Fatherly GuidanceChapter 9
- 4 years ago
- 33
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I had to take a break and walked down a couple of blocks to the doughnut shop for some caffeine and a sugar rush. They opened at three and I was the first customer. I'd been working for fifteen hours straight and standing that long was killing my back with my bulging belly. This early in the morning the streets are quiet, the noisy crowds, flashing lights, honking horns are all gone. Only a few stragglers, pimps, hoes and junkies were usually out this late and I knew I wouldn't get any more business, not here.
Sitting at a table to finish my early morning breakfast I saw a couple walk in holding hands while kissing and laughing. They seemed so happy, so normal and so much in love. That was something that I'd never have. With everything that I'd done, no one will ever want me, not that way at least. Even if I got away from Ronnie, what would I do and where would I go? I had no money, no skills and no one but him and my mom.
Finishing my coffee I dropped the empty cup into the trash can. It was time to get back to work. The last time Ronnie came to check on me was around one o'clock and I hadn't quite made a grand for the day. He wasn't happy about that and irately informed me that I couldn't go home until I made another two-fifty. I was eighty dollars short of that number but could hardly stand any more.
I rubbed my belly sighing. Six months along and I was so much bigger that I was nine months the last time. I had no idea how many I was carrying as Ronnie still refused to take me to the doctor. I needed to sit down and used the bus stop bench to rest. Just for a while.
It had been a week since my ordeal on the riverboat ended. Ronnie left me there five weeks and I still get chills thinking about that place. Sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't have been better off going with Dawg. I don't think he would have done too much harm to me since I was pregnant. Ronnie wouldn't let him, of that I was sure because I was carrying his future income.
Five weeks of hell, that's what I call it. I was locked in a small cabin below deck with no window and very little ventilation, compelled to service not only the kitchen staff, but every other employee on the boat and then some. Sometimes customers of the casino were allowed down to fuck me, but the majority of the sex was from casino employees.
I was on call 24-7, not given any time off except to eat and use the bathroom. The difference between there and New Orleans were fewer johns per day and my time was spread out over weeks and not days. Patrick used my heroin as a bargaining tool and reduced the dosage and frequency to keep me desperate for it. I only got what I needed when he felt like it and I think he was selling the excess that Ronnie gave him that he didn't give to me.
I jumped when a bright light shined in my face, blinding me. Holding my hand to shield my eyes, I could see a police car under my palm. Shit, the cops. I didn't move and waited to see what they wanted.
"Are you okay, Miss?" someone asked.
"I'm fine," I called back still squinting from the bright light.
"What are you doing out here this time of night?"
I wanted to laugh, to scream out that my father was making me whore myself out here to put money into his pocket and wanted to beg them to take him, or me, away.
"I'm waiting for my ride," I finally said rubbing my stomach to display my pregnancy. I was sure that they wouldn't arrest a pregnant girl.
"You shouldn't be out here alone. It isn't safe," he said turning the light off.
"Okay, thank you," I said still seeing bright stars dancing in front of me.
"Can we give you a ride?"
As much as I wanted them to, I knew that I couldn't. Ronnie would be here any minute to get me and I'd better be here. Graciously I declined, opting to wait for Ronnie. Even after I got home from the casino, he still beat my ass, careful to avoid my stomach, and left me black and blue over most of my body. That was just a warning, he informed me.
I noticed a truck coming down the street and stood, leaning against the cop car for support. "I think my ride is here," I told them motioning with my chin. They turned to see the pickup slowing down, but not stopping. He drove two blocks down and made a U-turn, parking just beyond the doughnut shop. I grumbled at having to walk that far, but I needed to go before the cops got to asking too many questions.
"Be safe," the cop told me before pulling away. I had hoped that Ronnie would drive to me now that the cops were gone, but the asshole stayed almost two blocks away and made me walk. I was ready to flay into him until I saw the expression on his face. He wasn't happy about something.
"Gemme my money," he ordered even before I had the door closed. Shaking my head I reached into my purse and handed him $160 in wrinkled money. "I said two-fifty," he added. "Where's the rest?"
"I only made one-eighty and used some to get a coffee and a couple of doughnuts and a soda earlier. You can have the change if you want it."
"Don't fuckin' get smart with me, bitch. I said I wanted two-fifty!"
"Ronnie, there isn't anyone out this time of night to make any money from. Not on a Wednesday. I haven't had a customer in over an hour."
"You best not be holding out on me, cunt, I'll fuckin' gut you, you hear me?"
"Yes, I know," I said rolling my eyes in the dark. How many times over the past few years have I heard that same threat. It's not that I don't think he would, he's very capable of doing it, but it get's old after a while. We remained silent for the rest of the drive home.
Everyone was asleep when we got home and I went straight to bed. I didn't even shower as I was too exhausted. I didn't like going to sleep with the scent of those bastards who pay to fuck me, but tonight I didn't care. I needed to sleep.
I slept until ten and was awakened by momma brushing the hair from my face. Slowly my eyes opened to see her smiling down at me. I returned the gesture, taking her hand from my face to hold it.
"Good morning," she said leaning over to kiss my forehead. This was too weird.
"What's going on?"
"It's time to wake up. Ronnie wants you ready in thirty minutes."
"Ready? Ready for what?"
"Work. You'll need to start earlier because you disappointed him."
"I disappointed him? How?"
"By not earning enough last night. You'll need to make it up today so hurry and get dressed."
I couldn't freaking believe what I was hearing! My own mother was telling me her husband wants me to start prostituting earlier because I only made $1140 yesterday!?! I'm six months pregnant and I look like a walrus waddling down the street and he's disappointed that I didn't make him enough money?
"Mom, I'm tired. I can't keep working like this. Look how big I am."
"It's only for a little longer, Debbie. After we have enough money saved, we can both quit and move away from here. Ronnie said Boloxi is where he wants to move and we'll get a house on the beach and have a big yard for the kids to play and we won't have to think about anything but spending time with the family."
"Do you really think he'll let us stop, mom? Seriously. He's in it for the long haul and when you and I are all used up and worthless, he'll start using Dawn and the twins and soon whatever baby girls we have in the future. He won't stop, mom, not until he can't make any more money from us. Then he'll probably sell us for a few more bucks to a low-life scum."
"Debbie, you're being ridiculous. Your father loves us and wouldn't do something like that." I knew it was useless to argue with her and pulled myself out of bed. I didn't know how much longer I could actually do this. Right now I can't even feel when someone is fucking me and I haven't seen my pussy in months.
I could still smell the men from yesterday and showered for almost twenty minutes, scrubbing myself to remove any trace of their encounters. I would have stayed longer but Ronnie came in yell at me to hurry. None of my clothes fit any longer and I had to resort to wearing moms with a few modifications. I didn't care how I looked and sat quietly until Ronnie pulled to the curb just past the doughnut shop.
"I'll check on you in a couple of hours," he told me handing me a syringe half filled with liquid. Staring at it I licked my lips. That is what I had been waiting for since I got up. Taking it, I pulled up my skirt and searched for a vein. I had shot up so much in my arms that the veins weren't usable. I moaned feeling the euphoria washing over me like a warm blanket.
"I want a hundred an hour," he said reaching over to open my door. "And you still owe me for yesterday!" I half heard what he said as my head was floating. I wouldn't remember what he said until much later.
Right away I started hustling, waving down my first car within ten minutes of standing out there. He seemed delighted that I was with child and made some comment about getting a two for one special. His car was some Japanese import and there wasn't much room to fuck, but he managed to get off, remaining inside of me until it slipped out. It took a while to get out of the back seat as I couldn't find anything to hold on to and he was too weak to pull my fat body out.
Two more customers graced my inner thighs and one other wanted a blow job by the time Ronnie came for his money. After three hours, I had $280 ready for him and he complained about me being short. I wish I had the nerve to tell him something, but I remained silent, promising to make it up.
"You better," he warned before driving away. "Or you'll have your ass out here all night again!" I knew he'd hold true to that threat.
I had one more john before I needed to rest and sat on the bus stop bench. My head was over the back rolling back and forth, trying to devise a plan to rid myself of that bastard. I didn't want to leave my little sisters with him but knew that I couldn't take them with me. Maybe I could leave now and come back for them when I could. I groaned knowing it was just wishful thinking.
The screeching tires and whoosh of wind from the bus broke my thoughts as I turned my head to avoid the dust and dirt blowing on me. That's when I saw the young woman and a young girl walking toward me with a smile. She looked familiar, but I couldn't place where I knew her from. The woman started to gallop faster, leaving the small girl behind her as her arms widened for a hug.
"DEBBIE!!!" she cried out and I stood just as she reached me, throwing her arms round my neck for a crushing hug. "Oh my god I'm so glad I found you!" For several minutes she latched on to me, rocking back and forth whispering how much she missed me. It wasn't until she backed away that I got a good look at her.
"Rachael? Rachael is that you?!" I blubbered, grabbing her back, pulling me to my swollen belly. "Oh my god, Rachael, I never thought I'd see you again!" We hug again, both crying for the longest time. When she pulled away, she patted my stomach.
"You're as big as a house," she observed. "When's your due date?"
"I'm not sure. In about three months, I think."
"Who's the father?" I laughed, waving my hand in a semi-circle.
"Pick one, anyone could be the father."
"Oh my god, you're so huge; I can't imagine being that big."
That's when I remembered the little girl with her. "Who's that?"
"Her name's Emma," she informed me. We're on our way to California and I wanted to stop by to see you as we went by. You are just like a sister to me you know that, right?"
I looked at the young girl. She couldn't have been more than seven or eight and introduced myself to her. "Is she your little sister or something?"
"Not exactly. It's a long story and I don't want to bore you with the details. So tell me, Debbie, what's been going on since I last saw you?" I had to laugh and shake my head.
"Come, let's get a doughnut and coffee and I'll fill you in on a few things."
We ended up eating a dozen doughnuts between the three of us and stayed talking for hours. It felt good having a friend and I didn't once even think of Ronnie or the repercussions of not earning him money. At the time I didn't care. I wanted to spend time with Rachael and told her everything that happened. She was in shock and kept her mouth opened from surprise for the last fifteen minutes that I spoke.
I think my reputation intimidated the guys at Vicksburg Middle School. They were friendly and polite, but no one asked me out. There was one guy that I thought was cute and tried to talk to him, but he called me a skank and walked away. It hurt me for a while but I got over it. If he didn't want me, there were plenty of other guys who did. I missed my period in December and again in January and I knew why. My life seemed to be spiraling out of control. I was smoking over a pack of...
Mom met this guy about this time and began staying out all night. I had just turned 14 and feeling grown up and she didn't seem to worry about leaving me alone all night. Sometimes two or three days passed before she came home. She was in love, or at least lust and was so happy. I was glad for her because she was always so lonely and depressed. When she brought the guy home I was like dammmmmmn, he was really hot. He worked construction and had a hard body and was so good looking. Better...
We moved into the grey concrete slab of flats on the notorious Kersal council estate when I was thirteen years old. Life was difficult enough, but the fact that my Mum's fiancé was black didn't help matters in the racist stakes. Apparently, a white woman with a black guy was frowned upon in the seventies.I loved Jermaine, though. He was fun to be around and always defended me if Mum was being critical. His voice was as smooth as dark chocolate and his eyes reminded me of chocolate drops.If Mum...
TabooWe moved into the grey concrete slab of flats on the notorious Kersal council estate when I was thirteen years old. Life was difficult enough, but the fact that my Mum’s fiancé was black didn’t help matters in the racist stakes. Apparently, a white woman with a black guy was frowned upon in the seventies. I loved Jermaine, though. He was fun to be around and always defended me if Mum was being critical. His voice was as smooth as dark chocolate and his eyes reminded me of chocolate drops. If...
"Lick it up," Ronnie ordered through clinched teeth as he pushed my head closer. It wasn't the fact that it was cum that I was ordered to lick up, lord knows I've swallowed enough of that to last a life time, but where it was that was the problem. Deek was sitting on the sofa in his underwear holding Dawn on his lap; her baby legs spread wide and her small butt raised at an angle. She was naked and crying her lungs out, her face reddened from exertion as Jimmy's recent orgasm began its...
My mom and I live in Vicksburg, a small town in Mississippi where life can be boring unless you know the right people. I had always been shy and didn't have a lot of friends. To further my withdraw, I started to develop early and older guys began hitting on me a few weeks after my eleventh birthday making me very self-conscious. My mom worked 12 hour shifts at a local diner and usually didn't get home until after midnight most nights. I wasn't permitted to go outside or to have friends...
I had been lonely and depressed until that day and then like a junkie craving a fix, I started to binge myself on sex. I fucked anyone who asked, anywhere, anytime anyway they wanted. If they had the balls to ask me, I spread my legs for them. My reputation did a tail spin as the body count shot up. Most of the guys I fucked were black so hardly any white guys even asked me out. I was marked as a black cock slut and many didn't want anything to do with me. That meant open season on the...
School was as mundane as usual. There were the usual grabs and gropes, lewd comments and suggestive remarks. At lunch time I sat in the corner hoping no one would notice me but sure enough, within two minutes of sitting down I had several guys sitting next to me or across from me. I didn't even look up. "Hey, Debbie, wass happenin'?" one of the guys said putting his arm around me. I quickly felt a hand from the other side touch my leg. "Nothing," I said shoveling a fork full of Mac...
I was breathless on his couch while he dressed. I only went to one class today and spent the rest of the day getting fucked. I lost count how many guys actually fucked me so far. The bell for my next class had already rang and I was late again. It was my history class and Coach said he worked something out with Mr. Curry. I sat up and slowly got dressed. I still had no panties and could feel coach's cooling cum dripping down my thighs. I wiped it off on a tissue and asked if I could have a...
Ronnie dropped me off after his morning fuck and pulled away. I was wearing a pair of Daisy Duke shorts and the bottom of my ass showed. Guys were all over me again and I had to fight them off just to get to my locker. Ronnie reminded me about the no free pussy rule and said he had "spies" in school that would watch me and report back to him. He left an open ended statement about what would happen if I went against his wishes. On the way to school he explained about the "student...
We were at the truck stop diner by 4:30 and I was talking to my first date within a few minutes of getting there. I rode in the truck and Ronnie gave me a rock to smoke on the way. Weirdo parked in the very corner and Ronnie was a few spaces away. I looked back at them as I climbed into my first big rig of the night. "Straight fucks, no blow jobs today. Make sure they don't use condoms and if they do, get it from them and bring it back to pour it out into the fucker's mouth," were my...
All around town Ronnie was setting up deals like this with different businesses. He called it bartering. He had a fuck-a-fill up deal with the guy that worked late shift at the Shell gas station near our house, the liquor store guy got a blow job for a case of beer and a 5th of liquor, the guy at the 7-Eleven got a blow job for a carton of cigarettes, there's a seafood restaurant on the river front that Ronnie knew the manager and we get to eat there and all it takes is a 15 minute romp in...
The next guy was black. I mean BLACK. I've fucked a lotta black guys before and most can be called mocha, coca, milk chocolate or a high yellow, but none had been this black. He was like from the furtherest reaches of central Africa. He even looked like he was from Africa and wore brown slacks with a yellow and red striped shirt. He had black, patent leather shoes and a big gold watch. His hair was cut short and just had that foreign look about him. "You ore vedy priddy," he said with a...
Friday began the same. Awaken by Ronnie with a morning fuck, a quick shower and off to Deek's house. Jimmy wasn't there so Deek had me all to himself. "I can't wait to fist you," he said with a smirk on his face as soon as we got there. Shit, Ronnie told him. He had some baby oil ready and coated his hand and my pussy with it. His hands were bigger than Walter's but not as fat as the other guy's. He tried like hell for 20 minutes to get his fist inside me before he gave up. I still...
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My name is Father Francis O'Reilly and everything you are about to read is absolutely true, as told to me by parishioners in my flock!!! The confessional box is one of the final places on the face of the earth where you can pour out your heart without fear of retribution or exposure, and I believe for this reason more and more people are forsaking the "communal forgiveness" that is bestowed each week during regular Sunday Mass and opting instead for the much more intensely personal experience...
EroticFather Murphy Hears Cathleen's Confession Patrick Joseph Murphy was the son of Patrick Xavier Murphy. The line of eldest son Murphy's extended way back long before anyone living could possibly remember. The most current Murphy discovered early in life that he was destined to be a priest and represent the family honor behind the walls of the church. Actually, it was his mother who informed him of his decision to take up the cloth. She had already decided the younger son Donald would be the...
Ray grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and surviving off the land so it was no surprise to his family that he ended up in an elite special forces unit in the military. He married his high school sweetheart and they had one daughter, Tiffany, before his wife died from an aggressive form of cancer. Tiffany grew up idolizing her father and became the consummate tomboy. She learned how to hunt and fish, gut a rabbit and clean a fish without the slightest hesitation. Following in her father’s...
Father Leary slid closed the window, pivoting to slide open the window on the opposite wall of the confessional. Oh, how he disliked Thursday afternoons. From three to five P. M. there was a never ending procession of the local high school boys and girls confessing their petty sins to the priest. I lied to my parents. I swore at my sister. I had impure thoughts, Yada ... yada ... yada. Once in a while some teen would titillate him with a confession but too often it was like the Smith boy had...
My name is Father Francis O'Reilly and everything you are about to read is absolutely true, as told to me by parishioners in my flock!!! The confessional box is one of the final places on the face of the earth where you can pour out your heart without fear of retribution or exposure, and I believe for this reason more and more people are forsaking the "communal forgiveness" that is bestowed each week during regular Sunday Mass, and opting instead for the much more intensely personal experience...
EroticMeera had a life as normal as any girl of a middle class can have. There were a few financial problems. Meera and her family used to live in the village of up until she was 16. Due to problems, her whole family moved to Mumbai. Mumbai being the dream city is also one of the most expensive cities. The whole family had to adjust in a single room. It has been 3 years since they arrived in Mumbai and their financial situation has improved but not as much to improve their quality of life. Meera had...
Incest"Kylie..." "Yeah mom?" I was passing through the living room on my way to the kitchen for a little water before bed. " ... Is your father taking you to work tomorrow?" Mom asked me, reaching for my hand and pulling me just a little closer. "Yeah, I guess so." I shrugged, the way sixteen year old girls do. "That Father-Daughter Day thing. Why?" "Sit down for a minute. I want to talk to you." "Uh, sure mom." I pulled some long black hair out of my eyes and sat down next to her...
Introduction: After the Fathers Day/Birthday cookout, Richard, Olivia, the boys along with the Gemini twins and Lila all take part in a breeding orgy. The second & last part in the two-part series. Little slow going at first, but it picks up as it goes along. *********PART TWO: ALL IN THE FAMILY************* As we all got ready for what was about to be an exciting day, my son Julian called to wish me both a Happy Fathers Day & a Happy Birthday. So when are Damian and Lila coming over dad?...
Unlike my other stories this one is not 100% true. its just one of my fantasies. though there are a lot true parts, you'll just have to guess what is and isn't true. Enjoy!When my husband Charles and I, Lynlee, were first married we moved into a mother-in-law apartment attached to my father-in-law's, his name is Eric. Eric's wife, my mother in law, unfortunately passed away when Charles was young. So Eric had been single since.Eric had a very nice home and 5 acres of land to go with it. My...
I am a young guy. Middle class family, consist of four members. Me, father, young brother and mom. Father is physically disable for the last ten years. Mom is housewife. Her age is 40.I am 26 and only earner in the family. As mom is not getting sexual satisfaction for the last 10 years, I think she is very hungry to have it. I am a very well build guy. She always look at me. She wear sarees below her navel. Her boobs seems to me the largest in the world. After the age of twenty my only dream...
IncestIntroduction: Richard gets a rather unexpected surprise for both Fathers Day and his birthday, then breeds his wife as his adult twins observe a potential breeding in progress. In honor of Fathers Day approaching, I thought it would be nice to throw in a little taboo story. NOTE: This story was re-edited. PART ONE: THE TWINS GIVE THEIR FATHER A HEADJOB, THEN THEY WATCH HIM BREED THEIR MOTHER IN HOPES FOR ANOTHER BABY. As a married and proud father of four adult children (two boys, ages 22 &...
Father’s day went wrong – personal experienceI am girl who have tried a few things in life and I will share one of my sex experiences with you people. I will try to do my best writing in English. I hope to reach more people/readers but please don’t judge me if I make too many errors.Well as the title reveals it all happened on Father’s Day. I and three female friends in the age of 19 -20 years old went shopping in the mall. You know typical girl shopping, buying lots of crap that we don’t need,...
Hi, all of you guys there. This is Tony with my first story. This story is about an innocent 18-year-old girl named Luna staying with her father Ajay (age 45) and her mom Suhana (age 40) at her home in Nasik. Luna was a very beautiful and charming girl. She was studying in class 12th. She had very good assets at the age of 26-32-28. She was the topper of her class. Her father was working for a government bank. Her mother worked for an IT firm. Everything was going well for her. But, one day,...
IncestWhen I turned 18 in the boys' home, I was summoned to meet with Father Bill for an exit interview. I thought it was strange meeting him at 7 at night, but I arrived right on time for the meeting in his room. He greeted me happily, shook my hand firmly, then asked me to sit down. "David," he said, "as you know, the time has come for you to leave the home. Have you given any thought to where you would like to go now?"I had to admit I hadn't thought about it. "No, father," I finally said. He...
This is a continuation of my previous story, “Father and Daughter share a Sleeper”. Different from your usual story and a bit longer. You can leave your feedback at *** Amit and Bojo had to return to their sleepers much sooner than they wanted. During the booting of Naresh, they were busy placating and calming her. They closed the window looking outside and drew the curtains, but even then, every time the burly man screamed, this girl trembled all over. After a while she became jittery and...
IncestBy : Huma Yousuf had been lusting for his daughter Zarina ever since his wife died five years ago. Zarina looked exacly like his wife Salma. Zarina had plump buttocks, nice long legs and a pair of boobs that can make a man’s mouth water. Zarina had shown signs she wanted her Abbu to fuck. She had in fact rubbed her ass on his cock but he was not sure she wanted him to fuck her. After all she was his daghter! Zarina was 20 years old beauty. One day Yousuf fell from the stairs and pretended to be...