Dog Fantasy and Bonus Part 2
- 4 years ago
- 24
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Christine was waiting, swirling the last bit of wine in her glass and watching me.
“Come on cowboy, take me to bed.” she said softly, licking her lips.
“Uh huh. Lucy is in there, you know.”
“Yeah, I know, but a girl can dream, right?” she said with a lewd wink and a laugh.
Christine helped me off with my clothes, gave the head of my cock a little pat and then stripped her own clothes off and pulled on one of my t-shirts, giving me a little show in the process.
She slid into bed on my right side and lay her head on my shoulder, tipping her face up for a very sweet kiss.
“Love you.” she whispered as she closed her eyes.
Waking up half smothered by naked, or nearly naked, women is a problem I never thought I would have, but not one I really want to ‘solve’ anytime soon.
Christine woke first, lifting her head and leaving a little spot of drool on my shoulder. Her hair on one side was sticking up and her eyes were half-closed against the light, but she was still beautiful.
“What you are smiling about, gimpy?” she grumped, sitting up and looking down at me.
“How cute you are in the morning.” I said, smiling even wider.
“I may have to rethink this being in love with you thing. There is something unnatural about people who are cheerful in the morning.” she grumped.
“See? Cute!” I teased, reaching out and running my hand along her thigh.
“Don’t start ... I’m hung over and it is all your fault. If you were a gentleman, you would have fetched me coffee already.” she said, smiling at me as she danced out of the way. She ducked into the bathroom as a groan came from my other side.,
“Do you two have to argue so loud?” Lucy whined, putting the pillow over her head.
“Did you know that when you raise your arms like that, the t-shirt you are wearing rides up? You have a very sexy bottom.”
Lucy shot straight up, her hands pulling her shirt down and then paused, looking green.
“Oh, you bastard!” she moaned, clapping both hands to her head.
“Sorry, sweetheart!” I whispered, then ruined it by chuckling.
“This is so not fair. I finally get you naked in bed and I think I am going to throw up. This is so not how I imagined it.”
“Chris is already up and in the bathroom, so you come here and snuggle with me.” I ordered, holding up my good hand.
Lucy gave a little smile, and scooted across the bed, carefully missing my stump, thankfully, and collapsed on top of me. She tucked her head up under my chin, her arms down around my chest and let her legs drape over mine.
“Mmmm ... nice.” she murmured, then seemed like she was trying to burrow inside of me.
I reached down and ran an appreciative hand over her side and down to her ass, cupping one bare cheek. “Mmm ... nice.” I said, mocking her a bit but meaning it. Her skin was warm and very smooth over strong, firm muscles.
Lucy just let out a contented sigh.
Christine came back into the room and stopped, her eyes on Lucy’s ass and my hand resting there.
“I see how you are! I leave for just a second and you have some half naked tart laying on you.” She grumbled, crossing her arms.
I just grinned at her and rolled my eyes. The rest of me was a bit occupied. “Hey Chris? There is one seat open.” I teased, sticking my tongue out.
She blushed a bit, and shook her head. “You are incorrigible!” she said with a laugh, then came over and gave me a sweet kiss.
Surprising me, she leaned down and kissed Lucy on the forehead. “You just stay here, little one, and let me bring you some aspirin. You sure tied one on last night.” she whispered, stroking Lucy’s back.
“Thanks, Sis.” Lucy mumbled, and wiggled, her butt cheeks clenching against my palm.
“Shameless, both of you!” Christine said as she left the room.
She left the door open behind her and I could see two sets of blue eyes peeking around the corner.
When they saw me looking at them, they pointed to Lucy’s bare butt and were making funny faces at me, but waved and headed down the hall. They were wearing what seemed to be the uniform of the day, a long t-shirt and, unless I missed my guess, not much else.
Christine returned with some aspirin and a big glass of water.
“Okay, lazy bones, Sit up unless you want to wear it.”
“Meanie!” Lucy grumbled, but slid off of me, sitting up on the edge of the bed.
“Well, now that the two of you are up, I suppose I should be as well. I need a shower, someone drooled on me last night.”
Christine put her nose in the air and ignored me, obviously a response was beneath her dignity.
Lucy finished her water and stood, putting her arms around Christine’s waist and hugging her. Christine looked surprised at first, then her expression softened and she hugged the smaller woman back.
“Come on, Sis. Let’s get you away from playboy here and get some coffee into you.”
Now that they were gone, I regretted it. I did want a shower, but that was going to be tricky by myself. I found myself thinking that Angela could probably lift me all by herself, and that thought made me smile.
Once in my chair, I realized I hadn’t put my shorts on first and shrugged. I wheeled into the bathroom and grabbed a towel, folding it around my lap to hide the goods, and headed out to where I could smell coffee brewing.
Rolling into the kitchen, I saw Sophia with her back to me, standing at the counter and her very cute ass cheeks hanging out just a bit under her shirt.
Wait ... under MY shirt! A quick look confirmed that the twins were wearing my t-shirts too!
“Well, no wonder I couldn’t find any clean t-shirts.” I said loudly, startling all of them.
“Brute!” “Shhhh!” “Mom said we could” came the chorus of replies, and I just laughed.
“You ladies have never looked sexier.”
A couple of cups of coffee and bagels all around seemed to lighten the mood. Lucy was looking like she felt human again, and Christine kept shifting in her seat, giving me little glimpses of her auburn bush. The twins were looking especially cute together, their little mounds and puffy nips clearly outlined against the thin material of the t-shirts and Sophia ... oh lord. When she stood and stretched, the t-shirt rising up to display her finely trimmed bush, my towel seemed to develop a strange lump.
Her grin told me she knew exactly where I was looking and wasn’t in the slightest bit offended.
“Mornings like this call for time in the hot tub.” Sophia said, filling up our coffee cups again.
“Is it a public tub? Downstairs, I mean.” I asked, curious.
She looked at me strangely for a second and grinned. “I didn’t realize you hadn’t seen it. You have only been on the main part of the balcony. Past that glass brick wall on the end is a private balcony for the master bedroom. I had a hot tub installed a few months ago.” she paused, looking around. “It’s big enough for four or five, but I think we could fit six, if they are friendly.” she continued, grinning at everyone.
“I’m in!” I said, rolling forward. A hot tub sounded heavenly!
“Okay, but no clothes allowed.” Sophia said, stripping off her shirt as she walked into the bedroom.
“Hot damn!”
The twins stripped down where they stood, laying their shirts on their stools and pranced out, wiggling their asses at us. Lucy looked at me, then looked at Christine. Shrugging, she stood and slowly, sensuously, stripped her shirt off.
This was the first time I had seen her naked, and my eyes were glued to her. She stood there for a minute, letting me take it all in, then giggled when I met her eyes. She had a petite, gymnast body. It was tight and strong, small breasts, her pubic hair shaved except for a little landing strip ... she looked delicious.
Christine, with a growl, pulled her shirt off too, and her breasts were, by far, the largest in the house. Her auburn bush was trimmed, but full, and I couldn’t help but contrast the two. I was like a kid in a candy store.
I followed them into the master bedroom, and around the bed to the far side. I hadn’t been in here, other than a quick glimpse when I first arrived and got the tour.
On the far side of her king-sized bed, there was a set of sliding glass doors that led to a small, fifteen-foot balcony that was closed off on the sides by walls of glass bricks that let in light, but you couldn’t see through them.
There, on one end, was a big redwood style Jacuzzi. The twins were already in the water, as was Lucy, but Sophia was pulling some towels out of a cabinet as Christine and I came out.
I reached down and carefully unstrapped the braces on my legs, wincing at the pale, mottled skin underneath.
Christine knelt down to help and together we had the braces off and set aside. Then I positioned the chair beside the steps and locked the wheels.
Sophia and Christine each took a side, looping arms underneath my armpits and helped me move sideways, out of the chair and on to the top step.
Sophia stood with an arm around me while Christine lifted my legs up and turned me around so that they were dangling in the tub. At this point, they all got into the act with each twin taking a leg, and Lucy getting on my left side, sticking her shoulder into my arm pit. With their help, I was able to use my right arm to lower myself into the tub with a sigh.
“This being crippled is for the birds.” I growled, then shrugged.
The ladies settled into the tub, after Sophia made a run for a pitcher of orange juice, and there was a group sigh as we all relaxed.
We were shoulder to shoulder in there, and thigh to thigh. I had Lucy on my left, Christine on my right, Sophie next to Christine and the twins across from us.
When the timer went off after thirty minutes, there was a lot of good-natured grumbling, but sitting there watching these five beauties emerge from the water, streams of water cascading down their skin, beading on nipples and belly, I was almost as happy to get out as I was getting in.
Of course, getting out turned out to be a major issue which left me feeling much less agreeable.
It took Christine and Sophia to pull from the top and the twins managing my legs from below. Lucy had grabbed some towels and together, the five of them got me mostly dry.
Sophia insisted that I put my braces back on before I attempted to get back in my chair, probably a smart idea, but the splinter in my ass from the wooden step as they helped me slide down one more to make the last step easier? Not so nice.
Of course, the sniggers and jokes that came when it was time for Sophia to dig it out again didn’t help any.
Once I was back in my chair, I resolved to skip the damn thing if the subject came up again, at least until I could put weight on my legs.
My mood was considerably lower than it had been going in, but I tried my best to put a happy face on the day.
Lunch was cold cuts and fresh veggies with dip, the rest of the morning spent just lazing around with the paper.
After lunch, the twins wanted to go shopping, since the paparazzi had ruined our plans from the day before, but there was nothing they could say, nothing they could promise that would make me step foot in a shopping mall today. Not after yesterday.
Sophie decided to take them and promised to pick up a new phone for me. I could call my carrier and have it ready for them. In addition, I gave her my credit card and asked her to pick me up an iPad and a bottle of Canadian Club.
Christine and Lucy stayed behind and we sat chatting for a bit, but the girls were acting a little squirrelly. They would give each other looks, but when I would turn their way, they pretended that they were doing something else.
“Okay, I give up. What has you two so jumpy?”
“What? I have no idea what you are talking about.” Lucy said, trying, and failing, to look surprised.
“Really, David, you are imagining things.” Christine interrupted, but she blushed a little when I stared her way.
I continued to stare her way and watched her begin to squirm and get red in the face. I used the same tactic when we were kids and I wanted her to spill some secret.
Evidently, she remembered that too!
“Damnit, David, I am not twelve years old anymore and you can’t pull that Jedi mind crap on me anymore. I am an adult.”
I just nodded like I agreed and kept staring.
She hung her head for a moment, but I saw her nipples getting hard, tenting the front of her t-shirt.
“David...” Lucy said, moving over in front of me and breaking my line of sight to the squirming Christine.
“Yes, little one?”
“Take me to bed. Take us to bed.” Lucy said, her eyes bright with excitement. “We talked, and ... well, we haven’t, I mean, neither of us have ever, you know, been with another girl, but we decided that we could both be with you, together. If that makes any sense.” she said, stumbling and stuttering.
I leaned left just enough to see Christine’s face and she was watching, waiting for my reaction. One of her hands was lightly brushing back and forth over a nipple. I don’t even think she realized she was doing it, but her eyes were glazed with desire.
“I can’t think of anything I would rather do.”
In the bedroom, they laid me in the center of the bed, naked once again and my cock already defying gravity. With Lucy on my left and Christine on my right, I was trading kisses as they both ran their hands down my chest and abs.
The girls paused, their eyes meeting over my chest, and then Lucy sat up, leaning over to feed me her small breast and amazingly hard nipple. I sucked it in, laving it with my tongue, sucking and gently biting as she went nuts. As she pulled back to force the other one into my mouth, I felt Christine’s lips and tongue on my cock, gently teasing.
From the corner of my eye, I could see her bent over my waist, her breasts hanging but still looking full and lush. I reached down and palmed one, rubbing the nipple with the heel of my hand and then catching it between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it and tugging on it.
That must have triggered something for Chris because she was banging her nose on my pubic bone, moaning around my cock while her other hand slipped between her legs.
Lucy, panting and moaning, holding my head to her breast, pulled back and scrambled up, turning around so she could watch Christine, then lowering her sweet little pussy to my mouth.
My last glimpse of Christine was her raising up and throwing a leg over the top of me. As I buried my tongue in Lucy’s drenched pussy and sucked, I felt Christine swabbing her pussy with the head of my cock. She notched it in place and her groan and she slowly let herself down, feeling it fill her up, was unbelievably erotic.
I tucked my chin a bit so I could get to Lucy’s clit, sucking it between my lips and circling around and around with my tongue. She began to squirm, humping herself on my nose like it was a little dick.
Christine had hit bottom with a whine, her pussy fluttering and quivering around my cock, and then she began to move. Slowly at first, then faster, impaling herself on my erection and then grinding her clit against my stomach. Lift, fall, grind, over and over again, her moans getting louder.
“Oh fuck, David, suck it, suck my clitty ... oh god, fuck yes! Bite, bite me ... AAAAAHHHH!!! FFFUUUUCCCK!” Lucy screamed as she gushed all over my face, practically drowning me. Her pussy was mashed so hard on my nose and chin that I actually worried about getting enough air!
Christine was whimpering, her motions turning jerky, uncoordinated. “Oh my god, David, finally, fuck me, baby ... fuck me ... fill me ... cum with me, I love, I love you, I LOVE YOU!” she shouted as she slammed herself down on me one last time, her whole body quivering and I shot inside of her, splashing my cum off her cervix, my hips bucking to drive it that last, tiny bit.
Lucy moved to the side, her chest heaving and, as Christine quivered to a halt, her head hanging down, Lucy moved forward and took one of Christine’s nipples in her mouth, licking and sucking.
Christine just squealed, her body quaking again as her orgasm sent aftershocks, inspired by Lucy’s tongue.
Lucy moved to the other side, sucking and pawing at Christine’s other breast. Her per little ass waving in the air like a flag, and I couldn’t resist.
I ran my hand down her cheeks, letting one finger slide between them to tickle her asshole. Lucy gave a squeak and pushed back against my finger. I slid my hand lower, letting my finger plunge into her hot, wet slot, and she began humping her hips, fucking my finger.
I grinned and slid my finger out, replacing it with the two middle ones and using her own lubrication, let my index finger tickle her rosebud again. Lucy began groaning and whimpering, fucking back against my fingers even harder. I watched with fascination as her little rosebud winked at me, grasping at the tip of my index finger.
When I looked over at Christine, I watched as she French kissed Lucy, her hand tweaking the nipples on her small tits, teasing her as I finger fucked her tight little twat. Lucy was bucking hard now, and I pushed with my index finger, invading her ass.
Lucy went wild, fucking against my fingers and driving my index finger deeper into her ass even as her tiny pussy tried to swallow the rest of my hand. When Lucy went off, there was no mistaking it. Her whole body went rigid and I actually feared for the finger that was in her ass. She clenched down and then just collapsed as if her strings had been cut.
Christine, still mounted on my semi-erect cock, smiled at me and began rubbing Lucy’s back as I rubbed the girl’s ass.
“You were ... amazing. Both of you.” I said, sighing with contentment.
Christine lay leaned over carefully, trying not to squash Lucy where she lay with her head on my belly, and kissed me. “I knew it would be good. When you can be on top, driving into me? It will be even better.” she whispered, licking my lips and smiling.
She eased off, frowning when my cock slipped free, but laughing when Lucy’s head came up. She scooted down, sniffing at my cock and then darted her tongue out. She must have like it because she became insatiable, licking and sucking, cleaning and nuzzling my cock and my sack.
When she was done, she looked over her shoulder at me and scrunched up her nose, grinning like the dickens, then turned to look at Christine. With a growl, she arched her back and slowly climbed over me, her eyes on the larger redhead.
“Wait, Lucy? What are you doing?” Christine asked, sounding a little unsure.
“Cleaning up after Daddy.” Lucy said with a purr, then ducking her head down and diving in between Christine’s legs.
Christine looked at me in shock, her hands going to Lucy’s shoulders to shove her away, but she paused, her eyes fluttering, and a look of amazement on her face. With a deep, heartfelt moan, she collapsed back on the bed, her legs falling open.
Between her legs, Lucy was purring as she buried her tongue in Christine’s pussy, licking and sucking.
I watched, fascinated and more than a little turned on when Christine reached down and grabbed her legs behind the knees, lifting and spreading herself to Lucy could get more.
My cock was already hard again as I watched Christine begin to quiver, her toes pointing up at the ceiling and the cords in her neck standing in stark relief as she lifted her head, watching the little brunette eat her to what looked like an amazing orgasm!
When Lucy sat up, wiping her chin and licking her fingers, I tapped her on the shoulder and pointed towards my now raging hard on.
“I would dearly love for you to come and sit on my lap, little one.” I said softly.
She smiled so happily at me, darting it to kiss me before throwing a leg over my waist. She pushed my cock down, rubbing her pussy up and down the length as she purred again. Her little lips hugged my cock, spreading her nectar along its length. When she stopped and lifted it, rubbing the head against her pussy, I watched, unable to look away as she slowly, oh so slowly, let the head pop inside.
I groaned, floored by how tight she was.
“David ... can I call you Daddy?” she asked in a little girl voice. At that point, she could have called me Harry Truman for all I cared, but I simply smiled and nodded.
“Daddy, I have never had a man in my pussy before. I have some toys, but they are small, smaller than you.” she said, still using that little girl voice.
I thought I was going to cum right then and there. I had never been attracted to little girls, but Lucy, who was built a lot like the twins, was no little girl. She was hot and ready, teasing me as she lifted a half inch, settling back down.
Slowly, her eyes wide and her mouth in a surprised “O”s, she began rocking on my cock, taking a bit more each time. It took a couple of minutes before I could feel the head of my cock resting against her cervix. She held still for a minute, her hips moving in little circles.
“I feel sooooo full, Daddy. So good...” she purred. Lucy let out a little ‘EEK!’ of surprise when she bent almost double and found there was still another inch of cock to go. She was so tiny that I wouldn’t fit!
She lifted herself up a couple of inches, then bounced me off her cervix again, a groan of pleasure filled the air.
Soon she was bouncing on my pole like she had been doing it for years, her hands on my belly to control the depth and her hips working overtime.
When Christine came up behind her, rubbing her tits on Lucy’s back and reaching around to strum Lucy’s clit, she went absolutely crazy.
It wasn’t long before she screamed out her orgasm, her pussy tightening down so hard that it actually hurt. When she released, the pain went away, but so did my orgasm.
At that point, I didn’t really care.
Lucy collapsed, her head bouncing on my chest and her pussy still quivering.
Christine, still kneeling over her, was shaking her head with wonder. She got off the bed, moving like she was a little tender, and came back with wash clothes and a towel.
Tenderly, she lifted Lucy and lay her down beside me, cleaning her up first and using one clean cloth to wipe away the sweat from her face and chest. Christine gave her a tender kiss on the lips and then went to rinse out the washcloths.
Once we were all clean, we just relaxed, Christine on one side, Lucy on the other, falling asleep with smiles on our faces.
It was Sophia who woke us up, but the twins were right behind her.
“I thought about betting the twins that we would find you like this, but I would have been winning my own money.” she said, smirking down at us.
I looked, concerned, but didn’t see any jealousy or even unhappiness in her eyes. She was smiling warmly at us, and leaned over Christine to give me a kiss.
The twins were standing there, nostrils flaring and little nipples on point. Their eyes were wide open and raking our bodies, almost trembling.
When Sophia turned around and saw them, she gave a little laugh and shooed them out of the room, calling back over her shoulder. “Get up you three! I have a surprise for David and I think you will want to see it too!”
Slowly, stretching like a pair of big cats, the two ladies crawled out of bed, but not before extracting a toll paid in kisses. They were both glowing, and held each other. Lucy’s head only came up to Christine’s breast bone and, except for the hair color, they could have been mother and daughter.
Well, until Lucy’s tongue flicked out and tickled Christine’s nipple, making her jump. Christine chased her around the bed, smacking her tight little ass as they both laughed.
Once we were dressed and out in the living room, Sophia was standing in the doorway to the kitchen but the twins were nowhere to be found.
When we were all sitting, she turned and pulled something, covered with a table cloth, into the room. With a big smile she whipped off the table cloth and we all stared. I don’t think the two girls had any clue, but I had a glimmer.
It looked sort of like an engine lift, if it had mated with a crane. I had a low, wide base with little legs that could be put down to stead it, and there was an electric motor attached to several cables that ran through pulleys on the end of the arm.
“Is that...” I started to ask, and Sophia grinned and nodded.
“I called the hospital and spoke to a doctor in orthopedics. They have these there, and told me where I could rent one. It is a mobile crane designed to lift people! It can extend out almost six feet horizontally and that much vertically. If we had had this by the hot tub, you would have been in and out in a jiffy! And look, it has a remote control so you can do it yourself.”
There was a sling portion that could be laid in the wheelchair. I could sit on it all day, and just hook it to the crane if I needed to be lifted up. It really was a brilliant solution!
“You are amazing! Brilliant! No more worrying about falling getting into the tub either.” I said smiling happily at her.
Christine and Lucy were up now, walking around and looking at the crane, while Sophia handed me the user’s manual.
“It’s like a high-tech sex swing.” Christine said, then blushed and covered her mouth. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I said that. I have never used one, honest! I saw one in a movie ... fuck. I keep saying stuff I shouldn’t.”
She was beet red and flustered, but the rest of us were laughing our asses off.
Lucy had school in the morning and Christine had to work, so a tearful goodbye, with lots of kisses and hugs, saw them out the door. I thought it was interesting that they walked hand in hand to the elevators.
“Where are the girls?” I asked, wondering why they hadn’t been out to at least say goodbye.
Sophia looked at me for a moment, then grinned and held her finger to her lips, indicating that I should be quiet. She led me down the hall and, when we got the door of Amy’s room, she quietly turned the handle and eased it open an inch.
Even as it opened I could hear moaning and groaning along with sounds like...
I looked through the crack and they were naked on the bed, Amy on top of Mina in a passionate sixty-nine. They had their faces buried in their sister’s pussy and were going to town. Amy had two fingers in Mina’s ass and she was driving them in hard, her sister writhing under the assault.
Sophia tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention and slowly closed the door, pointing back down the hall.
Back in the kitchen again, she giggled and fanned herself.
“I caught them the first time about a year ago. We sat down and talked about sex, about love and relationships. We talked about girls and boys and what they thought they might want. They assured me that the definitely wanted boys, but the guys at school were all hands and libido.”
“You know, it’s funny. They both said they would wait for someone special, someone like you. Then all of this happened and when I said you would be staying with us for a few months, you would have thought they won the lottery.” Sophia was shaking her head, but her smile was warm.
“I am still shocked you are okay with this ... um ... situation.” I said, stumbling a bit.
“David, I love you and I want to be in your bed, but I love them too. The other girls, they love you as well, and I know we can’t be a couple, you and I. I do see us being lovers for a long, long time so I hope if you do find someone, someday, she is understanding.” she said, moving close and pressing her lips to mine.
“Now that we have that lift, will you sleep in my bed tonight? I have been fantasizing about us making love on my bed, in my room. Those hussies got to you before I did, but I want my turn. I want you inside of me, David.” she purred, licking my lips and reaching into my lap, running her fingers down my cock.
“I would love to, Soph. You are a fantasy come true for me!” I said, smiling and running my hand over her breast, teasing her nipple.
“Oh my god, didn’t you just get done with two women?” A laughing voice said from behind me.
I turned the chair to see both girls, dressed in their bedtime t-shirts, my shirts. They both had flushed faces and bright, glassy eyes that told me they had tired each other out.
I thought I would tease them a bit, so I held out my arm for a hug and gave each one a kiss. Then I made a little face, sniffing the air.
“That smells familiar ... like ... hmm ... Is that a new perfume you are wearing?” I asked innocently, and could barely hold in my laughter when they both blushed, looking anywhere but me.
I heard a snigger behind me and knew that Sophia was trying to hide her laughter too.
“What’s for dinner” Amy asked, desperately trying to change the subject.
I did end up sleeping with Sophia, much to the twins’ disgust, but they claimed my bed anyway, saying they would be waiting when the old folks were done.
Sophia and I chased them ... well, she did, I rolled along behind, to their room at bedtime and pretended to try and break the door down while the screamed and giggled in mock terror.
It was almost the end days of my vacation. My best friend Renu had not come back from her hometown yet. Feeling bored at home, I was browsing through all the movies on my laptop. My mom had gone to her office and our maid had already left, finished with her daily chores. I had a whole day ahead of me, with nothing to do. I did not find any good movies online. Dejected, I closed my laptop and lay back on the bed, wondering what to do. As most of the families were out of town due to the holidays,...
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Jim had not had a good time, well, not sexually for about three months now. All his ways of picking up women at bars, parties, and work seemed to have dried up and there was nothing that he could see on the horizon. The last time he had a secretary over his desk or picked up a lady at a bar or party was a good few months ago. He really wanted to cum and enjoy himself. Then, one day, as he was going through the newspaper, when he got to the classified ads, one struck him, and he thought might...
OccupationsFINDING MY VOICE Chapter 4 - Duncan My habit of socialising with Imogene and Paul on a fairly regular basis continued much along the same lines for the next few months. I still lacked the courage to go out dressed so we tended to entertain each other at our respective houses. I found I enjoyed planning meal menus and discovered a real passion for cooking. I won't say that I was in any way competitive; let's just leave it with the comment that, for both households, the meals became...
This time she did not resist the weakness and trembling in her knees as she advanced. She began her quest to once and for all have that throbbing cock between her lips. She gracefully shimmied out of her panties as his face reddened with desire, and his hand continued spreading his gleaming nectar over his shaft, slippery, pulsing, expectant. She stepped daintily from her silk and fell before him giving in to the weakness that had been plaguing her legs, and fell on her knees. He slipped his...
Straight SexNote : This story is completely fictional! Diary of a submissive woman: In my country some families prefer the boy to the girl. Mine was one of them. One day my 20 yo oldest brother (I am 18 years old) ordered me to do something, I told him to do it himself. My father heard this and slapped me saying "never disobey your brother". I went to my room crying. In the night my oldest bro came to me, gave me some juice to drink (my face was hurting so I could not eat). He put his hand on my shoulders...
IncestI was looking to spend an enjoyable three day unexpected bonus holiday in my native place 23 kilometers from Pollachi. My Project had been completed earlier than scheduled. I was on a Volvo bus from Bangalore where I am working, to my native place. My name is Karthik and my Parents are farmers,. Girls found me to be very good company and I was quite popular with them, thanks to my helpful tendencies, soft nature and humour. I was not very serious about any of them, as I had lot of...
Bar Trap 2 (Part time whore) I was supposed to put on heavy makeup. Starting with the foundation, I applied a generous layer of a brand especially designed for the use on stage, that did a very good job covering up any dark shadows. After I was satisfied with the effect, I used a brush to put on powder and make it all smooth and feminine. Next I did my eyes, first with a black eyeliner on the lower lid, then a white, thicker one on the upper lid. Black shadow followed, and...
A new beginning Some months later … Dee put the blunt to her full, red lips. She put the light to the tip and took in a deep draw. As the intoxicating smoke filled her lungs, she thought about her new life. Just a few months ago she was a teacher of rowdy, mindless fifth graders and a dutiful wife. Her life was routine. She was miserable. She had kept herself pure by all standards. She certainly did not smoke. Now, that life was behind her. She met Vic, a man in his early thirties. He taught...
InterracialIt began on new years eve. What we did was inappropriate but i felt necessary. My plan for the evening was to have my friend John over to watch a few movies. I was texting my friends girlfriend Brittany for a few hours. I asked her if she was going to his house and she said she wasnt invited. I found this odd because he was having a lot of people over. Anyway I invited her to come to my house because i didnt think that she should be alone. She showed up around 11.30 and the three of us watched...
Welcome to my new story on ISS. Now let’s get to it, without further due… ~STORY STARTS …Nishrin (Nishy), now 26, married, is reminiscing about her life, and her freedom before her marriage… Nishy was 18 when she entered college, and got to know Joseph (Joe). She met him at the college for the first time, and ever since then, she felt like something had started to rage inside of her for him. But there was no way she could be together with him. They belonged to two different cultural groups,...
Life changed irrevocably for me one Friday evening just over a year ago. I was having a quiet night in with my wife of three years, 23 year old Jenny. I was reading a book, while she sat on the sofa watching TV. With her long brown hair piled on top of her head, dark rimmed glasses and no make-up, she looked just what she was - a librarian.Don't get me wrong, Jenny is a pretty girl, with a magnificent 38" bust, and long shapely legs. It's just that, sitting there in her pink sweater and full...
My wife, Wendy, and I met as singles in a bar one evening in Houston, when I was twenty-four years old, and she was twenty-three. I was working for an accounting firm, after having obtained my bachelor’s degree in accounting, and she was working for a major legal firm as a paralegal and has a bachelor’s degree in paralegal studies.I’m Marty, and despite my less-outgoing personality and conservative approach to life, we got along well and began dating steadily. Wendy is more-outgoing than me...
Wife LoversAfter our perfect day at the beach, we returned to Emma’s house. We were full of sand, so we decided we should shower, and then go out somewhere. Emma showered first, so I kept myself busy waiting for her to get out. I sat on her couch, browsing the internet on her laptop. A few minutes into her shower, I heard her moaning softly. I lost interest in whatever website I was on, and walked down the hallway towards the bathroom. I noticed that she had left the door open a little, and as I...
A couple of hours later that morning, Mandy had showered and dressed for work at the office where she and Tom had worked together only a few weeks earlier. As Mandy pulled into her reserved parking place at the office, she found herself feeling sad that Tom no longer worked there with her. She'd really grown to appreciate how sexy and manly he was but then she rushed to remind herself that if Tom hadn't been pushed to the point and quitting and demanding that she give into his sexual...
I pulled into the garage, turned off the Porsche, and walked up into the house. I was surprised to see Morgan staring out the rear windows toward the marsh and the Intracoastal Waterway. Yet, something wasn’t quite right. I couldn’t make it out and then, as Morgan entered the room, naked as usual, I realized it wasn’t Morgan after all. “Hello, Sara. Welcome to our home.” Morgan beamed when I said “our” and Sara turned around to meet me. I could see subtle differences in their faces and...
Peter Grayson woke up late that morning his head ringing from his hangover. Slowly getting up out of bed he made his way over to his bathroom washing his face in an attempt to wake himself up. Looking up in the mirror he checked himself out. Peter Grayson was eighteen years old with short black hair and brown eyes. He was tall with a muscular body and several tattoos scattered around his body. He also had a scar in the shape of a long line on his chest. Leaving the bathroom Peter put on a shirt...
TeenThe Cruel Game of Backgammon by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?Why backgammon?? ?Because it has been called a cruel game and I want to play a cruel game.? Leslie smiled at her friend. ?It’s cruel because you’re going to give yourself a penalty for losing?? Craig frowned in return. ?No. The game is cruel in itself.? ?How can backgammon be cruel apart from your self-imposed penalties? It’s just a dice game.? ?It’s cruel because of the element of chance. There’s a lot of strategy behind backgammon, but if...
Empathy of a Scotsman! A Priest, a Doctor, a rich Businessman and a Scotsman were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers in front of them. The Doctor shouted to them, "I've never seen such poor golf!" The Scotsman chimed in, "Och aye! We ha' been waitin' for nigh on fifteen minutes!" The Businessman called out, "Move it on you guys, time is money." The Priest said, "Here comes George the green-keeper. Let's have a word with him." "Hello, George!" said...
Elisa also always told me that she sometimes got a little horny. I said I did too, but I actually got really horny. I masterbated ALL the time. Sometimes I would dream about having sex with Elisa. She's pretty cute. She has blonde hair, tan skin and amazing gray eyes. But I never told her abou the way I felt because I was afraid she would get scared of me and turn away. One day we were at Elisa's house. Her older sister, Rachel, and her best freind, Denise, were over and we were...
My prime body parts remained swollen for many weeks making any sex or movements difficult to do. Finally, after many coatings of salve the swelling subsided and we returned to the jewelry store for the removal of the temporary studs. I was placed in a different examination room with only the owner and Master present. Instructed to remove my clothes so that the owner could fit me for proper rings, I lay up on the table naked. The men stared at my nude body, inspecting the piercings for any...
Koishor kaal thekei ami besh sexy. Sex er bepare amar koutuhol borabori beshi. Ekhon amar boyosh 24 r erimoddhe ami prai 10-12 jon mohilar shathe sex korechi. Meyera amak khub pochodo-o kore. Amar figure athletic. Height 6 feet. Peshibohul shorir. Aar amar dixk size lombai 8 ichi r 3 inchi mota. Ekdin besh obak kora ekta bepar gothe gelo. Ami sheidin basai eka chilam. Amar familyr shobai desher bari berate geche. Amar exam chilo tai jete parini. So ami basai eka boshe boshe amar computer-e ekta...
“I heard you were a big hit with Lady Monica?” chortled Bob in the Tory club. “Yes, veeary porrsh,” I chuckled, eyeing up a starter red. It middled the pocket, so I lined up the loose pink. That went in too. “Is she a lady?” “Shit yeah. Big house, Romsey Road, after the bypass bridge. Royalty there somewhere.” I nodded and we got on with the game. His wife must have not mentioned the nude modelling chat. My land line buzzed the next day. “Er Del ... is that your proper name by the way?”...
We picked up our scattered clothes and got dressed. He took the driver’s seat and I climbed into the passenger’s seat. He turned the car over and pulled out. Still, I had no idea where we were going. The both of us were silent as if we refused to acknowledge something. The ride took about 20 minutes before we pulled into the Municipal Parking Lot. I knew better than to ask where we were. “Now, don’t be nervous. You’re not in any trouble,” he said as he fixed his tie. He exited the car and...
Straight SexMatthew Pottinger did just as he was told, running his hands up and down Candace Owen’s voluptuous body, caressing her ebony skin, squeezing her meaty breasts, and stroking her big, round ass while she writhed and squirmed. “Candace” – pretty name, pretty girl. Built like a brick house. Real hot body. Big, tall, and busty. 5’ 5”. 135lbs. 33-26-34. DD cup. Smooth ebony skin. Long, thick, curly black hair glistened with mousse. Leggy. Big, firm tits. Full, round ass. Dressed nice and slutty....
I didn’t tell this to rohini fearing she might take this negatively and might ask him to leave.The later day everything was normal except rohini was coming in front of vivek after what had happened last night. But vivek’s behavior was normal like he had done nothing, only I knew what he did. I went to office and couldn’t stop thinking about what vivek did, how desperate he was, I could understand his problem and the situation he was going through and was also thinking what he might be doing now...
It was a normal Monday night and instead of doing my study work I was browsing the web on my pc. I was 19 and a virgin but that did not mean i wasn’t horny and gagging for it. I had a secret drawer under my bed that was full of things to get me off, such as clit massager, a vibrating tongue, anal beads, and lube. But my most treasured possession was a 10 inch silver vibrator that I bought off the internet two weeks before. I had nicknamed it Jhonny Silver. I had never used it because I wasn’t...
The week was no different from Monday. The only difference was what I had to do in school for Mandy and my teachers. The first 3 periods I was naked and was made to perform many different forms of sexual acts. Like Tuesday, I had to lick everyone’s ass and make sure they were nice and clean. Some of them forgot to wipe in the morning and I got a taste of shit. That was in my 1st period. The other 2 periods, I was fucked or made to suck cocks and eat pussy. Lunch time each day was different...
Aleecea woke slowly from her dreamless sleep, stretching her taut muscles. Yesterday’s workout with Ripp had been a good one, going on for almost 2 hours. In the last few weeks she had been neglecting her workouts and her body was paying the price now. The farther from home she traveled, the more lax she became in keeping up with her habit of working out every day with Ripp. As she sat up, the proton blanket that covered her all night disappeared and she put her feet on the heated floor. Ahh...
The digital readout on the no-brand hotel TV advanced a minute, the room silent save for my erratic panting. My head thrashed left on the pillow and I caught sight of the wildfire in my chestnut eyes from the nearby mirror above the desk. They shone from the eyeholes of a snug Venetian lace mask that extended from inky hairline to the tip of my button nose.I wasn't sure who was staring back: me or Her.I shivered at the ease with which the mask had enabled me to compartmentalise. To...
MasturbationShe walks into the bedroom in her tight jeans, hugging her beautiful round juicy ass. I watch her as she takes off her jacket wearing a tight see through shirt and I can make out the size of her full, round breasts. Blood rushing to my cock, throbbing from excitement, of the thought of having my way with her. She sits at the edge of my bed. I watch her eyes glance at the bulge of my pants and she knows I’m going to fuck her. She slowly reaches over and grabs onto my pants and brings me close...
Matthias Sussmann: Chosen by the Gods to lead mission to prevent Ragnorok William Sussmann: Father of Matt Suzanne Sussmann: Mother of Matt Al Sussmann: Brother of Matt Beth Sussmann: First adopted sister of Matt and future mate. Computer design and CEO Tina Finch(Sussmann): Second adopted sister of Matt and future mate. Inventor. Head of independent lab Perfects Hydrogen power, alternate fuel, and Cold Fusion Paula O'Shea: - Oncologist - Mate of Bryan Sharon Granger(Sussmann:...
Hi guys, this is my first story in here. So please forgive me for my mistakes. U can contact me at The story begins with my first boyfriend rahul and to other men in my life. But before that let me introduce myself. My real name cannot be revealed in public. But I can share the name with which my boyfriends addressed me. I am doll. In public, I am pretty decent straight boy, but whenever I am alone, I wish I was a girl. When I am alone, I cross dress and behave like a girl with my walks,...
Gay Male"Nobody move!" I used my most authoritative voice. Nobody moved. "I want you all to back the hell out of here! Watch where you're stepping. It would be nice if we don't add or subtract any evidence before the CSU guys go over the place. The only people I want in here are them and the Medical Examiner." "Very macho," said my partner, Lily Beauchamps, from over my shoulder. "That's how it's done." Just like she had taught me. The woman's body was sprawled on the floor, face...
My name is Hugo and I am from Sweden. I have many friends from Bangladesh and live in London, UK. I see a lot of people from Bangladesh living in East London and I go there pretty often for grocery shopping since I live close by. I really enjoy going to the grocery stores with all the Muslim Bangladeshi women in colorful clothes and some in hijabs. I take pictures of the beautiful ladies inside the stores, while they ignore me and some times take close up shots of their beautiful faces, they...
Cara woke slowly, more lost in a dream than reality. Something was touching her on the inside, rubbing against that spot that made her catch her breath and see flashes of blinding light. The sound of her own throaty moans filled the corners of her mind. Visions of Adam and Gabriel came and faded. Adam’s teasing smile and gentle hands made her giggle. But, Gabriel… The visions of Gabriel were making her moan. They were visions that came in flickers of great detail—the muscles of his shoulders...
Interracial"I have a lot to be thankful for. "I think foremost I'm thankful that I have a very understanding mom since this started as a quiet dinner for four, and I kept inviting people." I smiled and looked around the table. My mom and dad sat at one end of the long table while Robbie's dad and Tami's mom sat at the other end. I stood in the center of one side, Tami and Traci on either side of me. Peter sat next to Traci and Mikee and Kelly next to Tami. Across from me was Robbie. Bobbi Bradley...
I finally get back into town and once I leave the base I head strait to your house. I call you as I'm on my way and you tell me that the door will be open when I get there so go ahead and come in once I get there. I finally get to your place and walk into your apartment and see you standing there in a little sexy black outfit that I have never seen before. I had already had a raging hard on as I was driving over and didn’t think that is was possible for it to get any harder but you proved me...
When you've been pushed as far as you can go, anything can happen, and in all probability — will. Tom's Story: "Yes, I'm considering having an affair," I answered calmly. "How could you ... after all these years ... how could you betray me?" she asked incredulously. "I really don't think of it as betrayal. It was more like alternative comfort. Someone I could talk to, share a few peaceful hours. Someone who won't argue or complain or otherwise spoil a perfectly good evening. It's...
“What are we going to do now?” Susan asked as Dan walked her back up to the big maple tree. “I told you that Karen has a surprise for you and you’re about to receive it,” Dan said placing his arm around her waist and admiring her deep cleavage. Karen and Lilly spread out the two comforters and helped Wendy to lie down. Wendy took several damp towels from a bag and passed them to Karen and Lilly to clean off their pussies, ass and tits. Dan helped Susan to lie down and they began kissing....
This is my first story, so please tell me what you think! Julia was a fifteen-year-old freshman. She was a little over 52, and had a knockout figure. She was one of those petite, curvy girls. She had 32C tits, and tiny waist that faded into a perfectly round ass. She had an angular face with full lips, and creamy ivory coloured skin. Long chestnut brown hair tumbled down her back. But her most striking feature where her eyes. They were large, intelligent and bright blue, half-hidden under a...
Hello ISS Lovers! Please mail your comments about the story to Samyukta was to leave to Dubai in the next two days and the house brimmed with obscurity. She knew that life is going to be difficult without her parents and loving siblings, more so in a country about which she knew very little. The last fifteen days have been very memorable with roars of laughter ripping through every now and then. Being a woman with an enviable sense of humor, she had kept her parents, brother and sister in very...
IncestNotes This is the sixth installment of Field Trip Follies. Thanks to Literotica author Laurie for lending me her characters Lindsey Foster and her sister Katie. For this chapter, we leave Lindsey sleeping in bed, and see what some of her students are up to, particularly the dorky nerds Denny and Bitty. You don’t have to read any of the earlier chapters to enjoy this. I will be loading chapter 7 in a few days, so check back soon! All characters in this story are over the age of 18! DAY 3...
Transformation in Reno - By DeeWet John and I met at a party. I had just moved to take a new job on the west coast and he worked for a large law firm. We talked for a while over wine and he offered me a free ticket to the Lakers on Friday. We had a great time at the game and began to go to other sporting events and dinner. Now, I wasn't gay and thought nothing of our dates. I guess date was not the right word since we were just two guys going out together. When he sent me...
Welcome to the fantasy world of Absoterra! It technically began with my story, "Erotic Dungeon Crawl," but didn't become a full blown world until my largest story, "A New World! Your Party of Hopeless Hotties". The more I wrote the latter, the more I wanted to flesh out the world, but there's only so much you can see when you read the story though the eyes of a single protagonist that's meant to be a version of yourself. Therefore, this story will actually be an anthology of different, smaller...
FantasyMy husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
February to September 2001 George Bush had a serious agenda to remodel the country and the government, and it became obvious at an early stage. He planned to make some wholesale changes in the way things were done. Well, that is probably an overstatement. What was much more accurate was that George’s backers had very serious plans, and George was along for the ride. To what extent he knew that he was overmatched was questionable. From what I could see working with the man, he was quite...
She wrote Finis to her marriage. A story of cheating, regrets, pain, divorce, and forgiveness. What I did, I did of my own free will, most of the time with pre-planning. I cannot blame my drinking, I was never drunk enough not to know what I was doing. I was sober at the planning stage, some of the deeds, I did cold sober. I have no excuses for what I did. After it was over. I went in therapy. I still did not accept full responsibility for my actions at the time. I was looking for some...
Wife LoversNote : This story is completely fictional! My name is Bushra, I am 27 years old. I am married only 6 months, and now living with my husband’s joint family in a remote village. The other members of the family are my Father in law, elder brother in law and his wife. My mother in law died two years back. My husband is a baker and he has his bakery in the town. My brother in law is a lawyer while my husband works as a clerk. I am a very attractive lady but the only reason I got married to this guy,...
Incest"The F-Express Train going to Orly-TGV will depart in two minutes."I was sick of this automated voice, sick of the F-Train and sick of all these commuters making my life hell. At least it was the end of my shift—one last round trip, and I'll go home. There, I'll connect to Grindr, find the first bottom willing to get fucked, and I'll release all the stress of my day in his ass.Yes, that sounded like a great plan.“Sir, is this train going to Orly?” No, of course not, the announcement was just a...
Gay MaleNiki looked over at the bowl, and seeing the pieces of grilled cheese, worked her way over and took a big bite, chewing carefully before sitting back up and slowly stroking her brother’s shaft. “Oh, I have another note, um, Biology class. And I will need to be picked up late tomorrow, Mr. Jacobs gave me detention for some reason.”. Licking his shaft a couple times before getting back down and biting off some more sandwich, she felt a sudden tension in the air as Max stopped...
I lived in a small suburb of Rockville, Maryland called Twinbrook, and the residents sometimes called is “poor part” of Rockville. We met each other at one of my cousin’s bar mitzvah in snowy Chicago, late December, and pretty much hit it off almost immediately. She was a good dancer, but me not so much. There were rumors flying around that she liked me, so I told her that I liked her, and then we danced all night. When it came time to go, she wanted so much to kiss me you could see it in her...
Erotic FictionStory 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should write. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....
I was eighteen, had just moved out of my parents' house after breaking up with my girlfriend of two years. I was not ready to go to college. So against my father's advice I moved to a city far away from my small home town and found a job as a mail boy at a large real estate company, which made it possible for me to rent a small flat and pay for my own car. Although I was going through many changes at once I was happy. Life was good and full of new possibilities. My job was easy and...
Disclaimer: Before I start, as far as I am aware, there is no pharmaceutical company called Chem-Tech (I googled it and everything). If there is, then it is completely coincidental. Chem-Tech's Legacy - Matilda's Story (Chapter 1) "PHIL," shouted my mother from downstairs. "STOP PLAYING WITH THAT BLOODY CAT, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL." "COMING," I shouted back. I turned to my kitten. "Sorry Tabitha, gotta go now." Tabitha just cocked her head at me as if to say...