Gary's GauntletChapter 3 free porn video

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Gary was still grumpy. He couldn't figure out why Karina had insisted on waking him up so early. They both had the day off from work, and he sure could have used the sleep. Another shower and shave improved his appearance and his fragrance, but not his mood. Then, when he started to pull on his underwear, she told him it was Kirstin's order for him to stay naked for a while longer. He sat quietly on the edge of the bed and watched her dress, remembering the sensations and the emotions they had shared the night before. A sense of wonder and contentment swept over him, but he still wished he was back in bed.

She left the bedroom and he got up to follow. As he stepped through the door, a flying six-year-old hit him full in the chest, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"Daddy, Daddy, I'm so happy to see you!" Courtney shouted into his ear, kissing him noisily on the cheek. "Mommy says you're going to be our Daddy again. She says you're never going to fight with her any more. Is that right, Daddy?"

There was no way to fight back the tears after that, and Gary just let them flow. Over his daughter's shoulder, he saw Kirstin standing, holding Sean's hand, her tears flowing as heavily as his own.

"That's right, Baby," he spoke softly into Courtney's ear. "Never again. I promise. I'm so sorry, Baby. Will you forgive me?"

"I love you, Daddy!" was the girl's only reply. Of course, that did nothing to stop the flow of tears. Father and daughter hugged as he rocked her back and forth gently.

Gary had not even thought about his state of dress, but Courtney soon changed that. With a six-year-old's typical attention span, she jumped down from Gary's arms and landed in front of him, her face just above his penis. Then, with a six-year-old's typical openness, she told him "Daddy, yours is big and hairy like Uncle Dex's. It's not cute like Sean's."

The resulting laughter from the two women did nothing to ease Gary's massive embarrassment. He started to turn away toward the bedroom, but Kirstin was on him like a cat, turning him back toward herself and hugging him tightly. She whispered in his ear "I think it's cute, and I can't wait to get re-acquainted with it."

"Kirstin, I'm so..."

"No, Honey. This has been a nice reunion. Let's not go getting all mushy. Come on." She pulled him into the bedroom and started to undress. Meanwhile, Karina had taken the children with her to the kitchen. "Carol told me how you two sat naked in bed and ate your snack. That was the one thing I was most jealous about all week. Well, we're having naked breakfast in bed."

"Do you think Courtney should see me like this?"

"Sure, why not? We've got some changes in attitude to make. It's fine."

When Karina and the kids brought in breakfast on a tray a little later, husband and wife were sitting up against the headboard, embracing and kissing. Kirstin had sternly forbidden any apologies right then, and he was so grateful to be back in her arms, he gave up trying. Karina was taking the kids with her and they said their goodbyes and left.

Conversation was light as they ate, and Gary decided not to comment on the uncharacteristic fare Kirstin was eating. When they had sipped the last of their coffee, he took the tray and set it on the floor. Turning back to her, he immediately cupped a breast in his hand and sucked the nipple into his mouth. After he extracted a little moan from her, he pulled away and told her "I've been such an idiot to ignore these beauties! Never again," and he went back to sucking.

"Ohhh, I love that! But I need you in me. Now!" She pulled at him to bring him on top of herself.

"Ah, ah! I'm operating under new rules, now, Honey." Without another word, he dove toward her crotch, spreading her legs to get his face on her.

"Gary, no! I need to shower!"

"We'll do that later." She was still somewhat upright, so he pulled her down flat on her back, then gave her pussy his full attention. As he licked, sucked, and poked, he mentally thanked Morgan for her lesson, and all three other women for the chance to practice. It still took an effort of will for the first few strokes, but once she started to react, his reservations disappeared. He loved what his ministrations did to her, and that was enough.

When Kirstin came, he wanted to continue and get her off again, but her patience was too stretched for that. She grabbed his head and pulled him up for a kiss, then took hold of his cock and jammed it into herself. "Hard! Fast!" she grunted out as she matched her actions to her plea.

"Pretty worn out, Honey," he gasped out, but she just used her hands to slam him into herself with more force.

"Slow and tender later," she gasped in response. She wrapped her heavy thighs around his and scissored her whole body to match each of his thrusts. As worn out as his cock was, the sheer thrill of being back where he knew he belonged was getting to him. For the first time in their marriage, he fought hard to control his own arousal, determined to make this reunion fuck their best ever. And it was a fuck - a mutual expression of lust and need. The expressions of love would come later.

It had not been a cavalier decision for Kirstin to throw her husband into the arms of the three other women. She knew the risks, even without friends and family reminding her over and over. Right then, she knew she had been right. What he was giving her was what she had longed for her whole marriage. The weeks of separation, the thrill of the reunion, the obvious difference in him, his newfound skill and interest, and the remaining sensations from her first come combined to send her soaring. She could honestly say afterward that it was the best orgasm of her life, although how she remembered anything in her barely-conscious state was a miracle in itself.

The intensity of her climax was beyond anything Gary had ever experienced, and enough to make a statue come. He was weary, but not dead, and the spasms of her internal muscles took him over the edge. He spurted only a few times, and the amount was small, but it was still as memorable for him as for her. When he was done, she was still convulsing and kept on, seemingly for minutes longer.

Neither partner had much control of their bodies when it was over. Gary sleepily tried to roll to the side, but she objected. "Stay there. Forever."



In concession, he slid down a little so his head was between her breasts. His already-shrinking cock left a trail on her thighs, but neither of them noticed. He rested both elbows on the bed beside her, hoping to ease the pressure a little and quickly fell asleep.

When he awoke an indeterminate time later, he was on his side with his head still securely cradled in 'tit heaven.' He had no idea how he got there and did not care a whole lot. He also did not know if she was awake, but could not resist kissing and licking the silky skin of the mound by his face. A contented hum told him she was awake. "Can we take one of those sexy showers now? I've been jealous of them, too."

The shower was perfect, especially without the guilt pangs he had endured with the other women. Kirstin would not even consider clothes, and they walked naked to the kitchen to prepare lunch, which was already overdue. Afterward, they sat on the family room sofa and cuddled.

"There are some things I want, Gary."

"Name them."

"First, can I have my car back?" That request was a painful reminder of just how badly he had treated her. He could not speak, and just nodded. "I want a health club membership." Again he nodded. "Later, we'll get some stuff at home, but the club would be good for me now."

Kirstin stood up quickly and hurried to the bedroom. When she returned, she held up some capri pants, a tube top, a thong panty, and a pair of heeled sandals. She made a point of holding the pants so he could see the size. "I want your promise to take me to the company picnic wearing just these."

His eyes got big and he blurted out "But they're so small! You can't fit..."

"By then I will."

"Kirstin, you don't have to lose weight for me."

"No, I have to lose it for me. I've lost seven already, and I've just begun. We're starting a whole new life together, and I'm not going to live it fat! I will fit these well before the party. Will you take me?"

"God, yes!" He stared at her thoughtfully for a moment, then stood and cupped a breast in each hand. "These won't get too much smaller, will they?" That was apparently a very welcome response, for she threw the clothes aside and tackled him back onto the sofa. She pulled his face between her breasts and rocked back and forth in contentment. His mind flashed back to Helga hugging him that same way, and it was a good memory.

When the cuddling ended, he asked "Can I get a promise from you, too?" She nodded with a puzzled expression. "Pick a day of the week." When she said Tuesday, he asked her "Will you promise to come right up to my office every Tuesday and pick me up for lunch?"

With a broad smile, she answered "Yes! I'd love it!" She paused a moment, then asked "Can we wait a couple months before we start?"


"But I'll look a lot better, then."

"That's the point. I'm proud of you right now, and I want everyone at work to know it." The aftermath of that statement would have justified another shower, but they stayed cuddled together on the sofa.

When their panting eased, Gary could not hold out any longer on the big question troubling him, and he asked her "Why?" She knew what he meant.

"Well, part of it was a little guilt over what I had done."

"But Morgan said you didn't have sex."

"Technically, no. Mostly, though, I did it for this." At his puzzled look, she explained "I wanted the kind of loving we've had today, and I didn't know if I could get it from you myself."

"Another thing. When I heard about the woman from work, it hit me that I wasn't doing my part to keep you. I also thought it would be the one chance for you to do some comparing, sort of see what you might be missing."

"Weren't you afraid you were taking an awful risk?"

"What would I have lost? I was headed for divorce, remember." That hit Gary so hard he had to fight back tears. "You aren't going to dump me for one of them, are you?" she asked half seriously.

"Not a chance. I felt guilty all the time I was with them. It kept hitting me that I was doing things I had never done for you, and it hurt."

"Tell me how you feel about the three women."

"Morgan is unbelievable. She's super sexy, and she's brilliant."

"But you didn't fall in love with her?"

"No, nor she with me. Carol is a nice lady that I felt good about helping, but there's no chemistry there, either. I worry about Karina."

"You love her, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. She's so much like you, how could I not. I still can't believe you wanted me with her."

"She made love and enjoyed it, didn't she?"

"Definitely. But what now? It won't happen again, and how will that make her feel?"

"Who says it won't happen again?"


"Doesn't every man dream about a threesome? You mean you wouldn't want both of us around all the time?"

"Karina deserves better than being second string. She should have a man all her own." Gary made that comment without even thinking of Kirstin's reaction. He was thus startled when she dove on top of him, hugged hard enough to injure him, and started bawling for all she was worth. It took quite a while for her to calm down, and he asked her why she had broken down.

"That was the Gary I always dreamed about. It made me so happy!" When he looked puzzled, she continued. "You let me know exactly where I stood, and you showed how much you can care about someone you love."

This time, it was Gary who teared up, but he was still able to talk. "I'm so sorry I stopped caring about you that way, Honey. It will never happen again, I promise!" They both knew Gary didn't have another bout of sex in him, so they just snuggled a while longer.

When conversation resumed, Kirstin told him some more things she wanted: an enclosed hot tub; their walkout basement completed with a kitchenette and at least two bedrooms; his okay for her to volunteer at the shelter; his agreement to take in battered women, even if they had kids. He readily agreed to all of her requests.

"Just make sure you keep the third week in June open," he told her.

"Why?" He just looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, of course. Our tenth. Why the whole week?"

"Thought we'd celebrate in Mexico. One of those clothing optional resorts."

"You're kidding!"

"I heard my wife needs people to see her naked."

"Not just any people. I... I don't think I'm ready for that."

"Oh, well. There are plenty of places where they keep their clothes on."

"Careful, Buster, or I might just call your bluff."

In late afternoon, she told him "I think there's time for a nice massage before we have to get ready to go."

"Love to. Go where?"

"To the O'Connors for dinner."

He stood with a shocked look and objected "They... they were here when..."

"Yup. They saw all of you, and Tracy got an extra treat. Don't worry about it. I've been staying with them and they are wonderful people. They are ready to accept you as a friend, too." He let out a gurgling moan, but there was no point in objecting. After a sensuous massage where Gary was actually able to get it up again, they cleaned up and dressed.

The first stop was at her parents' to pick up the kids. Alfred was not home yet, but Helga answered the door. Gary took the initiative and stepped in to grab her in a hug. He spoke softly into her ear. "If Kirstin is just like you, I'll be a lucky man. Thank you for your wonderful daughter!"

Karina was watching them with an indecipherable look on her face. He turned toward her and opened his arms, an invitation she accepted enthusiastically. "Are you OK?" he asked.

"Much better than that," she assured him. "It was wonderful! Thank you so much!"

Not sure if it was the right time, he went ahead anyway. "You know it can't happen again, don't you?"

"Mmmm. Yes, I knew that before. But it was still wonderful and I'll never forget it."

It was Tracy who opened the door at the O'Connors', and her greeting was predictably cheeky. "Hey, Kirstin, your man looks good with clothes on, too!"

The last week had changed Gary in ways he didn't realize himself, as witnessed by his next action. He stepped up to Tracy, bent her over backward, and laid a toe-curling kiss on her. When after about twenty seconds he let her up, he told her "If you play with my cock, you'd better mean it."

Stan was standing a couple of steps back, unbeknownst to Gary, and started to laugh uproariously. Gary was still holding the weak-kneed Tracy and looked at Stan sheepishly. "In all these years, I haven't figured out how to get her speechless," Stan said between guffaws, "and you figured it out first try. You're going to be fine with this blonde bombshell here." With that, he wrapped Kirstin in a much less dramatic hug. Tracy, meanwhile, was just staring at Gary, wide-eyed and slack-jawed.

When Stan released Kirstin, Tracy still hadn't moved. "Earth to Tracy!" Kirstin said through her giggles. "You had your chance at him the other night. Sorry, no do-overs!"

Tracy shook her head a little and managed to squeak out "I'd w... want him back, too." Then, she started to walk unsteadily away. When she looked at Stan, she blushed crimson and covered her face with her hands. Stan laughed again at her discomfiture and patted her on the behind as she passed. As she went through the door to the kitchen, she threw an awed glance over her shoulder at Gary.

Stan stuck out his hand, and Gary reacted rather tentatively. "Come on, Gary. Let's forget everything else and start fresh. I'm happy to be your friend. I wouldn't have had the guts to do what you did."

Gripping Stan's hand more firmly, Gary answered "I doubt you'd ever screw up like I did."

"Hope to Hell not. Tracy wouldn't be that easy on me."


"Hey, she's Irish. Swedes don't know from anger. Tracy'd probably castrate me." The ensuing laugh certified a new male bond.

After a congenial meal, and after getting the kids down, Tracy said "Hey, they finished our hot tub today. I don't know what Dex has on that contractor. He sure finished in a hurry." She led them to the new room attached to the house. As they stood admiring it, Tracy spoke again. "Sorry I didn't tell you to bring suits. Maybe we can find some that will work."

Stan spun around and went out to the powder room. He returned with a towel and hung it on the doorknob of the hot tub room, causing Tracy to gasp and Kirstin to giggle. "You guys can just undress in there," he said as he pulled a very reluctant Tracy toward the master bedroom. "We'll be back in a few minutes."

Seeing Gary's puzzlement, Kirstin explained. "At Dex's house, a towel on the doorknob means anyone can come in, but no suits."

"You mean... but..."

"Hey, they've seen you and they've seen me. Now it's our turn. Goody!" In a more serious tone she added "I think this is Stan's way of letting you know that despite what happened, we're all on equal footing." She dragged him into the room and was naked in a few seconds. He managed to shake off his surprise and join her without much delay. It turned out to be over ten minutes before their hosts walked into the room in robes, carrying two more robes and a stack of towels.

From Tracy's crimson face and the nervous looks she sent Gary's way, they could guess there had been some heavy-duty convincing going on. Stan dropped his robe quite casually and stepped in.

What followed could not have been predicted based on Tracy's personality and behavior. She covered her face and burst into tears. Stan jumped to her side instantly, and told the others "Sorry, guys. I guess this wasn't a good idea. Come on, Tracy, let's go. I'm sorry I upset you."

Tracy resisted Stan's tug and shook off his hand. "Thanks for looking out for me, Honey, but you were right. Fair's fair," and she dropped her robe. "Look at me, everyone," she said, straining to keep her hands at her sides, then turning a slow circle. "I was plenty happy to tease Gary when he was naked, but didn't want to do it myself. So, here it all is!"

"Tracy, you didn't have to do that!" Kirstin told her.

"Yes, I did! And not just because of fairness, either. I need to get out in the open what I've been working so hard to hide. Gary, I'm sorry you have to look at this. Stan, Honey, I hope you're not too ashamed of me."

Tracy had enough extra weight that it could not be just padding. She had a definite protruding belly, and her large breasts hung down quite a bit. There were definite creases and folds at the sides of her breasts, and along her sides and back. Her ass had lost its pleasing smoothnes and showed cellulite dimples, as did her generous thighs.

"Darling, I've never been ashamed of you," Stan told her. "You know that!"

"Yes, I know it, and I love you for it. But I guess I have been complacent. Life is so good I didn't think I had to change anything. I made my handsome stud make love to all this blubber without even thinking about changing. Well, I won't have my house guest show me up! I'm losing right along with Kirstin, so take a good look, Gary, 'cause this is the last time you'll see a lot of me."

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Garys Terms

I was excited about the future and living with Gary. I was in love or so I thought during that time. There wasn't anything I would not do for him. I had lost weight and trimmed down to a very lean 105lbs for my slim 5'10" frame. I was doing hundreds of crunches and intense light weight training to keep the ideal physique for Gary. I greatly improved my flexibility and was able to bring my legs up around the back of my head....which allowed Gary to fuck my ass and watch me suck my own short...

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Gary Pauly and I

I was raised in the shadows of a large corporation's foundry. The neighborhood was well kept and the k**s were just k**s and we all got a long together. Saturday was baseball at the open field near the foundry.We used to gather every Saturday at 9 and choose teams. My mom made us fold laundry and clean a room every Saturday. we would switch rooms, but we all had to do it. This unfortunately made my brothers and I late every week. Sometimes we didn't get to play, but we showed up and paired off...

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Gary8217s harem

“You’re shitting me! Gary Franks actually came over to talk to you?” Trish scribbled another shorthand notation on her pad to help her remember the story. “He did better than that. He was accompanied by the most beautiful blonde that I’d ever seen in my life. As they joined us at our table, he introduced me to the most beautiful example of Scandinavian womanhood in the world. Tashia sat down beside me and I couldn’t listen to Gary’s words for staring...

2 years ago
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Gary Dave and Jenny Part 1

Jenny stood in the doorway grinning at me. She looked fantastic in a tight pair of jeans, low cut top showing her wonderfully ample cleavage and a new short haircut that showed off her big brown eyes. Jenny is 5’ 3" and of mixed ethnic origins. Her mother is Indian, her father white. She’s what I call fleshy; not exactly fat but she has wide hips and big tits. Her skin is light brown and soft; her nipples are dark brown, large and spring erect at the slightest provocation. She has short,...

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gary and I spending the night at my house

Gary and I had grown up together and we always played many games of baseball and hockey and one night after playing football, I asked if he wanted to spend the night. He said OK. he went home and told his mom and came flying back to our house. I have 5 brothers and we all sleep up stairs. My brother Dan and I are the closest in age at about 13 months difference in age, and Gary is right between us. at 15 we were both into puberty and had seen each other in the locker room at school but I had...

1 year ago
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Gary Finally Marries Cindy

So this day arrived... Cindy and I would often meet for lunch once a month. The only thing we did was hug when we first met and hug again when we left the restaurant. It was July and Cindy wanted to meet for dinner this time. I agreed, since my wife, Ashley, was visiting her mom and dad. They lived four hours away. It was Friday night and we met at the Los Guachos Taqueria Mexican restaurant. Cindy and I sat down at a booth. Cindy was about a foot smaller than me and two years younger....

1 year ago
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Gary Dave and Jenny Part 2

Jenny woke me the next morning as she got out of bed and headed to the loo. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling wondering if my head would fall off if I got up. I heard the front door open and wondered where the hell she was going then heard Gary shout hello. He was greeted by Jenny’s excited squeals and I risked life and limb by getting up to go and say hello. I walked out of my room and found Gary and Jenny kissing in the hallway. My cock twitched at the sight. I quickly went into the...

3 years ago
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Gary Cooper Aka the Das Man

88Gary Cooper retired D C police detective. aka Gary Edwards Rosemarie Whitaker County prosecutor Janet Stevens, Gary’s partner, aka Jennifer Edwards. Earnest witness. Aka Eddie Edwards The DA.’s Man The tent/cabin weathered the first full year fine. It even made it through the second summer with only minor repairs needed. It was my second October in the mountains and I had adapted well to the solitude. Somewhere along the way I discovered that I didn’t need recognition any longer. There was...

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- It was a rainy Saturday morning, and i woke up horny.Supposed to be meeting - Sylvia my mature (55yrs) horny milf from Airdrie in the afternoon.I'd got up early and had a nice shave in the bath - arse, cumsacs and pube hairs off !I slipped into sheer nude lacetop holdup stockings and cream lace panties for fun and was sitting at my compuer at 9am on sat morning.On chat avenue there was - on the gay chat this young lad - (I was 36 at the time). A gay boy from Linwood near Glasgow. Inviting me...

2 years ago
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Gary And Dave The Next Day

So you know how it is. You’ve just fucked and been fucked by your heterosexual best friend while watching a bisexual porn movie. You’ve both cum, the film has ended and you’re sat in the living room naked with cum leaking out of your arses. What do you do? Surprisingly there wasn’t any real awkwardness between us. Gary went to the toilet and cleaned himself up then returned to the living room. When I returned from the toilet he was sitting in his chair still naked watching TV. I sat on the...

4 years ago
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Gary Dave and Jenny Part 1

Jenny stood in the doorway grinning at me. She looked fantastic in a tight pair of jeans, low cut top showing her wonderfully ample cleavage and a new short haircut that showed off her big brown eyes. Jenny is 5’ 3′ and of mixed ethnic origins. Her mother is Indian, her father white. She’s what I call fleshy, not exactly fat but she has wide hips and big tits. Her skin is light brown and soft, her nipples are dark brown, large and spring erect at the slightest provocation. She has short,...

1 year ago
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Gary Cooper

I really do not like parties, especially ones given for me. The one I was forced to attend on that late May afternoon was the worst one of my life. I have to admit it was just plain embarrassing. For one thing I was the oldest person in the room. I was the last of the old bull cops, as we were known at some point in my career. Almost all the cops today are gym rats or nerds. Cops with real street instincts were not in demand by the H. R. people. So we had a room filled with women, gym rats,...

2 years ago
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Tinder sex adventure with a married Indian lady

Hi guys, my name is Rahul (name changed) and this is a real incident about how I made love with a hot married woman. I am 23 years old and 6 ft tall with an average-built body. I am good-looking and fair. Now, coming to the story. One Sunday, I was swiping on Tinder and came across a pretty lady who was very fair and beautiful. Her vital stats were 32-30-34. Her age was 30. I texted her hi and we started chatting. She told me that she was in my city for two days only for some office work and...

2 years ago
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Riding On The Bus Or On A Monster Cock

Hello, readers. I am Sanjay, staying in Chennai but I actually am from a village near Trichy. I am 20 years old, studying engineering in a college in Chennai. I am 5’ 10” tall, slightly chubby and coffee complexion. This is about my gay experience on my bus ride to my hometown which I can never forget. I had about 10 days of holidays at a go due to some festivals and so, I decided that I will go home. Since I am only a college student, I did not have that much money to travel by train to home...

Gay Male
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 10

Kat and Trae spent a second night in the hut. Trae had packed most of the meat in his preservation room in the cart. He would give it to Mitch Bones. He mostly smoked the older male’s meat. It being a bit tougher wouldn’t matter and the shukra should make it taste sweeter. He would grind a lot of it up later for his travel bars. Kat had him strip and checked his wounds. They were healing and since she already had him half-naked, he decided to get her in the same state. He didn’t find a lot...

4 years ago
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The rest of the day went as usual. Thankfully Amy went back to bed and stayed there until some time in the afternoon. Rachel and I went out and spent a normal Saturday together, though the entire time I could swear I still smelled Amy on my fingers. I had to get that girl alone, and soon. The whole day out my brain was working overtime on how we could spend some quality time with Rachel out of the house. She kept asking if I was ok because she would find me deep in thought, and I just kept...

3 years ago
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The Climbing Tree

This story is paired with another one of my yarn’s ‘The Big Limousine Disappeared!’ For the greater part of the text they are the same story, however the two stories have different outcomes. For the convenience of the reader I have clearly marked the divergence point, where the individual stories go their separate ways. If the reader has recently read ‘The Big Limousine Disappeared!’ then they may prefer to scroll to down and only read the latter part of the text. My sincere thanks go to...

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BBW public humiliation

This was originally sent to a lovely BBW on here that wanted humiliated, it wasn’t in PM, the copy and paste to her may not be too clever, so bear with it!Last night, l got home from work late, and you were asleep. I was looking forward to a late night shag, but l had a better idea.... The next morning was OK, you woke me up with an average blow job, swallowing my load, as is required. The breakfast you made me was good, but nothing is going to make up for sleeping on me. Deep down you know you...

4 years ago
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Holy Father Visits the Commune

The Holy father of the Sect of ‘Divine Path’ was visiting the commune in Selayur. It was a very special occasion as he does only once or twice a year. The leader of he local commune Sri Arumugam and his wife Srimathi Bhavani were busy making all the arrangements. ‘Abba’ as he was called by every one was coming by him self. He usually stays at the place of the local leader. There were more than 30 communes spared all over the south India. The local leaders are called by the followers as ‘Sri’...

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Another Fishing trip

The ringing of the alarm dragged me up out of a drunken sleep at four thirty in the morning. I lay there staring at the clock and wondering why it was ringing at this time. It was nearly one when I had fallen into bed after closing the bar. That rang a small bell in my hazy mind. I had promised someone I would take them fishing but for the life of me I couldn't remember who. I slapped the clock to kill the alarm that wasn't helping my head a bit and swung my feet to the floor. Coffee would be...

4 years ago
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Learning More About The Neighbors Part 3

In Part 1, Sam and Rosie went to Anna’s and John’s house for a holiday drink and ended up having sex with them. In Part 2, Anna explains her secrets to Rosie and then John and promises John a special Christmas gift. I did not know what to think or what to say, so I simply followed orders. I went upstairs, took a shower and decided to shave. I put on casual clothes and went back downstairs. I was about ready to make myself a drink when the phone rang. A woman whose voice was not familiar was...

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Breach of Contract

I sat in my green recliner chair, not reclined, but rocking a little. There was a news program on the television in front of me, but I wasn't really watching it. My wife was sitting on the sofa that matched my recliner, next to the end table with the light on it, looking very focused as she did a Sudoku puzzle. As we sat in the living room after dinner, I was looking at my wife of fifteen-years, Amanda. I was marveling at how beautiful she was. A woman approaching 40-years old and she...

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JulesJordan Megan Rain Goes Ass To Mouth With Mandingos Big Black Cock

Megan Rain takes the largest cock on the planet in her ass! This horny slut puts her sexual skills to the test as she does whatever it takes to drain Mandingo’s monster cock. Megan’s got something for everyone, perfect perky tits, tight round ass, piercing green eyes, and a filthy mind all wrapped up in a adorable little package. She shows off her body by the pool in purple lingerie with white stockings as she waits for that BBC to defile her. Megan tries to wrap her lips around...

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The Time of My LifeChapter 7

The four of us lounged around the hotel that day, none of us wanting to leave the comfort of the nice services available. There was an indoor pool, a hot tub and exercise facility. There was even a child play area where Justin could play with other children as the parents used the various facilities. We all went to the pool and swam for a little while. I suggested that we stay another night and rest up for the next leg of our trip. It wasn't hard to convince Sandy or Jessica to stick around...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Gia Vendetti Anal Darlings

Long-legged Gia Vendetti bounces her bubble butt and twerks flirtatiously. The aroused vixen fills her rectum with a purple butt plug and buzzes her clit with a vibe as she gives Mark Wood an eager blowjob. He plunges his thick prick into her hungry butthole, making her spasm in pleasure. Mark’s meat stretches her asshole as he strokes. Gina masturbates while Mark drills her butthole from behind. She cums on his rod and begs for more, and Mark keeps thrusting. See expansive backdoor...

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The Making 5

“How was your little nap?” Mistress Annette asked as I opened my eyes. I just moaned something unintelligible and rolled toward the voice. My body reminded me where I was and what I had been put through; I ached all over but my ass was particularly sensitive and quickly brought to mind the abuse I had been put through. “My asshole hurts,” I declared. “Yes, and it will hurt a lot more before this is all over. I think maybe it is time to explain what is really happening here. As you have...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 118

Things started moving fast between Christmas and New Year. Fed Ex had started delivering daily bundles of information from the auditors about the Mid Atlantic car rental acquisition. UPS started delivering crates of office equipment for Jeanna's office and for our new offices. With the gym having a commercial address freight was cheaper to have everything shipped there than to a residential address. Lorrie, Marcy and Ching Lee were running back and forth to get everything set up at...

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Home for the Week

  It was spring break and i was heading home to the small towni had been so desperate to get out of. My friends and i had spent 3 days on thebeach, drinking and flirting, and now it was time to spend some time with myfamily. As the plane landed i looked out onto the tarmac and say a small congregationof people, i recognised my mother and father even from this distance but there were threeor four signs, each welcoming home a different person. Looks like i wasn’t theonly one home late. I...

1 year ago
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The Best Fucking

By: AWC There is no bigger or better surprise than a young, respectful and secret keeping neighbor. Alice was sure, Mark was a God sent for her. The next door house was for sale, maybe only for a week when one day, Alice noticed a truck full of household furniture, items and all necessary gadgets being unloaded, as she stood in her window behind the curtain. That evening, she got a chance to say hello to Mark. He was alone, almost 23—24, right out of college as the First Officer of the...

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The Breakfast Table Part 2

I awoke in a pool of sunlight and looked over at the clock. It was only seven in the morning but the birds outside were singing so loudly that there was no chance in hell I was getting back to sleep. My eyes started to saunter down to my morning wood, which was forming a perfect shadow on my bedroom wall. I couldn’t help but begin to roll it around in my hand for a few moments. It had been a few days since I had blown a load, it just so happened to be inside my stepmom’s mouth and I knew...

1 year ago
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A Simple Request

Introduction: It was just a simple request from my daughter. Why couldnt I just give her what she wanted? Please, Daddy, please? Just this one time, please? she asked for the third time. How many times do I have to say no, Alysha? I replied. Well, why not? Its not like anything will change, you know. She kind of had me there. How do I tell my daughter that what she wanted was wrong when I have my seven inch cock balls deep up her sweet, tight little asshole and after I had just unloaded my...

2 years ago
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Esme Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Esme stared out of the window, watching the Fall sunset. She'd half believed Manhattan apartments like this only existed in the movies. She took another swig of her wine. "I think MM is about ready for the speeches now," Freya took her by the arm, "we need you over here." She led her to the side of MM who was holding a martini and smiling broadly. She listened while he spoke not really taking it all in. It was funny to look out at her colleagues dressed in their...

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From Class Bench To Bed

Hello freinds. My name is Adarsh. I am a die hard fan of ISS and a regular visitor as well. All the gay stories out here gave me inspiration to wake up the gay sleeping inside me. After reading all the stories I decided to write a story of my own. This is my first story so please forgive me for any mistakes. Now, let me tell u about myself. I am a 19 year old with a milky white skin and brown nipples. I have red lips and a 7″ long dick which is 2.5″ in girth. I live in Haryana. I study in First...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 22

Lenore used the last fifteen minutes to write Ben. Don't forget to send Sandy a birthday card, Ben. Don't you ever take her for granted. Lenore thought for a moment, and then added, You probably think it's girly stuff, but you always did understand your sisters better than most boys would. Deb and Chief Kostowe are together, and she's changed so much, she's so much happier than when you were here. I'll write more next week, I've got this silly duty to 'accommodate' some French Navy...

1 year ago
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Fucking my mom on hoilday

It all started when me and my mom who is 48years old brown long hair tall with big tits and perky nipples went on hoilday it just the too of us and at the hotel it was only 1 bed so we had to share a bed for the night later that day she caught me sniffing her panties and got caught jerking off and told me you know what son why don’t you come fuck mommy’s pussy if your that horny so i was like ok let’s do it so I started eating her wet pussy she came in my mouth a couple of times I gotta say her...

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