Goddess Of PassionChapter 2 free porn video

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Dell wondered if it was still snowing. The wind could still blow, but if it weren't snowing, they could carefully work their way out of here. In the semi-lit room he picked his way to the door and opened it a crack. Damn! Still snowing. Not as hard, but still hard enough to be risky he thought. He looked at his watch - 2:40. OK, he thought, we'll be here until tomorrow morning - too late to even try to get out today. Since they didn't plan to have dinner until 6, he thought he'd go back to his bunk. As he sat, Jenna leaned over from above and tousled his hair.

"Hey, daddy, can we leave yet?"

"No, honey, damn storm is still dumpin' too much snow for us to try - too risky."

"Got it," she said.

A flicker of uncertainty went through her. What was happening? Were they going to be trapped here forever and die here? Fear crept in. This wasn't like her. Life for her had been clear. She knew what she was about. Her parents had raised her to be confident in her own abilities to make life good and rewarding. Now, something was happening beyond her control that could actually terminate her life, or so she thought. Out of her control was just not something she'd experienced.

She began to maunder over the things she felt she still had to do in this life, the things she still wanted to do, the things she knew she must do. As these thoughts swept over her, almost in a chaotic frenzy, she grabbed onto one thought, recently important to her. Oh my God! I've never been made love to. I've never known a man. Here, now, my life could be ending, and I'm still a virgin. I've never experienced the joy of coupling with a man, a man I love, deeply. It's not fair! She protested. Tears welled up and began to slowly course down her nose, dripping on the blanket.

Slowly, she began to gently sob, as the sense of grief overwhelmed her - actually rooted in the loss of her mother. No! she thought, it's just not fair! Dell became aware that something was not right above him. Jenna was crying?!

"Honey?" he asked, rolling his feet to the floor, pushing out and turning to stand toward her. "What's happening?" He saw she was shaking with her emotion and he reached over to cuddle her as best he could, his arm across her back. He could feel her sobbing and kissed her gently on her wet cheek. "Jenna, speak to me. What's going on?"

Since her mom had died, whenever Jenna had appeared to be experiencing grief, Dell had insisted they get it out on top of the table and handle it - never letting her just sit in it. This had always proved to be the right thing, because it was not long before the moments of grief dwindled to nil. Jenna was at peace with her mom's passing, or so it seemed.

Dell insisted again, "Sweetheart, what's happening? Tell me about it." She sobbed even louder and then, abruptly, reached out for him and wrapping her hands around the back of his head, pulled him to her face.

"Oh, daddy," she blurted out, "What if we die here? I haven't ever been with a man... that I love. I'm a virgin!" she choked.

Her hands were running through his hair, caressing him, stroking the back of his head, neck and shoulders. "Oh, daddy, it's just not fair," she blubbered. "I'm not really a woman yet. I'm old enough, but I've not experienced that one thing which seals it. It wasn't important to me before, but now, with the possibility that my life might end here, now..."

He stroked her back and shoulders, kissed the tears on her cheeks and hugged his head beside hers. "Oh, Jenna, my sweet darling. We're going to get out of here. You're not going to die here. I won't let it happen," he asserted firmly, but tenderly.

She seemed to quiet with his soothing touches and words. Her sobbing stopped; she caught her breath and sighed deeply. "Oh, daddy, I love you so much," she said softly and they both caressed each other tenderly, lovingly, but with no signs of arousal of any sort.

"OK, honey," he said, "let's get dressed and take a little walk outside, just to check out the scene." He wanted to refocus her attention on something else, other than her grief.

She kissed him on the forehead and said, "OK, let's." She smiled, weakly. They separated and he sat down again to pull on his boots in the semi-gloom. She rolled off her bunk and sat beside him to pull on her boots. They stood together, helped each other into their parkas and prepared to go outside to face the storm, still howling.

Dell opened the door and held it against the wind while Jenna pulled her goggles into place and stepped out. Closing the door securely, he grabbed her arm and shouted for her to follow him. He found his earlier path up the ridge, stepping again in the same spots, knowing it was firm ground. She followed exactly in his footsteps - it was easier going that way.

They got to the crest of the ridge and he directed her gaze to the path out, standing with their backs to the wind. They had to shout over the wind to talk to each other.

Leaning close to Dell, Jenna asked, "Can you make out the trail back to where we started?"

"Yeah," he said. "See that stand of trees?" pointing with his left hand, "just south of the ridge we're on?"


"Well, the trail enters that stand on the left side nearest us." Jenna was comforted by his certainty. She needed something certain to pull out of the chaos she had recently been experiencing, something she could 'hang her hat on', so to speak.

She couldn't really see much beyond the trees where the trail went, because they were looking uphill, but she was beginning to feel Dell would recognize the path once they were through the trees and could take a fresh sighting when the right time came. She recalled that the path through the trees was marked by the cleared space, the open ground of the trail, so she was sure that part of their path out would be pretty easy to follow. It was the larger open areas, the logged off areas and meadows, which presented her with uncertainty, or so she thought at that moment.

Dell motioned for her to follow him. Without their skis, the going was work. The snow was deep, even on the crest of the ridge, now that the wind was coursing parallel to it. He took them about fifty yards up the ridge, frequently turning back to ensure Jenna was still with him. He knew they could follow their own tracks back to the cabin, not having been out long enough for the drifting snow and wind to wipe them out.

He reached a point where he could see uphill to a trail landmark he recognized, another stand of trees, where the trail, across a logged off area behind the first stand, ended. He pointed at it and leaning close to Jenna, shouted, "That's where the trail goes when we get to the other side of that first stand I just showed you. The trail continues in about the center of those trees, looking from here."

She stood there, orienting herself to the entire scene, noting the basic direction they would have to take over the open area behind the first stand of trees. She was beginning to feel better, certainty returning. She reached her arms out and hugged Dell. "Thanks, daddy! I'm OK now."

He hugged her and patted her on the back. "Good girl. Let's go back to the cabin, start a fire and eat something - I'm hungry!"

"Me, too!" she shouted.

This was good, Dell thought. She always responded to him, his attention and his caring. He just had to get her attention off her thoughts and onto what was going on right now. She was one, fine gal!

They backtracked, leaning against the wind and blinding snow. When they got to the door, they stamped their feet to get the snow off their boots. Dell opened the door for Jenna then closed it behind them once inside.

"Oh, boy! What's for dinner?" Dell asked as he went over and picked up the lamp. He lit it and put it on the table. In its soft glow, they helped each other out of their parkas.

"How about some hot beans," Jenna suggested.

"Now, that's a great idea," Dell said, rubbing his hands together to warm them up as he went to the stove to put in another piece of firewood.

It was a little chilly in the cabin, the fire having been banked for some hours. Still, there were coals glowing and the new piece of wood would start to burn easily as he opened the flue control slightly more. He noted that there were only four pieces of wood left, aside from a small stack of kindling which Jenna had split. Things were getting a little tenuous, he thought. For the first time, a flicker of concern touched him. Well, he thought, this damn storm just can't last much longer, this is really weird.

Jenna dumped the beans in the pan and scooped out the remainder with a small spoon, working to get every drop she could. Then she put the pan on top of the stove. She could feel the heat growing from the new wood Dell had put in the stove.

"Well' I'm guessing dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes. Do you want me to see if I can make some coffee, daddy? There's no cream, but I did find a little sugar. There's an old coffee percolator here," pointing toward the shelf where the pans were stored.

"That would be a treat, sweetheart!" Jenna loved to serve her daddy, glowing in his response. He deserved it. He was so good to her, so loving. And, with mom gone, it made her feel more feminine, playing the role of the woman of the house.

She poured about three pints of water from the kettle of water Dell had prepared from melted snow and spooned four tablespoons of coffee grounds into the top of the percolator's basket. She put the top with the little glass center on the coffee pot and placed it on top of the stove, next to the pan of beans. Then, she stirred the beans to make sure they were heating evenly and didn't burn on the bottom. The degree of heat on the top of the stove couldn't really be controlled very well - at least, not like at home, she thought.

Yes, home, she thought. I sure am anxious to get there. Dell had gone outside to refill the water kettle with water. Better to do it now, he thought, while they were heating up the cabin and the snow would melt. Couldn't do without water and all the better if it were warm. He'd put the kettle on the stove after the coffee was done and they were relaxing at the table.

When he came back into the cabin, Jenna was setting the table, now including old cream-colored mugs which had little spider web-like cracks all over their surfaces. She had put a few sugar cubes on a small plate in the middle of the table. Dell walked up to Jenna and spreading his arms wide reached out and hugged her.

"Honey, you're one helluva tough gal. I just love doin' things with you. For sure, you carry your own weight. Most girls your age would be sittin' around expecting to be taken care of, but not you. You just pitch in without a word said and do your share. Someday, some guy's gonna marry a wonderful wife and mother," he said appreciatively.

She glowed with his praise. He was the only man in the world whose opinion and praise she cared about. It felt so good to just hold onto him, feeling his love and his strength. She nestled her face against his hard chest and mewed her pleasure at his words and actions.

"Thank you, daddy," she said, accepting his complements, "but, I'm only trying to keep even with you. You give me so much and I'd feel like a cheat if I didn't try to give something back to you." Dell mused to himself, she'll go far in life with that kind of attitude.

Then, she said, "Oops, better check the beans!" She'd smelled something.

Oh, good, she thought, the beans are done, stirring them thoroughly. She grabbed the dishtowel and folding it a few times, wrapped it around the hot handle of the pan of beans and took them over to the table. She spooned out portions for Dell and herself and put the pan on the table - wouldn't really hurt anything, she thought, noticing the numerous other signs on the table top showing that had been done plenty of times before by previous occupants of the cabin. They both ate ravenously, thoroughly enjoying the warmth of the meal and the full feeling which came from eating the starchy legumes.

Jenna, when she'd finished, looked across at Dell, wolfing his second portion. "Daddy, you're going to be a good boy and not boisterously exhibit your digestion of dinner, aren't you..."

She grinned and so did he. They both began to laugh. They both were feeling pretty good right then, in spite of their circumstances. The little cabin was cozy and they'd satisfied their hunger.

Dell got up carrying their plates to the sink. "Hey, how about some coffee?" he said. Jenna started to get up and he checked her with, "Now sit, sweetheart, I can get it."

He used the same dish towel to grasp the handle of the coffee pot. It seemed to be in the last throes of perking, so he said, "Well, just a darn minute. I'll let it drain down through for a sec."

He stood there, by the stove, smiling at her. She grinned back, feeling safe and cozy for the moment. She noted that the wind seemed to be dying down and took heart that the storm might be abating. But, it was already too dark for them to venture out that day, she knew.

After a few minutes, Dell said, "It must be done now."

He came over to the table and poured her a mug of coffee and then filled his own mug. She handed him the little plate of sugar cubes, he took two and handed it back to her. She put three cubes in her mug. She liked her coffee sweet. Besides, she usually put milk in her coffee and there wasn't any, so some extra sugar might dull the bitterness a little.

Wow, it was strong! Maybe not such a good idea to be drinking this before they retired for the night. Might keep her awake all night and that wouldn't be fun. Sleeping at least passed the time in an otherwise uneventful situation. Oh, well, she felt tired, so maybe it wouldn't really matter.

She sipped at the hot coffee carefully, not wishing to burn her lips or tongue. Dell was stirring his coffee to try to cool it a little and then began to slurp at it, drawing the hot fluid across the edge of the mug, which seemed to help cool it even more.

Jenna smiled at him. "I know it isn't lady-like, but I'm gonna do that, too," she said. "This stuff is hot!"

"Just like eatin' hot soup, ain't it." he teased, as he raised a spoon of coffee to his lips and slurped the coffee off into his mouth. She snickered at him, and then laughed out loud.

"Sweetheart, it surely makes me happy to see you laugh. You have a delightful laugh, so bright and sparkly."

"Oh, daddy." and mimicking Scarlet O'Hara from 'Gone with the Wind', she wiggled her fingers at him, batted her eyelashes and said, "How you do run on! Dell Anderson," looking down in mock shyness, but with a sly grin on her face. Whenever she did that, she looked so cute. He grinned from ear to ear. She was her good old self again, he sighed.

They both noticed the wind had virtually stopped. "Hey, honey," Dell said, "looks like our worries are over. If it holds like this we'll be outta here first thing in the morning and headin' home."

"Yeah," Jenna said. "I sure could use a change of underwear and a nice hot soak in the tub," she giggled.

"Join the crowd, precious," he responded. They just sat there for a bit, reveling in the thoughts their recent communication had evoked.

By this time the snow in the big kettle had melted and actually had warmed, so Jenna got up and washed off their dishes and such, putting everything back where she'd found it. She was not only just a neat person, she wanted to know where things were if she needed them in a hurry. Now, who would need a cooking pot in a hurry? Well, never can tell, could be useful in a fire.

She left the undrunk coffee in the pot, took the basket out and tossed the used grounds out the front door and returned to the sink to rinse it out. She left it on the counter next to the sink. She'd put it all away in the morning, after they'd had a cup before shoving off, if they used the last piece of firewood to heat up the place. Otherwise, if they decided to just get up and leave, she'd toss the coffee out and rinse out the pot. Not really important, she thought, I just like things in order. Life sure goes better that way.

They both returned to the table, sitting across from each other, smiling warmly. Dell reached his hands across to her and she put hers in his big, rough hands, comforted by their obvious strength.

"Gee, sweetheart, this little one-day excursion didn't turn out the way we expected, but you've been marvelous. I don't know what I would have done without you," he said softly, his affection for her bursting across his face in a wide grin, while squeezing her hands gently.

She returned his squeeze and grin. "Daddy, you're the best daddy in the whole world."

She was his 'little girl' again for just that moment. He was very happy with her, but also knew, that such moments would diminish in frequency, now that she was all grown up and off to school on her own. He reveled in the moment and vowed to keep it secure in his memory, available for recall when he needed it, and he knew he would, until the day he died.

They were surrounded with quiet. The wind had stopped. Dell went to the door and opened it a crack. Snow was still falling, but softly, tiny flakes floated down and stuck where they landed. "Honey, it's still fully overcast, but snowing very lightly. We can still get out, even if it's snowing. It's only blizzard conditions, such as those we've been experiencing these last two days, that could make it difficult for us to get out in the morning," he stated.

That said, they both prepared to secure for the night, Dell picking up the lantern from the table and bringing it over next to the corner of his bunk. As he pulled off his boots, Jenna leaned over the edge of her bunk and said, "Sleep well, daddy. See you in the morning."

"You bet, sweetheart," he returned. "Sleep like a log, yourself."

She was tired. The day had been a disturbing one for her and had it not been for her daddy, she might still be feeling really grief-stricken. Since mom had died, she had been pretty much alone regarding certain things. She and her mom used to spend hours together, both of them chattering excitedly about girl things, and life and love. Dell had done all and then some that she could ever have hoped for from a father, but however he tried, and surely he did, he couldn't really be a mother. It was different. She loved him so. He was the only man in the world she really trusted, she breathed as she drifted off to sleep, peacefully.

Dell felt their ordeal was over. The wind had died down and the snowfall was very light. They'd clean up the cabin; leave a note for the owners that they'd replace everything they'd used up and then some. He'd leave his name, address and phone number so they could contact him. He had an all-terrain vehicle so he could bring in food and wood, when the snow melted in the spring. Thinking of all these things, he too, drifted off to sleep.

They both woke with a start.

The wind was howling again, only blowing harder, if that was possible, blowing from the north, against the door of the cabin. Dell, rolled his feet to the floor and got up, padding over to the door in his socks. He pushed hard on the door, the wind pushing it back at him. It opened a crack and he peered out. Cold air and snow whirled in the crack and he could see the rate of snowfall had picked up to blizzard conditions again.

"Oh, no!" he groaned aloud.

Jenna seemed stunned. "No!" she shouted out. "It's not fair. No, it can't be. It's not fair. I'm going to die here and I've never known the feel of a man in me. I've never had a man make love to me. I'm a virgin! It's just not fair!" she blurted out, her feet over the side of her bunk, her head in her hands, sobs wracking her body.

"I'm not even a woman yet," she cried, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I've never made love to a man." she choked and her body shook with her grief.

Dell's heart melted. Oh, my sweet darling, he thought. What can I say? What can I do for you? I'm your daddy, not your lover. Oh God, please tell me how I can help her. Tell me, Lord, what to do, he pled silently as he strode over to take her in his arms.

He reached out with his arms around the back of her bottom, his head thrust between her thighs. He was just trying to hug her where she was, not realizing his position was one that could evoke other, more sensuous feelings in her and him. She clutched at her daddy's shoulders, stroked his head and neck, pulling him hard into her groin. Dell soon became aware she was humping his face.

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Goddess Gives

When we returned from vacation Alan and I slipped right back into our old life, which pretty much amounted to work and more work. Alan was staying in the office late nearly every night, and my boss had a bunch of new assignments waiting for my attention. As much as we had wanted to continue exploring the new aspects of our sexuality - well - we just didn't have the time or energy. We had to make do with the memories of lounging on the beach with my boobs hanging out, or letting everything hang...

4 years ago
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Goddess Manuela Part 5 Stag Night

When my eyes opened, I saw Goddess Manuela sitting on the sofa next to my bed. She stood up without a word and took out a seringe from her handbag. I just had the time for a last glance at her beauty and smell of her delicious fragrance before the product she injected in my right arm did its effect and I fell into a deep sleep...I woke up in complete darkness, naked in the freezing cold, hearing Manuela's soft voice talking to me. Severin, Severin, you must wake up now, we have a lot to do as...

2 years ago
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Goddess of Fertility

Disclaimer: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLYReminder: Once again this is a huge reminder that this is just for entertainment purposes only. Just for fun. Make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page for the Credits, Behind the Scenes, and also Author’s Final Note. There are some important information right there for you all to read after finishing the story. Prelude: December 1st, 2020: This will date my first historical record here in searching for the actual Goddess of Fertility. I have...

4 years ago
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Goddesses I was allowed to worship

Girl-worship has been my life, from the very first hard-on. Mostly I’d cum thinking about them, using the entries in my little black book recording what they’d worn that day, things they said and did. Occasionally I’d be lucky enough to get ‘lucky views’ as I call them, seeing a bulging jumper or even knickers. It was rare back then that I got the opportunity to spunk seeing them for real, but as I looked out my window every day after school, I was treated once or twice to the joy of seeing one...

2 years ago
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Goddess Swati 2

It was that one fine morning when I had all of my workout and jog done followed by two direct pisses in my slave's mouth I was all set and just needed to get my clothes on for the work. Abhay helped me to get my blouse and petticoat on and also to get me in the dark blue corporal plain Saree. I checked the clock and found out I was 45 minutes early for the work. I explored myself in the mirror while settled my saree to expose my belly button, I just knew how much men were hungry of it. I...

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Goddess Swati

The story has a lot to offer in terms of erotica where my husband Abhay and I playfully turn the heat on. My name is Swati I'm 27 with an Indian alpha structure being 5'9 and shaped as 36-30-36. I am married to Abhay who is 29, 6'0 and has an even structure as mine. This is a story of how I help Abhay to achieve his career goals by being his strict goddess. Chapter1 We were all dressed for the gym and jog, we have been working out together since 4 years now. Fitness is an odd thing...

4 years ago
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Goddess By Lucifer Peters I saw her as a goddess in a summer dress, that summer by the lake. We swam beneath a platinum moon, plunging, naked through the cool dark void. Warm skin behind me, whispering, savoring the moment. Her breasts were like an electric shock as they crushed against my back, and she wrapped her arms around me from behind. I thought I was a good swimmer, but her kick felt incredibly powerful as she came up on me from behind. I could feel her bush pressed up against my...

3 years ago
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Goddess Sister Treating Her Brother

Goddess Sister I was doing my studies, and waiting for an admission process to complete before I got through the admission. Meanwhile my Aunt, invited me for a short stay and for a change as I was waiting for the admission. I too accepted and visited her. They live in a town, as my Uncle has lands and looks after agriculture. It was during my stay I had my first and exiting sex experience with my own cousin sister. Her name is Suganya, she was fare and good looking. She had just completed her...

1 year ago
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Goddess in Training Part 1

I am a 28 year old woman with a husband, child, house and a fantasy that I finally go to live out the other night. It involved an evening away from my husband, a bottle of wine and a beautiful, arousing best friend. I had gone for a weekend visit to the home of Mia, my best gal pal. We have been friends for quite a number of years, going on holidays with out families together, out partying with each other, with never a sign of the sexual tension I felt underneath. Until 3 years ago, she was...

3 years ago
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Goddess in Chains Revised

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kim had been walking home from work thinking about how much she wanted her boyfriend to bury his cock between her legs when she was jumped from behind. A cloth covered her mouth before darkness. She was puzzled when she woke up groggily. All she could remember was walking past an alley by her house and then nothing. She opened her eyes or tried too....

3 years ago
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Goddess Part 1

The housing society in which I live like to do only two things during the summer break after our final examination: To play cricket as long as the sun lasts and then play hide and seek. I remember that day very clearly and I suppose that I will remember it my whole life. It was just a week after my XI board exam. I went to play in the grounds. I had a very rough day at cricket. We lost miserably. Then with all the rest I played hide and seek. There is this clump of trees in the playground...

4 years ago
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Goddess island part one the woman at the beach

I could hear the sound of tropical birds chirping and waves crashing. This was very strange. I usually awoke to the brutal sound of my alarm clock, its constant ringing ensuring I get up and head for my morning lecture. But the beeping noises had been replaced with peaceful sounds, as If someone was playing one of those relaxation CDs. This was not the only difference, the comfort of my bed was missing and instead I could feel the soft touch of sand beneath me. Confused, I opened my eyes. I was...

2 years ago
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Goddess Beauty

I stepped out of the car and stared with a look of 'what the hell' on my face as Dad had stopped our four wheel RV into the drive way of our summer house over looking the sea. And a light house over across the way.Not that I was disappointed I was spending my school holidays with my parents and my baby brother, Nathan, its just my best friend had asked me to go with him to California with his parents. But Dad said I couldnt because he wanted quality family time with his family. So there I was...

2 years ago
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I work in the head office so the owner of the company also use to visit here to check everything is working fine. The owner is a multimillionaire business tycoon in this country and she is one of the 10 richest persons in this country. I could not get her appointment for 1st 1 week then her PS called me one night and told that she (the boss) wanted me to meet her and inform about the current business status. I was a little bit tensed all through the night and the next morning I got a phone...

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Goddess Royal Garden

AN: All characters are 18 years or older. Damn, this took a bit of thinking on what exactly I wanted this story to be for while. Originally it was titled "Your Princesses" and was going to be a 2nd Person POV story. Also the character you become would be named Morgan Godfrey who other possible writers for the story could set up as a male/female human or some other race like elf or something. But, some new ideas I thought of weren't fitting that original story. So, here we are, a 3rd Person...

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GoddessChapter 19 Papagena

HARRY WAS ALREADY BACK AT his farm when we returned from Zion. I don't know how he traveled and I never found out. Persephone had put the fear of god, or more likely fear of the goddesses, into him, and for a while he kept his distance. Especially from Mrs. D and her bellweather farm. The whispered "Soy yo" and the little trill haunted me. We hadn't been back a week before I heard it again one afternon when Hebe and I came to the farm to see Persephone and her mother. We'd been swimming...

2 years ago
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Goddess Blessing

The Goddess' Blessing By Angie "kitn" Hughes Spring equinox had finally arrived, tonight was the night. The moon was nicely full, too, an added bonus. Tracy turned off the monitor on his computer and walked over to his personal altar. All the components for the spell he was researching were gathered and waiting. He looked around his room to be sure everything was in place, his bed neatly made, his clothes clean and put away, his floor clean as he could manage... All of the...

2 years ago
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Goddess in Chains

She opened her eyes or tried too. Her heart began to race. 'I'm blind!!!' Her mind yelled. Then she noticed a fabric across her eyes and realized she was blindfolded. She tried to move her arms and legs and realized she was tied down. This was when she started to thrash and yell. When it came out as a muffled sound she realized there was a plastic ball in her mouth gagging her. Somehow her pussy started to get wet. She realized she was naked when she could feel cool air over her now slowly...

3 years ago
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Goddess island part one the woman at the beach

I could hear the sound of tropical birds chirping and waves crashing. This was very strange. I usually awoke to the brutal sound of my alarm clock, its constant ringing ensuring I get up and head for my morning lecture. But the beeping noises had been replaced with peaceful sounds, as If someone was playing one of those relaxation CDs. This was not the only difference, the comfort of my bed was missing and instead I could feel the soft touch of sand beneath me. Confused, I opened my eyes. I...

4 years ago
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Goddess Beauty

I stepped out of the car and stared with a look of ‘what the hell’ on my face as Dad had stopped our four wheel RV into the drive way of our summer house over looking the sea. And a light house over across the way. Not that I was disappointed I was spending my school holidays with my parents and my baby brother, Nathan, its just my best friend had asked me to go with him to California with his parents. But Dad said I couldnt because he wanted quality family time with his family. So there I was...

3 years ago
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Goddess Consultation

It was a fairly standard Thursday afternoon at Goldberg Consultation Services, LLC, as the sounds of the occasional phone ringing at the waiting room desk and the rustling of bulky paperwork filled the incandescently-lit office in the middle of downtown Springfield. “Miss… Uh, Eva?” The receptionist called out, peeking her head into the waiting room door. “Coming.” Replied a light feminine voice from behind the cover of a magazine. The woman had a growing pile of magazines on the end table at...

4 years ago
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Goddess of War

For the first time in millennia, Mount Olympus was compromised. It began from the lowest of lows. Hades. The watchdog. The snarling sentry-It had grown tired and restless of it's post. The beast found initiative in this tedium and eventually discovered a way to dethrone it's master. From there, a newly empowered Cerberus became the bitch-queen of the underworld. Next came the oceans, Cerberus unleashing the full brunt of the underworld's legions onto Poseidon's domain. With two of the...

4 years ago
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Goddess of the Moon

You come from Turkey, somewhere in the east, I think. Your father is rich, a ‘captain of industry’, owns a mine or a mill or something like that. He’s always had money and you have always been spoilt, he bought you whatever you wanted. However, he didn't always let you have your own way. No, he was strict in that sense, overprotective and quite religious. A Muslim of course, you wore Islamic dress from a young age, even before you started to develop. Loose fitting clothes covering your body and...

First Time
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Goddess in my class knew she could easily make me

(I would just like to promise that this story is 100% true. I get my inspiration to write from real life events. Although it may seem fake, I insist I wouldnt have written a 7300 character story if it wasnt real. )It was a computer class and I sat in the corner of the room. I had nobody to my left.... and her to my right. Her name was Courtney. She was hands down the most attractive girl I had ever seen in my life, even till today. She was much taller than me, with long brown hair, big brown...

3 years ago
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Goddess Mother

Hi ISS readers, I am a regular reader to ISS stories somehow I felt most of the stories are fake, I fail to understand how can one make 5 times love in next 2-3 hours. Anyway I am hardly concerned about this. Let us straight come to the incident. I still remember I was sick my age would be around 18 and suffering form high fever. I used to sleep in my room. My mother came to see me when she touched my head and realized that I am suffering from very high fever. She just slept beside me to take...

2 years ago
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Goddess Blessing 2

The Goddess' Blessing, Chapter 2 - by Angie "kitn" Hughes Tracy awoke feeling very relaxed. The deep sleep Baidh had put her into, had held some... interesting dreams. Not all of them were overtly sexual, but all were about the same person. 'Baidh just doesn't give up, does she? Not that I mind...' Tracy shivered remembering some of the nicer bits of the dreams. Getting up, Tracy brushed her teeth and took a bath, contemplating her decision. 'I told Baidh I would tell Casey...

4 years ago
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Goddess Sister Treating Her Brother 8211 Part 2

Guys and girls thanks for your feedback. As I got good response, I thought of sharing part by part of my experience with you all. I hope you will enjoy. As I had earlier mentioned, I now wish to tell more about my experience with my sister Suganya. My aunt and uncle wanted Suganya to do her higher studies in our place. As my mom and her mom were too close, they agreed upon and got her admission into the collage and Suganya came down. My mom cares Suganya and her mom with lots of love. Similarly...

3 years ago
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Goddess Wife Worshiped By Cuckold Husband

Hi ,my name is Vidhur. Because this is a indian website therefore i must type my story in hindi. Me bachpan se hi samjhta tha ki “females are the superior sex” isliye hamesha se mene unhe ek devi ka darja diya. Is vajah se mmere andar unki seva karne ki,unhe worship karne ki privritti jaag gai. Mujhe ladkiyon k, married auntiyon k paeron me reh kar unki sewa karne ka man karta. Ladkiyon ka sharir veena ki tarah hota hai.Jiske ek ek ang ek sur ki tarah baj sakta hai. Iss vajah se mujhe ladkiyon...

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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

4 years ago
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GoddessChapter 3 Dad

WHEN I ASKED HEBE OUT on a formal date a few years ago, I received an invitation I couldn't refuse from Mr. Z. He knew who I was, of course. The girls and Oscar and I had been friends since kindergarten, but none of that mattered now. It was the first day of summer after our freshman year at college, and this was my first official date with Hebe. I was no stranger in either girl's house, nor they in mine, and I'd never kept track of the many meals we'd had together. Until now Hebe and I...

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GoddessChapter 4 Whatre We Gonna Tell Your Pa

Ooh la la. HER DAD SAVED HEBE AND me, although he didn't know it. After our hugs and good-nights to Rachel and Rick, I'd poked and prodded and finally dragged a sleepy tousled Hebe out to the car and stuffed her into the passenger seat. I was dreading the encounter with her mom. I knew her dad would have checked in with her at midnight, even if he wasn't waiting for us with a shotgun. Waiting for me, that is, not Hebe. He'd leave Hebe's punishment to her mother. I've rarely been as...

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GoddessChapter 5 Hebe and Her Mother

I DEFLOWERED HEBE ON THE last day of that same summer after our freshman year at college. The day had started innocently enough when Hebe called to say we'd been invited to Rick's uncle's cabin up north for the day. "Rachel and Rick are already up there. Persephone will come with us. You interested?" "You bet. Picnic?" "Yeah. Fried chicken, potato salad, and Persephone is making her famous coleslaw." She had me at fried chicken, and she knew it. "Besides, I have an...

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GoddessChapter 6 Harry

HARRY WAS NOT A RAPIST. Not exactly. I want to make that clear from the get-go, no matter what happened later. I first met him early one morning the summer after high school graduation. I was visiting Persephone and her mom at their farm somewhere north of Modesto. Lest anyone think otherwise, it was a platonic visit with Persephone, mostly, made even more so because Mrs. D had stashed me in the single men's bunkhouse with a bunch of migrant fruit pickers from Mexico. These workers, and...

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GoddessChapter 7 The Night Hebe Fell Out of Her Dress

HEBE DIDN'T BRING THE HOUSE down the night she fell out of her dress, but it was a close call for a few minutes. Oscar had his hands full. Jacob and the other bouncer, plus me and Rick and Persephone, helped. After we'd untangled ourselves that afternoon, Hebe got out of bed and stretched, her joints cracking and her breasts rising as she extended her hands above her head. In his cage by the window her parakeet, Jupiter, chattered. "I'm going to do it tonight." I was sitting on the...

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GoddessChapter 8 Dad OKs the Road Trip

BEGIN TEXT: MR. Z'S REACTION TO HEBE'S caper was predictable. He fired her. His secretary had delivered the summons late that morning and we got to his restaurant just after the noon rush. We didn't care. Indeed, we might have been too relaxed. Earlier, as though the previous evening had exorcised any number of ghosts, we'd woken up together and devoured each other. This time we were both awake, and after I ate Hebe to three orgasms she pushed me away and pulled me on top of her. I...

5 years ago
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GoddessChapter 9 Lunch with Mrs D

BEGIN TEXT: OUR DESTINATION THE FIRST DAY was the Tuolumne Meadows campground in Yosemite, with a slight detour to have lunch at the farm with Mrs. D at her invitation. Persephone said it was an invitation but I heard "command." We left the city early enough so we wouldn't have to rush, Hebe at the wheel, Oscar the Mountain riding shotgun, and Persephone between Rick and me behind them... The low conversation between Oscar and Hebe in the front seats lulled me into a doze even before we...

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GoddessChapter 10 Tuolumne Meadows

I TOOK OVER DRIVING AFTER lunch. Oscar wanted his turn, but in his post-frolic with Mrs. D and post-tuna sandwich stupor he didn't put up much of a fight. Hebe took shotgun, and Oscar tilted the vehicle a little as he settled into the right rear passenger seat. He turned to Persephone and kissed her. "Hey, Persephone." Persephone edged a little away from him, just enough to signal, "Don't touch." "Hey, yourself, big guy." Oscar got the message. It didn't stop him from looking...

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