RedemptionChapter 8 free porn video

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After Karen and Mike had heard Dex's story, everyone insisted that Kristen should also be told. Dex had set it up with Kristen for the same Saturday Jenny made her dramatic naked appearance at their Saturday breakfast. Donna pulled him aside before he left for Kristen's that evening.

"Are you going to sleep with her?"

"Quite probably, but I don't plan to have sex with her. Does it bother you?"

"It does. I know it shouldn't, and I'm sorry. What if she insists on sex?"

"Donna, you know I consider myself a virgin, regardless of what anyone else thinks. I think we both want our first to be with each other."

"Dex, if it will help her get well, have sex with her. You have my blessing. My heart aches for her, and I really want the old Aunt Kristen back. I know you won't do anything unless you are sure it will help. You have given so much to help her out. This is something I can give." With that she gave him a searing kiss, then whispered in his ear, "Take her to Heaven, Stud!"

The first time Dex saw Kristen, after arriving at the Fergusons', it hit him like a punch in the gut. The physical resemblance to his mother was striking, and this woman had been abused! There was no question in his mind. He thought he was able to hide it from her as they exchanged greetings. It was a reception after the burial service, and everyone was being very solicitous of him. Strangely enough, he was doing alright. The hurt was incredible, but he was already learning to compartmentalize it. He certainly was not feeling happy, but he was able to maintain his composure. Donna helped a great deal, never once leaving his side.

After the food had been consumed and the crowd of well-wishers was thinning, he told Donna he wanted to speak with Kristen alone, and took his aunt to a quiet corner. He had not planned what to say, but it just burst from him. "Aunt Kristen, I am so glad you got out before you ended up like my mother." The woman registered her complete shock, then tried to feign ignorance. "Please, I know you have been abused, and I would guess it was rather bad."

"How can you know? I've not told anyone!"

"I just know. Mom and I were victims, and when I saw you today, it was like you were wearing a sign."

"Oh My God! I've worked so hard to cover it up. If word ever got out, he'd come after me! Please, Dex, you can't tell anyone!"

"Hey, it's our secret. I wouldn't do anything to cause you trouble. We share something, though, and I think we need to spend some time together. Maybe we can help each other.

In the year plus since that first encounter, they had indeed spent a lot of time together. Dex genuinely liked her. Physically and personality-wise, she was very much his mother's sister. As a typical second child, Kristen had always been the gregarious one, but had changed dramatically over the last few years. Everyone in the family commented on it. She had become almost reclusive, and was withdrawn when with people. She had let her appearance deteriorate, often neglecting her hair and ignoring makeup. The biggest visual impression was her clothes. She dressed so that it was hard to tell she had her family's usual trim but curvy figure.

Kristen had a one-bedroom apartment on Dex's walking route to school. She worked a very early shift, so he was able to stop by once a week on his way home. He also made sure to see her at least once each weekend, often for a meal at Karen's.

After basketball practices started, he would come for dinner, usually staying afterward to study, then continuing home for his time with Donna. The first few times, he brought in take-out food for supper, because Kristen had essentially quit cooking. Just for something to share with his mother, Dex had helped with cooking for years, earning more of his father's ridicule. He was certainly not accomplished, but could do a decent job on a few dishes. He started bringing ingredients and preparing the meal. After the third time, it finally got through to Kristen what she had fallen into, and she started cooking again.

It was obvious to Dex that Kristen was as submissive as his mother had been, and needed the same things his mother had. He had no desire for a sexual relationship with her, but was driven to help her out of the depression and self-loathing that had overtaken her. Against his natural tendencies, he began taking a more and more controlling role when alone with her, and she responded favorably. His control was very gentle, and only applied to innocent things.

Into November, Dex showed up at her apartment late one Saturday morning with two shopping bags. In them was a complete cold weather running outfit. The most notable item was the stretchable, multi-layered running pants. He had carefully sneaked her sizes at various times when in her apartment. After the introductory hug, which had become their custom, he instructed her to go and put the outfit on. She was still in a robe, had done nothing about hair or makeup, and was not totally thrilled with his presence. Still, she was very fond of him, and their times together had started to fill the void in her heart.

When she came out of the bedroom, Dex gave an appreciative whistle, but she was very hesitant.

"Dex, I can't go out in this. These pants are so tight they show everything!"

"They sure do, and the male population has been deprived of seeing your lovely everything for too long."

With her face as red as it could get, she protested, "But... but, I've never done any running! I'll never be able to keep up."

"Then it's about time you started." He walked over to her and gave her a light slap on the rear. "Come on, let's get that sexy butt out on the street and collect some wolf whistles." At this stage of their relationship, she was completely unable to resist him, much as it flew in the face of her fear-induced reclusiveness. She was also terrified at the prospect of looking sexy in any way, but nothing was strong enough to fight his control.

That first time, she made only a half mile, returning in a state of near collapse. Dex scheduled two more runs the next week, both coming after he had already been through basketball practice. The same pattern was repeated for three more weeks. The next Saturday, they ran to the the Ferguson's, and Dex presented her with another bag, telling her to change into those clothes. This was a workout set with very sexy, high-cut shorts and a sports bra. She looked at the clothes and shook her head, but could not hold her objection when he insisted. He took her to his weight set and got her started on some light exercises. She literally fled to the bathroom the first time Mike came down and saw her in the outfit. He could not resist a whistle, and it took quite a while for Dex to talk her down from her near panic. Mike was gracious and gentle in his apology afterward, but would not back down from his opinion about her sexy appearance. Kristen lay awake a long time that night, unable to sort out the conflicting emotions.

Dex had kept Mike and Karen aware of what he was doing with Kristen. He had said nothing about their participation, but they began to feel self-conscious about their own sedentary lifestyle, and the drain on Dex's time and energy. In the second week of Kristen's workouts at their house, Mike appeared with running outfits for himself and Karen and announced that from then on, they would be Kristen's running companions - Dex had enough with basketball. Thereafter, they drove to Kristen's as soon as they got home and changed, All three ran to the house, where Kristen did her workout. Afterward, they all ran back to the apartment and Mike and Karen drove home. This happened twice during the week and Dex joined them on Saturday.

Mike and Karen both started using the weights other evenings. Within a couple of months, even having to run through some pretty foul weather, they were hooked, and delighted with the results they were already seeing. They discovered that showering together after a sweaty run was extremely erotic. There were nights when Donna and Dex had to make supper. Once, the kids caused huge embarrassment when they knocked on the bedroom door, then walked in grinning with dinner on trays. It was obvious they hung around on purpose, knowing both parents were naked under the sheet. After several hints did not get them to leave, Karen's competitive streak came through, and she dropped the sheet, sat up straight, and pulled the tray to her, exposing her breasts. Mike was struck dumb, but Donna was jubilant, and gave her mother a high-five, followed by a hug and kiss. Dex did not avoid looking at Karen, but said nothing and left the room rather quickly. As Donna walked out, Karen looked at her food, set the tray aside, and dove at her husband. The two teens broke into laughter when they heard the microwave running much later during their ten o'clock get-together.

Kristen was opening up, but it was agonizingly slow. So far, the only people to observe the improvement were family. To everyone else, she was still reclusive and purposely dowdy. Dex discussed the situation often with Donna, then with Karen and Mike. They all shared his concern, and wished for full recovery.

When Dex arrived that Saturday night to talk about his mother, Kristen looked better than he had ever seen her. She had on a figure-flattering outfit, and had spent time on her hair and face. He was effusive in his complements, and she reacted without her customary denials. Given her obvious effort, he questioned the wisdom of his planned approach. He spent far more time than he had planned in light conversation and playful flirting. It was she who eventually brought up the subject of why he wanted this time with her.

"Kristen, I want to tell you all about your sister, what our life was like, and what happened to her. Donna was the first person I told, and Karen and Mike have just heard it. It is extremely difficult for me to tell, and given your own marriage, I think it will be hard for you to hear. Do you want to hear it?"

"Oh, yes, Dex? I have been wondering about it ever since it happened, but I didn't know if you were able to talk about it. Please, I want to hear it!"

"OK, Kristen. I want to tell you. First, though, I am going to ask you to do something you may think is crazy, and you may refuse to do it. You know how I feel about you, and you know I would not do anything to hurt or humiliate you. I think we need to do this. Kristen, I want us both to be naked while I tell you."

He had no idea how she would react, and watched her carefully. She said nothing, just stared at him in wide-eyed shock. This went on so long, he feared a disaster, before finally noticing that her nipples had hardened, apparent even through her sweater and bra. "This is going to be difficult for me, because I will be hard. It's important, though, for both of us, and you will see why." With that he stood and undressed, forcing himself to face her and not cover himself when he sprung free.

When he was naked, she still had not moved or spoken, and he went into dominant mode. He walked to her, took her hand and pulled her to her feet. Her eyes were riveted on his cock. "You have done yourself up so beautifully tonight, Kristen, it is almost a shame to take this outfit off of you. I'm sure, though, that what's underneath is even more lovely." When he grasped the bottom of her sweater and started to pull up, she came out of her trance.

"Oh, no, no! I can't do this. Stop, please!"

This was the critical point, and he hated to do it but he became firm. "Yes, Kristen! You can and you will. You must." As gently as he could, he finished with the sweater, trying very hard not to disturb her hair. She said nothing more as he removed her skirt as well. She was lovely standing there in her panties and bra, and he told her so. "Kristen, I want you to finish undressing by yourself. I need to know you want to do this." When she didn't move, he had to use a commanding tone. "Kristen! Do it! Now!" Looking almost like a robot, she complied, letting her undergarments just drop at her feet. She did not wear stockings, and just stepped out of her flat shoes. At first she covered herself with her hands, but she looked into Dex's eyes, then dropped her arms to her sides and actually squared her shoulders a bit.

"Thank you, Kristen. You are absolutely lovely, and I am so privileged to see you like this. Sit down on the sofa, and I will tell you all about your sister." He took the single chair opposite her place on the sofa, and started his story. It didn't take long for his erection to flag, as the sad memories were brought back.

He told the detailed version, as he had to Donna and to Karen. It wasn't any easier than before, and he had to use the same flat, emotionless voice to keep from breaking up. It actually took longer this time, because Kristen gasped and broke up at several incidents. Apparently, they were very close to her own experience. At the first breakdown, Dex got up and brought her a box of tissues. He also turned up the thermostat several degrees. When she broke down again, he came and sat next to her, making sure there was some separation. The next time, he took her hand. Later, after a bathroom break, he moved in tight so their hips and thighs were touching.

When he came to the naked times and the sex, he was the one who broke up. She brought his arm over her shoulder and hugged him tightly around the waist. When he regained control, she did not let go. He was almost in his own world, letting his agony show through every sentence as he recounted the final, fatal night. He ended up rocking back and forth and wailing "I couldn't save her! I couldn't save her! She wouldn't leave!" Kristen was in no better shape than he. She turned around so she faced him and pressed herself tightly to his chest as she sobbed. It was many minutes before they both subsided, and the tissue box was empty. Even after the crying was done, they both clung tightly.

"God, you feel so much like her!" Dex exclaimed at last. "I am just so glad you didn't end up like her."

"Sometimes, I'm not sure if that wouldn't have been better, Dex. I am so empty! I feel like a worthless failure!"

"Then you're letting him win, Kristen. That's how he wants you to feel. I know what you really are. You're a warm, loving, vivacious, bright, beautiful person. He's gone. You've got to get rid of his hold on you. You're letting him steal your soul."

"When she died, she at least had some beautiful love with you. I'm so grateful you gave her that, Dex. But I never had any! I'm afraid I will never find it."

"You're making sure you never find it by hiding who you really are. Your dumpy clothes, your defeated posture, your avoidance of people. You did all those things to keep people away, especially men, didn't you?" After her silent nod, he continued. "You've gotten better. After all the running and exercise, you look incredible. But in your mind, you're still dumpy and unattractive, aren't you?" With a sniffle, she nodded again. "What are we going to do to keep him from winning. How can we make you see yourself as we see you?"

"I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! I can't help how I feel!" Her well of tears was dry, but she again fell into huge wracking sobs. He laid her down on the sofa, having to wrench himself from her grasp, assuring her he would be right back. He went into the bathroom and began filling the tub. Next, had made them something to drink and took it to the bathroom. Then, he came back and knelt beside her. He stroked her face and spoke comforting words to her. When he guessed there was enough water, he led her to the tub, and got in behind her. She was tense at first, but he got her to relax back against him. Placing his hands gently on her upper arms, he used his nose to move her hair aside so he could kiss her neck softly.

"Kristen, will you do something for me? Just for tonight, will you take my mother's place?"

She gasped and stiffened. "Dex, you don't mean... !"

"Yes. I want to make love to you and sleep with you."

"Oh, no, Dex, we couldn't do that! It's so wrong!"

"Shhh. I don't think we should have intercourse, but I want to do everything else."

"But... but what else is there? How can you make love without... you know?"

He actually teared up at her pathetic question. "Ohhh, Kristen! There are so many other things we can do - so many ways to express love. Will you let me do that for you?"

She was unable to reply, and just uttered a long moan. Dex picked up the soap and started washing her arms and shoulders. She stiffened and made a half-hearted attempt to escape his grasp, but he was very assertive, and she soon relaxed. He took a long, leisurely time on her arms and shoulders before pushing her gently forward and washing her back. When he pulled her back against himself and started on her tummy, the touching was starting to arouse her.

He knew the next stage would determine the course of the evening. He started on her throat and very slowly worked his way down across her upper chest. As he got closer to her breasts, he felt her tense up a little, but he could see that her nipples were distended, and he took this as a go-ahead signal. He quickly moved his hands under her breasts, and lifted and bounced them a few times. Then, he began a circular massaging motion, kneading all around the sides for what seemed like minutes. Finally, he included the nipples in his strokes, evoking an extended shudder from her.

When he moved around in front of her and laid her back against the end of the tub, she never opened her eyes, although her broken respiration showed she was not asleep. Moving as far from her as possible, he lifted one of her legs onto his shoulder, and began washing the toes and working his way up the leg. He continued rubbing even below the water line a ways. He repeated the action with her other leg.

When Dex stood and reached out to pull her upright, she opened her eyes and stared at him, jaw quivering, breathing erratic. "Beautiful, there are some places I couldn't wash very well." He knelt down and started on her thighs. Using one hand at a time, he placed her hands on his shoulders for support. From her thighs, he moved to her lower back, then down over her buttocks. Moving down over her belly, he worked his hand between her legs, causing her to clamp them together reflexively. Making reassuring sounds, he forced her legs apart, and worked his hand thoroughly over her entire crotch area, front and back.

Finished washing, he sat her down for a rinse, then helped her up and out of the tub. She was not quite in a trance, and was able to move at his direction. She just said nothing, and kept her eyes fixed on him with a mix of apprehension and wonder as he first dried her, then himself. He grabbed another dry towel and a bottle of body lotion and led her to the bedroom.

After placing her on the towel face-down on the bed, he began working the lotion in all over. He started at her shoulders and worked down to her waist. Then, he started at her feet and worked upward. When he came to her ass, he spent a long time kneading and stroking. The entire lotion rub was accompanied by a running commentary on the body part he was caressing.

When it came time to turn over, she showed only slight reluctance. She initially put a hand over her pussy, but when he gently moved it away, she did not react. Before putting any lotion on her front, he took her face in both hands and kissed her. At first it was just lips, but when he used just the tip of his tongue over her lips, he was thrilled when she sucked it into her mouth. The kiss lasted for over a minute. When he thought she was ready to embrace him, he pulled back and started putting on the lotion, starting at her shoulders. After an extremely thorough application to her breasts, he moved his hands to her belly, but took a nipple into his mouth. This evoked a sharp hiss. As his rubbing reached her pubic hair, he pulled off and moved to do her feet.

Working his way up her legs, he began gently spreading them, meeting a little resistance at first. The running commentary on her body had continued, and as he rubbed her inner thighs, he started talking about her pussy. "Oh, Kristen, your pussy is as lovely as the rest of you. I think you are enjoying this, aren't you? Your lips look quite swollen, and I can see some pink showing through. It looks like you are quite moist, and I'm pretty sure I can see your clit peeking out. I can't wait to rub all over it! I bet you want that, too, don't you?" At his first mention of her pussy, she gasped, but as he kept talking, it turned into a soft moan. She unconsciously spread her legs wider without any action from him.

Keeping up the suggestive talk, he finished her thighs and did her hips, never quite touching her hair. When everything else had been covered, he squeezed some more lotion onto his hands and rubbed it briefly to warm it. He knelt and took a nipple in his mouth, flailing it vigorously with his tongue. When he felt her quiver, he put his hand over her pussy, pressed firmly, and stroked from bottom to top. He did it once more and she erupted. She arched her body so only her head and her heels were supporting her and held the position for several seconds. When she sagged back onto the bed, she was convulsing violently and clawing at the bedspread with her hands. A piercing squeal was the only sound she made as her climax went on and on. He kept his hand firmly between her legs, but did not try to keep his mouth on her tit.

Her quivers took a long time to recede, and all the while she kept her eyes squeezed shut and her head thrown back. At long last, she gave a huge sigh and let her body go limp. This lasted only moments, though, as she suddenly flung her arms around Dex and pulled him to herself in a deathgrip. She started into long, wailing sobs, struggling to catch her breath. Holding her legs with one arm, he lifted her up, threw back the covers, and got them into the bed and covered up. He rolled her on top of himself, and caressed her all over as her sobs continued. He was able to grab the towel and drag it under her face to catch the flood of tears that was falling over his chest. It was hard to tell how long her crying lasted, and when she subsided, she seemed to doze off. Dex was feeling relaxed and just held her, dozing briefly himself. When he felt her move a bit, he rolled them so they were facing each other.

"Was that your first really good cry, Kristen?"

"Oh, I've cried more times than I can count, but this was my first GOOD cry."

"When you cried before, was it because of your divorce, or because of Mom?"

"Oh, Dex, I felt so guilty! I loved Kathy so much, and we were always close. When she died, I was such a mess over my own life, I couldn't even really grieve. I felt guilty and selfish about that. Tonight helped so much! Thank you for telling me - I know it was hard for you. And Dex, thank you for showing me a little of what Kathy had. It makes it easier knowing the kind of love she found before she died. And don't you ever let anyone make you feel guilty about loving your Mom the way you did. I would give anything to find love like that!" This brought more tears, but gentle ones.

"Kristen, you can find love like that, if you let yourself try. You've got to stop thinking of yourself as a worthless failure. You are desirable, but if you don't believe that, you will drive men away."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, Dex Honey. There aren't any good men left. Karen got Mike, and you're too young. I've been asked on lots of dates, but none of the men were anyone I'd want to grow old with. My asshole husband wouldn't let me have a family, and now it's almost too late."

"There are good men out there. They're not all taken."

"Yeah, name one."

"Well, there's..."

"See! I appreciate your concern and your help Dex. It's meant more than I can say. But, I just have to get used to being an old maid."

"You sound as bad as Coach."


"My former coach - Dennis Boggs. You must have met him at the funeral."

"I was such a mess, I hardly remember anyone."

"He's a great guy. He was kinda my substitute father, and was the only one who tried to help Mom and me."

"How come he's going to be an old maid?" She actually giggled a little at this comment.

"I guess he was hurt pretty badly by his ex-wife, and is really down on women. I think he would have married Mom, though, if she could ever have gotten free. His wife didn't want kids, and he really regretted that."

"Well, that's one, and he's a long ways away. You see why it seems hopeless? Let's not talk about that any more, OK? Umm, could I have another kiss?"

Dex was more than happy to oblige. This time, it was all soft and gentle and prolonged. They did not embrace, and he was able to caress her breasts and run his hand over her side and her hips. Again, the similarities to his mother caused occasional gasps and some tears. Kristen eventually caught on to what he was feeling, and then they hugged. She, however, kept her lower body away from him.

"Kristen, my, uh... my cock scares you, doesn't it?"

"God, I'm sorry, but I can't help it! That's another problem about finding a man. How can I get past that?"

"You know, Mom had the same fear."

"Then how could you guys have such neat loving."

Dex rolled onto his back, put his arm around her and pulled her over against his side. "I'm going just lay here and not do anything. I want you to just play with my cock. Mom said when it was safe and she was in control, it didn't scare her or disgust her any more. Just so it doesn't startle you, I'm pretty close to cumming. Go ahead, touch it. You need to do this."

Kristen was totally motionless for quite a while, hardly breathing. Dex just lay there, knowing she had to do this on her own. With the control he had established over her, he was sure he could make her do most anything. He had already used more control than he would have liked. She would only heal if she could make her own choices. Just when he decided he would need to try a different approach, she reached down and put her finger tips on his shaft. He could not restrain a hiss, and she jerked back. She did not stay away, though, and soon was grasping him with her whole hand.

Avoiding ejaculation was agonizing for Dex, but he was afraid it would frighten her off if it came this soon. He struggled for control until he had an inspiration. "I never met your ex. Tell me about him. Don't let go, though." The ensuing discussion gave him something to focus on, and allowed him to back off from the edge. As they talked, she simply held on to him and did not stroke or rub.

The story of Kristen's marriage had so many similarities to Kathy's, it was almost shocking. He was the pampered eldest of an upper middle class family. He was good looking and well built. His appearance, his lifestyle, and his sex appeal blew her away. She thought she had landed the ultimate prize when they married just out of college. It was the same classic progression of escalating abuse over the next twelve years before she was able to get out. The triggering incident had put her in the hospital. He agreed to a no-contest divorce on grounds of incompatibility, as long as the abuse was never made public and no charges were filed.

Fortunately, her lawyer held out for a permanent restraining order against him. In the eighteen months since the divorce, there had been numerous incidents of harassment and threats, but only two violations of the order by physical proximity. She did not know if he was obsessed with her or just angered at losing his prize, but he seemed intent on reclaiming her. She lived in constant fear of him. Dex asked her a number of questions about him, trying to get an idea of his size and strength. He was about 5'10" and muscular, and had been somewhat of a jock in high school. He was rather seriously into alcohol, and had dissipated considerably, especially since the divorce.

When the discussion of her ex wound down, Dex felt confident enough to ask for relief. "Kristen, being around you, seeing your naked body, and touching you has me terribly excited. I really need to come. Can you do me, please?" She threw back the covers and gave him a solid kiss. She pulled the towel down on his stomach, and started stroking him with intent. In only about a dozen strokes, he was watering the towel, even shooting past it up onto his chest. He lay panting afterward, with his cock having not lost its stature.

"Um, Dex Honey, isn't that thing supposed to get soft after a blast like that? Did I do it wrong?"

Still breathing heavily, he replied, "No, you did just fine. It's, uh, just that it usually takes me two comes to go down. Was it, uh, really bad for you to have to do that?"

"You know, it was actually exciting! I didn't feel afraid or disgusted at all. You weren't pressuring me, and your, uh, cock is really nice. It's bigger than I am used to. Can you come again, or is it too sensitive?"

"Oh, I could come again. It would take longer, though, and you don't have to do that."

"I know I don't have to. Thank you for that. You know what, though, I want to do it! I haven't wanted anything to do with a cock for years. but I want yours!"

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Crushing Cousins Part 8

As I lay there under Kathleen I tongued her arse, as I had been told, my early revulsion at performing this task long since passed by the desire to please her. She was my ideal woman, tall, stocky and really quite cruel, I fancied her and would have walked across broken glass if she told me to. I was also listening to their conversation, as Janet squeezed my balls making me wince and every so often.Janet whined, "I don't know if I should fuck him, he likes that and I really like hurting him" !...

3 years ago
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My Night In Paris

So I Was In Paris France Last Year Hanging Out With My Best Friend Maya Now Maya Has Been My Friend For About Ten Years Now And Me And Her Had Always Been Close Sometimes we would Cuddle Kiss and a Little Bit More, Even Tho She Had a Gf at the Time and One Night I was At her Pine House she She Asked Me To Come To Her Room she Took MY Hand and Just Kissed Me and not Just a peck on the Cheek i mean like Kiss Kiss French Kiss it was amazing she told me, iv been wanting to do that for a long time i...

1 year ago
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About Us

In the last story I didn't go into a lot of detail about how either Kathy or Jill looked. The simple way is to say they are good looking. I should also add that i'm more attracted to women with a little meat on their bones. It gives me something to grab on to. And I love big tits.Kathy was 5 foot 6 inches and about 140 pounds. Well formed with, you guessed it, big tits. She's a natural blond with curly blond pussy hair. I would trim her hair with my razor, all the while rubbing her. After the...

1 year ago
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My First Date

Thank you to xHamster for giving me the platform and opportunity to pursue my inner girly-gurl! Also a special thanks to my handful of friends, who each in their own way helped me uncover a little piece of myself, and gave me the necessary encouragement I needed to explore all the different possibilities of being a slutty little CD! In a relatively short amount of time, I discovered a lot about myself. Things that turn me on, and a few that don't, but I wanted to experience them all on my path...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kacey Jordan Taking Advantage of My Stepsister After Finding Her Horny

My step-sister Kacey is such a lush and always is out partying with her friend, well today I find her coming out of her room on the way to the pool again. I can not stand how she gets away with everything and never gets in trouble. Not this time, I am gonna tell on her and she will get her phone taken away… again. Kacey can not live without her phone and begs me not to tell Mom and Dad. I ask her what’s in it for me, Kacey is so crazy she starts to suck me off right there in the...

2 years ago
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The Unusal Tale of Tanya

The Unusual Tale of Tanya. By Samantha White. Hello there, my name is Timothy, Tim to my few friends, and I work at Crainbridges Waterproof Plaster factory, you know the ones you stick on your cuts. I have worked there about fourteen months now, and I thoroughly enjoy my work, I work on a machine that produces one meter long waterproof plasters, I load up three reels with different tapes, and these come out the other end of my machine as meter long plasters and then they go on to a...

1 year ago
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Something New In Bangalore

Writing down one of my experience in Indian sex stories after long time. Had penned down few of my experiences before. Apologies for not writing down new experiences even after good responses. About me native Bangalorean with a creative brain. Feel free to Drop me mail about feedback or on any service ;-) @ Please don’t write mail asking for couple contact details with whom I had this experience. Discretion is most important for me and everybody whom we meet outside regular relationship....

4 years ago
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Hereditary Traits

No doubt you have seen many celebrity twins through the years as well as the often repeated movie The Parent Trap where estranged twin girls find each other at a summer camp and sort things out so that their single parents marry. Believe it or not that movie actually happened to me and my twin sister, but at the time, I was her brother. Now, I am her sister and thanks to her, I am complete. We are both a five foot tall blond hazel eyed beauty, and you've seen her in various movies from...

2 years ago
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Knowing from a young age

Ever since I was very young, for as long as I can remember, I have been attracted to cock. I have always found it beautiful, incredibly alluring and arrousing. I also have been attracted to girls also, but late at night, alone in my bed, it was sucking cock that I masturbated to. I guess I have always been very sexual and very horny.My very first experience was while spending the night at a friend’s house. We were both very young, pre teens. I waited til he was asleep, then slowly and nervously...

3 years ago
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Duke Dana pt 3

Part 3 She had known Karen since grade school but they hadn’t become really good friends until half way through high school. Dana thought she knew everything about Karen but apparently not. “Well when was your first time?” Dana asked. Karen didn’t answer immediately. She considered what may happen if her friend new the details of her first encounter with a canine, but then she realized what they had just shared. Why would it matter if she knew? “Back during the summer before we went to...

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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 7

It was two days before the front door opened and the now two musketeers came in just like always. I was at the computer, working. I'd neglected work for the last week. I thought I had a pretty good excuse, but still, I needed to catch things up. When I heard them come in I got up and went to the door of my office. "Hey," I said in greeting. "What's up?" "Swimming," said Ashley. "Ahhh," I said. "Have fun." "Can we use Kat's room to change?" "Sure," I said. "Come swim...

3 years ago
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Dear Cum Merino Sparkles

I thought we were quite done with these, but it seems that my publishers, 'The Daily Heil Publications Corporation', have a different opinion. We batted it back and forth for a few days without reaching much of a conclusion so they sent a couple of their brown-shirted and heavy-booted 'representatives' around to pay me a visit. Well, after a completely unjustifiable trampling of my hyacinths and the crystal clear implication that they were going to go all Kristallnacht on my greenhouse, I...

2 years ago
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The Legacy Of PriamChapter 6 Shipment

The boat with the girl from Crete came in just after sunset. As the guys in Iraklion had said she was worth waiting for, Freddie felt. At least with only her on board, there wasn't any problem with getting her unloaded while the archaeologists were around. They had finished up at the site once the light started to go, so the boat coming in just after dusk had been OK. Freddie had been looking forward to this one arriving. She made up the set. There were six of them now. An afro-carribean...

4 years ago
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Loss of Innocence The Final Chapter

This was the first thing that had happened in the last week that Katie wasn't sure about, but she obeyed anyway. She knew that Mark had blackmail on her and she had no choice but to obey him. So here she was, at his friend Jamal's house, about to be fucked by two large dogs. Jamal and Mark both made comments about how fat and ugly she was as Bruno shoved his head between her legs, recognizing the scent of a slut in heat. She couldn't help but moan as his big, doggy tongue licked up and...

2 years ago
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Episode 106 the new PA

The doorbell rang - Annie wriggled out from under Emma’s grasp and kicked gillian at the foot of the bed: “get up you lazy sub - go and answer the door”.Not a movement - Annie looked down at the sleeping teenager, that she and Emma had been alternately fucking most of the night: “oh all right I’ll get it - although I cannot imagine who it is at 9 o’clock on a Sunday morning”.The doorbell rang again, rather more timidly this time. Annie pulled on a short bathrobe over her nakedness, only loosely...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 13

Lunar Base. July 18 – July 23, 1976 Saturday Lunar Base. The Ghost was summoned again to His Supremacy’s presence. He was ushered toward the large double doors. The liaison told him, “He’s been waiting for you, what’s worse, you’re late.” He instinctively looked at his watch, then the chronometer on the wall. According to both, he was right on time. Which meant he was late. The doors silently opened, and he stepped into the chamber. There was no light. He used his training, expecting to...

3 years ago
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Slaved By Couple 8211 Part 2

Hey all. Its me Rajiv again under your feet’s. I really thank you all guys for liking my story and wonderful comments. You can reach me at !!! Lets Move towards the fun time I had in the month of June 2016. I was just viewing my emails when I received a email from a man named John, he said he is from Kolkata and he would like to have me as his slave and enjoy some happy time and he also asked my charges to which I replied him that I am self employed for myself and I do not charge and is just...

2 years ago
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Bobbies Special Halftime

It was day one of the new NFL season and the boys and I were set to watch some football. I had just put in a big screen TV and naturally all my friends wanted to watch the first big Giants game on my new set. The Giants were playing the Packers this afternoon. It was with great irony that before half-time was over the only Giants we cared about were those packing our shorts. The boys showed up about 12:30 with beer and munchies in tow. It was the least they could do, since I was providing the...

1 year ago
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 04

by Fidget Chapter 4 "Ames!" Val shouted, running over and throwing her arms around Amy in a crushing hug. The novel feeling of her large tits mashed up against Val's even larger ones gave Amy a small thrill as she explored the contours of Val's soft, sensual body with her arms. Amy could see why guys liked touching her; she was surprisingly difficult to let go of. She briefly wished that her own curves were that irresistible, before reminding herself that if she wasn't more careful with...

2 years ago
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Whacked Round Ass Lass 5 Whipped Reporter Anal LostChapter 6

Kenny stared in the direction of the haystack. He was not interested in the hay, more like the two bodies standing around in it. Such a sight was not unknown to Kenny before this, but in this case it was his best friend Paul and Kenny’s girlfriend, Jennie. His girlfriend had her bikini bra and panties on, but Paul was buck naked and very interested in getting Jennie in the same condition. Kenny made a lot of noise coming near the haystack and by the time he arrived Paul was fully dressed....

4 years ago
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My Wife and Mom

I am Mac, I had been away from home for a few days on business. I was supposed to be home the next day but came a day earlier as my business finished early. I was in a hurry to get home to my lovely wife Karen. I took a taxi from the station. My house was deserted and far off from the main locality. I went to the door and inserted the key and turned it but the door did not open. What is the matter with the lock? I circled the house. The curtains were closed. I glanced into the drawing room but...

4 years ago
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RebaChapter 4

4 Duray left shortly after my daughter did. An hour or later Barbara Jean came down my stairs with the three men that had just fucked and plucked her upstairs in my daughter’s bedroom. She was still naked and dripping cum down her legs. Her hair and makeup were completely fucked up much more than when she was at breakfast and I had never seen her with a hair out of place. She was all smiles and walking slowly with the help of the men as they led her back downstairs. “Thank you Ma’am, when...

3 years ago
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Whatever gets the job done

Working late at night, the building is quiet so I can hear most noises from my office. I heard doors in the building. 'That's strange', I thought to myself, and figured I should investigate. Nobody else works late that I know of and anyone else might need a break too. We could get some coffee.I left my office and made my way to the general area from which I heard the door sounds. Nothing. I was sure I heard something. Then I heard a moan coming from the ladies bathrooms. I pushed the door to...

1 year ago
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John Castle sat in the Airport waiting the arrival of Molly his 24 year old daughter. He had lucked out getting a parking place close to the terminal and consequently had a bit of a wait before her plane was due to land. It was almost 5 years since the terrible event that had changed their lives. Maureen so dear to both of them as Wife and Mother had been killed instantly when a drunk driver ran a Red light. John and "Mo", as Molly called her before she could say Mom, had gone to grade school...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 26 Hidden Talent

Owen strolled onto the patio Tuesday evening. Alice had heard his corporate jet land a half-hour earlier. With the daylight savings time and summer hours, the sky was light until almost nine o’clock at night. There was a comfortable dusk that evening, a light soft breeze of warm air that truly caressed the body, and then the pleasure that one feels when a lover kisses your lips with true desire. “Welcome home.” “Thank you. Julie should be up soon. She was getting some things ready in the...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 469

When I turned into Summers Road three hours later, it looked like a truck convention in the right of way, plus there were several cars and pickups parked by the box with Bob and his electrician. I had stirred up a hornets nest so I walked over to Bob. “Here is the big boss, now you can talk to her personally,” Bob remarked. “Ms. Jones; Harry McAlister I want to apologize for a mix-up in our office, it seems that the application for service was assigned to a person who was off for several...

2 years ago
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An Early Dourado Sketch

Sitting here feeling both the heat and the humidity rising at the end of summer, I feel as though I might be able to nearly hear myself sweat from the heat. I'm looking at something that was left behind from what I guess you could call my roommate. Which is causing my mind to slip back to the mid-summer of ’07, and what took place. I got off work and caught a cab to the airport to take a trip to Fresno, and then drove back to Texas in a weekend. I landed in Phoenix and had my cell go off. It...

Straight Sex
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my wife was away for a day or two

When My Wife was Away F/M By OTKFMWhen My Wife was AwayAs you know from my other stories, my wife spanks me. But whenshe was gone for a week on a business trip, I thought I wouldn'tbe spanked and could do anything I wanted to do. So I thought Iwould wait until she was due back in town before I cleaned up thehouse, but until then, I would live like a sloppy single bacheloragain.My wife left on early Monday morning for the airport, so byWednesday, the dirty dishes were piled in the sink and on...

3 years ago
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The Classroom Pt2

I was totally amazed at what had just happened and what I was now seeing; Mrs. Witlock was licking my cum from Jane's face and kissing her deeply. Was this a dream or what? "Tie him p again Jane," Mrs. Witlock commanded. Jane did what she was told and then stood off to the side as Mrs. Witlock took off her blouse to reveal a perfect set of 45 yr old 36c tits. I swallowed hard as she pulled them out of her bra and pinched her pierced nipples. "Come and suck these," she commanded Jane and like a...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Discoveries

? ? STANDARD DISCLAIMER                                 The following story is fiction is intended as ADULT material.  This story has been submitted to an adult group on the Internet.  If the story is found in any other location, it is not the responsibility of the author.  All characters in the story are fictitious; any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. The author does not condone or endorse any of the activities detailed in this story, many of which are dangerous and or...

3 years ago
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A Poor Mountain Gal Transitions 1

A Mountain Gal's Transition 1The continuation of “Mountain Gal”Billy now known as Randy drove the Van into another Truck Center. Hubert and Elwood were amazed when they were told the plan was to shower, eat and spend the day there. Randy would bed early and drive through the night again. Nancy was in the female shower area separated from them. As they showered, Randy said “ I grabbed a piece from Nancy this morning” their heads dropped he added “one or both of you fucked her, but..don't worry,...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Dana Wolf New Porn Starlet Dana Wolf Proves She Can Take Cock Like A Pro

Brunette babe Dana Wolf gets maximum penetration from Manuel. Dana’s wearing a tiny string bikini with white high heels and a pink choker as she teases by the pool. Manuel puts her in a cage where she continues to show off her sexy body and starts to remove her clothes then finally lets her out once she’s totally naked so she can jump in the pool. Dana plays with her pussy in the pool and gets herself nice and wet (in more ways than 1) before making her way over to the outdoor chairs to meet up...

2 years ago
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Stealth Control Testing Part 1

"Test Number One, beginning!" The voice came out of a small loudspeaker on the wall across from me. I didn't know exactly what was being tested, but I figured it had something to do with the injection they'd given me when I first arrived. My name is Gemma, and I'm just broke enough that getting paid $500 to be a subject in a 'Temporary Human Neuroengineering Trial' was pretty damn appealing. I'd followed a listing on the student board all the way to this dingy room in the back of...

2 years ago
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Extreme Evangelion

Warning, this is a story that has extreme transformation, muscles, dick girls, giant endowments, water sports, sweat, farts, scat, few WTF moments, and much more. Having seen the series is not required to enjoy this. Chapter 1: Corruption of the innocent Misato Katsuragi laughed, as she would drive back to her apartment. She had just seen in the store limited edition beer that she had yet to try. Being the lovable drunkard that she was, she had noticed it was extra cheap and had bought...

1 year ago
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My Wife Jans Panties

Darren a good friend came to visit. Jan my wife wasn't home at the time she'd ducked out to grab a few goodies for our housewarming party that evening. Darren was helping me arrange all the garden furniture in the BBQ area and as he walked back inside he noticed Jan's panties hanging on the line. Well he darn near wet himself from sheer thought of what Jan would be almost wearing under her tight skirt or sundress. Darren was beside himself as he toyed with a pair of her lace panties that he...

1 year ago
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Straight Rugged Daddy Bear

Some two years ago I was working away some sixty miles or so from where I live, I didn't fancy a drive home every night so booked a mid-ranged hotel. Didn't really expect to pick anyone up, then again it happens when you least expect it. This is a pretty short story due to the sex session being a quickie in a hotel room.As a usually do when I'm staying at hotels I become a creature of habit, back from work at 4ish, shower and a hour or so of sleep before I go down to the bar for a few drinks...

2 years ago
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Two friends

Hi All, This is the story of myself Anoop Singh Yadav and my friend Rohan Singh over the course of last 10 years. Background: It all started when we met during the freshers play in our college, Rohan was in my dance group and we soon hit off as we liked the same movies and had similar music tastes. We soon started hanging out together and our group expanded and we had a lot of fun together. We were even room mates during our final year. We used to watch blue films together and...

1 year ago
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HotCrazyMess Leah Lee Keeping Secrets

Leah Lee has been trouble for her stepfather since he married into the family, but things escalate when he finds Leah’s phone. Scrolling through Leah’s messages, he realizes that she’s planning on hooking up with a guy over the weekend instead of going to a friend’s. When her stepdad confronts her about her lies, Leah is initially contrite. Claiming that she’s been really horny and she needs to get some this weekend, she asks her dad to keep her secret. When he is...

2 years ago
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Extracurricular Love

Khadija surveyed the naked bodies in front of her. They were all girls and all final year students at the Khourigba School of Sexual Studies (or ‘Triple S’ as it was otherwise known). All students who’d opted for Practical Lesbian Studies as one of their final year courses. At least none of them would be virgins, that was certain. There would be none of that breaking in which she rather hated having to sometimes do with first year students. It was only ever women who were permitted to enter the...

College Sex
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KimberlyChapter 2

It was four months later — early February — and the work on her teeth had been completed. Dacey looked at herself in the mirror and conceded that her appearance was exactly the way Dr. Matthews’ computer had shown it would be. That had been a truly remarkable experience. Electronic pictures had been taken of her face and jaw and input into the computer. The doctor had played with the controls changing the size and position of teeth in tiny increments until the three of them found an image...

3 years ago
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My Shy Wife Exposed for a Weekend

It was a dream weekend with Julie. My sexy but self conscious wife reluctantly agreed to let me "dress" her for three days while we attended concerts out of town together. It all began when I noticed that several music acts we both enjoyed were performing on three consecutive days in venues quite close to each other, but none of them near where we lived. Julie really loves live music so this was shaping up as an ideal situation. I had already been saving up small favors that she owed me, so I...

1 year ago
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Just For LaughsChapter 22

It was a landslide. President Cunningham won 47 states and lost three. She received OVER 80,000,000 while Wilson received 58,000,000. She won the Electorial College 532-57. Only Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Rhode Island did not end up in her column. Not since Ronald Reagan defeated Walter Mondale was a victory so one sided. She was the first Republican to take Illinois since Reagan took it in 1984. The conservatives and independents who voted for Cunningham whooped it up while the liberals were...

4 years ago
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Im Not Lisa Ch 0709

Chapter 7 Decision Time Tim was of two minds when we went to see him Tuesday morning. He was dealing with an old friend and two employees, and his needs were conflicted. He wished us happiness and jumped up the give me a hug and Rance a hearty handshake. But in truth, he was disappointed that he would lose his old army buddy and his head of security. He would need to find a competent replacement. Still, the two men had gone through a lot together, and whether Rance was here or in Colorado,...

3 years ago
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Malik makan ke bati ko choda

Hello dear friend I’m Asif Nazir from Karachi Pakistan main iss ka regular reader hoon mujhy is ke sub stories achi lagti hain main nay socha kay app doostoon kay sath apna first expreanse shear karoon main 22 sal ka aik aik tandrost larka hoon mari hight 6 fit hay maray lund ka size 7 inch hay chalo ab kahani ke taraf atay hain ya 2 sal pahlay ke bat he jub main study ka liya gaon say karachi study ka liya aya main kuch din to apnay uncal kay han raha phir main nay daikha kay main wahan rah...

3 years ago
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Daddys Baby Part 2

Hi my name is Pan, and this is the second part of my story. The part where I tell Daddy I'm pregnant! I couldn't be happier now. I've known for a few weeks now, but wanted to tell Daddy on a special night. What night is more special than my birthday? The day Daddy made me a woman. ....................................................... The club is kind of quiet this night, but I don't need a crowd to help me celebrate my birthday. Smiling devilishly, I move closer to Jaxon, my body pressed...

3 years ago
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Mom son in bathroom to bedroom

Hi all I am bunny and I am 19yrs old my mom is 40yrs with hug boobs and big Ass with little fat I love my mom very much so much that I want her as my wife my dad is a hope less man always out of station and enjoying with other women once in a month he comes to us meet and go so no one is there with us expect we both in our home I enjoy watching pro movies when ever I get time one day after watching I saw my mom was going to have bath so I thought of seeing her having bath so I waited until she...

2 years ago
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She was a presence across four lanes of traffic. A blonde haired look of fierce determination. A vision who captured my complete attention and never once knew I existed. There were other people there, of course, but I couldn't see them. Not really. Not just then. "Hey, Mary Kay, see the guy across the street. He's Josh Evans my ex- business partner. I heard on the street he was moving back to Wilshire Boulevard so I guess the rumors are true." How did he miss seeing her? We were...

4 years ago
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Night out with my girlfriends

I am no more than a woman with a sex drive. When we decided to move apart so we said nothing about having sex with others. So yesterday when I was out with my girlfriends, I was a little drunk and horny so I started to flirted with a black guy in the bar then I followed him to his hotel room and continued to drink and talk so after a while we ended up on the couch. I was so horny I have not had sex since last autumn, so I did not protest when he began to go under my dress and into my panties. I...

2 years ago
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Imogen Chapter One

Imogen – Chapter One I needed her the moment I met her. Dark brunette hair, framing her lovely face. Her deep, large eyes and inquisitive eyebrows gave her an innocent presence. Her luscious, pouty lips were enough to send me over the edge. A cliché I know, but it’s the truth.   She walked tall - even though she, herself was not - swaying her hips gently, almost not at all. Her shoulders sloped gracefully into her back, and her bum: round and supple. Her skin looked smooth and sun-kissed in...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Jasons Secrets Exposed Part 8

The following week, Marilyn and I decided that we would go out for dinner on Saturday night at Samuel's Steak House, the fanciest restaurant in town. We invited Lillie and Anne to join us and Jeff, and they accepted. On Saturday morning, I told Jason to draw my bath and then to pick up my dress at the cleaners while I bathed. I had developed a new habit of smoking my cigars in the tub. Very relaxing, I must tell you. Closing my eyes I thought back on our recent life changes. The parade of hot,...


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