Six Foot Wrong RomanceChapter 5 free porn video

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The Walker home was unusually cheery, Tricia Walker floated about the home in a lovestruck haze of smiles. Her mother marvelled at her daughter’s eagerness to do chores and her easy smile.

“Someone’s in a good mood,” she prompted as she fixed a dinner of lipton chicken and cheesy potatoes.

“Yeah, things are pretty good.”

“Oh, do tell,” her mother smiled.

“It’s nothing,” Tricia bit her lip and smiled to herself.

“Uh oh, I think I know what that means.”


“Tell me about your day yesterday.”

“Well, I did some chores, and went out for coffee.”

Her father walked in and interjected, “I saw the chores you did. Well half of them.”

“Daddy!” Tricia hugged her father with joy and love. She felt different now, like more of an equal, but at the same time, still his little girl. Part of her wanted to share everything with him, and tell him how happy she was. She knew she couldn’t, but she could at least show him that she was elated with life. “Hi daddy,” she grinned at him.

“I saw the yard was only half done, Pattybaby. You know what we say about a job half done.”

She rolled her eyes, but didn’t let him go and replied, “The job isn’t done until the job is done done.”

“Are you going to finish?” he asked.

Her mom cut back in as she closed the oven, “She’s been helping me around the house a lot today.”


“Yup. Vacuuming, dusting, laundry, she even cleaned the bathroom.”

“Wait, she cleaned the bombtesting zone? It doesn’t look like a clothesplosion?”


Her father nodded approvingly as she smiled toothy and proud to him. At 6’ 4” he was still a man she could look up to and give goofy smiles. “Alright, tomorrow you two should celebrate with shopping. Back to school time I think. I heard ads on the radio. And tonight, I guess maybe we should just watch an episode on Modern Family.”

They were about half way through the episode when her phone buzzed. She hid her giggly grin and went up to her room. Down below, her parents smiled congratulations to each other and kissed, content that they’d raised a perfect child.

Patricia’s heart leapt: It was from Him.

A - Hey honey, how are you doing?

She took a quick selfie with a goofy smile and toonified herself into puking rainbows. She giggled as she sent it.

P - so happy I’m barfing rainbows!!!

A - WTF was that?

P - filters ill sho u later P - been thinkin about u all day A - Yeah, I’ve been thinking about you too.

She smiled and clutched the phone to her heart. Life was ecstacy.

A - I wanted to talk to you about yesterday.

A - Can we talk?

Her smile fell. Nobody says can we talk when it’s good news. She took a deep breath.

P - good or bad?

A - I just think maybe we should be practical about this, figure things out when we can be a little more calm and rational.

“Oh no,” she whispered. She felt the anxiety creep up in her stomach. She didn’t want calm and rational. Calm and rational was the opposite of love. Calm and rational meant killing destiny.

P - did I do sommething wrong? A - No, no you were wonderful.

She took a quick selfie with a sad pouty face and sent it.

P - ur giving me a sad A - It’s me. Honestly, that pic you sent me through me. It was pretty wild. It drove me a little nuts.

A - I guess I lost control a little bit.

She bit her lip. He had, hadn’t he. He let love take over, just like it had taken over her. She knew what he was thinking. He was worried. If anyone found out they’d both be in trouble, but he was the one taking the real risk. She’d be humiliated, but he’d be in prison. These stupid laws didn’t make any sense. Maybe when she was twelve or something, but she was sixteen now. In two years no one would say a thing and she knew it was real. He was the only man for her, for the last three years if you really thought about it. The laws were stupid. That was what was holding them apart, not anything real. If someone saw them walking down the street they might think them just a normal couple. She was almost his height, after all. It was infuriating! Maddening! No! She rejected that whole line of thinking. She had plans.

P - brb I have a surprise for u A big smile painted on her face, she changed into a strappy sleeveless maroon tank top and a thin leather jacket over top and pulled on some jeans to match. She finished the outfit with a pair of slightly too big shades she’d gotten from her dad. She set her phone up by her external speaker and propped it up to make sure it was facing her. She hit play, then record.

Patricia stepped into frame as the music hummed a low sexy hum for but a second before she spun, lip-synching with the lyrics:

“Waiting for the time to pass you by Hope the winds of change will change your mind,”

She looked to the camera with longing and pleading with her little lip dub.

“I could give a thousand reasons why And I know you, and you’ve got to...”

The song sped up and she swayed her hips and bopped with the music as she talked to him through the lyrics.

“Make it on your own, but we don’t have to grow up We can stay forever young Living on my sofa, drinking rum and cola Underneath the rising sun”

She changed lip sync to say ‘your sofa’ instead, and feigned a quick drunken wobble to ‘drinking rum and cola’ as she started to smile through her performance. Alessia’s voice and Zedd’s beats guided her through the flirty fun dance she put on for him. Tricia felt so free and pretty dancing for him, she even through in a spin - which wasn’t perfect, but it worked. She kept on lip synching, threw her jacket off her shoulders and teased him with a bare shoulder and a come hither look.

“I could give a thousand reasons why But you’re going, and you know that ... All you have to do is stay a minute Just take your time The clock is ticking, so stay All you have to do is wait a second Your hands on mine The clock is ticking, so stay”

She’d had all the moves choreographed in her mind, she’d been dancing them all day. Hands on the knees for ‘stay’, finger on the wrist for ‘time’, hand over hand for ‘hand on mind’ and finished the chorus off with a blown kiss right as the video cut off at 1 minute. She squealed in joy and perfection as her video had ticked off and kept dancing as she sent it to him. She didn’t even care if she looked stupid, he would love it. It was for him, it was her, it was them, she just knew he’d love it. Done, uploaded and sent. She danced the rest of the song waiting for his reply, tossing her jacket off and shaking her bottom with abandon. When she was done, he hadn’t replied yet, but he’d started typing.

A - Damn, how do I save that?

P - u dont!!! A - You are so adorable, it’s ridiculous.

P - P - does that mean u adore me A - How could I not?

She took a picture of herself in bed and captioned it, “want 2 b on ur sofa ”

A - You don’t make this easy.

P - good I am not ez A - Can you meet me tomorrow morning? Yoga by the beach?

Her nerves came back, but she brushed it off. Instead she wrote back P - u just want to see me in my P - unless u want me to wear this instead ... She peeled off her strappy tank top and put her bra back on. She wasn’t ready to send a nude, but this was good enough. She snapped a quick pic of her in bed with her bra on and sent it.

A - wow you are so naughty.

P - only 4 u luv Patricia was so excited she could hardly sleep. She set her alarm to make sure she got up early and made it out of the house well before dawn. She was still a little bleary by the time she got there. She wiped the remnants of sleep from her eyes and took a quick look in the mirror, as ready as she could ever be.

Her love smiled at her, appraising her body openly warming her before the sun’s rays had their chance. Blushing, she asked, “Wanna get started?”

“Yeah,” he said wistfully, but he was distracted. He reached up to her hair, fascinated by it as he brushed it off her forehead.

Shivering and suddenly nervous she whined, “What?”

“Just you. Just looking at you.”

She bit her lip and looked down, but he wouldn’t let her evade him. He tilted her chin up and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She couldn’t keep herself from responding to the gentle pressure of his lips that nudged hers open. He gave her butterflies all over again.

He had a smug smile on his face that burned her in a fun and naughty way, “Hey, quit it, someone could see us!”

He grinned, “I just wanted to show my appreciation for the picture you sent me last night.”

“Yeah, well, appreciation shown, didn’t you want to do some yoga?”

He brushed her chin, “Sure, lets get you warmed up.”

Together they moved through ashtanga sunrise sequences to get warmed up. Slowly working through power and balance poses, she felt herself calm and warmed, muscled loosened. Watching him move was also a treat. Somehow he was so flexible, even more than her in some ways. As she came back up to standing he stepped in front of her. He looked around furtively then satisfied, he smiled at her. She expected him to come back wordlessly for a kiss, but instead he ran his fingers up and down the placket of her blouse.

“Hey,” she complained, turning to look to see if anyone was around in the morning sun.

“You know what I was thinking,” was stated over her objection, “I was thinking that maybe you might like to get a massage. Therapeutic, deep tissue, something that would really relax you all over. What do you think of that?” The way his lips moved when he said ‘all over’ gave her a shiver. He was swirling in her head.

“Th-That sounds nice,” she stammered.

He stepped back quickly as she gained awareness of the sound of an approaching car. They weren’t in line of sight yet, but he backed away quickly.

“There’s plenty of parking at the Shops at Caramel Ponds, they don’t tow. My home is a short walk away.” She quickly added his address to her phone and nodded. He bent down to pick up his stuff and she was about to do the same to follow him but he stopped her with a gesture. “Not yet. You should stay here and tan for a bit. Got it?”

She suddenly understood and nodded. Of course he wouldn’t want some people watching them leaving together. She watched him walk away back up to the van, feeling the pull to follow but remaining planted. An elderly couple waved to him as he passed them and they came up the beach. She felt awkward watching them settle in, being the only one else here. The older woman gave her a smile and she waved.

‘Right,’ she bit her lip. It was sunny enough to start getting some real sun. She fidgeted nervously with her shirt, finally pulling it off but still clinging to it.

The old man suddenly bounded with awkward joy towards and into the cold still waters. He seemed beyond happy splashing into it and screaming out in cold. The old woman met her eyes with a bemused smirk. “He is like this every time. I don’t know how he can stand it.”

She smiled back and shrugged.

Seeing her still clinging to the shirt the older woman offered, “It’s okay, you get some sun before people get here. He’s too old for leering.”

He yelled back from the water, “I’m not too old for beer, devil woman! And my hearing is perfect, too!”

She rolled her eyes, and Patricia giggled. Finally relaxed, Patricia decided the sun was perfect for soaking up a few rays.

An hour and twenty minutes later, she’d parked in a strip mall and was walking down the sidewalk of another nameless suburb. She had stopped into the gas station to top off and buy some chips, so she wouldn’t feel guilty leaving her car there.

The homes here were quaint. Small, but spread on lots with nice lawns in front. Of course Mr. Klein’s yard was perfect. Was there anything he couldn’t do right? She smiled feeling a warming in her heart as she walked up to the front door. He answered on the second knock and invited her straight in.

“Your home is really nice, Coach.”

He chuckled at her backslide, “Thanks, and what happened to Andrew?”

“Oh, right,” she blushed, “Andrew.”

“Did you enjoy your morning at the beach?”

“Yeah, actually it was really nice, there was this older couple there, and they were really funny.”

“Oh? How so?” he asked as he pulled the blinds shut little by little turning the bright inviting home into an illicit cave.

“Well, Herbert is a little hard of hearing, so he kept mishearing things in funny ways. He might have been doing some of it on purpose. Angelica was really friendly too. They were like a comedy duo or something. It ... it was nice, I don’t know.”

He walked back to her as she awaited his reply. He pushed her beach towel and bag out of her hands so they dropped on the carpet. His fingers moved back to the placket of her shirt, but this time gently began pulling the buttons undone.

“It occurred to me, thinking about the picture you sent last night that I have not yet gotten a chance-” he popped a button, “to see you in-” another popped button, “that cute little bikini again.”

“Hey,” she complained again dumbly. As he finished the last button, she looked up realizing that she didn’t really know how to say no to this man. It scared her almost as much as it excited her.

“And with how pretty you are I couldn’t help but think about the last time I saw you in person in such a state of undress. It was ... quite an experience,” he said as he pushed the fabric off her right shoulder. She let it fall, but grabbed the bikini strap for modesty’s sake. He added, “I can tell that you’re thinking about it too.” As if to rebut the protest she hadn’t been able to make, he brushed her hardened nipple, “It shows.”

“Hey,” it was so weak it almost died in her throat. He circled it again, with a gentle kind of reverence. She whispered a meek, “don’t...” His fingers stopped and he stepped back.

“I’m sorry. That-” he halted, “I-” he stopped again. “It’s kind of hard for me, to resist you. You’re something else.”

She smiled and shrugged, hugging her arms together.

He clasped his hands, “So would you like something to drink?” He headed off to the kitchen. She looked down to her things, then back to him. Settled, she left them there and pulled her shirt back on, but didn’t bother buttoning it back up. He poured two glasses of water and offered her one.

“Oh, thanks.”

“Your welcome.”

She smiled, “It’s funny, I thought you were going to get me a rum and coke.”

“That’s oddly specific. Did you want one?”

She smiled, “Maybe, I dunno, I just thought, you know-” He shook his head. She continued, “With the lyrics of the song. The one I dubbed for you last night? Living on your sofa, drinking rum and cola?”

“Oh, yeah, I didn’t catch all the lyrics. But yeah, I guess that’s right. Anyway, no, no drinking for a couple reasons.”

“Cause I’m too young?”

He reluctantly agreed, “Sure, and plus you’ll be driving later, and there is no way on God’s green earth that I would ever get you drunk and behind the wheel.” His demeanor turned serious, “I’m not kidding about this, please, please, never drink and drive, got me?” To her silence he repeated, “Please tell me you get this, right?”

She nodded, “Of course ... I’m sorry.”

He sighed, “Anyway, water. Water is good, especially if you’re about to get a massage.”

“Ooh, right,” she smiled and nudged him with her shoulder, “I was really looking forward to that!” She’d suddenly felt a pang of horrible guilt and desperate to get him to think about anything other than his dead wife. The man probably never drank anymore, and here she was suggesting he get her rum and cola. She felt horrible, but turned on the smile instead. “You made it sound beyond.”

He smiled and took a sip, “Yeah. Alright, I made an offer and I’m a man of my word. Let’s get you ready.” She finished the water, turned her back to him, and gathered her hair off her neck. He chuckled behind her and walked past, “Follow me, sweetie.” He guided her past the couch to the bedroom where she looked at him apprehensively as he held the door open for her.

“I hope you don’t mind, it’s just, I was going to use massage oil and I can always wash the sheets, so it’s really best over here.”

“Oh, okay.” She felt a kind of elation with her first footstep into his bedroom. His bedroom. She let out a dumb huh-huh chuckle and immediately felt embarrassed. He just patted her on the shoulder and said, “I’ll leave you to get ready and go get the oil.”

He closed the door to give her privacy, which was weird, given that he was her boyfriend now: there was no one to judge them here, but still he made the little allowance. She let her shirt drop to the floor and wiggled out of her shorts. If she was to get a real massage, this was good enough. She pulled the comforter off and laid down atop the white sheets and sighed heaven. They smelled thick of him. She took a small moment to herself to savor the sensation of cool sheets and the scent of her love before she pulled up the sheet to cover her bottom and called to him. “Ready!”

The door opened and her tummy tickled at the sound of his footsteps. “Okay, baby, I’m going to use some massage oil and get to work. Your job is to lay there and just relax. Sound good?”

“Mm-hmm,” sme nodded.

“Beautiful.” He popped the bottle open with a snap and she listened to the slippery sounds of him warming the oil in his hands. The bed shifted as he sat upon it, but not enough to bother her. His large warm hands began near her elbows and painted her with oil up to her shoulders, off for more oil and back to her shoulders, off again and to her back around in large circles, off again and back to her lower back, off again and back to the small of her back right near her bikini line. He pulled the sheet off her bottom and painted her legs as well. Now covered in a shiny liquid sheen, he began working in earnest, starting with her calves. He kept shifting on the bed and she couldn’t see what he was doing, but it felt like he was stretching her calf out with a rolling pin. His hands moved over her body working each muscle in turn and as the friction from his hands and his strong pressure worked on her skin, fascia, and muscles beneath, it warmed the oil. The warmth in turn coaxed her muscle into deeper relaxation. Up along her back his hands worked, pushing deep into her muscles eliciting soft moans. At some point she felt a drip of warm oil slide down the side of her breast and that alerted her to the fact that he’d unhooked her bikini top. The thought didn’t register with any alarm, only slight surprise and then contentment. She felt so content with his combined slow detailed attention to her body that when his hands moved to her bikini bottoms to pull them down, he had to rouse her so that she could arch her bottom up to let him undress her. As he oiled up her bare bottom the thought occurred to her, ‘Oh, I’m naked.’ He whispered little notes to her, “This seems tenses ... there’s a little knot ... this is very strong muscle here ... this might feel intense, but trust me it’ll loosen things...”

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Green Acres 6: Fertility Rites ...And vWrongs Produced by Jay Sommers [1965-71] Parodied by Ron Dow75 "Where is that man!" Oliver Douglas was fuming when he entered the back door. "vWhats man?" Lisa Douglas asked. She still had on her tailored charcoal gray business suit (she had changed out of the Yale school tie, though; she now wore a black silk one with small gold crowns), but had a blue ("Ace Hardware") shop apron on over it. She was vacuuming without the vacuum being...

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Kimron Mind Switch OuttakesChapter 3 Ron and Kim try to live in the wrong bodies

The next day, Ron and Kim each had breakfast with their respective families. Both felt the tension as they knew that although they were still the same Ron and Kim, their families each saw the other person sitting across from them. Both felt uncomfortable and left early for school, meeting on the corner. Walking to school together, just as they often did, they discussed their dilemma, coming to no conclusion. In school, they attended class. Fortunately, most of their classes were together,...

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Made to Do All DoneChapter 5 Cartwrongs Visitation

The Franklins were just finishing supper several days later, when there was a knocking on the front door. Very rarely did they have visitors. In the yard was a crude cart meant to be drawn by a beast. Mule or ox. In the traces instead, were two dusty sweat streaked young men, bent over at the waist, supporting their exhausted panting bodies by locked elbows, arms rigid to their hands, propped on their bent knees. An old man with a wispy gray beard and gray hair tufts escaping from under a...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 7 and 8

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 7 & 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Charlie introduces Will to the passenger who has been hiding in the Pacific Wanderer...

2 years ago
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SixX Candles

I wrote this as a new style of writing, it is not my normal genre. Please read it with an open and accepting mind. Thank you. The cool night of early summer had set in fast as I walked home from work. My feet aching and my thighs burning from standing stationary all day helped the short walk seem longer. With my book tucked under my arm, my M&Ms in my hand and the night thick around me, I studied my surroundings carefully as I came off the main sidewalk and entered the apartment complex. ...

1 year ago
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Sixtees Mein Pehla Experience

By : Gupta.Prem760 Hi readers, this is Prem prakash Gupta from Punjab. This is my first story and is a true story. You people don’t believe that now I am 63 years old and this homosexual experience is my first one which happened about two months back. About me I am 63 years old retired teacher. I am a dark and still active baniya. My height is 5.7”, average built. I always remained sex maniac, but always thought about females and always had sex experience with females only. Though I didn’t...

Gay Male
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Sixpack of Hecate

Hecate was so excited! She was finally going to meet Katie McN. H could hardly believe that Katie would be able to arrange for the Space Shuttle to land at Heathrow just to pick her up and take her to Texas. And yet, here she was landing at Midland International Airport at the start of her exciting adventure. H was the only passenger on the Shuttle this trip. So, she was able to sit up front in the copilot's chair for the entire flight. How wonderful! When the shuttle finally landed at...

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cmsix and the Lapdance

Copyright© Russell Hoisington 2005 This here tale is an eeerotic fantasy of the humorous variety which I done writ in the vernackulary style of th' area where it all took place. So, if'n you don't speak Redneck, y'all are gonna be lost, 'n' y'all got my deepest sympathies fer bein' so poorly educated. The characters, cept'n for th' famous eeerotic writer cmsix 'n' the briefly mentioned eeerotic writer Naive, 'n' the situation are purely th' product of my overactive imagination....

1 year ago
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Ready for Desi XNXX porn, aka Desi52, aka Desi49? As a lifelong fan of pornography, I’ve always thought India should put out more of the stuff. They’ve got one of the highest populations in the world, which means more people to fuck on camera. Still, it was downright impossible to find Desi smut in most parts of the world before the Internet. Sites like Desi XNXX aka Desi XNXX 2 make it a hell of a lot easier than a random shitty Indian sex (or is set up like...

Indian Porn Sites
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What the fuck is Mzansi XXX? I’ll be honest; as an American, I had no idea what to expect when I got the link in my inbox this morning. Pardon my ignorance, but even after seeing all the amateur ebony porn on the front page, I still had to google Mzansi. Language is a funny thing, so the first definition I got was “a low-cost national banking account.” The deposits and withdrawals I’m seeing are all semen and cock, with no money exchanging hands, so I don’t think that’s what they’re referencing...

Black Porn Sites
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red hot footjob

I had a quick look around, Lisa was sat next to her dad, herbrother was on the other chair. The only space for me to sit was nextto Judy, Lisa’s mom. They’d just had a family barbecue and as Lisa’sboyfriend, I had been invited along. We’d all had a bit to drink andnow we were inside continuing the party, having polished off the food.I had been with Lisa for just over three years and was considered verymuch as part of her family. Lisa was a year younger than me attwenty-one with blonde hair, and...

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Nylon footjob from wife

My wfie works at a place with a crazy (but awesome for my purposes) dress code. It requires women to either wear pants and a jacket or a skirt and a blouse. Since their air conditioning isn’t that great, coupled with people using space heaters at their desk anyways, it’s always hot. My wife, therefore, chooses the skirt choice, which also results in her wearing heels or wedges. In the winter it is even better, because if women wear a skirt, they have to wear nylons with them. For a heel/nylon...

2 years ago
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Losing My Footjob Virginity True Stroy

I have had a foot fetish for as long as I can remember. In fact, I can even remember around the time my foot fetish started, but that’s a story I’ll get into another time (if I build up enough courage to do so). I’m currently in my late 20s but funny enough, my fetish for feet was pretty strong as a k** and as I grew, so did my arousal for feet. I would find myself staring at them and at times would get caught looking. Like most people with fetishes I was somewhat shy about it and didn’t...

3 years ago
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Footprints In The Sea

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 25 and 26 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read the previous chapters, please do so. Charlotte returns to New Zealand and then travels on to London to have her...

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Saras City of Secrets 1 Foothold

Authored by pobox731 Inspired by an xHamster member.Previous: "Sara's Beach 'bate"Sara has a voyeuristic encounter on the beach with two unknown girls"Sara's City of Secrets 1: Foothold"Sara is an olive-skinned raven-haired beauty of Mediterranean descent. She's recently graduated from high school and is sorting through all the normal urges, desires and hormonal-induced appetites of the age. With her mother's sultry eyes and her father's other classic features, her trim athletic build and...

3 years ago
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Raped by Bigfoot

Raped by bigfoot It was a freak accident that brought me to this predicament. I was somewhat cold, completely naked, had a pounding headache, a sore ankle, and was trapped in a cave halfway up a mountain. I don’t remember being brought here, but the creature that must have saved my life had to live here. I did not see him much, since he left the cave at about dawn. All I remember was slipping on a mossy rock...

1 year ago
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I Fucked Gizems foot in the car

I never thought bad about Gizem.She is my friend's daughter.She is 21 years old.I never thought bad about her till I see her legs and feet at the graduation ceremony of her school.She studies at the faculty of dentistry at a different city now.She's staying in a rented house with two friends.Someday I decided to go to this city for business.When her father heard that I would go to this city he asked me to take some things to her.I accepted.That wouldn't be problem for me because I will go there...

4 years ago
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The Foot Slave

The Foot SlaveNervously my finger pressed the buzzer, within ten seconds the release mechanism clicked and opened the door, I pushed it ajar and entered a dimly lit hallway, a stair case lay in front of me, leading down to a single ominous black door, I walked down and knocked, ?You may enter? was the quick curt reply.Sheepishly I entered, and closed the door behind me.The room was spacious and painted a matt black with a cold stone floor, recess lights in the ceiling were dimmed to give a low...

2 years ago
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Great foot and legjob from Cemals wife Sengu

Yes she was Shengul. My stationer shop owner friend's wife. She was walking on the street. And, she had same sexy dress again. Tight Gray dress and black pantyhose . And black shoes with high heel. I accelerated my walk to catch her. Now, she was walking a few meters in front of me. I was watching her sexy legs with black pantyhose. Probably, she was walking towards their new flat which they bought one month ago. I was following her from a few meters behind. I was sure she was walking towards...

3 years ago
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A compilation of 19 chapters following the nylon adventures of a young teen boy.CHAPTER 1My mom had left to meet my Aunt Jill for lunch and a few cocktails so I went to moms room,opened her nylon drawer and grabbed out a pair of her silky smoke gray thigh highs.Mom wears nylons almost everyday for work so she has many,many pairs in her drawer. I then pulled down my shorts and sat on moms bed. My cock was now at half mast just from feeling her silky nylons in my hand. I took one of the thigh...

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Milena is girl of my wife's sister Janna.She is 21 years old.Her mother was separate from her husband.Milena and her mother Janna was living in Russia.They were not rich.Janna's been working as dance teacher for a long time.Milena is a gymnast and sometimes she joins to gymnastic competition.Some of these competitions were international.Last summer, we went to Russia.Of course, we stayed in their house.My wife and her sister Janna visit very often their friends in the city.If they visit their...

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Yes she was Shengul. My friend Cemal's wife. She was walking on the street. And, she had same sexy dress again. Tight Gray dress and black pantyhose . And black shoes with high heel. I accelerated my walk to catch her. Now, she was walking a few meters in front of me. I was watching her sexy legs with black pantyhose. Probably, she was walking towards their new flat which they bought one month ago. I was following her from a few meters behind. I was sure she was walking towards her flat. My...

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Indulging the Foot Fetish

We started fucking around on the couch but ended up on the floor. We had just finished a 69, she was lying on her back and I was sitting up between her legs. She put a foot on my breasts and began rubbing her toes on my nipple. It felt good but weird and her toe on my nipple looked really weird."Suck my toes." She said excitedly.We hadn't done that for a long time. I held her foot in both hands and sucked her toes, sucking them one by one then taking all of them into my mouth and sucking them...

4 years ago
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How I learned to Foot Fuck

The story I'm writing is the truth. I was raised by my grandparents from the age of three. Being the only c***d in the home there wasn't much I couldn't get away with or it was just ignored. I walk around the house with just my under ware and as I grew nothing was explained to me especially the changes I was going through. it started simple enough, my grandmother liked to have her feet rubbed. So being the one with the least to do I was ellected. It was ok. All I had to do was sit at the end of...

3 years ago
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My foot fetish

A well paid twenty-one year old young man with short black hair and brown eyes. “Yes, but if you don’t hurry and stop asking me, I just might change my mind.” Replied his lady acquaintance. Both consenting adults stood at the front door of an apartment. The hall they stood in quite and empty of any soul. It was a few minutes past midnight, a Saturday night. The humming of the florescent lighting above over shadowed by the sound of jingling keys. “You’re a cruel girl you know that...

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I fucked my friends wife Senguls foot

It was a very hot July day.She was again alone at her husband's stationery shop.Her husband was my friend.They have a very a small stationery shop at the city center.Although, her husband is my friend, Sengul's sexy ass had always seduced me.As if, Sengul was wearing these sexy jeans to seduce customers.And,I was absolutely sure her husband was aware of this.Because, many young man was coming and shopping there.And, they were staring at Sengul's big and sexy ass while shopping.I had noticed...

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Rabbits Foot Key Chain

This is my first attempt to write fiction. The disclaimer: This story contains rape, sex, violence, revenge, and magic. So view desecration is advised. I am not going to lie. I took the rabbit's foot key chain from CCE without their permission. However, it was only an attempt to get them to finish their story. Please make comments. I also have another one in the works that will hopefully get Dill Bill to finish his burning candle story. I hope you enjoy! Oh and feel free to make...

3 years ago
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The Foot Model

Podophilia, the arousal by feet, basically a foot fetish. I think that is why I got into the business I am in. I'm a cameraman for a shopping catalogue, but I specialize in leg and foot jewellery. Toe rings, anklets and things like that.My name is Kevin, and I am twenty-six years old. I dress smart and try to look presentable at every occasion. I work hard and often get sent a whole box of jewellery at a time that needs to be photographed.I have a list of models with perfect legs and feet that...

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Suffering for Shoes A hardcore gay foot sock an

Suffering for Shoes. A hardcore gay foot, sock, and shoe worship fantasy including ballbusting, trampling, retefism, and bondage.When I was 19, I knew I had a feet l, socks, and shoe fetish. I didn't know how bad my shoe fetish was until after I had been going to see this 35 year old studly daddy for a while.I saw his ad online. He only lived about 15 miles from me. Over in the college town. His pics were great. He was a stud. Black hair brown eyes. He was 6 foot 3 inches tall. Really Manly...

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Confessions of a Foot Fetishist

It was a hot summer’s day. I left the office for my lunchtime break, sweating like a pig and feeling hornier than a dog in heat. I unfastened the top three buttons of my worktop in an attempt to release some heat from my torso. Jesus, the heat was stifling; I’m not used to the hot weather, being from the north of England, but I was going to make the most of it before the day was out. I made a quick visit to the kebab shop across the road and ordered a large donor kebab and bottle of cherry...

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Rabbits Foot Key Chain pt 2

This is my attempt to finish a piece by Mr.SilentForce. The original Rabbit's Foot Keychain should be read prior to this to put the characters and situations into perspective. I make no claims to the original Rabbit's Foot Keychain story, I just wanted to complete a story that has remained unfinished for several years. Last paragraphs from original story: Lauren dropped me off at my apartment and said, "Be ready in a new outfit for a night of fun on the town." I giggled and...

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The Awakening of Bens Foot Fetish

As a private school teacher, I have a part time job to help make ends meet. I am working at the local shoe store. My infatuation with women's feet started in my teens.Corrine and I met at the shoe store. She is twenty-five years old and very attractive. Corrine is 5’6” with shoulder length auburn hair. Her eyes are light brown. I always make sure to help her every time she comes in.One particular evening, Corrine came in just as I was getting ready to close up. She wore a knee length pleated...

2 years ago
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A son with a big footfetish focused on his mom and a mom who has a big testicularfetish focused her son

Jeff was in love with his mother Patricia’s feet. He was 18, she was 38. They were absolutely gorgeous as far as he was concerned. He often fantasized about licking her size 8 soles and sucking on her big toes. Aside from having a foot fetish for his mom’s feet, he also kept a much darker secret. He fantasized about having his mother kick him hard in the balls. It was difficult not to get hard around his mother where his ball-busting and foot fetish was concerned. She almost always...

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Foot fetish story 8211 Masturbate under the table at a fancy restaurant

“There are times when you have to turn off your mind and think with your balls,” Michael thought idly. Eight years of blissful, loyal marriage had not stymied his vivid fantasies of making love to other women. Even the joys and rigors of parenthood had not dampened his intense imagination. He had gone through phases where he actually thought about other women while making love to his wife. In spite of his fantasies, he still had deep feelings of personal contentment as well as pride...

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The Foot Goddess ballbusting foot fetish

Ballbusting/Foot Fetish/FemdomThis is a Foot fetish, ballbusting, femdom story, if you don't like these stuffs it's better to stop readingPart 1Taliya was a grown woman of 40 years old. She was white skinned and black haired. Feared by all her city, knowing to be a ballbusting assassin. She would take contracts ONLY from women to castrate men or kill them, and even when killing them she makes sure to bust their nuts first.But Taliya had a specialty, she didn't use any weapon or gadget to bust...

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