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Saturday September 30

At six o'clock I woke up horny with a very attractive woman draped over me. Taking the tube of KY I slipped into her and heard the same sounds of appreciation that I heard last night. I held her tightly and flipped over onto my back, and let Susan wake up with my hard cock inside her. My hands pulled up her knees so that she squatted over me. I cheated a bit and projected erotic scenes into her unconscious mind. Her vaginal muscles contracted in time with the images thrusts.

"What oh... oh" came from her lovely lips as her mind came back to her. "oh oh yes."

I pushed her up and her pelvis started to work her clit onto my pelvic bone. Within moments she let out a groan and collapsed on top of me. My hard cock was still in her and I flexed it.

"Oh, you didn't cum yet." She got back up and did her best to please me, but she was just still too bushed from last night.

"Get on your knees Honey, at the side of the bed."

She gratefully complied and I stood on the floor behind her and slipped into her juicy snatch, and began to pump away. This was just us, so I had to work like I used to do, to get her to cum again. I varied my stroke and depth till I knew she was there. Just as she was finishing, I pounded much harder setting her off again, as I released my seed into her.

I picked up the dry towel beside the bed and cleaned both of us. She lay on the folded towel as the juices flowed out of her tight vagina. "I love you Henry Buchanan."

"And I love you too Mrs. Buchanan." I knew that a ceremony would not be what really joined us together.

"What happened last night? I think I must have came about ten times and a lot of little ones."

"Did you notice that I was communicating with of each of the girls, as I was making love to you?"


"Well you had a small orgasm when each of them had theirs. Then you had a big one with Nova and even before you could recover, I thought of Secric and I think she had her very first orgasm. Since she is so powerful, when linked to the computer, she sort of overloaded you."

"I could see her when we were making love. She was very lonely and sad. I hope you made her feel better."

"Let's ask. Secric are you there?"

"Yes Henry. Thank you for last night. I have never had an experience like that before. I have only heard of one computer intelligence having an orgasm through a surrogate. Something like that has only happened when the surrogate was very strong and the computer controlled an important planet. It was fantastic for both of us. We don't know what to say."

She now talked to Susan. "I am sorry for what I did last night. If Henry had not been able to pull away, you might have been hurt."

"That is alright Secric. I want you in our group, and for you to join in next time. Henry can always stop it if it happens again. Maybe you can even have something monitoring us and automatically disconnect if things get too intense."

"I can do that easily, but are you sure you want me? I am linked to a machine."

"My body is a machine made of blood, calcium, and water. The machine portion is just made of other things. You bring an entirely new outlook on the way our group works. I know I would love you, just like I do the other members of our family, if I am given a chance."

"Thank you, both of you," she sobbed. "I have never been accepted like this before, even with my own people."

I was listening to the conversation closely, and could hear the thoughts of two people thanking us. The lonely computer, and an even more lonely girl, that worked through the computer.

"I agree with Susan, most of the lovemaking is cerebral in nature and I would like to welcome you into our family, and speaking of crew," I paused, "The girls are sleeping on the hard floor, or the couches with the pads on them. The sanitary facilities are non-existent in the base. Are the crew facilities functional aboard the ship, and would you take them in, till the base gets back on its feet?"

"They are, and I would gladly do that. I will even try to find a way to prepare and serve the food you brought for the others. It has been a very long time since a crew has been in the ship. Would you like to offer them the accommodations now?"

"I think, as one of our group now, you should make the offer. I have to get ready for the flight to the military base in North Bay. If you are able to monitor the events with the ship intelligence, through me, then we can do a better job."

"Thank you for letting me make the offer, and I would be happy to help too." I could hear the conversations with the others, and found that they were very happy to accept the new home. Apparently 'the crew' were high in the base chain of command."

I picked up Susan and took her downstairs for a shower and only a little play. After breakfast, I did the preliminaries on the plane, and bid farewell to them all through my link. The others were still worried about the airworthiness of the primitive plane, built on Earth.

After getting clearance, I landed, then taxied next to some cargo and troop planes. The little Beaver could even be tucked in under their wings. A jeep met me, and we travelled to the administration building, and I was led through security, to General MacDonald's office. He was a trim man, about my height and weight, and starting to grey, just as I was.

The general got up and gave me his hand. "Glad to meet you Mr. Buchanan. How was your flight?"

"I am glad to meet you too, General. The flight was fine, but my baby looks out of place besides it's big brothers."

He laughed, "I know what you mean. I am a small plane pilot too. Would you join me for breakfast. I am sure you would like to see more military food."

"Thank you General. Base food was a lot different, than the rations we had in the field."

We walked down a long hall as I tried to scan all of the people I passed. When you are not familiar with the person it is difficult to get more than surface feelings. It would take a long time to get past MacDonald's surface thoughts. MacDonald himself looked on me favourably. It was good that I still kept my new persona toned down.

"Secric, are you doing any better?"

"We can only see a little better than you, but I can see more people at once. I suggest that you just concentrate on the two Generals."

"That sounds fine with me."

The officers gave their selections to the orderlies. I ordered a regular breakfast because I did not want to raise eyebrows with my new appetite. Just as we finished the food, a large well-built man, wearing a American general's uniform approached our table. I could see that he took care of himself, and expected his men to do the same. His feelings to me were not too favourable, because he was still taking the side of his Captain. I felt drawn to him, because I would do the same thing, with one of my men. I now felt a test coming on.

We stood for the introductions, and as General Givens shook my hand. He started to squeeze as I did the same. Our smiles remained fixed as the contest went on. When he reached his limit we parted, him to flex his hand under the table, and me to do the same thing, so he would not think me either a wimp or superior to him.

He deduced that I was his equal in this matter. I could also see that he had been in Nam the same as me, but he was in the Marines, the same as now. He had to put-up with REMF's and assholes in his unit, and had proven himself in the field. He was a good soldier in my opinion. His brother John had died in the last days of the war and had even fought beside me a year before his death.

"General Givens, I am glad to meet you. I remember meeting someone with your last name. It was June 1969 and a skinny red haired rifleman, with a big nose, by the name of John. He saved my ass in the central highlands around Ben Het, Kontum Province. Is he any relation?" The look on his face was astonishing. I saw now that he looked up to his brother, even though he was in the army.

"My brother was in an interdiction team that was protecting the villages. How did you meet him?"

"Well, my squad was returning from visiting the local NVA. After the socializing, we departed the party quickly. They were insistent that we stay and enjoy ourselves. We had three wounded and the NVA was closing up fast. Your brother, who by the way, was much more fit than you. Anyway, he was in the process of setting up an ambush. We joined forces and killed nineteen or more. You can never tell the way they carry off their dead and wounded. He told me later that he had a worthless brother by the name of Brian, who was trying to hide with the Marines, in a safe place."

The General was about to explode at the slur on him and his service, when he came to the conclusion that I was putting him on. "I looked at your record," he said as he settled back in his seat. "and I saw no reference to you or your pansies fighting anywhere near there," he tried to needle me back.

"Our group of malcontents were sent to many of the more scenic spots. I imagine our orders came from state-side and forgotten. If your clearance was a little higher, you might have found out more about the laggards, I baby-sat. I am sure your guys did much the same thing," I said as a way of placating him. Both generals paused to think this over. Neither had guessed that my packet was largely fictional, and left entirely too much unsaid.

"Well, I didn't ask for a very detailed report on you. Were you there when his ass was plastered?"

"Was I there? I am the one who tackled him, when I saw the cord leading to the claymore. He caught five and I got two and grazed by seven more. I can pull my pants down now, to show you how I lost more skin than your brother."

He smiled thinking of the army catching some metal. John had only been out of action three weeks from his wounds. "No, no. That is all right. The army was always clumsy in those matters." He stopped to think, and I could see him trying to make the right questions to find out more about last night's action. "Would you tell me about Captain Fowler?"

"The Captain in my opinion resents authority outside of his chain of command. He came with armed escorts, with the marking of a foreign power, at night, to an out-of-the-way house. When identification was demanded of him, he refused. I happen to know the rules of conduct, and he did not follow them. I put him on the spot when I deduced his rank and service. He did not like being caught that way, and resented me even more. As a concerned citizen I offered to show them my computer equipment. Notes were taken of the types of software I use, and in the process Captain Fowler found two CDs on the top of my desk. When we left the room, he returned and removed one of them. When I demanded it back, he denied taking it. I blocked his way and he attempted to strike me. When I subdued him, without striking him by the way, Lieutenant Smithers removed my CD and two concealed weapons, one I assume was not regulation."

"The boy was always a bit head-strong. What would you recommend?"

"I do not want to get involved in a court-martial. Send him home and make sure he gets some courses in how to deal with the public, and his own feelings."

"That is very generous of you."

"I have another reason for it. I want to know what is happening. If the military and not the police are after a hacker, then the situation is serious. I can only think of a terrorist cell operating around here, that has infiltrated very far into both Canadian and American government computers. I have listened to the news for the first time in a week or so, and found no disruption of public services. Is the cell so good that it cannot be kept out?"

Again the generals were dumb struck. "How do you know all this?" Givens asked.

"From the way you are asking, and the fact that I have seen three flights of copters flying over my property, when only once a month is the average."

Givens replied, "I cannot make a reply to your assertion." I scanned their minds and saw that he was restricted because of security. They did not want the thought of snoopy aliens getting out to the general public.

"Do you have any AWACs on their way? I could think of some joint training manoeuvres carried out on Crown Land, just might help track down your culprits." I could see by my words that this was already in the works. Also mobile crews were now out monitoring, for any lead to the base. The FBI and the Mounties were still looking for any lead they could get, along with all the security agencies on both sides of the border.

United States Army Intelligence was heading all the searches, and held all of the information that was found so far. Now to stir up some shit.

"Have you involved our allies, and done any snooping on China and Russia?" I could see that the pot had not boiled enough, and the secret was still closely kept.

"All avenues are being considered in this matter," Givens said abruptly.

"Is there anything else you would like to ask me before I leave?"

"No, I think that will be all." This time we all shook hands without trying to see who could squeeze harder.

Back in the air I asked Secric, "Did you get anything more out of them, than I did?"

"Both Generals respect you and I doubt there will be any unannounced visits in the future from them. Montgomery Moore is the person leading the investigation. He is looked on as an ineffectual bureaucrat, that is nothing but a puppet of the present administration. They are just thinking now of moving the satellite antenna, as you said. A joint team of Canadian and American commandos are being formed, but the Americans plan to take over if any aliens are found."

"Do they have any speculations, other than the obvious?"

"The alien concept is still in the lead, but most will not accept that as the answer, no matter what the evidence."

I gave a chuckle thinking of a red herring. "Let's see if we can find a way to slip in and have the Iraqis take some of the heat for a while. There is nothing better than some home grown intrigue, to make the old hands comfortable. Could you enter into some other satellites in the mid east and probe the Israeli computers, and have the probes come from Iraqi or Iranian machines?"

"Yes, I can do that the same way I have done here, and just send a repeater to gather the information." I chuckled at the turn of events. There was enough distrust there now, to keep some of the opposition off our backs.

Blair met me at the end of the runway and I was led through security and given a badge and dosimeter. After installing the program the simulator started working.

When we talked about this program, I mentioned its advantages and how you may be able to sell it with your new units. "That is still true, but an American intelligence agency has a copy, and is running tests to see if it can break into their computers."

"No. How did this happen?"

"It seems that someone has broken into a lot of different government computers. The soldiers are out trying to track the culprits down. One of the areas included the area around my home. A military officer wanted to steal a copy of the program. I figured if they were so interested, they would not rest till they knew exactly what was on it."

The tests of the program ran for several hours, during which I gave a lecture outlining all of the pertinent points. This time I had it video recorded, so I would not have to do it again. My students included some of upper management that knew nothing much about computers, but wanted to be here on this occasion.

I had to cut the presentation short so I could get twenty thousand from the bank. Ten for the metal and the rest for food, delivery, and leaving some for any thing else I might need.

A taxi brought me to Ralston Metals close to the lake, and waited while I signed under an anonymous name for a fictitious Paterson Chemicals. Since the transaction was in cash, they had little paperwork to fill out. I even changed taxis, in case I needed to purchase more of the metal, and the governments ever became concerned.

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Holiday break is the best

As I entered my parents' house I was strangled in a chorus of hugs. My mom was estactic to see me, my little bro didn't care much, but still gave me hugs, and my dad was trying to play it cool, but secretly I knew he was super happy to see me. I took my bags and went up to my old room. Everything was left the exact same, which I liked. I'm glad they left my room the way it was. It was a reminder that this was still home. My brother, Jack, came to my room and asked if I wanted to go...

2 years ago
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Party Girl Journals 5 Fullfilment

P arty Girl Journal’s # 5 All of the events in the Party Girl Journals are real..just the names have been changed to protect the Naughty. At my place of pleasure I helped fulfill a long held fantasy for a new friend. It had been his desire,(and half the men in America’s desire) to be blindfolded, and ravaged by several women at once. But…he had another burning desire as well that no one knew of; even his Prudish wife. He secretly wanted to have a Bisexual experience, but was terrified to...

Group Sex
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Sisterinlaw Showed Heaven And Felt Guilty Part 2

Hi ISS Readers, This is lucky back with the continuation of the story. Hi, my name is Lucky (pseudonym) 27, from Bangalore working in a corporate world. I’m just a normal human being, just how a normal Indian will be (Neither ugly nor Handsome). Feedbacks are welcome on my email and if anybody needs to share personal talks and feel relieved email me on The heroine of the story (real life) is Pooja. Married and living with her kids. She moved far away after this incident. Please forgive me if...

3 years ago
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First Time With My Sister

First Time With My Sister The photos at the end I’ll just start out by saying that I understand some may think it’s wrong, however the taboo perversion of it still sits fondly in my memory. It happened years ago when I was a hormone induced teenager and constantly horny. From what I can remember I would jerk off at least once or twice daily. My sister and I had the typical sibling relationship where we were almost always fighting or arguing. For me she possessed the typical sister-nausea that...

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Late For DinnerChapter 48 Good Boy

Kathy tossed restlessly between the two slumbering people who shared her bed. Christi was getting her well-earned beauty sleep and Daddy's long flight and challenging day had caught up with him almost as soon as he exploded in his daughter's mouth. Through the wall, she could hear a rhythmic "thump thump thump" and happy voices as Mommy played with Philip and the neighbourhood boys. Michael's letter was still in its envelope beneath the pillow under Daddy's head. How could she get it...

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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 3

It was the morning that I returned the book about the American Revolution to the small library in our neighborhood that it came into my mind the best way to replicate my travels into the past was not to ride the subway endlessly like some addicted junkie looking for a fix, but to search within my own core for the trigger that would sent me on my way. I looked at the book one last time before I returned it to the librarian for placement back on the shelf for another reader. It was right at...

4 years ago
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The last one

I can still remember the sound of the sirens, as the nukes fallen from the sky, I was only 10 years old back then being carried by my mother, as all around us people ren, screamed and cried, as I sobbed and hugged my mother to feel safe among the damned. Ariel's pov "Shh, sweetheart, shh mommy here" I said as I calmed down my son, as I ran with him to the neighborhood bomb shelter, I knew it won't do much to protect us from the nuclear devastation, but as a mother I had the responsibility to...

4 years ago
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Part 1 Turning her in to the slut she knows she i

This all started at work, the new girl started, she was small petite size 6 with perfect round breasts.Immediately all the lads at work took to her, she had them eating out of her hand, they could not do enough for her. Of course this made some of the ladies jealous, became fun to watch as they started coming in to work making a bit more effort than usual one girl even took to unbuttoning her blouse, ensuring the customers had a look when she bent over (SLUT).As the new girl made her self at...

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Eddie the LoverChapter 2

I lost my bet with Eddie when he boffed the bride in the employee restroom, and I had to buy him a week's worth of good weed, but the sight of her running out of the restroom with her hair all askew and her face pink and her dress half-unbuttoned in the back was worth it. It wasn't the last time Eddie amazed me that summer with his success with women. I said before he was the most unlikely of guys to be a lady-killer. He was paunchy and disheveled and not handsome at all, but somehow women...

2 years ago
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After Dinner Snack

"You know, Anna, you're very trusting to have me up in your apartment the second time we met.""I'm too trusting, am I?" I leaned toward him to pour his coffee. "Let's think about that. What do I know about you? You dress well. You are clean-shaven. You're polite and honest. You're not married, and I've seen you off and on at Mass for what, six months?" I walked to my seat, poured my coffee, put the carafe into the coffee maker, and sat down.Steve's eyes opened wide. "Thanks, but...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Porterhouse PeteChapter 2 Christmas Day

April Dunlough was accustomed to rising early and arriving at the TV studio before dawn for early shoots, so it wasn’t unusual for her to have several warm layers under her comfortable pink dayglo sweats and out enjoying the cool brisk breeze coming off the dark grey sea. It was chilly and damp but she got up a respectable speed with her training shoes springing off the firm wet sand left by the retreating tide and the effort soon warmed up her slight petite body. Although it was still dark,...

4 years ago
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Chachi kochoda ghar main

Mera naam mohit hai.. Aur mein delhi mein rehta hun..meri age 23 saal hai aur height.5.9 hai.mera id hai .meri chachi or mere sex ki kahani. Meri chahi ka nam ruby hai or uski umar 27 sal ki thi jab maine chachi ko pehli bar choda tha. Uska figur bot kamal ka tha ( 34 28 36) maine usko soch soch k bo bar muth bhi mari thi. Main mauke ki talash me tha ki kab use chodu or kha jau apni chachi ko.. Meri chachi ki shadi ko do sal ho gaye the or abhi tak unke bacha nahi hua to wo bot udas udas rehti...

2 years ago
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Wife seducing Paul

We have been married now for almost 20 years, and it’s true to say that my wife has maintained her healthy appetite for sex. She is now in her early forties, and has maintained her figure. She is about 5 foot 4 inches tall, blonde hair with well above average boobs. For the past 2 years or so, she has been going into town on a Friday night with my sister and her friends, while I have been looking after our two children. It was apparent from the start that she liked the fact that men were...

3 years ago
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Just Go With It Part 1

I look around my studio taking it all in. I had converted my living room into my art space. It’s the best room with natural light. I share a two-story house with my brother and his wife. They’re upstairs and I’m below. But this week I get to enjoy the quiet without them coming downstairs and meddling in my life. I love that they check up on me but they are always trying to set me up with someone. Thankfully they’re off on a cruise. There’s a big dog bed in the middle of the room. I see Sagan...

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Between reality and fantasies

Hey hot girls and sweet bhabhies..i’m sam…the story which i’m going to write here is about my fantasis about my mami and my real story with my distant sister who is not related to me by blood but she is sister of my very close friend and she ties rakhi to me..the first part is about my fantasies for my mami…my mami is a dark complexioned middle aged woman..she has a figure to die for…her ass is mind boggling and this is the best part that i like about a woman..its just so full of flesh and so...

4 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 8

Qi sat nervously fidgeting as he sat in front of the desk waiting for Kay to return. He had just learned that the ship would be docking at Callisto Space Station in twenty-four hours. For two weeks he had waited for an announcement of a destination and time, with no where to turn for answers. Quiyo had told him point blank not to ask her and that he would know when Kay decided it was time for him to know. His leg was mostly healed at the spot where Quiyo had shattered his tibia. Oh-Ho had...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess12e05 Evelyn Streete 38 from Eastbourne

We start this week’s show looking at the picturesque streets of an old town. The houses on our right are raised up above road level, with little sets of steps every dozen houses leading down from the footpath to the path beside the road we’re on. To our right, a high green barrier of hedgerows and trees blocks our view. Then we’re turning to the right, through a break in the hedgerow, and into a small street side carpark – onward, through a pair of gates marked “Ocklynge Cemetery”... And...

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Shanti was a real lovely maid

I was having a few days leave from university, so left hostel and was in home. I am pretty active in the sex department, in hostel and in university toilets, guys and gals- no holds barred. A few days at home was making me starving and impatient. A cool breeze came with a new maid. Her name is shanti. Without even seeing her nude, i knew how hot a figure she had inside. Best part was her hips, her color and the body proportion apart from her sweet innocent face. Both my parents are working, so...

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Loving Alan And Greg Jr Beyond Belief

I didn't know what to expect, but they sat with me down and kissed my cheeks. I wasn't even sure if Greg had any clue what Alan had in mind, but I just sat back and waited.Although, he didn't make me wait long, he got up and went back towards my dresser. "Mom, you are going to need to stock up on condoms, unless you want one of us to get you pregnant.""Okay, son," I replied before glancing at his hands. "Do you have two there?""Yes," he answered, closing the gap. "Would you enjoy the honors of...

3 years ago
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Older boy turns me into his CD sex toy

Brett lived down the street from me growing up. He was a few years older than me, but was always hanging out at my house with my older brothers. On day, Brett came over when my brothers were gone and no one else was home. Maybe he knew on one was there, I don't know.I told them no one was home, but he said he needed to come in to get something he left in my brothers room. I let him in...Brett sat on the bed and after some small talk, asked if I liked, "cock." Of course I said no. Brett asked...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Tabitha Innocent looking freak cougar

– 48 years old – 100% amateur first time doing porn – Loves younger dudes with endless rock hard cocks – During sex she likes it rough and loves to be choked out – Often fantasizes about two guys gang banging her rough – Loves anal sex just as much as vaginal. Makes her squirt – Of course, I banged her ass really good – Gets hit on by younger guys out in public, fucks them sometimes – Youngest she has been with is a 21 year old guy – Likes going to strip clubs and swinger parties – She has a...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XI 3 The New Improved Tim

The next day at school, Suzi and Joey immediately noticed the difference in me, but they didn't say anything until we were at lunch. Our lunch table was a pretty popular table to sit at by now. Joey, Suzi, John, Brad, and of course myself were always reserved seats, but the rest was first come first served. Today we had what had become a threesome sitting with us, namely Janos, Missy, and Linda. Because everyone knew of our abilities, Joey, Suzi, and I didn't have to hold conversations at...

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Naked Tik Tok 18 has the kind of on-the-nose title that I really appreciate as a professional masturbator. Even before I clicked on the link, I had a pretty good idea of what I was in for; there would be nudity and probably a lot of those fresh-faced legal teens whose ages match up to the digits in the site name. To be honest, the title combines TikTok with my favorite things about the platform, and I could see the same formula being applied effectively to other websites. Let me know if...

TikTok Porn Sites
4 years ago
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A Roll In The Hay

I wished that Simon would see me as more than just the boss's daughter. He'd come to work for my dad when I was sixteen, and for the last two years, I'd lusted for him from afar. We'd spent the last eight months on the road hosting fairs across the States and were finally at our closing town of this season. I knew that he was going back to Tucson during the off-season, and I'd be with dad in Phoenix. The drive between the two could be made in just an hour, but first, I needed him to see me as a...

Quickie Sex
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Prologue 01: The Truce is MadeCarlo Benito didn’t want to make the truce, but something had to be done to stop the killing. The five gangs were dropping each other’s members on an almost daily basis and the cops didn’t seem to care. One of the West Forty-Nines said that he had information that the cops were waiting for them to kill each other off before they stepped in and took down the winner.A truce was absolutely necessary, and this time it had to be a truce that could be enforced. There had...

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The Hunter

Part One: Showtime When our new neighbor forgot (?) to pull her shades down she put on quite a show for my husband and me. "Honey," my husband called to me from the bedroom. "She's doing' it again. Come watch." We had a new neighbor, a single woman named Shayla. We had talked to her over the fence a few times, but really didn't know her very well. We thought she was a little shy. We were going to be proved wrong on that. A few weeks after she moved in Lee and I were lying in bed with the...

2 years ago
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The Taylor family 7

Well, a temporary end, anyway.Kristen hadn't had her turn at this with mom yet, after all.* * *It was the sort of scene that normally only happens in pornography, certainly not the kind of thing anyone would expect to find occurring in a quiet suburban neighborhood in real life, but the fact remained that it actually was happening in this one.And it was a scene that no reasonably objective observer could have possibly described as anything less than delicious, beautiful, and erotic.Lying...

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From Sperm Donor to Father Ch 01

My story starts about six years ago when I was living in Kingston (a suburb to the south-west of Central London, for those of you outside the UK). I was, and still am, a senior accountant with a large financial services company. I had my own house, and because of some large bonuses, I had managed to pay-off my mortgage early. So there I was age 34, still single and I guess pretty well-off compared to most people my age. I had a small circle of friends but as is the way with these things all...

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Economics class and Chloe

My day had started in a normal way, getting up early for my training session at my local pool, but normal is not how I’d explain the events that followed. My friend Chloe was in a mischievous mood and throughout our session, she proceeded to seduce me. It began with flirtatious touching and by the time our swimming session was ending, she had her fingers in my pussy, not caring who saw. As soon as we entered the changing room, we undressed and had sex before her mother arrived to pick us up. We...


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