Buying silky panties
- 3 years ago
- 40
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Things were getting organized in the show ring. Marines were checking CAP cards and putting sponsors in the stands while another group was setting up the same holographic projectors that Meredith had seen in use at the amphitheater. SGT Holden had detailed Ed and Mike and six other soldiers to guard the stock pens -- one of which was where the more or less excess male population was being gathered. There was a second pen where people of both sexes who had no apparent interest in the proceedings were being gathered -- but that pen was bleeding out periodically...
"Cindy, if you go over there and put yourself on display and don't get taken, don't come back!" Jack Tillotson erupted.
"Don't you care about the boys?" Cindy, a dishwater blonde woman in her early thirties retorted. "Would you rather they were eaten by those things?"
"It'll be all right -- I'll protect you!" Jack swore.
"Yeah, sure..." Cindy shook her head.
"Cindy, please! I'm begging you!" If she went up there, even if she came back down he would be mortified. He loved her; it would be difficult, but he couldn't wear that kind of horns... Maybe if he did some serious begging... "I love you! Please!"
Cindy eyed her husband sadly. "If you loved me, you'd peddle your ass over there and elbow a couple of those hunks aside and get a woman's attention! They're much more likely to take us both!"
"What have I got that is gonna make that work?" Jack asked.
"Sell her the truth! You want to get your wife and kids out of here!" Cindy retorted. "Make it sad and romantic!"
"There have to be others..."
"Not if you get there first!"
"All right!" Jack headed for the gate. Cindy watched him go, sadly. With him it was all about his fragile ego. He would try -- and probably fuck it up -- but to be fair, she would give him a while to make it happen before she went over and committed the act that would end their relationship...
Lisa gazed up at the stands; Ed told her that there were probably two hundred fifty guys up there now. The implication was that she might want to take her chances in the ring -- something that was NOT gonna happen! Ed had already proven to be the guy she wanted -- and he understood about Mindy, which made things even better. No, she would stay right here...
A lot more Marines had surfaced, herding people here and there as gently as they could; some got stupid, and the stupid got zaps from the little guns the Marines carried and ended up out cold on the ground. Like a lot of herds, that kind of object lesson was plenty for the average member, and people were cooperating, generally. Behind her, there were two pens -- one for guys who wanted to get seen by female sponsors, and one for people who weren't interested in going -- but Lisa was watching the ring...
A Marine stood there with a microphone as a somewhat chubby bleached blonde girl stepped over to the circle in the dirt that someone had drawn to indicate the holographic projector's focal point. "All right, guys, this is -- what's your name, Honey? Chelsea. As you can see, she's built for lugging kids. CAP score is three point seven -- looks like she's a little weak on sex drive, but will make a good mother. Got any kids, Honey?" Chelsea shook her head no. "Hold still -- we're gonna show off your good points!" Chelsea wasn't the first girl displayed; already, they'd gotten the hang of spreading their stance so as to display their pussies. Chelsea locked her knees and lifted her chest to make her best impression and the projector displayed the three hundred sixty degree view. "All right!" the Marine bellowed. "Any takers?"
And that's where the trouble manifested itself again. A dozen hands went up and there was no viable method of sorting out who wanted Chelsea the most. "This isn't working," Ed observed.
"Yeah. No money," Lisa agreed.
That was the problem -- or, at least, one way of looking at it. There was no way to separate the mildly interested from the very interested. At an auction, you give up something -- money -- to pay for the stock you buy; here, nobody had any money, so everyone was on an equal footing. Nobody had a budget; nobody had anything to lose. The only differentiator was the fact that some guys needed six women and some only needed two -- and that just wasn't enough. Gunny Phelps -- Ed's platoon sergeant -- called his colleague in the sales barn, "We got trouble down here -- everybody wants everybody."
"Same here. Every chick we put up starts an hour-long argument," Gunny Sinclair agreed. "We need something that'll make them think..."
Ed was watching the mess unfold. "There has got to be something..."
Mindy popped up with, "Momma always tells me, 'If you take this, you can't have that... ' or 'If you do this now, you can't do that later... ' I dunno..."
It was the most Mindy had said at one burst since Ed had known her; he wanted to take it seriously, but couldn't see how it helped... "Thanks, but I don't see what we're gonna tell them they can't have..."
"Other girls?" Lisa blurted.
"If you get this one, you can't bid on the next one..." Lisa was still working on it.
"Someone would have to keep track," Ed mused.
"AIs can do that," Mike grunted.
"Agreed," the AI interjected.
Ed shifted to comm. "Sarge, we've got an idea." He explained quickly.
"Might work -- or at least narrow things," SGT Holden agreed. "Good work, Colon -- I'll bump it up the chain." He called Gunny Phelps. Phelps passed the idea to Sinclair, who said, "Hang on -- we've got an expert here." Turning to the auctioneer, he laid out the idea.
"Yeah, that ought to fly -- gives them something to think about, anyway," the man agreed. "Then when you get it down to two or three you can make 'em pay for the rights to get up close and personal with the girl -- which ought to sort things out..."
Two minutes later, Gunny Phelps was briefing CPL Smith, the impromptu auctioneer at the show ring. Smitty put the plan on the PA, "Okay, this isn't working, so we're gonna try something new. You're gonna bid -- and you're gonna pay with the right to bid on the next girl -- or the next five, or whatever. Then it comes down to the question whether you want this chick bad enough to pass up being able to bid on the next fifteen -- any one of which could be better -- get it? If we come down to a pissing contest, then we'll take it over there and whoever is left pays -- oh, I dunno -- twenty-five options to feel her up and argue with the other guys who are interested. Worst case, we go by how many slots you have to fill versus how many you have total. Got all that? Okay, who wants Chelsea here bad enough to pass on the next two?"
Everybody froze, then a half-dozen hands went up, some very tentative. "I've got two, how about five?" Everybody stopped again to think, and the group narrowed to three. "I've got five, who'll give me ten?"
Somebody yelled out, "Can I see the video again?" Smitty waved at PFC Compton, who cycled the holographic projector to again display Chelsea's charms at several times life-size. "Yeah, I'll go ten," the man confirmed.
"Anybody else?" Smitty asked. "Going once, going twice, sold to -- hold up your CAP card to be scanned, Sir! -- sold to Mr. Frederickson for ten! Next!"
"Shit! It's working!" Ed grunted. The next woman went for ten, and the third for fifteen -- and in the process Mr. Frederickson got reminded that he couldn't bid for another eight rounds, which helped the whole thing sink in for others. About that time, the auctioneer took over at the sales barn.
"Works like gangbusters!" Gunny Sinclair told Gunny Phelps. "Great idea!" Things were finally rolling...
Things weren't smooth, by any means; in a bunch of cases, three or more sponsors were willing to go to ridiculous lengths for a particular hottie, so the side area where sponsors paid fifty options (they settled on fifty to discourage bidders) to go to do road tests and conduct a second round of bidding. A couple of times, Gunny Phelps had to wade in and adjudicate, usually based upon how many slots a sponsor had versus how many he had to fill; a guy with one slot available out of two was going to win such arguments, since the one girl was going to be a lot more important to him than to a guy who was going to have four and has two openings left.
Then there was the other end -- total embarrassment for a woman who could not collect ANY bids... "C'mon, guys! You've GOT to ship with SOMETHING, and you can always modify her to taste!" Smitty cajoled the first time it happened while one particular heavy, saggy-breasted thirty-something fake blonde (the pubes gave her away) sniffled in shame and humiliation. "The scores say she's a good fuck... Are you performance-oriented, Honey?" The crying woman nodded. "Okay, anyone want to test-drive?" It was decided that women who could collect no bids on the first pass would be allowed to volunteer to demonstrate their skills for the remaining audience (if there was one) and things moved forward. As time went on, turndowns happened regularly, which more or less guaranteed a second round for some of the women, at least. When you factored in all of the variables -- reductions in the numbers for the fact that while the overall population might be even OVER fifty percent female, ten percent of them were children and five percent (present at the fairgrounds) were over child-bearing age. Even a married sponsor with a minimum CAP needed one additional concubine (which took two out of circulation). Requirements for four or six -- or the very occasional eight -- women virtually ensured that the vast majority of the available female population of the fair was going to find themselves a concubine to SOMEBODY, especially when you figured in abstentions.
Shipping wasn't the usual ninety second exercise, either. Sponsors filtered to the transfer point basically one at a time as their orders were filled. The platoon sergeants tended to monitor the transport terminuses -- and they gave the advice, "Why don't you test drive that before you are stuck with it?" on a regular basis. The fair had provided a couple of nice tents with cubicles and mattresses in them for assignations, but that led to a tendency to relax and hold the cubicle after sex, so the Marines moved the mattresses outside to locations adjacent to the transport terminuses. It was a lot more public, but they were there for testing, not romance -- and it worked, from several perspectives -- not least being some embarrassing returns to the available pool for a few women...
Nowhere was better than this venue to make it obvious that CAP testing was heavily weighted in favor of traits exhibited most often by males; the ratio was 80/20 or so. But the flip side was the quantity of females being shipped as concubines, which more than made up the numbers. The situation allowed the female sponsors to conduct more normal meat-market operations in the male holding pens, rather than the auctions going on for females... Locally, Ed figured he had two hundred fifty or so males vying for the attention of thirty-eight women -- which was a LOT better odds than a standard pickup! Women tended to pop over directly into the sevens, too, which TECHNICALLY meant four slots -- but usually ended up as less...
Hilda Billings wasn't exactly huge -- more the tiny wren type -- but she had a lot of drive and a LOT of intelligence! Today was her day, and she was seizing it like a pit bull! "How many of you assholes are married?" she demanded. A shitload of hands went up. "How many of your wives are over there on the auction block?" That got similar numbers -- which made it a poor selection criterion. "How many of them aren't here at all?" That got a smattering -- maybe twenty. "Walk away, boys," she told them. "How many of you REALLY want your old lady with you if you can swing it?" Maybe sixty percent of the previous pool raised their hands. "How many don't?" The forty percent answered. "You that don't can hit the bricks, too -- no loyalty," Hilda declared. That left maybe forty. "All right! You're my pool! I've got four slots, but two men are more than enough! I'll make time for pregnancy, but I won't have time for motherhood -- if your old lady is a piss- poor mom, don't even bother... Line up here and sell me!"
Jack Tillotson took a swing -- and missed. "My wife is a good mom -- we've got two boys..."
Hilda's eyes narrowed. "Boys are a lot of trouble, aren't they?"
"Well, some, but..." Jack backpedaled. "They're more likely to..."
"Succeed?" Hilda filled in for him, glaring. "You're right, of course -- but I don't have to like it. Where is she?"
"Over there," Jack replied, pointing to the other pen.
"Why there? Why isn't she out trying to get her kids a ride?" Hilda demanded.
"I wouldn't let her..."
"You wouldn't let her." Hilda's expression said it all. "Next!"
Cindy could tell that Jack had blown it from a hundred feet. Sighing, she decided she would let him bounce off one more woman before she headed for the gate. After that, the stubborn bastard would just have to take his lumps...
Jack, having subsided visibly, muttered, "Actually, I begged her to wait and see what I could do..."
Hilda stopped talking to the next guy. "What was that?"
"I... begged her to wait. If I screw up, she'll go -- and I can't stand the idea," Jack related miserably.
Hilda eyed him. "Don't go anywhere -- we're not done yet."
The next ten minutes were godawful. Jack watched, sweating, while Hilda went through her other applicants -- positively settling on one guy. In the meantime, two other women examined him -- and passed. But Hilda came back...
She glared up at him, hands on her hips. "You're an idiot," she announced, "but it might be fun to house train you. Question is, how smart is your wife? She married you, which isn't a good sign, but..." Se eyed him for a moment. "Does she like girls?"
"Sorry?" Jack was afraid he understood her.
"Does she lick pussy? Has she ever slept with a woman?"
Jack turned dead white. He opened his mouth to provide the obvious answer -- that one that would salvage his pride -- but he knew better. Finally, he managed a toneless, "I don't know."
Hilda actually smiled. "That's the first intelligent thing you've said all day. Go ask her -- and bring me her answer."
Cindy was halfway to the holding area for volunteers, having finally given up when she watched what appeared to be Jack's third strike. "Jack, I'm sorry, but I can't stay here and watch aliens kill the boys to salve your pride," she told him, assuming that he was trying to cut her off.
"I-- There's a woman..." Jack stammered.
"I might have gotten someone. Maybe."
"Jack, I was watching, you know..."
"Then you saw her come back, right?"
"The little one." Jack pointed. Hilda was obviously observing them, hands on hips.
Cindy blinked. "Okay. What does she want?"
Jack took a breath. "She wants to know if... you've slept with girls."
Like most pantyboys, I was always ashamed to buy panties. I'd work up the nerve to go somewhere I knew would have great panties, where I'd know nobody there, and I'd get so hot looking at all the styles and designs I'd have a rock-hard erection the whole time, but when it came to actually buying them, I'd often chicken out. This is a story of one of the times I didn't, and how it paid off.It was a Saturday night, and I went out clubbing and got a good buzz on. I danced, socialized, drank, and...
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Recently I went out and was hanging out with some friends - it was a Saturday, and we had a great time. I parted later in the night from them all and was driving home, when the urge to get some lingerie hit me... I HAD to get some. It was foggy and kind of warm for a Michigan January night, and I stopped in a Meijer and hit the lingerie section right away. I saw quite a bit of cute stuff, but nothing that was instantly me. I kept looking (it was late, like I said, so not a lot of shoppers or...
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Buying Water as a Girl, or my first public outing This is an autobiographical work of non-fiction. Everything described here, in its detail, is true. Maybe one of the three people involved is reading this and recognizing themselves. If so, I'm sorry I lied to you. Drop me a line. To everyone else, enjoy. It's not the adventures some who are braver have had, but it was a thrill for me. ---- I sat in the car, breathing a little heavily, staring out the windshield at the Dunkin'...
It was August of 1992. Kelly and I were moving. I had taken a new job that was a few hours and a couple of states away. It was a big raise which made the move worth the effort. Nonetheless, it was hard to leave “home”.Kelly had her own job situation to deal with so as a result, I moved six months before Kelly was able to join me. It actually worked out okay as it gave us plenty of time to house hunt. Well, not entirely true. I was buried with the new job, so most of the hunting fell on Kelly...
Quickie SexI had never thought about buying new windows and having worked in the industry years ago I knew all the tricks but the events of today changed all that.I was alone in the house as Lisa had gone out with friends so I settled down in front of the PC to pay some bills and look at some porn and was losing myself when the doorbell rang, ‘who the fuck was that’ I thought to myself as I wasn’t expecting anyone so I pulled up my shorts and went to answer it totally unaware that I still had a boner.I...
Hello, enjoy this story and mail me on or My mother did it one day. I had no idea it was going to happen until it was already happening, and I had no choice but to go along with it. This is the best I can recall of exactly what happened during that forty-five minutes that in some ways will always stay with me. First off, let me tell you that my mother is a truly sexy woman, and we have been living secretly as husband and wife for years. She’s fairly well-off, and she has this thing she likes...
IncestAt Dad’s I hung out with Dad & my brother David at the grill. I saw Ashlynn arrive, but we both kept our distance. At dinner, Gina mentioned that she was happy that Ashlynn was getting additional call in work and some ‘bonuses.’ Ashlynn just shrugged, but she did give me that ‘lingering eye’ for a moment, and I understood. In fact it made me smirk. I was helping David put some things in his car before he left. As we were carrying it out, he asked, “Hey Big-Bro, why no arm candy? ...
A little after noon, my newly acquired family came over. They had listened well to their original instructions. They all had on their sexiest dresses. Sandy and Tiffany were showing lots of tit. Both of their dresses were very short, and barely covered their asses. Their hardened nipples were visible even through their bras and dresses. Beth was dressed much more modestly. Her smaller tits were fully covered and the dress came to just above her knees. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a...
I was a normal man and had dated many women. I found I wanted something special. I had devoted my life to my profession till now. Here I was 45 and I needed a wife to aide my career. But I did not just want any wife but a much younger woman like so many men get. I had recently come into a large inheritance and that had changed my life dramatically. My friend Sid told me about the Robert's Agency and I made an appointment. The office's were very upper class, all oak paneling in a well to do...
As we sat in the lounge, Jenny was finalising the quote on her iPad again sitting with her legs either side of her bag giving me another perfect view up her skirt and Lisa’s red panties, it was truly an awesome sight. The feeling of her own damp panties against my balls felt just as good and it was hard not to get aroused. “All done Frank” she said looking at her watch, “emailed to you and I will follow up with you tomorrow to see if you have any questions” she said with a smile. “Shall I call...
"What are you doing to my dad", a young girl’s voice screamed from behind me. It startled me and stopped my fist in mid swing as I jerked around towards the intruder. Standing in the doorway was a cute girl of about eighteen dressed in what appeared to be a school uniform of tan slacks and a white blouse. "What are you doing to my dad", she asked again with a fearful tremor in her voice."You must be Amanda", I greeted her as if I wasn't just about to beat her father senseless for embezzling a...
dylan_jonessounds like a fantacy come true........thank u that'd be fantastic!2:33 pm, February 8 SniffyPantyi don't have all those anymore... sorry.... but i have lots of tights, panties and nylons looking just like those. i will send you a real nice outfit:-smelly panties that i peed in-cum soaked pantyhose stuffed in my cunt-a pair of tights smelling of my ass, pussy and perfume all that for 50euro (free shipping and a set of pics included)i guess you will look amaizing dressed in my dirty...
As the waiter led me to the table I wondered again about the phone call I'd received that Morning. "Mr. Dalton?" "Yes" I replied. "My name is Jason Hargrove. I work with your wife and I was wondering if you could spare some time to discuss something that concerns her." "What is this about Mr. Hargrove?" "I am at work right now and I can't really talk about it on the phone. Would it be possible for you to meet me for lunch today? Say around noon?" I checked my planner and saw...
Copyright© 2004 It's a hundred dollars to use the sex machine in the public restroom. Insert a couple of fifty-dollar coins into the payment slot to remain anonymous, though of course it's more convenient to just let the data terminal do a neural scan and auto-debit your account. A hundred bucks buys ten minutes. Upon payment approval, the mirror slides back, revealing an oval opening. Depending on the option chosen, the window gives access to either bare buttocks or an erect penis....
Marissa Skomp and Dee Dee Whitaker were in the holding area for the auction at the ring, but they had held themselves back, watching the way things were going. Both of them had committed to this kind of thing in the past -- but it hadn't gone well. This particular method of selection was pretty anonymous; you didn't get to meet the person who won the bids face to face until after. They saw a number of women get serious surprises when their new sponsor came to claim them -- and more than a...
The next morning I woke late, I quickly looked in on Lisa and they were gone, room tidy and bed made, I was amazed. A note on the kitchen table read ‘Off out Dad, thanks for a great night, back later, love you, L xx’, I think the girls enjoyed themselves.I pottered about and had a quick lunch before deciding to lay out in the sun and read the paper, dressed only in my boxers I made myself comfortable not knowing exactly what time or if Jenny would turn up.I didn’t have to wait long as I heard...
This late afternoon, Clara was dressed in a very short denim skirt, with a tight sleeveless top. She was wearing a bra (likely a skimpy set in satin, because I told her I wanted her that way), and it’s lines were distinctly shown by the tight top Once in, I shut the door, and handed Clara that traditional envelope, and asked “Why are you here, Clara?” “I thought-“ she tried to reply. “You didn’t THINK, you acted Clara. Now tell me WHY.” Clara remained silent for a log moment, looking at...
I stepped in close, and gave the hem of Ashlynn’s shirt a tug. She slapped my hand away. “How do I know you haven’t already gotten some from Clara?” “Because up here it’s a fucking dredge, normally I work 12-16 hour days. Can’t blame a guy for taking the edge off.” I said as my tug brought success, and Ashlynn pulled the shirt off. I reached for her bra again, and again she slapped my hands away, "I can’t help but compare myself" Ashlynn said, “I’ve known Clara since we were kids,...
Ashlynn Luker was lying there, taking every bit of my dick. “Pinch your nipples” I told her, as I pumped steadily away. “UH-h-hh!” She moaned out loud, as she was pounded into again and again. Ashlynn was tugging her nipples as told, looking at me with a s slightly glassy look, mouth open. She was all but being bred, used as her buyer intended her to be, and it was apparent she liked it. A lot. I had been doing this to her long enough, so I changed it up. Going ‘all in’, I held,...
When I returned the lotion to the night stand, I was careful to flip the switch on my other two test cameras at the head board and the footboard. They had about 45 minutes run time, and that should be plenty. “Now Sweet,” I told her, “If you like this cock like you claim, I want you to get it hard, then I want you to ride me, starting reverse cowgirl, ok?” Being her ever submissive self, Clara said “Oh Yes Sir!” and sliding down a bit as I relaxed, she enthusiastically bent to her task,...
As always, the realities of that damn thing we call life got in the way over the next week and some. Soon enough though I found myself back at Dad’s place. To her credit, Ashlynn played it very cool, just being totally cordial in front of Dad & Gina. Actually my dick & my wallet both needed a break, so I just played it off as well, and enjoyed some time on the beach with the fam., hanging at the pool, and taking turns prepping dinner, the usual family stuff. Ashlynn and the baby were...
It was Clara that first took an envelope. With a large and audible gulp, Ashlynn picked up the other one, again repeating “I’m not into girls, “ then adding “we stop if I say stop, right?” I nodded, and smiled. “Yes, certainly. I can work with that. Now before I undress both of you, I want you to each step over to the side of the bed, and face the two large mirrors.” I had managed to discreetly flip my newly-installed switch by the door, (Need to change that though, I thought) then I...
When Ashlynn was naked, it was quite a sight, as her body was petite and lithe, except for her near-PAWG ass. She moved to the bed, down on her back, "This is too weird!" she said, and held a hand up where she didn’t have to look at me I pulled her to the edge of the bed and looked at her nice little pussy. The lips were pink and a bit swollen, and she had a large patch of dark pubic air above it. I touched it and rubbed it several times as she stared at the ceiling, having moved her had...
“I thought you had that little separate one down there?” She asked. “It’s being renovated and not ready yet,” I replied. With Ashlynn in, I handed her the envelope as last time. “what did you mean by ‘and then some?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at the cash. “Well, let’s see if you wore what I requested, then we’ll talk” I replied. Good girl Ashlynn was, under her t-shirt and short-shorts was the dark bright yellow, skimpy bikini secured via ties that was in one of her profile...
It was tough not to thrust my hips some more and dump my goo in Ashlynn Luker, one of the damn-sexiest pieces of ass I’d ever had, and the fact I was paying for that ass made it somehow even MORE erotic, step-sister be damned! Ashlynn was not dumb. She knew the deal, knew what was expected, and was OK with it. Ashlyn Luker had long ago decided that it was part of being bought, but even more so she felt safe to do this. As long as Johnathan Roberts (me!) went slow, she felt like it would go...
Mom died when David &I were very young, and Dad had basically raised me & my brother by himself. A few years ago though, with my younger brother & I busyin our careers, Dad remarried. I personally like the new wife, Gina. She wasn’t a gold digger, and was very caring and sweet to my Dad. But I have to admit, what impressed me more was my new ‘step-sister,’ AshlynnLuker. 5ft. /160cm at her tallest, with dirty-blonde, perfectly straight hair below her shoulders and a petite frame, weighing...
The flight with it’s connector really wasn’t too bad, and the drive thru the greenery of Upstate South Carolina (once off the Interstate) was relaxing. But the entire process of flight these days is such aggravation, that I was feeling “about half past dead” when I finally pulled into the Hilton. I had reason to feel better when I walked into the lobby, as I was surprised to find Ms. Ashlynn Luker waiting for me, smile on her face! It had been a few months since my step-sister, Ashlynn had...
I woke. The room’s king sized bed slept nice with a gorgeous woman into it. Another perk the Hilton should consider. A peek at the clock showed more than 5 hours had passed, and our room plus the hotel was very quiet. There was a small amount of distance between us, and I was able to ‘skoonch’ my arm out. When I did, Ashlynn rolled partly on to her back. To avoid disturbing this gorgeous sleeping woman (for the moment, heh-heh…) I moved very s-l-o-w-l-y until I was just where I wanted to be....
Rose and I were moving through a bad neighborhood outside of LA. Rose needed a big boost in power to be able to move to the next stage in her development (No, it's not leveling up in a video game. What? Okay, it's exactly like leveling up in a video game. Geeze, take a wonderful part of a young succubus's life and make into something cheap.) So we were hunting. There had been a number of police reports of young girls being abducted in this area. The best guess was that they were being held...
Elsewhere, teams moved into various positions. The plan was to herd everybody to a couple of locations and process them as quickly as possible, transporting 'family' groups as soon as they were created. As a result, the fairground perimeter was covered; there were three drones overhead to allow for subdividing things as necessary to maintain control. Captain McPherson, commander of Bravo Company, Second Battalion, Seventh Marine Brigade, made his way with his XO to the control booth from...
Beth Just a few minutes before ten, there was a soft knock on my door. Before answering it, I pushed the remote button that activated the camera system. Beth nervously stepped in when I opened the door. She was wearing a party dress similar to the one her mother had worn last Wednesday evening. It was low cut, buttoned down the front, and stopped about half way down her thighs. Beth had left the top two buttons open. She didn't have large tits. As a matter of fact, Brittany's tits were...
Tiffany had her seventeenth birthday party early that evening. In addition to her mother and sisters, several of her young girlfriends were there. Shortly before the party was scheduled to break up at about eight PM, I saw a strange car pull into their drive. Even though I had never seen him, I knew it was Tiffany's lowlife boyfriend. He was actually her ex-boyfriend. He just didn't know it yet. He seemed to have a bad attitude as he purposely walked up my neighbor's drive. Without even...
Beth and Brittany came over about an hour later. "Beth, strip and go get on my bed. I want to see your legs spread wide when I come in." "Yes Sir!" Beth grinned and hustled off to do as she had been told. "Brittany, did you like the new clothes you got today." I asked. "Oh yes! They're a little smaller than I'm used to, but they are real nice." "Good! I have one more thing to show you. Stay here." I left her in the living room while I retrieved her new uniform. When I returned...
I popped one of the little blue pills shortly before I expected Sandy and Tiffany. Sandy was wearing the same skimpy outfit she had worn earlier. Lucky for Tiff, it was well after dark when they walked over to my place. Tiffany was a knock-out in her corset. It was black with little pink bows just below each nipple. The bows rubbed on her nipples and kept them hard as stones. Her torso was firmly hugged by the body of the corset. It flared into a little ruffled skirt that caressed the top of...
After Tiffany and Sandy left I called Eddie. Eddie was a tattoo artist. I had met him at one of the strip clubs I used to attend. It so happened the Eddie owned and operated a tattoo and piercing shop located in the seedier side of town. "Hey, Eddie, how's it going?" I asked. "Not bad, but it's been a little slow since the economy took a dump. What's up with you? We haven't seen you at the club lately." "I've been rather busy. I've got several new lady friends. I may be able to...
Brittany came over to do her chores as soon as she got home from school. She striped and went right to work. As she finished making my bed, I gently patted her cute little ass. "Yum yum! That's going to be one tasty little ass and pussy some day." She asked, "Do we have to wait? Please Gary, I want to give myself to you now." "I know you do, Baby. Maybe your day will come soon. I have something special in mind for your first fuck." "Really! What is it?" The teen was...
I used my girls sparingly the rest of the week. The following Sunday, I had them come over for an early dinner. During dinner I allowed the teens to drink all the wine they wanted. The last glass of the evening contained more that wine. I had crushed a mild sedative and mixed it into each of the girls' wine. They were soon giggly from the buzz they had going. After dinner, I stood and spoke to them. "Girls, I want to ask you something. Have you noticed your mother has a "G" on her...
The following Sunday, I had a couple of buddies over to watch a ball game. Jim and Joe had been good friends before I came into my money, so I frequently paid when we went to the strip clubs together. When they showed an interest in a stripper, I'd pull her to the side and give her a nice tip to give my friend some real nice entertainment. Jim and Joe really appreciated the gifts. We sat enjoying a beer and bullshitting during the first half of what turned out to be a boring game. As half...
Gifts are the most valued factors in this world. Gifts carry smiles to each and everyone’s face and changes negativity into positivity. Everybody likes provides - whether old or younger, wealthy or poor. Purchasing a existing and receiving a existing are two factors which carry pleasures to ones center. Nowadays, there are many choices for a personal to buy provides for or their family members. The online provides web page has eased...
Max had only been up at the shopping complex for a short time, he wasn’t in the best of moods for the organization he belonged to had been losing members and he had been given the task of trying to boost membership. It was strange that membership was proving difficult for with all the publicity in keeping fit one would have thought that a cycling group would haven’t had difficulty, but then as he observed the passing public it was very noticeable that his age was very unfit and very fat. He...
Buy one, get one free By: Doctor Wankenstein Buy One, Get One Free One of my SEX IN THE 70's SERIES. Life was somuch simpler then, etc etc. Sex grew on trees. Post pill, before AIDS, what was there to stop us? My first fuck was when I was at school, I won't year or date it, but Itwas a one off, and after that I left school and started work, and I didn't get any more sex for three whole years. Bu when I did. ..... jees, her is the story. On a night out from work I met Sue. I was 18 she...
Buy one, get one free By: Doctor Wankenstein Buy One, Get One Free One of my SEX IN THE 70's SERIES. Life was somuch simpler then, etc etc. Sex grew on trees. Post pill, before AIDS, what was there to stop us? My first fuck was when I was at school, I won't year or date it, but Itwas a one off, and after that I left school and started work, and I didn't get any more sex for three whole years. Bu when I did. ..... jees, her is the story. On a night out from work I met Sue. I was 18 she...
“Well, aren’t you the cutest little Girl Scout?” he said to me. “I love the pigtails.”I couldn’t believe I actually did it! He seemed to like it, though. I found a way-too-short, sexy Girl Scout costume online and ordered it to surprise him. It came in yesterday. The thin green material really set off my red hair and the short dress showed half of my ass when I was walking erect. I had pondered wearing white cotton panties or my new lace designer thong, but I opted for nothing at all beneath...
Straight SexI was bored out of my mind and thought I would scan threw the latest eBay auctions. Most of the stuff was fairly normal kind of stuff, books, tvs, toys and the like, but then I saw one that reminded me of this video I had seen years ago. Even now I can't really remember the name, but I thought this had been the name. The title was Sex Slave Sale. So I placed a bid of 20 bucks. So I watched the item to see if anyone else bid. Someone raised the price to 22 bucks, but I really wanted it and...
Back in Don's room the three settled in to discuss the past two days. Diane was very sympathetic with Jenny wanting a baby. To Don's surprise she agreed with Jenny that Don would be the good choice to father the child since Joe couldn't. Both women laughed at him when they saw his jaw had dropped to his chest. Diane explained she had been exploring her feelings ever since Don had returned and wasn't hurt. At first she was sure her marriage was in trouble. Then she had been hurt that Don...
Eddie Hazel is your typical teen ager growing up in the southwest. He is considered medium complexion, in Texas anyway. He gets that from his dad, that worthless piece of shit that abandoned him and his mother. An alcoholic whose highest achievement is as an employed barber. He sees for himself the difference in character from his step dad; although it isn't uncommon, he is Caucasian and a career air force man. Aside from raising 2 k**s of their own with his mother, he has provided for and kept...
Crazy dream or can life really be this good, Ricky was the youngest of 4 k**s and was blessed or cursed with 3 older sisters all depending on how you look at it. From an early age he was treated with seeing 3 beautiful girls running around in various degrees of dress or undress. When they were young they would even bathe him, he was their own personal live doll. They would dress him up and he played along, not because he liked it but because they were nice about it. If he didn’t play along...
Almost a ten-day later, we arrived in the vicinity of Meridian and Tony recognized parts of the area. As he described it to others of the Jacks, they agreed that we had found a place through which they had traveled. They had originally followed the old I-20 track east this far. We met a group of traders that evening who had just come from the Jacks' territory. They reported that they had been asked to be looking for the missing party as they traveled. They were interested in knowing of the...
The next day I woke up around noon, giving me a little less than two hours to be showered, shaved, and ready for work. When I got out of bed, I spent about ten minutes while enjoying my morning cigarette, deciding whether the night before had been a dream. "It was too odd," I thought. "these things don't happen to me." Finishing the cigarette, I rose from the bed, still in the nude. I stumbled to the bathroom, and gathered the necessities for my shower. Before I knew it, I had showered,...
Brooklyn Gray, a beautician, is giving London River a new hairstyle while London’s husband, Charles Dera, waits nearby. Brooklyn sees how bored Charles is and offers to give him a massage in the meantime — on the house. Although Charles is hesitant, London encourages him to go ahead since her hair is going to take a while to set yet. Finally, Charles accepts and Brooklyn starts to give him a shoulder massage. As she does, London remains seated nearby, though she soon puts in earbuds...
xmoviesforyouI was hurt but not injured. I rolled my shoulders and stretched out my arms as I climbed to my feet. “Hello! Xiomara! Girls!” I shouted up but I knew there had been at least two floors below me when my grip had slipped. The air cut apart noise long before it could reach them. “Shit.” I felt around and assured myself that I was still in the little outcropping off the path. I was and I wasn’t. I was in the half octagon that was the indent but the hallway ran into it as a dead end, not...
Well, I’m back with another new experiences written on behalf of Rita. This one is a good one. You won’t believe how this thing ends..As you know, I am a working girl. That is a nice name for a hooker. I am a very wealthy lady, but I am tired of men having sex with me for my money. Instead, I have decided to have sex with men and charge them money! Oh, the irony of life.I haven’t talked about it, but I have been married. I’m not sure the son of a bitch is worth talking about, but I have to for...
Kylie Rocket has agreed to clean her stepbrother, Alex Puller’s, apartment since he helped her out by not ratting out her lies to their parents. When she arrives, Alex tells Kylie that there’s a catch. She walks inside and sexy maid outfit on the bed. She retreats into the bathroom to change, even though Alex points out that he has seen her naked before. Unimpressed, Kylie lets Alex walk her around the house while he issues instructions. Eventually, Alex tells Kylie that it’s...
xmoviesforyouTwenty minutes later, Ashleigh began to stir. As she opened her eyes, she saw Sharon sitting on the chair a few feet away, drinking a cup of coffee and watching her. Sharon was still naked and Ashleigh could see her pussy lips between her legs. Ashleigh moved to her hands and knees and crossed the few feet to kiss Sharon’s knees. At her first kiss, Sharon opened her legs. With this invitation, Ashleigh continued kissing the insides of Sharon’s thighs, first one side then the other. Sharon...
The lovely Kimberly Snow ❤ makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, and seeing as she said she’s ready for two guys, we brought in our good friend Danny Steele ? & new stud GI Joey ? for this rather wild BBG update ? After our latest director, Big ?? Lou, helps us get acquainted with the Northwestern cutie ?? Kimberly gets naked, shows off her gorgeous body, and uses her fingers to moisten up her hairy meaty vag ? Danny & Joey make their way into the scene with some lube ? for...
xmoviesforyouHi, everyone. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love to have sex with cute and hot girls as well sex chat. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at or send a friend request on Facebook at the same email id.You can read my other stories by clicking on the author name on this page. Before reading this story please read the previous parts of this sex story. So if you have read them...