The Sissy App
- 3 years ago
- 35
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I wasn't lying on the bed; it was more like an examining table and my body was covered with a shiny blue cloth. My hair was wet, my body felt oily and smelled of some kind of chemical. Hex was standing on one side and a rather strange-looking young man I guessed to be in his late teens was standing on the other.
I raised my head and looked around the small room. It was completely empty except for the three of us and the table I was stretched out on.
I focused on Hex's face accusingly and complained, "I clearly remember asking you to not let me sleep for more than half an hour. What's this stuff I stink of and why is my hair wet?"
Hex smiled (at least I think it was a smile) and nodded at the young man standing across from her. "I'm glad your memory is in tact. Brent, this is Estron Shakor. He's the medical specialist who oversaw your regeneration process and he's going to explain it all to you. I've taught him to speak English but his accent may be hard to understand. Ask if you want me to clarify anything."
My head dropped back onto the table. I was trying hard to get my brain around what had just come out of Hex's mouth about the specialist who oversaw - past tense - my regeneration! I lifted my hand up in front of my face. No wrinkles, no liver spots. When I raised the cloth covering my body and looked down, I saw pale skin with the distribution of body hair I was familiar with, but it was firm skin, not my redundant, crinkly skin with saggy male breasts sliding off the side of my chest. The hair was black, not gray. I saw well-defined pectoral muscles and abs and a penis that was certainly more substantial than the one I had lived with for eighty years.
"Hex," I asked, a dozen different emotions ranging from anger to elation competing my mind, "Why did you do this without my consent?"
Young Estron answered slowly and carefully, speaking in heavily accented English, "Brent, we understand your concern but we did it this way to save you the anxiety of facing so long a time in suspension while the process was completed. The tea you had before you slept was medicated to - how do you say - to smooth the way. I am sorry for the deception but we have learned through experience that this way works best for those who are unfamiliar with the technology. As for the chemical smell and the wet hair, you have only been out of the regeneration tank for a few minutes. When your new body is fully functional, we will get you into a shower to clean off the nutrient residue."
I'd never heard an accent quite like it before but I had no trouble understanding him. "For someone who just learned to speak English, you have a remarkable command of vocabulary and syntax."
His head nodded and the corners of his wide mouth turned up in what I assumed was a smile. "Languages do not represent too much of a challenge to us. You will find the same is true for you, now that you have completed the regeneration process. What's more, we anticipate processing many from your world so a command of your most common languages is essential."
I stared at the interesting face. He was not so strange-looking that he'd be mistaken for anything but human if he were seen walking along the streets of Anytown, USA, but he would have no doubt evoked some curious looks. He appeared to be maybe five and a half feet tall with a slim, wiry build. There was no mop of hair on his slightly oversized head but all of his exposed body was covered with something like the dark lanugo you see on newborns. The skin underneath was a light reddish-brown in color, his eyes were black and his mouth was just a slash across his face with very thin lips. His nose was broad and flat, giving him a vaguely simian look.
"How long was I in the, uh, tank?"
"Earth time, it was about six months." It came out of his mouth sounding something like, "Airth tame, et wuss upout siss muns."
"Jesus!" I thought about that for a while. "You know, I think I'd like to speak to whomever is in charge here, preferably someone who's been out of school for a few years. No offence, Estron."
"None taken, Brent. You are talking to the person in charge. Do not let my apparent youth mislead you; I have been doing this for more than two hundred of your years."
"You're shitting me!"
"No, Sir, I am not."
I lay there and thought some more. "Well, I don't suppose it can be undone, can it?" I quickly held up my hands and said, "Forget I said that, it was stupid. I wouldn't want it to be undone but I wish you'd have at least given me a choice."
Estron patted my hand sympathetically and said, "Normally, we would have done just that. In fact, normally you would have come to us to schedule the procedure but you are a priority case, being the first from your universe and that changes things a bit. That is all political, however and I must leave it up to Hexitor to explain. Right now, I would recommend we get you moving and then introduce some nutrients into your alimentary system."
"Hmm. Now that you mention it, I am feeling a bit peckish. Please tell me you don't serve tasteless Jello and tapioca in this hospital."
"One step at a time, Brent. First let us try sitting you upright." Estron slipped his arm under my shoulder and helped me into a sitting position, letting my feet drop over the side. I felt a moment of light-headedness but it passed quickly.
He and Hex stood on either side and took my arms. "Shall we try standing? Let me warn you that you will feel some weakness and a lack of coordination until your muscles get used to working under their own power. Training and exercise will soon correct all that."
I looked at Hex and nodded. The two of them held me as I slipped off the table onto my feet, the drape dropping to the floor. He was right; I did feel a little bit weak but I had no trouble bearing my own weight.
"Shall we have a look?" Hex asked as they guided me toward the wall. A screen appeared showing the three of us in multiple views.
I could hardly believe my eyes! Damn, I looked good! I could have passed for a college jock! I even had a full head of black hair on my head, something I hadn't seen since my mid-forties. I just stood there gawking at my new body, flexing my arm muscles, lifting one leg and then the other. I raised my arms and watched the muscles in my back ripple like a surfer dude's. I flexed my butt muscles and grinned thinking about Margaret's occasional comment about a passing jogger's 'cute buns'. She'd sure get a kick out of these. Then I noticed something else different; not only was my penis noticeably larger, it was no longer circumcised. My Bris had been undone.
I turned to Estron and admitted, "OK, I'm officially impressed and grateful, although I'm not looking forward to your bill. I just hope I'm not dreaming this whole thing."
Hex made some kind of sound that I interpreted as chuckling and said, "You're not dreaming and this particular procedure is on the house. Future ones will cost you dearly, however. Now let's get you cleaned up and cover your nice new body. Then we'll get some food into you. Estron insists it will have to be liquid for a couple a days as your digestive system adjusts to having real food moving through it."
Her comments reminded me that I was standing there buck-naked in front of a female, albeit, an alien one. Oops! Come to think of it, I was the white alien in the room. They helped me across the floor and through a door that appeared in the wall. I was back in the bedroom where I'd laid myself down for a short nap six months earlier. She led me directly into the shower, turned on the spray of warm water and began scrubbing my new body clean as Estron watched.
I felt a little self-conscious about being attended in my ablutions at my age. "I appreciate your help but I think I can wash myself, Hex."
"Overruled! I don't leave your side until we're convinced everything is working properly."
When she turned off the water, a strong draft of warm, scented air washed over our bodies until we were dry. She and Estron guided me back into the bedroom. Instead of my old clothes, there was a silver-blue jump suit and a pair of soft slippers laid out on the bed. They really had a thing for the color blue in this world. When Estron was satisfied my body was functioning as it should, he took his leave, saying he had to check on other patients and promised to look in on me again later in the day.
I was dressed and sitting on the couch sipping on a container of some kind of delicious warm, melted ice cream-like liquid. I turned to Hex and asked, "Would you care to explain the political stuff Dr. Shakor mentioned earlier; why putting me through this regeneration, as you call it, was such a priority issue? Oh, and while you're at it, why do you say regeneration and not rejuvenation? I suppose that's a nit-picky question but I'm curious."
"No, it's a good question and it's very perceptive of you to pick up the distinction. You should have asked Estron but I'll give the layman's version: Rejuvenation means restoring everything back to the way it was when you were young. Regeneration does a lot more. In fact, most of your body has been practically regrown from scratch. You can get the particulars from Estron but in general, what happens is this: First, your brain and all the synapses that map out your memory are scanned and recorded. Then your body is scanned to read your DNA and scanned again to identify and eliminate any damaged or mutated genes. Finally, your optimum genetic configuration is determined and appropriate adjustments and enhancements are made. New germ cells are introduced and begin replacing the old ones that are too depleted to be repaired. It's really quite a lengthy and complicated process."
"Well, yes. Since we bypassed the normal pre-regeneration interview, I took the liberty of choosing some improvements to your original body based on what humans seem to perceive the 'ideal' to be."
"Are you referring to the larger than normal uncircumcised penis?"
"Among other things, yes."
"I don't know where you got your information but the penis I was born with served me well for my whole life, thank you. What else did you 'enhance'?"
"Just a few things. We bumped your learning capacity up considerably. That comes from increasing your neuroplasticity and that means you'll find that new concepts come much easier for you. If you've ever regretted not taking up the cello when you were a child, you can remedy that now. Oh, and there are no pathogens your immune system can't handle. Illnesses including the common cold are things of the past.
"I'm very grateful for all that. So, what about the political stuff Dr. Shakor spoke of?"
"There is no equivalent word for 'doctor' in Common. Terms like that tend to separate people rather than bring them closer. I think you'll find he prefers to be called Estron. Brent, you and Margaret, if she consents, are going to be key members of the ambassadorial team to your universe. We need someone who has completed the regeneration because when we make you known to a select group on your world, they're going to need incontrovertible proof that you are who you say you are. They're going to do DNA testing, background checks, you name it, before they even begin to believe you. We learned the hard way several millennia ago that this parallel universe thing must not be sprung on an unsuspecting population without some significant preparation. Just think of the social and religious impacts.
"Earlier you asked why we chose an older person to be the first of your universe. It's for several reasons but the two most important are that the obvious change in your looks and general state of health are going to go a long way in convincing the powers that be that ties to other universes and their advance technologies is a good thing. I believe salesmen from your nineteenth century called it a 'hook'.
"And it's not just a one-way street; there's much about Earth and her human population that is going to be incredibly valuable to the multiverse but ultimately, your world has to agree to the connection. If for some reason your leaders choose not to join, the existing connection will be severed until scientists on your world eventually rediscover it on their own and reconnect.
"The other main reason is that, even though you have a young, healthy body, it's your intelligence and eighty years of maturity that make you more useful as an ambassador than a younger person would be."
I considered what she said. "So, if you plan to bring Margaret into it, why didn't you abduct her at the same time you Shang-haied me?"
"First of all, you were not Shang-haied, even though there might have been a small deception involved."
I choked on that one, barely getting my hand cupped over my mouth in time to avoid spraying a mouthful of my lunch all over her. "A small deception! Jesus, Hex, you were conning me from the first word!"
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Derek McCoy stared at his phone in confusion. The app had just installed itself - not even taking any space - last night, and ever since he'd tried to figure out what it did. It'd taken him forever to find out how to switch it into English, and when he did it just made him more confused. 'Congragulations! Welcome to the 'King's App', the first real-world application of a game! Using the King's App, you can tag any man or woman to do your bidding, and then level up to unlock more options and...
Mind ControlThe Ultimate App Part 4 - By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: I do not own any rights or any shares to do the Apple iPhone. Those names are used in the story for plot purposes only and because they are current in today's world. Also, you may want to read the first parts of "The Ultimate App" so you can understand what is going on, instead of being thrust into the story. Also I would like to thank Jennifer Adams for her brilliant idea of Ben Wa Balls from her Altered Fates story "Miss-ing"...
Hi, This is my first story on Indian Sex I have been an avid reader since 5 years and always used to feel that are these incidents real or fiction till it also happened with me. As you all know that social media has captured the imaginations of young, old alike. So keeping in tune with changing times, I also purchased a smartphone and downloaded Facebook, twitter etc. It was a great and my friends coaxed me into opening a whats app account so that I join the group. I opened whats...
I am Ashish , 20 year old guy living in Delhi and currently pursuing engineering. I’m about 5’9″ in height and have an athletic build. The girl in the story is Sarah she was 19 at the time and trust me when i say this she packed great assets that would drive you insane just by looking. Her stats were 36c-30-34 and roughly 5’6″ in height, I’m sure you have a pretty good image of her figure from these numbers. Coming to the story it all actually happened in the month of December last year when I...
"Excuse me? Language, young lady. People judge you on your language. That wouldn't be so bad but they will judge me on your language too, you know." "Look, I'm sorry. I mean Hey, why the Hell do you have a dating app on your phone?" "OK. That's better." We both chuckled Um look..." There is a silent moment as my step daughter can’t help but grin as she waits for me to respond "Well your mom and I have this um... understanding. I'm allowed to see other people. But there are...
I used to have a loving and supportive family. You know, the type that goes to church every Sunday. Things change when my father passed away five years ago. I remember it vividly, like it was yesterday. Basketball championship is coming, and I needed to stay after school. When practice was over, I dash out the gym, but a dreadful storm was already forming. If I haven't called my father to come pick me up, his death would have been prevented. As the years go by, my sister blames me for our...
IncestHello there all ISS fans and followers, this is Milan from Odisha living in Chennai for job. I am a big follower of ISS and a vivid reader. I have encountered a lot of such incidents and finally decided to pen down my experience to make you aroused. ;) About myself, I have a 5.5 feet height, athletic body with a 6-inch pleasing instrument. I am a regular gym visitor and I keep maintaining my body and stamina. About the heroine person of the story, she is Sneha (name changed) from Chennai...
Chapter 1. Family Reorganization. I came home from my weekend trip to the big city. There was a concert that I wanted to go to with my girlfriend Anne, and I expected my parents to say no when I asked if I could go, but they were more than happy to get me out of the house. I didn't want to think about why they wanted me gone, because I'm sure they wanted some alone time together. As I opened the door, I hoped that whatever my parents were up to was done and over with. Stepping...
Author's Note: This story took a long time to write over many sessions, and is intended to be read solely as erotic fiction. It is not meant to contain any commentary, deeper meanings, or really anything of literary value. Fair warning: the characters in this story are subjected to what is basically unwaning cruelty, which helps keep its tone similar to certain stories in that universe by the original work's author. If you're looking for acceptance, love, or a happy ending, you may...
Author's Note: When I originally started on this sequel to Sissy Slut Ally's "Hypnosis App," I was overwhelmed by the possible choices that were ahead of me. James is a person with infinite power in this universe - shouldn't he be doing something more interesting than wasting his time on petty torture of his old classmates? I realized that there was an interesting character arc that could unfold, starting with James' realization that 'getting even' didn't give him nearly the same...
Você estava no seu quarto, sozinho e entendiado, sua vida era chata e sem graça, você não tinha ninguém para conversar e ninguém para se "divertir" e por isso ficou mexendo no seu celular sem parar, afim de pelo menos sem entreter lendo fics eróticas e assistindo xvideos e hentais, num no entanto isso não te satisfazia mais, você sentia que queria algo a mais, que queria ter sua aventura própria erótica. Foi quando você achou um app umtanto curioso .... ele se chamava succubus App e na sua...
Hey! This is my first ever ISS story and it’s about from a dating app. I am a 19 year 5ft 7 inches guy with a sculpted build based in Delhi. I am going to talk about my recent experience with you all. I downloaded Bumble (a dating app) to see what’s it about. I was bored by the cringe or uninteresting Bios of 18-19-year-old girls. So I switched to 40+ yr old. To my surprise, there were 10-15 women, and 8-9 were pretty cute. I swiped right on them as they were ‘verified.’ I had stopped opening...
One day, the girls of class 1-B disappeared without a trace. The heroes all over Japan searched far and wide, but they were never found. The only lead came from a few of the boys in the class. Apparently, each of the girls had mentioned something about an app. After a month of terror, the worst was presumed. Eventually searches stopped happening and funerals were held. Eventually, the somber mood faded and it buried into memory. Life continued as normal, especially for class 1-A. The years...
You are an average, every day normal college freshman. You are currently indulging in the collegiate pastime of messing around on your phone to check social media or browse the internet to distract yourself from the confusing cocktail of hormones, secret crushes, budding and developing sexual urges and kinks, and the baggage that comes with being a young adult. You are looking through your apps when you come across a mysterious icon for an app you don't remember seeing before called the...
Hey guys, I am back with another real life incident for you guys. I am a rahul living in bangalore working in it field. I know it’s been long since I’ve posted a story it’s just because I’ve been pretty busy with work and just got a free time for myself. So this is the recent incident that happened a few days ago. Any unsatisfied ladies or girls who wants to have a discreet and fun time can contact me at and guys please stop asking me for pictures for the ladies from the stories. I’m not gonna...
Part 7: Lexi Comes Out To Play James was leaning on the side of his sports car with folded arms as Ally and I exited the school near the gym. He lowered his sunglasses and smiled as we approached him. "Oh hey you two! I got a few messages today - looks like Lexi here has had quite the day, huh?" I blushed, hating what he had turned me into but also turned on by the humiliation. "Well, hop on in you two! We're already late!" I gave him a confused look as Ally grabbed my arm excitedly,...
This is a part of a series where I would be sharing my sex experience with different females who had their names starting with different alphabets. So this is ‘N’- Nikita. My name is James, 31 years from Pune. I work in an MNC and get my paycheck by working on MS Excel. This story starts way back in the Summer of 2018. I was bored of my monotonous work-life and neither was there anyone in my personal life nor where these dating apps working out for me as everyone expects them to be. Matches...
Authors Note: Press like if you like it and anyone is welcome to add whatever they want to the story. ***BEEP*** ***BEEP*** ***BE You silence your phone and just lay in bed for a moment before you get up with a massive effort and just sit on the edge of your bed for a moment. Summoning the energy you get your shit together and head down to the college cafeteria for breakfast. Grabbing a plate of pancakes I sit down and start to think for the first time today. Looking down at my phone again I...
so I found this app called KIK. played around with if and quickly stumbled on the rooms with all the guys in it. I entered in and found they wanted all sorts of verifications and what not I order to join in and chat. After pics and codes I was in. At first it seemed like a "Craigslist" chat room. A lot of pic collectors and jerk off chatters that never intend on meeting. until BA....I get a private message." HI "I respond, "hey!"the normal back and forth ensued. Age, stats, interests, etc......
Just as Jim returned behind the bar and started counting the money for the thirtieth time, the forty-two-year-old barman watched a car pull into the parking lot. A few moments later, a five-foot-two brunette dressed in a white halter-top that conformed to the modest swells of her breasts and hip-hugging jeans walked into the bar and sat by Jim’s register. “Hi there, can I get a vodka cranberry, hold the vodka?” Jim chuckled and grabbed a cocktail glass and started pouring the cranberry juice,...
A notification alarms wakes Cédric. The young man, 25, felt asleep late last night many worries haunting his mind: his break up with his girlfriend, conflicts at work, his money problems ... So, it is with difficulty that he pulls his hand out from under his blanket to grab his smartphone. It is 10:15 a.m. He panics briefly, time for him to remember that today was Saturday. No job. Just rest. To do nothing. Finally taking his head out of his quilt, he examines the notification. "What is this...
FetishRules for the phone app: 1 The phone can only change one aspect at a time. 2 Anyone can use the app if they have access to the protagonist's phone. 3 Both mental and physical changes can be applied. 4 Changes can be undone. 5 People may or may not notice the changes, but this is not reality warping. It cannot change the history of the individual that the changes are applied to. 6 Have fun, no change is too off the wall.
FetishVery well. Here you are to spend some time with your cock in your hand to read erotic stories online. It is a healthy activity, it frees the mind, it is good for the body. Is there a better pastime in the world? You took a look at CHYOA, you reviewed old stories and now you are here in the gay section. And here is a new story. Are you ready to read it? But first, wait a moment: yesterday you uninstalled Grindr, after the last security scandal, but you downloaded a new dating app only for men....
GayJames and his sister had always had a complicated relationship. They were always fighting and arguing, even in public. However, James couldn't understand why his sister always made him feel warm. Was it familial love? A burning hatred? James pondered this as he watched his sister walk into the room. However, he snapped out of it when his sister turned off the TV. "Hey! I was watching that," James shouted. "Too bad, it's my turn now!" His sister replied. "Ellie! That's not fair!" Her name was...