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‘You’re a real sport, Andrew, you know, helping me like this.’ Maya said. ‘Thanks so much.’ This last came out as a grunt. They were just settling the last piece of furniture, a fairly heavy couch, into place in Maya’s new apartment.

‘No problem. That’s what friends do, you know.’ He flashed her a knowing smile, a kind of inside joke. Andrew had known Maya for just over seven years now, through most of which they’d been good friends. Maya considered him to be the closest thing she had to a brother.

‘It’s more than that, and you know it.’ Andrew shook his head at that, although they both knew it to be true. Maya’s two roommates had bailed on her in as many months, each without fair warning, leaving her with the burden of paying three-thirds of the rent on the house they’d once shared. Despite a decent salary, that burden became too much for her. After three months of struggle, unable to find suitable roommates to share the load, Maya admitted to herself, and Andrew, that she needed a smaller space. The problem was all her stuff. She, Talia and Sheri had lived together for as long as Andrew had known them. Nine years’ worth of furniture, clothes, appliances, art and knick-knacks had piled up in that two-story, three-bedroom house, most of it Maya’s.

Since graduating college, most of Andrew and Maya’s friends, mutual or otherwise, had moved away in search of jobs or cheap thrills, or both. They had been lucky enough to find good jobs in the city and remained behind, growing closer as friends (although Andrew often wished it were more). So when Maya was left with only a week to pack up and vacate the house, only Andrew remained to turn to for help. That he did so without question or complaint was a testament to their relationship, and the kind of man he was.

‘Whatever.’ Andrew brushed aside her compliments with a grin. ‘It’s no biggie. I’m just glad we got it all over here in time.’ Maya’s prior landlord had threatened to change the locks and sell off her stuff if she wasn’t out before the first of February. Considering the increasing lateness of the rent, Maya had no position from which to argue. ‘So, is everything where you want it?’ Andrew stifled a yawn and flopped on the couch they’d just set down.

‘Well, apparently it better be. Doesn’t look like you’re moving anymore.’ she laughed, then joined him. Despite her near exhaustion and aching muscles, Maya had the presence of mind to sit on the other side of the couch, with a cushion between them. The motion was unconscious, a triggered reaction she’d developed over the years. Andrew was a dear friend and would do anything for her, she knew. However, the sexual tension between them was palpable. It was clear in the way he looked at her sometimes, a glaze in the eye, or the way those eyes roved when he thought she didn’t notice, that made it obvious to her. She didn’t consider herself very pretty, heck, Talia had been prettier than her, and Sheri had gone to work for a modeling company in New York. But Andrew had only thrown them the occasional cursory look, as though it were expected. Sheri had even bitched about it one time, how he paid her no attention but fawned over Maya.

After sitting in comfortable silence for over ten minutes, Maya suddenly leaped off the couch as if something had stung her on the ass. Andrew, who had been dozing, jerked awake with a start. ‘What? What?’

‘Let’s get out of here.’ she said with a look around the cluttered living room. ‘I’m tired of looking at this stuff after hauling it all over here.’

‘Where do you want to go?’ Andrew stood up and stretched, feeling every twinge prick at his shoulders and calves. Maya stretched and yawned, closing her eyes against similar pains he was sure she had to be feeling. He stared at her appreciatively. She might not think she’s pretty, Andrew thought, but she sure looks damn sexy to me. Sweaty, smudged with dust, and hair askew, her arching form still drew admiration from him. A little too much admiration it seemed, from the sudden pressure on his fly. Before she could open her eyes again, he turned slightly, pretending to admire their handiwork.

‘I’m too achy and tired to go out. Wanna grab drive-through and go to your place? Your TV is hooked up.’ She laughed again. ‘We could watch a movie or something. Sound good?’ Andrew nodded, already grabbing his coat. He handed Maya’s to her then slipped his on. ‘Mind if I crash there, too? If I wake up to all these boxes tomorrow I’m gonna get depressed.’

‘Yeah, no probs.’ Despite their platonic relationship, the two sometimes slept at one another’s apartments, most often Andrew’s. He lived single, and closer to all the restaurants and rental places. On rare occasions, usually when exhaustion took over, or the sleeping arrangements were limited, they’d even shared a bed. Andrew rarely slept those nights, unless he was really drunk, instead laying in silent agony, wanting so badly to just lay one finger on Maya and knowing he couldn’t. Invariably, he’d awaken with a headache and blue balls.

Slipping into his pickup, he turned to Maya. ‘Want to drop by your old place and get your car?’

‘Nah. Let it wait until tomorrow. I’m sure Mr. Langley won’t mind. It’s not as if anyone’s living there right now.’ She snorted and buckled her seat belt.

‘You know, he isn’t your landlord anymore. You don’t have to call him ‘Mr. Langley’. Hell, you’re an adult. Well, at least chronologically.’ She snorted again and slapped him on the shoulder. This was one of their tried-and-true routines, but this time Maya winced and gripped her shoulder.

‘Uck. You got any aspirin at your place? My joints ache bad.’

‘Yeah, no probs.’ He keyed the ignition. ‘Let’s get going. The faster we hit my place, the faster you can medicate yourself, you junkie.’ She snorted again, but refrained from smacking him.

‘You know,’ he continued. ‘You really should learn to operate a stick.’

‘What?’ She sounded shocked.

‘Huh? What?’ he answered. Then realization dawned. ‘Oh. I meant a stick shift. You know, standard transmission? Sheesh, I know I’m a pervert, but man… ‘ Although not a prude, Maya was sensitive when it came to sexuality. She refrained from making or taking part in off-color jokes or conversation. Andrew knew she was just shy, a result of sheltering parents, and it wasn’t really an adjustment to behave around her. But he was, in many ways, the polar opposite. He thought about sex often. He had a rich fantasy world, and indulged in some rather perverted sexcapades.

Andrew watched a lot of porn, but not just for the fucking, he had told their mutual friend Rodney one night after a few beers. It was the situation, the fantasy that provoked him. ‘I hate those fuckfests where they start out talking dirty for ten seconds, then end up stark naked and screwing. It lacks imagination.’

‘This is what happens,’ Rodney lamented that night, ‘When a pervert gets a degree in English and minors in Philosophy.’ They’d shared a laugh, and a couple more beers, and Andrew wandered home and masturbated feverishly, dreaming once again of Maya, lost in lust and throwing herself at him.

Once, after Andrew had proposed dating to Maya, she’d put him off gently but firmly. They had been friends for almost two years at the time, barely out of high school. Her reasoning had been simple, and true. She considered Andrew a good friend, and a physical relationship would probably undo all of that. ‘Besides,’ she’d added quietly. ‘I’m saving myself for marriage. I know it sounds old fashioned, but… ‘

If she’d thought that was a deterrent, she was damned naive, Andrew thought. He knew she wasn’t a virgin, that she’d ‘gone all the way’ as she put it, with a boyfriend when she was sixteen. Although she was squeamish talking about sex with men, she’d shared this snippet with Andrew later. They’d both had a couple wine coolers, and Maya was, admittedly, a cheap drunk. The experience had been horrible, not just painful as she’d expec
ted, but disappointing as well. ‘Mom says sex is way overrated anyway.’ Andrew had wanted to ask how her mother knew, being married to the same fat slob for thirty-five years, but held his tongue.

In Maya’s mind, her first time hadn’t really happened yet, and Andrew understood. He also ached to be the true ‘first time’.

‘We’re here!’ Maya had dozed off, and Andrew, not wanting to lay a hand on her in case the motion was misconstrued, nearly had to shout.

‘Whu? Oh, cool. Damn. Feel like I could sleep a week.’ Turning to open the door, Maya squealed in pain, clutching her arm.

‘You okay?’ Andrew asked.

‘Yeah. No. Shit! I haven’t worked that hard in years. My whole body feels like… like… I have broken glass in my veins instead of blood.’ Andrew cringed. He DID have an active imagination, after all.

‘Let’s get you upstairs and to that ibuprofen.’

Once inside, Maya shrugged off her coat and the sweatshirt over it. For a brief second or two, the shirt underneath pulled up, revealing the thin sport bra underneath. It was cold outside, and her small nipples stood out in frank contrast to the full breasts barely contained by the cheap undergarment. Andrew stared, unable to help himself. When the clothes hit the floor and Maya had her garments rearranged, he was on the other side of the room, seemingly busy with his boots.

‘Mind if I hit your shower? I feel like I haven’t bathed in a week.’

‘Yeah, no probs. The hot water will do your muscles good, too. The ibuprofen is in the medicine cabinet, take a couple before you jump in.’ He smiled, trying not to stare at her chest, at the rounded points pressing at her battered old t-shirt.

‘Thanks.’ She crouched down, untying her own snow boots. ‘Oh, wait. You must be achy and dirty, too. This is your place, you go first.’ He was already waving her away as she stood.

‘Nah. I like being stinky. I’ll take a couple pills before you get going, though, if you don’t mind.’

‘Really?’ She smiled. ‘You’re too good to me.’ She dropped into that eerily good Beavis impersonation. ‘Yeah, heh-heh, you don’t suck.’

‘Uh-huh-huh-huh. Shut up, asswipe.’ They shared a time-worn laugh. ‘Seriously, mi casa is su casa. You’ve stayed here enough times to know that. Just don’t hog all the hot water.’

She feigned an indignant look. ‘Never say the word ‘hog’ to a woman, if you value your life.’ It was Andrew’s turn to snort. Tossing his coat on the couch, he brushed past Maya to the bathroom. Although the gesture seemed playful to her, he was, in fact, relishing the feel of an erect nipple tracing along his arm. After grabbing a couple ibuprofen out of the bottle, Andrew counted the three remaining pills, making sure she had some, then returned to the living room.

‘All yours, Beavis.’

He spent the next twenty minutes on the couch with his fly open, rubbing himself slowly, plotting ways to sneak the door open and peek in on her showering. He knew it was juvenile, that he had seen plenty of women naked, on film and in real life. But this was different. Maya was pretty, sweet, a good person all around. Plus, he’d overheard her admit to Talia, grudgingly, that she occasionally masturbated in the shower, and had once done so in his apartment. He stroked a little slower, savoring the sensation as he dreamed of Maya touching him, not really wanting to climax.

That’s what many women didn’t understand, the desire men had to see a particular woman naked. ‘Why?’ he’d been asked by Maya after he’d rented an awful movie just to see a particular actress’s one nude scene. He had a stack of pornos in the closet, full of naked women doing god knows what in every conceivable position. Why waste ninety minutes on a trashy movie he didn’t enjoy for 45 seconds of gratuitous nudity?

He’d tried to explain. They were friends and spoke openly and frankly with one another. Yes, the women in the pornos were naked, and moaning and writhing, but, this woman had never done a nude scene before, and never again since.

‘So?’ Maya retorted.

‘Well, that’s different. She’s more real than the adult actresses, more of a real person. That’s what they do. It’s more thrilling, more of a psychological turn-on, to see her,’ he pointed at the DVD case, ‘doing those kinds of things. I grew up watching her on TV. I had my first real sex fantasy about her. I… Hell, I can’t explain it. That’s the thing about fantasies, if you understand why they turn you on, they lose their appeal.’

‘That proves it: men are nuts.’ They’d laughed, but there was a strain underlying the laughter. Deep down, the conversation had rung too close to home. Maya knew very well that she could be the woman on the DVD cover, in Andrew’s mind. She never asked about it again.

He almost didn’t have time to react when the bathroom door opened and Maya stepped out. Barely stuffing his cock into his jeans, he stood up quickly, causing himself no end of pain. What he saw upon facing her only made the throbbing in his crotch worse. Maya, jet black hair shiny and wet, deep brown eyes fixed on him, full lips in a troubled pout, was wearing only a towel.

‘I forgot to grab a change of clothes. You got anything I could wear?’

‘Uh.’ He recovered quickly. ‘Yeah, I think there’s a couple things that would fit you. In the back closet.’ He turned and hurried away. ‘Hell, you probably couldn’t find anything in all those boxes anyway.’ he called over his shoulder.

‘Too true.’ To his chagrin, she was following him. ‘Still, lucky I have a spare pair of underwear in my purse.’ That stopped him in his tracks. Being naive as she was, Maya sometimes had little to no concept of her effect on men. She was TOO frank, sometimes. She took in his confused look, returning one of her own. ‘What?’

‘Why,’ he asked, ‘do you carry spare underwear in your purse? In case you’re in an accident?’

‘No. Duh! Sometimes my period is a little heavy, and the pad doesn’t stop all of- What?’

‘You talk too much, you know that Beavis?’ He turned away just as a throw pillow lived up to its name. In the back closet, Andrew rifled through all the old clothes he either hadn’t bothered or couldn’t stand to throw away. He found a t-shirt that had shrunk in the wash, and a pair of jeans a couple sizes too small for him, a crappy gift from a crappy ex-girlfriend. He handed them back to Maya without turning. ‘Need anything else, buttwipe?’

‘Heh-heh. No. Thanks Butthead.’ That impersonation was dead-on, so much so it was damned creepy. While he shuffled through the remnants on hangers, Maya slipped the shirt on, letting the towel slip.

‘Hey, Andrew.’ He turned. She had the shirt pulled most of the way on, but the collar was still over her head, leaving just her face exposed. ‘I am cornholio! TP for my bungho-‘ She couldn’t keep a straight face and burst out laughing, joined by Andrew. ‘I’ll be right back. Just let me hit the bathroom and get dressed, and you can pick out a movie.’

‘No probs.’ He watched her shuffle down the hall, hoping against hope the towel would slip, just enough to let him see her sweet, round ass just once. He followed her as far as the living room, but nothing paid off. As he flipped through his DVD’s, he called out. ‘Hey, did those aspirin help?’

Muffled by the door, ‘Yeah. I took four, though.’

‘Four? Geez, you are a junkie.’

The door opened, and Maya stepped out. Both the shirt and jeans were loose on her. After about a dozen steps, she was tugging the waistband up. ‘Yeah. I know my limit. My arms haven’t ached like that since I was in marching band in high school, and we were in that long parade in the rain. Remember that?’ Andrew nodded. That was his first and last year with the band. ‘I kept taking aspirin and taking aspirin. Finally, after four the pain went away. I’m feeling pretty good now, although a wine cooler would go a long way towards my recovery.’

‘Four ibuprofen AND a wine cooler? You ARE a junkie.’ He flipped t
he DVD to her, then shuffled off to the fridge to get her drink.

‘Oh, no. I’ll get it. You take a shower. I’ll get my own drink.’ Andrew opened his mouth to protest, but she cut him off. ‘No. NO. Go, go take your shower. You’ve seen this, right? I’ll start watching this without… ‘ She glanced down at the movie in her hand as she spoke. ”Poison Ivy II’? Oh for god’s sake. Why would I want to watch this? I’m not hot for her, you are.’

‘Hey, a guy can try, can’t he? Who knows, maybe you’ll find her hot, too. I know there’s some deep seated lesbian desires buried deep in-‘

She popped him on the head with the case. ‘Hey, that cost good money, you know.’

‘Yeah, yeah. Tell it to the judge. Go, take your shower. I’ll find something else.’ She was all but shoving him down the hall. ‘You smell, anyway.’

‘Thanks. Look, we’ve watched all of these. Why don’t you find something on pay-per-view?’ It was her turn to protest, and he cut her off. ‘No, it’s no big deal. I spend more on renting porn in a week. Pick something good.’ With that he closed the door and turned the shower on.

He hoped Maya left him enough hot water, because it was going to be a long shower. He felt grimy, and incredibly horny. Both involved a lot of scrubbing. Why did he do this to himself? Making suggestive comments and suggestions around her? Was he no better than some flasher, getting a contact thrill from what he did? Fuck it. She never got pissed, and it did give him a little thrill, cheap or no. He just wished something he said or did would crack that shell of hers.

Getting off didn’t take near as long as he’d expected. As a result, neither did the shower. He was in and out in under fifteen minutes. Standing naked in the cramped bathroom, Andrew realized he, too had forgotten to grab a change of clothes. He doubted the chances of getting away with wearing only a towel out into the living room. Funny what a woman had the grace to do that a man looked crass doing. If a woman told Andrew she wasn’t wearing any underwear, he’d get turned on. But try telling your girlfriend YOU aren’t wearing any. She’ll cringe, Andrew thought.

He could hear the TV playing low when he came out, dressed in the same grubby clothes. ‘Hey, I gotta grab some garment-age from the closet.’ he called down the hall, still toweling water from his longish hair. ‘I’ll get changed in my room. You find anything?’ He slipped the towel from his head and glanced up, surprised she hadn’t answered. His first notion was that she was asleep, not surprising considering the day they’d had.

Maya was slouched on the couch, remote in one hand and a near-empty wine cooler in the other. Andrew glanced at the screen, noticed the pay-per-view menu was up, but nothing was selected. Underneath, voices droned on about a remarkable new diet pill that blah blah blah. He stepped over to take the remote from her hand, figuring he’d just shut the TV off and let her sleep it off. As he tugged at the remote, she stirred.

‘Huh?’ she muttered. Although her speech was slurred a little, she sounded somewhat aware, not like someone roused from sleep.

‘Maya? You wanna get some sleep?’ She released the remote. Andrew took the bottle as well. Only a sip remained. He was about to ask again, or try to shake her awake, when she answered in that same here-but-not-here voice.

‘Yeah. Sleep.’ She stood slowly, then began shuffling towards his bedroom. Andrew noticed the gangly way she swung her arms and legs and decided to risk laying a hand on her, slipping one arm around her waist. ‘Thanks. Sweet.’

When they reached his room, she turned gracelessly and dropped into his bed. He tried to slip the covers over her, but she was already dozing, and he didn’t dare try to raise her hips off the corner of the blanket. If she woke up all the way and found his hands on her ass there would be hell to pay. Andrew slipped back into the living room, closing the bedroom door behind him, and turned up the thermostat. In truth, he didn’t mind letting her sleep in his bed. The couch was comfy enough. Hell, he crashed on it every now and then, too worn out from a long day at work or a marathon porn-and-polish session to drag himself off of it. Besides, he now had the TV to himself. She was sleeping soundly, he could watch ‘Poison Ivy II’ in peace, marveling at how much Maya looked like his favorite actress and didn’t even realize it.

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The next few days had dragged on forever. Violet had let everyone know about our sexual encounter and I was the talk of the school, if only for a few days. “Dude! Get out of this slump and get some practice. Moping around isn’t going to help you,” my best friend Rich said. He had been on a sexual rampage and had already fucked 4 different girls in the 7 days we had been at school. “And who is going to let me practice on them after that debacle?” I responded indignantly. “I will,” answered...

1 year ago
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Wrong Bathroom What were those holes for

My name is Stacy and I am twenty two years old. I had met my husband Clay after high school. I dated Clay for five years before we married just last year. I was a virgin before I had met him. I was raised in a strict conservative family. I didn't have any sexual experience before I had met Clay. My parents sent me to an all girls school. Guys have always found me attractive. From an early age I started to notice boys staring at me. Clay says its because I have such a nice ass and the worlds...

2 years ago
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Sister Lends a Hand

I recently returned home to stay at my parent’s home during a three week holiday break from my job working in an Architectural practise. My parents’ home consists of my mum and dad, my two sisters; Paula; aged twenty, Julia; aged sixteen, and my seven year old brother Thomas. I am a twenty-four year old single male called Richard, and had left home a fair few years ago. For the first week I enjoyed spending long lazy days hanging around the house doing nothing in particular, and...

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Blacked Carolina Sweets Paying His Debt

Carolina has just found out that her boyfriend has made a mistake – a big mistake. He has racked up a big debt with his gambling and now he owes someone a lot of money. But he has nothing left to give, so he offers the only thing he has left – Carolina. When they arrive at Mr. Wallace’s house, she knows that their relationship will never be the same again. Although she is nervous, she is really excited too – but when she enters the bedroom, she finds a little more than...

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Gimme an F

I awoke to the sound of silence. Shaking my head, I quickly recognized that it was Saturday morning; and after looking at the clock, I realized that I was alone in the house. My wife Betty had told me a few days earlier that she had to go in to work for a half day on Saturday and told me that I'd be able to sleep late because my daughter Maria had cheerleading practice, and that she'd drop her off at the practice gym on her way to work. Looking at the clock, I could see that the plan for...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 34

Winnie spent hours and hours debriefing Regina about Hussein and the two other men threatening her father back in Chicago. A pattern started to appear, if you connected the dots just so. They would identify a company that was ripe for plundering, manipulate the stock price by some means, then use the instability to collapse the stock, winning on two counts. The first win was by taking huge profits off the stock plunge, and the second was by weakening it and the overall American stock market...

3 years ago
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Course of Treatment

A few months ago, I would not have dreamed that I would be in this situation. Not that the situation is necessarily bad, but the utterly blatant ethical breaches that I have committed sometimes weigh heavily on my conscience. Were they to ever be revealed to the licensing board, my career as a clinical psychologist would come to an abrupt end. I had settled into middle age cruise control. At fifty-four, I had been married nearly twenty-five years and practiced my profession from a small,...

2 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 35

Andy was in an extremely good mood on the way to church. I asked, "What's up with you?" Andy held a rectangular piece of plastic in front of my face. It was white with a blue stripe on the left and a yellow stripe on the right. It had a really ugly picture of Andy on the front. "You got your license!" I declared. "Yep. Dad took me for my test yesterday morning. I passed!" "Congratulations." I was happy for Andy, mostly because I wouldn't need to haul him around so much. Tuesday...

1 year ago
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HannahChapter 19 Coming Home

I welcomed Donny and Charli home about six, and Lisbeth came running through the door a few seconds later. I got everything out of the fridge, put it on the table and we began to eat. Donny had that satisfied look about him, and Charli was wearing her best 'freshly loved and lovin' it' look. Lisbeth was chewing and smiling, shoveling in the food as only growing kids can. The meal was almost over when Lisbeth spoke. "Mom, can — oops! — may I have a coke?" Charli's light olive...

3 years ago
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Sadists Fire Intro and Canto One Denied and Used

Devi “You ready, Dev?” I laughed on the medical table, my eyes closed against the rising terror in my throat. I’d had 15 piercings by that point and, amazingly, the terror of needles somehow never got easier. I kept expecting myself to get desensitized or to get used to this, but I never did. I had a phobia that made panic rise in my throat every time, made my heart race and made my palms tingle with sweat. And this was the worst piercing yet, or so I’d heard. “No! Okay, yeah. Yeah, I’m...

2 years ago
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Amit and his cousin sister

Hi I am Bunty this story is about my friend and his two sisters I will introduce you to them first my friend name is .Amit he is tall handsome his two sisters one is Vidhi she is a beauty to watch with body figure 37 28 37 she is a sex bomb and with dark complication (sanwley salony si) the 2nd one is princy she has 38 29 37 figure she is one horny girl which I came to know later as I met her but the first part is about my lovely vidhi friends the story is quit long I hope I will not bore you...

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Haye Meri Choot 8211 Part V

Subhi shotaown ko namshkar.Ap loogoon ney meri kahani padrhi , pasand ki aour buhat ziyada mails bh aien jinka bari bari mien ney shukeriya bhi ada kiya. Peechey kafi dino sey naye saal ka hanngama jiski waja sey itna wakat nahien tha key agey ka hal likh paown. Laiken naye sal ki shrooat key sath mien ney phir sey kalam kaghaz sanbhala aour aapkey manoranjan key liye hazer hoon. Mera baita Birjo badra ho raha tha aour usey kuch khaber nahien thi key key uski maan bar bar us derzi ki dokan per...

1 year ago
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Moms Towel 5

Note : This story is completely fictional!!! "Now that was worthwhile to watch," Bill commented as he embraced his wife, giving her a big kiss. As he swiped his hand against her bare mound, he asked, "Did you enjoy his penis inside?" "Yeah, mother, how did it feel?" "Honestly," she replied surveying the inquisitive faces in the room, "it was something else. He's not that big but his hard penis rubbing against me was quite an erotic sensation." Turning to Mark, she smiled, adding, "Mark, you're...

3 years ago
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Asian Chemist Assisstant

THIS HAPPENED IN 2010For health reasons I have to visit my Doctor on a weekly basis, logically I usually get a prescription on a weekly basis, and I always use the same chemist therefore I know all the staff very well. As the pharmacist and I usually have a bit of banter about the usual, politics, state of the Country, football all the usual stuff, on this particular day I was served by Rukia.She was a beautiful Asian girl, very pretty similar to the girl who lives next door to us, read my...

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Sultry Summer Ch 08

Lori had dropped her son off at a friend’s so she could run down to the corner store to get some things she needed to make Mel’s dinner. Now she was in a rush to get home. There had been a line, the clerk was slow, and she was afraid Mel would be home before she returned. And she knew if that happened, her husband would be furious. Mel demanded that she be home and have dinner ready when he arrived. She ran down the street, hoping to get home before Mel arrived. She decided not to stop at...

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My Boss Karen Part 2

I woke up with a big smile on my face. My thoughts returned to last night, and the incredible time I had with my boss Karen. I never could have imagined I would have done that with another woman. I felt my pussy growing moist as I thought about Karen licking my pussy. As I ran my hands down my stomach, and over my pussy, I looked at the clock. I jumped up when I realized I was late for work. I quickly got dressed, and ran out the door. I made it to work just 10 minutes late. I got to my desk...

4 years ago
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Lila was a happily divorced woman. She had a wonderful career as a graphic designer which brought her in contact with many people on a daily basis. Although, she worked at home, her business work was in constant demand. She never tired of her duties and would work well into the night. One evening as she was flipping through the web she came across a lesbian video. This video was super xxx in that, it was not only graphic, but it was one where both lesbians were working the other towards a...

2 years ago
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SRU The Zipper

The Zipper By Aaron Knute (note: "Monsters And Angels" is copyright 1991, Voice of the Beehive. Bugs Bunny is copyright Warner Brothers Studios. Indiana Jones is probably copyright LucasArts. The "Spells 'R' Us" shared universe is copyright Bill Hart. All other distinctive character names and descriptions belong to their respective creators. Thanks for letting me play with your toys, guys; I hope I haven't broken 'em...) (This story is dedicated to the memory of all the...

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PornstarPlatinum Lily Craven The Big Secret

WTF are you doing Sergeant Miles, your fucking porn stars again? I mean your wife goes out of town & you start fucking every porn star that comes by! Look at you, you have cum, dripping off the tip of your cock! Don’t even try to deny it, I know wtf you’re doing! You have been a naughty boy, so what are you going to do to keep me quiet? Maybe you want me to tell your wife, we are good friends, as you know. But I have another idea, I’ll keep my mouth shut, & you fuck me...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 9

Friday, May 28, 2010 Jake greeted his mother with a hug when she came home from her parent’s house. “Your grandparents are speculating about what you’re up to,” she said. “Are you curious, too?” “Of course, I am. I’m your mother. I have responsibilities.” “I’m not trying to keep secrets, at least not from you. We can talk about it when we get a chance. Meanwhile, our guest is going to be here any minute. Why don’t you change into something casual?” “Sure, Jake.” “Before you do, did you...

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One Dark NightChapter 13

Weeks went by now and things were pretty much routine. Raven didn't see Rick very often. He was always at the garage or at the tattoo parlor. Or worse, out drinking with Justin. She had been after Rick to get Justin a place of his own. She was getting tired of him living with them. It was just too small for the 3 of them. And tension would arise. But Rick always seemed to take for Justin's side. It was very frustrating for her. Those two seemed to be attached at the hip. She was lonely....

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The Making of a Sissy Part 1

It was the summer after graduation, and I was living with my mom who was recently divorced. She had been dating a lot during that period, which was kind of rough for me to deal with. I would usually give her dates a hard time, and to be honest I was completely unsupportive of her decision to be dating. Anyhow, I was up late one night watching something on t.v. when I heard her and her new boyfriend come home from a date. They were apparently somewhat d***k and making a lot of noise, but I just...

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Witch Chronicles 002 Elizabeths Story Elizabeth

Witch Chronicles 002: Elizabeth's story: Elizabeth by JRD Author's Note: Here's the second part of the Witch Chronicles. The installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

2 years ago
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Cat Fight 11 Chase

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill's Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill's body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill's body...

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Moms Summer Camp SwapChapter 2

Mavis was troubled, and she needed to be alone. All around her, Nature was in its glory. She had strolled deep into the woods after leaving the Jordans' cabin, and it seemed like another world out here. Pure and clean and fresh, with the songs of birds and crickets filling the afternoon and the scent of the clean air and the pine trees causing her senses to tingle pleasantly. She sank down onto a fallen log with a sigh and looked for a long while into space, seeing nothing. But it wasn't...

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The Seven Dressing Sins Pride

I'm not really sure how I ended up like this, but what I can tell you is the spark that lit the fire was three little words. No, not those, although Becky told me how much she loved me all the time. No, the three that pushed me onto a gentle downward slope of depravity and decadence made up one of Becky's favourite phrases. "Make me proud." Whenever she said it, I felt a warm fuzzy glow spread through me - I wanted to make her proud. I wanted her to be proud of me, especially...

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Fulfilled my wifes desire

Hello friends!For the first time I am writing my true story here on Iss .Hope u would like it. My name is Rajeev. I am a 29 year old. My wife nisha is 28 with perfect body-protruded bums and boobs and shapely pussy inspite of 5 long years of fuc****. We have been married for four years and have tremendous love and respect for each other..Sex between us is still great and wild with both of us loving fantasy and role playing in Bed,some exhibitionism-open window while making her nude,do it in...

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Born To Win

Dear readers, JJ is back with a new submission & I am extremely happy with this submission since the feedback and comments that I have been receiving is extra ordinary. This below experience about a bi-female her while she was on enjoying herself in one of the private beaches of Pondicherry sometime back. Her name is Sweetha Agarwal and North Indian from Ahemedabad Gujarat aged 32 years who has settled in the Pondicherry after her marriage and her husband owns a business out there. Though...

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Salvation in the Sargasso Sea Ch 04

~ In The Chapel ~ Dust particles drifted lazily through the filtered light from the stained glass window. The image of the descending white dove, olive sprig clenched in its beak, held the promise of peace and absolution. That hopefulness, however, had yet to reach the far corner of the chapel. The lone patron listened to the recorded pipe organ, weeping and praying for comfort. ‘Saint Jude, Thaddeus, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, pray for me who am so miserable. Come to my assistance...

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Happy EndingsbyIrishRose1215©My life had not gone as I had accepted it to. I didn’t have that dream life that women plan out when they are little girls. Sure, I had gotten married and had a c***d. But I had gotten married too young and though my husband and I never spilt up we aren’t happy with each other now. He hasn’t had sex with me in about a year now. I know he’s cheating on me, but I just don’t have the energy to start a fight with him. I really don’t care anyway; I gave up on him a long...

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Birthday Gift

Coming from a very small town, I was a little shy in my new home. Columbus Ohio isn't a huge city, but it was a lot bigger than I was used to. It was also a large college town. And of course the biggest plus, two hours away from the old home town. I have been living here and going to school since June. I have had different jobs to help pay the bills. Recently I started playing music with a few guys I had met through one of those jobs. I worked for a while as a mix-down engineer at Kingsmill...

Straight Sex
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romantic night

I was getting a romantic evening ready for you. You   had been at work teaching the little ones to dance. I had a nice dinner almost done when you got home.   you walk into the kitchen following the wonderful smells. Wrapping you arms around me and laying your head on my shoulder you say “I’m so hungry baby, is it ready?” I turn my head to her and give her a nice long kiss and a wink.     While they were eating she told him about class and how her girls were progressing. He listened and...

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Brady Berta BoydChapter 9

It was nearing six when Robby came into the yard and went into the mission. “Hi Mom, Dad is coming. I rode ahead. Hank, Tom, Pete, and Captain Shaw are with him too.” “Is that all?” “No, Jim, Uncle Harry, and Sylvio are with them too.” “Did the construction outfit reach there yet?” “It has. They have some huge horses, bigger than I have ever seen before. They have looked at the place where they are going to work. Sylvio and the Indians have been working on cleaning out where the water is...

3 years ago
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Fun In Mumbai Office

Hi all ISS Readers. I am back  again with new story. Hi I am Anil and bought in Andhra. I am a professional working in Raipur but now working I Mumbai. I am 257a very fair, handsome cool man who is looking for a casual discreet short term relationship (fun) with girl housewives that is only on bed and dating outside. I am looking for someone between the ages of 20 to 45 years who is well matured who is ready to enjoy with me and have fun with me. I will give you a good quality time on bed by...

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Lost Trail Cabin chap 2

Lost Trail Cabin (chapter 2) As they drive up the mountain, they come to a lookout point. Nancy perks up at the view, “Jake, let’s stop and take some pictures.” “Sure, honey” Jake replies as he looks into her eyes as he pulls into the parking area. Jake gets out and goes around helps Nancy out of the car. As she gets out the car, a gust of wind comes through opening her still unfastened blouse exposing her golden breasts. The cool breeze tickles her nipples into hardness. She giggles as she...

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 13 Thumb Drive

On the United flight to LA — mileage! — I recapped my last few days. I’d crept Dr. Samantha Rowley twice. Jersey again, then Chelsea on Sunday night. I’d couriered the photos to Carmen Ortega. They’d found something — I’d learn what later this morning. Monday — Jakub Nowak. Nic. Nada. Tuesday — Mr. Drake Fowler I was hand-carrying the ... um, research. Would turn it over to the Gloria Allen team. None of whom would inquire about the provenance of the material. I wouldn’t mention that the...

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Wrong Bar Im Fucked Gay

My eyes shot fully open as I felt the head of his cock pop into my ass. I heard a loud moan as I felt him slip slowly, inch by agonizing inch, into me. It took me a moment to realize that it was me moaning as my eyes focused on the water in the clean, white bowl in front of my face.I had snapped into full consciousness suddenly, but it still took a few moments for my brain to slip completely into gear and ask the most important questions: where the hell am I? Who is attached to the baseball bat...

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Deeds Ch 02

We slept late next morning and it was close to noon when we woke up. I was the first to get up. As I got up I saw her sleeping beside me. Her face was partially covered with hair and she had a calm angel like feel on her face. I walked up to my laptop and opened up my diary. I wrote in there how happy I felt today and I also wrote about my plans for the evening. That reminded me. My plans needed the right ambiance and I had no candles in the house. I also wanted to buy some flowers and maybe...

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