Bad Choice Of A Picnic Place – Part Two free porn video

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Introduction: The ordeal gets worse for the four girls The first thing was to decide which of the bitches hed have first. Hed watched for a couple of minutes the climax of Sophie being raped by Claudia. Hed been roused by the sounds of the dark haired girls humiliation and decided to continue it. He knew hed climax very quickly. He rolled the sobbing girl back so that she lay face up, looking at him. With her skirt bunched around her waist and bits of her blouse visible beneath her Sophie looked more erotically exposed than if shed been fully naked. Her breasts were small but firm and her hips swelled out from her slim waist. Her tummy was flat and the small patch of curly pubic hair quivered invitingly as the girl trembled with terror. Her legs tapered nicely from thigh to her ankles.

The poor girl looked up at her captor as he undid his pants and let them slid to the floor. He looked huge and terribly threatening as he stood over her. He kicked off his shoes and pants and was completely naked. His prick, strong and long, hypnotized her. From the sex education shed had at school she more or less knew what was going to happen.

He saw the fearful realization in her eyes and smiled as he savored the moment. Nothing beats the rush of having a girl totally at your mercy. He ordered her to spread her legs. Summoning her last reserves of courage Sheila shook her head as she kept her legs together. She was already suffering from Claudias assault. She didnt want his penis forced inside her.

Her resistance was useless. The man punched her hard in the belly and she cried out in pain. His hand slapped her face brutally. The pain was too much: she sobbed louder but obediently spread her legs apart. She was trembling in terrified anticipation as he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her further onto the matress. He spread her legs wider before kneeling on the bed.

As he looked down at her he smiled with satisfaction. This was how he loved it. He loved to see a girl trembling with fright, knowing that she was helpless and unable to stop him from doing whatever he wanted.

He leaned forward, resting his weight on one hand as he guided his penis towards his captives crotch. He didnt want to be gentle. He wanted her to feel the pain of being raped. But, before he entered her, he paused, with the tip of his penis brushing the entrance to her vagina. He asked her if she could feel it and then, not needing an answer, went on to tell her what he was going to do. Telling her how his prick would ram into her, breaking her hymen so that shed bleed, and then force itself deep inside her until he was satisfied. Then he told her how his prick would swell, stretching her painfully until he decided that hed shoot his sperm into her.

He saw how much he frightened her as her trembling shook her entire body. She started to beg him not to do it but her pleas were cut short by a cry of pain as she felt the tip of his shaft slide inside her and push against the thin membrane of her virginity.

The man leaned forward, his weight pinning the girl to the bed. As he lay on top of the terrified child his penis pressed harder against the barrier of her fragile defence. He grunted and thrust viciously ripping through her hymen and penetrating deep inside her.

He held her face between his two hands, trapping her so that she couldnt escape his desires. Brutally he bit her lips until they bled. He licked her blood and began to move his hips, impaling her on his swollen shaft. Her screams came as each of his thrusts moved relentlessly deeper inside her violated body.

The tip of his penis hit the back of her vagina. He could have pushed harder but didnt want to do her any great damage so he contented himself with rocking his hips, thrusting and withdrawing until he felt the expected climax. He held still as he pumped his semen deep into the violated girl. Sophie sobbed, deep wracking sobs, as she felt the warm liquid pump into her.

With a satisfied sigh the man let his full weight fall onto the helpless girl as he relaxed. Her skin was soft under him and he slid back and forth enjoying the feel of his body against her while his penis shrank and slipped back out of her vagina with its coating of blood and semen.

While Sophie was suffering her vicious rape Claudia had rolled over onto her side so that she could watch. She was fascinated by the sight of the other girl having to submit to the savagery of this man. But, instead of being horrified, Claudia realized that she found it exciting. Once again she felt herself getting damp between the legs as she watched the mans rape of her sobbing friend as she lay on the bed beside her.

Claudia continued to watch with excitement as the man got to his feet. She looked at his prick, soft but still long, as it glistened with its liquid coating and at the drops of blood that emerged from between Sophies labia. She wondered what would be next. Would the man turn his attention to her? Would she like being raped? She began to think that shed like to be dominated as much as shed liked dominating Sophie a little while before.

But it wasnt time for her to find out as the man hadnt finished with his sexual humiliation of the slender black haired fourteen-year-old, still sobbing as she lay limply on the bed. Grabbing her by her long hair he pulled her roughly off the bed so that she fell onto her knees on the floor in front of him, her face level with his groin.
Suck my prick clean he ordered. Even after all that shed suffered Sophie still tried to resist, keeping her lips tightly closed and shaking her head in refusal.

His hand still in her hair, he pulled her hair viciously backwards so that her eyes were looking at his face, her neck stretched taut. His other hand clamped over her mouth and nose making it impossible for her to breath. He kept his hand there, watching as her face turned red and she started to squirm in a desperate effort to break free.

If you want to stay alive bitch youd better do everything I tell you to do. Do you want to stay alive?

Defeated, and desperate for air, Sophie tried to nod her head in agreement. The man kept his hand there until he saw the girls eyes starting to glaze. When he removed his hand Sophie drew in great gasps of air for her body, starved of oxygen. Then, as he pushed his hips forward so that his prick brushed her lips, her shoulders slumped and she opened her mouth to let it enter.

Trembling with disgust she started to lick and suck his penis. At the feel of her tongue sliding along his shaft, his prick started to engorge again. As it swelled it brushed against the roof of her mouth and he leaned forward so that it slid down into her throat. In panic the girl tried to pull back but with his hand in her hair he held her still, forcing her to continue to suck even as she started to gag.

Claudia watched with mounting excitement as the man raped her friends mouth. She hadnt found it very pleasurable when shed sucked dicks at that high school party but she loved watching Sophie being forced to do something shed never do voluntarily. She wriggled over closer to the edge of the bed so she could see better.

The man had forced Sophie back so that her thighs were resting on her heels as she knelt. With her arms tied behind her back her blouse was crumpled around her bound wrists while her skirt, still buttoned at the waist, was crumpled on her belly and upper thighs. Claudia could see Sophies firm little breasts jiggling as she tried not to choke while she sucked the swollen shaft that pulsed in her mouth. Even while Claudia wondered if she was going to suffer the same fate she licked her lips as she watched Sophie suffer.

The man was enjoying his victims warm, moist mouth and the feel of her soft wet tongue on the sensitive bulb of his penis. As the sensation grew more intense he began to grunt and thrust his prick deeper into the girls throat. He could hear her choke but held her head firmly so she had to keep sucking. When his thrusts got stronger he started to breath heavily while Sophie started a high-pitched wailing of panicked pain.

Feeling his orgasm starting he pushed the girls face hard into his groin burying her nose in his pubic hair suffocating her as she choked and gagged on the flow of semen that flowed down her throat.

When he was done, he released his hold on Sophies hair. She slumped to the floor, her body shaking. Bending down he grabbed her blouse and ripped it free, using it to dry the semen and saliva that stayed on his shaft. As he did so he turned and saw Claudia. Her eyes were glistening but he could see it wasnt with tears for her friends cruel treatment. She was rubbing her groin against the edge of the bed. It was clear shed enjoyed watching the other girl being raped.

Forgetting the dark haired girl, who lay crumpled at his feet, the man turned towards Claudia. As he approached she gasped, partly in fear, partly in anticipation. He stood over her for a moment, enjoying the sight of her ripe young body. Her breasts were full and the swell of her hips pushed against the material of her tight shorts. He bent down and ran his hands over her body. Claudia began to tremble with excitement.

She squealed in surprise as he grabbed her ankles with one hand and lifted her legs high over her head to remove her flipflops. Still holding her legs with one hand his other hand traced a path over her calves and thighs to her butt, where he squeezed her ass-cheek. She gasped as the hand moved between her thighs to press hard into her groin. He rubbed there for a while, forcing the cloth of her shorts into her slit. Even though it was painful Claudia felt herself getting damp with arousal.

Suddenly he let go of her ankles letting her legs drop. Her feet hit the floor hard and she cried out at the pain. He slapped her across her breasts and told her to stand up. With her hands tied behind her it was hard but she struggled to her feet and stood in front of him. He ordered her to look him in the eyes and she obeyed. His hands dropped to her waist and found the zipper of her shorts. It was soon unzipped and he saw her eyes widen as his hands pushed her shorts over her hips so they fell to the floor.

Her lips parted and she started to pant as his fingers brushed her pubic hair and gasped as they pushed between her labia and into the opening of her vagina. She felt her whole body flush with sexual arousal. The man bent over and kissed her roughly on the lips. Willingly she parted them and let his tongue explore her mouth, sucking greedily. Unable to restrain herself she pushed her body against him, crushing her breasts against his chest. She began to rotate her hips, encouraging his fingers to go further. He could feel her completely abandon herself to his, and her, desires.

Claudia was surprised when he pulled back and withdrew his fingers. Ill save you for later. he said Now Im going to get the other two. I dont want them to feel forgotten.

Bending down he picked up Sophie who was limp and unresisting. He laid her face up on the bed with her legs dangling over the edge. Next he told Claudia to kneel on the floor close to her and facing the bed. He shoved her closer to Sophies legs. Then he took one of Sophies legs and slid it between Claudias arm and her body. He did the same with her other leg and Claudias other arm. Finally he tied Sophies ankles together behind Claudias back. Pulling Sophie by her bound ankles he slid her legs further forcing her thighs apart until Claudias face was only inches from her friends groin.

You occupy yourself sucking your friend. He said to Claudia and I want to hear her moaning when I come back.

He picked up his backpack and walked, naked, out of the hut leaving the two girls alone. He knew they were tied in such a way that they couldnt escape but he was pretty sure that one of them didnt want to anyway.

As the soft sound of his footsteps faded away Claudia became aware of the quiet and stillness with only the sound of some birds singing outside in the woods. She was a little disappointed that he hadnt done much to her but was certain that hed want to when he came back. She would show him she was willing to be his slave and do his bidding. To start with she would follow his order to have Sophie moaning and shed enjoy doing it.

Bending forward she pinched one of the fleshy lips of Sophies cunt between her teeth pulling it painfully before she tickled it with the tip of her tongue. A new sound intruded on the silence as Sophies sobbing showed that she realized that her sexual violation and humiliation had not ended.


The man liked being naked and often went barefoot and unclothed around his land. The soles of his feet were tough and not troubled by the twigs and pebbles on the ground. Hed have liked to leave the backpack behind in the hut but thought that he might need some of his equipment with the other two girls.

First he went to where the ten-year-old was lying in the hollow between the rocks. He knew his way around his woods so well that it only took him a couple of minutes to get there.

He looked down at her and smiled. He had approached so quietly that she wasnt aware that hed arrived. She hadnt moved much since hed left her, lying on her side facing away from him, her hands tied to the tree root. He enjoyed looking at her long naked legs with her dress up around her hips showing the pale blue of her bikini bottom. Lying on her side like that, exaggerated the curves of her developing body from hip to waist and up to her shoulder.

When he jumped down into the hollow Ria started and gave a muffled scream. He fished his knife out of the backpack and cut the rope that tied her hands to the root. With his foot he rolled her over onto her back and stood over her. He could see her eyes grow wide with shock and fear and he showed his teeth in a wolfish grin.

After the man had left her tied up and helpless in the woods Ria had been in a state of shock. Then, when shed recovered a bit she began to wonder about what he would do to her when he came back and she felt sick with fear. He would probably hurt her and she didnt like being hurt. She wondered if there was any way she could get him to let her go or, at least, be gentle with her. In the past shed got her way by pouting, whining or pestering adults but she realized that would make the man angry. She could sense that he could be vicious if he was angry. Perhaps if she was submissive and cooperated with his desires he would be gentler. In the past shed sometimes got what she wanted from her father by being cute and using her brown eyes and long lashes. Maybe she could be cute and submissive at the same time and she decided to try that approach.

Later she had been overwhelmed by a sense of panic. It seemed like hours and hours since the man had left her. Perhaps hed forgotten all about her. If hed captured Nina hed probably be more interested in having sex with her. Nina had long blonde hair and big breasts. Ria knew that men tended to like those things. If hed tied Nina up and taken her away in the car he might never come back. Shed be left to starve to death or be eaten by wild animals.

Which explained why, while her eyes went wide with shock and fright, she also experienced a sensation of relief. She hadnt been forgotten and left to die in the woods.

The naked man looked huge as he loomed over her. Rias eyes fixed on his penis. Shed never seen a mans tool before. It was semi-erect and seemed large. She noticed that it swelled and grew larger as the man stood there looking at her.

He crouched down beside her and ran his hands along the length of her legs, from her ankles up all the way to the swell of her thighs until his thumbs pressed lightly on her crotch. Ria caught her breath as an electric feeling shot through her body but she remembered to lower her eyelids in a sign of submission. She tried to relax her body and not fight him as his fingers worked their way under the material of her panties and into her slit. The sensations that flooded her body were stronger, a mixture of pain and pleasure.

The man understood that the little girl had surrendered herself to him. He would enjoy playing with her, seeing how far he could push her before she tried to resist. But that would take time and now he wanted to get back to the blonde that hed left tied up at the beach. He thought that shed fight and that was what he wanted next, to dominate an unwilling victim and overcome her physical resistance.

Once again Ria found herself slung over the mans shoulder. Still bound and gagged, her face bouncing against his back and brushing the rough cloth of his backpack. There was a strange damp feeling on her thigh and she finally realized that he was licking her skin as he carried her through the woods.

Arriving at the beach, he found that, in her struggles, Nina had rolled a little way from where hed left her but she was still securely tied and gagged. He slipped the brown haired ten-year-old from his shoulder, dropping her to the ground. He shrugged off the backpack too before bending over the blonde to fondle her full breasts. Her skin was sticky from his semen when hed coated her earlier. Now Ive got time to fuck you properly. he said, as his fingers found and twisted her nipples.

At his touch, Nina started struggling, trying to kick him with her bound feet and screaming at him from behind the gag. This was what he wanted. The other girls had given in rather too easily or had been too weak to give much of a fight. He enjoyed the sensation of physical mastery, of using his strength for force a girl to do things she hated. He wanted her to feel her helplessness only after shed tried to resist. Then the sense of surrender would be even more painful for her.

Standing up, he aimed his prick at her face and shot a stream of warm piss all over her. You see he said I can use you as my toilet if I want to. After a moment of shock her struggles redoubled and he guessed that the sounds behind the gag were curses rather than screams.

Grabbing her by the feet, he dragged the struggling girl towards the lake. Not knowing what he was going to do she continued to scream and struggle. There was no way she was strong enough to break free.

Reaching the edge of the water he continued, wading in until the water reached his waist. Nina was making desperate efforts to keep her face above water but the man put his hand on her face and pushed her under. This was partly to torture her and make her docile and partly to wash off the piss and semen that coated her breasts, neck and face.

After a while he pulled her head up by the hair and let her take some breathes. As soon as shed recovered a little she started to struggle again and he pushed her head back under the water. This happened again and again until she stopped struggling and lay limply on the surface of the water when he pulled her up.

Smiling to himself the man dragged her back ashore and laid her on the grass her bound arms under her. Going to his backpack he took out his knife and knelt down beside Nina. She was breathing shallowly, too exhausted by her near drowning to have energy to defend herself further. He cut the ropes around her ankles and then, reaching up to her bikini bottom, dragged the white cloth down and over her feet. Next he took the gag out of her mouth.

When he spread her legs apart and slid his fingers deep into her sex Nina made weak moaning sounds but had no energy to do more even when he took his fingers out and, lying down on her, slid his hard erect prick deep into her vagina. As his penetration took on a rhythm her moans turned to whimpers. At least momentarily, she was defeated.

The man had dropped Ria onto her front but she had lifted her head up and watched the older girls useless attempts at defiance and resistance and the punishment shed received. It made Ria certain that shed taken the right decision not to try to fight the man. Nina was much bigger than she was and shed had no chance against the man. His casual cruelty showed that she should try never to displease or oppose him.

With a satisfied grunt the man came to climax pouring his load into the bedraggled blonde. He stood up and wiped his prick on the bikini bottom hed just stripped from the girl he raped.

Rias heart started to beat more rapidly as the man turned towards her. It looked as if it was her turn to be his target. He knelt beside her and took the gag out of her mouth. Please Ill do whatever you want she gasped as soon as she could. He looked back at her coldly I know you will he said You have no choice. Rias heart sank perhaps he wouldnt be affected by her submission.

She opened her mouth to say that he didnt have to hurt her but stopped as she realized that he wouldnt be affected by anything she said. Yes Sir was all she murmured.

The man untied the ropes that bound her wrists and ankles and told her to stand up. She was stiff after being tied up for so long but she struggled to her feet and stood there. Now he told her to take off her dress and she undid the buttons that closed the top of her dress. Pulling the dress over her head, she dropped in on the grass. She expected that he tell her to keep on undressing but, instead, he stepped close behind her and started running his hands up and down her bare arms and over her flat tummy.

Your not bad, for a little girl he murmured in her ear as his fingers undid the shoulder bows of her bikini top so that the cloth fell forward revealing her budding breasts. His fingers were surprisingly gentle as they traced the contours of her breasts and teased her nipples. Ria started to find that she was breathing more rapidly in response to his touch.

While one hand stayed on her breasts the other slipped down her belly and under her panties to rub her hairless slit and play with her clitoris. Ria started panting and making little moans of excitement as the sensations spread through her. Feeling her legs weak she leaned back against the man to who shed surrendered her body.

After a while the man let her slip gently down to lie on the grass close to Nina. He undid the ribbon at the back of her bra so that it fell onto the grass beside her. Now he turned her onto her back, lifted her legs and started sliding the panties along those slim smooth legs. Ria assumed that now he was going to slide his man thing into her like he had into Nina. If it felt as good as the stuff hed already done she didnt know why Nina had fought him so hard.

They had both been intent on what he was doing to her that neither had noticed that Nina had somewhat recovered. The sound of her voice startled them. Please dont rape her Nina pleaded Shes only a little girl. Cant you be satisfied with raping me? Why dont you leave us in peace and go away now? Please.

Stupid bitch the man snarled, angry at being distracted. Who do you think you fucking are to make suggestions to me? I see you havent learned yet. You need another lesson and youll get it soon. Leaning across Ria he punched the blonde hard in the belly, knocking the air out of her.

Nina went silent, cowed by his violence and fearful of angering him further. The man turned back to Ria and finished removing her panties. He dropped her legs back onto the ground and spread them apart. Ria expected him to lie on top of her like hed done to Nina. Instead he knelt between her legs and, bending down, started to lick and kiss her privates. This was wonderful and Ria started stretching her body and rocking her hips as she moaned and gasped. After this had gone on for a bit he finally lay on top of her while one of his hands guided his penis between the lips of her slit.

He started putting pressure onto it to push into her vagina. His shaft seemed huge and Ria felt her muscles stretching painfully trying to make room. The more he pushed the more painful it became and her moans of pleasure became moans of pain. She started to cry and beg him to stop but of course it was useless. He grunted as he forced his way into her little opening. One vicious thrust burst through her hymen and she screamed. She forgot that she was going to submit to everything. As the pain grew she started to beat at him with her fists, trying to push him away. He paused in his penetration for a moment to slap her hard across the face stunning her. A trickle of blood came from her nose and her arms fell to her sides.

It was the first time the man had raped a girl this young and small and he was enjoying the experience. He grunted as he thrust and felt his shaft overcome the resistance of her muscles. He could feel them tear as he forced his way deeper into her. The friction of her tight channel aroused him quickly. Shed been a little damp around the opening but now was dry. He jerked back and forward until he felt his bulb against the back of her vagina. It was enough to trigger his orgasm and he fell forward on the sobbing girl as he emptied himself into her.

When he pulled out he turned her over onto her face and tied her hands again behind her back. The stupid little bitch shouldnt ever have tried to fight him. Hed been gentle with her until then. Now he knew hed treat her like the others. She lay there moaning with pain as blood and cum leaked out of her and stained her thighs.

Nina was lying there looking at him with eyes full of hate. He grinned to himself. She wasnt broken yet and would feel the humiliation of what he was going to do to her. Grabbing her by the hair he pulled her into a sitting position and slapped her back and forth across the face several times. She cried out with pain.

Picking her up by the shoulders he dragged her a few feet to the car and opened the back door. He dropped her face first onto the seat and pushed her across until her rear was on the edge of the seat and her legs hung down outside the car. With one hand he grabbed her bound wrists and twisted them up between her shoulder blades. His other hand seized a handful of her hair and pulled her face up from the seat.

The man leaned close to her ear and told her that she would be hurt every time she tried to argue with him or tell him what to do. He said that, in punishment, he was going to rape her shit hole. When his words sank in Nina started to struggle and kick out feebly with her legs. He laughed out loud and pushed her face down into the seat so she couldnt breath. Her struggles grew more desperate for a minute or so and then faded as she began to black out.

Relaxing his hold he let her turn her head sideways so she could get air into her oxygen starved lungs. He told her that if she didnt get sensible next time hed keep on until she was dead. He saw her shoulders slump in defeat and knew that this one wouldnt be any more trouble.

Spreading her legs he spat on her anus for lubrication and masturbated himself stiff before forcing his prick up her backside. The girl stiffened as she felt his penis force its way in but she knew she was beaten and didnt try to fight. He was stimulated by her cries of pain as he raped her arse but it still took quite a while before he came to a climax and pulsed his seed into her rectum. He realized that, after all hed done so far, hed have to take a rest before he could do any more fucking.

When his limp penis had drawn itself back out he left Nina slumped half out of the car and started to explore the picnic stuff to see what he fancied. He took a coke, two packets of chips, a ham sandwich and an apple and sat down on the grass to eat while looking at the two girls lying face down, their hands tied behind their backs. He wondered what hed do next and to which of the girls hed do it.

He finished the food and, with a contented sigh, rolled over onto his back to relax and recover before deciding anything.

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Picnic at the Falls

This is my first submission on here, I wrote this dreaming about my girl back home. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I have. Please leave some comments to help out with future stories. After being away for three weeks at work, the energy has just been building up. I just got into town the day before, and with me getting in late and driving all day, I was so tired the night before that we didn’t get to use any of that spend up energy. There were lots of kisses and caresses that were missed. ...

2 years ago
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Tims Company picnic

As stated in my Previous stories I am Catherine a BBC Cum slut and my hubby is Tim. This is the story of one of Tim's Companies picnic. Tim started out as a small town labor worker but soon moved up in his company and eventually saved enough money to buy his first business. As time went by he had grown that business into a large success. He sold it for a large sum of money and then started another then another. His Success gave us the money to buy the house of our dreams on 40 acres of land....

3 years ago
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A Picnic in the Park

It was a beautiful spring day, the kind of day a girl starts to think about wearing her new bikini to show off her hot body for lots of men. I was feeling frisky and thought meeting some new men would be fun. There was a county park near my town where lots of men go to meet up for some good blowjobs and hot encounters. I planned to go there today.My new bikini still had the tags on it and was smelling fresh and new when I pulled it out of the drawer. It was a sexy little silver bikini with a...

3 years ago
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A Picnic With A BBW

A young woman went to the park on one sunny day. She was setting up a picnic for one. Just her, a large basket, and her picnic basket in a park full of people, pets, and k**s. She set up the plates, the food, and dining ware on the red and white checkered blanket.Then, a tall, handsome guy cut through the park going on his way home when the young, sexy, full-figured, 225-lb. girl all alone. As he got near, he noticed that she was eating all by herself. He stopped by her blanket.He looked and...

2 years ago
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The Beach Picnic

The Beach Picnic By Charlotte Dickles The beach picnic was almost surreal. Even as it was happening, I knew it was one of those events that would be lodged in my mind for decades to come. There were four of us there on the otherwise empty beach: Helen Noble, aged in her mid-forties and pleasantly attractive with a large frame. She was wearing a white, one-piece swimming costume from which her ample breasts and buttocks agreeably bulged. If you live in the UK, you'll almost...

4 years ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 37 A Picnic in the Park

Saturday was a very nice day weather-wise. The temperature was eight-seven degrees rather than mid-nineties as had been predicted by the weatherman. The humidity was low, the sky was clear, and the wind was light. In short, it was a perfect day for a summer picnic. Jack had wanted to paint his boat that day, but put it off to the next because his wife and daughter really wanted to go to this picnic. Harry was concerned because things had been a little tense between him and Jack since the...

2 years ago
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Picnic For Two

A young woman went to the park on one sunny day. She was setting up a picnic for one. Just her, a large basket, and her picnic basket in a park full of people, pets, and kids. She set up the plates, the food, and dining ware on the red and white checkered blanket. Then, a tall, handsome guy cutted through the park going on his way home when the young, sexy, full-figured, 225-lb. girl all alone. As he got near, he noticed that she was eating all by herself. He stopped by her blanket. He looked...

4 years ago
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Picnic 02

"Are they coming back?" Jerry asked. He was less interested in what Manny would do than in what her mother thought she would do. Trying to turn on a woman who was listening for the patter of little footsteps (big footsteps, now -- especially in Ed's case) was a losing proposition. Experience had taught him that. "I packed the basket." Karen said. "I also suspect that Manny has gotten over her scatter-brained phase. Marriage does that for a woman. But I still have to finish up in the...

3 years ago
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Picnic with Karen Ch 2

We phoned each other during the week, of course, just the usual chit-chat, but each time we talked I visioned her on that day, and imagined that she was next to me, very much in my arms. The week dragged by, I knew it would! Saturday came….Hooray!… but the weather? ….the summer seemed to have disapeared, a light rain was falling but the temperature was still carrying over, being more warm and humid, rather than cool. Nip around to the local Deli, pick up ready-made sandwiches, fill up a...

3 years ago
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The Picnic was Their Undoing

Becky quickly drew the negligee out of the bag. They didn’t have any guests at the bed & breakfast tonight. It was a rare opportunity! She shook out the wrinkles and laid it upon the bed before she went to get in the shower. Tonight! Tonight perhaps things would be different. If she could only entice him. If she could stir once again the passion. If only she could ignite his desire. Things had been difficult for them for the past year. He had approached her less and less, until finally there...

3 years ago
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A Picnic in the Rain

I open my eyes slow, stretching my arms above my head as I wake. I know without calling out that you’re not here. The house is too quiet without you here, too empty without your presence. I sit up in bed, and find the note that says you had a few things to clear up at the office, and would be back later this afternoon. It’s my own fault you have to go into the office today. Yesterday I pulled you away from a project you were working on, but I don’t think either of us regretted it. I slide back...

2 years ago
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Church Picnic

Life in rural Ontario was tough in the mid-1800s. Farming families were able to make a living but it was hard work every day of the year. In spring they planted and hoped that the crops took, in summer they worried about drought, in fall they harvested and in winter they tried to survive the harsh days where the temperatures sometimes plunged to minus thirty for days at a time. Our family ran the General Store so we didn’t endure their long hours and physical discomforts but our living...

3 years ago
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The Picnic

It's one o'clock on a beautiful Saturday afternoon as I walk up the gravel chipped drive to your parents house. I've informed you by text this morning to dress for a picnic. The summer sun has finally made itself known after a week of light rain, and it seems like too good an opportunity to miss. I check my watch and ring the doorbell at the allotted time, stepping back to await your answer. I hear you shout to inform your parents that you're heading out. As you open the door I am greeted by a...

1 year ago
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The Picnic

It's one o'clock on a beautiful Saturday afternoon as I walk up the gravel chipped drive to your parents house. I've informed you by text this morning to dress for a picnic. The summer sun has finally made itself known after a week of light rain, and it seems like too good an opportunity to miss. I check my watch and ring the doorbell at the allotted time, stepping back to await your answer. I hear you shout to inform your parents that you're heading out. As you open the door I am greeted by a...

1 year ago
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The Picnic

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. Puffy white clouds wafted slowly across the sky. My neighbour came outside into her yard looking as hot as ever. Jenny is a thirty yr old divorcee with no children and as I had often spoken to her when she had been out in her yard, I suggested we go for a picnic or dinner sometime. So it was arranged for the next day as we were both not working and it was midweek it would be easy to find a quiet place to be together. I had often...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Church Picnic

Life in rural Ontario was tough in the mid-1800s. Farming families were able to make a living but it was hard work every day of the year. In spring they planted and hoped that the crops took, in summer they worried about drought, in fall they harvested and in winter they tried to survive the harsh days where the temperatures sometimes plunged to minus thirty for days at a time. Our family ran the General Store so we didn’t endure their long hours and physical discomforts but our living...

2 years ago
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Picnic with Ex student

It was late September, the days were getting shorter and cooler. We had come into the city for supplies. Jay and I had discussed the possibility of my hooking up with Tom, one of my old students, this trip to town. Jay loves it when I got together with a ex student lover and bring him home a pussy full of cum, or at least details of fun I’ve had. I was thrilled, a chance to score some great sex with an old friend. I called Tom and he was glad to hear I was in town and of course, he would love...

3 years ago
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Passionate Picnic

"Well, I'm going to get up," she said, pushing the sheet back and throwing her legs out of bed onto the floor. She sat there for a minute, rubbing her nose and eyes, staring out the window at the day."Goodness, just look at the time. We've been in bed all day. I'm off for a shower".He didn't answer, it wasn't necessary. Rather he lay there relishing the afterglow of what had been an extraordinary twenty-four hours.They had met at a party and got on pretty well, right from the start. The talk...

3 years ago
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The Picnic

It was late September, the k**s were back in school and the days were getting shorter and cooler. We had come into the city for supplies. Peter and I had discussed the possibility of my hooking up with Tom, one of my old lovers, this trip to town. Peter loved it when I got together with a lover and brought him home a pussy full of cum, or at least details of fun I’ve had. I was thrilled, a chance to score some great sex with an old friend. I called Tom and he was glad to hear I was in town...

2 years ago
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Picnic on a rainy day

We met accidentally on a chat site, but felt like we had known each other for years. We would talk on the phone occasionally then chat a bit on the internet and finally we decided to meet each other in person. We met at the mall, a public place, and lots of things to see and do. We agreed to meet outside of one of the department stores. We swapped pictures so we had an idea of what to expect. I waited for him, I was so impatient and a little nervous too, not knowing what to really expect. He...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Limo and a picnic

Ring, ring, rang the phone. I open my eyes, look at the clock and think, "Who would be calling me at 8:00am on a Sunday." I roll over and decide to let my machine answer the phone. "Get your lazy ass out of bed, and pick up the phone," I hear you say. I jump up and reach for the phone. "Hi, I didn't think it would be you." "Get in the shower and be dressed by 9:00am," you tell me. "We are going out for lunch and you will be there in an hour." Let's see, its 8:00 AM. It only takes me 15 minutes...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Start of the picnic

Looking to her side Amanda was still in a bit of shock taking in how Bailey looked in the role as her daughter. Megan had done an outstanding job in the transformation; the makeup was just right and it looked like she had used a plumper on his lips. The pink lacy blouse with the baby blue skort just screamed girly girl with it matching the makeup and the short glossy nails he now had. Taking a moment to take it all in as he sat there with the purse in his lap and holding his black rugged...

1 year ago
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Sallys Fourth of July Picnic

“I’ve got the cooler all packed,” said Sally. “We have chicken salad sandwiches, potato chips, and plenty of beer. I think we’re ready to go.” I grabbed Sally by both ass cheeks and pulled her to me. “I’ve got the buns.” She laughed and pushed me way. “Angela will arrive any minute so cool your jets and load the car.” I grabbed the cooler and put it in the trunk of the minivan with the rest of the picnic supplies. We were going to the lake with Angela, Sally’s best friend. Angela had gotten...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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A picnic in the woods

“Yes!” I screamed, “I fucking love your hard cock ramming into my wet cunt and filling it with spunk!” As I made that admission, and it was a heartfelt admission, I had the most wonderfully intense orgasm. It shuddered through my entire body. You may have noticed that we jumped from Friday morning to Saturday breakfast in the last part. Well, not to put too fine a point on it, all day Friday we fucked, and slept, and made love, and fucked and.... well you get the picture I'm sure. We only left...

1 year ago
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Vodka at a picnic

Kotcha was a smashing red head she had long red silky hair she was going to go on a picnic she had called up her long lost friend and soul mate to go with her he said yes to her invite derrick was sexy and she couldn't wait to go on a fun date with him, this was going to be a fun picnic she thought she put two different kinds of vodka on her picnic some cheap red wine and pucker raspberry vodka she put some pretty wine glasses rapped in a towel so they wouldn't get broken she put in her picnic...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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After the Picnic part 8 of the Business

Sunday was a day of rest, so Carla and Stephanie did not work the brothel. Instead they had a day of fun fucking at church and on the way. The picnic after services was the social meeting for the congregation and a few trysts were resumed or begun after the serious worship was over. The dishes were retrieved and the donkey was delivered. Inside the church, the minister's son Darby had fucked Stephanie, the hottest dancer at University of Nevada Reno. She moonlighted at the brothel in...

3 years ago
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Volunteering Reward The Picnic Part 2

Having volunteered to work at a Soup Kitchen, which resulted inBeing rewarded by another volunteer Julie for jumping her car, with an incredible blowjob. Which when I would recall the scenario over in my head caused my prick to respond by growing stiff with pulsations.What I briefly remember is her leaning in giving me a view of her ample breasts contained behind her T-Shirt. The hot breath momentarily on my cock before her lips engaged it Her grasping, squeezing, stroking my cock slowly up and...

3 years ago
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The Sex Picnic Part 2 Fucked All Weekend

Now let us continue to the sex picnic. After Neha’s issue was solved finally the Friday arrived when they started their trip for the most awaited sex picnic. They started Friday morning at 5 am in the car which Roopa was driving. Priya and Sarita were along with her. All three women were in jeans and tight t-shirts. Priya is s 36-year-old woman with the figure of 40-32-40 height 5.8 and white color and black hairs. And Saritha is a 36-year-old woman with 44-32-44 height 5.9 very fair and light...

1 year ago
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Picnic with Karen Ch 1

The day was warm-too warm. A hot northerly was blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean. Arising early I packed the picnic hamper with yesterday’s efforts from careful shopping, placing the titbits that I knew Karen loved gently into the basket, the drinks going into a separate Esky. Calling early I found her in her usual lovely tussled state,(which I admittedly callously liked doing as she always looked very soft and feminine in the morning sun). She looked surprised at seeing me so early,but said...

3 years ago
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My UPS Man Picnic

I had honestly forgotten about telling my UPS guy we could go on a picnic so when he brought me another package and caught me once again laying out in the nude I grabbed my robe and signed for the package. He was walking away when I remembered and I said hey when we doing this picnic? His turned around and his eyes lit up I said do you got time for a quick soda or iced tea?. I feel like a cold one but don’t want to drink alone. He looked at his watch and I could see him calculating his route. I...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

Jane stepped out onto the back deck of the cabin and sighed. The sun was shining and the air was warm, but an occasional breeze kept it from being too ungodly hot. Still, Jane thought, with skin as fair as hers it would be best to put up the umbrella. No sense getting a sunburn and giving Tom one more reason to ridicule her. She quickly tried to push thoughts of Tom out of her head. After all, she’d come her to escape his constant disdain. After years of trying so hard to be the perfect wife,...

3 years ago
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My UPS Man Picnic

I had honestly forgotten about telling my UPS guy we could go on a picnic so when he brought me another package and caught me once again laying out in the nude I grabbed my robe and signed for the package. He was walking away when I remembered and I said hey when we doing this picnic? His turned around and his eyes lit up I said do you got time for a quick soda or iced tea?. I feel like a cold one but don’t want to drink alone. He looked at his watch and I could see him calculating his route. I...

1 year ago
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The Picnic

Jane stepped out onto the back deck of the cabin and sighed. The sun was shining and the air was warm, but an occasional breeze kept it from being too ungodly hot. Still, Jane thought, with skin as fair as hers it would be best to put up the umbrella. No sense getting a sunburn and giving Tom one more reason to ridicule her. She quickly tried to push thoughts of Tom out of her head. After all, she’d come her to escape his constant disdain. After years of trying so hard to be the perfect wife,...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

It was July seventeenth and the day of our group’s annual picnic.Ever since we’d graduated from college ten years ago we’d had a summer picnic. The first one had been to blow off steam the weekend after we’d learned that we’d passed our exams and would be graduating.We had started out as twelve but, as some moved to other cities, our numbers had decreased. This year besides me, Janet and her husband Greg, Jim and his wife Karen, Tricia, and Jane had confirmed.I saw Jane and Tricia as I arrived...

3 years ago
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Picnic Table Jerk Off Another one of my wifes college adventures

My wife lived 150 miles from home while attending college. Her boyfriend attended a different college, but had plans to be home for the weekend, so she was desperate to find a ride home to spend some time with him. While eating lunch on Wednesday she saw a guy she knew slightly. He lived in the same town as her but had gone to a different high school. When he got up to leave the cafeteria she walked over to him. She gave him a flirtatious smile, made lingering eye contact with her beautiful...

3 years ago
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picnic fun

The picnicIt was a hot and humid day, Lacy awoke to the AC going full and it was only 7 am. I am laying here, naked and coolness of the air seem tease my skin. I listen to the local news and weather and it was going to be another three Hs, hot humid and hazy. This isnt a day for sitting in the office. A quick call to the Boss and after a call back I am on a three day weekend.Its late June, and it summer weather so why not summer fun. But with my coffee in my hand I curl up in the big double...

3 years ago
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Picnic in New Forest

In 1980 we were deciding if we should move back to the U.K and took an extended holiday to decide, though our family lived in the north we were looking to live in the Dorset, Hampshire area. While trying to decide we stayed in a hotel in Southampton for a week to check out the New Forest area, looking for houses that might suit us. One day we set out taking with us a picnic lunch supplied by the hotel at a cost I thought should have included a waiter.We drove off towards the New Forest with a...

3 years ago
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Picnic Table Jerk Off Another one of my wifes college adventures

My wife lived 150 miles from home while attending college. Her boyfriend attended a different college, but had plans to be home for the weekend, so she was desperate to find a ride home to spend some time with him.While eating lunch on Wednesday she saw a guy she knew slightly. He lived in the same town as her but had gone to a different high school. When he got up to leave the cafeteria she walked over to him.She gave him a flirtatious smile, made lingering eye contact with her beautiful brown...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Picnic

I had seen the ad a few times before, but it never struck home like this time. A chill went up my spine as I read it a second time. I couldn’t decide if I was repulsed, frightened, or turned on. Very odd, indeed. Especially when I felt that all too common wetness in my panties . . .?Young, attractive  ladies wanted who are fascinated by barbeques. Oiled, broiled, boiled or spit roasted, your choice.  Inquire by calling: xxxxxxx?But let me regress for a minute. Maybe then, you’ ll understand...

3 years ago
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Sissy Cuckolds Picnic

SISSY CUCKOLD'S PICNIC by Throne It was Saturday morning and I was hoping to spend the day watching TV. There were always good movies running then: superhero, science fiction, fantasy. My wife Delia wasn't around so I knew she must be out for her morning jog. She keeps herself very fit by running and making daily visits to a nearby gym. I love the way she looks, so firm and lean- muscled, with her pert breasts and tight bottom. In contrast, I'm lazy and soft. I peeked out the...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Stage: cottage by lake, picnic for two soon to be lovers Cast: you and me We went to cottage to have picnic and to get to know each other. Never knowing just how well we would know each other by end of the day. We had been swimming for most of the morning. Frolicking and teasing oneanother with ourantics. Swimming close and rubbing each other. So we are hot for each other and hungry for food I'm wearing my new bikini, hoping to look good enough to eat. You're in black swim...

2 years ago
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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 8 can you picnic

April 1974 Jim was up early the next day. It was six o'clock on that Sunday morning. He was the first in the house to shower and get dressed. His dirty clothes that he brought home were still in the laundry. His mother was planning on doing them later that day. Jim was hoping that his activity would wake the rest of the house. It wasn't like he bounced out of bed wide awake and full of energy. It hadn't been a good night for sleep. He rattled around in the cupboard looking for the works...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch6 The Picnic

‘Alessa, David’s found a nice secluded place just out of town where we can go and sunbathe in complete privacy. Would you like to join us?’ ‘What do you mean “secluded?”‘ Jennifer, having just come from having a shower, was wearing only her robe. She let it fall to the floor then raised her arms, clasping her hands together high above her head. Totally naked, she arched her back, stretched upwards and turned around slowly showing a beautifully evenly tanned body. ‘Hey, you haven’t got any...

3 years ago
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An Autumn Picnic

It all started one day, four years ago, when we decided to build a new home. Happily married and pregnant with my second child, I was hardly looking for a crush to complicate my life. I walked into the model home and was smitten. The house was perfect, and the realtor that showed me the layout had a personality that I instantly clicked with. ‘Hi, I’m Robert’ he said. I can pretty much say he had me at hello. He had smiling blue eyes, a soft voice and warm personality that I instantly trusted. ...

3 years ago
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DiSH 1 Memorial Day Picnic

Ken joined Divorced Self Help about a year ago in the midst of his breakup. He had only recently started to join in the social activities that the group puts on the social calendar each month. Bowling, Miniature Golf, and game-nights at members' homes were common, but the two holiday picnics each year drew just about everyone. Last year, he had been to DiSH's Labor Day picnic and had a pretty good time, but he was still too withdrawn to participate in the slightly amorous party games that...

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