Gary's GauntletChapter 2 free porn video

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The next day at work, the reason for Gary's condition was obvious. When some of the old gang teased him, he didn't respond except with a goofy grin that took no acting at all. He was not about to say anything about Kirstin until he had talked it over with her. When the teasing quickly died out, he mentally thanked Morgan for her advice.

It would be inaccurate to say Gary was relaxed for the arrival of Wednesday's group, but he was at least far more functional than the first two nights. He had not jerked off beforehand, because he thought the previous night's and that morning's sex would keep him in control. Besides which, he was pretty tender.

He was shocked to see such a young girl walk in, eyes openly fixed on his penis. When she dropped the long coat she wore, he instantly regretted skipping the masturbation. Jessica wore short, tight, shorts and an equally tight tube top. Obviously reciting a rehearsed line, she told him, "Hi, Mr. Blum, I'm Jessica. I figured it would be quite warm in here, what with you naked, and all." Gary wondered how they could expose such a young girl to his nudity.

The earlier mistake of not masturbating was compounded by the mistake of giving Jessica a good looking over. Her legs were perfectly shaped and seemed five feet long. Her shorts were skin tight and showed the bottoms of her ass cheeks when she turned away and bent over to lay her coat on a chair. Her torso was slender and her tits quite small. The nipples, however, were large and clearly protruding through the stretchy tight fabric of the brief top.

Feeling a warmth and a twitch in his cock, Gary hurriedly turned to meet Jessica's mother Carol Jensen, and Dex Madison, who he knew had hosted Kirstin and the other abused women. Thinking of his wife as one of the abused women gave him a mental jolt that counteracted the beginnings of arousal he had felt earlier. He looked briefly at Carol's outfit. She also had on a tank top, just as tight and braless as her daughter's but covering all but a narrow strip of her tummy. Her skirt was very short, and it was obvious where Jessica got her legs.

Gary's relief at regaining control of his penis was short-lived, though. As they all sat down, he made the mistake of looking at Jessica's crotch. Her legs were slightly spread, and the tight shorts hugged her slit lovingly, displaying the puffy lips clearly.

Already alarmed at his redirected blood flow, Gary next looked at Carol, unfortunately at her crotch rather than her face. Her short skirt had a slit all the way up to the waistband. Instead of running up the side, the slit was almost straight up the front. One leg was bare all the way up. She was wearing a sheer pink thong, most of which was visible. The final touch of a few pussy hairs escaping out the side was the last straw. His war-weary cock was back at attention before he realized it.

There was barely time for Gary to close his legs and hunch over to hide his erection when Jessica spoke up. "Mr. Blum, remember the rules."

Because of Jessica, Gary was barely able to comply, feeling almost sick to his stomach as he exposed himself. It took a while before he could even breath. Then, his reaction even surprised him as he quipped "It's Gary. I think first names are appropriate when you're staring at my hard cock." Both mother and daughter giggled at that. "I assume the twisted skirt and obscene shorts are all on purpose, right?"

"Do you think it's unfair?" Carol asked him.

Dropping his head in his hands for a moment, Gary replied "No, I guess I deserve anything she can dish out. You must be really good friends to put on a tease like that."

"Kirstin is an instant friend kind of a person," Carol explained. "It's like if one of us women can put her life back together, it's a win for all of us. Besides, as Morgan probably explained, your reaction is important to us."

Getting no reply, Carol launched into their story, calling on Jessica several times. When they were finished, Gary felt the same mix of sympathy for what had happened to them and disgust that he was lumped with men like that. The retelling of his story was similar to the first two days.

The discussion of Gary's sexual performance was, mercifully for him, much shorter than before. Dex took up the time, however, by telling in detail about Kirstin's actions. Predictably, that retelling got him hard again.

As the trio walked out the door, Gary heaved a sigh of relief, which ended before he could breathe in again. Carol came back through the door with a small case in one hand and a grocery bag in the other arm. She set both down carefully and handed him two envelopes. "Read the one from Kirstin first," she told him.

"Gary," the letter started, "as you heard, Carol has had a shitty time with sex. You get to start turning around her feelings about it. I know you had just one night with Morgan, but it sounds like she taught you a lot. I want Carol to leave in the morning in love with you and anxious to find a man of her own. Consider helping Carol part of you penance. She is a nice person, so maybe it will be more reward than punishment." This time, he noticed that she didn't start with 'Dear' nor end with 'Love, ' disturbing him a little.

The letter from Morgan said "Just remember everything we did. Do everything you can to make her feel special. The massage would be a great starter - take it all the way. Cowgirl would be a good choice for the first fuck, too. And remember - touch, touch, touch. Oh, she is on the pill and tested clean. No condom needed or wanted."

As Gary looked over at Carol with a questioning look, she said "Morgan told me you didn't even have a decent snack in the house, so..."

"Haven't had much of an appetite lately," he explained.

"Bet you hardly know how to shop, either."

"Guilty," he admitted. Thinking of the admonitions in the letters, he told her. "After being teased by you all evening, I would love to see the rest of you as we enjoy the food."

Carol spread her arms slightly, a teasing grin not completely masking the fear in her eyes. "You'll have to unwrap it yourself, then." She quivered as he stepped up to her, and he felt a wave of sympathy.

"Carol, if you don't want to do this, we'll just have to explain it to Kirstin. I feel like you're forcing yourself for her."

"No, absolutely not. I want this, it's just that I'm still kind of afraid."

"And I'm not an expert lover, either, as I'm sure you've heard. Are you angry at me for what I did to Kirstin?"

"A little, yeah. But I believe you genuinely want to make it right. Besides being scared, I feel like I'm cheating on my friend."

"Think how I feel!" Gary told her. "But she is calling the shots and she seems to want us to do this."

"Do you, uh, wish it was Jessica instead?" Carol asked, looking at the floor.

Somehow, Gary was inspired to say the right words. "You really have been beaten down, haven't you?" She nodded through some tears that were pooling. "I'm privileged to try to help you. I just hope I can." Also inspired was his cock, which rose again after shrinking toward the end of the meeting. Carol's lowered gaze fell right on it, and the physical validation of his words brought tingles to several parts of her body.

She raised her moist eyes to him and held out her arms as an invitation to undress her. Morgan's admonition to 'touch, touch, touch' was fresh in his mind, and he kept both hands on her waist as he searched for the closure of her skirt. As seemed to be happening more and more, he felt a sharp pang of sadness and guilt at how long it had been since he undressed Kirstin. When he found the fastening of the wrap-around, he tossed it aside with a flourish.

Gary had thrown in that little dramatic gesture mostly to erase the pangs he had felt. Any lift how got from it ended quickly when he saw Carol trembling, and the look of fear on her face. He hurried over to grab the skirt, and awkwardly tried to put it back on her. He almost had it fastened when she stopped him.

"N... no, Gary. Leave it off. I'm OK."

"You don't look OK."

"It's just... he used to make fun of my bottom - made me keep it covered."

"Then I sure don't want to do that to you. I'm through making women feel bad."

"I know you are. You and Kirstin are going to be fine. I... I want to be bare-bottomed with you. I know nothing bad will happen and I think you will like it. It will help me get over it. Take the panties of, too, please."

"My pleasure." He made sure to run his hands over her thighs and ass cheeks before grabbing the strings that served as waistband for the thong and pulling it down and off. Carol looked like she would fall over as she stepped out of the thong and he could see that flash of fear again. She recovered though, looked at him with a determined expression and did a slow pirouette.

When she turned back to him, she tried with obvious difficulty to adopt a teasing tone. "Well, it didn't go down, so at least I didn't turn you off."

"Carol, I'm sorry you haven't had many compliments lately, but you don't have to fish for them from me. You look sexy as hell!" With the tight top, bare lower body, and low-heeled sandal pumps, she did look good. Her legs were long and nicely shaped, showing only modest extra weight in the upper thighs and butt.

She walked over to the grocery bag and did the straight-legged bend-over with her ass toward him. He was sure he saw her shudder as she did it. It made her ass look even better. Gary let out a spontaneous whistle, and when she straightened up and turned around, she could not hide the grin.

"Let's eat these snacks I brought. I'll bet you didn't have much of a supper, did you?"

"Good guess." Gary found himself liking this woman more and more. That train of thought, however, brought him to the fact that she had been abused, and he himself was an abuser. It took a moment before he could speak again. "Can I talk you out of your top, too, Carol?"

Her face fell, and she said, "He... he wanted me to keep them covered. Said they weren't worth looking at."

"Well I disagree. I can't wait to see them." Taking control a little, he took the bag from her and set it down. Then he grabbed her top at its hem and began pulling it up. She raised her arms in cooperation, but he saw the fear and uncertainty in her eyes before he pulled it up over her face. Surprising himself with the compassion he felt, he tossed the top away and quickly bent and kissed each nipple, causing her to hiss. "Just lovely," he said.

"But th... they're so small, and Kirstin's are so nice and big," she told him in a pleading voice. When she saw a look of regret on his face, she said "Ohhh. Mine aren't threatening, are they? No scary memories?"

Somehow managing to work up a chuckle, he replied "I guess I should assume you all know every single thing about me."

"Does that upset you?"

"I don't have any right to be upset. I deserve it. And this," as he indicated his nakedness. "I can't believe I was such an idiot." Shaking his head to get out of his dour mood, he suggested "Tell you what. Let's get the snack ready on a tray. Then we'll take a shower and enjoy it in bed. Does that sound good to you?"

"It sounds perfect." Her eyes shone as she stepped right up and kissed him. She still had the shoes on, so she hardly had to reach up. She nodded toward the bag and walked toward the kitchen. He grabbed the bag and hurried so as not miss a step of her bare ass moving seductively in front of him.

As Gary stood near Carol, watching her get a tray ready, he berated himself for never worrying about Kirstin's feelings the way he was about Carol's. He did not stop thinking about Carol, though, and remembering her concern about her ass and her breasts, he kept touching and caressing her ass while she worked. In the shower, he spent a disproportionate amount of time on her breasts, and she obviously noticed.

Sitting in bed, naked, and enjoying the snack and the intimacy was a revelation for both Carol and Gary. For Carol, it was one more new sensation that highlighted all that she had missed in her marriage. Like most things involving men, it was difficult for her, but still appealing. The expectation of being hurt or put down was always at the back of her consciousness.

For Gary, it took several minutes, but he realized that he was with a woman in a highly erotic situation, they had not yet had sex, at the moment he was not hard, and they were talking! Of course, the realization was followed by sadness that he was discovering this with a stranger, not with his wife.

Each of them noticed the mood of the other, and they talked about it as they ate. When the food was gone and they were sipping wine, Carol leaned against him and lifted his arm around her. Without thinking, he used the hand around her to absently caress her breast and tweak her nipple. After a few more sips and some more conversation, Carol said, with a catch in her voice, "This is how it should be, isn't it?"

Caught by the unintended accusation behind her words, Gary was unable to speak for a moment. "This is how it will be from now on," he said almost grimly. She slipped her free hand between his legs and began playing gently with him, mimicking his own actions. He did not even harden until they had finished their wine, and simultaneously turned to each other for a kiss.

Setting the glasses aside, Gary turned to her and began kissing down her body, leaving no doubt about his destination. Only once, from Dex, had Carol experienced a mouth on her pussy, and only the previous night had Gary ever done it. He immediately noticed the difference in the smell, taste and feel of Carol from Morgan. It first brought moisture to his eyes, then anger at himself to realize he could not bring up in his mind the smell and taste of his own wife. He could hardly identify the differences between her pussy and Carol's.

Trying for her sake to put aside his inner turmoil, Gary focused on what he had learned the night before. For her part, the newness increased Carol's arousal, and she came twice on his mouth before she was too tender to take any more.

Although almost limp from her exertions, Carol wanted very badly to get to the main event. She still felt guilt over what she considered betrayal of her friend, but the arousal now overwhelmed the guilt. She also felt some fear, realizing that Gary's cock, though fairly average, was quite a bit larger than her husband's.

Morgan's suggestion of cowgirl for their first time was perfect. Carol had never been allowed to do it that way, but the feeling of being in charge of the penetration eased her mind considerably. The entry was not at all painful. She had, after all, given birth. The feeling of greater fullness was wonderful, and the fact that he was immediately playing with her nipples made her feel sexier than she could remember. Just the knowledge that what she thought of as her Plain Jane body was giving him pleasure was very erotic.

Once she told Gary she was comfortable, she started moving against him, and he began pushing back strongly. Whether because of the new excitement of the situation, or because she was still at a high level from her first two orgasms, she came atop him in a surprisingly short time. Gary, affected by all the activity the last three days, did not come with her. Instead, he pulled her down on top of himself and dragged the covers over them. He did not know how this position had thrilled Carol her night with Dex, but she remembered. When he began caressing down her back and over her ass, she could not help herself, and began crying softly.

Alarmed at her tears, Gary asked her what was wrong. She assured him nothing was wrong, except for what she had missed all those years. Her words once again indicted him, for Kirstin had missed the same things since he had lost his mind. Gary was able to come a little later that night, and again in the morning. In between, he and Carol shared a lot of simple intimacies.

In the morning, Carol dug out another letter and handed it to him. It instructed him to take Friday off from work. It told him to get home right after work that day, Thursday, and shower, but not to masturbate. His guests would be there when he was done showering.

Carol stayed behind when he went to work and did a very thorough house-cleaning. The sendoff she gave him once again made him nostalgic for the tenderness he and Kirstin once shared.

He was less exhausted at work than he had been, but no less distracted. All of the things he had done with Morgan and with Carol kept running through his mind. He remembered them fondly, but also with a combination of guilt and longing. He felt guilty about betraying his wife, and he longed to be able to share the same intimacies with her. There was no problem getting Friday off, and he got home at the usual time Thursday afternoon. He thought about grabbing something to eat, but instead, undressed immediately and showered.

He had barely hung up the towel from showering when the doorbell rang. Looking through the class, he saw Helga, Alfred, and Karina and almost fainted. This was just too much!

The other groups had been strangers when they walked in, and he would probably not see most of them again. Exposing himself had been humiliating, but nothing like this would be. He knew and liked these people. He had spent many, many hours with them. Right now, they probably hated him for what he had done to Kirstin. Opening the door the them seemed beyond his power and he was very near to giving up everything right then.

Few military campaigns were better planned than the gauntlet Kirstin had set up for Gary. Helga had a key, and while Gary was still standing in shock, she unlocked the door and they walked in. No one said anything as Helga bustled into the room. Alfred gave Gary a hard look and nodded as he walked past. Karina openly stared at his limp penis and blushed heavily as she entered last.

Gary had no way of knowing the drama that had occurred at Alfred and Helga's home the night before. Kirstin already knew from Morgan that things had gone well. She was more determined than every to get back with Gary. Her family was at first against it, but sensing her love and determination, pledged to help her all they could. The real drama was the battle over what that help would involve.

The first evidence of the extent of that help came very quickly. Helga walked over to a chair in the corner of the living room and took off her long coat. Underneath was nothing but skin. She turned to face Gary and walked up to him. Through his complete shock, he was still able to noticed that her usual confidence was not diminished a bit by her nakedness.

"Gary, I think this is what you are afraid of. You worry that Kirstin will look just like me. Well, you may be right. I want you to look at me while we talk. If you can't grow old with this, then you'd better get a divorce right now. Maybe she will keep herself thinner, I don't know. I think you've figured out that you can't make her lose weight."

"My Alfred doesn't mind how big I am, but I know not all men feel that way. You should not get back with Kirstin now, then leave her later if she looks like me. You look at me real good! Not just my face! You look at every lump and every roll and every wart. If you are too digusted, then we will leave and it's over. Better now than in twenty years."

Minimal speech capability had returned, and Gary stammered out "H... Helga, how c... can you... ?"

"Oh, it's not so hard. Our parents came from the old country where bodies were not so secret. This," and she first spread her arms, the slapped her ass, rubbed her belly and bounced her breasts, "is just me. It's not so precious to keep hidden."

"Gary, I love my daughter, I love my grandchildren, and I love you. I want us all to be happy together again, only happier than before. If hanging my boobs out for you helps, it's an easy decision for me. It took a while to convince Kirstin, but she finally agreed. I think she's afraid it would scare you off. Now, let's sit down and talk."

All of the conversations the last few days had seemed unreal to Gary, but this one made them all seem mundane. Helga made him retell all the reasons he had given the other groups and would not let him hide any of his feelings about weight. This time, he could not control his emotions when he finished. He put his head in his hands and could not hold back the tears.

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Garys Terms

I was excited about the future and living with Gary. I was in love or so I thought during that time. There wasn't anything I would not do for him. I had lost weight and trimmed down to a very lean 105lbs for my slim 5'10" frame. I was doing hundreds of crunches and intense light weight training to keep the ideal physique for Gary. I greatly improved my flexibility and was able to bring my legs up around the back of my head....which allowed Gary to fuck my ass and watch me suck my own short...

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Gary Pauly and I

I was raised in the shadows of a large corporation's foundry. The neighborhood was well kept and the k**s were just k**s and we all got a long together. Saturday was baseball at the open field near the foundry.We used to gather every Saturday at 9 and choose teams. My mom made us fold laundry and clean a room every Saturday. we would switch rooms, but we all had to do it. This unfortunately made my brothers and I late every week. Sometimes we didn't get to play, but we showed up and paired off...

4 years ago
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Gary8217s harem

“You’re shitting me! Gary Franks actually came over to talk to you?” Trish scribbled another shorthand notation on her pad to help her remember the story. “He did better than that. He was accompanied by the most beautiful blonde that I’d ever seen in my life. As they joined us at our table, he introduced me to the most beautiful example of Scandinavian womanhood in the world. Tashia sat down beside me and I couldn’t listen to Gary’s words for staring...

2 years ago
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Gary Dave and Jenny Part 1

Jenny stood in the doorway grinning at me. She looked fantastic in a tight pair of jeans, low cut top showing her wonderfully ample cleavage and a new short haircut that showed off her big brown eyes. Jenny is 5’ 3" and of mixed ethnic origins. Her mother is Indian, her father white. She’s what I call fleshy; not exactly fat but she has wide hips and big tits. Her skin is light brown and soft; her nipples are dark brown, large and spring erect at the slightest provocation. She has short,...

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gary and I spending the night at my house

Gary and I had grown up together and we always played many games of baseball and hockey and one night after playing football, I asked if he wanted to spend the night. He said OK. he went home and told his mom and came flying back to our house. I have 5 brothers and we all sleep up stairs. My brother Dan and I are the closest in age at about 13 months difference in age, and Gary is right between us. at 15 we were both into puberty and had seen each other in the locker room at school but I had...

1 year ago
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Gary Finally Marries Cindy

So this day arrived... Cindy and I would often meet for lunch once a month. The only thing we did was hug when we first met and hug again when we left the restaurant. It was July and Cindy wanted to meet for dinner this time. I agreed, since my wife, Ashley, was visiting her mom and dad. They lived four hours away. It was Friday night and we met at the Los Guachos Taqueria Mexican restaurant. Cindy and I sat down at a booth. Cindy was about a foot smaller than me and two years younger....

1 year ago
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Gary Dave and Jenny Part 2

Jenny woke me the next morning as she got out of bed and headed to the loo. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling wondering if my head would fall off if I got up. I heard the front door open and wondered where the hell she was going then heard Gary shout hello. He was greeted by Jenny’s excited squeals and I risked life and limb by getting up to go and say hello. I walked out of my room and found Gary and Jenny kissing in the hallway. My cock twitched at the sight. I quickly went into the...

3 years ago
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Gary Cooper Aka the Das Man

88Gary Cooper retired D C police detective. aka Gary Edwards Rosemarie Whitaker County prosecutor Janet Stevens, Gary’s partner, aka Jennifer Edwards. Earnest witness. Aka Eddie Edwards The DA.’s Man The tent/cabin weathered the first full year fine. It even made it through the second summer with only minor repairs needed. It was my second October in the mountains and I had adapted well to the solitude. Somewhere along the way I discovered that I didn’t need recognition any longer. There was...

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- It was a rainy Saturday morning, and i woke up horny.Supposed to be meeting - Sylvia my mature (55yrs) horny milf from Airdrie in the afternoon.I'd got up early and had a nice shave in the bath - arse, cumsacs and pube hairs off !I slipped into sheer nude lacetop holdup stockings and cream lace panties for fun and was sitting at my compuer at 9am on sat morning.On chat avenue there was - on the gay chat this young lad - (I was 36 at the time). A gay boy from Linwood near Glasgow. Inviting me...

2 years ago
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Gary And Dave The Next Day

So you know how it is. You’ve just fucked and been fucked by your heterosexual best friend while watching a bisexual porn movie. You’ve both cum, the film has ended and you’re sat in the living room naked with cum leaking out of your arses. What do you do? Surprisingly there wasn’t any real awkwardness between us. Gary went to the toilet and cleaned himself up then returned to the living room. When I returned from the toilet he was sitting in his chair still naked watching TV. I sat on the...

4 years ago
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Gary Dave and Jenny Part 1

Jenny stood in the doorway grinning at me. She looked fantastic in a tight pair of jeans, low cut top showing her wonderfully ample cleavage and a new short haircut that showed off her big brown eyes. Jenny is 5’ 3′ and of mixed ethnic origins. Her mother is Indian, her father white. She’s what I call fleshy, not exactly fat but she has wide hips and big tits. Her skin is light brown and soft, her nipples are dark brown, large and spring erect at the slightest provocation. She has short,...

1 year ago
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Gary Cooper

I really do not like parties, especially ones given for me. The one I was forced to attend on that late May afternoon was the worst one of my life. I have to admit it was just plain embarrassing. For one thing I was the oldest person in the room. I was the last of the old bull cops, as we were known at some point in my career. Almost all the cops today are gym rats or nerds. Cops with real street instincts were not in demand by the H. R. people. So we had a room filled with women, gym rats,...

3 years ago
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My Wife And Tailor 8211 Part 6

You read in last part that while Aashu fucked with her favourite man tailor with cock of 4 inch , her husband Kamal dared and succeeded in fucking Bina, youngest daughter of master in presence of other two. Aashu created a scene and succeeded in making father fuck daughter in presence of them but even after fucking a young girl, own daughter master said that Aashu is best. After fixing appointment of next Tuesday night both returned home in early morning. While Aashu slept nude Kamal fucked...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Paris Lincoln Gorgeous Paris Lincoln Loves Fucking

Paris Lincoln was a little nervous to be LIVE but she really opened up once she saw how great her viewers were! She loves how you checked her out in her pink lingerie and fishnet stockings and was more than glad to show off those toes and her beautiful tight trimmed pussy! Jay Smooth makes sure you got all the positions you crave and we know just how much you love seeing her beautiful face in some standing doggy before she gets one of Jays famous large facials that leaves Paris wishing there...

4 years ago
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DeborahChapter 15

"I like him, Mum," said Annette as she and Deborah drove away. "Yes, he's nice, isn't he?" answered Deborah carelessly. "He knows a lot about nature. All that stuff about blackthorn and hawthorn. And the buzzards! I do hope he'll remember about the video on condors." "I'm sure he will." "He's so good with the dogs too." "What do you mean?" "Well, he doesn't keep calling them like some people and allows them to have fun." "True, but then he loses them too." "Like...

2 years ago
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Sex With Strangers

Hello everyone Rajat here ye meri 4th story he aur jo mujhe nhe jante unhe thoda bta du me punjab se hu 25 years age aur good looking hu aur agar koi bhe lady jallandhar amritsarjammu ya pathankot aur gurdaspur se interested ho to mujhe mail kre Ab aapko zada bore na krte hue sidha story pe aata hu ye baat last week ke he,mujhe kisi kaam se delhi jana pda to me by train apne ticket book krwale aur yha se train raat ko 11 bje chle jb me train me apne seat pr baitha to maine dekha mere samne...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 31

Dear readers, Sorry for the delay of this chapter, but I tried to find a new editor. I had no luck so far. Therefore, this is another UNEDITED chapter I do submit now. Please don’t blame me for any errors. Thank you. ***** Todd’s life again made a fantastic turn in his favor the week after the sex party. The days since the party, he had masturbated constantly to release his sexual frustration. It had started on Sunday right after the party. It was simply a disaster not to have a woman...

3 years ago
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Bhaanje Ke Saath Kara Sex

Hi dosto,mera naam Sameena hai and meri age 36 saal hai.Main ISS ki bahut badi fan hun.Main college k time se hi bahut hot and khoobsurat rahi hun.Main college time me Miss University and bahut saare doosre beauty competitions jeet chuki hun.Meri height 5 ft. 9 inch hai and meri taangein bahut lambi hain.Meri shaadi 21 ki age me hi ho gyi thi par 6 mahine baad hi mera divorce ho gaya and tabse lekar ab tak maine kabhi shaadi nahi kari.Main apni sex ki pyaas bujhaane k liye alag alag aadmiyo ka...

1 year ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Mia Pearl 23545

Mia’s grateful that Tyler was able to stop by her home and help her with her kitchen light, but when she finds out that he suspects his wife – her friend – of cheating on him, she decides to capitalize on it and gobble up his cock! She tells him that his wife has been cheating on him for a long time, which just makes Tyler want to fuck her for a long time! It’s a good thing Mia has an amazing bubble butt on her that he can pound from behind and take out his aggression from learning...

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Dentists have Twilight Drugs Part 1

I was dreading going to the dentist’s office, but really needed to have a tooth extracted.   I kept telling myself that afterwards the pain would be gone, and I’d live through it, but I was more than a bit nervous about going, especially after my first visit to get the x-rays done.   I’ll start there, since it was a simple visit, only to have the x-ray and fill out the forms so I could get a prescription for the necessary antibiotics.   New to this area, I had asked around and heard that...

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The Washburn School of Higher AcademicsChapter 2

The three girls were allowed to rest in the afternoon. Two of them chose to sit in the hot tub before returning to class later in the afternoon. The third, Pam was very concerned about her final partner Scott. His attitude with the other girls seemed to be something of a bully, almost intent on hurting the girls. It was just after four o'clock when the third session began. Heather knew that Wilson would most probably push his cock up into her uterus. She had spoken with Devorah about that,...

3 years ago
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The Training Process

Many of the men in my profession successfully train the girls they kidnap, but few ever manage to actually break them. The standard techniques work: keep her drugged and asleep for a few weeks, then use her confused waking mind to assert a new situation and rebuild her assumptions. You can make an obedient servant that way, but a true slave has to want to obey more than anything else. Brainwashing works, but it doesn't stick for long. To break a girl, you need to re-work the incentives in her...

3 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 29

Staffing development for Findlay had taken on a whole new dimension with the addition of H&S. Sunday morning, Margaret, Nancy, Helen and Carol were in David's office after Susan and Jack had left and were grooming through the selection lists to find compatible Goats. The Goat problem was worse then the straight hires due to the overlapping issues of law, ethics and regulations. Plus it was pretty uncouth to reach out to someone and say "Would you like to come down and interview with us...

4 years ago
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The Internship

„And this will be your desk for the next three months.“ says Tom, the employee, who shows Mike around in the company, where he just started an internship. Mike sits down at his desk and hopes, that Tom would now explain him, what he has to do. „What are you doing? There's coffee to be made! The kitchen's over there.“ Mike starts going towards the door, Tom is pointing at. 'Great! First day as an intern and I'm already the coffee guy.' he thinks. In the kitchen, the annoyed intern starts making...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 276

I met Jenny, Ching Lee, Marcy and Vicky in the security office with Dan on his way. I gave Jenny the tag number from the van, "Search the data base for the tag scanners and see if that van has been here before." A few minutes later, "Yes, four times in the last two weeks," she replied. I gave each day and the time to separate girls, "Follow them on the camera system, and let's find out where they went and who they met or talked to." A search that would have taken hours was reduced...

4 years ago
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Biwi ki kahani

Mera naam mahesh hain main desi story ka purana reader hoon, mughay 2 saal say story pad raha hoon, to mainay socha sub log itni mahenat kartay hain likhtay hain to main bhi ek kahani likho.main story shuru karta hoon, aaj kay 2 saal pahilay ki baat hain main jaipur main service karta tha waha per main jis office main kam karta tha waha per mera ek dst bhi kaam karta tha ussay meray gharulay relation thay, whu shadi shuda tha or who office kay pass rehta tha. Ek baar ki baat hain mera dost kahi...

3 years ago
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Teasing Pleasing FamilyChapter 7

After their good-byes to Ann, Pete and David, the Conways were back on the highway to resume their trip across the country. And, of course, after what had happened, there was no way things could ever be the same between Christy and her parents. Helen Conway was completely frank. "I was so proud of you, darling. When I was your age, I wouldn't have known what to do in a roomful of so many cocks and cunts." Then, Helen sighed, "And I'd thought you were still a virgin." "But I was,...

2 years ago
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Coming of Age Part 1

As a birthday present for our eighteenth birthday, our parents decided to send my twin brother and I to an all-inclusive resort on a Spanish island. It would be the first real holiday abroad we would have as adults. On the flight we agreed, that whatever happened while we were on holidays would never be told to anyone at home. Rob my brother, had a girlfriend, and if the rumours at home were to be believed, things were not going too well for them, the in joke was that he couldn’t get her...

1 year ago
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Chris will find out what fun we had with his wife

Hello Chris,Good to see you again, thank you for the wine :)How are you? Do you have a lot of work to do? My husband left for a business trip, it is just the two of us. Please take a seat, I will open the wine. Make yourself at home on the couch or at the table.Hold on a sec, I'll write a short message to my husband. Anyway we will need the phone, as I have pictures with the story.You look nervous, is everything okay? Oh, do no worry, you will love it :)!So where to start... a few months...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Fever

People were scared, angry, depressed, and very bored. My husband and I have always had a fantastic and interesting sex life. Nothing too rough or scarey (his choice- not mine). However, when the lockdown hit, hubby was working out of the country and so we were seperated for over three months before he could get back to me. About a month into lockdown, he and I were trying to have phone sex and I just couldn't get what I needed. Sexually frustrated and lonely I said something...

1 year ago
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Going back in time to get her

My name is James, and back in college, I met a woman named Caitlin. At the time, she was twenty-one, and had a solid c-cup rack. I was twenty-one as well, and I found her to be very attractive. The one sour note was, that I never asked her out. I never got to sleep with her, and I always regretted not doing it. I guess we weren’t friends, and more like acquaintances. Anyway, I never heard from her after college. She could have moved far away for all I knew. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find her on...

2 years ago
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Futanari Domination World

This society was rather different from the one you may be familiar with. Three common genders roamed the lands of man, but no longer did men rule, not even close. Just as before, there was males, and there were females, equal portions of the population shared between them, with roughly another third for the futanari, female bodies with male penises. While other societies had struggled with sexism; misogyny and misandry, this world seemed to have it's own solution. There was to be one clear...

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A sexual journey Chapter 3

I continued to worry about what Marge had in mind. I was sure she was serious and, in reality, I was sort of turned on by the thought of being used and abused again. However I was worried about my experience being shared with my husband. I thought Reg would not understand. As the week progressed I was a little more relaxed. But on Thursday night the phone rang. I answered it and it was Marge. “Hello Peggy my dear” she said “be at the shop on Sunday for your next lesson”. She then hung up...

4 years ago
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CompanionChapter 3 The General

Doctor girl looked around the crash site before climbing into the helicopter. Her body language and the faint mutterings that Caleb heard, screamed her reluctance to leave. Caleb could understand her reluctance. What person, with even a glimmer of imagination, would want to leave the crash site of an extraterrestrial space ship? Two other hazmat-suited soldiers climbed into the helicopter before Rifle guy number two gestured towards the chopper, indicating that Caleb should precede him. Rifle...

1 year ago
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Huge 1 The Beginning

Sue twisted strands of her shoulder length brunette hair around and around her finger as she talked on the phone. "A movie and then something to eat? That sounds nice Jim." She listened for a second and then said, "Cool, I'll see you at six-thirty then." Sue hung up the phone and then fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She had an honest to goodness date with a hot guy. A car date. She jumped off the bed and looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. She gathered her hair in...

2 years ago
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Sakamoto Realties Part 2 Akiko

Akiko went over the numbers again. They came out the same as they had the fourth time she'd run them; her business wouldn't last through the month. She slammed the ledger close in disgust and cradled her head in her hands. What was she going to do? All of the guys at the old real estate place told her she couldn't make it on her own. They'd said that there was no way a someone could get an agency up and running in this economy. That had only fueled her on. In the end, it looked like they...

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