ConflictedChapter 5 free porn video

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It was about a thirty minute drive from downtown to Greek Row. Brian had given me fairly specific directions, at least as far as he was able to, but Stacey knew her way over there pretty well. It took us a few more minutes to find the specific sorority house, though seeing as how it was the only one with a huge crowd of people in front of it, it wasn't that hard.

Stacey left her 4Runner parked on someone's lawn, and she just shrugged when I asked her if that wasn't going to get her ticketed or even towed. As we all walked up to the sorority house, I realized that the large majority of people who were currently standing outside were actually trying to get inside.

A rather unfriendly looking trio of men in their mid-thirties were standing in front of the door, curtly telling anyone without invitations to either leave or get thrown off the front porch. Their immaculate business suits were partially hiding their apparent lack of necks.

"Those guys look like they have very little sense of humor," I said, feeling a bit worried.

"Professional bouncers," Stacey said. "It was pretty smart of those girls to hire some. It keeps parties like these from getting swamped by idiots you didn't invite."

"Eh, I don't think any of you are invited," I reminded her.

She smiled. "Just leave that to me."

I had wrapped my arm around Amanda's shoulders while she walked arm in arm with Kelsey. As we walked across the lawn to the house, several of the guys outside started wolf-whistling at the girls, who were all wearing pretty skimpy clothes. The girls grinned in appreciation, though fortunately they kept right on walking. I was worried about them getting sexually assaulted if they stayed outside any longer than they had to.

"Do you have invitations?" the bouncer on the left, a hulking guy with long blond hair, asked as we came up to the door.

"No, but some of the girls invited me earlier this morning. My name is Damon Richards," I said.

He checked a neatly printed list which had most names crossed out already. He found mine and scratched it through with a pen. "Alright, go inside. What about you girls, you invited?"

"They're with me," I said.

"Sorry, no guests."

"Awww, come on," Stacey said sultrily as she walked up to him. "Parties like these can always use a few more hot girls, right?"

"That's not my place to decide," he said, though he took his sweet time in checking out Stacey's luscious body.

"What if I throw in some financial incentives?" she offered.

"Not interested."

She sighed and moved in closer to him, whispering something in his ear. His eyes opened wide, and he looked at her in surprise; in return, she teasingly licked her lips and gave him a slow wink. He swallowed loudly, then nodded his head towards the door. "Alright, you can all go in."

The girls all stared at their friend in amazement as we went inside. "How did you get him to let us in, Stace?" Kelsey asked as we walked into the foyer.

"I told him he could fuck Carynne up her little tail if he did," Stacey said.

"What?!" Carynne exclaimed, her eyes wide open in surprise. I noticed she had an intrigued little grin on her face.

"Relax, silly, I'm just kidding!"

"Oh," Carynne said, somewhat disappointedly.

"Want me to go back and really offer your ass to him?" Stacey asked with a challenging note in her voice.

Carynne made some show of thinking it over, then she shook her head. "Nah, he'd probably tear me in half with his cock. I'll find a slightly smaller boy to amuse myself with."

"I'm sure you will!" Stacey grinned.

The other girls laughed at Stacey and Carynne's banter, and though I was a bit surprised at how blatant the two were, I joined in. I was pretty sure they were joking.

I looked around as we walked inside, immediately noticing how well-kept the sorority house was. The girls obviously took great pride in keeping a neat house. We walked through several rooms, including a typical living room as well as an entertainment area, both of which were packed with people, though it wasn't so full as to be considered crazy.

I definitely took note of how incredible the majority of the girls inside were. I didn't know whether they were all part of the sorority, of course, but even if they weren't, the sorority girls definitely had some smoking hot friends. The guys in attendance, for their part, seemed equally well-represented on the attractiveness scale.

Most of the people were holding drinks and talking to members of the opposite sex. A few dozen of them were dancing in the entertainment area, with the music coming from some dark, smoky room off to the back, and several couples were making out here and there, though nothing really inappropriate seemed to be happening anywhere.

The five girls with me were all drawing quite a lot of attention in their very sexy attire, especially from all the guys, though I saw several girls checking them out too.

"I thought this was supposed to be a fuck party?" Carynne asked, looking around with a slightly annoyed frown.

"Not all fuck parties are as insane as the last one we went to, you know," Stacey grinned as she squeezed Carynne's ass, causing the small brunette to yelp and smile at her.

"They aren't? Why not?" Carynne quipped.

Stacey just laughed as they kept on walking.

"What's this about this crazy fuck party?" I asked Amanda, a little hesitantly. I couldn't make up my mind whether I really wanted to know or not.

"I don't know, I didn't go," Amanda said, giving me a reassuring squeeze. She looked up at me with a gorgeous smile, and I almost felt my knees buckle at the sight of it.

"What about you, Kel?" I asked. Please say no, please say no, my mind practically shrieked.

"I didn't go either," Kelsey said. "That's really something only Stacey and Carynne get into."

"Good," I said without even thinking about it, then I immediately started blushing. Both Amanda and Kelsey grinned at each other, and they both gave me wicked smiles.

After a few minutes we found our way to the kitchen where I grabbed a beer, and the girls helped themselves to a pitcher of Sangria. Each of them eagerly gulped down a glass, then smiled as they filled them up again. Mikaela abstained, apparently satisfied with just a glass of water. Within just a few minutes the pitcher was done for, and the other four girls were getting rather giggly.

A couple of college guys entered the kitchen, smiling widely as they saw the group of hot teenage girls. They walked over and introduced themselves, asking if they could join us. While Stacey, Carynne and Mikaela stayed behind to talk to them, Amanda nudged my side, and together with Kelsey we left the others to their own devices.

The three of us found an empty couch in a small room somewhere off the kitchen. Amanda snuggled up against me and Kelsey did the same against her friend from the other side.

"I'm getting a little tipsy," Amanda said, repressing a little burp.

"I think you passed a little tipsy a pitcher of Sangria ago!" Kelsey teased.

"Hey! Don't make me punish you again, brat," Amanda said mock-seriously.

"Awww, please? Will you punish me?" Kelsey grinned.

"You two aren't going to be fooling around again, are you?" I teased.

"You're one to talk about fooling around!" Kelsey snorted. "I'm pretty sure that that isn't whipped cream on Amanda's top!"

I blushed as I looked at Amanda's chest. While my cum didn't show on the white fishnet top she was wearing, it was easily noticeable on her black tube top underneath. I felt a warm shiver pull through me at the memory of blasting my cum all over her. "At least she and I went somewhere private, unlike you!" I accused.

Amanda giggled, but Kelsey just gave me an innocent look. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Like hell you don't!"

Both girls looked at me with teasing smiles. "No, really, what are you talking about?" Kelsey said.

"You two were ... eh, you know."

Kelsey raised her eyebrows and shrugged, pretending to be stupid, though she couldn't quite keep a grin off her face.

"We were what? Come on, I want to hear you say it," Amanda breathed.

I gulped loudly before drawing a deep breath. "You were playing with each other."

"No, I want to hear you say it with dirty words," Amanda urged me on, pushing herself against me a little more firmly.

I looked at Kelsey to see if she would say anything, but she was grinning with glee. "Kelsey was playing with your pussy," I said quietly, the memory of it making me horny as hell.

"Mmmm, she was. Your dirty sister was fingering my wet pussy," Amanda said, her voice heavy with excitement. "I love it when she shoves her fingers inside me. I cum so hard when she does!"

Kelsey groaned and grabbed Amanda's hair, pulling her friend's head back towards her. Their lips locked eagerly, and they started devouring each others' mouths right in front of me. I imagined my jaw was about to hit the floor as I could see Kelsey's tongue slip inside Amanda's mouth. Amanda moaned loudly as she responded in kind while grabbing my sister's breast through her tie top, firmly squeezing it. Both girls kept hungrily making out and feeling each other up for another minute, then they broke their kiss, each panting heavily and gasping for air. Their lips glistened with the other's saliva.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed. They both giggled at me.

"Did you like that?" Amanda asked as she climbed into my lap, starting to kiss my face and my neck.

"Yes," I sighed, returning her kisses. She tasted heavily of the sweet Sangria and—I imagined—my sister's mouth.

"Good," she whispered, her tongue trailing over my cheek. I put my hands on her delectable ass and squeezed it. "God, I am so fucking horny," Amanda moaned. She reached down and grabbed my cock through my khakis, stroking it a few times. "Keep this thing hard for me, okay? I really have to go pee first."

I sighed in frustration as I wanted nothing more than to tear off the few clothes she wore and take her on the couch, but I nodded my understanding anyways.

Amanda leaned over and gave my sister another deep kiss, then climbed off me. She looked over her shoulder at us with a devious little smile on her face. "Watch this!" she said sultrily as she slowly bent over, grabbing her ankles and bringing her face near her knees.

"Fuck!" I groaned as her ridiculously short skirt moved up onto her hips, and her naked pussy came into view. It was glistening all over, evidence of just how wet and horny she was. Beside me, Kelsey drew in a sharp breath as she, too, stared at her friend's wet cunt.

"Hurry back, please," I begged the little blonde nymph.

Amanda nodded with a happy little grin, then she walked off while moving her skirt somewhat back into place.

"Was she not wearing panties at all tonight?" I asked my sister breathlessly.

"She was, but she took them off when she changed in the car," Kelsey said.

"God..." I moaned, staring at the doorway through which Amanda had left.

My sister grabbed my chin, turning my face towards her. "Are you okay with this?" she asked seriously.

"With what? With her turning me on more than I've ever been turned on before?" I joked.

"No, I mean with her and me," Kelsey said. She sounded worried.

"How come you're still so sober, sis?" I asked, trying to divert her line of questioning.

"I can hold my liquor a lot better than Amanda can. Stop changing the subject."

I took a deep breath, calming myself down. It was obvious my sister wanted to talk seriously. "It'll take some getting used to, Kel," I admitted. "I never suspected you were into girls."

"I know. I'm sorry I had to keep it a secret from you, but Mom and Dad..."

I nodded. "How long have you two been, you know, more than just best friends?"

"For about a year."

"How did it start?"

"It just kinda happened. I was over at her place one night. We were a little bored, talking about boys and kissing, stuff like that. We figured we needed some practice, so for fun we kissed each other. We both decided we liked it, a lot, and kissed again. Next thing I knew it was midnight, and we'd been making out all evening. Next time after that, we did a lot more than just kiss," she said with a wicked smile.

"Do you two make love often?" I asked, swirling my tongue around in an effort to get some moisture into my mouth. The idea of Amanda and my sister 'experimenting' on each other was giving me the worst case of cotton-mouth imaginable.

Kelsey shrugged as she scooted up close beside me. "Hmm, not that often."

"Really?" I gasped, completely surprised. "I figured you two would be all over each other all the time!"

"We are."

"But you just said—"

"I said we don't make love that often. We do, however, fuck each other's brains out a lot!" my sister grinned.

I shivered in delight as images flashed through my brain of the two of them naked, fingering and licking each others' pussies, their amazingly hot bodies sweating as they ground against each other while cumming over and over again.

"You like that, hmm?" Kelsey breathed in my ear.

"Yes," I admitted, my voice breaking.

She kissed my cheek softly. "Typical boy. Two girls going at it gets you every time."

I gulped. "Seeing you two going at it drives me nuts."

"Good," she grinned. "So you're okay with sharing her with me for awhile?"

I opened my mouth as if to say something, then just nodded.

"Good!" my sister said again, a happy smile beaming on her beautiful face.

We were both quiet for a moment, then I asked her, "So, you two are lesbians?"

"I would think Amanda has already proved to you that she's just as much into boys as she is into girls."

"Yeah, she did," I said, trying to hide my proud smile. "What about you, though?"

"Well, to be a lesbian, you have to like girls and not boys, right? I do like girls, but I've never been with a boy, so I have no idea if I'd like them or not. I think that kind of makes me ineligible to be a lesbian at the moment," she chuckled.

"You've never been with a guy?"


"Not even to like second base or something?"



"What do you mean, wow?"

"It's just that ... you're so beautiful! How have you not had to beat guys off you all this time?"

Kelsey smiled appreciatively at my compliment. "It helps to hang around with girls who are more beautiful than I am. They tend to attract all the male attention," she quipped.

"That's crazy. You're the most beautiful girl in your entire squad! You're the most beautiful girl in the whole school, for that matter!"

"Awww, you're a real sweetheart, big brother, but you're also full of shit. Look me in the eye and tell me that you think I'm more beautiful than Amanda."

I hesitated for just a second.

"See?" She smiled victoriously before I could even open my mouth.

"Hey, that's not fair!"

"Damon, I know Amanda is more beautiful than I am. I don't mind being an A minus compared to her A plus."

"You're not an A minus, stop saying stupid shit like that! What minus would you have, exactly?"

"I'm kind of short."

"That's it? That's your minus? That you're an inch shorter than Amanda?" I asked, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Well, no. My biggest problem is that my butt's too big."

"Not to me it isn't."

"You only say that because I let you spank it!"

I coughed uncomfortably. Kelsey grinned, and she leaned closer, resting her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and hugged her close, kissing the top of her head. "Kel, your butt is not too big. It's perfect. You have the most amazing ass I've ever seen," I said softly after gathering up my courage. It was nothing but the utter truth. Kelsey's ass was just spectacular.

She leaned back a little and stared deep into my eyes. Again I was amazed at how beautiful her eyes were. They were a warm, almost ocean-blue, and they were absolutely sparkling with joy. "Do you mean that?"

"Yes, I swear."

To call her smile beautiful would have been cutting it short by at least a factor of a million. I don't think I'd ever seen Kelsey look more happy than she did right at that point. "God, you're so wonderful..." she said softly. She was blinking rapidly, almost as if she was trying to blink away some tears, then her head came closer to mine.

I felt my heart beat rapidly as I saw her close her eyes and pucker up her lips. What was she gonna do? Was she really gonna kiss me? My eyes were rapidly scanning around the room, and I prayed nobody was gonna see us. At least nobody that knew us.

Kelsey's lips touched mine, and a large tingle of static electricity sparked between us. We both backed off in a flinch, each of us touching our lips in surprise.

"I think somebody doesn't want us kissing," I joked after a few seconds, rubbing my lips.

Kelsey laughed. "I'm sorry, this skirt gets pretty static-y on this couch, I think," she said.

"Are you sure that's what it was? Are you sure we didn't get sparked because you were gonna give your own brother a kiss?"

She gave me a cute grin. "You're silly! Besides, if that's what it takes..."

I smiled at her as I opened my arms, and she happily snuggled up against me. I couldn't help but smile at much how I loved her. I was so blessed with her as my sister, and I kissed the top of her head again. "Okay, so now that we've established that you have, in fact, an amazing ass, you are officially out of excuses to call yourself an A minus."

"No, I'm not!" she objected.

"Yes, you are. What other thing do you think is wrong with you?"

"Uhm..." she said, hesitating.

"See? There's nothing," I quickly said, not giving her the time to think up something.

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"I know, I said the same thing a few minutes ago!" I laughed.

She looked up at me and smiled. "It's not nice to turn your own sister's tricks back against her, you know!"

"It isn't? Says who?"

"Me!" she grinned.

"It's a good thing you're so cute, Kel," I grinned.

"Funny, Amanda always says the same thing," Kelsey giggled. "She also says I'm a brat."

"That I will definitely agree on!" I grinned.

She grinned at me and punched me in the arm. "Boys tend to not like that a whole lot, though," she said.

"I think it just makes you extra cute."

"Well, apparently your opinion is different from other boys then. So that's my minus, compared to her."

"I really don't think so, sis, but okay. You are definitely hotter than Stacey, though, so that's just Amanda who's hotter than you then. And only by the tiniest of margins. That's not multiple girls."

"Stacey and I are about equal, I think. I'd love to be as tall as her, and she really wants my hair and eyes. But she wasn't the one who I was counting."

"So who is this mystery beauty then?"

"Well, duh? Carynne!"

"Carynne! Are you kidding? You're far hotter than she is."

"Oh, whatever Damon. She's perfect; there's not a single flaw anywhere on her."

"She's like five feet tall!"

"So? That just makes her special, and exquisite. I'd rather be cute and petite like her than this stupid stumpy height that I am."

"She also has very little in the boob department."

"She does have boobs! She's just a late bloomer. Compared to six months ago, she's grown quite a bit. In one year she'll have tits the size of Amanda's."

"You know, I can't believe that I'm discussing another girl's tits with you," I said wryly.

"I know. Aren't I just the coolest sister in the world?"

I nodded. "You are by far the coolest sister in the world. You're also amazing and beautiful."

Kelsey grinned. "You know, if you weren't my brother, I'd think you were trying to get in my pants."

"At least you could find out if you were truly a lesbian then," I joked.

She blushed a pretty red, then punched me in the arm again. I laughed and engulfed her in another huge hug, and she clung to me fiercely, giving me a big smooch on the cheek.

"Hey sis?" I asked after we had let go of each other, and she was again resting her head on my chest.


"You and Amanda are pretty serious about each other, right?"

"Well, we keep it a secret as much as we can, but yes."

"So how do you feel about Amanda and I?"

"I'm fine with it," she said after a second. I thought she seemed a bit hesitant, but I shrugged it off.

"You're not jealous about your, eh, your girlfriend dating someone else?"

She shook her head. "Amanda's had a huge crush on you for a long time now, so I'm happy for her that you two are hitting it off so well."

I gave her a surprised look. "She's had a crush on me?"

"Oh yes. Almost since the first time she came over to our house."

"Why didn't she ever say anything? Or do anything?"

"Well, you were with that damn whore for the most part of it; she didn't want to interfere in that."

"So now that Kim and I have broken up..."

"She figured she had to make her move fast before you got involved with another girl."

"Wow, I had no idea she was interested."

"Yes, she way always complaining about that. She called you a clueless dork plenty of times!"

"Hey!" I said, feigning to be hurt.

"Oh whatever. You are clueless! I thought I was going to have to wallpaper your bedroom with naked pictures of her before you'd start paying attention to her!"

I held up my hands in defeat. "Okay, okay, I surrender!"

She smiled victoriously. "I am glad you two finally got together though. You match pretty well."

"Except that I'm too innocent for her, of course," I reminded my sister.

"Well, I'm sure that she can change that fairly quickly." Kelsey winked.

"She's definitely been trying!"

"Oh whatever, you loved every second of it!"

I nodded. "She makes me completely lose my mind."

"I know. She does the same to me when she just uses me to make herself cum over and over."

"Oh fuck," I moaned, as more images of my sister and her gorgeous blonde friend fucking each other silly flooded my brain.

"Amanda better get back soon and take care of you, huh?" my sister asked teasingly.

"Yeah, no kidding," I grunted. My cock was standing firmly at attention, and the strain put on it by my pants was getting pretty damn painful.

"D!" a familiar voice yelled from the room's doorway.

I looked up and smiled as I saw Brian standing there, a beer in one hand and his arm around some blonde girl's shoulders. She had a fairly vapid expression on her face, and she was wearing nothing but a thong and a bra. I had to admit she was pretty smoking hot. Brian himself was only wearing a pair of jeans.

"Hey Brian," I said in greeting.

"I'm glad your ass finally made it, man! I was getting tired of all these chicks asking about you!" he said with a huge grin. He didn't sound nearly as intoxicated as he had earlier. I imagined the girl beside him probably had something to do with that: she looked the type that could quickly fuck a guy sober.

"Yeah, sure they did!" I scoffed.

"What, you don't believe me? Tell him, babe," Brian said to the girl next to him.

"Hi Damon," the girl purred as she walked towards me. "I'm really glad you decided to cum tonight." Her emphasis and pronunciation were unmistakable.

"Oh please," Kelsey sighed irritably beside me.

The blonde's eyes flicked towards my sister, sizing her up. I could feel Kelsey tense up beside me and silently prayed it wasn't going to turn into a major confrontation. Kelsey wasn't the type to back down from anyone.

After a few seconds, however, the blonde returned her gaze to me and smiled. "Do you want to come upstairs, Damon?"

"Eh, what's upstairs?" I asked quietly.

"That's where all the fun stuff is going on. How about I show you around?"

Before I could answer, Brian moved beside her and gently grabbed her arm. "Hey babe, how about you entertain yourself for a few minutes while I have a talk with my little buddy here," he said.

The blonde angrily glared at him, but he stared her down without blinking. A few seconds later she shrugged and walked out of the room.

"What a fucking bimbo!" Kelsey snarled. "Couldn't you have found anything with at least half a brain cell, Brian?"

Brian shrugged as he looked at Kelsey. "Believe me, honey, she's one of the smartest ones here. Now excuse me while I talk to your brother for a second."

"Fine. I'm going to go see what's keeping Amanda," Kelsey said. She frowned at me, then got up and walked out of the room without saying anything else.

"She's a feisty little thing, isn't she?" Brian said, staring after my sister as she left.

"Yeah," I said.

"Let's go get some more beer," Brian said, motioning towards the kitchen. As soon as we entered the kitchen, I noticed the girls were gone, as were the guys. I hoped they were alright, but in the end they were of course more than capable of making their own decisions. A small part of my mind wondered if they were having a big orgy somewhere, and I sighed in frustration at my mind diving into the deepest recesses of the gutter at every opportunity.

We both got a beer from the fridge and took several deep swigs as we walked back to the room we'd just come from. I wanted to make sure Amanda could find me.

"So why the fuck did you bring her here?" Brian asked.


"Your sister!"

"What? What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Well, let's see, genius. For starters, she obviously is not happy with the idea of you fucking any of these college chicks. Which is pretty much the only reason you came to this party, right?"

I stood quietly, not saying anything.

"Right?" he repeated.

I gave him a short nod, just to shut him up about that, and motioned for him to continue.

"Then there's the fact that your little sister is really fucking hot and is dressed like she's auditioning for Reality Kings! I mean, do you want Erik to mount her from behind or what?"

"Look, she and her friends wanted to come along. I tried to talk them out of it, and they wouldn't take no for an answer!"

"You brought all her friends too?"

"It's more that they decided to come here, and they offered me a ride. It wasn't exactly my decision."

Brian studied me for a few moments. "You want to fuck one of them, don't you?"


"Come on D, don't bullshit me. That's why you brought those girls here, so you can get one of them alone and fuck her! Admit it!"

I shook my head, but couldn't stop a small grin from appearing on my face. "I didn't bring her here to fuck her."

"Oh, but there is a girl! Is she hot, D? Do I know her?"

I nodded. "Amanda."

"Get the fuck out of here! That smoking hot blonde from this morning? Your sister's friend?" he said incredulously.

"Yeah," I said proudly.

"You fucking animal! I didn't know the two of you were together?"

"Well, we really weren't until tonight."

"Tonight? Damn, you move fast! So are you going to try to fuck her?"

"No! Jesus, Brian, it's the first night she and I have gone out together!"

He grinned at me as he took another long swig of his beer. "I'm just ragging you, D. If you want to take it slow with your girl, good for you."

I chuckled as I thought back to Amanda jerking my cock in the office at the club. Yeah, we were taking it slow, alright.

"What about you?" I asked. "Why aren't you upstairs?"

"Because those sluts were about to make my cock fall off! Even a stud like me needs a break at some point, so I came down for a beer."

"What about Daryll and Erik?"

"Still upstairs, last I saw them. Erik is like a goddamned Volvo, man, he just keeps on going. I think he was on his sixth chick when I came down."

"Damn. And we know Daryll sure isn't going to say no to pussy."

"Not to this hot college pussy, no. You really should check it out upstairs, D. There are some fucking smoking hot girls up there, doing things that really should be illegal."

"I've already got a smoking hot girl. Besides, I doubt she'd..."

"Mmmm, thank you!" Amanda's voice interrupted me.

I quickly turned around in surprise, seeing a grinning Amanda standing there. She was leaning against the door frame and was draining what looked to be another glass of Sangria. After she put the empty glass down, she walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down for a deep, sensual kiss. I moaned as her tongue slipped into my mouth, tasting of something deliciously sweet that I couldn't quite identify.

After a bit, Brian dryly scraped his throat. Amanda and I kissed for a few more seconds, then let up, both of us giving my friend a sheepish look.

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The next morning, Zaria bounds out of bed. She runs down the hall to her father’s bedroom, but the bed is empty. The smell of his cologne lingers in the air though and she knows her father has already left for work. Ray runs a lingerie store, of all things, and summer is his busiest time, because he also sells beach wear. It is some of the sexiest beach wear to be found too. So Zaria returns to her room and showers and dresses. She leaves the house and heads to Yesenia’s house where they will...

4 years ago
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Modelling Hopes

"Name?" the man asked. "Amy." I said. "Age?" "17. I'll be 18 next week." "Okay, your parents have told me a bit about what happened, but they didn't go into it much for obvious reasons. Now, I'd like you to tell me about it in your own words." I tried to, but stopped. It had been embarrassing enough to be caught, let alone have to be put through all this. The psychiatrist seemed like a nice guy, but it was still hard to talk about it to someone else. His name was Dr Darren...

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Werewolf Girl Ch 03

The two days turned into a week. Vera had never lived with humans before but she felt at home in that house. She joked with Chris in the kitchen and watched movies with David on the couch. They made love in his bed every night and some days. Vera took to doing chores around the house. She knew they were feeding her so she thought the least she could do was reciprocate with laundry and dishes. David drove Vera into town on the weekend and she filled out job applications at every place that...

1 year ago
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ShoeLove Chapter 1 Sabine I chuckloveinsta

Her name was Sabine (name changed). A cute mouse, about 1.60 m tall, very thin and brunette. Always in the front row, most would say she was a nerd. Basically no one liked her either - she was the one who would gossip about every matter to the teacher. I had known her since 5th grade, together with Marie (name changed). But this is another story. Now it's about the typical wallflower Sabine. Even her style of clothing was inconspicuous, almost boring. She only wore jeans or denim skirts, but...

3 years ago
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Opportunity Knocks

A glass of wine in hand, Jayne Morgan stood out on the small hotel balcony, admiring the view of downtown Chicago. Despite the coolness of the evening, the thirty-four year old felt quite comfortable in just the skirt and blouse she wore, warmed within by her drink and the thought of a job well done. The latter of which, the short-haired redhead was certain, was going to reap significant dividends come Tuesday morning when she returned to New York and the offices of Sherman, Brown and Grant....

4 years ago
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Another session with Chris and Mo

After the holiday experience with Mo and Chris ( see earlier account ) we were more than ready to meet up with them again. Unfortunately we were both busy with work and so it took a little longer than we were initially expecting. I did manage to spend some time chatting with Mo as we are both on the same swingers site. In fact it was quite interesting to see how many verifications they had and it seemed they had embraced the lifestyle fully and for a number of years. I did say to Mo how much I...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Security 02

The jumbo jet bumped from feather smooth to rumbling wheels as it touched down at Philadelphia National Airport. Tatyana saw the surrounding river and marshlands beyond the runways. They reminded her of the Belarus countryside where she had lived her mediocre life of 20 years. The reverse engines lurched her forward in her seat, jostling her breasts, but she was anchored by the lapbelt. The airplane rolled along the ground for a long time, finally finding its berth among the myriad of...

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An Unexpected Bonus A Mile High

Usually I love summer. An enthusiastic sun-worshipper, I am also addicted to being the object of admiration under any circumstances, and my body in a bikini is certain to attract attention from any red-blooded male within view. As a result, I like to spend my summers in tropical locales where I can live in a permanent state of near-nudity. The logical choice would have been to spend my summer in Florida where Kyle is training for the pro tennis tour, but I just couldn’t prolong the inevitable...

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Kate Draffen Chapters 22 23

KATE DRAFFEN By Swishy Hi there, the author here. Thank you so so much for sticking with this story. As always comments, questions and critisms are very welcome. Either post a comment or email me at [email protected]. Just to clear up, I was unaware how rare Gemma was as a name in the US. It is a common name here in Australia and is pronounced 'Jem-muh'. ***** CHAPTER 22 Fucking journalists! That's how they knew. Some journos called my Mum first thing in the morning...

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Aunt Lucy

 Aunt Lucy played the piano better than Thelonious Monk himself, able to pick up on the most subtle of ambient emotions in the room and play them to her hearts content. She played a slow, heavy tune tonight to match the loneliness in my heart. She closed her eyes and made a pained face while she played, the music she made was indescribable.  Her jet black hair fell to just below her ear by an inch at the most, tickling her neck. Her glasses rested on the edge of her nose, and her mouth was...

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FROM SHAME TO GAMEBy: V.I.ProfferiPart 03I obediently withdrew farther into the dark upper balcony corridor with May. She placed herself in such a way that she could continue to watch and listen to the fornicating adults upon the snooker table. Using her undressed skirt as a pillow, and later as a muffle, May raised her backside only enough for my penis to reach her anus. I bowed my head to her broadening girlish rump and began to lick, kiss, and suck her anus. I held her cheeks apart and did...

4 years ago
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Naked AmazonsChapter 6

It had been remarkably easy to capture the helicopter, but Joanne's hope of capturing the pilot and forcing him to fly them to the mainland deep into rebel territory had been thwarted by that gentleman's bellicose response and yet more deadly accurate shooting from Frieda. So they were still stuck on the island and with the threat of a replacement helicopter full of armed men, or of a landing from a Government warship. She guessed neither of these possibilities was imminent. The authorities...

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The Widow Ch 02

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter two Joanne lay in bed and, instead of falling asleep, kept thinking about the erotic tale Fran had told her. And the more she recalled her friend’s graphic description of her affair with her handsome neighbor, the more it aroused her. ‘If I keep this up,’ she thought, more than a little upset with herself, ‘I’ll never get to sleep.’ She wondered if taking a bath might help relax her, so she got up, put on a robe, and went to the...

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Overnight stay

Note : This story is completely fictional! Liz pulled into the parking lot of the Angel Motel as she had on many occasions. Her job in the last year had been taking her further and further a field, bringing with it the difficulties of travel. She had tried different transport options in that time and now she regularly made the eight hundred mile journey back home by car; having lost faith with the airlines for a number of reasons. This had its advantages and disadvantages. Although she now felt...

3 years ago
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Dartmouth Chronicles Part 1

1 “What?! She’s coming here?” I exclaim after my friend, Neil, tells me who will be joining us at University. I haven’t seen Emma in over two years since she cut me off and moved to Florida. It took me forever to get over that harsh breakup. Neil had spent many-a-night at my place keeping me distracted with Call of Duty and pizza. “Looks like someone’s still carrying a torch.” Neil says with raised eyebrows. “You know she screwed you up pretty bad last time. I mean, you could hardly even eat...

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Question of a Curious Son Part 4

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once James finished his shower, getting clean from Aspen’s loving assault; he retired to his bedroom as did Aspen and his father. All of them were tired from the hot and heavy sex that they had. He laid his head down on his soft Egyptian cotton sheets and marveled at the feel of the cloth on his bare flesh. James was still marveling when he slowly went into a deep sleep....

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The bedroom is all set up: candles lit, house deserted, cat on her nightly tour.Looking forward to the great midnightly spectacle, I check the pendulum clock on the wall: Friday, 11.58 pm—the perfect time. All is set up as instructed.I'm sitting on the bed, cross-legged, holding the mysterious, beautifully crafted cube in my hand. My index traces the ornaments on it, the intricate designs, the seemingly erratic patterns that lose themselves in the most filigree fractals—a masterpiece of...

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letter to my sub

One the things that stands out is a memory of us early in our sexual relationship.  The first time we had unrushed time together.  It might have been the second time I ever tied you up.  Hands and feet both bound together.  It was shortly after you had gotten the collar.  You had brought it over, eager to show me.  I had you strip and kneel before me.  Collared my pet and paraded about the room with the leash.I remember a glowing red ass. Before the actual sex I had gotten much enjoyment...

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My name is Cath. I'm 38 years old and married with two almost grown c***dren, a 14 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. My husband, Roland, treats me very well and understands my problems and needs. No one man is capable of satisfying my need for sex and I wouldn't want someone I love to see me humiliated and degraded. Roland's only stipulations are that I not get pregnant to anyone but him, I always insist on my men wearing condoms and that I'm always available to him for sex. The first...

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A Rainy Night in ParisChapter 14

Alex heard the phone first and tried to ignore it. After a moment he realized it was not his phone, which means that it was Samantha's. Despite an overwhelming desire to pretend that he did not hear it, he suspected that Samantha might not want to ignore it. "Whose?" She asked sleepily. "Yours," he said pulling himself up and looking for the clock. "No one I know would call me at six-thirty in the morning, especially if they want me to do anything for them." By the time Samantha had...

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Baby Candy chapter 1 Punished at Aunt Junes

"Baby Candy" by Baby Jennie A fantasy 'Dominated, Diapered and Petticoated' tale for all you big babies to enjoy. Please note; this story is based on a 17-page short story entitled 'Candie' (author unknown) I re-wrote and posted in a few places years ago. I decided there was too much narration, not enough dialogue, and too little exposition. Then there were complaints that I made the main character too young, so to avoid any (unwarranted) accusations of kiddie-porn, I upscaled all the...

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The Role Exchanger

Just a heads up, this story is a bit odd and the TG elements in it are fairly light, but I do hope you enjoy it. And I wrote this story for my own amusement while playing around, so if you don't like it... too bad. The Role Exchanger By Morpheus The college courtyard provided a scene much like every other morning, being filled with a throng of students. Several dozen young men and women were scattered about, going about their normal routines as they awaited the start of...

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Deputy PorterChapter 38

I did indeed have the next day off and I spent it trying to figure out what to do. Once the sexual fog cleared, I knew that I really didn't mind the games I played the night before. Yes I knew my personal life could be crap sometimes, but it always had been far from ordinary. It was my reality. So it was time to find a way I could live with where I was at that moment. The first thing to do was to find out all I could about Mary Ellen's operation. She definitely was more than she pretendd...

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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 4

When Ben woke up, he went to the toilet, still very sleepy. Only when exiting it, the reality of what he done the previous day, hit him. He run into the kitchen, where he was welcomed by a smile. --- "Lilly!" --- he said, with his voice breaking --- "Lilly, yesterday .... did I ..." --- "Oh, yes you did." --- she said with a giggle. --- "And then did I ..." --- "Oh, man, you sure did." --- she said gestured pulling at her collar. --- "And then ..." --- he said on the edge of...

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What goes through a womans mind before fuck

'Where's Jack'? I looked back at Tommy as I made my way to the stairway, 'Bed, I think, he cant handle the drink and the late nights', Tommy smiled, at my answer, it had just gone past midnight and we were alone, and the realization my husband, his friend, had left us to our own devices, brought an excitement we both felt, suddenly the thought of sex with Tommy, was high on my list of things to do before going to bed myself, I sensed Tommy felt that way too.I continued downstairs, a little...

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The Ark Part 2Chapter 23

Clara and I had discussed security for our emergency Advisory Council meeting. We decided to post two guards outside of the meeting room. I instructed them to set up stands with ropes to keep everyone, including them, at least ten feet away from the doors until the meeting was finished. The closed doors would stop the majority of the sound from escaping from the room, but stopping most of the sound wasn’t enough. The sound that made it through the doors would be muffled, but if we got loud,...

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BrownBunnies Jamie Marleigh Fucked In The Woods

Hot and sexy Jamie Marleigh loves to suck and lick lollypops, while she walks around her father’s farm, she sees Pressure a farm’s worker, she immediately knew she wanted to fuck him, so she approached him to talk, but Pressure was to busy and stopped her abruptly putting his hand in front of her face and asking her to leave him alone. Jamie knew what she wanted, so she walked a few feet away and accidentally dropped her lollypop, when she bent over to pick it up, she exposed her...

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SchwanzstuckerChapter 2

THURSDAY - EARLY EVENING I decided to call Lucy. After two rings she picked up, "Hello, who's this?" "This is Aaron. Is this Lucy ... the nurse?" "Oh. Aaron, I've been hoping you'd call. I've actually been waiting by my phone. I would love to see you." "Well, you saw me in the doctor's office, didn't you?" So lame! "Yes, silly. I was hoping you'd call and we could go out sometime." "That sounds great Lucy. When would be a good time for you? I've got absolutely...

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Sexy Underwear Heaven

Some years ago now my Wife was asked to baby-sit for her brother and his wife. I had always had a fierce attraction to his wife Debbie. I always desperately fantasized about fucking her in all different ways. Well this day arrived and we drove over to their house. My wife was going to stay the night and I was to return home at the end of the day. When we arrived Debbie looked as scrumptious as ever and my dick immediately came to life looking at her and my mind began shooting in all different...

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Turnabout Part 2

I woke up the next morning and, before I opened my eyes, felt my chest. "Shit," I said, feeling breasts. "Shit shit shit." Another day in drag. OK, I knew it wasn't drag since I was Jess, but it may as well have been. The alarm went off. Jess rolled over, opened her eyes and said, "So, it wasn't a dream..." "Nope. The nightmare continues." "That's upbeat," she said, getting up to pee. As she walked out, I walked in and sat down. The seat was wet. "Would it kill you lift...

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During the first couple days on her makeshift raft, she had been able to stay alert and awake. Now, it was nearly impossible to keep her eyes open. She drifted in and out of sleep, finding that each time she opened her eyes, the sun had crept higher into the sky. Her mind drifted and she dreamt of hearing voices. She laughed softly as she dreamt of being rescued and placed in a big feather bed. Men came to her and waited upon her, pampered her. She could almost taste the fresh water on her...

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BurningAngel Rocky Emerson Cum on my Tattoo

Rocky Emerson, covered in killer tats from head to toe, is a gorgeous goddess who’s just aching to get fucked. Kyle Mason’s up to the task though, and kisses her hard, squeezing her perfect titties before Rocky drops to her knees. She takes his huge cock down her throat, gagging on it as he fucks her greedy mouth. Kyle lays Rocky down and buries his face in her juicy pussy. She’s already dripping wet and ready to get pounded, so Kyle slides his cock into her, fucking her tight...

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HandsOnHardcore Shalina Devine Alyssa Reece Lesbian Lovers Shalina Devine And Alyssa Reece Get Anal Fucked After Party

Following a wild night of partying, Maximo Garcia wakes up and finds himself at Alyssa Reece’s place. After a bit of chitchat, Allysa starts sucking Maximo’s dick in the middle of her kitchen, and before long the two are having hardcore anal sex on the living room couch. In the middle of the fuck session, while Maximo’s cock is balls-deep in Allysa’s asshole, her roommate and girlfriend Shalina opens the front door and walks into the room. At first, Shalina is not happy but eventually, Allysa...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 14 Death and Plague

09:19 AM: Matt: I hit the ground and rolled, the dog flipped over me, but didn't let go of my arm. Rolling and kicking at the dog, I noticed it was a German Shepard, and was wearing a badge on its collar. It was growling as it chewed the right sleeve of my parka. "Let go you SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I screamed as my foot smashed into its chest. The dog yelped but continued to try and get through my sleeve to get to the flesh inside. I could hear gunfire from behind me as John fired at the...

2 years ago
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First time with a Sissy Shemale what a night

I was vacationing with the wife, and we’ve been on the road for about 10 days, my wife was tired and she said to me ‘if you want to go out and get something to eat and have a drink down out the bar, go ahead – I’ll be fine’. So, I wasn’t tired and a had a taste for a beer, so I took her blessing and went down to the lobby.I headed off to the bar, which had a good crowd and chatted with a few people, I was on my 3rd beer, when I started chatting to a woman at the bar, she was OK looking – but...

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Jayne the Virgin Ch 5

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters.Link to Ch 4: is chapter 5:We left for the restaurant. Naomi took Suzy in her car rather than ride with me. This was in case we had to leave the hotel at different times. When we arrived there was about a 25 min wait. I texted my wife letting her know what was going on. She said to have fun with Brent....

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MotherInLaw Seduction

Mother-In-Law SeductionMy experience started about 10 years ago when I was 28. I was a normal male with the usual marriage problems and going nowhere. However, my wife's mother, Linda, was a stunner and at the age of 56, she still had the most gorgeous legs you can imagine. She is about 5 ft 8", slim, always tanned and looked after her body. I fancied Linda from day one, but thought it was unlikely that I could fulfill my dreams, so I just put it down to one of those crushes.Linda never gave me...

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Fractured RealityChapter 13

Tuesday, June 4, 3089, 9:07 am She had to do something fast. Her only food was the remaining candy bar in her coat pocket, and she’d gone without water--or any other liquid--since her Diet Coke some 20 hours ago. Not a tremendously long time under normal circumstances, but she had awoken with a burning bladder, a bad sign. A more indicative sign of her jump-induced dehydration lay in the color of her urine—a disturbingly dark yellow—and the scant amount she had deposited on the floor 5...

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My San Antonio Rosa Chapter 1

A Short Preface: This story is a continuation of the story "My Spanish Teacher” that I wrote a few years ago. This story takes up a couple years after the previous story ends. Please read “My Spanish Teacher” before reading this so you will know the characters background and how they got to this point - it will make more sense that way. * I had been away at college in Dallas for two years after graduating high school. But when my father was killed in a terrible car accident, I had to move...

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SisLovesMe Alice Echo Schooling My Stepsis With Sex

Alice Echo is a bitchy stepsister who likes to fuck with her stepbro. She decided to steal his camera to film a striptease for her cam show. Stepbro ended up catching her and went off. Alice offered to do anything if stepbro did not tell mom and dad, even if that meant grinding on him and blowing him until he cums. The next day Alice attempted to leave the house in a skimpy ass outfit, but stepbro stopped her. He wanted her to change, but Alice did not see an issue. In order to get her way she...

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In Control

The stores were jammed and I was trying to finish some shopping and get out of the mall. I was standing in the toy isle trying to figure out which Barbie my daughter would like and that my ex-wife wasn't already buying her. While I was standing there with two boxes in my hand when I caught someone out of the corner of my eye, I turned my head and was immediately drawn to her. She was a very pretty woman; she needed little makeup to attract attention to her face, it was naturally pretty. She...

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For My Brother

Note : This story is completely fictional! I awoke to the sound of Josh standing in the doorway. My younger brother, Josh had taken to hanging out with a cooler crowd this year and they spent several nights a week drinking out at a bonfire out at the ranch. Tonight he obviously had a few more than normal, as his figure was slumped against the doorframe as his eyes adjusted to the dark. “Are you ok?” I asked him. “Yeah, yeah I’m ok.” He returned as he stumbled into the room. A moment later I...

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“God, I still miss my shower at home. You’d think this shit would be fixed by now…” He sighed, squeezing some shower gel into a face cloth and washing all around. He rinsed out his washcloth after letting the soap run off his body, squirting a fresh mound of soap into his hand. He massages the soap into his hair, humming quietly as he does so. As he was washing, he heard nails clicking against the tile and a hand on his shoulder. “Yeah, you’re so funny, Chris. The fact that you come peek at...

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Zishy has one of those nonsense brand names that feel right at home on an internet full of gibberish like Hulu, Skype, Etsy, Brazzers, and Venmo. I bet you immediately knew what each of those other sites sells the moment you read their names, though, right? It’s funny how goddamn baby talk can take on meaning if you repeat it enough. Well, Zishy aims to add to the online lexicon by defining the term at the very top of the screen: “photos that leave something to the imagination.”That could be...

Premium Porn Pictures Sites
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Wife Denies And Nanny Provides Part 1

It all started when my wife, Sue, started going to her boot camp fitness class almost every day. While I certainly appreciated how toned and sexy her already hot body was getting; it came at the expense of her always being too tired to have sex either from her class or the ten mile runs she went on a couple of times a week with her girlfriends. I was lucky to get pathetic pity sex once every couple of weeks where I would get her off to a crashing porno orgasm only to have her lie there like a...

2 years ago
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Preparation of passive slut pt 1

I had been meeting my master for a while, and had got used to dressing as a woman, being stripped naked in public, spanked and being fucked. I decided to take things a step further, and my master agreed. We met in a cafe one evening, I was dressed as usual, like a little slut. I was wearing a tight red dress, black stockings, red heels, my fake silicone breast forms contained by my red bra, my useless little dick squeezed into a red thong, and my hair had now grown long and dyed blonde. 'Ok you...

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Neighbour Passes Oral Exam

Hi Readers, Have you ever had a hot neighbor who seduces you and lets you fuck her brains out? Well, it happened to me. I was living in Hyderabad. We had a neighbor Mumtaz, who lived on the same floor, she was studying and she too lived with her parents, this happened when her parents were out of town and she was alone. Now about Mumtaz, she was a sweet, good-looking girl, inspire of being a Muslim, they were not conservative and she wore all kind of modern dresses like skirts, jeans, tops that...

3 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 71

Looking slightly flustered, Amanda turned to leave the bathroom. I hurriedly hung the towel on the rail and stopped her as I said, "Hang on a sec. Amanda, you've got something on the back of your trousers." Amanda stopped and craned her neck over her shoulder to see what was there. I moved quickly, planting my hand firmly on the ample mound of her arse. I pressed my hand in to the softness of her rear, gently rubbing at an imaginary stain. "What is it, what've I sat in now?" she...

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The HealerChapter 16

Our leave was over far too quickly, though the pair of us were glad of it, particularly as we helped my Dad and Mum sort out some possibilities for our existing weapons. The real good thing about it though was getting to know my new brother and sisters and start creating some real bonds with them. I also know Torun was delighted to meet them again and claim the title Aunt off them, which was spontaneously given and accepted. In a sense it was good to be back at the 467th Regiment and begin...

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The Sex Therapist Part 2 The Cure

My name is Marge. I am the Executive Vice President of a large NY advertising agency. Following a flare up with my assistant Jolene, she suggested I go see a therapist due to problems I am having at home and at work.  After my first session with Jim, my therapist, he brought me back to his office. He proceeded to give me the diagnosis he had come to. ”Well I do not want to shock you, but you are a complex case. At the office, you are under stress trying to control the business. You carry that...


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