GardnerChapter 10 free porn video

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JJ took the elevator to the lobby and was surprised to see so many friends remaining. The Redmon family, along with Grandma and Grandpa, were in a circle chatting, as well as his mother. He approached and the women gave him a hug while Dr. Redman shook his hand.

Dr. Redman pulled him aside, "Son, if you'll come by and see me in a day or two, we'll talk about your car."

JJ nodded, and looked at Grandpa, a serious and determined look on his face. JJ nodded his acknowledgment to Grandpa, and taking his mother by the arm, walked from the building, the others following.

The drive home seemed much shorter knowing that Alice was doing fine. His mother was quiet as he drove, speaking the first time when they pulled into the drive.

"What are your plans now JJ?"

"If you're speaking about tonight, I'm going to shower and return to the hospital, however if you're speaking about the incident, I have to think about it a while." JJ looked at his mother and said, "I am just thankful she wasn't more seriously hurt. She will be fine in a couple of days."

"I was thinking about your work," she said. "Are you going to start working tomorrow as you planned?"

"Yes, I plan on starting tomorrow. Wigwam can handle things for a couple of days, until Alice gets out of the hospital, and then I will help him. He has two men lined up to help so there should be no problem. I have total confidence in him; he has my trust."

JJ returned to the hospital and shuffled up the stairs, afraid a nurse might be in the hallway if he took the elevator. Looking through the small window, he saw no one in the hallway and slipped quietly into Alice's room. Although it had taken him two hours, she was wide-awake. Her face lit up at the sight of him as she held her arms outstretched, beckoning him closer. Taking the few steps to the bed, he was amazed how comfortable he felt with her arms around him. It seemed natural as they held one another, kissing lightly, as though it was an everyday occurrence. After the unexpected cordial greeting, JJ spread the hamburgers on the tray and within minutes, they were licking their fingers and laughing at one another's lack of table manners.

After the hamburgers were consumed rather noisily, JJ placed the wrappers in the trash and sat beside her on the bed. They held hands and looked at one another, sitting silently, and neither speaking. Staring at her, he wondered what was going through her mind. His own head was confused, he found himself looking at her in a much different way than he had earlier in the week. There was a strange feeling deep inside, which he couldn't explain, however at the present time there were many things unexplained. Considering the occasion, he wondered if his inner feeling may have been because of the accident, and his concern for her.

The silence was broken with the light tap on the door, and the nurse entered. JJ expected to be tossed, however, he was surprised when she spoke.

"I am going to take the three o'clock readings a little early and Alice will not be interrupted during the night. That will give her a full, uninterrupted night of rest, and if her temperature is normal, she can go home in the morning. Of course, her temperature rise may be because she is ovulating, but we can't be sure."

JJ and the nurse looked in Alice's direction and watched her face flush. Alice looked at the pair watching her, and slowly pulled the sheet up over her face, shielding herself from their view. She was embarrassed at the nurse's frank opinion. She remained with her face covered, while the nurse took her blood pressure and pulse. Alice quickly pulled the sheet from her face when the nurse spoke again.

"I will have to take your temperature rectally if I can't see your face, which would you prefer?" The woman in white was asking with a wide grin. After taking her temperature and filling her water, the nurse smiled at her, making a final comment, "Okay sweetie, everything looks fine and I will see you in the morning around six o'clock." With those parting words, she departed the room without acknowledging JJ.

JJ had moved to the far corner and sat in the visitor's chair upon the nurse's entry. As soon as the nurse left, JJ walked to the bed, sitting in the spot Alice patted. Looking at one another for a long minute, JJ lowered his head and their lips met, as her arms reached for his shoulders. The kiss was of a friendly nature and not passionate.

Alice began trembling as her lips pressed against JJ's. She was at the decision point, having made up her mind while lying in the wreckage, to make love the JJ at the earliest opportunity. Moreover, the time was right; the nurse confirmed that earlier in the day. The location was not as she expected, but it was much more suitable than the backseat of the car. Her first choice of location was her bed, the second a motel or hotel, but under the circumstances, the hospital room would suffice. Her inexperience was showing and JJ wasn't helping the problem, in fact, he was as nervous as she was.

Alice was nervous, and Willa's words to her weeks earlier seemed to calm her somewhat. Willa told her that her first time would hurt like a bitch, and she should be prepared for the pain. Her partner, after seeing her flawless body, would be ready and stiff as a board, and he would probably not treat her with tenderness. He would be thinking of himself only, and not of her. It was up her to ensure she was wet and ready for his first, hard thrusts. If she was fortunate, it would be with someone she cared about, and he would treat her lovingly, and would think of her.

Alice went through the beginning motions of making love, the kissing and touching, finally thinking of the promise to herself while in the wreckage, made a decision. Pushing against JJ's chest, he raised to the upright position as her hands continued pushing until he was forced to sit upright as her body followed his. Loosening the two top buttons of her gown, she pulled it over her head and tossed it to the foot of the bed. Reclining, she watched JJ's eyes as they covered her naked body. Taking the initiative, she cupped her small 32A breasts in her hands, and began pulling on the nipples, a sensual move to get him excited.

Watching him gaze at her, she wondered how he really felt looking at her slim body, just fifteen years old not yet developed into womanhood. After turning him down once before, she wondered if he would take her this time, she told him she was ready. It was apparent he wasn't making any aggressive moves and it would be up to her to get him to make love to her. Never once, and in her wildest of imaginations, did she ever expect it to be this difficult, however she made the decision, and she was going to stick to it.

JJ was slow to catch on, and she had his belt loosened and shirt halfway removed, before he began helping. The tables were turned and she was now looking at his naked body, as he removed the last article of clothing. Lifting the coverlet, she patted the bed beside her. He cautiously stepped to the bed and hesitated a moment, finally slipping into the bed beside her. Her body felt hot compared to his, and she wondered if she would be allowed to return home later in the morning. Her high temperature had caused her to be detained in the hospital overnight. Once again, she took the initiative and rolled her body, making contact with his. This was an apparent proper move because JJ wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against him, his full erection pressing against her stomach.

The first kisses JJ placed on her were on her black eye and her bandaged beforeheand, and each of the kisses a very light. As their lips met, the initial kisses were loving and tender, and as they continued, they became aggressive and much harder, and longer. Hands began exploring and as a result, soft moans were heard from each participant. Alice felt her heart pumping faster as her breathing quickened. She became the aggressor by forcing herself upon him.

To a passerby, it would appear as though JJ was a reluctant participant, and only engaged in the act to fulfill a requirement of having a pair. Anyone watching would immediately be aware Alice was the aggressor, although JJ was participating somewhat. To most, it would seem unusual since the man is depicted as the aggressive partner.

JJ loved the feel of Alice's body pressed against his, her body was soft and warm fitting against his body perfectly. He half expected her to move and break the contact between their two bodies, especially when his prick pressed against her stomach. He was hesitant to be aggressive inasmuch as he wasn't sure about making love to a woman who is ovulating. He had heard, although the person speaking was normally boasting, of making love to a girl while on her monthly, however he wasn't sure if he could do it. Having an older sister and seeing the results of her monthlies, he imagined it could be quite messy.

His doubts changed quickly as her hands began caressing his balls and prick. After a few moments of her caresses, he was willing and it didn't matter which day of the month it was. His prick was stiff and it no longer mattered to him

Alice thought about Willa's advice, it would be less painful, and she would be in control if she were on top, as she had positioned herself. If she were own top, as Alice now was, she had more control over the depth of penetration as well as the timing. Alice knew with the small amount of foreplay and her impatience, she was ready. Actually, she wanted to get it before she changed her mind, although she had been looking forward to it for hours. It just appeared as though JJ was unprepared to consummate the act, much to her dismay.

JJ's body froze for just a moment when Alice's hand slid his prick through her wet pussy, expecting her to be dry and not wet as she was. Looking to the point where his prick was touching her pussy, he could see no bloodstains, and as a result suspected the nurse was wrong. This changed his whole attitude about making love, and it became hard to tell the aggressor from that point, Alice, or he.

It took less than a minute for them to set a rhythm, and that is when the light in the room became a little brighter, causing both to look to the door. The nurse was nodding and grinning as she silently pulled the door closed. Neither JJ nor Alice seemed to be upset. In fact, both seemed pleased someone had watched them, if only for a moment.

JJ was disappointed when he left the hospital. Never before had he failed to make a woman come, and he fucked Alice twice and neither time had she come. She did, however, when his tongue worked in and around her pussy, covering her entire pubic area. At first, he was hesitant to lick and suck her pussy; it contained two loads of his cum. The room became brighter each time they were making love, as well as a couple of times when he was napping, the nurse constantly checking on them. After one invasion, they both began laughing when Alice asked him if they should ask her if she wanted to join the next time she entered.

JJ stopped during the short drive home and ate breakfast. Alice had drained him of nearly all his strength, and his promise to Erica, the reason he used for not fucking Alice one last time.

"You and Alice make a pretty couple," Helen said as he walked into the kitchen, finding her sitting alone and drinking coffee.

"Is dad okay? It is past time for him to get up." JJ said as Helen rose to pour him a cup of coffee.

"Yes, apparently he was worried yesterday and he indulged in a few beers last night. I do not think he will be too active today. You had better stop that because you do not have time, you have things to this morning." Helen smiled as she pulled JJ's hand from her barren pussy, freshly shaved the evening before. "Perhaps if you get home anytime today, in the mood, and your father is not here, we might find something to occupy our time."

Pulling her into his lap, his hands were quick to unbutton the robe, pulling it over her shoulders and in order to lock her arms at her side. She playfully squealed as he began nursing a breast, sucking gently on first one and then the other, and making both nipples hard. Her nipples were hard and she knew it was a matter of minutes before his hand would be between her legs again, and he would bring her off before he released her. He was good at it and she was thankful, having finished her off quickly many times in the past few days.

She offered a token resistance each time, however she knew she would submit to him to do as he pleased, almost fucking her on the table one time while her husband slept on the sofa. She was afraid that day, however she would have submitted to him.

The knocking on the back door interrupted his playing. JJ quickly recognized Wigwam and called out to him, "One moment please," as his hand remained busy in her pussy, and his mouth returned to her tit. Helen was just beginning her upward climb when JJ looked up and saw Wigwam watching them. Calling out, "Come in Wigwam," hoping his father was sleeping soundly, JJ held his mother, legs spread, and tits displayed, as she struggled to cover herself before the stranger entered.

Wigwam stopped when he entered, bewildered at the scene before him. JJ's hand was busy between his mother's legs and she was now at the point she didn't care who was watching, she needed to come in the worst way. JJ was an expert at prolonging her orgasm, and he was using his skills as she would almost reach the crest and suddenly he would let her fall back a short way. Gradually he brought her to the top and this time he worked vigorously, causing her to come harder that anytime in the past three or four weeks, her excitement amplified by the fact they had an audience. A black man was watching, and she could see he was excited, the lump in his trousers proved it. Helen reached the bottom of the roller coaster ride and quickly rushed from the room when JJ released her, embarrassed at their display before the stranger.

JJ studied his friend a moment, as Wigwam watched his mother walk into the otherfrom the room. From the look Wigwam gave his mother, he knew Wigwam was interested in her, as he would be with any good-looking woman. JJ felt a tang of jealously, however he quickly reminded himself of his tryst with Willa. Women and sex were quickly forgotten when they began discussing business. As JJ had stated previously to his mother, he had the greatest confidence in Wigwam and after their short discussion, Wigwam proved him right. Wigwam gave him a short synopsis of what work was to be done and he was fully prepared to do it.

Wigwam understood JJ's concern for Alice, and suggested that JJ should forget about the workload for the week, as he would take care of everything. JJ knew Wigwam was as concerned about Alice as he.

The following weeks passed like a whirlwind, Wigwam kept JJ busy every day, teaching him something new daily. At the onset of this training JJ thought he would never learn what Wigwam had to teach him. Slowly, he was beginning to notice the small things Wigwam was teaching, and he was beginning to retain them. It was a long and slow process however Wigwam was an excellent teacher. Wigwam was an excellent judge of character because the two men he hired were excellent workers, each putting in a full day's work for a full days pay. Their business was prosperous and at the end of two months, JJ had repaid the initial loan and paid for the additional equipment they brought in the meantime. JJ was now looking at purchasing a truck for Wigwam, as his was old and unreliable.

JJ was having a problem of living his most embarrassing moment down, especially since Wigwam brought it up almost daily, that being the difference between ovulation and menstruation. Helen and Erica, and Alice on occasions, also laughed with Wigwam. JJ had to laugh at himself, although at times it was hard to do. The laughter increased a week before Christmas, a few days after JJ was informed Alice was pregnant.

Another bombshell, Tina informed him Lana was also pregnant, however she was especially pleased, as were her parents. JJ was concerned until Tina reminded him how well off her parents were and there would be no repercussions from her, or her parents.

JJ had a strange relationship with the Evans family, spending the majority of his free time with Alice when she was not in school, and one or two mornings a week, he spent with Erica, always in her bed. Mr. Evans had accepted him as a son, as had grandma and grandpa. Alice had been kept in the hospital for two additional days, and the remainder of the week he and Alice had spent at the big farm with grandma and grandpa. They were aware he slipped into her bedroom each night howeverhowever,, nothing was said.

He was building a stronger relationship with Mr. Evans and grandpa on a daily basis, to the point they were telling him personal things about the family. Actually, Mr. Evans was the one who informed him that his and Erica's marriage was coordinated as a matter of convenience for the families. Erica, Charlene, and Jeanette, Jessica's mother, were cousins and each marriage arranged. JJ realized it was a strange situation for a family, and he now understood why there was so much fighting between husbands and wives. It was also understandable why Grandma and Grandpa were so protective of the family, including the Faulks and the Waters, also distantly related.

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BlacksOnBlondes Audrey Royal 05092017

With two strong claps of his hands, one of the world’s biggest Bulls summons his private dancer for some entertainment. His name? Mandingo. Hers? Audrey Royal. She’s a Jordanian slut who loves entertaining well-hung black men. Audrey enters the room in her purple Bedleh, her face covered by a veil…while her fingers gently tap on the Zills. “Dingo” holds off as long as he can as he enjoys her show, but soon he’s standing and Audrey is naked and on her knees,...

1 year ago
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Martha Needs Nature

Gaia held out her hand and Giselle took it and stood up. The view of the incredible winter scene wavered a bit and suddenly they were in a beautiful meadow not far from the edge of a small town. Giselle gasped slightly, not just at the shifting scene, but the feel of late spring instead of winter. Knowing Gaia for only a short time and the amount of information that she absorbed still didn’t prepare her for such things. Gaia smiled. “It’s OK, Giselle, just look within yourself and you will...

3 years ago
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Problem and Solution

PROBLEM AND SOLUTION By SsiRuuk25 Dave Lillard, a young, kind, religious man, nervously shifted his weight in the seat. He had just left work, and was driving home. Many things could be said of him. He was a staunch Catholic, but did not let this interfere with his education. He was an engineer, working for a company that designed medical equipment. He generally accepted the evolutionary view, but behind it all was the Lord, in his opinion. He was happily engaged to Laura...

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spider man the beginning

the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider… blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8...

4 years ago
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Fucked By 5 French Men In France Part 8211 2

Guys, since the lady who’s telling me her story is quite busy, I’m not able to finish this story in 2nd part itself. I will try to finish this in the next part on how she was fucked by 5 guys. And guys, please don’t ask me for the ladies mail id or any other details. If she has preferred to come out and speak on her own, she could have done it. Since she doesn’t want to have any more new relationship and only wanted to make us happy by sharing her real life incident, she is telling it through...

3 years ago
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The first thing that you notice is the walls, the floor, (you glance upward into the darkness) perhaps even the ceiling, are of a tightly fitted flagstone, smooth and unbroken; and your immediate impression is that you have been transported somehow to another place; one of a barren, rocky landscape bathed in perpetual dusk. This is quite a contrast to those elegant rooms you had seen in the rest of the house. Only moments before you had been in the midst of a wonderful party filled with...

1 year ago
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The Fire

The night was cool, but the dancing flames of the fire warmed the yellow circle around it. It was late, well after midnight and the rest of the campers were in their tents, their fires, just glowing embers... just the sounds of the night insects chirping through the dark. It was the hour, and He had called her forth. The campground was His alone and He owned the darkness... and He called her from the tent to Him. To serve Him this night. His erection was immense and angry, looking even more...

1 year ago
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My Seven Days of DelightsChapter 7

That night we slept a restful peaceful sleep like never before, Charlady laid cuddled in my arms and I must confess; I was falling in love with my submissive little slut. I tenderly kissed her good night when she said, "Master, I love you more than life itself and I thank you for releasing my inner soul free!" "Oh, my Charlady, I love you too but I think you are confusing love and lust, for I think you are in lust with me and love me like a father figure!" I replied. Weakly she smiled...

2 years ago
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Playing Tennis Fing Big Penis

Last couple months I am learning to play tennis in order to be in better shape for summer. Recently, I asked my tennis coach to teach me extra hours and he proposed to me that we have it at his house on his private court, I immediately accepted since I knew it will be good chance to enjoy in watching and teasing him.After I came into his house, I went in dressing room to prepare for lessons. In that moment he got phone call and asked me to meet tim on tennis court. 10 minutes later I was on...

1 year ago
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Fun at work

'Hi how you going my name is Christy and I have been sent from the temp agency to work with you for a couple of weeks' I said to the tall attractive gay man behind the reception desk. 'Hiya' he replied 'my name is Darren and you will be working closely with me so let me show you around the department and introduce you to everyone'. I followed Darren around while he showed me what's what and started introducing me to various staff members. Everyone was really nice and friendly which was great, I...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Morning LightChapter 34

Rhonda was surprised when she picked up the ringing telephone and found Jimmy on the line. She thought something was wrong since he rarely called her. "Hi, Rhonda," Jimmy said. "Hi, Jimmy. Is everything okay?" "Everything is wonderful. Listen, Rhonda, I wanted to ask you to do me a big favor." "Sure, Jimmy. What is it?" "Well, I want you to help me find an engagement ring for my mom," Jimmy said almost breathlessly. "An engagement ring?" Rhonda asked in surprise. "Yes. I...

3 years ago
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Gift HorseChapter 5

I taxied to the sleaziest area I knew. Just around Penn Station were some bars where any vice you wished to procure was available for the asking. I began to bar hop. I glanced around looking for the same faces at each bar, looking for my tail. I perused the scantily clad women. They all wanted a date with me. In my state of mind I wanted the sleaziest woman. And there were those who just wanted to watch me. Men in dark suits. Eyes unclear behind glasses. I couldn't shake their gaze. I found...

4 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 38

The four of us decided to rent an RV for a road trip. Lulu and Consuela were overjoyed with the proposal, but my sister was somewhat reticent about leaving the comfort of our happy little home with all its secrets of a Taboo nature. We found a place called “Campers World USA” and got a large sized Thor with two bathrooms. It was supposed to sleep 8 but I thought that was a bunch of crap because the four of us was sort of the limit unless you wanted to sleep on top of someone else. It...

3 years ago
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The Country Club Chapter 2

Thursday Morning As I drove to the course I thought about the events from yesterday on the course and last night. My thoughts soon turned to the dinner tonight at Irene’s. Jodie had been very convincing in the bag room. Arriving at the course with forty minutes to spare, I went to the bag room to get Sue’s clubs. Upon entering, there was Jodie making sure Irene’s clubs were clean. Smiling, she asked if I needed more convincing about the dinner tonight then seductively licked her lips. I told...

3 years ago
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Dad Deflowered Me

By Sweetu Hi. This is Sweetu from banglore (vidaranapura) am 23years old and here I am sending is not mine, It Belongs to one Angel(name changed) as per what she chatted with me. I like it as its a first insect story that I liked, I hope you too will like the same There were many stories about Father fucking daughter, this one really impressed me and I am writing it down regarding a 60-70 % similar incident about m friend. You can also mail me your real life incidents to We are gathered in...

4 years ago
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Two Broken Thumbs the Sequel

I broke both of my thumbs in a car accident and I was plastered up both arms to mid-level with thumbs locked outward. I had the use of my fingers since the casts stopped at knuckle level but I was finding it literally impossible to masturbate with just use of finger tips. With just one week in the casts gone and 5 more to go, I was going insane. My 14 year-old sister, Lynn, bounced in after dinner and plopped down on the couch next to me. She was a petite 5 foot 2 with her blond hair in a...

2 years ago
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A fun weekend with teen sluts a story in 4 parts

The evening had been quite entertaining, but nothing spectacular to write home about. It was just past midnight, quite early to head home, but I had my reasons. At home, my 16 year old daughter Mary T was alone with a weekend sleepover friend, Lisa. I had faith in her being old enough to manage on her own, and anyway I was only a short walk away from home, in case something should require my immediate presence. My wife had left us some 5 years ago, and I had to raise my darling girl on...

2 years ago
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NEELU ki Phuddi

Me amir/25/khi… me apni biwi ki phuddi almost roj leta hu naur usay randi kutti ki tarah chodta hun. Jab wo maikey rehne gai to mera garam lora khada rehta koi chudas phuddi khane ko… meri maasi roz rat kapre istri karne ati hai, jawan 22 sal ki, kal jab ai to low cut kameez aur transparent dupatta pehan ke. Istri karne zameen pe bethi to dupatta utar dia, me samne betha tha, lund khara hone laga saali ke mammay dekh ke… usay chodne ka mood ban gya. mene kaha “tere jism se jawani tapak rahi hai...

2 years ago
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Carl And His Stepsister Marias Affair With Their Uncle Part 3

The weekend had finally arrived and I carefully planned a day of intimate time alone with Carl and Maria. We agreed use my bedroom and the king-sized bed, silk sheets, and subdued lighting to set the mood. They wanted to fuck and the mood setting was really for me. For our first time together, we agreed I would watch them and join in when ready. I was accustomed to being the voyeur anyway. The thought of having sex with them was surreal, yet exciting. On Saturday afternoon, we all entered my...

First Time
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My Night With My Cyber Neighbor

My wife, Krista, recently got a secretarial job with her girlfriend.  She was gone most of the week during the day till about 4 pm.  I can’t say I wasn’t happy about it.  I was ecstatic. I knew my wife had lost interest in our marriage years ago.  Krista stayed because she had gotten used to the money.  That was when I started surfing the internet and found my cyber neighbor, Lana. I got lucky in a business opportunity and once it hit big, I got out with enough money that I didn’t need to...

2 years ago
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Birthday Party

It was his birthday and she had a special evening planned just for him. She had bought a lacy, black outfit that accentuated her hard, pink nipples perfectly. The sexy attire followed the curve of her body and caused her ass to look deliciously round and desirable. Its crotch was open and only broad lace encircled the creamy skin of her thighs. She accessorized the garment with a pair of black, open toed, stiletto heeled sandals which displayed her red toe nails. She’d planned to be waiting...

1 year ago
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The Long View

When I got back to the apartment there was a package in my mailbox. It looked like it had been hand delivered and not come through the postal service. I took it up with me. When I opened it I found a DVD labelled (by hand) "erotic video sample". Well as I wasn't proposing to go out again, I would have changed into my female clothes anyway. But the anticipation of watching the DVD added an extra frisson and urgency. I didn't have a long soak in a bubble bath, but just a quick shower...

4 years ago
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Summer TrainingChapter 10

The light rapping at the door woke Kim. In a panic, thinking that her father had caught her home and would need to be fed breakfast or worse, she threw herself out of bed and tripped over her clean clothes box before she realized she was in her friend Stephanie's room. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was 8:43 in the morning. "Are you awake?" Jeffery asked through the door. "Now I fucking am," Kim hollered as she sat down on the bed and rubbed her stubbed toe. "Michelle and I...

3 years ago
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the wrecker moves on

My upstairs flat looked out onto a new housing development that had been built on some reclaimed retail land just across the road from me, I had noticed a pretty brunette that had moved in a few months earlier with her “partner“, I would have guessed that she was perhaps in her early thirties, very attractive about 5ft 6inches tall with a slender waist and a nice round ass, and her tits looked well proportioned too, so I had made a point of saying hello to them at every opportunity and...

2 years ago
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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 26

"Was that what you were looking for, lover?" Elaina asked when he awoke a half-hour later. "Um, I guess," he muttered noncommittally. "I'm sorry, what was that?" she queried in a imperious tone. "I don't believe I heard you quite right." She stared him down with hot eyes and a cocked eyebrow. Rob's eyes widened as he realized where she was taking this ... and he went there willing. "Y-yes, Mistress," he stammered. "It was perfect." "Better," she condescended. "And I'm...

3 years ago
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The Milk Round

I was wandering around my local town browsing the shops when i bumped into one of many associates of mine and he was a teenage man which you could say was very lary and aloof also quite often drunk at all times of the day, but like me he was often out for an adventure but most definitely not the cock sucking spunk swallowing adventures i always dreamt of but more getting drunk and partying to all hours of the night,It was one of these nights that he was telling me about when we met in the town...

2 years ago
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Miss Kelly Johnson

“I can’t believe you.You’re such whore. My mom and my dad? Really? I can’t believe you’d fuck them, they’re my parents. You’re meant to be my best friend.” I was reckless, I sneaked a kiss from Sara and Kelly walked in on us. She saw us kissing, she saw my hand up her mum’s skirt. She could see what was going on and was not happy. After all, I had lost my lesbian virginity to her. We were sitting on her bed in her bedroom. She looked close to tears. It’s not as if we were exclusive lovers, we...

3 years ago
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Thats LifeChapter 2 Start of a new life

"You must be John Mason, the plumber. I'm Nora Norman." "Hi, pleased to meet you. So you have a clogged sink?" I asked. "Yes, I do hair styling on the side and I think too much must have gone down the drain. It takes ten minutes for the water to recede." Then it struck me that this just might be the Nora the guys at card club was talking about. She had a room set aside for her business. It had a special type sink for washing hair. She turned on the tap and showed me how the water...

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