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Freedom Summer, they called it, the summer when three civil rights workers were murdered by a mob of Ku Klux Klansmen. It was the summer after The Beatles splashed on to the American cultural scene and the summer of the ’64 New York World’s Fair. It was the summer when Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and and the summer before Lyndon Johnson’s landslide victory over Barry Goldwater.

It was also the summer of the first decade where just about nobody in the USA got polio anymore, thanks to the Salk and Sabin vaccines which virtually eliminated the dreaded polio virus—little consolation to those already crippled by the disease, the ones with atrophied limbs and steel braces.

In the summer of ’64, I was twenty years old and looking forward to my junior year in college. As in previous summers, I banged nails and hung sheetrock, working for my uncle Albert’s construction company. I was his favorite nephew, my uncle used to say. Not only did he give me a summer job, he was always looking for a ‘nice Jewish girl’ to set me up with—a friend’s daughter or niece, a cousin’s daughter or niece, a friend of a friend’s sister…Well, you get the picture. Unfortunately, none of these worked out for one reason or another, and a few I’d even call disaster dates. So I rolled my eyes one day after work when my uncle said in that big, booming baritone of his: ‘Barry, have I got a girl for you!’

‘Uncle Albert,’ I said, ‘no offense, but I think you should call a moratorium on your match-making efforts. Thank you very much.’

But he persisted. ‘Look, I know things didn’t work out in the past. But this girl is different.’

‘Where have I heard that line before?’ I said, my tone ringing with cynicism.

With a dismissive wave of his meaty hand, he said, ‘Listen, Barry, this girl is absolutely gorgeous. Remember that beauty in the Dr. Kildare episode last year, the surfer chick with epilepsy?’

‘Yvette Mimieux?’

‘Yeah, that’s her. Honestly, she’s not quite THAT striking but close, damn close. And she’s real smart too, goes to Mount Holyoke.’

A Yvette Mimieux lookalike at a Seven Sisters school? I didn’t believe it. With few exceptions, girls who went to Mount Holyoke, Vassar, Smith, Radcliff, et al were known more for their brains than beauty. And her name, Frannie Ottenstein, sounded even more divorced from the Mimieux image. No girl with the name Frannie Ottenstein looked like Yvette Mimieux. I mean, can you picture a Jewish girl with a name like that standing on the beach with a surf board? I couldn’t. Now, Kathy Kohner, the original Gidget, was Jewish. She was even cute. But in Yvette Mimieux’s league? No way.

Uncle Albert said she was the daughter of one of his building suppliers. He saw her himself when she came in the office with her dad. ‘She knows about you, Barry,’ he said. ‘I built you up. She seemed interested and she’s available. So call her, boychick.’ When I finally gave in and he gave me her parents’ phone number, he said, ‘But there is one other thing.’

‘Yeah, what’s that?’

After some hesitation, he said, ‘Oh, nothing. You’ll find out. It’s nothing serious.’

Curious, I decided to call her. She had a lovely voice on the phone, soft and polite. We talked for close to an hour, mostly about school, plans for the summer, stuff like that. Like me, she had a summer job, worked in her dad’s office taking orders. We grooved over the phone so well that I asked her out, and she accepted. ‘Well, I guess your uncle told you what I look like,’ she said toward the end of our conversation.

‘Like Yvette Mimieux.’

She chuckled. ‘So I’ve been told. People are surprised when they find out I’m Jewish. You know the old line, ‘but you don’t look Jewish’.’ After a few seconds of silence, she said. ‘But is that all he said? About my looks, I mean.’

‘That’s all he said. Why, something else I should know?’

‘So, he didn’t tell you that…I’ve had polio.’

‘Oh. No, he didn’t,’ I said, dropping my voice several octaves. Now I knew what uncle Albert meant by ‘there is one other thing.’

‘Look, Barry, you can back out of this if you’d like, I won’t be offended. Some guys do when they ask me out on a blind date and I tell them, particularly jock guys like you. Your uncle told me you’ve been athletic all your life, that you still play lacrosse for your college team. ‘

I debated what I should do. She was right in thinking that an active, sports-oriented guy like me would want a female counterpart for a girlfriend. At the very least, I’d want a girl who was healthy in body as well as mind. Crass as it sounds, cripples need not apply. But just how crippled was Frannie?

‘Are you…I mean can you—’


‘I didn’t mean—’

‘No, it’s okay. I get that a lot. Yes, I can walk. But I do best when hobbling. If hobbling was an Olympic sport, I’d probably win gold. Silver at the very least. ‘

I sat there in silence, dangling the phone in my hand.

‘That was a joke, Barry.’

‘Oh, yes, of course,’ I said, forcing a laugh.

‘I have an offbeat sense of humor, in case you haven’t noticed. So, do we have a date?’

We had a date. Her seductive phone voice and upbeat, vibrant personality won me over. What the hell? It was one date out of my life. Besides, I didn’t want to be one of those guys she mentioned who couldn’t deal with someone with a handicap. Truth be told, though, it bothered me.

She lived with her folks in Belmont Estates, an upscale, predominantly Jewish post World War Two suburban development of mostly sprawling rangers set on equally sprawling lawns. Professional people lived here— doctors, lawyers, engineers and people like her dad who had made it in business. They could afford fancy schools like Mount Holyoke. Me, I went to a state university, a decent school but not on the Ivy level.

Blind dates can be innervating, and I was especially nervous about this one, not knowing quite what to expect. I had seen people whose bodies had been ravaged by polio, so my mind raced with possible scenarios regarding Frannie Ottenstein. Of course, there was always the possibility that she wouldn’t like what she saw either. I was okay looking—slightly above average in height (five-foot ten), brown hair, brown eyes, solid athletic build from wrestling and lacrosse and the weight training I did over the summer to keep in shape. But I was no matinee idol. So if my uncle Albert had built me up to the point where she was expecting Rock Hudson or Paul Newman to show up, she’d be very disappointed.

An attractive, middle-age woman greeted me at the door. ‘Hi, you must be Barry. Come in. Frannie will be down in a moment.’

Her name was Irene, Frannie’s mom. She was of average height for a woman, and looked pretty good for one nearing fifty—trim, with short, light brown hair streaked with gray. David, her dad, a balding, paunchy six-footer around the same age, came out of the kitchen and greeted me. We sat in the large, tastefully furnished living room, passing the minutes with casual, break-the-ice sort of talk. He talked a little about his business, his connection to my uncle Albert, etc. He asked me about school, summer plans, the kind of stuff Frannie and I had discussed on the phone.

‘So, Frannie told me you know about her polio,’ he said. I nodded. ‘You know, she’s had dates broken because of it, boys who can’t tolerate girls with a handicap. Their loss. Of course, I’m prejudiced, but she’s quite a girl.’ I nodded again, not knowing what to say. I sure wasn’t going to tell him that I too almost bailed when she told me.

We both looked up at the sound of her making her way down the steps. She leaned slightly over the banister, holding tightly to the railing with both hands, taking the steps one at a time. Her face came into view before anything else. I smiled thinking that this time my good uncle got it right. She possessed the sor
t of beauty that turned the heads of both men AND women. Her thick, dirty-blond hair dropped below her shoulders, then curled at the ends—hair fine enough to appear in a Breck Shampoo ad. She looked more Mimieux than Ottenstein, that’s for sure. So much for stereotypes. She also wore a dress, a yellow summer dress hemmed just above her knees. As she came near the bottom of the steps, I could see the steel brace over her withered right leg, attached to a heavy brown shoe. Her other leg looked normal, beautifully shaped, what you might expect from a girl with adoring looks. In fact, everything about her looked ‘normal’ except for her right leg. Of course, she didn’t walk normal. In fact, she could barely walk at all unless she used her cane, which her mom handed to her when she came off the steps.

‘Nice meeting you, Barry,’ she said, smiling broadly. She looked at me intently, assessing my reaction. I kept my eyes glued to her face, her beautiful, seductive hazel eyes and near flawless skin. She had that clean, scrub look, more akin to someone from Anglo-Saxon stock rather than the Russian-Jewish ethnicity she later told me was her background. I loved her easy, genuine smile and her voice, the same soft, engaging voice I had heard over the phone.

‘Nice meeting you too, Yvette—I mean Frannie.’ She seemed to appreciate the humor.

Holding the cane in her left hand, she hobbled (as she told me on the phone) to my car swinging her braced stiff right leg, then leaning on her cane and stepping forward with her normal left leg. Instinctively, I reached out to help her. She frowned and pulled away, conveying by her sour expression that she felt insulted. ‘I’m perfectly fine,’ she said. I stepped back, trying not to look hurt, but she picked up on it. ‘Don’t feel bad, yours was a natural reaction. I know you mean well, like all those others who do the same thing. But I can get around as well as anyone else. Just not as fast.’

We both liked Chinese food, so I suggested Jimmy Chang’s. Being late June, it was still light out when we got there a little after seven. Jimmy’s was getting crowded as it normally did on Saturday nights. Between munching on our won ton soup, egg rolls, kung pao chicken and fried rice, we talked. Typical of first dates, there were a few minutes of awkward silences. Overall, however, the conversation flowed nicely. Both of us were unsure what we’d do with our lives after college graduation. An English major, Frannie said she might attend grad school for a PhD to prepare for a teaching career. She also saw herself applying to law school. As a psychology major, I had no choice but to enter grad school if I wanted to make a career of it, and especially if I wanted to keep my student deferment. Thousands of American ‘advisors’ were already in Vietnam, and it wouldn’t be long before LBJ committed ground troops en masse for full scale combat operations. A student deferment could keep you from getting drafted and thus out of the mess. Neither of us had much to say about the war because we knew so little about it. Few Americans did at that time, unlike a few years later when the country would be deeply divided. Frannie said that much of the activism at Mount Holyoke centered on what some students there considered antiquated rules regarding curfews, alcohol use, men in the dorms, that sort of thing.

‘So if I came up for a visit,’ I said, ‘you’d have to hide me under your bed if I wanted to stay late.’

‘Either that or stuff you under the blankets with me on top in case the dorm mother wandered in. Of course, my stuffy, pedantic roommate might give us away. But that’s another matter.’ I made a mental note to look up the word pedantic.

We talked about my hypothetical visit in jest, but I sensed there were serious undertones to it. I liked Frannie, and she seemed to like me. And I especially liked looking at her, liked the way she brushed back her radiant hair as she talked, the way she blinked her eyes and moved her lips, thin but sensuous. She made me forget the polio thing, that is, until it was time to leave, when she grabbed her cane and hobbled out of Jimmy Chang’s, down the street and into my car. I wished it didn’t bother me, but it did. It wasn’t even nine o’clock. I still didn’t know what to do as I started up my red, ’63 Ford Fairlane convertible. I could drop her off, chalk it up to experience and never call her again. Or, I could stick it out and see what happened. She seemed to be enjoying herself as much as me. It was refreshing being with a girl on the upside of the bell curve, someone whose intellectual depth went beyond what you’d find in mainstream fare such as like ‘Life’ and ‘Look’ magazines. She made me laugh with her wonderful self-deprecating sense of humor. And, as noted, she was so fucking beautiful. If not for that brace and her atrophied right leg…

‘Listen,’ I said, ‘it’s still early and this warm June evening cries out for a drive in the country. How bout it?’

‘We’re on the same page, captain,’ she said excitedly. ‘Drive on.’

With the top down, I headed north out of the city, past suburban subdivisions and into a rural part of the county that in twenty years would look something like Belmont Estates. But in the summer of ’64, it was sparsely populated, a place of farms, patches of woodland and open fields that stretched for miles. We drove around for awhile before I pulled off in a wooded area by a gravel road that ran by a small lake.

After I cut the ignition, she said, ‘You move fast, Barry, taking me parking on a first date.’

‘Well, believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve parked with anyone on a first date.’

She smiled incredulously. ‘Right, huh huh.’

‘No, honest. I just thought we could resume our conversations out here. It’s more relaxing.’

And it was, too, with nothing to distract us but chirping birds and buzzing cicadas. It was cooler out here, prompting Frannie to drape a white jacket over her sleeveless dress. Since leaving her house, she hadn’t said one word about her polio. Curious as I was about when and how she got it, I couldn’t bring myself to ask. She left me an opening when she mentioned Barbara, her high school age sister.

‘Lucky for her, she started summer camp after the Salk vaccine came out,’ she said.

‘So, is that where you got it, at summer camp?’

‘Yes, when I was nine. It was nineteen-fifty-four, a couple years before Salk’s vaccine became widely available. Prior to that, I was like any other normal active kid, running and jumping, playing volleyball and softball and capture the flag. And I was good, too. Quite the athlete, my counselor told my parents. And then, in August of that fateful year…’ She looked down and rubbed her eyes.

I reached for her hand. ‘Frannie, if this is too painful for you, we can drop it.’

She turned to face me, laughed through her tears. ‘Don’t be silly. I can talk about it, sometimes even without crying.’ She laughed again and reached inside her purse for a hankie and blew her nose. ‘So that’s what happened. Fever, pain and chills, followed by partial paralysis and this hunk of steel I lug around every day. But I’m lucky compared with those iron lung cases.’

‘Did you return to camp?’

‘I did, the following summer. And played sports, too. I didn’t like the girls making special allowances for me, but I didn’t have much choice. In dodge ball, they just lobbed the ball at me, afraid I’d fall if they threw it too hard. Same thing in volleyball. In softball, I got the extra slow pitch. Swimming was the only sport I could do almost as well as I did before polio struck. Like President Roosevelt did in Warm Springs, Georgia, I can walk unaided in the water.’

Her spunk and courage impressed me. She looked even prettier in twilight, and I got the urge to do more than just talk. ‘Okay, so you can walk unaided in water. How about kissing? Do you do that in cars on the first date?’

‘Depends on the guy. If I like him enough, sure.’
‘And do you?’

‘What do you think?’

‘I think you’re beautiful.’

‘Well, I think you’re beautiful, too.’ She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me. She tasted good and she smelled good, like fresh linen. I touched her face, ran my fingers along her baby-soft skin and through her silky hair, while absorbing the softness of her lips and her sweet, gentle kisses. My solar plexus tingled—I really liked this girl.

We smoothed for a good five minutes before she said, ‘I like you, Barry. But if we’re to continue to see each other, you can’t ever feel sorry for me, okay? I’ve had too many guys interested in me for that reason, guys who feel compelled, if not obligated to take care of me, protect me. I can take care of myself. Understood?’

‘Feel sorry for you? A super smart Mount Holyoke babe who uses words like pedantic? Never.’ She doubled over in laughter. Then I said, ‘What the hell does that mean, anyway?’

‘Narrow, stodgy. A pedant is somebody who goes strictly by the book. A stuffed shirt, in other words. You’re not one of those, are you?’

‘Not me. But it kind of fits one of my lacrosse coaches. He’s by the book to the point of absurdity. Anyway, you’ll get no pity from me.’

‘Good. Then we’ll get along just fine. Now, can we resume what we were doing? You’re an awfully good kisser.’

Frannie was an awfully good kisser herself, warm, affectionate, passionate. It was obvious that she had had a fair amount of experience, at least in that area, and I couldn’t help but wonder how far she’d gone beyond that. At age twenty, I wasn’t exactly a young Hugh Heffner. In fact, my tally as far as getting laid came exactly to one, and that was a year ago. Girls weren’t as permissive back then, even college girls. And the ones that were had ‘reputations.’ The image of the ‘good girl’ was still a girl that ‘saved’ herself for marriage. By 1964, things had loosened up a little from the conformist Eisenhower years. But the so-called sexual revolution was still close to a decade away. I was as horny as the next guy, not above cruising the streets of the poorer sections of town with like-minded friends, on the prowl for easy pussy. Betsy, my tally of one, was one such easy, a ‘downtown chick’ who didn’t flinch when it came to putting out. She was a cute little blond, an eighteen year old high school dropout who lived with her divorced aunt and worked in a factory. We were from very different socio-economic and cultural worlds. Yet I liked Betsy, liked her for her body, yes, but also for her sweetness and honesty, her lack of pretension. But this was a girl with limited education, who lacked both the ambition and smarts to improve herself. Predictably, I got bored and broke things off. I felt like a cad because she was very hurt. The experience convinced me that ultimately what I needed was the whole package, a girl who could fulfill me on several levels, emotionally, sexually and intellectually, and not necessarily in that order.

Frannie Ottenstein seemed like a good prospect as I held and kissed her on that balmy June night. In succeeding weeks, I became more convinced of it. Her ‘handicap’ became less of an issue with me. I couldn’t completely overlook it. But her spunk and energy, not to mention her beauty, inside and out, more than compensated for it. She didn’t shy away from activity that could bring attention to her condition. One night we went dancing (her idea), and I figured we’d slow dance and sit the fast ones out. Not! She did a mean twist, as well as a modified frug. We also used to run together. Aware that running was part of my training regimen, she insisted on joining me. She didn’t run, she hobbled like she had told me, and it was the fastest hobble I’d ever seen. People on the track looked on admiringly, watching this hot babe, with her cane and leg brace, burn up the cinders.

Our sex life was confined to heavy make-outs in the car and on living room sofas, hers and mine. By July, I was swinging for the fences but coming up short. Third base was as far as she’d go. Liberal in other ways, she was the ‘good Jewish girl’ when it came to pre-marital sex. Foreplay for others was endplay for us. But boy was she good at it! After a bit of experimentation, she developed a great sense of timing, fine tuning her mouth and hands to my rhythms, not averse to licking my cum. The girl knew what turned me on, and she wasn’t shy about telling me how I could return the favor. Of course, I was all too willing to oblige. She had the nicest tits, firm B-cups that perked right up the second my tongue made contact with them. It drove her wild. Her tummy was just as sensitive. She loved it when I touched her there, when I ran my tongue along her stomach. Given the circumstances, I couldn’t tell her I was a leg man. At first, I cringed at the sight of her atrophied right leg. To be blunt, it turned me off, the sight of it encased in that hideous steel brace attached to that equally hideous heavy brown shoe, at times a saddle style shoe. But then a strange thing happened. For some reason, I started to find it sexy in a fetish-like way. Being a psychology major, I attempted to analyze myself, to plumb the depths of my subconscious for an answer. Other than coming up with some vague notion of attaching her infirmity to feminine vulnerability, I didn’t get very far. I figured I was one for the books, including those authored by ‘sexperts’ William Masters and Virginia Johnson. But it was a good thing because it allowed me to drop my former inhibitions about pleasing her below the waist. On dates, she’d usually wear a dress. Cane in hand, she’d stand there in her living room or den, lift her dress and demand that I eat her pussy. ‘I’ll whack you with my cane if you don’t,’ she’d say in a mock threat. So I’d get on my knees, take her panties down, and go to work. She’d go nuts, writhing and moaning, gripping her cane and a chair for support. More than once, she lost her balance and toppled into my arms. Then she’d lie on the floor, legs akimbo, and I’d resume where I left off. I’d rub my hard cock over her clit, getting her off without fully entering her sacred chamber. She climaxed like a guy in that she came relatively fast. I’d heard friends’ stories about their girlfriends who either couldn’t climax or could but only after their partners expended an exhausting effort to get them there. With Frannie it was easy, and it would normally conclude the way it began, with passionate kissing, buried in each other’s arms.

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Animal Farm SwappersChapter 6 Animal Acts

"This is the life," Peggy said. "They should've started this program a long tome ago. It's a hell of a lot more fun stretched out here in the sun than it would be sitting in a classroom, huh?" "It sure is," Betty said. "I'm also glad that Julie and Kathy joined the damn thing. It's a good thing she lives on a farm and can give us some pointers. That Mister Anderson's a beautiful hunk of man, but he's even dumber than I am when it comes to animals and farming." "It's too bad...

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Out of Place Artefacts

I was an assistant office messenger for a urban newspaper. My work life was reliable and relaxed. Then, one day, I was sent to the djungle with a group of journalists who wanted to explore the rumours about an ancient civilisation in the primeval forest, which a section of the Eurocentric scientists had called the Rumpus culture.

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 14 Broken Social Contracts

The hallways were once again deserted as we made our way to the room that the AI had designated. Ashley held my arm and leaned against me as we walked. "Mark," she said once she was sure we were alone. "I know you and I have been together the longest, but please don't freeze me out." "Have I?" I asked. Ashley looked at me. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears. I immediately put my arms around her and hugged her. My blond haired lover giggled. "Got you!" she said as she put her...

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Secondary Education

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] I am riding on the back of Matt Frawley's motorcycle. I press myself against him, and my breasts tingle as they tease his bulky, sweat stained back. We careen around curves on the Angeles Crest Highway, and we exit down a winding road into the National Forest. We roll to a halt in a gravel parking lot strewn with remnants of bikers' parties. Matt hides the bike in a stand of oaks. He puts his arm around my waist, and...

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Secondary Education 2

Secondary Education Chapter 2, The Trouble With PE By Tyla Flowers [email protected] I am rounding the last turn of the mandatory mile. Each footfall is unbearable. The sun, the smog, and the heat are relentless. Coach is screaming words I cannot hear over the blood pounding in my ears. I cross the finish line and collapse at his feet. "Get up, move around before you puke, Flowers." "I can't, Coach." It is too late. I retch on the ground at Coach's feet, a watery gruel. I...

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Secondary Education Chapter 3 Self Improvement

Secondary Education By Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 3 Self Improvement Please email me a comment if you are enjoying (or not) my story. Our apartment is dark, hot and empty when I get home. I am a latchkey kid, and have been since my dad went to jail for the penultimate time, when he got his second strike for dealing meth back in '02. Now, he's in for 25, and I am sure Mom is heading back into custody for parole violation. In her waste basket I find used...

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Secondary Education Chapter 4 Inititation

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Please email me or post a comment if you like, or dislike my story. Thanks. Chapter 4 Initiation I wait in line at Target behind a squat Latina and her raucous brood. She barks shrill commands and threats, which they cheerfully ignore as they slip cheap toys into her already stuffed shopping cart. Her boyfriend ignores the anarchy as he adds an armful of last minute items to their tottering pile of goods. The cashier...

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Secondary Education Chapter 5 A Hard Road to Ho

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 5 A Hard Road to Ho. I awake alone, my limbs twisted in rumpled sheets. The tattered window shade flaps in a desultory breeze billowing in one moment, sucking against the screen in the next. The cheerful trill of a passing ice cream truck making its final rounds makes me hungry, and I drag myself from the bed. I look out the window into the gloaming. It's night. I have slept a couple of hours. The...

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Secondary Education Chapter 6 A Night on the Town

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 6 Night on the Town I sit in the back seat of a speeding, SUV, wedged between two Mara soldiers. Jose's corpse lies under a bloody blanket behind us, his face obliterated by the pointblank blast from Antoine's shotgun. Hector drives the Escalade up and down Jefferson Boulevard, the uneasy border between the Crip and Mara fiefdoms, speeding past its many shuttered used furniture stores, but slowing as he...

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Secondary Education Chapter 7

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 7 The Tipping Point The rising sun paints the smoggy sky over Los Angeles fuchsia. The air is dense with the smoke of distant wildfires. The breeze is already hot. It stirs the trash from overflowing garbage cans and sends it tumbling down the streets. Greasy food wrappers twirl in trash cyclones: In and Out, Jack in the Box, Weinerschnitzel. The sight makes me nauseous, and I choke back a gag. My eyes...

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Secondary Education Chapter 8 Making Up My Incomplete

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 8 Making Up My Incomplete I cinch a belt around the baggy waist of my Dockers. The pants' seat and thighs are just as tight as the waist is loose. My old boy clothes don't fit my new body. It is as Tyler, rather than Tyla, that I am re- enrolling, two weeks late, in Fairfax High's summer program. I wrap my boobs with an Ace bandage to squeeze them flat, and cover up my curves with tee shirt and a faded Kobe...

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Secondary Education Chapter 9

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 9, Seeing No Evol Matt Frawley's arms are glistening in the slanting rays of August sunshine. He dribbles behind his back, wrong footing his defender. Matt deftly crosses the ball over, changing direction and bounce passes it to Antoine, who is streaking down the court on the fast break and scores an easy lay up. Matt whoops a victorious hurrah, and his blue eyes for a moment meet mine until he is distracted by...

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Secondary Education Chapter 10 Reincarnation

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 10 Reincarnation I am asleep in the arms of my Bodhisattva. He strokes my forehead. "Look within to find consciousness of the skandhas that survived your rebirth." I concentrate, and focus on a fuzzy, black and white image. "I was Private Flores, an American warrior in the jungle battles of Laos. I killed many and died filled with guilt and hatred. These passions survived inside me, and even they roil...

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Secondary Education

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Is This Nirvana? Chapter 11 I awaken with a shudder. A fractured ray of sunlight pierces the crack between a pair threadbare quilts which have been hung as an makeshift curtain. From outside I hear the clamor of banda piped through the tinny speakers of a catering truck. A hot breeze wafts a rancid flume of stale cooking oil, jalapeno and stewed pork. I feel nauseous, and choke back a heave. I have mind-splitting...

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Secondary Education Chapter 12 My Missing Pieces

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 12, My Missing Pieces Oprah's over, Rikki Lake's not on yet, and Dr. Phil depresses me. So I flick off the television. I pick up a month-old "Us" magazine: Lindsey's back in rehab, Paris is busted for DUI again, same old, same old. I throw it back on the table and wish I had something to do. I am a high school dropout. During my convalescence after being castrated, I missed the start of school at Hollywood...

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Secondary Education Chapter 13 Screen Kisses

Secondary Education Chapter 13 Screen Kisses [email protected] This is a continuation of a sexually explicit story. If depictions of sex disturb you, or if you are under the age of 18, do not read this story. All persons and events depicted herein are fictional. If you like, hate or otherwise react to this story, please email me at the address above or post a comment to the site where you read it. Xoxox, TF I am squeezed between Ocho Loco and Hector on the sagging,...

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Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal

Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal [email protected] In Tyla's harsh demi-monde, how shall she discern the betrayer from the betrayed? Cautionary Note: This is adult erotic fiction (not fantasy) and should not be read by non-adults or by adults who are offended by violence or explicit erotica involving under-aged transgendered protagonists. All persons depicted are fictional, and...

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Kenneth and Elizabeth explore the FACTS

A sweltering June morning brought Elizabeth to a dilemma; her car blew its radiator the day previous and even though she resisted, she was forced to ride the floundering subway. As she descended the escalator to the station platform, her shoelace was caught in the steps, causing her to scream for help. Luckily away from his post, Kenneth sprinted to the escalator, diving for the emergency stop button. He stopped it three feet from the bottom, sparing injury for the grateful Elizabeth....

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Semen Weird Facts

1. Abnormal Sperm is Entirely NormalAlthough it may seem confusing, it is normal for men to have abnormal sperm. In fact, some reports state that about 90% of the sperm in a man’s ejaculate is deformed. Common deformities include two heads, two tails, pinheads, huge heads, coiled tails, you name it. Scientists explain this is a common behavior of sperm in monogamous relationships.Wait, what?For the species where more than one male’s sperm finds itself in a female at the same time, the sperm is...

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The Exhibit Part 3 Just the Facts

Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how the use of Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds to obey her, so very deeply. Mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica. The problem is, fewer and fewer new slaves...

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Once Upon an AlienChapter 6 Snakes and Artifacts

There was no question in Cody's mind about 'fast and hard or slow and sane' in this instance. Based on what Cody had heard before the soldiers had been interrupted, this Captain didn't deserve the slow and sane route. That didn't mean Cody wouldn't use his extra sense to ensure the Captain was telling him the truth. The story the captain told was surprising as well as frightening, and he only tried to lie one time. When he lied, Cody immediately informed Maria of the lie and asked her...

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First time massage from my Dads contacts

I found my dad’s porn stash by accident one day. He had gone away on business and I was in the loft when I found the bag. There was the usual wank mags, videos and I thought that was all. So I pulled out my cock and started to wank. He had some good, hard core, heterosexual stuff. As I pulled my s*******n old cock, I was really enjoying this stash when I found a little black book. Inside was his contact list with whores, escorts, cinemas and other acquaintances. Mostly there were places a long...

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The Exhibit A Tale Of Dominicas RealmChapter 3 Just the Facts

Sean's cell phone rang. He answered and heard the brief message. "This is 27. You must obey Dominica. Execute protocol 77." He replied, "I must obey Dominica. It will be done." Then he disconnected, and one by one, he selected two speed dial numbers. For each one, he waited for an answer, then relayed the message. "This is 27. You must obey Dominica. Execute protocol 77." From the other end came the reply, "I must obey Dominica. It will be done." Thus, one slave called two. And...

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Second Honeymoon without Husband

I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips, big eyes and long hairs which reached till my bums. I usually wore sari all the time. But...

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Second Chance

I had been crying, on and off, for more than an hour. When Janie told me she wanted a separation I was hurt and confused. We had been married five years and true, it wasn't as good now as it was in the beginning. For one thing, we rarely had sex anymore and if we did, it was quite routine. When we first met and starting dating, everything was great. We did lots of stuff together and had sex all the time. We were so good together, that I had the confidence to tell her about my...

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Second Best

Hey guys and girls. I realized a while back that I was in trouble. With the Boss paid off, I kind of wanted a new car. I went to several dealerships and drove several new GTs. I ended up doing a Randi. My friend Black Randi always talks about building cars. So, I hit several auctions and got myself a fairly decent donor. I got a 67’ fastback roller. A guy in OKC was planning on doing a faithful resto and he ran out of money and time. My intention is a resto mod, with a Voodoo or Coyote power...

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second place

THIS IS NOT MY STORY, I FOUND THIS STORY ON ANOTHER SITE AND THINK EVERYONE ON XHAMSTER SHOULD HAVE THE CHANCE TO READ IT.Chapter 1Terri and Danielle had been rivals all of their lives.Growing up together, they had never really seen eye to eye. Throughoutgrade school, they had been the two brightest students in their classes,and had fiercely competed to outdo each other. Later on, in high school,this type of competition had continued on a more social level. Terristealing away Danielle's...

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Second Sight

‘But don’t you find it just a tad bit strange?’ Cliff Clayton asked his wife, Susan. Even though they were sitting knee to knee on rickety kitchen chairs, they barely could see each other through the decorated and lit pine branches. Two bushy Christmas trees, enveloping the room in a strong, eerily light, were positioned in the small living room, in opposite corners, but with their branches almost touching in the center of the room. ‘Shh, she’ll hear you,’ Susan muttered back at Cliff out of...

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Second Chance

Second Chance By Julie O. Edited by Robert Arnold Chapter 1 (Sometime in 2008) In many ways it started off as very typical day. I arrived home from a long day at work, and after greeting Max the cat at the front door of my condo, I sorted through the day's mail. For the most part it was the usual collection of bills, magazines, and junk mail. However,...

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Second Honeymoon Without Husband

Myself Jyoti Papani married to Sumit Papani, works as General Manager in a Textile Company, I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips,...

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Second Life

Sally and James lead two very different lives. Their first life was very much like every other married couple’s life. They went to work, they paid their bills on time, and spent most of their spare time running the kids around to sports. They were even part of the school PTA at the local Christian school. Sally volunteered from time to time at the school while James helped out at the local Men’s Shed, helping older members of the community build and work with their hands through their retired...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 1

August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...

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Second Serving

Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Author can be contacted at [email protected]   Second Serving To the outside world, Tony and his wife, Angela, appear no different fromany other happily married couple living in an unremarkable, respectable suburbof a modern city in Britain . No debt collectors call. No ear-splitting, late-nightraves pierce the midnight air. No inter-neighbour disputes disrupt the peacefulcalm of the street. They leave together for work every weekday promptly atquarter to...

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Second Day at the Job

When he arrived the next morning he was instructed to report to John’s office. With a sigh, Daniel knocked at the door.“Enter,” came the reply from inside.Daniel turned the knob and went in.“Close the door behind you,” John ordered, sitting behind his desk in a red pull-over and khaki slacks.Daniel did as instructed and stood in front of John’s desk.“Get your assignment done,” John asked looking at Daniel’s crotch.“Yes,” Daniel whimpered.“That’s ‘yes Sir,’” John corrected. “Let’s see.”Daniel...

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One of my classes is critical to all students graduating high school. They must get a passing grade or else they cannot move on to whatever awaits them beyond the hallowed halls of the only high school in this county. It is English after all, our native language. I moved here from the city because I wanted peace and quiet. I had thought that maybe my experiences would be different. But I see the same amount if not more students just squeak by or drop out. Then they go on to local farms thinking...

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Second Hand Fattening

Part 1 There is another universe, where the rules are different. Where things affect other people in a more unique way than they do in ours. I mean, you’ve seen the ads, right? All the dangerous side-effects of smoking this, eating that. Every one of them always talks about second-hand effects for people around you, like second hand smoking or jealous skinny people as you enjoy that 2nd cheeseburger feigning concern about your body. We all know they just want a 2nd cheeseburger. Go have one,...

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Second Life

Second Life. by Writer345© It is the late 2030's and somewhere in a small run-down town in South Wales there is a rather shabby looking Industrial Estate that is long past it's 'sell-by' date. Over to one side of the ram-shackled collection of buildings is an old and dilapidated warehouse long in need of a coat of paint... The warehouse, however, sports a large new- looking sign board proclaiming it to be the home of "SECOND-LIFE AUCTIONS Ltd." The warehouse has no windows and...

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Art CriticChapter 2 Modeling Contracts

It took two weeks before Dee came to the studio to pose for us. I was surprised that Kendra managed to persuade her to model for all three of us. Dee was the most body-shy person in our class. The first time I’d drawn her nipple, she only pulled her shirt up high enough so I could see it without seeing anything else. She even hid her bra so I wouldn’t see that. She described it as a liberating experience, though, and the next session, she simply removed her shirt and bra and sat for over an...

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Secondary School for Girls1

They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies. They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage. “YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with...

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Secondary School for Girls0

They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies. They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage. “YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with...

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Second Chances Chapter 30 FINAL Hello my name is Chrissy

Sunday, October 5, 1997 I woke up on my own. I sat up in bed. I remembered last night... or rather I remembered what I wished for. I suddenly got really nervous. What have I done? I'm stuck in 1997 now. I'm stuck as Christina now. I was so caught up in the moment I really didn't think it through. Breathe Chrissy. You asked for this. You wanted this. Yeah, But now it's real. I looked at the mirror in front of me. This is very real. This is me. This is me forever...

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