TandraChapter 33 free porn video

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Susan insistently pushed the bell. A video camera scanned the lone woman, and a speaker beside the door said, "Hello, may I help you?"

Susan thought fast, they had to have an urgent reason to get her in. She yelled like a distraught mother, and said, "You have my baby. I want her back now."

"You are mistaken ma'am. Please leave."

"Police, police, they have kidnapped my baby. Police, police, save my baby. Pol..."

The door was opened, and a large man pulled Susan into the house. Another man tried to slam the door. Instead, he was thrown back against the wall. The door closed, and locked with invisible hands.

Susan flung out her hand, and hit her assailant's throat. He let go, and grasped his throat in pain, with both hands. I saw the goon behind the door convulse, when his own windpipe was crushed by Carl's kick.

I ran downstairs, and said behind me, "Susan, he is not to live. Either kill him, or leave the house, for us to do it.

I found the thick door, and I knew that I would never be able to break it down. A speaker and a button beside the door, gave me hope.

Pushing the button I said, "Mister Juarez, come quickly, there is a grease fire in the kitchen."

The door was flung open, and Juarez had a gun in his hand sensing something amiss.

The edge of my hand came down, and broke his wrist. He screamed in pain as the gun fell to the floor. He did not see me, and wondered frantically how this had happened. My foot caught him in the face, and he was propelled backwards, and onto his back. I stepped into the room, to see the naked girl held by the shackles alone. Her feet, were well off the floor, and her torn dress below her.

I dragged the moaning man to another set of shackles, and secured him the same way. The girl was in hysterics before, but when she saw her attacker flung and lifted into position, she screamed and screamed.

"It's ok, sweetie. This man will never hurt you, and I won't either." I heard shooting upstairs, and needed to move quickly. After removing her manacles, I knew she would run, no matter what I said. A foot manacle went around her wrist. "I am sorry sweetie, but you have to stay here for a few minutes, or you might get hurt. I will be back soon." I left running up the stairs. I knew that I would be back later, to have a long talk with Mister Juarez.

Gunmen were shooting at ghosts. I could sense Carl down the aisle, and then I saw a decorative sword slice through a neck. The corpse's blood splattered neighbours, retreated from the blade. I punched one goon in the kidney, and slashed another across the throat. When they fell to the floor, I moved them into position, and then brought my heel down on their throats, with much satisfaction. Bullets were flying everywhere, and I was worried the children would get shot.

One of the Columbians was thrown from a room, with a gun in his hand. His head struck the wall, and slumped to the floor beside a headless goon. The panicked cries of the girls could be heard.

More men raced up the steps behind me, and the first was greeted with the heel of my foot, as I drove his nose into his skull. He fell back into the arms of two more. I fell down the stairs too. The lone survivor of the goons had run into me as he fled for his life. As he slid beside him, I brought my elbow down and crushed his throat.

I slid down more, and felt some of the slugs strike my shield. Getting to the bottom, I rammed the shooter into the wall, and heard his breath leave him as his head struck the plaster. The last goon looked back and forth, trying to find something to shoot at. Two of my fingers jabbed out, and he cried out, as his eyes were turned to small holes. Taking his gun, I shot him in the head. Time was running out, and the police would soon be here.

I used the gun again and again. Money brought justice here, and I wanted to make sure that the verdict was correct. Tuska was the only one conscious. He held a gun to the head of one of the girls.

"I will kill her. Get away from me. I will kill her. I am warning you." Tuska screamed. The girl was so frightened that she had shit herself. I had no doubt that he would do as he said.

"Where are you Carl?"

"Between Tuska and the large window."

"I am going to turn visible, and he will probably try to shoot me. Get him then."

Not waiting I turned around to give him a target, he couldn't resist by turning visible. I was pushed forward by the slug. As I fell, I turned and saw Tuska's arm and gun, fly from his body. The sword came up, and I had an idea.

"Wait a minute, Carl."

The sword lowered, and I looked for something to bind his wounds. The cord from the blinds was yanked down, and tightly bound the pulsating arm.

"Why did you want me to stop? It was getting to be fun."

Let's get their money. It will put a dent in the Columbian's operation, and someone will make another try, to take Tuska's place.

I picked up the girl, and she struck me with her fists, trying to get away. Reading her mind, I found her name to be Michelle. Stop Michelle! I am not going to hurt you, and neither is anyone else. I am going to take you to a nice lady, and the other girls." She continued to strike my shield. Her mind did not even process my words.

"Susan, where are you?"

"In the first room, with two of the girls."

"I have another."

I went into the room, and found her without a shield, comforting the terrified girls. They became even more frightened, as they saw the other girl floating into the room. My invisibility dropped, and I put the girl in her care.

"There is one more, downstairs. The police will be here soon. Carl and I are going to get some info from any that are still able to give it. When we are done, I will get the last girl in the basement."

"Get the girl now. I want to see that they are all safe."

"Ok." I went down the hall and found Carl dragging one living Columbian into the room with Tuska. My steps quickened, as I found the basement room again. I was visible as I went into the room. The little girl cringed from me. "Hello, it's me again. I would like to take you upstairs to be with your friends, and meet a nice lady."

Her mind was still in turmoil, so I unlocked the manacle, and picked her up. I talked to her gently, as we went upstairs. I called out ahead of me, so that the other girls would not be startled.

"This brave little girl's name is Moesha." I said as I put her down, and wrapped a sheet around her small form. "Moesha, I have to go and find some thing out." I heard sirens approaching.

"Carl, I am going out the front door and convince the police to stay away, for a while. If you hear shots, don't get worried."

I moved the bodies away from the door, turned invisible, and picked up a gun from the dead goon, from behind the door. I was able to get about four doors down the street, before I shot three times into the frozen lawn. The cop cars immediately turned and stopped. The doors opened, and the police stood behind them, looking for somebody to shoot at.

Sighting carefully, I shot a tire, and dropped the gun, because it was the only thing that could be seen. Two attack bushes, beside some steps, and behind me, were mortally wounded. The bushes luckily were unable to return much fire. I raced back to the house, and locked the door behind me.

"I'm back. I'm just going to have a chat downstairs." I called out to everybody.

Juarez was unconscious, and thus it was easier to get his Swiss, Bahamian, American, Columbian, and other bank accounts and their passwords. I found another password to manipulate all the accounts electronically. Lastly, I found the place of the proposed deal this afternoon.

Upstairs, Carl had got all he needed as well, including the hiding place of the rest of the stash, and as a bonus, the combination to the two safes in this house. The police were still hiding, and using a megaphone to negotiate our surrender.

"Susan, what are we going to do with the children? They definitely do not belong to their parents', after what they did. The Children's Aid will take them, but they don't have a good record, with the children under their care."

"I was thinking the same thing. Kimberly, thinks that her mother's current boyfriend, will rape her soon. Clarice thinks that her brother will do the same."

"If you are thinking of adopting, consider what the rest of our family is like. There are young boys to be awakened, and they would probably not understand any restrictions we put on them. They may get raped while under my care, and I will not have that under any conditions."

"I think that we leave the boys to their naps, and teach the girls how to say no."

"If you wish them as daughters that is fine." If you only want to protect them, till they can stand up for themselves, then that is fine too."

Susan took a child off her lap, and got up to kiss me hard. "Thank you darling. They have suffered enough, and I want to help as best I can. I don't think these are any different, than the others we rescued in Kentucky."

"Well let's leave with the girls."

"But how? The police are outside, and they will see the girls."

"Look into my mind."

"Oh! That's how."

Carl rifled the safe, and went to a much better hidden one. He was quite happy at what he found. I rifled the bank accounts from a computer, and sent all of the money to the Bahamian bank, under one of Tuska's aliases.

Carlton came by undetected. Kimberly was taken to another room, she held tight to Susan, and the shield was activated around both. They were carried into the ship, unseen by the girls, or Kimberly herself. Carl did the same with his booty. Susan made the trip three more times, with none of the girls seeing the other disappear.

I was the only one left. The phone rang, and I knew it was the police. I would love to make a statement, but I did not want to warn Tuska's or the Columbians' men.

I dragged Juarez upstairs, with the other living men, and proceeded to start a fire. Even the flames, would be too quick for this type of people. Flames caressed the outside of the building, through the windows that I broke, till the entire house was engulfed. I shot into the lawn, when the police rushed the house. I didn't want any survivors. The flames licked the shield, and had no effect on me.

Ten minutes later, I was pulled aboard, and watched the house collapse upon itself. Incineration was a good way to get rid of garbage, some time.

The warehouse in New Jersey was full of goods. It was run as a legitimate business, and a safe meeting place, on occasions such as this. The Columbians were there first. A dozen lookouts were stationed at their posts inside the large building, while three men waited with their product.

We all watched the feed from the remotes on the large monitor. The girls were starting to relax, because they were watching TV. Three cars approached, and passwords had been given. A large door was opened, and the cars drove in. Eight men got out and five formed their own perimeter.

Carl and I had our weapons, and the goon's guns. The only two functional battle suits would get us into position easier. We quietly exited, as the monitor changed to a view of a tropical island.

Carl blasted an opening, as the anti-gravs brought us down. We immediately went after the money and drugs. The dealers shot at the muzzle flashes. We methodically shot everyone we could find. Some had fled, but their bosses would not think kindly, when they found that they had not died to protect their property.

Carl and I just walked through the aisles, homing in on the petrified thoughts that the doomed men cast for us. With nobody alive, we took the drugs and money, to the music of approaching sirens. A short time later, we descended to the rest of the cache, and found it unguarded. Carl used his disintegrator on the drug. The exterminating business had its good points.

We went home, without selling the gold, but eight hundred and ninety million dollars would soon be added to our war chest, along with thirty seven million in cash. It was a good thing that the Canadian government would not get a cut.

The girls were each put into the command chair, and the ship's doc sedated them. Carl looked at the two girls, he had rescued. The concern in his eyes was discernable, without being able to read minds. Carl seemed to be stricken with the same malady that attacked Susan and me.

When we got back to the base, everybody was crowding around the gangway. I carried the small form of Moesha. Susan had Kimberly, and Carl had both Clarice and the last girl Michelle, in his big arms.

Nova took Moesha, while Secric took Kimberly. Carl would not let anyone touch his girls. I didn't begrudge him the right, for not too long ago, I had gone off the deep end, while killing Dogfaces.

The base autodoc corrected many faults, in the girls' bodies, from juvenile diabetes to herpes, luckily both in the early stages. The other sicknesses worried me, even more.

"Mom, you must have seen what happened. I couldn't have let those animals have the girls."

"Yes, I know that. What would you like?"

"Humans can be wounded in the mind. I think each of the girls were hurt by being sold to Tuska, then by their close call to being raped, and last of all, seeing all the killing in the house, with them present. Is there a way besides love that will heal them? They will be in pain for a very long time, and it hurts me, to know what they will go through."

"I am able to substitute other memories. As they get older, I can carefully put the old memories back, or leave them with only happy thoughts."

"I don't know Mom. I want that to happen, but also think it is wrong. I think, I should have a talk with the rest first. It is not all my decision."

Later, I asked Carl, as he sat besides the sleeping girls, "Mom said that she can remove all the bad memories, and substitute happy ones in the girls. After they have grown, they can be slowly introduced or not. What do you think we should do?"

"I know they will hurt. Their old lives are dead. Perhaps here, with love, they can grow. I think Mom should save their old memories, and give them better ones now. I don't know about after."

Susan thought for quite a while, and then asked Mom her own questions. "I think we should make them happy, now. I can't see them ever going back to their parents."

I was back to my ethical dilemma. The children were not mine, and they had a right to their own lives, no matter how bad they were. I was stealing that, just as the men were going to steal their virtue. The pain would come to the girls, if I did nothing. Their lives would never be the way they should. With loving parents and friends that loved them, there was hope. I hung my head to ponder this problem, for I knew that the future hung on my decision. Would the next time we took in stragglers, allow us to substitute memories? And what if they didn't want to join our group? Would we just give them good memories, and tell that they always wanted into the group?

"Mom, I think the best thing to do, is give them some good memories, and tone down the bad. I think that within three months we should start to give them back most of their memories, and just moderate the real bad ones."

"I will do as you ask. Your people have such linear lives, that this may be right for them. The Tandra go in and out of stasis, and their lives are far from linear. I will follow each of the girls' lives, and warn you of any problems."

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you."

The next morning the girls were still sedated. Susan thought it would be a better idea to have them awake in the house. Mom had done her best, and substituted the minimum necessary.

My whole family, were transported to the house, now that the transporter was working again. The girls were put into a large bed, to wake up naturally, later.

The TV told of a gang war in New York that took the lives of thirty three men. No mention was made of the girls. I doubt if their parents would file a missing person report anyway, and if they waited, then they would not be able to, for fear of incriminating themselves.

I got the large cast-iron grill out, and started making a mountain of flap jacks. Carl ate like he had two hollow legs. The girls were even more hollow. Out from the bedroom came one, then the other three girls. They had no clothes on, like the rest of us. I only wore an apron, to protect the vital equipment.

Michelle and Clarice came to Carl and pulled his head down for a kiss, and said together, "Good morning, Daddy," then they giggled.

We did not know what to think. Then Moesha climbed upon Susan's lap kissed her and said, "Good morning, Mommy. What's to eat, I'm hungry? Kimberly was on her other side, and climbed up and gave her own kiss. "I am hungry too, oh, and good morning too, Mommy." I was the only one to laugh because she thought of her stomach first.

The girls on Susan's lap turned to me got down and ran to me. "Good morning, Daddy. We missed you."

It was my turn to stumble. "Good morning, ladies. Did all of you sleep well?" They nodded their heads, and ran back to their 'Mother' to be fed. Roger got off his chair and ran up to show that he was mine to. "I already said good morning to you, but I can do it again, as I kissed his forehead. Don't worry; I still love you just as much as before."

The grill was used for a long time. I thought I was feeding the entire 17th Calvary. Susan and I sat alone, as I ate my breakfast, and drank my now warm coffee. The girls went and played with the rest, as if they had done the same thing, since they were born.

"I didn't expect that greeting at all, but I think Mom must have had to pick somebody to watch out for them, and answer their questions. I wonder what they will think when they see the others play with sex?"

"I think Mom thought of that too. Don't worry."

"Ok," I said, and actually meant it.

Carl stood in the doorway dressed in his shorts. He had not been able to embrace nudism as easy as Susan and me. He avidly watched all the kids, especially 'his'. He had just been thinking of the same thing, and knew if anybody was in pain, or even uncomfortable, then the others would stop. This was much different than how he grew up.

Carl, Blue, Susan, Nova, and I, went up to the destroyer. We just wore the command or regular suits. Blue had been working a long time, trying to get the combat suits back on-line. Four of the suits had lost their AIs', and I was sad at their loss. Even if they were machines, they gave their lives to follow me.

The large stasis chamber was now empty. Mom had done her analysis, and disposed of the bodies. We found three Dogfaces in the back of the medical section, in personal stasis chambers. They could be wounded, sick, critical replacements, criminals or a host of other things. I didn't know yet, and I found I had just enough strength-of-will to resist killing them as they lay.

Mom was still working on the ship AI. She did find that the ship had gone to what we call Epsilon Eridani, and picked up some wild game. The crew had hunted to fill the larder, for the next leg of their patrol.

I looked at the corridor walls, and saw so much damage, that I wondered if it was even practical to repair. The hull might have to be completely stripped, and the structural members repaired or replaced. The computer was lucky, and had just escaped our kinetic weapons.

I looked at the wreck, as I would Mom's hull, and found some similarities. Her length was almost one hundred and ninety metres and massed out at over seven hundred thousand tonnes. I remember Carlton telling me that this was only a light destroyer, in any case.

Same as Tandra
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Earth Spectre Base, Canadian Rockies August 21, 2019 06:33 PDT (09:33 EDT) “LET’S GO, LADIES. MOVE IT! MOVE IT MOVE IT!,” our taskmaster yelled as he walked beside us. Remember when I said that I was excited for our training to begin? I take it back. Training fucking sucks. Well, not all of it sucks, just the stuff that we had to do in the early mornings. Two days earlier, my mom had introduced us to the man who would be overseeing the first few weeks of physical training. He was Tas...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 19 Sunday is Not a Day of Rest

I was dreaming, I thought, I must be dreaming. This has to be a dream. I’m in a large, fog-filled room and girls, tall girls, short girls, fat girls, thin girls, cute girls, ugly girls, are circling around me, moving in and out of the fog, getting really close and when I turn to look at them, drift away. When I try to move toward a girl, she smiles, giggles, glides away, and disappears into the mists. Now I’m beginning to feel ghostly hands tugging at my groin; I look down and see that I’m...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 464

At 1800 we were at Morton field putting final touches on arrival needs. The girls had contacted a local private ambulance company and had all 10 of their ambulances coming, and then the county EMS was going to supply 5 county ambulances with medics. Local fire companies were going to supply the last 10, one each for the counties volunteer fire departments and 4 from adjacent counties. A JLG lift with a platform was waiting to unload the injured. It was easier to put an ambulance stretcher...

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Swept Away Part 2

He swallowed hard, and she took his large, warm hand in hers; his apparent nervousness brought out the nurturing mother in her."Oh, sweetie.  It's okay. I promise. Please don't be shy or feel bad or afraid. It's just two people who care very deeply for each other, wanting to express that intimately. The best sex really is love and physical pleasure. It will be our little secret, darling. I promise. No one else need ever know."She placed her hand gently under his chin and lifted his...

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My first Glory Hole 1

It was a late fall afternoon when I was walking home from band practice. My dad was running late in picking me up so I told him I would be walking home, and he could pick me up at the park. When I got to the park, I needed to go to the bath room really bad, so I went to the public restroom all parks have. I did not see the hole in the wall in the stall until I was hit with a rude and nasty surprise. While doing my business I felt something thumb me on the back of my head. I was in shock when I...

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The Sales Team Meeting

Roger managed the company sales group and it was a high-pressure job. Without sales, the company would fold. He knew and so did all the people that Roger hired.Roger knew that the sales job depended on him hiring the best people and since the business was a tool manufacturing distributor, he knew he had to think outside of the box.“Sex sells,” was certainly the thinking of the time-period. Roger was given a lot of leeway by the company CEO, who told him he could do anything to sell the products...

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JordanChapter 17

We'd had a peaceful sleep and I was woken up to a warm mouth engulfing my cock. I looked down at Jordan who smiled when she saw that I was awake. "I figured that would get your attention," she said with a grin. "Besides, I was getting hungry and I thought maybe I could get a little liquid snack to hold me over until breakfast." I laughed and told her to swing around so I could eat her out at the same time. In a flash I found myself looking at that delightful young pussy – a pussy that...

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My first time ever

When I was a young boy I used to get on the CB radio and chat to lots of ppl, one night I started talking to Kate she was a mature married woman of 38 with two k**s and was lonely at night as hubby worked the night shift. After a few weeks the chat became very sexual and flirty, she told me how her hubby had cheated on her and she didn't love him anymore and how shed like to meet me and have her way with me knowing full well I was a virgin and less that half her age.We agreed to meet one night...

4 years ago
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Kristens Journey

Kristen's Journey Chapter 1: My Job Interview I started my new job on a late summer day. As it turned out, I also started my new life on that same day. I'd only been out of work for a few weeks after my last employer went through one of its downsizing cycles. I had some fairly desirable job skills as both a web designer and programmer and had secured a half dozen or so interviews within days of being laid-off (with a sizable cash severance). One small company really intrigued...

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CrissyGeorgeDebbie Chapter Two

George was looking at my small breast and he bent down and started sucking on one then the other. God that felt so good. I bent my legs and placed the heels of my feet against my ass check and spread my legs as far as they would go. George took one of his free hands and spread my bald cunt lips apart exposing my hard little clit to the air. It stood attention when he started to rub it. I could feel my pussy getting wet. “Please fuck me some more.” I begged. George just raised his head from my...

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Not so faithful

Our place had a new trainee, Rachel. We were short-staffed and have been unable to fill a post for more than a year. This was more or less the situation across the country.During regional meetings, one of the other consultants had come across Rachel. She was unhappy with her present workplace and was looking to move out. As we had nothing to lose, we interviewed her.She was nothing brilliant, had average references but was someone who could do the job, that’s what I heard. A pair of hands is...

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As a Dodo pt 5

Well this is a bit gory, so I decided it was best to tell this tale or anecdote separately, I'm John Hanson by the way, I managed a bank in Harare for a while, before I came home to the UK, you may have seen me on TV racing the Aston Martin, or in the House of Lords, bloody good value that peerage only half a mill, thanks Gordon. Sorry, back to the plot. It was at Manser Smythe's place, back in Zimbabwe, sort of a game reserve, I had agreed to let Manser have my old native girl Msala...

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DVP Adventure

DVPI remember the first time I experienced DVP. I was not sure about it but now I do it every-time I get a chance. A friend and I used to meet up for some fun activities, like sucking each other off, jacking off, etc. One day we got to talking and we decided to experience Frot. Rubbing cocks together to a cum. We did it and it became a regular part of our play. Then he emailed me one day that he knew an older woman who wanted to fuck. In fact she wanted to fuck several guys at once. A GB...

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She needed the money Chapter 9

Victor rang Frank and asked if the farm was available the next day. “Sure” replied Frank “I have someone in the morning but the afternoon is vacant. Your two lovelies want a repeat do they?” Victor laughed “yes they seem eager to return for round two” he said. “Well then I will make sure I have a special stallion for them. I keep him for my special customers”. Victor thanked him and hung up. Turning around he noticed Rhonda and Ann both eager to know the answer. “Yes” he said smiling broadly...

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Sleeping Cousin

18 year old Danielle yawned and stretched in bed, slowly opening her eyes. She looked beside her and saw her cousin, Tanya, who was 19, sleeping beside her. “Oh yeah,” she thought to herself. “Tanya’s family was over last night, and we shared a bed because there weren’t enough for everyone. Danielle looked at her cousin, sleeping deeply on her back. Her 32DD breasts rose and fell underneath her tight white t-shirt with each breath. Danielle had always had a secret desire for Tanya, but she had...

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Men Wear Panties Number 1

My girlfriend, Sheila, showed up at my place as I was getting ready to go out that evening with her to celebrate my birthday. She had a present for me, in one of those gift bags I reached inside and found lacy a white G-string and two wide metal cock rings."Happy birthday, Lenny," she said, as I extracted the items from the bag. "I hope you like what I got for you, and I expect you to wear them on our date, tonight. So, run off to the bedroom and change into your new panties."This wasn't the...

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My story happened about a year before. My name is Sakunthala*. I am 36 now and even now, I'm considered to be attractive and have always taken good care of myself. I'm proud to say most men find my pretty face attractive, but my large breasts (38d), bit fatty stomach, and especially my firm bottom and muscular thighs get the most attention, although I have to admit I've never really dressed to show them off. I'm not really old fashion but I normally used to be in the traditional south...

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Visiting QueenslandChapter 5

David visited after dinner. It was really good to see him without his entourage, though I was sure that mum had something planned for Sunday. I asked him about the vineyards' preparations for locust swarming. "We weren't badly hit these past few years, though 2000 saw some damage. The fact that we can't use DDT is a problem. With the good rain we've had, summer of '06 might be a killer." "Dad's worrying about that, too. I told him about the fungus they tried a few years...

2 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 09

Heidi Tate sat alone in the living room of her home, feeling extremely depressed. Her life was in chaos. Her marriage was falling apart and would likely end in divorce before too much longer, but that wasn’t the worst of Heidi’s troubles. A few days earlier, under the sway of emotions she still couldn’t understand, she had seduced a young man named Bobby Draper, who was a student at Jamestown High School where she was employed. And she’d done it in her office at school. That incident caused...

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Mohammeds girls

All persons in this tale are fictional, are 18 years of age or older, and are not real. Any relation to reality is unintentional. Mohammad's girls CBA Like his father before him, Mohammad loved to fuck young male ass. Like many of his countrymen he had a saying 'women are for breeding, young males are for pleasure'. You see it's not gay if it's a young male (their way of thinking, not mine - just saying). Over the years Mohammad had developed quiet the harem of males...

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Scary but exciting morning

At 7:40am,My loving wife decided this morning before she left for work that she would tease me a little bit. I was laying in bed and she came in and grabbed my butt and rubbed my cheeks. I thought that was very nice as I sighed in approval. She even gave me a few mild spankings too. Then, I feel her start rubbing my asshole, which actually felt very nice and stood me straight up almost instantly. She stopped for about a minute, which at this time, I thought she was done teasing and getting...

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When I was raped

I enjoy dressing to "impress" and to show the great body that I've worked so hard for. This Friday, my friends and I, or basically the entire high school headed out to a party deep out in the country. I can't remember where it was but it was very far and by a lake. It was hot and humid just like any other night. I wore a denim mini skirt which was probably about 7-8 inches above my knee, a white blouse which I unbuttoned at the top and an old pair of flip flops to top it off. Yes it...

4 years ago
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Ann Goes to Detroit

Ann looked at the card in her hand and wondered when Tom had put it in her suitcase. The card had a simple handwritten message in Tom's handwriting, "You are 1300 miles from home. No one knows you there. Go for it!" Ann knew only to well what that message meant, just as she understood the message sent by the other items Tom had slipped into her suitcase. She found nylons, garter belt, black bustier, a black negligee, and what Tom called her 'come fuck me' high heels. Oh yes indeed, the...

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Marys story Part 11

“Finished,” said Paul, and Wendy loosened the gag and the straps. Sue was really crying now, and could not stand up properly. Mary went to help her. “Dry your eyes. You look beautiful,” she said, “and at least you are finished now. I’ve still got to get mine done.” “Stand up and show yourself slut.” said Wendy. She led Sue over to stand in front of the audience. “Thank the ladies and gentlemen for watching.” “Thank you.” sobbed Sue. Wendy removed the blindfold and Sue looked down to see her...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 15 What Diego Remembered

His name was Diego Norte when he was in Florida. At the moment Diego was in a secret clinic after having a gunshot wound sewn shut. An 8mm bullet from a caseless-cartridge machine gun had imbedded itself in Diego's derriere sideways- -obviously after the misshapen slug had punched through something hard and bounced of another hard object. It was barely recognizable. The old 20th Century forensics would not have been able to positively match bullets from those 8mm folding machine guns to...

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My Sister the Nun Ch 8 final

The telephone in the motel room began to ring in a muffled tone, and a red light started to flash. Robert lifted the receiver and a voice came on. "This is your nine o'clock wake up call." Robert thanked the disembodied voice and hung up. Katie was still out, so Robert leaned over and kissed her. Her response was almost immediate. She put her arms around her brother and began to kiss him back with her eyes still closed. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and touched his. "Robert...

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Better Study Habits Parts 14

Better Study Habits (Parts 1-4) by Vanessa White Travis packed the last of his few possessions into his car and then gave his buddy Jonas a hug. "Dude, I can't believe I'm moving out of the Party Zone. Two of the best years of my life, bro." "I know, bro. But you still have a key. You know we'll be here for you whenever you want. But if you get kicked out of school, that would be really shitty. It's for the best, dude. Get your grades up, move back in. We still got two...

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Her eyes were the color of the purest Amethyst, and soft pink lips. He watched her play with her Pokémon and laugh. Her laugh made him smile and lightened his soul. Every day he would watch her in her room, outside, when she bathed. Oh how he wished she could come and be with him. He closed the looking portal between the worlds and looked at his bleak and muted world. sighing he laid down to rest a bit after watching the girl, she had already gone to sleep and he was already so tired. He...

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The webs we weave

“Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you,” I yelled across the house, from the kitchen. “What is it Mike?” my mother fired back, form the living room. “Just come into the kitchen please,” I responded. I heard the shuffling of socks on carpet as my parents worked their way to the kitchen. “What is this about, Michael,” my father said firmly, clearly aggravated. “… About Laura,” I started, before my dad cut me off. “This conversation is over,” he said, and stormed from the room. “Dad!” I yelled...

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An Unexpected Incest Vacation 8211 Part 2

Hello Readers, I am Vishal, from the beautiful city of Pune. A 27 years old techie, who works with an MNC and loves storytelling, and sexual adventures. I could be reached out at First of all, I apologies for the delay in submitting the second part. My hectic work schedule got the better of me. However, finally I am here with the second part. I could feel her warm breath on my shoulders. I started getting a hard on. I was now wearing my shorts. Aunty started massaging my biceps and started...

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Shooting Star

I awoke this morning with a sore head and a mouth that tasted of sand. I had a vague recollection about last night, but I wasn't quite sure what had happened. I tried to stretch, but bumped a barrier in the bed. Unusual, the bed's not against the wall, so I rolled over and tried to focus. As you came into focus I kind of remembered what had happened. I looked down at this vision of loveliness, you were just lying there, completely asleep and defenceless. Unfortunately you are lying on my arm...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Chapter 6 Hot Mage Menage1

Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Six: Hot Mage Menage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi Jathibiyya's hands grasped my naked hips, swaying them from side-to-side. Her breasts pressed into my back, her nipples hard points that caressed my skin. My body moved under Jathibiyya's direction. Chaun's music wasn't playing right now, but my body still boiled from the lust of his song even after the...

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The Girlfriend Chapter Six

The Girlfriend Chapter 6I shuddered and closed my eyes as Sam took me into his mouth. I knew I should stop this right now and my hands moved to push him away just as he wrapped his tongue around the head. When he flicked the spot where the head meets the shaft I moaned, and instead of pushing him away my hands held him in place as his tongue danced around my cock which was now as hard as I could ever remember. I opened my eyes to look down to see my cock sliding through Sam’s lips. This can’t...

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Uncle Bobs Charter BoatChapter 12

In the end, Mandy simply took his hand and led him up out of the galley, onto the deck. He frantically jerked his shorts back up, but otherwise let her pull him to the ladder to the bridge. She climbed first, and he looked up to see her pussy exposed to him each time a foot lifted to a new rung. He suddenly smelled her, and realized she was excited. It blew his mind, until he thought of Jill, whose unabashed, joyful welcome to him was always the same. Jill didn't let him fuck her. She...

1 year ago
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Book 8 ZaraChapter 29

DeClan waited until Mal and Tabby had finished their supper then casually commented that Mercer was at Montcliff. With a shriek of joy Mal was immediately dressed in his pirates costume, little wooden sword and all "go see Mercer" said Mal grinning widely, Tabby smiled and dressed in an outfit that Lexi had fixed up for her. Both girls had decided they were going to be amazons like Raimi and had leather breeches, vests and shirts and thigh high leather boots, except Tabby's little boots...

4 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 10

On Wednesday morning, Jerry was sitting behind his desk going through paper work when the telephone rang. Picking up the handset, he said, “Hello. This is Jerry Smith at the Auto Parts House on Main.” “Jerry, this Al,” was the answer over the phone. Jerry sat up straighter at the introduction knowing that an early morning call from Mr. Sinclair was not a good sign. “Oh, Mr. Sinclair. What can I do for you?” “I was going over the Employment report that you sent into the Federal Government...

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