A man is obsessed by his sexy Chinese secretary
- 2 years ago
- 27
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I woke up early the next morning, and after taking another shower then putting the bedding in the wash I changed then got dressed, and headed downstairs. I opened the door to the garage at 5:45, and Elijah was already waiting outside.
“Good morning Elijah, have you eaten yet?” He shook his head so I had him follow me as I took him upstairs. 15 minutes later we were both eating eggs and sausage with coffee for me and an OJ for him as I asked him who he represented.
He looked at me, and softly said “Pitbulls, of course!” I just nodded, not saying a word. “Lil J told me I had to spend some time marking our territory before I could be a full member. He said they were moving in here more and more and we had to let everybody know that.”
This I knew, as the changing demographics in this area of town had caused the Rios to go into a decline as the barrio slowly changed into a ghetto. There were still a lot of bodegas around, and the northern part of town was still full of Hispanics, mostly retirees. But the average skin tone of those that lived around here was noticeably darker than they had been a decade or so before.
I got some more answers, like who Lil J reported to and where he normally hung out. Breakfast finished, I then had Eli follow me back to the door, and showed him the bucket, brush, and paint I had set aside. “OK little man, you are now gonna clean that area you tagged, and paint it over yet again. After that, we are gonna walk the neighborhood, and every tag we find within a 3 block radius you are gonna clean and cover. We should finish by noon.”
He just lowered his head and got to work. As he did, I started asking him about his grades and home life. I knew from the data from Control that he had been a 3.5 student, until about 2 years ago. Now I understood that was when his father moved from occasional weed to crack and lost his job. Shortly after that, he lost his home as his wife kicked him out and the 2 of them had been struggling ever since.
Sad as it was, there were some things that Bohica could never solve.
Once we finished hitting all the obvious graffiti, and I gave him a ride home. But I asked him to stop on by Monday evening after 6. “This is not a demand, Elijah. But do me a favor, and come by if you can.” I then went over to visit one of my occasional contacts.
Rusty was one of the older Pitbulls. He trafficked in weed and stolen merchandise until he got caught and did 5 years in the state Pen. He largely cleaned up his act since then, and now runs a small t-shirt and head shop. He was my “Unofficial Liaison” with the Pitbulls, and the man I went to when I wanted to learn something about them, or tell them something. The two of us had a pretty good relationship, and he understood that the gang he had been a part of as a youth was much different than it was now. His sons were members, but as far as I knew kept out of their more illegal activities. As soon as he saw me walk in the door, he had his wife take over and we started walking the neighborhood.
I told him about Lil J and Eli. “Man, that’s not good Bohica. I keep telling those fools too not be doing shit like that anymore. Everybody knows where one territory starts and another ends, this ain’t the 1990’s anymore. I’ll go have a talk with Lil J’s dad tonight, and get his ass straightened out. His dad is an old banger buddy of mine, I bet we can talk some sense into him. Especially since that’s the kinda shit that we’ve been trying to move away from for over a decade. It’s hard to get some to stop though, the money from boosting and dope is just so hard to resist for some.”
We talked a bit more, and he told me that the Bianchi’s were making moves in towards the main part of their territory, and away from the docks that were their normal turf. “Man, them I-ties are crazy now! They got this new crew that’s really trying to push out, they’ve even been harassing some of the girls and pimps on Wilkerson Boulevard. Now those that peddle the flesh don’t mind a little competition, there are enough stiff dicks for all. But they are starting to try and run the girls off, and that just ain’t right.”
“Let me guess, Cavallo Pazzo is behind it.”
“Yea, that guy is nuts. Roberto is the man behind the push, but his new enforcer is a piece of work. All I know is that they call him ‘Paolo the Punisher’, and he likes to beat people half to death with his fists. Between the two of them, they have taken over almost all the gang activities in the dockside area, and are now moving into our territory.” Interesting, more data for Control.
“Dude, we’ve not had a real gang war with them since my dad was a kid. In fact, the main reason he and the others started the Pitbulls was to try and keep them in their neighborhoods and away from ours. Yea, we have a few that carry guns, but we ain’t them hard core types in LA that carry assault rifles and the like. For most of the kids, a pipe or shiv is all they ever carry for intimidation. They want to send a message, not kill off the customers. But Cavallo Pazzo, he and Paolo have been leaving bodies in Dockside for over three years, and I think we are gonna get hit by them next.”
“What, you think they are going to move here? Into Darktown?”
“Naw man, they know they can not do that. But we will lose everything from the bluffs down. And from the west side to the river. And we do have some, interests, down in that area. Mostly working girls, there is a lot more demand for working girls near the docks than there is up here. They are already being warned to find new streets to walk, and that causes ripples.”
“Like the Barbarian Invasions of Rome,” I said softly, remembering a show I had seen once on cable.
“Exactly! Man, you got it. Yes, the girls there get pushed out, they have no choice but to come here. Then the girls here get pushed out, and maybe have no choice but to move into Rios territory. Then either the Rios push back, or we have a war with them. Or we push back and have a war with the Bianchi’s. Ugly business my friend, ugly business.”
I told him I would look into it, and we parted ways. I headed back to the garage and sat at the computer and wrote out a detailed report for Control. Roberto I had been hearing about for a while now, even Di and I had talked about him, but this Paolo was news to me.
It was just before sunset when I got back into Blue Beauty and headed over to Darktown proper. I spent a few hours patrolling the area, and things were rather calm. Calm, other than a few kids throwing rocks at the windows of a closed warehouse. I just chased them off, calling 2 I recognized by name and warning them that next time we would be going to see their mothers.
Amazing how mentioning a tough punk’s mother will put the fear of God into him.
But after writing up the report, I pondered what else my conversation with Rusty meant. And I admit before I had always thought of him as just an old gangbanger, who had gotten burned and was now happy with his lower middle-class life. But he knew about the cause of the downfall of Rome. That was actually kind of deep, for somebody I had always thought of as a low-level banger who did not even have a High School diploma, but a GED from prison.
I stopped for dinner at Carl’s, and Gloria sat with me between waiting on customers. I was just finishing up when my phone rang. I checked the ID and answered it. “Heya Di, what’s up?”
“Bo, got some information for you, can you talk?”
I gulped down the last of my soda and said “Let me call you back in about 5. I’m finishing my dinner now and will call you right back.”
I gave Gloria a quick kiss and left her $15 for dinner and tip, and told her I would take her home unless something came up. I then went out to Blue Beauty and called Di back.
“OK, I got a heads-up when you put in that information because all the Roberto Ricci take comes to me right away. I’ve been following him for a few years now, and he’s a slippery bastard. Like Al Capone, he is very open and loves to show off his wealth. And we have heard about this Paolo before. But we had also heard of a muscle of Ricci’s called ‘The Punisher’ in the past. But you are the first to tie him together with Paolo. This is big, because although we have a description of him Control has no record of his full name, or where he came from. He first appeared on the radar about 4 years ago as a street-level enforcer in Dockside. All we know is that he is in his mid 20’s, and instead of weapons he beats people with his bare hands.” She then paused.
“Here’s the thing Bo, we suspect he’s a Rogue. We have some of the medical reports of those he has assaulted, and the injuries do not match straight beatings. Skull fractures, crushed ribs, once he even shattered a guy’s femur from punching him. That has to be enhanced strength, it’s the only way it fits.”
“Ouf!” I exclaimed. “Great, so Crazy Horse has a Rogue, that actually explains a lot. Anything else we know about him Di?”
“I tied you into my dossier on him, you can read it all yourself. No photo, a few composite sketches that are pretty vague, From reading what you gave us, it seems he is moving out of his home turf and moving into Darktown. He was just my and Clint’s problem, but now it looks like he’s yours also. If you want, we can keep tracking him and see if we can work together on this. That sound alright with you Bo?”
“Any time sweetie, any time.”
“Clint is also helping me when things cross into Downtown, so he might want to get involved also.”
“Sounds good to me. In fact, I think it might even be a good idea for the three of us to go out together sometime. Let others see us together, like a team.” I told her about my date at Smokey’s, and she said it sounded like a great idea. Before I knew it, she had brought Clint in on a conference call, and we decided that since it seemed quiet everywhere why not make it tonight?
I decided to take advantage of it. “OK, but I want to bring a date, so no shop talk there, OK? I’ll give Di the address and we can meet there at 8. I’ll go and get Gloria, I think she won’t have a problem getting off of work early. The dress is semi-formal, so slacks, a button-down shirt, and a tie are minimum for you Clint. Di, almost anything but jeans and a t-shirt should be fine for you.”
“Oh, don’t worry about me Bo, I know just what to wear. I’m actually looking forward to this.”
After hanging up, I looked up the number for Smokey’s, and as luck would have it, Helen answered.
“Helen, this is Bohica. Remember that favor I asked for?”
“Uhhh, of coming back again with some friends?”
“You got it. I will need a table for four plus one tonight, at 8. Will that be a problem?”
I heard her call for Smokey in the background, and after a short conversation, she said “No, it won’t be a problem at all. But four plus one? Not a table for five?”
“Helen, the one is a wolf, he does not sit at the table. But enough room for him on the floor would be a good idea.”
She gulped and said it would not be a problem. So that taken care of, I headed back in to see if Gloria could join us. She actually squealed when I asked her, and she did not even ask her Uncle if she could get off early. “Uncle Carl, Bo and I are going out. Close early or call one of the other girls in, that’s up to you. See you later!” I saw him peek his head under the window laughing. And he just waved, as Gloria was already heading out the door.
I drove her home and she dashed in to get ready as I drove home to change myself. I took a fast shower and changed into my suit, and got to Gloria’s just as she was finishing her hair. She looked spectacular, this time in a maroon dress that went to her ankles, and looked like it was spray-painted onto her body. Walking her to the car, it was obvious that she was not wearing a bra under it. Or panties either for that matter. Yes, I caressed her bottom right before she slipped in, so sue me.
It was 5 until 8 when we pulled into the parking lot, and Clint was already waiting outside on his trike. In a snazzy looking pair of black slacks and a matching silk shirt and tie. I introduced him to Gloria, and she was thrilled, to say the least. We talked for a few minutes until we saw the box truck driving towards the parking lot.
Di waved at us as she pulled in next to his trike, and I think we all gasped when she got out. “Oh my god,” Gloria softly whispered as she got out, and both Clint and I were stunned.
Diana was wearing a black silk Cheongsam, that also fit her like a second skin. It accentuated her curves in all the right way and flowed all the way to her ankles. The silver and gold dragons embroidered into it almost looked like they were chasing each other. And her hair was done up, with 2 sticks holding it in place in the back.
We all exchanged hugs, and with Fang in tow headed inside. To say we stunned everybody was an understatement! The room got deathly quiet when the 4 of us walked in, and even Smokey and Helen were stunned. 2 big and imposing guys, walking in with 2 goddesses. I stepped up to the counter and theatrically said in a loud voice “Bohica, with a guest. As well as The Sensei, Dire Wolf, and Fang. I believe we have a table reserved.” We were taken immediately to a large booth in the corner near the stage, and I ordered snacks and drinks for everybody. Clint however had to sit on the end, with his legs in the aisle. He just could not fit in sitting normally.
As they were being delivered, Smokey came over and chatted with us all for a few minutes. He actually seemed shy, and then asked if it was OK if he got a photograph of us for the entryway. We all agreed and sat for several photos, In the last one I called Helen over and had her sit between Clint and Dire Wolf, and she almost looked starstruck. Of course, he asked if we had any requests, and Gloria and I asked if we could have the same 2 songs. Clint asked if they could do “Rise” by Herb Alpert, and Di asked for “Feels So Good” by Chuck Mangione.
“Oh, I think you two just made Tiny’s night with those, Miss Dire Wolf, Mister Sensei!” Smokey said. “He always loves a good trumpet solo, and most of our numbers tend to be heavier in sax and piano. Those are a bit newer than most of our songs, but that will not be a problem, trust me.”
We then started chatting and enjoying the company of each other, as both Di and Clint were trying to find out how long Gloria and I had been together. She told them about how we had met, and then meeting again a few nights later. “I almost had to badger him into taking me out, and this was the first place he took me. It was almost like something out of a movie, and I fell in love with this place that first night. I couldn’t get ready fast enough when he asked me to join you all, thank you for letting me come.”
Fang popped up his head and looked up at Di for a moment. With a nod, she smiled as he stood up and started to walk slowly around the room, checking everybody out. Some smiled nervously, others visibly shied away as he came close. But after walking around the room he came back and looked at her, then with a soft sigh laid back down on the floor again.
“Dire Wolf, what was that about?” Gloria asked.
“Well, he feels a bit protective of me, and he always likes to make a circuit around a new place. I think to see who is here and where the routes of escape are. And no, we can not really talk to each other, but there is almost a link between us, where we can sense what each other is feeling. And please, just Dire. No need to be formal.”
We spent the next 4 hours there, occasionally talking with other guests and the members of the band between breaks. Clint and Di both loved the songs that were played for them, but like us were blown away when Helen and Smokey took the stage to play Rhapsody in Blue. And like the last time, they did not play the short 9 minute version most were familiar with but the full 20 minute version.
And just like last time, she got a standing ovation at the end. After Helen left the stage she came and joined us. We all chatted until almost midnight when we all started to head out to go home. Even Fang got a hug from everybody as we got into our vehicles and each headed home.
Gloria and I spent a few minutes kissing at her front door as I dropped her off, and I told her we might be able to head out again on Monday night. But after that, I was going to be tied up so she might not see me for the next week or so.
I got back to the garage just after 1 and went to the street then rooftops to get back home. By 2 I was showered and changed back into myself, and drifting off to sleep.
After a quick breakfast the next morning I was driving over to Mark’s kitchen, where I finally met his partner Terry. Terry actually fit the image I had of what a caterer was like. Slender, impeccable attire and hair, and it was obvious he swished more than a set of windshield wipers in a downpour. But he was passionate about cooking, and I was helping them bounce ideas for the menu.
Finally, they decided on empanadas, as they could be prepared in advance, and only needed to be deep-fried for a few minutes. And being able to be made from beef, chicken, pork, and fish as well as other meats, they could make a large variety with a few simple changes. Also, they did not need plates or silverware, they could be eaten with hands. Fries, fish sticks, and finger steaks were finally decided on as the other main items. Terry made the order for the ingredients, which would be delivered the next morning, as Mark went through the kitchen and got the prep areas ready. He went ahead and got an early start by mixing the dry ingredients in a bowl for the empanada crust, and I marveled at many things I had never really seen in use before. Like the giant mixer, that had a bowl that must have held 20 gallons.
Terry said he would be back the next morning to take delivery at 6 AM, and told Mark he should be there to start actual prep at 8. He had barely left when Mark pushed me against the wall, kissing me deeply. I kissed him back with equal passion, the fingers of my right hand running through his hair as my left was squeezing his bottom, pulling him tighter against me.
I was so glad I had worn a dress, as I felt his hand reach down under the hem at my knee and back up under it. I parted my thighs as his fingers reached my panties, surely finding them growing damper as my excitement rose.
And like an earlier encounter in my kitchen, soon I was bent over the prep counter with my panties pulled to the side and my dress gathered at my hips as Mark was plunging in and out of me with an almost frantic need. I knew this was going to be a fast fuck, so I shoved my right hand down between my legs and into my panties and started to quickly stroke my clit as I moaned into my left arm.
Mark’s hands were on my hips, pulling me back and forth in time with his thrusts, sinking deeply into me with each thrust. I could feel my inner walls filling and emptying with each entry, and I could feel my own orgasm growing. He was throbbing in me and I could feel his sweat dripping onto my ass so I knew he was close. With a deep growl he thrust deep into me, and I could tell he was splashing my cunt with his cum moments before I reached my own peak, biting my arm to quiet my moans as I came on his cock and my fingers.
Finally, he pulled out of me, and I could tell I was starting to leak down my thighs again with our combined fluids. I grabbed a hand towel that was on the counter and used it to catch the worst of the overflow, then held it between my thighs as I pulled a pad out of my purse and applied it inside my panties. He came over and kissed me as I pulled my panties back into place, and smoothed my skirt back down over my hips.
After cleaning up after our quickie, he put the towel into the washing machine in the back along with some other things that needed cleaning, and started the cycle before we headed off. A quick dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, then back to his place where we made the beast with 2 backs two more times before finally drifting off to a satiated slumber in his bed.
The next morning we shared a quick shower with each of us using our hands on each other for a final release. Then after a quick breakfast of omelets, Mark drove me back to the kitchen and I got in my car and headed home.
I fiddled around for a bit, then changed and headed to the garage. I was already looking forward to the tunnel so I did not have to do this every time I wanted to go out as Bohica. An hour later I was pulling Blue Beauty out of the garage and heading over to the mall.
One disadvantage of being Bo was that I had never really had many clothes other than what I wore for working, and now a single suit. I spent the next 4 hours on a shopping spree, getting several sets of jeans, some shorts, shoes and shirts. I spent almost $2,000 on my new wardrobe, since now I actually had a place to keep it all. When I got back I put the colored items in the wash, then changed into a pair of blue jeans and t-shirt that had been purchased by the team that prepared the apartment for me. And I pulled out an old blue jean jacket and threw on a Wildcats baseball cap.
And dressed like this, I got back into Blue Beauty and headed to Dockside.
I parked a few blocks away outside of a mini-mall, and walked the rest of the way. With the worn jeans and shirt I looked like any other denizen of the area, and I started to get the feeling for things around here. Prior to this, most of my experience in Dockside was simply in passing through it. Paul and I (along with other boyfriends before him) normally drove through the area on the way to Riverfront Park.
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Their was so many areas I wanted to explore with her. I felt like a teenager again. I couldn't stop thinking about how naughty Carol was being. It was Sunday, and my only day off so I decided I would do something nice and bring Carol breakfast in bed. I went to our kitchen and made our favorite breakfast, bacon and eggs. As I began to walk up the stairs I could hear moans coming from our bedroom. They weren't Carols. I walked into the room to see Carol totally nude, with her...
“For fuck’s sake, Mother,” Noelle cried, stamping her foot in exasperation, “I’m not a c***d; I can take care of myself while you’re gone.” “We’ll be gone for three months, dear,”Marian Staples replied, a hint of exasperation in her voice. “The idea of your being alone here in this big house for that length of time is not acceptable. I would be sick with worry and unable to enjoy myself.” “Don’t go all drama on me, mother,” Noelle replied. “I’m nineteen; I’m going to the university in the fall,...
What might the world look like if women were usually stronger and more aggressive than men? Perhaps a society existing very much like the one we know, but with almost every gender role reversed. Not only that, but what if the ideas about the sexes that evolved in such a world were far stricter, enforced through every aspect of society and any deviation looked upon with near-universal disgust? It would mean every politician, business leader and person of authority was a woman. Schools funneling...
FetishMy Wife’s Sister Part II I arrived home from work around 6pm and entered the house through the front door. I could smell dinner cooking and could hear some conversation coming from kitchen area. When I entered the kitchen, I saw my wife standing next to the stove and her sister near the table setting up plates. Both were wearing long sleeve silk men’s shirts in a size that just barely covered their ass. My wife turned and told me that dinner would be ready shortly and that my sister in law...
I've been sharing my horny wife, Karen for several years now and we have a great sex life. Late last summer Karen and I decided to go to Chicago for a few days to do some shopping and enjoy the city. She had never been to Chicago and I'd told her about the great downtown area. On the third night there we decided to go out to a nice restaurant and then go to a jazz club later in the evening. Karen got ready for the evening and slipped on the little black dress she brought and a pair of...
InterracialLittle Johnny was taking a shower with his grandma. He casually asked,"Grandma whats that?" She quickly replied, "That's my beaver". Little Johnny didnt say another word. Two days later he was taking a shower with his mom. Little Johnny asked,"Mommy whats that?" She replied, "Well Johnny thats my beaver." Little Johnn...y thought for a bit and said,"Well grandmas beaver must be dying her tongues hanging out!!"
Her friends had dragged her down to one of the local college bars to flirt with guys and they had ended up drinking way too much. It had gotten so bad in fact that they had to call one girls brother to come get them and take them home. Leslie was dropped off first and the brother and another girl had helped her into her house, up into her bedroom and onto her bed. Luckily her parents had gone out of town for the weekend and wouldn’t come home to find her black out drunk. Her friends had...
Without hesitation, I pulled my t-shirt and boxers off, then dove in. I could see fish swimming in the water. I learned to swim in this lake, and I’ve swam here many times since the day my mom and dad taught me to swim. I had no doubts or fears about swimming here now. I went down maybe twenty feet with my eyes open and they weren’t burning. I saw the red object as it glowed and sent tiny bubbles to the surface from all sides. It looked really big ... I had to know more about it... The...
Adam was juggling five sno-cones and talking to the woman beside him as he walked back to the group. He was, as usual, completely oblivious to what was awaiting him. Shelly was just getting ready to pounce when Veronica spoke. "Hey, I Know You," she said. The young woman beside Adam, carrying a yipping dog, smiled slightly. "I shot a scene for that site last month in Miami," she said. "Hi, I'm Emily Proper. Well, not really. But that is my screen name. I'm really Lucy Miller. Uh,...
I turned up the volume as Rammstein's industrial dance music began filling my car with heavy sounds. Sitting snugly in the driving seat I began moving my body to the rock guitars riffs and with my head bobbing to the pulsating rhythm, I was really in the groove. I was on my way back to Holland from a dirty weekend in Hamburg and this sort of music helped pass away the time and kilometres. My joy was short lived because as I passed the famous port city of Bremen the autobahn was backed up due to...
ExhibitionismLucy doll and Preston Parker are enjoying a couple’s day in their private oasis as they swim and frolic in the water. Things get very touchy-feely, but the couple manages to wait until they are indoors and Lucy has changed out of her sheer wet bathing suit before they get down and dirty. It’s not long before Lucy has let Preston take off her shorts so that he can feast upon her soft bald twat. When Preston takes the opportunity to shove himself deep into Lucy’s snatch,...
xmoviesforyouIt was a midsummer Friday night after my graduation. I had just turned 18, but still hadn’t really taken advantage of my newly awarded freedom. I was rather quiet and would always take spending a night at the gym for pilates class over the wild party down the street. This just happened to be one of those nights. I walked into my living room around 8 pm. I had just finished a 45 min jog and needed a shower. I tossed my water bottle in the sink and turned to bump into my older brother Josh. ...
Brook slipped out through the front door and crept quietly around the side of the house. Her mother was in the hot tub with Tom tonight, and after listening to them play naked under her bedroom window almost nightly for the past two weeks she found herself overcome with curiosity to watch them. She’d peeked at them through the window as well, but the angle from there didn’t provide the curious fourteen-year-old a very satisfying view. She wanted to see as much as she could. The compactly built...
It was an old building and the south facing windows reached from just below the ceiling to about two feet off the floor. The manager's secretary, Susan, a very pretty natural blond with a good figure, was twenty eight and single I was forty six. She used to dress well and demurely but she obviously didn't wear petticoats under her long summer dresses and skirts. It was a real treat when she was standing in front of the windows as the outline of her body showed through her dress so that it...
Emma is addicted to watching IR porn. She went to couples therapy to address it with her boyfriend and it was supposed to be “their thing”, but she’s fallen off the wagon and backslid into solo “me time” on the couch with her phone, Dogfart and her giant vibrator. Her boyfriend catches her mid-masturbation and gives her an ultimatum. Its the last straw and it’s either him or the porn. He screams about how he’s obviously not satisfying her sexually if all she does is watch big black cocks. He...
xmoviesforyouIt's a Thursday evening and you had text me around four saying you were having a stressful day and would be late coming home. It was now nearly eight and I have been sitting on the bottom step for almost two hours. I am beginning to get a numb butt and very hungry. You bought this outfit I'm wearing over the weekend. To my surprise, you left it out on the bed for me this morning when you went to work. I didn’t understand why you bought it, but after I received your text I knew what you wanted....
Oral SexThe next morning Amber rolled over to find her mother nestled in bed beneath the cold morning sheets with her. They were both still naked from the night before. ‘OMG’ she thought. ‘I really did eat my own mother last night; and she ate me out’. Amber rose out of bed and snuck off to her room to lie down in her own bed for the rest of the morning. First though, she had to stop in the bathroom. She had to piss so bad, it being first thing in the morning. Her thighs were still sticky with the...
What gender are you.
One of our warships had captured another ship which we just happened to blunder across, and he had news for us so Thunder brought the captain and his officers to Flying Arrow and I had Shark go, too, to see what the fuss was about. The captured ship was out of Big Island and headed for Central Island with a cargo of assorted foods for the island. It was overpopulated, it had more people than it could support, and taking food to Central Isle was a good low-risk way to make a reasonable...
Working in an office is sometimes hard. Office workers work long hours and have to deal with many problems with customers. As it happens, Miss Shizuku Hutaba is the new office lady in a travel office. She is just starting this new job and wants to make a good impression. She has a goal of selling travel packages and she tries to make her goal but it is sometimes hard. Miss Hutaba has an advantage amongst the sales people there because she has very large tits. These amazing tits have helped her...
xmoviesforyouI was on a trip to arizona to see my k**s who live with their mother. I planned on spending time with them but also planned on seeing some old friends, i haven't seen some of these friends for over 5 years and i was gonna feel good catching up. I met my ex and k**s at a park so we could play football my ex told me that my friend Melanie had just moved back from colorado with her husband and their daughter. She was the one friend i hadn't expected to see while visiting arizona so i called her up...
‘Felicia, I think I loved you from the very first moment I laid eyes on you.’ She had been waking up when I voiced those words and upon hearing them, sat bolt-upright. She threw on her usual odd-looking glasses and stared at me with the deep and beautiful blue eyes I had come to know so well. She drew the blankets around her, odd in a sense, considering what we had just done, yet fitting her personality nonetheless. I touched her cheek so as to silence her from saying a word. I knew that I had...
Me and Eleanor were good friends over the years i would be there for her if she needed me, until this one day.One morning she called me and asked me if i wanted to hang out because her mam and dad were on holiday and she needed someone to talk to. I walked over, i knocked on the door and there was no answer so i just walked in, i walked into the kitchen there was not sign of Eleanor, so i walk donw the hall way to Eleanor's room the door was slightly open so i poked my head in, i was shocked to...
There could not be better bliss than this Julie thought as she listened to the thunder from under his covers only a month later. He was deeply asleep, his body spooning her tightly against him. It was freezing outside the blanket. She thought back to yesterday with immense pleasure. Her body felt sore and heavy and wonderfully satisfied. But with the remembrance came desire. God, she could not stop wanting him. No one had ever made her body feel so wonderfully sexy, so intensely fulfilled. ...
Indica Monroe looking perfectly disheveled from GREETING THE MEAT, sits on the pedestal waiting for her SECOND GANGBANG to begin. Her shirt is already off and you can see a faint glimmer of spit still on her face and chest from all those blowjobs she just gave. Solo, the winner of GUESS THE V, gives his win to Redd, who enters Indica’s nice little shaven pussy first. He’s followed by the rest of the cocksmen, who fuck her in mish as she takes turns sucking the dicks of the other cocksmen....
xmoviesforyouIt was now several months since Gwen Mitchell's husband Tom has passed away and the fifty-eight-year-old Gwen was now having a couple of drinks in the pub with her longtime friend Mavis Tompkins. They had had a couple of drinks when Gwen said, "Do you know what I miss most with Tom gone?""Getting shagged?" asked Mavis."No, I do miss that but mostly I miss getting spanked," announced Gwen."I never knew Tom spanked you, Gwen," said Mavis who was very surprised at that admission."Often, but I...
SpankingOriginal: October 28, 2020 (Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: May 14, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, mystery ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 11: Proposal - After the repeated interruptions, I wanted to continue from where Gabriella and I had...
Girl Time 4: An Unexpected Reunion. "You'll talk him into coming?" Clara asked. "I haven't seen him since high school. And I'd love to catch up." "I'll see what I can do Clara," Debbie replied. "But he's changed a lot since you last saw him. In fact I can actually say he's a whole different person." "Oh," Clara smiled, "do tell..." "Well," Debbie started, "He kept a secret from us whilst he was at school. And boy was it a secret. He..." A few days later:- I stood there in...
Andee woke to the sound of the shower running. Looking at the digital clock beside the bed she saw that it was just after 6:00 a.m. As she sat up in the bed, she was trying to shake out the cobwebs and jetlag in her head when the realization of what had gone on the night before became obvious. She was naked but couldn’t exactly remember at what point during the night her lingerie had come off. She rolled out of the bed, made her way to the closet and pulled on a t-shirt from her suitcase. She...
INTRODUCTION This is an almost true story. I mean all what happens happened but it hasbeen arranged I was born in Europe some 30 years ago when the story started. I had a normallife, good classic studies and best business schools with Master degrees. Ileft my parents when I was seventeen in order to take charge of myself. I wentto the army after college and participated in war actions in Africa and Yugoslavia,as a reserve officer in the commandos. I already had the virus of Africa. I also had...
Hmmm, since I have a reprieve for a day or two, what's next? "Helga, Nora? Do you have any questions, ideas or maybe some answers?" She blustered a bit as she looked around quickly and then said, "Answers? You expect us to have some answers? And just what wishing well did you expect us to pull them from?" Everyone broke into giggles and fits with that. 'Well, it was just a thought, not to mention a hope and a prayer, since you two are the resident medical professionals at the...
Brandon came home from school and found me in my home office. His face was slightly flushed and glancing at his crotch, I could see the beginnings of an erection."Did you talk to Myia today?" he asked in the way of greeting."She called me this morning," I replied. "Let me finish what I am doing here, and I will join you in the bar."Brandon left, I finished what I was doing and joined him in the bar about five minutes later. I entered the bar-room. Brandon had a drink in his hand, and a...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! "Well, I guess, Natalie," Miss Davis replied. Peeking out from behind the curtain she took a gander at Gil Travis. She sighed at what she saw and asked, "Could some of you get some tables?" "Sure, teach," Gil replied and turned toward the glass. "Well, teach wants some tables back there. Let's get em." He sauntered, cockily, through the room and grabbed one table hoisting it over his head. As he took it upto the front of the room he questioned, "Could...
IncestNote to readers: This is set in the same story universe as "Prisoner's Dilemma: Curiosity Killed the Cat," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Separate the Men From the Boys The biotechnical research department at Lockman University had made its breakthrough invention in 2002. Its inventor, Professor Ripley, called it the biomorphic reorganizer. The university department literature called it the Biomass Redistribution Platform. The students...
Roxie and Nicky are out making deliveries when they pull into a luxurious neighborhood. The customer they are delivering to isn’t home, but there is a note on the door inviting them to leave the delivery inside. While inside, Roxie expresses her wildest fantasy about getting fucked and cream pied in a stranger’s home. She’s getting wet and excited just thinking about the prospect and makes a move on Nicky. He isn’t sure about fucking in someone else’s house, but he can’t resist the busty...
xmoviesforyouHii, dosto mera naam romy hai aur main iss ke fans mein se ek hoon.Yeh jo main aap logoke liye likhne ja raha hoon yeh story nahi balki sacchai hai. Main ek sadi suda admi hoon aur ek construction copmpany mein kaam karta hoon.Mera age 33 yrs hai aur meri biwi ka 28 years.Mera biwi ka naam geetanjali hai,aur pyar se main use geetu bulata hoon.Hum ek dusre se bahut pyar karte hain aur humara sexual life bhi theek chal raha tha. Meri wife ek hiusewife hain aur ghar par hi rahti hai.Uska hath...