Jackson In HRPG-World 2: Exploding Kiwis In The Nether RegionsChapter 9 free porn video

"Now where were we?" Fifi asked. Her hand caressed the back of DaBigBoom's neck. She stared at him, her eyes bright. And hard. Like precious stones. "Oh yes. Who are you, really?"
DaBigBoom tried again to tell her his real name. "I'm Da--"
Her tail came down and took in his whole length with a wet schlub. Jackson twitched as his cock was once again sheathed in soft, pliable flesh. The tail attached itself to his groin and began to pulse and suck obscenely. Warm juices were exuded over his helpless member and lascivious flesh wriggled up and down his shaft. He moaned and writhed as Fifi expertly used her tail to suck him up through higher planes of pleasure.
"The name isn't important. It's just a label."
Her moist eyes seemed to expand large enough to swallow him whole. The tail worked up and down like a piston, making lewd squelches as it sucked and squeezed him into paroxysms of ecstasy. His hips were already responding with sympathetic twitches.
"Tell me who you are and how you came to be here," Fifi asked, light yet irresistible.
"I don't know," Jackson moaned. He writhed in pleasure as her tail continued to pleasure him. "I was playing a game, a computer game, and I got sucked in. I think. I can't remember exactly. All I know was one moment I was living a normal life in the real world and the next I was in the game. Not just this game. Other games too."
Fifi's tail slowed down and began to gently pulsate around his cock, teasing him with soft, insistent tugs. She rubbed her leg against his. A gurgling sound travelled down her tail and Jackson shivered as his cock was flooded with a slithery, licentious liquid. The bulbous jar massaged it into the stretched skin of his erection with lewd pulses.
"I play them," he continued. "I thought if I completed the game I'd get back to the real world, but it doesn't happen. I keep getting moved on from game to game before I can get near the end."
"Fascinating," Fifi said.
Jackson groaned. Her tail had sucked him to orgasm. His muscles bunched and spasmed as he sprayed cum right up into the cloying grip of her tail.
"A gamer from the human world, the real one. And not just an avatar, here in the flesh. How can that be?"
She leaned over and pressed her soft lips against his in a kiss. Jackson came again. Or maybe it was a continuation of the last orgasm. The succubus had him completely in the palm of her hand. She reinforced the point by cupping his overworked balls in her hand and tickling the flesh behind with the points of her nails.
"No wonder you taste so delectable," Fifi said with a contented sigh.
Jackson was starting to get afraid. A steady stream of single digit numbers floated up from his body as her tail milked semen from him. That didn't concern him so much. It was part of the game. Pixels. It was what the succubus was doing to him and how it made him feel inside that was worrying him. He felt weird--tugged about and twisted around.
"Please," Jackson said. "I just want to get out and get back home."
Pink sparks crackled around the end of her tail. Jackson felt it grow warm around his cock, but pleasantly so. Electricity sparkled across Jackson's nerve endings. His cock stayed hard and throbbing, eager to disgorge another load. Fifi continued to squeeze and suck on him with her tail.
"Who welcomed..."
She paused while Jackson bucked and thrashed in the throes of another orgasm.
"Who welcomed you to the game? The first one?" she asked.
Her tail continued to pulse with slow throbs.
"Welcome? No one, I think," Jackson said. The inside of his innermost jacket was soaked with sweat.
"Curiouser and curiouser," Fifi said. "There are rules. Someone should have been there to meet you and give you your quest. A gamer must always have a quest. Oh well."
Numbers continued to stream up into the sky. Jackson screwed up his eyes as the channel within her tail contracted around him. Soft flesh squeezed up against his swollen glans in a wet kiss. The bulb squeezed right down, preparing for one last, final suck.

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