SpaceChapter 23 free porn video

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Jerry excitedly said, "Let's turn that on its side to see if it floats on your desk?"

"Great idea but my computer is inside. We have to wait until it is attached to the sides for that."

"Why can't you turn a computer?"

"That is the other part of the project. Last year Mr Ramsey put a magnet on his desk and then put a large piece of Bristol board on it. He sprinkled iron filings on that."

Sam said, "I remember that. The metal followed the lines of force instead of just spreading out evenly."

"A similar effect is happening here. The crystals have these lines of force. Some kinds can be used to make a simple computer. If you have something like mould or fungus that has a lot of iron in it, it will grow the way the iron filings grew when they were dropped over a magnet. The mould in this case grows along the lines of force in the crystals. Do you guys want to see inside?" I smiled at this so they would not get upset. They had to learn but not be frightened.

Betts smile looked fake but she said, "I want to see."

"Matt can I remove your external power for a while?"

"I have reserves for thirteen days."

"Good, I have to deactivate the field, buddy."

"Betts pull that box out of the outlet behind you."

She did as I asked and slowly the field collapsed. We hurried over and Wendy said, "It smells funny."

"The mould needs a warm damp climate just like a greenhouse. The small veins that carry water and nutrients have the minerals in the walls of the tiny tubes."

Jerry said, "It looks like a piece of mouldy bread with some small pieces of yellow or brown glass."

"It isn't much to see. Crystals get added to those small dints in the ceramic. The ones I have here would fall out if I turned the box now. The fungus grows to cover the sides of the box and the thin fibres follow the lines of force. The crystals in the USB devices or even our glasses will use similar lines of force to talk to this computer the way a computer talks to the modem."

Jerry said, "You have a good computer why do you need this thing?"

"It is a project to make. You built a few model cars before."

"That was when I was a kid."

"Jerry, you are as old as me. I helped you and it was fun. If we did another it would be fun. It would be fun in twenty years if we are together."

Jerry did smile now and said, "Ya, you're right."

"Well since everybody had a look let's close up the box so the computer can grow. I have an idea. Let's give the computer a name and not 'Mouldy'. Everybody gets a vote though."

We were joking about names when I called Elaine, Shirley and Ashleigh into my room. Ashleigh said, "What's so funny?"

Jerry answered, "Wally is making a computer out of crystals and fungus that I saw on bread. He said it will work. He does have something neat though.

Jerry looked at me and I looked at him. I said, "You explain it."

"Those crystals Betts put into us were special. There are other special ones in the computers to allow us to talk to each other. Anyway some guys at the academy want us to learn about something new that has not been in magazines yet. It's like the shield around the Enterprise but it's not clear."

Ashleigh said, "Show me."

Jerry did as he was asked and Ashleigh said, "Neat."

The other two tried it too but saw nothing that odd about it. They knew next to nothing about physics. I got the munchkins and Paul and they said neat too. Betts dropped the shield and the internal portion of the computer was far from being inspiring.

Paul said, "The guy that was talking to me said your computer will really work."

"I hope so."

After supper Sam and Chuck saw the computer and didn't think much of it. The shield they were smart enough to pick up on. Chuck said, "Can we make a suit that uses these crystals? It'd be like armour. People couldn't hit us."

"The bullets would still knock you over. We are too small. I don't think I can make pieces that work together very well. I can make a shield like the Romans had. They can wear one on their back too. We can try I guess if you guys want to spend your time helping."

"Sure, it'd be fun."

Three weeks into the new year, Caputo presented us with a counter offer for all of Cosner. The minority owners were outvoted by the majority and it was agreed to sell out. Nadac had attended the meeting with a probe and said there was not that much opposition. Apparently all of Mastti's e-money had disappeared. The Columbians were thought to have done it and Caputo was a second choice. The account actually netted us 436 million. We had scammed another criminal organisation into buying part of the Mastti empire without Mastti knowing he sold it.

The employees had been talked to by our lawyers and other representatives. They would stay on in their present positions with the exception of only 37 people. They had been involved with Caputo's scams. We would keep them and watch but they were not even trustworthy for that.

Caputo wanted a quick closing but we wanted to see the books. We also wanted the employees but ones we could trust. Foster, the parent organisation had replied that our price was far too low. It didn't look like even the 15.5 was going to work so we withdrew our offer.

By the end of January we knew the liabilities as well as the assets and adjusted our offer for Cosner. Some of the accounting was so subtle that Nadac had to find the problems and inform our people. Similar situations were found with the shipping companies. Again our offer was dropped to fit with the current status.

I made two dozen drones. The best went to Nadac in trade for the first one we had kept. We had one each now plus a few spares. The guys patrolled Toronto and went as far as the burnt out trailer and the well. Reconnaissance was now old hat.

We built shields out of coat hangers and crystals. An attack on us would come from this dimension so three crystals were all that were needed. An addition benefit was that the shield was transparent in this case. Because of its size I had to use twenty one of them. The coat hangers stiffened up except for the portion that extended through the shield that we had to hold onto. It was the stiffening of adjacent sections that made a segmented suit hard to make.

The shield was not that efficient. Rocks could be thrown through it if they were massive enough. Steel rods did the same thing. Bullets we figured would go through even easier.

Chuck wanted more density and the shield was made smaller and smaller to make it stronger. A spherical shape was tried. This triggered the ideas of a ship using the shield again. Nadac supplied information about cosmic and gamma ray penetration and their hopes fell for extended stays in space.

Science fiction was popular with our gang. Wendy almost peed herself when she saw a ship float out into space through a shield that kept the atmosphere in the ship. We were all watching the movie when she said, "Did you see that?"

It took a second for Shirley to say, "We have to see how much air it leaks and see how much power we need to push a solid object that size through the screen."

Pop was sitting with us and smiled, "You guys building a Star Destroyer?"

Paul said, "Not that big. We have to keep the costs down. Chuck and Jerry used up all the coat hangers and we needed to get more."

Pop laughed and almost spilt his coffee. Mom smiled and reached out to touch.

Patricia said, "Don't laugh Dad. It is going to be way bigger than this house."

"What is going to make it move, Princess?"

"I don't know yet. Reaction mass is out. We feel that we can phase shift between the dimensions to get supra light. The actual speed would be dependent on mass and the availability of Utram."

"No photon torpedoes or dilithium?"

I was now worried. I had no idea that Nadac had released this information. I looked around and saw that most of the others were not surprised. They too must have been introduced to this information already. To stop it now would look odd and I hoped that Patricia's age would make it look like a child's story she had seen.

"Daddy, we are not children. We use supra light missile. Our energy weapons all work in the upper dimensions for range and power."

"Well Princess, I stand corrected. I didn't think the photon torpedoes would be obsolete so soon."

Mom said to Pop, "You're a lagging behind technologically. We will have to take a refresher course in weapons."

Patricia said, "We will try to get you enrolled but you guys may be too old."

Now it was our turn to laugh.

Sandy was our current guard. She had laughed just as hard as we did but she was also younger. She said, "What is this Utram you were talking about?"

"Oh that old stuff. It is a synthetic atom that undergoes primary fission then the three major sections themselves undergo more fission. For the most part, only stable isotopes are produced. The energy produced is used to drive in inertial compensator as well as the temporal one. The main drives take less power than the two compensators. The reactor is much smaller and lighter than the one using antimatter."

"Do you know how to fly that ship?"

"I take ship handling but a computer has to do that. There are just too many things that have to happen at the right moment. I still have trouble with astrogating and bringing a ship to orbit. My head is not developed enough yet to handle all the mathematics."

"Grade four students don't usually have to know all that."

"Wally said I have to learn mathematics. We're doing that. Vectors are easy. It's when we get into calculus that we are having problems. Algebra is hard too and we have to know a lot more about that before we can handle calculus properly."

All the adults were interested now. Mom said, "You are doing algebra and calculus now?"

"Mostly algebra. The calculus was thrown in to show a shortcut."

"A shortcut to what?"

"To get to orbit with the least fuel then between here and the other planets. Did you know how long it takes just to get to Mars or Venus?"

"Where did you learn all this, Honey?"

"On the computer."

Mom looked at me and said, "Aren't you pushing things too fast, Wally?"

"The website dispenses knowledge. Patricia is sucking it up at her pace not mine. She finds mathematics interesting. If she is forced to master multiplication and division to learn about flying to Mars, then I think that is beneficial. I would even promote it in school."

"That may be good but I'll talk to her teacher about it."

Patricia said, "She doesn't even know how to change orbit. I tried to teach her but she wasn't interested."

Pop said, "Does Liza and Erin know how to do this too?"

"Erin is not as good as me yet."

"And Liza?"

"She is better than me. She wants to be the pilot."

"Not the captain?"

"That's too hard." Patricia looked at me and said, "Wally would have to be the Captain. He knows lots of math but he has to know a lot more."

"He already knows a lot, Princess. Show me this website."

"Nadac, Pop wants to see the site. No mention was made of live intervention."

Nadac didn't answer as usual. Patricia ran to get her computer. She put it in her father's lap and turned it on. It booted up fast and this made me cringe. Nadac's programming was very efficient. Patricia was in the right program almost immediately.

"George, go to last bookmark."

The last lesson came up. Pop said, "You have voice recognition, Princess?"

"Of course. We aren't in the stone age anymore."

"Show me what you do."

Text was on the screen and both of them read it. When Patricia finished the screen she said, "George, next page." The screen scrolled and she read a bit more. "George, question one; x y over b equals the square root of v squared over c squared equals... mmmm... one point five."

An obviously mechanical voice said, "Mass increase at that velocity is correct. What is the dimensional distortion when viewed from an observer at rest?"

Mom said, "What is the machine talking about?"

Bert said proudly, "Our little girl is just working on the change of mass when a ship has attained a relativistic velocity. Einstein must be in simple steps. George has to be the code word for the voice recognition to begin processing."

"Daddy, you said that word. Now it wonders what I said."

"Sorry Princess."

"Einstein? Relativity?" Mom said.

I had not looked around but Liza, Erin and Paul brought out their computers. Paul climbed into Mom's lap though he was older. Mom didn't seem to mind. They fired up their machines and showed their stuff. Liza sat between Sandy and her mother so she could show what she was doing.

In a moment Sandy said, "What is that flashing icon for?"

Liza said, "The guys are online. They talk a lot about sports or to their girlfriends but they want to build our spaceship."

"Wi-Fi that far?"

"Ours can. Chuck says we are going at supra light speeds now but he can't prove it."

"And he was using all the coat hangers?"

"Ya, he made neat shields but they were not strong enough. Sam used a plastic garbage can lid. It was better but heavier too."

"You guys are certainly creative. I worry about my son Willy. He's sitting around all day watching television or playing computer games."

"We play games too. We fight Betty and Erica on the moon. We usually have to be defence because the weapons have too much mass even though they don't weigh much. Paul is good with his missile battery. He has a good feeling for the mathematics. We don't use too many kinetic weapons now. Distortional weapons are better. They rip an enemy into pieces when they are pushed into other dimensions."

"You can't use a calculator from inside the game?"

"Our suit computers are supposed to break down a lot. We have to use our minds. We are using heavy duty lasers now to dig a deeper base and put in more automatic weapons. We need better drones too. Betty and Erica shoot them out and then we can't see what's happening."

"Do they use drones too."

"We all have to use them or we get killed."

"Do you shoot theirs down too?"

"All the time."

"Put some at ground level with a lot of explosives nearby. When you see them coming then you can trigger the blast and get them."

"Paul thought of that already. Now they use drones on the ground to look for ultrawave communications."

The conversations went on and the movie was forgotten. I turned the television off and got my own computer out. We could at least hide out in the open now. This gave me an opportunity to give June one of the computer's openly but she would be encouraged to learn what she now took in school. She had lots of homework and the voice recognition helped a bit.

Near six PM on Sunday I got a phone call from Sam. "Wally," he said excitedly. "Greg is being beat up at the range by three guys. It looks serious. They are not playing around."

I didn't have to look. Sam was worried and he already made a decision by calling me. "You are closer. Get Jerry and Chuck. Don't go in if you are going to get hurt unless it looks serious for Greg. I'll get right over there."

"I'll try my best Cap."

"I know you will."

I intercepted the signals coming from Sam's remote and saw what was happening. All the guys were a lot bigger than Greg. He was just on the ground in a ball being kicked by all three.

I hurried out of the room thinking as I went. I needed transportation and more troops were good. Gail was not here at the moment and this meant I needed Mom and Pop. Wilcox was here but this should be done by us. Greg needed to see that he had friends and he needed it now. Blooding my troops came to mind as well. I felt ashamed of the idea but it had merit.

Pop was sitting in a chair reading. "Pop will you give Betts... Wendy and I a lift. A friend is hurt and may need a lift to the hospital."

"Who is it?"


"Let's go."

Mom looked worried. She didn't stop us but she got up. I hurried to Betts room and said, "Scramble. Greg is being beaten by three guys at the old rubber factory."

She said nothing but jumped off the bed. In a moment Wendy was doing the same thing. Erica would come too but she and Gail were out shopping for groceries.

We were dressed as quick as we could. I raised the garage door and gave Paul the job of making sure it closed after we left.

Mom got in the front seat beside Pop and the three of us took the next seat. I gave directions as we went but I continued to monitor the beating.

I wanted to urge Pop to go faster. But had to say, "He's laying in the snow and bleeding. I don't think he is conscious."

Mom said, "How do you know?"

"Sam just phoned me. He saw the beating and is running to help Greg."

Wendy said, "Who are they?"

"I don't know. Three males, sixteen to eighteen."

We got as close as we could. The girls bailed out of the van as soon as we could. Mom and then Pop were running behind us to get into the property through the broken chain link gate. Running was not hard as it was but the girls were faster than me.

Wendy yelled out ahead of her, "Leave him alone you fuckin' assholes."

A figure on the ground got another kick as the three guys looked to see who was coming. When they saw the girls, they acted like wolves and blocked their prey from the girls.

Betts got there first and didn't slow down. She attacked the largest one first. She hit the guy hard with her feet. She was not in balance and Kazuyoshi would not be happy.

Wendy was next and used a different technique. She struck her opponent with her hand and then grabbed his coat and flipped him over her hip. With the guy on the ground, the side of her fist came down and pulped the guy's nose. The third guy reached in and grabbed Wendy's hair and dragged her off balance.

Wendy fell but her leg went out in a sweep but didn't quite knock the guy over. Bett's opponent growled as he ran head down at her. I was close but I stopped and watched. Pop was almost beside me when is put out my hand to stop him. He wanted to go forward and I said, "Wait, watch."


Betts dropped to the ground before her attacker. I heard Mom scream behind us. The opponent though was propelled over Betts. She had hold of the hood on his coat. The guy did a somersault and landed on his back. Betts did a curl herself and pulped the guy's nose like Wendy did.

Wendy's second opponent tried to box with her. He had no ability that I could see and Wendy was blocking his blows and delivering two of her own.

Betts got up and looked for opponents. She like me stopped to watch though I saw that she desperately wanted to get in there and do damage. Women are vicious at the best of times.

Wendy got tired of the guy. He was groggy now and she moved in and kneed the guy in the nuts. When he fell Wendy kicked the guy in his face. Mom called out, "Wendy..." but the foot had already struck.

I hurried to Greg now. Betts stayed to watch for an attack. I checked for broken bones and saw none. Greg was unconscious.

"Pop carry him to the van. I'll stay to see that these guys get up."

Mom said, "By yourself?"

"They were softened up considerably. I won't have problems. Chuck is almost here now."

On cue, Chuck and Jerry came running with Sam just behind. Pop had already picked up Greg. He and Mom hurried back to the car. I said to Betts and Wendy, "You did a good job. Sensei Kazuyoshi would say you were sloppy but you were lucky this time. Go with Greg and tell him that he's out of harm's way. The guys were stay here to make sure these assholes make it to someplace safe."

The girls were still breathing deeply from their exertions. They gave me a smile and Wendy gave Chuck a better one then she went to him and kissed him like an Amazon would. Chuck just stood stunned when they ran off.

Sam said, "What happened?"

"I got Pop to drive us here. The girls are faster and got to these guys before I did. They were doing pretty well on their own and I got Pop and then Mom to observe. The fight itself was simple but the girls have to tell you. It was their fight not mine."

Sam said, "What are we doing with these guys?"

"Help them get home."

"I'd leave them here. They probably won't die."

"I know but we have to assist."

I used clean snow to wash away blood. The cold would keep down the swelling. I used my cell to call two cabs. The first one came and I gave the driver more than enough money to drop the guys off at the hospital.

Chuck said, "What do we do now?"

"We just wait. We will learn what happened later. Let's just work on The Beagle until we find out."

The second took us to Sam's house. Paul was phoned and given a short version of what happened. We'd have a lot of hyper kids when we got back.

Sam's dad, Will, met us in his shop. He was a nice guy and greeted us when we came in. "You guys building more of your spaceship?"

"Dad, it is mainly suborbital. It isn't intended for space. It won't even have the power to get to the moon quick enough."

I was not concerned about this talk now. We were kids and building dreams. They didn't believe us anyway. The guys had been given subtle clues and even a course on antigravity. A skateboard using this principle was fantastic. The wheels didn't quite touch the ground but looked like they did. The wheels kept the unit balanced though when we shifted our weight. It was like floating on the puck used in an air hockey game. All the troops were believers but told not to mention the board to others for fear that it would be investigated.

The guys ordered their own steel, welding rods and paid for the gas they used when they cut. It was fun to see girls over here wearing coveralls and grinding edges so they fit well. Sam's father taught welding and cutting now and chuckled to see the kids making a big toy even if it was expensive in his estimation. He was not worried because Sam only put in his share.

The ship was made of an inch and a half angle iron frame. It was the length of a station wagon and nearly as wide. We studied Star Trek episodes and movies to make a shuttle like they had. A two part windscreen from a large truck gave us a forward view. A car battery provided power for a fan and lights when the ship was closed up. Four small single seats and the back bench seat from a minivan came from Jerry's father's wrecking yard with the rest.

Fourteen gage mild steel sheets would cover the ship and carpeting would be put inside to keep the noise down as well as insulate from the cold of high altitudes. The hatch was the hardest to make and Will worked with us to make this. The metal ship would normally leak air but the shield would retain one atmosphere of pressure easy.

The guys thought I just ordered the crystals and only Betts and Erica knew that I had to process them too. None of the crystals were installed yet but the craft would need crystals of all kinds and in large numbers. The shield would have to be for all five dimensions but in a special configuration to make the entire ship invisible. The antigravity units had to be placed even on the top in case we inverted. We would need to right ourselves quickly.

Antigravity could propel us the same way a person walked. It was really a controlled fall. This was too slow and I wanted an engine to assist. We would now have to stay subsonic because we had no way of negating the sonic boom without more equipment. A computer would have to balance the forces on us and I didn't trust the earth manufactured variety. My own laptop would do until I made one.

There were lots of details to handle. The younger ones worked with us too. They had to learn how to cut, weld and grind.

Will said, "How long are you going to use up my floor space before you take this out into the snow?"

I said, "I'll get it transferred to my place."

"You going to fly it there?" he said with a smile.

"We haven't got the ok yet from Star Fleet Command."

With an even bigger smile he said, "I can help you get a truck."

"Thanks Mr Lockhart but we can manage ok. This craft is far from being certified to fly. This is just a trainer. The next one will have inertial dampeners, a full range ultrawave, more seating and more comfortable too. We need to have an air and water recycling unit and a synthesizer for food."

"No airlock?"

"That is old technology. The field can be weakened over the hatch. If the internal pressure is not that high we could walk through the shield but it is not easy."

"I should have thought about that."

"That's ok you haven't had the training we have."

We were only working for a half hour more when the phone rang. Betts said, "Hi Wally. Greg's doing ok. They took him into emergency right away. The guys we fought came in later. They almost left again when they saw us. Did we do all that to them?"

"You sure did. We only used some snow to clean them up and then put them into a cab."

"They look like they got hit by a truck and I am glad we did it."

"Don't get too cocky. The police may be involved yet and the boys didn't know how to fight."

"There were five of us that saw them beating Greg so if the police come they will be charged."

"You attacked when they stopped. They would have gone back to kicking him but the courts may not see it that way."

"Our case would still be stronger. Anyway, I love you and Wendy wants to talk to her man."

"I love you too, bye."

While Chuck talked to Wendy, Will asked, "What happened?"

"We found three guys all older than us beating up a friend of ours. Betts and Wendy went in and taught the guys a lesson. Pop and Mom took the girls and Greg to the hospital. We weren't going to leave the trash to die in the snow so the four of us here called a cab and sent it to the hospital too. The two groups met there."

"Wendy and Betty are not that big and they're girls."

"They take the same training in self defence that we take. This time that training may have saved Greg's life or perhaps from a worse beating. The next time it could save our own lives."

"How old were the guys?"

"At a guess I would say about seventeen."

"And two girls cleaned their clocks?"

"They sure did."

"You didn't do anything?"

"I am only a poor guy. I get involved in that and I could get hurt."

Will laughed so hard he had to hold onto our ship to stand up. "I'll take it that the girls didn't need help?"


"And I thought that they were so sweet."

Chuck said, "I'll let Wendy know that."

There was not that much we could do so far on the ship. I investigated all the welds with my 'eye' and repaired those that failed the inspection. The crystals of all kinds would go into a framework of steel pipe that was mounted to the flange of the angle iron inside the ship. Small holes in the pipe allowed the crystals to be placed and held in place. A growth similar to the computer substrate would link all the crystals for power and control. The fungus would live in steel pipe that would be welded to the angle iron too. This was used to protect the organism. A spray foam insulation would have to be used to retain heat. A special generator would provide a current to flow through the walls of the pipes. This resistance heating would keep the organism alive. If we lost air, then not only would we die but the organism too. We planned on making our next unit a sealed series of pipes much like the atmosphere inside Matt or our new computer christened Hal.

An alternative plan was to use pipe instead of angle iron for construction. This would work better but our welding would be more difficult as well as our cutting at other than ninety degrees. After some tests we planned on getting a fabricating shop to build a larger unit out of aircraft aluminium like the props used in the movie. This is what we were going to claim anyway. Suits would be have to be build too. Getting them to flex would be difficult because we were trying to think up our own ideas. The Aristis had suits for a very long time and armour for the same period. We looked clumsy but all of this was to learn and to prepare for later movements.

It was getting late and Sam's dad drove us all home. He did a lot more for us now because we were always polite and acted like gentlemen.

The family wanted to know what happened. Erica was quite worried and she should have phoned so she would know more. An hour later the rest got home. Mom and Pop were upset but Betts just signalled us to go to bed without saying anything other than Greg was staying overnight and would be alright.

Wilcox was appraised of the situation and now he asked questions about why we didn't call the police. I lied and said that it just looked like a squabble and not a serious fight. Betts added, "We only found out how bad it was when we saw the guys kicking Greg when he was on the ground."

Same as Space
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I;m working in a electronic firm and things have not been easy on our company. our management has no choice but to let go of some staff to keep the company going. However, my bosses are rich and they have other businesses that could cover from some of the shortfall. My boss Dan is a 48 year old guy from Chicago and he is married. However, he is known to be a womanizer and he has his fair share of ladies that he has fucked. We had few rumors in the past that he has fucked some of the...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 24 Sophomore Year Begins

August-September 1978 The next week flew by. On Sunday, we used my tickets and went to another baseball game. The Reds were hosting the Cubs. Tom Seaver pitched a lousy game and the Reds lost 7-1. Bethany joined us this time, because Mary wasn’t able to go. As luck would have it, the same guys were sitting behind us. “Hey, what happened to the sexy blonde?” “She couldn’t make it today, but this is another one that he’s had sex with,” Melanie said. “Melanie!” I growled. “Oh stop, Steve!”...

1 year ago
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Sex Komix! Porn comes in many eclectic forms. Since man first drew in the dirt with a stick, naked women have been his favorite theme. Over the years, we’ve come a long way from scratching stick figures in the sand. Now we have ultra high def 4K porn that makes the real world look like an out-of-focus cartoon.Dick RootsAs the porn world develops, it doesn’t forget about its roots. Many old forms of porn are still enjoyed to this day despite the fact they might be antiquated. Some stick to the...

Porn Comics Sites
2 years ago
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Coworker and I have gay sex outdoors

I was horny and in need of fucking some gay ass so I ended up blowing off my gf's plans one weekend, telling her i had to work and instead I met up with my coworker who I had been fucking. We met at his place, and I thought we were going to fuck like usual. We would just take off our clothes and lose control all over his house, fucking like crazy, but his time however, he said we things would be different. Either we do a quickie, roughly 5 minutes or less or not do anything at all since his gf...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 10

The next morning, as it happened, two new police guards were on duty outside Bob's door. Brian Spruell was a rookie, and thoroughly unhappy that he had been given this duty. Denny Smith was a Corporal and had a thing for nurses, so he wasn't quite so dour about it. It was quiet, and boring, but then police work seemed to be broken into two parts: 98% quiet and boring, and 2% "excitement", where somebody was likely to be killed. A lot of guys joined the force for the 2%, thinking it would...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Virgin Gf In Mussoorie

Hello there everyone, this is Nishant here. I am a computer science student studying in Dehradun and due to my adolescence age during those days. I always wanted to get laid with some beautiful girls and lose my virginity. So, during spare times I got to know everything from condom to ks positions which could make a girl happy and thanks to porn sites, they had helped me a lot. In this story, you will get to know how I got to explore my girlfriend’s pussy when we were in a hotel room in...

3 years ago
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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions Author's note : Second attempt at this sort of thing, only because I had good feedback for the first story, and was inspired to write another one. Hope you like it. It's a little short... I might never finish it but if it goes down really well, I guess I could make an effort. It had been a good night at the club. Many drinks downed, many girls danced with, and some funny moments all around. Al wandered outside, arm around his latest conquest, a solid 7/10...

4 years ago
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Mumbai Se Pune Tak Ki Safalta Part 8211 2

Hello friends this is yash gadia from mumbai. I have been on iss for a very long time. About me, am 22, a student. Am mostly into middle aged ladies only. All you ladies out there, you can mail me up on Ab mai aap sab ko bohot thank you kehna chahta hu. Meri pehli story, ye story ka pehle part ko aap sab ne bohot appreciate kiya and itna acha response diya. Jo mere naye readers hai, mai unse request karunga ki wo is story ka pehla part bhi padhe ki kaise maine aarti naam ki ek lady ko mumbai...

4 years ago
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Three on a Greek beach

We all have principles. I am not the exception to this rule. Some of my principles change or are abandoned over time, but some have remained with me for as long as I can remember. One of those is: always carry with me at the beach sunblock, a beach volley ball and a lighter. Not life saving items, but in several occasions they made my life more pleasant.I am a fanatic nudist. I adore heat as much as I hate the cold. Feeling the sun on every part of my body-including my junk and ass-is an...

3 years ago
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Best Friend and his fiance

I have known my best friend all of my life and have had many wild nights of partying and meeting women being each others wing man but as we got older we were getting to that age where we wanted to start finding "Ms right" and settle down. We were out one night in the town that we both had grown up in and I met this very cute little blond Sara who was in her mid 30's and for having a couple k**s from a previous marriage had a perfect a little ass and nice 34c breasts. Her smile was amazing and...

2 years ago
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You and me 4 part one

So from the shore I watched my buddies surf....they were pretty good but then they have been surfing for awhile now. They asked me if I wanted to learn while back but I said no I wasn't interested in it. As I watch them now It might be fun to do it.The next day I signed up for some one on one surfing lessons that my friends told me about. I arrived at the center and met you. You were the same age and height as me but with a lot more tanning that I had. You had a shirt with your surf school on...

3 years ago
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Reunion With My Hot Tuition Teacher

Hi, this is Rahul; I had been invited to a wedding of my class mate in my home town- Hyderabad. The party was in a hotel where we were put up. It was like after 10 years. I was trying to connect faces with names as the party progressed, I saw a woman, She didn’t look forgettable, She looked beautiful, she had sparkling brown eyes, dark brown hair, She was wearing a one piece party gown, her neck was encased in a big red pendent. I was trying to figure out, Was she one of my friends sister? I...

3 years ago
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Jessica 2

I hadn’t exactly been sitting around all summer waiting for Jessie to return for the fall semester. I loved my old three and one half story, eighteen hundred’s, SEARS catalogue farmhouse. However, the previous winter had proven that it wasn’t fun to live in while trying to stay warm with ten foot ceilings and little if any insulation in the walls. I had reinforced the flooring and cut a hole in the living room wall. Then I laid firebrick, covered it all with green tiles and sat back and...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 41 If You Remember Anything Call Us

February 6, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Well, if it isn’t my old friends Agents O’Toole and Stone,” I grinned, shaking their hands. “What can I do for you?” “We’d like to speak to you, privately,” Agent Stone said. “Are you investigating me?” I asked. Agent Stone shook his head, “No. You are not a suspect, a person of interest, nor a target.” “And by privately, you mean without Elyse or my attorney present?” “Yes, if you would. I’ll explain what we want and then you can decide,...

3 years ago
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Just eighteen

When Graham had invited me on a night out I was under the impression that all of our friends would be there. I had not been informed that I was, effectively, a plus one for his younger sister’s 18th birthday party. Had I known I’d never have bothered. Hanging out with a bunch of k**s? This was no way to be spending my Saturday night. But here I was, and I was in hell.It seemed that all of Lucy’s friends were boys. Obnoxious, irritating boys. It wasn’t really their fault. All 18 year old boys...

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Wicked Wife

Wendy got a thrill out of calling herself “Wicked Wendy”. She’d been married seven years. It was that mythical time when folks strayed. It hadn’t taken nearly that long for her. She’d married after a wild post-prom night when her date and his two buddies took her virginity with repeated copulations and she’d loved it. In spite of birth control, she’d gotten pregnant and her date, Warren, stepped up to that responsibility. Months after they married she miscarried but they decided to stay...

2 years ago
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Kate and Me Part 2

So I was at home watching my latest DVD purchase when I felt my mobile vibrate in my pocket. The caller ID read Kate. I eagerly answered the phone to find out what she wanted.Turns out she needed help with her new PC. I said I would be right over; I only lived up the road to her so I grabbed my wallet and ran there as quickly as I could. I knocked on the door expecting Scott to answer and let me in but to my delight it was Kate in a bathrobe. Her hair still wet she invites me in.“So you need...

3 years ago
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Wolfs Friends Diane and Peter

Diane and Peter are a retired couple who run a superb Guest House in Surrey. I have a client nearby and have stayed there so often that they've become friends. Their house is large and modern with a paddock and a reasonably sized private indoor pool. Usually this is not available to guests but fortunately I am one of the few exceptions. This is great for me, as I know neither Peter nor his wife used the pool in the evening, which leaves it free for my sole use. One evening I'd finished my...

4 years ago
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Retreads Part DeuxChapter 4

Every time I thought about retiring, something interesting always came up to change my mind. This time was no different. Personally, I had all but written Earth off as a lost cause. I honestly believed that they would find a way to destroy themselves before they grew out of the urge to do so. Others obviously held out some hope for our old home, though. I thought the Bards might help, but not enough. I didn't know about the contingency plans until Dina French asked for a meeting with me. I...

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All Business

My job requires a lot of travel. I have to travel different places with coworkers for weeks at a time. My husband hates it and so do I. Most of the time I go with some girls right out of college. On this trip due to a mix up at the hotel we have to share a room. The two girls are about twenty four and very good looking. They went out one night to let off some steam. I stayed in the room to go to bed early. Well the girls came back but they were not alone. They were sneaking in and trying to...

4 years ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 5 Unlikely Allies

He lay very still and watched an ugly, rat looking creature scurry across the ground and through tufts of dark, serrated grass. Every few feet, it stopped and reared up on hind legs to test the air for any scent of threat. It moved from shadow to shadow in quick bursts, hunting for food, and unknowingly being hunted in turn. Something stirred in Logan’s mind as he lay watching. Soft leaves brush against my bare cheek and fill my nose with the green scent of Mesquite trees. The grass bends...

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Diane Through the Looking Glass

I came home one afternoon to find the house empty. Then I remembered Diane had a meeting that afternoon for some organization or group she had been volunteering with recently. I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, dropped my tie on the kitchen bar and walked out to the pool area. We had just had some work done recently replacing the tinted sliding glass doors with hurricane wind resistant sliding glass doors. They were reputed to withstand flying debris up to 135 miles per hour. Diane and I...

3 years ago
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Sissy Therapy

Sissy Therapy by Kate "Great practice, guys! If we keep working hard, we have a real shot at the conference title," Coach Jones addressed the thirty or so high school boys gathered around him. The boys were sweaty and tired, but the coach's praise momentarily raised their spirits. "Smith nice passing out there. Keep up the good work." Fifteen year old Billy Smith grinned cockily. "Sure, Coach. After all, I am the greatest!" The other boys moaned at Billy's arrogance. Coach...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 20

Tim's turn: It's done. After the first marriage went off the tracks there was a time when I told myself that never again would I put my heart in the care and control of another woman. That lasted, too, helped along by the quality of the available women I was set up with or who found me on their own. Then one day I moved here. She's lying there. The light of a full moon is streaming in the window, illuminating what was only a few hours ago a Celtic goddess, clad in natural linen,...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 189

Thanks to Unclepodger What’s the difference between a cheetah and a comma? One has claws at the end of its paws, the other has a pause at the end of its clause. What’s the difference between beer-nuts and deer-nuts? Beer nuts are a $1.49, Deer nuts are under a buck. One beautiful Sunday morning, a priest announced to his congregation: “My good people, I have here in my hands three sermons ... a $100 sermon that lasts five minutes, a $50 sermon that lasts fifteen minutes, and a $10...

1 year ago
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Sisters Friend

Note : This story is completely My 18 year old sister and our next door neighbor Susy have been lez playmates for years. Susy is a 18 year old high school student at an all girls catholic school. Sis has made sure that Susy remains pure until she's 18. Sis has also kept me her virgin pure sex toy ever since we were young teens. I'm now 20 and Sis wants me & Susy to be her virgin mistress Sister? Especially when she ties me up and tells all about what she does with her innocent & constantly...

3 years ago
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Raped virgin bride

Raped virgin bride. By po469 FMMMMM Paul and I had been going together for about four months. He is 30 years old and quite a hunk. He is six feet tall and weighs 170. He has brown hair and dreamy brown eyes. About a month ago he asked me to marry him and I said yes. My name is Brenda. I am 19, 55 and weigh 120#. I have long red-brown straight hair and many people have told me that I am very pretty. We live in a small town in New York. I am still a virgin but I know that Paul is far from it....

1 year ago
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My Aunt Nancy

100% fictional! My name is Mike. This all started last summer when I had just finished high school. I just turned 18 and was soon going to college. The place my aunt lived was somewhat rural, but it was a large neighborhood. This neighborhood was a lot closer to the college I was going to, for it was only a half an hour away from the college. My mom suggested that I go live with her to save money on gas. My aunt was 41yrs old and was still pretty hot for that age; at 5'6" she had slightly wavy...

2 years ago
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Girl Scout Nookie Sale

Copyright© 2005 Kenny N Gamera There was a knock on the door. It was a soft, insistent knock that sounded vaguely feminine. I rushed to the door, sending cats one and two, at first, into a blind panic and, afterward, into hiding under the futon. Cat number three, having moved out, did not get involved. I swung the door open, and to my bitter disappointment there were not five naked women with beer and pork rinds. I wouldn't have complained if there were five naked women without either beer...

4 years ago
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A curious daughter

Introduction: After accidentaly watching an adult movie, a girls mind is filled with curiosity and temptation. And then she has a wicked idea… It all started with this weird e-mail. The title was misleading, she was completely positive it was from one of her school classmates. Despite all the lessons she got from her father about internet security, for a second she forgot to check the senders address, and simply opened the file attached to it, a video whose filename resembled one of the...

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GardnerChapter 10

JJ took the elevator to the lobby and was surprised to see so many friends remaining. The Redmon family, along with Grandma and Grandpa, were in a circle chatting, as well as his mother. He approached and the women gave him a hug while Dr. Redman shook his hand. Dr. Redman pulled him aside, "Son, if you'll come by and see me in a day or two, we'll talk about your car." JJ nodded, and looked at Grandpa, a serious and determined look on his face. JJ nodded his acknowledgment to Grandpa,...

1 year ago
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The Pickup

Jerry asked, "Are you sure this is what you want?" daughter said, "We have to expand our horizons." Wife said,"And they both need to be really good looking." Jerry went off in a cab to a downtown area where he knew there were some bars. It had been several years since he was in a bar and did not really understand the changes that had occurred. The bar he entered was considered a gay bar but he did not know what that was so he went on in. He was shocked to see some women and men dancing with...

Group Sex
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The Next Steps

After Danielle's confession, our sex went to a new level. We were on each other like teenagers. We explored new experiences. We fucked in our backyard, where neighbors could have seen us from their second floor. On one drive, we found a secluded road, stripped naked, and I bent her over the hood of the car and gave her a good screwing.It went on for a month or so like that. I asked her about Jeff at work, and she told me she wasn't doing him anymore because things were going so well at home.I...

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Houston 3Chapter 3

Norma laid her left hand on Felicia's shoulder, looking on admiringly, as her friend kissed and licked her way along Franck's thick, shimmering shaft, and continued with her tale. He went right to the couch and sat down. He looked at me, said, "I wasn't sure you'd really be up for this until you opened the door. I would have understood if you hadn't." John's hand absently reached up to grasp Felicia's strident nipple and squeezed it. Norma, watching intently, licked her lips, and...

3 years ago
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Desire To Fuck Sexy And Hot Aunt 8211 Part 2

Hi! This is Vatsal back again with the continuation of my previous part. Without any further delay, let’s start it. After the hot steamy sex while massaging my aunt Sheetal, I was lying beside her and caressing her cheek and lips. We were talking about how it just happened between us. The aroma of fresh cum and sweat mixed with oil were intoxicating. I slowly moved my hand down on my aunt’s little dry cunt which was slightly open with the fuck she just received from me. I always had an eye on...

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My First Boyfriend Part Five

Things had pretty much gotten back to normal after our wildweekend a week or so before. My boyfriend Steve and I had our unofficial “honeymoon” where I had dressed in a wedding dress and we made love. I had been out dressed as a girl for the first time and had gone to a party where I sucked off a bunch of guys for money. Steve and I had taken two of those guys home with us and they all banged me all night until their dicks wouldn’t get hard and then had started putting other stuff up my butt. I...

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Erik walks up to the front door of his home and pulls out his keys from his backpack. Unlocking the door and walking inside he takes a moment to stretch. Feeling relieved that finals are over and he isn't going back to school for a while he starts walking to the kitchen to grab a snack. Grabbing a protein bar and an apple he continues to his room, turns on his computer and starts to play games. An hour passes before he realizes his mother hasn't been around or just isn't present in the...

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True to Ones Nature

It’s true, I’m a fucking genius. I have literally gotten away with murder, several killings if the truth is told. I enjoy ending lives, especially the lives of beautiful girls. You know the girls I mean, the ones that are so beautiful that men are afraid to approach them. The ones that look down their noses at everyone I find the most fun ... the most enjoyable to rape and kill that is. Admit it friend, you’ve thought about it. Choking the life out of some snobby, stuck up whore that thinks...

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Glory Hole Story

In the fast paced world of investment banking, it was only natural that hard working analysts, associates, and managers would need an outlet to relax. It was somewhat of an open secret for those 'in-the-know' that such an outlet existed.Emily knew about the office Gloryhole, but she never participated. It didn't excite her, but it didn't repulse her either. As a woman with a tremendous amount of responsibilities, she understood how hard everyone in the company worked and the need for stress...

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Lasting Impressions Chapter 6 Day 18

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 6 By: ASTRO Day 18 I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. AJ was a work today and I had an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. Thankfully AJ was going to get off work early to watch the kids. I went about my day unchanged from before. I was dressing as conservatively as I could, considering my options. I really did not feel sexy today. I was also very fearful of going and seeing a doctor. As a nurse I had...

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Claiborne HighChapter 5

"I'll wait for you," Cheryl's mother said as she parked the car. "Wait... ?" "There's something we need to talk about," her mother said. "There've been ... I've been wondering ... that is, have you been seeing some boy and haven't told me?" "Of course not," Cheryl said. "Not even in ... there?" Her mother waved at the building housing The Construct's local offices. "Not even there," Cheryl said. "I'm told you can watch what goes on. There really isn't much to see,...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 17 Alien Medical Treatment

The attendant was someone new. This young man looked a bit frustrated as we entered the room. “Who are you?” “Citizen Mark Parker,” I replied crisply. “The AI told me that I was to show up with two concubines.” The man looked at me and the three women with me. “You seem to have three,” he said. “Lenore already visited a pod,” I replied. “But when the call came I was not in my home pod, so she escorted Aine here.” The attendant looked surprised. “You weren’t in your pod? Why not?” “I want...

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The Neighbor Part 2

The next morning I was awoken by Cathy wanting me to clean her well fucked pussy. I was lying in the bed in the guest bedroom where I wanked myself to sleep, and Cathy climbed up and sat on my face and said, "I hope you enjoy your cream pie breakfast wimp!" and giggled a little. After about ten minutes Thomas woke up and entered the guest bedroom and said, "I'm next!" "Ooh, Jim loves breakfast sausage." They both laughed at that one. After I was done cleaning Thomas, Cathy said, "Now that you...

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In the Blood

My stomach let out another painful groan, filling the evening sky with the songs of hunger. I absently put my hand to my gut, as if to sooth away the pain. I quickly rifled through the pockets of my long coat, hoping in vain to find some morsel I'd missed the last dozen times I tried. I felt my anger flare as another hunger pang shot through me; this had been my life for months, moving from place to place with nary a moment to rest or a bit to eat. All because I'd woken up one day with slitted...

Mind Control
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Fast Fuck With Neighbour8217s Wife On Holi

Hi friends, I am Ajay 24 m from nasik, this is my first story to the lovely site. Now without taking much of your time lets come to story. ‘Ding…dong…ding…dong…” the front-door bell rang. ‘Who could be this’, I wondered. Standing nude in the bathroom, I was about to open the shower to take a bath at 7.30 in the morning. The milkman and newspaper boy had already come and gone. The day, being a Sunday, the elderly maid-servant would come after 9.00 only instead of her usual time of 7.00. Did she...

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The OutsiderChapter 31 A Sunset on the Beach

Finally Mike recovered enough to move away from the grave, shake hands with Reverend Chandler, and tell his girlfriend that he was ready to leave. On their way out they drove through old neighborhood. He insisted on passing by his family’s former home for the last time. The house was being demolished, with great care because its materials were loaded with toxic chemicals. Ruthie noticed that the front yard already was dug up and that one of the neighbor’s trees had started to wilt. They...

2 years ago
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Part Time Job For Kim

Kim a mother of three her oldest 19 was just about to go to a big school four states away and being by herself Kim needed help to come up with the money. Kim worked a normal job as an office manager in town and the pay was very good but she needed more, so Helen a close friend sent her to the local college and they asked her many questions then sent her to L A F it was an house on campus that needed a leader. The next day Kim the 40ish mother and hard business woman was scared as a...

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Marching Band Sex trip

So we went to Disney and marched in the parade, which was kinda cool. We played Disney's magical marches, which is actually pretty freakin hard. I marched my Yamaha ytr-4335 and my friend marched his bach, which is like a $3000 horn. So after the parade, we went back to the hotel on bus and would stay over night and go to disney to actually visit the park the following morning. So as the 3 of us went up to our room and we saw another band was staying in the next bunch of rooms. As we walked...

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MarianneChapter 10

Will still has the Narrative During the first week of March in our Mining Systems class, we were reminded about the field trip scheduled for next week. “Next week we will be taking a field trip to a mine in the Leadville mining district. The mine is located just south and a bit west of the town of Leadville, Colorado. It is a bit over a hundred miles from here,” our Professor told us. “The Leadville area and its mines were covered in some of your previous classes, but just as a review,...

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Strict Rules for Engagement Pt 3

“Now that was an exciting and tasty dinner.” She said with a beaming smile on her lips. Brody just stared at her for a moment without saying a word. This woman looked and sounded like his mother but who he saw was a sex goddess who could rival even the hottest pornstars in existence. “Holy fuck mom. That was so intense!” He said as he tried to get the feeling back in his legs. “I know hey, just imagine if he caught us, how would we have explained that one?” She said as she got up...

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