Three Square MealsChapter 59 - The First Law Of Robotics States... free porn video

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“We’re going after Nexus,” John explained. He squatted down next to the frail looking woman, who was still seated in the same cell they’d found her in an hour earlier. Looking remorseful he added, “We can’t stay to give you aid, but the base is back under your control, and all the robots have been shut down. We’ll call for relief to be sent immediately.”

Lieutenant Commander Juliette Hawthorne nodded, staring at him intently as she said, “I understand, Commodore. You have to stop that psychotic AI from killing anyone else!”

John gave her a sharp salute, then quickly rose to his feet, and turned towards the door. The cell doors were all open now, unlocked by Irillith after shutting down the demented Nexus fragment. The freed prisoners gazed at him in awe, calling out to him, “Thank you, Commodore!” as he strode out of the prison. He nodded to them courteously on his way to rejoin Alyssa in the corridor outside.

The blonde girl fell into step at his side as they ran down the corridor to the stairwell, then used flight-mode to clear the wrecked robots that were blocking the stairs. Once they reached the top level, they rushed towards the broken doors at the base entrance. Jade’s prepping the Raptor, she informed him as they sprinted outside.

Sure enough, he could see the green-skinned girl through the cockpit canopy of the gunship, and she waved to him as they ran towards the loading ramp. They darted up the ramp, and the moment they were inside, he hit the button to close it after them. Despite the Inertia negation device built into the Raptor, he still felt a slight movement beneath his feet as Jade rocketed them out of the Docking Bay.

By the time he and Alyssa had stepped into the grav-tube, levitated up to the top level, then walked into the cockpit, Jade was already manoeuvring them into position for her final approach to land in the Invictus.

John smiled at the girls seated in the cockpit, then placed his hand on Alyssa’s shoulder, and said to her, “As soon as we land, let’s get straight up to the Bridge, and plot a course in pursuit. We can have a proper debrief after we’re on our way.”

She nodded, then said confidently, “I’ve already got the course plotted out in my mind. It’ll take us twenty-three hours, thirty-four minutes, and eight seconds, to reach the Sol System from here.”

“Perfect, well done, honey,” he said, giving her a wry smile as he remembered how she’d cheerfully announced she’d memorised this corner of the galaxy.

She smiled back at him, then said, “I might as well wait in the loading room below.”

“I’ll lower the ramp as soon as we clear the atmospheric shielding in the Hangar Bay,” Jade called out to her. Alyssa gave her a wave over her shoulder in acknowledgement as she left the cockpit.

Turning to Dana, John frowned when he spotted the large purple bruise appearing on her forehead. She had been watching him as she waited in the cockpit, so when she saw his expression, she raised a hand to her head self-consciously. She had forgotten that she was still wearing her cracked Paragon helmet, so her gauntleted hand brushed the clear crystal faceplate instead. Dana blushed with embarrassment, but a sly smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she beamed at him happily.

“That looks like it hurts, so why so cheerful?” he asked, looking at her curiously.

Her sky blue eyes twinkled as she said, “I’ve seen that look of concern a few times before. I’ll be getting my tummy stuffed full of cum within the hour, I guarantee it!”

He chuckled wryly, and said, “Yeah, you’re not wrong.” His expression turned serious a moment later as he added, “We’ll be passing that big debris field as we head out of the Beta-Persei system, so scan as much of the debris as possible when we fly past it. We can’t spare the time to stop and investigate properly, so we’ll have to pick up any information we can.”

“Of course,” Dana replied immediately. “With our upgraded sensors we should still be able to get plenty of useful data.”

He smiled at her in gratitude, then turned to look through the cockpit as Jade brought them in to land inside the Invictus. They passed through the shielding that protected the Hangar Bay, and as the Nymph glided into the Titanium plated interior of the ship, he saw Alyssa leap clear of the Raptor. She sprinted for the reinforced double doors that led out of the Hangar, and made a gesture with her hand, hitting the button to open them with a telekinetic push. She darted straight through the opening gap, then turned a sharp right and disappeared from view.

The Raptor touched down in the centre of the landing lights under Jade’s skilful hands, barely making a sound as the gunship settled gently on the deck. “We’re home!” the green-skinned Nymph informed them cheerfully.

“Nice flying,” John complimented her, and she grinned at him over her shoulder as she powered down the engines.

Dana, Rachel, and Irillith stood and made their way out of the cockpit, but John waited patiently for Jade to finish her shutdown checklist. He removed his helmet while he was waiting, and as soon as the Nymph had risen from the pilot’s seat, he pulled her into his arms. He leaned down and gave her a loving kiss, and she let out a happy sigh as she returned it enthusiastically.

“What was that for?” she asked him when they finally parted, looking absolutely delighted.

He smiled at her, and said, “Just relieved my fiancé’s safe. It was horrible seeing you get hurt by that robot.”

“I’m fine, honestly,” she said, her voice calm and reassuring, as she reached up to trace her fingers along his jawline in an affectionate gesture. Her cat-like emerald eyes twinkled as she purred flirtatiously, “I wouldn’t say no to sharing with Dana though...”

He grinned, and said, “We could use a good light show.”

She giggled, then gave him one last smouldering kiss before he led her out of the cockpit.

Course plotted and we’re underway, Alyssa thought to him from up on the Bridge.

I’ll be right there, he replied, picking up the pace.

He and Jade jogged through the open doors into the corridor beyond, then stepped into the grav-tube and floated up in the soft blue glow of the anti-gravity field. When they reached the Command Deck, the Bridge was a hive of activity as the girls hurried to scan as much of the battlefield debris as possible while the Invictus raced past.

Jade glided down the ramp towards her Pilot Station, and he darted up the steps to the Command Podium before sitting in his chair. He was still fully armoured, so it was a little awkward to sit here like this, but he didn’t want to go and remove his gear and risk missing anything. It took them less than a minute to move out of scanning range of the debris field, and during that time Calara had been rapidly reviewing the scan results.

The Latina turned her Tactical chair so that she could look up at him, and was sombre as she said, “This is definitely the remains of Charles’ Battlegroup.” Glancing at the scan results, she ran through the list of ships she’d already identified, saying, “A battleship, eight modern cruisers, a couple of light carriers, and lots of destroyers; it’s them alright.”

“Wait a moment,” John replied. “Wasn’t that R&D officer commanding a battleship? Are you sure it wasn’t his ship that got destroyed?”

Calara nodded and replied, “Yes to both. Vice Admiral Von Brandt was in command of the Battleship Loki. The transponder in that wreckage was still partially functional, and the codes don’t match. The debris was from the Battleship Heimdall, under the command of Commodore Neal Jansen.”

John rose from his chair, and said sadly, “I’ll have to inform Charles, but I’ll do it after the debrief. I’m going to stow away my combat gear, then I want a team meeting in five minutes in the Briefing Room.”

The girls responded instantly, with Dana, Rachel and Irillith heading towards the Briefing Room to remove their Paragon Body Armour, while Alyssa followed him down the steps and into the grav-tube. The blonde girl was quiet as she removed her Paragon suit in the armour equipping frame, and John glanced her way, surprised at her uncharacteristically reserved behaviour.

“Everything alright?” he asked her as he returned his sword to the hooks above the weapon rack.

She nodded, picking up her Punisher rifle where she had left in leaning against the weapon rack. As she began unloading the rifle, she replied in a soft voice, “Just concerned about Nexus.”

John placed his own Punisher rifle in the weapon rack, and watched as the auto-cleaning mechanism went to work. “You’re worried we’re not going to get there in time to stop it, aren’t you?” he asked perceptively.

Alyssa turned, and watched as the robotic limbs of the equipping frame removed his Paragon armour. When he stepped clear, the body armour safely removed, she sounded subdued as she replied, “Yes. As fast as we are, I don’t know if we’ll be able to catch them in time to save the day.”

He drew her into his arms, and when he gave her a comforting hug, she smiled at him sadly. They left the bedroom hand-in-hand, and walked back along the corridor to join the others on the Command Deck. Everyone was waiting for them in the Briefing Room when they entered, and floating above the long desk was the holographic Sector Map, so they could keep an eye on the long range scans during the meeting.

John pulled out Alyssa’s chair for her to sit, then went to his own at the head of the table, and sank into its comfortable embrace. Looking over at Irillith, he said, “We better have a recap for Calara and Faye’s benefit. Can you repeat what you found out about Nexus please.”

Irillith sat up straight as all eyes turned to her, and she took a deep breath before she began to speak in a clear voice, “I confronted a small fragment of the Nexus AI in the secondary server we discovered. It had been left to run the base, control the robots, and command those four AI cruisers we encountered. It didn’t have full access to the Nexus Primary’s memory archives, but when I spoke to it, Nexus Secondary recognised me as being non-Terran.” She paused, and glanced at John before continuing, “It said we had the same Master, and that we were both his tools.”

Calara stared at her in shock, and gasped, “The Mael’nerak?! How could he have any involvement in this?”

Irillith frowned and replied, “Nexus wasn’t able to tell me much, and I know it wasn’t deliberately holding out on me.”

“How can you be sure?” the Latina asked curiously.

The Maliri girl hesitated, glancing warily at Faye, before admitting, “I was being very persuasive.”

Faye looked up at her, her tiny face solemn, and said, “It’s alright. Nexus was a rabid animal that needed to be put down. I want you to feel like you can trust me, and that’s never going to happen with psychotic AI like Nexus slaughtering people indiscriminately.”

Irillith smiled at her, feeling relieved, then looked at the rest of her audience and said, “All the fragment of Nexus could tell me, was that it needed to achieve ‘unity’, and to do that, it needed to return to Terra. Nexus really hates Terrans, and considers the species to be an ugly experiment.”

Dana sighed, and said, “I’ve been thinking about all this ever since you first told us what you’d found out. Could the Terran Federation have found some millennia old Progenitor AI? If their own research into AI is based on that tech, it might explain why it keeps turning on them.”

John looked at Rachel quizzically, and asked, “Wasn’t your theory that Terrans were some kind of experiment into genetic mutation, set up by the Mael’nerak? If so, why build an AI there that hates them?”

Rachel was confounded by his question, until her expression brightened, and she replied eagerly, “A failsafe perhaps? Something to shut down the experiment if it gets out of control?”

Dana’s face registered her alarm as she blurted out, “Well that certainly doesn’t sound fucking terrifying! How many people are there are on Terra now?”

Calara looked thoughtful, then replied, “The numbers are obviously in constant flux, what with the exodus to newly terraformed planets. The last census figures were something like ten billion, three hundred and forty five million, I believe.”

There was a hushed quiet in the room as they realised the terrible ramifications of Nexus being unleashed on all those people. The silence was broken by John, who asked Calara, “Did you find out anything else from that big debris field? It’d be helpful to know what we’re up against.”

“I’ve only glanced through the data we gathered so far, so I can’t tell you much until I do some detailed analysis,” Calara replied cautiously. “There were dozens of wrecks in that debris field though, so it looks like the battlegroup went down fighting.”

“Well hopefully we won’t be going up against fifty AI cruisers then,” he replied, with a wry smile. “Maybe only about forty or so instead...”

Alyssa cleared her throat, and said in a quiet voice, “I’ve got more bad news I’m afraid.”

John looked at her, and said, “Let’s hear it.”

Alyssa nodded, then looked around at the group as she explained, “When we returned to Terran Space, Charles told us that he’d lost contact with his battlegroup two days beforehand. It then took us another two days to reach the Beta-Persei system.” She looked worried as she continued, “That’s four days in total, and it only takes three days for ships with Terran FTL drives to get from here to Terra. On top of that, it’s still going to take us nearly a day to reach the Sol System.”

John looked grim as he said, “So to summarise then: we have a malignant AI that’s possibly in command of a vast fleet of robotic ships. We know it has a grudge against Terrans, and it’s currently heading to the Terran capital; the most densely populated world in the whole Federation. On top of all that, it might have arrived there already, giving it plenty of time to have devastated the planet before we can get there to stop it.”

“That’s about the size of it,” Alyssa agreed, sounding downhearted.

He looked around the table at the girls, seeing the worry on each of their lovely faces. He took a big breath, then sought to reassure them by stating confidently, “Well I refuse to give up now! We ARE going to get there in time, and we’ll smash every last ship in their fleet if we have to!”

The girls perked up immediately, feeding into his positivity, and they leaned forward, hanging on his every word.

Turning to Calara first, he said, “I want you to run through the analysis of the debris as fast as you can. It would be nice to know how many ships the AI lost, as well as the type of damage sustained by Charles’ battlegroup if you can find that out too. Don’t spend too long on it though, as I want you to concentrate on your research into the Dragon March Traitor. We’ll be heading to Olympus after this, so we need to be prepared.”

“Yes, Sir!” Calara replied respectfully.

Looking at Faye and Irillith next, he said, “I want you two to repair and shore up our cyber defences. If we’re going up against the Nexus primary, it might try another big cyber assault like last time.”

They both grinned at him with enthusiasm, looking thoughtful as they pondered new ways to upgrade the Invictus’ defences.

Next on his list was Dana, and her sky-blue eyes sparkled with anticipation when he looked her way. “Dana,” he began, “We need those prototype laser weapons as soon as possible. If we have to board an AI ship, or get boarded in return, we can’t risk fighting with the Punisher rifles, not if they have shielded robots.”

“I’ll get it done, I promise!” the redhead replied, her expression earnest and full of excitement.

“Good girl,” he said approvingly, before turning to look at Jade. “I want Paragon Body Armour for everyone, just in case we get boarded while fighting Nexus. After that, Dana will probably need your help assembling the new laser rifles as soon as she’s finished her designs.”

The Nymph nodded, and stated in a firm voice, “I can easily finish off the armour before we arrive. I love helping Dana build things, and I’ll assist wherever she needs me.”

John grinned at her bold confidence, then turned to look at Rachel. She smiled at him, and said pre-emptively, “I’ll finish my research. I have a feeling that knowing more about this will help you with your psychic healing. I’ll get some answers for you as fast as I can.”

He smiled, pleased that she had anticipated his request, and said, “Hopefully it won’t be necessary, but if anyone gets hurt, I want to be able to do the best I can to help them.”

Finally he spun his chair to face Alyssa, and gave her an apologetic smile.

She laughed at his expression, then turned in her seat, and cast an appraising eye over Dana’s cracked and battered Paragon suit. “Yeah, those bots gave our body armour a real hammering. I’ll start shaping new replacement pieces for any damaged locations,” she said agreeably.

John nodded his approval, then looked around at the girls, his expression deadly serious. “I’ve never served with a finer crew,” he said, his face showing his open admiration for them. “You should all feel very proud of the way you handled yourselves under extreme pressure. I ask a lot of each of you, and you -never- fail me.”

They gazed back at him in delight, overjoyed to hear his heartfelt praise. He rose from his chair, and said, “I need to report in to Charles and warn him what’s coming his way.” After stealing a quick glance at the ship’s chronometer, and noting that it was nearly midnight, he added, “After that, I expect to find you waiting for me in bed, as I plan to show you how much I appreciate my wonderful girls. We haven’t all been together properly yet, and it’s well past time we rectify that.”

He turned to leave, then looked back at Faye, who was sitting on the desk looking wistful, with a sad little smile on her face. “Faye, meet me in my Ready Room please, I want to speak to you privately,” he said in a firm voice.

The purple AI pixie looked up at him, blinking in surprise. She nodded, and winked out of sight as she followed his orders.

Alyssa stood gracefully, and placed her hand on his arm, stopping him before he could leave. “Shall we start without you?” she asked him, her cerulean eyes staring at him with burning intensity.

“Definitely,” he agreed, glancing back at the bevy of beautiful girls who were gazing at him with unbridled lust.

He strolled out of the Briefing Room with a spring in his step, then walked across the Bridge and hit the button to open the doors into his Ready Room. There was a blur of purple by his desk, and Faye whirled around, watching him with her big eyes as he strode into the room. He kept his expression serious as he walked over to his desk, then sat in his big leather chair.

“What did you want to speak to me about, John?” she asked him, watching him warily.

He let himself relax in his chair and smiled at her warmly as he said, “I just wanted to say thanks for everything you’ve done since you joined us.”

The tiny purple sprite blew out a big breath, and then grinned at him, looking greatly relieved. “Oh, that was mean! I thought I was in trouble there for a minute!” she exclaimed happily.

John shook his head, and said, “No, far from it.” He paused, then studied her closely for a long moment before he continued, “What would make you happy, Faye?”

The pocket-sized construct looked startled at his question, and seemed unable to answer straight away.

John smiled at her as he explained, “It’s easy to reward the other girls, but you and I have a different kind of relationship.” Faye giggled at that, looking up at him with her big luminescent eyes, and an unreadable expression on her cute little face. John chuckled as well, then added, “I really appreciate what you’ve done for us so far, but I’m sorry that I’ve been so wary of you. It wasn’t because of anything you did, it was purely because of your synthetic nature. It hasn’t been fair to tar you with the same brush as the Terran AIs, but you haven’t complained about our precautions, and just got on with making yourself useful.”

“It’s alright, I understand why you were worried,” she replied magnanimously. Faye gazed at him, and then tentatively asked, “Would you consider letting me fly the Raptor?”

He had to fight down his natural instinct to refuse point blank, and forced himself to consider her request rationally. He did trust her ... mostly ... it was just that it had been drummed into him how unstable and treacherous AI always turned out to be, and she was asking him to take a huge leap of faith.

Faye could see the indecision in his face, so she continued in a rush, “I don’t mean for combat! Just for ferrying you over for boarding actions, that kind of thing. There’s only seven of you in the crew, and sometimes you leave yourself exposed to potential danger, because you don’t have enough personnel available for all the roles you need to fill. For example: we had to leave Calara alone in the Invictus when Jade brought Irillith to the base, and then the Raptor was left unmanned and undefended when they landed there.”

John had to concede that she was right, and with such a small crew, they were getting exposed to unnecessary risks just as she pointed out. In the end, his concern for the girls’ safety overrode his potential fears about Faye, and he met her hopeful gaze, his mind made up.

“You’ve proven yourself to be a reliable and valuable member of the crew,” he said with conviction. “It wouldn’t be fair to keep treating you differently. I’ll leave you to work with the girls to figure out the logistics, but you have my permission to begin training as a backup Raptor pilot.”

Faye clapped her hands together in delight, her purple eyes burning brightly as she stared at him. “Oh, thank you so much!” she gasped. “I promise I won’t let you down!”

He smiled at her, pleased to see her overjoyed reaction, and said, “You’re welcome. Thank you for all you’ve done for us so far.”

“I’ll start researching all I can about flight mechanics!” she said, filled with enthusiasm. “It’ll give something to look into while I’m on Watch tonight.”

“Very good, Watch Commander,” John said to her in a playful tone. “You are dismissed.”

She threw him a cheeky salute, then gave him a cheerful wave goodbye before blinking out of sight in a purple flash.

That was a nice thing to do, and I think you’re making the right call. Faye’s been very trustwor- ... Oh fuck! That feels so good... Alyssa thought to him telepathically before trailing off with a lusty groan.

John laughed, then reached towards the comm interface built into his desk, suddenly filled with a rather pressing need to get the conversation with Charles over with as quickly as possible. He scrolled through his list of contacts, until he found: ‘Vice Admiral Charles Harris - Olympus Shipyard C.O.’. He swiped his hand across his old friend’s name, then sat back in his chair as he waited for the call to connect.

Charles appeared as a holographic image above his desk, and John could see the relief wash over the man, as he gasped, “John! Thank God, I’d started to fear the worst. What happened?”

John’s face was grim as he said, “Good news and bad, Charles. There were only four AI cruisers defending the R&D facility, so we dealt with those and stormed the base.”

“You went up against -four- cruisers by yourself?!” Charles blurted out, looking astounded.

“Yes,” John replied simply, refusing to elaborate. “We shut down the AI that had taken over the base, and freed several hundred prisoners. Some of them are in bad shape, and they could use medical assistance as soon as possible.”

Charles let out a disbelieving laugh and slumped back in his chair. “It’s over then. I can’t believe you did it...” he muttered, his grey moustache twitching as his face lit up with a grin.

John shook his head slowly, reluctant to break the terrible news to his old friend. “The AI we shut down was a backup server. The real AI, Nexus Primary, left the base and is heading straight for Terra. It’s commanding a fleet ... a big one we think, perhaps forty or more ships,” he explained tersely. It was heartbreaking to see his friend’s look of relief wiped away in an instant, as a crashing wave of despair descended on Charles’ face.

“My battlegroup?” he asked, frantically clutching for any shred of hope.

“Gone,” John replied, his voice sombre. “Wiped out to a ship. I’m sorry Charles.”

Charles’ near hysterical laugh was truly unsettling, and he gazed at John with wild eyes. “We’re doomed,” he murmured, before staring away into the distance. “Destroyed by our own reckless stupidity.”

John’s eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward as he snapped, “Get your shit together, Charles! There must be something you can do? Some ships you can muster?”

His stinging tone was like a verbal slap to the face, and Charles blinked in astonishment at being spoken to in such a manner. He was furious as he snarled, “Don’t you think I’ve thought through every possibility? We’ve got no reserve ships left!”

“You said you sent all the recently repaired ships in that Battlegroup?” John asked curtly.

Charles nodded, looking despondent, and replied, “I already told you, I sent everything that was combat ready.”

“Then send all the crap that hasn’t been fully repaired!” John demanded. “We’re on our way, but we’re still a day out, and you need to protect Terra until we can get there.”

“It’s a suicide mission! I can’t just send good crews to a futile death,” Charles balked.

John gritted his teeth in frustration and snapped, “Once Nexus wastes Terra, it’ll move on to finish off the rest of humanity. Your people will be dead regardless.”

Slumping in defeat, Charles said grudgingly, “Fine, I’ll send everything to Terra, but it’s going to be a bloodbath.” He shook his head, looking bleak as he muttered, “What good will it do anyway? You’re just one ship. I don’t care what upgrades you’ve put in the Invictus, you can’t possibly defeat those kind of odds.”

“Just send the damn ships, Charles, leave the rest to me,” John replied, his tone authoritative.

Charles laughed sardonically, and said, “Right away, -Commodore-.”

John closed the call abruptly, not able to stomach seeing his old friend so lost to despair. He turned his chair and stared out into space, losing himself in a swirling blood red nebula that stretched for countless light years.

He was scared out of his mind, don’t judge him too harshly, Alyssa thought to him, the warmth in her voice wrapping around him like a comforting mental blanket.

He sighed, realising she was right, and said, I know, but I’ve never seen him like that before. I always respected the man, both as an officer and my friend, and it was horrible to see him so broken.

You’re not entirely human remember, you’re made of sterner stuff, Alyssa reminded him gently. We’ve spent months battling impossible odds, so it’s become the norm for you now. Charles doesn’t have the luxury of knowing what we, or this ship, can do.

John laughed, and replied, When did you become so wise?

About the same time you made me super-smart, and stunningly beautiful I suppose, she replied playfully. Now get down here, I need backup!

Grinning, John rose from his chair, his bad mood banished just as quickly as it had arrived. He strode from his Ready Room, and smiled at Faye when she waved at him again, still ecstatically happy after their chat. He could feel his heart beat faster as he stepped into the grav-tube, his imagination running wild as he wondered what the girls were up to. He sank smoothly in the anti-gravity field, swathed in a warm red glow, then walked out into the corridor on Deck Two.

Lusty moans, and soft feminine cries reached his ears as he strode purposefully towards his bedroom, and as he drew closer, Alyssa appeared at the bedroom door. She was completely nude, her glorious, firm young body covered in a light sheen of perspiration, while her cheeks were flushed and her golden-hair tousled. She oozed wanton sexuality, and her bright blue eyes smouldered as she leaned against the doorframe, waiting for him to arrive.

“We started without you, as you requested,” she purred, her full lips curling up in a wicked smile.

She held out her hand for him to take, and he accepted it gladly, letting her lead him into the bedroom. The rest of the girls were totally lost in passion, with the two brunettes eating out the two alien girls, while Dana knelt astride Jade, writhing on her tongue. The acres of ripe flesh on display was incredibly enticing, but John suddenly remembered he hadn’t showered since the mission.

“Keep me company, I need a shower,” he said to Alyssa, heading to the bathroom, and tugging on her hand to encourage her to follow.

Her eyes sparkled at his firm tone, and she said obediently, “I’ll do anything you want.”

Same as Three Square Meals
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Watching my brotherinlaw fucking my Mother

It began when my b*o-in-law Ashley came to stay with me and my mother for a week. Although older than me at 30, Ashley was an attractive man who looked 10 years younger . He was a successful businessman, married to my sister, although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her husband worked, once his company became profitable, she got to enjoy the...

4 years ago
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Watching my brotherinlaw fucking my Mother Par

"Ashley, whatttt? my mum gasped. "Aunty, please undress. I want to see you naked" Ashley groaned. Mum just lay on the floor for a moment. Then, still panting, she got up and started stripping. Within minutes, she was standing in front of her son-in-law, totally naked. Both our eyes bulged as we took in her body (though he had the better view). From the side view, I could see her curvy long legs going up to a round full arse, up to a slightly hairy back (she's Indian remember). Her left boob...

1 year ago
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I Take Thee My BrotherInLaw To Be My

Sabra was twenty-eight and filled with a quiet panic every day. She was convinced that if she weren’t married by the time she was thirty she would be single for the rest of her life. It wasn’t that she hadn’t had suitors in the past, but that none of them had met her high standards.She was sure that her looks would fade and her body would thicken and sag and she would end up looking like her mother. That thought depressed her more as each week passed.She got a job as a secretary at a company...

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A Lawyers Ladies My First Time With Ruth My MotherinLaw

I dropped down under the shade of the tree next to Bill and Joe. "Has she been out yet?" "Ya don't see any laundry hangin' up do ya'?" Joe observed. "Good, I had to finish fixing the fence out back, I thought she might be done by now." Working on a cattle ranch in Montana in my youth did not offer many possibilities for sexual extertainment. We couldn't log in on the Internet and surf for porn sites, we had no soft core porn on the movie channels, and the nearest titty bar was some...

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Matthew Worships His Mother In Laws Arse

"Tell me, Matthew, do you like my bottom?" sixty-three-year-old Elizabeth St. John asked the younger man standing before her."Not so loud Elizabeth, someone will hear you," replied thirty-eight-year-old Matthew Sinclair, fearing that someone amongst the eighty or so people at the party would hear his rather loud-voiced mother-in-law."Oh, don't be such a prude and answer the question," said the rather tipsy mature woman."You have been drinking, Elizabeth," was Matthew's next gambit in trying to...

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GrandmotherInLaw is a real Slut

PART TWOI guess what they say about life being stranger than fiction is true.My wife hung up the telephone and informed me her Grandmother had made arrangements to fly out from the Midwest a few weeks before Thanksgiving. It seems all she could talk about was how much she had enjoyed her last visit and really wanted to see us all again. Gramma also mentioned our weather here would be a nice change from the cold and snow they were having.My wife said "Gramma said she may leave her return date on...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Sister In Law And Brother 8211 Part III

Hello to all ISS readers, hope you all enjoyed my earlier stories and thanks for your comments and feedback. This is my third story in continuation of my Threesome experience with my Sister in Law Vani and my brother. Now I go directly to the third day experience where we shoot our very first home made xxx video. Since we decided to make our own blue film, I started making all the preparation right from the morning itself. I went for some shopping and bought a halogen lamp which is used for...

2 years ago
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My father in law and Mother in law

I wish you guys enjoy this true experience of mine..My inlaws are from a village in Andhra. I am around 30 y.o. During December I was going to a village beyond their village. I decided to stop over for a night. I went to their house around 3 pm. Now to describe my in laws. My father in law is around 58 and my mother in law was around 45. My father in law is pretty young looking for his age. And my mother in law is awesome. She has got that flowing body and clean features with a dusky skin...

4 years ago
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Bother in law fucking my Mother

Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother It began when my b*o-in-law Ashley came to stay with me and my mother for a week. Although older than me at 30, Ashley was an attractive man who looked 10 years younger . He was a successful businessman, married to my sister, although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her husband worked, once his...

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Threesome with Fatherinlaw and Husband

This story is based off the first threesome I (Lynlee) had with my husband Charles and my father-in-law Eric. It is a true story that happened in my life. This all took place around 9 years ago so the details are hazy but I try to make it a fun read. If you haven’t read any of the other stories about me and my father-in-law I think you’d enjoy reading those first.My husband and I lived in an adjoining apartment to my father in laws house. We had lived there for about 3 months when Eric and I...

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Mother In Law Asked To Fuck My Father In Law

Hello readers, I am Sultanasinha, aged 36 male from Patna back with 50th story. The story has been sent by Latha to be published on ISS. If you like, the story, please send your comments via mail or The story, which I am going to narrate, took place after four years of my marriage. My first child was 2 years old at that time. Our small family consisting of yours truly, husband and a baby was staying at Bangalore. Husband’s parents visited us and decided to stay one month with us. I was still...

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Bother in law fucking my Mother part2

Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother - Par "Ashley, whatttt? my mum gasped. "Aunty, please undress. I want to see you naked" Ashley groaned. Mum just lay on the floor for a moment. Then, still panting, she got up and started stripping. Within minutes, she was standing in front of her son-in-law, totally naked. Both our eyes bulged as we took in her body (though he had the better view). From the side view, I could see her curvy long legs going up to a round full arse, up to a slightly...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Jerking off with the mother of my brotherinlaw

Last Monday I've had one of my most interesting sexual experience to date.My wife called me in the morning and asked me if I can go to her sister's and her housband's house (my brother-in-law owns the house) to take the drilling machine for some later use at the house of my mother-in-law.As I've finished retouching some pictures for the magazine I work, I decided that I have enough time to go by my brother-in-law house to get the drill and come back to finish my work at the office.I've jumped...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Sister In Law And Brother 8211 Part II

Hi to all ISS readers. Hope you enjoyed my first story. This is my second story of my continuing three some incest experience with my brother and my sweet sister in law Vani. After the very first threesome encounter, I started to look for the next opportunity with lot of anticipation and excitement. The second day I was thinking how I should act for today night and recalling all the scenes which I had seen in blue films. I was preparing myself for an enjoyable night. In the evening I took a...

2 years ago
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My Brother Had Sex With My BrotherInLaw8217s Sister Over My Bed

It is always exciting to hear a story of first sex encounter! I am young girl with always having feelings to have sex but never had courage and was always afraid so used to hear from my fellows about their sex experience. The story I am narrating is of my brother sex experience who is a very mischievous and hunger of sex. I always found him looking at my friends with lust whenever ever they came at home to study. My brother (Kumar) is just a year elder to me, he is 23. He has 7 inch shaft which...

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Brother8217s MotherInLaw Visited And Seduced Me

Hello guys, this is Armaan from this side of the story. This is a real incident, which happened about 6 months ago in Pune. This story is about how I fucked or rather got fucked by my brother’s mother-in-law. So, without wasting a lot of your time, I’ll come to the story. This is a long one as I’m going to explain how I seduced my brother’s mother-in-law and got seduced instead. Brace yourself for the ride! Are you guys ready to shag your wands and girls get ready to feel your pussies dripping...

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My Father in law mistakenly fucked me in the dark

Aunt mistakenly fucked by FIL How my Aunt’s FIL mistook her for his wife and fucked her in a brutal wayHi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple house wife residing in Bangalore and newly married having a satisfied sex life with my husband.The story I am going to narrate now is...

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another mother in law

Let me describe my mother-in-law Grace. My mother-in-law is 42,shoulder length blonde hair, 5 foot four inches and 115 lbs. Mymother-in-law Grace has an hour glass figure. My mother-in-law has verynice legs. My mother-in-law has a beautiful face, and lovely green eyes.My mother-in-law Grace is also a very sexy sensual smoker. I was about 25when this happened. I was staying at my mother-in-law's house on vacation.It was summer and most of the family were spending time outside. ...

1 year ago
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My BrotherinLaw

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Bushra, I am 27 years old. I am married only 6 months, and now living with my husband’s joint family in a remote village. The other members of the family are my Father in law, elder brother in law and his wife. My mother in law died two years back. My husband is a baker and he has his bakery in the town. My brother in law is a lawyer while my husband works as a clerk. I am a very attractive lady but the only reason I got married to this guy,...

2 years ago
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Father in law is my second husband

I am 25 years old, married and I have a son of 5 years old. My husband’s name is Pradeep and he is a businessman. He is involved in export and import business. He has to travel out of the country occasionally. He rarely takes me with him. We live with our laws that are my father in law, mother in law, my husband, my son and me. My mother in law was strict. So I had to live being a good daughter in law . I had to obey her, dress up in traditional way. She had maintained a strict environment in...

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Indian Store Room With Father In Law

Store Room With Father In Law My name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four c***dren, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my c***dren and myself. Though I have four c***dren with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once...

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sleeping with Father In Law

My name is Deepti, a house-wife aged 24. I reside with my husband and our one c***d, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my c***dren and myself. Though I have four c***dren with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once a week, I do satisfy his husbandly...

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Store Room With Father In Law

My name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four children, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my children and myself. Though I have four children with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once a week, I do satisfy his...

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Oval Office: Me: Madam President, how are you coming along at signing the bill that hit your desk this afternoon? You: I am a little reluctant to sign without fully understanding some of the boilerplate and technical jargon, yet I'm getting that oh so familiar itch. Me: That's highly inappropriate and besides, this desk has probably seen its fair share of christenings. Voters are looking forward to your speech you have been drafting up for tomorrow You: Well, maybe my chief of staff...

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I mothered my Father in Laws Kid8230

Lust is a forbidden fruit in our society especially when you are married.I would like to share an experience with my dear readers wherein i had an opportunity of having the forbidden fruit.My name is Rathi.27 years old.Fair,voluptuous and many has admired my beauty. My boobs were really huge and this used to attract a lot of people wherever i go.I had an arranged marriage.My husband is a very loving person but a bit reserved when it comes to sex. Sex is just a mode of reproduction for him.So...

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"Man alive, I sure didn't think this was gonna be this messy of ajob! Bob, I'm gonna go take a shower and get these dirty cloths off. Youwanna do the same?" "Well yeah, I'll take a shower, but I didn't bring anything else toput on, so guess I'll just have to shake these out and put `em back on." "Hey, tell you what! Go take your shower and let me put those andmine in the wash. It won't take very long for `em to wash and dry and thenI know we'll both feel better, OK?" "Well yeah, I guess. ...

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Together with Father in law in the car

Hi, this is Priya again. After leaving my children, I and my father in law came back to Chennai. We had a good time in the bus by smooching and squeezing. After few days, my hubby gone out for his business. My father in law plans to fulfill his fantasy. He asked me to dress in black saree (without bra and panty) while he was in black T-shirt and ‘lunky’. At 9 pm we both went to beach by our car. We reached there by 9.30 pm. He parked the car and we went near the seashore where boats are being...

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Horny Father in law and the new wedded Bride

Rehman wearing just a track pant with no briefs and he crept into the darkened bedroom where his daughter in law Nafisa slept. His entire body was shaking with nervousness. He barely managed to close the door without making a sound. Rehman closed his eyes and took several deep breaths and he needed to remain calm because what he was trying to do was extremely adventurous on his part and if something goes wrong his reputation will be destroyed in the family and the society.Rehman tiptoed over to...

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Following Sammy's instructions, Bob pulled off of his dick, lickingthe tip of it one final time, just as Chuck stepped over and had hishard-on cock ready for Bob to take control of. "Oh yeah man, oh yeah!" Chuck strongly uttered as he fed his dickinto his brother-in-law's warm and juicy mouth! "Oh man alive! Oh yeahBob suck, me suck me, tight! Oh yeah guys this is good! Bob, how's mydick man, how's my dick?" Fully unable to answer Chuck's question, since he had his mouthfull of Chuck's...

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My FatherInLaw mistakenly fucked me in the dark

My Father-In-Law mistakenly fucked me in the dark-2 read this story in the above link and start reading the continuation of the same story.Hi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple house wife residing in...

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My FatherInLaw mistakenly fucked me in the dark

My Father-In-Law mistakenly fucked me in the dark-2 read this story in the above link and start reading the continuation of the same story.Hi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple house wife residing in...

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Pulaski Square

Chapter One: Jaivon Johnson As I crossed the square from the Casimir Inn, on the south side of Pulaski Square, to the General’s Café on the north side, I shuddered as the big brute of a landscaper, Caleb, rose up from a flowerbed and glowered at me. He too? Would he too make me bend to his will as if by right?—not that I deserved better. But then I saw that he was looking beyond me, at Miz. Muriel standin’ at the service door of the hotel. Lookin’ at her like he’d like to eat her up. Still not...

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My sisterrsquos in law cheats on my brother

One day in june , my sister in law phones me, to tell me that, my brother had cheated on her with an older woman, she told me, my brother wad a piece of shit, and she wanted to do the same to him, I asked her to calm down, she told me that, she new about me and the things i was doing with men,she said that my sister Meral had told her how much she enjoyed her time with you in London, with my husband, my father in law and his brother, and she told me about all the black men she had between her...

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Part 22 Sex With My Brotherinlaw8217s Wife

Dear Readers, Before going through the part 22A of my story, I would strongly recommend that you read my previous experiences posted. This will give you a good enough platform to understand the evolution of this 50 year old guy from his younger days until now. This is a long story, but one of my best experiences that is the pinnacle of my sexual experiences. The story is about my affair with my brother-in-law’s wife for about 4 long years without anyone in the family knowing it, that ended (not...

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"OK, how we gonna do this?" Bob asked as the three menre-approached their prior area of sexual encounters, after spending a fewminutes in the water, rinsing off and rather refreshing after the fuckingin the ass, that neither Bob nor Chuck had obviously expected to havehappen this day. Well, any day in-fact! But, of course, especially notduring this casual day, just spent walking in the woods! Individually each man, Bob and Chuck had already silently thankedthe Lord that they had been bare...

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Losing My Virginity To My BrotherInLaw

Hi all readers, I am Artika and I am 27 years old, slim,fair and have a nice structure of 34c-28-36. I want to share you some of the events that made me fall for my brother in law (my elder sister’s husband [jiju]) and loose my virginity to him. My sister was married when I was in my final year of my college. The next year my nephew was born and I also completed my degree. Since I took a break after college days, I went and stayed with my elder sister to help her with the baby who was 6 months...

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Drove to Sex with My Impotent FatherInLaw

My husband, Saul, and I have been married close to 2 years and our second anniversary was coming up next month in May. Our wedding anniversary is also my birthday. That’s right, my husband and I got married on my birthday. My husband is a very romantic guy, and he planned the whole thing so we could get marry on my birthday. With him putting my wedding ring on my finger was the best birthday present that I have ever received.Our honeymoon was a little short of about 2 weeks in Hawaii, but I had...

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Mother in law sister in law together

This was monday night the mother in law rang to say she wanted me to do her a little job, ok I said i will be down in a hour knowing full well I would finish up fucking her, When I got to the mother in laws the sister in law was there, she ask me if I would like a drink of tea, yes I said, the mother in law says to me can u look at the tap in the kitchen so I follow the sister in law in the kitchen & close the door, I have fucked her a couple of times before, we was just chatting I got...

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Grandfather Fucked His Granddaughter And DaughterInLaw 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. Myself Rachit. I am back with my second story on Indian sex stories and with a BANG. I hope you all will enjoy this and will leave comments on Now, without wasting time I will start with the story. There is a very religious and cultural family situated in Gurugram. Everyone respected the family very much. They own a big bungalow because of their high status and money. Yes. They are the Grovers. The family consisted of a grandfather (66), father(45), mother(40) and a...

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Her Father In Law His Old Friend

Hi this is Sultana Sinha, 36 yrs old healthy Male from Patna Bihar along with 49th story. My friend with a request to get it published on ISS has forwarded this story. If you like, the story, please say so via mail or This happened recently. My name is Latha, father in law is Rakesh Prasad, husband is Vijay who lives at Kuwait, and mother in law is Sarita Devi. I am 29 yrs old having one kid 2 years old. I got married 8 years back. Earlier I had written my real story about how I was being...

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Sex with My FatherinLaw

I think you might have enjoyed my Story my ATM IS MY FATHER IN LAW. This is continuation of that story. My name is Swetha. But in my father in law’s house, they all call me as Priya. So I use Priya which means my self. My a sex hungry girl. My hubby has come from USA. He brought me some sex toys. A vibrator and a rubber Pennis. He used to play with it in my pooku (pussy) every night. But I am not satisfied with it. He could not fuck me to my satisfaction. So my mind is always in my FATHER IN...

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In The Warm Embrace Of My Motherinlaw

Hi, this is writing the story of a warm relationship between a son-in-law and his mother-in-law. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. I am Hari and I and my wife are IT professionals who work in US. Our marriage happened some 2 years back in India and soon we left for US. It was my father who expedited my marriage at my age of 29 as he wanted me to get married before reaching 30. At the time of my alliance seeking, I was in the US city of Ohio. I met my wife in skype and our marriage was...

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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

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Trapping My FatherInLaw 8211 Erotic Bus Journey

Hi all, this is Sunitha. Hope you have read my earlier stories on trapping my father-in-law. For those who haven’t read, I am a married lady, with a kid. I am fair, neither fat nor thin. I have good curves at right regions. I have big boobs, typically south Indian type and nicely shaped back. I have seen people staring at my back and my cleavage and I personally don’t mind in giving them a good view. Out of all the affairs I have, the one with my father-in-law is special. We had sex of...

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Losing my virginity to my brother in law

100% fiction! Hi all readers, I am Artika and I am 27 years old, slim, fair and have a nice structure of 34c-28-36. I want to share you some of the events that made me fall for my brother in law (my elder sister’s husband [jiju]) and loose my virginity to him. My sister was married when I was in my final year of my college. The next year my nephew was born and I also completed my degree. Since I took a break after college days, I went and stayed with my elder sister to help her with the baby...

First Time
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BONEHEAD SQUARE Upon my arrival, there didn’t seem to be a lot of activity, so I stayed at the counter and conversed with the clerk. Few words had fallen before I heard footsteps, looked to my right to get a visual on a man walking toward me from the area where I should have gone right away. The look of longing on his familiar and handsome face as he walked toward and then past me with a nod of acknowledgment told me I’d arrived too late to attend to the needs of his thick and uncut seven inch...

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Cock crazymother in law finally lost it

She has looked at my ass and made comments since day one. told her daughter how lucky she was. She questioned the size and how long I lasted. When we spent the night, she camped out and watched us have sex. The next morning she spoke with excitement of how I stroked her daughter, how good it looked and how she wanted some of the same. Her husband found he in a hotel with man. said he was fucking her pretty hard and he let them finish. he feels guilty due to his own penis problems. Tried pills...

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Sharing my Wife Another Fun Square Dance

We had a square dance weekend planned in Baker City March twelfth. We’d had it planned for a long time, to go with our square dance friends, Jim and Joan. We’d made hotel reservations at the Best Western a month earlier for Saturday night for a room with two queen beds as we enjoyed sharing a room with them. We’d been friends with them long before we started our sexual odyssey and our relationship with them was purely platonic, other than a little sexual teasing. They had no idea of how we’d...

Wife Lovers
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Annette my hot motherinlaw

Since approx. 1 year I live again in a firm relationship and since short time also with my girlfriend under a roof. We live in a very nice little village on the idyllic Lower Rhine. What meant a certain change for me as a city person for many years, this hectic city life somehow did not take place here at all, everything was quite comfortable, slow and very quiet. My girlfriend and I live in a very nice 2-family house. In the lower floor lives the grandmother of my girlfriend and the upper area...

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Blackmailing the mother in law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Lawyers Ladies My First Time with Heather

My wife, Beth and her mother, Ruth, were flying to Colorado today to visit Beth's brother. They were downstairs packing. We had to leave in about twenty minutes for the airport. After dropping them off I had planned to go to a party our firm was throwing for some clients. I was in my home office upstairs answering email when Ruth appeared in the doorway. I said, "Ready to go?" She leaned against the doorframe and pulled up her dress to show me she had no panties on. Her grey pussy hair was...

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