New Years Fuckin Eve
- 4 years ago
- 33
- 0
Mistress Abigail had sent a lovely, androgynous young creature, as well as a selection of colored thick silk rope, to help prepare them for the party.
Lori Grimes was in bondage heaven ... well, almost heaven. She could still move, her arms and legs remaining free.
She was wet, thinking of being cocooned in the rope, only her mouth, crotch, and ass left open for her spouses to use.
Shiri, Mistress Abigail’s rope artist, noticed her excitement.
“This one enjoys the rope,” they said.
“So she does,” Dommi agreed. She caressed Lori’s moist slit. “So, little wife, you want this?”
“Yes, Senior Wife,” Lori replied, not surprised by her whimper-like tone.
“Make a note, Carol darling,” Dommi said. “Lori, she loves the rope. You enjoy the rope. Magda just wears the rope.”
“Apologies, Senior Wife Dommi,” Magda said.
“No apologies necessary, Magda. We all have our kinks, and this isn’t one of yours. You wear it well, though.”
Lori agreed. She wanted to gently part the strands around Magda’s cunt and bury her face in-between her wife’s thighs. Lori didn’t think she’d ever seen Magda – or Senior Wife Carol – look more desirable than they did wearing nothing but rope.
“Someone may need to go take her edge off,” Margo said. “I volunteer.”
Margo hooked a finger under the knot between Lori’s breasts, and led her toward the bedroom.
“Pardon, but do we have time for that?” Magda asked.
“Trust me,” Margo replied over her shoulder. “It won’t take long, and the van will be a little crowded for me to handle it on the way.”
“Besides,” Harry said, “we get there when we get there.”
“And if we don’t get there,” Carol aded, “it’s the party’s loss, not ours.”
Lori’s knees grew weak at the thought of staying home from the party, and just playing.
“Okay, this is all of us,” Karen said, looking over the women before her. “Every Dominant left in the house tonight.”
Nicki, Danielle, and Jessica looked around.
“Just us?” Nicki asked. “Where’s Sandalwood? Or the former Sandalwood...”
“Not moved in enough. They’re celebrating at their old place,” Karen replied. “Cut ‘em some slack, things have been busy.”
“And nobody else is showing up from other Houses?” Nicki said.
“Did you see any notices of Chorale throwing a party?” Karen replied.
“What about Galena?” Jessica said.
“She’s at the Omni with her friends. They’re holding a wake.”
“Lovely way to spend the evening,” Danielle said. “So, the four of us. How many subbies?”
“I lost count at fifty-some-odd,” Karen replied. “Now, Kissie and Earl can help us keep some degree of order, security will assist as necessary, but for subbies acting up, wanting discipline...”
“We’re it,” Jessica said. “I’m so not ready for this.”
“You think I am?” Karen said. “I’m barely comfortable being a Domme, much less acting like one.”
“Well, we do our best, and see what happens,” Nicki replied.
“So, Reggie ... just the two of us.”
“Yeah ... by the way, I’m not too sure Oliver’s really sick.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you know he and Felicia never really got along too well, and with you and I doing the whole BDSM thing...”
Galena smiled sadly. “Yeah, only things we have in common anymore is high school, and liking guys.”
“And not exclusively guys,” Reggie said. “You’ve heard some of his comments about ‘breeders’...”
“Yeah, so girls having sex with girls is just doubly an issue for him.”
“So, late yesterday,” Reggie said, “I got a message from him by mistake, meant for someone else. He was asking about going out tonight. Now, maybe he got to feeling worse, or maybe he’s ditching us. Do you want to call him up, confront him?”
“No ... if he’s sick, then he’s sick. If he’s not ... let him think we believe he is.”
“Could I load up the pipe?”
“Sure, Reggie, go ahead. Your parents are giving you shit.”
“Oh, so much shit,” Reggie replied, grabbing the pipe and the weed. “And it’s all sortakinda your fault.”
“Okay, why am I getting blamed for it?”
Reggie made a ‘in a minute’ gesture as she hit on the pipe. One thing was for sure, Reggie was much more adept at smoking pot than she’d been before their first meeting at the Omni.
Galena waited patiently. She was feeling particularly mellow, albeit sad at the loss of Felicia.
After Reggie exhaled, with nary a hint of a cough, she said, “Seems they were much happier when I was ... when all of us were stay-at-home sad sacks. No social life to speak of, nice passive children, good little girls.”
“Have they figured out what you’re doing when you’re out?”
“Some of it, maybe. I come home with pot smoke on my clothes. I mean, I can mouthwash the liquor off my breath, shower so I don’t smell like I was smoking weed and fucking all night ... but they’ve caught the smoke on my clothes.
“Besides ... I’m nowhere near as “yes-Mother-yes-Father” as I was. I’m standing up to them ... partly because I’m realizing just how happy they were with the ‘fat-girl-nobody-wants’.”
“You discussed moving out when school’s done with?”
“Well, prior to all this,” Reggie said, motioning at the room, “they wanted me to live at home, go to UTW. Now ... okay, that’s still their official position, but they’ve started laying out enough rules that even the old me would’ve found them unbearable.”
“So now you want, more than ever, to go somewhere away from them.”
“Yes and no, G...”
Galena looked at her friend, seeing the differences in Reggie. She still was nowhere near as confident and assured as Lisa or Jackie, but she was so different from the beaten down teen she had been.
“I want to go some place smaller – UTW is way too fucking big. I’m thinking TSU in San Marcos. It’s only thirty miles away, so it leaves me close enough to still play here in Waterloo, but far enough that I’d have to move out from my folks. I just want away from them, not away from you, or the city.”
“You know,” Galena replied, “Chorale South is only eighteen miles from Waterloo, about the same for San Marcos, and I’m commuting in to town for school and work. You could move out there, stay with me, commute with me for the rest of the school year. After that, we’ll see how things stand.
“First, of course, I’ll have to have our voodoo woman talk with you when she gets back into town.”
“Well, yeah ... how soon will that be?”
“They’ll be back on the 10th, so I’m thinking I could schedule something next day.”
“Thanks, G. Cannot be goddamn soon enough.”
Toasty warm elevator ride, toasty warm lobby, OH MY GOD IT’S SO FUCKING COLD I’M GOING TO FREEZE TO DEATH, oh thank God the van had time to warm up!
The trip to the van, less than fifteen feet, froze her to the bone, in spite of the warm-ups, socks, snow boots, gloves, knit cap, and majorly heavy coat she was wearing over the ropes.
“M-m-maybe staying home tonight’s a good idea,” she said, fighting the urge to let her teeth chatter.
“It would mean going back out into the cold,” Harry replied. “Right now, I don’t think you could pry me out of this car with a crowbar.”
“We’ll be entering Master Hammond’s building through the parking garage, I can let you off right by the door to the lobby,” Elliot, their driver, said. “Maybe a third the time in the cold as you spent getting in here.”
“You are a very good man,” Carol said. “You are building up enough good karma to carry you through a dozen lifetimes.”
“Thank you, miss,” he replied. “Nine years of driving ... interestingly dressed ... people around Chicago in the winter.”
“And we thank God for you,” Margo said, sliding into the front seat.
Alice slid into the van and closed the door behind her.
“All present and accounted for.”
Elliot pulled out of the circular driveway onto the road.
Harry was sitting between Dommi and Magda, and doing his best to meld his body with theirs, through all their clothes.
“You know,” he said, as he started to regain feeling in his hands and feet, “in my younger, more certifiably insane days, I considered sex in the snow an adventure.”
“Snow where, sir?” Elliot asked.
“North Texas.”
“Well then, sir, you were missing the lake effect ... and eight-hundred-some-odd miles or more.”
“Yeah, we used to joke the only thing between us and the North Pole was a barbed-wire fence somewhere in Oklahoma. Y’all don’t even have the fence, just the lake.”
“Yes sir, and as I’m sure you’re noticing, this isn’t a dry cold, but a wet, straight-to-your-bone-marrow cold.”
“Y-you aren’t kidding,” Carol said.
She sat back, squirming to get even closer to Lori on her left, dragging Alice closer on her right.
“What’s it supposed to be like later tonight?” Harry asked.
“It’s as cold as it’s going to get, sir,” Elliot replied. “The clear skies have let the heat from the sun escape. However, if you’d prefer, I’m sure Master Hammond can find beds for you somewhere...”
“No,” Margo said. “We’re coming back tonight. Do you have any idea how long the party will last?”
“Yes, Madam. It should wind down around 4 AM, with brunch in the morning for anyone who stays over.”
“I doubt we’ll be there that long.”
“Fine with me, Madam, I’m at your disposal.”
Carol watched the lights of the city as they made their way along their lake shore.
None of them were letting their worry about the situation in San Francisco show, but she could feel it. There was no stress in their evening ... unless they made total fools out of themselves, they were going to be fine.
But the kids...
The waiting was taking its toll on them. With everyone on edge, tempers were frayed, and they were all snapping at each other.
Jason had waved off any attempt to accompany him when he went to bedroom, just wanting some alone time. He wished he could talk to his step-parents. He’d already spoken with Kelly, and he appreciated her encouragement and confidence, but even when she wasn’t being punished ... well, she was the crazy one.
And it occurred to him, he could talk to them.
He dialed Harry’s number.
“Yes, son?”
Jason hadn’t realized how much he needed to hear Harry’s voice.
“You’re scared shitless, aren’t you?”
“It’s okay. We’re scared for you as well.”
“It’s just ... I’m a Dom, aren’t I supposed to be ... brave, or something?”
“Are you still going to the party?”
“That’s as brave as you need to be. Let me put you on speaker...”
Jason heard the sounds of the van’s engine.
“Did I interrupt something, sir?”
“No,” Margo replied, “we’re on our way to our party...”
“Don’t you dare hang-up, Jason,” Carol said.
“We’ll sit in this nice, warm, toasty van and talk to you as long as you need us to,” Margo continued. “You’re roughly an hour, two hours from your party?”
“Yes, Madam...”
“That’s one spanking you’re owed when you get home,” Margo said.
“I’m sorry, Mother. Just really nervous...”
“That’s understandable,” Dommi replied. “Can I give you some advice?”
“Oh, please do...”
“You know how sometimes, in school, you want to get right up in someone’s face and scream at them, call them a motherfucker, a shithead, a cum-guzzling dumpster slut who pays to take it up the ass from German Shepherds?”
“Uh, yeah, some of that...”
“At the party, you can say all that ... just say it calmly, chuckle while you do. Hell, say it softly, and when they ask ‘what?’, say it much louder.”
“Yeah, you have no reason to be civil with Nelson’s fucking children,” Harry said. “Or better said, you are only obligated to be civil so long as they are ... and none of us expect them to be civil.”
“Of course, if they are, well...” Margo said, “play nice as long as they play nice. If we’re all wrong, and they behave themselves, you do the same.”
“Yes, Mada ... Mother. Dayna told me to think hard about any response I wanted to make, give myself some time to be sure I wanted to say it, and how I wanted to say it.”
“Dayna’s smart,” Dommi said. “In spite of my earlier advice, which was more in the spirit of “there’s no reason to play nice with these fuckers”, don’t let them goad you into saying anything stupid.”
“I ... uh ... I sort of have a plan.”
“Let’s hear it, if you feel like sharing...” Harry said.
“Well, they’re going to make us out as barbarians, and I figure if we respond with profanity, folks might take it as a sign they’re right about us. So ... well, ‘shit’s what I want to use, but won’t. ‘Feces’ is too...”
“Stilted,” Carol said.
“Yeah, stilted, artificial sounding. So, I’ve kind of settled on ‘sewage’. I mean, to me it doesn’t sound all that ... stilted ... but it gets the message across.”
Jason could swear years passed in silence, before Harry responded.
“Brilliant. You’re right, Jason, it sounds a lot more natural than ‘feces’, and it gets the message across beautifully. You want a career in advertising? I think you might have a knack for it...”
Jason laughed, and ignored how close to tears of relief the laughter brought him.
“Harry’s right, son,” Margo said. “Keep things centered around ‘sewage’, and you’ll be fine.”
Jason could hear ... could almost feel the approval from everyone listening.
“Thanks ... thank you so much ... I feel so much better now.”
“You’re going to do fine, son,” Dommi said.
“Uh ... are you my step-mother too?” he asked.
“Way to go, Dommi, let that fucking cat out of the bag,” Harry said.
“Yeah, son, we married Dommi in a ceremony up here,” Margo said. “We’re all very happy to have her in the family.”
“Uh ... Kelly doesn’t know, does she?” Jason said.
“No,” Carol replied. “I tell you what, Jason. If she’s a very good girl, tell her. She’ll be pleasantly surprised ... and even more pissed off she didn’t get to come to Chicago with us.”
“Okay ... uh ... she’s behaving very well, and has been really helpful. I won’t tell her yet, but tomorrow ... well, maybe then.
“Listen, thank you all, so much. I feel a lot better. I’m going to let you get on with your evening.”
“Son,” Harry said, “we’re carrying our phones tonight. If you need to talk to any of us, or want to talk to us, you call, and don’t think twice about it. You understand?”
“Yes, Father.”
“Good ... we love you, son. Kick their asses tonight.”
To the sounds of his step-parents sending their love and support, Jason hung up.
“We have a good son,” Dommi said, hugging Harry. “You got lucky.”
“I’m pretty sure some would say it was the Universe putting people where they needed to be,” Harry replied. “Just like bringing you into this family.”
“When he tells Kelly ... damn, wish I could be there to see that,” Carol said. “She’s going to freak.”
“Now I’m married to that magnificent booty!” Margo said, in a fair imitation of Kelly.
“Oh, yeah, it’s just gonna break her heart,” Harry said, laughing.
“I’m glad to hear she’s behaving,” Margo said. “How long do you think it’ll last?”
“I don’t know,” Carol replied. “I don’t think she knows.”
“Sooner or later, we’re going to have to face the question of when we let her pick up the leash again...” Margo said.
“Yeah, darlin’,” Harry replied, “but we don’t have to face it tonight, or more than a week after tonight, so relax.”
“We’re coming up on Master Hammond’s, another five minutes,” Elliot said. “Start preparing for the dash to the door.”
She understood everyone was on edge ... but as far as their little delegation, Jason was the ‘face’, with Dayna and Lyra in the background, and she was worried about him.
Until he came out of bedroom, with a sense of confidence she’d not expected to see.
“Called Father and our Mothers,” he said. “We’re going to do okay tonight.”
“I told you that...” she said.
“Yeah ... but, it’s different, you know?”
“Yeah, honey, I know. I’m glad you called them. How are they doing?”
“They’re on their way to their party, all of them crammed into a limo or something.”
“That must be cozy,” Donna purred.
“Stop it, woman! You’re just drooling over being the creamy submissive filling in...”
“In any number of sandwiches,” Donna said. “Tell me you wouldn’t love having both Lori and Carol to play with at the same time!”
“It would be yummy,” Jason agreed. “But I think I’ll stay focused on the beauties right here.”
Donna looked around, and saw Dayna and Lyra were in their room.
“You mean Lyra bouncing on your cock while Dayna sits on your face?”
She laughed as Jason rolled his eyes.
“I’ll be good,” she promised.
“What I’m looking forward to,” he said, “is you and Abby after we get home tonight.”
“Hopefully we’ll be sober enough to be interesting,” she said.
“That does bring up the question of how many drinks we’re allowing ourselves tonight...”
“The whole ‘keeping a cool head’ issue does come into play,” Donna said.
“True, Milady ... and should we trust drinks that might be messed with by our enemies?” Kelly said.
“No. I have no problem trusting any bartender Beebee employs, but no matter who brings it, we shouldn’t trust any drink we didn’t see prepared,” Donna replied.
“Sir, I think limiting ourselves to a drink an hour, with water as a supplement, would relax us without relaxing us too much,” Kelly said. “If the drinks are particularly strong, we might want to make it longer between them.”
“You have a lot more experience with alcohol than me,” Jason said. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Do bartenders not follow recipes?” Donna said, waving Dayna and Lyra over.
“Loosely,” Kelly replied. “ A regular old bartender might make you a Jack and Coke at the usual proportions. A pissy bartender might make you a Coke and a dribble of Jack. A friendly bartender might make you a Jack where he thought about adding Coke, and decided on just a drop or two.”
“Wow ... so, tip the fuck out of the bartenders...” Jason said.
“If you want good service and excellent drinks, hell yes,” Kelly replied.
“Important information to know ... in six years, when I can drink legally,” Jason said, smiling.
“Well, sir, you can drink now at Dominique’s, and at the party tonight ... take the lesson larger. The better you tip – the earlier you tip – the better your service will be, no matter where you’re eating or drinking.”
“Earlier?” Donna said.
“Okay, Dayna, back me up on this,” Kelly replied. “Milady, say you’re going in to a fine restaurant for supper, planning to be there for a few hours of relaxed eating and conversation. While you’re waiting, go to the bar, order drinks, and tip big. Believe me, the staff will hear about it.”
“Oh yeah,” Dayna said. “I’ve seen Master Grimes do it at Dominique’s plenty of times. He’ll hand Sinfonia at the bar a hundred, and then tip at thirty-five percent or higher at the end of the night.”
‘Yeah, he doesn’t do it to look like a big spender or anything, although if you could see some of our bar tabs...” Kelly continued. “He does it to let the staff know their efforts are going to be appreciated, and to ensure the best service possible.”
Lyra said, “I’ve worked service jobs, waitressing and such ... I’d do a normal, competent job for anyone who was pleasant. If I knew they were big tippers? Oh, I’d bust my ass every which way I could to make sure they were very happy with the service.”
“And Lyra just hit on a corollary to tipping well – I don’t care how shitty your day has been,” Kelly said, “you treat the staff well. I can guarantee you their day hasn’t been a bowl of cherries either.”
“Likewise,” Lyra said, “if you get shitty service for no perceptible reason? You’ve been polite, respectful, and your waitstaff gives shitty service? Talk to management, right then, right there.”
“Okay, thank all of you for the life lessons,” Donna said. “Really, I mean that.”
“So, is it time to stop delaying and get dressed?” Jason asked.
“Yeah,” Donna replied. “Time to get dressed and go face the gauntlet.”
Gloria Tanner
“Left the three of us behind like we were nothing...” Gloria said, sitting in the dim ‘mood lighting’ of Harry’s bunker hideaway.
She passed the bottle of Makers Mark to Camille, who took a big drink from it.
“How are we supposed to do our jobs – the important jobs – if he’s not here? I don’t think Master realizes...” Camille said.
“I don’t think he cares,” Gloria said. “Leaving you and me behind, Camille ... okay, I don’t like it, I don’t think it’s right, but whatever. Leaving Esther behind?”
Next to them, Esther sat quietly, staring off into space, tears oozing down her cheeks.
“She doesn’t understand,” Gloria said.
“I do so,” Esther muttered.
“Yeah, yeah, mentally you do, you’re not a moron,” Gloria went on. “But emotionally? If you understood it emotionally, little girl, you wouldn’t be crying.”
“You’re crying!”
“Yeah ... well, I’m on my way to getting drunk,” Gloria said, wiping the tears from her cheeks with a swipe of her arm.
“Me, too,” Camille said, sniffing. “He doesn’t understand how subbies operate. I mean, we got left schedules, what was supposed to be done when and all, but it’s like ... it’s like...”
“It’s like he’s the sun and we orbit around him,” Esther said. “He’s who our entire lives are centered on. The sun is gone.”
Esther motioned for the bottle.
Master Hammond’s home was packed with Dominants and submissives and waitstaff – all of whom had worked this kind of event before, and were therefore not surprised by the attendees, or anything they did.
Which is a really good thing, Harry reflected.
“Are these the same people who attended our reception?” he asked Margo, softly.
“Yeah ... yeah, a lot of them are,” she replied. “I ... uh, I’m not sure what the difference is...”
Where their reception had been a reserved affair, the scene before them was anything but. Submissives were on display everywhere, on every type of equipment, and around them, their Masters and Mistresses were entertaining themselves however they chose to.
Abigail came up to them, hugging everyone.
“So happy you decided to attend,” she burbled to Margo.
“Glad we decided to as well,” Margo replied. “Uh ... not the party our reception had led us to expect...”
Abigail laughed.
“I probably should have warned you. Your reception? Everyone was on their best behavior. This party is more for having fun.”
Abigail grabbed Margo’s arm.
“C’mon, some people I want to introduce you to.”
Harry watched them leave, comparing Abigail’s crimson latex catsuit with detachable thong to Margo’s black leather shirt and pencil skirt outfit.
He, Margo, and Dommi had dressed fetish, but in a more reserved fashion. Margo was doing her best “MILF-School-Teacher-From-Hell”, and Dommi was Eastern European Army in a latex military dress and cap, done in violet with red trim, with swagger stick. Harry was in white PVC shirt and jeans.
They’d come dressed stylishly, instead of ready-to-play.
It appeared Chicago Society had come dressed to play.
“Hardly the worst mistake we’ll make in our lives,” he muttered.
“I’m sure Master Hammond has more ... comfortable ... outfits you could borrow,” Carol said, caressing his crotch. “Something flowing, and loose...”
“Behave, or I’ll have you spanked so hard you’ll be wearing those rope patterns on your ass for a week.”
“Really? Oh, that sounds lovely,” Carol said, dropping to her knees, rubbing her cheeks against his hardening cock.
“Lori, dear, go ask Master Hammond about alternative clothing,” Harry said, relaxing to the inevitable. “Magda, do something nice for Dommi.”
“I am not wearing that! That or those damn latex pants!”
Jason glared at Donna, and at the shirt she was holding up. On someone with a cut physique, it would look stunning. Jason knew he wasn’t that ‘someone’.
“Fine, beloved, what would you prefer?” she asked, smiling sweetly. “Other than to stay here, and in bed?”
He snorted.
“Don’t tempt me!”
“Sir, if that’s what you want to do, that’s what we’ll do, and everybody else can go to hell,” Abby said. “But if we are going, and you don’t like the choices made for you, what do you want to wear?”
“Okay ... covered up, dignified but stylish, and comfortable ... what I have packed like that?”
“How about that leather shirt, the fingerless gloves, and that indecently tight pair of black jeans?” Donna said.
“Rethink the indecently-tight-and-therefore-uncomfortable-for-a-long-night jeans, and we may be on to something.”
“Uh ... Donna, did we pack those deep maroon leather pants?” Abby said.
“Lemme check...” Donna disappeared into the suitcases. “Yes! Yes we did!”
“Those work, Master?” Abby asked, coming over to stand behind him, her hands working over his shoulders.
“Yeah ... yeah, those are pretty comfortable.”
“Oh boy,” Donna said. “Master-soaked leather pants, gonna be peeled off here, later this evening.”
“Who gets first shot at his naughty bits?” Abby asked.
“We can share,” Donna replied. “We don’t have to be hogs, we can be polite, well-bred young submissives.”
“Y’all take too long about it,” Kelly said, “and you may have to drag me away by my feet.”
“Or your hair,” Donna replied. “There’s certainly enough of it.”
Kelly ran her fingers through the ten-inch Afro she was sporting.
“Don’t be hatin’,” she said. “A sister’s gotta cultivate her glory.”
“Oh, not hating,” Donna replied. “I’m admiring ... and wondering how long you plan to let it grow?”
“As long as I can,” Kelly said. “And, to be realistic, I don’t see any reason to cut it anytime soon.”
“I wouldn’t,” Abby said. “Unless Master disagrees, I’m letting mine grow with no cuts except as required to keep the hair healthy.”
Jason reached up and took Abby’s hands, pulling her down, her head over his shoulder.
“My love, grow it as long as you like,” he said, nuzzling her neck.
“Keep that up, sir, and we won’t be going anywhere for quite some time,” Abby said, her voice almost a purr.
“Quit molesting our concubine, Master dear, and get dressed. We’ll do the same,” Donna said.
“Oh, all right,” Jason moaned. “Remind me to schedule several days of just staying in bed, once we’re through with the diplomatic shit.”
“Deal,” Donna said.
Radio Free Mordor
“Never worked a crowd like this before,” Jack said, looking at the ballroom full of submissives.
“Yeah,” Karen said, “I imagine you keep working our parties and such, you’ll be saying that a lot.”
“Biggest issue, Mistress Pinard,” Scott began.
“Call me Karen or lose your nutsack.”
“Biggest issue, Karen,” Scott continued, “these people don’t have any money.”
“What, we aren’t paying you enough?”
“No, no, that’s not the problem at all,” Keith said. “You’re being more than generous. Issue is, they want to tip us, but they don’t have any money to tip us with...”
“Still not seeing a problem.”
Mick waved a young man over from the spectators hanging out by the DJ booth.
“Carlos,” Mick said, “tell Karen what you offered us to play that Leozinho track.”
“You mean ‘Ela So Pensa Em Beijar’?”
“Yeah, that.”
“Mistress Pinard, I offered blow jobs, or one of them could take me in the ass...”
Karen started laughing.
“I think I see the problem...”
“My offer still stands,” Carlos said, licking his lips.
“No,” Scott said, “Karen, I don’t think you do. None of us care if he’s a guy sucking us off, and I wouldn’t care about the other ... it’s that they’re all offering us sex.”
“We can’t come that much,” Jack said, “no matter how much some people try to test that,” he finished, looking back at his partner, Joy.
“So they offer us drinks from the bar,” Keith said. “It’s already an open bar, but we appreciate the thought, but we’d die of alcohol poisoning pretty damn quick.”
Carlos’ request began playing and he headed on to the dance floor with a lot of other subbies.
“There’s no normal way for them to tip us, and they want to show their appreciation somehow,” Mick said. “That’s natural, and we appreciate the impulse ... it’s just ... there’s no real way for them to do it.”
“Yeah, that does kinda blow,” Karen replied. “So, can you live with the offers and such?”
“Yeah,” Scott said. “We’re more okay with it than they are. I’m really more worried about them. And as the evening wears on, and our audience gets more drunk, they’re gonna get more pushy too.”
The New Years Eve Party Every New Years Eve, my brother closes the doors of his dance club to the public and holds a by invitation only New Years Eve party. Every year, since my divorce became final five years ago, my brother has been after me to spend my New Years Eve with him. The problem always was that my current live-in lover always had other plans already made for where we were going to see the old year out and the new one in. For one reason or another, my brother never really...
IncestDon, for those of you who haven't yet read my earlier journal entries, Don is my father. As a child, he was something of a Boy Edison and had acquired his first pattern by the age of sixteen. He had two more by the time he graduated from high school. He's never invented anything that changed the world, like Edison's light bulb or phonograph, but they did earn him a sizable income. Like Edison, he started out with a tiny workshop but now has several large buildings behind our beautiful, old...
IncestEven with the worries over the pain in Harry's lower back, the young women were feeling a sense of relief, an easing of the worry and fear they'd been living under since the attack. They were finally convinced that given time to heal, Harry was going to be okay. The men that had hurt him had been dealt with and no one had any doubt that Benjamin Sapperstein was living on borrowed time. Nicki'd gone to take a nap, so Carol and Kelly had wasted no time getting naked and falling into each...
Hi! This is my second story on this site... in my first story, I told youabout my first experiences as a submissive french maid... a maid who wantsto do anything to please her master (I suggest to read that story first!).Being a maid, serving my master... That's what I like to do. Now this storyis more recent... it's about what happend on December 31 2004... on new yearseve! Some exciting things happened... I spend new years eve with a good friend of mine, and his girlfriend. I metthem years...
A Owen and Eve short storyStory tags: M/F, Adultery, consensual, 10 am, December 31stEve finishes packing an overnight bag with everything that she needs for the night. Including a surprise for Owen. She had picked up a silky blue coloured teddy with matching thong, along with other fun stuff. 11 am, December 31stOwen has finished packing an overnight bag for himself, then packs a bag with food, booze and pot, and heads out the door to where he will be house sitting for new years while his wife...
A New Semester and Eve ? by: r. gold The first day of class is always interesting for me. I'm Henry Brewster and I teach history at Stoney Brooke University in upstate New York. Our student population here is generally mid to upper class preppy kids whose parents can definitely afford to send little Billy or Mary away for four years of liberal education. The first day is always exciting. New, fresh faces; smiling, eager, excited. My classes are always full; I guess they provoke...
New Years Eve Entertainment and a Fantasy Come True!The night I was the entertainment at a New Years Eve Party. I did it and it was the most exciting and sexy thing I've ever had done! My husband says it was the sexiest thing he had ever seen! I have been an exhibitionist all of my married life thanks to my husbands encouragement and dares. He really encouraged my sexuality and bought me a lot of the "show skin" clothes that I really liked to wear. In our married years I've did a lot of...
Andrew Kiraly was faced with an unpleasant choice. The young woman who was nominally his submissive, the ridiculously named “Darque”, he had no idea as to her legal name, was a gorgeous Goth girl, and was seriously pressing him for a full-time, all-benefits, D/s relationship. Granted, she was a problem lots of men, lots of Doms, would kill to have ... until they got a grip on the full depth of her bug-fuck crazy. Before recent events, she hadn’t been interested in anything more than...
Gentle Robert becomes a New Eve By Kresha Matay My parents died in an automobile accident shortly after I was born. The probate court decided that I was to be raised by my mother's younger sister, my Aunt Lilly, in accordance with my parent's will. My Aunt, barely an adult herself, just twenty-one years old, was my only living relative. Little did the court realize that Aunt Lilly unfortunately lacked the necessary knowledge, experience and most importantly, attitude to raise me...
Jason “I can’t believe your family didn’t send security with us.” “Neither can I,” Donna replied. “It’s odd ... totally not what I expected.” “I wish we could have all sat together,” Jason said, finishing his Coke. “Holidays,” Donna said. “I’m surprised we’re all on the same flight ... well, except for Mistress Wolfling.” “She’s interesting,” Jason said, motioning at the flight attendant as she came down the aisle. “Interesting ... I’ve noticed your interest in her.” “Another Coke,...
Donna “Shhh, he’s sleeping,” Otter said as Donna and the others returned from shopping at last. “So I take it your interview went well?” Otter smiled. “Quite well, although it’s not finished. Goddamn, that boy has a tongue!” “Glad you enjoyed,” Donna said, eying the naked Amazon. “How long has he been asleep?” “About two hours, little less. He called the salon staff in to help. This is a right nice fuck-yacht y’all got.” “So, Shelley finally got called to service...” “And we missed...
Hi All hope everyone had a great New Years Eve. My date Robert (a few stories posted about him) picked me up. I opened the door and he just said WOW you look amazing. I was wearing my new black lace trim party dress, black stockings with bows up along he seams, red high waist 6 strap garter belt, black lace panties, my new falsies under a black satin lace trim push-up bra, red heels (went well with the thick red leather belt around my waist.) Wore my shoulder length black wig that framed my...
A puzzled expression crossed Tim's thin face. He shot Caesar a look before turning to Eve as she came down the stairs. Tim knew that radiant look from the first year they were married. There was love all over.John Bull followed, carrying her overnight bag."Is this what you meant?"Caesar nodded. "Tim, I said you needed to be ready for this. Are you?"Tim looked at the glass of beer in his hand and studied the bubbles drifting upward. He and Caesar had talked about Eve going home with John...
Wife LoversFriends: Deleted Scenes - The New Year's Eve After-party PartyThe New Year's Eve party had ended a short while before, and already all the guests had left, including Ross and Phoebe. Chandler and Joey sat at the kitchen table as Monica cleaned up the apartment."This New Year's Eve SUCKED!" Rachel complained as she sat on the couch. Everyone mumbled their agreement as she continued. "I was going to spend a romantic evening with Paolo, making love to him... and the asshole didn't even show...
Carol “I’m honored by the trust you put in me,” she said, hugging Jason. “Mama Carol, if one more person tells me they’re honored by anything I say or do, I may completely lose my shit.” She smiled. “I’ll try to restrain myself. So, what’s the problem?” Jason explained it to her. In detail... “All right, so let’s start the interview process, see if I can narrow down the field for you,” Carol said. “First though ... let’s get them out of here, and up to the suite. If Beebee’s going...
Shortly after midnight, December 29, 2006 Radhika All Margo’s calls were being handled by her assistant, and while Radhika didn’t recognize the caller’s phone, she knew only a select handful of people had that particular number, and wondered who would be calling at this time of night. Answering the call, she recognized Li Kuan’s voice before finishing saying ‘Hello, Margo Grimes phone’. And then, after Li Kuan hung up, Radhika was very busy indeed. She ran full tilt from Margo’s office...
It was a true to life scene right out of the daily lives of a typical family of the local Native Tribe that inhabited the area many hundreds and thousands of years ago. It was made up of three manikins, a father figure, his mate and a young boy beside a stream gathering food. The father was catching a fish from the stream while the mother was picking reeds from the shoreline. The young boy, about four or five and the source of the girls embarrassment was running towards his father with a...
January 5th, 2007 Donna She lay there with her eyes closed, listening. “So, you like eating ass...” “Lizzy, I don’t like it, I love it,” Jason said. “A clean ass, very slight sour tang, beautiful ass cheeks nestled against my face, warm and soft. Look, like I told you, I was a virgin – and a total spaz – until Abby, but like every guy ... like everyone ... I had fantasies, and that was one of my biggest.” Donna heard him moan softly. “And like every single one of my fantasies I’ve...
“You shouldn’t go, Mistress,” Chiron said. “You always come back so depressed, so defeated. We worry about you.” “Hush!” Tatiana Turov looked at her subs ... her friends and companions – Chiron and Bedisa – as well as Julie, her partner in raising and teaching her children, and shook her head. “He’s still my child.” “And if you could visit him and not let it depress you so terribly,” Julie said, “it wouldn’t be a problem. But you can’t.” “I will not abandon Yuri ... not in that...
Waking up Thursday morning around 9am I got up and had a cool shower to freshen up and get ready for the day. Once dry and standing naked in my room, checking my phone I saw that I had a message from Claire the sexy MILF. She said, " Hey handsome young man, I'm terribly sorry but I'm going to have to cancel with you for tomorrow night. I'm really really sorry but I have a bad dose of flu and don't want to ruin your day by me being all depressed and in bed. Hope you still have enough time to...
A few years ago, We were having our annual New Years Eve party. We invited about 15-20 couples. We were about 30 and My wife's younger brother was 18.He just broke up with his girlfriend and My wife invited him so he wouldn't go out and get in trouble while drinking and driving.Most of the guests had started leaving within an hour after midnight. We were down to about 3 couples, my wife and her brother and I. I was running around picking up bottles and cups and emptying ash trays. My wife's...
It was New Year’s Eve two years later and we had decided to have a party at our house this year. Wren, Syndy and I had invited Wren’s daughters along with their boyfriends, and four other couples. We’d all been drinking for a couple of hours and enjoying the night. I went into the kitchen to make some more drinks. Brit came in and was feeling no pain. “You’ve been fucking my mom, haven’t you?” “Ah ... Brit, what do you mean?” “It’s ok; I just know. She would never date while we were in...
Christmas Court, Fort Worth, Texas, December 15-18, 2006 For court, Master Dunham, and Mistress Snyder, had arranged to rent a property north of Westlake, a suburb of Fort Worth. High walls surrounding extensive grounds, pool and spa, plenty of bedrooms, a tennis court, and a staff recruited for the long weekend ... it was another high bar set for Court. When the Chorale contingent arrived mid-day Friday, the temperature was in the mid-70’s, and not a lot of the attendees were in the pool,...
CHRISTMAS Eddie “Merry Christmas, y’all.” “Merry Christmas, boss-man,” Janet said, as Perry and Bevy glared. “You got any idea where we are?” Eddie Janak looked to Ike Abromowitz. “Still in Pyanmar,” Ike said, wiping the sweat from his brow. “Once we get back under the trucks, probably another, what, seven, eight hours to til we head off-road?” he continued, looking at their driver. The wiry little driver nodded, grinning like a madman, and said something to Ike in his native...
She couldn't understand why Master Janak let the cockroach live, let alone found her employment and housing. And she was totally incapable of comprehending why those involved her Beloved's estate and home. And while Li Kuan was confused, Madam Grimes was livid. First had come the roaring anger, peppered with "if it was anyone but Eddie," then had come the cold, soft-spoken rage, liberally seasoned with "if she steps out of line I will take it out of Eddie's hide." The only thing...
I watched as my wife slammed down both of our glasses of champagne, and I knew it was going to be another sad New Year's Eve. Earlier in the evening, when she was tipsy from a couple of strong drinks, she had hinted that she might be in the mood for sex. She justified her near willingness by pointing out that Christmas was behind us and my birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks, so she aught to do her wifely duty.A couple more strong drinks had followed, and with the champagne on top of...
Wife LoversJeff was not satisfied at all. The 22-year old student lived together with his beautiful girlfriend Elaine in a small apartment outside the city. As Elaine worked hard as a secretary, they couldn´t spend a lot of time together. Therefore Jeff was looking forward to the Christmas holidays, but suddenly Elaine told him, that Susan would visit her for some days. Susan was Elaine´s friend and though he had seen her just two or three times, Jeff didn´t like her at all. She had long red hair and was...
First TimeOf course all of my stories are true and of my exploits. So this past new years eve, I had a few parties that I had to hit. Two were client ball/types one at my new directors house and one at the Hilton Americas in Houston. My new girlfriend was going to attend the the last two with me. I planned to hit client a in Galleria from 7-8, client two in Galleria 8:15-9, my new Directors at his house in River Oaks 9:30-10:30 then the party with my girl downtown at Hilton Americas 11 until. I was...
Kevin’s StoryIt’s hard to deny that wealthy and powerful men get their way in this world, and I found that out the hard way from my bosses on New Year’s Eve. But before I get to that, I need to explain how my wife, Olivia, and I ended up in that situation. Then, she will fill you in on what happened to her.My name is Kevin, and after earning my bachelor’s degree in marketing, with an emphasis on advertising, I ended up with and entry level job at a medium-sized marketing and advertising firm in...
CuckoldOf course all of my stories are true and of my exploits. So this past new years eve, I had a few parties that I had to hit. Two were client ball/types one at my new directors house and one at the Hilton Americas in Houston. My new girlfriend was going to attend the the last two with me. I planned to hit client a in Galleria from 7-8, client two in Galleria 8:15-9, my new Directors at his house in River Oaks 9:30-10:30 then the party with my girl downtown at Hilton Americas 11 until. I was...
Let me tell you about the fascinating woman I met at the dog park the other day. She was sitting on a bench under an oak tree. Our dogs became fast friends and as they tore around the park chasing each other, I sat next to her. The first thing I noticed she was wearing the flag of a person who is receiving chemo, of course I mean the bandanna tied around her head. We talked about dogs and dog parks while we watched our pets. Her dog would play with mine, then suddenly stop, and come to her...
The year was 1988. My name is Luke. At the time, my wife, Maddison (Maddie to her friends) and I were both 20 years old. I was active duty in the Marine Corps and we were stationed in California where we lived in an apartment off-base.Please note, this is not one of those typical hot-wife stories where I share the knowledge that I have always fantasied about watching my wife with other men. That wasn't the case with me.Additionally, it is not the beginning of a journey to slut-hood for my wife....
"I don't want to go," said Mitzi. "And just why not?" asked Courtney. "Because I don't have a dress for starters," said Mitzi. Mitzi Kramer and Courtney Wells had been in several dress shops looking for an evening gown for the New Year's Eve party they were invited to. Courtney was tall, slender, with long, straight, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and curves in all the right places. Mitzi was short, slightly chubby, with curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and plenty of curves. Every dress...
“I’m so close,” Janet groaned. Her fingers were a blur as she reached for her peak.Brad said nothing, dancing on the edge, desperately trying not to go over it. His wife had been teasing him, starting and stopping him and herself for an hour that seemed like three. Not that he would complain. He was so turned on, he’d do anything she said; the question was, would his body obey?Her genitals were swollen, flushed, and dripping from the long session. His would be sore later, but he kept them...
IncestRadhika She felt awkward, knowing what she did, and unable to tell much of it to anyone else. But she held her tongue as she’d been told. “Pack for the tropics, we’ll be flying by private jet.” Or jets ... it depended how much security would be traveling with them. The four spouses, and their staffs – even Master Grimes’ concubines – weren’t the problem. Madam was having a discussion with Alice concerning how much security would travel with them. When Radhika had left Madam’s office, it...
New Year's Eve SeductionHe couldn't believe his luck, it was New Year's Eve and he was going home early!What a night for his girlfriend to dump him for another guy. There was certainly no way that he could stay at that party alone. The only problem was that his parents were having their annual NYE party at their house and so to make matters worse he would be spending the night with a bunch of boring old people.Eric was a 20 year old college student who still lived in his parents' basement and...
“Theresa, “they won’t give us back our phones, and I understand why, but they’ll let us write letters, short ones, and send them out in the diplomatic pouches. “I love you, and I miss you, and I wish more than anything I was home. “And don’t think I’m saying that just because I share a room the size of Rachel’s with the rest of the crew. “The embassy staff is bending over backwards for us, but there isn’t a lot of room for unexpected guests. “The people dealing with the government...
When she listened to her heart, she knew her marriage was solid, the family would be all right. Listening to her head, however, happened far more often, and she was sure all was tearing itself apart, never to be mended. It wasn't just she missed Harry, although his absence was a hole in her sense of self, and her sense of the family. There was so much tension, so much fear, so much anger ... no one was who they should be anymore. Except for Rachel. The arrival of Eddie's little sister...
This happened a few years back before the border between the US and Mexico became a war zone. My girlfriend, Jo Anne and I decided that it would be great fun to go to Tijuana for New Years Eve. We arrived in the afternoon and did the usual tourist things like shopping for cheap merchandise. I ended up buying a leather jacket that I still have today. Jo Anne looked in every store in the city for a great purse but failed to find what she wanted. This was unusual because she can usually identify...
This happened a few years back before the border between the US and Mexico became a war zone. My girlfriend, Jo Anne and I decided that it would be great fun to go to Tijuana for New Years Eve. We arrived in the afternoon and did the usual tourist things like shopping for cheap merchandise. I ended up buying a leather jacket that I still have today. Jo Anne looked in every store in the city for a great purse but failed to find what she wanted. This was unusual because she can usually...
The Emergence of Eve By Janice Dreamer Copyright (c) 1999 Author's Note: I dedicate this work of fiction to my wonderful friends and mentors, PJ Wright and Anne Phorcy. If I'd never known your intelligence, wit, and sense of humor I would be a much poorer person. I treasure our friendship and look forward to it lasting long into the future. You are quite simply the best! Now on with the tale! * * * * * John Patrick Gauche sat at his keyboard, waiting impatiently as...
"My Beloved Harry, My Precious Carol, It's 3 AM and I have to go. Please believe me when I say this is the hardest goodbye I've ever skipped out on. If I stayed to say it face-to-face, I'm not sure I could go. Know in your hearts I will see you again. Know in your hearts I will come home to you. My love is with you always, entwined with your souls, Margo" Carol awoke to the smell of coffee. Straightening her collar she walked into the kitchen to find Harry at the table. He stared...
Laurie stirred groggily as the morning light streamed in through the window blinds. It was New Year's morning and as she slowly gathered her thoughts she suddenly realized that she was in her bedroom, but couldn't remember how she'd gotten home from the party the night before.As Laurie sat up she winced at the throbbing in her head and from the ache throughout her body, it was like she'd been in a boxing match and lost the fight. Then as Laurie pulled the blanket back to get out of bed, she saw...
(MF, nc, alcohol)Laurie stirred groggily as the morning light streamed in through the window blinds. It was New Year's morning and as she slowly gathered her thoughts she suddenly realized that she was in her bedroom, but couldn't remember how she'd gotten home from the party the night before.As Laurie sat up she winced at the throbbing in her head and from the ache throughout her body, it was like she'd been in a boxing match and lost the fight. Then as Laurie pulled the blanket back to get...
Erotic CouplingsEve sat on the edge of the bath and lathered the shaving cream over her pussy. She thought back to how good Ally's pussy had looked without any hair and picked up the razor. With smooth, careful strokes, she removed her own pubic hair, working studiously and fastidiously until she was able to rinse herself off and see herself completely bald.Moving to the bedroom, she picked up a hand mirror, lay on her bed and spent some time examining her pussy, touching and feeling and...
Saturday 10/14/06 10:00 AM "Rise and shine, Master, Mistress, subbies galore!" rasped Dayna. "In two hours Dommi will be here to discuss scheduling." "She can fuckin' join us in bed," Carol said from under the covers. "So will Nancy Velacourt," Dayna continued. "She can definitely join us in bed," Harry said in a muffled voice. "Nope, she likes little oriental girls, you don't qualify," Dayna said. "Dammit." Harry's head came out from under the covers, and he grabbed a...
For my darling Eve. Both Jenny and Eve quickly rearrange their bikini`s and pull on their clothes over them. They quickly packed their bags and began to hurry back down the beach. As they moved up the beach they passed a few more tourists. Eve grabbed at Jenny`s arm and pulled her back. “Hey hun, we don`t want to tire ourselves out do we?” Eve said giggling. Jen smiled at her and took her hand in hers, she squeezed it and smiled at Eve. “I guess not.” She paused before carrying on “It`s...
For my darling Eve.Both Jenny and Eve quickly rearrange their bikini`s and pull on their clothes over them. They quickly packed their bags and began to hurry back down the beach. As they moved up the beach they passed a few more tourists. Eve grabbed at Jenny`s arm and pulled her back. “Hey hun, we don`t want to tire ourselves out do we?” Eve said giggling. Jen smiled at her and took her hand in hers; she squeezed it and smiled at Eve. “I guess not.” She paused before carrying on “It`s just...
Lesbian​I strode into the house, my eyes flashing around looking for you. “Eve!” I called. A small peel of laughter from the bedroom escaped your lips. I whirled and headed for the bedroom. The door swung open and I froze in the doorway. For just a moment I just took in the sight. On the bed lay toys. A glass dildo, a long strap, a new dildo on a large strap, some oils and lube were all laid out and ready. Today looked to be a long and rather enjoyable evening. You sat on the corner of the bed. Your...
Stevie was watching, his nose almost pressed against the glass of the front window, trying to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus in the early darkness and blowing snow. In spite of myself, I smiled. He'd already had two false alarms--one from the lights of a passing airplane, the other from the red, blinking light on the top of a microwave tower that was up on the mountain every night, but tonight must be Rudolph, leading the way through the storm. I sat back on the couch, cool beer in my hand,...
To see more stories and how to get commission go here. Super Desires 3She HulkScarlett witch was shown on camera bruises, with two black eyes. She was sucking on a woman’s pussy, Eve’s in fact. A Villain who owns a website called EVE SUPER DESIRES. It was an underground Website controlled by a met human name Eve. She dominated Super heroes and Villains unlike, beating them and r****g them. Even with the warnings, she manages to track down...
Jenny waited at the arrivals at the airport, waiting to meet Eve. The two of them had become friends online chatting most evenings until Eve had said that she was coming over to England on a business trip, but could come over a week early so they could meet up. Jenny jumped at the chance at getting to know her new friend a little better and suggested that they should hire a car and go and do a bit of sightseeing. So here she was, waiting to meet Eve for the first time. Finally, passengers...
Jenny waited at the arrivals at the airport, waiting to meet Eve. The two of them had become friends online chatting most evenings until Eve had said that she was coming over to England on a business trip, but could come over a week early so they could meet up. Jenny jumped at the chance at getting to know her new friend a little better and suggested that they should hire a car and go and do a bit of sightseeing. So here she was, waiting to meet Eve for the first time. Finally, passengers...
LesbianFor my darling Eve, written for you, about you and I. I hope you enjoy it again darlingEve was feeling a little low, her boyfriend of the past two years had finished with her a week ago and she was still reeling from the call. He hadn`t even had the decency to speak to her face to face. All she got was a brief phone call. Well she wasn`t going to let him get to her, she would show him. So here she was getting ready for a night out. It had been a long time since she had gone out alone, and she...
LesbianShe felt Tamara before the knock at the door – a tornado of fear, anger, and despair. So it was Carol who shot out of the bed, and hurried toward the door, scared for her oldest friend. “Tammy?” she said as she opened the door. Her friend, always small, seemed even tinier, drawn in upon herself, struggling under some great weight. “Tammy, what’s wrong?” In reply, Tamara held out the phone, and played the voicemail over its speakers. When it was finished, Carol said, “Candy, wake ‘em up....
Thanksgiving dinner had been a triumph, and part of that success was due to Magda and Lori’s presentation on silver trays. It never ceased to surprise, and please, Margo that so many issues in the family, and House, were eased by laughter. Growing up, she hadn’t laughed much at home, and had viewed school far too seriously to get many chuckles from it. College had been different, and her flirtation with drugs had given her plenty of helpless laughter, but there had still been far too much...
Tamara Osowski was at war with herself, albeit a very tiny war. If only her Edward were there with her, she would be the happiest she'd ever been. She was in the bosom of her family, almost all of them, in the same place at the same time. Arrangements had been made for the comfort and care of Rachel with blinding speed, and while it was good to have Merry and Annie Beth to take care of her, did leave Tamara with a little too much time on her hands. So she'd volunteered to the fiancees for...
Kelly Culberson Grimes waited until all the hugging and crying and welcoming home was done before, in front of the family, friends, and servants, she slapped Harry so hard it knocked him back. Had Candy not been standing behind him, by Kelly's order, he would have hit the floor. Harry grimaced as he rubbed his cheek. "Love you too, honey." Kelly wasn't in the mood. She knew she was dangerously close to losing it and just starting in on him with a rage-fueled beatdown. "Harry, you...