UnendingChapter 3 free porn video

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The indoor pool in the first floor of the apartment tower was Olympic sized and had a pair of diving boards at one end. There were a mix of people swimming and playing in the water and a host of others who had lined up loungers by the floor to ceiling glass wall to catch some sun.

The signs around the pool caught his attention, giving times for lap swimmers, classes for seniors and kids, and the times the pool was open for free swimming, like it was now.

There were several lifeguards on duty and it looked, all in all, like an idyllic scene.

The girls gave me a kiss on the cheek and dropped their wraps on an empty lounger, one of the few unused near the windows and, after making sure he was watching their tight little asses in the miniscule bikinis, giggled and dove in the pool.

I rolled to a spot where I could get some sun, not block anyone else’s access to the sun and still keep an eye on the girls.

The sun felt spectacular on my skin and I took a look around at the other people enjoying the day. There were a couple of very sexy bodies laid out on loungers, one girl with a killer ass was laying face down with her top untied to prevent tan lines in back.

There were several younger women around, teenagers, who were there more to be seen than to swim. He watched and grinned as they made strategic passes near boys their ages, and a few appreciative men who were older, before claiming loungers where they could pretend to be disinterested as they displayed their charms.

And very attractive charms they were, too!

The twins were splashing around with a group of teens about their own age and having a blast, so I just sat back, closed my eyes for a minute and turned my face towards the sun.

I am not sure how long I sat there, soaking up the heat, when I diffident voice asked, “Excuse me, I don’t mean to be a bother, but are you David Weaver?”

I turned to see who had spoken and standing there was the delicious ass I had been looking at earlier. Her top was retied, since she was standing up, but I was astounded at what I could see.

She was obviously very in to fitness. She had a hard body’s hard body. Her rippling abs, the thick, powerful legs and her muscular arms and shoulders made her stand out from everyone else there. Her face was very pretty, none of the angular planes you see in serious bodybuilders and steroid users from the magazines. Her skin was an even, smooth light caramel that begged to be stroked.

Her amazing blue eyes were watching me and I could tell she knew I was checking her out. I felt myself blush, and nodded.

“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude, but you are amazingly beautiful and I think I lost focus. Yes, I am David Weaver.”

“I thought so! I have kind of a thing for faces. I don’t always remember names but faces, they stick with me. You were the talk of the nation for quite a while.” she said, smiling broadly. “I am Angela Ibanez.”

Christ, even her teeth were perfect!

“Well, it’s not like I actually did anything to be famous for, I was simply in the wrong place at the right time, or something like that.” I said, shaking my head. The fame thing still rubbed me the wrong way.

“Oh no, that’s not true at all.” she said, then paused, “Would you mind if I sit, talk to you for a while?”

I nodded at the lounger the girls’ wraps were laying on, and she sat down, her hands on her knees.

“As I was saying, surviving for seven days under the rubble, with injuries as severe as yours are, must have taken an astounding amount of will, a desire to survive that boggles the mind. Many, maybe most, would have given up.”

“If I tell you a secret, would you promise not to share it? I did give up. I was ready to die, to let it end. I wanted it to end. I thought, when they broke through and the light streamed down into the hole, I was reaching for the light, waiting to be transported to whatever comes after.” I told her, looking off over the park like setting outside the windows.

She was silent for several minutes, mulling over what I had said and letting me along with my thoughts.

“While you may not consider what you did to be anything special, you gave a lot of people hope. You showed them that they could survive even something as horrifying as you went through.” Angela said softly, laying a hand on my arm.

“I SAID NO!” Amy’s voice cut through the noise, chilling me to the bone. I turned my chair sideways, looking past Angela and seeing Amy being held by a boy about her age, and another trying to pry Mina off his shoulders.

“The twins!” I yanked my chair around, bulling past the loungers and began yelling.

“Leave them alone! Hey! Let her go!” I was feeling panicked, useless. I couldn’t dive in, and they were not listening. When one of the boys reared back and backhanded Mina, I thought I would lose my mind.

There was a flash of tan and red to my left, and Angela’s form sliced the water cleanly, coming up between the two sets of teens.

Even as she slung the water from her hair, she was reaching over to grab the wrist of one of the boys.

I don’t know what she did to him, but he screamed as if he was dying while Angela, still holding the boy’s wrist, turned and jabbed her hand over Mina’s shoulder, striking the second teen.

The boy holding Mina let go, his hands flying to his throat as he began to choke and gag. Angela grabbed him by the hair and slammed him against the side, slamming the first teen alongside him and planting her forearm on the back of his neck, pinning him in place.

“Hey, you can’t do that!” One of the lifeguards, finally figuring out something was wrong, came running down the side of the pool.

“One more word out of you and you can go to jail along with these two punks.” Angela snarled up at him. “I am Chicago PD. You will call 911 right this now, tell them ‘Officer Needs Assistance’ and give them my name, Corporal Angela Ibanez, badge number 17114.”

The lifeguard, looking stunned, was handed a phone and he began to dial.

In the pool, Angela was speaking to the two kids.

“If you continue to struggle, I will charge you with resisting arrest as well as sexual assault, do you understand me? Now, turn around and then stay right where you are. Don’t make me chase you down.” she snarled at the boys.

The twins had made it out of the pool, both crying and the hugged me and I tried my best to calm them down.

From the entrance to the pool area, a man in a suit was hurrying our way, panic on his face.

“What is going on here? I am the day manager, Walter Riggins.” he said, looking at the lifeguard.

Angela pulled herself out of the pool, drawing all eyes to her. She held up a finger to the manager and bent down again to address the boys.

“One at a time, out of the pool and sit on the edge. Any funny business and I will make you wish you had never met me.”

Once the boys were out of the pool and sitting on the edge, both looking frightened, she straightened and looked at the manager.

“I am a police officer. I witnessed these two sexually assaulting these young ladies and one of them added battery to the charges. Your lifeguards were nowhere to be found until it was all over.” she said, glaring at the man.

Riggins, his eyes wide, gave the lifeguard a look that didn’t bode well for his future, and turned towards me.

“Are these your daughters, sir?” he asked diffidently.

“Nieces. My sister has penthouses A and B, and these are her daughters.” I told him, watching his face grow pale.

“The Falcones.” he said quietly, shaking his head.

Turning to Angela, who was standing there looking unbelievable with the water dripping from her body, he nodded at the boys.

“And them?”

“I don’t know yet. I won’t try questioning them without backup. They will need a guardian or other representative as well.” Angela said, then nodded towards the door.

Two cops, a talk black male officer and shorter, Hispanic-looking female officer, came through the main doors and waved to her.

When they reached the group, the woman grinned at Angela.

“You find trouble even on your day off, Angie, and still manage to look fine as hell doing it.” She laughed.

“Hey Lupe. These two boys were groping the twin girls there, then Tweedle Dee here,” she nudged the blonde kid with her knee, “held one girl while the other was dealing with her sister. Tweedle Dumb,” she said, indicating the other one, “struck the sister in the face before I could intervene.”

The male officer was already hooking the two boys up with cuffs, and stood them up. “We can take them, but you will have to come it to give a statement.” he said.

“I know, thanks for the help, Carl. I will come in once I get some clothes on.” she said, laying a hand on his bicep.

“So, gentlemen, do you have names?” he asked the boys as he led them off, the manager following close behind.

Angela came over and crouched down, looking at the girls.

“Are you two okay? Do you need to see a doctor? “ she asked gently, her eyes taking in the red marks on Amy’s cheek.

They just shook their heads and huddled closer to me.

“Angela, I don’t know how to thank you. I felt pretty damn helpless when that happened.” I said, shaking my head.

“No worries, Mr. Weaver, it was my pleasure to help out. It was an honor talking with you today, and I hope to do it again some time, but I think you should take these ladies upstairs so they can unwind.” she said with a smile. “Just call if you every need anything, I am in apartment 215 and the switchboard will put you through.

Angela nodded to the girls and walked off, back to her lounger. The girls watched her go, then turned to look at me.

“Are you two okay, really? That scared the hell out of me.” I admitted, looking them over.

“We’re okay, Uncle Dave, but we want to go upstairs.” Mina said, her lower lip quivering.

“Let’s go get your wraps, then we can go and see what we can do to make you feel better. I’m thinking ... ice cream?” I said hopefully.

They just rolled their eyes.

“WHAT?” Sophia was out of her chair, her fists clenched and the cords in her neck standing in stark relief.

“Mom, it’s okay! We’re okay! There was a lady police officer who kicked their butts and arrested them. She was all, BIFF! Pow! and had them up against the wall.” Amy said, rubbing her cheek.

Sophia was at her side in an instant, examining her cheek and kissing her softly.

“Let’s get some ice on that, baby.” she said, drawing the girl into the kitchen.

Mina followed them, peeling off her bikini top.

“Mom, I need some too.” she said quietly, then burst into tears at the expression on her mother’s face. “I didn’t tease them or anything!” she cried, misinterpreting the anger there.

“Oh baby, no! I am not mad at you, I am furious at the animals who think they can put their hands on a woman like that! Oh, my sweet babies!” she cried, pulling the two into her arms and crying with them.

I sat there feeling more useless than ever, and more frustrated than I had been since ... well, since I was in the hole. I couldn’t prevent it, I couldn’t stop it when it happened and I was sitting here, unable to do anything to help with the fallout.

I wanted to hide, to go into my room and shut the door, but I stayed. I watched as their mother soothed their hurts and kissed away their tears.

When the girls came out, they came to me for comfort too.

I tried to apologize, telling them how sorry I was that I couldn’t help, but they said they understood. I still felt like shit, but I wasn’t about to put my feeling sorry for myself in front of their need for comfort. This was about their pain, not mine.

“I know something that will make you girls smile.” Sophia said, her eyes still red though her cheeks were dry now. “Follow me.”

She led them to the rear of the apartment and opened my door. There were gasps, and excited babbling as the girls rushed in. Sophia turned to see me sitting there and her brow knitted as she stared at me. She lifted a hand as if to ask, but I just smiled and started my chair in her direction.

The new bed was installed and Sophia had even put sheets and blankets on there. The girls were bouncing around and playing with the controls. The bed was split into two in the middle, with each side have independent controls to lift the head, the foot or the section that would be under the knees.

The twins were grinning and, when they saw me, the bounced out of the bed to give me hugs.

“We can sleep with you tonight now, right? Please say we can!”

“Anything you want, angels.” I confirmed, smiling at their child-like joy.

Sophia stood beside me with a hand on my shoulder as the girls climbed back on the bed. She smiled down and me and ruffled my hair.

Arranging things at bedtime took some planning. The grab bar was over the near side of the bed as you come into the room. When I pulled myself up into the bed, my right arm would be closest to the door and my left, injured stub would be on the side of the bed with the most room.

What ended up being the best setup, considering how sore my stub is, was to have Sophia on that side, with a pillow between my injured arm and her. She would lay with her head on my shoulder and my arm extended, with a pillow over the stub. The girls chose the side closest to the door and did rock, paper, scissors to decide who got my shoulder.

When we were all settled in, it was Mina who had her head on my shoulder, but Amy was spooned up behind her, her hand over her sister’s side and laying on my stomach.

Mina had her entire body touching mine., Her hand was on my chest, her firm breasts pressed against my side and her leg was over the top of mine. Sophia was on the other side pressed against me the same way, and all three were smiling at me.

I had no idea if this was going to work, but their smiles told me it was worth it. When Amy turned out the light. I could feel three hands collide over my groin and I started laughing. I was soon joined by the others, and I thought it was sweet when they all chose to hold hands on my chest.

I fell asleep to the sounds of soft breaths in my ears.

Sunday was a fun one!

It started with a big breakfast cooked by three beautiful, nude women who giggled and did everything they could to tease me as I watched them prepare.

Christine arrived at nine, latching on and giving me a soul-searing kiss before she even said hello.

Lucy called at nine thirty with news that they would be over in half an hour with all the mail bags. Sophia assured me that, after we decided how to tackle the issue, she could have the bags we were not sorting stored by the concierge in their storage unit in the basement.

When Lucy showed up, she had Selene in tow, and it was turning into a party! The four guys she brought with her were pushing carts supplied by the concierge downstairs, and they all took the time to shake my hand as I thanked them for their help.

Lucy climbed up into my lap while they were still there, letting them know, in no uncertain tones, exactly where she fit in to the picture. One of them, probably Marco, blushed and averted his eyes as they left.

Lucy perked right up and told the rest of the ladies how Marco had propositioned her and how she had shut him down. The cheers that greeted her tale made her blush, but beam at the others with pride.

There were twelve mailbags now, but we started with a last-minute delivery that arrived just before they left. The twelfth mailbag had a bright orange notice on the top.

“Contents have been opened and certified safe by DHS and the USPS Inspector.”

Inside was a note that said a package had not passed the sensors, setting off alarms. When that happened, all mail being delivered to me was scanned and anything that looked even slightly suspicious was x-rayed, then opened in a sterile environment. One package had been confiscated when it was determined to contain an improvised explosive.

There was shock on everyone’s faces as I read the notice out loud, followed by a babbly of concerned voices.

“Well, there are nut jobs out there. Maybe the fuckers who blew me up are mad because they missed one.” I said sarcastically, getting a ration of shit from the ladies in return for being so insensitive.

We chose the special bag first, and Sophia emptied it onto the floor of the living room. We sorted first by size. Packages went in one stack, large mailers in a second and letter mail in a third. Then, the letter mail was sorted into commercial mail, junk mail and personal.

Selene claimed the packages as her domain, Christine the large mailers and Sophia got the commercial. Lucy and the twins got the personal mail and they all agree to pass anything over to me that might be interesting.

I got the final say on what might be interesting, much to their mutual disgust.

Good thing too. Out of the first dozen personal mail envelopes there were three with photos inside. One was of a nice-looking woman in a formal gown, but two were definitely pornographic in nature.

Those brought laughs as the ladies made disparaging remarks and tried to duplicate the poses.

When Amy started growling about tracking someone down and making them pay, things got a little more serious. One of the letters was a death threat. We all paused to talk about it, and Mina suggested we categorize the letters in to Threats, Kooks, Misc Fun and Real.

All threat letters would be turned over to the police, and I figured it would give me a reason to contact Angela again. The kooks were passed around for amusement, unless they were dangerous sounding kooks, then they went into the threat file.

The real letters were set aside for me to read and respond to if I wanted, while the last pile was the most fun. The Misc Fun pile was filled with marriage proposals, pornographic proposals and other bits of insanity.

The packages contained a mixture of things. There were a few products sent out by companies who wanted my endorsement, some packages contained gifts from people who just wanted to give. One had a handmade scarf from a grandmother in Pocatello, Idaho, while another had a stuffed dog from a 3rd grader in Colorado.

The package contents were separated into keep, toss and donate. The keep pile was anything one of the ladies thought they might like to have, since products that were shipped without being solicited, in hopes of an endorsement, didn’t need to be returned.

A box with a new sex toy started a fun, and loud, argument between the women that had me both cringing and laughing.

Into the donate pile went the products and gifts that none of the ladies wanted, but that might be of interest to someone else. The last pile, the toss pile, was anything edible and anything too bizarre to donate. One package actually contained the skulls of four crows and the sender, who claimed to be a shaman, sent instructions on how to use them to ward off evil spirits.

Sophia had the commercial mail. Most was junk, but a few actually contained book and movie offers, a few product ideas and even several offers for substantial discounts on property, vehicles and other products that might be worth looking in to. As the business woman, Sophia wanted to examine these a little better and see if any of them were worth pursuing.

We got through the initial sort of just a single bag by lunch time when we decided to pack it in. Several ideas were called out when lunch was discussed, but I had other plans.

“Ladies!” I called out, breaking into the discussion. “I want to go out. I have been stuck inside, whether in the hospital or here, for months. I want to go out to a restaurant and I have some shopping I need to do.”

At the mention of shopping, all of the ladies chimed in, excited at the idea. It was agreed that we would do both, and we started cleaning up the mess we created.

Well, they did. I sat and watched.

“David, at the risk of sounding insensitive, do you need to use the bathroom before we go?” Christine asked softly, kneeling down by my chair and grinning at me.

I must have blushed because she rolled her eyes and laughed. “Christ, David, everyone has to piss now and then! I just thought it would be easier for you to do here than at the mall.”

“You’re right, Chris, but it is still embarrassing. I hate not being able to do things for myself and I would have been up the creek in a place without the ... um, amenities that Soph set up for me here.” I replied.

“Need any help?” She asked, smirking at me and looking down at my groin.

“Like what? Aiming it for me? I think I can manage.” I laughed, sticking my tongue out at her.

“Aww ... spoilsport.” she laughed, then her expression changed to something softer. “Come on, let me pick out a shirt for you to wear while you ... handle things.”

Before I got hurt, I never really considered the mechanics of a visit to the bathroom, but now that I couldn’t stand and only had one arm, things were a lot more difficult. If it hadn’t been for my exercise regimen, I would still be using a bedpan or, heaven forbid, a catheter. Now it was a one-armed pull-up, using my casts to spin me and guide my movement across to the toilet seat.

I had to pull down my shorts one-handed as well, and do my business before reversing the whole thing. It takes a hell of a lot longer than to walk into a men’s room and whip it out at a urinal!

When I rolled out of the bathroom again, Christine was sitting on my bed and she had laid out a polo shirt and a clean pair of shorts. Without saying a word, she passed me and went into the bathroom, coming back a moment later with a wet washcloth and a towel.

I remained silent as she knelt down by my side and reached for my shirt, watching her face. She had such a tender expression that I hated the thought of ruining it by saying or doing the wrong thing.

Christine stripped my t-shirt off and ran her hands over my chest and shoulders, smiling at me the whole while. Then, with her bottom lip caught between her teeth and an odd look in her eye, she swung the grab bar towards me, obviously wanting me on the bed instead of in the chair.

I pulled up and let her guide me to the edge of the bed, and watched her move the chair out of the way. She reached down and grabbed the waistband of my shorts, slowly sliding them down and maneuvering them around the casts that encased my legs from mid-thigh to my toes.

Using the wet cloth, still warm from the bathroom, she nudged my thighs apart and reached out to run the cloth between my legs. When my cock started to twitch and swell, she grinned up at me and, with a wink, whipped off her t-shirt and bra, leaving me staring at her wonderful breasts.

Christine was a redhead, her skin pale and covered by a dusting of freckles. Her breasts were pale too, and I could see a trace of the veins under the almost translucent skin. Her areola were a pale pink, with her small, pencil eraser sized nipples being just a little darker. They were hard now, sticking out in little points and she ran her fingers lightly over them.

“Are they okay? You haven’t seen them since we were what? Five? Six?” Christine sounded uncertain, nervous. They were a solid overfilled handful, looked very firm, with almost no sag at all, and I wanted nothing more than to get my hands, er, hand, and lips on them!

“They are beautiful, Chris, just like the rest of you. I wish I had known, I wouldn’t have wanted to wait twenty years to see them again!” I told her, looking her in the eye.

She blushed, the color spreading all the way down to her chest, and her smile told me I had said the right thing.

She quickly ran the cloth over my torso and under my arms before grabbing the towel and drying me off. Then, setting the towel aside, she leered at me.

“I think I missed a spot ... right here.” she said, leaning down and wrapping her lips around the head of my cock.

Christine was good at this, though I had never suspected. The last time we had discussed the topic, she had not been a fan and had lamented that her current boyfriend was pressuring her.

That was obviously not the case now as she made love to my cock. Her tongue was working overtime, swirling around the shaft as she swallowed me, one hand caressing the bit not in her mouth and the other massaging my balls.

Just the sight of her, head in my lap and her soft lips wrapped around me was enough to push me into overdrive. I had been hard on and off since Sophia had given me a blowjob the other day and I was already on a short lead.

“Christine, I am close...” I moaned, and she never even bothered to slow down. When she allowed the head to slip into her throat and I felt the tip of her tongue on my balls, all control was lost.

The first spurt went straight down her throat but she was quick to back off, sealing her lips around the head and letting the rest of my seed collect on her tongue.

When I had finished, the last drop being sucked out, she pulled back and, after making sure my eyes were open, showed me my cum on her tongue before swallowing. Licking her lips, I had to moan again. It was the most erotic thing I had ever seen and the smile on her face, the lust in her eyes, just blew me away.

“I wish we had more time, but they are probably out there waiting for us. I will have this lovely cock inside of me, and soon, David. “ Christine purred, giving the head of my cock one last lick.

“Christine, you know I love you. I have always loved you, but we were just friends. I never knew you wanted more.” I said softly, reaching out to caress her cheek.

“Since we were about eight or nine, but you never looked at me like you did the other girls so I took what I could get. It used to kill me, and thrill me, when you would tell me about what you did with other girls. I would go home and jam my hairbrush in my pussy and pretend it was you. I am not pretending anymore, David.” She said, her eyes wet and her chin trembling.

“I am so sorry, I never knew! I thought you were not interested, so I behaved myself. You were always the prettiest girl in school, and the sexiest.” I told her.

She smiled at me, her whole face lighting up.

“We have another chance. I know the others want a part of you too, but I can deal with that. Some of you is better than the two decades of nothing.”

She helped me into a clean pair of shorts and into the polo shirt she had chosen, then bent down to give me another of her toe-curling kissed before opening the bedroom door.

I followed her spectacular ass, clad in painted on jeans, out to the living room where the other ladies were gathered.

I didn’t miss the knowing grins on their faces, but pretended to be oblivious until I saw Christine making a big deal about wiping her mouth with her index finger and then, slowly, cleaning her finger with her tongue.

When the rest of them burst out laughing, I just pretended to ignore them. Why that caused them to laugh even harder, I have no idea.

Sophia called down to have the van brought around and we rode down the elevator to the lobby.

We were surprised to find the day manager, Walter Riggins, waiting for us along with Angela Ibanez, now dressed in a smart business suit that did nothing to hide how extraordinary her figure was.

“Ah, Ms. Falcone, and your lovely daughters. I wanted to personally say how very sorry I am that your daughters were forced to endure such barbaric behavior this morning.” he said, almost genuflecting before Sophia. “And Mr. Weaver, I had no idea who you were this morning, please accept my apologies as well.” he added to me, though why he would apologize to me was baffling.

He turned back to the twins. “Ladies, the incompetent lifeguard who failed to intervene and keep this from escalating has been terminated, and his coworkers who were there have all been warned about being diligent in their duties. The boys were visiting a relative in the tower and that family has been informed that those young men are not welcome to return, even if they do get released by the authorities.”

“I should hope not!” Sophia growled, pinning the man in place with a well-place forefinger. “When I bought the two penthouses, it was with management’s assurance that this was a family friendly environment and that my daughters would be safe here.”

“We have never had something like this happen before, and please, we are taking steps to insure it never happens again.” Mr. Riggins pleaded, looking a little pale.

Angela stepped forward, smiled brightly at me and at the twins, and held her hand out to Sophia.

“Ms. Falcone, I am Corporal Angela Ibanez of the Chicago Police department. I was fortunate to be nearby when this happened and was able to intervene. We need to get a statement from Mina and Amy, and of course, from Mr. Weaver. When would be a convenient time for me to stop by?”

Sophia shook her hand, shot me a questioning look, then turned her attention back to Angela. “I am so happy to meet you. My girls told me what you did and I am forever in your debt. We are on our way out to run some errands, but if you are not otherwise occupied, I would love to invite you to lunch with us. For the statements, any time this evening would be just fine. You know where we live?”

Same as Unending
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The Ties That Bind

Jacie Leffords sat on the rug with her coloring book and whiled away the hours while her daddy sat behind his desk working. It was always chilly in his office, but it had been better since he came in one Saturday to put in the rug. She didn’t mind wearing her sweater, as long as it wasn’t the scratchy wool one she got from Grandma. Ever since Mom went to be in heaven, Daddy worked for Grandpa. Jacie missed all the dogs he used to work with, but he said that he needed a job with better...

1 year ago
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The Neighbors Daughter Chapter two

It had been over a month since Adam had taken Amanda on their little drive. He still had visions of her masturbating in his car. He had noticed that she no longer parked in the blind spot with her boyfriend. Either they broke up or found a new place to park. Saturday had been the hardest. Adam was over talking to her Dad, Tom, when she walked out in her too small bikini. “Hello Mr. A.” “Hello Amanda.” Tom looked at him funny. “I didn’t know you had met Amanda” “We have met a couple of times...

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Moms Secret Desires

If a guy keeps his ears open, sometimes he can learn something that he can really benefit from. Now I'm not a snooper nor an eavesdropper, but one wonderful day I overheard a conversation between my mother and her sister, entirely by accident, that changed my life--and theirs--in a terrific way. It was a warm day in June, and I had been out running, keeping myself in condition, although football season was still a long way off. I wasn't as heavy or as strong as some of the other guys on...

4 years ago
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I had recently watched Lu Xi blowing my man while I had two men pleasuring me, though she had never even laid a finger on me, so the thought of her providing sexual pleasure for me has great appeal. And perhaps me pleasuring her in return. My man and I have never seen her naked, something I am looking forward to. On a lazy, slow Tuesday afternoon, just the type of day for unhurried erotic sexual pleasure, we are back in the familiar surrounds of Lu Xi’s hotel honeymoon suite. My man Charles...

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The Mirror part 4

The Mirror .Part 4I wasn’t going to go but you know how it is, A soon as the truck arrived, I slipped across to her room and she was awake waiting. Her kiss was long and her tongue felt wonderful in my mouth. Her hands went straight to my cock. I was hard and it was pulsating as she slowly stroked me. I slipped my finger into her cunt. It was tight but hot and wet. She moaned softly and got down on her knees to suck me. The minute my cock went into her mouth she looked up at me and half smiled....

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On Yer Bike

I was queuing in the village shop for what seemed like an age, when the bell above the door indicated someone else had entered. I glanced behind me without a great deal of interest, saw a youngish guy come in. Quite nondescript really, so it would literally be pointless in trying to describe him! I turned again to contemplate the back of the little old lady's head in front of me, which I was coming to know all too well.The guy who had entered came into sight again as he perused the shelves. A...

4 years ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 11

Anastasia had made all of the preparations to close the house and return to Malkur. Rac-Nur's reconnaissance from the other night revealed nothing further. Oh sure, she knew for certain that there was a move against her house by Lucien Relan, but nothing firm that she could bring to the Guild Council or even to Gerard. She could, she supposed, deal with him directly and discreetly but wanted to leave that card unplayed until she had no other choice. In the interim she planned on keeping tabs...

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Home From the Trip Part 1

‘Another drink sir?’ the flight attendant asked. ‘No, one will be enough, I have someone waiting for me, and I want to be able to perform, if you know what I mean’, I smiled, displaying my wedding ring. She smiled, she was a hot blonde, and she’d been making my cock twitch for the last 2 hours. She slipped me a business card. ‘Very good sir’, then, just so I could hear, she whispered, ‘Your wife is a lucky lady, give your lover an extra roll, for me! If you and your wife ever want a three way,...

3 years ago
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Masturbating while travelling in a bus

I usually travel by bus to work , and I like to masturbate if sitting with a lady passenger, (of course without her knowledge.) One day I sat beside a beautiful girl about 20 yrs of age. She was wearing a short mini skirt which exposed much of her thighs. Immediately I had a hard on. I always take the day’s newspaper with me to cover myself while masturbating, so I covered myself and took out my hard cock and started to stroke it fixing my eyes on her lovely thighs and her protruding breasts....

2 years ago
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Silk Blouse

It wasnt white ,it was a kind of ivory colour....i was starting my new job and really wanted to make the effort for my first day in the office.Black pencil skirt ,stockings and no panties....i hated wearing them. I hadnt had a job for two years so was a little nervous,it would be ok my boyfriend told me as he pecked me on the cheek.Yes it would be fine,they would treat me well i would think being the new girl.I looked up as i approached the offices it was atleast thirty stories high and i...

4 years ago
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I told her you know, like a peeping Tom, or somebody I don't know who's sneaking a look at me while I'm touching myself. "And you get off on that?" still sounding confused. "Well, yeah. You have things that turn you on. Right?" "Yeah. Okay." Still unconvinced. Where do sexual fantasies come from? A lot of places I'm sure, and as far as I'm concerned I don't care where the fuck they come from. They're just my fantasies. Tori thinks too much. But that's just my...

2 years ago
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Into The Garbage Chute

Han stirred from what felt like a year-long slumber and his lungs sucked in humid air. Humid? This was the opposite of Tatooine. His last memory was on that arid, desert world. What happened? He'd been on Jabba's barge, outside the palace and above the Sarlacc pit. He was about to be executed. There'd been a battle and then... Nothing. That must have been when he lost consciousness. 'Where the fuck am I?' He rose from the simple bed and observed his surroundings. It was a basic room,...

1 year ago
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Biker Bitch Part 2

I could tell that Rick wanted to Fuck her just by the look of pure lust in his eyes. He told her to get on her knees beside the bed and move the dam pillow. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she looked at me and moved to the floor. Rick then signalled to the three guys on the couch they got undressed and moved over in front of my wife. They had different size cocks 6, 8 and about 10 they were were very much rock hard and I could tell these guys really wanted to fuck my wife. ...

3 years ago
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The Most Erogenous Zone Part Four of Nine

The day she first seemed to sense that there was something different and strange about me was an unusually warm day for early spring, almost five months after my accident. We were on one of our excursions to the park, and even though it was the middle of the day on a weekday there were a fair number of people there taking advantage of the nice weather. We followed the path through the park, chatting and enjoying the day, people-watching, maybe being watched, the gimpy guy with the beautiful...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Lady Boy Part V VI

Lady Boy Part V & VI Christine starts to get in a little deeper and finds it harder to go back to his old life. Part V (a change of lifestyle) Cameron suggested that they go a few steps further with Chris. She wanted Chris to move in with her but only if he agreed to be a girl 24 hours a day. She would look after him financially. She promised him that she would look after him sexually which she still hadn't. It seemed to be him doing all the sexual favours. ...

2 years ago
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Belfast RulesChapter 26

(BELFAST 2020) The tired looking older man with the shaggy eyebrows sat on the park bench watching the young lads playing football on the open field. It was one of those lazy summer days when the weather was perfect and everything was nice and shiny-clean because of the quick afternoon shower that pounded the sidewalks and the streets and left tell-tale moisture on the grass to remind people that growing things needed the damp to make them grow. Danny was interested in the pace of the play...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 14

Beth Ann's eyes grew wide when I made my proclamation. There was a mixture of puzzlement, surprise and something else I couldn't identify in her eyes. I'd made a rookie mistake and knew it, instantly. Beth Ann was not as devoted to a life-long love affair with the person she thought was her son, nearly as much as I was devoted to being with her. Everything takes time and I was seriously rushing her. It was time to back off and let it happen naturally. I was sure the sheen of new love,...

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On Display Part 2 [email protected] the end of the row of desks, she had to turn with her backto the windows briefly to turn a corner to the elevators. Thepeople on the last row got a full backlight frontal view of hersupple curves, and perhaps even a glimpse of pussy hair between herlegs as she walked. She knew the image she presented oozed sex! Kim had never felt so embarrassed and out of control. The elevatoropened, and Kim entered. She was thankful that no one else was inthe elevator. It...

4 years ago
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The Cure For A Successful Marriage 01

The Cure For A Successful Marriage - 01 - Holidays in Italy with Sam & CarlyOrlando, Florida (FL)Benson's villa, years 2025It's almost seven years since Fredward "Freddie" Benson married Melanie Benson, their story was quite complicated from their first meeting. He confused her for her twin s!ster, Samantha "Sam" Puckett, because he thought she was joking with him. He didn't yet believe in her existence.It was during their first date (the one he thought she was Sam) that Freddie had doubts,...

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"Come in. Come in, Susan. Come sit with us on the couch." Susan was strikingly beautiful. Black hair, cascading over her shoulders, framed a perfectly symmetrical hispanic face. She carried her petite, slender, frame with dignity as she joined the forty-year-old couple on the couch. The couple, both gifted in the looks department, shifted slightly to create a narrow space between them. "Have you met Roy, the owner of our company?" "No, Miss Russell," Susan responded shyly, "I know who...

3 years ago
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Meri doctor behan 2

Doctor meri tang pay dressing ker raha tha jab baji ka phone aya “Nomy kahan ho man tumhara intezar ker rahi hoon” “Baji man ap k hospital k ander hoon” “Hospital man kahan ho?” “man emergency main hoon” “wahan ki ker rahay” “baji mera accident ho gia hay aor doctor meri dressing ker raha hay” Baji dorrti hoee emergency man aaee mujhay zakhmi halet man dekh k gabhra gaee. Woh meray sath beth k ronay lagi. Man nay baji ko galay laga lia aor chup kerwanay laga. Baji nay short leave to pehlay hi...

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Once you go Black Gay

It starts before I would actually end up losing my virginity. I was dating a female.For the first year of our relationship everything was pretty normal. But when she went to college and I wasn't yet. She got a job at a mall and was constantly surrounded by older people. Eventually she stopped seeing me as a boyfriend and just a k** even though I was 18. She would later go on to cheat on me with this big black mall security guard. She would never admit it but snooping over twitter I was able to...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 582 Midnight Call Masti 2 Hakikat Ka Bann Raha Mazaak

Narrated by Shobha Kuch minute baad phone lekar Rakesh se boli: Sorry usne itna mast jhadwaya mujhe ki hosh udd gayi meri. Rakesh: Are tumhara ho gaya, main to abhi garam ho hi raha tha. Main: Kisne kaha mera ho gaya, abhi to khel shuru hi hua hai Mr. Main Rakesh ko sunati hui Prakash ko boli: Akash aao bed par leto. Rakesh: Ab kya karogi? Main: Ek minute earphone laga leti hun. Rakesh: Haan, fir dono hatho se khud ko maza dena ek se ungli karna aur dusre se boobs...

1 year ago
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Dont you dare

You have to do something to get noticed “I just want him to notice me.” She wanted it so much. Girl sneaked into big empty office. She liked this office. Her boss looked so hot in this chair. Every time when she saw him she got wet. She wanted to fuck him so badly. But this is what everybody’s wanted. He didn’t pay any attention to her and she didn’t like it. So I decided to do provocative video and send it via e-mail. She was sure building was closed so she made...

2 years ago
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YOBSVerbal Exchange at the Body Exchange

Hiya folks: a while back, Caleb and I thought about creatiing a competitor to the Spells r' Us stores, who would open up their own store right across the mall from them. I guess that you could call this story the first entry into that sub- universe. It's called Ye Olde Body Shoppe (YOBS for short). We thought that the close proximity of thse shoppes would tweek the old wizard conceived by Bill Hart, driving him to further acts of madness. Additionally, I wanted to try an...

3 years ago
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A boys sex training Part 2

"Keep this with you at all times, while you belong to me you need to be available to me and at my beck and call." I said this as a deep whisper, directly into his ear. "Yesss..ss....." he stammered and pretended to be overly interested in the mechanics of the phone. I make certain not to mention the special global positioning feature of this particular model. "Avoiding me?" I firmly grasped his chin and made him look into my eyes. When I caught his gaze he let out the cutest...

3 years ago
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Her golden brown curls reached midway down her back. Her eyes were a seductive icy blue. Her body was that of a goddess. A thick hourglass figure, a full perky bust, thick, but firm thighs, and petite size seven feet. She was the wife of a man named Devin Carswell. Her name was Annabel. She was the most perfect wife any man could ever wish for.  Her cooking skills were excellent, her entertaining and hospitality made all happy, her cleaning routine was flawless, her oral skills always pleased...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 89 A Fantastic Vacation

July 12, 1997, Iron Mountain, Michigan “Just bring everything into the house and put it in the main room,” I said to the other men. “Kara wants to check out all the rooms before we move stuff into them.” Kurt, Tom, Eduardo, and I began unpacking the minivans and cars, while the women got the kids out of their car seats and had them use the bathrooms, then took them to the large backyard to play. “Everything OK?” I asked Kara when she returned. “Yes. We have the large room at the end, Kurt...

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The Dark Lady Ch 10

I was still smiling from Kim’s instructions to go to my trainer when I arrived at Clemmie’s. All the lights were out, but the front door was unlocked. I slipped inside and prepared for an ambush. I needed to get naked, I decided, and crawl carefully to the bedroom. A few minutes of exploration revealed that the two naked bodies in the bed were sound asleep. Some ambush. I left them alone and used the other bed. The room was full of sun and bodies with coffee cups were moving around. I...

2 years ago
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Becoming A CSing Bimbo

Becoming: a Blonde C***-S***ing Bimbo By Ida N. Tidy This is my first story for my 'Becoming' series. Think of it like a vacation form reality. Just a warning ahead of time, if you really want to be transformed for the duration of this story, you may not want to read this story while you are horny. Basically your vacation is simple, you let me hypnotize you, I give you some interesting memories in exchange for some email (yup, I'm an email whore). I know...

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Dannys Dick Part 10 And Afterward

Danny's Dick Part 10 - And Afterward After we left school I had Joe drop me off at my place so I could shower and put on some clean clothes before we went out to dinner. Since there was nothing to be hidden anymore, at least from Joe, I put on one of my tighter tops that emphasized the size and shape of my breasts even more than the cashmere sweater had. After Joe had picked me up and we'd gotten to a small Italian restaurant and gotten a booth in the corner and the waiter had taken...

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OHGirls Daughter Velvet Pregnant Again

Velvet: I laid under Mikey, his cock filling me with more cum. I was in heaven, experiencing more than 9 orgasms during our marathon session of sex, after I had flown in from Miami. I had only been home for a little more than a day and we had made love three times and I wanted more. After two weeks in Miami on my current promotional porn tour, I was now home for two weeks and a little relaxation with my daughter and her father. I had fucked so many different men, since I had begun my new tour,...

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A Memorable Time With Sexy Alisha

Hi, Amit here again with one of my recent unplanned encounters. Your comments on my previous stories and your mails are overwhelming! Hope you enjoy this story. I used to visit this service station often to service my car. One day I needed an appointment for service, but was not getting one. My call was transferred to the customer service manager, to my surprise it was a girl’s voice from the other end. She introduced herself, “Hello, I’m Alisha, how may I help you, sir?” The voice was...

3 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 211 Not Zero

Tonight, we're going to unearth Kamiya Kaoru's grave-- (Late at night, four figures gather around a gravesite.) (Earlier) Yahiko: Unearth Kaoru's grave?! What are you thinking? For what? Aoshi: It's the surest way to verify that it's Kamiya Kaoru's body. Yahiko: Verify? Aoshi: Listen. You didn't see the circumstances that led up to Kamiya Kaoru's death yourself, but didn't you think they were odd? Beginning with the destruction of the Akabeko, the persistent, malicious attacks...

4 years ago
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One Thousand Apologies Parts 4 and 5

Introduction: I tried to build my relationship with my cousin, while trying to hide it from our folks This was a long post, and was split into two at another site, so its being relabeled here as 4 and 5 for consostency. ============================================= We had just given our virginities to each other, and were very unsexyly using some warm rags from bath tub to wipe up the mess. As I finished cleaning myself up, I softly called her name, Hannah, but she continued her work and...

2 years ago
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House Party

“I had the greatest sex at a house party last weekend. I was there with my new boyfriend, and as the night went on we pretty much couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Every time we kissed it turned into making out. When nobody was looking, he’d run his fingertips up my inner thigh and under my skirt until I was aching for him… and I couldn’t resist stroking him through his jeans and feeling him get harder and harder.Every so often we’d be interrupted and then we’d go chat with friends until...

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PenthouseGold Alexia Anders Always Horny for BBC

Alexia Anders is a sexy Asian babe that is always so horny that she masturbates whenever she can and today she fantasizes about Prince Yashua’s humongous black dick and makes herself cum before going into her massage appointment with him. By the time he’s rubbing her body down, the little nympho is more than wet and willing and happily takes his dark manmeat deep in her mouth and shaved pussy. Watch her get pounded with BBC until the premium Penthouse interracial porn’s cum in...

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The Geologist

My name is Alicia. I'm a geologist and I'm here in Colorado to find a new pocket of Rhodochrosite. Also a Microcline called Amazonite, a beautiful green and white mineral, and gold, silver or anything else of commercial value. I head the Geology Masters program at Stanford, in California, but I keep my eyes open for everything, even on a personal expedition like this. One of my grad-students came along for the field experience. Carla is twenty-six and after her masters degree. She's from...

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Back to the Book and Video

The sound of the quarters hitting the floor shattered any sense of pride I'd had. The joy I felt with his dick in my mouth minutes earlier, gone, replaced with a deepening feeling of shame. There I was, on the floor, naked, except for the pantyhose. The drying spit and cum on my chin and chest, the wet spot on my hose, serving as sticky reminders of what had just happened. The old man laughing as he unlocked the door, my awkward attempt to quickly dress and leave only furthering my...

Gay Male
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Interview With the BimboChapter 2 Origins

It was 1987 when it happened. Back then I wasn't called Lulu, there was no Lulu. I was Louise; a nineteen year old runaway getting by from moving from town to town, taking whatever I could and then moving onto the next. My good looks and quick mind were enough to fool even the most cynical into believing that I was somebody they could trust. In a couple of weeks I could strip a village of most of its disposable income and move onto the next before anyone even arose suspicion. It was a...

2 years ago
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Facebook Par Mili Aunty

Hello, friends…. This is Vivek 25 from Nagpur Maharashtra…. Guys this is the second story on indian sex stories dot net …..First one was “Bus me mili anjan aunty”….Hope u guys liked it…Plzzzz aap logo ko wo story kaisi lagi mujhe mail kar ke bataye…..My email id is ….Waiting for your mails… Sidhe story par ata hu….Ye last year ki bat h….As u know k mujhe sex kitna pasand h to usi chakkar me mai fb par try mar raha tha ke koi aunty mil jaye to maza aa jaye…To maine aise hi but sari aunties ko...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Kenzi Ryans Case No 9830023

Case #9830023 – January 23rd, 11:32 AM. Suspect is a white adolescent female with dark hair. She is of midlevel height and has a defensive demeanor. When questioned about her activities in the store, she denies any wrongdoing, claiming all accusations are false and should not be considered by local law enforcement. In order to properly secure store goods, the Loss Prevention Officer proceeds to retrieve stolen items using his own discretion. The rest of this case is considered classified....

1 year ago
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What a Deal Chapter 80

Cindy and I helped Louise back up and got her dressed. She was still in a fog. Finally, we were presentable and we left the booth. We headed for the door and the cashier came over and handed me a card with her phone number on it. I took it, thanked her, and we left. I was not sure we would ever call either of these women. We returned home and I told the ladies to take a nap. I wanted them rested for the evening. I had big plans for that night and it was already almost 7pm. I wanted to play...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 33

"It's really over, isn't it?" I've never wanted to lie more. There was so much pain in her voice. "Trace, I..." "You don't have to say anything. I think he made it clear." It was Tuesday after our tournament. I'd worked at the gym all day, and Traci and Kelly had team. Just before we'd finished, Mikee and Peter had shown up, looking for a ride home. Peter hadn't said a word to Traci all the way home. Hadn't even looked at her. "I don't think it matters. The boy ain't...

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ElenaMy Love Part 2

We arrived at the airport well ahead of our scheduled departure time, which was probably a good thing, because it seemed like we had to stand in line for hours. I guess that she could see that I was starting to get impatient, because she reached out and took hold of my hand. “Be patient, it won’t be too much longer now.” She whispered. Finally, we were able to get our luggage checked and all the necessary papers to allow us to board the plane when the time came. “We have a long flight ahead of...

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Thursdays ChildChapter 14

Becca spent a busy Saturday as she wanted to make a really good supper for the girls but also had her household chores to do. She made an early morning trip to the butcher, choosing lamb chops that she would season with mint, cook in a casserole with carrots and onions and serve with mashed potatoes and spinach. She also made a Queen's Pudding. Steven said he would join them all for dinner but would keep out of their way before and after. He opened a couple of bottles of red wine and left...

4 years ago
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My Cousin 8211 A Slut In Disguise

Hello everyone, I’m Mohit. I’m 28. My father owns a restaurant franchise in India and abroad, which have been taken over by me for the last 2 years.  I had loads of money and consequently, I have been a stud wherever I go. I have always been getting girls’ attention. This story happened a year back. Till then I have had sex with more than 10 girls. I had tried every position, accomplished every fantasy of mine, and did a lot of kinky stuff. I was kinda saturated with sex. And I had believed...

1 year ago
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The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer By Toni Marks Copyright © 2017 Mary Robinson watched her son Tom finishing his oatmeal. She had lovingly prepared the hot cereal with raisins and brown sugar, just the way her son liked it. Tom was such a good boy, so unlike his older brother. In truth, they were only half brothers. Tom was the natural son of Ed Robinson, Mary's husband until his untimely death eighteen months ago. She and Tommy had taken it hard, but not as severely as Martin, her oldest...

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The Long and Winding Road Ch 02

Be My Angel: After three long weeks, I stood in the lobby of Sharon’s dorm waiting for her to appear. In a way, I was dreading the evening because I believed she didn’t want to go out with me and was doing it at her friend Carla’s behest. Sharon walked over to me and smiled. She looked stunning, her shimmering long, brown hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back. In the bright light I saw that it had a slight reddish tint. A brown turtleneck and tan hip huggers encased her slender...

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Blessed and Cursed

She was 'The One'. Definitely. As soon as I saw her standing there on the corner, looking at those postcards, I knew it. We were driving by in a friend's car, the first day of university, everyone getting to know each other and there was me, spotting this raven-haired girl as we went by. That would have been that, of course. Me, I was a shy boy at that age ... still am, in fact. I'd never have approached her normally but, the next day, I went with a new acquaintance to a lecture for new arts...

2 years ago
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House Burglary

House Burglary I had cased that house for over a month. I knew where each of them was at any given time throughout the day. I also knew that they would be going to Cape Cod just like they did every Memorial Day for the past several years. I knew exactly what I was looking for and the most likely place where it could be found. They had some very expensive paintings, some rare old books, some valuable stamp and coin collections. Then there was the known fact that he keeps large...

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