Jessica #2 free porn video

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I hadn’t exactly been sitting around all summer waiting for Jessie to return for the fall semester. I loved my old three and one half story, eighteen hundred’s, SEARS catalogue farmhouse. However, the previous winter had proven that it wasn’t fun to live in while trying to stay warm with ten foot ceilings and little if any insulation in the walls. I had reinforced the flooring and cut a hole in the living room wall. Then I laid firebrick, covered it all with green tiles and sat back and congratulated myself on building my second wood-burning stove.

The first stove had been built in the basement of my first home and it had worked so well that before winters end it cracked all the cast iron radiators imbedded in sand, circulating everything through my boiler. This one, however, was a far simpler design and hopefully would keep at least one room in the big old house warm. Twenty-two by twenty-seven with ten foot ceilings and two sliding-in-the-wall doors, it was a large room to heat. I could plastic wrap the windows that overlooked the porch outside. It would be tenable as long as there was a fire. And once all that masonry got heated, like a large flywheel, hours would pass before needing to be reheated.

After letting everything dry, making a few small, smoky fires to test the draft. I think if I had put in a couple of convex plates with a hole in the middle of each, it would have whistled at me! It passed the test. It would do. I would have to move the bed down from upstairs unless I wanted to sleep on the couch as I had once done in a previous lifetime. Of course, there was always that second option. There too I hadn’t exactly been sitting on my laurels.

I had made the second house largely as a visitor’s quarters, not as a ‘Better Homes & Garden’ cover house. However, I spruced it up as best as I could over the summer by planting a low growing hedge twenty feet out from the front door along the drive. I had also got around to laying the sod in the small front yard. Then I snaked trickle irrigation system across the roof and planted dwarf golden privet. It wasn’t going to win any beauty contests but after it was all said and done, looking from a distance, I thought it a vast improvement to the weeds. I thought if the privet didn’t last the winter, I would try the prairie plants I had priced from a natural garden center but had decided go cheap instead. However, all in all, along with the flower boxes, I thought Jessica would be pleased. She said she’d be here on f******nth. Here it was the fifteenth.

Anxiety had become a thing of the past. I had been retired for more than twenty years. Other than hiding from press and panhandlers, winning the lottery had significantly reduced the normal everyday worries and anxieties. Trust funds for k**s and grandk**s had taken two thirds of what the state had left me with. The purchase of the property, needed maintenance on the main house and the building of the second had taken fully two thirds of the last third. It was all a gift from God. I had never planned on having it to begin with plus I still had my retirement fund to live off of. So I wasn’t exactly hurting. I just had to watch my P’s and Q’s.

It was my second restless night. Where oh where could my baby be? Had she been in an accident? Had she decided not to live so far away from the school, taking a place closer? Had she found someone her own age? Someone to have all those babies that she often talked about having? So many maybe’s assailed my mind. And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it or fault her for.

It was a bright sun streaming in through the bedroom window. Brighter than it should have been. I looked at the clock. It was ten thirty! Oh, my, god. When was the last time I had slept that late? I felt like shit. How much sleep had I actually gotten? And now, something in the far reaches of my consciousness was informing me that there was something else out of kilter. It was the smell. It smelled like….

“Hey babe! What are you still doing in bed? That’s not like you. Are you feeling okay, sweetie?”

‘Bacon,’ my consciousness finally registered the scent.

“I decided to make you breakfast when I saw you were still sleeping,” my blonde aberration spoke to me.

“When did you get here?” I heard my voice speak as I tried to rein in the vision.

“Not long. Just long enough to hear your snoring from outside! Here, sit up and eat your eggs. Nothing fancy. Remember, it's the thought that counts.”

Jessica held the tray off to one side as she leaned down to within an inch of my mouth. My heart was racing and my brain was reminding me that most heart attacks occur in the morning. Then she kissed me.

“Have no fear, Jessica is here!”

“What kept you?” I asked as she laid the tray on my lap.

“Do want the long story or the short?”

“Short,” I mumbled as I shoveled egg yoke soaked toast into my mouth.

“Well,” as she began to reply, she turned away from me before sitting down, looking out the window at the end of the bed with her hands clutching my sheets. “Dad had a heart attack.” Quickly she added, “He’s ok. It was a mild one. Maybe now he will follow the doctor’s orders. He stopped smoking two years ago but we couldn’t get him to scale back on his sweets and fatty rib tips consumption. He’s as thin as a rail and fit as a skunk so he thinks it doesn’t matter. But being able to do physically strenuous work from sunrise to sunset without taking a breather doesn’t mean you’re good to go.”

“Wow! Sorry to hear that. Glad to hear, though, that it wasn’t any worse. Why didn’t you call?”

“There’s something you need to know about me. I get in these moods where I just sort of shut down and go inside myself. I’m sorry. I know I should have called. Probably had you worried, didn’t I?”

“More worried that you had been in an accident or something.”

Turning from the window, I watched as her patented smile crept from one corner of her face to the other. Her eyes were bright. The dark cloud seemed to have lifted.

“Or something?” she laughed, sliding off her shoes before skirting over to sit next to me as I finished the last piece of bacon. “You were thinking maybe I wouldn’t come?”

My head bobbed as I hummed a ‘maybe.’

“You’re not going to get rid of me so easily, Ted. I like my little hideaway in the woods. And yes, I like what you done to the place. Do you plan on moving in with me this winter like last?”

Smiling and continuing to hum another mischievous ‘maybe,’ the young blonde beauty grabbed my face and kissed me with her whole being.

What happened after that remains a blur. Breakfast tray pushed aside, clothes castoff in every direction, top sheet discarded, she ordered breakfast sausage, self serve! I find it to be one of her most endearing character traits —youthful enthusiasm.

“Mmmmm,” Jessica playfully moaned before looking up while swirling my manhood with her hand. “Did you miss me as much as I missed you?”

“More than youth could ever conceive.” As she returned to mouthing my pleasure, I took inventory. She had braided her hair into two ponytails that hung down each side of the bobbing head. Her hair was longer now, long enough to touch her breasts which were slightly smaller than I remembered. She had lost weight. Her tummy was smaller but her bush was as full and resplendent as the last time she had allowed my fingers to play in it. She smelled of sandalwood.

After the appropriate amount of time, though she was thoroughly enjoying herself, I tugged on one of the dangling braided blonde tails, pulling her up to drink in another one of her delectable kisses, having her lay on top of me.

“Yes I missed you. And yes, the thought had raced through my mind that perhaps you had chosen some place closer to the school.”

“No way! I love my little house. And I love that it’s way out here in the middle of nowhere. Far from the madness of immature, drunken boys and silly girls who run after them.” Her hand caressed the side of my face as her eyes slid down to gaze at my lips. “There’s also the fact that…..I love you, Ted!” There was a hesitancy about the verbalization yet there was an honesty about it that melted my heart. I immediately feared that at some point in the future I was going wound and break her heart.

The reality of the raw facts that I was seventy and she was just turned twenty clouded my acceptance of her confession. I was too much the pragmatist, too analytical and too pessimistic to have the hope of, in the end, being a good thing for her. She was young and naïve. I was old, experienced and turning cynical of life. Yet how could I resist her? How could I turn away from her? How could I not drink in her youth and her enthusiasm.

“Jessie, why can’t I be fifty years younger?”

“Because, silly! Then you’d be one of those immature, drunken college boys!”

All I could do was smile at her and wrap my arms around her and smother her like a small c***d. Tears began welling up in me but a man, an older, mature, father figure wasn’t allowed to cry. “Big boys don’t cry. Big boys don’t cry,” sang in my head.

“Ahhh, now look at what I’ve gone and done. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad,” she said, touching my nose with an index finger.

“No, Jessie. You have done just the opposite. These are tears of joy, of sheer, unbelieving joy that you are real. It is beyond the scope of my imagination that someone as pretty, as sweet, as giving and as young as you gives me even a seconds notice let alone lay here like this with me, wanting me to make mad passionate love to you. I, I, I simply can’t take it all in.”

“Ahhhh. I’m the one who can’t believe you treat me as you do. Yes, I’m just a stupid little girl who has a crush on her teacher and I know that somewhere down the line the day is going to come and a decision is going to have to be made. But for now, I don’t have to do or think of any of that. All I have to do is cook you breakfast and wash your back for you.”

I closed my eyes and turned my head toward her as she leaned down and kissed me once again passionately and without reserve. Though I thought the better of confessing it myself, I did truly love her as well. I loved everything about her. Why did it take this long to find and appreciate a woman of her kilter?

Though she had lost weight, she was still solid. I rolled her over and slid on top. Her legs spread wide to welcome me. And, as always, she was wet and satiny smooth and warm as I penetrated her. She was tight yet receptive. It was good to be back in her saddle again.

Jessica was an amazing lover. There was nothing hidden. No pretenses. No second guessing or ‘Am I doing it right’ or hesitation of any discernable sort. She was as open and free with me as anyone had ever been —ever! And I loved her all the more for it. And though I did not exactly mirror that innocence, she did offer me sanctuary to be as open and free with her as I had ever allowed myself to be. Seventy years I had been building my wall and here she was, with the greatest of ease, dismantling all of it one brick at a time. My grandmother had often gone on and on about having once entertained an angel. Jessica was no angel. She was more like Eve before the fall. Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She was my paradise, my garden to cultivate and fertilize and plant my seed in the hope that she would be the one who profited from the harvest.

We walked out the back door, each with our clothes d****d over our arms, holding hands like school c***dren, walking back around the pump house to shower off in the outdoor stall. We were lost in each other both mentally as well as physically. She informed me of her duties at the farm over the summer as I lathered her breasts over and over again, enjoying the sensation of them sliding through my hands before doing it over and over again. Then down her soft belly before combing and sudsing that thick, natural and unshaven pubic hair in her nether region. It wasn’t only her hairdresser who knew she was really a blonde!

Toweled off and dressed we made to her little earthen bungalow, now talking about the classes she would be taking this semester and her lack of confidence in being able to keep up with all they would require of her. The sun was high but already headed into the west. Summer hadn’t completely given its last glow but it wouldn’t be long. The first day of school was two days away. I listened and smiled as she how she to spend the last day of her summer freedom.

Together we unpacked her car. She left me to go about cleaning the house to her own satisfaction while I drove her car around to the old maintenance shed back behind the pump house to look over a noise she had heard while driving up from home. It didn’t take long to find that the noise maker was nothing more than a heavy vinyl shopping bag which had caught itself on her emergency brake cable. But while I was at it I checked all fluid levels, the seriousness of a valve cover oil leak and tire pressures. All was good to go.

By the time I made it back to her, Jessie had the outdoor grill fired up with two large aluminum foil rocks on it. I had taught her the year before how to cut wedges out of Idaho’s best and shoving onion and garlic and butter down in them before throwing them in the embers of a dying fire. In anticipation of her return, I had made sure her refrigerator was stocked with her favorites including two large bone-in New York strip steaks. She didn’t need teaching on how to cook them.

Often I would just sit and stare at her as we ate, amazed at how quickly settled in and at home she again made herself. She hadn’t been one to elaborate on much of anything when we first met but now her river of words flowed around me like a spring flood. I bathed myself in it. I was drunk on her presence.

As I looked at her I knew that physically there wasn’t anything truly remarkable about her. She was pretty but not Marilyn Monroe. And though she had lost weight, I knew somewhere down the line, probably as the babies began to slip out, she would become farm marm rubenesque. And the babies would simply slip out as hips made for c***d bearing. I imagined was what a great mother she would be.

We sat outside after dinner and dishes, mostly talked out, holding hands with our drink of preference in the other as we gently swung back and forth on the free standing four foot wide window swing listening to crickets and tree frogs and a trio of hooting owls on the prowl. The nights were still warm enough for shorts and bare feet. And the evening breeze was enough to ruffle the leaves of the giant oak and hickory sentinels that gathered about us but not enough to completely unfurl the flag in the front yard. It was the sort of night c***dren caught fireflies in ball jars at grandma’s and drank lemon-lime phosphates at the local soda fountain all the while hearing the cheering of the home team playing baseball on the other side of town.

She turned to me as I was turning to look at her. We kissed. It was one of those short but lingering kisses where her fingers slide across one side of my face before she sat back with a Cheshire cat smile.

“You up to doing it again?” she spoke to the darkness of the night.

I sat there smiling to myself. I knew we would fall asleep in a lovers embrace again tonight as we had done many times the year before. And yet there were subtle differences about it all. We were more comfortable with one another. There was some sense of being a ‘couple’ now. A bonding had been established and to a degree, a commitment. I knew for a fact, that if it wasn’t for the looks on my c***dren’s faces, the youngest being f******n years her senior, and the imagined look of disgust on her father’s face and bewilderment on her brothers faces, I probably would have it somewhere in the back of my head the preparation to ask her to marry me. There was no denying it. What we had was special. Only the passage of time would reveal the truth of it. But for now, what we had was special enough that we had no sense of impropriety in any of what had happened.

I guess that’s what led up to me suddenly blurting out, “I love you, Jessie. I’ve loved you from the day we first met and you smiled at me as I walked you down here to show you the house. And I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”

Jessie sat her drink back down on the ground before standing up. She stared out at the night before turning to stand in front of me. With a quiet smile she placed one knee to one side of me and then the other to the other side, sitting her tush on my knees and leaning into me. She laughed.

“We’re like Hans Solo and Princess Leia in Star Wars. I almost said, ‘I know!’” she continued to smile deeply and laugh. “How did a girl like me end up falling for a guy like you?”

“Because you were a homesick c***d, first time away from mom and dad whereas I was a dirty old letch lusting after your fine feminine bod!” We both laughed.

“That’s how you see it, do you?”

“I don’t see it any way. I just see you and give thanks to God in my prayers every night for allowing our paths to cross. You truly are a godsend, Jessie. Though not tonight nor the next, nor for that matter, not till next spring you go back home, but I know now, Ican truly say that I no longer fear death. I can now die in peace having had you so graciously make me feel so alive, so loved and of some value.”

“Hush your mouth! What a horrible thing to say.”

“Yes. I need to remember that youth cannot know how age feels or thinks. Yet, that said, I am guilty of forgetting what it is like to be young and having your whole life ahead of you.”

As was often the case, whenever some serious bit of conversation arose, we were in the habit of one of us kissing the other. It was still her turn as she wrapped her arms around me, kissing me long and hard. It was one of those kisses where she placed her hands on either side of my face as she swiveled her lips back and forth across mine. It soon morphed from being something sentimental into a fully impassioned kiss with swiveling hips and heavy breathing.

Partially from age and partially because I simply wasn’t all that strong, though I wanted to scoop her up and carry her into the house and plop her down onto her bed, all I could manage was to slide to the edge of the swing in hopes that her feet would spring back to the ground allowing us to walk while yet embraced, into the house. Only it didn’t quite work out that way. Sliding to the edge of swing had only managed to tilt the swing back, dumping us both on to the ground before the swing came back and bopped me in the head.

“Oh baby. Are you alright?”

“Not really but I think I’ll live. What do they say? Coordination strikes someone somewhere in the United States every s*******n seconds!” Rubbing the back of my head I stated the obvious, “That hurt!”

“It was my fault. I kept kissing you when I should have gotten off.”

“I was merely trying to answer your question.”

With a perplexed look on her face she asked, “What question?”

“The question as to whether or not I was ready to do it again!”

Jessie smiled, stood up and offered me her hand. “Come on cowboy. I think there’s still some rodeo left in you.”

Somehow we made it back into the house without any further mishaps. Some how we ended up back in bed again without any clothes on. Some how my cock found its way back inside her mouth. I liked the way she seemed lost to me when she did that. Certainly I enjoyed her enjoying that my manhood was attached to me. But I truly enjoyed the fact that she simply just liked sucking cock. Tonight she was different than she had been in the morning. This morning she was doing it to please me. She was doing it to get reacquainted. Sort of a lover’s hand shake if you will. However tonight? Tonight she was doing it because she simply enjoyed the sensation of having a cock in her mouth. She didn’t look up. There weren’t any coy smiles. There was just a feasting on man meat.

For some strange reason, though I certainly enjoyed the sensation, it wasn’t something that brought me to climax very often. I could disassociate myself from the physical pleasure, reviewing the grocery list or counting how many tiles there were on the ceiling or why my team had again managed to blow its lead before losing in the end. It was a Jedi mind trick. I was just patiently waiting for my turn.

Eventually Jessie came up for air. That was my cue to pull her up next to me and roll her over on her back, spread her legs, kiss her lips a few times before kissing her neck and working my way down to her wonderful breasts. I had once read that only one percent of women were able to achieve a true orgasm from nipple stimulation alone. Whether Jessica actually achieved orgasm or not, I could only guess. Her body would respond with quivering legs, undulating torso and pushing me away with beggings of “Enough! Enough!” Of course, being who I am, that only made me do it more before sliding down between her legs.

I don’t know if it’s true or not but think if you are great kisser, you are pretty good at doing other things with your mouth. It was certainly true of Jessie. And judging by her reaction, it was true of me as well. I simply thought was natural to lick and suck a kitty the way I did. Jessie had no one to compare me to. I was the first man who actually, seriously, had gone down on her. She hadn’t been a virgin. She had had a boy friend in high school and another when she attended junior college. However, from what I gathered, they hadn’t exactly had her pleasure in mind when doing the dirty.

Perhaps that was the draw to an older man for her. Perhaps it was simply because I treated her with the same degree of sexual respect as she had given me. Boys often are not mature enough to truly appreciate how a young girl tastes, how each pleasure is new and exciting to her, how she is physically able to have her knees spread and pushed back over her shoulders elevating her womanhood for full servicing. And despite having such a thick bush, I could easily grab two hands full of hair, parting her forest to clear the way within for tongue and mouth to slither and slide, to suck and tug, to lick and nibble on her lips and clit. Her youth made her an easy cummer. It didn’t take long before her legs would begin again to quiver and her torso to twitch in trying to evict the demon inside her, crushing my head in the process, crying, “No more! No more. Oh please, Ted, no more!” Of course she didn’t mean for me to stop. She just meant it was time for me to tease her in a different way.

Because her lips were so full and long and the fact that she was always so sticky wet, I enjoyed the pleasure of rubbing the head of my cock across her pink pocket full of wonders. And though she didn’t do it till after repeated forays, I enjoyed it when she laid on her back and spread her legs wide, wide enough for her kitty to meow. Then I could thrust the head of my cock in just far enough without any restriction. It was both a visual enjoyment for me as well a physical enjoyment. I loved playing with it, teasing it, first sliding along the outer edges and across her already throbbing sex pea, sending little electrifying jolts into her body again before finally plunging my manhood deep within her sloppy mess.

Jessie often cursed her excessive abundance. It forced her to wear panties and panty liners. Otherwise, if the least bit excited, it would run down her leg. But I convinced her into believing how healthy and blessed she was. And, as was the case, the more we fucked the wetter she got. Sometimes I was unable to tell if it was her cum or mine that oozed out after we both collapsed from exhaustion.

Yes, I loved her. And I think I loved her more because she availed herself to me without regret or restriction. As we laid there like a pair of scissors locked in combat, holding my face tight against her knee, my arms continuing to pull on her thigh, continuing to thrust my rigidity deep within her as it began to die a slow death, I smiled both inside and out. Could I have done it so many times and in so many ways with another woman? Something inside me said no. Jessica was special. We just fit. And we fit each other so well in kissing, in fucking, in conversation, in being able to fall asleep in lover’s embrace, awaking and continuing where we had left off. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever even imagined such a woman existed, let alone for me.

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Diane was a knockout for her age. She was 5'6, 140 lbs, D tits, shapely figure. She was not a pencil thin woman. She took pride in her semi-thick figure. She knew damn well that men lusted after her. She had one of those asses that a man could smack, and it would jiggle a little bit. She often caught men staring at her ass, their eyes full of lust. Then she would go home and rub her clit, fantasizing about licking their cocks like a lolly pop. She knew what men desired, and she had no...

3 years ago
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Alan Ch 21

Chapter 21: Resurrecting Jack (part 2) ‘He said he would only meet with me, but I figure that with your abilities that wouldn’t pose a problem,’ Karick said as the trio stood on the curb, the taxi having just deposited them in one of Paris’s seedier neighborhoods. They had set out from the hotel not long after first light, after checking in and leaving their bags in the rooms. ‘No, that wont be a problem,’ Alan agreed. Karick rang the bell and led them in after their host buzzed them door...

4 years ago
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Amity 3 TempestChapter 19 Rot

Keven wasn’t impressed. When Leslie had said that her Duchy hadn’t been doing well of late, she was wrong; it was a disaster. Keven, Aaden, Kale and Selwyn spent some time, just jumping around and looking at the state of her province and the businesses in and around her town. They found three deserted villages along the coast, one on the east side and two on the west. They found one farmer who had stayed on his land near the furthermost village. “Hi,” Keven said as they approached him, “can...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Jennifer Mendez Intimate Exchange

Jennifer Mendez is still working from home, which means this busty hottie gets away with work-appropriate tops and whatever she wants below. Today she’s rocking a thong and nothing else. When she needs a break, she grabs her phone and snaps a titty shot for her boyfriend, Ricky Rascal. Ricky gets the message loud and clear and heads right to Jennifer’s place when he’s done with work. Coming up behind Jennifer, Ricky delivers a breast massage from behind. He takes his time,...

3 years ago
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Mommy You cant be serious me baby sit Part 2

(Special BIG Thanks for Rose for editing my story) Mommy: You can't be serious, me baby sit? Part 2 Princess Panty boy "Miss Healy there is no way I'm putting that dress on, no way." I feel little Tina reach up and take my hand. "Um looks like little Tina wants to go outside. You're sure no one will see me dressed like this and with my hair in two ponytails, or I mean with my hair in pigtails?" Little Tina pulls me towards the backdoor. "Yes I'm sure no one will see you in...

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My Moms discipline2

That day i could not complete my Homework as ordered by Madam Sudha. I wanted to tell my mom Nirmala about this. I went to her bed room at 7.00 a.m. Mom and her lover Venkatesh are lying on the bed in fully nude. Mom was sucking venkatesh cock and saying “Oh god. Yours is not cock. It is Iron pole” Venkatesh laughed and said “my queen of noses, Your nose provocates anybody.” I entered in to the bed room. Mom saw at me. “You bastard, what do you want?” shed asked me. Mom, I had done a mistake...

3 years ago
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Hi, I really like to masterbate. I like the wet feeling between my legs. Housework isn't all that bad especially when the neigbor helps. One day I was cleaning my house and I found a X rated magazine in myroommates room. This was not you're regular Penthouse, but triple XXX stuff. I started getting real wet as I flipped through the pictures. I decided to take a break from my cleaning and sat down on the couch and playwith my pussy. It felt real good. My mind started to wander thinking...

1 year ago
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An Unplanned Vacation

It was every man's dream to get to know Britney Spears -- both formally and in bed, it's the reason why they planned this 'mission' very carefully. There were three middle-class working men in their late twenties named Ralph, Paul and Casey. All of them were fans of the young singer/actress and have collected faked nude photos and sex videos from all over the internet. Now, they had the opportunity to make their fantasies come to life. The three of them wait inside Paul's van outside the studio...

1 year ago
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Sister Seduces Younger Brother 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, my name is Anita (pet name Anny) and I want to tell you how I seduced my brother Raju two summers ago. Our family, mother, brother and I live in Tamil Nadu outside Chennai city, my father is deceased since four years after serious accident on Chennai highway. My mother is a housewife and takes care all things at home for the family, she is about 45 years old, but looks older than her age and follows her village traditions wearing white cotton loose blouse and skirt (she never...

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AdultTime Valentina Nappi Lauren Phillips Secret Parlor Scandal

Ok, check out this INSANE video I’m sending you! I don’t know how it got leaked, but we HAVE to find out where this massage parlor is. You’ll see why after you watch it lollll. So it starts out with the camera showing this guy go in for a massage and it seems normal enough. He lies down on his stomach while this hot chick gives him a rubdown. But then we see that there’s another camera under his table, and not just another cam, there’s another CHICK!! And...

1 year ago
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One sunny afternoon

Hunching over their slim coffee table he sighed softly and ran a hand through his high ponytail before tossing his pen aside and leaning back against the couch.  His blackberry, tossed nonchalantly against his binder had started to buzz again and with a frustrated growl he eyed the contraption before glancing back to the muted T.V, fully considering introducing the heinous device to the toilet?She knew he’d read the text she just sent. She also knew that given him, he’d be in the middle of...

3 years ago
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Romance And Sex With My Sister

Hi to all ISS readers. Forgive me for any mistakes. I Raj aged 21. We are a family of 4; dad, mom, I and sis. Let me give a brief intro of sis. Her name is Padma aged 19 avg color awesome boobs and size of 32 -28-36. My sis uses my laptop for net and other purposes. One day she used laptop for much time I got doubt seen history she is using social networking site. I kept silence for a week later one day she forget to logout it. I seen her conversation with 2 boys one of them is her bf and other...

2 years ago
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Never in a million yearsChapter 4

Chrissy and Sean hadn't seen each other for a long time. Chrissy was still in school and she was busy with all her classes and playing tennis at for her high school. But they didn't forget about each other. Every second of every day they dreamed about the next time they would be together. At school, things were different for Chrissy, she didn't feel like she fit in anymore after she had been with an older man. Sean didn't know what to think, he was starting to fall in love with this young...

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Sex With Woman From Bus Part 8211 2

Hi, friends, Mayur here, an 18-year-old guy living in Mumbai. I’m 6’3″ tall with good looks and medium dark complexion, been really lucky with girls till date. This will be the part 2 story where I’ll describe my whole experience with Reshma in detail. Apologies for any mistakes committed. Please review my story on my email ID Girls/Aunties living in Mumbai who wants their sexual desires fulfilled can email me freely. 100% privacy guaranteed. Also, men who are unable to satisfy their partners...

3 years ago
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The Cleavage Crush

Hi, This is Sahil. Height 5’11”, 30 years from Ahmedabad. This story is about an incident that happened a month back. I have a well-built physique, bit dark complexion, very energetic, and one who is often complimented for having lusty eyes. Coming to the story, it was shiny summer day in June at the office. I was busy with my paper works. My landline extension rang, another side was a very cute and ear catchy sweet voice offering morning wishes with some queries with our bank. Actually, she...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 4 and 5 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

2 years ago
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Getting Vaccinated

"So, doc, there's nothing to worry about with this vaccine, right?" Tim asked his doctor. "I mean there's all kinds of crazy stuff on the internet these days." His doctor laughed and said, "Don't be silly! This isn't like the Krippin virus or something!" Tim had been seeing his doctor for years and thought she was really attractive. Very nice looking lady - even hot - and he wasn't so bad himself, really. At 30 years old, he still had a youthful body - 5'9" and moderately muscled. Decent...

3 years ago
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Family HavenChapter 2

John and Carol moved to a house in Hampstead and life went along swimmingly. And John would probably have been content with Carol for the rest of his life had not circumstances presented him with a new opportunity to indulge his sensuality. Carol went away for a night to stay with an old school friend, and it so happened that John's daughter called round in her absence. John eyed the lovely schoolgirl with peculiar appraisal as they sat at dinner and talked about her recent visit to France...

1 year ago
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James 4

I looked up at him hovering above me, James smiled kissing my lips, I closed my eyes massaging my lips agianst his. He ran his hand over my leg and up my shirt. I bit his lip lightly and he smiled leaning up and sitting back staring at me beneath him. He ran his hands up my shirt and over my bra, I smiled up at him. He always knew how to tease me, I bit the corner of my lip as he lifted my shirt over my head. I stared at his body running my fingers up and down his arms, and tugging lightly at...

Straight Sex
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My Brother part two

This is a continuation of how my brother became my lover. It had been two weeks since my brother had completed basic training and had gone on to complete his job training. He finished top of his class and was given the option to do home town recruiting. That meant he was going to be home for two weeks before he was sent to off to his duty station at Fort Hood. He had let our mom know when he was supposed to be landing at the airport so we could pick him up.Unlike when he was in basic he was...

3 years ago
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Easy B

Cast of characters: Selena Fernandez, Female, 16 - Sophomore in high school - 5’11, 150lbs, light-brown skin, silky back-length black hair Mr. Donovan, Male, early-40s - High school History teacher - 5’8, 150lbs, pale white skin, cropped blonde hair For every story you read about a teacher being caught having sex with a student, there are a hundred you never see. Those involved rarely get caught. That’s my theory, at least. Male teachers probably do it more often than their female...

2 years ago
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My Grandma 6

The next morning we didn't even spend time together. I couldn't get the night on the beach out of my head. God I love fucking my grandmother. I love her cumming on me. But I went out all day with my brother and cousin all day. We spent most of the day at the beach, then we went around the town checking out stores and women. But I couldn't get my grandmother out of my head. She was really hot in bed. It was like she liked it but didn't want to admit it. But then she loses control and just goes...

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What I do

See, I desperately like being fucked. I love being naked in front of other men. I guess I pretend that I'm their woman, and after he's had a hard day out working to buy nice things for me, then the least I can do is lie back and spread my legs for him. I want to look all nice for him, so I'll shave myself so that I'm completely smooth, legs, chest, armpits, balls and butt crack. Then I'll want to warm him up. So I get down on my knees in front of him. I pull down his trousers, and let his cock...

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Gracie 04 Fucking the Fat Little Pig

Gracie and I had a Big Day Out on Monday, the Queen's Birthday Holiday. There were events on all over town and we went to a free concert in the Park and I discovered that Gracie shares my love of classical music, especially the baroque. They played Vivaldi, Brandenberg Concertos and Mozart and we lay on the grass in the sun enjoying the music for hours. We had lunch on the Boardwalk and strolled along the riverbank than sat and watched the boats on the river. We stayed till dark and watched the...

1 year ago
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My brothers best friend

My brother Lance was four years older than me which meant he had a great supply of cute friends. I had just hit 16 and I loved boys, their eyes were always fixed on my 36 D tits and my slim figure. I had long black hair and big brown eyes. My brother and most of his friends were in college. He had one friend since middle school, TJ. At first he was this awkward boy but when he hit high school, he grew into himself. He started playing sports and his body just kept getting better. Needless to say...

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FamilyStrokes Karter Foxxx The Cool Stepdad Lets It Slide

Karter Foxxx is a teen rebel without a care in the world. She acts super slutty on her social media and isn’t afraid for people to know it. She even started doing perverted things with her mom in the car right next to her. This has to stop, so mommy told stepdaddy that it was time he put his foot down. Obviously Karter didn’t want to hear it, so stepdad had to start playing hardball. He was going to confiscate her phone unless she did to him what she did for all the boys on social...

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NicoleChapter 6

Her mind told her that she was in great agony. Everything about her hurt. The only thing she felt, despite the pain, was warmth. She ran her tongue over her teeth to see if they were broken but her appendage told her that they weren’t. She tried to open her eyes but couldn’t. She let out a moan as the searing distress swept through her body. She even believed her hair hurt. She moaned again as a needle pricked her arm. She cringed but shortly after that, Nicole felt all the pain leave...

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Sovereign in Futaverse

Character Introduction Alter - 18 years old Our protagonist. Lost his parents at a young age, he was adopted by his aunt and now lives with her and her two daughters. Calls Irene his mother, despite knowing the fact that she was his aunt. Appearance: White hair, crimson eyes. 6.5 feet tall, lean muscular physique. Length: 4.5(flaccid) to 9 inches - Girth: 3.5(flaccid) to 5 inches Testicles: Quail eggs size, slightly bigger compare to average male's tests size. Alice - 20 years old Alter's...

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Katies revenge part 6

Katie left her mom alone and tied up for about 2 hours.Katie was actually tireing of this game.and feeling a tad guilty but just a tad.She finally decide to end it sooner than she had at first. Mommy I will make you a deal are you interested? Helen asked...what do you mean a deal.? I will end this tonite on one condition..Uh what would that be Helen replied. You have to tell me all the truthfull stories about your sexual escapades over your long life as a slut whore. so I can record them and...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Abella Danger 07102016

Abella Danger might be one of the greatest Cuckoldresses this site has ever seen. If you don’t believe us now, you will by the end of this Cuckold Session. Her minion, Jay Wimp, has been a bad boy. Abella’s warned him — on more than one occasion — that if he touches his little, white weiner, that there would be consequences. Sure enough, after walking him around like a puppy dog, Abella locks him up…for a three month sentence! Imagine your blue balls after 90 full...

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Long Desire Of Having Cousin Sister Came True 8211 Part I

Hello Everybody… I am a fan of ISS… but it took a long time to narrate my own story which is 100 percent real and not even a single word would be false. This is one of those golden times that I am going to narrate in my first real story. My name is Rahul 29 years old and this happened 8 years back. After my 12th standard due to some financial problems in my home I dropped my studies for few years. Later my cousin Sister suggested coming to Ahmedabad and doing a job and simultaneously continuing...

2 years ago
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Now later whenever

He laughed. “Here I am, making plans for the rest of the week and you? You don't even pretend that you are listening.” Guiltily I avoided his gaze, looked down on the table instead. “Sorry, I was miles away.” If not miles at least hours. Back to this morning. While I had been making another tea he had showered, dressed. Not a single word about what had happened. The whole day I had been in this state of confusion. After a more than satisfying breakfast at the cafe round the corner he had...

2 years ago
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What the FuckChapter 12

Detroit ... nice town ... Henry was just getting started. Windsor, across the river, was a bedroom community for Edison Electric's white collar workers ... small, clean, upstanding ... it had the reputation as the baby capitol of America ... the upstanding had a lot to do with the birthrate. White collar workers learned about sex in college and didn't want to give it up. America, having never had slaves, didn't have race riots. The things I was finding out about the place certainly made...

3 years ago
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Growing Up chapter Eight

autoclave and wear rubber gloves and stuff. Christine pays extra to have two people pierce each nipple at the exact same time. She yelps. I get to watch. She's wearing a bustier with a detachable bra that pops right off so it gives perfect access to her breasts. Her tits look great with two barbells threaded through her dark pink nipples. "Oh my GOD! It's like there are wires going from my nipples to my clit now." She seems horny and enervated. "Yow! my panties are soaked! That was such...

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Working Hard Or Hardly Working

Sorry it's so short; I composed this at work (thankfully without getting caught) after daydreaming of having lesbian affairs with one of my gorgeous coworkers. Enjoy. *Carmyn was replacing a folder in the filing drawer, when a brunette beauty entered the spacious office. Donning a dentist-approved smile, she extended her manicured hand towards Carmyn.“Hi. I’m Dana,” she introduced herself, before sitting down.“I’m Carmyn. Nice to meet you.”"First, I would like to state that I'm a good worker. I...

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My mother Liz continues to empty my balls

After leaving my mother Liz sobbing in her bed as my seed dripped out of her pussy, I was counting down the hours and days for our next fuck lesson. I had warned her that we would fuck and suck again and I meant it. The next morning I took advantage of the situation. I heard Mom in the kitchen and knew my sister Sandy would sleep late that morning, and my brother Joey was out running around the yard. I came up behind my mother and grabbed her ass while reaching around and getting my hands...

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My sweet sister

Hi, this is suresh from ap, India, I am a regular reader of iss and after being a loyal reader for a long time, I want to share my sex experience with my sister kavitha. First to tell about my self, I am 23 in my final year of degree and with good muscular and well build body and 5′ 10 inches tall. I work out at least two hours a day in gym and very well built and muscular. I notice a lot of times young girls in my town watch out for me and few people even sent unanimous love letters to...

2 years ago
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Balling the Gym Teacher

I was a real suck up too. I got teased about it a little but I didn't care. Whenever Ms. Miller needed a volunteer, my hand was up. She seemed to like me and I basked in her smiles and compliments. Gym was only mandatory for 9th and 10th grade but I elected to continue my physical education the last two years as well. Ms. Miller was the only p.e. teacher in our school. By the last two years, I was kind of like her assistant. It sort of just happened, instead of asking for volunteers,...

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Workmate 3

We rested there on the floor almost completely spent for a good 30 minutes before our sweaty bodies began to cool and I suggested we go upstairs, get cleaned up and go to bed. Vicki readily agreed and I got to my feet lifting her up and actually carrying her tiny body upstairs with surprising ease. We showered together washing each others bodies and I marveled at her perfectly formed arse and her slim, almost to slim, body capped with those tiny breasts. We kissed and caressed each others...

1 year ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 3 Jonathon

I hung my jeans in the closet while my cousins helped. They made faces while they unpacked the boxes, but didn't say anything. Once we had broken down the empty boxes and put them in the garage, it was time to eat. Aunt Andrea put a platter of pork chops on the table while Mom put bowls of mashed potatoes and green beans next to the platter. We passed the food around, each of us filling our plates. "I guess now is as good a time as any to talk about the rules," Uncle Jason said. "First...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi Ki Dost Ki Chudai

Hi guys mein hu sam. Iss par new hu. Hamesha se story read karta aaya hu. Toh socha kyu na apni bhi story aap sab se share karu. Ye meri pahli story h. Jo mere sath kuch days pahle hi hui. Is story mein mai apko batayuga ki kaise maine apni bhabhi ki dost ko seduce kar k choda.   Sab se pehle mein apne baare mein bata du meri age 23 hai aur fitness ka bahot shok hai mujhe to fit hu mein achu body build hai. Mera lund 6′ inch ka h jo iski original size h. Mein surat (gujarat) me rahta hu apne...

3 years ago
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Kitchen Antics

The thought of taking your partner completely by surprise can be a very arousing one, just the unpredictable things that keep a relationship fresh and new, as I have tried to do in this particular story. So Wolf, this story is dedicated to you my love, because you never know what I may do next… I can imagine you standing in the kitchen cooking dinner as I walk in the room, standing behind you, and wrapping my arms around you, running my fingers lightly over your chest, I whisper, ‘I’m home...

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