SpaceChapter 37 free porn video

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"A glass bottle of mustard."

He went on and I said, "Another can of Coke. Your knuckle is beside an open box of baking soda."

Larry kept moving his hand and I kept talking.

"This is weird."

"It sure is now go to your bedroom and touch things with the cane."

"I don't have to. You could have broken in but you could not know what I touched. There were too many of them. What do you want?"

"You're direct. That's a good leadership quality. I have a small shallow box. I'll hand it to you."

Larry took the box and felt it. Then handed it back. I said, "I have a very low mass ceramic sphere with me. It is very delicate. A crystal is in the centre of it. It will go into the box and then the container will be sealed. Nobody can see through it but you can. There is no transparent material. I want to put it someplace level. You will try to use your mind to move the sphere. You will actually know if it moves."

"Why should I do that?"

I took out my wallet and said, "Hold out your hand." When he did I gave him ten one hundred dollar bills. "You have a thousand dollars in your hand."


"Trust me for now and ask your mother to look at the money. Your parents can check it to see if it is counterfeit for you."

"It feels real."

"It is."

"What's it for?"

"Call it a retainer. Push the sphere around if you can. If you can move it from one end to the other I will give you another thousand."

"What's all this for?"

"You can see into more than three dimensions. If you can move matter like I can, then you are of value to me."

"What do I have to do to help?"

"The crystals you saw are composed of molecules. Each molecule has a part to play in making the field you saw. If you can move that giant crystal and the ceramic dust bunny around it then you can move individual molecules with some training. I will be the one to teach you. You see I do this a lot and I get tired. Now if you can take over some of my workload then I will pay you according to what you can do. It may range from only a hundred thousand a year to over a million."

"You don't have that kind of money."

"Larry, I made twenty seven million dollars yesterday and it was no different from the other days. I am in the same income class as Willy Gates."

"Prove it."

"I don't need to. You have, what I say, is a thousand dollars. If you start now then you may waste three hours on a lie. If I'm not lying then you are three hours closer to making another thousand. After that the sky is the limit."

"Set that thing up."

"Where will you work that is flat and will not be bumped. I honestly went to a lot of trouble to make that spherical dust bunny for you. I don't want it broken."

"My work bench."

"For me I find that the closer the crystal is to my brain the better it works."

"Set it up then."

Larry had a wheel for spinning his bowls and such. I took a small piece of clay and stuck the box to the table that was beside the wheel. I had to work a lot until it was flat. I took out another box and put it on the wheel then removed the top.

"Larry can you see the crystal?"

"Ya, but it's not bright."

"Hold my hands."

He did not ask the reason but held both of mine. I used my PK to elevate the small sphere and transport it to the box. "Did you see it move?"


"You were holding my hands Larry."

"It could be a trick."

"Yes, but it isn't. You will know that what I talk about is possible. Now I have to seal the box."

I shifted the box just a bit more so the sphere did not tend to want to go in any direction. With more clay I put the lid on and sealed it. "There is clay under the box to keep it on the bench and more clay in the lid to keep out any stray air currents. Do you want to try now?"


I helped Larry get close to the box. He didn't put his hands on it because of the wet clay but he came close. After ten minutes he said, "You sure this can be done?"

"Touch the box delicately to see that it is sealed."

Larry did this very carefully and touched all he could reach. "Ok."

"Watch." I moved the sphere around the inside of the box for a minute."

"Ya, you can do it, now can I?"

"That is actually a real million dollar question."

"A million?"

"Per year but it depends on how well you do. You can make a lot more."


"Larry, don't get greedy. See what you can do. I'm going to let myself out."

"How will I contact you?"

"I will do that. Bye Larry."

"Bye, Wally."

I did variations on this theme to many more people. The box changed to one with a trapped sphere that could be released. The box got a transparent lid. This way the device could be transported. In most cases there was no crystal inside the sphere because most of the people could see.

I had to stop doing this in August. There were a lot of women on the Fonduush with large abdomens and I wanted to be there when each and every one of my children were born. I even had a drone stationed so I had pictures of all one hundred and nine events.

The family was present for many reasons. The first and foremost was because I needed help. Betts, Erica and Connie were part of the family in so many ways and they needed a quiet touch even if the clinic did all the work. With this many children it was possible our minds would be opened more if not ripped open. We prepared for this eventuality too.

They were coming at three a day but peeked at seven for a while. During this peek Betts presented me with a son. The next day Connie and Erica gave me a daughter each. The four Aristis were evenly spaced during this deluge of babies.

Each child I washed and held to me for a few minutes before I gave the child back to his or her mother. There was some worried looks among the Tomma because instead of the usual surplus of girls, I was running about equal. This may disrupt their culture.

I had ordered the Fonduush to actually land on some of the Star Fleet property near Toronto. Nearly a kilometre of ship is hard to find a berth for. My reasoning was that perhaps the children would see earth as their home and not Cralto. The All Mother I had thought a lot about. She actually was the combined psyches or all Tomma. She was something that may save our own race from destruction some day. Humans needed a conscience.

The family cleaned and transported babies all the time. We kept them near to us. The effect I was after seemed to happen. I could feel everybody in the ship much clearer. The ones that had given me children were clear enough to talk to and receive answers. This was also true about the Aristis and my mates though not as strong.

Doc was very happy. He hoped to use this power to help patients or at least help the Star Fleet. The few woman that had not been pregnant wanted to get that way. There was some serious talk and Irene had to wait. Lillian and Leslie wanted another child and June wanted her first.

There was a lot more talk about that until Mom sent June over to see me. For a month June saw to my needs but the last two weeks we already knew that she was pregnant. The orgy started all over even though the Tomma were ready after two weeks. We had a serious discussion and decided that I would not have any more children until I was informed before it was time to conceive.

More people were discovered my way. I resorted to using Purolator to deliver the packages as a game. A hundred dollar bill was enough in most cases to get them to try. We were to give out nearly seventeen thousand 'games' in the next two years but we found roughly one percent that could move the sphere. Larry Payne was one of the lucky few. In fact almost ten percent of those that were blind and could perceive the lines of force seemed to have the ability to manipulate them.

I phoned Larry one morning. "Hello."

"Hi Larry, it's Wally."

"Hi Wally, I was hoping you would phone sooner. I did what you wanted."

"I'll come over with the money."

"How?... never mind. I'll be waiting."

Larry had me sitting in my old spot and I simply gave him the money. "Aren't you going to watch?"

"Ok, do it but I trust you."

Larry moved the sphere around the box then did everything in reverse. To make sure, he went diagonally."

"That's great Larry. You earned the money."

You work for me and you get a hundred thousand a year minimum. You do have to have a medical. Are you interested?"


Without preamble the med unit came close to him and put him to sleep. Less than a minute later he had a better than standard communicator implanted in his skull. Larry stayed asleep as I got the communicator to interface with his brain. The screen was touchy because he had never seen before and some of the usual equipment was missing.

Warren worked with me to make sure everything was done as good as it could in the nonstandard way. The screen shutdown and Larry awoke.

"Shit, I must have fallen asleep. I'm sorry."

"It was not your fault. I made you go to sleep."

"Why? We were getting along just fine," he said as he felt for his money."

"You said you agreed to a medical."

"Not right away."

"Not, not right away either. Now listen. Do you want to see?"

"See what?"

"Everything that you have not seen since birth."

"That can't happen. They did tests. I do not have all of my optic nerves."

"Larry, as your employer, answer the question."

"Yes, I'd love to see. That's a stupid question."

"There are many ways to do this and I chose the quickest. Now you are going to see a white square in your mind. When it appears do not jump around."


The rectangle appeared and I had to use the information from Larry's communicator, computer and from his mind directly by way of telepathy. It took more time to integrate the simple image into his consciousness. The colour changed and I had to integrate each of them but by now the computer was doing more of the work.

Larry sat back stunned by what was happening. He said nothing but I heard groans now and then. Even a simple geometric shape was hard on his psyche when he had never seen before. The image from a drone that was right above his head was fed to his screen. It did not pop out but came slowly as if emerging from a fog.

"That is what I look like Larry. To bad it wasn't some ravishing beauty instead."

"Is that really you?"


His hands went out but they were not where they should be. I took out a pair of dark glasses. "I'll put these on your face. The camera is mounted in them and you can move with more coordination."

Larry moved his hands again and then looked at them. "It's funny I never thought my hands would look like this."

"They don't. It is just the way that most of us see them. Some may see all the spaces between the atoms and see us like a mist."

"How did you do this Wally? Nobody could."

"I can and I proved it. A group of crystals in your glasses directs the image that is in front of it like the way a camera does but it goes directly to your brain."

"Even with your crystals, nobody can do that."

"Larry, I need somebody to help me alter crystals. You could have done it by feel but it is faster this way. Now I am going to take my image away and show you a crystal. The screen that you see is much like a computer screen that you may have heard of. Your regular sight will come back when you are done."

I had to wait and he said, "Ok... try it."

Larry got the images Nadac sent me not that long ago. He got the verbal explanation that went with the graphic. I showed him how the lines of force changed a bit at a time as molecules were rearranged.

"So this crystal lets me see?"

"No, that will convert the magnetic lines of force around our planet into a small amount of power. There are thousands of crystals and they all have specialised uses. You must have heard of the bronze age then the iron age, well I am skipping a lot of other ages and going to the crystal age. With crystals we will have the universe."

"You mean space?"

"Space and the planets. Like I said, the universe. Are you willing to help me?"

"Are you some type of angel or something?"

"I'm as human as you are. I'm not an alien either."

There was a long pause as Larry was given back his sight. He finally said, "I'll help you."

"We have a problem."


"Your family think you are blind still. They cannot learn about you seeing, at least not yet. You need to work away from the house at where I do my work. Your parents are not going to understand how or why you can go off on your own. I know that they are very protective."

"Ya, they are going to be real worried and probably call the police or something."

"I have an academy that has been in the news recently. You are going to get a chance to do art there and you have to sleep in residence. Every other weekend you have to go back to being blind with your parents."

"I can fake that."

"That is not an option. You will not see for the period you are with your family."

"If I have to."

"You have to." I brought out a lot of papers but Larry could not read this. It was not braille. "These papers give the school complete control over you. It can't be any other way. You will say that a man came to the door today and gave you these documents. He sat and talked with you for two hours. You want to dearly go to this school. More people with problems seeing will come and you are just the first."

"How do I learn more about the school?"

"Your screen is still a computer screen. I will send a movie to you. You will see a person and you can talk to him but he is not there. It is like sending a television signal. When you need a break just think not say that you need a chance to rest."


"The images go to your brain your brain can send too."

I stood and so did Larry. We shook hands and I said, "You cannot let anybody know that you can see. You will have to ask the computer to provide your sight. Any other way and you will give yourself away."

"And you too?"

"That's right. I would be hounded for my ability and they would work on your brain to find out how you can now see. People, governments and companies are not all nice like they try to make you believe. If you fuck up you loose your sight permanently. There can be no hinting and you have to stick with doing things the same way you always did them."

I took out a bag of crystals and gave them to him. "Experiment with them. I find it easier to call up on the screen what the crystal is like and then alter the image but in reality you are working on the crystal." Matt was put in charge of Larry and I left.

I went downtown until I found Teresa Gallo. She had received the package and did almost as good as Larry. She was sixteen and presently with her friends. Street people had to stick together to protect each other or be eaten by the sharks. I hoped that I was not one of the latter.

Teresa was standing near an alley with three other girls of about her age and two guys both were into their early twenties.

I stopped more or less in front of the group. They looked at me and stopped talking. One of the guys said, "What do you want, kid?"

"I want to talk to Teresa. The restaurant two doors down will do fine. Will you give me some of your time Teresa?"

"Who are you? I never saw you before."

"I know that. I will pay for my time. All of you can have a meal at my expense. Order anything you want. I only want to talk about something important with a little bit of privacy."

The guy said, "You have the money for that?"

I showed him five one hundred dollar bills. He said, "Are they real? Let me see them."

"I'll let the waitress decide. I'm interrupting your talk and I do not mind paying so I can have some of Teresa's time."

"You'll pay for anything we eat?"

"Anything you can take away in your stomach. You pay for your own booze though."

"I can go for that."

Teresa said, "What if I do not want to talk?"

I ripped a hundred dollar bill in half and gave it to her. "You talk and you get the other half."

One of the girls said, "Come on Teresa, you have nothing to lose. We are going to be in a restaurant."

"I don't know. This is kinda creepy."

"He's only a kid, maybe a rich kid by the looks of him. Let's go eat. I'm hungry."

I let the others convince Teresa. I pointed out where I wanted to sit and where I wanted the others to sit. They could see us but not hear very well. I told the waitress that I was going to get the bill for all the food for all of us and any booze was going to go on each individual's tab. This was a Chinese restaurant and I spoke in that language. All it took was an upload to the ram in my computer.

I turned to Teresa and asked, "What would you like."

"Pretty smart talking Chinese. What did you say?"

"That I will pay for the food only for all of us."

Teresa ordered from the menu and I asked what was good. The waitress made her suggestions and then went to get the order.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I'm the guy that sent all those games out with the hundred dollar bills. The sensors in the device say that you can do the job well enough to get a job."

"I have a job."

"Not one that pays at least a hundred thousand a year without laying on your back."

"What's the job about?"

I handed her a card with the name and address of the academy. "Go there tomorrow or the next day and they will tell you." I took out a similar box to what she had at one time and let her see that I could levitate the sphere though I acted like I was picking up a heavy weight."

"Hey, that's neat."

"It takes a lot of work. We make small pieces of equipment and this ability helps."

"Do I have to take the job?"

"Nope. Show up and ask. You see the way the school is run and you make your choice. There will be others there like yourself."

"Is this something illegal?"

"A school? Be realistic. There are almost eighty students. More are coming all the time. Some of the students can do what you do but they are just starting. Larry will be coming. He is a year older than you. He has more strength but we have not tested him for the fine control yet. I'm pretty good and I make well over a hundred thousand a year."

"How much more?"

"It depends on how good you are. It's not the trick like I just did it is the work down to a speck of dust that we work with."

"What do you do?"

"We make small tools and other gadgets."

I handed over the rest of the torn bill and Teresa said, "What's that for?"

"I talked and I paid. You listened. Now we can just shoot the shit and eat. We got up and sat with the rest now and they looked at us oddly but said nothing. The waitress had no problem with us moving.

We ate and talked about everything. The academy was mentioned but nothing specific. We left a few hours later and I left a good tip. The waitress had to do a lot for us.

Outside we were still talking so I walked with them. Now that I was not an outsider it was much easier to talk. We got a block and a half when Matt said, "You are approaching the two brothers you wished not to meet."

"The Arnold brothers?"


"I do not like them or the way they treat others. Maybe they will pick a fight with me."

"That is possible. They are pushing people out of their way as they approach. They are not alone but with five others."

"Their gang?"


"Good, I don't like them either."

"Shall I inform the rest?"

"There is no reason."

We progressed another minute as I moved to the position I wanted in this new group. All of a sudden one of the girls went stiff and one of the two guys pulled her out of the way and then the rest followed. A fight was less possible now and I prepared for a way of encouraging it. It was not needed because Flick, the older brother stopped to see who they had trapped.

"Well now if it isn't Ron and George. You even brought your cunt with you."

Ron, the oldest of our group said, "Hi Flick. What's going on?"

"Well, you see I'm horny and need a blow job or two. My guys need the same."


I interrupted, "Why don't you get Grunge to do it Flick. Isn't your whole gang queer? None of you can fart loud. When you move to women, it's for show."

Flick was near my own age but big. He moved quickly too and threw a punch at my face. He was a good street fighter. He missed me though and I hit his noise but just enough to make it bleed.

He stopped to wipe his nose and said, "You cock sucker. Maybe we'll try your pretty ass."

"Your welcome to try."

He swung again but one of his gang moved to block me from moving. I blocked both punches and gave them a tap that stung rather than hurt. Flick was angry now and bellowed. I had moved away from my group to get more room. Flick came again and I blooded his nose a bit more but there was a bit of difficulty getting all of their gang to attack me. I hit and kicked but I gave ground so that I was in a more open area.

Grunge had a gun and so did Flick. The rest had knives but had not brought them out yet. I was not the man of steel so the guns had to go or rather the two brothers. It was only a minute later that the two brothers were side by side when I attacked.

I went full out then and hurt them bad. I might have gone a bit far as some of my anger came out. I was calmed enough with I switched to the gang quickly before they could get away. Only one had time to think of escape but he didn't get even a step away.

When I stopped I saw that Teresa's group did not make a strategic withdrawal. They were worried about Flick's anger at not finding them there when he finished with me. I walked over Flick to get to Teresa and my foot opened his shirt enough to show the gun.

George said, "We got to get out of here."

"Stay!" I commanded with my force full out. "I don't want these guys picked over while they are asleep. Wait until the cops come then we blend into the crowd."

"They'll get arrested."

"Sure they will and it will take them a few months to get out of the hospital first."

"I thought you killed them."

"No need for it this time. It's not our policy to flout the law but like any business, we can use the law to our own advantage."

"The cops will arrest you too."

"I have enough legal representation that they would not keep me more than an hour even if they wanted to do more. They won't get the chance."

Some people were getting close to the gang. I turned, "If any of you get close, I will assume you want the weapons to attack me. I will then attack first and leave you like these people. Fight the police for possession of the guns if you wish." They backed off and I ordered, "Further!"

I turned back to my own group and said, "You can move further away now. The police are coming from three directions. The bystanders will point fingers and you will be chased. Teresa, you have an important job interview. If you miss it you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"What about my friends?"

"We have no opening for them now. I can find them jobs out of Toronto though that pay well."

They just stared at me. It was doubtful if any would move out of Toronto for the unknown. They moved down the sidewalk as a group and they were given lots of room. I moved to the other side of the fight scene and disappeared just as the police broke through the ring of spectators.

Matt said, "There is a 73% chance that you will be identified."

"I will have lawyers waiting. They won't get far. The anonymous person with a camcorder will have visual evidence if it is necessary."

I was late in my self-imposed schedule and had to drive me nearly half way across the city. I stopped at an older residential section and walked up on the veranda and knocked on the door. A woman of thirty five came to the door.


"Hi. My name is Wally. I represent the people that mailed the games out."

"You are not getting the money back."

"I do not want it back. The game was a test. You passed it well enough to be offered a job."

"What kind of job?"

"I'm not going to fight you. Will you invite me in and offer me a glass of water?"

"I guess so. Come on in."

The place was dirty and cluttered but I pretended to not notice. Nancy Solvoy handed me a glass of water after rinsing it under the tap. "Have a seat."

"Thanks." I took a sip and put the glass down on the kitchen table. "Only a few of us can manipulate the ball. I work at a private school here in the city. We're trying to teach this ability to our young students. We have some success. Everybody has their own approach and it's hoped that one of them will reach some of the students that have not succeeded yet."

"What game?" Nancy was being defensive. I took out my own box and put it on the table. I pulled out the restraining clip holding the sphere then moved it around the inside of the box.

Nancy looked down at it for a moment. "You can do it better than I can."

"I've had more practice. You'll get better, they all do."


"We have a lot of people doing this sort of thing. There is no need to move around a large ball though. We make ultra miniaturised components for the school. The parts that have to be moved are much smaller and easier to do. Your teaching job would require you to move across the city. Our research showed that you have three children. As a teacher you'll get the chance to enrol your children. Your salary will start at a hundred and thirty thousand dollars a year but it will drop to a hundred and ten with the children involved. All meals are included and there's a generous clothing allowance."

"I don't have a teacher's licence and I hardly got through school myself. I can't teach."

"You can teach what you know. There is no need for a licence. During the setting up of the charter for the academy, the provincial waved this restriction because of the new ideas we were trying to explore."

"How come they sent a kid to me?"

"I can move the ball around easily. You saw that you are not that much different. I'm young and less threatening to be in your home."

"What if my kids don't want to come?"

"The two boys at home are eighteen and fifteen. Most eighteen year-olds are out on their own and come home to eat and sleep. Boys are rebellious at best. The fifteen year-old can benefit from our curriculum. We make low budget science fiction movies. The school regularly travels by plane all over Canada. We are well funded. We're an academy and as such instill discipline in the students. There's a uniform and in fact there are many uniforms to represent the circumstances. There are failures but we are remarkably successful. The ratio of students to instructors is very low. At the moment it is six to one. That means that each student gets the attention they require."

"What's the catch? That sounds like a good deal."

"You are on call. Many of the children are young and need a mother figure. Sometimes it is just being with them as they do a project or sit and watch television. You, I am afraid, are going to be annoyed at the physical requirements. We all exercise and take self defence courses. This is not an optional subject. You are not expected to be good at the start but you are expected to work hard to become proficient."

"I can't do even one push up."

"Then you will pick up some light weights until you are strong enough to do a push up. It's mostly in the mind that you will get strong. Your body will follow."

"Can I see the school?"

"Sure." I handed her a card and a hundred dollar bill. "The money's for being able to move the ball. By the way, the pay I mentioned is the minimum. I make well over a million a year."

"You look fifteen."

"My parents did not finance me. I got into my job on my own merit. I am a millionaire many times over. You could make a similar figure if you apply yourself and also strive to learn your own talent more."

"I'd kill for a million. Where do I sign up?"

"Go to the school tomorrow. If you get there before eight you can go to the movie set in our bus. You can see the regular classes later in the day. Math is important but each student and teacher gets a computer to assist them. The knowledge of math is not that important because the computer does the majority of the work."

"That's good because I was never good at that."

I saw the ashtrays and the whiskey bottles and said, "Our health benefits are far above the basic OHIP coverage."

As I left the house a young man my age came in. He took one long look at me and started to go upstairs. I said, "Hi, the name's Wally."

Same as Space
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SPOORTI AUNTY’S PLEASURE IN HUBLI… Hi there readers I’m a hungry boy from hubli, Karnataka.I want share a true story of my own with you. I m Rahul from Hubli, 21 yrs old, a young and I m smart looking guy, 5:4fts, 60kgs, good body and big & very hot cock, I live with my parents. This incident happened with a lady whose husband is a professor. Her name is Spoorti and she looks very sexy. Since the first time I saw her, I always dreamt of fucking her, and don’t know why I was feeling that she was...

2 years ago
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Annas Movie

Allen was a hard working man. He had been at the same company for the last ten years. Suddenly he was laid off and on unemployment. He continually looked for a job week after week. After a year and a half he was still unable to find work. What little money he had was gone. Being a single parent it was getting harder and harder to make ends meet. His fourteen year old daughter, Anna, was even trying to find any jobs she could to help out. Of course babysitting jobs didn’t pay much, but she took...

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by Gail Holmes “You just have to try harder, if your father finds that you’re slipping behind he’ll go ballistic, you know how much he’s paying out at the moment, and if he thinks it’s being wasted!” Kerry looked up from the table, she knew her mother meant well. “It’s the noise mother, I just can’t seem to take it all in, its so distracting, everyone seems to be talking at the same time!” she informed her mother. “Something has to be done, you must listen...

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Ruined sissy slut a night of fisting

I took another long and luxurious sniff of the poppers, held it in for the count of ten and exhaled. My blood quickened, my heart seemed to move, closer up into my head, as her gloved fingers started slapping my hole.Again, another deep huff. My head was like a big bass drum, overwhelming me, intoxicating me, as she slathered the minty vapour-rub over my cunt. Three more times I sniffed, hearing her liberally apply the j-lube onto her hands. A devilish sluttiness took over me and I started...

1 year ago
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A Sweet Love

Isabella grabs her bag and watches the crowd move towards her. She is in the Casablanca airport. She sees Aman finally and she stands still. She does not know how to react; it has been a year since she last saw him. He comes to her and throws his arms around her like the first time they met. "I waited for you a long time." He says and takes her bag. "My friend brought his car." He looks at her with large brown eyes and she melts. So much has happened since they last met. Outside the air is warm...

Love Stories
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Woman Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When it happened, all I could do was lay there as they did it. I couldn't move a muscle, the drugs making me lay perfectly still. I was barely awake, I could hear them talking, I saw the flash of medical instruments once in a while, but other than that, nothing. Everything I used to define myself was being removed, replaced with what the doctor told me would also be fully functional, but I would be a woman, not a man. It was not the...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex Story With A Newly Married Girl Met In Bus

Hi friends, mera naam gourav hai. Ye meri pahli story hai. Main jaipur ka rehne wala hun and aur ahmedabad main job karta tha. Office main diwali par kuch din ki holidays li thi and uske baad wapas ahmedabad aa raha tha sleeper a/c bus main. Meri sleeper peeche ki side thi, single upper birth. And mere samne lower double birth main ek married ladki thi jisse lagbhag 1 ya 1.5 saal hue honge shadi k baad. Usne yellow colour ki semi-low waist saree pehni hui thi. And left shoulder par and right...

2 years ago
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Cock Versus Pussy

Hi and Hello to all ISS readers. I am Rakesh Kumar Verma 21 years old from Bombay I’m doing my degree in the same city and let me tell you about me. I’m fair complexion with normal body built and my main attraction is my 7 inches whitish rock solid cock with a massive 2 diameter. First of all I need to thank God for giving me this monster size cock. I’m a very shy person, normally shy to talk to girls but deep inside I’m a sex monster I want to fuck all the women out there and I do masturbate...

3 years ago
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Celebrity Management

My name is Robert Robertson, not a very good name but mine. I am an average looking nineteen year old man, dark black hair and brown eyes. Pale skin, my body is not fat or thin, but just maybe just over my best weight. Just under six foot. Not handsome or ugly, just a normal guy you might buy a beer with. Physically, emotionally and socially... normal and average. My mind, however, was genius level. It was also obsessed with sex and controlling the minds as well as the bodies of others. Which...

Mind Control
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House Staff Are Sexual Predators Ch 07

With Arthur and Abigail in London, things got very relaxed around the home in the Hamptons. Victoria, Douglas and the servants had sex anytime and anywhere around the property when desired. Both Victoria and Douglas had become comfortable with their bisexuality and incest. This particular Monday morning Victoria was entertaining three cocks in her bedroom. Estefan was on the bottom with Victoria riding his impressive cock. Douglas was behind his sister with his cock entrenched in her bottom...

4 years ago
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For The Business

For the Business By Karin Roberts It started of innocently enough, an invite to a Halloween party for small business owners. "Darling we really need to attend this," my wife said as she opened and sifted through the day's mail. "I hate Halloween, it's just an excuse to get people to spend money," I replied "Oh lighten up Scrooge, anyway were going I could make some useful contacts there." "So that was it then, we were going, I suppose," I sighed as I glanced through...

1 year ago
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Hyderabad MBA Experience

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I joined MBA after working for Wipro and I guess I was quite older than others in my class ( 24). The college wasn’t so great, however, my constant observation about the girls in my class who were just okay and not much with great looks. Induction was over and classes started and I was attending regularly and I guess no one attracted me in my class. one day As I was having fun with my friends at the back side, I heard some giggles from the back side. To my...

3 years ago
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A Punch In The Tit

A Punch In The Tit As a little kid I learned to punch my sister in her tits. As her tits started to develop I found out that they were very sensitive and that it hurt her even more. So of course I did it more often. When she was thirteen and I was fourteen she was already into a 30-B bra and growing every day. Our mother wore a 36-DD bra. I know because I keep track of things like that. I liked tits but the bigger the better. Then Dad left us for a chick that only wore a 34-A bra...

3 years ago
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Hot Bhabhi Colleague8217s Wife Seduced Me

Hello everyone, this is Nik. This is my first story submission here – and is a true story. I am by all means an average guy working in an MNC. For a long time, I had kept this incident a secret but I feel that this forum is a good one to express myself and learn about other experiences. I am not really looking for any adventures here. Lol.  I am just taking time to share something which I kept secret for some time. Do let me know your, please. My email id is give at the end of the story. I am...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Lady I Met In A Flight

By : Snoopdog098 Hi, I am a 30 yrs old strong, athletic male from Mumbai. I keep travelling to Ahmedabad, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai quite frequently due to work. Being a reasonably good looking, strong and a fit guy, I have always enjoyed good attention of girls, especially older women. Btw, I have always loved mature women, let’s say aged above 30. Somehow, i have always found them to be more intellectual and hence sexier. This is an encounter that happened about 2 years back. I had gone to...

1 year ago
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Cherry Nudes

I think that CherryNudes introduces itself with their domain name… I mean, they get straight down to business, as their website is filled with loads of nudes featuring some of the hottest girls, like pinup models, sensual teens, pornstars, and other sexual photography. So, if you are one of those lads who enjoys browsing through a variety of naughty images instead of watching videos, this place is just perfect for you.Their design is honestly questionable, since it while it is not really that...

Naked Girls Galleries
2 years ago
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Payal Gayi Baj 8211 Part I

Hi friends mein Payal delhi ki rehne wali hu aur aaj mein apke samne apni kahani leke hajir hu umid karti hu ki apko meri kahani pasand ayegi mein ek middle class family se blong karti hu meri family me sirf mein mera chota bhai 11th class aur mere dad hai meri mom ki death ho chuki Hai kafi waqt phele cancer ki wajah se sorry mein apko apne bare me batana bhul gayi meri umar 21 years old hai aur rang gora aur mera figure 34 28 36 hai aur mein graduation kar rahi hu ab mein kahani pe ati hu hum...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Angela White Dark Seduction Angela White Fucks Under Neon Lights At Night

Sexy snake charmer Angela White gets fucked at night under neon lights by Mick Blue. Angela appears from underneath the water, drenched in red & blue neon lights as the fog engulfs her curvaceous body. She climbs out of the water and has a large snake wrapped around her body as she continues to gyrate her hips in a hypnotizing snake dance. Mick joins her in the hot tub and makes out with her as the snake slithers away, then leans her against the side so he can lick her tasty wet pussy. When...

3 years ago
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How Carrie Got Pregnant

It was the last night of what had been another fairly uneventful, but certainly successful, tour for Carrie Underwood, and, despite the fact that I had made a few as of yet unsuccessful advances toward her on the road, I had tried for the most part to put any thoughts of hooking up with her out of my mind.Until I heard the argument, that is.“Why are you doing this to me, Mike?!? You know I told you that I wanted to start making a family with you when I got off the road!” I heard Carrie yell...

3 years ago
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Serena McGuire hated boats, that was all there was to it. The rolling beneath her feet, the closed confinement, even the sea air bothered her although it never had before. Of course, she had been on a beach then. But the combination now had her stomach rolling along with the waves of the ocean. Her best friend, Isabel Trecher, instructed her that if she would actually spend some time on the deck instead of in their cabin (which happened to be on the lowest deck, complete with two beds, one...

Straight Sex
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Pastors Helper

Gren was a lovely 40 year old. She had brown hair and a pretty good figure for a 40 year old. She felt called by God to come help her pastor and other church leaders in anyway that she could assist them. She found that doing God's work was really fun. Realize that Gren always was a good Southern Baptist lady. She grew up in a very loving home near Nashville, Tennessee. Tom, her father. would always teach his girls that you do whatever a man ask. Especially if the asking is to help in the...

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Exchanged Chapter 43

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 43: THE FIRST...

1 year ago
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Fourth Of July

My husband has been trying to get me to participate in a threesome with another woman, now I'm not averse to the idea, the problem has been trying to find another girl who turns me on. I've met two so far, one in a restaurant bathroom, she did make my pussy get wet, but she thanked me for the offer and said no thanks. The other I met in a supermarket and when I made the offer to her, she called a fucking pervert and stormed away, so I'm still looking. Our annual Forth of July Bbque was coming...

4 years ago
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Do You Need the Car SweetheartChapter 3

The solution appeared to be that June should share her son and daughter-in-law's king plus bed, with Betty in the middle. So off they went, with the two women in short thin cotton night dresses and unusually for Brian, boxer PJ's. They slept with Brian spooning Betty who was facing towards June. In about twenty minutes, Brian, for a stir jabbed his cock into the junction of Betty's legs and torso, and surprised with the sneaky move, she quickly moved across the bed forgetting about her...

2 years ago
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My Introduction to Dominance

This story happened during 2009.I was about 23 when I had my first Dom experience. It was with a Dutch woman who I met during my college days in Pune.It was a lazy Sunday for me, I was at my balcony drinking coffee at 4 in the evening when saw a few k**s wrestling and training in the garden of my apartment complex. Being a a college wrestler and enthusiast I went down to enjoy the show. There were some parents watching their k**s training. I went and introduced myself to the instructor and had...

3 years ago
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Smart Mother Fucker

I gave scant attention to the elbow digging into my right breast as I leaned over my son's window seat to take-in the sight of our nation's capital from the air. The excitement I felt was due solely to other factors and had nothing to do with the realization that my fourteen-year-old son was feeling me up on a crowded airplane. Only after I sat back and put my seatback and tray table in the full upright position did my excitement center on that. Having raised three boys older than Matt, I'd...

4 years ago
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Switch HittingChapter 15

They were still lying there, cuddling naked, but Sherry had changed the subject. It had been very intentional, because the topic about confessing everything to Fran and Jack had shaken them all up, and there seemed to be very little hope in the future. She had attempted to revive some hope by asking a very normal question, one that all seniors in high school think about a lot. "What are you going to do when you graduate?" What had brought them low seemed to want to hold on, like a Gila...

2 years ago
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Holloween Treat

I was twenty-five, working on a small work boat and living the life of a bored, lonely, single man. I’d had girlfriends since I was sixteen and wasn’t a stranger to the wiles and pleasures of the female of our species, but lately I lived alone and unloved. I didn’t really mind. I’d dated almost every girl of my generation in the small town but not a one of them could keep my interest. My father was still chasing every piece of ass he could shove his dick into and I know for sure he and I...

4 years ago
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Fair Exchange

“We can’t,” she whispered to him. “I know,” he replied, kissing her tenderly on the temple. In spite of her protest, Toni had eased the tip of his cock into her moist, warm opening. “You’re Gina’s husband,” she said, kissing his jawline. “And you’re Bob’s wife,” he nodded. Their lips met and they melted into each other. When they released from the kiss, her breath caught in her throat. “It feels so good, though,” she rasped. “What do you want?” he asked. She eased down on him just a few...

3 years ago
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Oh Thats a Good OneChapter 7

"No, I don't think I do. Is she the tall, long-haired brunette? I've noticed a woman going up and down the stairs at times." "That's Georgia, yes. She is very pretty, don't you think?" "I've only seen her a few times but she did look nice." "I know her very well, Alan, and I know one thing she misses most in her life. Can you guess just what that might be?" she asked me, smiling down at me, as her tight pussy pleasured me up and down. "Wouldn't be doing this, would it?" I...

1 year ago
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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Take two part 5

Jack and Alisa rekindled their romance. Special date nights were arranged. These date nights would include dark restaurants, romantic movies and sometimes (as Mikie had suggested) getting a room. Although Jack and Alisa would never stay out all night. They knew it wasn't a good idea to leave a teenager all alone all night, Mikie was a good girl, but she was still a teen. Mikie did want to throw a party while her parents were out. But she found they could come home at any time so...

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first groupfirst cuckold

My girlfriend Kortny and I had been dating a couple years and didn’t want to break up when we had to leave for college. We knew the chances of us staying faithful living 6 hours apart was slim so we made a pack that if it happened we would tell the other and they couldn’t get mad. After about 3 months of school she finally broke down and fucked a guy. She hesitated in telling me but I told her it’s ok and that was the deal. She told me every detail, it was so hot. I jerked off the whole time...

3 years ago
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Slow Learner

Sex ed in school taught me the mechanics but fell short when it came to practicalities. Take orgasms, for example. They told us orgasms happen when you’re married to a woman and you want to make a baby. They never once mentioned masturbation, so the idea that I might make myself have an orgasm never occurred to me. They told me about intercourse, too, for all the good it did. They said you put your penis in her vagina, and you have an orgasm. I didn’t even know I’d have to rub it in and out....

4 years ago
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Night Out On The Beach

My wife, Abby, and I, who had recently been married, hadn't planned on a great getaway honeymoon at first. But my wife's parents, generous and involved in our relationship as they were, sent us out on a trip to Fiji. As excited as I was for my first real trip out of the country, I definitely felt the pressure to make this honeymoon as memorable as possible. The flight was uneventful, but long. It left Abby and I both so ready to just relax and spend the night thoroughly enjoying each other. Our...

Straight Sex
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I often say this when writing about Christine - if you haven't previously read about my encounters with her then it will probably help to go back and read some. Christine isn't a fictional character created for the benefits of these pages - she's 100% real and all my stories are completely true, told as accurately as I can recall and without any embellishment whatsoever.Folklore would have you believe that there are women out there who guys can call on at any given time for sex and I'm sure...

2 years ago
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Nice Outdoor Handjob in the Wild

So today we went for a nice bikeride in the great outdoors. just though i would let you know about a quick handjob i recieved from my lady. we took a sideroad running down the hill towards some fields.when we got to a secluded place, i took my pants off and she got to the business. I must have cummed in seconds, giving how hot the situation was and how worked up i was after hours of cycling. ive never done it in the outdoors so the whole experience was completely new to me. best part? cumming...

4 years ago
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The Most Enjoyed Week 8211 Part I

The story is of the time when I was in Mumbai for my MBA. We were three roommate living in a flat rented in quite decent area of city it was not wealthier not much poorer. It was quite awesome place and most awesome thing of the society was Neha Bhahi living next door to us. She was bomb but her husband is quite drunker. Everybody in society has fantasies about her and there rumors too she had too many extra marital affairs. One day I witness the rumors are true by myself. At one fine day I had...

2 years ago
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The Journey a prequel if you will

Gushing with compliments about how sexy Honi looked when she was being fucked by Turbo, Chloe was beside herself with the excitement of possibly doing something like that. She finally blurted out, “I want to do that with a dog too. Can you teach me? Tell me how you started! You look so experienced! I’m ever so envious!” Honi had mentally recalled how she first met the Hostess, and her husband, who Honi now called Master. She hadn't shared any of that with Chloe, feeling it was irrelevant...

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Sex With Sonal Mam

Hi to all or your readers of ISS. I’m Nitin from Delhi I liked most of the stories here and loved them and sometimes dreamt for the stories plot in the night. I’m 24 yrs of age and I m going to narrate you a story which happened to me when I was in my intermediate class and I had sex with my biology teacher her name was Sonal. let me describe how the incident took place I was good in my studies and most of my teachers also loved me because of my results and concentration in my studies but since...

1 year ago
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Shaadisudha Ladki Ko Patakar Zabardast Choda

Hi…Mera naam ankit aur main chandigarh se hu. Aaj main aapko btaunga ki kaise maine ek shaadishuda ladki/bhabi ko fasaya aur uske sath zabardast sex kiya. Ladki ka naam simran hai aur wo 25 saal ki hai. Simran ki figure kaafi sexy aur sudol hai. Simran mujhe facebook par mili aur kuch months mein hi humari dosti ho gyi. Fir phone pe baat chit shuru hui and jald hi hum ek curse ke sath open ho gye. Simran ki shaadi hui abhi 1 saal hi hua hai aur uske pati merchant navy mein hai. So wo kayi...

1 year ago
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I Fell ThroughChapter 3

Day 8 I was pissed with her attitude and was about to give her an answer when Elizabeth spoke up, "Claire! He took care of us after the wagon train full of our "friends" left us here to die. I've got your clothes in the wagon." Elizabeth began to cry. "Claire, they stole everything we had!" Claire forgot about her clothing and hugged Elizabeth to her breast. She had 38 C or D cup breasts that stood up like volcanoes from a plain. Suddenly she went from being the ice princess to being...

2 years ago
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Boston Lez Contest PT7

After enjoying an orgasm that took longer to achieve than usual since the drunk redhead who had been munching ineptly between her legs had definitely not been a natural lesbian, Jasmine returned to the club ready for her next conquest.The redheaded, Lori, mortified by what she had done, had fled the club to race home, terrified at the prospect of facing her friends after participating in such a spectacle... especially Amanda, who had actually caught her in the act of getting fucked by a woman!...

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Mia and the Monster Men

Mia Marlowe was walking home from work. The twenty year old woman had a book in her hand, reading it intently and barely paying attention to her surroundings. She had walked through the long woods that seperated her home from the coffee shop she worked at many times and had only ever tripped once. Her black hair was cut in a short bob, held out of her face with a headband. She was reading a biography on H.P. Lovecraft, her favorite author, with her green eyes, only occasionally having to push...

3 years ago
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The woods

17 year old Steve was walking home through the woods to avoid the gang of yobs, he knew if they saw him they would give him trouble because he was a flasher. he was half way through the woods when 16 year old Mandy the girl friend of the gang leader rode past on her bike, Steve had flashed her a few days ago, Mandy stopped turned round said ” out to flash are you” Steve saw the zip on her top was down a bit showing the top of her boobs he walked past ignoring her, after a minute Mandy cycled...

2 years ago
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Clarissa Morgen Part 1

In recent weeks, several houses were broken in within the city. According to her sources, inside every house that was broken in a painting of a galleon was torn. Intrigued by these patterns, she did some investigating in the hopes of finding something out. She could almost figure out the pattern, but there is always something missing. 5 houses have were broken in. 5 paintings were ripped. All paintings seem to have the canvas ripped and those ripped portions were now missing. Specifically, the...

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Gay Priest Story

Gay Priest StoryLondebaaz ChohanActually, this priest; Father Keith was appointed here in this small church located in our trifling town by a very powerful missionary organization, which had its regional office in the neighboring country. The political situation amid our country and the neighboring country was very unsettled and it was said that Father Keith was posted and sent to our country and town by the ruling leaders of the neighboring country, who influenced the high brass leadership of...

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How long does it take

I only went out to see if any of the lads were about. I had walked into one of the wine bars in the centre of town. As I expected it was quiet. There were one or two couples in booths but that was about it. I ordered a Becks and tried, pointlessly, to chat up the barmaid. I was just about to finish my beer and move on when a group of partying young "hens" rolled through the door. Short skirts, fishnet stockings (tops showing) "L" plates, furry handcuffs etc. They were, of coarse, well oiled....

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Ryan Conner MILFlife Crisis

Curvy MILF Ryan Conner wasn’t experiencing the excitement and joy she thought being a librarian would bring to her life. People barely visit the library these days, but when they DO come in she imagines stories about them, just to keep things interesting. When hot piece of young man Owen Gray strolls in asking about motorcycle parking instead of books, she can’t help but want to teach him the DO-ME Decimal system, slipping off into a daydream of being his slutty biker mama....

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 12

"Max, do you realize when the sun goes down today we will be in California. Tomorrow or the next day, the trip will be over." "Well, Marty, it has already been 33 days with rain and the breakdown, just a little more than you planned, but not bad at all." "No, not bad at all," he agreed. "I am going to hate to see it end. Maybe we should pack everything up and just head for Europe." "You have noticed that the mornings are getting chilly. The weather is going to turn to crap...

4 years ago
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My friend Amy and I were at lunch one day chatting about our lives and relationship with our spouses. We both have been with our significant other for a very long time. We got on the subject of sex and ways we could spice it up. several ideas passed through our minds until we finally picked this one. We decided we were going to have a evening out together with our guys. We are starting off the evening by going to a comedy club about an hour away from home and then hit some night clubs and we...

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Chads Hand Job

Chad was fifteen and horny, like all boys that age. His dimpled face was cute, as long as you didn't look too hard for the acne. His primary recreation was watching, playing, discussing or otherwise doing anything concerned with football. He was built like a Quarterback, but unfortunately had the brains of a linebacker. But he tried. He found that he could run fast, and played wide receiver for his school team, despite his lack of hand eye co-ordination. But, boy, when he did catch the...

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