TandraChapter 23 free porn video

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The last few weeks had been gruelling, and I felt I needed a short break from the constant training. The family had more or less settled into a routine. The youngest members were studying hard to be the best that they could. The systems were being rebuilt, but the pace was dreadfully slow, even with Mom and Secric's help.

There was lots to eat and we were enjoying ourselves, doing all the things a family would do except freely go outside to play. Card games we found were not good for obvious reasons, while 'Monopoly' and especially 'Twister' proved to be a lot of fun. The girls would watch TV now, but found the shows usually juvenile and only the news and sports were watched.

We searched the base and found some old 'Botsu' games, of which we were able to salvage some parts, and make into two good games. A chess board sized playing surface had four centimetre sides and a multitude of holes and colours surrounding them. The scoring related to the colour of both the shorts pins and the rings that were shook on the board. All this was further complicated by the colours on the board itself. Only Nova and Blue knew anything of the game, and had to teach the rest of us how it worked. Apparently it had a fanatical following, something like Bridge was to us.

We did manage to fly half the family at a time in the Beaver around North Bay and Lake Nipissing. Trips in the van were the same, but I could never let them interact with my friends and neighbours. The girls were amazed at all the things they saw on these small trips, and in the vehicles used. It was as if the ships and machines in the base were just common everyday articles, while the Beaver and van were extra special.

The best we could do to shop, was go into stores with Susan and make purchases for the others. They would look through our eyes, and marvel at our flashy goods. Nova and Blue were incredulous sometimes at how frivolous or inefficient various articles were.

I had to pass on many job offers, but did my best to give what help I could for free, to keep them from being too angry with me.

Susan's birthday was coming up and I needed a present for her. This time things were very different, for both of us. A year ago I had planned to inform her parents of our wedding date by this time. The house was basically finished and she would do the remaining rooms, as she saw fit, or so my old intentions dictated. But all that was before the others came into our lives.

Now with our large family, our needs were very different. We needed bedroom space for all my family and especially the nursery. This room would see a lot use, I knew, in the years to come. My old ideas about children had made a dramatic turnabout.

We used to do a fair amount of entertaining before, and most of our guests then wanted to see the house. I do not like deceit. This grated on my feelings when I had to hide things from my friends and guests. Nor did I want to make my wives and the children disappear, as if I were ashamed of them. The thoughts of the truth coming out would be catastrophic to all of us, and even encompass everybody else on Earth. Many people I feared would not be able to even comprehend this fact. In the end, we declined most of the social functions, and stayed in the base and learned. A few parties that were obligatory we went to but usually cut our visits short.

I talked to the other girls and explained that I wanted Susan alone in the house that night, as a form of birthday present. They agreed with me, especially when I asked for their own birthdays. They were smart enough to spread them out if they did not know them for sure.

My problem with a gift still bugged me. Mom came up with a possible answer. "Henry, do you think we can make a test flight to see that everything is working right?"

"Sure Mom. What were you thinking of doing?"

"Your wives are becoming used to the open areas now. We need a short flight to see if your systems are working correctly, and lastly, Susan has a birthday tomorrow. If we all have a little party in low orbit, then this would be something for her to remember."

"That is a great idea. I know all of them will just love the trip."

"What have you thought of buying for her?"

"That is the problem. All I can come up with is that we fly somewhere for a few hours, and let her buy what she wants for her and the girls. She has never been that many places, and it will be fun to take her someplace new."

I phoned my favourite bakery in North Bay and ordered a nice cake. I asked them to even put on the right number of candles. I would pick it up tomorrow morning. There was no use warning the girls, because Susan would find their minds blocked and figure something was up.

Saturday October 06

The next morning I slipped out of bed and made breakfast. This time I put Susan's portion on a tray and slipped back into the bedroom. I set it down and gave her a morning kiss. "Good morning, birthday girl. What would you like to do, today?"

Susan stretched, the comforter came off her chest, and her breasts were exposed. She read my mind and smiled the little smile she had. This time I read hers, and said, "Not now. I made you breakfast, and it will get cold if we wait."

She gave one of her pouts and said, "Ok, but I want my present right after."

An hour and a half later we climbed out of bed. The other girls in the base had joined our activities, and had not yet recovered from the effects. I explained to them more about the idea of a birthday, and what various groups of people did on these days, to help celebrate. I got a wicked smile in my mind from Secric, when I mentioned the spanking that was sometimes administered.

After straightening up the house, we left invisibly for the base. Mom was ready, and had not said anything about our plans. All the girls came to the ship as I called them. I greeted each as I found them, and then checked on the babies. They were still asleep and I did not bother them. Rather than say anything about my plans, Mom just disappeared from view and then the base matter transmitter placed her just outside the mountain. The large view screen showed all of them where we were. This was the first time she had been out of the base in over a million years. We had flown before in the small ships, but they all stayed under the radar, but now we were aboard Mom, and everything was different.

"Henry, what are you doing?" Susan's mind was quite flustered at what was happening. The rest of the girls were concerned, but not upset, at going out. It took a fair amount of work, and a lot of time, but the girls had got over the fear of open spaces.

"Just getting my birthday girl, her cake," I said. My mind was locked tight so that she could not read any of my thoughts. The screen was changing as we flew toward North Bay. Thirty metres below we could see cars and trucks going about their way, as we made our leisurely way to our destination. Sunlight glittered of the light covering of freshly fallen snow, making the landscape almost magical. The lake in the distance, reflected light from its mirror surface, for it had not been cold enough to freeze yet. Our altitude allowed the radar waves to hit us, but this time, we were able to absorb them with Mom's military grade shield and projectors.

"Mom, fly over the bus station. The bakery is just a few doors down."

"Yes Henry, and happy birthday to you Susan."

"Thanks Mom. How come Henry is taking us out?"

"He mentioned about the need for a test flight, and a very important cake to be picked up."

We stopped over the station and found Paul a few doors down. He was in the back of a group of businesses, ploughing all the drifts of snow to the side. Carl had the contract to do this job. The various merchants needed space for their customers, and the street was not enough this time of day.

When Paul pushed the snow down a narrow corridor, Mom let me off with her tractor. My parka covered me, and I had the Tandra field generator, set to invisibility. When it was safe to do so, I shut off the generator and continued walking. Instead of going to the bakery, I headed for the Bank of Montréal, and purchased all of their American currency, almost $3,000, and got about $10,000 in Canadian funds from my account.

"What are you going to do with all that money?" Vicky a teller, and a friend of mine, asked.

"I have to buy Susan a birthday present, and some things for some other important people in my life."

I could feel her emotions. I had dated her for a short time and I found her a very nice and vivacious girl, but not what I was looking for at the time. She still wanted to continue our relationship, even when she knew that I was going exclusively with Susan for over a year. She was a little heartbroken as I left the front door.

I spotted the florist across the street, and headed over, dodging the cars on the slippery street. I bought three dozen pink roses and had them deliver them with three vases to the bank. Each had cards, saying they were from a secret admirer that had to remain that way. I knew Vicky and her coworkers would have a much better day, thinking on whom the man could possibly be.

The bakery had made a beautiful cake and I tipped and thanked the baker for doing such a nice job for me. This is one of the reasons I always came to this establishment. The creation was boxed and I wandered back to the alley and activated my shield when Mom was ready. If anyone was to look, they would see a box float up and disappear about ten metres off the ground.

I was mobbed by the girls, but they backed off quickly from my cold clothing on their bare skin. The girls were in fine spirits so I knew something had happened. I read their minds and looked at the screen. I saw Paul get out of his truck and inspect his wheels. The girls had got Mom to use her tractors to elevate the truck, just a little. When he tried to drive, she moved him the opposite way he wanted to go. Poor Paul was perplexed, how all of a sudden, everything seemed to be going wrong. The younger ones had giggled as the truck slipped sideways, and it was pushed a short ways into the snow bank. He just got in as the truck stopped moving.

"You girls are cruel. Paul will have fits thinking about this later."

Susan said, "It was just too good a chance to pass up. Where are we going to now, Henry?"

"It's a surprise. Just watch," I said to Susan and all the rest, while to Mom I said, "Let's go to Tampa."

"Yes Henry. Shopping again?" She said, only to me.

We watched the screen as the blue sky got darker and darker, till we left the majority of the atmosphere behind. There was no feeling of acceleration, and the only thing noticeable was that the stars lost their twinkle and grew brighter by the second. After reaching the top of our flight path the next leg showed cloud cover over most of the east coast, but Florida looked clear and sunny. The trip from North Bay to Tampa by car would take about 32 hours of continuous driving, but Mom made it in that many minutes. Her shield even negated the sonic shock wave that plagued all other Earth craft.

Susan wore some of the standard ship coveralls made for her. When I showed my appreciation of her form, the others put on similar garments too. The shiny silver metallic sheen on the form fitting one piece garments looked good on her. The insignia in Tandra script, denoted her name and rank appeared as a beautiful decal only. Small metallic looking articles hung from various places, and were tools for calibrating different equipment. They looked very good on the coveralls, and the girls decided to keep them there. When looked at as a whole, it had a very military look, but chic at the same time.

I talked to the other girls, "Susan and I will go into the stores again and see what will look good. If you see anything that looks interesting, just tell us."

Mom dropped us between two semis and we regained our visibility. The air was warm for this time of year, about 28. The lot was only partially full of cars, but the number was still quite large. The mall we entered was air-conditioned and had three levels of businesses. All about the mall was the usual sale signs, but now they were mall wide, promising great savings to lure the customers in.

Young children ran around followed by tired parents. Teens drifted in groups making loud conversations. Seniors sat on some to the benches talking to their friends. Tired parents sat waiting for their children to come out of the stores. No matter what their gender or age they looked at us. I toned my aura down to avoid notice. This didn't help too much, because most people found they liked the looks of Susan, her utility coveralls, and boots, that matched her outfit beautifully. Her long black hair streamed down her back to her waist. Her cheery smile and upright posture, told everybody that she was a female and proud of being a member of the Human race.

Men especially looked at her with lust in their eyes. I couldn't blame them, I thought at the time, for I too was under her spell. An elbow from Susan, that was reading my mind, got me back to my surroundings. I watched women admire Susan and her outfit, wondering if either they could see the contents, or a place to buy a similar garment.

"Susan look at me. I have a red flannel shirt, faded blue jeans, and heavy black boots. You on the other hand, wear those clothes like a fashion model, and all the men and some of the women, want to get into them with you."


"There is not enough room in there for me too." Susan gave me one of her infectious smiles, and held my hand like teenagers.

Five boys around 17 or so stood in our way. I was prepared to protect Susan when I remembered the time on the dance floor. It was not that they went out of their way, just stood stunned and their first look of her. The oldest a dark skinned boy with two shirts, the outer one open. His jeans hung far down his hips and would give him a bit of trouble doing anything more than a walk. After a little searching, we knew he was a good kid and trying to walk the straight and narrow, especially since his mother died about six months ago. I saw her final wish, that he make something of himself and follow his conscience. Susan and I looked further into his head and saw that he was almost mesmerized by Susan's beauty and grace, even in coveralls.

"Hello Jerome," I said. "I bet you haven't seen a fox like this before, have you?"

Susan smiled at both of us, and Jerome said, "No, not like her. She has something special about her." Then he suddenly looked at me, and said, "How'd ya know my name?"

Jerome was sliding into trouble slowly, and I saw that he would go for the easy money in drugs, soon like so many of his friends. "Jerome, your mother wants you to be good and stay away from BeBop and Fixer. They will probably be arrested soon, and you will go down with them. She had very high hopes for you, and your little brother. Don't throw them away." Jerome was stunned, and since our point was made, we just walked around the group.

As we got by the last boy, Susan reached out quickly and held the youth's shoulder and squeezed a nerve centre. "I am not, and I don't do it with boys like you. Watch what you are thinking or you will find yourself in a lot of trouble." She just released her hold with a final squeeze, and pulled me along, as if nothing happened.

I commented on the boy. "Well he was crude, and I guess they have to put on a facade, even to themselves. I hope he learns to treat ladies right, for he is in a collision course with reality.

The mall was very large, and we went all over the place with other inquisitive minds looking out through our eyes. Electronics, shoes and for the most part clothing stores were uninspiring to each of us. A store specializing in baby supplies did interest the girls for a while, but nothing was really exciting. A furniture store caught my eye when I thought of some needs in the rooms that were not furnished yet.

An upscale dress shop caught Susan's eye, and we entered to find a young, and fairly attractive sales clerk ready and willing to help. It was obvious that she was very interested in Susan. She now only had eyes for Susan and she almost drooled at the sight, before her.

Susan just ignored the few subtle hints for help, as she looked around trying for just the right garment. Minutes later she asked to try on a few dresses, when further back in the store. A shear cocktail dress caught her eye first. "I would like to try this on."

"Yes dear. Would you like me to help?" The clerk asked. Susan looked around, and saw that they were completely isolated from view.

"No thanks." Susan used the mental commands. The shoes came undone and the coveralls parted in three areas. It fell to the floor as if by magic with a few shrugs, revealing a strong beautiful naked body beneath. Her pelvic area was shaved just like her new sisters, and she almost burnt the clerk with her smouldering eyes. She just opened the dress and put it on. "Henry, do me up."

"Yes milady," I said in my best British accent. "Would milady consider the black dress on the far wall?"

Susan ignored me, and moved the dress about to hang correctly. She turned to the open mouthed clerk, and said, "I'll take this one."

I could feel the girls back on the ship laughing at her antics as well as what the clerk was thinking. My own excitement had started to grow, when I saw her taunt the poor clerk. I picked up her shoes and coveralls and followed, like the good lackey I was.

When Susan found the right size of the dress I liked, she told me, "Henry, undo the zipper and pull the dress off, Honey." She looked around and saw that it was still safe to do so.

Behind a display of dresses I did as Susan asked, and pulled it up and off her beautiful frame. The new dress did not go on immediately. Susan with the urgings of the girls on the ship commanded, "I have an itch here," pointing to her bare mons. "Scratch it for me."

The girl looked at me, and helplessly got in front of Susan and settled to her knees. She used her fingers then her tongue to relieve the itch. Susan lowered her arms and held the girl's face in place. A diversion was necessary. I placed Susan clothing on the rack, and moved to the front of the store and removed the bonds on my aura, as I appeared to be looking for something special.

The last two clerks left a customer, to come to me. Even the older woman customer did the same. "I am looking for some sexy lingerie. Could any of you charming ladies make any suggestions?"

I looked at the girls and saw that they were almost glassy eyed. The older customer just stared with her mouth open. The younger clerk, a dark skinned beauty, said, "I think these here will look nice. I even wear them."

My hearing was very good. I knew that Susan and even the girl were close. "May I see them?" With only a little hesitation, she picked up the front of her dress, and I saw a red pair with lace around the edge, a match for the ones in her hand. I stepped closer and asked, "May I feel their texture, and see how tight they will be?"

Again I got only her nod of agreement, and my hand traced over her covered abdomen. My fingers traced over her mons, and I heard her indrawn breath, as well as that of the other two at my actions. I pulled her close and her hands released the dress and wrapped around my neck. The front of the dress trapped against my chest. My fingers went around her waist feeling her narrow midriff, above the panties, before descending and feeling the fullness of her ass in the back.

I pictured in my mind the girl's naked body against mine, as my fingers felt for her openings. This I projected as well as I could, and it must have worked for she suddenly pulled me closer to her.

My finger followed around the front and went under the edge of her lingerie to trace a finger lightly over her wiry bush. I cast out to all three now, a small cock trying to gain entrance to the opening of the woman before me. My finger found her slit and as it went back and forth picked up moisture. I removed my hand and innocently said to her, "May I look some more? I am sure to find a treasure somewhere."

The girl was not very talkative, usually a good trait, so I reached as high under her dress and slowly worked my hand into the tops of her panties. This time it was much easier to find her slot, and work on her clit. The girls must have been trying to mesh with her too, for she suddenly thrust her pelvis repeatedly forward and orgasmed. She moans muffled by my chest. I heard Susan cum too. The customer and the other clerk were holding onto each other. They had felt something too, but not as strong as the girl in my arms.

Looking out the doorway of the shop I saw many women. Some with children, others either with female friends or male, but all stood and stared at us. There was nothing any of them could see, except a dress pulled tightly to the back of a woman's legs.

"Susan, you better get that girl straightened up. They may start an orgy, and it would be no good for any of their reputations."

"Oh, that was a good one Henry," she said about her orgasm. "I'll see what I can do here."

"Girls I would like to see both of your panties too, but I think the people watching us would want to join in too."

They all turned to the doorway, but Monica, the girl in my arms, did not really care. The currents still flowing through her. I didn't think she would mind if I picked her up, laid her on the pile of panties, and relieve my own mounting passion. Instead I just picked her up in my arms, and carried her to the counter and let her sit on the glass top.

Susan came over and looked at the still content girl, and said aloud, "What did you do to her? She looks like she got very lucky."

"Just a diversion so Lois, the girl you were with, did not get fired."

"Didn't think of that. Sorry."

"That's fine. Just run over to the red panties, and buy four extra sets for these girls, as a sort of memento." Susan looked at their probable sizes and got the four pairs and a few for the girls on the ship, who wanted a pair too. In this case it was all of them. Lois came from the back of the shop recovered somewhat from her labours. She tried to look as professional as possible. She was the only one that could ring in our order.

I paid cash for our purchases, and kissed each of the women goodbye, placing into their hands one of the panties. I toned down the aura and left the store. The women in front were reluctant to move out of my way even now. I carried the bag as Susan pushed a way through the throng, and we left to continue shopping.

Susan said, "My god. I can't believe I did that. One moment I am looking into a Lois's mind and seeing how nice she is. Then the girls get into the act, and I get so horny that I am forced to almost rape the poor thing. What do you think Henry?"

"The girls did influence you, and part of the problem was me, because I too got worked up. The girl did welcome all of your advances though. If this happened in North Bay, then you would not be able to walk around with your head held so high. We are going to have to work on controlling ourselves better."

"I don't know how I am going to manage that. I am glad I could share Lois with my sisters though, but I don't like being pushed to do things like that. In a Tandra society that would be acceptable, but I wouldn't like word to get back to my parents."

I looked behind, and saw that some of the women were still following. I imagine the same as a man will follow a pretty woman for a moment, then only with his eyes. Five minutes later the crowd had thinned but would take a lot longer to leave. It would be good if we did first. The phone caught my attention and I found a takeou, t that had most of the girls favourites and I just had to ask their location by cross streets. Later we stopping by a ice-cream counter, I purchased a large tub of ice-cream and a box of graham cracker cones.

As we stepped outside into the hot humid air, at least a dozen women followed. The old trick with the transport truck had to be used, but this time Mom was able to come low enough that nobody would see anything visible raising and disappearing inside her.

"Mom will you put this someplace cold? I need to talk to the rest."

"Yes Henry, I can do that."

The girls were all in the control room, and my mind was locked as tight as I could make it. Upon entering they ran to Susan and said they were sorry. Though they meant it, I felt that they would do it again, if the circumstances were the same.

"Girls," I said to get their attention. "I am disappointed in you. We are on Earth, not Tandra. The morals of the people here are a lot different than yours. We can't afford to have ourselves be in the spotlight. What would have happened if the police had come and wanted to question us?"

They ran the scenario through their minds and then looked into my now opened mind and saw where all of this might come to. The younger ones that couldn't see this, were told by the older ones. This time they clustered around Susan and the apologies this time felt a lot more convincing.

Mom rose to about 30 metres and we silently made our way to our destination across the city. We came close to towering apartment and office buildings and could see in some. The girls seemed to have a voyeuristic tendencies and looked for anything of interest. Some of the couples they saw had not yet begun to engage in sex. The girls wanted to see them, and wanted Mom to drop some probes then wait and see what developed. Just like Captain Bligh, I did not let that happen.

Susan and I settled into the alley, and got quite a few bags of food from the restaurant. I didn't know for the life of me, where the girls put all their food. Mom cruised north at a relatively slow speed to see the scenery. The water sparkled whenever we looked and Mom's displays removed all of the glare. Long lines of cars travelled bumper to bumper heading even on a Saturday to their destinations.

The only thing, that did break the view, was a police chase. A red Vette was weaving in and out of traffic trying to escape. "Mom can you use one of your tractors to gently stop the car, before they kill somebody?"

Mom changed course and the car in a distance of only a hundred metres, came to a stop and then slid sideways to the side of the road. The two occupants tried to flee, but Mom held them tight until the police came with drawn guns. We hovered for a moment while the driver and passenger were cuffed.

We continued our trip with the girls now looking for any more excitement that they could find. Other than speeders, there was nothing important. Eventually the terrain began to get more irregular as we approached the Appalachians. That with the cloud cover coming in from the Atlantic, caused us to head a lot further west to continued our trip north. At some of the cities we gained altitude to see things better. There was so much to see, that taking it at a low altitude, would not allow us enough time to see everything.

I was sitting back thinking of my own life. I too needed to get back and view it from a distance to understand it. Other than Susan, I was the first Human to reach orbit with a Tandra vehicle, at least in millions of years. I was the first since that time, to offer my help, and possibly the first to fall in love with them. Susan in my mind now was almost fully integrated into the Tandra matriarchal system, and since learning the language, it was hard to tell them apart, other than by the looks.

It was getting late, and I wanted to get back home. I had groceries to pick up in North Bay for the meal I planned to make tonight, with my own hands. "Mom, let's leave the scenic route, and get back. There is a lot of things I have to do yet."

"Yes Henry."

Secric and Blue got excited and then all the rest. I looked at the screen and saw an old pick-up truck running from a fairly new suv. We zoomed in, and saw the truck weaving as it tried to hold the road. Mom knew we were interested, and did not leave yet.

A person with thin pale white arms, probably a woman, was being chased by two large men. The chase car repeatedly tried to bump the back of the truck to throw it out of control. The roadway looked seldom used, and had a steep side of rough rock and the other side was just a series of wooden poles strung with a single strand of wire rope. An accident here, would probably be fatal. A small truck coming around the curve was the only thing that made the suv back off.

"Mom, let's get down there before somebody is killed or they run into somebody. Can anybody get a reading on those people?" I asked frantically, knowing how a chase like this, would end.

"Henry, there are two young children in the truck too."

Susan volunteered, "The woman being pursued, is thinking she will either get killed or raped and dragged back for more rape. Her children are in the same danger."

Same as Tandra
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Hi my name is chitra I am going to my sex experience with my husband’s brother rishi. He is hot but I dont know his intension towards me but I like him very much. My husband works in a private company with good package and we have our own house and ours is arrange marriage. We live in tamilnadu, rishi came to stay with us because my husband needed him to do some office work. He used to do work daily but he will finish in 2 hrs and always be with me. He was nice and I too didnt feel bore in he...

1 year ago
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Sultry Summer Ch 13

Carlotta awakened in the morning, turned her head, and saw her employer, Marlene Arlington, lying next to her naked, leaning on her elbow and gazing at her. Miss Arlington’s green eyes hot were with desire. Then Carlotta was wrapped in Miss Arlington’s arms, her employer’s lips were pressed against hers, and powerful feelings of lust were coursing through her. Carlotta’s arms tightened around her boss and their tongues lashed, sending sparks of passion arcing between them. Finally, having to...

1 year ago
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Private Gina Gerson Selvaggia Orgy With DP

There’s no better way to top off a summer’s day at the beach than with an orgy in the jacuzzi, and in Private Gold, Erasmus Orgasmus 2 the sexy teens Selvaggia and Gina Gerson are joined by Gerson Denny and Kevin White for exactly that! These hot blondes get things underway with some sloppy blowjobs and when things are wet a ready they get straight into the action with some hardcore fucking. Both girls enjoy their man before Gina takes it all with some anal and DP, finishing up with a creampie...

2 years ago
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Another Springtime Ch 09

Chapter 9-1: A Most Delightful Honeymoon Adventure Well, it was not OK! It was not OK with me, and the matter rankled until I confronted it again to set it aright. Of course, the word itself is technically neutral, etc. Right. Nevertheless, for each person the emotional loading that goes with it will be different. For me, and this is just one man’s perspective, the word carries too much… well, too much… the fellows will know what I mean, even if they do not agree. This loading overshadowed...

4 years ago
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Crazy Class Reunion

I was going through some mail one afternoon when I came across an invitation. I opened it up to see what it was and noticed that it was an invitation for my 10-year high school class reunion. It was going to be held at a fancy hotel so that anyone who drank too much could book a room and spend the night. As I read it, I couldn't believe it had been 10 years since high school already. I sat on the couch and looked it over while thinking back to the old days. I wondered what had happened to some...

3 years ago
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Youve Got to be Kidding

"What on earth is that?" My current boyfriend is holding out a small package. "Take it. It's a condom." He's a little embarrassed. "What do we need that for? I'm on the pill." He's embarrassed, I think he's being stupid. "Look, you mentioned you wanted to do something different. This is something we've never done before." Now he's exasperated. "That wasn't what I had in mind." What is it with guys? I thought I'd heard everything. But, a guy who thinks sex while using a...

2 years ago
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Bens First Time

Ben's First TimeThe following story is for readers of legal age or readers who have interests which lie in the direction of BDSM. If you have comments or suggestions, feel free to E-mail me at [email protected]. I do try to answer any and all that I get. You can also find me on line under Jennistoy for Instant Message, (I will not accept an IM if you do not have a profile), or you may check out my website at http://home.talkcity.com/BoomerSt/jennistoy/index.html.It was the typical college...

1 year ago
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Entering Into My SisterInLaw

Hi guys, this is Rahul from Coimbatore. I hope you have read my previous story. This new one happened recently. This story revolves around me and my sister-in-law and how we enjoyed ourselves. Let’s get on to the story folks. As you know about me already, I like to explain the girl of my story and the angel of my pleasures. Her name is Sruthi. She is 34-36-34. She is the younger sister of my wife and doing internship studies. I got married to Swathi recently. It’s been 6 months of my...

1 year ago
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Shortcut Through Ovid

As usual, you are free to archive wherever and whenever. Adult material, so use good judgement. Shortcut Through Ovid The Professor "Do you have any fucking idea where we are?" "Can it, Steve," I said calmly as I watched mile after mile of gently sloping farmland cruise by at eighty miles an hour. "Randy knows where he's going." I hope Randy knows where he's going, I thought. For the last ten miles, I hadn't seen a road sign of any kind. I didn't know if we were...

3 years ago
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Goofy White Folks

It was first year at university and I rented a room from this older couple right near the campus. Her name was Lauren and his was John. They were very nice and I felt at home. Things went smoothly. Every so often we would play cards or a board game with adult drinks to help every body unwind from a busy week. Well this one evening we may have drank a little more than usual and the talk turned to the differences between black people and white people. This was fun until John brought up that black...

2 years ago
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Hell Have No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

So there I am surfing Tinder when a match pops up. Now on Tinder I swipe right on everything because you just never know and at the end of the day my primary concern is finding women who are comfortable being sluts. So up pops Sandra she's 63 and married to an asshole, her words not mine. Turns out she married at 18, three now grown k**s and a loyal stay at home mom. She never went to college and hubby was the bread winner and a very successful one at that. Over the years he'd cheat, was...

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The Van1

Nervously, I walked to my car, keys in hand. I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around, no one was there. As I got to my car, I saw a man leaning against the driver side door. He was somewhat tall with dark hair. He had a suit on, and nice shoes. I turned around to go back inside the store, but he caught up to me. There was a rag over my face, and I passed out. When I woke up, I was in the passenger seat of a van, the type that you can practically stand up in. The seat was reclined,...

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KinkySpa Lolly Ink Big tit tattooed blonde Lolly Ink gets fucked by her hot masseur

Lolly Ink is chatting with her good friend and finds out that she booked her for a massage at this place she’s never been to before called Kinky Spa. Lolly hasn’t heard of it but she’s not going to turn down a free massage. She shows up late so the masseur she was scheduled with left, but luckily another person can replace him, and he’s ready to give her a extra special massage. She’s never had a massage quite like this before, but as soon as his strong hands start rubbing close to her pussy,...

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Honeymoon Cruise

Mom wanted to go on a cruise all her life. So I took her. Honeymoon Cruise I woke with a large cock between my ass cheeks. I could hear groggy, sleepy moans being breathed into the back of my neck as he slowly ground in between my cheeks. He had his strong arm under my neck reaching around me and his hand softly cupping my left breast. His other hand around my waist reaching over my pelvis and gently holding me against his cock. “Roy.” I breathed out. His grinding strengthened as he...

2 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 24 School Starts

When my alarm went off Monday morning, it was time to get back to school – and, I hoped – to some fun adventures in the afternoons. The highlight of the first day back was seeing Bev's "clique" across the school yard at lunchtime, and stepping over to say hello. They were all in a little tight-knit circle, sharing wild tales of the holidays, and reacting with their usual girl-girl snickering. However, they did make a little space for me to infiltrate their group for a few seconds. Before...

3 years ago
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Inspired by this video (you may have to be his friend to view but it's a great page and worth it for this video alone): https://xhamster.com/movies/7245414/my_wife_is_an_18-year-old_school_girl_kana.htmlIt was almost noon and I was finishing the last of the morning coffee when I heard feet on the steps and someone out of breath. She stood there in the living room, a petite Japanese girl in a high school uniform. My wife. I said, "you know if you would learn to drive you wouldn't have to run...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 41 Friends with Benefits

“It’s Fiona’s father, he’s ... he’s taken a serious turn for the worse,” Cathy said. “Fiona’s down there now, I drove her to the airport this morning.” “Damn, does this sound like it might be it for him?” I asked her. “I think so. Apparently, Friday afternoon, his pain got a lot worse; they had been keeping him comfortable and relatively pain free for a while, but it was much worse yesterday, the palliative care nurse came around, and gave him some morphine, which seemed to help with the...

4 years ago
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Easy Jet Job

I’m not a big fan of air travel, but last week I experienced something a bit different and thought I would share it with you. Flying Easyjet is sort of OK. You get what you pay for. Delays are the norm, and the scramble to get on the plane brings out the worst in everyone. I arrived at my departure gate with a little time to spare and noticed the Easyjet staff arrive to begin boarding. A queue formed which I found myself near to the front of just by chance. They held us up while they invited...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 481 Questions Answers Dinner

The tabloid cretin got the point and quickly crawled back under his rock. It didn’t take as long as I expected before the reporters realized that I wouldn’t say a thing about Laura, no matter how they asked me. I deflected questions about my wealth as well. “Did you lose the federal job that lets you take kids to your foster care complexes without anyone being able to stop you?” one reporter asked. I shrugged and said, “How would I know? The police lost my phone, wallet, IDs, and...

2 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 20 Future Plans

"OK, as you all know, I've been debating how to approach this newest crisis, and I've already had you running missions concerning it," David explained to those gathered around as he strode from one end of the richly decorated though cobweb covered room, nervously flexing his hands as he spoke. Everyone listening was eager to hear what he had planned, as they knew how anxious David was about it, as well as knowing how much it would likely impact each of them personally. "As you can tell...

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Cindys Suspension

Cindy’s Suspension By RockbohunkCindy sat naked at the edge of the tub patiently waiting for the bath to fill. As the water reached the desired temperature, she leaned over and shut off the faucet.Rick entered the bathroom holding Cindy's fleece lined leather wrist and ankle cuffs. "I want you smooth and clean tonight. I have a big surprise for you."Cindy smiled at Rick. "Yes Sir," then slowly lowered herself into the hot bubble bath. She took her time washing and shaving her legs while...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Sybil XXXtra Horny During Office Hours

Super hot secretary Sybil gets XXXtra horny during office hours and as soon as Kai Taylor walks into her room, she’s all over him! Get ready for a brand new Hands on Hardcore adventure by the one and only DDF Network. This brunette bombshell with small natural tits, extra sexy green eyes, and that innocent teen look is going to ride that Brit’s hard dick as if there was no tomorrow! A 4K porn adventure loaded with deep pussy fucking by the office desk and some mouth-watering titty...

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The Last Escort Part Nine Chapters 3336

Chapter Thirty-ThreeThe first week of work in London had been a successful one. McKinley felt a lot better about leaving Niles Lindhurst in charge of the London office after getting to know him better. Sure, he was a bit high maintenance, but his attention to detail was a plus.The second week would be long and tedious, as was typical of these transitions. So, Mac would make sure this weekend included plenty of time to enjoy being a tourist with Grace.“What do you feel like for dinner tonight,...

1 year ago
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raped in my kitchn by an intuder

Returning back inside I put the laundry down in my room to be sorted later and then went to the kitchen to begin making my dinner. As I walked into the kitchen I discovered there was an intruder waiting for me, he looked at me and said. "Hello, Sweetie." I freaked at seeing him and he reached out and took hold of me. I started to panic and began to flail uselessly about, trying to break free of his grasp. Fear drove me but there was no escape from his clutches. After a couple of minutes, I...

2 years ago
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First Threesome Ch 2

male bisexual - oral sex – blowjob – cum – threesomeI ran back into my office as the phone rang. "Hello," I said in my normal business tone."Hi," he said.What the fuck?!?! He was calling me at work!!!The call startled me. It's not as if I'd forgotten last weekend's events. How could I? They were probably the most intense, and troubling, sexual episodes of my life. I'd been thinking a lot about them these last few days. And Lynn and I had talked about them a little, too. My thoughts were...

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From cyberspace to reality

‘Paris !’ I check again, it definately says ‘Paris !’ closing the message on my phone a tingle runs through me as, back one level in my inbox i see ‘Nicolette’ top of the list. I can’t believe it. Having chatted , flirted, laughed and far, far more across the Atlantic Ocean we are going to meet. Since first deciding to widen my search beyond the shores of the UK I’ve been consumed by your smouldering blue eyes. Staring intently at me, taunting me. ‘Play with me’ they say ‘but, if you dare, you...

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Indian Housewife8217s First Time With Another Man

Hi my name is Alka. I am happily married for the past 10 years and have two kids, son 8 and daughter 10. My husband is a businessman. We stay in Delhi. Our life as a family has been great and happy. My husband also loves me a lot, so do my kids. This story is about how I had sex with a man other than my husband in the past 17 years. Once in the afternoon time, I was passing my best friend Amita’s house. Hence I thought I will go there and say a hi to her. So I went to her place without...

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my cheating wife chapter 5

I should have been sad and confused after reading the note that Mar left me, but I wasn't. The boy that I thought was my son apparently was not ,just a product of her cheating.Mar told me that she lost her virginity at 16 and after that she just took their cocks in the ass. She mostly gave boy’s a blow job, and couldn’t count how many she gave. Well not being sad that she walked out I called her girlfriend Linda, she told me to call her any time. I have already had sex with her and even...

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New Gay Life Part 8211 2

Hi I am rohit once again with my half part of the story.I am 19 years old ,living in mumbai . I am studying in degree college .As I told I am bisexual with 7 inch cock.Jinhona meri pehla part nahi padhi hai toh please padhiya aur second part ka maza le. Jaisa maine bataya ki mera ek stranger se train me encounter hua jo muj se 10 saal bada tha umar me.Unka naam kalik tha aur woh city me naya aya tha toh unhone muje request kiya ki unhe koi hotel me room lena hai toh aap help kardijiya toh maine...

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A reluctant drunk and very drugged wife is taken to a sex cinema to be used by anyone who wants her as the husband looks on

I had fantasised about watching Mary being used by other men many times, it had become an obsession almost. In role-play and sex games it had come up time and again and I knew she also wanted it, but always pulled back. She was “afraid of losing control” and not being able to stop. The idea of my wife as an all out cock whore may seem laughable but I suspected that once she began down that road she would not be able to stop. We both had high visibility jobs and scandal would have...

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How i became a mommy

As I stood there watching him drive away tears streaming down my face, I knew he was the one I wanted and I would do anything I could to make that little boy happy. It all started in a hot summers night in early august. I was sitting at my computer bored out of my mind playing a online chatting game lets just call it new life. I wanted to start a little family on there hoping that, that empty feeling like something was missing would go away. I had already had several c***dren on there but I...

1 year ago
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All American BoyChapter 13

I looked at the kitchen clock as walked in the house, 11:11. I didn’t see any sign of anyone being up so I went up to my room, stripped and went on to the bathroom. I needed to piss so bad. I stood looking at my image in the large mirror as my piss was streaming out the end of my dick. I was still amazed each time I saw my naked body in the mirror. seems like it was constantly changing and so was I. My hair on my head was a little darker now, but still blonde and straight, reaching to my...

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rich boys love 12

"im sleeping with harvey" "no!! (a breif pause) really" brit said "yeah and now he hates me" "why does he hate u hun?" she said "because ( taking a deep breath) we went to a hotel on saturday. i got a call from kyle saying he needed me on sunday and i went to him after harvey asked me not to" (brit stopped hugging me and stood up) "boy when will you ever learn" brit shouted at me in a strong tone "kyle doesnt love you or he wont of cheatted on you" "so...

3 years ago
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suchitras Home

I would like to share my experience of having sex with my neighboring aunty and her step daughter. I am living in a housing colony which consists of 30 families, in our colony there is an aunty (I call her Valsala aunti) of 32 years of age; she is a lady of perfect figure of 42-30-40. Her husband is seeking job in Dubai. When ever I see her figure I used to excite and worked myself with my dick. She is living with his 2y old son and a daughter of her husband’s first marriage. Her step daughters...

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Jerrys World Anna Part 2

My young cock was already bursting under my boxers as Anna made the first move pulling her top off over her head, OMG her nipples were sticking out of her flat chest and I must have looked like a privileged schoolboy as I froze staring at them, she looked down at my bulging shorts and giggled under her breath at the sight of my bulge pulsing but my focus was on this woman in front of me.You got to understand that at my young age I hadn’t seen that many women naked let alone someone of Anna’s...

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Mothers and DaughtersChapter 8

Sherry looked around at the people gathered at her parent’s house. For all intents and purposes, the majority of them were complete strangers. She knew the professors from school, but that wasn’t exactly a friendly relationship. She kept looking for Alex, but he hadn’t arrived, yet. Her brother, Daniel, and his wife, Liz, were over by the food, nibbling on hors d’oeuvres and signing to each other about how many people were at the party. They were using the full ASL set of signs rather than...

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Memory of my husband

As the sun shines through the window, its brilliant rays warming my body, I sit here with my tea, still in bed, remembering the first time my husband and I met. For many people to hear how we met they would be shocked, yet even though I was shocked I am glad I never called the police in fright. It was the beginning of fall in Alberta and all of the leaves had fallen, covering every inch of the ground. Every crunching step I took I had this overwhelming feeling that something monumental was...

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New mother Gloria

A few weeks ago I was out shopping at the local grocery store, when I noticed a beautiful young woman juggling a basket full of groceries and a baby. She was catching hell and looked in trouble. As she was a beautiful woman, I approached and asked her if I could lend a hand. The sweet young thing looked up at me and said ‘Oh hi Mr. B. I’m Gloria. I went to school with your daughter Penny.’ ‘Hi Gloria, yes I remember you now. You look as though you have got a handful there, what’s her name?’ I...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I had just turned 18 last week and I had hit the weekend and I was bored to hell. The only thing that was good about the weekend was that I was going to spend the Saturday night in with my mom. First off let me tell you a little about my mother. She is 43 years old, she is about 6 foot tall, has short brown hair and her measurements are 36E-32-40, so as you can imagine big breasts, a fairly slim waist and a big bubble butt. I arrived back from town at...

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My Girlfriend8217s Cousin Sister

Hi to all the sexually active people… I am back to share another incident.. About me.. I am Manas.. Slim guy with a tool worth taking in your pussy.. So for all the girls/aunties/ladies who wanna have some fun in hyderabad.. I am available on mail at As you might have read in my previous story “My Girlfriend’s Sexy Big Boobed Friend – Part 1 and Part 2”. When I went for my GFs real sister’s wedding. Last time I explained how I had fun with my GFs friend. This story is about My GFs cousin whom...

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Losing my virginity to the football team

Introduction: Please give me positive/negative feedback! Enjoy! ,) I was in the boys locker room with my boyfriend. I was your typical cheerleader. I had ashy blonde hair, tanned skin, green eyes, firm cheekbones, a tight firm ass, huge tits, long legs and a tiny, tiny waist. I was saving my virginity for Brent. We were both virgins, or at least that was what I thought. Brent, be gentle with me, okay? Im scared! I pleaded to Brent. My best friend Ashley told me that when she lost her...

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Dear Diary ndash He was so cute

Hot summer day I was planning on taking a walk thought the woods to the lake to see if the local boys were hanging out like the normally did. I dressed in a cute white sundress with butterflies and bumble bees on it, black lace pushup bra, and black lace panties (visible from under my sheer dress). Did my makeup put a cute pink bow in my hair and set off. About 20 yards down the trail I heard “Hi Michelle” turning to look seeing one of the younger neighborhood boys emerge from the woods. I was...

4 years ago
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Picture Perfect

Introduction: Sarah Gets More Than She Asked For At A Modelling Job Ok, so this is my first story. I hope you like it. I understand that it may have a few problems with it, but Im only just getting into writing after being a long time reader of a lot of peoples work on here. Id love to hear your feedback on it in the hopes I can improve my writing ability. Hope it turns you on. This is not a true story and nobody in this work is real. Picture Perfect Oh come on! It cant be that bad! Amy...

1 year ago
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Mavashi chi mulagi

Mera naam Jai hai aur umar 37, mere shadi ko 13 saal ho gaye hai aur mere do bachhe hai. Mera man hamesha kisi fancy me rehata hai jo ki sunder ho aur bahot sexy ho jise main kamare main ban kar ke do din raat sex karata rahoon. Aur ek din aisa moka aa gaya jab meri fancy puri hao gayi. Diwali ki chuttiyon me meri wife aur bachhe milkar meri wife ke ghar gaye the. Tab last year ghar me mai akela tha; aur subah 9 baje se raat 9 baje tak office me kam kar ke jate samay do peg lagakar, ja kar sona...

2 years ago
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Cherry Pie

"... not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse." That was upstairs, where my parents and kid sister were presumably sound asleep. Downstairs, in the family room, Billy and I sat on the couch, TV volume down low, HBO flickering on the set. They were showing one of the Real Sex series, the segment of the moment a story about strip clubs and lap dancers. Since the customers, the men, were fully clothed, I focused on the women, bare breasted from time to time. They were a lot bigger than my...

3 years ago
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JedChapter 7

It was almost Christmas before we had any more problems at school. We only had two more days of school before Christmas break, when Becky didn't show up for lunch. We waited for her for a few minutes, and then I told Karen I was going to look for her. I found her easily enough. Unfortunately she wasn't alone. Bobby Joe Watson was the ring leader of the group that had her surrounded. As I came up behind him, I heard him say, "Look, bitch, I know you're a lezzie, but if you go out with me,...

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How I Fucked A Hot Unsatisfied Wife

Hi friends, this is my first story on this site. My name is Harsha and I am from Hyderabad. Any lady between age 26-38 can contact me for a very hard fuck. Right now I am in b.tech final year and can provide service in Hyderabad. So all the horny ladies contact me at my email id This is a real story about the horny wife whom I fucked hard and satisfied her needs. I joined my favorite hobby that was swimming. I enjoyed swimming and know all strokes very well. This time when I joined swimming...

1 year ago
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Huntress Ch 01

This is my first time actually writing a story like this. Not a lot of sex so if that’s what you are looking for, turn back now. Also, this is a supernatural type story (vampires, werewolves, witches, the whole shebang) so if you aren’t into that…well, turn back as well. For those of you who have not left yet, I can only assume you’re staying… so enjoy. Carmen wasn’t drunk. Sage watched from the opposite side of the dance floor as her best friend leaned tiredly against a man whose shirt had...

1 year ago
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The Homecoming

The Homecoming by Heather Ann Scared and worried about how I would be accepted, I walked through the snow toward the front door of the house I grew up in but had not seen for years. The world around me seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation along with me. Standing there for a moment, I took a deep breath and then rang the doorbell. The first face I saw was that of Momma when she opened the door. She looked like I remember only a little bit older, but still a...

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