Specialist MooreChapter 2 free porn video

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"You knew and said nothing!" The General said.

"Sir I felt the opportunity presented by his accident was to precious to waste." Dr. Klein said.

"To precious to waste? The whole reason we didn't want them aware was the chance they would go rouge." The General said.

"Did you even read his file? Hes a god damn hero." Dr. Klein said.

"A dead hero, who now has access to over seven billion in military tech." The General said.

"A dead hero who just saved our lives." Bob said.

"Who disobeyed a direct order, besides we have no supplies and the nearest settlement is two hundred miles away, we have to survive out here until we get help, we probably will freeze to death by night fall" The General said.

"Someone was bound to notice a nuke right?" Bob said.

"Yes they will, they will send a satellite flyover first and what they will see is a dead base, they will assume the worst and it takes time to assemble the appropriate equipment." The General said.

I laid in the snow listening to them talk, I was going over the data I had gotten before the explosion, it looked like Dr. Benson had used his codes to override the containment and blow up the base.

"Besides we don't even know how damaged it is." The General said.

"I don't know I designed the equipment to be self healing." Bob said.

I sat up and groaned.

"Don't burry me just yet, General we have a bigger issue, the data I obtained before the explosion indicate that Dr. Benson set off this disaster." I said.

The General looked sharply at me.

"Hold up." I said.

Now that I was on the outside I could pick up radio traffic, I also detected the satellite overhead, it took me a second to get the signal, but I was able to use the satellite to track a helicopter.

"General a Helicopter matching the ones on base is heading east." I said.

"East? Nothing is west except..." The general stopped

"Hes fleeing the country." I said.

"Can you get a message out?" The General said.

"Already did, Eta to intercept 3 hours." I said.

"Use the code containment 3 alpha." the general said.

"OH, update intercept in 1.5 hours." I said.

I stood up, looking around, everyone was standing around in their containment suits, than it hit me, radiation, there could still be some in the air.

"We need to get moving, get away from down wind of the base, just in case." I said.

The General nodded and we all started walking away from the base, I was able to get a gps signal on us, so I had a pretty good idea where we were head, everyone was silent as we walked, I couldn't help but remember the tone in the Generals voice when he talked about me, he was afraid of me, in a few hours we had walked several miles, I got an update on the helicopter.

"They found the Helicopter, its abandoned, search teams are en-route here and there." I said.

The General just grunted, he walked over toward Bob, and whispered to him, how stupid cold he be, I could hear every word.

"I need to know how to disable him Bob." The general said.

"I don't know sir, the EMP would of taken all the mechanical fail safes offline." Bob said.

"What?" The General said.

"I never thought our prototype would be exposed to a nuke sir." Bob said.

"How long can he function with out external aid." The General said.

"The bioengineered systems can function indefinitely as long as he eats the amount of calories he needs." Bob said.

Good to note.

"What can take him out Bob." The General said.

"General you saw him punch the doors, I wouldn't piss him off sir, but I suppose sustained fire from a 50cal, could do it, our a sniper to the head sir." Bob said.

"Hmm we will have to consider that, but not until we can radio with out his aid." The General said.

"Doc, as soon as we find shelter, I may have to be leaving you."I used my link to Dr. Klein's head set.

She looked over at me with a raised brow.

"The good General is plotting ways to take me out, the fool thinks I can't hear him." I said.

She frowned as she walked.

"Doc, Ill make sure you are safe and be leaving." I said.

She shook her head slightly.

"Don't worry doc, Ill find away to get in touch with you eventually." I said.

We stopped to rest, I found enough wood to start a fire, I simply rubbed two sticks fast enough to cause a spark, it was fairly easy to do, we sat around the fire silently, I checked on the rescue team.

"Alright guys rescue is thirty minutes out." I said.

I stood up.

"I want to thank you all for saving my life." I said.

They all looked at me funny, except for Dr. Klein she looked sad.

"General Sir, I have to take my leave of you." I said.

"What? NO I order you to stay." He said.

"Sorry sir, I have no desire to be dissected, or shut down." I said.

He frowned.

"We will hunt you down son don't do this." He said.

"Sorry sir, I suggest you say I was blown up in their." I Said.

"Son we can go after your family." He said.

I frowned at that.

"General Arthur Randal, Wife Gertrude Randal lives in Anchorage alaska so she can be near you, Son Jason Randal, he is currently in his 3rd year at USC, Daughter Jennifer Scott, Married, two kids, both attending High school ... DO I need to go on sir?" I said.

"HOW DARE you threaten my family." The General said.

"Sir I am simply telling you what could happen if my family is harmed, be smart Sir, let this soldier stay dead." I said staring at him.

"Last chance son I order you to stay." The General said.

"Sir I am sorry but I can't do that." I said, I turned to leave.

"Son I swear to you you will regret this." The General said.

"And I swear to you if you harm anyone else because of me you will regret it." I said.

I didn't look back, I just took off in a sprint, I flew through the trees faster than any animal could, I till had some electrical systems working despite what Bob had said, I had a GPS lock on my location, I could still tell where the rescue team was, I just hoped nothing I had would allow them to track me easily, if anything I figured I need to get to a large city. I Suppose in retrospect I should of went after Dr. Benson, but we all make mistakes.




Four Years Later.




My routine was simple, every few months I would change my identity and move. With my computer skills I could hack any system, hell with a set of crayolas I could draw a new birth certificate that would past most scrutiny, so every few months I had to pay a visit to the DMV and social security office, no big deal.

Indian casinos became my friend in the early days, easy money counting cards, I didn't win too much, just enough to set me up for a few months, I would than take the money I earned and transferred them in to gold and silver, I had safety deposit boxes through out the country. I discover that I healed at a impossible rate, I chocked it up to Dr. Bensons serum, I was able to shave my prints off and carve new ones with an exact o knife, they would last long enough to get what ever ID I need. I felt like I was stealing from the casinos with my abilities thats when I started to fake careers, it made me feel less like a crook.

I had a catalog of identities I could use, with degrees and history to back them up, with my ability to absorb information I could be from any profession, I had even done a stint as a neural surgeon (I had need to do some self repair.) The hospital was happy to have me, with my skills and sensors I could be a great Doctor. I had noticed a problem with my vision, it was fading in and out on my right eye, I had disguised the problem to a hardware issue, I had created a replacement part and needed the equipment in the hospital to repair it, the easiest way to do this was to become a Doctor their, I have to say that it was the most fulfilled I had been in a long while, I was able to do surgeries that others had turned down, I actually saved lives again.

I knew it was a risk but I started to take careers in the medical profession, after the stint as a surgeon I knew I could pull it off, I worked at emergency rooms mostly, in various post, anywhere my skills could come in handy. I always worked the midnight shifts, a little eccentricity can be expected, I was an E.R. Nurse in Florida when my past caught up with me.

An ambulance had radioed in that it was bringing someone in that was possibly psychotic, he had attacked a homeless man and bit him, I went with the doctor on call when the ambulance came into the bay, instantly my sensors scanned him like I did with every patient, and I froze, all his vitals matched the victims from the base, but thats not what stopped me, he was snapping and bitting at everyone.

I followed the doctor in as they tried to work on him, no one could make heads are tales of what was going on, nothing they gave him was sedating him, when I got my chance, I reached behind his neck and applied just enough pressure to snap his neck, he stopped instantly, everyone was looking around trying to figure out what had happened, I walked away from the scene, ignoring the doctors call behind me. I found the EMT in his ambulance wrapping a wound on his hand.

"Hey, that crazy bit you?" I asked.

"Yeah the damn bastard just turned on me and bit, funny thing to he did it right after he coded, and his heart just restarted, everything was weird about that guy, we got a call from a cabby saying his passenger was having a stroke or something" He said.

I nodded.

"Here let me take a look at that." I said.

I hopped in the back with him, I looked around and shut the door behind me, sure enough he was bit.

"Where did you find that guy?" I asked taking his hand to look at.

"On 5th, you know in downtown, by skid row." He said.

I nodded.

"Hey that his stuff?" I asked pointing to a pile of clothes.

"Yeah in all the commotion I forgot to turn it in." He said

I nodded to him

"Hey buddy, Im real sorry." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

He never said anything else, I made it quick, snapped his neck before he even blinked, I wasn't proud but it had to be done, I grabbed the mans wallet from the pile of clothes and got out of the ambulance I walked to my motorcycle quickly, throwing on my helmet I raced out of the parking lot, I need to see what kind of damage this guy had done.

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The weather was cooling… It was the beginning of September and the weather was definitely cooling. It was four weeks ago that Sarah had met Sam, met Sam and her life had somehow seemed empty ever since. By the time she had emerged from the train there had been no sign of him, he had disappeared into the crowd and that had been that. Every Friday since then Sarah had arrived at waterloo station at ten to three and her heart would do a little skip as she scanned the crowd looking for the tall,...

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The Jizz Man is a guy that you definitely want to be your friend. You know what Jizz is right? Jizz is that creamy goo that flies out of a cock when a girl has done a good job of pleasuring her man. So, The Jizz Man is a free porn site. It’s definitely made by someone that doesn't speak English as a first language but that’s ok. If you can deal with a few spelling mistakes or weird sayings then you’ll be fine. Let’s face it you are not reading the words much anyways. However, some people find...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Skip the Arcade

The following is a completely true story from my informative years. The names and places have been changed. The year, tragically, has not.I was a fairly innocent 18-year-old when I started college in the late 1970's. I had come to terms with the fact that I was gay, although I would never have admitted that to anyone, particularly not at school. In those days you stayed in the closet as late as you possibly could. I don't know if Skip knew I was gay or not. Skip was a very hot guy who was in...

4 years ago
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Title: BlindfoldedRating: NC17Summary: Someone breaks into Jan's house.Jan had had a very rough day. Complaint after complaint at the store today.He wondered why he was still doing that work when he could be doing something else entirely different if he just pushed himself hard enough to actually pursue a career like that.Now he could finally relax and go to bed. Or so he thought...After a much needed shower where he decided not think about her or anyone else for that matter, he had dinner and...

3 years ago
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Heather strikes back

A few weeks after I had bound Heather and teased her unmercifully we were fooling around in bed and she said it was my turn. She put my ankles in the cuffs and then my wrists. But she also said she made a few additions. She put the blindfold on me, then a pair of sound cancelling earmuffs and a ball gag went in my mouth. I figured I was in for it. I had no idea. First she got me nice and hard with one of her patented blowjobs. She left me then came back and I felt a buzzing around my crotch. It...

1 year ago
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Nude Swimming

If life would allow me to be naked all the time, I surely would. That is especially true if I were outside. I love the warmth of the sun on my normally covered parts and the breeze blowing over my butt and cock. I usually find time to go skinny dipping in my apartment pool at least once a week. It is usually in the later evening when everyone has left. The pool is nicely secluded, and if someone comes by, I can normally hear them and find my suit quickly. Such was the case one recent evening...

1 year ago
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The Window Ch 03

Standard obligatory disclaimer: They’re all 18+ When Jen woke later that afternoon the TV was hissing at her and the tape had long since rewound. She didn’t care, she had things to think about. The memory of her own voice begging to be fucked in the ass filled her mind. It wasn’t that the thought bothered her, it was the mechanics of the act she was concerned about. She knew her ass was sensitive, and the visual images, and perceived feelings of getting a cock jammed up there made her wet. The...

1 year ago
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LegaciesChapter 4 Visit to DC for awards and negotiations

Much to my surprise a limousine with driver and bodyguard was waiting at the bottom of the stairs along with two suburban escort vehicles. We were loaded in the limousine and our luggage into one of the other vehicles. Upon our arrival at the hotel we were advised not to leave our rooms without our escorts for security reasons. Two suites had been arranged at the hotel. One for the Doctor and General and the other for me and my dates. I don't know what others expected but I just wanted to...

2 years ago
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Disappointment 1

The year was 2006 and I had just recently graduated high school and moved into my first apartment with my girlfriend at the time (also bisexual) and two other roommates. Our first night in the apartment we happened to be attending a local music show. We didn’t have our mattresses or anything moved in yet, however we’d still made plans to meet up with one of my ex-boyfriends and take him back to our place afterwards. My girlfriend, Jenny, really wanted me to have my cock inside her while having...

3 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 3

THE WORK OF BEING A STUDENT AND AN ACTRESS -or- ONLY THE INSANE EQUATE PAIN WITH SUCCESS All three of them slept throughout most of Sunday. Ed was exhausted because he had been at the shoot all night, Rose was exhausted from waiting up for John and John was exhausted from a long morning of shooting and a long night of dancing and romance. Rose turned on a Rom- Com in the afternoon and they all slept in front of it. Dinner was a call to Uber and an order from Chic-Fil-A in the TV...

4 years ago
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Joes Bar and Grill

It started about 4 months ago. I work installing communications systems in towns and had been moved to a new area to start a new installation cycle. I found a place in the suburbs with a short commute in to the office. I also discovered that there was a little hole in the wall type joint called Joe’s Bar & Grill about 5 minutes drive from where I lived. I like those kinds of places as you get to know the “regulars” and can get comfortable really quick because of it. My first night there, I met...

2 years ago
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Beach Fireworks

The fireworks are hotter inside the condo!I had watched her for several days at the beach resort we both were guests at in Ft. Walton Beach. Her name was Kate, a retired school teacher out for a week of sun and fun with her son and daughter’s small family. There appeared to be two children to each family who were a handful - that’s all I knew until tonight.She was very pretty, wore great fitting bathing suits and carried herself like a lady. Her legs were slender and had that nice separation at...

Quickie Sex
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Halloshift Trio Disguised For Halloween

This is Halloween themed, as I couldn't figure out a better way to make this story jive. I hope this would be one of the more interesting rings of transformation type of stories. I've used some of my favorite comic book characters in this. They are represented by Marvel or DC or whatever (I don't follow the publisher names). I am in no way affiliated with them. I'm just using their characters for the sake of my story. If you're looking for plot, I'm not sure this story will be that...

3 years ago
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KINKChapter 5 In Her Room

Standing at the front doors of the Barton Residence, Dillon breathed steadily and purposefully to keep himself in check. “Fuck man, why am I getting so worked up about this!?” Another snapshot image of Suki’s toned thighs flashed into his mind and he shook his head to rid the thought. At any other time he would have entertained the vision and conjured up as many delicious scenarios involving those legs as possible, but now was NOT the time. He had to act as decent as humanly possible to get...

3 years ago
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Do Absolutely ANYTHING

As I was walking home to my apartment, I saw a woman holding a sign. She wasn’t promoting some nearby business, but she wasn’t homeless either. As I neared her, I noticed two things. The first thing- she was fucking gorgeous. Her hair was long, onyx and sleek like the coat of a panther. Her legs were tanned, and seemingly endless. Her littleblue dress left little to the imagination with her breasts spilling up over the sleeveless top, and her firm butt curving out from her legs.She looked like...

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FamilyStrokes Charlotte Sins Summer Hart Christmas Family Orgy

This Christmas, redhead MILF, Summer Hart, has a lot on her mind. Her husband gets a little too merry, and ends up hitting on his sexy stepdaughter, Charlotte Sins, right in front of Summer. Summer wants to have some holiday fun, too, so she takes the opportunity to rub her hand on her stepsons cock. Suddenly, this horny family is in the midst of an orgiastic Christmas miracle. They throw off their festive garb and get down to some absolutely cheerful boning. Charlottes stepdad plows her young...

1 year ago
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Dost Ko Diya Apni Biwi Ka Hath 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Amit (name changed), age above 30, aur yeh meri kahani hai. Zindagi ek dam set chal rahi thi. 6 saal ki relationship ko shadi mein convert kiya, acchi naukri mili. Ek accha ghar, acchi naukri, pyar karne wali ek sar ghuma dene wali sexy biwi, aur apko kya chahiye? Hota hai! Par mera yeh sukh sayed jyada samay tak sahen nahi hua. Shadi ke sirf do saal hi hue the. Abhi hum bacche plan karne hi wale the ki tabhi mera ek massive accident hua. Bohut dino tak hospital mein admit tha, life...

2 years ago
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Beauty of the Wood

The honking calls of geese sounded from overhead, a prelude to their splashdown on the lake some distance away. In the circular pool, large, dark shapes cruised just below the shimmering surface of the water. Here and there, a fin or tail appeared, giving further hints of the exceptional size of the fish that dwelled in the secluded pool. The sun shown down bright and warm, slowly evaporating the dew that clung to the leaves and grass. Dara leaned back, lifting her bare breasts toward the...

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Wife fucked by three in one night

We had several friends over for a cook out and swimming. My wife and I do this a lot every summer and most of the friends are single. I'll use their real names , Mike and Eric came over together in Eric's new truck. They are young good looking guys in their early twenties and best friends. My wife and I had only met them once before at Jim's house. As the day went on I noticed my wife was paying a lot of attention to both of them. She was looking very sexy in her bright orange bikini. The...

4 years ago
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Slob City

Scolb city was a freshly build community around the texas state highway 45, it was built with the intention to work on its own: residential area with houses and apartments on the west and activity area with offices and malls on the east. But that freshly made city quickly saw the drawbacks of modern day society, the well paid sedentary jobs were close to the multiple cheap fast foods, the proximity of the residential area made every restaurant deliver faster and cheaper than anywhere else, the...


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