Across the Bar
- 4 years ago
- 21
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My husband Jim has been trying very hard to stay in school and get the grades necessary to graduate at the top of his class. He has had problems because his wife acted like such a slut with some of his classmates. Having to change schools in mid-stream is not the best idea at anytime.
It all started with an English assignment he had to do. It was supposed to be an erotic story, either real or fantasy. He had been bothered by it and had even mentioned it to me at one point. I wasn't too worried because he is very imaginative and I figured he would come up with something good.
One day he came home and a classmate was with him. Gary was a tall handsome guy and he was taken with me. I was nervous at first but Gary had a way about him that made me feel safe and comfortable. All of the compliments he paid me didn't hurt either.
Jim was breaking out of the rut he had gotten into and I was pleased that he was making some friends. I encouraged him and soon Gary would stop by quite often. I was beginning to look forward to his visits because he would get me hot with his comments to me about how I was looking or how hot I was. He was usually careful to make sure Jim didn't hear the sexier over toned ones.
Jim had finished his story, and I never got to see it. One day, it was a Friday I think, Gary stopped by in the morning. He had something important to talk to me about that involved Jim. I let him in and offered him some coffee. We talked for a bit then he got to the point of his coming over.
"Jim wrote a pretty hot story Kate, and I thought you should know, if you don't already. I think it is about his greatest fantasy and it involves you."
I was curious. Jim hadn't mentioned anything about it and I hadn't really pushed him about it. He would get funny acting and then change the subject. I knew that it had been a very hard story for him to write.
"What do you mean it involves me Gary? Jim hasn't told me anything about it at all so I don't know what it is about."
At this point Gary produced a copy of Jim's story. It was well written, but I was not expecting it to be what it was. Jim had written about 'His deepest, darkest fantasy' and as I read the story I realized that he hadn't ever even so much as hinted at any of the things he was writing about in it.
Gary was sitting next to me on the couch as I read it and he was quiet, watching me for a reaction I suppose. I finished it and started it over again. I was stunned and couldn't believe that Jim would want to see or experience all of this stuff he had written about.
"I can't believe that Jim would want me to be raped by a gang of men and then to have me go off with them like a captive slave. Where would he have come up with such thinking?"
"Kate, I don't know why, but I do know that there are many men out there who want or actually do see their wives have sex with other men, and even groups of men. It turns them on, probably because they need to verify their choice in women and the one they have. Or maybe it is the out of control feeling the situation gives them. I have seen sites on the internet that cater to this type of couple."
"People really do this? Are you kidding? I can't believe that Jim would want to see me have sex with other men, forced or not. Why wouldn't he have told me about this anyway?"
"Well, the way I see it Kate, Jim didn't want to tell you because he was afraid of you not understanding, or worse, leaving him because you would think it sick or perverted."
"Gary, don't you think that this is a little too far out? I mean Jim, wanting to see me with other men? Has he said anything to you about this fantasy of his?"
"I really shouldn't say Kate. Jim entrusted me with his secret and I probably shouldn't have even let you know as much as I already have."
I was still stunned, and Gary acted like he was betraying his best friend. I knew that he must have thought that he was doing Jim a favor by letting me in on it, but my reaction hadn't been what he expected I think. He looked like he had made a big mistake and was ready to run. I, on the other hand, had to know more.
If Jim wanted something like this and I knew about it I should probably try to do something to fulfill his fantasy. I was after all, in love with him and I wanted our relationship to be all it could be. I wouldn't want him to regret anything about me, or our marriage.
"Gary, you have gone this far you might as well tell me everything. I won't mention it to Jim, and then I can see what I could do to satisfy his fantasy."
Gary was still hesitant, but eventually I wore him down and he spilled his guts. As he told me how Jim wanted to watch me be taken and have sex with many men, I began to imagine what that would be like. Gary told me how Jim wanted to see me take on three men at a time, to be a real slut.
The more Gary went on the more I came to liking the whole thing. I had, in the past dreamed about having more than one man at a time. I had even had a few rape fantasies, not rough ones, but ones that ended up with enjoyment for all, including myself. Fantasies that I had never told Jim, for probably the same reasons he hadn't told me his.
Gary smoothly kept the conversation on Jim and his wishes. He even had comments that Jim had said in passing to him. If I had known what a bunch of lies I was being fed I would have ordered him out and never let him our place again. Gary was a very convincing and excellent liar though and I never suspected anything other than what he told me to be nothing but the truth.
"How would I give Jim his fantasy? I wouldn't know where to get men I could trust to not hurt me and to keep it quiet. I wouldn't know if I could even go through with such a fantasy to begin with. It is too bad that Jim won't tell me because we could probably get something worked up close to what he would want, if I felt safe and that he wouldn't leave me or get jealous or angry."
"Kate, Jim can't tell you because that would spoil the fantasy. He has mentioned to me a couple of times how he wished he could set something up but then it wouldn't be like a true surprise to him. As a friend I haven't said anything until now, but he is almost obsessed at this point. I felt that I should let you know so that you could do something before he goes over the edge."
"God, I want to give Jim what he wants if it means so much to him, but I don't know if I could act like such a slut. I don't even think that I could fuck someone else, let alone a bunch of men. Why hasn't he ever hinted or mentioned this to me?"
"Come on Kate, you are his wife and his love. How do you think he would feel if he told you and you went ballistic? He said once that his biggest fear was that you would find out and leave him because he was a pervert or something. Of course he wouldn't want you to get any inkling of his fantasy."
I wanted Jim to think that I could be his every fantasy. I wanted to give Jim everything I could. I was willing to try, but it was so much so fast. I had very mixed emotions about the whole thing. I knew that I had been raised up to be a 'good' girl and that sluts were very bad. I had been taught that married people should only have or want each other.
I also had been told from the time I was a very little girl that I should be a good wife and try to give my husband what I could. Not to hold back on him because that would be a negative that could overcome a good marriage and destroy the relationship. At the same time the husband was supposed to reciprocate to the wife the same things.
Jim had been the best husband to me and our sex life was great. We both gave and took and our love was deep. I had thought that Jim had given more to me than I had to him by a large margin. Because of those feelings, I finally decided to get Greg to help me to fulfill Jim's fantasy. If I had only known what a bunch of lies I was being so convincingly fed.
"Gary, could you help me do this for Jim? You know lots of guys, and you could choose the right ones. I want Jim to be pleased with me. You could pick the men and you would know who to get so that I wouldn't become a known slut around town."
"Oh God. Kate you are so beautiful, and you are a friend. I just can't do this. I would feel so bad if it didn't work out, and even though I find you extremely attractive, I don't think that I could do such a thing for you because Jim is my best friend and all."
"Please Gary. I don't know what else to do. I want Jim to be happy with me and not think that he can't tell me everything. I need to prove to him that he can trust in me and that I am his best friend and partner in this life. You can help me and make sure that I don't get hurt or worse. Please? Please help me Gary?"
"Kate, think about what you are saying. Not only would you be having sex with numerous men, I would be there. I would want to have you too. I couldn't just stand by and watch while someone as sexy as you had several men. Also, how will you feel about yourself afterwards? You need to think about this Kate. It is a very big thing to ask of a friend, and an even bigger thing for a husband to want his wife to do. You need to be very sure it is what you should and want to do."
Gary blushed at the part where he said that he would want me too. I was getting so turned on. I had so many feelings running through my head. I was wound up and our chat had gotten me so hot, all the talk about my being fucked by different men, two and three at a time.
Gary, for his part made it look like he was trying to talk me out of it. He was so smooth and he had evidently thought of how to get me maneuvered into doing this for quite some time. His actions were that of a best friend looking out for his friend's interests. It was a touching display. An Oscar winning performance for sure.
After a good bit of convincing on my part Gary finally agreed to help me set up the fantasy 'rape' for Jim. I had pushed and prodded him so much that I thought for absolutely certain Gary was being honest and upfront about the whole thing.
"Well, I guess that I could try and set this up for you Kate. I don't know, but I like you and Jim a lot so if you had to go elsewhere you might get the 'wrong type' of person and it would be all too real. Yes, I will help you Kate. Only because you were so convincing."
"Thank you Gary. What should I do now? I don't know if I will be able to let another man have me like that. God, this is so wild, planning my own 'rape'. I hope that Jim realizes how much he is asking me to do."
"Maybe, well, Kate, you should probably find out if you will be able to have sex with another guy first. If you can't then it would be a real rape, and the situation would be bad. We should probably have you, uh, well..."
"Fuck somebody? Is that what you are having such a hard time saying Gary? You are right; I should have sex with someone else first just in case I can't go through with this whole thing. I guess you would be the one, since you are a friend, and you would stop if I couldn't do this, right?"
"Are you sure Kate? You want me to be your first man outside of your marriage? I don't know. I mean, yes, I would fuck you in an instant, but the circumstances will be difficult. I don't know."
"Gary, please don't make me beg. I need to know if I will be able to go through with this before we set something up. I need to be sure in my mind that I will be able to perform convincingly. Please, for me? For Jim and his fantasy? Gary, I need you to fuck me."
Gary had maneuvered me into begging him to fuck him. He had me where he wanted me and I had no clue. I was so sure that Jim wanted this after all I had just read his story, his fantasy. Jim wanted this far more than I did, and I wanted to please my loving husband as much as I could.
"Well, I guess I can. I can't believe that I am about to say this, but yes, I will rape you Kate. I will stop if you change your mind. I will do what you ask me to do. Just don't hate me when this is all over ok?"
I leaned over and hugged Gary. He put his arms around me and hugged me back. I knew that I was asking a lot of him, and I hoped that this wouldn't mess up our friendship.
"When should we find out if you would be able to go through with this Kate?"
"Well, now would be the best time since Jim has several hours of classes yet, and you are here right now. I will take a quick shower, then you can if you want."
Gary let go and I got up and went to take my shower. When I got out Gary was ready and he went in and took his shower. He came out dressed and I thought for a minute that he was leaving because he had changed his mind.
"Your not leaving are you Gary?"
"No. I thought that we should start out dressed up a bit and then pretend to go through with a rape type thing. You know, to see if you are capable and want to do this. I think you will need a safe word, something that I can understand that will let me know that you really want me to stop."
"Oh, I see. Yes you are right. I will get dressed. What should I use as a safe word?"
"Something that is out of character for you, and that I will recognize as you wanting it to stop. How about... school. Yeah, school would be off the wall in the situation. What do you think Kate?"
"School? Yeah, that would be off the wall all right. School it is. What should I wear?"
"How about something really sexy and revealing? Something that would get the attention of a man and cause him to think you were a slut begging for it?"
"I can see what you mean. Something to get him going to the point of going overboard and taking me?"
"Yeah Kate, something that shows you off and lets a man think you are a first class slut."
I looked in my closet and Gary helped. We couldn't find much. Gary finally picked out an old skirt and blouse I had in the corner. I hadn't worn them because the blouse was a transparent black thing that I had always had trouble with because of what it showed.
For the skirt, well, it had been one I had worn in high school and was actually a little bit small for me now. I could still get into it, but it was far shorter than when I had worn it in school.
"Well, what should I wear under this stuff Gary?"
"Uh, well Kate, a slut begging for a rape would probably just wear the skirt and blouse. That would show her off and still keep her legal, so to speak. She would want to let men know she was good looking and had assets to share. You have the body Kate, if you don't mind my saying, and you should look real great in just the skirt and blouse."
"Ok, would you mind turning around while I changed?"
Gary just looked at me. I then realized how silly that must have sounded to him. Here we were, talking about how I was going to be a slut and fuck him in a few minutes, and I was asking him to turn around.
"Never mind. I wasn't thinking."
"Oh, no, I will turn around Kate, I don't want to embarrass you."
I just dropped the robe I had on and naked, stood before him. He turned red and then turned around. I noticed that he took a good look before he turned though. I was excited as I got into the skirt and blouse. I felt so naughty and nasty. I was getting undressed to get dressed to get fucked by a very good-looking man, and he was going to 'take' me. I was having a deep fantasy fulfilled right now.
My pussy was getting wet as I pulled on the skirt. I could feel the cool air lapping at the lips of it and that feeling was making me even hotter. When I finished, I let Gary know he could turn around.
What he saw, as I looked into the mirror, was me, wearing a skirt that barely covered my pussy. It only hung about an inch or so below my crotch. My breasts were clearly visible and stuck out proudly. My nipples were hard as rocks and sticking out about three-quarters of an inch from my areolas.
Gary whistled almost involuntarily.
"GOD you look so great Kate. I never knew how large your ti... breasts were. You are a walking wet dream, and I mean that. I can't believe that we are going to do this."
"Yeah? Well you better believe it Gary, you are my test subject and if I say 'school' what do you do?"
"I quit. I stop. That is your safe word so I know to stop and let you be."
"Right. Don't forget that either, bucko. School means stop."
"School means stop. Got it."
We went into the living room and started our little 'act'. Gary stood in front of me and looked me up and down with a real nasty leer. I was surprised at the feeling running through me.
I felt real naughty. Like a slut begging to get the fucking of a lifetime. I also felt slightly afraid, since I didn't really know Greg all that well. I hoped that I could measure up to his comments about my body.
Gary stepped in close to me and grabbed my arms. I couldn't get away from him and my heart started to beat harder. I had a bolt of fear run down my spine. At the same time my pussy was just about running with a river of moisture. This was turning me on so much.
Gary held me with one hand and his other ran up my body from my waist to my throat. It paused for a bit at my breast as he felt it and even gripped it like a cantaloupe. When he grabbed my breast my pussy started to gush, I literally had a stream of juice running down my legs.
At this point I had forgotten about Jim, about being married, about everything but Gary touching me in intimate places. My mind was screaming for a good hard fuck. I was about to have a fantasy of mine come true, to a point, and I was shaking I was so turned on.
"Hey, bitch. You are begging for a fucking aren't you? I am going to fuck you into the next century. You will never forget this fuck slut."
"NO. Leave me alone. You can't do this to me. Please let me go."
I was going along with Gary's act. He was acting like a real rapist and I felt that I had to go along. For a second it looked like he was going to stop because I had begged him to stop.
"I haven't said the safe word Gary. Keep going. I will say it only if I want you to stop, otherwise I am going to act like a slut about to be raped. OK?"
'Oh. Yeah. Well, SLUT, what are you trying to hide now that I haven't seen before? A minute ago you were strutting around practically naked and now you are covering yourself like a virgin or something. You fucking teasing SLUT."
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Before getting into the story i would like to tell you that it is not a fabricated story, but a real life experience. My name is ajith (normally addressed as aji) my family consists of father mother, my elder brother and me. We hail from allepey, also known as ‘venice of the east’, a beautiful coastal district of kerala, ‘the gods own country’. Father is a retired teacher and mother is a housewife. Brother works for a construction company in dubai. And i was doing my degree final year. The...
IncestChristmas With The Family Part 4 While Carla slept soundly, dreaming of Harry's long cock, and Todd was dead to the world in his room, Harry and Sara prepared to play out their Christmas sexual fantasy. Sara had excused herself and gone to the bathroom to wash the dry cum from her face and while she was gone, Harry got out of her dead husband's clothes. He had to admit to himself, it felt kind of creepy wearing a dead man's things...
Mature“You ready?” Joe asked before we got out of the car. I wasn’t. Everything about school reminded me of Sam. It was like asking me if was ready to have someone hit my broken hand with a hammer. You’re never ready for something like that, but I nodded anyway to get us moving. Bethany and Mark were waiting at the edge of the parking lot. I got my book bag and slung it over my shoulder and headed toward them with Joe at my side. He kept his arm around my shoulder the whole way which was about...
Your name is Janet Alexandersson, you are twenty nine years old. All your life you had known that you liked girls, back in high school and college you would catch glimpses of your friends and found them much more attractive then boys. As you look in the mirror, you see a slim five feet six inch tall woman with short blond hair. Then you snap out of admiring your b cup tits and freshly shaven pussy because you remember that you're starting your new job as a make up artist for hire to any movie...
LesbianMy wife and I moved to a retirement community near a small town. It had a golf course and bar/restaurant nearby to our house. We soon joined a card group which met on Friday nights. The group included the mayor of the small town. He was a very overweight (350+) single man in his early 70’s. Everyone kind of suspected he was gay, but no one ever talked about it.Our card sessions were also a chance for everyone to get drunk. We all did, including the mayor who consumed copious amounts of gin. We...
Carrie, Marjorie, Jerry, and I stayed in the cabin for three more days. On Sunday, we packed up and left. Carrie and I followed Jerry and Marjorie in their rental car to Nashville where we dropped their car off. The four of us then took turns driving straight through to Silver Spring. We figured we could all crash at my condo, and we ended up there about ten o'clock that night. We'd rotated who slept with whom while at the cabin. Jerry was especially accommodating and willing to accept any...
Chapter One "Please", she said, "I want you to come with me to pick out a new dress." Kathy knew that I didn't like to go clothes shopping with her. She always took so long to make a decision, always having to sort through all of the racks of clothing, always asking my opinion on one or another, and always ignoring my advice. I quickly scanned through a laundry list of excuses in my mind, but before I could utter a protest she said, "Look, I need something new to wear to...
This is the third and final chapter of Denny and Gloria’s story. Even more than the second part, this one will make a ton more sense if you’ve read the earlier installments. But to recap: Denny has been one of Gloria’s regular customers for twelve years. When he accidentally meets her college-age daughter – who hates that her mother is a prostitute – he is smitten with the younger redhead and asks Gloria to role-play as the daughter. During a role-play session, Gloria’s daughter persona,...
This is Swankyess. I’ve earlier written some stories that are posted on ISS. I’m about to share some experiences of Suhasini, a sexy 20 year old [her true age] sex worker from Aurangabad district. Although, not very literate, she shares about one stranger who teaches her about her own biological body, and how she is on an immaculate journey of pleasing her customers. The story in her own words, only edited by me: I’m Suhasini, and I stay in Aurangabad District. This is very close to historical...
It's 11:30 am and i'm in the world's greatest amusement park(at least one of the greatest)Florida's Disneyland!My father's private jet is the fastest there is!My parents see that i'm having a great time but they have no idea that i don't give a rat's ass about Disneyland and what i really enjoy is my mother's warm embrace.That perfume of's such an ecstacy to me!!!Harry Alexandrou:I'm glad you're having a blast sonny boy.Harry Junior:Yeah dadda,you and momma RUUULLLE!Taryn Terrell:No...
“And with the blood of a virgin, the ritual is complete.”A deep voice boomed out, echoing off the packed earth lining the basement of an abandoned shack. The ground level already sat partially collapsed, the elements taking their toll on the termite-infested planks that once held it all together. Pitch blackness surrounded it in the dead of night. Trees of an unkempt forest locked away its secrets deep within their scraggly folds.In the basement, candles burned, dripping wax like a torrential...
SupernaturalMy senior prom was the most memorable night of my life. My date, Caitlyn, was stunning. She is nearly 6’ tall, with flowing auburn hair, all natural. Looking at the freckles dotting her body was enough to be certain, but the little red bush was confirmation. She kept it mostly shaved because of her swimming, but left just enough curls on top to emphasize the match. She swam varsity and all that training gave her an athletic, lean frame along with a small firm ass. She had a fairly flat chest,...
We have a large house that has four unoccupied bedrooms. Since our house has been empty except for us, we have at times decided to use a private rental site to make a little extra income. Each of the rental rooms is fully furnished. Our guests have access to a full bathroom in the hallway, use of the kitchen, and living areas. We have an electronic lock on our front door that allows us to program an individual code for each visitor so they can come and go with ease at any time. So far, the...
The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For example, it was nearly Christmas before someone inquired if I had seen Hard Time, then were shocked when I said I had. Part of it was the...
Anton sat bolt upright in his bed, terrified out of his wits and gasping for breath. Had he screamed, or was that part of the dream? He listened for footsteps but he could hear no one rushing down the hall. This had been the worst one yet. For weeks now, he’d been awakened nearly every night by terrible dreams - no, not dreams - nightmares. Terrible nightmares. They began shortly after he was brought to the home. They seemed to drag on and on forever, but when he finally woke up in terror,...
I talked the wife into a nude massage and searched the internet in Vegas for a guy to do it that knew how. The possible idea was if she wanted too, she could finish off the massage with a nice fuck. I wanted her to have a 6 or 7”er (I’m 5”) and let her make up her mind and I still do. The wife always wears panties but sometimes, no bra. We met the first time and he lost it after looking at her while he massaged her front and playing with her. He did her back O but we were all nude. He was...
India Summer, a masseuse, is waiting for her next client of the day. When Lyra Law rushes in, it’s clear she’s not having a good day. India soothes her, assuring her that everything will fine. In fact, maybe she can unwind by using a new massage they’re offering: NURU. Lyra calms down a moment saying, ‘Oh! I and Riley used that on our honeymoon!’ Once they’re in the shower together, getting prepped for the massage, Lyra apologizes for coming in with such a...
xmoviesforyouBritney Amber finds herself in a bit of a conundrum when she sees all the shaven pussies at the gym shower. Does she have too much pussy hair?? Deep in thought, she looks at her twat with a mirror and ponders the possibility of shaving her wonderful forest of pussy hair. Thank the lord Alex Jett comes rushing in and brings her back to her senses as he extols the virtues of a hairy snapper. Big pussy hair is great pussy and men love nothing more than to run their fingers through a moist hair...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Wall have Selena fantacies, right? Heres a story about a sister who role plays Selena for her young sister. Lana carefully brushed her shoulder length curly, dark hair and put on a bit of pink lip gloss then pulled on her pink tank over her bare little tities. She loved how hard her puffy nipples looked under the thin material. She looked at the pink thong. She couldnt resist. She ran a finger down her pouty cunt lips so the material slipped inside. She trembled slightly and let...
He watched the tall elegant brunette walk away, as he crushed a note in his long fingers. She had been the best singer they ever had, and the quickest to leave. It was all his fault, as always. Mixing business with pleasure was what Robert Dawning did best. ‘You take it all, Rob. And, when it comes down to it, you can’t decide what you actually want of them.’, scoffed Tanni in his direction, before finishing her drink. Rob glared at the scrawny blond sitting across him at the table and...
Monday I was reviewing the weekend concert reports and the county police call logs for anything that happened at the convention center that was an indication of trouble. Andy was on site positioning the jersey walls to limit access to the site and maintain a desired traffic flow. Andy also had a meeting with the Montgomery County Police Chief today. As an afterthought I sent our contract with the convention center to Howard Fine & Howard and to Curtis Warren - both of our outside legal...
My mobile rings. “Hi. John?”“Yes”.“Hi John, it’s Chris”.I should explain that Chris is the man who employs my wife, part time. He’s a sole practitioner with his own professional services firm and other than him, she is the only other person in the office. She only goes in two or three times a week but they have an ‘arrangement’ which needs some explaining. Basically, she has agreed to always wear seamed stockings and high heels when she’s in that office and he further insists that she either...
DO YOU DARE? By Ghost For you to understand my present condition, I have to backtrack about six months. That's where it all began, one dark and lonely night in London. I have always been a quiet and shy type of man, always preferring to help out rather than command. A person who likes to stay out of the limelight and would rather let others give the orders. This attitude is what set me off into the world of female domination - just the thought of a powerful leather-clad...
Hello guys n girls….I’m Viraj again back with another story to make you dicks hard and pussies wet.Well, this is a story of my childhood friend….So what are we waiting for, Let’s Begin…..The story I gonna be in my friend’s perspective. Hi guys, I’m Vikram(name changed),20 years old guy.My height is 6ft and I weigh 70kgs..I’m a good cricketer and I have a well-built body.I’m studying engineering in a reputed college in Jaipur.My family consists of my Parents, me and my younger sister.My father...
IncestHey everyone! Devil here. So this is the Third and Last Part in Leela the Mystery Series. Please do read and mail me all your Feedbacks, Suggestions and Comments on Coming to the Story.. Raj is the Main Character of the Story. Basically a Law Student from Delhi. So one Night while returning home he meets Leela. Read on to find out what happens… In Raj’s Words: The Clock Struck 1AM and I was on my way home after attending my friend’s Dinner Party. My SUV was in a full speed as I kept driving...
You could say it was a pivotal moment: when I was pulling on my underpants after taking a shower and Mom had hugged me from behind. Perhaps not such a big deal: except her hands had fondled my cock while her lips nuzzled into my neck, “ Happy 20th birthday Dick. Mmmn, Twenty with plenty, an growing nicely,” she giggled with gin on her breath, “ give your Mom a birthday kiss darling.” I turned to find she was only in bra and briefs and her hips pressed into mine. Her kiss was seductive;...
Kim Krüger, die 40jährige Polizeioberrätin wurde Zeugin, zusammen mit einer Bardame, wie der junge Zuhälter Boris zwei seiner Prostituierten mit den Fäusten erschlug. Er wurde verhaftet und vor dem Prozeß wurden die beiden Belastungszeuginnen unter Polizeischutz gestellt. Kim wusste nicht daß sie selbst mit ihren gut schulterlangen, leicht gewellten brünetten Haaren, den wunderschönen braunen Augen, den kleinen, festen Brüsten, der Wespentaille, dem Knackarsch und den grazilen Schenkeln...
Present – Thom – At Houston Intercontinental Airport Byron looks at me and asks, "So when are we headed back to the cabin and Mabel's cooking?" I shake my head and reply, "Weren't you listening? We're not headed back - they want us to go after Megan." Byron looks sheepish and states, "I was distracted because I think we're being followed and didn't hear anything you said. Wait! You mean we're supposed to actually enter that damn country?" I know if Byron thinks we're being...
A Visit to the North - Part 4 by MadQuill This is a mystery story of Annabelle's life and the changes she encounters. The characters are all fictional. Please read the earlier parts. Please leave your comments. Part Four When I was awaken by Suzanne, I was on my tummy and her first action was to grasp the plug and twist it within me. I was still captured by it. I had a feeling she knew of my night and the phallus that I'd dreamed had entered me. Similar to yesterday when Rine...
The battle was over… The summer morning mist still covered the batter ground where so many had fallen. I stood alone, the low mist covering the ground and shrouding the bodies of so many of my fallen soldiers. The air was heavy with the smell of battle, a musky aroma that caught in the back of my throat. My nostrils flared slightly as the metallic smell of blood filled them. I knew I must leave this place, this bloody place of horror and carnage. I needed to wipe away the terrors that played...
Oral Sex