Kitten Collaring Ceremony
- 4 years ago
- 31
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My husband Jim has been trying very hard to stay in school and get the grades necessary to graduate at the top of his class. He has had problems because his wife acted like such a slut with some of his classmates. Having to change schools in mid-stream is not the best idea at anytime.
It all started with an English assignment he had to do. It was supposed to be an erotic story, either real or fantasy. He had been bothered by it and had even mentioned it to me at one point. I wasn't too worried because he is very imaginative and I figured he would come up with something good.
One day he came home and a classmate was with him. Gary was a tall handsome guy and he was taken with me. I was nervous at first but Gary had a way about him that made me feel safe and comfortable. All of the compliments he paid me didn't hurt either.
Jim was breaking out of the rut he had gotten into and I was pleased that he was making some friends. I encouraged him and soon Gary would stop by quite often. I was beginning to look forward to his visits because he would get me hot with his comments to me about how I was looking or how hot I was. He was usually careful to make sure Jim didn't hear the sexier over toned ones.
Jim had finished his story, and I never got to see it. One day, it was a Friday I think, Gary stopped by in the morning. He had something important to talk to me about that involved Jim. I let him in and offered him some coffee. We talked for a bit then he got to the point of his coming over.
"Jim wrote a pretty hot story Kate, and I thought you should know, if you don't already. I think it is about his greatest fantasy and it involves you."
I was curious. Jim hadn't mentioned anything about it and I hadn't really pushed him about it. He would get funny acting and then change the subject. I knew that it had been a very hard story for him to write.
"What do you mean it involves me Gary? Jim hasn't told me anything about it at all so I don't know what it is about."
At this point Gary produced a copy of Jim's story. It was well written, but I was not expecting it to be what it was. Jim had written about 'His deepest, darkest fantasy' and as I read the story I realized that he hadn't ever even so much as hinted at any of the things he was writing about in it.
Gary was sitting next to me on the couch as I read it and he was quiet, watching me for a reaction I suppose. I finished it and started it over again. I was stunned and couldn't believe that Jim would want to see or experience all of this stuff he had written about.
"I can't believe that Jim would want me to be raped by a gang of men and then to have me go off with them like a captive slave. Where would he have come up with such thinking?"
"Kate, I don't know why, but I do know that there are many men out there who want or actually do see their wives have sex with other men, and even groups of men. It turns them on, probably because they need to verify their choice in women and the one they have. Or maybe it is the out of control feeling the situation gives them. I have seen sites on the internet that cater to this type of couple."
"People really do this? Are you kidding? I can't believe that Jim would want to see me have sex with other men, forced or not. Why wouldn't he have told me about this anyway?"
"Well, the way I see it Kate, Jim didn't want to tell you because he was afraid of you not understanding, or worse, leaving him because you would think it sick or perverted."
"Gary, don't you think that this is a little too far out? I mean Jim, wanting to see me with other men? Has he said anything to you about this fantasy of his?"
"I really shouldn't say Kate. Jim entrusted me with his secret and I probably shouldn't have even let you know as much as I already have."
I was still stunned, and Gary acted like he was betraying his best friend. I knew that he must have thought that he was doing Jim a favor by letting me in on it, but my reaction hadn't been what he expected I think. He looked like he had made a big mistake and was ready to run. I, on the other hand, had to know more.
If Jim wanted something like this and I knew about it I should probably try to do something to fulfill his fantasy. I was after all, in love with him and I wanted our relationship to be all it could be. I wouldn't want him to regret anything about me, or our marriage.
"Gary, you have gone this far you might as well tell me everything. I won't mention it to Jim, and then I can see what I could do to satisfy his fantasy."
Gary was still hesitant, but eventually I wore him down and he spilled his guts. As he told me how Jim wanted to watch me be taken and have sex with many men, I began to imagine what that would be like. Gary told me how Jim wanted to see me take on three men at a time, to be a real slut.
The more Gary went on the more I came to liking the whole thing. I had, in the past dreamed about having more than one man at a time. I had even had a few rape fantasies, not rough ones, but ones that ended up with enjoyment for all, including myself. Fantasies that I had never told Jim, for probably the same reasons he hadn't told me his.
Gary smoothly kept the conversation on Jim and his wishes. He even had comments that Jim had said in passing to him. If I had known what a bunch of lies I was being fed I would have ordered him out and never let him our place again. Gary was a very convincing and excellent liar though and I never suspected anything other than what he told me to be nothing but the truth.
"How would I give Jim his fantasy? I wouldn't know where to get men I could trust to not hurt me and to keep it quiet. I wouldn't know if I could even go through with such a fantasy to begin with. It is too bad that Jim won't tell me because we could probably get something worked up close to what he would want, if I felt safe and that he wouldn't leave me or get jealous or angry."
"Kate, Jim can't tell you because that would spoil the fantasy. He has mentioned to me a couple of times how he wished he could set something up but then it wouldn't be like a true surprise to him. As a friend I haven't said anything until now, but he is almost obsessed at this point. I felt that I should let you know so that you could do something before he goes over the edge."
"God, I want to give Jim what he wants if it means so much to him, but I don't know if I could act like such a slut. I don't even think that I could fuck someone else, let alone a bunch of men. Why hasn't he ever hinted or mentioned this to me?"
"Come on Kate, you are his wife and his love. How do you think he would feel if he told you and you went ballistic? He said once that his biggest fear was that you would find out and leave him because he was a pervert or something. Of course he wouldn't want you to get any inkling of his fantasy."
I wanted Jim to think that I could be his every fantasy. I wanted to give Jim everything I could. I was willing to try, but it was so much so fast. I had very mixed emotions about the whole thing. I knew that I had been raised up to be a 'good' girl and that sluts were very bad. I had been taught that married people should only have or want each other.
I also had been told from the time I was a very little girl that I should be a good wife and try to give my husband what I could. Not to hold back on him because that would be a negative that could overcome a good marriage and destroy the relationship. At the same time the husband was supposed to reciprocate to the wife the same things.
Jim had been the best husband to me and our sex life was great. We both gave and took and our love was deep. I had thought that Jim had given more to me than I had to him by a large margin. Because of those feelings, I finally decided to get Greg to help me to fulfill Jim's fantasy. If I had only known what a bunch of lies I was being so convincingly fed.
"Gary, could you help me do this for Jim? You know lots of guys, and you could choose the right ones. I want Jim to be pleased with me. You could pick the men and you would know who to get so that I wouldn't become a known slut around town."
"Oh God. Kate you are so beautiful, and you are a friend. I just can't do this. I would feel so bad if it didn't work out, and even though I find you extremely attractive, I don't think that I could do such a thing for you because Jim is my best friend and all."
"Please Gary. I don't know what else to do. I want Jim to be happy with me and not think that he can't tell me everything. I need to prove to him that he can trust in me and that I am his best friend and partner in this life. You can help me and make sure that I don't get hurt or worse. Please? Please help me Gary?"
"Kate, think about what you are saying. Not only would you be having sex with numerous men, I would be there. I would want to have you too. I couldn't just stand by and watch while someone as sexy as you had several men. Also, how will you feel about yourself afterwards? You need to think about this Kate. It is a very big thing to ask of a friend, and an even bigger thing for a husband to want his wife to do. You need to be very sure it is what you should and want to do."
Gary blushed at the part where he said that he would want me too. I was getting so turned on. I had so many feelings running through my head. I was wound up and our chat had gotten me so hot, all the talk about my being fucked by different men, two and three at a time.
Gary, for his part made it look like he was trying to talk me out of it. He was so smooth and he had evidently thought of how to get me maneuvered into doing this for quite some time. His actions were that of a best friend looking out for his friend's interests. It was a touching display. An Oscar winning performance for sure.
After a good bit of convincing on my part Gary finally agreed to help me set up the fantasy 'rape' for Jim. I had pushed and prodded him so much that I thought for absolutely certain Gary was being honest and upfront about the whole thing.
"Well, I guess that I could try and set this up for you Kate. I don't know, but I like you and Jim a lot so if you had to go elsewhere you might get the 'wrong type' of person and it would be all too real. Yes, I will help you Kate. Only because you were so convincing."
"Thank you Gary. What should I do now? I don't know if I will be able to let another man have me like that. God, this is so wild, planning my own 'rape'. I hope that Jim realizes how much he is asking me to do."
"Maybe, well, Kate, you should probably find out if you will be able to have sex with another guy first. If you can't then it would be a real rape, and the situation would be bad. We should probably have you, uh, well..."
"Fuck somebody? Is that what you are having such a hard time saying Gary? You are right; I should have sex with someone else first just in case I can't go through with this whole thing. I guess you would be the one, since you are a friend, and you would stop if I couldn't do this, right?"
"Are you sure Kate? You want me to be your first man outside of your marriage? I don't know. I mean, yes, I would fuck you in an instant, but the circumstances will be difficult. I don't know."
"Gary, please don't make me beg. I need to know if I will be able to go through with this before we set something up. I need to be sure in my mind that I will be able to perform convincingly. Please, for me? For Jim and his fantasy? Gary, I need you to fuck me."
Gary had maneuvered me into begging him to fuck him. He had me where he wanted me and I had no clue. I was so sure that Jim wanted this after all I had just read his story, his fantasy. Jim wanted this far more than I did, and I wanted to please my loving husband as much as I could.
"Well, I guess I can. I can't believe that I am about to say this, but yes, I will rape you Kate. I will stop if you change your mind. I will do what you ask me to do. Just don't hate me when this is all over ok?"
I leaned over and hugged Gary. He put his arms around me and hugged me back. I knew that I was asking a lot of him, and I hoped that this wouldn't mess up our friendship.
"When should we find out if you would be able to go through with this Kate?"
"Well, now would be the best time since Jim has several hours of classes yet, and you are here right now. I will take a quick shower, then you can if you want."
Gary let go and I got up and went to take my shower. When I got out Gary was ready and he went in and took his shower. He came out dressed and I thought for a minute that he was leaving because he had changed his mind.
"Your not leaving are you Gary?"
"No. I thought that we should start out dressed up a bit and then pretend to go through with a rape type thing. You know, to see if you are capable and want to do this. I think you will need a safe word, something that I can understand that will let me know that you really want me to stop."
"Oh, I see. Yes you are right. I will get dressed. What should I use as a safe word?"
"Something that is out of character for you, and that I will recognize as you wanting it to stop. How about... school. Yeah, school would be off the wall in the situation. What do you think Kate?"
"School? Yeah, that would be off the wall all right. School it is. What should I wear?"
"How about something really sexy and revealing? Something that would get the attention of a man and cause him to think you were a slut begging for it?"
"I can see what you mean. Something to get him going to the point of going overboard and taking me?"
"Yeah Kate, something that shows you off and lets a man think you are a first class slut."
I looked in my closet and Gary helped. We couldn't find much. Gary finally picked out an old skirt and blouse I had in the corner. I hadn't worn them because the blouse was a transparent black thing that I had always had trouble with because of what it showed.
For the skirt, well, it had been one I had worn in high school and was actually a little bit small for me now. I could still get into it, but it was far shorter than when I had worn it in school.
"Well, what should I wear under this stuff Gary?"
"Uh, well Kate, a slut begging for a rape would probably just wear the skirt and blouse. That would show her off and still keep her legal, so to speak. She would want to let men know she was good looking and had assets to share. You have the body Kate, if you don't mind my saying, and you should look real great in just the skirt and blouse."
"Ok, would you mind turning around while I changed?"
Gary just looked at me. I then realized how silly that must have sounded to him. Here we were, talking about how I was going to be a slut and fuck him in a few minutes, and I was asking him to turn around.
"Never mind. I wasn't thinking."
"Oh, no, I will turn around Kate, I don't want to embarrass you."
I just dropped the robe I had on and naked, stood before him. He turned red and then turned around. I noticed that he took a good look before he turned though. I was excited as I got into the skirt and blouse. I felt so naughty and nasty. I was getting undressed to get dressed to get fucked by a very good-looking man, and he was going to 'take' me. I was having a deep fantasy fulfilled right now.
My pussy was getting wet as I pulled on the skirt. I could feel the cool air lapping at the lips of it and that feeling was making me even hotter. When I finished, I let Gary know he could turn around.
What he saw, as I looked into the mirror, was me, wearing a skirt that barely covered my pussy. It only hung about an inch or so below my crotch. My breasts were clearly visible and stuck out proudly. My nipples were hard as rocks and sticking out about three-quarters of an inch from my areolas.
Gary whistled almost involuntarily.
"GOD you look so great Kate. I never knew how large your ti... breasts were. You are a walking wet dream, and I mean that. I can't believe that we are going to do this."
"Yeah? Well you better believe it Gary, you are my test subject and if I say 'school' what do you do?"
"I quit. I stop. That is your safe word so I know to stop and let you be."
"Right. Don't forget that either, bucko. School means stop."
"School means stop. Got it."
We went into the living room and started our little 'act'. Gary stood in front of me and looked me up and down with a real nasty leer. I was surprised at the feeling running through me.
I felt real naughty. Like a slut begging to get the fucking of a lifetime. I also felt slightly afraid, since I didn't really know Greg all that well. I hoped that I could measure up to his comments about my body.
Gary stepped in close to me and grabbed my arms. I couldn't get away from him and my heart started to beat harder. I had a bolt of fear run down my spine. At the same time my pussy was just about running with a river of moisture. This was turning me on so much.
Gary held me with one hand and his other ran up my body from my waist to my throat. It paused for a bit at my breast as he felt it and even gripped it like a cantaloupe. When he grabbed my breast my pussy started to gush, I literally had a stream of juice running down my legs.
At this point I had forgotten about Jim, about being married, about everything but Gary touching me in intimate places. My mind was screaming for a good hard fuck. I was about to have a fantasy of mine come true, to a point, and I was shaking I was so turned on.
"Hey, bitch. You are begging for a fucking aren't you? I am going to fuck you into the next century. You will never forget this fuck slut."
"NO. Leave me alone. You can't do this to me. Please let me go."
I was going along with Gary's act. He was acting like a real rapist and I felt that I had to go along. For a second it looked like he was going to stop because I had begged him to stop.
"I haven't said the safe word Gary. Keep going. I will say it only if I want you to stop, otherwise I am going to act like a slut about to be raped. OK?"
'Oh. Yeah. Well, SLUT, what are you trying to hide now that I haven't seen before? A minute ago you were strutting around practically naked and now you are covering yourself like a virgin or something. You fucking teasing SLUT."
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She was on a weekend trip in Las Vegas…Kaneshia and her girlfriend had never been there before so they thought why not have fun in every since of the word…Kaneshia has always had a hidden desire for Nikkie..even when they were in college together Kaneshia wanted her so .much…Nikkie is 5’6 long luch legs size 36 c breast that ar frim..she has the deepest green eyes you could get lost in..her complexion was a honey tone…Kaneshia was not bad her self with an ass that men and women comment on...
Pigtailed sex pixie Jenna Ross has been having trouble with the kitchen sink, so she calls up a hung repairman to help her out. But as our stud tries to focus on drainage pipes, Jenna cannot take her eyes off the pipe in his jeans! She seduces him in the middle of the kitchen, yanking his dick out of his pants and slobbering on it. Then, she lies on her side and lets him enter her from behind, squealing as he rams her sensitive cooch. Finally, she strokes his dick and enjoys a shower of protein...
xmoviesforyouOphelia Pennywise was not someone you would consider beautiful, but at first glance, ‘plain’ was the description that came to mind. She had a pretty, angular face with high, sculpted cheekbones. Larger than normal brown eyes, and an aquiline nose, would have given her a regal look were it not for the fact that she never wore make-up. Lips that had never seen lipstick surrounded an interesting mouth that seemed to naturally pout regardless of her mood. All of this was framed with lush but mousy...
BDSM"All set to go?" asked Harry. Hermione nodded as she drank the last of her coffee. The Weasleys at the Gryffindor table indicated their assent as Harry looked around him. Harry rose, and accompanied by Ginny, headed out of the Great Hall. Ron and Hermione followed a few minutes later. The rest (Imogen, Neville, the Weasley twins and Angelina) headed out in ones and twos at short intervals, their departure unnoticed in the usual morning bustle. Some went directly outdoors, having brought...
I had met Josie and Amy on a hike that was organized by the mountaineering club I belong to. We got along well, and did more than our share of flirting on the trail. Then the people I rode up with had a bit of a crisis, with one of them complaining of stomach ailments. They needed to leave early, and as luck would have it, Josie and Amy offered to drive me home after the hike.We got back to the trailhead around 4:00 in the afternoon. We put our backpacks in the back of their Jeep, then piled in...
Hey guys thanks a lot for your tons of feedback. Sorry that I was busy in some other work so little late for the third part. Those who are reading for first time please read first two parts. The links are given above. Now coming towards the third part, We came back to pune after our fun in lonavla. We slept that night. When I woke up in morning Mona was already awake, I went to hall then she excitedly come to me and gave morning kiss. Mona: Baby thank you for the amazing holidays in lonavla....
I've finally had to admit to myself that I'm a coward. Oh, it's always been there but I've never admitted it. As a kid I always ran away from fights and said that discretion was the better part of valor. As an adult I walked away from things and said I was being a mature and sensible, but I can't hide it anymore. I'm a coward. I had been out of work for almost eight months because of the faltering economy. I had papered the city with applications and resumes, but hadn't received one...
I thought I would share our experience with you. Please let me know what you think. My introduction to bestiality came about purely accidentally. As these things often happen, until it occurred, I had never given a thought to including an animal in sex play, but when it presented its self, the result was to be life changing. We had been married for some time. Two children were the result of some inept sexual excursions with my wife. We had only really discovered the pleasure of each...
The twelve of us in the house, plus Michelle and Don who continued to live in their own home, were content and living in relative peace and obscurity until one summer evening a year or so after everyone had moved into the large house. Matt and Nathan loved their craft beer, but had run out. Also, there wasn’t too much milk for breakfast. Thus, about ten o’clock on a hot Monday evening, the pair headed off for a quick run to the local convenience store. The news story in the morning paper...
Leah and Keisha have been best friends for forever. They see each other almost every day and share all their intimate secrets. Leah has been dating Jean for a while now, and her ultimate fantasy is to share him with the one girl who means everything to her. On a hot sunny day by the pool, sexual chemistry is in the air, and Leah encourages Jean to kiss Keisha in the cool water. One thing leads to another and once they are in the house, still hot and wet, they embark on a sexual experience the...
xmoviesforyouSheryl sat at her desk trying to concentrate on her work but her mind kept returning to her next set of instructions she found her self checking her emails constantly to make sure she hadn't missed one, what was he going to ask for next she thought with a delicious shiver she had already sent an email to Steve telling him he was getting a blowjob when he gets in but not the fact she was gonna record it as she was mulling this over her email beeped it was Simon"Sheryl thank you for that your...
My wife and I were enjoying a nice resort at a nude beach in Jamaica.The second day we were lounging on the beach, when a well-built light skinned black man came up to my wife while she was sitting reading a book.He was standing next to her and his soft cock was right in her face. I thought she would look away from that dark nine inches dick; but she actually stared at it as she spoke to him. He introduced himself as Ben and he said he was there with his wife and another couple. He pointed to...
Keith and Karen had been hard at it for over an hour now, and showing no sign of exhaustion, as a married couple shouldn't who were so very much in love with each other. But more than that, thought Keith, as his pelvic thrusts pushed his erect penis in and out and in and out of Karen's muscular vaginal grip, it was practice and exercise that made their physical love so successful. After all, if you were going to do something, and to do it as regularly as he and his wife did, after all their...
Better Days By Lyta Somabre This is my first try at this, so please add a review with any comments or constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading. ******** Neil despised autumn. The falling of the leaves only served as an omen of the cold weather to come. If there is one thing a bike courier doesn't need its frostbite on his hands and face. As if this job didn't take enough out of you all ready. It was only 10:00am and he was dead tired. Neil Horowitz...
"AGHEEE!", she screamed in fear and rage as the man sank deeper into her. She stiffened with the pain and grunted again, involuntarily this time, as her rapist jammed his cock ever deeper into her aching cunt, his strong hands cruelly mauling her large breasts. Her six foot, muscular body, deeply tanned but for the white strips at her breasts and crotch, was straining desperately but futility against the ropes at her feet and hands which were holding her nude body spread eagle against the...
We've just met face to face for the first time. It was at a regional Lush party. Everyone in the Dallas area was invited to go, for a small fee. Even though I don't live in the area, I was able to get myself on the guest list. Not many other people in the room knew who you were...without a pic on Lush your anonymity is safe. There are only a handful here who know, and we aren't talking. I watch you from afar at first. Seeing you scan the room, you're looking for someone... searching for a face...
Straight SexIntroduction: Her father will do anything for the promotion, even pimping his only daughter out to his boss… My Fathers Boss. This is my first attempt at writing since I lost my dear friend and editor. After being encouraged by multiple people to finally take the plunge I eventually wrote this story after may attempts at other, which are still to be completed. I hope you like my story and I shall continue to grow as a writer, becoming better as I learn from my mistakes and your criticisms. ...
‘Or something!’ Thought Dan. He paced around in excitement as he heard Jane moving around upstairs getting ready for bed. After a while it went quiet, Dan wondered how long he should wait to make sure that Jane was asleep. He gave it 5 minutes before he could wait any longer. He rushed into the study and fired up the computer. He quickly opened a web browser in private mode and keyed in his favourite search term;cuckold sissy and bbc bullHe quickly pulled his stiffening cock from his pants and...
“Damn girl, that walk up and those titties bouncing with your panties showing and that dress hiked up so high. Em, Em, Em,” is right says Jake Adams of today’s exploit who is just so excited to be here. We’re excited for you Jasmine Wilde and I don’t think we’ve ever had such an enthusiast girl who just can’t wait to take her clothes off and suck someone’s, anyone’s dick more than this girl. I’m surprised she didn’t get molested walking thru the pool area of the hotel on her way to the front...
xmoviesforyouHello guys and girls. Here is my story. Trisha, as her name was, used to live in the house next door. She was not actually my aunt, but since I have seen her since when I was teen, I simply call her aunt. She has a really sexy figure. She has good boobs, nice, shaky booties and a beautiful face. Anyone could get crazy for one night with her. I did not have any lusty feelings for her, though sometimes I wet-dreamed about her. Normally, I would visit her house when I returned from school and...
Sally was on her back with her legs spread by the time I had my sandals removed. She was one of those who was following the fashion in the 21st Century of shaving her pubic hair, so I could see all that she had to offer, and it was well worth looking at. The amusing thing was that this "new fad" was popular in Egypt in this era, except that the women plucked their hair instead of shaving. Anyway, I dropped myself between her legs and leaned in to kiss Sally. She responded with a French...
That night I went to bed alone; while I still was hearing the moans and cries my sexy wife was giving as she was riding our black neighbor’s huge dick.I closed my eyes but I could hear Anita yet.Our neighbor Sam seemed to be a jackhammer…Two hours later I saw my disheveled wife walk into the bedroom. Her hair was a mess and her breathing heavy. She was still fully naked and I could see some red scratches on the inner sides of her thigh’s soft skin and around her dark areolas of her soft boobs....
The first time I went swinging I was just 19 and I contacted a couple through a local paper that was mainly used to buy and sell items but it also had a contacts section at the back. I remember searching through the ads sat in my bedroom reading all the abbreviations and thinking what the hell do all these mean but before long I figured out and was eager to give it a try.One Sunday morning I started flicking through the pages reading how these mature busty women wanted to fuck a young stud like...
There have always been those who delve into the occult. That would be an understatement for the "Covenant of Lust," a group of Lilith worshipers from around the globe. This group has members from all social classes and walks of life, but all share one common trait: complete reverence for their "goddess." Today is a special day for the Covenant. Months of planning and organizing have led to this grand moment. Deep in an abandoned quarry in Pennsylvania, the Covenant's "Arch-demon" makes the...
FantasyIt was a rainy morning. Cal was up early and ate breakfast in his house. He was eager to tackle the day ahead and that was a relief. The night before he had driven his brother to his cabin after the calling hours for Roxie’s aunt. Edwin offered him a beer when they arrived and that one led to another. “At least we’re on speaking terms again,” he thought as he cleaned up the breakfast dishes. It seemed like Edwin’s discussion topic of choice was Roxie. Cal was surprised when he found out...
The Secret Of An Empress By Sylvia Who? 1 A Confrontation in the Gallery The year is 1867 at the second Great Exhibition in Paris and in one of the galleries a crowd of foreigners and Parisiennes are studying the 'Winterhalter' portrait of the Empress Eugenie with her Ladies, while an elderly curator explains the finer points of the picture to his attentive audience. "Such beautiful creatures and such wonderful dresses," said a woman, "surely they are not true...
Douglas Nightingale Part 1: Journal entry 23. I picked up Jamila from prison yesterday. It was a quiet ride. I wanted to drop the bitch off quickly as possible. I was shaking most of the way back, and desperately needing a massive hit of crack. But, before i could drop her off. The stupid tranny whore, asked me to take her to a beauty salon, nail shop, and a very expensive restaurant. I was extremely pissed. The whole fucking ordeal took about 5 and a half hours. We're...
Hi friends! I am Nailinakshini from mumbai.nick name is Nilu.i am 24 yrs old and working in a call center.I am quite a tall girl..5’11” with fair complexion. guys generally praise me for my height and keep teasing that it will not be easy for me to find a husband.anyways, let me describe my body for you. i have 34 sized B cupped breast with light brown aerola, 30 waist and down is 38.All that goes perfectly with my height.i developed this body structure at very early age and i exercise...
Today’s Ex*!%@t is 21 year old Cierra who’s here to take it all off and was also told to go “make that money” girl. Yes this girl’s got the green light to “sucky fucky” and get degraded on film. It’s her thing she says, so just be careful what you ask for Cierra. You just might bite off more than you can chew. But rest assured everyone, it’s her man who’s back home and waiting for his little princess to return home bow legged and sore who’s the one who gave her the green light to “sucky fucky”...
xmoviesforyouHi main Sanjana. Umeed karti hu ki aapko main yaad hu. Mujhe aap se mera ek experience shar karna hai. Kaafi khatarnak hai yeh experience par share karne layak hai. Yeh baat 1 saal pehle ki hai. Ek baar main apne boyfriend ke saath shaam ko uske ghar se laut rahi thi rickshaw mein uske saath. Woh mujhe chhodne rickshaw se aa raha tha ghar tak. Raat ka waqt tha. kuchh 9:30 baj gaye they. Mere gharwale gaye they gaon. Ghar par Naani aur bhai they. Maine naani se keh diya tha ki darwaaza lock na...