Passionate FamilyChapter 3 free porn video

Billy had only a handbag filled with his collection of marbles, and odds and ends that had appealed to him over the years. His mother had insisted that she would buy him entirely new clothes when he arrived, so he was free to run unencumbered to the head of the line when the train pulled into the station.
He found that his heart was beating wildly as he stepped down from the train and looked about him, peering into the faces of the many people who had gathered to meet loved ones. Where was she? He was positive that he would know her in any crowd, so vivid had her image become in his mind.
Sudden fear gripped the nervous teenager. What if she didn't show up? What if it had all been a terrible mistake? He felt panic as he envisioned himself being sent back to his foster parents' house.
He saw no one who even resembled the beautiful woman in his dreams, and his heart sank. He was almost ready to cry when he spotted two dark-eyed women pushing their way through the crowd and hurrying toward him. As they came closer, he saw that one was only a girl, and the other--she had to be his mother! No one else could be so beautiful! He ran towards her with outstretched arms and Laura crushed him to her bosom, hugging and kissing him, as tears of joy flooded her eyes. Each of them felt the supreme thrill of having a dream come true. Laura's life felt full. She was a full woman at last.
Young Lisa stood nearby, watching them. Her own eyes were misty as she looked at the brother she had never known. She saw a light of joy in his eyes that matched that in her mother's, and her heart swelled with happiness and pride. Billy looked like her mother. His hair was lighter, but he had the same wide-spaced brown eyes, the strong chin, and full lips. He was a handsome young boy, Lisa thought. She did not resemble her mother to anywhere near the degree that Billy did. Lisa had blonde hair, like her father, and only her sensually full mouth resembled that of her mother and brother.
Laura released her tight grip on Billy and tried to introduce him to his sister, but the words were choked by her happiness. But each knew who the other was, and Lisa held out her arms to Billy, who hugged and kissed her eagerly. Tears welled again in Laura's eyes, and utter happiness at seeing both her children locked in one another's arms at last brought sobs of delight to their mother's throat.
They finally broke the hug and she and Lisa stood back, sizing Billy up, their faces glowing with affection.
Strange thoughts were running through Laura's mind. She had not expected Billy to be so big--so manly and mature. The thought suddenly flashed across her mind that he would soon be a man, and she would lose him again! But she pushed the thought from her mind. He was here now, and they had good years ahead of them.
But, God--he reminded her so much of his father in a way that Laura didn't like at all! It was unsettling for Laura, because she still had fears that her attraction to her former husband was not completely gone.
Billy was entranced by the odor of his mother's perfume. He could smell faint traces of it as he sat in the back seat with his sister, and their mother drove. His head spun as he realized that the woman who was his mother far exceeded even his wildest dreams. She was enchanting, beautiful and sweet--and he was to spend the rest of his life with her.
Lisa, in turn, seemed fascinated by Billy. She held his hand and smiled softly at him each time their eyes met as the car wound through the thinning suburbs and to the big house that stood alone on acres of grounds. Billy's eyes grew wide at the affluence of the world he was now entering. The place was a mansion, surrounded by beautiful trees and shrubbery. His mother had married a rich man, and now this life was to be his too!
Laura had chatted steadily as she drove, telling Billy how she had missed him, explaining awkwardly why she hadn't been able to keep him with her all those years and finally saying, "Everything will make up for it, Billy, darling. We're together now, and Ray will take good care of all of us. He'll love you as we do!"
Billy's thoughts went to his new father and he wondered what the man his mom had married would be like. After all, they were total strangers. For an instant, he wondered why it couldn't just be the three of them, without Ray. He already knew that his sister and his mother wanted him and loved him. What if Ray didn't?
But as his mother led him inside the house, his fears vanished. The place exuded a welcoming hominess. It was a grand, plush place, yet there was an aura of love and understanding that seemed to be built into it. He shook his head in awe. "This is really something. It's beautiful, " he said softly. He wondered if he could fit into its grandness, and he vowed he would try with all his might.
"Lisa, take Billy upstairs and show him his room, " Laura said. "He must be famished and it's a long time until dinner. I'll fix us some snacks."
Billy followed Lisa up the steps, noting the nicely shaped legs and fanny that his fourteen-year-old sister displayed. She was almost a woman, he thought as he found himself wondering guiltily how her body would look naked. At the head of the stairs, Lisa turned left and down a long hall. Another hall led off to the right, and as she turned a soft smile on him, Lisa said, "This is our section of the house, Billy. Mom and Dad live on the other hallway."
She pointed to the far door and said, "That's my room--right next to yours. And here's your room." She opened the door and led him inside, taking his hand and squeezing it. It was a huge room, with a large double bed and a dresser, a chest of drawers, a large full-length mirror, shelves for books and knickknacks, and even his own bathroom!
"You'll like it, Billy, " Lisa said enthusiastically. "And in the drawers you'll find all the things you'll need--underwear, socks, jeans. Mom wants to take you out and buy you some clothes and suits and stuff, as soon as you're ready. Mrs. Baylor gave us your sizes, but Mom knew you'd want to pick some of your clothes yourself. Oh, she did get you one sport jacket, and two sweaters and some slacks--look in the closet!"
As he looked at the expensive clothes on the rack, Billy gulped and turned to Lisa. Her blue eyes smiled happily back at him. "Is Mommy rich now?" Billy gasped.
"Well, Ray has a lot of money, I suppose. He owns some factories, and he's away a lot taking care of them. But when he's home, he's a lot of fun. You'll like him, and I know he'll like you. And most of all, he's utterly mad over Mom." Her smile made her little nose crinkle, and Billy noticed that she had freckles on it, and on her forehead. They added a little-girl look to her, despite her fast-blossoming body. His eyes stole to her breasts. They stood out proudly, seeming to be trying to burst through the confinement of her sweater.
"And that's the most important thing, " Lisa chattered on, "because Mom had it so hard for so long, and now she won't ever have a worry again." The young blonde moved to the door and said, "Wash up and then come on down and have something to eat. Hope you like the room!" She closed the door behind her, leaving Billy to look about him in grateful awe.
He ran his fingers over the rich-looking paisley patterned wallpaper, took another look at his new clothes in the closet, and then went into the bathroom and washed his hands and face and combed his hair neatly. He wasn't sure whether or not he should put on fresh clothes, and he suddenly felt almost lost in his new surroundings.
The three of them became better acquainted over dinner, and then Billy retired to his room to think about things. Lying on his back on the bed, he stared into the future and wondered at his great good fortune. He had undressed and showered and put on a pair of blue pajamas, and he was lying on top of the covers, just pondering his strange life, when his mother knocked and entered the room.
He scrambled up quickly, somewhat taken aback by her beauty and the smell of her perfume.
"Find everything you need, darling?" Laura asked, her beautiful face made even more so by her loving smile.
"Oh, yes... everything is so... so clean and perfect, " Billy replied.
Laura walked over to him and put her arms about him. "I'm so thrilled to have you home, " she said, kissing him lightly on the cheek. She stood back a bit and looked at him. "My, you're growing tall. I'll have to stand on tiptoes to kiss you, soon."
Billy reddened as his eyes roved his mother's petite, shapely body. She had let down her long, dark hair, and the scent of her loveliness was making his head reel. He suddenly wanted to grab her in his arms, feel her alive against his body, as he had in his dreams, but he fought down the terrible urge.
"I want to thank you so much, Mother, " Billy muttered. "I... well, it's like a dream come true."
She hugged him quickly, and for a minute he felt her breasts pressing warmly against his chest. "Don't, Billy... I'm the one who is thankful... I've loved and missed you so. Now, you must be tired. Goodnight, dear Billy." Laura moved away and paused at the door to blow him a kiss as she opened the door and left, closing it behind her.
Billy slouched on the bed, unable to throw off the exotic effect his mother's body had had on him. He finally got under the covers, feeling good as he felt the smooth, sweet-smelling sheets against his body. He turned off the bedside lamp and was just relaxing into a sleepy mood when he suddenly heard a noise. It sounded like a moan of pain, and he listened breathlessly. Finally, he decided it had been his imagination. But it came again, this time louder and more prolonged, and the source seemed to be the adjoining room where Lisa slept.

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