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We got into registration a short while after the debacle at the gate, I got a few friendly hellos from various people. The three of us sat down at the back and chatted while we were waiting.
"Have you seen that the new film with Brad Jones is out," Jane said excitedly, "he is such a hunk!"
"Yeah pretty easy on the eyes," grinned D, "We should go see it, maybe Sunday. What d'ya reckon Tish?"
"OK I guess," I said half heartedly.
"What, you don't like Brad Jones!" Jane exclaimed.
"Not really, I always found his films a little boring. I know Gwen likes him though," I said.
"Maybe we should invite her along too," said D thoughtfully, "she could probably use a little fun."
"I think she'd like that," I replied.
"I can't believe you don't like Brad Jones," said Jane in a disbelieving tone, grasping her red hair in her fists on either side of her head like she was going to pull it out in shock.
She looked set to ask me more but at this point Mr Griffiths stormed into the room. He began taking the register so I sat back waiting for my name to be called. About half way through there was a knock at the door and one of the Admin staff a tall thin woman with very short black hair walked in. She whispered something to Mr Griffiths who frowned then nodded.
"Dorothy Newman, Jane Collins, and Amanda Wilson, come with me please, the head needs to see you," the woman said in a neutral but authoritative voice.
We grabbed our things and headed off after the woman.
"What's this about?" asked Jane.
"I'm afraid I don't know, I was just told to come get you three," the woman said.
She lead us through the school struggling a little against the traffic when the bell went. She took us to the admin block and towards Mrs Thomas's office.
When we entered the outer office where Mrs Thomas's nasty secretary Mrs Donal, who thankfully was absent, unsually sat, Jane twitched as if surprised.
"Hmm, there are two people in there that seem to be telepaths," said Jane with a frown.
We were ushered into the office where Mrs Thomas and her guests were waiting. One was a very attractive brunette woman with sparkly blue eyes that looked very friendly. The other was a tall thin white haired man with fierce piercing grey eyes dressed head to toe in an odd gray suit with white highlights. Something about him bothered me. Both of their minds felt shielded but it didn't stop me reading their emotions. I guessed I probably couldn't interfere with their emotional state, not that I would. I guarded my thoughts carefully, unsure how much they would be able to read.
The white haired man's attention swept across us.
"Hey!" said Jane angrily, "it's terribly rude to invasively read someone's mind without even asking!"
He snorted and shifted his focus to me. His powers were very strong I could feel it. I locked myself down tight. He frowned, his glare intensified and I could feel his frustration as he clawed at my mind trying to force his way in.
"Open up!" he said through gritted teeth.
"NO! I don't even know who you jokers are!" I said defensively, feeling very uncomfortable about complete strangers turning up in odd uniforms trying to force their way into my head. If I didn't roll over for Trisha I sure as hell wasn't going to do so for some weirdo in a bad suit.
"My apologies," said the woman with a tight smile. She was very nervous and slightly on edge, "My colleague can be a bit blunt."
"Why don't you girls sit down," said Mrs Thomas.
The man swung his head in her direction sharply as if he had only just realised she was there.
"It would be better if you would leave," he said.
"For whom?" Mrs Thomas said and sat down at her desk making no move to leave.
The man scowled at her but sat down on a sofa on the far side of the room with his companion who was looking at him anxiously. D, Jane, and I grabbed chairs and sat down wondering what was going on.
"Get on with it then," the man said to the woman.
"Ah yes well," the woman flustered before regaining her train of thought. "My name is Tanya Franklin, I represent the International Association of Telepaths, Telesensors and Empaths. This is my colleague ah..."
"Smith ... John Smith," said the white haired man. I could tell straight away he was lying, it was harder to tell than with most people, he seemed to have training at controlling his emotions but I could still tell. Of course the pause from his companion was rather telling too. Plus couldn't he have picked a different alias than John Smith it practically screamed fake.
The woman was not concealing anything of her feelings, she was extremely uncomfortable with whatever was going on and a little afraid of the man to her right. I was getting very suspicious of what was going on, I focused on locking down my head as much as possible.
"We are here to investigate the allegations you raised about another pupil here Trisha Jackson, specifically that she used her abilities to influence one of you against your will."
D told the story with me and Jane chipping in various bits here and there. The man John Smith stared out the window projecting a sense of boredom and complete disinterest. I guess he had ripped the essentials from my two friends' minds.
The woman was very nice and friendly and asked questions making notes and filling out some sort of report. She asked for D's permission to examine her memories of the incident to verify that she was under control which D agreed to. Once she was done she said that she had enough to take action against Trisha. She would be given the choice of expulsion from school with a black mark on her records to indicate that if she were caught again she would face jail time, or she could go to some sort of retraining facility where she would be coached in more responsible uses of her powers. If she chose this option she would be returned to school afterwards with a clean slate and only occasional monitoring if she showed she had learned her lesson. She told us we could go back to our lessons and thanked us for our help.
As we made for the door, "You!" said the white haired man jabbing a finger at me, "Just one more moment."
The woman Tanya looked exasperated at that but slumped a bit in resignation, "If we could please just have a few more moments of your time Amanda it would be helpful."
I nodded and stayed.
"Leave us!" gestured Smith to Mrs Thomas.
"And have you interrogate one of my student alone! Not likely!" said Mrs Thomas.
The man did nothing but I sensed a brief flare of activity between him and the woman.
She winced very briefly and said sweetly "It will only take a moment we just wish to ask Amanda some more ... sensitive questions, you can wait right outside the door." Her emotions told a different story. I tensed up worrying that I would be in for a fight.
Mrs Thomas eventually nodded looking a little unsure, I got the feeling that if she had said no then things might have gotten rough. I wasn't sure who this Smith represented but it didn't seem like some essentially benevolent regulatory group. There was something far more sinister in his actions.
Mrs Thomas paused at the door and said to me, "I'll be right outside the door, if you need any help just call."
I sat back in my chair waiting to see what would happen next. The man put a briefcase onto the desk next to him and extracted a small square object which he slapped onto the door. There was a strange humming noise but other than that it didn't seem to do anything. Then he spun suddenly and attached a thing to my forehead. I let out a scream.
"Oh do be quiet that will just relax you," He said.
He was right it had relaxed me so much that I couldn't move my arms and legs. I slumped in the chair like a puppet with its strings cut.
"What have you done to me," I wailed scared. "HELP! HELP!"
At every cry for help the woman cringed and looked more and more worried.
"Don't bother to waste your breath that gizmo on the door prevents sound from carrying. No one out there can hear us now. And don't bother trying to alert your little friend out there I'm blocking any telepathic contact," Smith said.
I became frantic trying to move I began throwing my head around violently the only bit of me I could move. "Stop that! You will not be harmed if you cooperate!" he said.
For once he was telling the truth at least as he saw it. I relaxed a little but was still a bit terrified.
"What do you want!" I spat angrily.
"Information!" He replied.
"You'll not get it!"
He chuckled to himself at that, "Come now that is no way to treat an official of the IATTE."
"You're not with them you big fat liar," I replied. "I'm not telling you a thing, you could be anyone. Official people don't work like this."
He seemed momentarily taken aback that I knew he was not who he pretended to be. He was sure clueless that his disguise fooled nobody, "Fine, let me lay it out for you. You are blocking an agent in the line of his duties, this is a serious charge and I have complete authority."
I stared at him resolute that he wasn't going to get away with this. He went back to his briefcase and pulled out some kind of scanner and began recording data including fingerprints and even taking a blood sample.
"Get off me! You can't do that you bastard," I screamed.
"I can do whatever I want!" he shouted back arrogantly. "Now open up!"
He grabbed me by the shoulders and tried to mentally batter his way through my defenses. He failed several times, each time trying a different way to get in. His attacks were much more powerful than I had experienced from any other telepath or at least he seemed to know exactly how to bypass normal shielding. I was lucky I was made of sterner stuff so even with his abilities my mind stayed locked down tight. He growled with frustration then went back to his case and came back. He tried again this time just as he attacked he jabbed some sort of shock thing into me. The surprise made me drop enough of my mental defenses that he got slightly into my mind.
"AHA!" he shouted.
He started searching my mind but began butting up against other mental defenses and the parts of my brain hard-wired to keep telepaths out. He also triggered a rather nasty autonomic defense mechanism, and my darkest and most painful experiences all rolled in a neat looping package blasted its way back along the link. His mind was well trained snapping in defenses of his own as soon as he felt it coming but it was like air gun pellets trying to stop a freight train. His mind was woefully under protected compared to mine and it just smashed straight through his meager shields like they weren't there.
He screamed out in pain grabbing his head, collapsing to the floor clawing at his face.
I decided that now was the time to get rid of the illegal data he had collected on me.
Not being able to move actually seemed to help with this. Normally to generate heat I had to use my body as a sort of focal point but since it was mostly limp I tried something new. With a little concentration I was able to mentally conjure up a imaginary hand over on the table to focus my powers and my recent practice allowed me to control it better. If it had been earlier on I probably would have roasted the entire room in an inferno. I focused on his briefcase content heating it as fast and as much as I could. His fancy gadgets were reduced to scrap in seconds. The metal briefcase functioned as a heat sink absorbing and dissipating the heat, which was lucky otherwise the hot scrap might have set fire to the case or burned into the desk. I decided I could use this to cover my tracks a bit, I focused on the sections holding the case open making them collapse by destroying the tiny metal pins with a blast of heat. The lid snapped down and I focused on the latch welding it shut.
After a few minutes he got a grip on himself, "You little bitch!" he shouted.
"Now you know one of the reasons I don't let telepaths poke around my mind without my say so," I said firmly, "It's too dangerous for them, you got off lucky!"
He staggered to his feet and ripped the widget that was keeping me stuck there off my head, "Get out!" he shouted.
I made for the door and was just about to open it and race off when a thought occurred to me. With him distracted perhaps I could use a little subterfuge to gain some information.
I opened the door and stealthed myself as I pretended to rush out but instead I quickly ducked behind a cupboard that was next to the door to hide my movement, and shut it again.
Once they thought I was gone they began to talk, "What on earth happened!?" asked Tanya.
"Some sort of psychic backlash, it's listed in her files. I guess for once they weren't exaggerating," Smith said.
"Was it really necessary to do that to that poor girl?!"
"I have my orders and it's not for you to question them Miss Franklin. You know the deal, you assist us when we need it and your little indiscretions get wiped off your records. So do your part and see that it remains that way."
"I know the deal! It didn't include anything about interrogating girls or the possibility of handing them over to your agency!"
"I'm altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further."
"Yes, thank you Darth," she said with a sour expression, I wondered what she meant. Was that his real name or something? My gut told me it wasn't, "I still can't believe it, a mighty Spectre beaten by a school girl! I though you guys were supposed to be the best, she could even tell off the bat you were lying."
"Think what you like Miss Franklin, she is an unusual individual."
"So are you going to disappear this Jackson girl or do I take her in?"
"I think she is far too unstable for our purposes and despite her power she is clumsy. Though she was found out by this Wilson girl who would probably be a match for most telepaths. I will make my report and maybe my superiors will think differently. For now Miss Franklin, you may train that stray like the good dog catcher you are."
"What about Amanda Wilson?"
"I have no time to look into her now, I will report this data and they will make a decision."
I shifted slightly and must have made a noise as he froze. For a second seemed to relax, though his mind stayed tense. He wandered over towards the door seemingly to retrieve the sound blocking device. Then he lunged suddenly at the wall next to the door where my hiding place was.
He grasped air, "Hmm guess it was nothing."
Preached on the wall above the cupboard I gave a mental sigh of relief.
"What was that about?" said Tanya.
"Oh nothing, I should be going. I will be in touch when I need you," Smith said as he tried to open his briefcase to put the two gadgets in there, but it wouldn't bulge. "Damn lock always sticks."
He grabbed it off the desk then stormed off. I noticed a slight discolouration in the varnish on the edge of the desk where the heat from my incinerating his toys had leached out. Tanya followed him looking more dazed than before. I swiftly leapt to the floor and silently followed her out.
"I trust that this is everything Miss Franklin," Mrs Thomas said with a stern look.
"Yes Mrs Thomas, I will need to talk to Miss Jackson in private to see what she decides," she replied.
"Can we go then Miss?" asked D.
"Yes run along you three," answered Mrs Thomas.
"Amanda," said Tanya before we went out, "I'm sorry about Mr Smith, he is not a people person."
I nodded and the three of us dashed off to science.
Once we were out of sight D turned to me and said, "OK what did you hear on your little spying session Tish?"
"What do you mean," I said innocently, trying hard to suppress a grin.
"Door opens you vanish from the doorway door shuts on its own," Jane said, "then you sneak out from behind that woman making sure she doesn't see you. Come on Tish we're not idiots."
I giggled a little then tried to think of what to say. I might potentially be putting my friends in danger by telling them. Still I didn't want to start keeping secrets from them and if Mr Smith disappeared me they might be at risk anyway, better to give them some idea what they were up against.
"Have either of you heard of something called a spectre?" I asked.
"It's some sort of ghost, isn't it?" said Jane furrowing her brow.
"Yeah, but I suspect it must mean something else in this context as apparently Mr Smith is one, and I don't think he was dead or anything. It sounded like he was blackmailing that woman so he could come along to check Trisha out for possible recruitment," I said.
D was looking at me with a frown, "They're supposed to be a myth," she said.
"Who?" asked Jane.
"Spectres, sort of telepathic super spies. I always thought they were a joke," she paused biting her lip with a look of intense concentration as if she was trying to remember something. "The way I heard it they spy on people and governments. Though it's not clear who they work for, if they are part of the government, some sort of private security, or maybe a wing of some criminal outfit. The rumours say they take young powerful telepaths, train them in all sorts of techniques both combat and powers related. Then they use them both overtly as agents like Smith or even more subtly as the ones no one spots."
"Smith was angry about me keeping him out of my head, he tried forcing his way in..." I started.
"He tried forcing his way in!" exclaimed Jane, "Well that's just one more bit of proof he wasn't who he said he was. That's a big no no for IATTE, they won't force their way in under any circumstances."
"He tried for a long time and eventually he distracted me with some sort or electric shock and got in slightly. Then my mind did that thing it does to telepaths with sharp thoughts used as weapons and he broke off," I said with a shrug.
"Why didn't you come get us?" asked D angrily.
"He put some widget on my head that made it impossible to move and another on the door to block the noise. I was paralysed and shouting like mad. He also decided to take scans and blood samples of me," I said.
"You could have called to Jane we were in range," D suggested.
"He said he was blocking any telepathic contact."
"Well so that was that odd fuzzy feeling I got right after we left the Office. He was messing with me. This is all pretty scary," said Jane hugging her arms around herself, "An agent of some highly secret agency turns up at our school and starts taking an interest in Tish. He just waltzes in and gets blood samples, scans, and tries to interrogate you telepathically."
Salamander 2 part 2 By EMW Tuesday, 27th of November, 2035 Mandy I woke early to get ready, though to be honest I hadn't slept all that well, so it was more giving up on sleeping than waking up early. After I dressed in my uniform and had some breakfast, I was a bundle of nerves waiting for D to come by so we could walk in together. When she did turn up, Gwen gave me a big hug and whispered in...
Mandy After all the excitement of the kidnapping and rescue, things calmed down a bit. The wheels of bureaucracy turned slowly, but eventually Gwen was made my legal guardian. We stayed with D and Joyce till Gwen felt we should try and find a place of our own, so we wouldn't overstay our welcome. It was a bit of a shock for both of us, to suddenly find we were poor. We had grown up in a relatively well off family, and while we weren't trust fund wasters who didn't know the value of...
Gwen The head teacher returned from getting Mandy set up with her tests. It was still odd to think of her like that; not as my brother, Mort, but my sister, Mandy. She acted mostly the same as before, but there were differences in ways both obvious and subtle. After what had happened with our parents, I resolved to do the best I could to care for her, even if it meant giving up some of the things I wanted to do. I would see to it that Mandy had the happy loving home Mort never did. We were...
Mandy After my sister left for work, I was still a little perturbed. It wasn't just the anxiety from the stone-throwing incident. That had sparked something in my mind, some idea that I couldn't put my finger on. In the meantime I did what little washing up there was to do in the flat's small kitchen, tidied up a bit, and then sat down on the sofa-bed to think. I tried to work back through the events of the day to put together what had sparked this idea, and maybe work out what it was my...
D When I got home, Tish was over, having a chat with Mum. It was really great to see her. I know both Mum and I missed having her and her sister around since they moved out. It had been really nice to have someone who had become such a good friend living with us, and her sister was really nice too. It had been great with the four of us together. When it was just Mum and I it could be a bit lonely. I loved my Mum with all my heart, but she could be very closed off sometimes. Having Tish and...
Mandy I woke early to get ready, though to be honest I hadn't slept all that well, so it was more giving up on sleeping than waking up early. After I dressed in my uniform and had some breakfast, I was a bundle of nerves waiting for D to come by so we could walk in together. When she did turn up, Gwen gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear, "I'm sure it will be fine, have a nice day at school." I was quite quiet on the walk in, steeling myself for the trial of being the new girl....
Four We watched the girl as she walked home from school with her large friend. She was a complication, but one that we could handle. The girl's disguise had temporarily confused us, but we soon learnt her tricks. One had been right to caution us. Though she looked relatively harmless, she was tricky and full of deception. Her appearance was demonic, a sure sign of her dark nature. That she hid it, showed she knew she needed to blend in so that others would trust her. We watched her as best...
Mandy I woke for school the next day sure that someone was playing with the clocks, as it seemed like only a few minutes since I had gone to sleep. I got ready and had a large breakfast, hoping the extra food would give me the energy to maintain my disguise longer. The day before had been very draining. Keeping my mask on for most of the school day was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I got my stuff together and with a quick goodbye, was out the door, waiting when D showed up a few...
Four I watched as the two drunks we had set up, set the girl off. We had every piece of measuring equipment we could, trained on her from our van parked across the street. When she flipped on her stealth field, we analysed it in every spectrum we could. "IR?" I asked "No good." Four replied. "UV?" "Nothing." "How about the light intensifiers? Do they amplify the distortion?" "Hmm, barely. If she moves, maybe we can get something, but it's not much use as you can barely see...
Mandy I did my homework while I waited for Gwen to get home. I considered my options. I could say nothing, and let her think everything was alright, then she might, or might not, find out the truth later. Or, I could tell her now and face the consequences, but at least I wouldn't be lying to her. I decided I owed it to her be honest. She was taking care of me, and if I started keeping things from her it would probably hurt her in the long run. I carefully thought about what to say to her,...
Thursday, 29th of November, 2035 Gwen I saw Mandy off in the morning. She almost didn't want to go back to school, and to be honest, I wasn't sure I wanted her back in that place myself. I was extremely worried by what she had told me about what was happening at her school. She had been there for only two days and it sounded like she had been attacked twice. She had also a good deal of animosity from various camps because of her disguising herself. I could understand her concern about...
Mandy I wasn't very keen to go into school on Thursday. I didn't feel very safe and it had kept me up a lot of the night worrying about it. In the time I did sleep, I had several nightmares. I woke up a few times in a cold sweat terrified, with images of Stacy coming at me with various weapons burned into my brain. In the end, I went at Gwen's insistence that this was exactly what these bullies wanted, for me to give up. I met with D and we walked in to school, I was quite apprehensive,...
D I got home fairly quickly it had been an interesting day. Tish'd had some trouble, but she had gratifyingly bounced back from it in both cases. She had also been set to try out for the club, which would be great. I hoped that she decided to join, as the team spirit would probably help her confidence no end, plus, she would be a great addition to the team. I was just going to find Mum, when the door bell rang. "I'll get it," I called out. I opened the door to find Tish standing there....
Friday, 30th of November, 2035 (Mandy) Friday morning came and I woke relatively refreshed. I got myself ready, grabbed a quick breakfast, said good bye to Gwen, and was off. I met D at the end of the road and we walked to school. "Do you fancy doing something at the weekend," asked D. "Sure, what did you have in mind?" I replied. "We could go shopping." "I don't have any money," I said with a shrug. "We don't need to buy anything, just browse." "I suppose," I said, not...
Saturday 1st to Sunday 2nd December, 2035 (Mandy) I woke up, saw the clock and immediately panicked. I was late for school! After the few terror filled seconds it took my brain to spin up and remind me that today was Saturday, I calmed down a bit. "Hey sleepy head, I didn't wake you up did I?" said Gwen, wandering in from the small kitchen. "Do you want a cup of Coffee?" "Yes please," I said rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Gwen disappeared into the kitchen and reappeared a few...
(Four) We watched the demon with its slaves, the large hybrid body guard, and the seemingly normal girl whose function we weren't sure of, a spy of some kind maybe. Five and I followed hand in hand, posing as a couple out shopping. The large number of people made blending in easy, not even the beasts demonic powers could pick us out in all this noise. The demon made the pretense of being a real girl out shopping with friends, it was obvious even to me looking at her that she had no...
(Mandy) I woke up relatively early on Sunday. Gwen had to work today so I would have to fend for myself. I decided to try out the recipe book and cook dinner for her when she got back. I checked the fridge for ingredients, there was very little, a few bits and pieces but not enough to do anything I fancied. I had some money left over from what Gwen had given me yesterday. I looked through the recipe list for something that looked easy and didn't require too many fancy ingredients. I...
(Four) The man sat at the bar still wearing his cheap uniform, frankly I disliked him on sight but he would be useful so I suppressed my distaste. I moved up to the bar a meter or so down from him, trying not to scratch at my face for fear of disturbing my disguise. Personal contact was risky so I did what I could to mitigate the risk. The ex guard was pretty drunk and quite loud, it would make my job easier. Since half the pub could hear the guys ranting it wouldn't be a stretch to seem...
(Mandy) It was time to start on dinner, the pie would take me about an hour to cook. I got all the ingredients I would need ready to go and began preparing them. First I set the oven so it would be hot when I needed it. Next I had to wash and peel some potatoes, Joyce had shown me how to do this the other day so I was soon off and running. I decided to get all the chopping done there and then, to save time later, so I did the onions and the carrots too. Pretty soon I had a pot of quartered...
Monday, 3rd of December, 2035 (Mandy) I woke bright and early in the morning and got myself ready to go. I made sure to dig out my gym kit for the mystery club this evening. I grabbed some breakfast and when D showed up, said goodbye to Gwen and headed off. "I cooked a pie yesterday," I said. "Cool! What kind?" D asked. "It was shepherds pie." "Nice, was it tasty?" "Yeah, I was dead chuffed with the result. Gwen seemed to really enjoy it too. There was a bit of an incident at...
(Four) I turned off the news broadcast sickened. The demon had obviously goaded the good god fearing students till they attacked her with her body guard placed to prevent any serious damage. She was now using that publicity to eliminate her enemies and even try to install a more favourable environment for its kind at the school. I had no doubt if it succeeded the souls of the innocents there would be at grave risk. The way she had played the media was masterful. Knowing her own face would...
Tuesday, 4th of December, 2035 (Mandy) I woke up the next day feeling pretty good. A quick check revealed that all the bruising was now faded to nothing and I had none of the soreness I'd had the previous day. I seemed to be all healed up. Sleeping lots, and getting a large quantity of food down me, must have given my regenerative abilities what they needed to repair my body. I leapt out of bed and began to get ready. Gwen came in from her room getting up herself, "Hey you should be in...
Wednesday, 5th of December, 2035 (Mandy) I woke up feeling refreshed, the tiredness and aching of my muscles gone. I got myself ready for the day ahead and then wolfed down my breakfast. I packed my bag and was out the door as soon as D turned up. For some reason I felt very happy to be going back to school, I was practically skipping along. Maybe it was because I knew at least one of my enemies was no longer there to torment me, but it was also the fact that I could see my friends...
(Four) I contacted the security guard. The demon had taken out one of its enemies and somehow portrayed itself as some poor helpless victim but it showed no sign of injury now. Seeing how it dealt with a fully grown man would be informative. "Good evening friend, the day has arrived. Are you prepared?" I asked. "You bet, I've been itching for payback to that freak," he replied. "Very well this evening will be when your opportunity presents itself. I will contact you with further...
(Mandy) French was as good as could be expected, I was less of a distraction than previous lessons. My return was already old news with probably a host of additional rumours, by lunch time I was sure I would hear that I had returned from the dead or something similar. Next came Maths, I took my seat at the back and waited for the lesson to start. I saw Alice turn and look at me a few times then stand up and come back towards me. I tensed reading myself for an attack, but what she said...
(Four) I rang the number of the security guard as soon as the girl arrived at her workplace, I wasn't sure what the girl intended in this place. It didn't seem to be useful to her mission but she had proven to be a master strategist thus far so there could have been some move she was using here that I couldn't see. I briefly wondered if she was planning on poisoning people but that didn't seem like her style, she used others to do her dirty work, she wouldn't expose herself in that...
(Mandy) Work had been tough but when Joan had come over to tell me to clear off I sensed she was happy with me. I tidied up and headed out wanting to be home. My tummy rumbled, all the work had made me hungry. I changed back into my clothes and then headed out the back door into the evening, not really paying attention. The first clue that something was wrong was when a large shadow fell across me. A large man stood at the entrance to the alleyway silhouetted in the light from the...
(Four) Finding the security cameras in the alley way had been quite a time saver, no need to set up our own just tap the existing circuit. Less for anyone to find in any subsequent investigation if the idiot guard talked. I watched the playback with interest. I was a little disappointed that the girl didn't go toe to toe with the guard herself, something she was clearly capable of. Still watching her maneuver and outwit the fool was reward enough. It took several passes with image...
(Mandy) As we got through the door of D's house I was promptly grabbed and relentlessly hugged by Gwen. Then she covered me with kisses as well just to make doubly sure. "Oh let me get a look at you, are you alright? I was worried when you told me what happened, I can't believe you got attacked again!" she said hugging me once more. "I think I'm going to have to lock you away somewhere. It's not safe for you out there." "I'm fine Gwen," I said hugging her, back. "Well come...
Thursday, 6th of December, 2035 (Mandy) Thursday came to call and the usual morning scramble took place. I nearly forgot my PE kit which wouldn't have amused D or Miss Adams, but Gwen handily reminded me. I packed a towel but I suspected I could do without again, feeling confident I had the drying trick down now. After a hurried breakfast eaten only because Gwen insisted that it was the most important meal of the day, I met D and headed to school. On the way D checked that I had my Gym...
Friday, 7th of December, 2035 (Mandy) Friday at last. I was looking forward to the weekend for a bit of a rest, a chance to put my feet up and relax. The week had been tiring and a little nerve racking. Unfortunately it wasn't the weekend yet, I still had a day's worth of lessons and work before I could let my hair down. I got ready for school, then had a nice breakfast with Gwen. She wished me a pleasant day and I ran off to meet D. She greeted me with a lopsided smile, "So how are...
(Four) I watched the fight with interest. The bodyguard the girl had was increasingly a problem. She needed to be dealt with. I watched our target go deeper into the school and prepared to leave, taking a moment to observe the gang of boys picking themselves up. I swung the parabolic mic in their direction just out of curiosity. "Damn that D!" shouted one boy. "She's too strong Flint maybe we should just forget that Amanda chick. Plus you know Winston has a thing for her too," another...
(Mandy) It was the usual struggle to get up and about come Monday. It seemed like after the weekend getting up was even harder than it usually was. I loaded my PE kit in with my normal school stuff ready for the club this evening. I had my breakfast a cup of tea and was off as soon as D knocked on the door. Once I was out in the air I began to feel more awake and happy, another day out and about with my friends and then as a treat at the end the club where I could cut loose and use my...
(Four) The gamble with the gang of boys really had paid off wonderfully. It had meant following them around for a few days to keep them on a short leash, and therefore not gaining anything new on the demon. But it paid off big time. Not only was the big beast bodyguard now out of the picture for a good while, if not permanently, but we had caught some great footage of the target fighting. I was quite surprised the bodyguard survived at all. Usually a HEFW shredded anything it was pointed...
Tuesday 11th to Wednesday 12th, of December, 2035 (Mandy) When we got home I wanted to phone Jane to tell her what had happened but it was quite late and Gwen insisted I rest. I was very tired both from the emotional strain of the day but also the amount of energy I had used in my fire-storm. I still didn't sleep well I had many nightmares about D. In some she died due to the gang, in others I caused her death by fire and her ghost berated me for my carelessness. Sometimes it was me...
(Four) The tension was incredible, One had called us back together again for a meeting and it was clear to me that our time had come. We knew the demons tricks, we had cleared the way taking out its bodyguard, we had documented its abilities, we even knew its true form. Most people in the room felt the same way and there was a murmur of excitement as there always was when the hunt was finally approaching. The knights were always meticulous in our planning and preparation and never struck...
(Mandy) Wednesday came and Gwen walked me to school again, I wondered how long she was going to do that. I didn't mind her company so it was OK. We met Jane at the gate and then Gwen waved me goodbye promising to meet me there at home time. Jane and I walked up to our classroom together. "I saw D yesterday," said Jane. "Yeah I saw your flowers they were lovely," I replied. "It was so hard to see her like that, she's always been so strong to see her in that bed with all those...
(Gwen) We were stood outside Mandy's workplace, she thrust her coat and bag into my hands and dashed into the building before I could stop her. She might be fireproof but there are other dangers in burning buildings besides fire. I knew I could do nothing but wait and hope she made it out all right. Pretty soon the professionals turned up fire fighters with all their specialist gear, police to control the crowd, and a ambulance, it seemed like they were covering all bases. It seemed like...
(Mandy) I came to tied up with something over my head. "Ah the demon stirs," a voice said. The bag over my head was pulled off abruptly I blinked due to the sudden bright light. As my eyes adapted I saw I was sat in a clearing in what looked like a forest. A few vans and other vehicles surrounded the clearing with their headlights blazing, one of them was the phony ambulance that had grabbed me at the restaurant. I saw a group of people standing around, they were all dressed in strange...
Epilogue "You can go in now Mr Smith," said the attractive young personal assistant. I stood grabbed my briefcase and made my way into the office, I disliked going to see the boss. It made me nervous, maybe it was the whole secrecy thing and the fact that who ever they were they were an order of magnitude more powerful than I was. "You wanted to see me Boss," I said. "Yes Mr Smith take a seat," said an electronic voice emitted from a speaker on the wall. I felt the tingle of a scan...
I was too shocked to speak. The doctor was muttering, that there was nothing to worry about, and other semi comforting nonsense. I barely heard him. "But ... I ... How!?" I stammered. The doctor gave me a sympathetic look, "Despite what your father believes, there is nothing supernatural about MORFS. The fact that your family has been relatively unaffected by the disease was no guarantee this would always be the case. All it takes is the right infection to trigger the syndrome. The fact...
I don't know how long I ran, for I just wanted to get as far away as possible. Eventually a combination of fatigue, and probably blood loss, brought me to a stop. I found a small wooded area in a small park, and hid in the bushes, and I must have passed out. I woke up in the dark, with a horrible pain in what remained of my left hand. I looked at the bloody stump in horror. I knew it needed at the very least, bandaging, if not surgery, but I could not get help in the village. Dr Benson...
I was on my way back from picking up a book for my mum. I hated this part of town it had become something of a enclave for anti-MORFS elements, and it was not somewhere someone with obvious physical differences was made welcome. In better times, it had been a prosperous retail district, till larger shopping centres opened up on the other side of town, drawing trade away, and causing it to become run down and populated by more unsavoury types. But some of the old shops still remained, not...
I came to in a comfy bed. At first, I thought I must be hallucinating. When the feeling didn't go away, I wondered where I was. Still, I was comfy and no one was attacking me, so I rested for a bit. After a few weeks of sleeping rough, it was wonderful to be in a soft comfy bed. A short while later the door opened, and the girl who had saved me from the group of men earlier stuck her head round the door. She looked at me quizzically for a bit then asked, "Are you awake?" She paused "I...
I was sitting in the waiting room when I saw Mort return from her appointment. She was a strange young thing, but not unsurprisingly so, given her recent history. She seemed uncomfortable with the world around her, and was always very jumpy. She seemed very ill at ease with hybrids. Not having grown up around them probably played a big part in that. She was also uncomfortable in her own skin, her movements clumsy, due to her change. Still, even given the fundamentalist brainwashing she had...
I had just dealt with the last patient of the morning, and was tidying up ready for heading home for some lunch, when I noticed a change of status notification on my computer for one of my patient's files. I took a quick look and found that it was Mortimer Wilson's file. I was quite pleased to see that young Mortimer had been to a specialist centre for a checkup. Though I had done what I could, the local climate was unfavourable to those who had suffered MORFS, so no local specialised care...
We got back from the doctor's a short while later, and I relayed Sarah and Anna's discovery's. D suggested I practice grabbing things with my tongue, since this could prove to be a useful skill in attaining snacks quickly, and with stealth. Joyce rolled her eyes at this and went to make some tea. D set out some objects to practice on, and reluctantly, I tried to grab them with my tongue. It took some time to work out how to use my tongue consciously, and I quickly discovered there were...
D, Jane, and myself walked into town together. It was a reasonable way, taking an hour or so, but it was a nice day, so I didn't mind the walk. When we got into the centre of the shopping district it was fairly busy. It seemed to be the evening rush of people hitting the shops after work. This made me a bit nervous, but being with D and Jane reassured me a little. There were one or two people other people about who had been obviously affected by MORFS, and no one seemed to be...
I was just coming into the lounge when I heard my sister on her phone. She was talking to someone called Anne, which was odd, as none of her friends were called Anne. Plus, she seemed unusually pleased to get this call. She had been moping since she'd helped the freak demon that had possessed Mort escape. If it hadn't been for her, Dad would have blown that monster's head clean off. I decided to follow her, to see what the silly cow was up to. She headed outside through the front door, so...
After speaking to my sister, I felt quite elated. D, Jane, and I started out on our shopping trip with gusto. First, we needed to get things like underwear, which took a bit of the shine off my happiness. Still, it was a necessary evil, so I tried to suppress my embarrassment. Since we had no idea of my sizes, beyond a general shorter than D, taller than Jane, I had to be measured. The lady in the shop was more than happy to help out with that. A short while later we knew my statistics, and...
The next few days went by pretty quickly. I spent a lot of time with D and Jane, the three of us becoming good friends. I practised my abilities some more, as my hand slowly regrew. I was soon at the point of having stubs where my fingers should be. While D and Jane were at school I stayed with Joyce. I had a few more conversations with Gwen, who was getting more and more keen to meet up. After much discussion with Joyce and D, I agreed, and we set a time and a place which was public and...
It happened so fast. One moment Mort and her sister were there talking, the next they were gone, and a van was speeding off into the distance. I tried to run after them but they were too quick. I franticly wrote down the van's number plate, only just getting it before it vanished from sight. I wasn't sure what to do next, so I called mum. By this point, I was in a bit of a panic. "Mum! Mort has been kidnapped! She was with her sister, then a van got them both. I couldn't do anything," I...
When I came to, I wished I hadn't. I was tied up in an old cellar in an old brick building with thick walls and high ceilings. A small skylight set into a tall shaft the only illumination. The way in and out of the room was blocked by a large wooden door. Even if I could get free, I doubted anyone could escape here without help. I heard voices outside the door, and then the sound of a key entering the lock. I went slack, and pretended to still be unconscious. "So this is the monster that...
I got home in record time, and found that Sarah was already there, talking on the phone to someone. When she saw me, she gave me a reassuring squeeze of the hand, then went back to the phone. I found my way in to the kitchen, to find mum making tea. She handed me a cuppa, giving me a worried look. I took a drink of tea, and feeling a bit better, told mum what Officer Williams had said. "Don't worry too much Dear. Everyone is working on finding her and getting her back safe," Mum tried to...
I came to a while later. Things had gotten worse again. I could hear Gwen shouting. I was chained to something a post in the ground, surrounded by piles of wood. With a sinking sensation, I realised I was on a bonfire, chained to a post in the centre. I looked up and saw several men holding my sister. In front of them were my father and mother. My father was holding a lit torch. Father was spouting some religious scripture, while mother looked on with a righteous look on her face. I heard my...
Pearl Cays, 1705 Jack was marooned on the island for two before his ship and Maynard’s appeared and picked him up. Maynard acted displeased about the whole plan Jack had concocted without his discussing it first. Jack knew better. Maynard was all too happy to have the chance to ambush and rid the seas of one of the most feared pirates. Maynard planned to reach the Pearl Cays after Blackbeard and allow the pirate captain to go ahead to shore. Then it was just a matter of bombarding the ship...
Older female cougar looking for younger man for an... interesting experience. Hey young man, are you looking for an experienced, older and sexy woman to spend some time with for a weekend full of unabashed, unfiltered, raw sexual fantasies made reality? Well, you can stop looking, you have found what you wanted. I am expecting interested parties to be between 20 and 30 yrs old and respond with 2 pics, one of your face and one of that delicious penis of yours, you can keep your name...
I recently bought a box of old 78 jazz and swing records dating from the 1940s and 50s. As protection the records were seperated mainly by old newspapers, but I also came across what looked like an old school exercise book. I was about to toss it away with the newspapers, but it fell open and I saw that it was some sort of diary. An entry dated Sat. 26th August immediately caught my eye: 'On sofa with Mum. Me naked, she too except for knickers. Much kissing, etc. Sucked her tits, she wanked me....