SpaceChapter 31 free porn video

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I wanted her to see me as a man in uniform taking her. The sex and the visual aids I hoped would get her to adjust quicker to her new reality.

At my unspoken command the ship started to climb once more and the cargo net became down. I climbed over the woman's body and was then able to put my cock into her mouth. She sucked a little and stopped.

In her mind I said, "Suck my cock. You belong to me and I intend to use you."

Connie sucked mechanically until I came in her mouth then I pulled back until my cock was at her pussy. I ordered her legs up and I had a little difficulty getting in because the net was not that taut. Her legs were on my shoulders and she could not move much.

One of my hands came out and grabbed her hair painfully and I pulled her lips to mine. It was then that she started to respond. I hammered away at her until we reached orbit. Once there I held the ropes with my hands and my feet were tucked into the net.

When she finally came loudly was when I started to slow down to casual rhythm.

"You are worth the effort and the cost woman, but you are going to have to be trained much harder."

"Anything Master. I am yours."

"I know that. For a moment I wanted to shoot my seed into you but it's still too soon."

"Anything you want Master, anything."

"Curl up more. I want your ass."

"Yes Master."

I pulled out to a sucking noise and the one eyed snake found its new home. In a few minutes I was home. I picked up speed slowly and Connie just went with the flow. Usually Betts or Erica would help now to make sure Connie had her cum. It didn't seem to matter though because she came anyway with a scream. A half moment later I released into her.

"Your ass is better since you started to exercise."

"Thank you Master... Master, are you talking into my head?"

"People like me can do that."

"But how?"

This was when I wanted to set the hook. "I am going to change the world. I am formidable enough to do it. To have this power, I require the need to issue orders to my people. You are one of my women."

"I am yours, Master, but how come we are floating?"

"I got into my ship and flew into orbit. Look at the screen in front of you." The screen came to life and showed a picture of the earth from out present position.

"Is that the earth?"

"It is."

"Are we in orbit, Master?"

I caressed her pretty face and kissed it. "Yes, my pretty."

I pulled out of her butt and dragged my now coloured dick up her chest until I untied the two cords at her wrists. When she was free she clung to me.

"Let go. Your master does not wish you any harm today."

"Yes, Master." Her arms came away but they were ready to pounce back once more.

I managed to get between her and the net and used the net to throw her to one of the chairs in the front. She gave a long scream even though she was going so slow. When she was close to the target, I pushed off myself. I flew quicker and grabbed a chair before she could. I pulled her into it and then did up the belt.

"You cause a lot of problems sometimes."

She was crying once more and I just sat in a chair until she finished.

"Master, how did we get into space?"

"You helped us build the Curiosity. I just installed the engine and the Grav-repellers."

"But nobody can do that?"

"Woman, how many people have I killed?"

"I think fifty six but I am not sure. You never told me."

"I kill men that displeases me. I fuck my woman when it pleases me. I speak into your mind because you belong to me. We fly into space because I decided I wanted to come here."


"Close your mouth and use your mind."

"... Yes, Master."

"Good. I was thinking about planting a child in your womb today. I need help to align crystals. Our son or daughter may be able to do this."

"I would gladly bear your child, Master."

"I know that and that is why I keep you. Now listen to this story. It starts when I was far less than I am now."

I told Connie my story and I made sure she knew exactly her place in the future.

Later she said, "I will do whatever you want Master."

"Undo your harness and kiss your Master."

She did as I asked but flew off and I had to catch her and bring her back. She was very frightened but she did kiss me tenderly.

Connie said, "Will you really give me your child some day?"

"You may have more than one. I may have to breed a whole class of techs."

Connie finally settled in the chair as I brought the Curiosity home. When we settled and the hatch opened, she put the belt on her neck. She then gave me the end with a smile. I hooked a finger into her pussy instead. My finger was used that to pull her where I wanted her to go.

The family were eating. Mom and Pop were amazed to see Connie naked and being pulled into the bedroom by my finger. Connie didn't seem to care. We had a quick shower and we took our places and ate as if nothing happened. Connie was red though but still had her smile.

Connie got her computer right after the meal and I ordered her to begin her new studies. She gave a big smile and said, "Yes, Master."

Betts came to me and said, "I'm not calling you Master."

"You may sometime but I may call you Mistress too."

"In that case you might get it."

Betts, Erica and I went out later and delivered two of the laptops to the Suffolks. Irene got a lesson but two girls and I showed the Doc.

The Doc said, "I can see how you will abandon the laptop. The pictures are simply great but the one in my mind is so much better."

"It is an easy way to learn. By the way, Connie is with us now."

"How did it go?"

"Rather well I thought. I had to do some acting. I'll show you."

I uploaded the information into both of their new computers. They could save the information or delete it. After a minute we made a hurried exit. It looked like Irene got turned on by the scene and it effected the Doc too.

The next person that should be brought into the fold should be Gail. She would be different than Connie but also have some similarities. Tomorrow would be good enough for her. This was none too soon because many of the easier portions of the hull would be delivered in a week. I needed adults to meet the truckers and to do the unloading.

We had visited the building Star Fleet owned where the next ship would be built. In a way it was easier saying that than me owning it. We had not actually been inside yet but the drones had been. It was a good location. The building was on a large tract of land with trees around it. The Curiosity or even The Beagle could land invisibly and we could still get into the building unseen from everywhere including above.

We had done a lot more thinking on the matter of the ship and how it would leave. Instead of ripping the wall down when we eventually left, we felt it better to make the building much like a hangar. The large earthmoving trucks that handled up to six hundred tonnes needed large doors. With this subterfuge in mind, a construction company was given the contract to alter the existing structure.

We would have used a hangar too. Finding a secure airport with a good building was not easy if it had to be near Toronto. Five were in the plans for the academy.

The building was cleaned up by workers hired by a maintenance company. The grounds were in need of mowing and a general spruce up. A nursery was contacted and they would add more trees to the perimeter of the property to keep it even more secure.

This work would not be done before the parts started to arrive.

The next day after karate I said, "Gail, you haven't flown in our newest shuttle yet. How about taking a bit of your time and go with us?"

"I'd love to but I have a lot of work to do."

"Do you mean you don't want to play with us?"

"You guys have a lot of fun it in it but I just don't have enough imagination."

"We are staging an orgy in your honour if you come."

"Wally, you should have said that first. Just let me have a quick shower."

We all got cleaned up and put on our civilian clothes. We met in the back of the garage. Gail said, "How did you guys get this here? Last I saw it was in the garage."

Wendy said, "We flew it here."

"Well don't tell me then. Now when does this party begin?"

Wendy said, "In just a moment. It takes a while to have all those showers."

When we were all here including Connie we boarded the ship. Gail was disappointed to sit in a seat instead and even have to strap in. I said, "Cadet Pallo take to seven hundred thousand metres. Keep us stationed over this location."

"Yes, Captain. Geosynchronous orbit at seven hundred thousand metres."

Connie was tense but Erica and Betts were on both sides of her. Gail's eyes bulged as she felt movement in the craft. After twenty metres of forward movement the ship stopped and the bow rose to vertical.

"Wally, how are you doing this?"

"More power is applied to the grav-repellers at the bow. The ones at the stern keep a lock on earth until we..." We were pulled back in out seats with three gravities of acceleration. "We are moving into orbit." There was some of the usual shaking and Gail hung onto her seat with a death grip.

We avoided aircraft by a wide margin usually by going slower or faster to get out of their way.

"Wally, this can't be happening."

Liza was sitting beside her mother and said, "Mom, I'm here and you're safe. Wally wouldn't let anything happen to us."

"What's happening?"

"It's just like Wally said, we are going into orbit."

"But how?"

"Star Fleet sent the parts and we put the shuttle together. The Curiosity is nice but the next ship is going to be a real space ship. We named her the 'Quest'."

"That can't happen."

"Mom, I am here talking to you. You feel the power of the ship clawing its way out of the atmosphere. Why are you saying this can't happen?"

"Because it can't."

Patricia was on the other side of Gail and said, "We have been flying into orbit a lot of times already. I have been in command sometimes and so has Liza. Yesterday Connie flew up there with the Captain."

I said, "Talk to her Connie."

"Gail, that's right. I was up here for the first time yesterday. I was just as frightened as you are now. The Captain frightened me more, I think, but then he made it up to me. When we get high enough we go into free-fall. That was frightening by itself. You might want to focus on the cargo netting at the back once the acceleration cuts back. He... he tied me up to that at the start. I never had a seat to use like you have."

Gail heard the words but the meaning did not sink in. The rest of us talked verbally to each other like we were on a school bus that was carrying us to the zoo.

The acceleration cut back but it was still half again what would be on earth. Our speed was increasing because there was hardly any air left to slow us down. The screen showed earth or the moon usually but today it was focussed on one of the manmade satellites that circled the globe.

Gail was less frightened as the trip went on. Finally Wendy said, "Captain, we have reached our objective."

"Thank you Private Pallo. Instruct the computer to keep us in position while we practice manoeuvres."

"Aye, Captain. Hold position and prepare for fun."

To everybody I said, "Everybody is to report for free style callisthenics commencing now."

I started taking off my clothing and so did the girls. Connie saw what was happening and did the same thing. The cargo net was soon covered in bare bodies with clothing and shoes floating all over the place. Liza was having a difficult time getting her mother to get out of her chair, never mind to remove her clothing.

I floated over and held an empty chair and said, "I did this so you would understand about Star Fleet and us. You are an outgoing woman who will thoroughly enjoy this once you get a basic understanding."

"There's no Star Fleet."

"You're wrong Gail. We are Star Fleet. I was given a lot of knowledge recently and along with some of my natural skills we have built this ship. You will learn more but only after you join us."

"Don't you understand Wally? I am afraid of heights. I feel like I am constantly falling like in a nightmare."

"I can fix that too."

Erica went to an enclosure and brought out the med unit. It made a few assessments until I ordered it to provide some relief for Gail. In a few seconds Gail started to relax. Erica floated close to Gail and wrapped her legs around Gail's neck and held the woman's hair in both of her hands. Her cock was now nestled into Gail's warm mouth. It was easy then to get Gail free of the chair and undressed.

I got Gail's pussy and slipped inside. It had been a while since I had enjoyed her body. She was not going to find out about my new cock. Betts and Connie did what they could to please Gail. Gail's first orgasm came only five minutes later and she screamed around the cock in her mouth. Erica was enjoying her second orgasm. I filled her as best I could and relaxed by going slowly.

Betts pulled me out and I just flipped over in the zero g and tried to work my way into Gail's rectum. Betts pulled us both together until I was able to worm my way in. By that time Betts was munching on Gail's pussy.

It was an hour later that we dragged Gail's body to the netting and let the others have some fun with her. I was a little surprised to see Lasha go after Gail's pussy until I remembered that I had filled it at least twice. Greg loved blowjobs and Gail was one of the best. Gail must know who she had because her fingers worked into his back passage as she sucked on him.

I worked on my own ladies now. Connie did whatever any of us asked and gained pleasure from doing so. There was no room on the net but one or more of us would hold onto something to keep us from hitting the walls or the seats.

The orgy lasted an hour more but it was the munchkins and Paul that kept it going. They even had their own turn at Gail but by then she was almost unresponsive.

We came back to earth in both senses. When we landed we had to gather up all the damp cloths used to clean us and then sort through the clothing to find what was lost. We had to dress Gail but she had a smile on her face. The youngest had the job of cleaning up the ship and that was not a small job. There was sperm and pussy juice all over the place and the best thing to do would be to hose it down. They did their job without too much fuss because everybody except me had to do this too."

We went and ate. The meal was over but Leslie knew we were off somewhere and not available. Gail still had a stupid look on her face and she had heard nothing about the Aristis or her new ability to send and receive thoughts.

My girls took Gail home and we had a shower together and then got spermy and juicy again which required another shower.

With Gail almost comatose we told her the truth about Star Fleet and her position within it. She seemed to understand but not very well. The girls took her to get a cold shower and even that didn't do too much. The girls studied and I made more crystals that night because we had to stay with Gail until she came to her senses.

It was about five in the morning that Gail awoke and realised what had happened. She was worried now and needed some reassurances but I did not give her sex. We actually got up and talked in the kitchen.

"So all of that was not a dream?"

"Talk with your mind, Gail, and no, it was not a dream. The human race now has space. With it comes a lot of responsibilities. We need you to help us and in return we help you."

"The med unit you talked about?"

"That and a lot more."

"What about all that money you have?"

"A portion I consider mine but the rest belongs to Star Fleet."

"So I have to be a straw boss as well as your chauffeur?"

"It's not too much is it?"

"Oh, no. There was little to do. Drive you guys to school then take you to karate then come home. So you are going to make a real star ship."

"No, we are going to make the ship. Now go get dressed. We will take a look at the place before the rest get up."

She gave a coy smile and said, "Is this a date?"

"This is to show you your duties. There is going to be a lot to do."

Gail and I flew at a much slower rate to the building. Going at three hundred klicks an hour and in a straight line made the trip very quick. I pointed out the areas being worked on and those that were still to be done. The large screen did more than one job. We saw the building and it also displayed the work in progress or the finished article. Gail got the ideas fairly quickly.

Gail flew us home and her acrophobia did not kick in. We did go much slower and took some detours but Gail seemed to like the experience. We made breakfast and had it ready when they got up. It took only a few words before Connie was explaining her first time up with me. All of the girls had glassy eyes now but it was time for school.

At school we discussed initiating June into our small organisation. Doc and Irene talked a lot to Gail and Connie. Some of my trade secrets came out.

Rebecca and Silvia Augusto seemed to fit in now. This also gave Connie, Doc and Irene more to talk about. At no time did I get the feeling that any of the adults got the urge to go and talk to the police about me. They focussed on the aims of Star Fleet and how they could shape the future of the human race for thousands of years by what they did today.

Doc said, "I have more patients that could use your care. Too bad they are not at your school. Some are young but most are in high school. Is it possible for you to meet with them both unofficially and supposedly without knowledge of their problems?"

"Do you think they will fit into Star Fleet?"

"Some I honestly have to say no. They are just children with problems. Some might be resolved but most will end up being troubled adults."

"What can I do?"

"I have no particular magic bullet. Most could benefit by simply being in a positive environment. Sort of a pre academy for people that may or may not go on."

"Doc, I have a great deal on my plate already. My contract to King Rontem means that I have to do a lot of work. Even if I could recruit every patient I could take in; I would not see any payoff in my time for many months if not years."

"If you are busy then perhaps your people can assist. They work hard but they are not busy all the time."

"Doc, they are a lot more busy than you think. You may have a patient now but you are still talking and listening to me. They work with Nadac to design the equipment with earth produced parts. They order the parts and negotiate for a good price. Their voice is disguised on the phone to simulate that of an adult. They built both ships and will build most of the Quest too. I have a hard time supplying the crystals and aligning them when done. We are all busy."

"It is the busy people that get things done not the ones who watch television and say they are busy. Maybe I can find some that are good enough so the payoff time is not that long."

After school the girls took June for a ride. Gail and Connie went with them... to maintain order. This was one more job that I did not have to do and as long as it was done right I didn't care who did it.

My bot was working hard and already he or she had forty six units made but the first nanite was also producing and so were its prodigy. I started another bot with different abilities because I did not want to wait for one group to be done before I started the next.

The back of our assembly building was ripped off. We wanted speed and the company put three shifts on the job.

I was still making accumulators. To serve a double duty, I made them for the Quest but they would be used to provide power to the shields that covered the antimatter making facility. Since there would be this kind of shielding, we decided to make the antimatter in the same building.

Chuck organised the plans for the shield with Nadac and the rest of us. He was also in charge of procurement. This time it was again aluminium that we were going to use. One shop could make this for us and ship it in two pieces. It would weigh eighty six tonnes and require an escort because of its width. We were paying just under nine million dollars for it so we got their full cooperation.

Matt and Hal monitored the construction. If necessary, a representative we contacted by phone would be our mouthpiece to talk about inconsistencies with the prints we supplied. This same procedure was done to control all of our businesses but it was usually done through lawyers and accountants.

Those not on or working on the ship had jobs to do. The Quest was in the hands of nearly a thousand jobbing shops. Not all owners or shops were equal. Some were going to be late and some were consistently sloppy in their tolerances. There were penalties in the contracts for this and I would put them into bankruptcy if they wanted to act foolish. We bargained hard but then offered more money for accuracy and speed.

The girls were coming back now. They had not gone into orbit though they went their mentally. A meek voice said to me, "Wally, are you there?"

"I sure am Sweetie. How did you like your ride?"

"... I don't know how to answer that. I learn that you are friends with people that were not born on earth, that you are one of the richest people on our planet. I thought it was a joke but I know that everything you said to us was really the truth."

"What do you think about joining Star Fleet?"

"It's wonderful but I don't know if I can do all that military stuff."

"You don't have to do it all. Everybody has to learn how to fight but then you can do one or more of the thousand jobs that have to be done."

"They said I would be an accountant. That is what I was aiming for in school."

"You will make a great accountant. Most of those in the future are linked to some powerful computers. I want you to learn about computer's too."

"We use computers."

"Yes, but the computers on earth are like using an abacus. A real computer is much more powerful. There are not many accountants either. They are so powerful that only two or three would handle all of earth."

"I could never do that."

"If you trust me, then you will believe that what I say is true. You are going to be one important woman."


"Yes, you have to talk more to Matt. He does our accounting now and a lot more."

"I'm building a 72 now but I want perhaps a 60 someday to run our world. You can be one of the people that feed the computer the data and learn what has to be done."

"I just learned what those computers are really like. They're alive, really alive."

"Matt, Hal and Nadac are really alive too. They just live in a computer."

I am almost home now. I want to see them with my own eyes."

"Sure but they are much more beautiful on the inside than outside."

When we ate together, Mom I and II as well as Pop noticed how excited June was and just smiled. It was nice to know that somebody you loved was happy. We cleaned up and June went to her studies and not the usual drivel she watched on television. To be honest she did not watch much because she saw how we avoided it.

There were three adults left and we all of us had ideas to the order they should be informed in. I knew Mom would be the hardest because she would react. The Doc and I worked on this problem and figured that Pop had to be the one that would have to be the one to make her see reason. Mom II would do whatever Mom and Pop wanted within reason.

"Pop, do you have some time for me? I have a problem."

"Sure I do Wally. I have all the time you need."

"Then come with me so we can talk."

We walked over to the Curiosity that was now parked behind the garage once more. Pop said, "That is a beautiful machine. I can almost see it in orbit transporting people and equipment to a space station."

"I can too but most adults don't have the imagination any more. Kids have a lot and because of that we can find out useful information. Adults coast on what they learned as a kid."

"Not all of us are that way, Wally."

"Yes, I know Pop. Have a seat and we can talk."

When we got settled, he waited for me to begin. "When I was young, I was skinny and weak. I think that I was destined for a troubled life. I was lucky though and met a friend or rather a person that could use my help in return for some help from him."

I talked about the Aristis and their civilisation. I then went on and explained a lot more about Nadac.

"Are you saying that this Nadac really exists?"

"He sure does and so does King Rontem. With their help I destroyed Caputo's vile empire. I helped save the children and adults he abused and made a lot of money to fund Star Fleet."

"How did you do that?"

"The crystals that I have the ability to influence can be turned into an unlimited number of devices. Some of them are around us now. They send back information to Nadac and King Rontem. Others send the information to my own computers or to all the children in our extended family. They can see us as if we were on a television."

"Your story is very clear but do you have a way of proving any of this to me?"

"I sure do. I took Connie into orbit to show her what I could do. Yesterday I took Gail. We had a lot of fun in orbit and she came back a bag of jelly. The girls took June and you saw her when she came back. There was some physical love shown so that is part of it. For you I can show you that the shuttle works. Let's go for a flight over the city."

"Ok." I didn't think he believed we could.

The ship moved and Pop grabbed the arms of his chair. The screen showed what we would see if we had a windshield. The hatch was still open and he could see the altered view from the opening. With no verbal orders given the hatch closed.

"The ship is invisible now even to radar. The screen in front of you is really a television screen. I'm going to aim it down." We saw some grass that looked only a few metres away.

"Let's get a few hundred metres of altitude."

We climbed vertically and hovered. The scene below showed the back of Gail's property and ours.

"Do you believe we are over our home?"

"It sure looks like it."

"I am going to bring us up to a thousand metres and then go downtown."


"Buckle up and put your head back. I'll show you how fast we can get to 320 metres per second."

"Why that speed?" he said as he buckled himself in.

"It is just below the speed of sound. We do not have the equipment that larger ships have to negate a sonic boom."

He put his head back and said, "Ready."

We took off at only four gravities. It was more than enough to show him. His features pulled back as the skin stretched on his face. His hands were like claws as they held the arms of the seat. Twenty two seconds later we stopped accelerating and then turned around and for twenty seconds we decelerated at four gravities. We then stopped dead and we were looking at the downtown core of Toronto.

Pop was breathing hard. "What happened?"

"We accelerated at four gees then flipped and decelerated the same way. Forty some seconds after we started we covered a little over eighteen kilometres."

The image we saw was of downtown. "Is that a real view?"

"Yep. I can drop you off and you can get a ride home if you want. If you walk it you will know it for sure. You could peek out the hatch but people might see the inside of the shuttle and us staring out at them. We can go out into the lake and you can wet your hand or we can go north and stop on some land."

"I can take your word for it, Wally."

"When we get home you can feel the invisible ship. That will do it too."

"You could have shown me that first."

"Then you would be too afraid to get in."


I will start on more of my story now." I told him about the kind of money I now controlled. I went on to list the companies we owned or had shares in.

"Wally, I cannot even imagine that amount of money."

"Some of it is mine but the majority I want Star Fleet to have."


"Pop, greed is human but it has to be studied. I have more money than I can ever spend and getting more every single day. The human race needs Star Fleet. The whole race prospers when that happens."

Same as Space
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Dear friends, this is the story of how I had sex with my sister-in-law in a moving train, that too with my wife and in-laws in the adjacent berths! Let me start at the beginning. We were to go to Hyderabad from Chennai for a relative’s wedding and my father-in-law had booked us by the superfast train in 2AC. We had more luggage as the three ladies, my wife, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law, were kanjeevaram silk sari collectors and the wedding was a good way to display multiple saris on a...

4 years ago
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My evening with Almondjoysos and friend

This was written for almondjoysos.. This is what I would imagine my first bi experience would be with her at the helmAlmondjoy... sorry your not on.... PART 1I can only imagine how this would go... Me, your male friend and you... You'll have to let me know what you'd be doing and what directions you would give. After a few drinks the three of us move to the bed room. Your friend and I undress down to our shorts and climb into bed. This is my first time so Iam extremely nervous. We lay down in...

1 year ago
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No Rules

Brad's door was closed. Ashley knocked. “Come in,” he hollered. Ashley pushed the door open. She looked at the clothes strewn around the room. “Yuck, you really need to clean this place,” she snapped. Brad had just cinched the belt to his jeans. Ashley looked at his bare chest and imagined what was hidden below the belt. “I'm on my way to Jarrad's so I can't do it today.” Brad looked up. His stepsister was wearing a string-type black bikini and nothing else. “I was going swimming.” Ashley put...

Straight Sex
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A fun weekend with teen sluts a story in 4 parts

The evening had been quite entertaining, but nothing spectacular to write home about. It was just past midnight, quite early to head home, but I had my reasons. At home, my 16 year old daughter Mary T was alone with a weekend sleepover friend, Lisa. I had faith in her being old enough to manage on her own, and anyway I was only a short walk away from home, in case something should require my immediate presence. My wife had left us some 5 years ago, and I had to raise my darling girl on...

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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 22

"Dannie?" Ken called as he rapped on the door of his sisters' room. The door opened at his soft tap and he opened the door wider when he heard his sister answer. "Come on in, Kenny," she called, "mom left just a few minutes ago so we're safe." Ken entered the room Dannie shared with her older sister Mary and walked across the carpet to where he saw his younger sister's blond curls bouncing above the back of the chair at her computer desk. "I know mom left," he said as he reached...

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Kittenly kisses

I am kassandra.. female30 yrs. based on a true story *scrumptious, I thought... as aunt Kim locked the cabin door. The thunderstorm crashing on the windowpane. My breasts still dripping wett from the summer swim, shone glisning in the sun as I put on my hot pink robe. ( my pale breasts, curved over the top. ). Aunt Kim.. grinned.. gently and moaned. Stoking me between my legs. Rough.. ‘ hi...’ she whispered.grabing my vagina and twirling..’ let,s play.’.. she whispered softly.kissing up my...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Karla Kush Scarlett Sage Autumn Falls The Wedding Gift

Scarlett Sage and Autumn Falls are newlyweds enjoying their honeymoon. They’ve arrived at a massage parlor for a romantic couples’ massage, although Autumn admits that she’s never had a massage before and is nervous. Plus, she’s not sure how she’ll feel having another woman touching her. Scarlett finds this endearing, assuring her wife that she’ll love the massage and that everything will be fine! When the masseuse, Karla Kush, greets them, the happy couple...

2 years ago
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Kevins RevengeChapter 6

Kevin gets a phone call from Ed. “Whassup Big Ed?” “May and me were thinking about going on a date, and wanted to know if you and Nazz wanted to come with us.” “Nazz dumped me bro. Your cunt sister recorded me cheating on her at my party and shown it to her.” “Kevin! Why’d you do that, man?” “I got sick and tired of not getting laid, bro. A man can only wank it for so long. I’m 22 for Pete’s sake!” “I get it. I don’t know this Pete guy, but maybe she’s not the chick for you, bro.” “I...

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Love Making With Reader

Hi all.. . This is Raj.. Thanks for your comments on my previous story’s.. You can drop your comments @ After all the comments I received I replied to most of them and got a reply from few.. . Out of which one was female aged 28 named Sudha living near mehandipatnam in Hyd. She appreciated my experience and also shared her desire of sex.. .. I gave her my number for further chat and I began exploring her.. .to tell about her she was 5.10 with a little chubby and glowing face.. . Her boobs were...

2 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 16 Another Lady in the Night

"Man, I can't believe this is happening to us," Wendy Branch said to Sarah Mitchell, someone she'd only known for a couple of hours but already felt was closer to her than her own sister. "I know what you mean," Sarah responded. "My whole life was changed in a single moment, in just the amount of time it takes to make eye contact with an angel." Alex had asked Wendy about her name after they'd met earlier, and she'd sighed. "My father was always a practical joker, he wanted to...

4 years ago
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You have my blessings

You have my blessingsI hope we don’t end up like Bob and Jill my wife was telling me.Yes it is a shame. They have been married for just as long as us I replied.Bob and Jill were an exact copy of my wife and I. They were married in their early twenties and been married for over 35 years just like us.. They even looked like us gaining weight as they aged.I told my wife , Kara, this happens when a couple is not on the same page. Jill about lost all interest in sex while Bob was still active. He...

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Its Been Far Too Long

Long time since they’d seen each other. Too long, they agreed about that. Last time they’d seen each other, she’d been in her late teens and he’d been in his early twenties. For a lot of that time, they’d not even talked. And yet the attraction remained. The attraction always remained, reinforced rather than weakened by not being in contact. The arranged meeting was at a café, one of a dozen or so little places in the town centre. As he walked up toward the place, he remembered the last time...

3 years ago
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Jenniferi. The a*****ionJennifer walked slowly back to her dispatch area. When she got back to the office, all of theother runners were out. Jennifer sat down at the table and pulled out her MCAT study guideand began immersing herself in preparation for the upcoming test. Jennifer had alwayswanted to be a doctor. She had already completed a degree in Chemistry with a minor inBiology and was going to become a doctor. These few facts made her feel superior to mostof the uneducated people she...

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House Guest Pt 1

It was a cold night, the sort of night where you usually curl up under the covers and sleep deeply. But Niall dozed but sleep would not come. His slumber was broken by a sound, a footfall perhaps outside in the hall. He was fully alert now and strained his ears in the darkness. There it was again, this time the sound of a soft footstep on a loose floorboard was unmistakable. It seemed the noise was close, and he tensed as the sound came again. This time the footfall was followed by a click and...

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Jack and Jamie

As a little girl, I can imagine Mother would have just opened the package of panties and placed them in the girl's underwear drawer. That didn't happen with me. As a matter of fact, Mother took out the package from the Wal-mart bag with Tammie standing next to her and handed it to me. "From now on, I'll expect you to wear your own things and not borrow intimates from Tammie or I," Mother announced quite loudly. I turned bright red but refused to take the package. "Mother," I exclaimed,...

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AnimeCartoon God

Hi I'm Dan if you didn't know and I've recently been granted the amazing power to travel into anime/cartoon universes and basically do almost anything and guess what this power was given to a horny teen that is only 19 and loves anime/cartoons and masturbating I wonder what anime/cartoon I'll go to today.

2 years ago
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First time with a couple

I like to write short, too the point stories. I was 19 when I was approached by my manager (summer job) Linda about my sexual exploits. Since she was a cool gal, married et. al. I decided to share my single life with her. Linda would get all excited hearing my stories about previous nights and force me to share details. I did as I knew it made her excited. I even shared specific details around how I was fucked, how many times and how many times did we both cum. She loved the dirty details. I...

Group Sex
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Eleven 2

I'll be honest, I panic. First because some girl managed to stowaway aboard the ship. That's a huge problem, she's going to be hungry and I only have enough food for 6 months of me and no one else. This lasts for about long enough for me to turn around and see no one behind me. Then I try to figure out whether or not it's a trick mirror. I hear when people are friends they play pranks on each other. I don't have any friends, so that theory has a pretty short half life. I cup my...

3 years ago
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Sex Full Of Filth With Maid

Hello everyone. This is Vasu. Thank you all those who read my last story and gave positive replies. For those who don’t know me. Let me brief you up about myself. I am Vasu(name changed) from west Delhi. I am 24 tall fair and have a length of about 6.5 inches enough to satisfy a needy pussy. My sex life has always been good and I have been lucky to get a few choots all this while but it has changed in the recent past and now I have to follow that “Apne hath jagarnath” thing to relief myself....

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Game TimeChapter 5

Surprisingly, it was only two weeks after Lana's placement in institutional care nearby that she was released to go home with us. She still had twice-a-week appointments with a therapist up in Riverdale who was on the list of those counselors and therapists approved by the Human Smuggling Trafficking Center (HSTC), an outfit created in July 2004 by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Attorney General. Everyone involved in her treatment wanted to be assured...

4 years ago
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My Future FatherInLaw Ch 08

Today is the big day I thought as I crawled slowly out of bed. I was exhausted and a bit sore from the pounding my virgin pucker had received from my future-father-in-law the night before. God, was Big Mike hung! My insides had still not returned to their normal size. I felt a weird and wornderful sensation in my gut as I walked toward the shower to start preparations for my wedding. As the hot water ran over my aching body thoughts of the past week with my new ‘Daddy-to-be’ ran through my...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Adultery

A young blonde housewife is at her home, alone and very horny, waiting for her fiancée to show up, but he has called to say that he will be working quite late. She is dressed in some real sexy looking lingerie, as she was going to surprise her fiancée when he came home, but all for naught at the moment. The young blonde – 21-year-old Ellen Vande – is wearing black silk garters with hose, and sheer panties – all covered by a short and sheer black silk robe. At 5foot 2 inches and 130 pounds she...

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Not Just the Photographer Part 2 The Photo Shoot

PART 2 – The Photoshoot Please read Not Just the Photographer (Part 1 The Invitation) first as that explains how I got into this situation So the following day we were sitting round my table day having a few relaxing drinks and discussing a storyline I’d drawn the previous night up after my fantasising and whilst holding unto her damp panties. “My idea is that, Jayne, you stand over there and gradually undress in a sexy way. You pull aside your panties and expose your pussy and . . ” “Now...

Group Sex
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Foot Worship And Trample With Mom

I am a very shy type of person. I am good at obeying the commands rather than giving them. I have a addiction to beautiful feet of women. I like myself that way. This story i am going to tell is a real life incident. It happened when I went home from college after 3rd year for summer vacation. I was very bored at home as none of my friends were in town and i spent all day at home watching movies and porn. On one particular afternoon I and my mom were taking rest in the bedroom after lunch but...

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How my wife learned to suck cocks

To tell this true account of how my wife got to be the way she was when I married her I have put together my experiences, with those of her friends , and the things she herself had confessed to me in later years.So to set up the scene...I first noticed lynne when we were in sunday school together.... she was a skinny , curly haired , freckel faced , innocent girl who giggled a lot while whispering to her best friend 'Diane". Diane was a girl a year older than Lynne who was lynnes neihbour and...

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Lustful ViceChapter 45

The evening finds them swimming in the lake when the sun begins to set. Zaria has lost her top and bottoms and Ray never had anything on to begin with. She is in his arms above water and he inside her depths, her legs wrapped around him, below the water. As they kissed, he slowly works his length in and out of her. “It’s getting cold, Daddy,” she gripes. “Let’s move to the hot tub.” Ray reluctantly pulls himself from her and she stands, her toes digging into the muddy lake bottom. Ray takes...

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Showering with younger sister

But, not surprisingly, in the last few years we've grown distant. I've basically put up with her and she's tolerated me. I've thought she's b*tchy and she thinks I'm a geek. Nonetheless, over Christmas Break we rekindled our long lost friendship. We laughed, we joked, we talked A LOT: about the future and going to college and we shared our thoughts with each other about a lot of stuff. We reminisced and had a really great week, just the two of us. However, things went so well that...

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Inferidelity Ch 01

“Patel?” my wife said, astonished.It started at the sex therapist.  Just before Christmas.Our sex life was fine, but not perfect.  Two years after our first kid, we wanted to have a second, just in time for my wife’s thirtieth.  However, we both admitted that we could barely conjure up the passion to make love once a week, much less multiple time during her ovulation period.  It wasn’t because her body had changed.  In fact, all my favorite features about my beautiful wife had barely changed...

Wife Lovers
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Three Square MealsChapter 34 The battle isnt over yet Can they rescue the new recruit

Alyssa walked towards Rachel with open arms, but then paused as she looked down at her glistening black Phalanx armour. “Maybe this would be more inviting if I wasn’t wearing power armour!” she said to the brunette with a smile. Rachel laughed and ran over to her, giving her a hug regardless. “I thought my time was up! I’ve never been so relieved to see anyone!” she exclaimed happily. “We flew all this way to see you,” John said with a smile. “It was rude of the Kintark to interrupt our...

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Soccer Sucks

Soccer Sucks----------While I was in High School, I was not overly athletic, or I did not think I was until someone commented that my legs were like thick tree trunks. I was on the soccer team and all the running and kicking certainly has it's affect on one's legs. Strong and muscular was not tree trunks.After moving to the farm, soccer was a thing of the past. I still watched matches on the TV and kept up with the news of the my school friends when I happened to spot a name I recognized on one...

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The Heat WaveChapter 22

I was totally overloaded! I needed and ass or a pussy, NOW! Nothing else would do! I almost stuck my dick in Ed -- knowing he wanted it -- but I'd promised Holly ... I thundered up the stairs and marched out the slider and to the edge of the pool and yelled, "Holly! NOW!" Every eyeball in sight locked on me, but that didn't matter -- I had to have relief! Holly looked up, bug-eyed, at my tool steel erection and said, "Now?" "If you want that first load I promised you, it's got to...

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SMUT of Remnant

The world of Remnant is home to many people with their own stories. Some are sad and full of tragedy while others are heartwarming and sweet. Then there are the ones that are Wild and Incredibly Lewd! Lucky for you my friend this happens to be one of them, and not only that but you will have the bonus of controlling how things will turn out for these lovely ladies putting their fates into your hands! Considering how there are so many women to choose from it only makes sense to want to see them...

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Sheilas Crisis

"Sheila, it's not the end of the world. You'll get over this.""Yeah, sure. You're married to a great guy, have a job and I've just been dumped and have no job," Sheila tearfully replied."Hey, let's be honest," her friend Caitlin said. "You chose a married man to shack up with who just happened to be your boss. It wasn't a good combination.""Okay, maybe I can deal with my principal lying about divorcing his wife. It just didn't make sense that he fired me."Caitlin held her friend's hand and...

Straight Sex
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Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate

Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 1 - Rise and Shine! A piercing, ear shattering scream filled the room I was in. I couldn't quite place the voice at first, as I struggled to make sense of it all, but it didn't take long for me to feel the vibrations in my throat and the hear the sound coming emanating from my mouth for me to understand that I was the one who was screaming. A very GIRLY, high-pitched scream. Let me rewind a bit for a second here. You see, the reason why...

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In The Bus Part 2 Groped By A Gay Stranger

After playing with my ass the guy removed his hand and as expected his dick replaced his hand. He was rubbing his dick head in my ass crack and I could feel his pre cum all over my ass crack. He kept doing it for 5 minutes, sometimes he rubbed his dick head on my asshole as well. Don’t know why I was feeling horny and wanted it to continue. He then put his finger on my asshole. I unknowingly tighten my ass hole. He massaged my butt as was convincing me to relax and I did. He again put his...

Gay Male
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Spring Break Wooohoooo

My name is Ashley (or Ash) I’m 21 years old, a brunette who is 5’5” and measure, 34-24-32. My boyfriend, Josh had shoulder length straight black hair, 5’11”. We went to the same college and when it was our junior year, spring break. We decided to go on our own and not with our friends. Since all our friends and our roommate were going to go to Mexico, we decided on going to Miami. The break started off amazingly, we reached and checked into our hotel that was on south beach after which we had a...

Group Sex
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Hail the queens of lesbian love

Hi all, this is your JJ and this time around we are going to enjoy a long hard lesbian feast. It’s a hot Saturday educational institutions closed for summer vacation. Roads wear a deserted look and everyone happy to be indoors to escape the torrid heat. Raheja Towers 9th floor AIG Life Insurance, the security guard on duty trying hard not to doze off and cursed the Operations Director for visiting office on a holiday. Kavika sat at her desk watching the clock, hoping for it to speed up so she...

2 years ago
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Second String Spouse

Ralph needed help. Mary was pushing forty and her libido just went into overdrive. Ralph had gotten what he wished for ... only a bit too much. The fact that he travelled every other week didn’t help matters either. Mary had been a loving and dutiful wife since their wedding at age twenty. No children had happened even though birth control was never used and Ralph tested fertile. They were each other’s first love although Ralph found out ten years into the marriage that he was not her only...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 252 Sun and Fun With Girls

Who is pounding on the door? I had the place in my head not see the door. I found that Shelly was there waiting outside the door. Jennifer told me that was probably her since Shelly had been following me around like a puppy. She didn’t mind the red-headed, freckled beauty coming in to watch Jennifer get her first dick. Since I was naked, I got behind the door, unlocked it, and opened it enough for her to slip in. As I was locking the door, Jennifer stripped off her bikini bottoms and went...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Victoria Daniels Cuck Husband Arranges DP Threesome for Cheating Slut Wife Victoria Daniels

Kristof knows his cheating slut of a wife Victoria Daniels is fucking Angelo, the neighbor, but he couldn’t care less. While Victoria is in the bathtub pleasuring herself, Kristof decides to call Angelo to tell him he knows what’s going on and invites him over so they can establish some ground rules. Minutes later, Angelo arrives at the flat and the two men walk into the bathroom to find Victoria with her fingers knuckle-deep in her asshole. Since she’s already warmed up and dripping wet,...

3 years ago
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The Last True Fan Ch 04

Dan Harris sat on the couch of his idol as she fetched him a beer from the refrigerator. He shudder and trembled: this kind of conversation wasn’t going to be the kind he usually had. It was going to be open and personal and all the things men usually don’t talk about. Brenda Keans opened it and brought it over, sitting down next to him, her body snuggling up against his and her head on his shoulder. ‘What kin Ah tell ya?’ he began. ‘Where did you come from?’ ‘Holden, Missouri. Dad was a...

2 years ago
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Main Or Mera College Friend

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto main asmita aapko mere life ki real story share karne ja rahi hu. Main asmita from navi mumbai shadishuda hi muje 2 bacche bhi hai . Mere pati ek software company mian job karte hai or humara ek computer instute haai main wo handle karti hu. Meri or mepe pati ki jada banti nahi thi kisi bbi baat par gussa hona zagda hona ye humare life main hafte main 3-4 baar to fix hota tha main kantal chuki thi lekin baccho ke liye mere pass kuch option nath tha to majn...

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A Polyamorous Journey of Discovery

Bob Andrews stood on his front porch glaring down at Cathy Sanders as Cathy jammed a cigarette in her mouth and lit it. She took a long drag then glared up at Bob flicking away the ash. ‘I told you Cathy he doesn’t want to talk to you,’ Said Bob in a calm and even voice. ‘I also told you that June and I don’t take sides and now it’s a good idea for you to leave.’ Cathy flipped her hair and took another drag on her cigarette while glaring at Bob. ‘You seem to be taking sides by letting that...

3 years ago
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Preachers WifeChapter 4

A half hour after he was on the plane, I received a phone call from Frank Davis. "Now that Richard's gone off to school, I thought you might like to have some lunch tomorrow." I thought my head would explode. "Excuse me? Am I hearing you correctly?" "Now, now, Melissa, Richard tells me everything." "He swore he didn't." "If I may paraphrase someone, I don't know who, 'blood is thicker than sperm'. Can you think of a better way to insure that contributions from the Davis...

3 years ago
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The Mirror CrackedChapter 11

Later at Castle Wyvern: "Norman Mathews here, for WVRN news at the site of what has been described by police officials as a trap set by the radical group called The Quarrymen, for the elusive Gargoyles. A trap that went horribly wrong and resulted in the deaths of at least ten individuals. Police Captain Chavez had this statement about what happened." "From what we know, earlier tonight a group of Quarrymen were reported to be in a pitched battle with a group of Gargoyles at the...

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RuneswardChapter 71 The Void

White. No matter where Yren looked, there was only white. There were no variations. There were no shadows. He didn’t even cast a shadow. There was only ... white. The white was odorless. It was not hot or cold. It was ubiquitous and unlimited. He could hear, though. There was a cacophony right on the edges of his hearing. At first, he thought it was a chorus of people screaming. As he listened, though, he came to the conclusion that the screaming was really only one woman, layered over and...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Skye and Andy

It was just past 9 o'clock when I heard the faint "tap tapping" at my window. I recognized the secret code which was now pushing against my window. A rock landed just outside my balcony door and I smiled a little. How could I not know who it was? It was Andy, my best friend.I walked over to the door and opened it. "What are you doing here Andy? Won't your parents notice?"He gave me a simple snicker "They're properly already asleep Skye, and I was bored. Can't blame me for that." Andy was the...

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Love and sex y bhabhi

Maine zindagi main sirf ek baar sex kiya hai aur wo bhi meri bhabi se bhabi figure exzactly likh tu nai sakta par wo bohat khub cheez hai age 24 name varsha red chicks white skin big breast and ass tu kiya cheez hai aur sex ki devi lagti hai main taqreeban bhai ki shaadi se lekar 2 saal tak us ke liye tarsa hun huwa yun k maine bohut hi koshish ki k unse koi baat karun pr nai ho saka phir maine ek dafa heemat kar hi li aur huwa yun ke ghar main itfaqan main aur wo thay wo sehan main sofay pr...

2 years ago
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A quick drink

(based on a true story) We meet for a quiet drink, to get to know one another. We hug, collect our drinks and find some where quite to sit and talk. We get acquainted as we chat; our body language betrays the true conversation; open receptive hands “idly” moving down the body, drawing the eyes with them. Crossing and uncrossing of your legs, suggesting of some thing more. Our drinks finished, we leave. There is tension in the air, light but palpable. When we arrive, we both want to touch each...

Straight Sex
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My first

I got out of the car and make my way to his house. I didn't want to be dropped at the door, instead a couple of streets away so I could calm my nerves as I walked. He was my best friend, but in a way, so much more. Jordan. He was tall, 6ft 2. Dark brown hair shortened and often ruffled in a bed head style. His eyes were dark brown too, with a hint of green in the middle. I remember looking into them as he moaned my name.  His smile was his best feature. I always go for a guy with a killer...

First Time

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