Reluctant Rebecca
- 3 years ago
- 34
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November 24th, 11:30 pm, Dahlstrom House in Loomis, WA
"Grandma ... grandma ... we're back," a tall, slim teen announced as he burst in the front door of the house. He stopped short when he saw Josh and Molly sitting on the couch in the living room. "Where's my..." he stammered before Mrs. Dahlstrom appeared from the kitchen.
"I'm glad you got home safe and sound, Justin," Mrs. Dahlstrom announced as she gave the six foot tall, shaggy haired teen a hug.
"Who are... ?"
"These are our guests," Mrs. Dahlstrom as her grandson shut the front door. "I'd like to introduce you to Joshua Warner and Molly Lawrence."
"Nice to meet you," Josh and Molly chimed in unison.
"This is my grandson, Justin," Mrs. Dahlstrom explained.
"Why are they..." the teen protested.
"Shush!" Mrs. Dahlstrom insisted. "Get your snowy boots off and take off your coat. I'll make you some hot chocolate."
"No buts!" Mrs. Dahlstrom insisted. "I'll explain about our visitors after your dad and Junior get back. Will they be long?"
"Shouldn't be, Grandma," Justin answered. "They want to mess up our tire tracks so the chinks don't know we put the livestock up in the hills. They were almost done when they sent me ahead."
Justin shed his hat and coat, took off his wet boots and followed his grandmother out to the kitchen, leaving Josh and Molly alone again. Grandmother and grandson were returning to the living room when the door opened again. A man in his mid-forties stepped inside, followed by a slightly taller, more filled out version of Justin Dahlstrom, sporting a few days' growth of whiskers. Justin, at thirteen, still had a baby-smooth face.
Mrs. Dahlstrom introduced Josh and Molly to her son, John, and her sixteen-year-old grandson, 'Junior, ' more properly John, Junior.
"Our visitors have traipsed the whole way over the Cascades from Sedro-Wooley," Mrs. Dahlstrom explained when all the introductions were completed. "Joshua is the hero they're going on about on the radio. He has been reporting about the chinamen's airplanes that fly over every day. He was the one who brought in our Air Force to shoot down those cargo planes a few days ago."
"That was very helpful to us," John Dahlstrom said.
"I'm really not a hero," Josh protested. "I'm just a soldier trying to do his duty and get back to safety."
"Anyone who allows our fliers to shoot down a couple thousand Chinese troops is a hero in my books," John said.
"You're really him?" Justin exclaimed. "You were calling in our pilots?" Junior added excitedly.
Josh patiently narrated the story of how he and Molly escaped Sedro-Wooley, trekked through the mountains, helped U. S. forces with their observations and made their way to the Dahlstrom homestead. Junior and Justin interrupted repeatedly with questions while Josh told their tale.
When he finished, Mrs. Dahlstrom announced, "John, I need you to drive these two down to Anna and Bob's house tonight while it is still dark. Molly needs to get back to her family. Joshua needs to get back to his army unit so he can help remove all these ... these ... damnable chinamen!"
"Grandma!" Justin teased. "Momma's gonna wash your mouth out with soap, if you're not careful."
"I DON'T like these chinamen!" Mrs. Dahlstrom snapped. "Not one bit! They can all just go back to China and let us in peace."
"I'll be happy to drive these two down to Anna's," John agreed. "Bob will take good care of them and get them across the river. He's got contacts with people with boats."
Josh and Molly loaded up everything while John walked back to the farm to get his pickup truck. Mrs. Dahlstrom insisted on sending them with venison sticks, venison jerky, crackers, peanut butter and some of her homemade gooseberry jam. The pair were going to eat well for a couple days, once they got back to hiking.
John Dahlstrom pulled up in front of his mother's house in an extended cab Ford F-350. Josh and Molly thanked Mrs. Dahlstrom, Junior and Justin for their hospitality and help before loading their packs in the back of the pickup. Josh and Molly gave Mrs. Dahlstrom and her grandsons a grateful wave as the truck pulled away and headed east.
John Dahlstrom drove east through the tiny town of Loomis. He turned off his headlights when he reached the far side of the town. He drove slowly and carefully, to avoid being spotted by any Chinese patrols that might be on the road that night. A couple miles out of town a lit billboard advertised a campground on Spectacle Lake. They found the lake a couple minutes later.
The road followed the edge of the lake. The night was cloudy and moonless, but they could see it once their eyes adjusted to the darkness. The blackness of the lake extended for miles. This was probably a nice vacation or picnic spot ... in better times.
John Dahlstrom told them more about his family and background. John was the third of four children. His oldest brother, Edward (53), lived in San Francisco with his wife Jill. John's sister Mary was between him and Edward. Mary, age 49, was married to David Graham. They lived in Omak. No one in the family has heard anything from David or Mary since the Chinese parachuted into eastern Washington State.
John was forty-five years old. He took over the ranch from his father since Edward had no interest in ranching. John was taking Josh and Molly to his younger sister's house. Anna Dahlstrom married Bob Kelly six years ago. John's mother was certain her thirty-five year old high school librarian daughter was bound to be an old maid. Bob Kelly, the new science teacher at the high school, rescued Anna from that fate.
John considered Bob to be a bit shy around the ladies, but a good man, none the less. His shyness explained why he was still available at age 38 when he met Anna. The courtship lasted a year. The happy couple had three-year-old twin daughters, Emily and Erin. In addition to teaching chemistry, biology and physics at the high school, Bob was active as a volunteer fireman with the Toncaset Fire Company and worked with the county's emergency management department.
John pointed out Whitestone Lake a couple miles after they passed the end of Spectacle Lake. Josh could just make out hills on the far side of the river as they passed the end of Whitestone Lake.
"The Chinese have guard posts at every bridge over the Okanogan River," John explained as he drove. "Bob has lots of contacts and should be able to find a way to smuggle you across the river."
"That's good to hear," Josh agreed.
"Another damn river!" Molly added. "I am so sick of crossing rivers. Will it ever end?"
"We won't have any more trouble with rivers, once we get to American held territory," Josh replied.
"My brother-in-law will do fine getting you two across the Okanogan," John promised. "No problem at all."
"That's a relief," Josh said. "I appreciate all the risks you are taking for us."
John turned off the main road before they reached the river and headed north. Half a mile later he pulled into a driveway opposite a large orchard. "Let's hustle," John instructed. "Get your packs inside quickly. We never know who is watching."
Josh and Molly grabbed their gear from the back of the truck and followed John. The door swung open before they reached the stoop. John led them inside. A man, presumably brother-in-law Bob, slammed the door shut quickly when they were inside. John greeted his sister with a hug.
"Johnny!" Anna Kelly replied as he gave her older brother a hug. Anna Kelly was about 5'-5" tall, an inch or so shorter than Molly. She was well built for a forty-one year old lady. Anna wore her dark brown hair short. Altogether she was quite attractive – for a middle-aged mother of two.
John introduced Josh and Molly to Bob and Anna Kelly. Bob Kelly was shorter than John Dahlstrom or Josh Warner, probably around 5'-10" tall. His thinning brown hair was short and neatly trimmed.
"Carrying those packs looks uncomfortable," Bob offered. "Why don't you drop them and come sit down in the living room."
"Thank you, sir," Josh replied as he put down his pack and leaned it against the foyer wall. Molly started pulling hers off too.
"Would you like some coffee, Johnny?" Anna asked. "How about the rest of you? I can get a pot started. Josh accepted the offer of coffee. Molly asked for tea, which Anna was happy to provide.
"I have to hit the road, Sis," John answered. "Bob, do you know if any chink patrols are on the road tonight?"
"I'll call down to Tonasket and find out," Bob answered. He disappeared for a minute to call while his wife prepared drinks for their guests. Bob had a smile on his face when he returned. "Larry reports no patrols came north through town tonight. You shouldn't be noticeable to the group over on the Ellisforde bridge as long as you keep the speed down and wait to turn on your lights until you get to Whitestone Lake."
"Excellent!" John answered before turning to Josh and Molly. "Good luck from here. Keep up the good work, Josh. Do whatever you can to help get these Chinese out of our country."
"I'll do my best, John," Josh promised.
"Thank you for all your help," Molly added. John gave his sister a good bye hug before heading back to Loomis.
Josh and Molly narrated their adventures over the past three weeks as they drank their coffee or tea. They spent half an hour relating their hike across the Cascades. Bob glanced at the clock as the two finished their tale. It was 2:15 in the morning.
"I'm sure the two of you are exhausted," Bob said. "We have one guest bedroom. One of you..."
"I can sleep on the floor or on the couch," Josh offered, interrupting Bob. Josh knew after their fight yesterday that he would NOT be sharing a bed with Molly.
"Not the floor," Anna insisted. "You'll wake up stiff as can be. I'll get some sheets, pillows and a blanket. The couch will be more comfortable." Josh laughed.
"I've been sleeping on hard, rocky ground for three months," Josh said. "I have a sleeping pad and bag." Josh laughed again. "Sleeping on a warm, level floor with no rocks sticking me in the back sounds luxurious."
"The sheets, pillows and blanket won't be any trouble," Anna replied. "Are you sure about the floor?"
"It'll be fine," Josh responded.
"Let's get everyone to bed," Bob said. "I'm sure you've had a long, hard day." Bob and Anna took Molly upstairs to the guest room while Josh settled down on the living room floor. It took Josh no time at all to fall asleep after he lay down.
"Who's dis?" Erin Kelly asked in her high pitched, three year old voice.
"Don't know," Emily, her twin sister answered. "Turn on cartoons."
Josh awoke with a start to the sound of a firecracker exploding on TV. It was daylight in the living room. He rolled over to find two of the cutest three-year-olds mesmerized by a Tom and Jerry cartoon on the TV. "Hi there. You must be Emily and Erin."
"Yeah," Emily answered.
"I'm Erin," her sister added. "Who are you?"
"I'm Josh Warner," Josh answered. "I'm a soldier your dad and grandma are helping out. I hiked across the mountains to get away from the Chinese."
"Oh, OK," both twins agreed without further questions. Josh grabbed his pants and slid them on inside his sleeping bag. Three year olds didn't need to see a strange man dressed only in boxers first thing in the morning. Josh grabbed his shower gear from his pack and headed upstairs to the bathroom Bob showed him last night. Josh came downstairs again when he finished cleaning up for the day. He heard someone banging pots or pans in the kitchen. The smell of fresh coffee and cooking beef wafted into the hallway. Josh followed the smell into the kitchen.
"Good morning," Anna Kelly said pleasantly. "I hope the girls didn't wake you too early."
"They were fine, Mrs. Kelly," Josh answered.
"We go by Anna and Bob, Josh," Anna Kelly replied. "We don't stand on formality around here."
"Habit from the military, ma'am ... er, Anna," Josh answered. "Your daughters are very cute."
"They just love the Cartoon Network," Anna said.
"They were fine," Josh said. "I watched it when I was young too."
"I hope you're ready for a hearty breakfast," Anna commented. "Johnny keeps our freezer well filled with meat. I thought you and your girlfriend might enjoy steak and eggs after weeks of eating freeze dried food up in the mountains."
"Steak and eggs sounds really good," Josh agreed.
"Steak?" Molly chimed in as she wandered into the kitchen. "It's been too long since I had anything like that."
Josh noticed Molly looked freshly showered. He grabbed a cup of coffee before heading upstairs to shower. Josh felt almost human again when he came downstairs fifteen minutes later. Bob was downstairs when Josh returned. The twins joined their family in the kitchen for breakfast.
The steak, fried eggs, and English muffins with huckleberry jam were excellent. The twins politely asked to be excused when they finished eating. They dashed off to watch more cartoons while Anna, Bob and Josh enjoyed more coffee. Anna made tea for Molly.
"Well, I guess I should get started finding the two of you a way across the Okanogan," Bob commented after they enjoyed their coffee for a few minutes.
"Anything we can do to help?" Josh asked.
"No, I don't think so," Bob answered. "You two should rest up and relax. From what you've told me, you've had a hard few weeks."
"Thank you," Molly said. "A rest would be very nice."
"Thank you for taking us in and helping us," Josh added.
"Josh, I should be thanking you," Bob replied. "You have been risking your life for months to try to protect us from the Chinese. You deserve all the help Anna and I can give you. It's just the right thing to do."
"It's just my job," Josh answered modestly.
"I'm going to get on the phone and track down a way to get you to the other side of the river and on your way to safety," Bob said.
Josh and Molly relaxed in the living room while Bob worked the phone. Both were close enough in age to kids to enjoy the cartoons that Erin and Emily were watching. Bob called Josh and Molly back to the kitchen an hour and a half later.
"It took me longer to track down a boat than I expected," Bob announced. "I found out the Chinese have been collecting boats up and down the river. Every contact I have that lives along the river had their boats confiscated. I found a buddy on the east end of Tonasket who is into white canoeing and kayaking. The Chinese took his good boats he had in the back yard, but haven't found out about his old boats in the garage ... yet. He's willing to help us out."
"That's good," Josh said.
"I will drive over to his house after lunch today and check out the condition of these boats," Bob explained. "Mike told they haven't been in the water in years."
"You can drive across the river?" Josh asked.
"Why don't you just take us along when you go over the river to Tonasket?" Molly added. "That sounds a whole lot simpler than hauling boats back here and having us paddle across the river."
"It's not that simple," Bob cautioned. "The Chinese issued IDs to all the residents. The two of you will be arrested if you show up at one of the bridge check points."
"Couldn't you hide us in the car and take us across that way?" Molly asked.
"No, the guards at the check points have infrared imaging," Bob answered. "They'll spot your heat signature immediately, regardless of how well I hide you. Boats are the best way across."
Well ... OK," Molly allowed grudgingly. She headed back to the living room while Josh hung out in the kitchen with Bob and Anna. He'd had enough cartoons for the morning.
"Molly seems skittish about boats," Anna noted. "Is she afraid of the water? Can she swim?"
"I'm sure she can swim," Josh replied. "I suspect she's a little freaked out by our experience back in Sedro-Wooley the night we were trapped. We had another guy, a crewmate from my tank, with us when we tried to cross the Skagit River. He swam across the river to bring a rowboat back for Molly and me. The Chinese spotted him and laced him with machine gun fire – not more than 200 feet from where we were hiding."
"Oh my, that must have been traumatic for Molly," Anna responded.
"We have lots of river," Bob added. "The Chinese are too spread out to patrol all of it. We shouldn't have any problems like that tonight."
"That's good to know," Josh said. Bob headed off to prepare for the evening. Josh decided his down time was perfect for studying his maps and planning their route once they got clear of Tonasket.
The FDR Lake and Kettle River proved to be the deciding factor for their route in the near future. The lake extended from the Coulee Dam forty miles south of Omak northeast almost to the Canadian border. Josh found three crossings of the lake/river – the dam, a bridge at I-395 and a couple bridges at Northport, a couple miles south of the border. There was no way Josh and Molly could hike south through Omak and onto the Coulee Dam without getting caught by the Chinese. The Chinese most likely had troops right at the dam securing it now.
Josh and Molly would need to head northeast again into the hills and away from civilization to reach Northport. The maps showed the hills were bare. Josh expected they would be similar to Pickens Mountain that he could see out Anna's kitchen window. Josh and Molly were going to need to hike at night and rest and hide during the day if they were going to avoid detection.
Bob was gone most of the afternoon, scouting out his friend's boat and planning the river crossing. He returned home as Anna started supper. "Any problems at the bridge?" she asked as he stepped into the kitchen.
"Routine," Bob answered. "Checked my ID, searched the car, the usual."
"My heart is in my throat every time you go out for one of these missions," Anna said.
"They are necessary, honey," Bob answered as he gave her a hug. "We can't passively sit by while the Chinese enslave us. We have to resist."
"My head understands that," Anna replied. "My heart is still going a mile a minute while you're away and at risk."
"I am careful," Bob insisted. "I will be fine." Bob turned to face Josh. "Everything is set for tonight. Mike's canoe is old and patched, but it will stay afloat long enough to get you, Molly and your gear across the river tonight. I scouted out a crossing spot on the way to Mike's house. The river is narrower and the spot is ¾ mile south of the Ellisforde bridge. It is out of sight of the guards at the bridge. Both banks have some trees and brush for cover. It should be a good spot for the crossing."
"That's sounds promising," Josh agreed.
"What sounds promising?" Molly asked as she entered the kitchen to hear what was up. Bob repeated what he told Josh.
"When is it going to happen?" Josh asked. "I hope we're doing this after dark."
"Of course," Bob agreed. "Mike will bring his canoe up to his side of the river and paddle across to meet us. We agreed to do the crossing at midnight tonight."
"That's sounds good, Bob," Josh said. He turned to Molly. "Do an inventory of the food you have in your pack. We need to make sure we have enough to get us to Northport. It's ninety-five miles, as the crow flies. I figure we will need a minimum of two weeks of rations to get us there."
"Bob and I will help any way we can, if you're short, Josh," Anna offered. Bob agreed.
Josh and Molly got to work inventorying food, checking gear and preparing for weeks hiking in the cold eastern Washington winter as they trekked east through the hills and mountains. Anna was able to add some food items to their larder to help them reach Northport.
Josh called in to the Air Force Search and Rescue Command to let them know where they were and give a report of what they observed in Loomis and on their way to Bob and Anna's house the previous night. The captain Josh talked with said he thought the intel would be valuable to the civil affairs people. Josh's report was the first word that had gotten out of the Loomis/Tonasket area since the Chinese paratroopers landed.
Anna prepared a nice spaghetti dinner with garlic bread and a fresh salad. Molly hadn't had a salad in weeks. Josh hadn't eaten anything green and leafy since a dinner at the rest center south of Sedro-Wooley where his unit reorganized and rested after the Battle of Border. The salad was great. They finished dinner off with ice cream – also great.
Josh and Molly waited nervously as the evening passed slowly. They were gathering things together around 11:00 pm for the half mile hike across the fields behind Bob's and Anna's house down to the river when the phone rang. Bob answered it immediately.
"Phil?" Bob said as he listened. He nodded his head a couple times. "Does Mike know about this?" He listened briefly before hanging up the phone. "The crossing is off tonight," Bob commented before dialing the phone again.
"Mike, it's Bob," Bob explained after the call was answered. "The Chinese are out early and too active tonight. We need to abort. They have patrols rolling up the roads on both sides of the river. Get your canoe away and button up for the night. Hopefully we can try again tomorrow night."
Bob turned to Josh and Molly. "I guess you figured out that conversation. The Chinese have half a dozen Humvees loaded with troops heading up the river valley this evening. It would be suicidal to be outside tonight. I guess you'll have to stay as our guests a little longer."
"We appreciate your hospitality and help," Josh said. Molly seconded Josh's thanks. Molly headed upstairs to the guest room again. Josh bedded down on the floor in the living room.
Molly and Josh rested and waited at Anna and Bob's house through a second, tense day. The Chinese patrols had been active overnight but pulled back south to Omak during the day. Josh and Molly played some games with Erin and Emily to relieve the tension a little. Bob monitored the Chinese by phone.
Josh, Molly and the Kelly family caught the war news on the radio over lunch. Things were not going better for the United State and Canada since Josh's brigade combat team was decimated three weeks ago. The news anchor reported that Redmond fell to the Chinese yesterday. The governor ordered the immediate evacuation of all civilians in the western and central portions of Washington.
The news hit Josh hard. Redmond! That was halfway between Sedro-Wooley and his home in Olympia. Where was his family? Were they alright? Josh decided to try to call his parents. His satellite phone was fully charged. He could recharge it that afternoon to replace any power he used for the call home.
Josh dialed his home number. The phone service reported the number was not in service. He dialed his dad's cell phone next. It went to voice mail after reporting that the phone was unavailable.
"Hey, Dad, this is Josh," Josh explained in the message. "Molly and I are hiding out with a family near Tonasket for a couple days. We made it through the mountains safely. The locals are going to help us cross the next river and then we're hiking east until we reach safety. I hope you, Mom, Laura and Jake are OK. I hear you're evacuating. Good luck. Love you all."
"That's a nice thing to do," Molly commented when she overheard Josh's message. "Would it be alright if I tried to get a message to my parents?"
"Sure, that would be fine," Josh agreed. He handed the phone to Molly. She didn't do as well. Both of her parents' cell phones were out of service. She didn't get an opportunity to leave them voice mail.
Bob kept in touch with Mike throughout the day. Everything looked good for them to tackle crossing the Okanigan that night. Anna fed Josh and Molly a nice supper. The pair waited nervously through the evening, checking equipment and waiting for a phone call to postpone their escape. None came. Bob called his Tonasket contacts at 10:30 pm. There were no signs of Chinese patrols coming north from Omak that evening. Mike called to confirm his departure around 10:40 pm.
Bob led Josh and Molly out the back of the house and headed east through the fields. The overcast skies from earlier in the day were breaking up. It was a dark, moonless night, which slowed their progress for a few minutes until their eyes adjusted to the darkness. The three managed the third of a mile to the river without falling or twisting any ankles.
Josh judged the black river was about 400 feet wide. It flowed quietly south past them. The banks were low and sloping, so Bob, Molly and Josh easily climbed down to the water's edge. The three peered across, waiting for Mike to appear with the canoe.
Molly was the first to hear Mike canoeing quietly downstream towards them. She tapped Bob and Josh on their shoulders and pointed. It took Mike a minute to paddle down and reach them. Bob steadied the canoe as Mike hopped out and waded ashore.
"What happened?" Bob demanded. "I expected you to follow the trail across from us."
"I had a snag," Mike reported. "That gate you said would be unlocked? It wasn't. I couldn't get the canoe up and over the fence, so I drove upriver and parked at the junk yard. I didn't have any problems getting the canoe launched from there."
"OK ... I guess," Bob replied. "You're sure you are out of sight of the bridge?"
"It was fine," Mike promised.
"Mike, this is Corporal Joshua Warner and Molly Lawrence," Bob said as he directed Mike's attention to the others. Mike shook hands with Molly and Josh. "This is Mike Dixon, a good friend and fellow teacher."
"Let's get this going," Mike said quickly when introduction were done. "Molly, let's get you and the packs across on the first trip. I'll come back for Josh when you're across and safe."
"That sounds like a plan," Bob agreed. Bob helped Mike and Josh load the packs into the center of the canoe and then helped Molly into the bow. Bob pushed the canoe off when Mike was in his stern seat. Mike paddled the pair up the river, staying close to the west bank. They disappeared from sight.
Bob and Josh waited about ten minutes for Mike to return. Mike beached the canoe bow first to make it easier for Josh to climb in.
"Thanks so much for all your help," Josh commented as he climbed in. "I don't know how I can repay you, Anna and the rest of your family for sheltering Molly and me for the past few days. Thank you."
"Get back to the army and get these damned Chinese out of our country," Bob answered. "That will be all the thanks I need."
"I'll do it," Josh agreed as Bob pushed the canoe into the river. Josh grabbed a paddle and turned back towards Mike. "Which side, Mike?"
"Port," Mike answered. Josh dipped his paddle into the water on the left side before Mike even realized he meant to tell his novice passenger 'left side'. Mike watched Josh paddle a few strokes.
"You've done this before, haven't you?" Mike asked.
"Canoeing Merit Badge as a Boy Scout," Josh answered quietly. Mike chuckled.
"I was a Boy Scout too," Mike answered before chuckling more. "Still am, actually. Last summer was my fifteenth season on staff at Camp Bonaparte."
"I did four summers at Camp Hahobas when I was younger," Josh commented.
The pair paddled a couple minutes. Josh could see the river bending towards the west ahead when Mike called out, "Sweep." Josh stretched out with the next stroke and pushed the bow to the starboard. He felt Mike's powerful J-stroke turn the canoe until they were headed directly for the far bank. A dozen strokes later the bow of the canoe crunched into the sandy bank. Josh hopped out and steadied the canoe while Mike climbed out.
Both men froze when they spotted a flashlight beam probing the darkness in front of them. The beam swept along the shoreline until it stopped on Josh and Mike.
"Jiùmìng a! M?iguó rén," an alarmed voice shouted. [Help! Americans... ]
Josh swung his M-16 down from his shoulder and pointed it at the frantic man shining his light on them. "Jiùmìng a!" Josh loosed a short burst of bullets at the Chinese soldier, who collapsed to the ground. His flashlight rolled down the bank and stopped a couple feet from Josh.
Combat veteran that he was, Josh dropped prone on the ground, searching the darkness for the next threat. Mike stood motionless, stunned at the sudden violence. A pistol barked and flashed ahead. A man screamed and two quick shots followed in succession.
"Josh?" Molly's voice called tremulously from the darkness ahead. "Josh?"
"Are you OK, Molly?" Josh called back. "Do you see any more Chinese?"
"No, just this one here," Molly answered.
Josh hopped up and grabbed Mike by the shoulder. "Get us to the fucking truck ... NOW!"
"Um ... um ... yeah..." Mike stuttered. He followed Josh up the bank and to the fence surrounding a junk yard.
"Molly?" Josh called. She emerged from a clump of bushes. A dying Chinese soldier lay at the back corner of the fence, not more than ten feet from Molly's hiding place. "Grab your pack and let's hustle."
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Reluctant Convert by Suzi K Part One "Look after things, David, won't you. And you will be sensible?" David's mother called anxiously from the car. She was setting out to her sister in Bradford who had fallen ill and needed looking after and help with her two young children. 16 year old David was being left behind. It was the first time he had been left on his own and his mother was anxious. "I've asked Harry, Mr. Adamson next door to keep an eye on you. And if there are any...
Reluctant Convert ? by: Suzi4th Part 2 David woke to bright sunlight and a gentle stroking of his forehead. It took him a moment to register that he was not in his own bed but next door in Sally's, in her father's house, and that Mr Adamson was stroking his forehead. He was sitting in the same chair as last night and David blushed a deep red as he remembered all that had happened. Mr Adamson smiled at him as he stirred and tried to move his hands and found he could not, that...
A church going wife gets caught embezzling at work she shouldn't have and becomes the reluctant play thing of a fellow employee. (M+/F, reluc, slutty-wife, D/s, blkmail, preg) ***My name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty-two year old mom, married eleven years, with two c***dren. I work for a financial services corporation where I commute to work from our quiet, conservative little town. I'm active in my church group as well as our civic organizations. I've always tried to uphold the values of my...
The Reluctant Model II "Now, come on into the kitchen and let's see what we can do with that hair." She did the hair of a few of her friends at home and had outfitted a corner of our spacious kitchen as a little mini-salon complete with a salon chair and all the tools of her trade. As I followed her to the kitchen I was actually kind of looking forward to whatever was coming next. My erection hadn't subsided a bit and I found myself trying to sway my hips just a little extra to...
Reluctant Boy-Girl by Pat T. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My mother divorced my father because he beat her. He was rich, though, and got custody of me. My mother refused to turn me over, contending he beat me too. This simply wasn't true, but I guess Mom didn't want to give the bastard any satisfaction and I felt too sorry for her to tell anyone the truth. My mother hid me at one of her childhood friend's houses in Texas. The judge...
Reluctant Rendezvous Part 2 I knocked on the hotel door. I hear a voice tell me to enter. He sat in a chair in the corner and directed me to the bathroom. My name is Dave and I did something really stupid a few months ago. I stole some money from work. Now, one of my co-workers is blackmailing me into something I could never have imagined. If I don't follow through, I know I will go to jail. I entered the bathroom. I put my makeup bag down on the counter. I took note of...
“Oh my God I hate trains” whispered Becky as even more people packed in tighter at the last station before her stop. It didn’t help that over the weekend after a party in which they had all had a great time she had tried to seduce her husband. He didn’t even try to make an excuse this time, just said he didn’t want to and she had debased herself grovelling to try and get him to do it with her. It had been months now since they had been intimate. She particularly hated Monday mornings as she...
Prologue This story is a rewrite of a story I previously wrote entitled “Coming Home.” I have used many of the same characters but the plot has changed significantly. It is as far as possible historically accurate although of course the characters and the plot are fictional. The Nazi U Boat threat in 1941 was gradually strangling the UK supply lines and Merchant shipping was being sunk faster than they could be replaced. The Germans were using their U Boats to great effect, and had introduced a...
Erotic FictionIt was a great Thanksgiving. She was tired from the very long day and all the alcohol. She laid down in the living room and passed out cold. Her mouth gaped open and she began breathing very heavily. She was sleeping really hard now. My cock started twitching in my pants as my mind wandered...I brushed her hair with my hand and got no response at all. I did it again just to check, nothing. I put my finger in her mouth. She was sound asleep. It must be the turkey... I took my pants and shorts...
Drunk sexMy wife Ellen had been adamant that we would never have a threesome. I had always fantasized about her having sex with another man , I wanted a black guy, She was not having anything to do with it and that was that. years had passed and she had never given in and she was now 62 and I figured it would never happen now. She still has a great figure working out at least three times per week. Our sex life had been pretty low for the last few years and with my medical problems requiring a lot of...
Part 1 (re-edited)Despite our differences, Louise and I liked to take vacations together. She is a tall, redhead with a great figure. She dresses in such a feminine manner that you wouldn't guess that she was gay. I on the other hand am a petite gym rat who likes to wear jeans or sweats. Not only am I straight, but I never harboured any attraction to other women. I guess that Louise and I got along so well because neither of us posed any threat to each other. While on a Caribbean cruise, we...
Jack leered at the strippers undulating on stage as he downed the last of his beer. This was his first visit to this new nude dancers bar. He was intrigued by the fact that all of the employees of this club were beautiful women. All the bartenders, servers, and of course the strippers. He had run up a sizeable tab, ordering how many, 10 or 12 beers? He had long ago lost count. He was getting tired, an alcohol-induced drowsiness was beginning to take hold and he decided it was time to...
"Why not?" my younger sister screamed at me, "mum it's not fair, he won't take any pictures of me." It was my birthday and I had received the Digital Camera that I had requested but Jill, my 15-year-old sister was bugging me to take some picture of her. "Look who wants to take pictures of a scrawny thing like you," I said nastily. "Mum, he's being horrible to me," she shouted. "Pete, be nice to your sister and take a few shots," said my mother. "Yeah ok," I said somewhat...
Shortly after my birthday Kat, who is as mad as a March-Hare and works in the same office as I do, talked me into going to a house warming party. I didn't particularly want to go, for one thing I didn't know the guy who was having the party so it stood to reason that I wouldn't know anyone else either, except Kat, and that was part of the problem. I knew Kat would probably desert me as soon as we arrived, or shortly after so I tried every excuse I could think of, but Kat wouldn't take no...
It was the first of the month, and Andrea knew the rent was due. Andrea Smith was a 18 year-old high school cheerleader and had just moved out from her parents. She said she needed to be independent and on her own. She was 5' 7", 107 pounds, with long, naturally blonde hair and shapely, tan legs; a baby face on a woman's body. She had found a part-time job as a secretary to pay the rent, but then she got layed off. She hadn't paid it in over three months. She knew the landlord would be...
Occupied territory One of the initial problems they encountered was the question of how would they get out of the country together. Anne-Marie was a double agent, and that could be easily arranged, but Tony could not just book a passage. It was with some difficulty that he convinced the RAF controller that he was just going for the flight to finish briefing Anne-Marie, and would return on the plane, that he was reluctantly allowed to board. After boarding the Lysander just after dark, the...
Well to tell the truth what happened was all my fault if you are looking for blame. I am not sure just when I first began to fantasize about watching Laura have sex with another man but even though I was surprised at my desires to watch her with another man in between her legs the desire persisted Laura and I were married about three years and had one child that was a year old and I controlled my desire for several months until one day she confronted me wondering if I was guilty of something...
I am Vincent Frau Hacku and I will kill Ayanami. I fought alongside my men in battle. My violet eyes shining, sword flashing in the sunlight as I charge forwards with the front line to meet my foe. We were the best army in the world, ranked first of six run by the Chancellor in protection of his people. “Hacku’s Guard” they called us, and I fought for my men as much as they did for me. They wanted to please me and I was popular with them all. When I became general of what was known as...
At 55, Bob Mitchell was an unhappy camper! For the last six months, he hadn't been able to keep an erection long enough to satisfy his young wife. His dick would get hard, but wouldn't stay that way. At first Viagra had helped, but now, even that potent d**g no longer worked.Sitting alone in his study, he was trying to think of when his problem had begun. He knew what was wrong, but not how to do anything about it. When sexually excited, his dick began leaking pre-cum, not only pre-cum, but...
At 55, Bob Mitchell was an unhappy camper! For the last six months, he hadn't been able to keep an erection long enough to satisfy his young wife. His dick would get hard, but wouldn't stay that way. At first Viagra had helped, but now, even that potent d**g no longer worked.Sitting alone in his study, he was trying to think of when his problem had begun. He knew what was wrong, but not how to do anything about it. When sexually excited, his dick began leaking pre-cum, not only pre-cum, but...
Not in a million years would I have ever dreamed I would be sitting at a keyboard and typing this account of what happened only a few short months ago. I had thought about putting this into words several months from now, but decided I needed to do this now, not only because the memory is fresher, but also due to the fact that I will soon be pre-occupied with a situation you will soon read about. I don't quite know where to start, and I don't want to bore you will meaningless historical details...
Pushing damp strands of chocolate coloured hair from her forehead, Melodie fought against the humidity which was also making her clothes stick to her body uncomfortably. She couldn't believe how hot it was and though she wore a thin cotton shirt and three-quarter jeans, it might as well have been a thick blanket. Yet she was determined to have a good time as the fair was an annual event and this was her second time in ten years. "Melodie? We're going to sit under that big shade over there"...
My next movie assignment both interested me and troubled me at the same time. My co-star was to be Carol Lobegeiger, a 35 year old mother of one, who had run up a gambling debt which she had been unable to pay off. It was interesting because I knew Carol. She was a very sexy looking MILF who stood 5ft 6 ins tall, with a slim body dominated by a large rack of DD-cup tits. She had short wavy black hair that framed a beautiful face which was often smiling. I'd often wondered what she would...
Roger awoke slowly Saturday morning, as if he were gaining awareness by degrees. His temples throbbed agonizingly, and there was a chalky, almost lacquered taste in his mouth. He groaned slightly, raising one hand to shield his tightly closed eyes against the bright, grayish light of dawn which burned against the lids. He rolled onto his side, facing away from the window, and his hand reached out instinctively to search for the warm, pliant body of his wife. It touched only cool, empty...
Diane came out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, wearing her long nylon nightie, her blonde hair long and flowing down her back. Roger was lying on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, smoking a cigarette. He wore only his jockey shorts. Diane swallowed into her shame-dried throat as she stood just inside the door, looking at him. His eyes were on the ceiling. He hadn't looked at her or spoken to her since they'd left the Cord home in Peacock Gap that afternoon. She had...
"Weren't the Greens nice?" Sharon said again, as she and Ron walked into the bedroom of their small, but tastefully furnished home. "I was certainly glad to meet them." "Saved the night, that's for sure," Ron agreed. He sat down on the bed and removed his shoes, rubbing his feet. "If it hadn't been for them, I would have climbed the walls. There's simply no reason to put up with people you don't like, and I always feel like an absolute fool when I do anyway." Ron chided himself....
My name is Anita. I am a 23 year old es-panic female, 5 ft 5 inches tall, 115 pounds, 32 B breast, 22 inch waist, and 32 inch hips. This is my story of several first for me including bondage, pain, pleasure and anal. My live in boyfriend dumped me a few months back telling me that I was not open minded and adventurous enough sexually and he had found a woman that pleased him much more than I. I was left with the lease on our apartment and all the utilities which put me in a heavy...
I was asked to help move a boat to a town about 18hrs sail away. I loved sailing so I readily agreed. I was only 20 and very fit and tanned from many outings on boats. My mate George and I enjoyed a great day's sailing and as the sun was heading for the horizon decided to overnight at a small county port. We anchored out in the harbour to avoid paying any jetty fees and once dinner was done we started making up the beds. Unfortunately the starboard bunk was soaked from a leak and...
We approached a tiny grey one-story building squatting in the trees. It had no windows, only two torches on the wall on either side of an iron-enforced door. The moonlight filtered weakly through the dense overgrowth as I was led across a small clearing and into the maw of the building. Inside was pitch black, and my eyes took a long time to adjust, but before I could fully adjust to the twilight, I torch was brought inside. The warm glow didn’t seem right in such a horrific place. The room was...
For the last couple of months, my boyfriend has been trying to get me to come to his work and have sex. He's begged and pleaded, even tried bribing me with foot massages. There is no fucking way I am having sex in the library. For me, sex is private. We've all got things we don't want the public knowing about, so the idea of having sex in such a public place gives me the whiggins. My name is Corey. People say I'm good looking, but I look nothing like the tanned blond bimbos that fills...
She unlocks her penthouse apartment, complete with original wooden floors, floor to ceiling windows, and a view that is well worth the real estate price. It has very little furniture, more of a modern, clean interior design that reflects her no-nonsense - almost anal - mentality. Closing the door behind her, Veronica begins to walk across her living room, the heels of her red 5 inch stilettos clicking on the wooden floor. She drops her Coach purse, and she takes off her jacket, a partner to...
The steel-gray sky seems oppressively low this morning, and the streets are slick from a recent rain. Veronica stands on the steps to her flat, surrounded by luggage, as a cab pulls up that will take her to Heathrow airport. Her husband has left her, and now she will leave the UK. She flies to America this morning. An administrative job awaits her at the University of Wisconsin. In the cab, Veronica is still brooding about her divorce. She wishes she could think about something else. Her...
Amethyst stretched her cramped muscles as she looked down at the ruined dress. The threads that had kept the dress this side of decent had snapped in the night with her restless slumber. She slid out of bed making her way swiftly to the bathroom and was stopped short by her reflection in the vanity. Her mussed hair and bare thigh were bad enough, but it was the red puffy raccoon eyes that made her realize she was in over her head. She couldn’t remember doing it, but she had obviously been...
At last I was here, far away from my office and my mundane life. A chance to be Me if only for a few short days. I felt bad, lying to both family and colleagues, but I needed a break, boy did I need a break. My feeling was that it was better to take some time out, just for me, rather than carry on as I was and end up breaking out for good. So, here I was, booked into a lovely cottage, unseen by the few that ventured along the Sky Road. This was in my birthplace: of Clifden, in the lovely...
“Spunk up on my bum.”That is the horniest instruction my wife ever gave me.We were on holiday in Spain I think and at an all-inclusive resort, we were sharing the room with our three kids. Not ideal for romance but necessary to fit our tight budget requirements.I was as horny as could be, the resort was awash with bare boobs, swollen pudenda and flirtatious behaviour. Everywhere I looked was a camel toe, bare boob or other distraction.In due course we found ourselves back in our room before the...
TrueHello there! My name is Jane. Let me start by telling you a bit about myself. I was born and raised in a small town hanging somewhere on the skirts of the Rockies. Until my twenty sixth year, I had a pretty regular life. Like everybody else, I started by shitting my pants, then I went to school. I had a pretty boring time there. Once I graduated, I found a secretary … sorry personal assistant job in an office in my home town. It was kind of boring too but the salary was enough and I was never...
FantasyThis is a fantasy story based on picture sets of my wife. I'll start to add the illustrations shortly. Sadly the ones in the public domain will have to be masked, although I occasionally allow a private viewing if people are interesting to talk to. If you have requests about things you want to do/see/know please let me know, I am happy to alter the scenes for admirers of her. My email is [email protected] The game will not be very balanced until I get to revisit the numbers once the story...
My wife has a hot little chinese pussy that needs a bull for first time hot wife date . She likes to suck dick and have her sweet little pussy eaten . She is shy and needs a lot of encouragement . The thought of her getting ready for a date makes my dick hard . I love Asían , Ebony and Latina women . Looking for first time swinger of hot wife date night . I will pick out her snow white lingerie which gives only a hit of her sweet little pussy . Her tits are fairly big and 100 natural . You men...
Amsterdam in late May. It's a beautiful city; evocative, cool, fun and the weather was glorious. We had only been there for a day and had already reached saturation point for gorgeous babes on bikes... it is a saddle sniffers paradise, that's for sure.'We' were a party of guys from Scotland, celebrating my nephew's 21st birthday. He's not really my nephew, but I've been close to his dad since we were at school, and he's always called me 'Uncle Funghi'! haha. When he introduced me to his...
I'm always amused when I read stories that involve black men, and how all of them are so well endowed. I think that the writers of these stories have not seen very many black men naked, or they have a very vivid imagination.Having been in college athletics for four years, I have seen a large number of both white and black men naked, and in my opinion there is essentially no difference in penis size between white and black men.However, there are some rare notable exceptions in both white and...
My name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty-two year old mom, married eleven years, with two c***dren. I work for a financial services corporation where I commute to work from our quiet, conservative little town. I'm active in my church group as well as our civic organizations. I've always tried to uphold the values of my religion, and to be a good Christian wife and mother. This is how I became corrupted, and betrayed myself, as well as my husband. It started at my job. There was a man there, named...
I need to be bound and tormented. My wife doesn't need to be dominant at all. She's tried over the years to make me happy, but she just doesn't like to dominate me. I've tried to suppress my needs, but I found myself depressed. We finally came up with a way for me to be bound and tormented, while making it as easy for her to dominate me as I could. My wife works as the night manager of the local Blockbuster, from five p.m. to midnight. When she decides she doesn't mind dominating me, she hangs...
?The girls asked me why you were always doing things for me, if we were ?just friends? For years, I'd fantasized about being locked in a chastity belt. I never found a mistress to act as a key holder, though. Until one night of tequila, then it all changed. I was drinking with a friend of mine named Angela. About halfway through our second bottle, she did the unthinkable, she took the unguided tour of my mind. That's how she found out about my fantasy. I've wanted Angela since we first...
We arranged a date. Our date night came along and we met at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos had been exchanged online beforehand and they looked like their photos. They knew I am bisexual and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink, we were getting along great and the wife suggested we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans already. Their house was only a five minute walk from the...
I pulled off into the small parking area and put the car in park. My hands were trembling as I turned the ignition off and began to nervously look around. I was early and he wasn't here yet. On the seat beside me was a zip lock bag with 6 of my wifes dirty panties, neatly folded and packed tightly into the bag.A few days earlier I had posted an add on a local adult site with the subject 'let's meet and sniff my wifes dirty panties'. I received a surprising number of replies, but only one seemed...
The next morning, my wife had already showered and was getting dressed for work when I woke up. I laid in bed and admired her large frame as she bent over to pull on her full cut nylon pink panties and then struggle to fasten her bra. Her shoulder length blonde hair was perfectly done, as usual, and her makeup was on point. She was a stunning, curvy bbw, even at age 55. Despite the workout my cock got yesterday, I started to get hard while watching her and reached down to rub my little morning...
Almost a year had passed since Marta had come to live with him, and Joe was as happy as he could remember being. Only a couple of things kept his life from being perfect. Marta still wasn’t speaking to him and ... well, we’ll get to that in a minute. Joe’s sister-in-law, Jacqueline, or Jacky, had asked Joe for a favor one day, one that would change his life for the better. He didn’t know that at the time and had been fearful, but he felt an even deeper debt of gratitude now than he had felt...
© Copyright 2003 I first saw her in the checkout line at the supermarket in the strip mall near my house. Her features, beneath the baseball cap, were pleasant to look at. The few lines on her face spoke of habitual smiles, but it was her eyes that captured me. They too were surrounded by smile lines, but when she wasn't talking to anyone, they held a haunted, faraway look. Everything she wore, the cap, the crisp white man cut shirt, the skintight jeans, and even the pristine white...
I was returning to Addison after four years in the service. I had been a scout more because of where and how I grew up. I had a day before the shuttle dropped and was sitting in the merchant walk watching vids of the forest on the planet. Like always the station announced a shuttle lifting from the planet. Since it was an imperial diplomatic shuttle I was not interested. Five minutes later the station alarms when off, "attention all personal proceed to evac stat..." It shut down and I...