The Picnic Was Their Undoing free porn video

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Becky quickly drew the negligee out of the bag. They didn’t have any guests at the bed & breakfast tonight. It was a rare opportunity! She shook out the wrinkles and laid it upon the bed before she went to get in the shower.

Tonight! Tonight perhaps things would be different. If she could only entice him. If she could stir once again the passion. If only she could ignite his desire.

Things had been difficult for them for the past year. He had approached her less and less, until finally there was no intimacy between them at all. With some gentle prodding she found out that he was suffering from ED. Erectile dysfunction. If only it were that … a pill could be taken for that.

But this was more, he seemed never to have any desire. And it wasn’t just her, she had watched him around female guests. He had no inclination with them either. She might as well be married to an eunuch.

But tonight, tonight she would shower, use that special perfume saved for special occasions, fix him a wonderful meal and serve it by candlelight. Then later she was excuse herself and go up and change into the negligee. Maybe all of her ministrations would get him in the mood.

But it didn’t work. She was crushed … he had told her he just ‘wasn’t in the mood’. He had had a particularly tiring day and wanted nothing more than to watch a little TV and then go to bed early, but he gave her a gentle pat and said, ‘I love you anyway.’

So she was left alone. Alone in a brand new negligee. After her third glass of wine the tears began.

It was almost a week later when the bell on the front door tinkled, alerting her that someone had come in. Becky went into the foyer and was taken back by the man standing in front of her.

He was extraordinarily handsome. Silver hair and a lithe build, but what she noticed most about him was his eyes. They were so dark she couldn’t really tell if they were a deep blue or black.

It was unusual to find a man standing alone in the foyer they used as a front desk . Usually all their guests were couples … couples away on a romantic weekend or a vacation.

‘May I help you?’ Becky asked.

‘Yes’, he responded, ‘I’ll be needing a room with a bath for a few days. Do you have any vacancies?’

Becky laughed, ‘Of course. This is a slow time for us … September. Are you sure you wouldn’t like a room for say three months?’

‘No, I don’t think so. My business here should only take a few days. I am here to close my late aunt’s estate.’

‘Certainly we have a room for you, #102, at the top of the stairs. It has it’s own bath and I’m sure you’ll be comfortable there. Will your wife be joining you?’

A shadow passed over his face, ‘No.’

‘Then if you’ll just sign the register, Mr. Uhmmmmm …’

‘Alan. Alan Bidulph.’ as he quickly offered his signature, collected the key, and grabbed his bags to ascend the stairs.

‘Breakfast is served between 6:00 and 8:00, Mr. Bidulph.’ she wasn’t sure he had heard her in his haste to get to his room.

The next morning Alan Bidulph came down at 7:30 to find Becky sitting at the dining room table drinking coffee, ‘Good morning’.

‘Good morning.’ Becky returned, ‘Did you sleep well? Was everything okay in your room?’

‘I slept like a rock. And yes, everything is just fine in the room.’

Becky got up and poured him a cup of coffee, ‘Well, since you’re our only guest right now, you can have your choice of breakfast … how about an omelet, homemade hash browns, and some of my famous biscuits?’

He simply nodded his head and Becky excused herself and went to the kitchen. He sipped his coffee as his mind drifted back to yesterday to his wife. Yesterday. Their big fight, her storming out. He should have gone after her. He should have postponed his trip. But he didn’t and he wouldn’t. So he just let her go. She knew where he’d be in case she changed her mind. He hoped she would. He hoped that she’d be here when he got back this afternoon. He would love to make love to her in that four-poster bed. But their making love had become sporadic at best … non-existent was more like it.

Becky interrupted his thoughts when she brought in his breakfast. A huge ham and cheese omelet, hash browns done just the way he like them, and two biscuits still steaming from the oven. She sat down next to him and began sipping her coffee again.

She was silent for a while letting him butter the biscuits. Then she said, ‘It’s unusual to have a man alone visit us. I noticed your wedding ring. I hope it’s not too bold of me to ask why your wife did not accompany you.’

He was taken aback by her question, then composed himself, ‘No. Not at all. You see we both have different interests, different lives. She’s career minded, ambitious. To tell the truth, so am I. We just seem to go separate ways.’

‘I see. Well, that’s not all that unusual these days, even for innkeepers.’, she said under her breath.

By that time Alan had finished his breakfast and Becky got up to take his plate.

When she returned from the kitchen she brought the coffee pot with her and poured him another cup. ‘What are the first steps in closing an estate, if you don’t mind me asking.’

‘Not at all. The first step is see the lawyer, then I’ll have to go over to her house. I suppose I’ll need to look through everything … determine if there are any family heirlooms. Then I’ll meet with an auctioneer. I plan of selling most of her estate and donating the proceeds to her favorite charity. I’d best be on my way now, my appointment with the lawyer is a 8:00.’ With that he arose from the table a bade Becky a good day.

Becky cleared away the dishes, taking them in the kitchen to be washed. As she filled the sink with warm, soapy water she wondered about Alan Bidulph. She fanaticized about what it would be like to be wrapped in his arms starring up into those dark eyes. ‘God!’, she thought to herself, ‘You are horny!’ But she knew it was more than that. She needed a human touch, the warmth of another body, she needed to be loved. She gave herself a quick shake and went about cleaning up the kitchen.

Later that morning she went to the library to turn in some books and see if others caught her eye. She was meandering down the rows of historical fiction when she noticed Alan standing at the counter. ‘I’ll be happy to pay whatever overdue charge there is ….’, he was saying to the librarian when he looked up and saw her coming toward him.

‘It seems, Mr. Bidulph, that our paths continue to cross.’

‘Indeed it does. I found these books among my aunt’s things and thought I ought to bring them back.’

Before they knew it they were talking as old friends. Talking about books and authors, of places they had traveled and places they longed to see, of children now grown.

Suddenly Becky did not want this to end, ‘How about a cup of coffee. There’s a quaint little shop around the corner which has a coffee room tucked in the back.’

Alan looked at her more closely now. She was an extremely attractive woman. Woman being the operative word here … it was obvious that the bloom of youth had long since left her. But left in its stead a dignity and grace surrounded her and made her very appealing. She did, however, have sparkling green eyes. He studied her face, surrounded by short curls of chestnut hair, she had a dazzling smile. And, he noticed, she always wore a dress, not a pants suite or jeans, it was lent her a very feminine air.

He quickly agreed to coffee and so they walked together to the coffee shop. Becky was all too cognizant of his being so close. It was all she could do not to reach for his hand.

Alan felt her tremble when his hand merely touched the small of her back as he opened the door for her to enter.

They ordered their coffee and talked some more. Finally Alan said, ‘What kind of sites are their to see around here?’

cky laughed and replied, ‘We don’t have ‘sites’ in this tiny town. If you wanted to go antiquing, there’s certainly that. Other than that, there are a few Confederate battlefields and one Revolutionary War battlefield. They’re not much to look at, but provide a wonderful place to go picnicking.’

‘Could you be persuaded to show me around? Perhaps tomorrow?’ What was he doing, he thought? He dismissed it from his mind, he wanted to spend more time with her. He was more comfortable with her than he had been in a long time.

Becky thought for a moment, could she trust herself alone with this handsome man? Of course she could. Even though her marriage lacked intimacy, they did love each other, and there were the kids and the grandkids that bound them together. Besides, there was something secure in the knowledge that they had been married all these years and he still was around. ‘I think that might be arranged … I’ll even pack a picnic lunch for us.’

‘Terrific, ‘ Alan said., ‘now if I’m going to goof off tomorrow afternoon, I’d better get back to my aunt’s house and continue digging through her mountains of ‘stuff’.’

The next day Becky packed the picnic basket full of bread, cheese, and fruit, and after some thought decided to pack a nice bottle of Riesling instead of sweet tea.

She had just carried the basket out to the foyer when Alan came down the stairs. He paused just for a second, she was so beautiful she almost took his breath away. She was dressed in a cotton summer dress with a big straw hat on her head and her dainty feet in sandals. He noticed that her toenails were painted the same color as her fingernails. His wife never had time for such ‘nonsense’.

Becky saw the pleasure in his eyes and was complimented, she had gone to great lengths to look exceptionally pretty this morning. Suddenly she felt a tingling warmth growing in her belly and down her thighs. She hesitated for a moment, almost ready to back out.

‘Well,’ Alan said, ‘shall we go?’ Even as he said this he reached for the picnic basket.

Becky drove first to a Confederate battlefield. Then she said, ‘I want to take you someplace special for our picnic. A place I go to sometimes to be alone.’ And she headed out of town. Before he knew it they were traveling down a one-lane, red dirt, country road. When it ended she shut off the car, ‘I hope you don’t mind. It is a Revolutionary battlefield of sorts.’

She opened the car door and got out and Alan followed her with the picnic basket. She led the way down a small path until they were beside a river. ‘Well, here it is. Let’s spread the blanket out and I’ll tell you about this place, its history.’

After Alan spread out the blanket Becky unpacked the basket.

As they ate she told him of the story, ‘This was the site of Ft. Nail. It was really nothing more than a fortified house really. Across the river was the land belonging to the Cherokee, they being allies of the British. One night they attacked. Not much harm was done … a milk cow was killed and a couple of horses were stolen. But, that put the colonists on alert. They stationed guards at night.

But, the next time the Cherokee attacked it was in broad daylight and the colonists were not prepared for that. A little boy, only 8 years old, was stolen by the Cherokee that day, never to be seen or heard from again.

It is believed that the Cherokee adopted him into one of their families, because his body was never found, and the Cherokee often did that to replace one of their own who died. That little boy was a distant cousin of mine.’

She leaned back on one elbow, popping a grape into her mouth. She fell silent, looking at Alan. He gazed back into those green eyes. Suddenly she was in his arms. Did he make the first move or did she? It didn’t matter now.

Their first kiss was ever so gentle, a mere whisper of his lips against hers, his tongue only following the outline of her lips.

Then he pulled back an looked into her face. Her eyes were half shut, laden with lust and her face was flushed with desire. This time he pulled her to him and kissed her passionately, letting his tongue plunder her mouth. A muffled groan came from her throat. God how she wanted this … wanted him.

She fell back with him on top of her. His hands found her breast and stroked them, gentle at first then demanding. He could feel her nipples harden through the cotton dress and he wanted to touch her skin.

He raised up a little and with one hand unbuttoned her dress. She lay there looking at him, listening to the blood pound in her ears.

Finally it was done. Her dress lay open. He pulled down the bra straps and watched as his hands drifted over those two beautiful mounds. Her nipples were dark and crinkled at his touch. When he lowered his mouth to them and began to kiss and lick them she twined her fingers in his hair and uttered an audible gasp. It sent electric shocks all the way to her center.

Her hands went to his shirt and tugged it from his pants. She now wanted to feel his hard chest against hers.

He lay down and pulled her on top of him and she was instantly aware of his hardness.

He reached around her and took her ass and pulling her even closer to him, kissing her all the while.

Becky broke the kiss and, drawing her knees up beside his hips reached down to pull her dress and bra off. She now was only left with panties.

He was his turn to gasp. He thought he had never seen anything so lovely as he pulled her back down to his waiting mouth once more.

Becky couldn’t stand it any longer and pressed her hand to his erection. It had been too long for her. She fumbled with his belt and the button at the top of his pants.

‘Just a minute’, Alan whispered and indicated she should move off of him. He stood and took off his shoes and socks, then his pants and boxers. He stood looking down at her while she slipped her panties off.

‘My God!,’ she thought ‘He’s beautiful!’ He was standing there above her. His chest, those broad shoulders, his long legs … and the evidence of his desire. Alan knelt between her legs and lifted her feet to his shoulders. He then began kissing, and nibbling, and licking at her very core. She could not be still, but writhed under his greedy mouth. Suddenly she cried out, shuttered, and arched her back. He had made her cum for the first time.

He replaced his tongue with first one, then two of his fingers. With his thumb he rubbed her clit in small circles. She moaned again, grasping his hand and holding him there. She was lost in a world where only she and Alan and the sunlight existed. Then she came again. As Alan laid down beside her, her eyes opened and she smiled at him. ‘Thank you’, was all she said.

Then, getting on her knees she bent over him. First taking his engorged cock in her hands then she began by kissing the crown. She finally opened her mouth and took him in. Her tongue darted around and over his cock until she heard him groan, then she took each of his balls, one at a time, to her mouth and suckled them.

Finally they could wait no longer. ‘I want to be in you now’, Alan said and she laid back and spread her legs inviting him.

As her first entered her he thought ‘Oh, Jesus! She’s almost as tight as a virgin!’ But within a few thrusts she opened to him, sheathing him in a warmth he had not known for a long time. They began their erotic dance with her legs wrapped around his waist. Becky tensed her inner muscles, squeezing him, as he thrust in, relaxing them as he drew out. He lost himself in her.

When he could stand no more, when he felt his loins bubbling up, he said ‘Cum with me’, and she did.

It was seconds or minutes or a hour later when he realized he had collapsed on top of her, fully satiated. He rolled to one side, pulling her close to him and kissing the top of her head.

‘It’s my turn to thank you’, he said and she cuddled in closer to him with one leg
possessively around his.

They lay there for a while when he said, ‘I will be going home in a couple of days.’

‘I know. But we needn’t talk about that now.’ replied Becky.

They fell asleep then, wrapped in each other’s arms. Becky was the first to wake and began to get dressed. Her moving from him had awaken him and he watched her. Then he got up and began dressing himself. She walked up to him and hugged him close. Then she said, ‘I don’t know what to say …’

And Alan said, ‘That’s okay, neither do I’.

Hand in hand they walked back to the car. There was no need for words now.

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Girlfriends Daughter Start of the picnic

Looking to her side Amanda was still in a bit of shock taking in how Bailey looked in the role as her daughter. Megan had done an outstanding job in the transformation; the makeup was just right and it looked like she had used a plumper on his lips. The pink lacy blouse with the baby blue skort just screamed girly girl with it matching the makeup and the short glossy nails he now had. Taking a moment to take it all in as he sat there with the purse in his lap and holding his black rugged...

1 year ago
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Sallys Fourth of July Picnic

“I’ve got the cooler all packed,” said Sally. “We have chicken salad sandwiches, potato chips, and plenty of beer. I think we’re ready to go.” I grabbed Sally by both ass cheeks and pulled her to me. “I’ve got the buns.” She laughed and pushed me way. “Angela will arrive any minute so cool your jets and load the car.” I grabbed the cooler and put it in the trunk of the minivan with the rest of the picnic supplies. We were going to the lake with Angela, Sally’s best friend. Angela had gotten...

Group Sex
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A picnic in the woods

“Yes!” I screamed, “I fucking love your hard cock ramming into my wet cunt and filling it with spunk!” As I made that admission, and it was a heartfelt admission, I had the most wonderfully intense orgasm. It shuddered through my entire body. You may have noticed that we jumped from Friday morning to Saturday breakfast in the last part. Well, not to put too fine a point on it, all day Friday we fucked, and slept, and made love, and fucked and.... well you get the picture I'm sure. We only left...

1 year ago
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Vodka at a picnic

Kotcha was a smashing red head she had long red silky hair she was going to go on a picnic she had called up her long lost friend and soul mate to go with her he said yes to her invite derrick was sexy and she couldn't wait to go on a fun date with him, this was going to be a fun picnic she thought she put two different kinds of vodka on her picnic some cheap red wine and pucker raspberry vodka she put some pretty wine glasses rapped in a towel so they wouldn't get broken she put in her picnic...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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The Picnic

Jane stepped out onto the back deck of the cabin and sighed. The sun was shining and the air was warm, but an occasional breeze kept it from being too ungodly hot. Still, Jane thought, with skin as fair as hers it would be best to put up the umbrella. No sense getting a sunburn and giving Tom one more reason to ridicule her. She quickly tried to push thoughts of Tom out of her head. After all, she’d come her to escape his constant disdain. After years of trying so hard to be the perfect wife,...

1 year ago
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The Picnic

Jane stepped out onto the back deck of the cabin and sighed. The sun was shining and the air was warm, but an occasional breeze kept it from being too ungodly hot. Still, Jane thought, with skin as fair as hers it would be best to put up the umbrella. No sense getting a sunburn and giving Tom one more reason to ridicule her. She quickly tried to push thoughts of Tom out of her head. After all, she’d come her to escape his constant disdain. After years of trying so hard to be the perfect wife,...

1 year ago
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Picnic with Karen Ch 1

The day was warm-too warm. A hot northerly was blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean. Arising early I packed the picnic hamper with yesterday’s efforts from careful shopping, placing the titbits that I knew Karen loved gently into the basket, the drinks going into a separate Esky. Calling early I found her in her usual lovely tussled state,(which I admittedly callously liked doing as she always looked very soft and feminine in the morning sun). She looked surprised at seeing me so early,but said...

3 years ago
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My UPS Man Picnic

I had honestly forgotten about telling my UPS guy we could go on a picnic so when he brought me another package and caught me once again laying out in the nude I grabbed my robe and signed for the package. He was walking away when I remembered and I said hey when we doing this picnic? His turned around and his eyes lit up I said do you got time for a quick soda or iced tea?. I feel like a cold one but don’t want to drink alone. He looked at his watch and I could see him calculating his route. I...

3 years ago
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My UPS Man Picnic

I had honestly forgotten about telling my UPS guy we could go on a picnic so when he brought me another package and caught me once again laying out in the nude I grabbed my robe and signed for the package. He was walking away when I remembered and I said hey when we doing this picnic? His turned around and his eyes lit up I said do you got time for a quick soda or iced tea?. I feel like a cold one but don’t want to drink alone. He looked at his watch and I could see him calculating his route. I...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

I had seen the ad a few times before, but it never struck home like this time. A chill went up my spine as I read it a second time. I couldn’t decide if I was repulsed, frightened, or turned on. Very odd, indeed. Especially when I felt that all too common wetness in my panties . . .?Young, attractive  ladies wanted who are fascinated by barbeques. Oiled, broiled, boiled or spit roasted, your choice.  Inquire by calling: xxxxxxx?But let me regress for a minute. Maybe then, you’ ll understand...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

It was July seventeenth and the day of our group’s annual picnic.Ever since we’d graduated from college ten years ago we’d had a summer picnic. The first one had been to blow off steam the weekend after we’d learned that we’d passed our exams and would be graduating.We had started out as twelve but, as some moved to other cities, our numbers had decreased. This year besides me, Janet and her husband Greg, Jim and his wife Karen, Tricia, and Jane had confirmed.I saw Jane and Tricia as I arrived...

3 years ago
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Picnic Table Jerk Off Another one of my wifes college adventures

My wife lived 150 miles from home while attending college. Her boyfriend attended a different college, but had plans to be home for the weekend, so she was desperate to find a ride home to spend some time with him. While eating lunch on Wednesday she saw a guy she knew slightly. He lived in the same town as her but had gone to a different high school. When he got up to leave the cafeteria she walked over to him. She gave him a flirtatious smile, made lingering eye contact with her beautiful...

1 year ago
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After the Picnic part 8 of the Business

Introduction: Bruce and Carla had agreed to attend services at the local Mormon Church after Carla worked the brothel in Virginia City. They made a few more friends but, had to do their chores after the picnic. Cleaning up after the Church Picnic Sunday was a day of rest, so Carla and Stephanie did not work the brothel. Instead they had a day of fun fucking at church and on the way. The picnic after services was the social meeting for the congregation and a few trysts were resumed or begun...

3 years ago
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picnic fun

The picnicIt was a hot and humid day, Lacy awoke to the AC going full and it was only 7 am. I am laying here, naked and coolness of the air seem tease my skin. I listen to the local news and weather and it was going to be another three Hs, hot humid and hazy. This isnt a day for sitting in the office. A quick call to the Boss and after a call back I am on a three day weekend.Its late June, and it summer weather so why not summer fun. But with my coffee in my hand I curl up in the big double...

3 years ago
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Picnic in New Forest

In 1980 we were deciding if we should move back to the U.K and took an extended holiday to decide, though our family lived in the north we were looking to live in the Dorset, Hampshire area. While trying to decide we stayed in a hotel in Southampton for a week to check out the New Forest area, looking for houses that might suit us. One day we set out taking with us a picnic lunch supplied by the hotel at a cost I thought should have included a waiter.We drove off towards the New Forest with a...

3 years ago
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Picnic Table Jerk Off Another one of my wifes college adventures

My wife lived 150 miles from home while attending college. Her boyfriend attended a different college, but had plans to be home for the weekend, so she was desperate to find a ride home to spend some time with him.While eating lunch on Wednesday she saw a guy she knew slightly. He lived in the same town as her but had gone to a different high school. When he got up to leave the cafeteria she walked over to him.She gave him a flirtatious smile, made lingering eye contact with her beautiful brown...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sissy Cuckolds Picnic

SISSY CUCKOLD'S PICNIC by Throne It was Saturday morning and I was hoping to spend the day watching TV. There were always good movies running then: superhero, science fiction, fantasy. My wife Delia wasn't around so I knew she must be out for her morning jog. She keeps herself very fit by running and making daily visits to a nearby gym. I love the way she looks, so firm and lean- muscled, with her pert breasts and tight bottom. In contrast, I'm lazy and soft. I peeked out the...

2 years ago
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Fun with aunty on a picnic part1

Hello i m a student currently pursuing my frm ranchi. I m going to narrate one of my several fantasies about my aunty meenu she’s 40 yrs old a mother of 3 kids but still i feel attracted to her. I dont get it but she is not a beauty queen rather she resembles every typical married indian housewife.big boobs ,round ass,black marks under her eyes & stressed out due to household work.she has a lovely face & her smile is electric.she has been my first love. Meenu is the wife of a colleague...

2 years ago
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Picnic For Two

A young woman went to the park on one sunny day. She was setting up a picnic for one. Just her, a large basket, and her picnic basket in a park full of people, pets, and kids. She set up the plates, the food, and dining ware on the red and white checkered blanket. Then, a tall, handsome guy cutted through the park going on his way home when the young, sexy, full-figured, 225-lb. girl all alone. As he got near, he noticed that she was eating all by herself. He stopped by her blanket. He looked...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Stage: cottage by lake, picnic for two soon to be lovers Cast: you and me We went to cottage to have picnic and to get to know each other. Never knowing just how well we would know each other by end of the day. We had been swimming for most of the morning. Frolicking and teasing oneanother with ourantics. Swimming close and rubbing each other. So we are hot for each other and hungry for food I'm wearing my new bikini, hoping to look good enough to eat. You're in black swim...

2 years ago
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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 8 can you picnic

April 1974 Jim was up early the next day. It was six o'clock on that Sunday morning. He was the first in the house to shower and get dressed. His dirty clothes that he brought home were still in the laundry. His mother was planning on doing them later that day. Jim was hoping that his activity would wake the rest of the house. It wasn't like he bounced out of bed wide awake and full of energy. It hadn't been a good night for sleep. He rattled around in the cupboard looking for the works...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch6 The Picnic

‘Alessa, David’s found a nice secluded place just out of town where we can go and sunbathe in complete privacy. Would you like to join us?’ ‘What do you mean “secluded?”‘ Jennifer, having just come from having a shower, was wearing only her robe. She let it fall to the floor then raised her arms, clasping her hands together high above her head. Totally naked, she arched her back, stretched upwards and turned around slowly showing a beautifully evenly tanned body. ‘Hey, you haven’t got any...

3 years ago
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An Autumn Picnic

It all started one day, four years ago, when we decided to build a new home. Happily married and pregnant with my second child, I was hardly looking for a crush to complicate my life. I walked into the model home and was smitten. The house was perfect, and the realtor that showed me the layout had a personality that I instantly clicked with. ‘Hi, I’m Robert’ he said. I can pretty much say he had me at hello. He had smiling blue eyes, a soft voice and warm personality that I instantly trusted. ...

3 years ago
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DiSH 1 Memorial Day Picnic

Ken joined Divorced Self Help about a year ago in the midst of his breakup. He had only recently started to join in the social activities that the group puts on the social calendar each month. Bowling, Miniature Golf, and game-nights at members' homes were common, but the two holiday picnics each year drew just about everyone. Last year, he had been to DiSH's Labor Day picnic and had a pretty good time, but he was still too withdrawn to participate in the slightly amorous party games that...

3 years ago
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The picnic The beginning of an amazing friendshi

This is a story of how CC and H got started. My company had an announcement to make to all the employees and wanted to do it with a picnic. H and I somehow got nominated to put this all together. A few had past and I was really busy again and H was kind of stuck doing most of it . So I decided to talk CC into helping. She is a great planner. H is our office manager and had all of that to deal with to plus she was going through a rough divorce . CC and I have both been down that...

4 years ago
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The Picnic Part 4

One of the signature features of Lolita fashion is the layer upon layers of ribbons and frills. On this day my governess had insisted on a rather full petticoat which made complying with Sue's demand a slow and clumsy affair. Reaching down, while looking around nervously, I began to take handfuls of petticoats beneath my skirt, burrowing down until I reached the innermost layer. Slowly pulling up, I exposed my white cotton knee length bloomers, bedecked by pink ribbons. I tried to...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

After a little while of sitting and me fingering your tight pussy, I kissed you. My hand held the right side of your face, and pulled you at first reluctantly into the kiss. Soon you were kissing me with as much passion as I felt for you.I nibbled your bottom lip, drawing it into my mouth, and kissed your chin, down to your neck. I kiss up to your ear, and nibbled your ear lobe.Reaching down, I pulled apart the top of your blouse, your bra already loosened, both breasts beautifully exposed. I...

3 years ago
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The Sex Picnic Part 1 Inspired But There Are Issues

Hi, Friends, this is Abhishek your friend back again with an exciting story. This is the sequel to my previous story . As you all know in the previous story my other sister Sunita and her friend Monica went to Goa. They enjoyed with their respective African and British partners and came back to Bangalore. After nine months they gave birth to baby boys who were closely resembling their fathers. Their color and even face. Now the story continues. Sunita and Monica are part of a kitty party which...

2 years ago
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Ben Sissy And The Picnic Table

At the top of a hill, in the corner of the lot sat a blue Camry, still running. The driver, a woman, more nervous on this day than she ever had been, sat staring at the wheel. She was jolted out of her mindless gazing by the radio host yelling in that over the top voice that could only belong to a disc jockey. She turned the car off and sat very still. She still couldn't believe she was actually here. Actually going through with it.Her name was Sarah but everyone called her Sissy. Sissy saw...

2 years ago
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Diana stood at her bedroom window, looking down at the street outside. She began to have second thoughts about what she was doing. Diana had planned to go on a picnic in the park with John, her new customer of some months, then to a movie in the evening with him. But I had called her before starting to drive over and she had mentioned to me that her parents were out of town, she was going to be house sitting. I had talked her into having the picnic lunch on the kitchen table and spending all...

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