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Thanks to the Hip and Knee Doctor for editing assistance.

The last few months had been trying. My wife, Katherine, had been having an affair with a co-worker and it seems like everybody in the world knew about it, but nobody had enough guts to say anything. I was just as guilty as all the others. For some strange reason I was hoping that it would just end and everything would go back to normal. It was a fantasy of course, because it never goes back to the way it was.

We had been married for nineteen years and had three children. Rob was eighteen and a senior. Katherine was pregnant when we got married. A year later we had Donna and the next year, Darcy showed up and Dad got a vasectomy. They were good kids, and we never had any problems with them until recently. Needless to say, the problem with the kids was brought on by the extracurricular activities of their mother.

For the past three years, Katherine worked in the claims department for a large insurance company. When she started working overtime, several nights a week, the kids and I quickly noticed. She got a new hairstyle and joined a gym. Her underwear drawer got a little sexier, but I never got to enjoy it. Donna and Darcy saw her having lunch with her department head, at an upscale restaurant, but she never mentioned it.

In desperation, I decided to follow her like a lovesick puppy. Her trips to motels with her lover were frequent and brazen. Although I didn't see the need for it, I still documented the time and dates of several of their rendezvous.

As the affair lingered, the family started to fall apart. All of this happened without any conversation. The kids were mad at their mother for cheating. The kids were mad at me for not confronting their mother, and I was trying to hold everything together. I was too dense to realize that it was a lost cause.

The only time the family got together was for the evening meal. Even then, it was an ordeal. There was virtually no conversation and as each of the kids finished eating, they quietly disappeared, usually out of the house until bedtime.

"John, I am not going to be able to take this attitude from the kids for too much longer. If you don't do something to straighten them out, I will."

"I'll take care of it."

"You have been saying that for the last month now. I don't know what has gotten into them. Why did they start acting like little brats all of a sudden? If you have a solution, see if you can get a few answers too."

"Oh, that was no problem. The problem was how to straighten things out. I think we have everything worked out now."

"Are you going to let me in on it, or is it some big dark secret?"

"No secret. I am going to be moving back with my parents tomorrow."

Katherine was not pleased with this news. She stopped clearing the dinner table and sat back down, with a heavy determined plop. "What the hell are you talking about John? You can't commute to work from Frackville, and I can't take care of this place and the kids by myself. How is that going to solve anything?"

"Actually, Katherine, you won't have to worry about taking care of the kids. They will be going with me."

I was not looking forward to the furrowed brow and the stiff lower lip that I was rewarded with, but I fully expected it. With her elbows on the table my loving wife leaned forward and looked me in the eyes. "There is no way in hell you are leaving this house with my kids. What ever gave you the idea that you could get away with something that stupid?"

'They did."

Katherine let out a sigh of exasperation, got up and started again to clear the table. She was muttering to herself, but I couldn't make anything out. After slamming the last of the china into the sink she turned. "Why? Why is this happening?"

"The best I can figure is that they are tired of being embarrassed."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Mostly, it is about your affair with Bryon Masterson. You have flaunted your infidelity to the point where the entire family is aware of it. You have shown no regard for your children or me."


"Are you going to deny it? Are you going to tell me you don't spend several days a week having sex at various motels? Are you going to tell me that I don't understand?"

I decided I didn't want to pursue this conversation any longer. It would have been easy to throw it all in her face, but I didn't have the guts. I pushed back my chair and walked out of the room. Katherine stood by the sink with one hand on her hip. I noticed a defiant look on her face, as if she was daring me to mention her infidelity. I got the feeling that she had been baiting me all along, so that she could have an excuse to stop carrying around the guilt. This was a lecture I was not going to be on the receiving end of tonight. I had no desire to hear that I had driven her to seek comfort elsewhere, because I was a mediocre husband and a poor lover. Of course I could accuse her of being a slut and a whore, but I would still end up getting the blame for everything. I knew Katherine, and I knew that she had planned everything she was going to say beforehand. My best play was to not play at all.

"What about your job?"

"I quit."

I heard her screaming my name as I walked out the door.

I had no idea where the kids were. All of their clothes and personal belongings were loaded into Rob's Subaru Outback. The wagon had over a hundred thousand miles on it, but I figured it still had another hundred thousand left in it. All of my clothing and personal papers were in the back of my Jeep. Katherine didn't notice any of this when she came home. We all agreed that whatever we couldn't get on the first trip, we could come back for later. I was sure that Katherine was checking the house out as I drove away. There was no going back at this point. I decided that I had to call Donna. Donna always seemed to be in control. Rob was the oldest and the male, but he had no problem letting Donna call most of the shots.

"Donna. It's Dad."

"Are you still at the house?"

"No. I am on my way to a motel right now. I had to tell your mother what was going on, but not why. I think it is best if you guys find some place to stay tonight. Can you contact Rob?"

"No problem. Darcy and I are going to stay with Betsy Cooper. I am not sure what Rob has planned, but I think I can get in touch with him."

"Okay. Meet me at the Waffle House on Lancaster Pike tomorrow morning at six. We can leave for Frackville from there."

"Dad. Was mom mad?"

"I think so. I'll tell you about it tomorrow. Oh, after you call Rob, it might be better to turn your phone off."

After checking into the Deska Motel, I turned off my cell phone.

I just finished taking a shower when there was a knock on the door. I opened it, expecting a furious Katherine, but instead found a smiling Rob. There weren't that many motels in town.

By seven o'clock the next morning we were on our way to the coal regions, and home.

Katherine and I never got around to discussing my work situation. It didn't matter, because I was now unemployed. The normal thing to do under these conditions is to stash away as much cash as possible without looking like you are doing it. If I filed for divorce, I would have to go through the process of declaring assets and coming up with a fair distribution. I figured, the hell with it. Nobody likes to see his credit go belly up, but under the circumstances it seemed like a good idea to me. If I wasn't working, the kids could qualify for lots of grants and other benefits when it came time for college. I would see to it that they got everything they needed, but it might not be aboveboard. Living with Mom and Dad would also cover a lot of other usual expenses.

I was pretty sure that Katherine wouldn't wait too long before filing divorce papers. I would probably go along with anything she demanded just to get out of the marriage. There wasn't much she could get, since I did not have a job and the kids would not go with her even if they were ordered to do so. All I could do now was sit back and wait. I had a basket of lemons and I was getting ready to make lemonade.

It was great being back in my hometown. The last time I actually lived there was just before I left for college. After graduation, the closest place I could get a half decent job was in Reading. Katherine was from Baltimore so she didn't mind being just a few hours from home. We had gotten married just before I started my last semester at Penn State. Katherine never finished because of her pregnancy. She never had any desire to return to school. I think she attended to get away from her parents and to find a husband. Somehow or other, I won the marriage lottery. My prize was three great kids and a bitch for a wife. I had regrets of course, but I was not one to live in the past. I did not know that my past was going to catch up with me so quickly.

Because I had lots of old friends in the area, getting an under-the-table job was not too difficult. I stashed away as much money as I could to keep it out of Katherine's hands. Things would be rough until she finally got the divorce started, if she did. All three of the kids pitched in without being asked. Under the circumstances, I think they felt sort of obligated. I didn't leave Katherine because they wanted me to, but they seemed to feel that way. Mom and Dad reluctantly took money from us, although I don't think it was necessary. They didn't want me to feel like a moocher.

Katherine called after two weeks and wanted to know if I was going to make the mortgage payment. I told her that I wasn't. Two weeks later she called to tell me that her car insurance needed to be renewed. I gave her the same answer. Katherine attempted to start a conversation related to the affair. She was trying to be apologetic and sincere, but it just didn't come across. I listened patiently as she explained how her friendship with Masterson came about and developed into a full sexual relationship. She assured me that he was only a physical attraction, and nothing more. After several minutes, she realized how ridiculous it all sounded and stopped talking in mid-sentence. I didn't respond.

"I'm sorry, John. I have no good excuse for what I did. I am truly sorry."

She stopped calling after that.

I guess my wife finally realized that the marriage could not be saved, and filed for the divorce. She was faced with a mortgage payment and a car payment, as well as all the utilities. Of course, I was obligated for these bills, but I felt that since thousands of other dead-beat dads were avoiding things like that, so could I. It was worth the risk at this point. I signed the papers, and the power of attorney to sell the house, as soon as I received them. Now it was just a matter of time. Katherine had asked for nothing other than the house. After closing costs and commissions, she wouldn't come away with much.

Rob was getting all his paper work together for college. We had to stay in the state to afford the tuition. Most of the grants would be difficult to get because I had to submit a copy of last year's income tax. I was able to explain my present employment status, and get several of them to waive the income provision. Unfortunately, Rob had other more pressing problems. My past was coming back to haunt me, and he would be caught in the middle.

"Dad, I have a small problem."

"I assume it's something that you feel I can help you with."

"I met a girl a few weeks ago and I really like her."

At least the conversation started out on a high note. Rob had dated several girls though high school, but never expressed any serious interest in any of them. It was refreshing to hear him admit that he might be in a potentially long-term relationship. "I am sure you are not referring to a talk about the birds and the bees."

"No, I think I got that one aced. I met her mother for the first time and as soon as I introduced myself she got upset. After I left, she told Shannon that she couldn't see me anymore. She never did that with any of her previous boyfriends. Her mother did not give her any further explanation. I guess Shannon got a little testy with her mom, because she finally agreed to back off, but only if you talked with her."

"Let me get this straight. This girl's mother will let the two of you date, but only if she talks to me first."

"That's pretty much it. Shannon said she never did anything like this before."

"I guess I can find the time. You set it up and let me know where and when." Rob left the room with a big grin and I sat there wondering why this woman would have to meet with me before approving their relationship.

That evening, Rob drove us to Shannon's place. It was an old shotgun house just off the main drag. The house needed painting badly and the slate sidewalk should have been re-leveled years ago. Shannon was waiting just inside the front door and anxiously opened it, as we approached.

"Hi. I'm Shannon." She was bubbly and cute. I could see why Rob was attracted to her. "We really appreciate this, Mister Rishel. I am sorry about having to ask you over like this, but Mom insisted. I hope you don't mind."

"Don't worry about it. I am sure we can get things worked out in no time."

"Mom. Mister Rishel is here."

My heart stood still as my old high school/college sweetheart, Abigail Connor, walked into the room. "Hello John."

"Hi Abby." The words came out of my mouth automatically.

There was an awkward silence in the room, which Rob quickly broke. "You guys know each other?"

She didn't take her eyes off me. "Your father and I went to school together."

Shannon seemed happy about the new situation. "Well that should make things easier, right?"

"I have a fresh pot of coffee ready. I think we might be more comfortable in the kitchen." I dutifully followed her to the back of the house. As I went to sit, she turned to the kids. "You two better wait in the front room for a while. Turn on the TV and no messing around. I'll call you in a few minutes."

Abby started to get the coffee and I started to reminisce. We were in the fall semester of our final year at Penn State. Abby and I had a fight because I didn't want to come home for Thanksgiving break. She went without me. While she was gone, I partied, got drunk, and got arrested for disorderly conduct. My parents were not happy, and Abby refused to talk to me when she got back. She was still mad at me when the semester ended and she went home for Christmas alone. I was in bad graces with mom and dad, so I stayed on campus over the holidays. That's when the bad news came.

It was between Christmas and New Years when Katherine approached me in the student union. According to her, during one of my drunken binges at the frat house, we had sex and she was now pregnant. Because of the situation with my parents at the time, I didn't want to aggravate them further. Without giving it too much thought, the two of us drove down to Gretna Green that day and got married. I didn't tell my parents until after graduation the next spring. Abby found out about the marriage, when she returned to school, after News Years, and immediately dropped out. I don't know if she ever finished.

"You're daydreaming." Her words woke me up, as the mug appeared before me. She was twenty years older than when I last saw her and still beautiful. My mind was racing, comparing what should have been and what was.

'I'm sorry. I wasn't prepared for this. You'll have to let my brain catch up before I can be worth a shit."

Abby had always been easy to talk to, and I always felt comfortable with her. I don't even remember what we argued about before we drifted apart. It was at that moment when I realized that I didn't even know her married name. Rob had never mentioned what Shannon's last name was.

It was time to break the ice. I was trying to be cool and yet open. "Is there a Mister Abby about, or is it just going to be the two of us for this discussion?"

She didn't smile at my pathetic attempt at humor.

"That's why I asked you here. I am not looking for anything, but I am hoping we can avoid a problem."

"What do you mean 'you are not looking for anything'?"

"John, I never married. I tried dating a few guys, but nothing ever worked out. Most of them were not interested in an unmarried mom and were just looking for easy sex with no strings attached."

"I still don't understand."

"Damn it, John. You are Shannon's father. There, I said it. I was hoping I could tell you in a more sophisticated way, but sometimes things don't work out like we plan."

Of course I had no clue. "Can I have some more coffee?"

"That's it? That is all you have to say?"

"I guess I understand why you told them they couldn't see each other anymore."

"Unfortunately, I think it might have been too late. By the time I figured out that you were Rob's father, they had already consummated their relationship."

"Oh God. You are telling me that my son and my daughter are having sex."

"I am pretty sure."

"I thought brothers and sisters were supposed to hate each other."

The fresh coffee was too hot to drink. I blew across the top of the cup as my daughter's mother stared at me, waiting for some words of wisdom that I could not offer.

"Abby, I don't think we have any choice, do we? We have to tell them and hope that it's not too late."

There was a sudden mood change across the table. "I'm sorry, John. I should have told you, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. You had just gotten married, and I didn't want to screw things up for you."

"So you choose to ruin your own life instead?"

"I have a beautiful, intelligent daughter. I did not ruin my life, I just had to make a few adjustments."

I drained my cup of coffee and leaned back in my chair.

"By the way, John. I don't want to appear nosy, but where is Katherine?"

"I am afraid that we are estranged." I always thought that was a neat word, but never thought I would get a chance to use it.

"Oh. Sorry I asked."

We sat there for several moments, neither of us saying anything.

"John, do you want to tell them or should I do it?"

"You go ahead and I will support you as best as I can."

Less than a minute later Shannon and Rob were sitting at the kitchen table with us. Abby slid a folded piece of paper across the Formica to Shannon.

"Oh, my gosh!" Shannon immediately got Rob's attention and she hadn't even unfolded the paper yet.

"What's going on?"

"It is the mysterious birth certificate that I wasn't supposed to see until I was twenty one."

Rob looked perplexed. "What the hell is so unusual about a birth certificate?"

Shannon didn't answer. She had unfolded the form and was staring at it with her mouth open. "No. No. This can't be true. There has to be a mistake. Mom, tell me it's not true."

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It had been a long trip, several layovers in strange airports and one delay. All I wanted was to get to the hotel, spend an hour in the gym, then grab a bite and a couple of beers before I hit the sack. I had been on the road for two weeks already, this was my last stop before heading home for a much needed rest. I made my way wearily to the baggage carousel, and waited for my bag to come down the chute. As I stood there, I noticed a pretty gal across the way struggling with her luggage; a...

3 years ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him. Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant...

3 years ago
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OHGIRL Slutty Transformation

The king sized bed didn't seem nearly as large with three of us in it. I was on my knees in the middle of the mattress, as a 28 year old guy named Mark, was pumping me with his fat cock from behind and his friend James was feeding me his long, hard shaft at the other end. I had been stripping for three months and this was the first time I had done two guys at once. Of course, it was my 19th birthday and I deserved a nice present and something much different than I had ever received. It had all...

1 year ago
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The Gray Man

I've always been one of those gray people that you see everyday on your way to work, at the laundry, in the grocery store, at the gas station. Those people whose live barely interact with yours with a few fleeting photons then they turn away and go--somewhere else. You don't care, though. It's nothing to do with you, now is it? Oh, I've done a few things in my life to bring life and color into my existence and that of others, but's always been temporary--short lived and immaterial. The...

1 year ago
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FilthyMassage Gabriela Lopez Oiled Up Tits and Ass with Gabriela

I love rubbing down a nice pair of big tits and a big juicy booty, today I get a client with both wanting to be rubbed down. I cover Gabriela’s big tits in oil through her shirt, showing off her nice nipples. I flip her over to put some oil all over her big ass and rub it deep inside slowly guiding my hand by her vagina. I am rock hard in my pants and Gabriela can see my bulge, she starts to rub my cock and pulls it out to suck it. I can not wait to pound her pussy and make that ass...

2 years ago
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Two married friends discovered they may be bi

I have known Tom for many years. I have always been attracted to him, always wondering what it would be like to suck his cock. I have had opportunities, like the time he was staying in my house and I came out of the bedroom, he was in obviously jerking of because he very quickly acted as nothing was going on when I entered the room. I pretended as if I hadn’t seen anything. Another time I caught him peeking as I was taking a piss. I have always suspected that I could seduce him but I have...

Gay Male
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LaredoChapter 22

Cyril Ackroyd pulled into Tia Maria just as the sun was starting to rise. The "party" was still going on at Don Juarez's main brothel. Ackroyd could tell because he could hear the occasional scream of pain in a teenaged girl's voice over the sound of music and laughter. He rushed up to the front door and knocked until he was finally heard over the noise within. A large man, dressed as a dandy, came to the door, "Si, Senor?" "I don't speak Spanish. My name is Cyril Ackroyd and I must...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Sky Pierce Having The Sex Talk With My StepDad

My step-daughter Sky and I have a distant relationship but when my wife asked me to help I have no problem talking to her. I wanna help grow the family with them, I walk into Sky’s room and hear her having a sketchy conversation. I ask her what the call about after she hung it up as soon as she saw me in her room. Sky gives me a really difficult time answering but eventually, she spills it. Her friend just got pregnant and they are all freaked out, Sky admits she doesn’t know much...

3 years ago
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The Cable Slave Chapter 1

‘Too good to be true,’ that’s what the guy said. I should have thought about those words more carefully. “Security System – Special offer” It detects any movement, calls the cable company and they send the cops, or the fire brigade. Even my husband thought it was a good idea and the price was ridiculous. The installers were good but kind of secretive too. They said it was better for the householders not to know exactly where the sensors were but we should be happy that it covered the house,...

3 years ago
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Kunvari Kanyae Part1

Hi readers, I m Mona, age 19 years, I m writing here the story of my friends. This story is based on jija – saali relation.First I want to introduce the other artists of this story my friend swati -17, kiran -17, deepika-17 these r the name of friends, and ratna-26 bhabhi, rakhi -20 didi and Vikas-26 our Jijaji.This story I m writing in hindi, I m not a writer, if u found any mistake please write Yeh kahani suru hoti hai swati ke ghar se Ratna ushki bhabhi hai aur rakhi uski didi kiran aur...

3 years ago
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It was a night I would never forget. Her parents were out of town and she called me over to her place. I dressed in my finest clothes and went to her house. After I reached there she was dressed in a turtle neck and full pants! OH SHIT! SHE DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE SEX! I freaked! I didn't wear any boxers. I made sure it was easy for her to undress me, but that was a waste. We sat in the living room. She kept talking to me but I all I saw were her HUGE BOOBS! I got imagine rubbing them with my...

2 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 7 A Cotillion

1865 The first snow of the winter was a total surprise. The citizens of the Capital area awoke one morning late in November, and there it was, milky white and tombstone quiet, a half-foot deep and still coming down in flakes the size of silver dollars. The field where Seth and his brother had been cutting hay lay buried, the uncut stalks now bent low into mounded hillocks near the old road, both parts of which had all but disappeared. The wet snow even clung to the deep loops of the...

2 years ago
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Not Too Late

Catching up, that’s what I was thinking. Starting over? Making up for lost time. Why had this taken so long? What the hell had I been thinking? The self-recrimination was so frequent these last years that it was almost funny now. And behind that thought, the usual suspects. Mom tried to tell me I was too young. I grimaced in the mirror as I applied my mascara. Well, if Mom knew what I was planning tonight it would curl her hair! That fucking loveless bastard! That’s how I referred to him for...

3 years ago
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Our Hunting Trip

My wife and I were hunting in the mountains one Sunday. After not seeing anything all day we headed home. As always we had our vibrators and were really enjoying the drive home. My cock was feeling great and her pussy was warm and wet. My pants were down below my knees and she had taken already taken her pants and boots completely off and unbuttoned her shirt. I could see not only her hairless pussy but also her tits and very erect nipples. She was leaning back in the Jeep seat with her 8”...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Emma Hix Kylie Quinn Seducing The Landlord

Emma Hix has recently broken up with her boyfriend. She bought her place with him, which means that she needs roommates now to make ends meet. She is curious about the couple that has applied to live with her, and as she gets dressed she daydreams about what they may be like. That’s how Jake Adams and Kylie Quinn came to be in Emma’s home. Once Emma has showed them around, they’re in the kitchen making small talk. Emma’s ex comes up, but before she can let herself spiral...

3 years ago
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behind his back

My reason for choosing this University had absolutely nothing to do with its academic programs and even less to do with its elite sports programs. I enrolled at this University because I was following my ex girlfriend. My ex girlfriend and I pretty much had a love hate relationship. It was kind of one of those relationships where if you were not fucking you are fighting and if you were not fighting you were fucking. I know that sounds absolutely crazy. But it honestly worked for us for...

2 years ago
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Maa K Sath Sex

Hi dosto… This is vish here.. Ye baat tab ki hai jab me 18 saal ka tha school ki chutti chal rahi thi to hum sab gao aaye the chuttiya manane k liye humare me meri maa aur papa the. Ek din dopahar ko mai jab bahar khel k ghar aaya to mom k aawaze aa rhi thi aah aah me dekhne gya ki kya baat hai to dekha papa maa ko chod rahe the maa soyi hui thi aur papa upar se apna lund andar bahar kar rahe the maa aahh ahh chodo mujhe bol rhi thi ye sun k papa ka josh badh gya aur tezi se chodne lage.. Kuch...

2 years ago
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Special Analversay

© 2002 Couture "You do remember our anniversary is next week, don't you?" Amy asked. "Of course I do, honey," I replied, trying to keep from raising my voice, which would let her know for sure I was lying. "Well, have you got me anything yet?" "You know I can't tell you that." "Why not?" she said, putting her arm around me and stroking my love handle. "Because of that," I said. "You won't stop at anything to find out what I'm getting you." "Well, just in case you...

3 years ago
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Triptych InterviewsWendy

Sunday, November 7 (After Chapter 25 of Triptych) WENDY: [to security desk] This is Mr. aroslav. He's visiting me for an hour or so. He's writing an article. [A bored hand is waved.] WENDY: I've wanted to tell people about this for a long time. Thank you for visiting, Mr. aroslav. aroslav: It's a pleasure, Wendy. But I have to say that I'm still pretty shocked. [sigh] WENDY: I know. Kate's the only one who knew before this morning. Now I guess everyone will know. Are you going to...

1 year ago
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Saw Mom Getting Fucked From Dad Again

Hello Everyone. I am Amit again, back with a kind of sequel of my story. I hope you all have read my previous story. It was my 1st story that I published on Indian Sex Stories (ISS). Lot of readers showed interest in the story and enquired a lot about the incident which I have mentioned. Seeing the response from the story, I would like to share one more incident which I saw just few days back. I really couldn’t believe I am watching my parents having sex at this age. Now I know everything about...

2 years ago
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Looking up at me with a mischevious grin you place both hands on the bottom of my shorts and yank them down taking my cock in your mouth all in one action. It is the hottest thing I have ever seen. You then give a long luxurious lick from the base to the tip of my cock. Your tongue spirals around the head before taking me into your mouth again. I tilt my head back and getting lost in the sensation. Slowly taking a little bit more, a little deeper feeling my throbbing cock getting harder and...

1 year ago
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Not My TypeChapter 8

My first instinct was to bolt, and the nearest hiding place was the bathroom. I made it in record time before either Joe or Rhiannon had time to react. I locked the door and slumped against it with a gasp. The first knock on the door was loud and right beside my ear. I jumped a little. "Lil-ly," Rhiannon chided through the thick door. "Come out Lil, and we'll talk about this." My knees gave out and I slid down to sit on the floor with an unladylike thump. I could hear the low rumble...

1 year ago
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Encounter With Big Spanish Girl Latisha 8211 Part 2

Hello Everyone, This is Rohan, back again with the second part of my encounter with big Spanish women Latisha, a bit about me again, I am 27, 6’1″ tall and athletic. I suggest you read the previous part to enjoy the current story even more. Here is the link Well after our encounter in the kitchen and in the sofa, we both were exhausted and sweating, it may have been a short session of 20 mins, but it got us both very horny and we both came like never before, our face was wet with each other’s...

1 year ago
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excuse my language or pardon my french but

my God, but that is like say, or how you say like scary. this particular afternoon for something like six, or seven days before a, or the thanksgiving day holiday for this calendar year of two-thousand, & eighteen, twenty-eighteen whereas i'm watching that being of a news-story about a mad-shooter had went upon a shooting-spree upon the southside of the city of metropolitan Chicago, Illinois, u.s.a. before that being of the closing of the day for that being of the five o'clock p.m. hour. I...

3 years ago
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MisfitsChapter 1

"Stay down or I'll hit you again!" Billy Myers told me and I blinked at the tears flooding my eyes. "What a wuss!" Dale said, grinning at his two friends. "Hit him, Billy!" the third boy, Mark, suggested loudly and I shook my head, looking around the empty lot like a trapped animal. They were all older than me, bigger too, and I didn't know why they hated me. Probably they didn't, at least not anymore than a bully hates anyone in particular. They weren't picking on me because of...

2 years ago
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Breast pumping and cock sucking at the park

Just a little story that happened the other day, I was at a park by me called ‘Otsiningo Park’ riding my bike; this park is a place where you can suck a lot of cock. After I was done I went back to my car (white corvette) to use my portable Breast pump for a little while, it relaxes me. I dropped my breast from my nursing bra and then started pumping; it feels so much better when I am doing it in my car then at home. It makes me feel like a dirty whore for some reason. As my nipple was pumping...

3 years ago
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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...

Oral Sex
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An Ace with Two Queens Pt 1

There were two different reasons that he begged my mom for me to stay the night, one coming from him and the other from me. The whole real reason Mike wanted me to stay the night was because he never had a brother and plus he had a couple of new video games which he was overly excited about them and he wanted me to play with him. Now the reason I wanted to stay the night was totally different from his reason, my reasons came with long blond hair and edible bodies, his sisters, Mandy...

4 years ago
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ComrieChapter 33

Four shuttles quietly set down so they had a clear view of the barn, office and caretakers' residences. As soon as the doors opened, two lions eased out of the lead shuttle and quickly disappear into the darkness. Three Security team members followed, headed for the building where the horses and dogs were kept. Another group headed for the building where the doctor and male caretaker were sleeping. A light was still on at the back of the other caretaker's residence. "Cathan, Sorcha, Ciar,...

2 years ago
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A Ray of Sunshine

My older brother Liam was currently scowling at the many cars in front of us. It was 8:30 in the evening, and we'd been sitting in London traffic for nearly an hour. The storm was still raging on outside, and car horns were blaring left, right and centre. I'd called Liam after my shift at work. Public transport was all but down, and I didn't want to walk the streets of London at night. Liam had been less than enthused about coming to get me. “I'm sorry, I didn't know there'd be congestion.” ...

3 years ago
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Swingerrsquos night out

I have to tell you all about a story of two hot couples, and what happened one night when they met. One night my wife Jenny and me (Jimmy) were out on the town to Chicago. We were away from town on a personal vacation trip in a city in another state. we were eager to get out and have some fun with some sweaty dancing, and hot love making to come later, and drinks galore. Jenny gets pretty easy when I get some drinks in her, and tonight we were going to get pretty toasted, so I knew she...

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Mom back to shape

My eyes were still glued to the TV. "Sure, but can this wait until later? This game is almost over." She picked up the remote control and shut the tv off. "Hey! I was watching that!" "You can read the results online or catch the replay on the news, I really don't see what the difference is anyway," she replied sternly. "Fine, what can I do for you mom?" She lifted the bottom of her t shirt to reveal a soft, curvy stomach. She had given birth a year earlier which had left her with...

2 years ago
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Jackson in HRPGWorld 3 A Sticky Starting ScrapChapter 5

"Time for that Bad End?" she asked. Her slime rippled up over his exposed belly. Bad End jolted Jackson from his haze of contentment. What else did she like to swallow? Skip. Sad angel. Skip. Positive angel. "I know what you're doing," Suraimo said after he'd returned to the forest path. "You want to draw it out and save the H-scene to the last. You want to see all my moves first." Jackson wanted to see her diced into little blue cubes. "That's so sweet. I'll be sure to add...

1 year ago
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A little story about lesbian sex

After a heavy day’s shopping they needed to relax. They went into the bedroom and kicked off their shoes and took off their frocks. Amira flopped on the bed in her bra, garter-belt and panties. Shanna sat on the side of the bed in her white silk teddy. She undid Amira’s garters and as Amira kicked her legs in the air she pulled off Amira’s stockings. Then she got on to the bed beside Amira. Amira sat up and Shanna unclipped Amira’s bra. Amira let it fall down...

1 year ago
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Future PerfectChapter 15

I left Bella nursing a nasty hangover, and dived into the shower. I'd made love with her into the early hours, plundering her charms until I was no longer able to perform. I'd finally collapsed from the combination of exhaustion, and the pervasive effects of Haden's wine. It was the start of a new day and I wondered what amazing adventures were in store. With the prospect of nothing of significance to achieve, I wandered through the deserted compound. People either were incapacitated or...

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