Passionate FamilyChapter 7 free porn video

Billy lay in his warm bed with his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He was deeply hurt and very troubled at the way Lisa had been acting since that afternoon under the tree, almost a week ago.
Oh sure, she had been polite, acting like any normal sister would to her brother, except that she was hardly civil when he tried to speak to her about anything besides passing dishes at the table. He couldn't figure it out. She was the one who had suggested sucking his cock, and she had seemed to enjoy it almost as much as he had. But now, she was a stranger... an unfathomable mystery.
He had tried to talk to her when they were alone, but she would walk away without a word. And the night before, she had plugged up the hole between their rooms, and he had not been able to look at her.
But he had heard voices in her room, muffled and guarded, and he knew that she was with her lover again. He wanted badly to ask her who her secret lover was, but he couldn't get close enough to her anymore, to exchange confidences or even civilities. He wondered often who the man was who came to Lisa's bed so many nights, but he hadn't the vaguest idea. Probably someone she had met at school, he surmised.
He was tired tonight, for he had been kept awake by the muffled voices and the smothered moans and groans in the next room, and when he finally fell asleep at dawn, it was a fitful, nightmarish sleep he fell into. He knew he had no right to be jealous, but it gnawed at his loins constantly. Maybe she had just used him when her lover was away. He didn't understand it, but he did feel that it was worse than it had been before, for now he had those memories of Lisa's wonderful lovemaking.
And the next morning he began to feel that old guilt creeping back. Yet, all he had to do was to think about her and he got a demanding erection. He had had to masturbate night after night, as he envisioned what she and her secret lover were doing. She belonged to him and he to her. She had said it. She felt it, he knew. Why, then, was she doing this to him?
He washed and dried his face and combed his hair, then dressed gloomily, feeling that he would never again make love to Lisa.
He was glum at breakfast, and his sister did not appear until they were all finished. His mother was radiant in a soft pink dressing gown that Ray had bought for her, and she was lavish in her attentions to Billy, but it didn't lift his spirits.
"I overslept, " Lisa said sheepishly, when she finally made an appearance.
You hardly slept two hours! Billy thought angrily.
When they had all nearly finished, Ray folded his napkin and placed it beside his plate. He smiled mysteriously and said, "Now that we're all here, I want to propose something." He looked from Billy to Lisa and said, "School will be starting next week, but... instead of starting school, how would it be if we all took a vacation until the 1st of November? Then, you will be taught by a tutor here at home, four days each week!"
Billy and Lisa exchanged glances and their eyes widened in joy. Lisa began to jump up and down in her chair, and Billy grinned broadly. Laura looked happily surprised and she said brightly, "Ray, that's wonderful. The children should learn even more from a private teacher... and we'll have all that wonderful time together!"
A half hour later, Billy was wandering aimlessly about the house. His mother and Ray had gone to their wing of the house and Lisa had just disappeared. He felt lonely. He was about to go to his room and feel sorry for himself when he felt a hand on his arm and heard Lisa's hushed voice saying seductively, "It's time for another lesson, Billy."
Billy looked into her wide brown eyes, instantly happy that she had broken the icy barrier she had set up between them for so long.
"Be quiet, darling, " Lisa cautioned as she took his hand and led him up the stairs. Billy was overwhelmed with desire for her. But when she reached the top of the stairs, Lisa turned right instead of left--toward the part of the second floor where Ray and Laura slept!
"We... can't go in there..." Billy gasped.
"Just trust me..." Lisa said in a mysterious tone.
She pulled him down the hall until they came to the room which Billy guessed must be Ray and his mother's. Lisa stopped and slowly tried the doorknob. She entered the room on tiptoe, motioning Billy to follow. He saw that it was a dressing room they had entered and he saw a heavy curtain that concealed the bedroom beyond. They could hear voices coming from beyond the curtain.
Billy was almost holding his breath with excitement and vague fear. Lisa was going to spy on his mother and Ray! She moved softly toward the curtain and parted it a bit. Then she got down on the floor, motioning him to do likewise. There was less chance of being seen if anyone looked toward the curtain, he realized.
Billy heard his mother saying, "It will be wonderful to have the kids with us this fall." She was seated before a large mirror, brushing her curly dark hair, and Ray stood behind her, his strong hands on his wife's shoulders as he watched her in the mirror with shining eyes.
"It will work out fine, honey, " he replied. "I think that Billy is getting to be part of the family, even though there are days he seems to be lost or confused. It will be good for all of us to spend more time together."
Laura still worried a little about Billy's strange aloofness from her and Ray, but he was coming around, she admitted.
"That's enough brushing for now, darling, " Ray said, pulling her back so her head was against his body. "More than a hundred, I'm sure."
Ray bent and kissed her neck, his hands cupping her breasts through the diaphanous pink gown. She loved it when he was like this... gentle, yet eager. She rose and walked to the bed, and as she paused, Ray began to remove the gown from her body. Billy gasped involuntarily as he saw the creamy-white beauty of his mother's body revealed. Her breasts were full and round and tilted invitingly upward. Her hips curved sensuously to form a shadowy triangle of sex, the soft pubic hair covering her pussy in glossy strands, and the parted pink lips of her cunt visible in flashes as she moved. Her legs were long and shapely, right down to her slender ankles and feet! And she stood as if in a trance, radiant as she saw the pride in her husband's eyes as they swept over her naked body.
"Come on, sweet, lie down!" Ray said hoarsely. Laura obeyed, lying on her back on the bed, her legs spread slightly. "Spread your legs wider, darling, " Ray commanded. He dropped his robe and stood naked beside the bed as she complied, revealing the pinkish wet folds of flesh inside her pussy.
Billy licked his lips and he felt perspiration forming on his brow. His own penis was stiff and hot, and his head was spinning again with that familiar dizziness of desire. He looked at his stepfather's thickly displayed penis and was amazed. It was long and hard, and now looked as heavy as iron, big veins standing out on its sides. He watched Ray bend down and roll Laura over onto her stomach, mouth going to her full firm buttocks, nibbling and sucking at them, and finally licking deep into the crevice between as he parted her cheeks with his hands.
Laura let out a small cry as her husband's tongue invaded the tender crevice of her buttocks, and she wondered how long it would be until she would not consider this act obscene--even though she liked it. He had done this just once before, and she wasn't used to any sort of anal lovemaking or foreplay. She wished Ray would take her the regular way... because she knew that this approach would lead to anal intercourse, and it hurt! But she loved him too much to ask him not to do it that way.
Ray had made such a point of telling her that no part of her body was made for shame, nor was any part made not to be loved. And she certainly didn't want to be considered prudish or old- fashioned by this wonderful man who had made her world beautiful once again.
Ray's outstretched middle finger was now probing her puckered anus. "A little wider, sweet one, " he breathed hoarsely, looking down in hunger at the tiny brown opening.

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