BohicaChapter 13 free porn video

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After some more hugs and a few kisses Di and Doug left, and I was sitting in the cafeteria drinking a cup of coffee as Sister Francis brought in Alicia. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug, and kissed my cheek.

“So, do you think you can stay here for a while?”

“Oh yes Chr, I mean Bo. The sisters are nice, and I like the girl I share the room with. And I am going to go to school again! I am going to learn again, and someday even graduate!”

Sister Francis rested her hand on Alicia’s shoulder, and said she was about 2 years behind. “But I bet she will graduate on time, Sister Susan says she seems really smart so she should catch up quickly.”

“Alicia, I will try to be here every day for the next week or so at least. After that we will have to see. But I promise to come over as soon as I can if you ever need me. Feel free to let Sister Francis know if you need me. She has my personal phone number, and I can promise she will call me as soon as she can.”

That got me another hug. I kissed her cheek and promised to see her again soon. “Bohica,” she softly said. “Can Chris come next time? Please?”

I smiled. “Of course, Chris will be here tomorrow. And so you know, Sister Francis knows my secret. But you have to be more careful in the future, OK sweetie? Few others know that I am Chris.”

“I am sorry, I will be more careful. I want to see Chris, but Bo is nice also. I will be happy whoever visits me tomorrow. Good night Bo!” And with another kiss on my cheek she headed off, holding Sister Francis’ hand and both of them smiling.

I called Control for a ride, and 5 minutes later a cab showed up. I swiped my card and had him take me to the airport so I could get my car. On the way I called Gloria and told her I was back.

“Wow, I thought you were going to be gone all week!”

“Well, things went a bit different then expected. Can you come over?”

“Well, what if I told you I was already at Chris’ place? I have been staying here since you left.”

“OK, then do you want me to pick you up? Or do you want to take the tunnel to my place?

“I’ll take the tunnel. It’s actually finished, so I’ll be there before you are.”

“OK Baby, see you shortly.”

20 minutes later I was pulling into the garage. And 21 minutes later I was kissing my girlfriend.

“Hmmmm, I missed you baby. We need to talk tonight, but I need too eat first. Nothing bad, but this has been two days that I’m still trying to absorb.”

She had me follow her upstairs, and I saw she was already cooking dinner. I saw a rice cooker on the counter, and she had something simmering on the stove. “Rice is almost done, as is the chicken. The corn only needs a few minutes in the microwave. Go ahead and have a seat on the couch and relax baby. 12 or 15 year old?”

I thought for a moment. “Bring me a glass with two ice cubes with the 12 year old. Then when you bring the meal bring two more glasses with two cubes in each. This is a night for my special reserve.”

She did just that, giving me a soft kiss as she put the glass in my hands. I held it under my nose a moment, savoring the smokey smell of the single malt scotch. I took a sip, then closed my eyes and relaxed. Alternating between sips and watching her move in the kitchen.

I heard her placing things on the plates, and went into the kitchen. The glasses were already set out, so I grabbed them and placed them on the coffee table. I then went into my closet and pressed the hidden catch. I pulled out a box that was sitting on top of a small shelf on the back wall and brought it into the living room as Gloria was walking in with 2 plates.

I downed the last of the 12 year old in a single gulp, and placed the box on the table. She looked as I opened it and pulled out the bottle, placing it on the table.

“OK Baby, I know the green mostly. That is the 12 year old. I also recognize the brown one with the brown label, that is the good stuff, the 15 year old. This is an amber, with a black label. What does that mean?”

“Baby, this is the next to best bottle I own. This is Glenfiddich 30 year old.”

“OK, I actually looked a while back. 12 year old is about $35, the 15 year old is $60. Do I even want to know how much this bottle cost you?”

“Oh, around $700.”

“Holy fuck, you spent $700 on a bottle of booze?”

“Yep, and I have had exactly two drinks of this. We are each going to have one drink, increasing that to four. Then it is going back into my vault until I feel the need to have it again. Relax, savor and enjoy it, I deserve it, trust me baby.”

I poured the drinks, then gave her a kiss. I showed her how to smell the top first, to capture the aroma of the scotch. Then we took our first sip.

“Oh wow, I thought the 12 year old was good, and the 15 was even better. This is amazing!”

“Yep, now you know why it is $700 a bottle.”

“You said this is your second best bottle. Do I even want to know what your best bottle is?”

“Well, it’s not really a secret. I have in a safe deposit box and insured, it’s a bottle of 40 year old. It is in a custom wood presentation box, and is a true limited edition. That was around $5,000.”

I am glad Gloria was not taking a sip, she actually gasped. “5 Grand for booze? What is that one like?”

“I have no idea. It is only to be opened in the event of three things.”

She put her hand on mine. “Baby, do I want to know what they are?”

“Simple. One, on the event of my marriage. If Chris or Bohica get married, this is the first drink we will share with our spouse when we are alone. Second, at the birth of a child by either of us. Third, upon the death of any Paladin I feel particularly close to. At this time, that would mean a total of three. Di, Clint, or Queen Kong.” I did not mention Kim, but she actually makes it four.

She gave me another kiss, and we melted against each other. Finally we broke apart, and started to eat. As we did, I told her about the start of the trip, and meeting Alicia for the first time.

“Baby, she is such a doll. She’s small for her age, and has been horribly abused. And although she has been used as a prostitute against her will, she is deeply religious. That is why for the moment she is as Sister Clarissa’s until something more permanent can be arranged. Sister Francis is a dear friend, and is taking good care of her.”

“Wow, I’m glad you went. It sounds like she really needed you. Is this why the celebration?”

I finished the last of my meal, and leaned back, half of my glass left. Gloria finished a minute later and snuggled in my arms, holding her glass also.

“No, that is not the only reason why. But I need to warn you now, this part is not happy at all.”

We both took another sip, and I started into the story. She was crying as I told her about my almost rape, and then I described killing the two men who were going to rape me. Then she gasped and finished the last of her glass when I described the medical procedure that Alicia went through.

“My god, his cock was still inside of the poor dear?”

“Yep. He might have even died from it, if Al had not snapped his neck first. In over 5 years, I have never killed anybody. Then in a few minutes I killed two men. But I had help from Sister Francis, and I accept that in reality they killed themselves. They choose to live by violence, rape, and harming others. I was simply the way that they paid for their behavior.”

She held me tight as I continued, even through the medallion, arriving back in the US, and what happened at Sister Clarissa’s. “Wow, $1.5 million, and all because of you. And that poor girl gets a new life, because of you. You saved her, my darling. You saved her life.”

I finished my drink finally, savoring it as I held it in my mouth before swallowing. “I saved her, and she saved me. I couldn’t do anything at first, the blow on the head stunned and disoriented me. She is the one that changed first, which gave me a few moments to clear my head and come in to help. Di and Doug are already trying to find a family to foster her. And I plan on getting with her and Clint to start her training. Even if she is never a Paladin, some training will help her a lot.”

“I agree, you are already thinking ahead. So what next?”

“Now, I take some time off for me and you. I hope you can continue to run the store for the rest of the week, I will be spending most of my time either with Alicia, or patrolling. But I have some ideas for after that.”

I held her hand in mine, and started to let her know what I was thinking. “I want you to tell your uncle you are quitting, and will come to work for me. Your school starts next month, so until then if you can work from 1 to 6 and close the store, that gives me until noon to work there, and after lunch I go to see Alicia.”

“Done, my time is all yours baby.”

Kiss, kiss, another kiss.

“OK, and after that, would you be comfortable moving in here next week?”

I was not sure of her answer, because suddenly I was being smothered by a girl that was kissing me like crazy. But the fact that between kisses she was saying “Yes”, I guess that actually was my answer.

“OK, now the hard part. This is a bit of a leap of faith on your part, and do not answer yet. Alicia needs foster parents for at least 4 years. Control is saying they will look, but it will be at least a month before they can find some. They have to include at least one Paladin, and be a heterosexual couple that are secure. And at least one must be black. Notice, I did not include being married in those requirements.

“And also remember, I had already asked you to move in before I even left. If you think we can do this, it will only expedite that. I am sure we had both agreed we wanted this. And if you want to move in and not foster Alicia, that is fine also. One is not conditional on the other.”

I got another kiss. “OK, I will give a conditional yes to both. I want to meet her, get to know her a bit first. So long as we are comfortable with each other I will agree. I understand it is a fostering, and not an adoption. But it might be nice to have a little sister. I’m sure we will be more like siblings or uncle and aunt than parents, but I hope we can help her. The poor child sounds like she’s had a rough life.”

“Oh, she has. A right fucking horror show, to coin a phrase. Raped and repeatedly abused for around 3 years. Then in the end she killed her rapist. She is actually happy at the idea of going to school! She wants to learn, and she said she wanted to come here because in America all dreams can come true. And I think she wants to become a Paladin, if her abilities allow her to be one.”

“Well, let’s do it then. In the next few days introduce us, and let’s see how we get along. She does not have a crush on your or anything, does she?”

I laughed. “Actually, it might be the opposite. She wants me to come back as Chris, she says she likes her more. I’m sure her other person will get another name, but I called him ‘Al’ during the fight, as a shortened version of ‘Alicia’. It’s kind of a placeholder I feel, and she will adopt a better name once she gets to know herself better.”

Our conversation then went to other things, including how the last 2 days at the shop went. Finally I stood up, and reached my hand down to her. I helped Gloria rise, then gave her a long and tender kiss. “Baby, do you know what I want tonight?” I softly asked, and she shook her head no.

“I want us each to climb into something sexy, then cuddle as we fall asleep. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms, and wake up like that in the morning. I think I’m going to need a day or so as Chris, to regain my center. Is that OK?”

I got a sweet kiss, with just a hint of tongue on my lips. “Not at all, babe. Sleep with me as Chris my friend, sleep with me as Bo my lover, and I am happy. Just so long as it is me with either of you, I am happy.”

I went and took a shower after I changed, and slipped into a silk nightie and slipped into bed as Gloria took her shower. I had already fallen asleep and woke up as she joined me. We slipped into each other’s arms, and were soon asleep.

The next morning I opened the store, then called Doug. “Hey, Chris here. I have a few questions for you. Have you got time?”

“For you, always. But first, any time you are ready your car is done. We just need 3 hours for you to come over so we can teach you the key features and upgrade your phone to work with them. Just give me a time and we can do it.”

“OK, how about Friday morning?”

“OK, 9 in the morning unless that is a problem.”

“Nope, perfect. Second thing, have you had any luck arranging a foster family for Alicia?”

“Not yet, we only started looking. Why, you have somebody in mind?”

“Yea, me. We are nowhere near ready to get married, but Gloria is going to move in with me. She wants to meet Alicia tomorrow, and if they get along we would like to foster her. She is black, so that should cover that angle. I am a Paladin, and we are both heterosexual. We are financially stable, and even though we are not married, that is not a requirement for fostering.”

“OK, that is probably doable. What about other than that?”

“Well, I have already thought of that as you probably imagine. While she is at Sister Clarissa’s, she will be attending Immaculate Heart Academy. I would like to keep her there, to limit the disruption in her life. Let her stay at Clarissa’s until we get things settled, then she can move here and continue to go to school there. When she is ready, we will meet with Clint, and start her with training. Martial arts and defense. Even if she is not a Paladin, it will help her with other things.”

“Wow, you really have through this through. OK, here is how we will play it. I will put you in as a candidate, have the girls meet tomorrow. We are interviewing her on Monday, and I will make sure they ask if she would agree to live with you and Gloria. And I will add to the file that while Chris is female, Bohica is male and he is the partner of Gloria. I bet Di and I can put enough pressure to force this through, so long as Alicia agrees. She will actually have the final say. We will leave her at Sister Clarissa’s rather than put her in a foster situation she does not approve of.”

“Wow, that is a bit surprising, but thank you. I will call you tomorrow to let you know how the meeting went.”

“Thanks Chris, I will see you in a couple of days.”

Gloria came down at noon, with an egg sandwich as my lunch. We chatted as we ate, then I kissed her cheek and headed out to see Alicia. And I drove as Chris, in my Prius.

Sister Francis meet me in the front office, and smiled. “Hello Ms. Green, welcome back. You are here to see Alicia, right?” She took me to a small office, and 10 minutes later Alicia came in. She ran into my arms and gave me a huge hug. I kissed her forehead, and asked her how she was doing.

“Oh, it has been great! I am going to go to school at Immaculate Heart starting next week. Tomorrow morning I am getting my uniforms, and my books. Sister Gabrielle is going to be working with me here to try and get me caught up, and they think that by next year I should be back to where I should be. And it is a really good school! And I met Father Edward this morning, and he took my confession. He gave me a stiff penance, then absolved me of all my sins! I am in a state of grace, and I feel better than I have in since forever!”

I hugged her tight. I did not like a lot of what Catholicism stood for, especially the worst of the anti-Semitic behavior of the past. But they had made great changes in the last few decades, and they seemed to be doing good for Alicia, and that is what was most important to me at the moment.

“Alicia, is it OK if I ask Sister Francis to join us? I want to discuss something with you, and want her input also.”

“Of course Chris.”

I went to talk to her secretary, and she was in the room a few minutes later. I told her about wanting to foster Alicia, as Bohica and Gloria. I explained that as such we should meet all of the requirements, and that we intended to keep Alicia enrolled at Immaculate Heart. Alicia jumped up and down and gave me a huge hug, then another for Sister Francis.

Then she stopped, and cocked her head to the side. “So are you going to be my mommy, or my daddy?” Sister Francis was taking a sip of coffee and spit it out on the table. I looked at her stunned, then she burst out in giggles.

“I am teasing you! You and Bo are to young for that, but you can be my big brother and sister. And I wanna meet Gloria, she sounds cool. So long as she is not mean I think I would like that a lot.”

Sister Francis said it sounded like a good idea, and she would let the needed officials know when she was asked. She agreed to let me take Alicia off of the grounds, and I took her to McDonald’s where we both had burgers and fries. We chatted and she held my hand as I took her to the mall and bought her about ten outfits, two jackets, and five pairs of shoes. Everything from 1 inch heels to flats and tennis shoes. Dresses, skirts, blouses, jeans, panties, even bras. Everything a young girl would need. “This weekend, we will come back with Gloria if you like, and she can help you shop for makeup.”

“Why can’t I do that with you Chris?”

“Honey, we have different skin tones, I have no idea what would look best on you. But she is going to beauty school, and is already doing hair. If you like her she can help you with that much better than I can.”

She nodded, and said “You love her, right?”

“Well, Bo loves her, she is his girlfriend. As Chris, I love her as if she was my sister. Her and I are very close, maybe even best friends. But she is Bo’s lover. You understand?”

Alicia nodded. “Yes. Some of the girls I worked with had girlfriends, but not all. I had one special friend I shared a room with but we were not lovers. But last year Frank sold her to a man and she left.”

“Well, nobody will ever do that to you ever again. I would like you to live with us, but that is ultimately up to you.”

“Well, as long as I do not hate Gloria, it should be OK. And if Bo likes her, I should like her.” I drove her back to school, and I told her Bo would be here the next day with Gloria. She gave me a hug and went inside, and I drove home.

I picked up Chinese on the way home, and once I was parked I helped Gloria close the store then we got on the tram and headed home. I went and changed then put on sweat pants and a tank top and we sat at the table eating dinner and each of us sipping a beer.

I told Gloria that if Alicia agreed to stay with us, we would have to move to my other place for a week or so so this could be remodeled again. “Doug reminded me that one of the conditions is that she have her own room, and this is a one bedroom apartment. I figure that we can convert the patio into another bedroom, then convert the unused part of the roof in the back into a new patio. We will put in a door from the master bedroom to it. She will have to go through the living room to get to the main bathroom, but we have the one in the master bedroom so that should not be a problem. I should have thought of kids when I had this built, so I could have set things up differently.”

“Baby, how could you have known that less than two months later you would end up with an instant family?” she asked and laughed. She then cuddled into my lap, and we started kissing. It did not stay kissing for long, as soon her blouse and my top were on the floor, and hands and tongues were exploring chests and breasts. Finally I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

I started to kiss my way down her chest, and she grasped my head and brought me back up to her lips as she pulled my sweats off with her hands and then feet. I helped her pull off her skirt and panties, then reached down. My lover was wet, and her hips started to move as soon as my hand made contact with her. Her hand grasped me and started to stroke my cock as I slipped three fingers into her.

I got the tube out again and Gloria once again started to lube up my cock as I applied some to my fingers and pushed it into her pussy. Then guiding me onto and into her we both moaned as I started to slide inside.

After several minutes I broke our kisses as I held my face over hers and we stared into each other’s eyes. I took long slow strokes, fully into her, then out until just the head was inside. We could both hear the soft squishing as I entered and left her body, and I felt her hands then fingernails start to claw my back. I started to shorten my strokes, but making sure each time I was fully in her I ground against her clit. Her moans increased and I bent my head and started to kiss her neck and ears as her feet came up and her knees bent, squeezing my hips between them.

“Bo baby, I love you. Keep going, oh please keep going. A little faster, I am getting soooo close,” she moaned into my ear, then lightly bit my ear. I moved to taking short fast strokes, only a few inches in and out of her clasping pussy but making sure I rotated my hips a little each time I was all the way in and grinding against her clit.

I felt her fingernails now raking my back, and was worried she would break off her nails she was doing it so hard. She was now moaning almost constantly, and her heels were pressing behind my thighs. I moved my head up again and pressed my lips to hers, kissing her deeply.

That was all my baby needed as she moaned into my mouth, body going rigid as she came under me. I continued pumping until she was almost done, then had my own orgasm. My moans joined hers as she shuddered under me and I went rigid over her, pumping the load I had saved up the last few days deep into her.

We kissed and cuddled for a while after, and I actually chuckled. “Baby, feel free to claw and scratch and bite me as much as you want or need to. If you feel the need to chew on my ear, go ahead.”

“But Bo, I don’t want to hurt you!”

I laughed, and then she got it and laughed also. This caused her pussy to clench around me. “Gloria, you can’t hurt me. At least not physically. In fact, I was more worried that you would break off your fingernails than I was about your possibly giving me a scratch. Remember, I know how it feels to have to hold back when your body is screaming to mark the guy up, to scratch him and show that he is yours. It is just at times like this I’m sorry I can not wear your scratches and bites as a kind of badge of honor.”

“Baby, I love you,” she whispered, and gave me another kiss. “But you are starting to crush me, up big guy!” She then got up, then went into the bathroom as I laid on my back and looked at the ceiling. After I heard the toilet flush she came back in and took my hand in hers. She guided me to the shower and we both enjoyed getting clean and cleaning each other. Then drying each other. Then we both got out long Ts from the closet.

I laid on my back and Gloria cuddled in next to me, her thigh over mine and one arm over my belly as her head rested on my shoulder. We kissed and cuddled, and a few minutes later I could tell by her soft breathing she had fallen asleep.

Some time later I woke up, and realized that I was Chris and laying on my side, with Gloria once again spooned up behind me. One arm was over my waist and resting on my belly, the other under my head. I sighed happily and fell back asleep.

I was once again running the loop around the park, trying to clear my mind and regain some sanity. My mom and dad was dead, my boyfriend was gone, I was almost broke and had no idea what I was going to do when the money ran out. The insurance company was dragging it’s feet with paying off, as were all companies. They were claiming it was an “Act of God”, as well as a homicide with my mom killing my dad, thereby voiding their life insurance. So as I did what I did when I was in school and stressed. I went running.

Then I was tackled from the side. A mean looking but scruffy man with foul breath was leaning over me, and I felt a knife press against my side. His hand grasped my groin and squeezed, and he said “Don’t scream, and you won’t be hurt.” I tried to fight him off, to push him off. I kicked and hit his thigh and chest, and he slapped me hard! It hurt, and I felt him sit up and use the knife to cut off my clothes. I was crying and whimpering as first my sweat pants were destroyed, then he cut up the center of my sweatshirt. My sports bra was then cut off and one hand mauled my breasts painfully as his other reached down and opened his pants.

Then came his weight pressed down on me, and I screamed as I felt his hard cock jammed into my dry and unlubricated cunt. It hurt! Oh god, how it hurt!

And I jerked awake with a scream! Oh dear god, that is what would have happened if I had not been Bohica!

I felt hands stroking my head, and Gloria holding me close and asking what was wrong. I was shaking and covered in sweat, but I was finally gaining control on my panic. I could even feel Bo’s “consciousness” in the background, urging me to relax, he was not needed and I could handle this on my own.

“It’s OK baby” I said to Gloria. “I’m sorry, it was just a nightmare. I’m OK now, honest.”

“Was it about Belize?”

“No, not exactly.” I turned and gave her a soft kiss, then said “I need to go take a shower though, I am covered in sweat. Can you start the coffee and maybe make some eggs? I know I’m not going back to sleep now, and we can talk once I have some caffeine in me.”

She said she would, and gave me another soft kiss as she headed into the kitchen. I went into the bathroom and after relieving my bladder turned up the shower as hot as I could and crawled in. And cried.

I have been having highly vivid dreams for years now. It was not even unusual to relive that night in the park, I had done that a few times a year at least for the last 5 years. But this was the first time I had relived it and NOT become Bohica. The first time in which I was actually raped.

And there is no doubt in my mind that is what would have happened if I was not a mutant. At that point I would have been a raped 22 year old, that had lost her parents, her home, her boyfriend, and likely would have had nothing left to live for. I even felt unclean, standing there and washing my pussy with soap and then rinsing off over and over again. Even though it was only a dream, it almost felt real.

I finally stopped after the fifth time, and coughed a few times as the tears finally slowed. I closed my eyes, and pressed my face against the cold tile, feeling coolness, soothing against my skin.

I softly said in my mind.

Now I had talked to “myself” many times over the years like this, but never so intensely and personally. And for the first time it is like I heard a soft voice inside replying

I had finally regained control over myself, and after washing my hair and adding conditioner I got out and dried myself. I threw on a robe, and when I got to the kitchen Gloria was finishing her breakfast, and there was a plate with eggs, toast, and sausage waiting for me. And a cup of coffee.

“Thank you baby,” I said, and gave her a soft kiss before I sat down and started eating. She finished her toast, then got up and left. A moment later I sighed softly as she stood behind me and started to brush my still damp hair.

“Want to talk about it?” she said softly.

“No, but I know I should. You know I told you that since the Night, I have had highly vivid dreams sometimes, right? Well, most times they are, interesting. Sometimes it is of me sucking my boyfriend on the Night of Madness when the pain hit. Other times it was of having Mark plow me. I have even had dreams where Bohica was fucking me, and at least 2 where I was Bohica fucking you.

“I have also relived things in the past. Another mutant who cried when they learned that I was a Chameleon and that Bo used to be Chris. I have even relived when Alicia was raped. Tonight, this was the most horrifying one ever. It was that night in the park, when the guy tackled me when I was jogging. In my real life and in all the other dreams, when he pressed the knife into my side I changed into Bohica for the first time. I changed, threw him 10 feet away, and as he ran away screaming I became aware I was now a big black man and fainted.”

I took a deep breath, shuddering slightly. “This time, there was no Bohica. He slapped and hit me, then he cut off my clothes. I can still feel in the dream when he forced himself into me, and there was pain because I was dry. It hurt! And then I woke up, screaming.”

“Wait, you hurt in your dream? I thought you could not actually feel pain in your dreams.”

I sipped my coffee. “Actually, you can. Your mind simply filters out most of it. And since very few dreams for people actually involve pain, you almost never remember them. And if you want proof, you can also feel pleasure. And trust me there, I know!”

I took another bite of toast, then held it over my shoulder. Gloria took a bite, then gave me a kiss on the cheek before resuming her brushing of my hair. “Let’s see, this would have been during my first year as Bohica. I decided that it was wrong for him to masturbate, so I stopped. For about a month. Whenever Bo felt the need really strongly, I would just change back to Chris here and she would masturbate. Bo was getting no release.

Same as Bohica
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 38

8PHE0038 word count 1972 ******** Day 38, Thursday Chastity woke up with acne. She had white-heads and inflamed bumps that would turn into white-heads in a few days. And not just on her face. She also had pimples in the razor burn. Down there. Her back hurt. She felt sick. Bruised. Like the aftermath of a fight. Had Jorry bruised her cervix? On top of it all, she was emotional. She didn't know why. She sat on the chair in the shower and tried not to cry. Joi came into...

3 years ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 8

The next morning I get up at the usual time and do the usual things. Once I am dressed I call the office and talk to Diana, who was so generous with me when I had to leave last week. "Diana, its Paul." "Hello there. How are you doing?" "I'm fine. I am working through all of this which is why I am calling. I want to come back to work if that is ok with you." "Of course that is ok with me. When are you coming back?" "Today if that is ok. I just can't sit around this house and do...

4 years ago
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Our two little halfbreeds

However, my father told me that my mother had left a will, which disinherited me completely, and he shown me a copy of it. But she had not had time to have it registered by the notary public, and I was still legally her heir, unless somebody (my father, for example) went to the notary. With his usual cynicism, my father then offered me a perfectly disgusting contract. He would not show the contract to the notary if my wife agreed to replace his. Very clearly, he wanted Therese to sleep with...

1 year ago
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The letter from reader

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi reader here again I comes to meet you with another erotic Incest. read and write to me. this story is posted me by a fan of my stories. I make some edited and reposted it here read in his words. I just read your stories for the first time, and may I say thank you for bringing mother and son incest out of the closet. My story concerns my mother and myself. My father deserted us shortly after I had my eighteenth birthday. Let me describe my mother to...

1 year ago
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OnlyBlowJob Polly Pons Gorgeous Asian Blows Masseuse

Enticing and gorgeous Asian glamour porn goddess Polly Pons ordered an in-house massage and Kristof Cale couldn’t be a luckier man when he was greeted by the stunning sex symbol. When the tattooed temptress strips down to nude and reveals her curvy ass, medium tits, and toned physique, Mr. Cale finds himself aroused immediately as he begins oiling the petite pornstar down. Watch as the massage quickly turns into something else when the masseur slides his fingers into her shaved pussy and...

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Hitch Hiker Part 3

Continued..................Me rocking about on Jomo's big Dick was making me cum and then squirt. Jomo had closed my legs firmly together and was sat open legged. He knew in this position I was at the mercy of his weapon as I slid all the way down his thin but very long shaft, this time I was being deep drilled as the hot balls slapped into my ass cheeks. Jomo juddered as I squashed his sack full of his black seed, so I jiggled about on him holding onto his big naked thighs as I did.He took...

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Light caresses upon my shoulder blades. Soft lips, moving over my skin. The fans in room whirring realistically. My eyes snapped open, fear clouding my senses. I tried to lift myself on my elbows, only to find that I cannot. A solid mass of body is blocking my way, preventing me from moving much. Large hands are pinning my wrists down. My body’s automatic response is to struggle. “Calm down, Kitten, or I’ll have to punish you.” said a voice. Deadly calm. My body froze in hearing the...

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A long and boring train ride turns into a most pleasant one

This story is real except for the names. It took place on September 1985. This is my first story ever and I hope you’ll like it. I dry docked my 28 footer in Perama near Athens, packed my clothes and started my journey to Amsterdam to join a nice Dutch woman I met while sailing the Greek islands. It was going to be a long and boring train – ferry – train of about three days until I reach Maud in Amsterdam. I hadn’t have sex in the last two weeks and was quite horny from...

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WildOnCam Violet Cox Busty Babe Violet Cox Ready To Swallow James Cock LIVE

Sexy hot and wild red-headed sweetheart Violet Cox is ready to get down and naughty with all you horny boys watching her while she fucks and sucks on James Bangs’s big hard cock! She loves choking on that dick getting all sloppy like any good girl does when she is in bed and horny as fuck. How do you like when she teases you with those big natural tits with her hard-pierced nipples? Would you suck and bite them? Violet would love it just like she would like you to shove your own cock in...

3 years ago
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Masturbating With My Classmates Before College

Our weekly masturbation sessions had a really nice vibe to them. They always started with solo pleasure while watching each other, then we would naturally pair off and have sex.Samantha and my best friend Tiff were now girlfriends, while Jack and Steven were boyfriends. I'd recently brought in Thomas to make up an even number of six. We weren't a couple, but we'd had sex a few times. Occasionally, some of us would play with the others: Tiff might have sex with Thomas, and I loved to swallow the...

2 years ago
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Miss Britt Memories 5

"Lisa dear, Margret has requested your presence at her house this coming saturday. Seems she needs someone to help clean and straighten up her closet and other things. I offered your service so saturday I will be taking you over around noon and I will not be staying. You will be in her charge as to what she wants done and I must insist you obey or punishment will be in order. Do you understand me dear?" "Yes Miss Britt......perfectly." Saturday Miss Britt dropped me at Margrets...

1 year ago
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Kaite wants it all what does daddy think

Summer had hit full on; It was timeto hit the pool! Katie had just comeback from her collage studies for summer break. In just a little over a year of seeing her last, I have to say she had grown up. And had filled out nicely. The t-shirt she wore was just tight enough to show the ever so obvious growth of her once little adolescent buds now into what had to be at lest big beautiful C-cups. Now being her father I realize how wrong this is, and try to quickly block any further thoughts like...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 18A: THE NEXT DAYS TOGETHERThe following day was hardly different from the previous week that Mom had spent with us. The difference was subtle and it was just attitude. Last week Mom was “staying with us”. We opened our home to her for her comfort and support. But today Mom was “one of us”. She was a part of our home and our life and an integral part of our unit. And the transition was impossible to discern. From the moment the alarm went off it was like we had always been such a unit....

2 years ago
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Alan Ch 14

Making Preparations People pointed and stared at him that night as he walked through the artisan’s quarter of the capital. Many knew who he was, but even those that did not were transfixed by his regal bearing and the resplendent uniform of his attendants, two full centurions. It was not often that the vizier waded amongst the everyday folk of the city, and whispers and murmurings broke out as he passed each doorway. It had been many years since he ventured this way, still longer since he had...

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Asian wife

So my wife and I are in our early 30s and been married for 8 years. Her name is Lyn she’s Asian very pretty, a mother of our two girls. I’m a little chubby white guy who brought Lyn here from the Philippines and started a family with her. We’re happily married and always have been. So one day my wife and I our hanging out at home with a few guest. One of my best buddies Tony was there. He’s a good looking guy that I’d catch my wife eyeing when she didn’t think I was looking. Any how Lyn’s...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 22

Jenny Beth was staying with Lisa, Sher and Jimmy. Julie and Mandy took Pat, Jean and Jill home, but not before Andie and I promised to come over one night for supper. They promised Andie and me that they would be at all our home games. Jada, Jen and Jan walked across the street to their house, after they too, promised they would attend Andie’s and my home games. At the pool, Andie and I stripped, then swam twenty fast laps before showering and heading up to bed. Both of us were excited and...

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HerLimit Lady Gang My Personal Trainer

Dominance and submission play a significant role in the scene as the guy exposes the girl’s addiction for hard sex in extreme positions. The lady is put in the most complicated sex positions, but her flexibility enables her to take it all and enjoy the dick filling up her tight ass. She doesn’t back down from anything, gladly performing ass to mouth, rimming and includes some foot fetish for good measure. At the end she is rewarded with a big cumshot, half of which she swallows and...

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Runaway TrainChapter 118

Melinda arrived back at the house while I was in the middle of my two o’clock exercises. She popped into the room, waved a big bag at me, smiled and departed. Ciera gave me a questioning look but I ignored her. The last thing I wanted to do was get into my personal situation with someone as young as Ciera Goodman. Besides, I had to focus on my exercises. “Very good,” Ciera told me with a nod. “Maybe we should try to have our sessions somewhere with fewer distractions. You seem really...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 23

I woke up as the light started to lighten the curtains. As usual, I had an erection, caused by the hydraulic pressure that all men are aware of which is their body’s way of preventing them from urinating in their sleep. And as I came awake, I realized it was again resting between the cheeks of Mandy’s lovely ass. And one of her breasts was cupped in each hand. The urge was not as strong that it could not be held off, so I held her tight and enjoyed just holding her. She murmured softly in...

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A Hot Night In The Closet

i tell him to straddle my face so I can continue keeping his cock nice and hard. We get in the 69 position. Feeling his tongue on my clit as I start sucking his cock. He gets my pussy nice and wet, asking if my pussy is ready for brother's cock, I shake my head yes. He slides his unprotected cock deep in my pussy, says he won't be pulling out and is gonna stay in his sister's hot box all night. I hadn't told him that I had been flushing my birth control pills down the toilet for 2 months. I...

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Girl From The Cafe 8211 Dirty Fuck And Ass Licking

Hey guys, Prithvi here. This is my fourth story with a girl I met in my town in a local café. We soon became very close friends and shared similar kinky fantasies. I hope you liked my other stories also (first time with girlfriend). Be sure to check it out and mail me with responses. – I met this girl at a local café. I was there with my friends and she was with hers. She was sitting across the table and was facing me. Our eyes met a few times and then after some time she gave a slight smile....

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Suzes Basement Apartment Redux

[Graciously edited by Cristal Ball] On a spring day, just after six in the afternoon, I drove home horny. It was a long drive, so I went fast, 60 in a 40 mph zone. I thought about nothing else but getting home. Chills ran down my legs, just thinking about what I had coming. My women waited for me. Two women, two cunts. I shook my head. I pulled out my cock, and jacked it hard. How'd I get so lucky. I pulled into my property and parked under a huge maple tree. When I got inside the house,...

4 years ago
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Londons BurningChapter 6 The Black Marketers

Superintendent Fred Bates was chairing a meeting of his senior officers. "I am getting flack from above because of the amount of stolen and smuggled food that is finding its way on to the black market in the London area. We have had several warehouses blitzed recently and it seems that they are managing to get in and out quite quickly with a large amount of rationed goods." PC Fay Tonks an attractive slim blonde sat at his right hand was the daughter of one of the Deputy Commissioners at...

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The Poker Game

This was just my luck. The doorbell rang and when I answered it, there was Lori standing there. Lori was 19, 5’4′, 135 pounds and had very nice C cups. Plus she was always horny and now she was standing there looking very nice in her jeans and a t-shirt waiting to be invited in! What tremendously bad luck. It was about 11 a.m. on Saturday and I had picked up my other girlfriend Charlene early that morning and brought her back to my parent’s house where we had an early morning love making...

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Sperm Party The Cuckold

"Here is how its going to be M, I'm going to have those guys even if you don't like it." Caroline told him flatly."But, but . . . " Her husband M protested."No buts M, you are not enough for me your cock is pathetic and your loads are just dribbles. I'm going to have more men.""Where, when?" he asked lamely."Well here of course, and pretty much any time I like. I've already started in fact.""Started?" M jerked in surprise."Yes, I've started gathering my team of studs. Just a few now as I meet...

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Just another day in the life

As with most mornings, you’ve woken up next to a beautiful woman. On this particular morning, it’s your girlfriend Jessica quietly sleeping next to you. Her platinum shoulder-length hair is spread in distinct contrast to the deep chocolate pillow case her head is resting on. She’s facing away from you, bundled up in a sheet. And, the satin material is clinging provocatively to her sensual curves. After a hard night of partying and fucking, you could use a morning cigarette. Sitting up, you...

4 years ago
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Ein Mdchen zu Sein Teil V

Ein M?dchen zu sein V --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugend...

2 years ago
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Plug Tails

Plug Tails: Chapter 1 Mistress Lara took special pleasure in making her sissy maids keep butt plugs installed for long periods of time. She was well aware of the discomfort these wonderful simple devices caused her pansy little sissy maids. She also knew the humiliation of having to wear such a thing up their little butts was a source she could use when humiliating one of these pathetic creatures in front of her guests. One of her past inventions was the ball end plug. It...

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Audrinas masturbation story

My name is Audrina Let me tell you a little about myself,I am 5'5 and 110 pounds.I have an angelic face with a small up-turned nose and full kissable lips. I have auburn hair and sparkling green eyes, 36 C breasts, long legs and a nice tight round ass, I love to masturbate when ever I can,I love the feel of my fingers on my pussy,so wet,hot,juicy and the taste of my juices when I lick my fingers after I cum.I especially love to masturbate in this little clearing I have a little ways behind my...

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Consequences of the wish

Consequences of the wish Six months ago ... The handsome arabic man smiled at me, and asked, "Are you sure that's your wish?" I nodded. "Yes. I want all the boys to know what it's like to wear skirts or dresses. I can't believe how they tried to look under my skirt today, so the shoe should be on the other foot." "Granted," he said, and vanished. The next morning, I hurried to school, anxious to see how embarrassed the boys would be to be in skirts. Then they started to...

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Menna and Diane car sex ch1

i know Diane from icq site , her nick name was "WOLFY_F" she is funny , i know Diane @ lesbians room... we talk a little @ icq then i take her e-mail , we talk there about everything... she said that she is divorced woman , 30 yrs live wiz 2 kids (male 18 , female 14) , she work as a nurse in great a hospital , she got money... we talk about everything even sex life , i asked her if she was in lesbians room cuz she love females or just to get new friends ? and she answerd cuz she love...

2 years ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 06

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 0, Muutos. Kaupunki n?ytti melkein siedett?v?lt? syksyisen aamu-usvan k?tkiess? sen hopeiseen syleilyyns?. Matka oli ollut pitk? sek? fyysisesti ett? henkisesti mitattuna. T?n??n oli viimeinkin aika tarkastella aikaisempia tapahtumia ja valita uusi suunta. Seisoin hetken suuren py?re?n rakennuksen ovella, ajatuksiani kooten ja valmistautuen henkisesti tulevaan koitokseen. Heti sis??n astuttuani saapumistani odottanut opas viittoili minua seuraamaan ja k?velimme pitk?n k?yt?v?n p??h?n. Avasin ...

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Watching Anna Ch2

Shortly after I witnessed my wife in the garden at the party I had to confront her. I had so many mixed emotions about what I had witnessed I couldn’t keep them in any longer. I won’t go into all the details of what happened as they aren’t erotic. But there was some arguing, crying and hugging, a lot of confusion and she agreed we needed some counselling for our marriage to move forward. I knew I wouldn't divorce my wife for her infidelity once I had received counselling and confronted her....

Group Sex
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Casual SexChapter 2

As Audrey drove home she kept thinking about the young man in the parking lot at the store. He had been fairly well hung and now Audrey's posterior was a little sore, plus it was now wet with his semen and she was beginning to get chapped back there as she drove. She was glad when she arrived home and gratefully closed the garage door behind her and took her packages inside. As she put them on the kitchen counter she kept thinking about what the young man had said about a bunch of his...

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Story How I Enjoyed My Threesome

Hello everyone …! My name is Armaan and I used to live in hyderabad. Before I used to live in London and came back to India 2015 after completing my studies. And my whole family used to live in Saudi Arabia. One night I am getting very bore and thought to put Add on locanto to find a friend for fun and time pass. After submitted a ADD on locanto I got an email that we are couple from Pune and coming to hyderabad to attend little function. I immediately reply that email that I am interested...

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Demon cheerleaders

Demon Witch Cheerleaders my friend and I were at the wrong place at the wrong time when the cheerleaders come back then we were caught by them something was going to change me forever 1 . cheerleader snoop and changes "Come on man, this is heaven." My friend Jake tempts. "Dude if we get caught I heard the cheerleaders where ruthless." I reply. "But the risk Is worth it James!" he counters. I finally agree with him and we wait until school is over. When...

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Late At Night

It was very late at night, around 1 AM, when you got out of bed to get a drink. You just couldn't sleep after the day you had - earlier that night, your girlfriend let you finger her for the first time! It wasn't quite sex, but it was close enough. Your girlfriend, Sarah, was a very pretty girl - tan and toned body, long red hair, and a beautiful face, you've been pinning after her for a few years before you actually asked her out. And now, all you could think about was having sex with...

2 years ago
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Deep Tissue

I don't cheat, okay? Let me say it again. I. Do. Not. Cheat. The same way I don't drink-drive or wear yesterday's underpants. It's a built-in rule and one that with a little forward thinking is never broken. I'm engaged now to Amanda and our relationship couldn't be stronger. It's built on honesty and it's built on trust, got me? We have a varied, healthy and satisfying sex-life and we don't screw other people. End of story. This is most reassuring when, for example, I end up talking to the new...

1 year ago
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Strangeness At FellowsChapter 5

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside... It was about three in the afternoon by the time the two girls got off the number forty-nine bus at Churchill Square. It was packed with shoppers, all of whom had little or no interest in either of them. They headed for the phone boxes on the opposite side of the road and leafed through the directory to find somewhere for the night. They chose one, just off St. James' Street. The phone had been answered by someone who sounded extremely effeminate...

3 years ago
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Ragar dia dewar ne

Hi readers enjoy how bhabi got herself fucked by her dewar my name is Shalini I am 24 i was married a year back with an engineer we live in agra mere hubby ek factory me kam karte hain hamari sex life normal chal rahi thi jada kuch nai ek sal me kuch naya pan na hone k karan maja b kam ane laga tha 2 mahine pehle mera dewar jiska nam ravi hai parne k liye hamare pas a k rehne laga wo +1 me parta hai umar 18 sal gaon me rehne k karan body bahut gathili hai uski ham kuch dino me hi apas me ghul...

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An Unplanned Overnight Stay Chapter 3

Chapter 3 I set up my Lumix camera on my gorillapod, adjusted it so it took in all of the bed area and checked a picture, perfect, it covered it perfectly. I adjusted the zoom to the place I wanted it snapped off another shot. Even better, now I’d be able to record our lovemaking so that we could watch it at our leisure later.I walked back towards the bed, as I did so there was a tentative knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it wide. “Come in Ilke.” I said to the lovely brunette...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 16 Incestuous Passions Arrested

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Sixteen: Incestuous Passions Arrested By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 11th, 2027 – Isaac Nicholson Catherine dragged me down the hallway. We were both in our uniforms, blue pants and shirts, gun belts on. We'd just left the DA's office. We were in the Yolo County Superior Courthouse in the heart of Sacramento. She looked up and down the corridor. Now one was present. She pulled me into the men's...

4 years ago
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I could not beilve it happen

The Magic Lamp - Part ThreeTags: genie, fantasy, oral sex, fellatioSynopsis of Part One & Two: Miriam finds an old lantern while working for an antique dealer. It is a special lantern – one with a handsome genie residing inside who has the ability to grant any three wishes made by its possessor. Miriam makes her first and second wishes and they are fulfilled beyond her expectations. Miriam put her cell phone down on the small glass-top table and picked up her wine glass. She stepped to the...

3 years ago
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LateLate Family ShowChapter 6

Old Foster glanced at his watch and eased back in his plush high-backed chair. It was 2:15 in the afternoon and the appointment was for 2:30. Plenty of time yet. Impatiently, he got up from his desk and hobbled to the window and peered out. After a moment's reflection, he moved back to his desk, plopped down hard in the chair, and began leafing through his calendar for the fifth time that afternoon. A moment later, he pushed the calendar aside brusquely and began tapping out an impatient...

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A Soldiers Boy

A re-posting of a good old British classic.--------------------------------------------------------A Soldier's pete ([email protected])***A young boy's first sexual experience encourages him to find his real sexuality. (Mb, 1st-gay-expr, oral, mast)***With acknowledgements to ‘RafSarge’Chapter 1I let out a stifled moan and took a man's cock into my wet mouth, in one single graceful movement of pure lust, for the first time in my life. I didn't even gag! I must have been born a natural...

2 years ago
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A Fathers Forbidden Love Chapter 1

Adam’s left hand tenderly caressed the soft skin of exposed thighs which extended from the petite feminine frame perched sideways on his lap. The bronzed, shapely legs which dangled over the armrest of his favorite rocking recliner belonged to his daughter. She was nestled against his chest and his cheek rested gently on her forehead as he rocked them slowly. It was their typical Friday night routine before dinner and with the turn of events that particular day, it was definitely needed. They...

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Friends Hot Wife Burrowed1

Chapter 1Martin Johnson was a shattered man, his idyllic married life in tatters with the sudden death of his beautiful blonde wife in a car accident. Night after night, he sat in his empty apartment, with no sounds of life other than his own breathing. He had taken up heavy drinking that was so out of character for the previously one glass of wine a night man.As he sat, night after night, in the semi darkness for hours on end, he wrestled, not only with the loss of his wife -- the love of his...

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Rebecca part 2

My life was completely changed. I had just ****d my 18 year old daughter and just when I couldn't think of how things could possibly get any worse my wife was standing there in her night gown. I could usually read my wife's emotions, but this was different.Quickly Becca and I grabbed what was left of our clothing desperately trying to get dressed again in a vain attempt to somehow get past this moment. My daughter looked at her mother unable to speak with tears welling in her eyes. I couldn't...

1 year ago
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Fun With Neighbor8217s Daughter On Her Birthday

Hi All, I am back with my new story and this is about how I enjoyed with my neighbor’s daughter. To start with the girl in the story name is Sakshi, she is 27 years old and has a body every girl craves for and every guy wants their girls to have. She has a nice perky hard boobs of size 34D, with a nice slim belly and an even better ass which is round and shows off the best when she is wearing tight gym lowers. In total she is the one girl in my society who makes every guy turn their head as she...

2 years ago
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The Frustration Factor

THE FRUSTRATION FACTOR!ByANNE GRAYMeter Level One - Establishing A Base Line!As far as I was concerned she was a pseudo submissive.  She played at being a sub’, and probably was to an extent, but only when she was calling the shots.  I figured her out within the first couple of play sessions we did and knew she was constantly guiding the scene to her own advantage and topping me from the bottom.I was too much of a professional not to be a little disgusted with myself that I continued to allow...

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Meri Behen Ki Chut Faad Diya

Hello to all my Indian sex story readers .. Main is site ke regular reader hun .. Maine do tin story bhi likha hai .. Aaj jo story main aap logon ko batane jaa raha hun wo meri chhoti bahen ki sachchi kahani hain .. Jyada intezar nahi karaunga aap logon ko .. Sidha story ke taraf chalte hai .. Lekin usse pahele main apne aur meri bahen ke bare me kuchh bata deta hun … Ye story jab ki hai tab mera umar sirf 22 tha aur meri bahen nila 18 ki thi .. Wo bachpan se hi bahot khubsurat aur cute thi .....

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The Couples Collector 2 Dark Horizons

The Couples Collector 2 - Dark Horizons Marrek Gleeson and his innocent-seeming wife, Anna, had a dark secret. They collected couples. Perhaps 'collected' wasn't really the proper word for it. They kidnapped young, beautiful couples and subjected them to the harshest, cruelest treatment imaginable in their underground 'sex and torture dungeon' - as they affectionately liked to call it. Yes, beneath Mr. Gleeson's sprawling estate, gifted to him from his wealthy father, Marrek was...

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