Aphrodites Of My Ancestral Village
- 3 years ago
- 27
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With Demos back in the city, Kaia had no time to waste. She went to an alchemist's shop to acquire some poison. As she entered the dimly lit shop a middle aged man sat stirring a small cauldron of bubbling liquid. He looked at her naked body and smiled wide, "What service can I offer a beauty like you? Would you like some cosmetics or perhaps some nice aphrodisiacs? I have just developed a wonderful elixir guaranteed to enhance your libido all night."
"No thank you, I need..." she paused, trying to sound innocent, "I need a bottle of poison."
The alchemist looked at her shrewdly, his smile disappearing. "Murder is most serious crime my Lady," he whispered.
"I plan no murder," lied Kaia. "Terrible beasts plague my country villa."
"Who is intended victim and by what means do you wish to poison him?" the alchemist asked unconvinced.
Kaia dropped her guise of innocence, leaned close to the alchemist's ear and whispered, "My victim is of no concern." She produced a leather bag, heavy with gold. "Here is five hundred drachma," she continued, "I need something that will be slow and painful."
The alchemist took the money and disappeared up a flight of stairs. Moments later he returned with a simple wooden box secured with a large lock. His face was grim as he unlocked the box and produced a small terracotta jar filled with a pungent dark green powder. He handed her the jar. "Be warned My Lady, should but a few granules of this powder find its way into your body and you shall suffer the fate intended for your enemy. A pinch of this in his wine or sprinkled over his sleeping lips will be sufficient. I suggest you leave as soon as its administered for his death will be a grizzly scene."
"Thank you my good man," Kaia whispered seductively as she leaned forward and kissed the man on the cheek. "Perhaps I can offer you some additional payment," she said as she caressed her breasts.
"Perhaps," grinned the alchemist.
Kaia knelt down and ducked under the table that separated her from the alchemist. He remained motionless while Kaia grazed her fingers up his legs and under his tunic to his rigid cock. She stroked him firmly, tugging on his balls. He moaned and leaned forward placing his hands on the table for support. Kaia lifted his tunic and took his cock into her soft mouth sucking him fervently. She continued stroking his cock and rolling his balls in rhythm with her sucking. Slurping sounds filled the room as she devoured his swollen member. She felt him began to tense up, his orgasm approaching when he pulled out of her mouth. "May I indulge a bit more," he inquired with pleading eyes.
Kaia looked at him, her eyes flashed with lust, "fuck my ass," she demanded as she dropped to her hands and knees and turned her ass to him.
The alchemist almost came in his own hands at the beautiful site of this full round ass and pouting pussy before him. He dropped to his knees and drove his cock, still slick from Kaia's mouth, deep into her bowels. Kaia cried out in pleasure as the alchemist pounded her ass. She lowered her head to floor spreading her ass as wide as she could while pulled at her clit with her fingers. The alchemist got to his feet but remained squatting behind Kaia, ramming her asshole even deeper with his meat. Of all the men Kaia had been with in Athens this humble alchemist knew more about pleasures of the flesh then all the aristocrats combined. His hands caressed Kaia's back and ass while his gyrating hips continued their pounding. Kaia moaned and squealed in ecstasy as she came hard, her orgasm crashing down on her. She beat her fists on the floor screaming in pleasure. This was more satisfaction then any Athenian had given her in weeks. The alchemist continued hammering Kaia's asshole. She reached for his balls and stroked them lightly while she flexed her ass. That sent the alchemist over the edge. He pulled his cock from her ass and jacked it furiously spraying his cum on Kaia's back and ass with several strong spurts; howling like a baying wolf. He slumped, his cock completely spent but continued to caress the soft ass still staring at him. Kaia laid there, her ass in the air and cum dripping down her sides and legs, completely satisfied. She heard the alchemist stand and was about arise as well when he said, "don't stand yet My Lady. I must collect my seed off of you. Seed produced through the act of love is a powerful ingredient to aphrodisiacs."
"An alchemist of love," mused Kaia out loud. The alchemist smiled at her as he collect the remains of their passion.
"Is there anything else I can offer you for your potions of love?" offered Kaia rolling onto her side.
The alchemist's face brightened. "My Lady, you are too kind. There is much I could harvest from you."
"I will give anything I can to help the progress of love," said Kaia. "As an anointed servant of the Goddess Aphrodite I can assure you the elixirs made of me will be the most powerful ever created."
The alchemist almost dropped the jar of cum. "Anointed of Aphrodite," he whispered in awe. "The most powerful element is the essence of woman." He handed a Kaia a peculiar looking phallus. It resembled a cock but with a steep swoop just past the head used for scooping out wetness.
"Sit here and masturbate with this while I collect some of your hairs," ordered the alchemist indicating to a stool with small vase under it.
Kaia sat, inserted the phallus and began fucking herself. It was pleasant but not nearly as good as her wand from Aphrodite. The scoop carved into the phallus pulled her wetness from her cunt causing it to drip from her pussy lips in large drops to the vase under her. The alchemist cut several hairs from Kaia's head, had her spit several times into a jar, plucked out a handful of pubic hairs and even pricked her for some drops of blood. It was hard for Kaia to concentrate on an orgasm while the alchemist poked and prodded her. Finally he was satisfied with the amount of reagents he had collected and allowed her to concentrate on her orgasm. It took Kaia several more minutes of vigorous fucking to cum with this strange phallus; she was beginning to work up quite a sweat which the alchemist proceeded to collect as well. She worked her nipples and clit with her free hand while keeping a steady rhythm with the phallus. Finally she could feel her insides tighten and pussy spasm as she began to cum. She cried out as her orgasm washed over her, the phallus pulling copious amounts of her cum and wetness from her cunt into the small vase under her.
The alchemist collected the jar, amazed at the quantity of essence Kaia had produced. Kaia stood, kissed him again and said, "I admire your work, may Aphrodite bless you with success." She took the poison and turned to leave.
"Thank you My Lady," exclaimed the alchemist, "I am in your debt. Take these gold trinkets. If you proceed with your plan thusly dressed," he said indicating to her nakedness, "you can conceal the powder in these baubles, just seal them with wax and braid into your hair."
Kaia turned to him, "Thank you," she said sincerely then took the gold baubles from him and left.
Kaia returned to her house and prepared for her daily exhibition in the Court of Beauty. There was sure to be a high bid for her today. With Demos holding three-day festival at his country villa, she needed to look her best. However, as good as her orgasm had been with the alchemist she was not yet fully satisfied, she needed one more mind ripping orgasm before she started. She retrieved her wand and settled down on a soft blanket in her courtyard. Tenderly, she caressed her pussy lips and clit. Once saturated by her own wetness she thrust the wand deep into her snatch. A jolt of pleasure coursed through her as she steadily fucked herself with the wand. By the Gods, she never tired of this. The sun shone down on her, heating her passion. The fragrances of her garden flowers and perfumed oils filled her soul. She pulled her knees back, spread her legs wide, grabbed the wand with both hands and began to fuck herself brutally. Her orgasm clawed its way out from deep within her, consuming her. She bucked her hips uncontrollably, thrusting them as far as possible while her body thrashed. The birds in the courtyard flew away in panic as Kaia shrieks of pleasure filled the air. She lay panting, her wand still buried deep in her pussy. Beads of perspiration ran down her sides. She sighed in contentment and stood up to finish her preparations.
Medaethus took the gold baubles and carefully scooped the poison powder into each of the gold trinkets and sealed them with a bit of candle wax. Kaia washed thoroughly in her courtyard fountain, oiled her skin, meticulously applied makeup and braided the gold baubles and some silk ribbons into her long silky hair. Finally she adorned herself with jewels and as an extra touch fingered her pussy until it was full and wet. She was ready.
By that afternoon Kaia received several requests to escort someone to a banquet at Demos's estate. The demand for her was so high by now that the final offer made for her was two thousand drachma for the entire three-day extravaganza. She accompanied her new companion to his house where he paid the fee to Medaethus then they boarded a large chariot drawn by four magnificent horses. She had to hire a troupe of guards to protect Medaethus and help him carry the gold back to Kaia's villa. It was evening when they arrived at Demos's villa and festivities had already begun.
They left the chariot at the stables and entered the main courtyard. It was enormous; a colonnade surrounded the entire courtyard with mosaic paths snaking through the area. Trees blooming with fragrant flowers lined the entire. A large fountain and pool bubbled in the center of the courtyard and a raised stage sat the south end, occupied by musicians, dancing girls and tables of food. Beyond the stage and raised a bit higher was a wide mezzanine which connected the courtyard to the main house. There on the mezzanine, seated like the king on his throne, sat Demos, surrounded politicians and patrons seeking his favor.
As Kaia entered the courtyard the crowd grew noticeably quiet and every eye gazed at her, drinking in her beauty. The drop in volume captured Demos's attention as well and then he saw her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, but there was something about her, she looked vaguely familiar. "Who is that woman?" he demanded from one of his associates.
"Her?" asked the man pointing towards Kaia. "She calls herself Kaia, and is probably the finest hetaera in the world. Nobody knows where she comes from but her pleasure and beauty are unrivalled."
Demos stood up, the music stopped and crowd grew silent turning their attention from Kaia to Demos. "You," he shouted pointing to Kaia, "the hetaera by the name of Kaia. Come to me."
Kaia abandoned her companion who now felt stung by the fact that he paid this woman two thousand drachmas and would most likely spend the entire time without her company. Kaia climbed the stairs to the stage then to the mezzanine and stopped in front of Demos, standing before him proudly. He stood and took her hand, feeling her soft skin, while gazing lustfully into her perfect eyes. "Have we met before?" he inquired.
"No," Kaia answered, "I come from foreign land several weeks journey from here."
Demos continued to study her, taking in every curve of her body and carefully searching his mind for some sign of recollection. He stood there for several minutes yet could not place her face, but his soul was still filled with lust towards her. "Let's start this evening with a tribute to Dionysus," he shouted. The crowd cheered as wine began flowing and garments were discarded. Within minutes the crowd below had become a writhing Dionysian orgy. Moans of pleasure filled the night sky as cocks and pussies were devoured and worshiped. Bodies caressed and fucked each other in a glorious dance of unbridled sexuality.
Demos removed his robes his cock already rock hard. He pushed Kaia down to her knees and proceeded to feed her his cock. Kaia turned her head away from him.
"I won't," she declared.
"What?" said Demos in a hard voice, "do your job whore."
"My purchase price is high tonight and you have not yet paid; I still belong to the gentleman who paid two thousand drachma for me," Kaia answered back as those still on the mezzanine stared at her incredulously.
"You fucking cunt," Demos said hotly, "you dare command me?"
"I merely state the obvious," Kaia taunted further, "to partake of my pleasure will cost you four thousand."
"It will cost me nothing!" Demos shouted as he struck Kaia across her face with his hand.
Kaia fell back crying out in pain. The orgasmic frenzy below them diffused rather quickly as people started watching the drama above them.
Demos grabbed Kaia's arm intending to have his way with her right there on the floor. He knelt, holding his now semi-hard cock poised to enter her. Deftly Kaia lifted her foot against his stomach, grabbed his head and flipped him through the air, sending him flying over her. Demos jumped back up humiliated and trembling with fury. Kaia stood and Demos grabbed her by the throat intent on strangling her but stopped amid a torrent of protests thrown food from the observers below. He threw Kaia back to the floor and summoned his guards to take her away then turned on the crowd.
"This celebration is over," he bellowed, "guards remove these insolent bastards!"
Demos's guards moved into the courtyard forcing everyone out, several where knocked unconscious and dragged out. Demos sat down in his throne and slumped over; he could not understand what had just happened. Who was this woman whom so many objected to beating? She was just another prostitute. Most citizens didn't think twice about beating their whores or even killing them when they showed that much disrespect. Demos's confusion gave rise to renewed anger. He stood and stormed into the house.
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Anita enjoys a wild BBC gangbang.It had been a normal day at work. After office, Josie, a young black girl from my own working team, suggested me to go with her on shopping.We went into the mall, had a nice warm coffee and talked for a while. The chat turned to sex and I confessed her that I had not had any in a few days, because my loving Victor had been so stressed and tired between two long flights outside of town.My friend Josie laughed and told me it was time to go on shopping some brand...
Hi hello to all, I’m Sabu Bhai bhauni aau bhauja nku mora namaskar. Mu Ricky mu aau mo intro puni thare repeat karuni. Sidha salakha story ku asuchi bathroom re mu bhauja nka bia re banda purei dei dhire dhire galeili bahara kali. Bhauja khali kahile kahile mo dudha bhundi ta chusa. Mu chusiba re lagili bhauja nka muhan ru khali kharap katha baharila. Se kahuthanti tama banda ta tama bhai tahru bahut bada. Mo bia ru aaji sabu pani nigadi dia. Mu esabu suni ahuri heat hei jor re gehinbare...
Baby girl gets woken up by “Daddy” not to be late for her cheerleading practice. She is afraid in her spinner position that other girls are better. Supportive and caring he tells she is talented, looks amazing and some things just take time. Slowly massaged, getting more relaxed, she opens herself and talks about her crush on a really pretty colleague also a flyer. He practicly shows how can she can approach this cutie. He slowly slipps his finger into her mouth feeling her sensual lips and...
xmoviesforyou[ Setting the scene: this chapter takes place during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. As King Théoden lies dying at her side, Éowyn faces down the Witch-king. Meriadoc the Hobbit is nearby, alive but overcome by horror. Caution: this chapter contains violence and nonconsensual sex.] 15 March 3019 (Third Age), Pelennor Fields “Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy...
The first Face is always the keep Eve breast" Walking Uptown he's way up but he meets to meet you Downtown your always going down on him. You need a face Eve Lift. No more disguises the real deal. She turned her head to see this drop leather his name is Mick he was the bottom low sexy man. He had his taste with raw sugar but he would always sing Symphony of the devil Jaguars dark and flaming hot rod. And the best women in his demand using the scanner machine.They were always in shape what...
When Alice and Mr. Svensson had done their downloading and deleting, I stood behind Alice for a moment. As if by coincidence I rested one hand on her shoulder, which was received with a big, inviting smile. I patted her shoulder gently and told her, she had done enough for today, and that I'd see her in the morning. I called Mary and told her about the board meeting, and how we had moved up in the money-hierarchy. She sounded very excited. "How lovely, dear. I stayed in the shop while he...
Marsha May is in need of BBC and Rico Strong is here to help. Marsha’s a cute little blonde wearing a pink skirt and white blouse that hardly covers her big tits. She shows off her booty in that tight skirt and un zips her blouse to give us a better look at her rack before Jules gets a low camera angle to show that Marsha’s not wearing any panties. Marsha makes her way upstairs to the bedroom where she finds Rico waiting for her. She excitedly jumps out of her chair and rubs his BBC through his...
xmoviesforyouYou've been away for a while when a new lady moves in next door. Her brother is in the forces like you and she is living with him following her messy divorce. She is still young and beautiful with blonde hair, an athletic body, and slightly taller than me at five feet, seven inches. To start off with I feel jealous. She's beautiful with a body to die for. Although I'm not bad myself, I've been doing a little bit of exercise and managed to be more toned than when we first met. I'm out in the...
Group SexLaura settled back on the settee, nervous, yet sexually excited. She enjoyed her ‘fantasy nights’ with her husband Tom. She could feel the coldness of the steel handcuffs that bound her wrists firmly behind her back and she could also feel her own dampness between her thighs. Wearing a thin black dress with just a pair of black stockings and suspenders underneath, she could feel a chill too. She was also in darkness. A black silk scarf covered her eyes to give everything added effect. Tonight...
InterracialI am a 25 year old male whos a jack of all trades. My neighbors in my aparment complex always were asking favors. There is alot of single older women in the building. I have never been with an older woman until this encounter. I had a woman move next door in her 40s. tall with big tits and a ok ass. she was pretty. One day she Knocked and asked if i could help her with A lightswitch. she was dressed in sweats and a tee shirt which showed he huge natural tits. I of course said i would and went...
First TimeWe were thrown together a lot getting the business off the ground. I helped where I could, but it was her baby so I left it up to her. Gradually she was calling me every day to ask my opinion about various business related topics. Then we began to have “working” lunches and a couple of dinners. She began giving me soft touches once in a while, and held my hand or arm when we walked. I got a glimpse of her true feelings once we ran into a former lover. We’d parted on good terms and when she...
Introduction: Young Minx Let me introduce myself, sorry for the guys who just want a quick wank but as this is true here is the prelude to what turned out to be a great adolescence after a devastating start. My name is John, a typical English name for a typical English guy. At the age of 15 my family, mother father and two sisters were tragically killed in a motor accident whilst I was on a Rugby tour in the U.K. My nearest relative was my fathers cousin Herbert, or Herb as he liked to be...
"Hey mom would you like to take part in my experiment?" Toby asked his mom. "Why of course honey. Anything for my little boy," Toby's mom smiled. "Cool. You have to come follow us in the basement mom," Toby said to his mom. "Ok honey," his mom smiled. Toby's mom Julia Cameron followed her son and his Japanese friend Yoshida into her their house basement which her son and his best friend had converted into a scientific lab where they conduct their experiments. Toby was 10 years...
Part ii: always remember my first time inside Now I knew that all her long hairs is now for me to enjoy. The touching on her treasured long hair was the most exciting thing for me, on the way back to my home my cock was in pain, straining against my undies. Couldn’t sleep that day, my thoughts were full of her long silky hair. What will I be doing the next day. I reached her house as early as 8 am, rang the bell. No answer !! Rang again, this time longer. Now I could hear my rehna shouting...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was during the summer around the end of July when my sister asks me if I wanna take a road trip for the weekend just to get out of the house. So I agree because a few of my good friends were on vacation with their families anyway and I was just really bored. We decided we would leave on Thursday instead just incase we found a good town with a good club we could atleast go out on Friday. So now its Thursday and we are all packed, said bye to the...
IncestThis fantasy story is based very loosely on the comic ‘Sophie’s Curious Perversions’ by Von Gotha. That story took place in 1958 London. This one takes place in 2002, in Portland, Oregon. If you have not yet read the original ‘Sophie’s New Perversions’you may want to do so to understand how Sophie got to where she is now. Chapter 12: Sophie and Tracey Go Shopping I had just awakened from my night of initiation into the Portland Oregon Virginity Elimination Society (POVES) and headed to the...
Mark looked at the elderly man and smiled. “I can get anything I want? That’s crazy.” The elderly man smiled. “You’d be crazy to believe if not true. You’d be crazy to not believe if true.“ “And I can have as many wishes as I want? No restrictions?” “There are no restrictions on what you might wish for. There are restrictions on what I will provide.” Mark mulled things over. The old man had popped into his dorm room, without warning, appearing out of thin air. It was noon on a Tuesday. He...
Mind Control"She's watching." "Good." I kept thrusting, long easy strokes, eliciting a grunt from her on each one. Sweat pooled between her breasts, rolling down and to the sides. Her lips were drawn back, her eyes closed now. "I'm fucking you." Grunt. "I'm fucking you in front of our daughter." Another grunt. "She's watching your tits bobble." "Umph." "She can see my butt as I drive my cock into you." "Umph." "When I'm ready, I'm going to pull out and come all over...
I stirred to movement on top of me. We had fallen asleep in each other’s arms, still joined from our union. Rosalia pushed up from my chest and was looking down at me. She had a glow about her. Beautiful. Utterly beautiful. She leaned down and kissed me, then rose up causing our union to separate. My limp cock flopped wetly against my belly as she cupped her hand over her sex. I watched as she trotted to the bathroom, her sweet, round ass jiggling with each step. A few minutes later I heard...
I do love my chocolate. This sexy black hottie came in the XXX pawn shop trying to sell an African ceremonial mask. The woman looked great, but the mask looked creepy. My man Jamal said the thing was really valuable, but my shop isn’t really the place to sell such a thing. So I passed on the mask and went for the pussy. Just like most everyone that comes in, she was desperate for some cash. She said her lights were about to be shut off for being three months behind on her bill. Well that right...