UnendingChapter 5 free porn video

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The skin on my stump was thin where it had been stretched over the end of the arm to close the wound left by amputation. I could deal with a bit of pressure, but sharp blows would make the skin split easily.

I was certain that was what happened, it had happened before in the gym, but the detective had been an asshole and I was more than happy to milk it a bit. Ms. Duff, in her capacity as my lawyer, had the hospital take photographs of the injury and they gave her copies as well as a copy of my medical report.

The next day, I met with Ms. Duff at her office. A different detective and a stenographer interviewed me in a conference room and took my statement in the presence of my lawyer. When they were done, it was typed up, corrected, retyped and we all signed it as complete. The detective was a consummate professional throughout.

I didn’t hear from Angela for a couple of days, and then it was a quick phone call. She had been warned to stay clear of me until the investigation was complete, and asked me to understand. Her career was important to her, and I assured her that I was completely on her side.

Sophie and the twins tried to get me to stay with them for a while as my back healed and I admit that I was tempted, but Lucy was at my place and Christine had already volunteered to ‘nurse’ me, so I went home.

The papers were full of stories about the attack at the restaurant. It must have been a slow news week. Some of the headlines tried to claim that it was terrorist retaliation while others seemed to think I was anti-muslim since the bombing. Only TMZ posted pictures of Angela and I, preferring to speculate on whether we were lovers or if she was private security, hired during her off-duty hours. Or both.

One unexpected turn of events was that Ms. Duff, identified in the news as my attorney, was contacted by Starlight pictures. They upped their offer to fifteen million for the rights to my story, but I had to sign within sixty days to capitalize on the resurgence of my story in the news.

Ms. Duff’s firm had lawyers that worked with the recording industry, so they were going to look into the contract and advise me on what I could expect if I signed.

The down side of being back in the news were the buzzards, I mean, paparazzi circling again. There were some camped outside of my apartment building and even one who bribed a pizza delivery guy with $100 to let him deliver my pies. When I opened the door, the camera in his hand went off even as he shoved the pizza boxes into my belly and shouted questions at me!

The word came down within a week that the District Attorney was not going to charge me, stating for the press that it would be foolish and that he had real crimes to prosecute. A relief for me, but a bump that kept the story in the news for another week.

Even the talking heads on television got into the act, with some idiot from MSNBC claiming I was another George Zimmerman while the mouthpieces at Fox declared me a hero for standing up to the ‘Islamic Menace’.

I thought they were both idiots.

Angela was cleared and allowed to return to work, and we resumed working out together. I was stuck working my lower body, since upper body workouts could tear the stitches, but it was nice to be back in the gym with her. The heated kiss she gave me the first day back certainly didn’t hurt.

Dinner at her apartment was a smashing success, the magic was still there and I had a wonderful time. We didn’t do much more than a little light necking, but I wasn’t in a hurry. I had long ago decided that women set the pace and I was okay with that.

It’s not like I was lacking in companionship.

Lucy and Christine were waiting with baited breath when I got home, wanting all the juicy details. They were disappointed, but we found ways to overcome that.

Christine had become an almost permanent fixture at the house, sharing a room with Lucy. They had become a real couple and they seemed very happy together. That they still loved me and shared with me was a joy and made it that much more special. I loved both of them and would not have been hurt had they decided to be exclusive. I would have missed the special time we spent loving, but I would not have begrudged them their happiness.

With the stabbing attack all cleared up, I was surprised to hear back from Ms. Duff two weeks later.

“Mr. Weaver...” she said when I answered my cell.

“Ms. Duff, is there any way I can convince you to call me David?” I interrupted.

“If you call me Wendy!” she replied. “The reason I called, David, was to tell you that Starlight Pictures is very eager to sit down with you to discuss this deal. Our firm has read over the contract, discussed the particulars with an associate firm out in LA who deals almost exclusively with the movie industry. At this time, we do not recommend you sign this, it is entirely too one-sided and there are riders that could be used to reduce or even refuse payment. We have suggested changes that we want to discuss with you before we set up a meeting with Starlight, assuming you do want to consider the deal.”

“Wow. Okay, so ... when and where?”

“I like clients like you! Do you have any free time this week?”

“I am all about free time right now. I am unemployed and, it turns out, mostly unemployable unless I want to accept an offer to, um ... act ... in adult films.” I said wryly.

“Ah, the perks of fame.” Wendy laughed. “Great, then tomorrow at nine?”

“I’ll be there.”

The law firm of Markham, Anders and Wilson occupied was in one of the older buildings in what had been, in the city’s heyday, the financial district. While the banks and brokerage firms and moved a few miles west, this area still held a certain cache, and seemed to have become the central hub for the bigger law firms in the state.

The building was in that odd style somewhere between the Gothic and Art Deco periods, but made it work. There were crenellations at the top of the building reminiscent of gargoyles, but one assembled from sheets of rock instead of raw stone. The glass windows, all topped with arches, were gold tinted and the whole place made me want to grab a sketchpad.

I walked in through the front doors about ten minutes before nine and was greeted by a cute young blonde at the reception desk.

“Good morning sir, how I can help you?” She asked pleasantly.

“I have an appointment with Wendy Duff of Markam, Anders and Wilson.”

“Yes of course. The elevators to my left cover from the fifteenth to the thirtieth floors.” she replied with a wave and another smile.

As I stepped around the curved marble counter and towards the elevator, I saw a hulking mountain of a man in the uniform of a security guard. He had to be almost seven feet tall and four hundred pounds. He should be playing for the Bears, not guarding elevators!

I smiled at him and waved as I passed, and got a pleased nod in return, then literally bumped into someone as I turned the corner.

“Ah! Mr. David Weaver? I am Henrik Mohr, US State Department. I would like to have a word with you if I may.”

The man I bumped into was of medium build and about my height. He had thinning blonde hair and those round little glasses that reminded me of Teddy Roosevelt. His pencil thin mustache and impeccable suit made him look like a successful banker.

“Sorry? State Department? What in the world would the State Department want with me?” I asked, then shook my head. “I have an appointment with my attorney upstairs, so I am afraid we will have set up a time to do this later.”

The man’s eyes, previously a slate gray, turned hard though the faint smile never left his face.

“I am afraid that simply will not do, sir. Please, come with me. It will only take a few minutes.” He reached out and laid a hand on my bicep.

“What? No, I told you already, I have a previous engagement.” I said, shaking his hand off. “Whatever you want will have to wait. I hate being late.”

As I turned to reach for the elevator button, he grasped my arm again, this time in a firm grip and turned me towards the door.

“I am afraid I must insist. As I said, this won’t take long.”

The fucker was actually trying to pull me away from the elevators. Now I was pissed.

I deliberately pulled back, causing him to be off balance, then checked him with my shoulder, bouncing him off the wall next to the elevator doors.

He released my arm to catch himself against the wall with both hands, he face now in a snarl as he started to stand, but I wasn’t done.

I pushed into his personal space, keeping him off balance, and snarled. “I may have one arm, but if you touch me again I will break your fucking arm.”

His hand was reaching for something in his jacket when a shadow fell across both of us.

“Mr. Weaver, is this man bothering you?”

I looked up, and up, into the face of the security mountain and smiled.

“He assaulted me and is attempting to keep me from my appointment with my attorney.” I told him. stepping back.

“I see.” his voice rumbled in his chest, sounding more like an avalanche than anything human.

“Sir, unless you have verifiable business with one of the resident firms in this building, I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to vacate the premises.”

I had backed off a step and man mountain and stepped forward, looming over Mohr.

“Now see here, you idiot!” Mohr sputtered, whipping out a leather folio. “I am with the US State Department and you are interfering with official government business.”

The security guard, his name tag reading A. Montgomery, reached down and plucked the folio from the smaller man’s hand. It looked as though Mohr had tried to keep a grip on it, but A. Montgomery snatched it as if he hadn’t even noticed.

I pulled out my phone and called Wendy, wanting her to know what was going on, and why I was going to be late.

“Wendy Duff’s office, how may I help you?”

“David Weaver here. Can you tell Wendy that I might be late? I am being detained in the lobby by some arrogant asshole who claims to be from the State Department.”

“I see, can you hold for a second?” the pleasant voice sounded startled.

“David, Wendy. Stay right there.” Wendy came on the line for just long enough to say that and the line went dead.

Meanwhile, the State Department man, Mohr, was loudly demanding his credentials back and, when he grabbed A. Montgomery’s arm in a fit of pique, the large security guard took offense.

Reaching down, he grasped Mohr’s shoulder and pushed him slowly, but inexorably, against the marble wall next to the elevator.

“Sir, your credentials do not give you leave to assault a private citizen, nor does it give you the right to detain one against his will. I am afraid I will have to hold you here until the police arrive and let them sort this out.” his rumbling voice, sounding faintly amused, made Mohr gape in surprise.

“Let go of me, you moron!” he snarled, struggling feebly against the ham-sized hand that held him against the wall.

A. Montgomery ignored the man and reached to his lapel where a microphone hung, delicately pushing the button with his huge fingers.

“Central, contact dispatch, tell them I have an assault and unlawful detainment.” he spoke into the microphone, but we couldn’t hear a response. When he made a vague gesture towards his ear, then nodded, I realized he had an earpiece.

The elevator dinged as the doors opened and all three of us turned to see Wendy Duff, looking very much the part of the Masai warrior step out. Behind her were two older men, both with forbidding expressions on their faces.

“Andre, what have we got here?” she asked softly, smiling up at A. Montgomery.

“Ms. Duff, I saw this gentleman, whose identification appears to be from the US State Department in Washington DC, attempt to detain Mr. Weaver. I knew about Mr. Weaver’s appointment and was stationed here specifically to insure he was not bothered by...” he paused, looking down at the fuming Mohr, “undesirables like the press or those men from the restaurant. This gentleman also assaulted me, grabbing my arm while I was trying to ascertain his identity.” he said amiably, smiling down at my lawyer. He handed over the ID folio he had taken.

“Now see here! This is has gone far enough. If you people don’t stand down right this instant...” Mohr spluttered, looking indignant.

Wendy ignored him, pulling out her phone and snapping a picture of his ID and of his driver’s license which occupied the other half.

“Mary, Dan Markham, is he in?” One of the older gentlemen who had followed Wendy out of the elevator was speaking on his cell phone and saw me look up. He gave me a wink and a smile, then turned back to his conversation.

“Jack, Dan. Hey, what the hell is going on over at State? I have some officious little wienie here trying to throw his weight around. He was stopped when trying to drag David Weaver from my building against his will. Yes, that David Weaver. Hold one...” He looked up, holding out his hand and Wendy handed over the folio with a smile.

Henrik Mohr looked distinctly uncomfortable, his eyes on the folio as it passed from hand to hand.

“The name is Henrik Moore. About six foot, thinning hair, Roosevelt glasses and a pencil mustache. Very full of himself. Sure, call me back, and thanks Jack.” He disconnected, slipping his phone and Mohr’s ID folio into his pocket.

“You hand that identification back, right this instant. It is property of the federal government and you are interfering with an official, US State Department investigation and interfering with a Federal officer in pursuit of his duty.” Mohr yelled, his face turning red.

“In a moment, Mr. Mohr. Jack Higgins, the president’s Chief of Staff, is my son in law. He promised to verify your identity for me, and he should be...” Mr. Markham broke off at the trilling of his cell phone. He pulled it out and answered.

“Jack, thanks for getting back so ... really? I see. So ... sure, hold one.” he said. He handed the phone to Mohr. Secretary Albright for you, Mr. Mohr.”

Mohr’s face went pale, the blood draining as he reached out a hand.

“Henrick Mohr here, with whom am I speaking?” he said, regaining his bluster.

If possible his face turned even paler and he seemed to stand taller, almost at attention.

“Madam Secretary! Yes Ma’am. No Ma’am! Madam Secretary, I was simply ... I see. Yes Ma’am. Right away, Ma’am” he said, deflating and leaning back against the wall. He pulled the phone away from his ear, peering at the screen for a moment before touching a control.

“Can you hear me, Madam Secretary?”

“Get on with it!” came a demanding voice from the phone’s speaker.

“Yes Ma’am.” he said faintly. Looking up at us, he squared his shoulders.

“Mr. Weaver, Mr. Markham, Ms. Webb and, um, Officer Montgomery, please accept my apologies for this unfortunate incident.” He said, swallowing several times before continuing. “Secretary Albright has instructed me to inform you that I have exceeded my authority and acted in a manner which reflects poorly on the Secretary Albright, the US State Department and the federal government as a whole. If you wish to prefer charges, I have been instructed to remain here, at your convenience.”

“Good, now give the phone back to Markham.” the voice said, sounding annoyed.

Mohr, his face a mask, handed the phone back to the older lawyer who punched a control and brought the handset to his ear.

“Sylvia, I am sorry they pulled you out of the meeting. I just asked Jack to verify this guy was legitimate. Ah, well, we would love to come. I’ll tell Helen, and we can make a weekend of it. Give my love to Stu.” he said, smiling as he disconnected the call.

Looking up at me, he smiled and shook his head. “Mr. Weaver, I hate that we had to meet under these circumstances. How do you wish to proceed? Would you like to press charges against Mr. Mohr?”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t think so. I would prefer to have seen the last of him. Officer Montgomery here will have to decide for himself though, I wouldn’t dream of speaking for him.” I said, grinning at the huge man.

“No problem, Mr. Weaver. I have no desire to push things.” he said. He stepped back and keyed the microphone on his lapel, whispering.

Markham stepped forward and handed over Mohr’s folio. “Mr. Mohr. I was asked to inform you that Secretary Albright would like to see you at your earliest convenience.”

Henrik Mohr, looking much worse for wear, nodded and slid the folio into his pocket. Turning without a word, he slunk off, heading for the entrance.

“Well, shall we take this upstairs?” Mr. Markham said with a smile, waving towards the elevator.

“Mr. Weaver, this is one of my partners and my life-long friend, Wallace Anders.” he said, laying his hand on the other, heretofore silent, man who had followed Wendy to the lobby.

I shook his hand as the doors started to move, catching the security giant’s eye with a nod and a smile just before they closed. He was standing out there with a grin on his face, shaking his head.

“Call me Wally ... everyone else does. Nice to meet you, Mr. Weaver.” the man said with a smile, shaking my hand.

“Please call me David. I have the strangest feeling we will be spending a lot of time together in the near future, so we might as well be friendly.” I said, smiling at the group.

“Well, David. I am afraid that while we did away with that officious idiot below, the State Department really would like to speak with you. A man named Higgins, whom I have been assured is not an idiot, is supposed to contact me to set up a meeting at your convenience.” Markham said, shrugging.

“Any idea what it is about?” I asked, but he just shook his head. The bell dinged and the doors opened signaling our arrival.

Going over the contract the studio had sent over took several hours. The entertainment lawyer, a squat, heavy-set woman named Althea Briggs with a wicked sense of humor and a mind like a steel trap, kept us in stitches as she crossed out section after section of the contract. As she marked up the paper, she told us anecdotes of other celebrities she had worked with and some of the legal scams she had run into in the recording industry.

She took the time to explain why each section was rejected, pointing out the bogus performance metrics, the sketchy payment schedules and the lack of any creative control over the end product as deal killers.

By the time she was done, the contract was mostly a redacted mess. Then she whipped out another contract, one she had written to counter their proposals.

“You won’t get half of what I asked for, but I did it to make a point. They were obviously trying to take advantage and this tells them we know that. While they foam at the mouth over this revision, I want to find out what you really want, David.”

“How bad is it if I say I don’t really know?” I asked, throwing my hand up.

“It’s good! It tells me you are not coming in to this with preconceived notions. I can work with that.”

“I tell you what I don’t want.” I said, leaning forward. “I don’t want them turning this into political fodder for one party or another. I don’t want this being twisted into a message, becoming a platform for anyone. I get that they have to take some creative license, that they have to make it dramatic, it is entertainment, but I want it to be ... real.” I said, watching their expressions.

Wendy and Althea were nodding their heads, taking notes.

“Okay, so we ask for veto rights on the script and any changes made, prior to filming. What about writing the story? If you have never written a script, there is a lot of technical knowledge required so I will assume you are willing to work with an experienced script writer?”

I nodded. It made sense to me.” No problem.”

“Okay, what other problems do you foresee?””Well, they can’t very well do a story about me without including family and friends, right? How do we handle that? Releases? What about compensation? I can’t imagine they would give me any say over the actors, would they?”

“Realistically? No. Choosing the cast would be something you might be able to have input on, but the decision would be with the money men. As far as your family goes, releases are definitely needed and as for compensation, would you be willing to lower your fee if the money goes to them?”

“Without a doubt. I was already going to set up college funds for my nieces, but I would love to get everyone paid.”

“Okay, the timeline proposed is tight. They want a preliminary script in ninety days, a final in one hundred and twenty. They plan on shooting the entire thing by next fall so they can release before the holidays. With a story like yours, timing is everything so releasing the movie as quickly as possible makes sense. Would you be able to devote the time needed?”

“Like I told Wendy, I am not employed right now, so yes. I can take whatever time I need.”

The conversations and preliminary negotiations went on until lunchtime before Wendy called a halt.

“David, I have a couple of other things to discuss, but I thought I would take you to lunch and we can talk while we eat. That way I can expense it and bill you for the time.” Wendy said with a smirk, grinning at me.

“You don’t pull any punches, do you?” I asked, shaking my head, but I had to smile. She was straight forward and no bullshit. I liked that in a person.

Wendy chose a small bistro within walking distance and Andre Montgomery, the giant security man, fell in behind us as we left the building.

“Mr. Montgomery, I didn’t get a chance to thank you for your help this morning.” I said, holding out my hand to the big man.

“No problem at all, Mr. Weaver. I was more than happy to help.” His huge hand dwarfed mine, but he was kind enough to return all my fingers so I was happy.

“I called in Andre and a couple of his brothers to look after us today.” Wendy said, smiling at the man. “I didn’t want a repeat of that dinner a couple of weeks ago.”

“Do you think I really need to hire security? I hate the idea, but ... well, this morning it sure came in handy.” I asked.

“I can recommend a couple of firms to you. One, the one that Andre works for, is big with entertainment types. They like surrounding themselves with really large, dangerous looking men. That comes in handy as a deterrent, but it attracts attention too. The other is more discreet, and is staffed by ex-military, ex-FBI and so on. They are low key, but extremely effective.”

Over lunch she informed me that the Chicago PD were willing to settle out of court for the treatment I received, including medical bills for the injury, but I told her to just drop it if she could get an apology from the detective.

“I am not out to hurt the CPD, or extort money out of them. I just wanted a little pressure on them so I wouldn’t be charged with anything. Besides, that asshole pissed me off.” I said, shrugging.

She just nodded and went on to the next item on the agenda. “The court has ruled that a class action suit against the security company charged with the Chase tower security can go forward, as can the suit against the terrorist group that claimed responsibility.”

“Wait, you can sue terrorists? How do you deliver them a summons, by bomber? Hell, sometimes it seems like even the military can’t find them.”

She grinned and me and shook her head. “The US government, in the wake of 9/11, froze the accounts of more than two hundred individuals and companies whose funding could be shown to directly finance terror activities. The lawsuit would be seeking funds from those accounts. There was, at last count, almost forty billion dollars available. That is after the 9/11 lawsuits are settled, assuming they all win. Twelve billion has already been paid out to the families of victims, to the owners of the buildings and to fund medical care for first responders.”

I thought about that for a couple of minutes. “I don’t want any of it. Not for myself. Let anything that would come to me be disbursed to the families.” I said, the whole idea making me feel ill.

“This could be substantial, David. Are you s...” she trailed off, studying me for a moment, then nodded, making a note in on her tablet.

“Okay, let’s talk about the lawsuit that was filed yesterday by the families of the men who were killed in the restaurant.”

“What? How the fuck...” I started to say, getting angry. Wendy held up her hand and I stopped.

“It was to be expected, and we will get it thrown out. It is a harassment technique designed to make you angry, to cost you money and you can be sure they will have leaked it to the press to try and make you look bad.”

“I wonder if it is too late to find a nice, quiet, deserted island and just quit?” I mused, pushing my plate away. I had lost my appetite.

When we had finished eating and were drinking coffee, just chatting about nothing in particular, Wendy’s phone rang. Glancing at the screen, she raised an eyebrow and took the call.

“Hi Daniel.” she answered. “Sure, we just finished lunch. Let me ask him.”

“The State Department guy called, said he can be at our offices by two. That okay with you?” she asked.

I glanced at my watch. It was almost one-thirty now, so we had time. I nodded to her.

“Okay, no problem. We will be back in plenty of time.”

“Mr. Weavers, Jason Nabors. Look, about Henrik, he is very effective at what he does but he was the wrong person for this task so, on behalf the State Department and Secretary Albright, let me apologize for the way things went this morning.”

Nabors was tall and fit, had movie start looks and an overly bright smile that just screamed insincerity and never reached his eyes. My first impression of him was that he was shooting for a spot in Congress with an eye on the presidency someday.

“It’s Weaver, not Weavers. So, who sent Mr. Mohr, and why was he sent in the first place?” I asked.

His smile seemed to freeze for a second. “Ah, well, we have been informed that there are several production companies eager to film a movie about your experience in the unfortunate incident at the Chase tower earlier this year.”

Was this guy for real? I looked over at Wendy, who was rolling her eyes and then over at Mr. Markham who was sitting back and shaking his head. I watched him pull out his phone.

“So, you found out about a movie concerning ... how did you put it? Oh yes, the unfortunate incident at the Chase tower. And what is the State Department’s interest in this hypothetical movie?” I asked, trying to keep from screaming at this idiot.

Mr. Markham waved his hand at me and made a circular motion, which I understood to mean, keep him talking. I noticed that his phone was on the table now and he was grinning.

“Well, there are delicate negotiations underway in the middle east, negotiations which are vital to our national security, you understand. We feel that a movie that fanned the flames of anti-Islamic rhetoric here in the US and abroad could only hurt our position. We are hoping to prevail on you, as a patriotic American, to hold off, to delay getting involved with these production companies. In a couple of years, when things calm down, you can revisit the idea.” Nabors said, oozing sincerity.

“I see. And these negotiations, what are they about? Why would a movie that depicts real events cause problems?”

“Well, the issues being discussed are, of course, highly classified, but I assure you, they are in the best interests of the entire nation. As for the movie, we are actively trying to combat the rising tide of anti-Islamic fervor in this country. This kind of blind hatred can only lead to more attacks, don’t you see?”

“And you want me to forego making this movie. I would assume that would also cover the offers I received for several book deals? You do realize that these offers, the books and movies, are for substantial amounts of money?”

“I don’t think you can put a price on patriotism, Mr. Weaver. In fact, your attitude about this whole thing is disturbing. It would be a shame if the IRS...”

He broke off as his phone rang. He pulled it out of his jacket pocket and looked at it like it had grown a head. “I am sorry, I left orders to never be interrupted when I am in an important meeting. I think I should take this, if you will excuse me?” He said, walking out the door of the conference room and letting it close behind him.

I turned to Wendy, furious, but before I could open my mouth, Mr. Markham was waving his hands to get my attention, pointing to the phone. He gestured for us to move closer, so Wendy and I gathered around the far end of the table.

“Yes, Madam Secretary, I was in a meeting with him when you called.”

“And how is it progressing, Jason? Did you apologize for sending that idiot Mohr?” we hear Secretary Albright ask.

“Of course. I know Henrik and I am sure this Weaver character overreacted, but I’ll smooth it over. Weaver is a naïf, and I think I have convinced him to kill the movie.” Nabors said, sounding smug.

Same as Unending
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Chapter 1 I have been a member of AFTD since my high school years. I was born the fifth child of nine. For that reason alone, I would not get much notice. I had a strange name. I was Steph. My parents were tired of normal names and came up with names that could be male or female. In my case that worked, because no one could tell for sure if I was a boy or girl. When I dressed in boy's clothes, no one noticed me. When I dressed in girl's clothes, I was noticed but no one seemed to care....

3 years ago
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More Sand Sex Suntan Lotion P2

My education during my early visit’s to the beach I think where mostly exhibition. There is one episode in particular that certainly comes to my mind that won’t be leaving my jack off fantasies anytime soon. Where as this was a case of voyeurism, certainly was an eye opener for me as it involved one of my Physical Education Teachers from school, whom to be honest I had one hell of a crush on.For this reason I will call him Mr Peterson cause I really do not know if he ever was openly gay or not....

4 years ago
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Kim Possible Dreams Can Come True Chapter 7

Kim Possible: Dreams Can Come True - Chapter 7 - Four Play"I see that my girls had their fun," Drakken said, standing on the door.He was naked and fully erect. Ron was beside him, his hands tied behind his back, naked with his dick semi-hard, looking at Kim's and Shego's naked bodies.He had seen them both naked earlier that day, but it was the first time he was seeing Kim naked in the flesh.Kim was highly aroused.Despite the fact that she was naked in front of Drakken and Ron, she felt good....

3 years ago
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My lady and how she treats me

In many ways, I have a great situation. My wife has money, so I can indulge in my hobbies without worrying about getting a job. I can save some of the allowance she gives me, and occasionally buy the services of the Asian “masseuses” in town. The downside is her sadistic streak. It is not a physical pain type of sadism, but a ruthless twisting of emotions. She has a way of letting me know how much she enjoys sex with other men. For me, it causes a strange mixture of pride, arousal, and agony....

2 years ago
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anokhapiyar anokhi chudai

By:- Aryan, frm Kol. Anokhi chudai anokha piyar. Hi, I am Aryan . Merey piyarey ISS readers , Zindagi ka naam Dosti aur Dosti ka naam ISS pariwar. Jee haan dosto yehi ek aisa pariwar hai. Jahan hum aur aap apni apni sex experience ko share kartey hain.aur zindagi ko ek naye andaaz me jeeney ka saleeqa sikhtey hain. Main ek 25 saal ka nawjwan hoon aur kolkata me rahta hoon. Main ney abhi abhi college khatam kiya hai. Is story ko aap log ek baar zarur padho gey. Kion ke insaan ki zindagi me...

2 years ago
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Jeremys Women

Jeremy's Women And it's pretty amazing" Jeremy was saying to Sheila and Simone as theyrelaxed in the Cooper's sunny living room, "Heather, who I'd always beenkind of in awe of—she has a wicked sense of humor!" Heather smiled.She was a little heavy, butt-wise, but had nice boobs and gorgeous amber hairand twinkling eyes. Sheila noticed sort of a tough look about Heather-though…Jeremyseemed so sensitive, very unlike Roger,Sheila's Congressman husband, who wasbeing trained to be her slave at...

4 years ago
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Lady Victoria Part 2 Her Ladyship gets her just reward

LADY VICTORIA – PART 2 – Her Ladyship Gets Her Just Reward  Lady Victoria had been sent to Beddingfield Ladies College by her father Lord John for one reason only, to prepare her for marriage into high society. His phenomenal success had brought him huge wealth and his recent ascent into the House of Lords as a Baronet inspired new ambitions, which knew no bounds. His daughter would not only marry into high society but into Royalty itself and he had the money and the power to see it through....

4 years ago
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Retirement Project Vicki Comes Over

“So what have you been up to?” I asked my little brother John. Something about him was making me suspect he’d been spending time with my wilful little sister Lettie and her promiscuous friend Janie Simmonds. I had to be concerned, because he’s too young to be getting mixed up in their mysterious goings-on over the road. “Nothing!” he claimed, but looking a bit guilty, “just playing with my friends.” “At Mr Whitaker’s?” “He’s very nice, Mum and Dad said so.” That was true. Our parents did...

2 years ago
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Secret Relation With Mommy 8211 Part I

Hi to all and I hope you all have enjoyed reading the part 1 of my Story. Kindly share your feedback at Moving forward from where I left the story. This is Real story so might be possible its not be too much erotic. That was the first day when I saw my mom nude. My hormones were all disturbed, the morning hug was playing the devil specially that was the first day when I say mom I love you in her ear in a seductive way. We reached office and the day was high on energy in afternoon Mom called...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Rosalyn Sphinx Anal Gaping Newbie

Porcelain-skinned princess Rosalyn Sphinx undulates her body and squeezes her cute tits together. The tattooed babe stuffs her butt with a big red dildo and opens her mouth wide to give Mark Wood a drooling blowjob. On the floor, she pops her pussy, moaning as Mark penetrates her sweet slit. Her body spasms as she cums on his meaty prick. Mark switches holes, plowing her butthole as he chokes her lustfully. Rosalyn masturbates as his thick meat strokes in her asshole. See intense anal gaping...

1 year ago
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Cinema gangbang

Pulling my hair tightly back and holding it in place with an elastic band, pulling on the cap and tucking under any visable stray blond whisps, I checked left and right in my mirror, ensuring that the snug fit helped to mask any femininity, normality associated with longish hair.Scrubbed clean, and deviod of any lingering smells of soap and perfumes, nothing except the odour of my body, little capsules of feminine pheromones, wafting amongst the heavier intoxicating mixes of male hormones,...

4 years ago
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Kiss of the Dragon A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

1 year ago
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Reddit Huge Boobs, aka r/HugeBoobs! Men have evolved to pick up on a lot of visual cues as animals - pretty much every man can see a snake in the grass peripherally, as well as ass and titties. I know that I personally look at ass and titties as much as I can because they just draw my attention very strongly and make me almost immediately focus on them, and it's obviously the case of every other man in the world, but this phenomenon has evolved into a civil war of sorts over time....

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Reginalds WivesChapter 6

“Sorry,” said Tom. “In the UK, private use of a taser is prohibited, as it is classed as a deadly weapon. The police are the only people who can legally possess and use such a weapon. Even there, only specially trained officers get to use a taser, and all use is closely monitored and reported. The Americans on the other hand, as usual, allow citizens to arm themselves with practically everything!” Sergeant Phillips visited the Squadron Leader again. “Sir, I have spoken with the Robertson...

1 year ago
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Fatherly GuidanceChapter 12

Friday began the same. Awaken by Ronnie with a morning fuck, a quick shower and off to Deek's house. Jimmy wasn't there so Deek had me all to himself. "I can't wait to fist you," he said with a smirk on his face as soon as we got there. Shit, Ronnie told him. He had some baby oil ready and coated his hand and my pussy with it. His hands were bigger than Walter's but not as fat as the other guy's. He tried like hell for 20 minutes to get his fist inside me before he gave up. I still...

1 year ago
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A Change in RebeccaChapter 5

Dr. Carter waited for me to calm down. I sipped a little more of that special water. Then I put the glass down and asked, “May I dress now?” He smiled and said, “No. You’ve made a huge breakthrough. I don’t want you pulling back. In the next two weeks you’re going to be spending much of your time in the nude. I don’t want you to get too comfortable being naked. That would take the thrill away. But I want you to ... I suppose make up for lost time is a good way of putting it. We’re not...

1 year ago
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My Wife Was Fucked By Her Boyfriend On Our Suhagraat 8211 Part II

Hello friends this story has been forwarded by Arun Keshaw to be published in ISS. This is second part of the story “My Wife Was Fucked By Her Boy Friend On Our Suhagraat”. Send your comments to or or or @gmail.com. In the first part I described our Suhagraat. I must say, it was the worst mistake of my life to allow my wife Sudha to be fucked by her boy friend on my suhagraat that also before my eyes while I was made to lick and suck their pussy, ass and cock.(Although I liked doing all...

4 years ago
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Forced Family Humiliation 8211 Part 2

Hi reader, this is the continuation of my story. Please read my previous story below to know the beginning of the story. Please give feedback at Let me introduce myself and my family again. My name is Nagen, age 23. I live in a family house with dad, mom, 2 sisters, brother and sister in law. The story is about how I and my sisters get humiliated by a stranger. My elder sister’s name is Kasturi, 26. She has a very attractive figure 32-26-34. Her tits are small but her ass is perfect. My second...

1 year ago
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CoWorker Brings Out My BiSide Lesbian

I had invited Ava to dinner at my house. We'd worked together for about six months and I thought her gorgeous. She had a dirty sense of humor and a wicked body to go with it -- long legs, fantastic tits if her low cut tops were any indication, and long, chestnut colored hair. She always wore red lipstick and matching nail polish. We'd been friendly, even sharing a few naughty jokes with the guys at work. I was more than curious about her, which was a new thing for me since I'd always only swung...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Kiss Ch 01

I was nervous. But then I’m always nervous when it comes to him. Always second guessing every thought, every word, every action. Should I or shouldn’t I? For months he’d been in my head. The question tonight was will I or won’t I? It was his birthday. The one thing I wanted to give him most was a selfish gift. Not that he wouldn’t enjoy it. But really, it was something I wanted. Maybe it was something he wanted too but nothing was certain. What’s a girl to do? I would let the moment decide. ...

2 years ago
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Mom8217s Sex Ride

This is Royden and I am 18.I love in Goa with my mom. I am currently studying in an university and doing my BCom first year. My mom was divorced when I was 8 when my father left her for some other women. She is extremely beautiful with a well maintained figure. She is 39 but seems like she is 25. She is very much sophisticated and men find her very much attractive. She never remarried but she used to hang around with many men and sleep with them. She meet s them in clubs and have one night...

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Call Me Mommy 8211 Part 2 Seducing My Hot Mom

I could understand why she was masturbating. It had been a long time since she had been satisfied. It was bothering her. The naughty thought to seduce my Milf mom entered my head. She spat on her fingers and rubbed her hairy pussy. Her hairy pussy was so sexy. “Aaahhh! Uffff!” she moaned as she climaxed. I watched her remove her panty and wipe her squirt off her pussy. She slid the panty up and down, wiping her pussy. She then threw it to the heap of dirty laundry in the corner. She sat up and...

2 years ago
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SLUT WIFEs gangbang

Well it happened again... I'd been away for a business trip and once I got back, my slut wife Ellen whispered in my ear, "I've been naughty." I was instantly hard!! She gave me her best "Little Miss Naughty" look, jammed her hand down my pants and started her story...Ellen had been out with some girlfriends to a Mexican Restaurant that just happened to be having a Tequila promotion. They got stuck into the "lick-sip-suck" routine and before they knew it, were a little bit pissed. Before long,...

2 years ago
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The Wrong GirlChapter 4

Taylor blinked as he stepped out of the dim club, blocking the blinding sunlight with one hand while his eyes adjusted, and held his phone to his ear. “Tell me you found her, and you want to meet for lunch back at the apartment,” Whitaker said when she answered. She was clearly in a good mood, and her tone suggested she wasn’t particularly interested in food for lunch. Taylor had a moment of regret for the train wreck he was about to create out of the rest of her day. “Rain check,...

3 years ago
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Hospital Main Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hi dosto mera nam pankaj hain aur main 22 sal ka hu main punjab se hu aur jalander main rahta hu ye mari life ke real store hain meri ye pahle story hain is liya agar koi mistek ho to maf karna agar aap ko mari story pasand aaye muje is id par mail kare Baat un dino ke hain mere dost ke girne se laat tut gai ur ko hospital main ma dekne gaya use ganral ward main shift kiya tha waha par kafi log dakil the hamare samne ek bhabhi apane sass ko opration kar wane aaye thi kay bhabhi thi vo bahot...

1 year ago
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Beths Punky Reggae Party

Beth, the hygienist on shift was an attractive lady with short auburn hair. A little heavy or rather buxom, she had a beautiful smile and bright blue eyes which made me warm up to her instantly. She also had a great personality and instantly put me at ease, a plus for my phobia. There are few things I fear more than a visit to the dentist, this news terrified me. I was considering having braces and the information that my wisdom teeth needed to be removed did not go well. We talked for awhile,...

4 years ago
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New Jobs New Roles Part 2

This story follows on from ‘New Jobs, New Roles (Part 1)’ I sent Jen home–she had things to tell her husband Graham. I let Nigel spend the night. I let him curl up on the floor next to my bed–I did give him a blanket. Next morning, as I was showering before work, it finally hit me. Graham. Graham–could that be the same Graham who I met at the Sex Shop? Who I had tied up at home? Whose picture I had, while he was tied to my spare bed? ‘Well,’ I thought as I got out of the shower, ‘Guess I’ll...

3 years ago
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Jeremys Christmas

Jeremy Carstairs was greeted by his Aunts Frances and Josephine as he stepped out of the December cold into the hall of their old house and into its cosy warmth. He remembered of old the warmth of the house and the friendly welcome. How could he not, after so many visits to these dear old ladies over the years? Jeremy and his parents had spent many happy Christmases with these two friendly maiden ladies. Unfortunately, this Christmas was to be a little different. Jeremy's parents had been...

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Making of super slut dolls 2

This is a sequel to super slut doll comments, and reviews welcome. Three people stood at the street opposite the warehouse district, it was late almost no one was around. One woman towered over the other two figures 6 "5" with the muscles of a body builder she scanned the area while a thin dark-skinned man looked at the ground and the buildings, a third figure short barley 5"2" stared ahead using her powers to scan the area for minds of others. "Im not sensing any signs of hostility...

3 years ago
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Dottod condom

Hi friends yeh meri pehli story hai aur yeh meri real story hai jo me aap logo ko batana chahta hu. Ek din me barbar ke waha baal katane ke liye gaya tha , dopaher ke 3 baj rahe the, barbar shop band karne jaraha tha ,usi samay me pahuch gaya , usne mujhe under liya aur shop under se band kardiya aur kaha ke tumhare baal kantke khana khane jaunga Undar sirf hum dono hi the ek dum sannata tha , woh mere baal katne laga. Baal kat te samay uska lund mere hath par lag raha tha aur erect ho chukka...

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Priya And Adith 8211 Priya8217s Narration

Hello readers, thanks for your response to the previous narration and sex story. (https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/son-friend/) Priya and me read all your mails. It was fun and intimidating at the same time. Priya is with me while I write this, but she wants to narrate her experience, so I am off and I don’t want to hear about her excitement. Many of you wrote asking for some good time with me, I sincerely say that I am happy with my husband and not interested. Have fun reading Priya’s...

4 years ago
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How I Enjoyed Her Submission

Dear indian sex stories dot net Readers, This is my first story, I would love to hear from you all if you liked it & want me to share more incidents like this one. A brief about me, I am 29 years old, a young IT guy staying in Bangalore. I am 6ft tall, fair complexion and love to break the ice with beautiful young people. I have been in many relationships in my past where I have gained a lot of moments to share. One such incident I am going to share with you all today. This happened when I...

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The Space Under The Staircase

Life in Paris for the past four years had been horrendous under the Nazi occupation. Guy LaSalle and his family had managed to scrape by and remain one of the families the Germans had not prosecuted.However, between the walls of the house they occupied, a small personal war raged on. At twenty-six Guy was the oldest of the families four children and was expected to marry and carry forth the family name. Even though he had a younger brother, as the oldest, the heaviest expectations were placed...

2 years ago
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Reunited Ch 05

Okay so I merged two chapters into one so it would be long enough to please those complaining. No guarantees about when I’ll post the next one though because I’m going out of town for a wedding and by merging these two chapters I’ve caught up to a couple portions that aren’t quite right yet. Please be patient and thanks for reading and for constructive feedback. ???? ***** One month later ‘Reynolds! Where’s your head? You’re supposed to be looking at the case files, not staring off into space...

3 years ago
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Bite of the Bimbo Ch 02

Special Thanks to Spirit02 for the editing. Those of you who are fans of ‘A Gift From his Father’, Chapter 22 is coming along nicely, but I had to get this final chapter ‘Bite of the Bimbo’ written to clear my head. Enjoy and thanks for all your feedback! ***** For the last two months Officer Sarah Penn had followed Dr. Karen Murphy’s instructions to the letter. While on duty she was a model patrol officer, but when off duty she was what could only be described as a nymphomaniac. She had as...

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Mr SmoothieChapter 4

By the end of the week, my reputation was spread all over the high school among the girls. The boys never heard of me, and that was fine with me. Amy was besieged with requests for my services. At first, she kind of laughed off the whole thing, but some of the stories she heard were so touching that she had to pass them along to me. A lot of the problems were from rape victims who were so afraid of men that they refused even to go unaccompanied anywhere in public. It appeared that there was...

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Me and Gavin

Gavin was a slender 12 year old boy in 7th grade who measured only 5’2” tall and about 90 pounds with short, light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was your typical 7th grade boy that loved video games, soccer, wrestling and just horsing around. Years and years of soccer had sculpted him into the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. His body was slender with absolutely no body fat, his legs were long and lean but muscly at the same time, he sported a little six pack for abs and his...

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On Guard

It has been a long day; a visit to London after so many years…everything looked different around Euston Station, you nearly got lost more than once as you headed for your publishers’ in St James’ .Thinking you had plenty of time you thought a walk through Soho would be a treat on this nice autumn day , big mistake ! In the end a taxi took you round the houses to your destination !. Since your new career had taken off everything had been done by email or courier but now one of the partners had...

2 years ago
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A BBW Clean Up

Okay, it’s been a few weeks and if I don’t tell someone I’m just going to die. Before we got back home from, what ended up being extended, holiday I had a brief affair. Well I suppose that affair would not be the right word. Maybe encounter would be better. I’m not too sure that everyone would consider it to be sex either. I know when Bill Clinton was the President of America it seemed like he did not consider oral sex and other sex to be the same. Funny I should say that. David Cameron has...

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Daddyrsquos Lil Darling Gets BC

This is a continuation of “Daddy Gets Brown Sugar” where Ashely has just watched her dad fuck Tasha the black mom from next door. The story can be found on my profile.I quickly slipped out the back door after watching my dad fuck Tasha. What I had seen was so sexy! The sight of black and white lovers tangled together was so erotic. My pussy was soaking wet and was begging for some attention. I looked up and noticed I was walking towards the neighbor’s house. Then the thought of my brother Brad...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 66 A Night to Remember

Originally posted on: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:27 pm Prom night was one week before graduation. The four of us; Tim and Cindy, Angie and me, doubled for dinner and then headed for the big party. The night before I had a long talk with my dad and he set up a room for me at one of the hotels that we 'worked' for. I explained that I didn't have any expectations but that I didn't think that was a good excuse for not planning ahead anyway. If something was going to happen between Angela and I there...

2 years ago
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Becoming My Mothers Lover Mike Joins In

My mother was a petite woman, only about five foot three inches tall with a taut slender build and weighing only about 115 pounds. Her breasts were fairly small, although very shapely and well formed and she had truly spectacular legs for a more mature woman. Many short women seem to have legs that appear thick and unattractive, but my mothers legs were perfectly proportioned for her height. Although her hips were fairly full, she had a slender waist and always looked wonderful in...

1 year ago
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My New Life 2

MY NEW LIFE. PART 2 BY D. RAMONE My New Life, a story by Dee Ramone © D. Ramone 2018 My New Life is an erotic novel by D. Ramone featuring themes of chastity and cross-dressing and descriptions of sexually explicit acts which those of a sensitive nature may find not to their tastes. It is not suitable for such readers nor for anyone considered a minor by the authorities in their country of residence. My New Life is entirely a work from Dee Ramone and any similarities to places...

3 years ago
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Last night we were watching one of the Final Four games, Duke and Maryland. Sherri is a Duke fan, and I'm a Maryland supporter. The first half was pretty exciting as the lead switched back and forth several times. By halftime we were both tired from cheering. Maryland was ahead by four. I turned to Sherri and poked her in the side. "Looks like Duke is having trouble." She smacked my leg with the back of her hand. "You know Maryland's going to fade." I grinned. "Not this time." Sherri...

2 years ago
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Every Time Is Your First Time on Groundhog Day

“Carl, could you make up the beds too?” Mary pointed to a pile of sheets and pillowcases she’d dumped on the living room sofa. “Really? Couldn’t you do that much yourself?” Mary turned to look at him. “I’m still working on the curriculum for the first day, right? I’m the teacher.” “Oh.” With a sigh Carl picked up the pile of sheets and headed out to the barn. He’d spent several weeks converting the barn into the Lake Washington Drama Camp. This was Mary’s dream -- to start up her own drama...

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Wolf Creek Ch 12

At his own request, Frank Wolf was cremated, and Ada and Frank’s surviving son, Jess, took the ashes up to the glade of the upper fork of Wolf Creek, where he and Ada had been married and, together, they scattered the ashes. Jess was a perfect gentleman, which Ada found quite surprising. But Frank had told Ada some time earlier that Festus’s death had sobered and mellowed Jess considerably, and, by all evidence, Jess’s father’s death had completed that process. Ada had thought it only right to...

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Her fantasy not his Part 1

She already knew his fantasy (I’ll write about it once it’s happened!) and lying in the darkness, shattered at 12pm it could still get her blood pumping. But Mia wondered if her fantasy was too embarrassing to share with Matt. Sure, she knew he’d love it but could she risk feeling too much passion, maybe she’d sleep on it. Lonely in her big double bed she had to tightly wrap herself in her warm duvet before falling into a dreamy sleep… Matt and Mia were taking a summers shopping trip in the...

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With Help from Michael OLeary Pt 04

Chapter 16 Like Father Unlike Son Determined not to be like his father, Little Ralphie ended the cycle of bad behavior by using his father, the male stereotypical image that feminists want everyone to accept as the norm for all men and as an example of how not to act. He hated how his father belittled his mother, abuse that escalated whenever he had been drinking. Then, when you combined that with when he had a bad day at the track, his behavior was worse, much worse. ‘You’re stupid,’ he said...

3 years ago
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Real Love Story Of Two Friends And Our Craziness

Hi, I’m A and my Bf is R. This is a real story which I cannot forget because I love him. My stats are I’m 6.2′, bulky body wheatish active guy, bottom and my bf is 6.0′, bulky, ear stud, fair, no mole on his body (rare breed), brown eyes, manly looks, sexy and top. All gals are attracted to him. We were in relation for one year. I stay in New York and I’m working for IT. R came to New York for his masters. He got my contact somehow by other friends and added me on face book and requested me to...

Gay Male
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Week of absense

It was storming. The lightening and thunder cracked and rowred through the night sky and rain pelted down on the porch roof. I sat on the porch steps waiting to see his head lights coming down the drive way. It was getting late and I still didn't see that El Camino coming down the drive. Not only had it be one of the most long and agonizing weeks without him, it was what he did to me while he was away. Getting the cute text messages that drove me over the edge about what he would do to me if we...

1 year ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 25

He checked to make sure Ariel was alright, then removed her from the table, laying her gently on her bear-skin rug in front of the fireplace. "Ohhh Jack, take me, my love! Take me now! I want to feel you inside me, filling me with your hard cock!" she whispered urgently. He kissed her deeply then quickly shed his underwear and knelt between her legs on the rug. He teasingly rubbed the head of his throbbing shaft up and down the lips of her wet mound. He pressed the head into her then...

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