UnendingChapter 4 free porn video

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Christine was waiting, swirling the last bit of wine in her glass and watching me.

“Come on cowboy, take me to bed.” she said softly, licking her lips.

“Uh huh. Lucy is in there, you know.”

“Yeah, I know, but a girl can dream, right?” she said with a lewd wink and a laugh.

Christine helped me off with my clothes, gave the head of my cock a little pat and then stripped her own clothes off and pulled on one of my t-shirts, giving me a little show in the process.

She slid into bed on my right side and lay her head on my shoulder, tipping her face up for a very sweet kiss.

“Love you.” she whispered as she closed her eyes.

Waking up half smothered by naked, or nearly naked, women is a problem I never thought I would have, but not one I really want to ‘solve’ anytime soon.

Christine woke first, lifting her head and leaving a little spot of drool on my shoulder. Her hair on one side was sticking up and her eyes were half-closed against the light, but she was still beautiful.

“What you are smiling about, gimpy?” she grumped, sitting up and looking down at me.

“How cute you are in the morning.” I said, smiling even wider.

“I may have to rethink this being in love with you thing. There is something unnatural about people who are cheerful in the morning.” she grumped.

“See? Cute!” I teased, reaching out and running my hand along her thigh.

“Don’t start ... I’m hung over and it is all your fault. If you were a gentleman, you would have fetched me coffee already.” she said, smiling at me as she danced out of the way. She ducked into the bathroom as a groan came from my other side.,

“Do you two have to argue so loud?” Lucy whined, putting the pillow over her head.

“Did you know that when you raise your arms like that, the t-shirt you are wearing rides up? You have a very sexy bottom.”

Lucy shot straight up, her hands pulling her shirt down and then paused, looking green.

“Oh, you bastard!” she moaned, clapping both hands to her head.

“Sorry, sweetheart!” I whispered, then ruined it by chuckling.

“This is so not fair. I finally get you naked in bed and I think I am going to throw up. This is so not how I imagined it.”

“Chris is already up and in the bathroom, so you come here and snuggle with me.” I ordered, holding up my good hand.

Lucy gave a little smile, and scooted across the bed, carefully missing my stump, thankfully, and collapsed on top of me. She tucked her head up under my chin, her arms down around my chest and let her legs drape over mine.

“Mmmm ... nice.” she murmured, then seemed like she was trying to burrow inside of me.

I reached down and ran an appreciative hand over her side and down to her ass, cupping one bare cheek. “Mmm ... nice.” I said, mocking her a bit but meaning it. Her skin was warm and very smooth over strong, firm muscles.

Lucy just let out a contented sigh.

Christine came back into the room and stopped, her eyes on Lucy’s ass and my hand resting there.

“I see how you are! I leave for just a second and you have some half naked tart laying on you.” She grumbled, crossing her arms.

I just grinned at her and rolled my eyes. The rest of me was a bit occupied. “Hey Chris? There is one seat open.” I teased, sticking my tongue out.

She blushed a bit, and shook her head. “You are incorrigible!” she said with a laugh, then came over and gave me a sweet kiss.

Surprising me, she leaned down and kissed Lucy on the forehead. “You just stay here, little one, and let me bring you some aspirin. You sure tied one on last night.” she whispered, stroking Lucy’s back.

“Thanks, Sis.” Lucy mumbled, and wiggled, her butt cheeks clenching against my palm.

“Shameless, both of you!” Christine said as she left the room.

She left the door open behind her and I could see two sets of blue eyes peeking around the corner.

When they saw me looking at them, they pointed to Lucy’s bare butt and were making funny faces at me, but waved and headed down the hall. They were wearing what seemed to be the uniform of the day, a long t-shirt and, unless I missed my guess, not much else.

Christine returned with some aspirin and a big glass of water.

“Okay, lazy bones, Sit up unless you want to wear it.”

“Meanie!” Lucy grumbled, but slid off of me, sitting up on the edge of the bed.

“Well, now that the two of you are up, I suppose I should be as well. I need a shower, someone drooled on me last night.”

Christine put her nose in the air and ignored me, obviously a response was beneath her dignity.

Lucy finished her water and stood, putting her arms around Christine’s waist and hugging her. Christine looked surprised at first, then her expression softened and she hugged the smaller woman back.

“Come on, Sis. Let’s get you away from playboy here and get some coffee into you.”

Now that they were gone, I regretted it. I did want a shower, but that was going to be tricky by myself. I found myself thinking that Angela could probably lift me all by herself, and that thought made me smile.

Once in my chair, I realized I hadn’t put my shorts on first and shrugged. I wheeled into the bathroom and grabbed a towel, folding it around my lap to hide the goods, and headed out to where I could smell coffee brewing.

Rolling into the kitchen, I saw Sophia with her back to me, standing at the counter and her very cute ass cheeks hanging out just a bit under her shirt.

Wait ... under MY shirt! A quick look confirmed that the twins were wearing my t-shirts too!

“Well, no wonder I couldn’t find any clean t-shirts.” I said loudly, startling all of them.

“Brute!” “Shhhh!” “Mom said we could” came the chorus of replies, and I just laughed.

“You ladies have never looked sexier.”

A couple of cups of coffee and bagels all around seemed to lighten the mood. Lucy was looking like she felt human again, and Christine kept shifting in her seat, giving me little glimpses of her auburn bush. The twins were looking especially cute together, their little mounds and puffy nips clearly outlined against the thin material of the t-shirts and Sophia ... oh lord. When she stood and stretched, the t-shirt rising up to display her finely trimmed bush, my towel seemed to develop a strange lump.

Her grin told me she knew exactly where I was looking and wasn’t in the slightest bit offended.

“Mornings like this call for time in the hot tub.” Sophia said, filling up our coffee cups again.

“Is it a public tub? Downstairs, I mean.” I asked, curious.

She looked at me strangely for a second and grinned. “I didn’t realize you hadn’t seen it. You have only been on the main part of the balcony. Past that glass brick wall on the end is a private balcony for the master bedroom. I had a hot tub installed a few months ago.” she paused, looking around. “It’s big enough for four or five, but I think we could fit six, if they are friendly.” she continued, grinning at everyone.

“I’m in!” I said, rolling forward. A hot tub sounded heavenly!

“Okay, but no clothes allowed.” Sophia said, stripping off her shirt as she walked into the bedroom.

“Hot damn!”

The twins stripped down where they stood, laying their shirts on their stools and pranced out, wiggling their asses at us. Lucy looked at me, then looked at Christine. Shrugging, she stood and slowly, sensuously, stripped her shirt off.

This was the first time I had seen her naked, and my eyes were glued to her. She stood there for a minute, letting me take it all in, then giggled when I met her eyes. She had a petite, gymnast body. It was tight and strong, small breasts, her pubic hair shaved except for a little landing strip ... she looked delicious.

Christine, with a growl, pulled her shirt off too, and her breasts were, by far, the largest in the house. Her auburn bush was trimmed, but full, and I couldn’t help but contrast the two. I was like a kid in a candy store.

I followed them into the master bedroom, and around the bed to the far side. I hadn’t been in here, other than a quick glimpse when I first arrived and got the tour.

On the far side of her king-sized bed, there was a set of sliding glass doors that led to a small, fifteen-foot balcony that was closed off on the sides by walls of glass bricks that let in light, but you couldn’t see through them.

There, on one end, was a big redwood style Jacuzzi. The twins were already in the water, as was Lucy, but Sophia was pulling some towels out of a cabinet as Christine and I came out.

I reached down and carefully unstrapped the braces on my legs, wincing at the pale, mottled skin underneath.

Christine knelt down to help and together we had the braces off and set aside. Then I positioned the chair beside the steps and locked the wheels.

Sophia and Christine each took a side, looping arms underneath my armpits and helped me move sideways, out of the chair and on to the top step.

Sophia stood with an arm around me while Christine lifted my legs up and turned me around so that they were dangling in the tub. At this point, they all got into the act with each twin taking a leg, and Lucy getting on my left side, sticking her shoulder into my arm pit. With their help, I was able to use my right arm to lower myself into the tub with a sigh.

“This being crippled is for the birds.” I growled, then shrugged.

The ladies settled into the tub, after Sophia made a run for a pitcher of orange juice, and there was a group sigh as we all relaxed.

We were shoulder to shoulder in there, and thigh to thigh. I had Lucy on my left, Christine on my right, Sophie next to Christine and the twins across from us.


When the timer went off after thirty minutes, there was a lot of good-natured grumbling, but sitting there watching these five beauties emerge from the water, streams of water cascading down their skin, beading on nipples and belly, I was almost as happy to get out as I was getting in.

Of course, getting out turned out to be a major issue which left me feeling much less agreeable.

It took Christine and Sophia to pull from the top and the twins managing my legs from below. Lucy had grabbed some towels and together, the five of them got me mostly dry.

Sophia insisted that I put my braces back on before I attempted to get back in my chair, probably a smart idea, but the splinter in my ass from the wooden step as they helped me slide down one more to make the last step easier? Not so nice.

Of course, the sniggers and jokes that came when it was time for Sophia to dig it out again didn’t help any.

Once I was back in my chair, I resolved to skip the damn thing if the subject came up again, at least until I could put weight on my legs.

My mood was considerably lower than it had been going in, but I tried my best to put a happy face on the day.

Lunch was cold cuts and fresh veggies with dip, the rest of the morning spent just lazing around with the paper.

After lunch, the twins wanted to go shopping, since the paparazzi had ruined our plans from the day before, but there was nothing they could say, nothing they could promise that would make me step foot in a shopping mall today. Not after yesterday.

Sophie decided to take them and promised to pick up a new phone for me. I could call my carrier and have it ready for them. In addition, I gave her my credit card and asked her to pick me up an iPad and a bottle of Canadian Club.

Christine and Lucy stayed behind and we sat chatting for a bit, but the girls were acting a little squirrelly. They would give each other looks, but when I would turn their way, they pretended that they were doing something else.

“Okay, I give up. What has you two so jumpy?”

“What? I have no idea what you are talking about.” Lucy said, trying, and failing, to look surprised.

“Really, David, you are imagining things.” Christine interrupted, but she blushed a little when I stared her way.

I continued to stare her way and watched her begin to squirm and get red in the face. I used the same tactic when we were kids and I wanted her to spill some secret.

Evidently, she remembered that too!

“Damnit, David, I am not twelve years old anymore and you can’t pull that Jedi mind crap on me anymore. I am an adult.”

I just nodded like I agreed and kept staring.

She hung her head for a moment, but I saw her nipples getting hard, tenting the front of her t-shirt.

“David...” Lucy said, moving over in front of me and breaking my line of sight to the squirming Christine.

“Yes, little one?”

“Take me to bed. Take us to bed.” Lucy said, her eyes bright with excitement. “We talked, and ... well, we haven’t, I mean, neither of us have ever, you know, been with another girl, but we decided that we could both be with you, together. If that makes any sense.” she said, stumbling and stuttering.

I leaned left just enough to see Christine’s face and she was watching, waiting for my reaction. One of her hands was lightly brushing back and forth over a nipple. I don’t even think she realized she was doing it, but her eyes were glazed with desire.

“I can’t think of anything I would rather do.”

In the bedroom, they laid me in the center of the bed, naked once again and my cock already defying gravity. With Lucy on my left and Christine on my right, I was trading kisses as they both ran their hands down my chest and abs.

The girls paused, their eyes meeting over my chest, and then Lucy sat up, leaning over to feed me her small breast and amazingly hard nipple. I sucked it in, laving it with my tongue, sucking and gently biting as she went nuts. As she pulled back to force the other one into my mouth, I felt Christine’s lips and tongue on my cock, gently teasing.

From the corner of my eye, I could see her bent over my waist, her breasts hanging but still looking full and lush. I reached down and palmed one, rubbing the nipple with the heel of my hand and then catching it between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it and tugging on it.

That must have triggered something for Chris because she was banging her nose on my pubic bone, moaning around my cock while her other hand slipped between her legs.

Lucy, panting and moaning, holding my head to her breast, pulled back and scrambled up, turning around so she could watch Christine, then lowering her sweet little pussy to my mouth.

My last glimpse of Christine was her raising up and throwing a leg over the top of me. As I buried my tongue in Lucy’s drenched pussy and sucked, I felt Christine swabbing her pussy with the head of my cock. She notched it in place and her groan and she slowly let herself down, feeling it fill her up, was unbelievably erotic.

I tucked my chin a bit so I could get to Lucy’s clit, sucking it between my lips and circling around and around with my tongue. She began to squirm, humping herself on my nose like it was a little dick.

Christine had hit bottom with a whine, her pussy fluttering and quivering around my cock, and then she began to move. Slowly at first, then faster, impaling herself on my erection and then grinding her clit against my stomach. Lift, fall, grind, over and over again, her moans getting louder.

“Oh fuck, David, suck it, suck my clitty ... oh god, fuck yes! Bite, bite me ... AAAAAHHHH!!! FFFUUUUCCCK!” Lucy screamed as she gushed all over my face, practically drowning me. Her pussy was mashed so hard on my nose and chin that I actually worried about getting enough air!

Christine was whimpering, her motions turning jerky, uncoordinated. “Oh my god, David, finally, fuck me, baby ... fuck me ... fill me ... cum with me, I love, I love you, I LOVE YOU!” she shouted as she slammed herself down on me one last time, her whole body quivering and I shot inside of her, splashing my cum off her cervix, my hips bucking to drive it that last, tiny bit.

Lucy moved to the side, her chest heaving and, as Christine quivered to a halt, her head hanging down, Lucy moved forward and took one of Christine’s nipples in her mouth, licking and sucking.

Christine just squealed, her body quaking again as her orgasm sent aftershocks, inspired by Lucy’s tongue.

Lucy moved to the other side, sucking and pawing at Christine’s other breast. Her per little ass waving in the air like a flag, and I couldn’t resist.

I ran my hand down her cheeks, letting one finger slide between them to tickle her asshole. Lucy gave a squeak and pushed back against my finger. I slid my hand lower, letting my finger plunge into her hot, wet slot, and she began humping her hips, fucking my finger.

I grinned and slid my finger out, replacing it with the two middle ones and using her own lubrication, let my index finger tickle her rosebud again. Lucy began groaning and whimpering, fucking back against my fingers even harder. I watched with fascination as her little rosebud winked at me, grasping at the tip of my index finger.

When I looked over at Christine, I watched as she French kissed Lucy, her hand tweaking the nipples on her small tits, teasing her as I finger fucked her tight little twat. Lucy was bucking hard now, and I pushed with my index finger, invading her ass.

Lucy went wild, fucking against my fingers and driving my index finger deeper into her ass even as her tiny pussy tried to swallow the rest of my hand. When Lucy went off, there was no mistaking it. Her whole body went rigid and I actually feared for the finger that was in her ass. She clenched down and then just collapsed as if her strings had been cut.

Christine, still mounted on my semi-erect cock, smiled at me and began rubbing Lucy’s back as I rubbed the girl’s ass.

“You were ... amazing. Both of you.” I said, sighing with contentment.

Christine lay leaned over carefully, trying not to squash Lucy where she lay with her head on my belly, and kissed me. “I knew it would be good. When you can be on top, driving into me? It will be even better.” she whispered, licking my lips and smiling.

She eased off, frowning when my cock slipped free, but laughing when Lucy’s head came up. She scooted down, sniffing at my cock and then darted her tongue out. She must have like it because she became insatiable, licking and sucking, cleaning and nuzzling my cock and my sack.

When she was done, she looked over her shoulder at me and scrunched up her nose, grinning like the dickens, then turned to look at Christine. With a growl, she arched her back and slowly climbed over me, her eyes on the larger redhead.

“Wait, Lucy? What are you doing?” Christine asked, sounding a little unsure.

“Cleaning up after Daddy.” Lucy said with a purr, then ducking her head down and diving in between Christine’s legs.

Christine looked at me in shock, her hands going to Lucy’s shoulders to shove her away, but she paused, her eyes fluttering, and a look of amazement on her face. With a deep, heartfelt moan, she collapsed back on the bed, her legs falling open.

Between her legs, Lucy was purring as she buried her tongue in Christine’s pussy, licking and sucking.

I watched, fascinated and more than a little turned on when Christine reached down and grabbed her legs behind the knees, lifting and spreading herself to Lucy could get more.

My cock was already hard again as I watched Christine begin to quiver, her toes pointing up at the ceiling and the cords in her neck standing in stark relief as she lifted her head, watching the little brunette eat her to what looked like an amazing orgasm!

When Lucy sat up, wiping her chin and licking her fingers, I tapped her on the shoulder and pointed towards my now raging hard on.

“I would dearly love for you to come and sit on my lap, little one.” I said softly.

She smiled so happily at me, darting it to kiss me before throwing a leg over my waist. She pushed my cock down, rubbing her pussy up and down the length as she purred again. Her little lips hugged my cock, spreading her nectar along its length. When she stopped and lifted it, rubbing the head against her pussy, I watched, unable to look away as she slowly, oh so slowly, let the head pop inside.

I groaned, floored by how tight she was.

“David ... can I call you Daddy?” she asked in a little girl voice. At that point, she could have called me Harry Truman for all I cared, but I simply smiled and nodded.

“Daddy, I have never had a man in my pussy before. I have some toys, but they are small, smaller than you.” she said, still using that little girl voice.

I thought I was going to cum right then and there. I had never been attracted to little girls, but Lucy, who was built a lot like the twins, was no little girl. She was hot and ready, teasing me as she lifted a half inch, settling back down.

Slowly, her eyes wide and her mouth in a surprised “O”s, she began rocking on my cock, taking a bit more each time. It took a couple of minutes before I could feel the head of my cock resting against her cervix. She held still for a minute, her hips moving in little circles.

“I feel sooooo full, Daddy. So good...” she purred. Lucy let out a little ‘EEK!’ of surprise when she bent almost double and found there was still another inch of cock to go. She was so tiny that I wouldn’t fit!

She lifted herself up a couple of inches, then bounced me off her cervix again, a groan of pleasure filled the air.

Soon she was bouncing on my pole like she had been doing it for years, her hands on my belly to control the depth and her hips working overtime.

When Christine came up behind her, rubbing her tits on Lucy’s back and reaching around to strum Lucy’s clit, she went absolutely crazy.

It wasn’t long before she screamed out her orgasm, her pussy tightening down so hard that it actually hurt. When she released, the pain went away, but so did my orgasm.

At that point, I didn’t really care.

Lucy collapsed, her head bouncing on my chest and her pussy still quivering.

Christine, still kneeling over her, was shaking her head with wonder. She got off the bed, moving like she was a little tender, and came back with wash clothes and a towel.

Tenderly, she lifted Lucy and lay her down beside me, cleaning her up first and using one clean cloth to wipe away the sweat from her face and chest. Christine gave her a tender kiss on the lips and then went to rinse out the washcloths.

Once we were all clean, we just relaxed, Christine on one side, Lucy on the other, falling asleep with smiles on our faces.

It was Sophia who woke us up, but the twins were right behind her.

“I thought about betting the twins that we would find you like this, but I would have been winning my own money.” she said, smirking down at us.

I looked, concerned, but didn’t see any jealousy or even unhappiness in her eyes. She was smiling warmly at us, and leaned over Christine to give me a kiss.

The twins were standing there, nostrils flaring and little nipples on point. Their eyes were wide open and raking our bodies, almost trembling.

When Sophia turned around and saw them, she gave a little laugh and shooed them out of the room, calling back over her shoulder. “Get up you three! I have a surprise for David and I think you will want to see it too!”

Slowly, stretching like a pair of big cats, the two ladies crawled out of bed, but not before extracting a toll paid in kisses. They were both glowing, and held each other. Lucy’s head only came up to Christine’s breast bone and, except for the hair color, they could have been mother and daughter.

Well, until Lucy’s tongue flicked out and tickled Christine’s nipple, making her jump. Christine chased her around the bed, smacking her tight little ass as they both laughed.

Once we were dressed and out in the living room, Sophia was standing in the doorway to the kitchen but the twins were nowhere to be found.

When we were all sitting, she turned and pulled something, covered with a table cloth, into the room. With a big smile she whipped off the table cloth and we all stared. I don’t think the two girls had any clue, but I had a glimmer.

It looked sort of like an engine lift, if it had mated with a crane. I had a low, wide base with little legs that could be put down to stead it, and there was an electric motor attached to several cables that ran through pulleys on the end of the arm.

“Is that...” I started to ask, and Sophia grinned and nodded.

“I called the hospital and spoke to a doctor in orthopedics. They have these there, and told me where I could rent one. It is a mobile crane designed to lift people! It can extend out almost six feet horizontally and that much vertically. If we had had this by the hot tub, you would have been in and out in a jiffy! And look, it has a remote control so you can do it yourself.”

There was a sling portion that could be laid in the wheelchair. I could sit on it all day, and just hook it to the crane if I needed to be lifted up. It really was a brilliant solution!

“You are amazing! Brilliant! No more worrying about falling getting into the tub either.” I said smiling happily at her.

Christine and Lucy were up now, walking around and looking at the crane, while Sophia handed me the user’s manual.

“It’s like a high-tech sex swing.” Christine said, then blushed and covered her mouth. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I said that. I have never used one, honest! I saw one in a movie ... fuck. I keep saying stuff I shouldn’t.”

She was beet red and flustered, but the rest of us were laughing our asses off.

Lucy had school in the morning and Christine had to work, so a tearful goodbye, with lots of kisses and hugs, saw them out the door. I thought it was interesting that they walked hand in hand to the elevators.

“Where are the girls?” I asked, wondering why they hadn’t been out to at least say goodbye.

Sophia looked at me for a moment, then grinned and held her finger to her lips, indicating that I should be quiet. She led me down the hall and, when we got the door of Amy’s room, she quietly turned the handle and eased it open an inch.

Even as it opened I could hear moaning and groaning along with sounds like...

I looked through the crack and they were naked on the bed, Amy on top of Mina in a passionate sixty-nine. They had their faces buried in their sister’s pussy and were going to town. Amy had two fingers in Mina’s ass and she was driving them in hard, her sister writhing under the assault.

Sophia tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention and slowly closed the door, pointing back down the hall.

Back in the kitchen again, she giggled and fanned herself.

“I caught them the first time about a year ago. We sat down and talked about sex, about love and relationships. We talked about girls and boys and what they thought they might want. They assured me that the definitely wanted boys, but the guys at school were all hands and libido.”

“You know, it’s funny. They both said they would wait for someone special, someone like you. Then all of this happened and when I said you would be staying with us for a few months, you would have thought they won the lottery.” Sophia was shaking her head, but her smile was warm.

“I am still shocked you are okay with this ... um ... situation.” I said, stumbling a bit.

“David, I love you and I want to be in your bed, but I love them too. The other girls, they love you as well, and I know we can’t be a couple, you and I. I do see us being lovers for a long, long time so I hope if you do find someone, someday, she is understanding.” she said, moving close and pressing her lips to mine.

“Now that we have that lift, will you sleep in my bed tonight? I have been fantasizing about us making love on my bed, in my room. Those hussies got to you before I did, but I want my turn. I want you inside of me, David.” she purred, licking my lips and reaching into my lap, running her fingers down my cock.

“I would love to, Soph. You are a fantasy come true for me!” I said, smiling and running my hand over her breast, teasing her nipple.

“Oh my god, didn’t you just get done with two women?” A laughing voice said from behind me.

I turned the chair to see both girls, dressed in their bedtime t-shirts, my shirts. They both had flushed faces and bright, glassy eyes that told me they had tired each other out.

I thought I would tease them a bit, so I held out my arm for a hug and gave each one a kiss. Then I made a little face, sniffing the air.

“That smells familiar ... like ... hmm ... Is that a new perfume you are wearing?” I asked innocently, and could barely hold in my laughter when they both blushed, looking anywhere but me.

I heard a snigger behind me and knew that Sophia was trying to hide her laughter too.

“What’s for dinner” Amy asked, desperately trying to change the subject.

I did end up sleeping with Sophia, much to the twins’ disgust, but they claimed my bed anyway, saying they would be waiting when the old folks were done.

Sophia and I chased them ... well, she did, I rolled along behind, to their room at bedtime and pretended to try and break the door down while the screamed and giggled in mock terror.

Same as Unending
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Educating Anna Part 10

Only when she was home could she really relax and be herself, most of the time she’d watch TV with her family or if there was nothing on she’d be in her room on the computer playing games or talking to her friends. One Friday night Anna’s parents told her that the whole family were going to her aunts for the next day, Anna did not get along with her cousins so that night she decide to pretend to be ill, the next morning her mum said that as she wasn’t well she would have to say at home and...

3 years ago
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A Very Private BeachChapter 2

the Second Day She was waiting at the beach's parking lot when I arrived, sitting on a spotlessly maintained Yamaha V-Star and reading a book. I pulled up next to her. She looked up and smiled as I gave her an envelope. "Here's that medical report you wanted," I said. She opened it, glanced at the contents, and handed it back. "I'm glad you remembered, and it's nice to meet a guy who doesn't bullshit. Now let's get going. Can I put my helmet and leathers in the trunk of your...

4 years ago
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WristDeep in the Cunt Hole Vacation in Paris

I like to spend my holidays at home most of the time, but from time to time I take trips around European cities and go sightseeing. On one of these vacations, I travelled to Paris and treated myself to a stay at a more fancy hotel than I usually do, just because I fell in love with the interior. It was an old place, with lots of scrollwork, nice stucco ceilings and golden inlays in almost all surfaces. It even had a waterfall in the lobby and a great room.I stayed there by myself, but had taken...

1 year ago
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Ersties has been around for a decade strong, but the premium porn site seems more relevant today than ever. As I write this, Pornhub is in the midst of a massive controversy over potentially sketchy porn. Ersties, meanwhile, has always been on the complete opposite side of the spectrum from the really rough stuff, the forced porn, and anything with a twisted balance of power. The porn brand has always prided itself on “Genuine, sensual adventures you won’t be able to get enough of."It might not...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Oh Brother Part 2 of 3

(Caution: this hot story ends, as a continuation, at a pivotal moment ) * * * * * A few days have passed since that incredible night under the stars. My brother Bryce has acted like nothing had happened. If I didnt know any better, I would think the whole thing was a dream. But I knew different. Maybe pretending nothing occurred between us was his way of coming to terms with what really did occur. My pussy was still sore from the incredible sexcapade in the hot-tub. Jim, my boyfriend,...

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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi Ch 6

On the way out of Mike’s door, Randi heard him tell her to make sure that Bill reclaims her.  She continued running but was thinking about how to proceed when she got home.She ran into the house and found Bill sitting in his chair in the living room watching a baseball game.  She immediately dropped her heels and crawled into his lap giving him a very erotic kiss with a lot of tongue. Bill was shocked but he was not going to discourage her at all.  “I guess one good thing from you being trained...

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Getting ByChapter 29

The party from Silicon Valley had come into the valley along much the same route Crystal and I had followed when we first headed for the desert, following the old I-580 over the Altamont pass before heading south. Going back, we headed west by northwest and hit old state route 198 just west of what was left of Coalinga. We camped in the valley outside Coalinga and got an early start the next morning. The roads we were using, unlike the old freeways, didn't have many hulks of cars on them....

2 years ago
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The Hots For MomChapter 8

Julie inched down on the mat as she got ready for the first double fucking of her life. She was glad that Byron had spotted her and the coach sneaking into the locker room. Her twat ached for Paul and Byron; her shit-hole twitched for the two studs. Julie couldn't believe how much she wanted two cocks stuffed inside her at the same time! "Hey, Coach, I kind of liked the way Mom was sucking you off. I wonder if she can take both cocks at once," Byron said, kneeling next to Paul and...

3 years ago
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Feelings part 1

Feelings By Georgina Chapter 1 Beginnings. What is it that drives some of us to the opposite gender in such varied ways. In one case it is love, in another it is lust, in others it is respect, desire, even a wish to emulate them. At the other end of the scale there are those who are driven to relationships within their own gender. There are even some who straddle the boundary...

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Aunt Carmens scented panties

My Aunt Carmen was the stuff young boys' wet dreams are made of. She'd been widowed for several years by then. While she'd been married she'd been rather dumpy and unattractive, but when she became single again she ditched her frumpy wardrobe in favor of tight jeans and miniskirts, which made her look irresistible even though she was well past forty. Gone were the "sensible" flats in favor of tall stiletto heels. No more erotic woman ever lived!To Mom and my other Aunts, Aunt Carmen was the...

1 year ago
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Martas Tale

Her earliest memories were of cold and hunger. She remembered flashes of lucidity, of crouching in a dark, cold place and shivering, hunger knawing at her insides like a living thing. She knew fear, but not much else. Her memory became clearer as time passed, and she remembered many things she wished that she could forget. She remembered cruel faces, harsh voices, slaps and kicks and curses whenever she made a noise and the beatings when she dared to cry out loud. She remembered being forced...

3 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi At A Beauty Pageant 8211 New Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi’s company is sponsoring a beauty pageant. The boss asks Savita to take responsibility on their behalf. But among so many beautiful women, how can our sexy Bhabhi be left behind? A famous Bollywood film star compliments her beauty at the venue. This makes Savita Bhabhi all the more determined to win the contest. She is now looking at ways to win the contest. To watch and enjoy the entire episode,

2 years ago
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Unexpected adventures with a stranger part 2

On a night out with friends, I meet a handsome stranger. Having wound up at his place, the good part of the evening is just about to start. As we get there, I'm already dripping wet. To read about how I got there, read part 1 of this story. He slowly lays me down on the bed, crawling on top of me. I can feel my body begging for a release, but it seems like that’s not going to happen just yet. He pins my hands above my head, and kisses me deeply. He’s grinding me slowly and I feel my legs...

Straight Sex
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WebYoung Carter Cruise Carmen Caliente Study Break

Teen study buddies Carmen Caliente and Carter Cruise are prepping for a test in Carmen’s bedroom when Carmen complains that she is bored. The sexy blonde badgers Carmen into taking a little break. She insists they’ve been studying for a long time, but Carmen still doesn’t understand the material and her test is tomorrow. Carter distracts the hot Latina from her school concerns by creeping on her playfully. Once the lesbian teens get hot and bothered from making out, Carmen...

2 years ago
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A Transvestite8217s Tale

As I laid back against the wall of the toilet with my nylon-clad thighs spread wide and my erect cock jutting up lewdly from between them, the wooden door in front of me slowly opened to admit the guy from the stall next to mine. “Oh yessss!” the guy hissed quietly, slowly wanking his rigid cock and bolting the door behind him as he took in the erotic sight of me lying back in front of him, me now totally exposing my sexy undies to his gaze, “That’s nice very...

1 year ago
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The Classic Zamindar

The zamindari system was introduced by British in India. A certain area will be governed by zamindars and they are the owners of the land. They set own rules. When the British were paid with taxes they don’t mind about any despot behaviors. The Raj Thakur is one of the richest zamindar. He pays tax in advance and he is friend for most of the British generals. Their family is ruling our area generation by generation. He has taken charge at the age of 26 and now he is 32. I am Sindhu, born in the...

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Casting Off ConventionChapter 2

The healing prayers of the cleric, and a little food, soon had the two sisters feeling well enough to walk. Raptor formed up the men with the former captives and Cordain in the center, flanked by Rochelle and Christi. A shouted order started the group moving back toward the cave exit. Either the company had managed to kill or drive off all the orcs, or the creatures simply decided that a fight with the effective company of mercenaries was not conducive to a long life. The journey through the...

3 years ago
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Chance meeting at Garage

Chance meeting at a Garage.I had to take my car for a MOT. The Garage that I use is about 3 miles away. When I got there, I opened the door to the reception room, on the other side of the door was a wooden board about 600mm high, someone in the room said it was to keep the owners new puppy in. As I stepped over the board I tripped and said“Dam I can’t get my leg over” only to hear in reply “don’t worry its been a long time since I had leg over too”.We both laughed and I went to sign in my car....

1 year ago
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The deal of a Lifetime for a dad and his son

Note : This story is completely fictional! I don't like long drawn out explanations about myself or any thing so here it goes. On a sunny Saturday morning, I went over to my friend Devon's house to watch tv with him. Little did I know that his parents were gone for the day and his older brother Demetric was gone to play football with some friends. When I got there, Devon was acting kind of funny when he answered the door. Thinking little of it, I followed him to the basement. When I got down...

2 years ago
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Ghosts of the PastChapter 9

When Agents Charles Richards and Tom Seldon returned from Washington just after the new year, they informed their friend, Dawn Estevez, that they had confirmed the identity of her uncle and that he was, indeed, involved in their investigation. She very sadly promised not to inform anyone in her family what was going on until the investigation was closed. They had also returned with all the authorized documents from headquarters to begin the actual investigation into the import/export...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Wife Pimpin

I knew another local business who had in the past, on occassion, offered some work and thought maybe I could hit them up for some work or maybe even a loan. I knew the owner Neal in passing. Bit of a blowhard, but driven and successful. More than me at least. My wife Karen, 5'9" brunette c-cup weighing a good 150lbs with hips ass and things. She was never a big fan of the shop and the financial strain it put on us from the start, but she loves me and knew that the shop was part of me. So...

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God is in his kingdom and all is well in the world

I decided to make an Evangelion lemon instead of Digimon lemon, because my style of writing better suits the psychotic atmosphere of Eva. Besides, I love the series. Oh yeah, this mixes the final episodes and End of Evangelion, with me approaching the story’s conclusion in a rather different way than in the series while still trying to remain close to the original. Due to the rules however, I had to water some things up, which I’m really sorry about. Prologue: Shinji has sunk to a new...

3 years ago
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My Discovery

Original Story Date: Saturday, September 3, 2005 Heavily Reedited and Revised Mar. 27, 2020 Special thanks to DLAussie for his expertise in editing and proofing June 1, 2020. There was little joy riding my school bus at six in the morning, especially in late fall. Since the school administration changed the bus schedule my life had been upside down. The weather was not the greatest at this time of the year. With fall closing in it was getting colder and colder each morning. My uniform...

1 year ago
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Carolines MomChapter 9

I awoke that morning lying between two beautiful women. Both Rachel and Caroline wanted to be the mothers of my children. I had spent the evening trying to father their offspring. Both had stopped the pill and wanted to be pregnant at the same time. Caroline and Rachel wanted to be present at the conception of both children. So they both slept in my bed. I wasn't complaining either. I got up from the bed quietly and headed for the bathroom. After urinating I looked up to find Rachel...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 41 At the Mall VII

Boob Party Part 2: Joining Forces Meredith, all but oblivious to the men and boys ogling her nude body, instead concentrated on the women as her group drifted through Carson Mall. Connections were easily made, as the energy the group was giving off had every woman who came too close to stare at Meredith just as intently. She saw two girls holding hands and walking slowly the opposite direction, and approached them. "Hi!" Meredith said cordially as if this were most normal thing in the...

1 year ago
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A Pee on the Prairie

Good God! How long had I been daydreaming? Where were we now? And where had all those scary black clouds come from? Last I was conscious, the sky had been a perfect dome of pure azure. Not a trace of cloud, not even the little white fluffy kind. I'd found it sort of menacing in its own way, in its utter blankness. Nothing between us and the cosmos. In fact, I was finding this whole landscape a bit disconcerting. As an East Coast kid, I'd spent my entire life near some sort of shade or...

2 years ago
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WeaklingChapter 9 Reunited

The man notices me staring at the plastic and the gun. “Relax kid. You watch too many gangster movies. I just want to talk to you about my Martina,” he says as I sigh in relief. He motions me to a booth as I sit down and he sits across from me. “Rufus, Lonnie go down the street and get the kid and me something to eat. He just played a hell of a football game and he’s probably hungry.” “How is she,” I ask. “Not good, but she will be better soon,” he says as I look at him confused. “Look kid,...

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Presumed Guilty

This is another story that, like my previous story ‘A View From the Bottom’ and others, draws from my personal experience. This time it is a wife who accused me, wrongly and often, of having affairs, and would launch into a screaming, sometimes public, tirade. While you may think these incidents are unreal, believe me they are very real. Other elements of the story are from my imagination and should not be taken as perfect in every way, I may, and probably will, get it wrong. I use these...

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More than JUST Fireworks

that good but I thought you like to see what I wrote one night while supper horny. there will be spelling errors but i tried to remove as much as possible I hope you like. __________________________________________________________ IT was the 4th of July, my cousin, his girlfriend and I went over to my boyfriend Zaire’s house out in the country to set off fireworks. Before we left I put on some panties with the vibrator and in the dark sky as my cousin and his girl set off...

3 years ago
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Terri Clark Becomes a Horsewoman

Country Music Star Terri Clark was sitting in her den in her Nashville home trying to figure out what she wanted to do with the next couple of weeks. She didn't have to be in the studio because her tour didn't start till Nov. and she wasn't scheduled for a TV appearance for two weeks. She was reflecting on her hectic life. She was a girl that loved to have fun, enjoyed her fans and loved performing, but it was a rough life for close friends or any kind of love life other then one night...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Cherry Kiss Cucked Girlfriend Cherry Kiss Films Herself DPing Two Black Guys for Vengence

Lithe-bodied blonde Cherry Kiss is one lady you do NOT want to piss off. She’s found out that her boyfriend has been cheating on her, so she’s trying to break into his laptop so that she can empty all of his accounts. The problem is that she doesn’t know his password. She calls her tech guys, well-muscled ebony black studs Darrell Deeps and his assistant Yves Morgan, for help, but when they get to her place they have a better idea for vengeance: make a video of her getting...

1 year ago
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Wills new old home Part 2

Introduction: So this one is less erotic, and focuses on some drama….I like it, you may not, but I like it….btw, if you want to see anything in particular happen in this story, post a comment about what you want to see, and if I like it, its in!! AH! Lynn yelled. She quickly sat up in her bed, clutching her sheets tightly in her hands. She turned around in her bed to put her feet on the carpet. Standing, she walked to the bathroom. What the fuck is wrong with me… She said to herself, as she...

4 years ago
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Mother son panty fetish

My mother an I were close , mom was 45 . Not a bad look.n lady , short, small tits, wide hips. Fat flabby ass,I loved to check out my mom , up skirt , undressing , pante shots etc. one afternoon I went to the bathroom to J/o I found a pair of moms dirty panties . I picked them up they were so soft an I could smell Her pussy an ass sweat , my dick was getting hard . Her panties were light pink , sheer ,nylon briefs. I pull down my pants an I just had to try on Moms underwear , the crotch was...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Alyssia Kent Sexy Soldier Domination In The Bunker

When Sergeant Kai Taylor finds lazy Private Alyssia Kent in the bunker and gets into an argument with that epic sexy vixen. The brown-eyed babe from Romania knows that she can get away with almost anything as long as she plays her cards right. Soon, her strong hands grab Kai Taylor’s massive British cock and Alyssia Kent wraps her full red lips around his veiny shaft. Watch his rod disappear inside her hungry throat while he grabs her by the titties. Her big natural boobs feel amazing in...

2 years ago
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Stephanie Chapter Four

I pulled my underwear up around my hips, letting it snap back against my skin. I pulled on my dark blue skinny dress over my head, its tightness cuddled by breasts and hips, and stopped just below my ass. I put on mascara, eyeliner, silver eyeshadow and light pink lip-gloss. I pulled on my black heels as I walked out of my room. The party was downstairs and the music had been booming up since seven. I thought a late entrance would bring more attention to myself.  I walked down the stairs and...

3 years ago
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Yes We Let loose on the bus trip for our pleasure

  We took our car to meet other people (strangers) catching a charter bus to the casino at Lake Tahoe., figuring that it was going to take us about four hours to get there. They coach driver announced that the bus did not have a restroom (as the bus that was assigned to our group was out of service) and we were going to have to make a couple of stops to use the rest stop restrooms. On this charter bus, our contract stated they were to provide a meal and drinks, so we didn’t have to worry about...

1 year ago
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RansomeChapter 9 Shopping For Mastery

David surprised Wendy the following Monday by telling her that she could add his study to her cleaning routine, “But don’t touch anything on my desk. That is important.” “Why do you think you need to tell me that I shouldn’t touch your desk?” she replied. I’d better make my dominance felt, he thought so he said, “If you are going to work for me you need to obey without always questioning me. Of course, you are at liberty to leave this job at any time.” Wendy was very worried by this...

4 years ago
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Joans First Video Part II

I caught a brief glimpse of Andrew coming down the stairs. What was he doing here? That wasn't part of my plan. Had Alice invited him? I felt as though I had lost all control of my amateur porn movie. Then it flashed through my mind that Alice and I would be doing our lesbian scene now. I had to get back into the moment. When Alice's lips touched mine, I relaxed. When her tongue entered my mouth, I surrendered to her. Her kisses were passionate, and in return mine were just as passionate. Our...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 133

As with Ekaterina, Irena was gone by the time Adam emerged from the shower. The site owner was happy with the scene and Adam and Karlie went on their way. "What a weird set up," Karlie remarked on the drive home. "What do you mean?" Adam asked. "The translator is Irena's aunt," Karlie said. "I mean, that's just odd, don't you think?" "She's probably part chaperone, too," Adam guessed. "That part makes sense. But I'm not sure I would be cool with my aunt coming to a...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 13

Cockatoo Part 13 I live for feedback [email protected] Alex jumped off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. I must have dropped off to sleep as I woke some time later on, to find Alex sleeping next to me with me spooning up to her back. She was having what sounded like a bad dream as she was almost shouting in an angry tone, "No, no more, I don't want to do it anymore. Please don't make me do it anymore, no more." I gently stroked her back and she settled down but then,...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Present

My name is Maria and I’m 38 years old. I’ve been dating my boyfriend Jose for a year now. On our first date, he told me he was a single dad of a 16 year old son. I was a little hesitant at first to date a man with a kid, but he seemed to be a good man, so I decided to give him a chance. After our third date, he took me to his house and I met his son Ricky. He’s such a sweet, cute kid! I started spending a lot of time at their house and Jose and I became sexual. Many times, we’d have...

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Anita and the Sadie Hawkins Dance

Chapter 1 It happened -- I couldn't believe it. Anita had called and asked me to be HER date to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Oh no!!! No way, no how!! You've heard of the Sadie Hawkins dance, right? That's when the girls get to ask the guys for a date to the dance. The point is that the girl asking the guy out usually is NOT the cutest, sexiest or most likely girl for the guy to go out with and some of the more homely and ugly girls in the school get a chance for a date with the guy of their...

2 years ago
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HomeworkChapter 5

John picked Sharon up at the mall and took her home around 3:00, then went home to shower and have dinner with his family. After dinner, he drove to a DVD kiosk, picked out a movie, headed for home, parked the car and then walked over to Sharon’s. Paula answered the door and invited John in. “Where is your backpack tonight?” “No homework tonight, but I have a movie,” John explained. “So you’re going upstairs to watch a movie with Sharon tonight?” John showed Paula the DVD case, “I was...

1 year ago
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Making a connection

You stare at your computer screen, and a useless dating site stares back at you. It's barely given you an connections, only one conversation with a lady, and no dates. Your cell phone interrupts your funk. "Hi Bill, what's up?" "'What's up?' We were supposed to go to the bar tonight!" "I said I'd think about it." You look back at the web page, wondering if the bar could be any better than this. "So? You've thought about it. Are you coming?"

2 years ago
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Brooke I

A special thanks to Navin for editing my story. It was my first day at my new job. I was hired as a manager for a retail outlet store. I wasn’t thrilled about my new job, but it was a job nonetheless. I spent the day getting to know the employees, a few had the day off, and I would soon meet them the following day. One of the employees that I met that first day was Deborah. Deborah was older, really obese, and reminded me of someone that would gladly be on the Jerry Springer show. She was...

3 years ago
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The Doctor2

I flip nervously through an outdated magazine and try not to stare at the gorgeous receptionist. Long, red hair cascades down the back of her crisp, starched white nurse's uniform, and though there's no adornment on her clothes, I can see the fabric straining over large, round breasts. I look back down and glance at an article about make-up tips. A sketch of a woman is designed to show you how to apply lipstick correctly. I start thinking about the receptionist's full, red lips, imagining...

2 years ago
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My Mind Control Gift

I have a mind control gift. At least, I think it's a gift. Originally I thought it was a curse. The mind control is very limited in target and duration but it does have some long-term effects. Also, I'm not really in control. In fact, no one is in control. So is it really mind control? Confused? I'll try to explain. My name is Charles, but just about everyone calls me Chuckie after a character in the 'Rugrats' cartoons. I hate that show. Everything was normal for me as a child. My parents...

1 year ago
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MomsTight Madison Brite Stepmoms Hot Body Energizes Me

Madison Brite and her stepson Johnny are having a good time getting to know one another. There’s just one problem: Johnny thinks Madison is really, really hot and he finds it distracting. It’s making it difficult for him to do things like yoga with Madison since there’s no way to hide the constant boner he has when she’s around. When Madison notices Johnny’s boner, he does his best to hide and deny. She makes it clear that it’s okay and she’s into it....

2 years ago
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The Life of a London Heiress First Chapter

December, 1848"Jennette, darling! I have good news!" My mother said to me one morning when I came down to breakfast.I hid an unladylike yawn behind my hand as casually as I could manage, then acknowledged her graciously. "What is it then, Mother?" I asked as brightly as my early-morning grogginess would allow.She giggled; even for my Mother, this was a bit exuberant; my curiosity and suspicion piqued."I've found the perfect suitor for you at last!" she exclaimed with utmost enthusiasm.I stopped...

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My First time Part 21

My name is Samantha and this is the story of my third animal encounter, I am now 14, and I met a guy on the net who was 19 and a virgin and he the second biggest dick I had every seen, the biggest dick I have ever seen and felt belong to the one man I have not been able to root Raymond Norman, I had been able to jerk him off when I was like 11 but always wanted to go all the way with him, and Ray is so sweet and caring and has a hot muscular body and so dreamy, I almost Cumming just...

1 year ago
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NeighborsChapter 3

We kicked back into the school routine. Ever pleasant was pulling into my driveway at the end of the day and seeing Haley coming across the lawn. As she'd indicated, she fell right into the classwork. Her visits were, for the most part, exactly that, our social time, with a few bumps of academic content. First week: "Mister Bill, they're just reviewin' stuff from last year in math. I don't think this teacher even knows where we were last year. It's like we backed up half a year." I...

2 years ago
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Chance Meeting

For months they had chatted and written to each other over the internet. Both had grown fond of the other with a special kind of closeness not normally found among just friends. There meeting in the first place was just by chance while both were online. Before long they were regularly looking for the other almost on a daily basis. Pictures had been exchanged and she had even, a couple of times, called him on the phone. During all this time there was never and sex by phone nor online, but he...

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