Reluctant Rebecca
- 3 years ago
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November 10, 2013 – 3 Miles west of Baker Lake
Josh stirred while it was still dark outside. His bladder was full, so he had to go outside to relieve himself. Clouds had rolled in overnight. The soft, damp ground now crunched when Josh walked across it. The temperature had dropped below freezing overnight. Josh hustled back inside and burrowed into his warm sleeping bag.
The sun was up over the mountains on the far side of Baker Lake when Molly woke up. Josh was softly snoring. She pulled on clothes and went outside to water a bush. Josh was out of the tent when she came back, pulling on his layers of outer clothing. Josh warmed up cans of corned beef hash for breakfast on a small fire.
Josh and Molly were underway by 8:30 in the morning. They walked down the road, turning left onto a park service road after less than a quarter mile. The service road took them north before turning east and taking them to the main park road. The park road was well clear of the lake, so they had little worry about being spotted by Chinese patrols.
Josh and Molly stopped at the Boulder Creek bridgefor lunch, half a dozen miles into their hike. They passed three of the camping areas in the Mount Baker Wilderness Area as they hiked for the head of the lake. Josh's family had camped here many times when he was growing up. It was one of their favorite places to vacation. The park was always busy when they were there. It was deserted now and felt eerie. The road turned east and ran along the edge of Baker Lake after they passed the third campground.
"Keep a sharp eye on the lake," Josh cautioned. "Tell me if you see ANY activity on the lake. I don't want to get caught by the Chinese while we're exposed."
"I'll watch, Josh," Molly said. "How much further is it to the end of the lake? This pack is killing me."
"Hang in there, Molly," Josh responded. "It's about three miles to the end of the lake. You've done great today."
The two trudged on. The clouds from the morning had cleared as they headed north. The sun warmed the hikers. They each stripped off a couple layers. The day turned out to be beautiful. It was calm and the temperatures rose to the mid-fifties. The two cleared the end of the lake a little after four o'clock. They followed the park road north another ½ mile. The road stopped at a gate. They followed the foot trail north along the Baker River for another ¼ mile. They set up camp about a hundred feet from the river.
"God, I am beat," Molly gasped theatrically as she plopped down on a log beside the trail. "I've never worked this hard in my life."
"You did well, for your second day on the trail," Josh responded. "The hikes will get harder, starting tomorrow. Can you put the tent up today? I want to get firewood collected and get our cooking fire going before it gets too dark."
"I'll try," Molly promised. Josh pulled the tent out of his pack before he headed into the woods to collect firewood. Josh came back ten minutes later with a big armload of firewood. The tent was pulled out of its bag, unrolled and left piled in a heap on the ground. One tent pole was assembled and lying on the ground. One corner of the tent was half-heartedly pegged to the ground. The rest of the pegs were scattered across the ground. Molly was sitting on the ground by her pack with her head down, apparently resting.
"Jesus Christ!" Josh exploded. "Are you fucking incompetent? I leave you with one simple thing to do and you screw it up and take a nap. Why the hell am I bothering to drag you along, Princess? You're a useless ornament out here in the woods."
Molly kept her head down for a few moments as her own fury grew. She glared up at Josh, her eyes on fire. Josh didn't notice the redness around her eyes or her damp cheeks.
"Ornament?" Molly spat out. "I am not Survivorman like you. I don't camp." Molly stood up and confronted Josh. "I've never done more than take a walk in a park. Do I know how to put that stupid tent up? No, of course not! I've never done it before." Molly wagged an accusing finger at Josh. "You treat me like I'm a pack mule. I've never carried so much weight in my life as I did today. I've never walked this far either. I'm exhausted. Why are you surprised I can't do things out here, you doofus?"
Before Josh could answer her verbal assault, she turned and fled down the trail about a hundred feet. She leaned against a tree and began to sob. Josh stared at her for a few seconds and saw ... his little sister, Ashley.
It happened three years ago. Ashley had gone to a party with Aaron Reed. Ashley was fifteen and in tenth grade. Aaron was sixteen, had his license and was in eleventh grade. Josh was in twelfth grade then. Josh knew Aaron from school. Aaron played soccer and basketball and was talented at both. He was well thought of by his classmates. Josh felt his sister was safe with him. Aaron coaxed Ashley into too many wine coolers at a party.
The two headed for one of the popular make out spots around 10:30 that night. Aaron got grabby after some making out. Ashley was a little drunk and allowed it. Aaron got her hot enough that she didn't object when his hand went down her panties. Her slightly pickled brain finally came to attention when he ripped her panties and pushed her down on the back seat of his car.
"C'mon baby, this'll be fun," Aaron slurred as he clambered between her legs. Ashley grabbed her date by the hips, finding just bare ass cheeks. She struggled as he tried to hold her down and enter her womanhood. Ashley managed to apply her knee to Aaron's balls before he penetrated her.
She bolted out of the car as he lay writhing in pain. He drove off in a huff once he gathered his breath again. Ashley called home for help. Their parents were gone that evening, so Josh came to rescue Ashley. He arrived to find her leaning against a tree sobbing about the disastrous date. She looked exactly like Molly did now.
Josh cursed himself under his breath. His Mom would skin him alive if she found out how he lost his temper with poor Molly. He knew he had a bad temper and tried to control it – not always successfully. Josh walked over to Molly.
"Molly, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you that way," Josh offered. He put his hand on her far shoulder. She continued sobbing but didn't flinch at his touch. "I'm sorry. I'll try to do better at teaching you the things you need to know."
Josh sidled up to her side and hugged the sobbing girl. "I'm sorry," he said as he cuddled her shoulder to his chest and rubbed her other shoulder. "I'll help you through all this, I promise."
The sobs gradually subsided. Molly turned around to face Josh. "I know I don't carry my share of the load here." She stifled a sob. "Show me how and I'll try to do better."
"I'll try not to yell so much," Josh agreed.
"All this is so hard ... and so foreign for me," Molly whimpered. "I lost my family ... my school and friends ... and watched Tyler die. It all happened so quickly. A couple weeks ago I was a normal high school girl. I had friends. I had good grades. All that is gone now and I'm out here in the wilderness, not knowing if I'm going live or die. It's ... it's all so much to deal with."
"I understand," Josh agreed. "I really understand. This war sucks. Please forgive my temper. I wouldn't wish the things I've seen in the last month on anyone. I had two mentors who made a solder out of a skinny computer geek. They're both dead. I lost three close friends too. One died in my arms and another died as I watched from the wrong side of the river."
"A computer geek?" Molly asked. She couldn't suppress a smirk. "That's hard to picture."
"I was a tall, skinny, 145 pounds weakling when I was in high school," Josh said.
"The war might suck but the army did you some good," Molly replied. "You're definitely not a geek anymore."
"Let's go back," Josh suggested. "I'll teach you how the tent goes up and then we can have some dinner."
Josh managed to exhibit more patience as he taught Molly how the tent went up. She paid closer attention than she had the previous evening. The two finished up the last two cans of Spaghetti-Os and half a bag of Oreos that they picked up in Lyman. The two were going to live on trail food from now on.
November 11, 2013 – North of Baker Lake
Clouds rolled in overnight. The sky looked threatening. Josh and Molly made breakfast and packed up quickly so they could get on the trail before the rain soaked everything. The morning temperature hovered just above freezing. Josh warned Molly to get ready for a cold, wet day.
The pair followed the Baker River northeast from their campsite, following a good trail maintained by the forest service, for about a mile. The trail dead-ended at a campsite just inside the North Cascades National Park boundary. Josh and Molly walked up the wide gravel and sand bar created over the millennia as the Baker River meandered back and forth across the valley floor.
Molly stared up at the towering peaks to their left as they passed Sulphide Creek. Clouds covered the tallest. "How are we going to keep from getting lost in all these mountains?"
"No problem," Josh answered. "We watch the landmarks around us. That's Mount Shuksan." He pointed to the tallest, cloud covered mountain to the west. "That's Seahpo Peak," pointing to the much lower peak on a spur of Shuksan due north of them. "The next one is Blister Mountain. We follow the river valley upstream until we pass Blister Mountain. We hang a left and follow the little creek uphill to Chilliwack Pass."
"You're sure?" Molly asked. "All these mountains look the same to me."
"I learned map reading in Boy Scouts," Josh responded. "The army reinforced what I already knew when I did basic training a couple years ago. Trust me, I'll get us through this."
"I guess I have to," Molly said. "You've done all right so far."
The pair spent the morning working their way upriver across the gravel and sand bars beside the river. The creek veered close to the woods in a couple places. Molly and Josh bushwhacked through the trees until they could get back to the open river bank again.
The clouds closed in during the morning. The temperature hovered around 40 degrees but the air was damp. Drizzle started to fall around eleven o'clock. They pulled on their rain gear and hiked on. Josh showed Molly how to use the flameless heating packs in the MREs. They started heating their lunches and continued hiking.
They stopped around noon at the base of Blister Mountain. The rain was coming down steadily now. The warm lunch felt good on the cold, wet and dreary day. They marched on after their lunch break. The pair passed Blister Mountain a little after two o'clock and found Pass Creek, the small creek that would lead them to Chilliwack Pass tomorrow.
The pair had climbed 400 feet in elevation in the nine miles since they left their camp. The next mile was much rougher. Josh's map showed an 800 foot climb. Josh hadn't expected to find a trail along the creek, but there was a narrow trail that probably had been worn in by hikers going this way in the past. Josh and Molly had to stop frequently to catch their breath. They pressed on for another couple minutes before stopping to rest again. The rain continued to fall and the wind picked up. The gusts chilled them more.
The trail leveled out some after the first mile. Patches of snow dotted the woods as they pressed upward. Josh called a halt after another ¾ of a mile. The pair camped right about the snow line on the mountain. They found a fairly level area by the little creek. Molly managed to set up the tent with a little coaching from Josh. He set up their stove and got water ready to rehydrate their dinner. Josh grabbed a bag of beef teriyaki with rice for dinner.
The rain stopped and a cold front blew the clouds away as they sat down for dinner. The temperature dropped ten degrees while they ate. They hustled to get their packs hung and then wentstraight to bed. It was going to be a cold night!
Molly woke Josh a couple times during the night as she tossed and turned in the small tent. The third time it happened Josh asked, "What's wrong, Molly?"
"I'm freezing," Molly answered. Josh could hear her teeth chattering. Josh was a little surprised. The air was certainly below freezing but he was comfortable, almost toasty in his sleeping bag. Molly shouldn't be shivering.
"Do you have your hat on?" Josh asked as he reached for his flashlight and turned it on. Molly didn't have her knit cap on. "You lose a lot of heat through your head. Always wear your cap to bed."
"OK," Molly said. She pulled the cap over her head. "Maybe I should put more clothes on too."
"More clothes?" Josh asked. "Are you wearing clothes now?"
"I wore today's clothes to bed," Molly explained. "I knew it was going to be cold tonight and I wanted to stay warm."
"Do you ever listen?" Josh huffed. He took a deep breath and let it out. "I told you already that you shouldn't wear clothes to bed. They're damp from perspiration and humidity. That's what is making you cold. I'm nude and I'm comfortable in my bag."
"TMI, Josh. Way too much information," Molly answered. "It seems backwards to undress to warm up ... but I'll do what you say."
"All of the clothes you wore today are damp and keeping you cool," Josh explained patiently. "You put a wet compress on someone's head to cool them down on a hot day. You're putting wet clothes on your body and wondering why you are cold. It's exactly the same thing."
"Roll over and close your eyes," Molly said. "I need to strip down."
"You got it," Josh promised as he rolled over and pulled the cap down over his eyes. "Good night, Molly."
"Good night, Josh."
November 12, 2013 – Beside Pass Creek south of Chilliwack Pass
Josh woke up around 7:30 in the morning. Their breath had condensed and frozen to the sides of the tent, so Josh knew it was below freezing. Molly was rousing herself as he dressed and exited their tent. There were a few clouds in the sky. The pair wouldn't see the sun for quite a few more hours in this deep valley.
Josh and Molly had some granola for breakfast before packing up for their day's hike. They continued following Pass Creek up the valley towards Chilliwack Pass. The rocky sided mountains towered over the valley they were hiking in. Molly struggled with the climb up to Chilliwack Pass, about three miles above their campsite. Josh made frequent breaks so Molly could catch her breath as they climbed.
The ground was covered with snow above their camp. It wasn't too deep when they started. It was over their boot tops after half an hour of hiking. Josh taught Molly how to use the snow shoes they were carrying. The shoes slowed their progress up the hill but did allow them to walk without sinking into deep snow.
Temperature dropped steadily as they climbed higher, even though the sun finally cleared the top of Blister Mountain. Josh and Molly bundled up in all their layers and wore their hats and gloves to keep their ears, cheeks and fingers from freezing. The small thermometer on the zipper of Molly's pack reported the temperature was 20 degrees as they reached the small lake a quarter mile below the pass.
The two pushed on, reaching Chilliwack Pass around 11:00 am. The sky was clouding up. Josh expected they would see more rain or snow that afternoon. The wind was gusting at the pass. Josh pulled his cell phone out and turned it on to see if he could get any reception. To his surprise, he got three bars. He sent a text off to his Dad to let him know where they were. He found the text from his dad with the phone number for the air force search and rescue center. Josh dialed the number his Dad sent him.
"Air Force Rescue Coordination Center, Sgt. Wise speaking," the voice said. "How may I direct your call?"
"This is Corporal Joshua D. Warner, Serial No. 20945308," Josh replied. "I was cut off when my division retreated south from the Skagit River. The bridge at Route 9 blew before I could get across the river. I've managed to elude the Chinese for the past five days. Can I arrange a helicopter to pick up me and the civilian with me?"
"I will need to go through IDENT procedures for you before we can decide on dispatch of a helo[copter]," Sgt. Wise answered. The sergeant spent a couple minutes questioning Josh before he was satisfied that Josh was who he claimed to be.
"What are your coordinates, Corporal?" Sgt. Wise asked.
"I can't give you grids," Josh explained. "I didn't have time to get the military maps before I destroyed our tank. I'm working off hiker's trail maps. I can give you lat[itude] and long[itude]. Our location shouldn't be hard to find. We used an abandoned car to drive up into the Northern Cascades National Park. We hiked up into the mountains for the past two days to stay clear of the Chinese troops that headed east from Sedro-Woolley three days ago. We are currently at Chilliwack Pass, about 1.8 clicks [kilometers] northeast of Mineral Mountain."
"Is your current position secure?" Sgt. Wise asked. "Could you hold there until we dispatch a helo to pick you up?"
"Negative," Josh said. "We're secure from the Chinese here but the position is too exposed to the weather. It's twenty degrees up here on this pass and the winds blowing hard. We need to drop down lower in elevation so we're below the snow line. I plan to head north to the Chilliwack River and follow it to Chilliwack Lake. Could you pick us up at the lake tomorrow?"
"Chilliwack Lake is reported to be occupied by the Chinese," Sgt. Wise said.
"We expect to get to the north end of Ross Lake in about four days," Josh said. "Perhaps you could arrange a pickup there?"
"That's a possibility, Corporal," Sgt. Wise agreed. "Can you check in with us on this phone to confirm pickup when you reach Ross Lake?"
"Probably not," Josh replied. "I'm surprised I have cell phone reception here. I doubt I will be able to reach you again until we get to Ross Lake."
"We could preposition a sat[ellite ] phone up there," Sgt. Wise suggested. "Can I call you back in five minutes? I need to talk with someone familiar with the park to arrange a drop off point."
"No need to do that," Josh responded. "My family went camping around Ross Lake a lot when I was growing up. Can you put it in the ranger's station near the Hozomeen Camping Area entrance?"
"That sounds do-able," Sgt. Wise agreed. "I will put you on the list for pickup in four days, assuming we get confirmation over the sat phone from you when you reach Hozomeen."
"That's a plan, Sergeant," Josh agreed. Josh gave Molly a big smile. "We got a ride out of here in four or five days."
"Thank God!" Molly said. "If you're done here on the pass, let's get down lower where it isn't so damn cold."
"Follow me," Josh said. The trail down into the Chilliwack River valley was about a mile through deep snow. They dropped 1400 feet as they stepped and slid down the mountainside. Josh and Molly could feel the air temperature warm as they descended. Molly's thermometer reported the temperature was 27 degrees when they took a break at 11:30 am. Josh and Molly got out their MRE lunches and activated the heat packs before continuing down the trail towards Chilliwack Lake.
They traveled about a mile down the valley. The hiking was easier since the snow wasn't as deep as it was higher on the mountain. They stopped and ate lunch at a primitive campsite. Molly and Josh came to an interesting feature a quarter mile after their lunch stop.
The park service had erected a cable car stream crossing over the river. The car was a steel cage suspended by two pulleys from a cable about a dozen feet above the river. You climbed in the cage and pulled yourself hand over hand across the river to the far side. Josh went first with his pack. Josh used the attached rope to pull the empty car back to Molly. He helped her propel herself across the river.
The pair walked about eight miles in the afternoon, crossing two footbridges and passing two campsites before reaching Josh's preferred destination. They endured some snow flurries in the afternoon as they hiked. The trail got progressively easier as they headed downstream and lower in elevation.
Josh wanted to stay in the last campsite before they crossed into Canada and reached Chilliwack Lake. He wanted to minimize their time along the lake as they proceeded north and east towards Ross Lake.
Molly was delighted to stay in an established campsite. The site had a pit toilet, which sure beat squatting in the woods. They got a bonus when they found a camper had left a full roll of toilet paper under a coffee can at the pit toilet. That precious commodity was getting low so the additional roll was very welcome.
The campsite was nearly below the snow line. Patches of snow dotted the ground around the campsite. The lower elevation helped warm the air that evening. It was 37 degrees when Josh and Molly went to bed that evening.
November 13, 2013, One mile south of Chilliwack Lake
"This is a nicer day than yesterday," Molly commented as she crawled out of their tent in the morning. "It's not so damn cold." The sun was peeking over the mountain top to the southeast, bathing the campsite in warm morning sun.
"It is nice, compared to the pass yesterday morning," Josh agreed.
"Do you think the army will send a helicopter to pick us up when we get to Ross Lake?"
"The sergeant I talked to yesterday seemed to think they could handle it," Josh allowed.
"This walk wasn't as bad as I expected," Molly said, " ... but I'll be glad when we're done. I don't see how people can come out here in the woods and carry all the shit we have and call it fun. They've got to be crazy."
"Backpacking IS fun," Josh answered. "Out here in nature, enjoying the peace, quiet and beauty? Who'd want to be in some crowded mall with a million other people?"
"Me," Molly answered.
Josh and Molly ate some cold granola, stuffed some beef jerky in their pockets to eat on the trail and headed north for Canada and Chilliwack Lake. The trail north to the border was in good condition, making for easy hiking. They reached the cleared swath of forest that marked the border between the United State and Canada.
The Canadians maintained a good trail that connected up with the Park Service's trail. Josh and Molly made excellent time walking north to the south end Chilliwack Lake. They two stopped dead in their tracks when they reached the southern end of the lake. The breeze was blowing and small waves were crashing on the beach in front of them. Waterlogged sticks and tree limbs hovered between the water surface and the sandy bottom of the beach. Sun broke through the clouds that had gathered since they got up and sparkled on the wavy surface of the dark blue lake. The tall mountains on either side cast shadows across the water.
"Wow!" Molly gasped.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Josh commented.
"I guess I see why people backpack," Molly said as she stared up the long lake stretching north from them. "This is just ... just ... uh..."
"Breathtaking?" Josh offered.
"Yes, that's the word I wanted," Molly agreed. "Breathtaking."
"Keep an eye on the lake for boats," Josh said as they started walking north along the eastern shore of the lake. "I don't want to be surprised by the Chinese if they have patrols out in the park. We're going to hustle up the shore and head into the first valley we come to. I doubt the Chinese will be looking for us up there."
"You're the boss, Josh," Molly agreed. Josh stepped off a faster pace as they headed along the steep mountainside at the edge of the lake. Molly was the first to spot a spec on the horizon ten minutes later.
"Haul ass, Molly," Josh commanded as he broke into a jog. "We got to get to cover before whoever that is sees us." The two were opposite high rocky cliffs. The fringe of woods between the cliffs and the trail was too thin to hide two people. Molly struggled to keep up with Josh as they ran for cover in the woods in the valley ahead. They were two hundred yards from hiding when they could see two heads in the boat and the wave kicked up by the bow. The two sprinted for the woods. They dashed into the woods as soon as they cleared the cliffs and clambered uphill away from shore. Molly hid behind a large rock. Josh pulled his pack off, threw it behind a large downed tree and jumped behind the tree too. The two stared down the hill as the little boat motored closer. They could make out the sound of the motor when it was a hundred yards from shore. The boat headed directly for the spot on the trail where they dodged into the woods.
Josh stared down the hill, aghast. The trail by the lake was bare. About twenty yards into the woods you could clearly see two sets of footprints in the snow leading straight up the hill to where they were hiding.
Josh waved to get Molly's attention. Josh waved his M16 so Molly could see it. She drew the pistol from a pocket in her pack. They watched as the two Chinese soldiers landed their boat at the shoreline directly below them. Josh lowered his gun and clicked the safety off.
The Chinese soldiers pulled their boat up further onto the shore and then walked up to the trail. They examined the trail carefully before they split. Each followed the trail about fifty yards to the north and to the south. The one closer to Molly stopped, turned and stared up the hill, into the woods. Josh fingered the trigger of his gun. He would have preferred if the two soldiers had stayed closer together so they were easier targets.
The second soldier called out to the first. The first jogged back to the boat while the second soldier jogged over to meet him. Neither Molly or Josh breathed until the Chinese soldiers climbed back in the boat and motored south towards the southern end of the lake. Josh and Molly stayed hidden until the little boat disappeared from sight as it headed for the north end of the lake.
Josh silently motioned for Molly to head back down to the trail and then hoisted his pack back on.
"Oh God, I thought we were dead," Molly gasped as she stumbled out of the woods. "I know they saw us when we were hiking along the side of the lake."
"They may have," Josh agreed. "We would have taken those two out if they came after us. We would have had the advantage of surprise."
"I don't know if I could have shot them," Molly whimpered. Josh gave Molly a brief hug when they met on the trail.
"We're safe now," Josh reassured. "Let's get moving. I don't want to hang around here to find out if the Chinese come back. Let's go."
The trail continued a few hundred yards to a paved park road. The pair followed the park road up the Depot Creek valley. They hustled to put distance between them and the Chinese. The road continued a mile and a half up the valley before ending. A park hiking trail continued up the valley another half mile.
Snow covered the road most of the way as they hiked up the valley, starting out as a dusting but getting progressively deeper as they hiked up the valley. Josh and Molly stopped where the trail petered out to put on their snow shoes. The snow two miles up the valley was up to the top of their boots and making traveling difficult.
A full throated roar of jet engines from the direction of the U. S. attracted their attention as they prepared their snowshoes. Both stopped and stared as four F-22s in a loose V formation streaked overhead, afterburners spewing flame out their tails.
"Raptors," Josh commented. "It's about damn time I saw the Air Force doing something."
"They're ours?" Molly asked. "Maybe we can wave them down."
"They're over..." Josh said as he pointed west. He was going to say 'Vancouver by now, ' but stopped short when he saw a couple dozen dots on the horizon to the west grow into the form of Chinese interceptors.
The American formation split into two pairs as they maneuvered for the fight. Josh and Molly watched as the Raptors shot missiles at the incoming Chinese. The Chinese returned fire. Josh and Molly stared skyward and watched the aerial duel. The four American fighters took out five Chinese fighters before succumbing to overwhelming numbers.
Two American planes exploded in midair, leaving their pilots no chance to bail out. A third pilot did manage to get free of his plane before it crashed. He floated down far north of them. Josh figured he probably would float down in the town of Chilliwack, scene of his first battles as a soldier. The last plane streaked overhead, trailing smoke and flame. It barely cleared the top of Mount Spickard, at the head of the valley they were climbing. Seconds later a ball of fire erupted skyward from the direction of the F-22.
A gaggle of Chinese fighters streaked overhead, heading the direction the last American had flown before crashing. Josh and Molly found out what the dogfight was about a minute later. Somewhere between 70 and 100 Chinese planes flew over them, keeping careful position in formation. The stream aircraft flew slightly south of due east across the border.
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Reluctant Convert ? by: Suzi4th Part 2 David woke to bright sunlight and a gentle stroking of his forehead. It took him a moment to register that he was not in his own bed but next door in Sally's, in her father's house, and that Mr Adamson was stroking his forehead. He was sitting in the same chair as last night and David blushed a deep red as he remembered all that had happened. Mr Adamson smiled at him as he stirred and tried to move his hands and found he could not, that...
A church going wife gets caught embezzling at work she shouldn't have and becomes the reluctant play thing of a fellow employee. (M+/F, reluc, slutty-wife, D/s, blkmail, preg) ***My name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty-two year old mom, married eleven years, with two c***dren. I work for a financial services corporation where I commute to work from our quiet, conservative little town. I'm active in my church group as well as our civic organizations. I've always tried to uphold the values of my...
The Reluctant Model II "Now, come on into the kitchen and let's see what we can do with that hair." She did the hair of a few of her friends at home and had outfitted a corner of our spacious kitchen as a little mini-salon complete with a salon chair and all the tools of her trade. As I followed her to the kitchen I was actually kind of looking forward to whatever was coming next. My erection hadn't subsided a bit and I found myself trying to sway my hips just a little extra to...
Reluctant Boy-Girl by Pat T. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My mother divorced my father because he beat her. He was rich, though, and got custody of me. My mother refused to turn me over, contending he beat me too. This simply wasn't true, but I guess Mom didn't want to give the bastard any satisfaction and I felt too sorry for her to tell anyone the truth. My mother hid me at one of her childhood friend's houses in Texas. The judge...
Reluctant Rendezvous Part 2 I knocked on the hotel door. I hear a voice tell me to enter. He sat in a chair in the corner and directed me to the bathroom. My name is Dave and I did something really stupid a few months ago. I stole some money from work. Now, one of my co-workers is blackmailing me into something I could never have imagined. If I don't follow through, I know I will go to jail. I entered the bathroom. I put my makeup bag down on the counter. I took note of...
“Oh my God I hate trains” whispered Becky as even more people packed in tighter at the last station before her stop. It didn’t help that over the weekend after a party in which they had all had a great time she had tried to seduce her husband. He didn’t even try to make an excuse this time, just said he didn’t want to and she had debased herself grovelling to try and get him to do it with her. It had been months now since they had been intimate. She particularly hated Monday mornings as she...
Prologue This story is a rewrite of a story I previously wrote entitled “Coming Home.” I have used many of the same characters but the plot has changed significantly. It is as far as possible historically accurate although of course the characters and the plot are fictional. The Nazi U Boat threat in 1941 was gradually strangling the UK supply lines and Merchant shipping was being sunk faster than they could be replaced. The Germans were using their U Boats to great effect, and had introduced a...
Erotic FictionIt was a great Thanksgiving. She was tired from the very long day and all the alcohol. She laid down in the living room and passed out cold. Her mouth gaped open and she began breathing very heavily. She was sleeping really hard now. My cock started twitching in my pants as my mind wandered...I brushed her hair with my hand and got no response at all. I did it again just to check, nothing. I put my finger in her mouth. She was sound asleep. It must be the turkey... I took my pants and shorts...
Drunk sexMy wife Ellen had been adamant that we would never have a threesome. I had always fantasized about her having sex with another man , I wanted a black guy, She was not having anything to do with it and that was that. years had passed and she had never given in and she was now 62 and I figured it would never happen now. She still has a great figure working out at least three times per week. Our sex life had been pretty low for the last few years and with my medical problems requiring a lot of...
Part 1 (re-edited)Despite our differences, Louise and I liked to take vacations together. She is a tall, redhead with a great figure. She dresses in such a feminine manner that you wouldn't guess that she was gay. I on the other hand am a petite gym rat who likes to wear jeans or sweats. Not only am I straight, but I never harboured any attraction to other women. I guess that Louise and I got along so well because neither of us posed any threat to each other. While on a Caribbean cruise, we...
Jack leered at the strippers undulating on stage as he downed the last of his beer. This was his first visit to this new nude dancers bar. He was intrigued by the fact that all of the employees of this club were beautiful women. All the bartenders, servers, and of course the strippers. He had run up a sizeable tab, ordering how many, 10 or 12 beers? He had long ago lost count. He was getting tired, an alcohol-induced drowsiness was beginning to take hold and he decided it was time to...
"Why not?" my younger sister screamed at me, "mum it's not fair, he won't take any pictures of me." It was my birthday and I had received the Digital Camera that I had requested but Jill, my 15-year-old sister was bugging me to take some picture of her. "Look who wants to take pictures of a scrawny thing like you," I said nastily. "Mum, he's being horrible to me," she shouted. "Pete, be nice to your sister and take a few shots," said my mother. "Yeah ok," I said somewhat...
Shortly after my birthday Kat, who is as mad as a March-Hare and works in the same office as I do, talked me into going to a house warming party. I didn't particularly want to go, for one thing I didn't know the guy who was having the party so it stood to reason that I wouldn't know anyone else either, except Kat, and that was part of the problem. I knew Kat would probably desert me as soon as we arrived, or shortly after so I tried every excuse I could think of, but Kat wouldn't take no...
It was the first of the month, and Andrea knew the rent was due. Andrea Smith was a 18 year-old high school cheerleader and had just moved out from her parents. She said she needed to be independent and on her own. She was 5' 7", 107 pounds, with long, naturally blonde hair and shapely, tan legs; a baby face on a woman's body. She had found a part-time job as a secretary to pay the rent, but then she got layed off. She hadn't paid it in over three months. She knew the landlord would be...
Occupied territory One of the initial problems they encountered was the question of how would they get out of the country together. Anne-Marie was a double agent, and that could be easily arranged, but Tony could not just book a passage. It was with some difficulty that he convinced the RAF controller that he was just going for the flight to finish briefing Anne-Marie, and would return on the plane, that he was reluctantly allowed to board. After boarding the Lysander just after dark, the...
Well to tell the truth what happened was all my fault if you are looking for blame. I am not sure just when I first began to fantasize about watching Laura have sex with another man but even though I was surprised at my desires to watch her with another man in between her legs the desire persisted Laura and I were married about three years and had one child that was a year old and I controlled my desire for several months until one day she confronted me wondering if I was guilty of something...
I am Vincent Frau Hacku and I will kill Ayanami. I fought alongside my men in battle. My violet eyes shining, sword flashing in the sunlight as I charge forwards with the front line to meet my foe. We were the best army in the world, ranked first of six run by the Chancellor in protection of his people. “Hacku’s Guard” they called us, and I fought for my men as much as they did for me. They wanted to please me and I was popular with them all. When I became general of what was known as...
At 55, Bob Mitchell was an unhappy camper! For the last six months, he hadn't been able to keep an erection long enough to satisfy his young wife. His dick would get hard, but wouldn't stay that way. At first Viagra had helped, but now, even that potent d**g no longer worked.Sitting alone in his study, he was trying to think of when his problem had begun. He knew what was wrong, but not how to do anything about it. When sexually excited, his dick began leaking pre-cum, not only pre-cum, but...
At 55, Bob Mitchell was an unhappy camper! For the last six months, he hadn't been able to keep an erection long enough to satisfy his young wife. His dick would get hard, but wouldn't stay that way. At first Viagra had helped, but now, even that potent d**g no longer worked.Sitting alone in his study, he was trying to think of when his problem had begun. He knew what was wrong, but not how to do anything about it. When sexually excited, his dick began leaking pre-cum, not only pre-cum, but...
Not in a million years would I have ever dreamed I would be sitting at a keyboard and typing this account of what happened only a few short months ago. I had thought about putting this into words several months from now, but decided I needed to do this now, not only because the memory is fresher, but also due to the fact that I will soon be pre-occupied with a situation you will soon read about. I don't quite know where to start, and I don't want to bore you will meaningless historical details...
Pushing damp strands of chocolate coloured hair from her forehead, Melodie fought against the humidity which was also making her clothes stick to her body uncomfortably. She couldn't believe how hot it was and though she wore a thin cotton shirt and three-quarter jeans, it might as well have been a thick blanket. Yet she was determined to have a good time as the fair was an annual event and this was her second time in ten years. "Melodie? We're going to sit under that big shade over there"...
My next movie assignment both interested me and troubled me at the same time. My co-star was to be Carol Lobegeiger, a 35 year old mother of one, who had run up a gambling debt which she had been unable to pay off. It was interesting because I knew Carol. She was a very sexy looking MILF who stood 5ft 6 ins tall, with a slim body dominated by a large rack of DD-cup tits. She had short wavy black hair that framed a beautiful face which was often smiling. I'd often wondered what she would...
Roger awoke slowly Saturday morning, as if he were gaining awareness by degrees. His temples throbbed agonizingly, and there was a chalky, almost lacquered taste in his mouth. He groaned slightly, raising one hand to shield his tightly closed eyes against the bright, grayish light of dawn which burned against the lids. He rolled onto his side, facing away from the window, and his hand reached out instinctively to search for the warm, pliant body of his wife. It touched only cool, empty...
Diane came out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, wearing her long nylon nightie, her blonde hair long and flowing down her back. Roger was lying on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, smoking a cigarette. He wore only his jockey shorts. Diane swallowed into her shame-dried throat as she stood just inside the door, looking at him. His eyes were on the ceiling. He hadn't looked at her or spoken to her since they'd left the Cord home in Peacock Gap that afternoon. She had...
"Weren't the Greens nice?" Sharon said again, as she and Ron walked into the bedroom of their small, but tastefully furnished home. "I was certainly glad to meet them." "Saved the night, that's for sure," Ron agreed. He sat down on the bed and removed his shoes, rubbing his feet. "If it hadn't been for them, I would have climbed the walls. There's simply no reason to put up with people you don't like, and I always feel like an absolute fool when I do anyway." Ron chided himself....
My name is Anita. I am a 23 year old es-panic female, 5 ft 5 inches tall, 115 pounds, 32 B breast, 22 inch waist, and 32 inch hips. This is my story of several first for me including bondage, pain, pleasure and anal. My live in boyfriend dumped me a few months back telling me that I was not open minded and adventurous enough sexually and he had found a woman that pleased him much more than I. I was left with the lease on our apartment and all the utilities which put me in a heavy...
I was asked to help move a boat to a town about 18hrs sail away. I loved sailing so I readily agreed. I was only 20 and very fit and tanned from many outings on boats. My mate George and I enjoyed a great day's sailing and as the sun was heading for the horizon decided to overnight at a small county port. We anchored out in the harbour to avoid paying any jetty fees and once dinner was done we started making up the beds. Unfortunately the starboard bunk was soaked from a leak and...
We approached a tiny grey one-story building squatting in the trees. It had no windows, only two torches on the wall on either side of an iron-enforced door. The moonlight filtered weakly through the dense overgrowth as I was led across a small clearing and into the maw of the building. Inside was pitch black, and my eyes took a long time to adjust, but before I could fully adjust to the twilight, I torch was brought inside. The warm glow didn’t seem right in such a horrific place. The room was...
For the last couple of months, my boyfriend has been trying to get me to come to his work and have sex. He's begged and pleaded, even tried bribing me with foot massages. There is no fucking way I am having sex in the library. For me, sex is private. We've all got things we don't want the public knowing about, so the idea of having sex in such a public place gives me the whiggins. My name is Corey. People say I'm good looking, but I look nothing like the tanned blond bimbos that fills...
She unlocks her penthouse apartment, complete with original wooden floors, floor to ceiling windows, and a view that is well worth the real estate price. It has very little furniture, more of a modern, clean interior design that reflects her no-nonsense - almost anal - mentality. Closing the door behind her, Veronica begins to walk across her living room, the heels of her red 5 inch stilettos clicking on the wooden floor. She drops her Coach purse, and she takes off her jacket, a partner to...
The steel-gray sky seems oppressively low this morning, and the streets are slick from a recent rain. Veronica stands on the steps to her flat, surrounded by luggage, as a cab pulls up that will take her to Heathrow airport. Her husband has left her, and now she will leave the UK. She flies to America this morning. An administrative job awaits her at the University of Wisconsin. In the cab, Veronica is still brooding about her divorce. She wishes she could think about something else. Her...
Amethyst stretched her cramped muscles as she looked down at the ruined dress. The threads that had kept the dress this side of decent had snapped in the night with her restless slumber. She slid out of bed making her way swiftly to the bathroom and was stopped short by her reflection in the vanity. Her mussed hair and bare thigh were bad enough, but it was the red puffy raccoon eyes that made her realize she was in over her head. She couldn’t remember doing it, but she had obviously been...
At last I was here, far away from my office and my mundane life. A chance to be Me if only for a few short days. I felt bad, lying to both family and colleagues, but I needed a break, boy did I need a break. My feeling was that it was better to take some time out, just for me, rather than carry on as I was and end up breaking out for good. So, here I was, booked into a lovely cottage, unseen by the few that ventured along the Sky Road. This was in my birthplace: of Clifden, in the lovely...
“Spunk up on my bum.”That is the horniest instruction my wife ever gave me.We were on holiday in Spain I think and at an all-inclusive resort, we were sharing the room with our three kids. Not ideal for romance but necessary to fit our tight budget requirements.I was as horny as could be, the resort was awash with bare boobs, swollen pudenda and flirtatious behaviour. Everywhere I looked was a camel toe, bare boob or other distraction.In due course we found ourselves back in our room before the...
TrueHello there! My name is Jane. Let me start by telling you a bit about myself. I was born and raised in a small town hanging somewhere on the skirts of the Rockies. Until my twenty sixth year, I had a pretty regular life. Like everybody else, I started by shitting my pants, then I went to school. I had a pretty boring time there. Once I graduated, I found a secretary … sorry personal assistant job in an office in my home town. It was kind of boring too but the salary was enough and I was never...
FantasyThis is a fantasy story based on picture sets of my wife. I'll start to add the illustrations shortly. Sadly the ones in the public domain will have to be masked, although I occasionally allow a private viewing if people are interesting to talk to. If you have requests about things you want to do/see/know please let me know, I am happy to alter the scenes for admirers of her. My email is [email protected] The game will not be very balanced until I get to revisit the numbers once the story...
My wife has a hot little chinese pussy that needs a bull for first time hot wife date . She likes to suck dick and have her sweet little pussy eaten . She is shy and needs a lot of encouragement . The thought of her getting ready for a date makes my dick hard . I love Asían , Ebony and Latina women . Looking for first time swinger of hot wife date night . I will pick out her snow white lingerie which gives only a hit of her sweet little pussy . Her tits are fairly big and 100 natural . You men...
Amsterdam in late May. It's a beautiful city; evocative, cool, fun and the weather was glorious. We had only been there for a day and had already reached saturation point for gorgeous babes on bikes... it is a saddle sniffers paradise, that's for sure.'We' were a party of guys from Scotland, celebrating my nephew's 21st birthday. He's not really my nephew, but I've been close to his dad since we were at school, and he's always called me 'Uncle Funghi'! haha. When he introduced me to his...
I'm always amused when I read stories that involve black men, and how all of them are so well endowed. I think that the writers of these stories have not seen very many black men naked, or they have a very vivid imagination.Having been in college athletics for four years, I have seen a large number of both white and black men naked, and in my opinion there is essentially no difference in penis size between white and black men.However, there are some rare notable exceptions in both white and...
My name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty-two year old mom, married eleven years, with two c***dren. I work for a financial services corporation where I commute to work from our quiet, conservative little town. I'm active in my church group as well as our civic organizations. I've always tried to uphold the values of my religion, and to be a good Christian wife and mother. This is how I became corrupted, and betrayed myself, as well as my husband. It started at my job. There was a man there, named...
I need to be bound and tormented. My wife doesn't need to be dominant at all. She's tried over the years to make me happy, but she just doesn't like to dominate me. I've tried to suppress my needs, but I found myself depressed. We finally came up with a way for me to be bound and tormented, while making it as easy for her to dominate me as I could. My wife works as the night manager of the local Blockbuster, from five p.m. to midnight. When she decides she doesn't mind dominating me, she hangs...
?The girls asked me why you were always doing things for me, if we were ?just friends? For years, I'd fantasized about being locked in a chastity belt. I never found a mistress to act as a key holder, though. Until one night of tequila, then it all changed. I was drinking with a friend of mine named Angela. About halfway through our second bottle, she did the unthinkable, she took the unguided tour of my mind. That's how she found out about my fantasy. I've wanted Angela since we first...
We arranged a date. Our date night came along and we met at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos had been exchanged online beforehand and they looked like their photos. They knew I am bisexual and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink, we were getting along great and the wife suggested we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans already. Their house was only a five minute walk from the...
I pulled off into the small parking area and put the car in park. My hands were trembling as I turned the ignition off and began to nervously look around. I was early and he wasn't here yet. On the seat beside me was a zip lock bag with 6 of my wifes dirty panties, neatly folded and packed tightly into the bag.A few days earlier I had posted an add on a local adult site with the subject 'let's meet and sniff my wifes dirty panties'. I received a surprising number of replies, but only one seemed...
The next morning, my wife had already showered and was getting dressed for work when I woke up. I laid in bed and admired her large frame as she bent over to pull on her full cut nylon pink panties and then struggle to fasten her bra. Her shoulder length blonde hair was perfectly done, as usual, and her makeup was on point. She was a stunning, curvy bbw, even at age 55. Despite the workout my cock got yesterday, I started to get hard while watching her and reached down to rub my little morning...
Almost a year had passed since Marta had come to live with him, and Joe was as happy as he could remember being. Only a couple of things kept his life from being perfect. Marta still wasn’t speaking to him and ... well, we’ll get to that in a minute. Joe’s sister-in-law, Jacqueline, or Jacky, had asked Joe for a favor one day, one that would change his life for the better. He didn’t know that at the time and had been fearful, but he felt an even deeper debt of gratitude now than he had felt...
© Copyright 2003 I first saw her in the checkout line at the supermarket in the strip mall near my house. Her features, beneath the baseball cap, were pleasant to look at. The few lines on her face spoke of habitual smiles, but it was her eyes that captured me. They too were surrounded by smile lines, but when she wasn't talking to anyone, they held a haunted, faraway look. Everything she wore, the cap, the crisp white man cut shirt, the skintight jeans, and even the pristine white...
I was returning to Addison after four years in the service. I had been a scout more because of where and how I grew up. I had a day before the shuttle dropped and was sitting in the merchant walk watching vids of the forest on the planet. Like always the station announced a shuttle lifting from the planet. Since it was an imperial diplomatic shuttle I was not interested. Five minutes later the station alarms when off, "attention all personal proceed to evac stat..." It shut down and I...