Fucked My Chachi And Her Two Daughters
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Besides the Sussmann, which was more or less a light cruiser, our fleet consisted of the only battleship we had (Berserker), along with three cruisers (Wildcat, Tiger, and Lion), five destroyers (Griffin, Dragon, Wyvern, Basilisk, and Chimera) and two carriers (Avenger, and Dauntless). There was also a transport filled with enough personnel to pilot the Borealan fleet back to Vanir. We would escort the transport. if the Kraal weren't encountered, we would have accomplished something anyway.
Angel was on the Avenger, along with Jim, Jan, and Faith. The rest of our family was on the flagship with me, those that were making the journey, anyway. We weren't exactly hunting trouble. If it showed up, we would at least be better prepared.
We passed by the area where the last encounter had taken place, but it was deserted. Nothing at all was seen on the entire trip, until we neared Anaboreal. The sensors went nuts, and navagation reported "There's multiple ships on scan! Not sure how many, but there's a lot of the fuckers.
I called out "Set battle status one!" and heard the reply of "Fuckin' aye, sir!" immediately.
My eyes were focussed on the main viewing screen. Coming into range was a fleet roughly twice the size of ours.
The Kraal must be creatures of habit. The same message was recieved of "Surrender or die!"
To break the monotony, a reply of "Bite me" was sent. The fighters were then launched.
The Kraal response has immediate, and if we had been equipped with the earlier shield design, it may have been overwhelming. With the new shields, the smaller fleet shrugged it off with no problem.
The order of "Fire at will!" was sent to all ships. As soon as the acknowledgement of the order was heard, the destruction began.
An idea of Jim's began to pay dividends quickly. The shields on the fighters extended only two meters from the hull, due to power restrictions. There was a three meter extension on the nose containing an anti-matter cannon. It played havoc with the Kraal ships that were destroyer sized or smaller.
We saw the first enemy fighters, then. We figured they had believed they weren't neccessary before this. All of Angel's work with the fighter jocks, along with the design of the little craft, proved to be effective against them.
The Kraal attack hadn't lessened any, and the Eridani ships began to take some damage. I heard the reports, but forced myself to ignore them. There were people whose job it was to deal with it. Mine lay in front of me. "Execute 'Sucker punch'!" I called.
Wildcat, Tiger, and Wyvern, withdrew. The combatants were roughly even in number at this point.
The majority of the Kraal fleet was destroyed before they attempted to flee. The three ships that had been sent away ambushed the remnants of the Kraal, destroying all but a couple of stragglers.
"Battle status four! Damage report!" I ordered.
The reply to the order was drowned out by the cheering. I wasn't one of the celebrants.
"This ain't no fuckin' party, people!" I screamed.
The cheering cut off. "I want damage and casualty reports, yesterday!"
The mood quickly grew somber at the report.
"Dauntless reports major structural damage and many casualties, sir. She's lost power. Avenger reports some damage with unknown casualties, she's still able to fight. Berserker is reporting no damage. Sir... Griffin is gone. All hands."
"Transfer personnel from Dauntless, space available. Search and rescue, launch. If we have any disabled fighters, I want the pilots back ASAP. What about us?" There was no yelling this time. I had said it all in a monotone.
"Hull breach in compartment three, sealed. Sick bay reports three dead, five injured.
It got worse. Jim had taken a direct hit from a Krall battleship. There was nothing left. Angel had a broken collarbone, but was still in command of Dauntless and the fighter wing. Tina had been in Engineering. That was compartment three.
As soon as I recieved the report, I rushed to her side. Angeni had beaten me to it. Her injuries were severe, but thanks to the quick actions of their mate, she would survive. I hadn't known it, but Jackie had been there, too. She wasn't as lucky.
As didn't get any better. Avenger had taken a severe hit directly on sick bay. Faith had been the chief medical officer on her. She was gone. Jan had been with her, and was also dead.
The fleet remained stationary for three days, as those who were able healed the most severely injured casualties. The autodocs took care of the minor ones. The transport rejoined us. It had been sent out of harm's way before the battle. I went through the motions require of me in a fog. Over two hundred people had been lost. The fact that the Kraal had lost thousands did little to alleviate the pain.
I supposed that I should feel ashamed of myself, but even the loss of Jim and Jan was meaningless compared to losing Jackie and Faith. My mates were in just as bad a shape. Angel was, perhaps (if possible), even worse. She had lost both a mate, and a mother. It was surprising that she managed to perform her duties at all.
After the memorial ceremony, the Gallians informed us that they would be joining our alliance. They would also send a report of the action to other races. No one had ever defeated the Krall in battle. I didn't feel as if we'd won.
All of us were an emotional wreck. When there was nothing left to do, the grief hit like a ton of bricks. If not for my surviving mates, I have no idea what I would have done. As it was, they needed me. That need was the only thing that kept me from going completely insane.
We held each other tightly all night. Angel would not let me out of her sight, or her grasp. We took what comfort we could in each other. With all of us in the same shape, that was little enough.
Basilisk was left at Boreal for protection of the detatchment there, while the people sent began the grisly cleanup effort. The dead don't bury themselves. Though it was difficult, everyone in our group, except Angel, resumed our duties. She refused to leave the flagship. Command was turned over to her executive officer.
Upon arrival at Vanir, mom and dad, along with Dee, Jane, and Lucy (Connie's mother) were waiting. So was a very large crowd. The crowd was there to celebrate. The parents were there to grieve with us. We made our escape as quickly as possible, retreating to the palace.
I could tell that mom was really worried about me. I must have looked like shit. The Gods know I certainly felt like it. After getting no response from several attempts to speak to me that evening, She dragged me to a room away from the others.
"I know you're hurting, Matt" she began. "I'd like to tell you that it will get better. I'm not going to lie and do that, because it won't. You should know that. You lived through both a close friend, and your father's deaths before. Perhaps it's time you looked at the differences between now and then."
At least she got a response. "That was tough, there's no denying it. When Bryan was killed, it was the first time I had lost a friend. I didn't know how to deal with grief of any kind. Dad was much, much worse. I felt that I had let him down most of my life. I'd been nothing but a huge dissapointment to him. What really hurt, was that I tried to remember the last time I'd told him that I loved him. I couldn't do it. I don't know that I ever did tell him."
And now," mom asked? "When was the last time you told Jackie, Faith, Jan, and Jim how you felt about them? I'm betting that it was the day they died. Am I right?"
I couldn'r speak, but mannaged a nod.
"Matt, they were right where they wanted to be, and doing what they loved to do. You all knew that it was very possible that some of you wouldn't be returning to Vanir. You knew that war is never choosy about whose life it claims. There is one important thing I think you're forgetting, though."
After my strained reply of "What?", she went on.
You're a firm believer in your religion, and for good reason. After the Gods appeared, I tought it would a good idea to study a religion known to be based in fact. I read about the Norns. It was surprising to me that even the Gods have a thread that may be cut. Each being has a life span that is pre-determined. If it is our time, we will die. There seems to be a plan in everything that happens. You have used your beliefs for strength all your life. Perhaps it is time you used them for comfort, as well."
As usual, my mother was correct. She also was far from finished.
"You may not like it, or want it, but everyone who has come here looks to you for leadership. If you collapse under adversity, so will they. You will lose this fight before it has even begun. I'm not asking you to forget those who have been lost, or those that will be in the future. What I am asking, is for you to love and remember them. Act as they would have wished you would, and perhaps still do. I have only known you as a fighter and as a leader. You have to keep doing both, if this Federation is to survive. If you or any of your mates give up, all of the people here will, most likely, die.
I managed a smile, though sad and small. "Maybe they chose the wrong person for the job," I said. "You might be able to do it a lot better."
She hugged me and replied "Being a mother is the only job I want, or need.
"And you do it very well," I told her. I know I'll see them again when my time is done, mom. I'll miss them terribly, but you're right. We have to go on without them. I just hope that when I go, it is in battle. They're all in Valhalla, now. I don't want to have to wait for Ragnarok to see them again. Thank you for the wake-up call, and though I haven't said it for at least ten minutes, I love you."
She gave me a last kiss on the cheek, along with a swat on the butt. "I know," she said. I love you, too." She added, "I'll miss Jackie and Faith the most, I think. Those two were just so caring and loving. I suppose it was partly because of their lives before they met you. They seemed determined that no child they met would be lacking for love. There are probably hundreds who will miss them almost as much as we do. I didn't get to know Jan and Jim very well, but they seemed much the same. Take the rest of the week to talk with those you love. After that, you need to get busy."
"I have no idea where to start, mom," I admitted. "I'm told that the fleet we faced was only a small portion of what the Krall can mount. All but three of our ships were with us. We lost one of those, and others will take a month to get back in shape. The Borealan ships will take just as long to be re-fitted. If they find us and attack in force, we're pretty well screwed."
Aptly put, I'm sure" she smiled. "Again, you're forgetting things. That's not like you. I spoke to the Gallian envoy who remained here at length about just that. They have a huge fleet. What they didn't have, were weapons effective enough to go against the Krall. As soon as they agreed to join, plans were sent to their home world. They're being refitted as we speak. The Alarans were also convinced by the reports sent to them by the Gallians. They are waiting only to be accepted before refitting their own ships. If you admit them, you'll have ten times the fleet that you began with, and twice what the Krall have."
This was good news, especially when mom told me that the Alaran diplomatic party would be arriving within the week. Other than messages transmitted between us, we knew little of them. The Borealans and the Gallians seemed to think the Alarans were 'able warriors'. I suppose that spoke well of them.
I related my conversation with mom to my mates. I could see the determination return to their faces as I spoke. Rhonda and Connie had seemed unnafected. Not because they didn't have the fire, though. Dee, Jane, and Lucy were parents, too. They had also been busy.
Tina was almost enthusiastic. She was fully recovered now. The pain must have been almost unbearable for her. She had been burned over eighty percent of her body and suffered multiple broken bones. She was the first to speak.
"I'm getting my team together by the end of the week" she said. "The weapons we have now are good. I think we can do better. Shields are the main concern, especially on the carriers. As soon as those bastards realized how effective our fighters were, they concentrated on them. I think they sent more towards them than they did Basilisk! Those fucking assholes have got some severe payback for taking our mates away from us."
Rhonda had a plan, also. "We need to be more blatant in our recruiting. I say we should open offices on Earth. We should be very upfront that everyone who meets our requirements and wants to immigrate will be expected to serve in the navy or the komandos. Sooner or later, we're going to have to put people on the ground. We're even shorter there than we are in the navy. The Gallians are useless as ground forces, from what I've learned. I have no idea what the Alarans are like."
"Rhonda is right" Beth said. "In order to recruit, you're going to have to make an apperance on Earth, though. It should be soon, before Sally leaves office. Make it a fucking 'state visit', with all the trappings and shit. Honesty should be the key, too. We should all go, and leave no fucking doubt in any of their minds that we are all your mates. The time for hiding in the shadows is over. Sooner or later, the Krall will find Earth. Their asses are on the line as much as ours are."
That met with unanimous approval, and Sally would be contacted with the details. We planned to leave after dealing with the Alarans.
The days spent before the Alaran's arrival were spent in jump-starting our people. We capitalized on the "victory" to drum up their spirit. The shipyards were humming, and the training went on non-stop.
The Alarans were a huge surprise, in many ways. First of all, they were... huge. Compared to most humans, anyway. The average seemed to be roughly seven feet tall. They were also very muscular and well built. I add the last because they were also all women. I couldn't help but wonder if the Amazons from Earth legends had invented space travel and migrated.
They must have taken the proposed alliance very seriously. The leader of their people led the delegation. She was very cordial, if a bit stiff and formal. She first requested a tour of the main planet (Vanir) and as many facilities as she could squeeze into the schedule. I accompanied her on all of her explorations, as a guide. She seemed to expect this as a courtesy of one head of state to another.
Delia was a strikingly lovely woman. She was a bit taller than me, but had seemed shocked at the height and physique of myself and most of the other men. I was asked if she might speak to some of my "subjects" in private, and agreed. I thought it odd that all of the ones she talked to were women and girls, but supposed it had something to do with her culture. She though it was amazing that I greeted the majority of people by first name, and more so that I was usually addressed by mine.
Delia and her companions were very intense as they studied our weapons and training. I saw my first smile from her then. I don't know if you'd call it attractive. Predatory would be more accurate, I think.
We spent four days on the tour, before she announced "We have seen enough, President Sussmann. My representatives and yours will meet at sunrise tomorrow to discuss terms of our alliance, if that is acceptable to you."
I agreed, and they left for the quarters they had been assigned. My mates and I could only shake our heads and wonder.
Kathy was waiting to report when we got to our apartments. "I managed to get one of the 'ice maidens' to loosen up and talk, Matt. You better be very careful with this bunch. She gave me a really strong impression that these chicks hate all men with a passion. The only one of them that spoke to a man at all was Delia, and then only to you. Egar, the one I spoke to, seemed to feel sorry for her queen. It seems that speaking to a male is usually only done when issuing commands. I don't think they keep men as slaves, but it sounds like they're more like 'pets' than anything else. Tread carefully here, boss."
We thanked Kathy for the information, and promised to abide by her wishes. We discussed what she had learned, but it shed little light on what we knew, other than to explain the behavior of Delia towards me. We learned much more in the morning.
Delia and two others met with us in the conference room. She wasted no time. "I would speak'" she announced as soon as we had taken seats.
As anxious as my mates and I were for information, that wasn't a problem with us.
"I was wary of the Gallian's report to us," she began "mainly because your society was reported to us as being dominated by males. These were the words passed to us. This had very bad meaning to us, and I will explain. Perhaps you will understand our coldness."
After taking a deep breath, which did amazing things to the tight tunic she was wearing, she continued. "I will relate a bit of our history to you. We were also once a 'male dominated' culture. Our own experience seems to be different than yours, however. The males in our culture were dominant simply by keeping the women as little better than slaves. We were expected to remain in the home and do little more than care for children and spread our legs when required. We were what you would term 'chattel'."
The predatory look returned. "This had the result of causing us to unite and revolt. We are in charge, now. The roles were reversed." Her look changed to one of sadness. "I have wished for some time that my ancestors had not been quite so vindictive. A report by my aide assigned to study your history has re-inforced this belief. She has told me that your culture evolved along similar lines, but that the women did not take up arms."
Looking over our heads, she continued. "What I have observed here is what I wish for us to become. Your women tell me that all people in this place are equal. None are above another. I believe that this is what a civilized culture should be. It will take time, but I would attempt this. It will not be easy for us, nor for you. For us, the change may require generations. Our men are weak and frail. I regret this, for it is us who have caused this. It has been bred into them."
She paused for a moment, before looking at me. Now, I regret that I must tell you of the part that will be difficult for you. I have learned that you recently lost mates in battle. I honor them. This is the ultimate price that may be paid for freedom. It makes what I must tell you even more complicated. An alliance such as this can only be entered by us in one way. There is no alternative that would be accepted by my people. In order for them to believe you are acceptable allies, and considered our equals, you and I must mate for life."
A gasp went up from our side of the table, with mine perhaps being the loudest.
I stood. "You say that an arranged marriage is necessary for this alliance, and I can accept this in principal. You might even say that three of my mates came to me in this way. Angeni, of the Sioux Nation, was such a marriage. Keeli and Aleea, of the Borealan world, could be considered the same. I love all three of these women every bit as much as my other mates. They also feel the loss of our partners every bit as much as I do. You must understand our situation fully. They are not just mated to me, they are mated to each other the same way. We are a family, in all ways."
We saw her first "real" smile then, and it was devilish. "I understand more than you think. I have observed the interaction between your group quite closely. I find it both refreshing, and appealing. I also understand that this is not a decision that is yours alone to make. If it was, I would never have proposed it. Let me outline what we will bring to the partnership, and then you may discuss the arrangement among yourselves to come to a decision on the matter."
Delia described their forces to us, and they were impressive indeed. Over a million ground troops, supported by a navy that dwarfed the Gallian forces. Like our other ally, what they lacked was suitable weapons. Even more intriguing than our ship-based weaponry to them was the armor, weapons, and vehicles for the ground troops. The only down side, from what I could see, was that orders would have to be passed through Delia if we expected them to be obeyed. A man, at least at this point, would be ignored completely. Their history was full of what resulted from being subservient to men.
We retired to our quarters to consult. At first, I was totally against it.
"Look, ladies," I argued "I don't want to seem like this decision is only mine, but I just don't know if I can do this. The loss is just too fresh. Hel, I don't know if I will ever be ready to consider another mate. Somehow, it just feels too fucking disrespectful to the memories of those that died. I'm not collecting knick-knacks, here. What good would a marriage be without love, anyway. The fighting would destroy the alliance!"
Some of the others felt the same, until Angeni spoke. "My mate, you say that you love me as much as the others. You say the same of our 'little blue lovers'. Were we not part of an arranged mating, as well?"
"That's different," I argued. "I was attracted to the three of you as soon as we met. Delia seems so cold and unfeeling that I doubt she is capable of love, at least with a man. It seems as if she considers it a duty to her people, and a distasteful one, at that!"
The appearance of our visitors shut me up fast.
I almost fainted when I saw them. Jackie and Faith stood before us!
We were trated to Jackie's familiar crooked smile and Faith's tinkling laughter. "Oh my husband!" Jackie began "you will never grow up, I suppose. Can't you see that Delia has to act like that to keep up appearances?"
"Yeah, stud!" Faith added, "What did you expect her to do, drop trou and bend over the table while begging you to pork her there in front of her aides? Trust us, that chick has the hots for you, and bad! Couldn't you smell her steamy little snatch in there? You must be getting old!"
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Day 5 (12) –Pretty much everyone The whole family was gathered around Suki when Duke walked into the suite. Most had wet hair and towels wrapped around themselves. Duke paused, unsure what to do. "Ah, Duke!" Suki exclaimed as he walked in. "Welcome back. We were just discussing plans for this evening." "Thanks," he mumbled. "I already have plans." She laughed, "Do they include a night dancing at the Club?" " ... uh, yeah. Why?" He stepped beside his cousins. "As I was just...
"Ladies and gentlemen," the posh English accent announced over the airplane's tannoy, "I'd like to thank you for flying Soixante-Trois airlines, and on behalf of the company, I'd like to wish you all a safe stay in Paris and a very Merry Christmas!" "Joyeux Noel!" Jessica said to the passengers as they disembarked the plane, barely giving the attractive young stewardess in her tight blue skirt and high-heeled shoes a second look as they stepped out into the cold December air. Once all...
June had a day of work and had decided to spend the day tidying the house. She started with the lounge and then headed to her son Reece's room. Normally she wouldn't venture inside there but as it had been ages since she had given it a good clean she thought it was about time. She started stripping the bed and as she grabbed the pillow she saw something coloured there. She reached for it and was totally shocked as she quickly realised it was a pair of her panties that she had put into the...
The teenage girl was past caring who or what got her off provided the ogasmic torture stopped soon she had no way of knowing how long she had been kept in this state by the two, no three people using her body. “Fuuuckkk” she howled as a cock or was it a dildo roughly slammed inside her tiny soaked pussy , “ homy god, homy god, homy god.” she breathlessly panted in time with the thrusts of her a****listic lover. It was him she realised as his spunk emptied inside her it meant, The thought was...
Hi….Everyone..This is shikari…I have been through iss since past 5 years…But never got a chance to post my story..So in story case i m totally new..So any mistake noticed should be tolerated…Nw lets come to story…I am shikara(fake name)..Age 23..Well built…Medium colour..5ft 10 inch..With 7inch rod.. Since my childhood i have a special interest in women specially in the mature age from 40 and above…My parents died when i was only 14…No one there to care about me…Then i grew in in a wrong way…I...
I attended a wedding recently with my partner and i was introduced to 2 sisters.I knew the first one but the second one i had only heard about.Mandy was about 59-60 but looked a lot younger.She would have probably looked even younger but she had on one of those long Laura Ashley type dresses.Later in the evening i was asked if i would dance with her as she had come alone.I reluctantly agreed and i led her onto the dance floor just as a slow song came on.As the song started she grabbed me and...
Hi my name is Leiko Tanaka. I am a Japanese girl and I like Gaijns. Well that is a too simplistic introduction of my person. One may add that I have an erotic interest in European and American guys, well build athletic, well hung guys to be precise. Yet this is wrong too as I am not the usual little Asian slut lusting for big Gaijns to fuck her. No, I am interested in something else: I like to tease and deny them, make them succumb to my will, follow my foul orders, becoming my total obedient...
BDSMI've lost track of time over the last four months. So much has happened so quickly that none of us had time to stop and smell the coffee, or the roses, or anything else. I'll try to put it in chronological order if I can. First, the results of the trials were much better than anticipated. The fully formulated resin was much more efficient, so we were able to get more power than the initial prototypes. In addition, the thin panel product was fully functional as a power source, while not...
In order to refresh your memory, the females involved in this part of the story include Mrs. O’Brian, and her five daughters – Sally(16), Betty(17), Rose(18), Mary (19) and Veronica(20). When we decided to venture out into the New Jersey forest to check out our camping skills, only the five daughters and I decided to participate in the actual camping portion of the outdoors exercise. It is important to note that I had at one time or another actually humped all five sisters, my second cousins...
Ginebra Bellucci is one of our hottest Spanish Señoritas and today on www.private.com she’s looking to celebrate her reunion with old classmate Potro del Bilbao in the only way she knows how. Like all good Private babes, Ginebra wastes no time getting frisky as she gets her hands, mouth and tongue on Potro’s cock and treats him to a nice sloppy blowjob. Then watch as this Mediterranean beauty offers up her tight little ass for some hard anal action that has her moaning with pleasure all the way...
xmoviesforyouA brief build up to the story. At the age of 10 my parents divorced and dad never showed up much. Mom did all she could do but lacked in some of the growing up issues. A man at church took a liking to me and kind of fathered me. He taught me men things, working on cars, cutting wood, fishing, running machinery and the such. I learned a lot from him and I am grateful. He was 30 and his wife was 28, They had a nice house that I often went to visit and spend the night. He and I finished off his...
He noticed his hand shaking as he locked the door behind him, and was surprised at how nervous he felt. He had gone on plenty of first dates before but this was different.——He had met Em on Whisper. He posted about his favorite bar. She replied to challenge him, but soon they were sexting. And not too long after that, they were spilling their sexual fantasies. When she asked about his kinks, he started off tame; public sex, facials, and light bondage.She replied with one word: "hot." Then a...
OutdoorDiverting her attention momentarily from the road, Tamsin smiled at me. I had seen that smile before; it was full of comfort and reassurance. Not that I needed to be reassured but life with Tamsin was full of surprises and it had become increasingly obvious to me that she felt she always needed to prepare me for the next one. The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in...
Gayle Sloan watched her husband until he was out of sight in the trees and heaved a sigh of relief. She was glad that Andy was coming out of his terrible depression; his renewed interest in her, as well as his present headlong pursuit of Joan Wright, was a healthy sign that he was recovering from the devastating blow to his ego when he had been replaced by Buzz Henson as leader of this small band of aviation castaways. She knew that Buzz was working in the plane; she had noted, after he had...
Daniel had been waiting for this moment for so long now that he thought he might spurt a hot stream of cum all over her the minute she undressed. She was standing at the end of his bed, smiling down at him with that provocative smile of hers. The look in her eyes that said "I know your secret". She was so beautiful, with the candlelight casting a soft, warm glow on her pale skin and adding a subtle gold to her rich, brown hair. "How about this," Cassandra murmured. "Promise me that you won't...
Straight SexTod had to go back to the farm that morning, so, right after breakfast, he left. Sam, Misti, Betty, Sharon, and Essie asked if they could tag along. They wanted to see the horses, and maybe go for a ride. Betty wanted to see both of her "babies." The one she had raised from a foal in Texas, and her newest one, that Mr. Goodrich had been so surprised to see her ride. He told them that he would be happy to have the company, Because of the others, Bruce, who had returned immediately after he and...
Sitting at the table I study you as you nervously pick at your salad. We are sat in a crowded restaurant at lunchtime on a busy Saturday afternoon, but we both know we're far off in a world of our own. 'Aren't you hungry?' I ask. Your cheeks seem permanently crimson, a sign of the effect I have on you I hope. Your voice fails a little as you reply. 'It's nice, just… ' I know as the words struggle to form that you are thinking of what I have asked you to do. After the alleyway I want to push...
MasturbationI watch her come into the bar on a hot Saturday afternoon. I cannot help but stare, my eyes following her as she makes her way across the room to the bar. Her wavy red hair is flowing over her shoulders, almost as far down as her what have to be DD breasts bouncing in her Chicago Cubs crop top. The bottoms of her breasts are uncovered and her nipples are proudly poking small tents in her top. Her tight midriff is covered in a light sheen of sweat and leads down to what I suppose are daisy...
BisexualHi, I am Avilash. 22 years old. I am from Dhaka city of Bangladesh. I’m very much naughty and fun loving boy & have an easy-going personality. I’m smart, attractive & 5’10” tall. I’ve fit body, fair complexion & 8’’ penis. I can fuck girls very much in many ways with true fun, enjoyment and satisfaction that you can’t imagine. I say: ‘that it’s all about making you ejaculation until you beg me to “stop please”. Now I’d like to narrate a true sex experience of my life. Here I did not use the...
Author's Note: This is a very slightly edited (cleaned up) version of the original 7 chapters of Class Project which I first posted to the alt.sex.stories.tg newsgroup back in 1995. I've let this tale languish for a long time and I'm not quite the same person I was when I first started writing it. Recently I saw a hyperboard thread listing stories which need to be completed. Class Project was on at least one of those lists. Since then I've been working on the continuation and will be...
IMy best friend was a kid in my second grade class who lived down my street we did everything together including cock play. When we could we would go to one of the new unfinished homes in our nieghborhood and rub and stroked our cocks showing each other what we discovered about our cocks. After dinner that night I told my mom I was going over to Mark's house to show him my new fur piece I knew he would love it. Mom told me to be home before dark, sure" I said and off I went. Just as I...
As Cindy Shine prepares for a day of relaxation, Max Dior comes in dressed for work. He intends to give Cindy a kiss before he goes, but once he wraps his arms around his hot girlfriend he knows he’s going to be late for work. Their passionate kisses continue as Max lifts Cindy onto the kitchen island and slips her robe from her shoulders so he can sample the delights of her perky little breasts and tight hard nipples. Rolling Cindy back, Max tugs her panties aside. He unveils a whole new...
xmoviesforyouApril 23, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “I’ll do it,” I said to Samantha on Friday morning before I left to run with Gina. “Thank you!” she said excitedly. “And the special request?” “Yes,” I said with a smile. “Cool!” She gave me a soft kiss and a tight hug. “But no promises other than the special request in the invitation.” “I know. Totally clear! I talked with Kara to make sure I wasn’t crossing any lines. I’m surprised to see you up at your regular time this morning!” I laughed, “Kara...
Working in an office has its advantages – loads of crumpet, some of it gorgeous and often wearing revealing clothes. As always there were always a few having a bit on the side, straight and lesbian, and it was because of this I had my first office fuck. We had a comfortable rest area and one Christmas I saw two women go there, obviously a bit drunk. I followed at a distance and when they’d gone in managed to spy on them through a window. The picture says it all, one had all but passed out and...
Hello guys I am Twinkle Asher and I am back with the fifth installment of my sex story series- “The Assignment.” Well first thing first, I would like to thank all the loyal readers of my series who waited for so long to enjoy the forth part of my story. I have, as usual received an unbelievable response from my readers on my email id as well on my survey. I am tremendously happy to inform you guys that, the survey was a great hit and the lust that I have received from all the readers was...
Hi me apki apni vidya aaj me aap logo ke samne pesh kar rahi hu apni ek friend ki dastan jo usne mujhe batie thi aur ye bhi me ushi ki anumati se yaha aap logo ke liye pesh kar rahi hu jiska name seema hai age ki kahani Seema ki jubani. Namestey dosto me seeema meri umra 32 hai mera rang fair hai mera figure 36 30 36 hai ye kahani mere aur mere bhai ke dost jo ki hamare ghar me salo se ata jata tha uske aur mere Bich huea sex ki hai wo bhi dikne mai fair tha achkhasa lamba aur majubut jisam ka...
“Domina,” the name rolled off Lauren’s tongue so easily even though she was asleep. Lauren spent many nights under her mistress’ command. She mumbled, screamed, and whispered the name of the only woman to whom she surrendered all. Her heated body was tense, her muscles bunched, they burned and then finally they released themselves in an orgasm that was created by the wettest dream she ever had. Michelle, her mistress and the one she called Domina, stood above her pet as she watched while she...
"Yo, man, it's Jay. Come on over. Yeah. In the bedroom. Just come on in. Front door's not locked. You bet he is. He'd say hi, but he's got his mouth full." Jay laughed. I stared up at him in shock, but unable to protest his inviting someone over while my mouth was full of his cock. I wondered if it was that guy, Bobby, who had been on the phone the other day. The thought of another young black stud making me service his cock was exciting. But then I realized it could just as easily be anyone,...
Freedom Summer, they called it, the summer when three civil rights workers were murdered by a mob of Ku Klux Klansmen. It was the summer after The Beatles splashed on to the American cultural scene and the summer of the ’64 New York World’s Fair. It was the summer when Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and and the summer before Lyndon Johnson’s landslide victory over Barry Goldwater. It was also the summer of the first decade where just about nobody in the USA got polio anymore,...
Bob Perkins, the Boys’ Dean at Middlesex High, arrived at work a bit early. He needed to clear his head for the full day ahead of him. Holly, his 21 year old secretary, came in shortly after him and gave him a big hello. She was at the age where she could take him on twice a day and still need more. Perkins was very happy to have her around, even more so to be able to slip his cock into her warm and very wet pussy a few times a week. On occasion though, even he needed a rest. One of his duties...
SpankingCheating-lightIt is Tuesday morning just before 10 am when I sit down on the couch with a cup of coffee.Today a nice day off.First slept well and just showered, I do not go anywhere today so just a jogging pants and a t, shirt on, easy.My wife is a day in Amsterdam so I have the realm for myself.I am zapping chanels when suddenly i hear knocking on the window, I look up and see josje waving at me.Josje is a friend of my wife already before I married my wife.Josje is just in her 40's and married...
(Conclusion) The bogus cabin boy Grace was well accustomed now to physical demands of the Captain from Castile. In fact, she was more than satisfied with his constant pestering for either anal or oral delights whenever the mood struck him. The mood struck him often. She was in a bit of a quandary about informing the handsome young Captain that he was riding a sex-starved eighteen year old female and not some addled cabin boy with a liking for cock. She wanted desperately to advise him of...
He still had the patrol car parked outside of the insurance agent's office at night on his mind. He should bring in all the officers, of the squad on duty at the times of the complaints. He had a feeling that since it was a morals issue that would never happen. He could get a general warning about girlfriends and sex on the job issued, but he wanted to target it a little closer. He also wanted it to come from the desk cops, if they felt the brass badge group felt it had to come out at all....
Alan Miller remembered at the last minute it was casual Wednesday, shucked off his grey polo, and put on an Oregon Ducks t-shirt. He glanced at it in the mirror by his apartment door: it was a little tight, but in the right places, so he threw on his sunglasses, grabbed his bag and left for work. His early-2000s Honda Accord didn’t exactly roar to life, but started with only a slight cough before humming softly. Traffic at 9:30 on the freeway was light (lighter than true rush hour, anyway)...
How I used to fuck my neighbour MILF often , How Much I missed her when she had to go to her native. How intense it was when she got back..!! [email protected] / on hangouts with the same id. Thanks!
MILFRockwell mansion, a refuge for the lost, confused and mistreated super people of the world. They've recently opened their gates to the public. Allowing anyone with powers in. You were one of the first non-dedicated supers to ever be admitted into the place and so far, you've been enjoying it. Learning how to control your powers and how to use them to save lives. But you've also been enjoying the people, especially one...
I was on my knees in between my professors legs with his small cock in my mouth, the 56 year old man was sat back groaning as I squeezed my hand around his small shaft as I ran my tongue around his bellend. Luckily he didn’t last long, I hated our agreement but if I wanted to pass his class it was the only way. “I’m gonna cum in your mouth” he panted as he shoved my head down, seconds later his hot load shot down my throat. I quickly swallowed and got to my feet. “That was lovely” he said with...