Jennie Teacher's PetChapter 4: Peru free porn video

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(Mf, Ff, mf infidelity, romance) (edited)

The next few weeks were a blur of activity for Mike, Jennie, and her mom Karen. After completing the required paperwork, the three went down to the courthouse, and in a quick, simple civil ceremony, Mike and Jennie were married. Jennie had worn a lace dress that, though not really a wedding gown, was precisely what she wanted; floor-length and sleeveless, light pink lace with spaghetti straps, lace shawl, a ring of flowers in her hair and around her wrist. She wore tall gold and white heels to bring her a little closer to Mike’s height. Her mom had taken her to have her hair and makeup professionally done at an upscale salon to give her an older and more sophisticated look because she knew Jennie would be self-conscious about her youth, a 16-year-old girl marrying a 33-year-old man. As it was, she looked like she could have been in her early 20’s, if a bit youthful. Only the clerk raised an eyebrow when she saw their actual ages.

Karen dutifully and without reservation gave her consent. And since she was divorced with full custody of Jennie, the clerk just gave Mike the eye and signed and stamped the documents. Before they left, she glanced at Jennie’s flat stomach to see if there was a hint of a pregnancy, though there was none. The others around thought they were a cute couple and congratulated them.

Mike had dressed in a dark suit that the girls had picked out. They didn’t want him in a tux as they didn’t like the look. They purposefully picked out a suit and a hairstyle that would make him look a little younger, not older. He just went with whatever they wanted. He made sure he was clean-shaven since that always makes a man look more youthful. While at the hair salon, he was given a facial and hand and nail treatment to remove some of the roughness of his outdoor hands.

When it came time to put the wedding ring on her finger, that was the first time he felt nervous. He felt like a teenage boy about to go to a Prom, a Prom that was going to last the rest of his life. Karen and Jennie picked up on his nervousness, giggling as he repeated his words and shaking a bit as he held her hand to slide on the ring. Jennie surprised him when Karen handed her a gold band to replace the earlier silver one she had given to him nearly a year back. Tears welled up in his eyes as she said her vows and slid his ring onto his finger.

They were now husband and wife, and all three were crying as they left the courthouse. A little girl tossed flower petals at them and at the other couples as they were married. Jennie and her mom cried tears of happiness all the way home.

That night, Karen had left them alone, and she went back to her house to finish up any last-minute items. As the two newlyweds came up to his front door, Mike whisked Jennie off her feet and carried her over the threshold and all the way to their, now temporary, bedroom. Jennie laughed and squirmed all the way. He set her down on the edge of the bed, and then in a deja-vu moment repeating their first encounter together, he slowly undid her shoe while holding her ankle. He slid her shoe off to reveal her pantyhose covered foot.

“Oh, does this hurt?” as he ran his fingers along the bottom of her foot. She giggled and shook her head, “No.”

“May I remove your sock ... oh, hum, this might be interesting...”

“Oh, I should remove this ... to make sure your ankle isn’t swelling,” as he stroked her hose covered ankle.

He ran his hands up her calf, slowly sliding up around her knee, pushing her dress up along the way, then continued letting his fingers climb up her thigh. The dress now bunched up and her thighs exposed to him. Jennie giggling the entire time.

“Oh, yes, Mr. Thomas. I think you SHOULD check my ankles.”

“Ankle, one, Miss, uh, MRS. Thomas!”

“No, no! I told you, it’s Ms., not fuddy-duddy Mrs. and it’s hyphenated; Harris-Thomas.”

“May I continue to, ah, examine your ankle, Ms. Jennifer Harris-Thomas?”

She giggled, “You tickle!”

He really went to town tickling her after that. By the time he finally stopped, she was crying, and her chest hurt from laughing so hard. He had also pulled her pantyhose down below her knees.

“No fair tickling! Mister, you are supposed to be checking my ankle” as she twirled both her ankles around. “You forgot the other shoe, too!”

“Yes, my sweet soccer player!”

She kicked at him, but her pantyhose had her hogtied, and her dress limited her too. He caught the other foot, removed the shoe, and tickled the bottom of her still pantyhose covered feet as she wiggled and laughed, “No Fair! No Fair!”

She had to wipe the tears from her eyes.

“I think I like you just like this,” as he stepped back to admire her.

His view was of a teenage girl, lace dress hiked up to her crotch, bare legs down to pantyhose bound feet, hints of her black lace undies showing every now and then with her face and hair now all mussed as she squirmed while lying back on the bed.

“You know, you really are my sex kitten!”

She growled at him, “I’m a Lioness! A Leopard! A Tiger! And I am going to EAT you, little bunny!”

He had already taken his jacket and tie off, now his shirt, shoes, and pants followed.

She laughed at him standing there in his hearts covered tented boxers and black socks.

“Oh, you didn’t laugh at me the first time you saw me like this.”

She giggled more, “You didn’t have hearts on your briefs or calf-length socks on either!”

He leaped onto her, and they kissed.

Finally, “How do you get this thing off?” as he fiddled with her dress.

She stopped him. “Make love to me in the dress.” She said seductively.

“But it might get...”

“Hush, I’m not getting married again!”

He slid down her body until he was on his knees on the floor. He slowly removed her pantyhose that had held her feet together, taking care to not tickle her this time. He spread her legs apart and moved up to her hips, his hands pushed her dress up further up her hips, and he pulled down her black lace panties revealing her silky pubes and plump labia lips surrounded in white floral mesh lace. He removed her panties off the ends of her legs and stuffed them in the pocket of his shirt as it lay on the floor. She giggled.

Mike sat on the floor and removed his socks, discarding them to one side. He stood up, focused on her eyes. Her eyes moved upwards and met his. Then without hesitation or embarrassment, he slid his boxers down freeing his manhood to stand at attention. Her eyes slid down his chest, widening as she fixed on his erection. She seemed to have forgotten how big it really was and felt a little nervous. She bit her lip.

He could see her hesitance, even though they had already had sex many times. But he knew this was special. They were married. Really, really married. Husband and wife. And this was their first time in their marriage bed. He knew what to do. He reached over to the nightstand and pulled out that favorite, the ‘His and Hers’ KY, which had only been used that one time.

Her eyes lit at the memory of what she saw and how he seemed to be able to read her so well. He leaned over between her legs as she widened them. He spread the ‘Hers’ onto her pussy lips and into her cleft, sliding up and down the full length. His touch and the moistness causing her to slowly undulate her hips for him. She pulled up on her dress to try to watch him touching her. He just smiled and let her see him applying ‘His’ to his crown. She held out her arms, beckoning him to come to her. She didn’t want to wait. He crawled up between her legs and laid on her, dress smooshed between them.

Jennie looked like a little angel to his eyes, and he did find making love to her in her wedding dress enticing, the material so soft and silky, and her covered body erotic. Her arms wrapped around him. He was careful not to wipe the KY off his tip as he positioned himself. He kissed her lips, still covered in light red satin lipstick. It smeared onto his lips. He loved it. He kissed her eyes and cheeks. Then he rose up.

She looked at him as his tip first touched her, easing into her slit. Her smile broadened as she felt the warmth of the mixing KY’s and his hot cock pushing to go into her. Her nose flared and eyes widened as he pressed himself into her tightness. He felt that rush of heat as the KY activated intensifying her already hot wet glove. He savored the feeling of her, of being attached to her, a part of her.

She moaned under the pressure and heat in her belly and of his weight on top of her. Her dress crinkled as he moved. Her wedding dress, she smiled dreamily.

“Husband,” she whispered.

“Wife,” he replied.

“I love you. Make love to me, my husband!”

He moaned as she moved her pelvis, wanting him to reciprocate. He began slow strokes.

“I love you, God, I love you!” he responded to her.

He increased his speed. She held onto his arms and spread her legs wider, though her dress limited that. She loved him making love to her in her dress. Her spaghetti straps had fallen to either side which just made her more beautiful to him. He kissed each shoulder and moved down to the top of her breasts. He pushed her dress with his mouth, trying to free their nipples but ended up just kissing her dress as he continued pumping in and out of her. She took one hand and pushed on the dress, and a breast was freed. He kissed and suckled on its nipple. He paused his strokes as he did so to let desire and sensitivity build. She wrapped her arms around his head, keeping his face on her breast as he suckled like a little baby. She dreamed one day there would be milk there. Her milk, her baby; their baby.

She bucked her hips and let him up. He looked into her eyes as he resumed his pleasurable task.

“Did I tell you I loved you?” he asked.

She giggled as she lay back and let him continue. She closed her eyes to let herself dream. She didn’t realize just how tired she was from the stress of these last couple days and this day in particular. She hadn’t slept a wink last night, so nervous about this day.

She fell asleep to his warm slowing rhythm. Her breath slowed, calming ... a soft snore arose from her.

He grinned, keeping himself from laughing. He had tired her out. She was asleep under him as he made love to her. He slowed and finally halted. He realized his eyes were just as heavy. As he fell asleep with her, he smiled at the irony. They slept quietly together.

In the morning, the phone rang, waking them. The two were side and side now, she still in her dress while he was totally naked. Mike answered on speakerphone.

“Aren’t you guys awake yet? We have a plane to catch in just a few hours!” it was Karen. She laughed.

More whirlwind as they raced to catch their flight to Peru and their new jobs as teachers and assistants meeting up with Sandy, Randy, and their parents where a new school was being built.

After 14 hours, three flights and a long truck ride, they finally arrived at the little village where the Cunningham’s were. Sandy was there to greet them. They all hugged and kissed and unloaded gear. Sandy and Jennie went off, talking in a buzz as Jen showed Sandy her ring.

Sandy looked over at Mike, her eyes sparkled, “I can’t BELIEVE you guys are MARRIED!”

Then she added as she looked him over, “Oh, I can see why! He’s dreamy!” the two giggled, making Mike blush even though he hadn’t heard a word, but it was easy to tell what was going on. Teenagers never change! Actually, he couldn’t believe he was married to her ... Good thing he didn’t tell his ex- anything about all this and was out of the country. He might have to make sure there wasn’t a warrant for his arrest when he got back. He DID have sex with an underage girl, even if they did marry afterward.

Sandy and Jen disappeared up the path towards their new home, the two of them trading secrets all along the way. “No WAY!” “OMG!” “HOT!” were the only words he heard.

When Mike and Karen arrived at their new home, they looked at each other. Jen and Sandy came out.

“I found our room!” Jennie said. “Come on! This is cool!”

Mike whispered to Karen, “I guess that’s the bathroom over there,” pointing to a little outhouse across the way. “Oh, there’s a hot tub,” pointing to a wooden animal watering trough.

“Well, it’s, uh, rustic?” he added, noting the lack of glass or screens in windows and a door that looked about to fall off its hinges.

They went inside. There were a few pieces of wooden furniture, no running water, no electricity.

Jen reappeared, “Isn’t it GREAT? It’s just like Summer Camp!”

Mike and Karen looked at each other. Just then, Randy appeared. He was 15 going on 25. Big strapping, bare-chested muscular and tanned.

Sandy introduced herself and Randy to Mike and Karen, “Hi! I’m Sandy, and this is my ... brother, Randy.”

Jennie introduced next, “This is my mom, Karen.” Then taking his arm, “And this is MY HUSBAND, Mike.”

Randy, thinking it was Mike and Karen that were married, had to shift that idea a bit. Mike was, it appeared, about the same age as his father and Jen, well, their age. He recovered fine as Sandy looked at him.

Randy spoke, “Great to meet you guys!” He shook Mike’s hand and gave Karen a hug.

“Karen, I do remember you when you visited my mom.”

Karen replied, “Is she around? I haven’t seen Mary in quite a while.”

Sandy filled in, “Mike; Karen and Mary are good ... friends. They were in college together.”

Randy spoke up again, “This place is just temporary. Your house should be finished in another couple of weeks, especially if Mike is good at construction?”

Randy could feel the relief run thru Karen and Mike. Jennie had already known that the ‘cabin’ was temporary, but neglected to tell them.

Mike finally spoke, “It’s great to meet you two. And yes, I’ve done a bit of carpentry.”

Randy proud, “I know you guys must be tired, but I’d love to show you a quick tour of the place we are building, if you like.”

Sandy added, “Jen and I will start bringing all your stuff in here. Good for the muscles after those long flights!”

The new place was brick, with real windows and doors. Even indoor kitchen; water from a rooftop cistern, butane heated water and stove. There were several houses together in a cluster.

Randy pointed, “Over there is our house. The other is some of the NGO aid workers. We still have to finish the interior framing and paneling, flooring, paint, etc.”

Mike replied, “Piece of cake. This looks great!” Particularly after that ‘summer cabin,’ he thinks.

Karen is visibly relieved but asked, “Bathroom?”

Randy, “Oh, sorry, forgot to mention. It’s that building just over there,” he pointed to a concrete block building, obviously new, not too bad, but simple.

“It has hot showers, sinks, flush toilets ... separate His/Hers...”

Karen, relieved that it wasn’t a plain outhouse, smiled a little.

“Anyway, back to work for me. You guys rest and clean up. Tomorrow I can show you what all we are building here, including the school. My parents will probably come around a little later.”

Mike went to help the teens finish hauling the gear. During that, Jennie filled him in on a few ‘details’ about Sandy, Randy, and their family ‘lifestyle’. He was, well, surprised. He had to drop his hillbilly notion of incest. The two teens looked perfectly happy and healthy, duh!

Mike said as he looked over at Karen’s butt as she was unpacking, “Guess we will fit right in!”

Jen slapped his arm, “Yes, Dadddyyy ... are you and mommy going to play horsey?”

That evening, Mary came over to invite them to dinner. She and Karen hugged and kissed a few rather long kisses. The dinner was simple but excellent, all locally grown foods. Sandy and Jennie disappeared to catch up on gossip. Karen and Mary were quietly talking about things, as well.

“So, Mike, I hear you and ... Jennie are married! Congratulations.” John exclaimed a tinge of envy in his voice. Jen had hinted that John and his daughter, Sandy, had had a ‘thing’ together in the past. It seems this ‘Daddy/Daughter’ stuff gets around.

John added, “And I hear that you were not only a great teacher but a carpenter, too!”

Mike smiled, “Yes, I worked in house construction before teaching. Roofing, tile, framing, brickwork, you name it.”

“I knew when Mary and Karen told me about you, that you would be a great asset!”

They all said they byes for the evening and headed to their ‘cabin’ and sleeping bags after the very long trip. Jennie cuddled up to Mike, she had zipped their bags together and kissed, and she was asleep in moments. He kissed her sleeping head and whispered, “Good night” to Karen, who was just on the other side of him in this one-bedroom cabin.

“Good night ... sweet Mike.” She replied dreamily.

Over the next several days, they settled in as they worked on their new place. The others had to continue work on the school and other facilities. Mike took over completing their home as Randy had to get back working on the school with his father, John, but did leave a couple workers to help. As they worked, Mike taught English, and they refreshed his Spanish from college days. He also had a few hours per day teaching the three teens their own lessons. And Jennie got no favors to her dismay.

Sandy had taken Jennie over to her classroom, currently just a grassy spot under a big tree. Jennie helped students that were having problems. Sandy was now teaching pretty well every course; the history of Peru, World history, math, science, English of course, even some cooking and of course, for her older girls, her quiet journey into love and marriage; sex ed. Sandy spoke good Spanish now but made the kids do as much as possible in English since it’s easy to forget a language unless you use it.

Mary had taken Karen to help at the clinic where Mary was now a doctor. The two trading gossip between patients, giving shots, teaching hygiene, checking on pregnancies...

They all shared a communal dinner together, everyone pitched in. But by the time bedtime came around, all were so tired that they hardly kissed before falling asleep.

Mike whispered to Karen as Jennie slept, “I think our love lives have all been put on hold here!” as he yawned. Karen had moved her sleeping bag closer to theirs, so they could talk quietly.

Karen agreed, “Yes, it’s great to be so needed and doing real work, but...”

Her eyes looked at Mike’s, just a few inches away. She felt a desire to be close to him, to kiss him. He watched her eyes sparkle in the moonlight. She pulled her arm out of her bag and found his in the darkness. They held hands. She leaned forward closer. They kissed a long deep kiss. Mike felt a tinge of guilt even though Jennie had already affirmed that she wanted them to be close together and not feel guilty, even making love together.

Mike could see Karen smile in the dim light, and she closed her eyes and fell asleep, holding his hand. He watched her face just beside his. Jennie stirred and rolled against him. His two girls with him in the middle.

Some weekends held free time for them. Sandy and Jennie used this particular one for a little adventure. Sandy led Jennie out away from their village to a hidden spot. She and Randy had found a beautiful cave up a hillside hidden by thick brush and away from trails. It had a small stream flowing out of it with a pool of clear water a few dozen feet in. Sandy led Jennie by the hand into the secret place. Once their eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cave entrance, Jennie was amazed at what she saw. The ‘pool room’ was about 20 feet across and maybe 50 feet long. Sandy said it was about 4 or 5 feet deep in most places. Since the water was flowing out from deep in the cave, the pool was crystal clear and had a smooth, hard bottom. No mud to stir up. They took off their sandals and dipped their legs into the cool water.

“Sandy, how did you find this place?”

“Randy and I were exploring the area. A local boy pointed it out, but only after swearing not to tell anyone in the village. He said it was his private place, and very few know about it. He’s away at school in the city. You’d like him ... he’s cute!” the two giggled.

“Time for a swim ... skinny dipping!” Sandy said.

Jen looked at her, eyebrows raised.

Sandy started unbuttoning her shirt and then removed her shorts and underwear without fanfare. Jennie hesitated, but then joined in.

“What if someone comes?”

“Well, it’d probably only be Randy. But even so, you can hear them scrambling up thru the brush long before they get here. Come on! It’s great!”

Jennie waded into the pool as Sandy held her hands.

“It’s a bit slippery, Jen, so watch your step!”

Right then, Jennie’s foot slid, and she crashed into Sandy, both laughing and then hugging. Sandy kissed Jennie a quick peck. The water felt cold and refreshing after being outside in the sun. The two swam around, still holding hands the entire time.

“It’s a bit chilly,” Jennie said.

Sandy came closer to her. She wrapped her arms around Jennie. Jennie reciprocated. They hugged each other tightly. Sandy kissed Jennie several more times, each lingering kisses. Their bodies were wrapped together, breasts touching, legs intertwined as much as they could and still be able to stand. Their mons rubbed against each other’s legs.

“Jennie, I still can’t believe you are married!” Sandy whispered.

“Well, to tell the truth, me neither. And we have been so tired at night; we have haven’t made love since arriving.”

“Mike is adorable, though. You ought to bring him here sometime!”

They giggled and kissed and touched each other. Sandy’s hand lightly touched Jennie’s breast. Her hand traced little circles around Jennie’s nipple.

“Randy and I have been here...”

“You guys are still... ?”

Sandy blushed a bit. “Oh yes, in fact, we are married...”


“Oh, no, not really. We faked it. I’m the ‘daughter-in-law’,” she giggled and did air quotes.

She continued, “So we can be together, sleep together, make love...”

They kissed again. More profound this time as they tiptoed along in the pool.

“Wow, that’s what Mom, Mike, and I had originally planned, except, well since Mike is, ah, older, it was going to be Mom and Mike...”

“OMG!! You were going to be his step-daughter! His ... LOLITA!”

Jennie blushed and pushed Sandy down underwater. Sandy pulled Jennie under as well. They both came up sputtering and laughing.

“That is SO HOT!” Sandy exclaimed, giving Jennie more kisses.

“But ... my mom ... is...”, Jennie hesitated.

Jennie had told Sandy about the hot tub adventures, but not about the part where her mom and Mike were going to get ‘married’.

“OMG! Your mom is in LOVE with Mike! I could tell; her fawning around him ... and you guys SLEEPING together! And OH HOT! Your MOM and Mike and YOU ... had sex together!”

“Well, Sandy, you guys...”

The two giggled and played as they touched and tickled each other.

“I didn’t tell you that my father and I...” Sandy whispered.

“Now it’s MY turn to be OMG shocked ... NOT! I knew it! And ... OMG FOR REAL, you like my Mike!”

Sandy blushed and tickled Jennie, and they played in the water. Finally, they came back together and hugged and kissed. They stared into each other’s eyes as Sandy’s hand slid down across Jennie’s belly and over her now softly furry mound and then between her legs. Jennie held onto Sandy to keep balance. She parted her legs giving Sandy access. Sandy’s hand found Jennie’s labia lips, and she slid her finger into Jennie’s cleft. Jennie sucked in a breath at her touch, Sandy’s fingers cold from the water.

Sandy starting rubbing her fingers through Jennie’s slit, sliding back and forth, doing little circles around her clit and pressing against her mons. Jennie’s eyes softened, and she moaned.

Jennie whispered, “Sandy, I love you so!” as she held on to Sandy, her knees buckling.

Sandy kissed her, tongues tangled, and desire built. Jennie started humping her pelvis into Sandy’s hand. The water stirred around them.

“Jennie, I love you! Come for me, my Jen!”

Sandy’s finger slid inside Jennie, and she rubbed in and out of her, curling her finger to touch the top of her vagina. Jennie pressed to go faster, bucking her hips humping Sandy’s hand. Minutes later, Jennie hit her climax.

Jennie lost rhythm, convulsing under Sandy’s hand as her orgasm washed over her. She held tight to Sandy as her legs lost strength. Her eyes closed, and her breathing came in fits as she came under Sandy’s touch. It had been a while, and she needed that release. She felt light and free of daily life.

The two girls wrapped arms and legs and kissed in her afterglow.

Eventually, “Jen ... May I ask something of you?” Sandy whispered.

Jennie nodded her head yes, her head on Sandy’s shoulder.

“May I borrow your ... Mike!”

Jennie looked at Sandy as if she had just told a joke. Then she realized it wasn’t a joke.

“OMG ... OMG!! You DO! You’re serious!” she realized, “Oh, wow. That’s ... kinda HOT!”

“But I want you there as well, to understand...” Sandy stated.

Jennie looked into Sandy’s eyes.

Sandy continued, “‘ ... cause it’s just for sex, I mean, I don’t want you to think I was trying to steal him!”

“ ... and you can ... borrow Randy, if you want!” Sandy finished with her eyes bright.

Jennie’s laughter echoed in the cave. But maybe?

The two girls laughed at themselves as they climbed out into the now cold cave shivering and realizing they had no towels.

“Come,” Sandy said.

They gathered their clothes and, still completely naked, walked out into the sunshine. There was a flat rock right near the entrance that Sandy sat down on, bare bottom, facing the sun. She lay back.

Jennie self-conscious, looked around, but then followed Sandy’s lead. The two nude teenagers lay warming in the sun and whispering plans.

There was a noise, a bird call. Then some rustling in the bushes. Jennie sat up, grabbing her clothes. Sandy was leaning on one elbow. Another bird call.

Sandy laughed, “It’s only Randy.” She lay back down nonchalantly.

Jennie started putting her panties on when Randy popped out of the brush.

“I figured you guys would be here,” he laughed.

Jennie blushed at what sight she must have presented, sitting there on her butt with her panties around her knees and shorts in her other hand, held over her breasts.

Sandy giggled, “Hi Randy. I think you have met Jen,” she kidded.

Sandy hadn’t bothered to cover herself, so was still lay totally nude to her brother.

Randy had no shirt on, and Jennie’s eyes followed his tanned and rippled body. He wasn’t that little 14-year-old anymore, even though still only 15, the outdoor work had done wonders. She blushed.

“Oh, yes, Hi, Jennie! Nice to ... SEE you again!” he laughed, considering that they had seen each other daily since she had arrived.

She caught the innuendo and giggled, dropping her head shyly and pulling her panties on up, leaving her breasts now in full view.

“Randy, you scared me!” Jennie scolded him.

“I gave warning...”, he smiled “bird calls,” as he started removing his own shorts and shoes.

As he removed his briefs, Jennie’s eyes went immediately to his now stiff member. He had, well, filled out since that last time she had ‘seen’ him nearly two years ago. Her mouth slacked, eyes wide.

Sandy said, “Jen appears to be happy to see you, Randy. Come over and give your ‘wife’ a kiss!”

Randy, now nude, climbed on top of Sandy, his pecker rubbed against her labia, and he kissed her.

Jennie still sat, watching everything.

“I’m going for a swim. Want to come?” he announced, sitting up from Sandy.

“Tease, we just finished, but ... I’m SURE Jen would like that, wouldn’t you Jen?”

Jennie sat still, losing all confidence. She felt like a horny teen girl meeting a heartthrob for the first time.

Bashfully, “I, uh, I better not...” even though her body wanted to badly.

Sandy laughed, “Randy! She’s a married lady now. Let her at least act the part before you seduce her!”

Randy just laughed in return, turned, and headed up to the cave. “Your loss!”

Jennie blushed bright red as she watched his firm male butt climbing up the trail.

Sandy giggled, “Don’t you look at my man like that!” then acting silly, “but that offer is still open!”

Jennie finally replied as she picked up her clothes, “uh, I, ah, I have to ... have to talk to Mike...” her voice petered out.

“I probably ought to go.” she didn’t want to, though. She really wanted to go into that cave.

Sandy rolled over to look at her seriously, “It’s really alright. If you and Mike would rather not, no problem. You know I still love you guys! But I think it would be fun! You are young only once!”

“ ... and Jen, he’s still in there. You can go. You should go.”

Same as Jennie Teacher's Pet
Chapter 4: Peru Videos

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Jennie The Giantess

All my clients are absolutely thrilled with their tales though. This is just me being nice and allowing you all to see my work after clients have agreed to allowing me to show them I write for money. Email me at [email protected] for rates and questions! Thankssss Jennie enjoyed the conversion so far. It was a wonderful experience, from the tables set up in artist alley which was just a menagerie of tremendously talented artists (though some not so talented), to the panels...

3 years ago
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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 7 Home Coming

( Mf pregnancy) (edited) Mike’s flight arrived in LA early in the morning. He passed through Passport Control and Customs without any problem, though he held his breath when asked a few questions by the Border agent. As he walked into the arrival terminal, Jennie and Karen were holding up a banner. Jennie was hopping up and down, waving with one hand, banner in the other. As soon as he got through the exit barriers, Jennie dropped the sign, ran, and jumped onto him wrapping her arms and...

4 years ago
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Jennie and Natalies Cottage Adventure

My name is Natalie but i go by Nat, i am 23, white with long fire red hair and green eyes, i have a great set of perkey 36B's and im 5'8 and i weigh about 110lbs. my sister Jennie is 22, white with long brown hair and brown eyes, she has a great body too very close to mine only she is 5'7 and only 100lbs. We have always been close every since i can remember we are only a year apart in age which well we were growing up made us stick together against our older brothers. This story is about one...

3 years ago
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Jennie From The Block

I took a big breath and an even bigger sip of champagne to calm my nerves. I was about to begin my ritual of transformation, but tonight was special. Tonight was Halloween, and for the first time, if everything went according to plan, someone other than myself and a few anonymous internet strangers would see me as a girl. With shaking hands, I donned a wig cap and put on my favorite long brown wig, combed to lustrous perfection specifically for tonight. Adjusting the floral scented...

2 years ago
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Chapter Nine Jennie (Tulsa De'Horr) On Friday morning I woke Jimmy in the usual way by bringing up coffee for the both of us and of course sucking his beautiful, delicious tasting dick. Sometimes I wish we didn't live in two different apartments and I could have access to his cock all the time. I could maybe go to sleep with his cock inside my mouth. Then again I don't want to take the chance of ruining what we now have with each other. While on...

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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 2

It was pure chance for Emma, Lily, and Lizzie, or, rather, bad luck for the teachers, Miss Brent, Miss Carson, and Miss Logan.It was Sunday at the boarding school, and everyone was more laid-back than during the week. Mrs Jasper, the headmistress, was out for the day which allowed the atmosphere to be even more relaxed than usual. However, the girls still had to wear their school dresses of a short-sleeved green check gingham dress, a white belt, and ankle socks.It was mid-afternoon and Emma,...

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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 1

The three teachers knew they had their own reasons for sending the three upper sixth formers to the headmistress.Miss Brent was the thirty-seven-year-old form teacher. Miss Carson and Miss Logan were both twenty-eight-years-old and were teachers of biology and history respectively. They all wore the same outfits of white short sleeved blouses and dark blue skirts. It was summer and they had bare legs, and dark blue high-heeled toeless shoes.The sixth form girls boarding school was always fully...

4 years ago
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SOL Games Pet Teachers part 12

Always Start with the Prologue! Then other chapters can be read in any order! Link to all my stories and more chapters to this story are in my profile or the comments. DISCLAIMERS I'm just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to combine VIOLENCE, HORROR, and EXTREME TABOO themes, trying to creep myself out as I write. This whole story is told through...

1 year ago
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Jennie cums to the city

When Rob started his new job, it was really the start of a new life. He had made the break from a life in the logging industry, not following every male member of his family for generations. In so doing , he had to leave the town, and in his case, the State. Back home, logging was virtually the only way to make a living unless you were willing to work for half the money and clean hands. Rob was the only one of his brood to finish school, and had a notion to someday go a bit further. Loneliness...

3 years ago
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Jennies DVD

I met Jenny at the fitness club, we attended the same workout session. She was a stunning blond with a great figure, which she obviously looked after. I could not help but steal a surepticous glance whenever I could at her perfect legs. My lucky day came when we were paired together for a workout session of boxing using the hand pads. She mentioned that she was having trouble with a new DVD player she had purchased, so I offered to have a look at it for her. We arranged for me to go to her...

4 years ago
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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 3

Eight o’clock couldn’t come soon enough for the three teachers, nor for the three college girls.Miss Logan knew that Emma would be arriving at her room any moment, as she sat on the bed in her nightdress knowing that she had on no knickers, and that as soon as Emma arrived, the nightdress would have to come off.Emma stood in the corridor outside the teacher's bedroom area and they all giggled as they knew that they were about to go in and spank once again their favourite teachers.Emma said,...

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SOL Games Pet Teachers part 22

This is kind of like a choose your own adventure: -Start by reading the Prologue and one or more Level 1 chapters in any order (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers) -Then read one or more Level 2 chapters in any order (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War) -Then read one or more Level 3 chapters in any order (Hide & Seek, Pencil Sharpener, Anatomy, Dodgeball) -And so on. More to come! See the link in my profile to get ALL my stories in eBook and audiobook...

1 year ago
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Threesome sex with Ex teachers

Hello everyone. this is my first sex story. I don't want to waste your time and share you the story of how I fucked my two ex teachers. I am medical student and very much interested in sex and even masturbate thinking about my teachers also. I studied in various institutions but and came across many sexy teachers but always remember about these two teachers in my tenth standard . They were my Telugu and Social teachers. To describe them, my Telugu is a married women of 33 age during my tenth...

3 years ago
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Teachers Lake Fun

Both of them had left the school system. Both of them, at one time, were teachers who taught kids who were seniors, and both of them got to “know” one another on quite the personal level too. However, one thing or another led both of them to leave the school, and for that matter teaching altogether. A couple years went by. Her husband, it seemed, won the states lottery. Yes, it was a lot, but the couple was “adventurous,” and he decided to do something with some of the money. He invested it in...

4 years ago
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The Annual Day Fuck With Two Teachers

Hello guys, its me Arjun again. I’m pleased with the responses I received to my previous stories – ” me and my friend with our teachers ” & ” how I got my telugu teacher ” . In this story I would like you tell you about my second encounter with my teacher on the annual day of our school. First for those who dont know me, i’m arjun of 19 years, staying in hyderabad and pursuing my btech. I am just a average guy with nice 6 inch tool that can make all girls hungry for me Coming to the story, I...

3 years ago
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Fucked 4 teachers

Fucked my 4 teachers togetherThis is a sex story of me and teachers.first ill give a introduction of my 4 teachers. First teacher name is Manjula. She used to give lots of punishment to all the boys. and she was very polite to girls.This made us build up enemity with her.She was not too young or not too old maybe she was around 35.Her face tone was medium.She had pimples on her face.She had very small tits and a medium sized butt. The second teacher name is Soumya. She was very polite to all of...

2 years ago
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Teachers Made Me Gigolo

Hi readers I am male 19 yrs from HYDERABAD which is capital city of the Andhra Pradesh,India and now and doing my degree. But the truth that I am going to narrate you is the truth of my life. All r welcome to comment n im always at ur email is kanthalav at . So without wasting your time I am going to narrate my truth of the past which is following me till date. Well I was very much of fond of sex when I was in 10th standard. My Height is 5 feet 7 inches and well slim body...

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2 Teachers at once

Note : This story is complete fictional - never try to do it in real live! Hi, My Name is Adam I was 14 at the time of what I'm about to tell you, I'm Tall, Dark hair and I have brown eyes, and i'm reasonable hansom. It all started on a school trip to Spain, two of my teachers were goin on it aswell as another 6 teachers because after all there were 2 coaches of 30 going. Well the two two teachers that taught me were Miss Day and Miss Lavery, Miss Day was tall, brown hair, brown eyes bout a C...

Group Sex
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Teachers Gold Star Pupil

Teachers Gold Star PupilThe set up: two lovers separated by distance are texting each other late at night.Man: I really want to eat your pussyWoman: Well you can’t - you need to wait ;)Man: I know - just sayingWoman: I know - I was meaning it in a teasing way. Like I’m the naughty teacher not letting her student have what he wants yet. And I’m wearing fishnet stockings and a very short skirt. And I keep knocking things off my desk and I have to bend over right in front of you to pick them...

2 years ago
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A Teachers Story Ch 01

I want to thank HONEYWLDCAT for her invaluable help with this story. Her editing was extremely helpful and right on point. Thank you. It was my first day of school and not wanting to be late I arrived about an hour early. My instructions were to go to the Principal’s office, where we would be directed to the room the orientation would take place. When I got to the office, the secretary gave me a funny look when I asked about the orientation. She asked me my name and I told her. She said,...

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A Teachers Story Ch 02

Once again I must thank HONEYWLDCAT for her patience and help with this story. Her editing is thoughtful and always encouraging. Thank you so much. * On the second Saturday in March, Grant High School held its annual fundraiser. They had a carnival in the gym of the school. There were food booths, games of chance, games of skill and crafts for sale. We rented the games from a local contractor and manned them with students and teachers. Local restaurants and diners would rent the food...

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A Teachers Release

Introduction: A young woman forced to marry a horrible man finds joy in her life. **This is a work of pure fiction and a new story for me. Not part of any other series. I hope you like it. Sorry I was away for a couple of months and thank you to everyone who sent me PMs asking me to start writing again. I assure you there will be more All for Mr. Redman and Yukios Adventures. Special thanks to (Not in a particular order): Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah,...

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Tales of Kiara8217s Adventures 8211 Part 3 Teachers8217 Feast

Hi guys, I’m Kiara. I’m a 44 years old single mother. I have 18 children of my own. I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an American diplomat, and my mother was Indian. I was born and raised in India. It wasn’t until I completed my education I moved to Australia. It was 9:30 at night. Our dinner was made, and boys were sent to the room where they were supposed to sleep. But for my sisters and me, there was no room. Principal sir held us back. The other 5 teachers who taught us other subjects...

2 years ago
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SRU Teachers Pet

SRU: Teachers Pet By Morpheus Gordon Teller quickly made sure his teacher Ms. Parker wasn't looking, then threw a ball of paper several chairs up, catching Sara Brecker alongside the head. Sara turned around, glaring to see who did it, while Gordon looked away and tried to look as innocent as all the other 9 year olds in the class. "Someone hit me," Sara whined to Ms. Parker. "And I think it was Gordy." Ms. Parker let out an exasperated sigh and looked at Gordon, warning him, "Don't...

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Virginity Lost With Teachers

Hello friends, Myself sandya basically from village near to Tumkur….I started reading sex stories on and thought of write my own experience which happened in my 12th standard…let me tell you about me. I am now 33, married and housewife, husband works in Dubai and I live alone in Bangalore. But there are my relatives in the same lane where I live. I am 5.8ft tall, 65 wt, 38 36 40 is my status, do go to gym every day to maintain good structure, fair and look like very...

3 years ago
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Watching The Teachers Part 2

“Don’t worry” said Mick, “You’ll be thanking me later”. But secretly he had been having misgivings. What if Mr Johnson and Miss Ford couldn’t get away that afternoon? What if one or other of them had had second thoughts about meeting up again – although after the way they had carried on last week, he doubted that very much. But anything could happen to put a spanner in the works, and he didn’t fancy having to explain to Jenny why he had dragged her down to the old school store-rooms that...

4 years ago
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A teachers erotic adventure

Jennie, her blue eyes crinkled as she smiled out into a sea of apprehensive little faces. She knew how her ninth grade class hated ‘pop quizzes. ‘Everyone, take a copy of the test, then pass the others back.’ A collective groan could be heard throughout the room ‘Okay,’ you have 20 minutes to complete the Quiz. You can start now.’ ‘Ah,’ she thought to herself, as she pushed back a strand of her beautiful long blonde hair, ‘I can have a few minutes rest,’ With the classroom deathly quiet,...

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A teachers erotic adventure

Jennie, her blue eyes crinkled as she smiled out into a sea of apprehensive little faces. She knew how her ninth grade class hated 'pop quizzes. "Everyone, take a copy of the test, then pass the others back." A collective groan could be heard throughout the room "Okay," you have 20 minutes to complete the Quiz. You can start now." 'Ah,' she thought to herself, as she pushed back a strand of her beautiful long blonde hair, 'I can have a few minutes rest,' With the classroom deathly quiet, within...

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Annie and the SchoolTeachers Part 2

“So do you really think they’ll be back again this week?” asked Mick, as he clambered over a dusty pile of carpet that lay in the middle of the store-room floor. “If Mr Nettleship discovers that I didn’t have a dental appointment this afternoon, I’ll be in detention for a week.”“Don’t worry,” I said. “The way they were at each other last week, they’ll be here, I’m sure of it.” But secretly I had been having misgivings. What if Mr Pearson and Miss Sharpe couldn’t get away that afternoon? What if...

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A Teachers Story Ch 03

THE DANCE In early May, Grant High School held what was considered the second biggest social event of the year, The School Dance. Only the Senior Prom was a bigger event. All of the faculty would be in attendance. Spouses, significant others, girlfriends and boyfriends would be there. I went alone. Jen sat at he VIP table. Peter Brant and his wife had come to the dance and were seated at Jen’s table, as were Jen’s secretary Marie and her husband Tony. . I was relegated to one of the lower...

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Fucked 4 teachers part 2

Fucked my 4 teachers-Part 2Hi,today I'm going to tell you my 2nd experience with my teachers.First I'll give you a introduction of the four.First and second are the same who were in the 1st story, Manjula and Sunitha. The 3rd teacher is Nalini. She was very sexy.She had medium boobs and big ass.She was married.Her skin tone was medium.When she used to wear saree,her bra was easily seen.When she used to wear churidar her ass was seen very sexy.All these made me horny.I had no feelings before,but...

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All the Teachers

How’d this happen, she asked herself as she lay naked beside the younger man. Ohhh my god, I can’t believe I did this she told herself while his warm and seemingly muscular arms wrapped her up. Regardless, she felt more loved then ever in her life as he held her affectionately against his body. She went on and thought about it all. Oh god, the guy kissed me like I was a princess. I mean it too. He kissed me soooo passionately she thought as she lay back against him. Regardless, she couldn’t see...

Straight Sex
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Mallu Gigolo For School Teachers 8211 Part 2

Hi horny guys and girls.Thank you all for gigolo for for school teachers “.I am very happy that my readers took my story in a positive manner. I have got mails from some females also to have fun with them Any horny ladies, divorced, widowed women in and around Bangalore starving for sex,please mail me on For the readers who haven’t read my first part.I am Joe from Bangalore doing my b com.Our heroine’s name is Renu ma old teacher in my schooling in Kerala. As continuing from where...

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The Gym And The GymTeachers

My name is and I go to the Everwood Oaks Boarding School for Boys. It’s an often enjoyable lifestyle, and being 18 means I quite enjoy spending time away from my parents as it means I can indulge in tomfoolery without having to look over my shoulder every 10 minutes. At the moment I’m halfway through my 2nd term, so everyone in my dorm is familiar with each other, and whilst there are people that I like more than others, we pretty much all get along well. If there is one main bad sticking point...

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The Teachers Pet

THE TEACHERS PET By Lewis Chappelle ?Go, stand facing the corner back there you pathetic child,? yelled Renee Roberts. Suzy Deerfield knew she was in for another hard day at the Buckman School for Girls. Suzy?s parents had sent her to BSG a few years earlier; now she was almost seventeenyears old and was nearing her final exams at the end of her junior year. She was very smart, very cute and, had a nice figure which could be detected despite her frumpy fitting clothes.She was the only...

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Donnie meets his teachers part 1

One of the first things Donnie noticed when he got back to school after the summer of his fourteenth year was that the teachers began to look more attractive to him than he had remembered. His sexual training with his parents during the summer had awakened his senses to the beauty of his female teachers and the masculinity of his male teachers. He was particularly attracted to his English teacher, and since Donnie was a good student he always chose a seat at the front of the class, close to...

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Teachers Pet

Teachers Pet Everyone involved in sexual activity in this story is at least 18. Some situations will require you to use 'porn logic', meaning things that wouldn't fly in the real world but they do here. Just a warning. Don't complain in the comments, please.*****My name is Camille Ellis. I am a Health and Physical Ed teacher and coach at Rosemary High, the best all girl private school in the state. I had always wanted to be a teacher - especially of young women - ever since my experiences with...

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Fucking my Teachers

Enjoy! I started my senior year in high school at an all boys school. I had spent the previous 3 years of school deprived of a lot of interaction with girls. It got better when I got my driver’s license but I still did not have a girlfriend. Since I was held back a year before Kindergarten, I was 18 before the start of Senior Year. Senior year was supposed to be a breeze, until I found out who my English teacher was for that year, Miss Dunnegan. Her class was known to be one of the...

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Fucked By Four Teachers After School 8211 Part 1

Hello, fellow ISS readers, this is Private Nut (Abhi) from Kolkata. This is a true incident of my first foursome. I am 19 years old and a health freak. I am 6 ft 4 inches tall. I am handsome and naughty with nice abs. Not to boast, but my hard and erect dick size is 7.9 inches. Let me get on with the story. I was in 12th class. We had co-ed school and I had fucked almost all the girls in my school. My girlfriend at the time of this incident was Priya. We used to fuck on a daily basis. Her stats...

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A Remarkable TwoInOne Day With Teachers

Hello ISS readers I am happy to share you my story its my first story if there are any mistakes forgive me. I’m rg now I ‘m 23yrs old fair complexion,5’10 height and 72kg and an average boner,athletic built and now working in an mnc .I would like to share an incident which taken when I was in 12th standard only half the story is true rest is my fantasy , but if I would have gone inside the house the things would have ended differently .Later when I understood about the situation I regretted...

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My Gay Teachers

MY Gay TeachersBy: Londebaaz Chohan [A Gay Story with a nice twist]I always had a great interest in books. Most of my friends knew; if they needed to find me perhaps the best place to look, first of all would be library. I was very lucky in a sense that in the High School; one of my History class teacher, Mr. Haig was also fanatic about books and he went one step ahead to create kind of a reading room in the back of his History class room which was surrounded by the book shelves on the three...

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My Blackmailing Of Two Teachers And Making Them Sex Slaves

My name is akhilesh, 5.6″ average body my story is about two teachers whom i had sex with. Their name is minu abraham and jinu jose,. The story begins when i was in degree 2nd year. When i came to college i saw two new teachers, they were looking very sexy. Anybody would get a hardon seeing them, unfortunately they are appointed to next department so they are not teaching me. But i had a strong feeling to have sex with them, i know that they will not easily agree to my desire so i had other...

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Bang Bang With Teachers 8211 Part I

(I thank Mrs. S.A for sharing her fantasy and her inputs. I am grateful for her encouragement and giving me the liberty to mould her story as I liked) Bhakti looked at me curiously as I gave a surprised shout. “What is it?” She asked. “Rajiv sent a long mail. Now, he is fucking all his teachers, including his head mistress” I told her. Bahkti smiled” I am not surprised. He is so handsome and we trained him so well in the art of fucking, no wonder his teachers are clamoring for his cock” she...

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School Teachers Pt2

That had been the very first time, ever, for either of them. Both women had never had sex in their lives. One was around thirty but the other one was near or possibly over forty. Age didn’t matter to Angus because what occurred the night before for him had to be the most glorious evening of his life. That isn’t to say it wasn’t for Ada or Libby either. Neither of them had ever been with a man, in that way, ever before. Ada was the one who put the idea into their thoughts. Ada was the one who...

2 years ago
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Naughty TeachersPart 3

A few weeks after my encounter with Amanda, Suzy approached me during lunch break. "Mr. Galloway, can I speak to you for a moment?" "Of course, Suzy. What can I do for you?" "I want you to do with me what you had done with Amanda." She took me completely by surprise, and I felt the blood draining from my face. "I beg your pardon?" "I know what you did with Amanda and I want it too." "Suzy, I'm not sure I know what you are talking about. What has Amanda told you?" I was...

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Swinging Teachers

The last Wednesday in November, Robert and Susan Howard finished their shift as the teachers monitoring the Skyridge High School cafeteria and decided to detour by the supplies storeroom on the way back to their classrooms. Hearing unusual noises from inside the storeroom, they very carefully and quietly eased the door open and were stunned to see Denise Carson and Kevin Williams kissing passionately and avidly fondling each other. The husband and wife teaching duo's first thought was to break...

4 years ago
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The Chapman Curse Part 2 Confessions from the Teachers Lounge

Chad and Kenny had already left the room for lunch, Carly and I were behind on account of us having a lot more to tuck away. ''So how's your first day?'' she asked as she pulled up her jogging pants. As I fumbled through my bag for my spare tights I tossed her a quick smile; ''Well usually on my first day I'm not given an orgasm.'' I told her. She smiled as she affixed her bra. I found the tights in my bag and began rolling them up my legs, I had decided to not put my thong back...

3 years ago
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Horny kerala teachers

Hi ISS readers, I am Chaitanya from Chennai. This is one of my true stories which happened few years ago when I was in my high school. Let me describe about me, I am a good looking guy with average body and 5’7″ tall. Presently I am working as a software engineer in a MNC @ Chennai. Now let’s delay no more and dive directly into the story! When I was in my 10th STD, I used to be the class topper and I had a very good name in my school. In the month of October, two new teachers from Kerala are...

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A teachers class enjoys teaching her

Reaching her classroom she entered telling her students to take their seats she started class. The day seemed to go quickly but as it went by she began to feel strange and as the final bell rang she felt herself falling and she blacked out. Regaining consciousness Alyssa found she could not do anything as she lay tbere listening to her student talk. You sure she is okay one student asked. Yea another replied in fact she is probably listening to us now she is paralyzed. Perfect another chimed...

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Breeding the Teachers

A HUGE THANK YOU TO DEMONJEDI89 FOR WRITING CHAPTERS 1-6 OF THIS STORY I woke up early in the morning with a yawn and rolled onto my back. As my mind came to life I remembered it was only Tuesday, so the weekend was still far far away. Waking up and knowing there was another boring day of school ahead didn't improve my state of mind. I sat up slowly and pulled back the covers. I swung my long legs over the edge of the bed and rested my feet on the floor, then I slowly got out of bed and walked...

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Teachers Pet

Everyone involved in sexual activity in this story is at least 18. Some situations will require you to use 'porn logic', meaning things that wouldn't fly in the real world but they do here. Just a warning. Don't complain in the comments, please.*****My name is Camille Ellis. I am a Health and Physical Ed teacher and coach at Rosemary High, the best all girl private school in the state. I had always wanted to be a teacher - especially of young women - ever since my experiences with my favorite...

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Jennies story

Looking back I suppose I must have been very naive and gullible. Anyway here it is. I used to have a next door neighbour who was a friend of my father,they would go fishing together, also he would come to my house and share beers with my father a couple of times a week. From an early age I could remember whenever my neighbour visited he would sit me on his knee and stroke my legs,he would also tease me, he would offer me sweets but before he gave them to me he would drop them down the...

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I fucked two teachers for first time

This was my first time when I was 15. I have always had a crush on teachers and bbws. This happened when I was 15, my mom's friend work as ateacher in our school, she was a very good friend and used to give me rides back from school. Any way, she is 42 years old , she is stocky and a bit plump, she has big C cups boobs that never.lrt my dick down she has a big fat ass that always kept me horny. She is readheaded and she always smiles at me and jokes with me. She has two k**s a boy who I don't...

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