The Vampire Kiss Chapter Eleven Bloody Incest
- 3 years ago
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Father Hyrum Augustine, unknowing pawn of the demon Jezebel, faced the vampiress, Rosa Reyes, in her realty office, the sunlight streaming through the window onto her golden-brown skin. It did not consume the foul creature. The Latina woman's face transformed as the priest's snarl of "Vampiress" echoed through the room. Fangs flashed between her ruby lips.
Damien turned her and she was gifted daywalking. Every vampire had a gift from telekinesis to mesmerizing gaze. Some, like Rosa, were protected from the purity of the sun, able to walk in what should burn her foul body to a crisp.
The priest's cock throbbed harder as Rosa moved. She dressed in a sleek, tight miniskirt and low-cut blouse, showing off the beauty of her body to gain an edge in negotiations. The priest admired her beauty, eager to own her body like he yearned to own the vampiress Lynette's nubile form. Lusts defined the Father, the whip the demon possessing him used to drive the priest to her tasks.
As time slowed, fantasies flashed through the priest's body, whispered by Jezebel. He pictured Rosa pinned to the table, her body naked, golden-brown, heaving in the sunlight as he plowed his cock into her sinful hole. The table creaked as he ravaged her.
All women are whores, and vampiresses especially. They are sin animating flesh. They inspire such depravity in men.
The priest already yearned to tame Abigail, and now he lusted for Rosa. He wanted his own pets vampiresses to join him, to be yoked to his communion the way he had chained the three woman who surged around him. Blonde and youthful Joy drew a silver machete while Samantha, her glasses slipping down her alabaster face, produced a wooden stake she had hidden beneath her clothing. The white oak's point lunged at Rosa.
"Capture her," breathed Father Augustine as his holy warriors rushed forward.
Donna Lawson—the married MILF he had savored stealing from her husband—snapped her hand out at the lunging Rosa. Shock burst across the vampiress's face. She had known blood in the early hours of the morning when she helped Damien slaughter at the mansion. She discovered the ease of killing humans with her undead speed and strength She expected humans to be slow.
My whores have been blessed by my holy power.
Yes, they have, the feminine voice whispered. To the priest, Jezebel's purr belonged to the Holy Ghost and proved the priest's righteous belief in his purpose.
Flesh smacked flesh. The vampiress hissed in pain, her clawing hand recoiling before she could reach Father Augustine's throat. The priest folded his arms, his cock tenting the front of his cassock as he admired his women unleashed.
Joy's blonde hair flowed behind her as she swung with the silver-plated machete. Only items of purity—salt, white oak, sunlight, holy water, silver—could harm the undead. Rosa's nostril flared. Her dark eyes burned as she twisted from Joy's weapon. The machete sang through the air, a flash of silvery violence. Blood spurted.
Rosa grasped her leg. Smoke curled from the wound.
"Do not mar her beauty too much," the priest smiled. "Disable and pin her so I may claim her."
"Yes, Father," breathed Donna, her large breasts heaving beneath her blouse as the MILF and Samantha charged in.
"Claim me?" laughed Rosa.
Her uninjured leg lashed out. Donna took the blow in the stomach. The force threw the woman back into a filing cabinet. Metal groaned as the MILF bounced off. She left a creased dent, the gray-green paint flexing off.
Donna rose, shacking off the injury.
"Thank you lord for my holy warriors," prayed the priest. Thank you for making my whores strong.
Samantha screeched as she stabbed the stake at Rosa's stomach, forcing the vampiress to leap back. She landed on her bad leg and howled in pain. Pure rage burned in the vampiress's face as she struggled to stay upright.
Joy leaped over the woman's desk, knocking over a computer monitor as she landed beside the vampire. She swung hard with the machete. Rosa sucked in her stomach as she danced back. Fabric sliced. Smoke curled. A thin, long slice weeped tainted blood down Rosa's stomach.
"I will rip you all to shreds," screeched the vampiress. She seized the heavy printer sitting on a small table in the corner and hurtled it at Joy.
The blonde knocked it from the air and advanced on the vampiress, Samantha rushing in alongside her. They had the vampiress pinned in the corner. It was almost over. Father Augustine reached down and rubbed at his cock.
"The hussy has unleashed her sin upon me," groaned the priest.
"Then she'll have to satiate you, Father," Samantha snarled. The brunette stabbed with the stake as Joy sliced her machete.
Rosa could only dodge one. The machete swiped at her neck. The priest tensed, fearing his whore had lost control and disobeyed him. But Joy's attack forced the vampiress to dodge into Samantha's path.
The wooden stake slammed into Rosa's stomach.
Agony screamed from the vampiress's mouth. She stumbled to the right. White oak planted into a vampire's torso was agony. It disabled them. Hunters carried bolts of white oak to shoot into vampire's chest so they could paralyze and then kill their foe.
"Yes," Father Augustine breathed.
"No," snarled Rosa as her body convulsed.
The vampiress found the strength to throw herself backwards before she lost all motor control. She crashed through the glass window. The shards spun about her, cutting her flesh. The sunlight illuminated her blood droplets. They glowed with inner fire.
And then she was gone, plunging several stories to the street below.
A snarl of rage burst from the priest's lips. He rushed to the window and peered down at the cement below. Rosa landed hard, her body convulsing on the sidewalk. It would take more than that to kill a vampire. Pedestrians already crowded around her, speaking on her cell phones.
Calling the authorities.
No time. Damien is the target. Forget the bitch, hissed the feminine voice.
"We need to leave," Father Augustine spat. "Right now!"
"Yes, Father," Samantha said. "I ... I'm sorry, Father. I tried to capture her."
The priest didn't answer. Bile burned the back of his throat. There is still Abigail, whispered the feminine voice. Once you kill Damien, the widowed vampiress will need the comfort of her priest.
Father Augustine smiled. He had failed to kill or dominate Rosa, but he had confirmation on Damien's lair. The loft above Club Risqué. How else had Rosa, the property's realty agent, been turned into a vampiress?
Remember, you have a way to escape your corruption. Kill Damien once Faust's blood has cooled.
Gideon's voice echoed through her mind. Aurora the corrupted angel spun around, her crimson wings flapping wide. She gripped her sword then let it vanish. She would never turn on Damien. He had unshackled her from Heaven's morality. Together, they would kill Faust and stop Jezebel's plan.
The demon would pay.
And then she would serve her vampire and combat darkness. No rules or petty morality would stop them. They would fight darkness with darkness. They would prowl the night and keep mankind safe from the predators—shepherds guarding the flock.
And like any shepherd, they would earn the right to take the choicest morsels and feast.
"Aurora, is everything all right?" a soft voice asked.
The angel turned, her naked tits heaving, and faced Britney. The thrall stretched from the mattress she lay upon. Mary slept beside her. All three vampires—Damien, Abigail, and Mary—slept in the dark loft. The windows were coated with thick, black paint, hiding the foul sun from their flesh.
"It's fine," Aurora said, her wings fluttering.
Seeing Gabriel, her former angelic partner, excited her. The prospect of seducing a pure angel and tasting his seed appealed to Aurora. When Damien feasted on her, she became a different kind of predator, one who feasted on sexual juices.
She had been feasting on Britney's milk when Gabriel interrupted her. Aurora's eyes locked on the blood-smeared tits. Britney's wounds, caused by Mary's sharp teeth, had healed swiftly, but streaks remained on her skin, mixing with the milk beading on her nipples.
Britney yawned. "Okay. I was just falling asleep. I thought I heard a man's voice."
"Just a fool." Aurora walked to Britney as the thrall closed her eyes and fell into sleep again. She needed to regain energy. She had been feasted upon off and on all night by the vampires. Though her human body had been enhanced to replenish her blood and milk swiftly, there were limits.
Aurora shuddered. She needed to feed. Thralls existed to be used. "Sleep, child," Aurora purred as she fell upon the mistress lying on the empty loft's floor. Nearby, Damien, Abigail, and Vicky, another Thrall, slept. "I will give you such sweet dreams."
Aurora's hands slid up Britney's smooth thighs. The young girl, barely eighteen, shuddered as she dreamed. Her hand held Mary's. They were friends before their changes, and now they had an even stronger bond uniting them—serving Damien.
The angel pushed her thighs apart, exposing Britney's shaved pussy. A landing strip of fine, blonde down led to a wet snatch. Aurora's nose twitched as the angel breathed in the musk. An orgasmic sigh issued from her throat.
"Such sweet dreams."
Aurora leaned down to feast on the sleeping girl's snatch. Her tongue flicked along the shaved vulva, gathering up the sexual fluids—cum or pussy dew, Aurora craved both now. Her wings fluttered as her excitement grew.
Aurora savored the flavor. It burst to life on her mouth. She moaned through her lips, her body feasting on the sustenance of Britney's lusts. The girl shifted and let out a soft sigh as she slumbered and dreamed.
I hope they are such—
Metal rattled outside. A van door sliding open. It was in the alley of of the loft. Footsteps stomped. The angel's keen senses alerted her to the clatter of a gun's slide pulled back and released, the flick of safety, then steps pounded up the stairs.
"Wake up!" Aurora shrieked, her wings flapping, carrying her to her feet. Her bloody sword appeared in her hand. "We're under attack."
The door burst open. Sunlight ruined the purity of darkness.
Damien D'Angelo's eyes snapped open the moment Aurora's shout burst from her lips. The vampire's enhanced senses heard the pounding footsteps. Four separate steps but three were light—women. Their excited musk brushing his nose mixed with gun oil, salt, white oak.
Vampire Hunters.
The door burst open as Damien rose. His wife Abigail, who moments before had slept in his arms, leaped to her feet, his hard dick sliding out of her ass. She hissed in a low crouch beside Damien, flinching from the vile sunlight spilling into the loft as three women burst in carrying weapons. Donna Lawson, mother of Britney, was at their lead.
Though Damien was shocked to see his neighbor leading the charge, he did not let it stop his reaction as Donna lowered her shotgun right at Abigail. Damien knew it was loaded with rock salt, a tactic he had used many times as a living hunter.
With a roar, he threw Abigail to the side. His red-haired vampiress tumbled across the floor and came up in a crouch. The shotgun roared. Pain exploded across Damien's side. He felt every grain of salt strike his skin. Smoke wisped from his wounds as thousands of crystals dug into his flesh, pricking agony through his body.
His shouted thundered through the hall. His right arm fell limp. So much smoke billowed from it, he couldn't see his flesh from wrist to shoulder. The smoke stung at his eyes as he rushed at the woman. Damien drank in the pain.
His cock thrust hard before him.
Donna racked her shotgun, the red shell ejected smoking. It spun through the air as the next shell slammed into the breech. It was sawed-off. One of Damien's he had left with Father Augustine.
The priest strode into the loft, a dark shadow surrounded by the too bright sunlight.
"You have fallen, Damien," the priest said, his gruff voice stronger, alight with inhuman words. Damien heard something strange in the priest's voice, a woman speaking with the man, a faint, almost ringing tone just at the edge of Damien's hearing. "But I have come to free you from the prison of your flesh so you may find paradise again."
"Amen," Donna hissed.
Damien snagged the barrel of the gun and shoved it to the side. The shotgun went off, spraying salt past his chest. The barrel burned his hand, but Damien could ignored the mundane heat. His flesh healed in an instant.
He ripped the shotgun from her, spun it, and pumped the action.
In a blur almost too fast for the vampire to follow, she produced a silver machete and swung. He blocked it with the shotgun barrel. Donna was fast. Too fast for even a hunter. Damien had numbered among the best of the Knights Venator, and he never possessed the woman's speed.
"What are you?" he demanded as she hacked at him again.
"Something holy," breathed Donna. "Something pure. Chosen by god to kill you and rescue my daughter."
But Damien smelled a different truth on her. She oozed lust. It burned through her. Consumed her and drove her. The lust wasn't holy. It was foul, tainted, corrupted. It made no sense to the vampire as he fell back before her feverish assault.
But it made her blood smell so sweet. He yearned to taste her corruption.
Damien screamed in pain as Abigail D'Angelo came up in crotch after being thrown to the side. She snarled at Donna Lawson, glaring daggers at her neighbor for hurting Damien. She rose and tense, prepared to leap and rip the woman's head off.
Movement attracted the vampiress's attention.
Samantha Murphy raised a crossbow to her shoulder, a white oak quarrel resting on the cradle. The young woman, a member of Abigail's church, fired. The crossbow bolt took Abigail in the collarbone as she tried to dodge. It spun her around. Pain burned down her arm.
You invited me to your wedding next week, bitch, Abigail thought as the pains creamed through her.
The vampiress crashed to the ground. Her left arm paralyzed by the shot. She rolled onto her right side, the quarrel twisting in her flesh. She regained her feet. Samantha, her glasses slipping off her nose, calmly reloaded her crossbow, cranking the mechanism to pull back the cradle and bend the arms. Abigail ripped out the quarrel and threw it at Samantha.
The human reacted in an instant. She raised the crossbow, blocking the powerful throw. The quarrel embedded into the fiberglass body of the weapon.
Abigail didn't stay still. She rushed in after the thrown bolt. Feeling returned to her left arm. Her wound still burned and smoked, but she had removed the white oak's purity didn't, returning control to her limb. She snarled, her fangs growing. Samantha's blood smelled sweet.
Samantha threw her crossbow.
The large weapon hurtled at Abigail. She raised her forearms, letting the weapon bounce off of her. She kept running. She wasn't a weak human to be slowed down that easily. She lowered her arms, ready to grab Samantha, and hissed her hunger.
Samantha drew a handgun from a shoulder harness.
"Bitch," Abigail snarled as she stared down at her own 9mm with an extended magazine holding thirty rounds.
Samantha pulled the trigger. The 9mm had been illegally modified to full auto. A burst of five round spat from the end of the gun as Samantha swept her arm before her. The bullets struck Abigail in the legs. Three of the silver coated bullets passed through the flesh of her thighs, leaving burning wounds behind while a fourth miss.
The fifth struck her knee cap, the silver lodged against the bone.
Abigail's legs folded beneath her. She collapsed before Samantha.
Confusion gripped Abigail. Samantha shouldn't have the skill to be so precise with a 9mm firing at full automatic. The young woman had never held a gun before. She was pro-gun control, believing every Christian should be against any weapon being owned.
So when was she trained?
Behind Samantha, a blonde woman Abigail didn't recognize dodged the streaking blur of Mary. The young vampiress was gifted with super speed. She left only an afterimage behind as she raced up the wall and leaped at the blonde.
Who pulled an ampoule of holy water and flicked it almost casually before her. Mary, streaking down from above, had no chance to avoid it. Her momentum provided all the force to shatter the glass. Holy water spilled about the vampiress, and she crashed to the ground at the blonde's feet, her flesh burning.
Mary's agony screamed through the warehouse.
"What are you?" Abigail hissed through her teeth at Samantha. Her wounds in her legs healed, all except around the bullet lodged against her knee.
"God's warriors sent to fight evil," Samantha said, her eyes burning with lust.
Abigail shoved herself backwards as Samantha aimed again. The vampiress's legs burned. But she wouldn't give up. She would keep fighting and drink the bitch's blood. Another burst of 9mm rounds exploded from Samantha's gun.
They did not hit Abigail.
Vickie fell to the ground before Abigail. The Black thrall clutched her bleeding stomach. The scent of blood thickened in the air. Drops splashed across Abigail's face and breasts. Her tongue licked out, tasting the salty flavor. The thrall's life.
A spike of energy shot through Abigail.
"Kill her, Mistress," panted Vickie, her voice thick with orgasmic pleasure. Pain and rapture were the same to a thrall.
Abigail snarled in answer and gained her feet.
Britney Lawson rushed across the loft. Mary screamed in pain behind her and Abigail lay on the ground, bleeding. But she was Damien's thrall. It was her Master that she ran to the rescue of, her large tits heaving.
Britney couldn't believe her mother thought she needed saving. But Britney would not let her mother harm Damien. It didn't matter that Donna Lawson had birthed Britney and raised her. Nothing would stop Britney from protecting her master.
The young woman let out a shout right before she slammed into her mother's side, a football tackle. Donna gasped and grunted. The two women fell to the ground in a flurry of matching blonde curls. Donna struggled as Britney seized her mother's arm.
"You can't harm him," Britney shouted.
"Oh, honey," groaned Donna as she wrestled with her daughter. "I'm here to save you, sweetie. Then you can serve the priest like I do."
Lust burned in Donna's mouth. Britney was shocked by the wanton, purring moan. It was sexual, taboo groan of pleasure. It unleashed incestuous lust inside of Britney. Her pussy, already wet from the angel's licking while she dozed, unleashed a new flood of pleasure.
"No," Britney gasped, her eyes widening. "No, no. You need to serve Damien. You'll love it. Just let him bite you. Fuck you. Let him make you cum, Mother!"
Donna, to Britney's absolute shock, through her daughter off of her. Britney landed hard on the wooden step. "I'm trying to save you," Donna roared as she gained her feet with far more speed and grace then Britney thought possible. "Don't you understand?"
Damien raised the shotgun, the barrel scored with dents and nicks. Donna cursed and dived to the ground. The shotgun boomed. But her roll was swift. She came up in a crouch and threw her machete at Damien.
"Master," Britney gasped in shock.
The machete took Damien in the thigh. The vampire moved, but not fast enough. How is Mom a better fighter than Master? It's like she's not human.
Damien roared in pain. His cock thrust hard before him as his flesh sizzled. He seized the handle of the machete and ripped it out of his flesh. His blood sizzled on the weapon, boiling away. Damien shuddered.
"What are you?" he demanded, facing Donna.
"Purified by the priest's communion!" Donna's eyes widened with ecstasy as she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a vial of holy water.
"No!" Britney threw herself at her mother.
Donna cursed and turned. She grabbed Britney's hand, twisting it. "Stop fighting, Britney Lawson. You don't know what you're doing. He's evil."
"He's my Master!" Britney screamed the words. They exploded out of her. She believed them with every fiber of her being. "He owns me. You can't hurt him."
Donna struggled and pushed Britney away, turning to face Damien. The vampire surged in, swinging the machete. Donna twisted her body, her feet almost a blur as she backpedaled and dodged around the attacks.
She can't dodge us both.
The thought propelled Britney into motion. She moved around her mother. A sexual surge of lust rushed through her. Blood scented the air. She wasn't a vampire, but she still responded to the aroma of spilled life fading into death. She licked her lips. Milk beaded her nipples. Her mother was so strong. She would make Damien a wonderful vampiress.
Britney lunged at her mom's back. Donna threw a glance and cursed. She tried to dodge both Britney and the machete. But she couldn't do both. She twisted her body out of the way of Damien's blurring swing.
Britney grabbed her mother's waist. She locked her arms tight about her mother, hugging her from behind. She then hooked Donna's foot as the older woman moved. Britney yanked, throwing Donna off balance. The pair crashed to the floor, Britney's hands sliding up, grabbing her mother's breasts. She pinched with her fingernails hard, tearing through her mother's thin shirt and into the flesh of her tits.
Blood welled around her fingers.
"Master," Britney moaned.
Damien loomed over them, his muscular body bleeding as it healed. A wild rage burned in his eyes, teetering on the edge of lust. The vampire's nostrils flared, inhaling Donna's blood. Yes, take her, Master.
Damien fell on the mother squirming in her daughter's embrace. Britney's smiled as Damien seized her and opened his mouth wide, his fangs flashing. A hot thrill ran through the young woman.
Aurora rushed to Mary's aid.
The vampiress screamed on the ground, her flesh burning from the holy water. Mary shuddered and writhed. She would heal, vampires always did, but for the moment she was incapacitated. The blonde girl produced a sharp, silver knife, raising it high to dispatch Mary.
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I had graduated high school back in June. Some of the richer kids had helped throw a graduation night party at their mansion. I had gone to the party with my then-girlfriend, Mindy. Happiest time of my life, right? WRONG. Around 11:30 that night, I’d gone to look for Mindy; she’d been gone for a good half an hour by now. I walked upstairs and down the hall, and suddenly heard loud moaning, moaning that sounded horribly familiar. Backtracking to the source from which the moans came...
I'm not saying I COULD NOT have come up with a better plan. I'm saying--given the Zombie-Apocalypse and some piss-on-yourself howls, someone might think it a good idea to stay put. That maybe, I wasn't the only one waiting for a government guy to get on TV and tell us they had A PLAN. For a sixteen year old, killing Zombie-Rob and Zombie-Sow is in the realm of overachievement! It wasn't bashing their brains in with a baseball bat, but I deserved style points for the cleaver. AND, after...
Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little better, so sit back and prop your feet up... I'm a 42-year-old mortician / funeral director who operates our family's mortuary and cemetery. I'm 5 feet 7 inches; approximately 120 pounds with long raven-black hair and glasses with natural abnormally long top incisors ( K9's or fangs). I'm in a polygamist marriage (not...
This is the true story of vampires in the world today. You probably have heard all the stories about the centuries old vampires, who live forever once they have been bitten by another vampire. And they cannot be killed, except by a stake through the heart, or maybe cutting their heads off and keeping them separate. This story began many years ago when Vlad the Impaler was ruling over Hungary and fighting off the Turks. The stories all told of how he would impale his victims through the asshole...
I guess the thought of losing the accumulated knowledge of humanity lit a fire under the Professor. He even put together a hunting party to go into other professors' homes to raid their book collections. The books filled several trucks. I hoped it would be enough, like I hoped what Bianca had done to prepare for our departure was enough too. I smiled--we were saved!!! I wasn't the only one smiling. The uniforms were so pretty, at least on some of the soldiers. A few of the men looked a...
His name was Martos, and he was born as a human over five thousand years ago. He was born in a nomadic tribe of hunters, constantly on the move after the animals they hunted. Those were simple times, when the sole concern was would there be enough game to feed everyone. They lived mostly in the forests that were almost everywhere in those times. Martos, as all men from his tribe, was a hunter. He had a happy life, but all changed on his twentieth birthday, for better or worse, I cannot really...
Far back in the woods of northern Maine is an old, large house. The myth is that a vampire and his minion live their. They came to America a hundred years ago and since then have been feasting on the blood and flesh of young women and men of the surrounding towns. Armed with a stake, and an assortment of goods, Maya, a twenty eight year old, raven haired beauty, and her husband Rick are ready to take on the vampires. Their British accents give away their homeland and heritage. They are one of...
Fantasy1.2.6. The PlanThe following weeks were also the same for Selene in sexual terms. At night she was locked in her chastity belt and allowed to go hunting for sperm, blood and money in the brothel and during the day she lay tied up in Richard's bed. Only the short time he slept early in the morning, she could sleep too. When he was working, he tied her up in various positions and woke her up by using a vibrator, which made her float on a wave of lust all day long. Not strong enough to give her...
1.2 RichardEven though vampires are much stronger than humans, they have similar weaknesses. Use the weaknesses to control them, not to destroy them. If I am right, they are not only the key to world domination, but most importantly to saving humanity.From Richard Baxter's draft of ”Letters to my Daughter” - Empire City 2035.1.2.1 Meeting with Richard*2033*Selene looked from the window of her private jet over to the skyline of the city. For a hundred and twenty-five years she had been building...
Bianca didn't look good. In fact, she looked downright fucked up! And she wouldn't shut the fuck up! It started a few hours after she woke up from our fuckfest and found out about Lorena shooting the politician. "It was my fault..." "I shouldn't have left..." "I should have talked to him..." "Why didn't I think..." BLAH-THE-FUCK-BLAH! "How much longer is this going to go on?" I asked the people at my table. They looked at Brandi who was talking to Bianca. I...
Empire of vampires 1.2.5 BrothelAt the door Selene was received by two other women. Dressed as Dominas. Probably the mistresses running the brothel. They were also wearing tight latex clothing. But their faces were covered by masks. Mouth, nose and eyes free, but otherwise completely covered. They wore chastity belts just like Selene and in addition a steel choker.„So you are the new girl. Have you broken her yet, Richard?” the first woman asked. „Not yet. She has yet to learn to be submissive....
Sex smells or so I'd heard without quite understanding why it would matter. If sex doesn't stink like rotten eggs or stale piss, who gives a fuck? If it does, take a fucking shower! I didn't smell anything and I'd had a lot of sex that morning and mid-afternoon. A LOT OF SEX! The girls were taking a shower. I was hoping there would be enough hot water or just plain water for me to take one too. I'd never been the active type so the dried sweat thing got old fast. I could have taken care...
I didn't talk to them the next morning; grabbing food, nodding to Joey, and walking outside had to be enough for now. Ashley hadn't exactly bought them my good graces; she did make me think though ... after she fell asleep! She wanted to make sure I understood the change to our relationship so I got a couple more rides in her ass. She was uncomfortable but didn't let me take her pain away. She wanted to feel it, to know she'd done her best to convince me that I'd wake her up if I decided...
Caleb ran down the alley trying to make it back home. Lucien was in town and the master vampire wasn't very happy with him. Dodging a street merchant, he found the fire escape for his apartment and quickly climbed the three flights to his window. It wasn't always like this. Caleb had been the mate for a master vampire. The master of London if you want to be more technical, however he had always felt out of place in London. Lucien had tried to make him feel comfortable, but it never worked too...
Sword Kellie lopped off the rapist's foot. The second rapist looked up fast enough to see the Left Tower's staff being flicked at his chest. One hundred pounds of steel flung by a Tower's augmented strength ... OUCH! "I think you killed him," I told the Left Tower. He kicked the first rapist out of his way. Slapping the second rapist, the Left Tower shook his head at me. The sixteen year old girl they'd been about to rape crawled away from us. She ended up too close to a jail cell...
I watched Bianca walk into my suite. She wore a floor-length wine colored dress. "You want to touch?" she asked. I reached out and ran my hand over her hip. The dress looked and felt like velvet. I smiled and stared up at her. "Not as soft as your skin." "You don't have to try this hard," she said, sitting across the table from me. "I'm a sure thing tonight!" Marina poured a glass of wine for Bianca. Putting the bottle on the table, Marina knelt a few feet away. Elizabeth was on...
Being flogged by a lesbian vampire felt much as it sounded. It was painful, humiliating, and, immeasurably, not how Janine thought she ought to be living her life. Quite the opposite, in fact. Unfortunately, Life, and the Queen, disagreed. It was something both had in common with the vampire countess, Janine reflected. All three were bitches. Then again, her thinking was somewhat biased just then. Layers of rainbow dyed hemp rope coiled tightly around Janine's naked body. Another rope, this...
Danny's heart beat faster and he sucked in a deep breath as the gorgeous older woman loomed over his prone form. He was lying on his back on the woman's elaborate 4-poster bed as she straddled his legs and leant down towards him.The woman casually flicked her long, raven locks over her shoulder and bent forward, pressing the lush curves of her body against him. Danny gave a quiet sigh as he felt the heavy weight of her ample breasts press against his torso, he could even feel the hard jut of...
No son of mine should ever look so ... fragile, he thought in a controlled manner as he tried to dispassionately gaze down on the young man filling the bed near to overflowing and yet somehow looking childlike in his pain. The figure in the bed was a big man in both height and build, nary a spare ounce of fat to be found upon that hulking frame. His black hair was cut short under the bandage that was wrapped around his head, blood showing that the cuts on his head had bled rather freely. They...
Do Bloody What? "I want you to get me pregnant?" "Do bloody what?" I looked at my ex-wife in astonishment. I'd been virtually forced into having this meeting with Michelle by my mother. Well, not exactly forced but she harped on and on about Michelle wanting to see me as she had something really important to discuss with me. I'd had to agree just to get mother off the bloody telephone. Mother had been calling me at work several times a day and, to be honest, my boss was getting real...
The young couple Dem and Matt and lived a quiet life together. However, Matt had a dark desire, he wanted to be a vampire. One night on his way home from work he heard a strange noise coming from the alley. Matt headed to the alley. In the alley, a woman in a white nightgown stood before him. He was speechless. Before he could react, the woman bit him on the neck and disappeared into a mist. Matt hurried home where he was greeted by his lovely wife Dem. “Her neck is pulsing” Matt thought as he...
Fetish1 Family Foundation1.1 Goddess of the MoonAlthough the circumstances of the emperor's origin remain a mystery, we are certain that she was not born in Tunguska 200 years ago. Rather, we believe that she was sent from an alternative future to avert a major catastrophe. Even if her species deserves to be worshiped as gods, we must control and chastise them in order to make them useful to us.From Jessica's preface to the manual „Vampire Control through Lust and Tortur,“Pavonia, Mars 21081.1.1...
1.2.2. LaboratoryWhen Richard awoke the next morning after eight hours of sleep he found himself in Selene's bed. The woman next to him looked simply breathtaking in her latex catsuit. Her stunning beauty didn't even make him wonder how he got here or where he actually was. He wanted nothing more than to possess this woman. Selene sat beside him in bed and stroked him gently.”Did we?” he started to ask before she interrupted him. ”You would remember that, Richard. But we will. Because from now...
1.2.4. SubmissionRichard had been analyzing the documents on the chip for nearly ten hours, taking only occasional short breaks to eat and stroke his bound Selene. Only when he looked at the clock did he realize that Selene had been driven from one orgasm to the next for just as long. He was supposed to set her free and let her eat.Richard noted with regret that the records showed that Selene had not had an single orgasm, but that she had merely oscillated between hot and just before orgasm. So...
A brother and sister, age fifteen and fourteen find themselves alone for the summer with both mom and dad working. Boredom sets in quickly and the brother has ideas to pass the time away. “Its not incest I’m telling you the truth” “Look Rob, it is. You want me to show you my boobies and you’re my brother, that’s incest no matter how you look at it, isn’t it?” “Rachael, listen, yes you are my sister but what harm is there in just showing me some of your skin? You have to understand...
Now, we all know that there are all kinds of categories of porn on, but what about the category which everyone secretly likes but doesn't admit to it? Well, there's that too, and we all know which category I'm talking about here, right? That's right, it's the Incest category. Now, you might have mixed feelings about that one, but if you ask me, incest is one of the hottest categories out there. Not that I'd want to fuck my sister or anything, obviously I wouldn't. I just like...
Incest Porn SitesWe at the Incest Institute have conducted over 1700 interviews with individuals who have either attempted or experienced consensual incest. With this data we have made progress toward the understanding of how successful incestuous sex can occur. Our mission is to simply gather and share knowledge of this rare and fascinating aspect of humanity and we would now like to offer a brief and basic outline of strategies for those who seek it out. First Threshold: The Idea If having a...
This is the story of how my 18 birthday was beyond anything I could have ever imagined, at 17 I was red headed fiery 5 ” 2 with c cup breasts and a slim uk size 10 with a seductive curvy figure. My boyfriend Dave was 5 “9 brown hair an dark eyes almost black. I was pale even for a red head deathly pale, you see I had a secret I would never become 18, I was a vampire and I had been for the last 109 years. I was staying in a small town in Alaska; permanently overcast I had no reason to...
Negative and positive comments encouraged… _________________________________________ Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad. I said as I started up the stairs to my room. They didnt acknowledged what I had said, as they continued watching the television. They act like I dont even exist. I thought to myself as I entered my eloborately decorated room, and through the door that led to my ensuite bathroom. I started to run a bath for myself, in the large, marble sunken bathtub. I walked out, back into my...
If the knocking was less of an attempt to kick down the door, I would have ignored it. "What?" I yelled. Ashley shook her head at me as she opened the door. An older man and Crystal ran in. "We have a problem!" they yelled. The way they looked at each other led me to believe WE had two different problems. "Out of the way!" John-John yelled to the people standing in front of my door. Joey, Elizabeth, John-John, Bianca, and Mr. Valence ran into the room. They were carrying the Left...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
You might call this a "primer." It is meant to educate the ignorant ... primarily the authors of the stories you read on this website. If there is one thing I cannot tolerate, it is inaccuracy in story writing. When I read a story, no matter how entertaining or well composed it is ... if it is factually inaccurate, it destroys the story for me. With that said, let me tell you a few factual truths about incest and sex. 1. The uterus or womb of a female is never entered by the penis. Never!...
Chapter Five Tourniquet I'd never been upstairs. I'd been too busy acclimating my self to my new body to worry about the second floor. I did know there was an office, additional bedrooms and a second bath. Rick had mentioned those, but I hadn't been interested enough to climb the stairs to see any of it for myself. That was until Jesse found the ledger. That set me thinking there might be other things in the office I might find helpful. I decided while I was in the house alone, this...
Here’s a secret: incest/step porn is fucking hot. What the fuck was that? “Eww, PornDude that’s fucking nasty;” did I telepathically hear someone say that? I’m feeling generous today so I’ll give you one of my classic anecdotes to let you see things from my perspective. Once you read this little yarn you’re going to agree with me that when it comes to incest/step porn every time you hear about step-siblings you’re going to get an auto-erection.Lil’ Pedro didn’t think soBack in college when...
Incest Porn SitesUther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Nick turned up to Freya's Halloween party alone as the Sun went down, his girlfriend Tess having spent all day here at her best friend's place. For weeks, she'd been preparing her costume, one she knew Nick would really like. It was sort of embarrassing for Nick when Tess found out about her boyfriend's ultimate fantasy, even worse when he found that it was Kate, his ex, who told her. That said, the first time Tess had dressed up for him, it took all of his might not to cum right there. Safe to...
FantasyChapter Four -Solitude- "You're telling me he just up and left." Rambo studied me with those hawkish eyes. "Sorry Luv, but that doesn't make sense. Why in the bloody hell would he walk out on what promises to be the biggest thing musically of the fucking twenty-first century? The bloke would have to be a nutter." "He was under a lot of pressure," I said. "His father's ill and he had some other issues he was dealing with. Personal stuff." I wasn't about to tell the group what...