be serviced, grabbed my piece of luggage with the gym bag and some phone books in it, rented a car, and headed to the branch bank.
The desk clerk for the safety deposit boxes was more security concious than the one in Huntsville. I showed her the driver's license, the debit card, and finally, the passport. She even noted the social security card and asked to see it. She compared everything and looked at me before saying, "You look a lot nicer without the beard."
I figured I'd have to sign in or something, but she didn't ask. We went to the vault, where she moved a cart over to the waist high drawer and put her key in. I put my key in and we pulled the box out onto the cart. It didn't feel as heavy as the one in Huntsville, so I figured this one wasn't full of gold.
In a little larger room than the others, I put on some of the surgical gloves and opened the box. The box was stuffed with forty bundles of cash and this time there was about fifty of the same size gold bars marked one hundred grams with three point two Troy ounces printed underneath. I put the cash and gold in the luggage and found a small black satin-looking bag with a drawstring. I pulled it open and, oh my, diamonds. I know nothing of diamonds, so I had no idea of the value, but they all looked fairly big to me.
In the bottom of the box was another big envelope and another set of IDs in a rubber band. The envelope had a bunch of papers in it that would take me time to study, so I put the ID and envelope in my gym bag. After putting the phone books into the big box, I locked the lid and wiped the whole box down. I stripped off the gloves then went back out to desk clerk. We put the box back, with her making the comment, "You must have really filled this thing up today, it's a lot heavier now."
I just smiled and followed her out to her desk. She asked me if I wanted to put the box rental on automatic withdrawal. I just nodded and she handed me a card to sign. I filled in the account number from the debit card and noted the annual payment amount had been paid about three-months prior.
Outside the branch bank, I used the debit card to get the amounts of money on deposit. There was only about thirty-five thousand in checking, but almost a half a mil in savings. The account was marked as a money market account. I with drew a hundred cash and headed for the address on the driver's license.
There was obviously someone living in the house, so I took a chance and rang the door bell. A lady holding a child on her hip opened the door and asked if I could help her. I said, "I'm Fred Dement," to see what she would say.
"Oh, Mr. Dement," so nice to meet you. We just love the house. The rent you charge is really low or rather the perfect price for us. We don't get much mail for you, but we just forward it just like you asked. Come in a minute to look how we decorated."
I followed the lady in. She put the toddler down and went to a small desk. She brought me a three by five card and held it out to me, "Is this still the same address you want your mail sent to?"
I looked at the address, quickly memorizing 1424 Reynolds St., Key West, Florida.
Handing the card back to the lady I said, "I'm really sorry to have bothered you, but I wanted to make sure you were happy with the house. I'm just here visiting and thought I would stop by."
"No problem, Mr. Dement, I'm glad you did stop. Just keep renting to us. I think we might be able to buy the place if you decide to sell. I hope you bought it back when it was cheap. With the home values going down so rapidly, a lot of people are losing money on their homes."
"I'm fine with what I have in the place. I hope you and your husband can buy the place. I'll let the agent know." I turned to leave, "Well, I do have some more stops to make. Thank you for your time."
I left quickly, now knowing a little more about the guy who was trying to snipe at our target. For apparently being a pro, the guy didn't have the right kind of rifle for the distance shots he was going to do. He would have just wounded someone and probably would have been caught by the men at the house. It would have been easy to catch him as he went back for his Jeep. It didn't make a lot of sense, unless he wasn't used to killing from a distance.
I went to the Marshal's station and visited with the chief and the new ACE. They were happy to see me and showed me their current activities. The station was busy with judges, but didn't have any escapees to deal with or other problems. Homeland had taken over the air marshal duties from them so now they were often assisting the FBI and DEA on surveillances. After a short visit and a cup of coffee, I told them I needed to begin the flight home.
Back at the airport, I called the charter office to tell them I was going to head home. DeDe said to hang on a second. She was talking to someone behind her who kept telling her to "Ask him, just ask him, it would really be a smart thing to do."
DeDe came back on the phone and asked, "Since you're in Las Vegas, could you go into Los Angeles and pick up a couple that wants to go to Key West? They want to get there as soon as possible as their daughter is having a baby. They called us because we were recommended. They can't get anyone to make the trip for them as they say it's too expensive. I quoted high and they didn't have a problem with the fee."
I looked at my watch, knowing it would be a very long night. I told DeDe, "It's going to be about a twelve hour flight time day for me by the time I set down in Key West."
"If you don't want to come back home to Tampa, sleep over down there. We'll pick up the charges."
I thought for a second and said, "Sure, I'll do it. I'll probably stay over down there. It's going to be about eleven or twelve your time when I get in. Call the customer and tell them to meet me in an hour. What airport?"
DeDe gave me the airport name and location. She said, "Thanks, Chuck. This really makes the company some money. It'll pay for a lot of the refurb you just did on that aircraft too."
"Listen, have the customer pick me up a Subway or something. I'll refill the ice and dump the trash before I leave here. The fare coming up had a few drinks and coffee. I bought them breakfast at Amarillo."
DeDe said, "I'll call right now. Thanks again."
Since it was getting later in the day, I called Brandy on her cell phone. She said she was out at the trailer park and was talking with Tom Parks. I couldn't figure out what she was doing with Tom and Zena, but who knows. I said, "I'm doing a pickup in LA and have to drop them in Key West. It's going to be really late by the time I get to Key West so I'll probably stay overnight."
"We'll miss you, Baby, but at least you're not out where people are shooting at you. Be safe and be careful. We'll see you tomorrow. I think we'll have a surprise for you."
Just what I needed, a surprise from the Fickle Five.
The flight into LA is always weird. There always seems to be hundreds of small aircraft flying in the area. Even though this airfield was good sized, there was still a lot of traffic. I was queued up in a distant pattern that overlapped another airfield's pattern. The controllers in the area must go nuts. I was given permission to land and followed another Lear in.
Once I was parked, a limo came up to the plane, even before the refueling truck got there. A man stepped out and said, "We always know these S&S planes. They are so well marked. Honey, look at the cartoons on this one. It has that 'Deputy Dawg' cartoon again."
They handed me a Subway sandwich and a couple of Cokes. I asked them if they were coffee drinkers and the woman replied, "Normally yes, but tonight, we're going to drink this champagne in honor or our new grandson. I can't wait to get my hands on him. Our daughter couldn't hold him in and had him about thirty minutes ago. Isn't it great? It's our first grandchild!"
I congratulated them and showed them where the glasses were for their champagne. The man asked if he could open the bottle before takeoff and I assured him he could.
Even with full tanks I should still refuel, so I planned on a quick stop in Texas again, but in Austin this time as it was more along the flight path. Before we left Austin, the man asked if I minded if he closed the door to the cockpit. I assured him it would be fine. I know Wanda and I played on a Lear one time. The way they had fixed this plane up was neat. The front right seat had been removed to make a small galley and to create the communications seats. The two second-row seats had PC tables and monitors that rose from the tables. Behind those were two seats facing back, then a long couch that would take up the area where two seat rows would be. Behind that, on one side was a head, and a nice lounger type seat was on the other. So the plane that would normally hold ten passengers now could seat eight, plus the pilot and co-pilot. The Learjet should have two pilots when flying passengers, but with less than a full load, a single pilot is okay.
We set down about eleven, East Coast time. We had a great tailwind for most of the flight. I considered going home, but I wanted to check out the address while here in Key West.
I rented a car and I drove to the address, even before going to a hotel. The house was on a busy street about three or four blocks from the beach. There didn't appear to be any lights on as I drove by, but it was hard to tell because of a tall fence across the front yard. I went back by and slowed at the driveway. There was a dusty car back under a carport and there was a dim light in the front room. The place looked like it was kept up, but didn't look occupied.
In the rental car, I checked through the wallet we had taken off the guy. There was a security company card with a K.W. and a four digit number written on it. Well, hopefully that meant Key West, and the number was for the alarm. I put on a pair of the surgical gloves and palmed the set of keys that we had recovered.
Hopefully this would work out, or I would have to explain why I didn't have a search warrant to the local cops.
I rang the doorbell several times to make sure there wasn't anyone home before trying a key. The second key I tried fit the lock. When I opened the door I could see the alarm key pad and immediately put in the code from the card. The alarm disarmed. Good deal, I was lucky.
Inside the door on a small table was a big cardboard banker's box with a bunch of mail in it. Because I didn't have much time, I decided that I would take the mail with me and not totally search the house yet. The place was clean and dusted. I walked through the house and found a long note on a yellow legal pad on the kitchen table that said,
"Mr. Dement,The pool guy says you need a new filter. Should I have it done and use the credit card you gave me?
"I paid the yard man and myself with the card and will do that until you come back.
I really need to meet you so I know what you look like, instead of you just leaving me notes and money.
Thank you for trusting me with your credit card. It's a good way to take care of the house.
What do you want to do with that old car? If you have the title, we can send it to the junkyard. You can probably get at least a hundred dollars for it."
The note was signed, "Rose."
Rose's handwriting was very neat. The yellow pad had several pages turned under so I pulled them back to read some of the notes left by the homeowner. All the notes were simple directions for what he wanted Rose to do. He had her do laundry, manage the yard and pool people, and had even directed her to have the house painted. Considering how many identities the guy had, I wondered why he was the same Dement as he was in Las Vegas. I suppose I would eventually find out.
The refrigerator had nothing in it that would spoil, indicating that he planned on being gone a long time. A check of the bedrooms found one big bedroom with a closet and drawers full of clothes. The place was not anything special, but the bedroom smelled of cigarette smoke. As a matter of fact, the whole house smelled from all the stale smoke.
In the top drawer of the dresser, I found a stack of IDs but none of these had credit cards. I didn't count them, but there must have been a couple of dozen. I found the title to the old car outside so I took that out too. When I looked into a jewelry box on the top of the dresser there was a Visa card and a bank business card with a four digit number on it. The bank branch was here in Key West, so that would be another thing to check out.
The guy had a few toys in the house. The TVs were all new and plentiful. There was a big one in the living room, one in each bedroom, and a fairly big one in the kitchen. The guy did like to watch TV.
I went back to the closet to see if I had missed anything on the shelves. In the back of the small walk-in closet was a tall mirror leaning up against the back wall. When I pulled the mirror forward, I saw a small hole on the right side. The wall looked like it might come out so I moved the mirror out of the way and put my finger into the hole to pull. The back wall was hinged and came out easily. The closet behind the wall was jammed with every kind of pistol you could imagine. There were only a couple rifles, but there were some explosives, some rope, and several knives. So, the guy had a stash. I would have to clean the place out, but I didn't have time tonight. There was a hasp for a lock in a recessed area of the wall and when I stepped back out I saw a lock sitting on the top shelf.
I took the keys out that we had recovered and found a key for the lock. I pulled the chain on the light in the closet, closed and locked the door. When I put the mirror back in place, I could see that there were some slots for the mirror to fit in. The mirror had covered the area that told you it was a door and recessed lock. Now it looked like it should. Hopefully, Rose wasn't nosy and didn't find the closet full of guns.
Back in the kitchen, I wrote a short note in handwriting close to the original guy. I followed his pattern of notes.
Here is the title to the old car. Get rid of it. I quit smoking and the house is driving me crazy. Please have the house painted inside and wash everything you can. I may have to get all new curtains and carpet. If I do, tell me. I'll try to see you in a week or so.
I checked the phone to see if it was working and it was. I couldn't see an answering machine but I did find a telephone number written on the bottom of the phone. I used my cell to call the number and the phone rang. That was good, I knew the number.
I had to look around until I found another gym bag to load up the mail. I made sure I had not disturbed anything else. After putting in the alarm code from the card, I closed and locked the door, and left.
It took me a few minutes to find the bank for the Visa card. I checked the code and found less than ten thousand in the checking account, but over four hundred thousand in the savings. I wonder if any of the keys on the key ring are for a safe deposit box. I would check.
This is possibly the card that Rose was using, so I withdrew a hundred dollars and drove back to the house. After re-entering the house, I put the Visa and bankcard back in the jewelry box. I put the hundred in twenties I just withdrew on the legal pad and over it I wrote, "Tip." That should get me or Fred a few points.
My adrenaline was pretty high and it was only one in the morning, so I drove back to the airport and took off for home. As soon as I pulled up in front of the hangar, the night mechanics came out to help me. They were both happy to have the aircraft back as they said there were a lot of charters tomorrow too. I moved the suitcase and my gym bags to the trunk of my car and helped the mechanics clean the trash from the plane. They said, "We'll vacuum it and wipe down the seats. It looks like whoever was in it last joined the mile high club. I laughed and said, "And I didn't even turn on the monitor."
One of the mechanics said, "The DVR is always on. We could just download the DVR and watch it. Neither one of us is that kinky, so you don't have to worry about us. If you don't want the cabin recorder on, just push that 'off' button on the bottom off the monitor. The top button is for the monitor and the bottom is for the DVR."
At home, I decided to just leave the suitcase and gym bags in the trunk as I really didn't have a place to hide it in the house. I needed a closet like the Key West house had.
I was tired, but hungry and thirsty. I made a salad and a Beefeaters. While eating, I thought of all the places I was going to have to go to check out this guy. Oh well, this is going to be crazy.
When I finished eating, I went to my room and found the bed empty. Wow, where did they all go? I stripped, brushed my teeth, and lay down. It may have taken me as long as thirty seconds to fall asleep.
"You're home, why didn't you wake us up?"
Tiani crashed onto my chest, pressing down on a full bladder. "Tiani, don't push, I have to go to the bathroom."
She was grinning, "Sorry, get up, I'll help you to the john."
As I slid out of bed, a sleepy Brandy came in the door. "You're back. I heard Tiani yell and didn't believe her. I thought she was using that as a ruse to get me up."
I used the bathroom and found my peg. "I got in late, about two thirty this morning. I could use some more sleep, but I can get up now."
As we all met in the kitchen area to make coffee, Lisa gave me a kiss, followed by Tina, Nancy, Judy, and Frieda. John and Wanda walked in and the day started. The coffeepot had barely finished when Jan and Don came down, with Dennis and Marie following. Lena came in rubbing her eyes saying, "My two bedmates abandoned me. It's too early to get up. I don't have a class until nine."
Lisa said, "The master is home, so we all need to welcome him. Get your hug and have some juice."
Tiani said, "Where were you that your clothes got to smell like smoke. Were you in a bar?"
"Something like that. There was a smoker where I was, that's for sure. He's gone now though." I almost rolled my eyes thinking of where the guy was.
Wanda said, "Jan has all kinds of news for you about the Alcam Industries investigation. Sarge has come up with some interesting information, as well."
Frieda exclaimed, "Hey, I gave your office the lead, Chuck. When I checked the employer ID that Alcam gave us, we found it was fake. It didn't match any company. I called Alcam to tell them the number they gave me was wrong, so they gave me another number. This time when I checked, I found that it was indeed the number for the Orlando company, but there was no IRS activity, ever, other than getting the number when they incorporated three years ago. They have never made a trust fund deposit."
Jan said, "When Sarge brought the info down to me, we ran it real quick through our database. We found seven total corporate names with federal tax ID numbers, with no activity on any of them. We pulled all the incorporation papers for all the companies and began pinning down exact addresses of all the corporate officers. We've established that there are seven distinct locations, and that doesn't include the new Tampa office that they just opened. They have a bunch of equipment that has magically appeared. We've been able to get a bunch of aircraft numbers, and we're checking them out right now."
Wanda said, "I called John to set up a task force of our investigators and to have the Bureau put a half dozen of their people on it with us as well. They are working from DC to figure out what all these people are really into. They can put them all away on tax evasion now, but they think they can do more than that."
I asked, "Have you told Steve about this?"
Jan said, "No, and I'm not yet. This is confidential information."
I turned to all the girls and said, "All of you, not one word to anyone. I know you girls handle sensitive information all the time at the employment office, but you Lena, Don, and Dennis, keep this under your hats, you too, John. I know this whole deal affects your flying, as well as you Lisa, but I'm sure you understand why we're trying to keep this quiet."
They all nodded.
"Good," I said, "I'm too tired to do much exercising, but if the pool is warm enough, how about a quick swim?"
That was the right thing to do as everyone, including John and Wanda, were leaving clothes scattered as they made their way to the pool. I grabbed a stack of towels, walked out, dropped my peg, and dove in.
We did swim fairly hard for fifteen minutes, then quickly dried off and went back into the warm house. We gathered all the clothes and did our morning bathroom stuff. The girls were all talking about the huge bathroom they were going to build. The way they were talking, it sounded more and more like a fancy military latrine. A dozen sinks, half dozen toilets, and a massive shower room. Yep, just like the military, but built just for a bunch of crazy ladies. Lena said, "You're going to have to have a shower head that is really high, so I don't knock my head on it the way I do now. Even my parents' house has shower heads that are too low."
I think this house they were talking about was going to be something special. Who cares, I'll let Fred Dement pay for it. I have to figure out how to say I made it though, and pay taxes on it first."
Wanda said, "You should come into the office. John called for you a couple of times yesterday. He said he wants to talk to you."
Before I went to the office, I stopped out at the branch bank where the safe deposit box was. I brought in my two bags and proceeded to stuff everything into the one box. I counted up all the cash. There were 54 bundles of hundreds. That's two point seven mil. There are a total of four hundred and seventy bars. That's slightly over fifteen hundred and thirteen ounces. At roughly a thousand dollars an ounce, that's another million and a half. So there's over four point two and that doesn't include what's on deposit and the diamonds. This is going to be tough.
I kept the diamonds and all the IDs with me and headed to the office. As soon as I walked in, Wanda said, "John's on the phone, talk to him. He's called twice already."
"Hey, John, what's up?"
John said, "Good, you've finally called, listen, it's Friday. How about coming up to get the wife and me and let us visit over the weekend. You and I need to talk and it would be a good time for it."
"Sounds good to me, John, when should I come get you?"
There was a laugh and he said, "Right now. Kenisha is dancing all over the place. I hardly ever take her anywhere, and she knows you and Jan. She wants to come see you. If it's warm enough in Key West, perhaps you could take us down there."
I said, "Let me see if I can get an aircraft. I'll get one but I don't know when. I'll call you back. Where are you?"
"I'm at the office, so you know Kenisha is causing a stir. The Director has already been in ogling my wife, and two of the Marshals are drooling all over the furniture. Hurry so we don't embarrass them."
When I hung up, I called the charter office and asked DeDe, "DeDe, Honey, Baby, I need help, I need to pick up a couple in DC."
"You want a Lear don't you? Well, I have a Lear going to DC to pick up a John Scott and wife. Do you want to do it or should I leave Lisa on the duty?"
I asked, "Do you have other flights Lisa needs to make?"
"No, that was her job today. It wasn't until this afternoon so I thought you could combine who you were picking up. We could give this John Scott from the Marshal's Service a discount. Do you know him?"
"Yes, I know him and that's who I need to go pick up right now. I'll call Lisa and have her meet me out there so we can leave early."
"No need, Chuck, Lisa is up with a student. She'll be done by ten so you guys can leave as soon as she hits the potty. The Lear will be ready."
"Which Lear is it?"
"The 55, I think it is real classy the way that they did the interior."
I said, "It is, I'm surprised it still seats eight with the galley and couch."
DeDe said, "I like the way you had them enclose the rest room. It's tiny, but it's just like an airline bathroom with the little sink."
"I thought that would be better than the curtain that other planes use," I said, then added, "I'll see you in a few."
Wanda said, "You're spending more time in the air than the office lately. Do you feel guilty?"
"Not really, Wanda. I'm still answering e-mails and doing the reports digitally now. Everything is running smoothly, and since I went on that one mission with John, no one is calling."
"I know, isn't it strange?" Wanda was looking through some papers.
"This Alcam thing could come to head any day or maybe any minute. You need to be around just in case; it could be a difficult take down. If they have to take everyone at the same time, we'll have to have several offices come help. There are more than a hundred people with questionable backgrounds involved so far."
"I'll be back this afternoon late. We might come by. John is bringing Kenisha with him, so it's going to be fun while she's here. We need a room for them to stay in."
Wanda said, "You have it. Just have Lisa or Lena move into your area for a couple of days. Lisa probably has less, and her room will be easier to get ready. Lena is kind of a slob, but then she's still a kid."
"I'll ask Lisa on the way up. If it's a problem, I'll put them up in the hotel or over at the girls' house."
"I didn't think about their place," Wanda said. "That would be close too."
I called Brandy's cell, "Where are you today?"
She answered, "Still on vacation, Honey. I'm out at the Sue's and Steve's again. Frieda is with me, why?"
"My boss and his wife are flying in and want to stay with us this weekend. How about moving Lisa into my area and making her room the guestroom. I'll make sure Lisa is fine with it, as she doesn't sleep in there anyway. The only thing she uses in there is the bathroom and the closet. My closet is still big enough to take her stuff, and I still have a bunch of empty drawers too."
Brandy said, "Good idea. Call me and give me the okay. I'll make sure the room is ready for your boss. That's John right? He's more like a friend, isn't he?"
"It's John, and yes, he's more like a friend. Anyway, he and I need to talk a little and this is the best way to do it. I'll call you in a little while."
Downstairs, I took the bag full of mail back up to my office and put it in the safe in the big cabinet. I also put the diamonds in there. I had an idea of how to get rid of the diamonds, but I still needed to have a way to report the income.
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Gay MaleAs the two young men stood there looking at each other, it became obvious to Steve that the first move would have to be made by him. So more or less assuming that eighteen-year-old Kyle was practising some form of sex, and not for a moment imagining that he was dealing with an eighteen year old virgin, Steve suddenly took the bull by the horns stepped across to Kyle, took his shirt by the shoulders and pulled it off over the young man’s head, leaving him completely naked.This was the first...
Gay MaleSTEVE AND KYLE – EPISODE 4byJason LandCHAPTER 10That Sunday morning, after breakfast Steve offered to drive Kyle back to the part of town where he lived; not of course to the actual house where Kyle lived, as he did not want anyone to see the two of them together. It was all Steve could do to restrain himself and keep his hands off Kyle as they sat there at breakfast together; Steve really did have the hots for his pupil and would have liked to have fucked him again there and then.But for once...
Gay MaleSTEVE AND KYLE – EPISODE 4byJason LandCHAPTER 10That Sunday morning, after breakfast Steve offered to drive Kyle back to the part of town where he lived; not of course to the actual house where Kyle lived, as he did not want anyone to see the two of them together. It was all Steve could do to restrain himself and keep his hands off Kyle as they sat there at breakfast together; Steve really did have the hots for his pupil and would have liked to have fucked him again there and then.But for once...
Gay MaleSteve and Kyle: Episode 3byJason LandCHAPTER 6Well, in fact Steve could have said a great deal more as he wanted to continue what had all the makings of a mini-fuckfest between the two of them. So he now led Kyle to his bedroom where he pushed the lad flat on his back, told him to bend his legs and spread them as he himself knelt down and prepared to penetrate Kyle’s anus yet again. And so what had started as an introduction of Kyle to the joys of gay sex, turned into several hours of vigorous,...
Gay MaleSteve and Kyle: Episode 3byJason LandCHAPTER 6Well, in fact Steve could have said a great deal more as he wanted to continue what had all the makings of a mini-fuckfest between the two of them. So he now led Kyle to his bedroom where he pushed the lad flat on his back, told him to bend his legs and spread them as he himself knelt down and prepared to penetrate Kyle’s anus yet again. And so what had started as an introduction of Kyle to the joys of gay sex, turned into several hours of vigorous,...
Gay MaleHe watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
CHAPTER 17Kyle’s team were on the late shift for two weeks beginning the Monday following their private fuckfest at Erik’s. As yet Kyle had not had any invitation from any of the gym’s customers he had worked with to join with them in private for a session of extra-curricular activities. However during those first two weeks he had twice been selected by a handsome, young guy to help him work-out.As seemed normal, the guy in question had given Kyle only by his first name: Tony. He was about...
Gay MaleCHAPTER 17Kyle’s team were on the late shift for two weeks beginning the Monday following their private fuckfest at Erik’s. As yet Kyle had not had any invitation from any of the gym’s customers he had worked with to join with them in private for a session of extra-curricular activities. However during those first two weeks he had twice been selected by a handsome, young guy to help him work-out.As seemed normal, the guy in question had given Kyle only by his first name: Tony. He was about...
Gay MaleCHAPTER 20Kyle had settled into his new job as gym supremo with no difficulty at all; it was as if he was purpose-made to run the place. He saw no reason to deprive himself of what might be considered be a perk of the position in the form of testing out job applicants in much the same way as Sten had done with him. His promotion had left one trainer team, one man down and one of his first jobs was to find a replacement for himself, which he did with considerable vigour and – it has to be added...
Gay MaleCHAPTER 20Kyle had settled into his new job as gym supremo with no difficulty at all; it was as if he was purpose-made to run the place. He saw no reason to deprive himself of what might be considered be a perk of the position in the form of testing out job applicants in much the same way as Sten had done with him. His promotion had left one trainer team, one man down and one of his first jobs was to find a replacement for himself, which he did with considerable vigour and – it has to be added...
Gay Male‘Here you are, sir. Is there anything else I can get for you?’ The waiter had just set down one of the foo foo drinks, you know, one of those ones with an umbrella in it. Steve pushed his sunglasses onto his forehead and looked at the waiter. ‘No, I’m good right at the moment. Thank you though.’ ‘As you wish.’ The waiter left leaving Steve to lounge on the beach undisturbed. Steven Halbert, or Steve as he preferred, had just graduated college with a MBA. It was a long hard road to complete...
Steve Shows His New PonyBoyBy Richard Taillon Chapters 1- 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1Finally I was there after a two hour drive. I could see the house at the bottom of the mountains, in a very secluded place. At least he gave good directions because it's almost impossible to find it at the end of a dead end road.As I approached, the house was a one floor building with wings. It seemed well kept. I parked...
Steve Steps Out By C.M. Ellis "Hey Steve, I've got to duck out early tonight." Steve looked up from his desk to see Ken leaning against the doorway to his tiny office. The younger man had his hands in his pockets and was looking at Steve with casual disinterest. "I'm going out to a club on Bridge street and I have to leave at four to pick up some friends." Steve closed his eyes and sighed. Ken leaving early would mean Steve staying late, and probably making some delivery runs...
Chapter 13 continued from Episode 5Once Kyle sensed that Erik was trembling with anticipation and fully ready to be fucked, he rolled a condom onto Erik’s boner of an erection before donning a rubber himself and applying a liberal dose of anal lubricant to his own cock. By now, his own formidable cannon of man-meat was at maximum size and so as Erik lay there on his back and allowed Kyle to lift and his legs in the air holding one against each of his shoulders, he saw a superb, ten-inch,...
Gay MaleChapter 13 continued from Episode 5Once Kyle sensed that Erik was trembling with anticipation and fully ready to be fucked, he rolled a condom onto Erik’s boner of an erection before donning a rubber himself and applying a liberal dose of anal lubricant to his own cock. By now, his own formidable cannon of man-meat was at maximum size and so as Erik lay there on his back and allowed Kyle to lift and his legs in the air holding one against each of his shoulders, he saw a superb, ten-inch,...
Gay MaleCHAPTER 1Kyle Sinclair, the main character – let us call him the hero – of this story, is a Chicagoan; aged eighteen at the start of this story, Kyle is active, young, muscular, sexually superbly equipped; and potentially totally gay. Kyle comes from a working-class family living in the western suburbs of the city and has never paid much attention to learning anything at school.When he was eighteen, he left rather precipitously in mid-term without the customary high-school diploma. However, as...
Gay MaleCHAPTER 1Kyle Sinclair, the main character – let us call him the hero – of this story, is a Chicagoan; aged eighteen at the start of this story, Kyle is active, young, muscular, sexually superbly equipped; and potentially totally gay. Kyle comes from a working-class family living in the western suburbs of the city and has never paid much attention to learning anything at school.When he was eighteen, he left rather precipitously in mid-term without the customary high-school diploma. However, as...
Gay MaleSTEVE’S MILF MADNESS ADVENTUREWhen Steve Smith was invited over to Hiko Yoshida’s house, he wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Maybe she needed help around the house or maybe her son needed help with his homework, not that he could offer much in that department, or maybe it was something that had nothing to do with anything (that didn’t make any sense…). Steve liked Mrs. Yoshida although he had never been to her house before. He knew he would eventually find out what she needed but he was...
Chuck Morning is always pleasant, but being between two women is even better. We had enjoyed a great evening at Merlin's and I know Mercy had enjoyed herself by working with her dad. Steve and Sue were going to have to convince Merlin to open another place like that in Tampa to get him closer to Missy and Mercy. Wanda, Lisa, and I were at the airport having breakfast by seven fifteen, in the air by seven forty-five, and parking at the private terminal in Reno at eight fifteen. While we...
Steve and Carol are parked in a steamy automobile on a deserted road under a full moon. "Please Carol, Steve whimpers, let me make love to you- I'll do anything". Carol pulls away from him quickly. "I told you Steve, I'm not that kind of girl" If you ask me again you can just take me home. Steve begins to blubber, " I'm sorry - you just turn me on so much, I lose control of myself". Carol looks at him coldly, then smiles sweetly." Well.. Ok". She begins to slowly lick his ear again, her breast...
Steve was a big boy. During his school years he was always the biggest boy. Quite often called fatso. He had the ability to fold his legs over themselves. His tendons were quite loose and he could contort himself very well. Never damaged his ankle, or wrists. As he entered his senior years of high school he had a wish, that was to have a girlfriend. In his whole 17 years he never had any girlfriends. And not may friends that were boys either. His speciality was mathematics. Not just your...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
Chuck Holy shit! There are babies everywhere. All of them are hollering/crying and they all need attention right now. Literally hundreds of babies were demanding diaper changes, demanding a breast to nurse, and looking for loving attention. All I could do is stand in the middle of the bedlam with my mouth open, too terrified to do anything. Someone was shaking me, "Wake up, Chuck, you're having a bad dream, wake up, Honey." I opened by eyes to find Brandy looking at me with a concerned...
Chuck I heard a baby cry and the bed shifted a little. There was activity over by the small table that I was told was a changing table. I raised my head to see who was up and saw Nancy changing a diaper. Her little one was making noises, but not crying. I suppose since she was getting attention that was what she wanted. Wanting to watch what the process was, I turned on my back and propped my head up on a folded pillow. After she changed the diaper, she put the infant back into the...
As Steve approached the bathroom door, he heard the running water of the shower as well as the shower radio. "Sweet, " He thought, "I might get some action this morning after all." He opened the bathroom door and pulled down his boxers, relieving his bladder of its pressure. After he finished, he took the courtesy not to flush and spike the temperature of the shower water. He took his shirt off and dropped it on the floor, then pulled aside the shower curtain and...
As Steve approached the bathroom door, he heard the running water of the shower as well as the shower radio. “Sweet, “ He thought, “I might get some action this morning after all.” He opened the bathroom door and pulled down his boxers, relieving his bladder of its pressure. After he finished, he took the courtesy not to flush and spike the temperature of the shower water. He took his shirt off and dropped it on the floor, then pulled aside the shower curtain and climbed in. The water sprayed...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestChuck Julie whispered into my ear, "It's almost four. Get up and get a shower to get your motor running." When I slid from bed and checked the clock, it was only three thirty. Wonder why so early. I can do everything necessary in five minutes flat. As I slipped from bed, peed, and started the shower, a sexy older, or more mature, lady stepped under the spray with me. Julie whispered some more as she held on to my growing interest. "I need you, Lover; you make me feel so good, so alive....
Later that night, Jill and I gave Steve and Stu a call. We told them to meet us on our side of town. We found out that they actually lived pretty close to us. That could be a good thing. We decided that we would meet them at this steak house across town. Jill and I got there early and found a table in the back corner. Not a lot of peopole would sit back there only because, it was close to the kitchen.I know I always liked it, cuz the lighting wasn't real bright and made to be perfect, if...
Georgina and Steve had just returned to their hotel room after an erotic visit to the club. They had been married for a year and tried to get away for a passionate weekend in a hotel every month. The cheap hotel was the change of scenery they both needed to escape their 9-5 lives and explore their sexual fantasies together.Steve had been telling Georgina his hotwife fantasies since they were married and she was always willing to play along to fulfill them. She would always dress as slutty as he...
Chuck Monday began beautifully. I was still groggy and dizzy when I first sat up after being in bed, but that was already getting better. After a shower and shave, I was feeling pretty good. I looked into the mirror and thought about using my clippers on my head real quick. I have kept the top and back of my head in a real short buzz cut and whitewalls on the sides and neck. A real jarhead haircut. It was easy and made me look like me, or at least that's what I thought I should look...
Monday morning dawned and Steve gave Kyle a spare key to the apartment. The two of them agreed that Steve would go to school as normal and that Kyle would arrive later independently and go along to see the school’s principal, Mr. Schmitt, later that morning. When Kyle finally arrived at the school and was shown by the secretary into the principal’s office, Hector Schmitt was already aware that his pupil had left home the day previous.“Come in Kyle and explain yourself. I have already had your...
Gay MaleMonday morning dawned and Steve gave Kyle a spare key to the apartment. The two of them agreed that Steve would go to school as normal and that Kyle would arrive later independently and go along to see the school’s principal, Mr. Schmitt, later that morning. When Kyle finally arrived at the school and was shown by the secretary into the principal’s office, Hector Schmitt was already aware that his pupil had left home the day previous.“Come in Kyle and explain yourself. I have already had your...
Gay MaleCHAPTER 22The week between Christmas and New Year passed all too quickly as all vacations always seem to do. Steve and Kyle got to know – intimately it must be said and in the widest meaning of the word – quite a number of other guys, but at the end of the day when they retired to their suite Benjamin had become a more or less permanent fixture in their lives. He appeared regularly around nine and the three of them had a sort of ménage à trois relationship in which who fucked was always in...
Gay MaleCHAPTER 22The week between Christmas and New Year passed all too quickly as all vacations always seem to do. Steve and Kyle got to know – intimately it must be said and in the widest meaning of the word – quite a number of other guys, but at the end of the day when they retired to their suite Benjamin had become a more or less permanent fixture in their lives. He appeared regularly around nine and the three of them had a sort of ménage à trois relationship in which who fucked was always in...
Gay MaleSant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Steve Three weeks later Wes was sitting on an overturned bucket, staring at the right wing of the parts that Jeff's team had molded before he had been hired. He had been determined to have this bunch of parts flying within a week or two. No such luck. He kept finding flaws in how the pieces fit together. He kept checking the blueprints that were downloaded from the internet with the finished product, and found the pre-made parts to be exact to the print. The problem was they didn't fit,...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
Chuck When Sue and Don relieved me at midnight, I went down to the office to check the rings I was going to hand out later that night. I separated eight of the rings, along with the special one I had made up for Lisa. The only difference between the special one and the others was that it had two brilliant blue diamonds on each side of the big diamond while the other rings had two bright red rubies on each side of a big diamond. The bands were wide, much wider than what a normal engagement or...
Chuck This party is an amazing testament to all of the girls' ability to organize, plan, and carry through to their objective. There were many people who showed up that I would not have expected. John, the Marshal, and their families came followed shortly by Dewey and his family. I was honored to have him here, as that man has some "cool." I had to ask John and the Marshal, "I thought you two were staying down in Costa Rica?" John answered, "I wanted to surprise you. You know we had...
Chuck The last baby had been fed her middle of the night feeding, and I was really deep asleep. Lisa was shaking me. When I came out of my fog, I heard her say, "Your cell phone is ringing. Hope that isn't a problem." I got up from bed and hopped into my closet/dressing area to retrieve my phone from the tray I put pocket junk in. "Johnson," "You son of a gun, we did just like you've been doing and let it ride, all of it, we kept letting it ride. Brother Chuck, Tiny and I have hit...
CHAPTER 16Kyle found that he really did enjoy the work of being a trainer at the gym and he used his spare time to continue to hone his own body to the peak of perfection, keeping himself busy all day. He found his three co-trainers an agreeable lot and they accepted him unquestionably so that as a newcomer he very quickly felt comfortable in his new environment. For Kyle it was heaven to be free from school and his parents home both of which he had hated and to be able to go back home – he...
Gay MaleCHAPTER 16Kyle found that he really did enjoy the work of being a trainer at the gym and he used his spare time to continue to hone his own body to the peak of perfection, keeping himself busy all day. He found his three co-trainers an agreeable lot and they accepted him unquestionably so that as a newcomer he very quickly felt comfortable in his new environment. For Kyle it was heaven to be free from school and his parents home both of which he had hated and to be able to go back home – he...
Gay MaleChuck There was a noise in the room. I couldn’t place it right away, but I finally realized it was my cell phone that was still in my pants pocket. I moved over Tiani and Lena and hopped to my pants. I pulled the phone from the pocket, flipped it open, and said, “Johnson.” The voice was very dry, very curt, “We have a job for you. You need to be in DC in four hours.” I said, “Who are you?” The voice once again with a very curt response, “We have a job for you. Get in your plane and get...
We were invited up to the bowling alley to watch Steve's team. We got there during the break between 2nd and third frame.We sat down with the team, whom we had met previously and as Steve, (Peggy's 18 year old fuck buddy) was bowling Robby came to me and asked if I would buy a pitcher and place it along the back table. That way nobody would question it on their table. all his friends were younger than 21 and I figured why not.I got 2 pitchers and placed them along the back wall and poured...
Chuck It seemed like just a few minutes ago I was totaled, dead tired, completely exhausted. So what the heck, what's the matter? I never have trouble sleeping. I can even sleep soundly on the hot sand snuggled up against a track, like an APC or an Abrams tank. The shade is always good unless it's too close to mid-day. What's in my head now that I'm having trouble sleeping? I looked at the clock to see it was only two o'clock, and I was wide awake, tired but definitely wide awake. Oh...
My boyfriend, Steve, has a lot of cats. I can't tell you exactly how many because the little critters come and go out the pet door and scatter as their furry little paws please.Steve lives on a farm. Well, it's kind of a farm. I mean, he has a lot of land, but he doesn't exactly grow anything on it except cats from what I've seen. And he has a barn, too. You'd think with all that land Steve has that he'd keep a couple of horses to ride but no. The barn is filled with cats that curl up and sleep...
CrossdressingSteve and Joni Franks get married and honey moon in the islands. After two weeks they return home and Steve comes back to work. The guys all k** him about being pooped out cause of all the fucking. Steve takes it in but I can see something is not right, so I ask him about it. He tries to put up a front but I'm better then him so he findly gives in and tells me it all. It seems that Joni is not to into sex in general, he said when ever he tried she pushed him away. He tried to force her but...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
Steve Mercy was shaking me, "Steve, Steve, wake up. Chuck may need you. I think Maria's in trouble." I sat straight up trying to think why Maria would be in trouble. Oh yeah, she's about to hatch. "What kind of trouble, Mercy, what is it?" Mercy just shook her head, "I don't know, but she just woke Chuck up. He may need us. Let's get over there to make sure they are alright." I began putting some clothes on. Sue, Kathy, Mickey, and Juanita woke, seeing Mercy and me dressing,...
Chuck Sunday mornings are fun out at the park. The women wear near nothing, driving us men crazy. I anticipated a good time. When I woke and began my exercises, John joined me on a treadmill, followed by some weights. He said, "It sure would be nice to have you close by. We could workout together. It's a lot more fun to do this stuff when you have a buddy." About that time, Lisa, Brandy, and Tiani came in and began using the other treadmill and the stationary bikes. Little Tiani said,...