SpaceChapter 39 free porn video

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The shields of the pursuing ships glowed brightly. The turbulence slowed the pursuit down and more antimatter was sprayed out. The flight of missiles coming from the pursuers were damaged or deflected. Missiles pursued them for days but the Aristis ships did not.

Thirty eight days after Craig had arrived at Cralto we received some of our own visitors. We were fortunate that they came a roundabout way that happened to be monitored. The Fonduush was three light years away but it accelerated to its maximum speed.

Pop was in command and he had only thirty crew to assist him. Walt, being a 62, was far more efficient than the old damaged 72.

We sent units in a complimentary vector in case the Aristis were trying to draw us off. They were the masters of warfare and knew all the tricks if they bothered to employ them. This would be a test to see how well protected we were. It could also be a full attack designed to look like a test.

Parts of the aluminium ships had been made but it would be months before we had all the parts, never mind the completed ship. The Fonduush was our strongest unit. It had been modified to put many more launchers that faced forward or to the stern.

Twenty three ships faced the Fonduush a day and a half later. One Aristis ship that monitored this action stayed well to the rear. Her mission was to see how well we fought. The Fonduush started firing off her missiles much sooner than the Aristis norm. The missiles did not rush off with the usual speed though. Seven thousand missiles were eventually fired by the time the Fonduush would normally have fired. The missiles now rushed forward as one group and some veered to the flanks where the ships would move to.

Our missiles all came on the targets at nearly the same time. The ships had a good defence but none of them were able to survive this type of attack. The Fonduush looked for survivors but they did not believe in escape pods. Ours did not have them either because nobody wanted to be captured by the Aristis.

Walt used Rontem's voice to challenge the ship and all the rest to come and try their luck. This is what he normally would have done if he was still in power.

Pop turned the ship around and started for the next probable place the Aristis would emerge from.

In the nest five weeks there were two more attacks. It was Wesley and I that figured out which was a feint and which was the real attack. We won but we did not always do this without losses. Cadets died along with their ships. The computers in our heads kept us focussed until after the battles.

Seven ships had been lost with a human, a Tomma and a computer entity dying in each. I could not strip the ships anymore and still have them able to defend us.

We cried and I admit that I did too. I could not make love to a woman and not love her. A romantic made a poor commander but some jobs just had to be done.

We had destroyed a hundred and thirty of their ships. All of us knew that they were finished testing us. The Aristis would now usually attack from a distance with missiles aimed at our world. This would not be from just one hemisphere but all around. Their objective was not to destroy our world but to tie up our ships so they could chew us up a bit at a time.

Garbo had not been destroyed but everything he reported we figured had to be aimed at disinformation. He was a valuable computer with no way of defending himself. They put him in a building with so much interference that he could not gather data. Any transmissions would then be worthless. They could destroy him too but he was potentially very valuable to them.

We were attached from a quarter we had not expected. High flying planes then air craft that looked like passenger planes overflew the island when they had not done so before. The island belonged to Malaysia but an American frigate launched three heavy troop helicopters that came to the island. They had no business here but our drones soon found out that a satellite had seen our building and the ship had come to investigate in strength.

This had been discussed at length and we turned our outermost shield on so that there was an opaque dome over the entire island. The helicopters could land on top but they could not get through. The helicopters went back and the dome was shutdown. Rockets were fired from the warship but did not penetrate the newly raised shields.

Later the dome went up again as jets came and fired heaver missiles or dropped bombs. Little noise got through and even less when we put up two shields. Everybody was worried. It was not because the screen may go down but because we had entered a new phase in our dealings with regular humans.

The company that had bought the island was kept completely separate from our other ones, even those that were still hidden. Within a week the screen was not able to be released. The Americans were having target practice. In a rare form of fair play, the other nations were invited to try their luck.

By now we had infiltrated all of the military computers possible. The ones kept offline were more difficult but not much. A single American plane, reminiscent of Hiroshima, fired a missile. We were shadowing the plane invisibly and as soon as the engines ignited and it dropped, it was captured. It had not had chance to arm itself before we shut it down.

Irene took the missile and dropped it on the White House lawn. The missile was designed to not detonate even if it fell for kilometres. It was only a hundred metre fall and the nose dug into the grass. The time that elapsed was four minutes.

During the next week cruise missiles came and they were similarly dispose of. We caused the charges in the bombs to detonate unevenly. The radioactive material spread thirty metres in all directions on the military base that fired the missile. The Russians and the Chinese tried too with similar success. We could not do more just yet because the Aristis were coming.

We nearly evacuated the base. The Aristis, all our children and I were all that remained. The Aristis and the children were no good in battle and I stayed behind to coordinate with Wesley.

Betts, Erica and Connie were proud to have ships that would be fighting. I could not keep them with me especially when so many others would die.

Small antimissiles flew out from their pods two light-years from Sol. They were intelligent and waited for their targets to come to them. They did not have to move too fast. They had antimatter charges but the power was directed into the forth and fifth dimension. Very few missiles made it through. Ships though came after.

All told, there were three hundred and ten of them. The antimissiles got three of these but they were designed to take out missiles. Our own ring of missiles near the orbit of Saturn hit the ships from the front as another wave joined up to hit that came from further in. Both waves tried to hit together.

The Aristis formation broke up and the cadets and our simple aluminium ships worked to take on smaller groups and swamp their defences. Fonduush was on the other side of the system taking care of a smaller group of attackers.

The Stamich had two sister ships. Two fought with the Fonduush while the third fought with the cadets. It was our missile pods that I think saved us. We simply put many more missiles in space for the Aristis defences to deal with. Some of it was simple antimatter thrown out like a shotgun blast on a ballistic flight.

The Aristis in the base fed the kids as I fought with my mind. Cadets died as did their ships but some clung to life. Connie's ship was hit the first day but she was still alive. I made sure they had an armoured suit now even if they were captured. Mthvarisa was with her but she did not make it even with the suit I forced her to wear.

What broke the final attack was how we threw regular matter at the flank of forty two ships along with some of our antimatter. They did not know what to destroy and had to break their charge as our missiles closed in from the other flank. Fonduush came in now like an avenging angel and spewed the rest of her missiles.

The battle had gone on for three days. It had come near the earth and the moon had taken a hit. One dead Aristis missile travelling near the speed of light struck the edge of our atmosphere and destroyed itself. This caused a giant burst of energy that fried just about everything electrical on that side of the earth.

I hurt inside like never before. Connie had been picked up only to die when a missile got through the rescuing ship's walls. Betts' ship was destroyed when she had to ram an Aristis ship to destroy it when she ran out of missiles. She had survived the battle but drifted in space for almost two days.

We searched for our people. They were easy to find if they were alive. There were very few intact bodies. All of our people were picked up before a day was up after the battle was finished. There were a hundred and twenty-seven surviving cadets and sixty-six Tomma. The Aristis fleet had a few survivors too but none chose to become a prisoner.

The Fonduush was heavily damaged. All our major vessels had suffered losses but made it through. It would be a long time before Fonduush was ready to fight again.

Erica came to me with her fairly functional ship and just cried on me. So much of our expanded family had died. Bert, and Lillian had died on the Fonduush when it took three direct hits. Erin was lost with her ship and crew. Leslie was barely staying together until I got her to stay with all the children.

Erica and I did not stay long. The school was under attack. Our shield at the school was holding even though it was never strong. There was one lone helicopter but it was having electrical problems. North America was hit hard by the charged ions from the upper atmosphere.

Erica said when we got to the school, "What are we going to do Captain?"

Captain? She had to be worried a lot. "They have nothing that can hurt us. Fly the perimeter. If they do not move back do it above mach one."

Erica was the pilot. Though it was near dusk our craft was still easy to see. A few bullets came our way but as they increased, Erica went supersonic at three metres above the ground. One additional pass around brought no response.

The computer in the school shutdown a portion of the shield so we could enter then it went back up. We flew much slower around the school buildings and the dormitories until we landed in a central location.

We left the ship with Zelenka. We wore no armour and I could not feel any thoughts of anger directed at us. The students came out first but the teachers tried to hold them back. Our ship was the same as they had seen on the movies we made and the side said Star Fleet prominently.

The first to reach us were the youngest. They showed no fear, or sense, for that matter. Erica was so overcome that she hugged them to her and began to cry. It took fifteen minutes but the rest came out too.

Since they all had communicators in their skulls, I got them lined up as if in parade form and said verbally, "We have been in a bitter fight with a people very much like us. The secret of our existence is out now but there are a lot more to know. First of all, you all were fitted with a communicator but it has never been turned on. It is like a cell phone. I will talk to you now with the communicator. Usually the students get a bit longer to get used to the idea but we are pressed for time."

"We are Star Fleet and I do not care if a movie company used the name first." I paused and watched faces. Only a few were calm enough to understand that I had not used my voice. "We have used the school to gather people that could help us defend earth. Many of your friends have helped us and some are now dead."

This seemed to shock most. "Connie Lime was my lover and the mother of two of my children. She died defending us. My adoptive parents died on the Fonduush, the ship you thought fictional. Erin was flying a ship much like the one behind me when she died with her crew. There are many more stories to tell but I am not up to mentioning them now. I have to mourn but I have to work.

"Star Fleet is just the same way we portrayed it in our movies. It is not really as glamorous as that on the surface. Underneath you will find that it is a lot more than we could tell the public. In coming years Star Fleet is going to be very difficult to enter. We are the only way humanity will gain the stars. All of you will get a chance to join. There is so much work to do that this has to happen. We have lots of ships to build and rebuild.

"The world around us is in shambles by one small missile travelling near the speed of light that just nicked our atmosphere. Think what that missile would have done if it hit the earth." They were given a chance to think but they could not imagine the consequences.

"We cannot do much to help the world at the moment except give them electrical power to rebuild. The fighting outside the walls will subside in time. Behind me is Zelenka. She was not born on Earth but her people came here long ago. We are an offshoot of her race. She and a hundred and two others have fought to save us. Forty percent of them have given up their lives to save yours. There are a few more persons I want you to meet but you have talked to them already without knowing who they really were. Your mentors were actually living entities residing within larger computers. Only a few of those intelligences are actually artificial. They can talk to you the same way I am now. I want Matt to talk to you first but I want you to go to bed and he will talk for a few moments. Tomorrow you can continue with the rest of my computer family."

When I stopped talking, Matt took over. He got the students and teachers off to bed while we went back in the ship to do the same. I had been kept artificially awake for too long and so had the rest of us.

I slept for fourteen hours and forced myself to get up. There was nobody around the ship because their real education had just started. I got the girls up and we left on foot with the hatch open. There would be tours through it for a while.

The school was damaged because we used the same wiring as the rest of the world. We had electrical power at the reactor though the electrical grid outside was down. Lighting and television were fried so there would be a population explosion in nine months. We had to prepare for that and for a lot of other events too.

Getting electricians, wire or replacement fixtures and lighting would be impossible. There were devices that used other types of energy to do the same tasks. Making these devices may be a way of putting off some of the grieving until it could be handled in small chunks.

A few students were studying the ship. There were no visible controls but they had been told about how the computer took directions from the pilot. We got them off and flew back to our island to begin this needed work. The students could finish exploring our ship later.

Betts, Patricia, Liza and Paul were not back yet. They were dealing with their grief the same way I was by working. Some of the people had rotated though the island. I consoled as I was consoled. I saw that none of the Aristis had been ostracised and they had dived in to help as much as they could. Facing my children and telling them that their mother would not going to be coming home again had been difficult. They knew in their minds that their parent was dead but they still came to see when a ship landed.

For the next few days I made crystals that would emit visible light when in the presence of an energy field. Making them so they would turn off was just too much work now. Erica and Zelenka took the containment vessel and our smaller antimatter reactor to the school. It was set up in the fusion building with Helium reactor because of its protective shield.

Matt sent probes out to those in charge of the power grid. Their telephones were still dead but the probes induced a current into the phone wires. We wanted this to sound as mundane as possible. Having similar drones broadcasting sound would be worse especially if they could not be seen.

One phone rang and I watched the man hurry to it with a smile. "Hello."

"Hi, I'm sorry to say that the phones are not up yet. I am using other means to carry my voice to you."

"Who is this?"

"Wally Kiefer."

"Young man there is work to be done and you are not helping."

News had not reached him yet about the school and he didn't seem to recognise my name though it was in the papers a lot. "If you will take a moment you should remember that our school produced the fusion power reactor that you use."

"Sorry, its hectic around here. I remember your name now."

"You will be the first to officially learn that the cadets from our school in Dunnville went out to meet the Aristis that were invading."

"What! You!"

"That is true. It was a near miss from a deactivated Aristis missile that caused all the damage to our world."

The man was allowed time to digest this and it was actually a few minutes until I heard. "What are you suggesting now?"

"Our fusion reactor is still online. You can take power from this unit still though the high voltage lines are burnt out. We also have a small reactor capable of putting out 325 megawatts of power. We have a system of beam power that can send the energy to Toronto where it is induced into your existing power lines."

"That's impossible."

"Look out the window to your right please."

There was an even longer pause and I had to call the ship away or the wait would be longer. Eventually I heard, "Was that a real space ship?"

"It was one of the units that went out to fight for us. Are you ready to take my statements as fact, at least for the moment?"

"I can. The lines are down in Toronto too."

"My suggestion is to pick some of the substations and isolate them from the main grid. I can then feed those stations from here, up to my capacity. You do not have to worry about phasing, multiple phasing or voltage. The units you have to install only weigh seventy kilograms. They must be spliced into the existing lines."

A conference call started with the engineers that were currently pulling their hair out with their work load. In the end I sent Erica and Zelenka to them to drop off three sample units. They would provide up to fifty megawatts each to the grid. They were warned that all our property was monitored and if the military seized any of this then they would self-destruct. That was actually the truth but the explosion was designed to just destroy the crystals.

The 220 megawatt fusion reactor now provided a ten thousand watts of power for out lights. This was the same as what a ten toasters drew. Wesley and I were making all kinds of devices that were needed for our own purposes.

The Americans, Russians, Chinese and the Malays had ships stationed near the island. They now shot out flares. This area of the world had not been as hurt by the surge of power through the air. I had the drones work their way into the hardened phone systems that were aboard warships.

I made a form of conference call. Everything that was spoken was translated into their own language so everybody understood everybody else. They may be a little shocked to find the communication through their ship phones and not the radio.

The phones rang and were answered. I said, "Hello gentlemen. This is Wally Kiefer. What can I do for you?"

There was a lot of speech all at the same time about their secure lines but eventually they quieted down only to demand that they talk to me privately.

Matt took over and gave the official account of the way the Aristis had originally come to earth years ago. It must have been an hour later that he finished the history lesson up to the present time.

They wanted to know who Matt was and he calmly said, "I am an artificial intelligence that Wally Kiefer has made. Actually I have a roommate by the name of Hal that is named after the character in one of your old movies. This one is quite sane though."

Matt seemed to enjoy what he was doing. We claimed this island as a portion of our own country. There was a lot of comments about that, especially from the Malaysian navy. Our school was claimed next but there were no Canadians around to protest. Their one and only war canoe had been damaged by hungry beavers a few years ago. The government had not got around to rebuilding their navy yet because of the exorbitant cost of birch bark and balsam gum.

Paul and his two remaining girls came home. They were exhausted like I was and I knew how they felt. Erin was the youngest but that meant nothing after they got to know each other. They cried on me and I cried too. Paul had lost his new foster parents and I reminded him that he still had a brother and sisters as well as other people that loved him. Patricia and Liza were the same way. They held Paul and each other and this helped.

The world slowly started to rebuild and we did too. We had the funerals though there was usually nothing even to cremate. The Tomma and the Aristis were a lot more logical than humans were about this. The Tomma had their All Mother that looked out for them without much ceremony, only a eulogy. The Aristis had dropped superstitions as they matured. Making life from scratch tended to do that to races I heard.

We did our share to help the humans. We built 20 antimatter reactors, of 1.4 Gigawatts each. They were placed across all of North America. This generosity did not call away the warships stationed near the island or the armies near the school. They did not shoot at us anymore but some had itchy trigger fingers.

The official explanation of our existence went out but there were few people to hear it in North America, South America and Europe though the latter was not hit as hard.

Road transportation was hurt too because of the computers, sensors and wiring was damaged in the vehicles. The trains had begun to move and they satisfied most of the transportation needs.

World banking had been ultra fucked. Wesley had a snapshot of the banking just before the blackout. We helped where we could but we did not let them know how deep into their economy we could go. It would take years before this industry could get out of the difficulties it was in.

The students were all inducted into Star Fleet in a flamboyant ceremony on the Fonduush's flight deck. This made those that saw us even from a distance sit up an notice. We had warned the militaries of our intention a week ahead of time. There were no missiles fired because I said what would happen.

The Fonduush was still not whole. The scars could be seen and even the open wounds. She still looked majestic. She was a lady that had been through a serious fight and looked it. I was actually happy to let humans see her for the first time other than in a movie.

The students were not all children and they acted that way after the ceremony. They hurried around to see what had been shown them in their minds. The Tomma saw most of them as children and endeavoured to present the ship as a home to them. We celebrated later by working on the repairs.

Betts finally came back. She was exhausted and that was what she wanted. We took her home and cried about our loses among our children and especially those to those that had died. We got her to sleep but stayed with her just in case.

When Betts woke up she still had the pained look. I said, "We have to get ready Betts. In a few years the Aristis will be back with an even larger force."

"We just killed them."

"We killed no more than three thousand males. If they have to, they will make biological soldiers and turn them loose on us. We have to go there now and stop them."

Betts accessed the computers and said, "Yes, I guess we have to. Their system is defended much better than ours was."

"We will have to make missiles guided by good computers. We flood the system but I suspect that they know this and are looking for another place to set up shop."

After another query she said, "There are lots of places though all of them are artificial. They will work even harder if we are able to deny these locations to them."

"I'm worried that they will use a lot more Tomma instead of the Aristis."

"The Tomma are still loyal to King Rontem. Why not let the people on Cralto know that their king does not support this war?"

"They will get captured in time and then they will be forced to say just how few of us there are. By now we could have the entire population of earth helping us."

"Get them to come back and attack again. They are at a disadvantage then."

"They won't come again until they have enough ships and crews to fill them. Our most important assets are the Fonduush and our ability to make good quality crystals. They have the people and the resources to build lots of ships."

"Can we get the humans to help? They made the automated ships."

"It has to be done in the east. The west was hurt too much. They will want to get paid for their work. The money from this side of the earth is not as valuable as it was. Our money was in investments and cash. The cash is lost in cyberspace until the banking system gets back up and even if we had the paper, they would not think much of it. The western countries are spending a lot of money now buying electrical components. The value of all the currencies is dropping."

"Pay with land or businesses."

"We can do some of that but they will hold out for our technology even if it means the Aristis will defeat us."

"Do you have a solution?"

"A partial one. We fly to the scrap metal yards and gather the aluminium and other metals to alloy it with. We can supply the power to have it refined here and then get it machined. I want smaller ships with stronger shields. The Aristis did not go into combat suits big time but we have to. We have to be like the Spartans. Each of us has to be able to defeat thirteen of our enemies."

We negotiated to get aluminium scrap turned into ship parts and found that scrap prices shot up overnight. There were a lot of fools over here too. Argentina was less avarice and got the use of an additional reactor as payment.

Combat suits had been used a lot over the years but now we gave the job of making two improved types to Wesley. He used robots built in the shape of people for the tests. I wanted the armour to protect us from many more of the Aristis small arms as well as some crew served weapons. The other suit had to be much lighter and intended for commando operations.

There were a lot of tradeoffs in both suits as there were in building anything. The first suit needed a small strong shield. This was a oxymoron. To get the strength we had to build large. Large would drain the accumulators quickly and the beam power could be interrupted. This meant larger accumulators or reactors. Reactors had the most promise but now we had to beef up the augmentation the suit had to have to move. This meant a bigger suit and a larger surface to protect and thus more power needed. Moving the suit quickly from one location to another was a problem in itself.

Weapons had to be heavy too. The Aristis variety were very powerful. There were no human equivalents. Most used energy one way or another. Kinetic weapons were akin to rail guns. There had to be a lot of power and a large inertial stabiliser. Our suit could not stand up to this weapon.

Biological warfare was frowned on but used when needed. The Aristis and humans were just too close to the Tomma for me to try this. We did not have the expertise to do this either. In time we might but I shied away from this method.

Gas and chemical attacks were well known too but again when they were needed. We did have the formulas for these weapons and I was prepared to use them, especially those that were non-lethal. The dart gun came to mind and some drugs worked just as fast on those as they did on humans.

What this type of suit would actually be is a one person space ship. Preliminary studies placed it over three metres high and weighted three and a half tonnes. It had integral rail guns as well as a gun that shot small hypervelocity missiles. The back of the left hand would have the multiple barrels of a dart gun. The right had small cartridges of gas designed to put the Aristis out for hours. It also had a grenade launcher using antimatter but of course this was not designed for close in work. We had even found a way to get the charge down to the equivalent of ten tonnes of TNT. This was quite an achievement in itself.

We put a lot of thought into the two types of suits. They worked well but had strengths and weaknesses that lent them to certain missions. The same way a tank division and infantry worked. Tanks could not traverse an uncleared jungle and the infantry was at a disadvantage when crossing cleared land.

We needed the simpler form of the combat suits that were designed for stealth not massive amounts of strength. It gave invisibility and some protection from kinetic weapons. The latter would also be good on a ship as a portable escape pod or to repel borders but it was actually too big for this if it ever happened.

Same as Space
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Mistis Adventures Part 134

As they went toward the County road, Francis felt a warm soft hand go around his. Essie was smiling at him, and, when he turned to look at her, leaned over and kissed him. "I'm so glad for today. I got ta meet a feller that can match me, an' keep goin. Later, when th' time is right, I'll maybe share somethin' with ya. Fer now, though, I'm gonna have me some fun." She was so beautiful, and he was wondering why she had told them that all 3 of the girls were engaged. He had met girls that just...

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between the korns

I still had flashes of him from years ago, only wanting to have friends, being chubby and nerd i endup as his personal cocksuckeri remember how easy he got it happening walking me in the korn field near his place , riding on our bike to ''show me a nice spot''i never had smoke weed , we got to that spot where there was a clear spot of korn , we smoke, my school friend getting in his boxer suddenlyi can still remember how he sat his boxer feformed by his huge black cock''did you know i had a big...

3 years ago
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Double Take Part Six Hard Ball Soft Touch

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Six: Hard Ball, Soft Touch Sandy and Ashley switched off the television and stared at one another in disbelief. Normally, they didn't stay up to watch the network telecast of Wet Girls, which came on at 10:00 on the west coast. After all, they had to get up at 5:00 the next morning. But they knew the entire country would be talking about this episode, and they had watched it with dreadful anticipation. The phone rang before either...

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Being Mr Millers Slut Part 3

Introduction: Continution of Mr. Miller series Fall was coming soon. I realized that it had been almost a year since Mr. Miller had raped me in his cornfield and turned me into his personal fuck slut. In that time, Id finally grown but only an inch, I was now 49 not even quite five feet. My brown hair hung down to my back now long and thick, and my tits had finally pushed past my B cup and I was wearing a 32C bra at just fourteen. Id heard my mother say, when she thought I couldnt hear, that it...

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Fractured RealityChapter 15

Tuesday, June 4, 3089, 3:06 pm At 3:06 pm, Rebecca glanced up from the journal and discovered a procession wending its way along the path. Perhaps 50 natives in all; at the head of the line was a wizened old man, long white hair braided Native American style. The leader appeared legless, borne aloft in a canopied transport by four young, heavily-muscled male bearers, also with long braided hair. Each wore the same, hand-stitched tanned skins as Gudrun and Frieda. The elder’s chest was...

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Midnight Ch 08

All four of us stood in silence for a moment or two, then Nathan broke out into a wide grin, ‘Looks like we’ll need a few more diggers.’ Arnold glanced at his screen briefly, ‘When I say huge, I am really not joking.’ I must admit, their nervous energy was beginning to infect me too, even though I still had no idea why. Again I asked, ‘Okay, so it’s huge… How huge is huge?’ The Geophysicist faced me and said, ‘Are you familiar with a place called Zhu City in China?’ Confused, I looked from...

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A Touch of DeathChapter 13

Any hopes and plans I'd had for the next morning didn't survive once someone started pounding on the front door. I shot straight up out of a deep sleep and fell off the bed. I lay on the floor, blinking at the ceiling in confusion until Ty slipped out of bed much more smoothly than I had and helped me up. "Have I mentioned how graceful you are?" he asked with a sly grin. "I'm not human before coffee," I protested weakly. "Who the hell even knows where we are?" "I left word at the...

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Mormons and Southern Baptists, stop here and go elsewhere. This tale ain't for you. Dad walked out on my twelfth birthday. He never said a word to Mom, gave no hint to anybody else or indicated he was unhappier with his home life. On the day I turned twelve, he waited until Mom and I left the house to go shopping for my big main present, an adult sized bike with an adjustable crossbar so I could pedal without banging my tender young balls. It was Saturday morning, the sky was a bright blue...

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Cornelius Xavier Mcgillicuddy Esquire

Mac was planted flat on his backside under the shade of a fully leafed tree. In fact, it was the only tree of any significance on the rocky hillside. He often dozed there in the heat of the mid-day sun to gather his thoughts for his evening schedule. Of late, Mac frequented Paddy's Pub on Shamrock Circle and his face was so familiar to the steady patrons that they considered him one of the regulars. He had drifted down to this rural area from the more populous North and made a point of...

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It was amazing how something intended as only light hearted relief could change lives so completely and irrevocably. Craig had only put the advert into the local rag for amusement, hoping for, though not really expecting, a response. He was fairly honest with what he put in, since it didn't cost him anything. Tall male, mid 20's, into fitness and music, GSOH, seeks SWF slightly younger with similar tastes, for fun and friendship. He had five responses, and diligently replied to each,...

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Player Retired

Dave Stebbins came home from school Thursday afternoon like he always did. He was tired and bored, anxious to get home and do something fun for a change. Like the great majority of young men from households in the U.S., he tolerated school. He had the potential of being a good student but school, learning, and the way the teachers presented the subject matter did not excite him. As a result he did the bare minimum to get by. His parents were of hardworking stock, but both his father and mother...

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by Gail Holmes I remember the time only to well: it was two days after my birthday, a Sunday morning; on Sundays we never dressed before breakfast just walked around in our night gowns, I allowed Dad to use the bathroom first on Sundays, it gives me time to get breakfast under the way, Dad had had his shower and was now sitting at the breakfast table reading the Sunday paper, once breakfast was over I’d take my shower...

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Darcys Younger CousinChapter 2

My wife's dowry and my income from the family trust was more than enough to cover my new family's expenses since we were a frugal household and in truth were ensconced in my father-in-law's expansive estate with no expenses for servants or food. I had every intention of striking out on my own but my wife's reluctance combined with my appreciation for the fine lifestyle with little or no expenses weighted my decision in favor of satisfying my wife's desires. My cousin Darcy was...

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Laceys Adventures 1

Lacey had always been cautious when playing online as her sissy self, and had only ever met a handful of men. Sucking a few cocks over the years, and her cherry was popped, but none of it was very remarkable. She wanted more, as strong fantasies grew over the last few years, years without any cock to service. She was about ready to burst. After spending time away from it all, she signed back up to a few websites where she knew she could have some fun, and began again. After a couple weeks of...

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Amazon Nation Ch 01

The sun rose over the land of Thrace. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Tecmessa was restless under her tent. She had been having dreams again. Strange dreams. She was afraid of them. These were dreams that would get her into trouble if the others found out about them. She was dreaming of a strange man she felt was destined to become her lover. Tecmessa was an Amazon. The Amazons were female warriors that rejected the authoritarian ways of men. They lived apart from men and...

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Five Hertz of Separation Chapters 6 through 10

CHAPTER SIX "I am sorry, Alex, I just do not understand how this 'anarchist paradise' of yours would work in the real world." "It's simple, Johnathyn. There would be no organized government of any kind. People would be free to go about their daily lives with complete autonomy. Every man would be free to do what is best for him, to live by his own rules." "And what about women?" "Unlike your world, it would be the same for women. The same freedoms, across the board." We were...

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Two girlfriends stay in for the night

The other day I came home from work and was looking forward to spending the evening with my wife. We had the next day off, and it was going to be great to just get some time with her. After I was home and settled my wife Dawn came and found me and told me she wanted to spend the evening with a girlfriend and have some fun. I was a little disappointed, but a few seconds later, she told me that she had some plans for her and her girlfriend Ashlynn, which is the other name I go by, and suddenly I...

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Stuck4K Nelly Kent Dont look for your iPhone or youll get stuck

The cutie Nelly Kent is very sexy. Her long slender legs were driving a lot of men crazy. Today, Nelly was lying on the couch and scrolling through the feed on her iPhone. She got distracted for a couple of minutes, and she suddenly realized that the phone is not in her hand anymore, she lost it! ‘’ Oh God! Where did I put it? It was here a couple of moments ago!’’ Nelly thought. She looked around and, finally, noticed it in a small hole in between the couch cushions. She put her hand in there...

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EvilAngel Kali Roses Deepthroat BJ And Pussy Fuck

Sporting a skimpy blue bikini, tattooed blonde Kali Roses squeezes her pierced nipples. Johnny Sins slips his fingers inside her soaking snatch. He kisses her pussy, and Kali cums under his tongue. She bobs on his knob, giving a deepthroat blowjob and licking his big balls. Kali sits on his prick for a deep cock ride. She cums as he rubs her clit and fucks her aggressively. Flexible Kali spreads her legs wide while Johnny’s meat rams her, and she cleans his dick with her mouth. For the...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 44 The Exercise in Correct Detente

We pulled up at Sylvia’s, Laurel driving, Trudy still fucking me in the back seat. We had such a nice drive. I held Trudy for a time and kept kissing her as she sat on my penis, absorbed. “I can’t believe how lovely you guys are. You just really helped me and I’ll never forget you for it. I owe you.” We all sat there for a bit just reorganizing our thoughts before getting out of the car and Trudy asked, “You are going to have kids?” “Yes,” I said in a completely proud moment. “How? I thought...

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The Devils Dog

Here’s my Halloween story. It’s quite brief and non-erotic. If you’re expecting a jizz-fest from me, you’ll be let-down. There’s no sex in this one. Still, I hope you enjoy the tale enough to vote. I do have a concern that it won’t hit the 25 votes needed to be eligible in the Halloween contest, but Non-Erotic is where it belongs. Thank you for reading. GA — Aldershot, England — 4th of October 2014. 1829: Chester, England They was going to hang us in two days. I can hear them banging away...

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Roman Seedlings

Maximus stood before the ivory and gold studded door and glanced at the two guards who stood at attention, erect and silent. Maximus contemplated the doorway whose intricately carved reliefs displayed the intimate scenes of copulation with man, woman, child and beast. Instinctively, his hand moved to his loins, which slowly began to stir. Maximus, aged 48, and ruler of the known world of the Roman empire, desired only to relieve himself within the sexual cavities of his own offspring. Behind...

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Gay 4th Of July

Gay 4th Of JulyBy: Londebaaz Chohan College had notified Dylan in writing that from next semester, he will not be given a room in the dormitory and still having no otherwise arrangements made, Dylan moved back home and at home he was given the news that if he had to continue his education, he better look for some financial aid, some scholarship or get his ass off to some work every morning and save a decent amount of money showing his will to study and also to pay for the room rent. His mom had...

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the holiday gets better

I got there as the doors were opened, so quickly got undressed and put the towel around me and looked around, several rooms looked interesting, the group room was my fist choice. Soon more guys came along, and one caught my eye, a nice good sized guy with a decent buldge in his towel, we chatted and made our way into the group room and stripped of, I had picked well. Taking his meat into my mouth he grew some more, now 8 inchs stuck out proud, and I gobbled it all in, just then a cock went...

4 years ago
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Martina McBride and LeeAnn Rimes Swap HusbandsChapter 2

She spoke up "I never expected this either and I don't see me becoming a swinger or anything. I enjoyed what happened very much, I am sorry it did happen, like Martina said I wanted us to be friends when you left. For my part I still feel like we are friends. I know you didn't try to take advantage, we all just had a little to much to drink. We can't change what happened so lets just deal with it". John being older than Dean and more experienced in the world spoke up next "I love...

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The Lucky Penny

“Tommy, don’t forget your lunch! You don’t want to starve on the first day of school!”, yelled Tommy’s Mother, from the kitchen. “Ok Mom, I got it, I’m gonna go now, bye!” Said Tommy. “Wait, don’t you want me to drive you?” “I’m ok Mom, thanks. Its the first day of senior year, the last thing I need is to be seen being dropped off by my mom.” Said Tommy. He said goodbye and walked out the door. As he walked to school he started to think about how the next year would be. He was finally at the...

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Bimbos and Trains Ch 02

Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...

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ShipwreckedChapter 3

Captain Pierre Destand This time as the first mate slowly awoke he could tell by the position of the shadows on the walls of the hut it was later in the day. The sailor carefully pushed himself up to a sitting position, not surprised his body was still sore; but what surprised him was how little his gunshot wound hurt. The young sailor sat on his mat considering if he possessed the strength to try to go outside when three men entered the hut. Two of the men were the natives who had brought...

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The Fate of a Kingdom Chapter 3

“Good Morning” she softly spoke as she stretched out her body and planted a kiss on my lips. “Morning” I replied, feeling a little foolish. Cari now rested her head on my chest as her nimble fingers traced up and down my torso. Coming agonisingly close to my bare cock. “About last night?” I awkwardly asked. Cari turned her head to look at me, her chin planted in my chest as she smiled to me. “Not bad for a first time?” She grinned. My words spilled from my mouth without much thought...

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Alice In WonderlandChapter 6

Green Leaf spent the whole following day talking to Moon Glow and Gentle Rain about her experience the night before. She had never before had a real orgasm and didn't know that she even could have one. She was not bragging to her co-wives, she was just marveling at the fact that it had happened to her. She was now convinced that I was truly favored by the gods. I had to admit to Alice that all of this praise was making both my heads swell, but I was worried that I would not be able to live...

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Work In ProgressPart 2

She awoke to the sun caressing her face. As she slowly came to being fully awake, she was suddenly aware of all her muscles. Stiff. She pulled her eyes open, the first thing she saw was the design laid out on her kitchen floor. The last thing she remembers seeing were Stephen's black leather oxfords. "Funny, their not here anymore" she thought calmly to herself. With a deep sigh, she slowly sat up, running her fingers through her tangled tresses. Still feeling sore and groggy, she...

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Bhai Ki MardanagiII

Mera naam Huma hai aur main aapki sewa mein ek bar fir hazir hoon apni kahani Bhai Ki Mardanagi ko aage badhane ke liye. Pehli baar Farhan se chudane ke baad to main uske lund ki puri tarah se diwani ho gayi, aur Shamim ko maine lagbhag chhod hi diya. Vo mujhe kissi na kissi bahane bulata rehta tha aur main uss ko milne chali bhi jaati thee. Sare circle mein main aur Shamim. Sare circle mein main aur Shamim premi premika ke sambandh se jaane jaate thai, lekin asal baat kuchh aur hi thee. Asal...

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The homeless girl

THE HOMELESS GIRLI was quite free on that day, no lingering memories of the nightmare I had endured in the previous night or for the past two years ever since my beloved wife had passed away. As I strolled down the streets of my beautiful neighbourhood, I thought I saw a figure huddled in the shadows of the night. My curiosity was suddenly piqued. Being part of the neighbourhood watch and all I immediately changed course and drew near that location. As I approached, something moved slightly...

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My girl

Note : This story is completely fictional! I joined the Military and went to Iraq. My sister at the time was a junior in high school. When my service came up, Brittany was in college living at the dorm. Because of this, I didn’t see her very often since she was clear across the state and when I had my leave she wasn’t around. When I left for Iraq I had a girlfriend. A beautiful woman that was 5’2” 110lbs with long brown hair named Samantha. I came home to her every time I came back. I spent a...

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My pastors 18 yo son David part 4

I found out David was flirting with a Danish girl named Agnetha from our class, a brown eyed, ginger girl in petite frame, i was feeling jealous now,i knew David was not my boyfriend or anything but i still had some feelings for him, the Smith family had a special place in my life and already felt myself a part of that family..When i confronted with David next day, he told me it was not something serious, he fucked Agnetha's pussy a few times but nothing could beat my blowjobs and tight ass! It...

2 years ago
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My Wife Use to Masturbate a lot

Linda and I been married for 14 years now, the sex is maybe once a week maybe. She use to be a horny woman when we first met. We fucked every night, and when she was horny at night and I was a sleep, she would suck my cock and get on top and ride me, of course that woke me up. I fucked her for 30 min to and hour, then go back to sleep. If she wasn’t pleased with the sex she would masturbate. Some nights she would just masturbate and not wake me up, but I heard her moans and lie there and...

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Wife Trains Me to Eat Cum and Suck COCK

"Wait, what?" I said raising my face out of my wife's cum filled pussy."He wants you to suck his cock johnnie," Cin hissed. "Thomas said that if you like eating his cum from my pussy, you might like getting it from the source. Now finish what you started my dear sweet cuckie and get the rest of the gift Thomas sent you."With that my beautiful wife of 8 years pushed my face back between her thighs. I lapped at the plump labia and teased her clit. Cin tells me no one can eat pussy like I can....

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My brother Part 4

Soon he was back. He sat back down as if nothing happened and clearly tried to avoid looking into my eyes. He positioned properly the book, grabbed his notebook and pencil and then in deep thought put the pencil to his mouth, turned the page in the book, put away the pencil, licked his lips, and then pressed the pencil back to his mouth.-So where were we?-he asked.But I was too much in a trance to answer. Seeing the pencil I used pressed against his mouth like that, has given me mental images...

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Growing Up Together Ch 00

Author Notes: This is a work of pure fiction. Everyone in this story is over the age of 18. I hope you all will enjoy what I have in store. Growing Up Together: Introduction Hello, my name is Maxwell Saberhagen and I would like to tell you all a story about how I and my childhood best friend, now my wife, Derisa Lynn Rayne-Saberhagen, grew up together doing the end of our high school years, what happened doing our college years, how we joined a secret club and how we finally tied the knot. I...

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Fade to Black

Aidan Black stared at the online text that flashed up onto the screen. ‘I luv ur stories!’ He yawned, and took another sip of his Jack Daniels. He quickly typed a reply and then leaned back in his chair. ‘What do you like about them?’ He smiled at the long pause. All these fans are the same, he thought to himself. Innocent young girls that dream of being treated like dirty sluts and too afraid to tell their college boyfriends that doggy-style after a long alcohol-fused pub crawl just wasn’t...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Stella Sedona 24 year old

“I’m a little bit of a cum slut. No, what am I saying? I’m a huge cum slut,” is the confessional that today’s ex*!%@t 24 year old Stella gave right after she received a huge load of owe gooey cum all over that pretty little face of hers. The same face and lips she kisses her fiancé with and yes this data analyst is engaged and has the green light to suck and fuck strange dick. He’s a keeper Stella and you bet she took a few selfies after the shoot with all that cum dripping off her. You know to...

2 years ago
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Coincidental Meeting And A Intimate Session In Theatre 8211 Part 1

Hi, mera naam sunil h.. I have written 2-3 stories which many girls liked. Bahut ladkiyon (married and unmarried) ne mujhe email bheja and hangout pe message bhi kiya. I use to sex chat with them whenever possible. One of them was Riya (name changed). She is 19 years old from Delhi. Usne mujhe kuch din pehle message kiya and we started chatting. Since she knew about me, very quickly we came to topic of sex and started sharing our experiences. We use to exchange pics and almost everyday we...

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A New Experience

There was no more than a couple of year’s difference in the boys’ ages and they’d been close friends since they were at primary school. In time they’d become true confidantes, and even now, in their early twenties, they shared secrets that they never disclosed to anyone else. Every week they spent hours in each other’s company, generally in one or other of their bedrooms as their respective families didn’t want the idle chatter of a couple of youths disturbing them downstairs.   ...

First Time
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police experience

my biggest fright was when two police women came to my car when I was in the back seat kissing my boyfriend.they ask if the car was mine and I asked them if we were ok or did they want us to move was ok to stop we did .15 minuits later another police car came to look at us so I said to the two male policemen is every thing o k and again they were just checking car and if I owned it.i bet they were just told to have a look at this georgeous t girl in a car with a guy by the women...

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Pizza Wives

A cock hungry wife gets a hot tip and a King sized Pizza delivery.....Pizza Wives Although she was warmly received into her new upscale neighborhood that she and her husband Rowland had worked so hard for, it soon became clear to her neighbors and new found friends that Leticia Griffith was no ordinary housewife.Her sex drive was way above average; she was a very hot freaky woman with an increasingly insatiable appetite for raw hard sex. Husband, Rowland was constantly on the road working damn...

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Lisas Session Ch8 How I Knew I was a Whore

Love the feedback, both public and private from you, the readers. Enjoy my fantasy work...8. How I Knew I was a Whore.Over the next few weeks I had confessed so many things to Dr. Heard, and by extension, my benefactor, Harold. Harold had clearly been reading and enjoying my experiences. He was a cuckhold and a pimp all at once. As a cuckhold he loved me bringing home the flavor of the day (Latino, European, or African) to fuck in front of him or in my room where he could watch me through...

2 years ago
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"Hi, uhh... is that John?" "Yep. Who's that?" "Ah, well it's Katherine, well, Kitty. I'm usually called Kitty." "Hi Kitty. Ah, have we met? I don't think I know any Kittys." "Well yeah, we have, but you probably don't remember." "I don't know about that. I'm good at faces and stuff. Where did we meet?" "You remember the party at Jackson's house last weekend?" "Oh, yep. That was a hell of a bash. Were you there?" "Yeah, I was. About ten, you walked out on the...

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