- 4 years ago
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Aleecea woke slowly from her dreamless sleep, stretching her taut muscles. Yesterday’s workout with Ripp had been a good one, going on for almost 2 hours. In the last few weeks she had been neglecting her workouts and her body was paying the price now. The farther from home she traveled, the more lax she became in keeping up with her habit of working out every day with Ripp.
As she sat up, the proton blanket that covered her all night disappeared and she put her feet on the heated floor. Ahh the comfort of deluxe accommodations. She’d been on some real shit-hole ships before upgrading to this tricked out Omaron 1720. She thanked her uncle every day for the trust he set up for her or she would still be trolling around the galaxy in one of those ships now. She’d never be able to save up enough credits for this baby, it was more than she made in 2 years at her job as a freelance financial analyst.
The door to her private chamber opened with an almost silent snick. Ripp, her personal android, stepped in carrying a tray of covered dishes and the door slid shut just as silently.
‘What’s for breakfast Ripp?’ she asked with a slight yawn.
‘Last night you said that you had a craving for strawberry topped waffles and strong black coffee so that’s what I’ve brought. Is that acceptable Mistress?’ he replied in his best version of an Earth-British accent.
‘Very acceptable, thank you. I like that accent, memorize it for future menu recitations. And stop calling me ‘Mistress’. You know that I don’t like it, it makes me feel like a cyber-brothel owner. I prefer Aleecea or ‘Cea, you know.’ She got out of bed and it slowly retracted into the floor automatically. After using the evacuation area to empty her bladder, she padded over to the table and chairs that was in the process of rising from the floor where her bed had been.
‘Good Morning Kelly, where are we off to today?’ The Omaron 1720 was equipped with an onboard computer that took the place of a crew and had listening capabilities throughout the spacecraft. She had ordered the ship to be equipped with a female persona and named her Kelly.
A husky feminine voice came through the speaker on the ceiling. ‘We will be passing the planet Kitron in approximately 3 minutes Aleecea. Would you like to view the planet while you eat your meal?’
‘Yes Kelly, open observation shades.’ Cea replied as she uncovered her breakfast and started to eat with flourish. Yesterday’s workout had made her more hungry than she thought.
The shades slid open and Kitron came into view. It was a purple colored planet with 2 silver ion rings and a small red moon. Cea gazed at the planet as Kelly slowed the ship to a mere crawl, prolonging her view till breakfast was finished.
Ripp asked softly ‘Cea would you like to visit Kitron today? It has been many miles since we have stopped to reload with fresh provisions. Our re-constituted supplies are plentiful but I know that you love your fresh Jiba and Latari fruits when it is the time of your menses. This time will be upon us in 2 more days.’
Cea sighed in contentment after finishing her large meal and also to show her irritation. ‘Ripp, it irritates me that you know this much about my body. I knew I should have opted for a dumber droid, one that isn’t programmed with sexual knowledge.’
‘Yes but I was on sale as you so often point out. Even though you’ve never used me in that capacity, I am a fully functioning sex-droid and cannot help the knowledge that I was programmed with.’
‘Don’t be a smart-ass Ripp, it’s annoying and you were on sale.’ Getting up from her chair she walked over to her dressing area and pushed the button to expose her closet.
‘Kelly, temperature on Kitron, Stelore City?’
’88 degrees in Stelore City. Sunny with very few clouds. I suggest minimal clothing.’ Kelly replied automatically.
Cea picked out an outfit of lightweight fabric. A short khaki colored skirt and a small white t-shirt. White stilettos and a white thong would complete the ensemble. Heedless of Ripp’s presence she stripped out of her silky nightshirt and stepped into the shower naked. She never bothered to be modest around him, it was a waste of time in the small, but lush, confines of the ship.
Ripp watched his mistress in silence. Her naked body shimmered as the water splashed down on her. He would never tell her this but he always found himself getting sexually aroused when she was nude.
‘She probably doesn’t even know it’s possible for me to be aroused. She never even read that chapter in my owners manual.’ he thought to himself. He gazed at her as she soaped up her beautiful body. She was 5’8, and she was beautiful. Long naturally tanned legs, flat stomach, medium sized breasts. He knew her bra size to be 38C even though she rarely wore that particular undergarment. Long chestnut hair spilled over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back. Eyes that were the color of the green leaves on earth that he had seen pictures of. Tan, flawless skin that flushed when she was embarrassed or excited.
Ripp had noticed all these things before but she never seemed to notice his physical attributes. At a tall 6’4 he towered over her. Black hair that was slightly longer than a crew cut, blue eyes and medium toned flesh over a muscled body. This flesh allowed him to feel everything from wind to pleasure to pain. He was as close to a human as any android ever made, anatomically correct in every way. Programmed to be freethinking and able to learn. ‘Top of the line.’ he muttered to himself as she verbally turned off the water.
Stepping out of the shower Cea was aware that Ripp was still in the room, watching her intently. She caught him doing this every once in a while but couldn’t read the look in his eyes. Beautiful eyes, robot eyes she reminded herself.
Cea and Ripp stepped out of the teleport station and into the blinding sun.
‘Stars, it’s hot here.’ she commented.
Ripp only nodded as he noticed the sweat start to bead on the creamy skin of her chest. Shaking the image away he said ‘Might I suggest stepping into the shade provided by the produce bazaar? It will be much cooler there.’
‘Actually I’m going to let you do the bartering while I go into the cool air of Madame Krystal’s.’ she said distractedly.
‘Mistress if you are in need of a massage I will be happy to provide that service for you when we return to the ship.’ Ripp said in a crisp tone.
‘Thank you Ripp, but no, I prefer softer hands today. You can meet me in Madame Krystal’s parlor once you have finished bartering. I won’t be long, I don’t want to spend any more time on Kitron than I have to. It’s just too damn hot here today.’
Ripp watched his mistress go into the lush opulence of Madame Krystal’s parlor before doubling back to head for the brightly colored tents of the produce bazaar.
Cea was greeted with a broad smile and a kiss for each cheek by Madame Krystal herself.
‘Aleecea, welcome back. I have Amari being readied for your use.’ she said with a slight Kitroni accent. Cea smiled at her old friend. She was slightly older than Cea herself and they had always had a good business relationship. She was dressed in what earthlings might call a gypsy fashion.
‘Word travels faster that I remember Krystal. How did you know that I was here on Kitron?’ Cea said with a sly grin.
‘My daughter Kara works at the teleport station and sent me a message that your ship, Kelly, had requested transfer for 2. Where is your friend?’ she asked looking around.
‘I brought Ripp with me, you remember my android? He’s at the produce bazaar restocking our supplies.’
‘Aahh yes, I remember. A very handsome sex-droid no?’ she said with a wink.
‘Virgin sex-droid, he was on sale.’ Cea replied quickly.
‘What a shame.’ she sighed. ‘But Amari is ready for you now, you know the way to her quarters.’
‘I remember, thank you Krys
tal. Ripp will be here soon to wait for me. Please show him into your parlor?’
‘Of course.’ Krystal said with a wide smile.
The door swung open just as Cea finished flashing her left wrist over the credit reader. Krystal had upgraded to the Credit payment system shortly before Cea’s last visit. Gone were the days of cash and external credit cards. Now it was as simple as getting your credit chip injected into your wrist and flashing it to the reader to debit your credit account.
Amari pulled Cea into the room and closed the door behind her before yanking her against her body and bringing their lips crashing together. Amari’s tongue snaked out and parted Cea’s lip so she could deepen the kiss. Their breaths grew shallow and quick as the kiss continued. Amari’s hand reached for Cea’s braless breast to tease the nipple as she sucked Cea’s tongue into her mouth.
Breaking the kiss she ordered breathlessly ‘Take off your clothes and get on the table.’ Cea did as instructed and took a few minutes to observe Amari as she went about the room gathering towels and a rectangular wooden box. Like most of Krystal’s girls, Amari was an import from Earth. On her own planet she was often called a ‘Hot Latina’. She had long shiny black hair that went almost to her perfect ass. Her eyes were deep brown and her breasts were small but perky, just a handful. Her waist was nipped in and her hips flared out creating an hourglass figure. Her pussy was shaved, leaving only a small strip above the slit.
Setting the items down on the small table next to the massage table, she squatted and looked into Cea’s eyes, asking ‘What would you like today Cea? I have cleared my appointment book for you and we have all day to play.’
‘Unfortunately I am not staying long on Kitron, I have only a short time before my android is finished at the bazaar and we will be on our way. Our session will have to be quick but I am in need of release, so we must make our time count.’
‘Mmm just a quickie, got it.’ she murmured before nuzzling in Cea’s hair, getting started. ‘Are you wet for me already? Does you pussy drip at the thought of my tongue? I can’t wait to make you cum.’ Amari husked in her ear.
Cea moaned as Amari pinched both her nipples and licked her sensitive ear at the same time. She was right, her pussy was already dripping and the room filled with the intoxicating scent.
Standing up, Amari hopped up on the table and it automatically lengthened and widened to accommodate the second occupant. She straddled Cea’s waist as she leaned down to once again taste her mouth. Then she slid her body down to straddle her legs, rubbing her nearly bald pussy along Cea’s body as she did so. This put her in the perfect position to nip at her breasts, making her nipples harder.
‘Stars Amari, I’m already so wet for you, stop teasing me and eat my damn pussy!’ Cea moaned, squirming on the table.
Amari chuckled as she did as ordered, sliding down off the table and pulling Cea to the edge. She pushed a button under the edge of the table and 2 long footrests slid out and she bent Cea’s legs at the knees and rested her feet on them. Settling at her open pussy, Amari breathed in the heady scent of her horny client before burying her head into the wet pussy in front of her. Meanwhile, she reached a hand down to play with her own dripping pussy.
Cea moaned as she felt Amari’s tongue touch her clit for the first time, she needed this so badly. Amari slid her tongue further into her pussy and started to fuck her with it, in and out of her dripping hole. Suddenly the tongue was gone and Cea bucked her hips up to make contact again but the tongue didn’t return to fucking her, instead it licked lower. From her puckered asshole to the top of her exposed clit the tongue ran over and over making Cea moan louder with each stroke. Every few strokes were like this and the others concentrated mostly on circling and flicking her throbbing clit.
Meanwhile Ripp had finished his bartering and had stepped into the parlor of Madame Krystal’s. A young Kitroni girl was there waiting for him.
‘Follow me sir.’ she said in her sweet Kitroni accent as she grabbed his hand. She led him down a long hallway with many doors, looking over her shoulder a couple of times, taking in his body. She stopped at the 2nd to last door. Opening it, she led him inside and placed him in a chair facing a dark wall.
‘Wait here, enjoy sir.’ she said as she left the room. She gave Ripp one last lusty look before closing the door.
Suddenly the wall went from dark to light as the ion shade was disengaged. Ripp gasped and became instantly hard at the scene before him.
On the other side of the wall was his mistress laying on a table, her feet propped up, with a caramel colored woman kneeling down between her open legs. The woman was lapping at Cea’s pussy while shoving 2 fingers in and out of herself.
Ripp’s hand went to his cock automatically, he didn’t even realize that he had taken it out and was stroking it. It grew longer and harder in his hand as he watched the girl take a long, thick vibrator out of a rectangular box and coat it with a few drops of shiny lubricant.
Cea moaned when she heard the vibrator being turned on, then even louder when Amari slid it back and forth over her throbbing clit. ‘Stop teasing me, Amari, put it in!’ she said impatiently. Amari slipped the tool slowly into Cea’s waiting pussy, stretching the opening. She turned up the speed and leaned in to lap at her clit. The sweating girl in front of her gasped and started to rotate her hips in time with the thrusting of the toy.
It didn’t take Cea long to feel the beginnings of her orgasm approach. The vibrating inside her cunt along with Amari’s deep, hard thrusts and fluttering tongue were just too much for her sex-starved body to take. She came, exploding. Her juices gushed out of her well-fucked hole and dripped down to pool under her ass on the table.
Ripp watched intently as his mistress orgasmed wetly. The girl between her legs brought herself to a shaky climax as well, with her own fingers. The sight was just too much for him as he closed his eyes and quickly stroked up and down his steel-hard cock. It flexed as a sperm-like substance flew from the tip, some landing on the wall and some landing on the floor. Finally it just trickled out and dripped onto his hand.
He opened his eyes to find that his mistress was starting to put her clothes on while her partner was cleaning up the mess that they had made. Shaking his head to clear it he realized that he would have to find something to clean up the mess that he had made also. He looked around the room for the first time and noticed a small table with a stack of soft cloths on it. There was no disinfectant or trash can so he quickly grabbed a cloth and wiped up as much of the mess as he could before shoving the sticky thing into his pocket.
The women were still chatting on the other side of the wall when he exited the room and hurried down the hall to the parlor. He didn’t want Cea to know that he had witnessed her ‘massage’.
Kelly’s voice greeted them as they transported back. ‘Welcome back Cea, I hope your visit to Kitron was pleasurable.’
Cea, still in a fog after her earlier orgasm, sighed when she replied ‘It was Kelly, thank you. I visited Madame Krystal’s for a massage and I am very relaxed.’ Ripp made no response but smiled slightly to himself.
‘I’m going to take a shower then I will spend some time in my lab. I don’t want to be disturbed.’ Cea said as she walked out of the transporter room. Ripp let her go, preparing to move the fresh produce to the kitchen. He loaded up an automatic hand-cart and pressed a few buttons before it took off on it’s own towards the kitchen area. Ripp followed at a slower pace, preferring to take his time since he would have nothing to do once this task was done.
Eight hours later, Cea emerged from her lab, rubbing her tired eyes. Looking a
t a computer screen with nothing but numbers on it, even for a few hours, was extremely hard on her eyes. She always got headaches from working too long and she found that the only way to stop the onset was to get her adrenalin pumping with a workout.
She stopped in front of a large door and it slid open silently. The workout room was totally lit up, which was unusual. She usually had to verbally turn on the lights when she came in at this time of night. Hearing a steady pinging sound she looked around and understood immediately why the lights were on. Ripp was working out on one of the machines, lifting an amazing amount of weight. The pinging sound was the result of the steady rhythm of one set of weights hitting another as they came together.
He was engrossed in his own thoughts as he worked out so he hadn’t noticed Cea standing there yet. She took the opportunity to really look at him. He was shirtless and much more muscular than she had previously noticed. He seemed to be sweating as there was a light sheen to his skin. He was wearing a small pair of tight workout shorts that he always wore, only this time Cea actually noticed that he filled them out quite nicely. He was straddling a bench, with his arms raised to pull the mechanics of the machine down, lifting the weights.
The weights made a loud clank as he let them go, slamming into the ones beneath, before he reached for a towel behind him. He dried his face first, then his arms and chest before bending slightly and wiping off his legs too. Cea was mesmerized, watching Ripp towel off. He looked up in time to catch her stare before she collected herself.
‘All done working?’ Ripp asked her casually.
‘Yeah, I got a lot accomplished but it took much longer than I thought it would.’ she replied, walking over to a machine and sitting down with her legs spread on either side of the seat. She called this one the ‘Butterfly’ since it involved her thighs pushing 2 padded bars open and closed, like butterfly wings.
‘Have a headache?’ he asked, getting up from the bench and walking towards her. He swung the towel over his shoulder casually.
‘Yeah, as usual after working so long. How did you know?’
‘I just know you, that’s all. If you work too long you have to come in here and work off a headache. I can massage your neck and head if you would like.’ He stepped up to the machine, between her spread thighs, and palmed her head. His fingers threaded through her silky hair for a few seconds before he applied pressure with his fingers.
‘You sound different, Ripp. What’s different about your speech?’ Cea asked, curious. ‘You are always so formal, now you sound more human.’
‘I picked up a new speech program on Kitron. I hope that it’s acceptable. I kind of like it, it makes me sound more like you.’
‘Actually I do like it. All that formality was irritating. You can keep it.’ She sighed as his fingers tightened their grip in her hair. He worked his way around her scalp with firm pressure for several more minutes before stepping closer to start on the tension in her neck.
Cea’s head was bent down so that Ripp would have better access and she felt her forehead bump into him as he stepped closer. Tilting her head back and opening her eyes, she realized that her face was inches from the waistband of his small shorts. He smelled clean, sweet, not sweaty at all, although his skin once again held a slight sheen. She had seen Ripp sweat during their workout but never thought to ask why or what the sweat actually was.
Reaching her hand up to his abdomen as he worked on her neck, she gently touched the glistening skin. His movements paused only slightly before resuming their massage.
‘Ripp, how can you sweat? she asked softly, rubbing the moisture between her fingers.
‘When my internal mechanisms become overheated I sweat to cool them down. This feature is the same as a human man would sweat.’
‘What is your sweat made of?’ She still rubbed her fingers together gently, finding that Ripp’s sweat was slightly slippery.
Time traveler By Sylvia Wechsel Notes: * It is quite a while I wrote this and I sensed I could improve the story a bit (not only in the English). The plot is a bit more consistent now, especially concerning Helen?s behavior. So, enjoy! My name is Jason W. and I am a time traveler. More clearly, I traveled back 353 years to the past. I was born in year 2283 and my experiment took place in year 2312, so, if you make the calculation, you will conclude that I successfully...
Traveler Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle. Permission given to post on FictionMania and Crystal's, and Sapphire's. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or...
Hi, this is my first story, I can't write it in English, because I don't know very well the language, but maybe in some time I will. Para toda la comunidad latina, escribo esta historia con mucho gusto y con la esperanza de que se comienze a escribir en espa?ol, esperoi les guste. [email protected] TIME TRAVELER By The Storyteller 2002 Copyright La idea de viajar por el tiempo siempre ha acompa?ado al hombre moderno desde la aparici?n de la ciencia. El viaje por el tiempo resulta una ...
Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... The Traveler It’s funny how some of my most enjoyable kills have been planned in a matter of days or even hours. I was in...
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You are a space marine like Aliens, Doom and Starship Troopers. The year was 2147. Mars had long been colonised at this point. The Union Space Exploitation Corporation (USEC) had built a base there to conduct scientific experiments with warp speed. Space travel between planets still took years. Cryogenics had been invented to help but while it did prevent travellers from ageing during the journey, it didn't make the trip any faster. USEC aimed to fix that. However during one of their attempts...
I wanted her to see me as a man in uniform taking her. The sex and the visual aids I hoped would get her to adjust quicker to her new reality. At my unspoken command the ship started to climb once more and the cargo net became down. I climbed over the woman's body and was then able to put my cock into her mouth. She sucked a little and stopped. In her mind I said, "Suck my cock. You belong to me and I intend to use you." Connie sucked mechanically until I came in her mouth then I pulled...
Jerry and Chuck liked this job and I gave them authority to see that it was done properly. A lot more earth working machines had to be made and again this meant more work for me. Kaacha was using this same idea to make a completely new camp a few hundred klicks from Toxlo. This was in the mountains but here floods were a much greater danger. The camps we found were really not that suitable for the cadets yet. The Aristis on the ship came down as some of the Tomma ascended. The Tomma, as...
I’d been using MySpace for quite a few years, when one summer I realised I could use it to find girls living in my close area. I did a few searches quite lazily, and sent a half hearted message to a few girls not really expecting a reply. After work one day I got home to a friend request and a message from a girl who lived in the same city who I’d obviously contacted. My heart raced as I delved into her pictures she was clearly a well keen type of girl. Half of her pictures involved her...
- Carmela and her boyfriend has been in bad terms the past couple of weeks.Nonstop arguments, Authorities being called because of alot noise and yelling Alot of suspicious movements her husband was doing like coming home late,always being defensive everytime she said something, finding bits and pieces of things that's evidence of him cheating or creeping around and she sick and tired of being sick and tired so she took some of her clothes and shoes and left. Now shes currently staying at her...
Space Medic Jun By Kuniochi Prologue Silence. The kind of quiet the makes you want to scream. That stillness of body and soul that shakes you to the core, utter deafening silence. The stars whiled above the lifeless ship as it spun in a gravity-free twirl, dancing through the airless expanse like a metal ballerina. Inside, bloodied and bruised, the tired pilots suddenly came to the bitter realization that they had, in fact, not been killed. Flames gently rocked the spacecraft as...
The Space Female It was dark, quiet until an object fell out of the sky, it looked like something from outer space, but it was quite small, in fact, it had no one in it, well, it used to have someone in it, someone small. In the morning, there was a crowd of people gathered round the strange piece of spacecraft, but soon, everyone was told to clear the area, as the spaceship was taken into the nearby lab for analysis. The person leading the analysis, was Nick Treias, he had to get it...
Jerry excitedly said, "Let's turn that on its side to see if it floats on your desk?" "Great idea but my computer is inside. We have to wait until it is attached to the sides for that." "Why can't you turn a computer?" "That is the other part of the project. Last year Mr Ramsey put a magnet on his desk and then put a large piece of Bristol board on it. He sprinkled iron filings on that." Sam said, "I remember that. The metal followed the lines of force instead of just spreading...
The shields of the pursuing ships glowed brightly. The turbulence slowed the pursuit down and more antimatter was sprayed out. The flight of missiles coming from the pursuers were damaged or deflected. Missiles pursued them for days but the Aristis ships did not. Thirty eight days after Craig had arrived at Cralto we received some of our own visitors. We were fortunate that they came a roundabout way that happened to be monitored. The Fonduush was three light years away but it accelerated to...
There was a bombardment again but Toxlo was not responding. Erica told us that the next phase was commencing. More rock was sent to the planet but aimed at the missile batteries further out to draw their fire. They had been reluctant to shoot before due to their dwindling supplies. They now had to fire or die. When the firing was the heaviest, some of our ships dived through the atmosphere causing as much noise as the antimatter explosions. They swooped low over the ocean and then came to...
The next few days were spent in checking out various ships of the fleet. In no case did we find any more living people. The Ichiro Massimoto, a ship of educators at the university level, was completely empty. There was not even a body to be found in the cryogenic cells. On the other hand, we did find a woman still alive in a cryogenic cell in the Manuella Sanchez. She was a teacher at the elementary level, and was going to be a real boon in a few years when our family started producing...
The space ship 137 was on its way to Planet Clinton! Space is dark and cold. The captain looked out his window. On his computer screen and "Urgent" message popped up with a chime! Captain Mark was an old famous rock star is 7ft tall frame was still in shape that showed off his many tattoos from long ago as he walked past the pictures of his kids that he's barely seen and soon will be his new employees! He takes his last pills with a shoot of cheap alcohol. As he press play on the message! Hey...
Erotic FictionBy Droid447 Note: This story is a sequel to “Space Farm 1 and 2”. It is recommended but not necessary to read them first. Violet was relieved that the injured leg of the Cornusaurus was healing properly. This creature was one of her favorites and there were only five of them at the zoo. The breeding season was around the corner and she had to make sure that all the animals were in perfect health. “Your leg is healing just fine. Just make sure you don't step in any holes again,”...
I sat in my private chamber to scroll through the daily news on my hologram unit, as I did every evening after overseeing business at my secret palatial fortress on planet Droglar. I saw the usual stories about space pirates, economic disputes between the Qenons and Thorpions, and that the woman called Tawna Vex had saved the galaxy once again. Tawna Vex was the galaxy's most deadly super spy. A female human, a covert operative bounty huntress who either did contract missions for the Star...
BDSMCaptain John Logan started his career in Star Force as an eager 16 year old cadet. As he watched the Epsilon Space Station loom closer on the viewscreen of his shuttle, he thought back to that first day in the Academy and how he had dreamed of commanding a battlecruiser some day. The war with the Prajuk had ended and John had never seen real action. But he had still managed to rise through the ranks. Now at 38 he would be in charge of the day-to-day operations of a space station on the border...
I met Angelica at my favorite Sports Bar. She was beautiful and I was dumb struck by this petite Scandinavian blond with an absolutely perfect body. Well, after a few days I got to know Angelica, our first evening ended with me getting a blow job at her place. But this is only the beginning of a new lifestyle that would change my life. You see Angelica is a space alien from the planet Gliesie, the closest habitable planet to earth. She told me that both Earth and Gliesie were biology...
Work helped but I thought of the three that had perished on this mission so far. They were my mates and no different than a wife. I was not like an Arab Sultan of old because I knew them intimately through telepathy. They were so close that it hurt unbearably. The mission came first though and I had to compartmentalise this pain until later. There was one of us in each of the boats so we could navigate around the giant trees. Maska said verbally, "Wally, we have to get our sleeping...
It took us a year to get through all of the spaceships in the fleet, and we found only one more man and two more women. However, nine years later, we now have a thriving community of close to 1,000 souls, and some of our children are almost ready to turn out children of their own. We had a big meeting and decided that it was no longer necessary to cycle every adult through sex with every other adult, since we now had 438 women of breeding age and 197 men who were fertile. That let us set up...
I looked at this since I was cast into the highlands. This was a great defensive weapon but I could not see how to use it. There were a lot of unknowns in this situation but the computer entities did not mind. It gave them something to do. One fact was made very evident, the mental powers had to be explored even more. This meant that sixth dimension and possibly others were behind all of these phenomena. Erica was usually near to me and said verbally, "There are still some Wikki that would...
It had been a long day for Nick Jackson. He had two more nights left on his five-day training stint in the small college town. He worked for a software company and had been flown down to instruct a new client’s employees on how to use the program for maximum benefit. After picking up a small salad and taking it to his room, he decided to hit the hotel bar for a glass of chardonnay. The place had a smattering of other business travelers peppered out amongst the tables – and actually there was at...
"A glass bottle of mustard." He went on and I said, "Another can of Coke. Your knuckle is beside an open box of baking soda." Larry kept moving his hand and I kept talking. "This is weird." "It sure is now go to your bedroom and touch things with the cane." "I don't have to. You could have broken in but you could not know what I touched. There were too many of them. What do you want?" "You're direct. That's a good leadership quality. I have a small shallow box. I'll hand...
Spacetran By Beverly Part 1. The craft landed without any sensation of deceleration and I had to look outside to convince myself it had actually landed on the moon. The harsh cruel outlines of the unweathered rocks and the black sky combined with the fractional gravity to convince me I was definitely not on earth. 'The whole thing must be true.' I thought. The whispered stories about the rescued astronauts had until now been the stuff of mystery and conjecture. For...
Spacetran By Beverly Chapter 2 "Two score and thirteen years ago a child was born on that bloody planet. It was two months premature and three pounds underweight. It's mother died during delivery from complications caused by heavy smoking. The father blamed the child for the mother's death. The dangers of smoking and childbirth weren't fully understood in those days. Naturally the older siblings adopted their father's view and also blamed the newborn child for...
Spacetran By Beverly Chapter 3 We started to dematerialise out of hypertime in front of a spectacular rainbow coloured disc that left me gasping in wonder. 'No wonder' she had been attracted to it. It looked for the entire world like some immense 'Catherine Wheel' frozen in space. I took my familiar seat on the cockpit divan and watched as the circle stopped shimmering and slowly evolved into the vaguely foggy but just identifiable arms of a galaxy. The arms slowly started...
Spacetran By Beverly Chapter 4 I turned angrily upon the crowd of gaping crewmen and snapped out an order. "What are you all bloody gawking at? - And leave that container alone." The only sound was the stuttering wind stumbling around the flight deck as the ship increased speed and steered to rejoin the rest of the fleet. Suddenly I was doused by a spraying 'cats-paw' and I realized my lightweight summer frock had become transparent. If I had given the...
Chapter 6. The planned 2 months of touring would probably have gone off without a hitch had not one of the two boys had a minor accident during a trek in the Grand Canyon. Despite our strenuous efforts the boy had to be hospitalized and I was forced to accompany him to the hospital whilst Beverly cared for the remaining nineteen. It was a minor break to his wrist and we foresaw no complications so I was sitting quietly in the hospital waiting room expecting my son to...
Chapter 7. We warped out of a huge cumulus rain cloud to hide our radar image so we appeared without warning and had alighted on their rain-swept deck before they even realized we were in the vicinity. A startled lookout gaped at the unexpected arrival before screaming to the officer on watch. Within moments dozens of armed sailors had swarmed onto the flight deck and nervously surrounded the Albatross. "Well at least these guys aren't shooting." Sighed Beverly. "They're...
Chapter 8. I arrived to find Beverly back in her now familiar seat in the village hotel being amused and entertained by her newly found she-male and transsexual friends. All trace of the anger and frustration from the afternoon's encounter seemed to have evaporated as the group discussed dresses and bridal outfits for the forthcoming wedding. They welcomed me with open arms and eyed Beverly enviously before congratulating her once again at having discovered such a wonderful...
Spacetran - Part 9 ? by: Beverly Taff A few years after the twins were born, we were overjoyed to discover that I was pregnant again to Beverly and this time it was triplets-, two girls and a boy. With my bio-prosthesis company now doing excellent business and Beverly's spaceship manufacturing business expanding to every continent and planet as trade around the solar system expanded logarithmically, we thought all our problems were over. A viable colony had been established on...
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