TandraChapter 25 free porn video

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"I saw in Samantha's mind, that there was a large pen that was used to house almost 27 of you. I think we will take a little trip and see what we can do about this. If you haven't guessed by now, I take exception to people hurting others for fun."

"That is somewhere around Leitchfield I think," said Patty for the first time.

"Thank you Patty. We should be there in a few minutes."

"Mom can you piece the views each of them has of the area and other information to make a good guess as to where it is?"

"It will be difficult because they were all taken in a truck. But I cannot even assume that it was the shortest route. The name given may be a diversion."

"I agree. If we can't find it, I guess I will have to swim in the septic tank again, and fish the information out of our guest."

In the end, I did have to awake our guest. This time, I took a doc unit to him and before he awoke, I put him under again and was able to access his mind. "Mom you better take over here and record all you can. I feel like puking."

A fairly modern farming operation was found, with the guards living in the house, and the slaves in the barn. At present, they were mainly all in the house, so the guards could make use of any slaves, pleased their eye.

Tom and Patty readily agreed that this was the place, and I saw many horrifying things, that they saw happening while there. They began to shake with all the memories and I thought of a way to help them recover.

"Mom can you make some knockout gas to make this job easy"?

I can, but it would be easier to just use one of my tools onboard to put them to sleep. It uses special frequencies and intensities of audible and inaudible sound. If the warehouses were not so large, we could have done that there to. We have had to deal with unruly animals before, and this was the most humane."

"Will the suits protect us from the sound?"

"Yes, Henry. The effect only lasts as long as I have the device trained on them. If you remove them, you will fall asleep too."

"Well, give me two containers, that look like knockout gas."

"Patty, Tom, would any of you like to put on a bulletproof suit, that will make you invisible. I would like to put some sleeping gas into the house, and then bring the cops over to find them."

They stopped shaking a little, and I tried my best to get them to take my offer. Before the police came, I explained to them, we could get you to forget us. I hoped in this instance, to assist them in recovering from some of the ill effects, they had got since being captured. I used my aura shamelessly, to get them to help, even though Mom could place the canisters or beam the sound much easier than we could.

Nova and Blue gave their shield generators, and I activated them. We were dropped a few hundred metres away because I wanted them to feel good about sneaking up and destroying this operation.

Tom hid behind bushes and trees forgetting that he was invisible. Patty did the same. Only the small containers they carried were seen. What was I to ruin their game? So I just remained quiet and let them be commandoes.

It was getting quite dark and they ran to the side of the house that the soft wind was blowing. "You stay here Tom. In exactly thirty seconds release the gas."

"Ok Henry," he said with more pride than usual, and I could see the start of a smile in my mind.

Patty and I ran to the barn and as I counted down to 30 she gleefully released the contents of the cannister. The air silently entered the open window. Mom overhead just turned on her sonic generators and all the inhabitants went to sleep.

"We get everybody Mom?"

"Yes we did. I have been doing some scanning of the surrounding property, and see what I believe, are graves."

This stopped the game for me, but I tried to keep going for the sake of Patty and Tom.

The barn contained individual cages for about thirty people. Eleven were now full. Mom's probes came in and inspected each of the captives. Physical and sexual abuse was the most common, but also the usual drug dependencies and venereal diseases were common. My plan called for all of them to remain sleeping, till the police came. This would force us to give only some of the help they desperately needed.

Medical probes came next to do what they could, to make the rest of their lives less of an ordeal. All the older girls and even the two wounded captives came to see what was happening. Our young, less mobile gent, was in a grav chair pushed around by Samantha. Samantha was wide eyed so, her sight must have been repaired to.

There were two guards here, one was sleeping, while another had been watching TV. Samantha walked over and then held back by Blue. "He is not worth it. He will get everything he deserves. Henry would not let it happen any other way." Samantha must have been getting the hang of mind speech for she let Blue lead her out the door to the house.

The house was very big and looked very comfortable. It looked quite tidy for men, till I saw many naked children and young women chained to certain areas. The men, about seven, were in the large kitchen watching a football game and drinking when they went to sleep. One young boy was asleep in the crotch of a naked man, as he drank his beer.

The girls went around the house and counted ten others. Many were beaten very badly, and one had sores that were festering. Usually when this happened antibiotics were given, and if the person did not recover fast enough, he or she was disposed of in the back field.

I descended the steps to check the basement, and when others started to follow, I sent them to the top floor. The basement was made up like a Hollywood tortures chamber and had served the same purposes for I could smell burnt flesh and old blood all over. It would be better for me to check this place first. Turning a corner, I saw another room with an old time oak door with black iron on the hinges. Inside on one wall hung a boy of eleven or so. The door was unlocked and I rushed in. He was badly abused.

"Mom! I need some medical help here now," I said almost as if I were yelling aloud.

This time the girls did come down with the help required and just stood outside the room. I looked for keys and didn't remember seeing any. "Chris, you and Secric look for a large key. The rest of you go search upstairs. It may be in one of the men's pockets."

Chris brought me a large ring of keys, and I had to keep trying till I found one that worked. The shackles around the boy's thin arms and legs finally parted. There was no way a young boy like this could put up a fight. What use would there be to do this?

Getting the last manacle undone, I raced through the house and then outside with the boy in my arms. We were immediately hoisted into sick bay. Mom worked on him with all of her resources, while I paced back and forth. The boy was going to make it, but I was sure he would grow up, a warped individual.

He had many small burns all over his body, reminiscent of cigarette burns inflicted on prisoners. There were no areas left untouched in their quest for pain at the boy's expense. Susan came in with Nova and looked at the child.

"I am going to look some more. I know he won't wake up soon, but have someone stay here just in case."

Susan said, "I will stay. You go and finish up."

The room in the basement proved to have a cut out wall, that had hidden professional quality cameras behind them. I could see now how some sick pervert would buy this type of... I had no name for it. This was evidence and I did not want to disturb any of it.

When I compared the house above to the foundation walls, I knew that there was no hidden rooms here. Upstairs I found nothing special, except the computer.

"Mom will you see what you can do with this computer. It would be nice to see who they have been communicating with."

Mom searched the minds of the sleeping men to get the passwords. It was a good thing, because explosives were hidden inside the machine to destroy it, if even one mistake was made.

"I am done Henry. There are many leads to other groups that kidnap the people, and distribute the films and DVDs. A well encrypted file tells of people that will buy the children, if they are not too abused."

"The printer is on now. Print all the instructions for the police to get at the data safely. How is the boy coming?"

"His wounds will heal soon Henry."

"The visible ones anyway. Mom is there something we can plant on all the captives so that we will know where they are all the times, without Earth technology finding them?"

"There are many, some can transmit a lot of data, while some will only give location. What would you like?"

"Use the ones with the most feedback. I think after we bring this ring down, we are going to have to rescue them again from Earth's best intentions." Taking the ring down did present a problem. The local law enforcement was paid not to visit, and anything found would be hushed up. I was in favour of just calling government officials and make all kinds of threats. It wouldn't take long till we had and army of different government law enforcement agencies here trying to take me into custody or shoot first and ask later.

Susan's idea of calling TV news show hosts, and tell them about it, would get the ball rolling too, but seemed a little slow for the captives, and our schedule.

With the trade-offs between each kind of response I could only see a mix that would work. "Mom will you use the computer to search the internet for the major networks news shows. I want to send pictures of what is happening here and mention kidnapping, so that the FBI will be forced to get involved. With pictures of the farm, it's location and the hidden graveyard, it would be hard for anybody to say they didn't know. If you can find personal telephone numbers, then the story will even be better."

"I will try, but the connection is very slow."

"I know Mom, but I don't want the military here looking for us too."

"Why can't we just free these people?" Susan demanded.

Mom stepped in and tried to help me, "Henry is trying to get the authorities to clean up this mess. Very few societies condone slavery and absolutely none of the civilized ones do."

"Susan, we are treating them where they lay and though not the best, it is considerably better than what our hospitals can give them. When the police finally come, I just want it to be impossible to put a lid on this affair."

None of the others really agreed with me, and I couldn't blame them in a way. I just went through the house trying to do the best job I could do, for the slaves on the floor. At least now, they were disease free and could start on the long process to healing. The wounds would have to leave, so they could heal naturally.

I walked outside and after a five minute walk, Mom showed me the lonely graveyard. There were no markers and I would have to assume the diggers would not be too sure of the particulars. Only Mom's sensors would ever let me know they were here. In a way, it was a nice setting for a final resting place. The trees were old and majestic, and the grass was thick and rich, even now in October. The air was clean with only the scent of wood smoke. The place reminded me of life, and not the abrupt end it. There was just no place to morn, for the young individuals interred just within the edge of the wood lot.

"The information was transferred Henry. Would you like the phone numbers now?"

"No, I just need you to call those numbers, and if the responses are good tell them personally what is happening here. Tell them how some people will try to covered this up. The cellphones can be used for this and to inform the state police of kidnapping and murder. It shouldn't take more than a half hour to get their attention."

Mom made the calls and they were treated as a joke till Mom told them to check with the Kentucky state police, and see if there was a call.

I sadly helped Tom, Samantha, Patty and the wounded Michael into separate cages in the barn. All of us were a little heartbroken and having to abandon our friends, but this was the only way. This was best done quickly and before they could cry more. I deactivated their shields and they fell asleep. The probes entered the cage and manoeuvred around their heads for about two minutes, till Mom said, "It is done."

The young boy, I picked up in my arms, and hugged him to me. It was hard to leave him to what was going to happen soon. I put him back in the room, but only placed the manacle intended for his ankle on his wrist. Only the scarring internally and externally were evident to me, but they were so very clear.

The rest of the captives were re-chained in the basement. The air might not be too healthy, on the main floor soon.

Three local and one state police cars came up the drive. Two officers in kevlar vests approached the house. Mom shut off her generators only seconds before.

As they approached the open door, I fired a shot out an open window to give them cause to enter and search. The gang was just coming to their senses when they were tackled and cuffed. A search for the shooter, found the naked captives in the basement instead.

I watched Lt. Mulford the highest ranking local cop present. His mind came clearer and clearer, he wanted to destroy the contents of the computer. He had been getting a monthly paycheck to keep this place safe. He had even come here on occasion to get his rocks off, and knew just what to do. This couldn't be allowed to happen. His Sargent, actually gave me the answer when he looked at the children that looked near death in some cases.

"Mom will you make a hologram of a young girl, and accuse Mulford of being one of the bad guys. If he gets the computer to himself, it will disappear."

"I have the projectors ready. Tell me how you like this performance."

As the computer finished booting up a small dark haired girl with a bloodless complexion entered the room clad in a small torn cotton nightdress. She walked up to the lieutenant and asked, "Why are you trying to destroy the story of how all the children are killed?"

The cop was a little upset at being caught but decided to brazen it out. "Mac, will you take this little girl away, and put her with the rest."

"Sure." The man came forward to help his superior, while the man tried to trip the software into destroying the machine.

The little girl yelled, "No!" Her hand came up, and Mom's tractor from the open window behind her. She shot the lieutenant through the room and out, into the hall, to crash into the far wall with a resounding crash.

The cops stopped everything they were doing and looked at the cute ten year old girl. "He is a bad man, trying to make the computer explode. The other bad men here paid him to help. Protect the computer, and it will show you where we are all buried." She finished her monologue and walked toward the distant graveyard, and right through a chair and into the wall. I think most of them caught the word 'we' when she uttered it.

This was done so well, that even I got the shivers. The state police ran over to the computer, and shut it down, before taking charge of the computer. Instructions were then given to lock the device up in the trunk of their car. A guard was even placed on it.

The captives were being brought up from the basement, and given water for their dehydrated condition. Sheets, old clothes or anything that could be found, was used to wrap them up. Frantic calls went out for ambulances and more important people to handle the situation. The captives were all dazed and clustered around each other for protection.

Mom called to say, "The two men in the barn were able to escape, and are now running toward the river, where they can ford it easily at a train bridge."

"Just bring the little girl back, and have her tell the state cop about it."

The girl appeared outside the room, so as to not frighten the already petrified young people. This time she slowly descended an invisible elevator and walked over to a stunned Sargent Driscoll. "There are two bad men running to the old train bridge. You should send somebody to catch them. They like hurting the people, while they were in the cages." At least four other cops saw and heard her before she simply disappeared like the ghost she portrayed.

Sargent Driscoll and his partner ran outside to report the escape and probable destination. Being a devote Baptist, he knew the value of faith. Now was one of the times he called all of it to him, to try to cope with the little girl. She was as strong as a horse and could walk through walls and disappear.

Mom decided to speed things up. The girl appeared between the two men and her tractors picked them up, as if a strong girl did the duty. They flew no more than one minute, and the men stopped before the train bridge. The sound of running feet made them forget their mode of transport, and they hid behind some large trees nearby. The men from the barn stopped dead, at seeing the spectral form of a little girl, and brought up their guns.

The girl said, "Give me your guns," and Mom's tractors again wrenched them from their hands. The cops were right behind now, and the thugs gave up now, because their opposition was armed. A very strong ghost of a little girl factored in very prominently. The cops were uneasy about getting another ride, and the little girl just disappeared, frightening the two fugitives much more than the state police officers.

I saw that the situation was well in hand now. In the distance, I saw a long line of cars approaching, with lights flashing and sirens screaming their urgency. "Susan, do you want to call it a day? I think most of you are sleepy now. Let's have the birthday supper tomorrow?"

Susan had glassy eyes from all the excitement, in the last eleven hours. She had killed a few animals and did not seem too worried by the consequences. Secric was a little more subdued about her actions, but I felt would not loose much sleep over the incident.

"Yes, I am a little bushed. When this is cleared up a little. Why go home? We can sleep here, whether we are parked in the base or not."

I had just killed 83 employees of Mecholov and his patrons. There was no problems with my conscience at all. It was just like calling in an air strike on an enemy position. There would be a giant yellow, and white light from the napalm. The end result was the same. The cleansing fire did help my soul.

Chris was the only one that was feeling bad still. She had recovered some by helping her new friends, but it felt bad to be leaving them after such a short time.

Mom kept watch as we got ready for bed. In our large bedroom I made love to Chris first, for she was the one that needed the attention most. The rest of the girls, even those asleep, woke up to enjoy the feelings of love and continuation.

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Different Love Part III

First of all, sorry to the people who was waiting that long for another installment of my stories. I'm passing through a very complicated moment of my life so I don't have enough time to write, specially write in english, as it consumes four times more than I spend while writing in portuguese. This is the last part, at least for now, as I don't know if I'll be able to continue writing or have inspiration to do another installment for this one. I'm probably posting a last part for two...

3 years ago
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She called herself Dang Fu

She was a perfectly ordinary Danish girl with an ordinary Danish name who was adopted, from Korea. She was 24 years old, lived a perfectly normal life, had a standard 2 room apartment in a boring Copenhagen suburb and she worked part-time in a local supermarket while she was studying pharmacology at the university. Then one day (and she never knew where it came from), she began to play with the idea of changing her persona and her personality. Not for ever, just for a few hours at the time, to...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 7

I was aware that sex was becoming my sole reason for living, going from one sex act to another, but I couldn't control my desire, I didn't even want to. For so many years I'd missed out on affection and physical love. Now I knew what had been missing all my life and I was determined to make up for it. The sex with Alan that afternoon went, as I knew it would. As soon as I got back, with very little conversation, he threw me on the bed, pulled my knickers to on side and began hammering his...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Petethe last of my 3

Sitting back on my feet I was surprised when my realtor took his cell.Hitting speed dial he just smiled at me.He was quite a sight.Sitting there legs spread.That long cock of his hanging down,totally spent,still shiny with my saliva.Bob?,Aaron,I'm at his house now,just got one hell of a BJ.Says he loves a good throat fuck and would love to take you on.I went down to all 4's licking the big head teasing him.Listening to one side of the conversation,I wanted another cock.Can he take 2 in one day?...

3 years ago
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Dads Dating AdviceChapter 14

Monica Travers had grown up in Wide Ford and was a very typical young woman, from the Wide Ford point of view. That did not mean she was typical, from the viewpoint of the wider world, however. She was pretty, in a plain way. With some makeup she could have been beautiful, but makeup cost money and her mother couldn’t afford it. Her childhood had been carefree. There was practically no crime in Wide Ford. One reason for that was that the only bar in town had burned down and the closest liquor...

3 years ago
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Destiny Interlude A Summer CruiseChapter 2

I had talked a good game to the girls, mostly to keep them from worrying, but I had a major problem. I might be able to handle myself in a fight, but finding two people in an unfamiliar city wasn't something I was trained for, or had any idea how to do. Eddie had told me where he'd last seen Charlie and Sandy, as best as he had been able, but sadly, that was pretty limited. It seems the trio had set off into the slums with little or no plan and no real sense of direction. They hadn't made...

2 years ago
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Mollys Erotic Gift To Antonio

"Get up... Sleepyhead!" Molly whispered sexily, as she leaned over her sleeping husband, running her soft little fingers through his black hair as she kissed his warm lips. A few minutes later, a sleepy Antonio joined her in their bright kitchen. She had fixed his favorite breakfast of ham and eggs. Once she had served him—Molly couldn't wait to ask. "Honey... , what is this Friday evening thing Janet was talking to us about at the Beach Party yesterday? Is it anything like what went on...

4 years ago
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Wife Touches Buddy 4

My wife and I had just finished a hot fuck session and were lying in bed. We discussed all the fun we had with the other couples. Then we got to the part about the double hand job she gave me and my buddy Anthony late one night on the back deck. All three of us had played around before, but never on that level. This was a perfect opportunity to really get a feel for her experience. She said she thought it was hot to have two men all turned on and excited over her. I asked her if she would do...

1 year ago
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My Boner Against The World Ch 02

My Boner Against the World – Part II Captain Gordon Chase stood at the base of the large cave, he sighed as he let out the smoke from his cigarette. The smoke swirled and seemed to be eaten by the darkness of the cave. His large afro swayed in the wind contrasting his motionless body. ‘They must have gone ahead sir.’ Said Agent Liz as she moved in front of him. ‘I know.’ ‘We also found the corpses of John’s entire unit.’ ‘Ah… I see… Well let’s go then.’ ‘Yes sir.’ Liz turned around and...

3 years ago
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This is a true story that happened about three years ago. It was a Friday night and I had no plans, it was getting late but I didn’t want to stay in so I called a friend who I knew would be up for doing something – Glynn. We decided I would go to his place, as he had bought some weed, I wasn’t much a smoker so I brought a bottle of Jack Daniels with me. I arrived at his front door and could hear the heavy metal blasting out of his room. I knocked at the door expecting him not to hear, but he...

2 years ago
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Into the AbyssChapter 7

I stood at the doorway and held the door for my wife. If she planned to shock me, she couldn't have done a better job. She was the last person I expected to see. "I'll use the guest room...for now," Susan announced. "Of course, I'll be moving my things into your room as they arrive. By then we'll be sharing the same bed again." What the fuck was she thinking? That she could cut me of from sex for five years and then suddenly announce that she felt like sleeping with her husband again? If she...

Love Stories
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Briannas MasterChapter 3 More Training

Brianna woke the next day disoriented. She couldn’t move her hands. Where was she? Then the horror of the previous day came back to her. She had been sold, sold! And the horrid man who had bought her had humiliated her and then fucked her! And to her shame, it had been the best fuck of her life! She had never experienced such pleasure before! At the end, she had even begged him to fuck her! And he had filled her pussy full with his cum! He may have already fucked a baby into her the way that...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 507

A comment from the ‘Shy One’ Duckie’s opinion of social media. (From NCIS fame) A social cesspool of questionable behavior How true!!! This is an information piece from the ‘Shy One’ read it with care!!! Will Canada Build a Wall ... You Bet... The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal American immigration. The Republican presidential primary campaign is prompting an...

1 year ago
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First LoveChapter 6

They'd first started going out freshman year. She'd been together with this guy, Danny, since about the first week of school. She really liked Danny. Danny was fairly inexperienced as far as dating went, but she didn't know that, you wouldn't from the way he acted. Plus, he was gorgeous. Essentially, he broke up with her. It wasn't that he didn't like her. Actually, he liked her a lot. The problem was, he didn't know what to do with her. Should he call her every night? Eat lunch with...

2 years ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 12 Paradiso

Cool autumn rain pitter-pattered on the cobblestone walkway as James hurriedly followed Bayonetta to her new lair. They jogged from the car park to the entrance of a classy looking, unfamiliar apartment building. By the time they reached the lobby their leather and latex clad bodies were glossy and dripping. It was almost refreshing after their time in the wasteland. The rain served to wash off the residual dust and grime of the desert. The woman sitting at the front desk glanced up at...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 70

"Where have you been?" I finished dialing my combination, opened my locker, then looked up at Robbie. "You're talking to me today?" Robbie blushed. "I figure we're on the same team. Short and second are neighbors. We're going to set a state record for double plays this year, so I have to talk to you." I nodded and put my backpack in my locker. Robbie waited almost a minute while I got out my books for first period. "So where have you been? I mean, you were around for spring...

2 years ago
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The Pixie

I didn’t know what her problem was, but I was grateful she was having one. We were both grateful. She sat between us on the train and laughed at our dumb jokes, let us get as close to her as we wanted, was touching us a lot. I had my arm on top of her seat, practically around her shoulders, and she didn’t mind. My buddy Eric would touch her thigh every time he made a joke and she’d laugh and touch his hand.My buddy kept giving me these looks. “She’s ready to party,” his wide-eyed look said....

4 years ago
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Friendly Massage

The lake was excellent. We all swam around and had a good time, and I got to see Victoria in nothing but a bikini. Her wet body glistened in the sun like a goddesses. Her skin was smooth all over, and I could tell all the guys there longed to have a piece of it. After swimming, we all went our separate ways and headed for home. Victoria lived in the same community as me, so we decided walk home together. Victoria wore a pink bikini under a wet wife beater shirt that clung to her body....

3 years ago
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Mailroom Girls

Her name was Kirsten Allen, but at work she was simply "Mailroom Girl #12."  Her work uniform was an armband and nothing else.  Her job duties were simple: she was to deliver mail and to be barefoot and nude while she was at it.  Her armband held a company iPhone.  She wasn't allowed to use it, rather it served as an electric leash that gave her assignments and dictated her movements.  She'd just finished her assignment so her armband displayed her number on a kelly green field, signifying her...

2 years ago
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My Stepmother And Me

I woke with a start as the front door slammed shut. I lay for a minute, listening, and I heard my stepmother moving around the house. She was late again and from her slurred voice, I knew she was drunk again. She had been drinking an awful lot these last few months after my dad had left with a younger woman. Now it was just my stepmom and me, and I guess I wasn’t much company for her. I was in my last year of high school. It looked like I would have to find a job when I finished, instead of...

3 years ago
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To Whom It May ConcernChapter 6 Conscripts and Recruits

David lay in bed tossing in his sleep; He chose to spend the night sleeping instead of using the training chamber at Dr. Jones's Request. The doctor felt it would be best to let Spaz's and his minds concentrate on recovery after the procedure to repair his shoulder and Spaz's legs and spine, than on training. He woke suddenly to the sounds of alarms; He quickly sat up in his bed and looked around the room. It took him a few minutes to get his bearings and determine where he was. "Lanvy...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E16 Zara Vudovic 49 from Colchester

We’re in darkness, then there’s a heavy clicking sound as a switch is flicked, and our regular bedroom set lights up. It’s as grim and depraved as ever. That stained mattress, the rusty bed frame. No sheets, no blankets, no pillows – just that dirty fucking bed – sitting in a pool of light, in the middle of a concrete floor. We hear a door open off camera, and then the slight, muffled, “In here...?” – then, the same voice adds – “Okay...” – and we hear footsteps approaching – flat, slight...

2 years ago
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Peep My LovelyChapter 3

They talked for two hours. He confessed his affair with Tammy, and admitted his confused feelings, still protesting his love for Sarah. She told him that she had enjoyed fucking more with both he and Billy since the peeping fantasies had begun, as though her mind heightened her passion. They agreed that whatever was missing in their marriage, the best course was to see where these games led. "What's she like, this Tammy?" "She talks dirty, like you did tonight. She seems to want me...

4 years ago
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Earning a little extra Part 1

“Please, forgive me for speaking out of turn Mistress, but is everything okay?” I asked. She lifted her bare feet from my back, placed them on the floor, and then sat forward in her seat. “Turn to face me slave” I turned my body to face her in a kneeling position, being sure to keep my body cowered and my head below hers - it was not appropriate for a slave to have their eyeline above that of their Mistress. She raised her right hand and slapped me hard across the face. It stung like...

2 years ago
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Wifes Dog Two

Introduction: Lisa finds more cocks, Dog and human Story: My wife loves her dog part 2 I have to say that the ride from the mountains was the most unusual that I have ever had. Lisa and the big dog, she had decided to call him Russ because she said that he was like a Russ to her. I knew better, Russ was an old roommate of ours that was in love with Lisa. He and Lisa dieverything but actually fucking. I agreed that she could call the dog Russ. Lisa and Russ kissed each other till we were down...

2 years ago
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Widow Aunty

Hi everybody, welcome to you all. Read my real sex story and enjoy. I’m not that good in English. If any thing wrong please forgive me. I’m Hemant 28 yrs guy, 5.9 in height. Brownish skin with good physic. Live in Delhi. This is my first experiences. This happened last month. Next to my house stays a good looking Aunt by name Neha who is 40 yrs old and she is a widow and she has two twin daughters. . She is white skin have sexy milk boobs and well shaped body. Approx weigh is 59 kgs. Was...

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late workout

i'd seen tyrone quite a few times at the gym & hadn't really given him a 2nd thought, but when i bumped in2 him in the showers the other day & saw him naked 4 the first time, i couldn't think about anything else. or i should say, i couldn't think of anything besides that long thick piece of dark meat that swayed heavily between his muscular legs. his huge flaccid cock was over 8 inches long & very thick & it made me horny just imagining what it would look like when it was fully...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Journey 8211 Part 13 Virgin Cousin Sagun fucked

My virgin cousin Sagun ran towards her room to grab her phone so that she could call her parents. I was there sitting in the living room praying that her parents won’t be home today. The anxiety took my cock back to its original shape, as Sagun walked inside the room talking on her phone. She was just saying, “Okay..ummmm..okay, ” and I was getting anxious. My cousin hung up the phone and sat beside me. I just couldn’t take my eyes off her thighs as she held my shoulder and said, “They said...

1 year ago
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Maggies Family Part 4

Maggie was getting hotter and hornier the closer she got to home. She eventually parked the car and walked into the house. Mike was sitting in the lounge watching TV and David had just walked out of the kitchen with Molly.“Hi mum,” David shouted, with a little grin on his face.Maggie ignored him and walked into the lounge, David and Molly followed her, not knowing what was going on, but they knew that look. Maggie looked straight at Mike; her hands on her hips.Mike saw the stern look on her...

3 years ago
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Daniel 2 Timestop Subway

Mary stood nervously on the platform. She had missed her usual train, having stayed back with some friends for a post work drink, and now it was just after nine thirty, and dark. There were fewer people on the platform than usual, probably due to the late hour, she didn’t often ride this late, Jack, her husband didn’t like her to ride the subway at night, he had heard so many tales of women being molested on trains. Mary hadn’t told him, that that had been one of her most precious fantasies....

2 years ago
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My best friend my best friends friend and I

Writer's note: this is a real story, not fictional, only names of girls are changed for privacy reasons. Enjoy!My name is Dave. I’m a normal, regular college guy. I have a girl best friend – yes man-women friendships are possible and very beautiful! Her name is Doris. She is a brunette, has a very cute face and a great body. She helped me a lot when I broke up with my girlfriend. We spend a lot of time together, go to cinema, to night clubs, almost every day drink coffee at our favorite pub… We...

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The first time I ever squirted

Well I can tell you the first time I ever squirted it was a huge shock to me!!! As my fantasies were evolving overtime I was getting more and more turned on. I could literally feel my pussy open wide for my husbands cock while he was plowing into me. My clit would swell up squelching and dripping with my pussy juice....and the best thing of all was my hubby was more than happy to indulge me with these fantasties and I with his :-) This particular night I was playing porn star on a live cam show...

1 year ago
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Ahh Lochy Part 6

The water felt nice on my feet. It was really the only thing keeping me coherent with reality. The cold sea water and the slight waves rolling back and forth dampening the bottoms of my shorts before returning to dampen them again. Here, on this long but winding beach you can see a fair distance in both directions along it and the Esplanade, a road the travelled along the length of the beach was just as visible so you could imagine how weird I looked when I was constantly looking up...

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