Donald's PathChapter 5 free porn video

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I looked around at the venerable establishment called Deswait academy and tried to soak up some of the tradition and history of the place. I had arrived just this morning and moved into my new abode, the apartment house next door to the Dean's quarters. Mr. Somerly, our family's barrister, had arranged for my lease of the apartment. The first thing I had done when alone in the apartment was to take a good look out the window. Approximately 60 feet away was an impressive old brick building. Five large windows and two small ones faced my apartment. I was told that I shared the top floor with a student teacher but I had the only window facing the Dean's quarters. The owner and his wife took half of the bottom leaving two other apartments for other roomers or teachers. That a starting student was allowed to stay in an apartment was very rare according to the owner. Apparently, most, including upper-classmen, lived barrack style in a dorm.

I was told that since the owners apartment was directly under mine, I wasn't to even think about having a party without inviting them. He was smiling when he said that. The message was clear, don't abuse the privilege of having your own apartment. I didn't plan to do that. The furnishings while old were adequate for a students lodgings.

It was just about time for the Dean's reception. Apparently it was held at the beginning of the new term each year so he could meet the new plebes at Deswait Academy. We were told at check-in that it wasn't formal, but don't dare show up dirty or unkempt. I put on one of my better outfits, complete with tights and cod patch which I had finally learned to tie correctly. Now, even if Venus appeared before me, my cock and balls would not get away embarrassingly. Not that I would be comfortable if that were the case.

I was fifth in line to meet the Dean and his family. I listened careful to each question addressed to the new students by the Dean and their answers. The Dean would never remember the responses I was sure. There were now at least twenty lined up behind me. Most were dressed similarly to me, so at least I wouldn't stand out.

I was wrong. When I introduced myself, the first thing the Dean said was that he remembered and was a friend of my father. I knew he had gone here, but that was a long time ago. Then he ask where I was housed. When I said next door in an apartment, his eyebrows went up. All he said was 'handy'. Then I was passed off for introduction to his lovely wife and children.

I glanced at his wife and children, quickly counting five kids. The Dean's wife was Diane and couldn't have been over 35. She was lovely and very trim with brown hair and eyes. Perfectly oval face with a slim aristocratic and high bridged nose characteristic of some of the country's better upper-class families. I recognized the type. What in the world was she doing being married to an academic instead of one of the titled members of society.

"You looked puzzled, young man."

"Sorry, but I would have sworn you were one of the Burbons at first glance," I said.

"And are you familiar with the Burbons?"

"My father had business dealings with them on occasion when I was a child and he was alive."

"Interesting, but why don't you meet my children."

I glanced down the line of girls then back to Diane and said,

"More Burbons?" Diane only shrugged and looked away.

Evasive, I thought. I went on to meet Abby, who was 14, beth, who was 12, Cathy,10, Dawne,8, and last and least was Ester at 6. They were quite a bunch and every one of them was as lovely and looked the same as their mother. It was as if the Dean had no input to this output at all.

A clerk at the end of the line was handing each of us a map of the campus and a schedule of our classes which would begin in two weeks. By that time we were supposed to be able to find all our classrooms, the library, play fields, cafeteria, student lounge, etc. It might have seemed like a waste but I would at least have a chance to read some of each of my assigned books.

While I was sampling some of the finger food from the buffet table, the Dean appeared next to me and asked me to follow him. He took me into another room that held a stairway to the second floor.

"My family are going on a vacation for the next month to Brighton. I promised my wife that I would have the children's bedrooms repainted and re-decorated while they are gone. The furniture is ordered, the painting and repair contractor is scheduled for day after tomorrow, and I won't be here to oversee the work. I received a letter last night that demands my attention and I must be away for the whole time. You, on the other hand, will be here right next door. You could let them in and let them out and take care of all the little decisions required. What's more, I can excuse you from the first two weeks of school so you'll have four weeks and can oversee the whole thing."

I just stared at him in confusion. Finally, I said, "Why me, Sir."

"Because I knew your father and I feel that I can trust you. And, as I commented earlier, you are next door and handy."

Seeing no easy way out, I said, "OK."

"Good, young man. A few minutes ago I gathered this information for you. It's a list of which room goes with which daughter, with which paint scheme, with which new furniture. This room on this end is one through five on the other end. That corresponds to the numbers I have on the sheets I just gave you. Here are the keys to the house. They will be here day after tomorrow at 7:00am and they will leave at 3:00pm daily except Sundays. My family and I will leave tomorrow at 10:00am and be gone for 30 days, in different directions of course. See you in a month and thanks."

Flash, he was gone. I even had to find my way back down stairs. I had gotten myself into a hell of a mess the first day.

At 10:00am the next morning I watched the whole family troupe out of the house from my window. At 11:00am I let myself into the house with the Deans note and the extensive set of notes I had generated from it. Just reconciling rooms, daughters, paint and furniture was a mess. It wasn't set up by room but appeared random in his note. The note did make reference to a file that he wrote was sitting on his desk. I had one day and one night before the workers descended on the place and I was getting a hunch that the Dean had become so confused with it all that he took a vacation leaving it to me. He was hopeful I could figure it all out even though he hadn't.

I did find a two inch file laying on the Deans desk relating to every ones wants, needs, and demands. I took it with me as I went upstairs to the rooms. I thought I knew which room matched which girl but I had to verify it. What better way than with panty sizes. Besides, I needed a little comic relief.

From the mess it was apparent that there was last minute frenzy. I went to room one, looked through the drawers until I found a clean pair of panties. I labeled it number one. I repeated this operation for all the rooms. Then I went to each of the bathrooms and found the used panties and matched them up with the clean ones and the rooms. I now knew which sized girl had which room and which girls used which bathroom. Then I matched names with sizes, rooms and bathrooms. At about10:00pm that evening I had assembled the information needed to direct the workers. I was even surprised that I had gotten it all organized.

I made it by 7:00am. The foreman was waiting at the downstairs door when I got there. A good sign.

After I explained everything to the foreman and gave him a tour of the upstairs, I told him I would drop in occasionally to check on things. If he had any problems or questions I told him where I could probably be found, in my room. I left and hoped everything would go well without me.

I got into a routine of letting the workers in and then returning to my room to study for my assigned classes. The books were interesting and it was easy to stay involved. Occasionally I would glance out the window from my desk and I could see worker activity in all the rooms. Then I remembered Adam Somerly's comment about visual amusement. I carefully looked at each window across from mine. I knew what I was thinking would eventually get me into trouble, but I couldn't help myself.

That afternoon at 3:00pm I let the workers leave and checked and logged their progress. Then I drew a quick sketch of each room, its rough measurements, and the area of each room where they could see into my window thus giving me a location for their dressing mirrors. Now the real hard work began. I had to layout each room in such a way that I could see pertinent parts of it either directly or via their dressing mirrors depending on the rooms location relative to my window. Fitting in the new furniture in a logical manner around my scheme really took some work but at least I had drawings of the new furniture so I knew what I had to work with.

Three weeks later the repairs, changes, and painting was done. I had finally figured out the last rooms layout to my satisfaction. None of the rooms looked too bizarre. Any strangeness would probably be overlooked because it was all new to them. When the furniture began arriving, I personally made sure every piece was placed precisely according to my plan. I installed the dressing mirrors myself.

"Donald, my boy, show me that it's all done, please."

"Yes Sir, it is with the exception of the laundry and bedmaking. I thought you had a maid to take care of all of that stuff."

"Oh, we do, and she'll be here this afternoon. Let her take care of that. She's had a month off to rest up."

"I'm glad to hear that, Sir. Let me give you a tour so you can see how it all turned out. I hope you approve."

During the tour of the girl's rooms, I noted he looked at them in detail. After we were finished I found out why.

"Donald, here is a 100 pounds for your great effort in getting this all done on time. There is one other thing though. I would like my wife and children to think I made this great sacrifice personally for them. Besides which, I don't want them to know that I was out of town for the past month."

He looked up at me from under his bushy eyebrows as he said this. I just shrugged. If he takes the credit, I thought, he can take the blame if the girls don't like his layout. And, what was he doing for the last month?

"Fine with me, Sir."

I left rejoicing. I was finished and could now get into the school routine. One big detail however remained to be done. I had to move the furniture in my room so that if I wanted to be seen by each girl I would have a plausible reason for being there, dressed or otherwise. That took some more visual sitings and heavy moving of stuff. At last it was done and the curtain half closed. I had only one place left in the room where I couldn't be seen by someone even if they were looking. I came to treasure that place, it was where I had my bed. From there I couldn't see any of them either.

The day the family came home I didn't do anything. I didn't even look out the window. I had spent the day going to the different classes on my schedule. I found that I was ahead in all of them thanks to my reading during the remodeling of the Dean's house. Last night I had gotten a well deserved night of sleep. Tonight I was feeling good and slightly horny. As soon as it was dark, I started watching out the window towards the dark upper floor of the Dean's house. Half an hour after dark the first light went on. One glance told me that it was the room of the six-year-old, Ester. She was probably the fastest way to get the word out that a man was walking around naked across the way. I figured she would tell her sisters immediately once she saw me.

A few minutes after the light came on, she appeared at her mirror playing with her hair. She was completely dressed in a knee-length frock complete with dark stockings. I watched for a few minutes and then went over and turned on the light as if I had just gotten to my room. I went to the wardrobe closet where I knew that she could see me. I kept my back to her as I slowly undressed. Last week I had picked up five little one inch circular mirrors in little stands. I had placed one at each of the locations where they would be able to see me. I planned to use them to determine when they were looking at me. After all, no use putting on a show if no one is looking. As I undressed I occasionally looked at the peek mirror to see if she noticed. Apparently, she was very interested in her own hairdo.

I suddenly saw her jerk as I got down to just my shorts. She spun around for a direct view out the window. Then she disappeared and the light went out in her room. As I slowly slid my shorts down I watched the peek mirror. Sure enough, the pale glow of a face appeared at the window. I picked up the tops of my PJs and turned sideways showing her the profile of my half hard huge cock as I slipped it over my head. The top didn't hide my cock as I turned back to pick up my PJ bottoms. I glanced again at the peek mirror. She had her mouth open and was fumbling to get the window up for a better view. I slowly turned sideways and slipped on the bottoms having trouble getting the elastic over the increasing size of my cock. Finally, I couldn't delay the show any longer without giving away the game. So I turned off the light.

I couldn't resist, so I crawled over to the window and looked towards the six-year-old's room. The light came back on. Slowly she re-appeared reflected in the mirror. She was taking off her clothes. When she got down to her panties, she hesitated and I noticed that she was hyper-ventilating as she glanced between her own image and my dark window. She slowly slid her little hand down into the front of her panties. She was definitely wiggling her hand between her legs. I watched her fascinating performance as she watched my window. After about 3 minutes, she pulled her wet little hand out and licked her fingers, all the while looking at my window through her mirror. She was smiling and licking her lips. After about 15 seconds, she left and the light went out. Tomorrow I would try another window.

Over the next four nights I was able to attract the attention of the other four sisters. Each time a new sister was attracted, I still had to make the rounds of the other stations so that all that had seen me could get a look every night if they wanted. And apparently they wanted. Thanks to the peek mirrors I could spot them easily. I hoped that each of them would think they were the only one who could see the show. After all the whole point was for me to get a show every night. If only one showed anything on any given night, well I was still ahead. So each night I moved naked from one location to the other in the same order. Then when my light was turned off I could return to the same stations with my new binoculars and see if anything happened.

Ester never missed a night showing herself to me that first week. And the third night after displaying for Cathy, the ten-year-old, she did a quick run past her window naked. Dawne, Beth, and the new one for tonight, Abby, had yet to produce any results. But, I planned to stay up each night after my displays and not give up on them until all of their room lights went out.

"Are you Donald?," the office boy asked.

"Yes, I am." I had just left my last class on Monday when I had been approached.

"I have a note here for you from the Dean."

Dear Donald Please come over for dinner this evening at 6:00pm. Everyone seems so pleased with their remodeled rooms that I am the hero of the day. So please do not let the family in on our secret. Dress casual, it's just our regular faire. Dean

I knocked and was met at the large hall door by little Ester. She blushed and curtsied, then in confusion stuck out her very small hand to be shaken. To cover for her inconsistency in greeting, I smiled then started to kiss the back of her hand; European style. As I kissed her hand I looked at her in surprise. Her hand smelled like young and wet, fresh pussy. My God, she had to have played with herself on the way to the door. On impulse, without connecting my brain, I squatted in front of her, and looked her right in the eye. Then I took her tiny, smelly hand and put it in my mouth. Her eyes got huge as I laved each finger of her hand with my tongue. I released her hand from my mouth and taking my handkerchief I wiped off her hand.

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I awoke one morning with what must be the most superb, the most lascivious sensation any guy can ever experience. My mother was working her tongue around my cock, bathing it with her moist lips and stroking my morning woody close to explosion. She knew from experience the signs of my impending climax, and used her well developed oral skills to keep me on the edge for what seemed ages. I howled in desperation while she laughed, a low sensuous sound, knowing that, for a short time, she was in...

2 years ago
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Voyeur in big trouble

My name is Ray, and I've been married to my wife, Ann, for almost 25 years. Ann and I are in our upper 40's. We have two children, a son and daughter who are in college now. Ann is very sexy, 5' 8" tall, 130 lbs., great legs and ass, but she isn't very buxom. Ann and I have a good sex life, but there are a few things that Ann will not experiment with, one of them is anal sex. We've lived in our quiet urban home for 23 years now. Three years ago, we got new next door...

1 year ago
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hubby sucing cock

We are a married couple of six years. I am 5’4′, 34C pert breasts and wear a bikini well. My husband is 5’10’ with a well toned build. We have always been pretty open and honest with each other when it came to sex. One night, while making love, my husband expressed his desire to watch me fuck another man, one with a large cock. I told him that I indeed was intrigued with the idea and that it turned me on. As I wondered why he wanted this man to have a big cock, I asked him if he was more than...

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A model shows her tits and pussy to two guys

This story is about a British glamour model who is featured on my channel in pictures and videos. I won’t use her full modelling name since she is now married and I don’t want to cause any problems. This is a true story sent to me about a photo-shoot with Susanna that someone called George did, along with Jake, a friend of his. He sent this to me and it’s a lovely, sexy story.“I’d found an advert for Susanna and her studio in the back of a photography magazine, Practical Photography, I think....

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MommysGirl Julia Ann Molly Mae Stop Fucking My Friends Part One

Julia Ann isn’t going to win Stepmother of the Year award, but that’s okay, she doesn’t seem overly impressed with her husband’s daughter either, apart from her choice in friends. Julia Ann loves Gia’s friends, particularly Molly Mae. Gia counts on Molly to be her confidante and sounding board. When Gia calls Molly to vent her suspicions that Julia is cheating on her dad with the pool boy, Gia has no clue Molly and Julia have been secretly hooking up and fucking!...

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Hot Tub Wife Pimpin Part 2

I said yes. "Did you get the job?" "Yes." And then she slept for twelve hours. I knew she felt guilty about what she did but I tried to tell her I felt bad that maybe I should have put a stop to it but I couldn't. How vile it was to watch her cum on this douchebag's prick. She agreed that she absolutely despised him and then every single time we would end up fucking and not talking about it for the rest of the night. She was fucking me out of guilt and I couldn't help myself...

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I spend a lot of the evening home alone, and I was reading when the neighbor came knocking at my door. Liz looked bad, like she had been crying her eyes out. I didn’t like seeing her like this, and I asked her what was wrong? She told me that she and her boyfriend had yelled and screamed at each other in a big argument, and that she walked out. Liz may have been the lady next door, but she is a definite knockout when it comes to looks and her body. Her breasts are big and firm, and she has...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Alex Grey Pretty Little Slut

Blonde dick drainer, Alex Grey proves why “Blondes Cause More Cum” in this fuck-tacular scene from Ferrara’s “Pretty Little Sluts #3”. The inked up indigent whore begins the scene with some bright white tease. We end up in Manuel’s bedroom, where the fuck machine Frenchman starts licking Alex’s starfish. Mmmm salty! The cock coach returns the oral favor and gives the beefy baguette a good sucking. She then slithers on top of Manuel and slides onto his...

4 years ago
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Silken Pure Beauty

Chapter 1 - New pain but a New Beginning All was silent in the cottage as Jerek stood out of his queen bed and looked himself in the full length crystal mirror. At 371 years, he still had the immortal charm at standing at 6’1, 210 lbs, straight midnight black hair, and a chest of bronze from all the traveling he does in the land. Going into the washroom and washing up his body from his sleep. He steps out into the morning light looking over the mountain range, the valley in which...

2 years ago
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I had married Guriya, a beautiful 22 year old big boob woman last year and was madly in love with my wife. Guriya was a whore in bed and I loved my whore. She is 5 feet 4 inches, round ass, nice big tits with brown nipples that she loves getting sucked. She keeps her cunt shaved for me and loves my 7 inch cock. She likes everything dirty in bed.She talks dirty and loves to be talked dirty too. She often asks me to call her Mama when I am fucking her brains out. She would pull my mouth on her...

3 years ago
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Putting Her Through Her Paces

“Get up, my pet. It’s a brand new day and I have to give you your assignments before I go to work.“ My toes curled and I felt a hot flush inside my chest as I heard his voice and felt his lips on my face. He sent me into the bathroom and gave me 10 minutes to clean his body and then meet him for inspection in the kitchen. I was sore after yesterday’s picnic in the park. I had worn an anal plug most of the day and had been spanked and flogged in the picnic shelter, first by my boss and then by...

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College Romance With Beautiful Saloni

Hello friends. This is my first story. I am currently in Kolkata. I have a normal body and love sex. All beautiful ladies can contact me on This is the story when I was in Bangalore for higher studies. In my college, there was a girl named Saloni. She was fair, perfect shape and a body that can attract anybody. We were in the same class but it was very difficult to get attention from her. So one lucky day the faculty divided our class into a group of 5 and she was in my group. Yup, even I...

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DDFBusty Kyra Hot Big Tittied Babe Bent Over And Fucked At Work

Busty bombshell Kyra Hot is back to give you a big orgasmic release on DDFBusty thanks to her latest naughty performance with legendary fuck machine, Yannick Shaft. Mr. Shaft is Miss Hot’s boss and he walks in on the blonde babe completely off-task with a vibrator between her legs working hard on an orgasm. The well-hung Frenchman sees that the glamour model’s toy is no match for his huge cock and he pulls out his beefy dick to the sheer delight of the curvy nympho. Watch the horny...

1 year ago
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My Sister Kelly Pt 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! My sister Kelly came into my room early in the morning. "Psst, Eric. Are you awake?" "I am now Kelly." She put stroked my face lightly with her right hand, "Oh sorry sweetie. I just wanted to tell you that I am going to go take a shower and I wanted to see if you wanted to join me." My cock went immediately hard which of course my sister noticed. She slid her left hand down my underwear and stroked my throbbing cock. "Hmm, seems your cock want's too,...

4 years ago
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Glass Coffin

GLASS COFFIN   GLASS COFFIN PART ONE It was a landmark, really. The old place had been there since the thirties, white and palatial with long, tall windows and big pillars that stretched higher than the roof. It was typical of many old cinemas that had long since been turned into bingo halls or bulldozed to make way for supermarkets. But the place had clung on and lived another incarnation as a nightclub for a few years in the mid 1980s before it was finally closed down, locked up,...

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The Halloween Party

Gina Matthews was a pretty ordinary girl with a pretty ordinary life. She was eighteen years old, a freshmen at Westhaven University, and a server at a fast food restaurant that wasn't well known or very successful. However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman. Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her. "Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party...

College Sex
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 31 Bond of Completion

After drying off, I simply wrapped a towel around myself and went out to find out what Renée had meant. Erin came out of the master bedroom of the suite and stopped me before I could go in. "Not yet." I couldn't help but grin, ideas of what was being planned making me feel giddy. Erin smiled back. I had seen her smile when happy, smile simply to be pleasant and even smile when she didn't want to — usually helping a customer who was being a complete pest — but this time her smile seemed...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Evelyn Claire Mixed Family

Quinton is such a good uncle to his step-niece Evelyn, spending the entire afternoon tutoring her. But Evelyn has other things in mind. Namely, the fact that she needs to fuck up Quinton’s life so much that he is forced to move out—leaving Evelyn and her family as the sole benefactors of an estate they inherited. Quinton is an easy target for her young pussy, willingly pulling out his cock with only a little persuasion from young Evelyn. The two fuck each other silly in the open living room...

4 years ago
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foot worship femdom evening with my wife

My wife is a beautiful young brunette with an amazing body that she owes to regular yoga classes. She's just the right amount of thin, while still having a voluptuous ass that you just can't get past without giving it a smack. It's hard to say whether I prefer it naked or in her tight yoga pants.She has C-cup, firm breasts that are as squeezable as they come, hips that just beg to be held during doggy style sex and very shapely long legs. As I am a foot guy, I also cannot miss her feet with...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 184

The day Laura was hoping for finally arrived. Mavis had left a message on her answering machine. Two weeks had passed since their delicious afternoon of fucking, following their meeting in the aisle at Walgreen's. Laura had begun to worry. True, she had been busy sleeping with Stevie Archer, Shavon, Charise, Jane, Earlene, Yvette, Randi. God, that many! she thought, amazed, feeling a hot little tingle deep inside her pussy at the memory of each one. If Mavis had phoned, Laura would have had...

3 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 59 Pre Wedding

Thursday Week 33 Dave woke up with an excited Jill fondling his penis and kissing it. She was turned on by knowing what today was - the longest air flight she had ever done was going to be a highlight, but only of today, because it was taking her and her two fiancés to her wedding ceremony and the start of the rest of her life. Getting married was a dream for most girls, but she was getting two husbands. She decided that the one she was sleeping with should give her some pleasure,...

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Cum on me part 2

As the day approached more men agreed to come along and participate. Some simply wanted to watch and wank on me, whereas others wanted to wank on me and fuck me.I planned to have toys available for those who wanted to penetrate me but not with their cock, so I packed up dildos, butt plugs and vibrators for them to use as they wished. I confirmed the time and place with my gangbangees and I turned up on the day about an hour before to see what he had sorted out for the venue. When I arrived...

2 years ago
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Rachels Weekend

Rachel had not been the same since she had made love to David. She thought to herself, oh hell woman they don’t call it making love any more it’s fucking. Rachel still likes the making love idea better. Her feelings and emotions had been very mixed up this past week as she cannot believe what has happened between her and David. She is terrified of what would happen if her daughter ever found out. It would really be something though, her talking a man away from her daughter, boy would that...

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Tricked My Hot Mom And Sister For Gangbang

Hello guys. Thanks for your wonderful feedback on my previous all the stories. Those who have not read those, please read my previous stories too. So, let us begin with the story here. This is a fictional story based on real characters. This is about my conservative sister and mom going on a trip to Goa with me and my friends. Let me describe them to you. I work in Mumbai IT company for the last 5 years and live with 5 other flatmates in a 3 BHK apartment. I come from Udaipur in Rajasthan...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 53 July Fireworks

“Do you have time to talk to Mitt Romney?” Tamara asked as we headed from a conference room to my office in our Dublin building. Mitt, the former CEO of Bain Capital, had taken over the leadership of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics following a bribery scandal the prior year. PT Innovations, as one of the larger employers in Park City, had stepped up as a sponsor immediately after his announcement. I recalled just enough history to know they would be successful...

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Razor Ch 10

After a miserable week, in a long line of miserable weeks, I pulled my tired body and aching head towards my foster-mom’s house for our monthly family dinner. I hadn’t gone there for our last family gathering, because I hadn’t felt up to it, and I’d contemplated ‘calling in sick’ again, but I’d had calls from several of my brothers over the past week, some just calmly reminding me of the date and time, some blatantly telling me I had to come. I felt pretty crappy about it when I realized that...

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To Tame A Rose

My name is Harleen Quinzel. If you would have thought that I was going to say that my name was Harley Quinn, then you would have been dead wrong. I haven't called myself that in over two months now. As far as I am concerned, the woman that I used to be is dead. There is no way that I am going back to Arkham. I have done as much as I can to distance myself from that old wretched life. I am wearing my hair straight and slightly longer now and I am wearing silver glasses. I have an average build...

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My Friends Hot Mom Part 1

I'm Joe and I had just turned 18 and was staying at my buddies (Ben) again. He lived with his mom and she was going out. We did the usual-hang out and drink some of his mom's beer. By midnight, we crapped out. Him on the couch and me in his bed. What a guy.His mom had gone dancing with her boyfriend Cliff. I knew she probably wouldn't be too late because Cliff had to work in the morning. Ben's room was adjacent to his mom's with a door in between. I closed and locked the main door and left the...

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Steady Partners

Once a week for more than a month, my boyfriend and I have been enjoying the company of another couple. This couple is unique, because they are a 62-year-old woman and her 40-year-old daughter. Both are married, and both (like my younger daughter and me) are bi-sexual. Both are married, and neither husband knows that they play with other women. I met the daughter first, while she was waiting for her mother to finish a tennis lesson at our athletic club. My boyfriend was taking a spinning class,...

3 years ago
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Oppressive Compulsive Disorder

Oppressive Compulsive Disorder by Choker Guy Chapter One - Illusion Day 1 Dan: So, how did your important 'mission' go? Carl: Would you stop trying to ridicule me? Stop making such a big deal about it, and most importantly, don't do it here. D: Ooh right, forgot the Agency spies are hunting you for your porn collection. I don't know, setting up a switch to wipe your computer seems like a big deal to me. C: What did I just say? I see no reason why we couldn't chat about...

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