ConflictedChapter 11 free porn video

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"What are you two doing?" Dad asked, his voice terse as he stared at me and my practically naked sister. His face was a mask of conflicting emotions, and my brain worked feverishly to try to come up with an answer while I hid Kelsey's t-shirt behind my back.

"I'm doing laundry, Daddy," Kelsey said, quite calmly, after the question had hung in the air for a few seconds.

"Naked?" he scoffed.

"No, of course not! Jeez Daddy!" Kelsey sighed, as if explaining something to a simpleton. "Once I'd gotten the load already started, I saw I had spilled food on my t-shirt and my shorts, so they needed to be washed too. I didn't feel like walking upstairs to get new clothes first, so—"

"So you just took your clothes off in front of your own brother?"

"Dad!" Kelsey said tersely, drawing the word out. "He's not in front of me! He turned his back like a good gentleman."

"Eh, yeah," I said, nodding rapidly. I thanked the Goddess of Chance that I'd had my back turned towards my delectable sister when Dad walked in on us.

Dad eyed me suspiciously, his gaze piercing deep into my psyche and tearing down all my lies to get at the truth. Or at least, that's how it felt felt to me. "Are you helping your sister with her laundry?" he asked, though some of the scowl vanished from his face.

Before I could answer, Kelsey chimed in. "I'm teaching him how to do run the washer and dryer, so he can do his laundry himself."

"Damon ... doing his own laundry?" Dad asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'll have to do it myself once I go to college, right?" I said quickly. " Figured I gotta learn sometime, might as well be now."

"Hmmm." Dad frowned. "You didn't think you should just give your sister some privacy? When she took her clothes off?"

"Oh my gosh, Daddy! You act as if he's standing there gawking at me! He's got his back turned, and he hasn't once snuck a peek at me. In fact, the only one who is currently staring at me is you!" Kelsey said testily.

To his credit, Dad got a huge blush on his mortified looking face, which was quite amusing for a man of his size and height. "I'm sorry pumpkin, I... " he stammered, then he quickly turned around so his back was facing towards her, like mine.

"Thank you!" my sister said archly. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to put my clothes in the washer, and then I'm going to go upstairs, and both of you are going to be staring at the garage door the whole time!"

"Yes, Kelsey," Dad and I said at the same time, though he sounded a lot more embarrassed than I did. I heard my sister take her shorts off again, then open the washer's lid as she threw it in with her other laundry. She quickly took the t-shirt from my hands and tossed it in there as well, then loudly slammed the washer's lid shut, as if making a point.

Dad was practically gazing a hole in the garage door, his body rigid and unflinching. He was probably not used to anyone berating him, and his youngest daughter had done a good job of putting him in his place. I actually felt a bit sorry for him.

From the corner of my eye I saw Kelsey walk past me, and I quickly snuck a peek at her gorgeous, naked body. She winked at me as she saw me eye her, then mouthed, "Come fuck me later?" as she nudged her head towards the area of the house where our bedrooms were. I grinned and nodded eagerly.

Kelsey reached the door and opened it, stepping through but halting before she completely vanished from sight. "You can both relax now. And don't worry, I won't tell mom about what happened!" she said, her tone still miffed.

"Okay pumpkin!" Dad said in a pained voice.

"Hey sis, thanks again for showing me how to run the washer!" I added, purely for Dad's benefit.

Kelsey grinned at me; then, she pulled the door shut behind her.

Dad sighed as he turned towards me, throwing a quick glance at the door to make sure Kelsey wasn't still standing there. He looked just about ready to die, though he still smiled at me.

"You okay, Dad?" I asked. He looked so uncomfortable I had to struggle to keep from laughing.

"Hmm? Oh yes, of course. I just didn't expect to be dressed down like that by my little girl. The last time I got chewed out so badly was in police training after I'd wrecked a car!"

I laughed heartily at that, and Dad soon joined in.

"So you're going to do your own laundry now, huh? Mom will be very pleased with that," he said after a bit as he walked towards the shelves at the back of the garage.

"Yeah, I think she'll be pretty pleased," I said morosely, realizing this meant I now actually had to do my own laundry. Still, it was better than being found out and having Dad kill me in a variety of unpleasant ways, I figured.

"Uh-huh," Dad said absently while he rummaged around, moving several containers of paint and other assorted clutter that had accumulated in the garage over the years, until he finally found what he was looking for and let out a triumphant "Ah ha!"

"What are you looking for, Dad?" I asked curiously. I wanted nothing more than to run after my sister and shove my cock up her ass, but I figured staying here and talking with Dad for awhile would help allay any suspicions he might have. I was also pretty curious as to why he had come into the garage; with his cruiser always parked outside, he hardly ever had to come in here.

"Oh, Karl from across the street called to ask if I had any motor oil for a mower left."

"What does he need that for, is he going to mow in the middle of Fall?"

"I don't know, but he's always willing to loan me stuff if I need it, so the least I can do is help him out, right?"

"I guess." I shrugged.

"All right, I'll just run this over to him. Can you put the phone back up for me?" he asked, holding out the cordless receiver for me.

"Sure." I took it from him with a shrug.

Dad walked to the door that lead outside, but just as he was about to go through, he stopped and turned back to face me. "Be honest with me, son. Did you sneak a peek at your sister?"

I felt my heart pound in my chest as I pondered the question. The best answer, of course, would be to pretend I didn't, but I was afraid that Dad would figure out I was lying. Besides, which eighteen year old guy wouldn't peek at a naked girl, even if she was his sister?

"Yeah, I did," I said, shuffling my feet, pretending to be embarrassed.

He got a wistful smile on his face. "Don't worry, I won't tell her. She sure is beautiful though, isn't she? Much like her sister ... and her mom, of course!"

"Eh, yeah ... I guess?" I stuttered. What the hell was he getting at?

Dad blinked a few times as if he suddenly realized something, and without another word he stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

I stood dumbfounded for a few minutes, trying to figure out what had just happened.

"He said what?" Kelsey exclaimed as we both lay together on her bed. She was wearing her silky white pajama pants and a bright red tank top, while I had changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt a little before. I had gone straight up to my room after leaving the garage, but Kelsey and I had avoided each other for a few hours, being careful not to arouse any more suspicion.

"That he thought you were really beautiful, like Melissa. Then he added Mom to that statement, but it seemed almost like an afterthought. I thought it was weird too," I said. I was lying on my side, my elbow propped up underneath my head to hold it up. I was absentmindedly caressing Kelsey's tummy with my other hand while she lay flat on her back.

"Well, Mel and I do have Mom's beauty," Kelsey said, sounding intrigued. "I mean, I sure didn't get to look like this because of the male genes in the family!"

I pinched her side, and she squeaked. "What's that supposed to mean, you little imp?" I said in mock angry voice. "Dad and I are ugly?"

She grinned at me. "No doofus! You've got a very hot body, but it's all from your work in the pool. Similarly, Dad is in great shape for his age, but it's because he works out a lot, and because he's a cop. I, on the other hand, inherited all these hot, sexy curves." As if to emphasize her words, Kelsey ran her hands across her hips, her sides and then over her breasts, caressing them softly. I gaped at her with my mouth open as she explored her gorgeous body.

"I'm sure the fact that you're a cheerleader has something to do with you being so hot, sis," I noted.

"Oh sure. It keeps me in shape and gives me an athletic look. And it gives me an opportunity to wear really short skirts, to your obvious approval!" she said, causing me to grin wickedly. "But I got my ass, hips and tits from Mom."

"If you say so," I said, shrugging. "I've never really paid attention to Mom that way."

"Really?" she asked, seeming a little surprised. "I have. She's got a very beautiful body, even after having three kids and being in her forties."

I coughed as I felt myself start to flush. "This is making me a bit uncomfortable, Kel."

"What, talking about Mom being hot?" she giggled. "Are you serious?"


"So you'll more than happily fuck your little sister to pieces, but the idea of Mom being beautiful makes you uncomfortable?"

"Yeah, so?" I asked, a little on edge.

"Nothing," she grinned. "It's just peculiar, that's all."

"Do you think of her that way?" I challenged.

"Not the same way I think of you, no," she admitted. "But I've known for a long time that she is very, very sexy."

"So what are you saying?" I asked softly.

"I'm not saying anything, it was just an observation! Same as I think Dad just made an observation about me."

"I hope that's all it was," I grumbled.

"Oh please, don't tell me you think he has the hots for me or something," Kelsey sighed, rolling her eyes at me again.

"Well, I couldn't blame him!" I said somewhat defensively. I couldn't blame anyone for having the hots for my sister, after all.

"You're just being silly," she said, leaning over and giving me a soft kiss. "He was probably a bit embarrassed about what happened and made a joke to smooth things over with you."

"I guess," I said, shrugging again. "That was some quick thinking on your part, though. The laundry bit?"

Kelsey nodded happily, and I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she looked. "It just popped into my mind, clear as day," she chirped.

"Do you think he suspects anything? I mean, it is Dad we're talking about; he's pretty sharp about this kind of stuff."

"I think he was too embarrassed to give it much thought, honestly. I knew that if I could make it more sketchy for him to be there than it was for us, we'd be okay."

"I thought I nearly died when you accused him of ogling his own daughter!"

"Yeah, that wasn't very nice of me, actually," Kelsey said, her face pulling into a frown. "I feel kinda sorry about that, but I didn't want to get caught."

"I'm glad you did, and I'm sure he'll forgive you. Give him a big hug tomorrow, and he'll be fine," I said encouragingly.

She nodded. "What time is it?"

I looked over at the clock behind me. "It's a little after ten."

"Do you want to call Amanda?"

"Sure!" I said, sounding like an eager puppy.

Kelsey giggled as she grabbed her phone and speed-dialed her friend, then she put it on speaker and laid it down on her tummy. It rang just once before Amanda answered. "Hi!" she said happily.

"Hi honey!" Kelsey said, just as excited. "Damon's here too."

"Hey baby," I said, a big smile on my face.

"Mmmm, hi Damon!" Amanda purred.

"Has your mom gone to bed?" Kelsey asked.

"Uh-huh. I'm all by my little lonesome, lying here on this big, empty bed. Wishing I had two warm bodies to keep me company," Amanda moaned.

Kelsey and I looked at each other, both of us unhappy that we were stuck at home instead of being over there with an obviously horny goddess, and silence fell on both sides of the line.

"I guess you two aren't coming over, huh?" Amanda asked a little sadly after a few seconds.

"I'm sorry, baby. I can't go get my car until tomorrow, and I doubt Mom and Dad will let me borrow one of theirs," I said morosely. "Not while I'm grounded anyways."

"It's okay, I figured it'd be hard for you to make it over. I think my heart can bear to be without you for a night."

"Your heart maybe, but can your pussy?" Kelsey grinned.

"That's going to be a bit harder, yeah!" Amanda giggled.

"Not as hard as he was, earlier," Kelsey breathed softly, her hand stroking over the rapidly growing bulge in my shorts.

"Mmmm, were you two being naughty?"

"Oh yes. We did lots of dirty things."

"Please tell me?" Amanda moaned, her voice shivering with sexual energy.

Kelsey grinned at me as she recouped our adventures of the day, starting with her blowjob in the kitchen; our encounter with Dad; then on to our wonderful fuck in her bedroom; and finally our playing in the garage, though she didn't mention the fact I had been trying to go up her ass. She finished up with Dad walking in on us again and her laundry ruse. " ... so then I pretended to storm out of there, leaving Dad all flustered," she said gleefully.

"Oh my God! I can't believe he almost caught you twice!" Amanda gasped.

"Yeah, we need to start being a lot more careful," I said, giving my sister a determined look. She pulled a pouty face but nodded in understanding, although a bit reluctantly.

"I think you really should. I'd hate for you two to get discovered and then get grounded for the rest of your lives!" Amanda said.

"We'd run away," Kelsey giggled. Somehow I doubted she was joking.

"Could I come too?" Amanda asked.

"Of course! You'd be the only thing we'd bring. We could elope to Vegas and just live in sin for the rest of our lives!"

"Mmmm, that sounds good to me," Amanda said dreamily. "Can we leave tomorrow? Preferably before third hour, so I don't have to worry about that stupid math test!"

Kelsey and I both laughed heartily at that, and I could practically hear Amanda's grin through the phone.

"Tell me, Damon ... did you like watching your hot little sister get off on the washer?" Amanda purred after we all quieted down again.

"Fuck yes!" I growled. "I couldn't believe how hard it made her cum!"

Kelsey smiled proudly at me as Amanda replied, "I know! That washer really is one of her favorite toys."

"Have you ever used it?"

"Oh yeah, several times," she giggled. "I love getting off on it too, but I love riding you more."

"Me too!" Kelsey chimed in quickly.

I smiled at my sister while I let my hand run over her breasts, gently squeezing them. Kelsey moaned once I started playing with her nipples.

"Are you two being naughty again?" Amanda asked, her voice trembling from her excitement.

"He's playing with my tits," Kelsey said. "He just can't keep his hands off me."

"You love that he's so horny for you, admit it!"

"Yes, I do!" Kelsey moaned again, louder.

"Besides, I can't keep my hands off you either," Amanda stated.

"Mmmm, I know. I wish you were here with us, so I could have both your hands all over me."

Amanda growled, and I heard her breathing get a little heavier. She panted for a few moments, then let out a soft whimper.

"Whatcha doing, baby?" my sister asked.

"I'm playing with myself," Amanda admitted, her voice a sexually charged grunt.

I sighed in delight as I pictured Amanda lying there, naked, her fingers sliding deftly in and out of her sopping slit. My cock was a rod of steel in my shorts, and I began to smell my divine sister's pussy as she, too, got more and more horny. Her nipples were poking firmly through her tank top, and I gently slid the straps from her shoulders and pulled it down a bit so I could suck on her glorious tits.

Kelsey moaned hotly as my mouth locked on her nipples, and she pushed her hand into her pajama pants. Soon the sounds of her fingers slithering through her wet cunt were audible.

"Is he hard, Kelsey?" Amanda asked, obviously getting more excited.

"Let me check. Oh yes, like a flagpole," Kelsey sighed, her hand rubbing over my cock while I teasingly flicked her nipples with my tongue.

"God, I wish I had that hard cock in my cunt!" Amanda groaned as she slowly lost herself in her sexual urges. My cock twitched at the thought, and Kelsey smiled at me, rubbing my cock harder for a few moments before she started unbuttoning my shorts.

I groaned with relief as my cock was let out into the open, and Kelsey's hand slowly jerked it, her thumb rubbing over my helmet and smearing my precum all over my shaft. I leaned closer against her and continued sucking on her tits, while my right hand slid inside her pajama pants and eagerly sought out her pussy.

I felt Kelsey's hand bump against mine, and she grinned as she made some room for me. I held my breath as I put my finger alongside her own and easily slid it inside her soaked slit. With two fingers plundering her tight, wet cunt, her body shivered with pleasure.

"What are you doing?" Amanda asked curiously.

"We're both fingering my cunt," Kelsey breathed, her voice shivering with lust. "Oh baby, we need to do this when we're together, so I can have three different fingers in me!"

"Fuck!" Amanda and I both hissed at the same time. I increased the pace of my fingerfucking, my finger driving completely inside my sister's luscious pussy while my knuckles slapped against her lips on every stroke. Kelsey bucked and ground against my hand, little mewls of pleasure escaping from her mouth on our every combined stroke.

"I can't believe how horny you've been today, Kel!" Amanda said, her voice full of wonder.

"I know!" my sister giggled. "It's all his fault, he drives me crazy!"

"Me? What the hell did I do?" I asked innocently. I raised my eyebrows at her, giving her a cute puppy-dog look.

"Oh, you know damn well what you do to me!" my sister exclaimed, sticking out her tongue at me.

"No, really, what?" I asked with a sly grin. I wanted to hear her say it.

"You make me so horny! I just go insane from wanting to fuck you!" Kelsey grunted, leaning closer and licking my chin with her tongue. I groaned at the sexy feeling, then grabbed her head and pulled her close for a hungry kiss. Our tongues swapped spit as we made out almost desperately.

"Did you tell him what you did today?" Amanda asked after a few moments of panting and moaning on both sides of the phone.

"When?" Kelsey asked, playing stupid.

"In Stars," Amanda said pointedly. "You know what I'm talking about!"

Kelsey grinned at me. "No, I haven't told him yet."

"What did you do?" I asked curiously.

"She and Carynne were all over each other during the ride to the store, and not too long after we got inside, they quickly grabbed a few outfits and rushed off to the fitting rooms," Amanda said.

I grinned back at my sister. She blushed a little, biting her bottom lip as she closed her eyes, probably reliving the whole thing in her memory.

Amanda kept on talking. "I went to check up on them after five minutes, and I found your slutty sister sitting on the small bench, with Carynne standing in front of her, her pussy pushed against your sister's face. I could see Kel's tongue slurp through that wet gash, and Carynne was just humping like crazy, trying to get herself off."

"God!" I moaned, swallowing loudly while picturing it in my mind. Carynne's hot body just grinding against my sister's face as she got eaten out, cumming over and over and over again. My finger was jabbing frantically in Kelsey's slit, and her breathing was becoming erratic. I knew she was just moments away from cumming.

"Did you only fuck Carynne?" I asked, my voice trembling. Kelsey's hand continued jerking on my shaft, and it was sending spikes of pure pleasure into my brain.

Kelsey shook her head, but she was so close to cumming she had trouble speaking. Amanda replied in her stead. "No, eventually we all got in there, and she..." she hesitated.

"What? Tell me, please!" I growled.

"Uhm ... well, we all took turns getting off on her. She was on her knees between us, and we just rubbed our cunts against her face until we came. She was so soaked in it, Damon, she looked liked she was glazed in pussy juice!" Amanda moaned.

Kelsey was blushing quite furiously, but there was something in her expression that made me think the two of them weren't telling me the whole truth. "What else did you do, Kel?" I whispered softly.

She bit her lower lip, and her eyes were flitting this way and there, as if she was trying to determine whether to tell me something.

"Come on, Kel, you know you can tell me everything," I said insistently. I was almost dying from wanting to know what else she'd done.

"I ... eh..." Kelsey began, then she swallowed loudly.

I leaned closer to her and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you, Kel. Tell me."

I saw her eyes melt with her love for me, and she smiled beautifully. "Well, it's true what Amanda said, that I ate all their pussies, but..."

"But what?"

"There was another girl there whom she ate out," Amanda said after Kelsey remained silent for several long moments.

I looked at Kel in surprise, loving the sight of her ever-growing blush. "Who was it?" I asked, my voice a dry croak.

"Amy..." Kelsey whispered, so softly I could barely hear her.

I stared at her in surprise for a few seconds, then I grinned wickedly. "Holy shit, seriously?" I asked, remembering the small strawberry-blonde cheerleader.


"What happened?"

"She was in the store with her mom, shopping for a new uniform, because she's joining an all-star squad. We all went over to her to talk, and she introduced us to her mom. We talked for a little bit, but a few minutes later, Carynne dragged me off to the fitting room where she fucked me. Or rather, where she used me to get herself off!" Kelsey moaned, her finger jamming in and out of her cunt at a delicious pace. I could feel her start to tremble, and I knew she was going to cum any second. She probably had to struggle to postpone her orgasm, clenching her teeth together for a few seconds. I stopped moving my finger around in her pussy; I didn't want her to cum just yet.

When Kelsey didn't continue, Amanda picked up where she left off. "That's when we all took turns grinding ourselves on her face until we came. Then we heard Stacey talking to Amy, as Amy had come into the fitting room area to try on her new uniform."

I was absolutely breathless, and I closed my eyes to picture it. Kelsey whimpered softly, and I quickly took the hint and started moving my finger up and down in her pussy again.

"Amy seemed a bit curious why we were all standing around the one fitting room, and Stacey asked if she wanted to see what we were doing."

Kelsey was staring at me, her face still red from her gorgeous blush, but I could see the joy in her eyes too.

"She did, didn't she?" I said softly. "She came into the fitting room where you were on your knees, with your face covered in the other girls' cum!"

Kelsey nodded while Amanda giggled and gave an affirmative "Uh-huh!" through the phone.

"What happened then?" I asked, almost going nuts. I had to fight not to rip Kelsey's pajama pants off, then fuck her until she passed out.

"She was a bit nervous, but Carynne came up behind her and started kissing her neck," Kelsey said, her voice a little less nervous. "Stacey said she'd divert Amy's mom for a bit, but that we needed to hurry."

"So Carynne took Amy's pants off and gently pushed her over to Kelsey," Amanda said.

"And then... ?" I moaned.

"I ate her out," Kelsey groaned. "I licked her little slit while Carynne played with her from behind. I'm not sure what all she was doing, but Amy seemed to enjoy it, and her pussy got really wet in just seconds."

"Did you like watching that, Amanda?" I asked.

"Yes!" Amanda groaned. "It got me really horny to see Kel eat that little cutie. Carynne kept trying to get Amy to grind herself off on Kel's face, but I think she was either too shy or too horny to really do much beside just stand there."

"Did you make her cum?" I croaked.

"Yes," Kelsey moaned. "She came really, really hard. Carynne had to clasp a hand in front of her mouth to keep her scream from ripping through the whole building. She juiced all over my tongue ... it was delicious."

I let my tongue wetly lick across her ear. "You dirty little slut," I whispered to her. "I can't believe you fucked Amy while her mom was in the store! You unbelievable fucktoy!"

Kelsey's eyes flickered with doubt, and I could see her face turn unhappy. She obviously thought I was angry at her, so I quickly kissed her, then whispered, "I love it. I love how fucking dirty you are, Kel. If I'd been in the store with you girls, I'd have blown a load all over your face right as Amy was cumming on your tongue!"

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum!" Kelsey mewled, and I licked her ear again before I locked my mouth on her breast, sucking on her nipple like it contained the last nourishment on the planet. My hand was practically a blur as my finger slammed in and out of her cunt.

"Me too!" Amanda squealed, and before I knew what was happening, both girls started groaning loudly. Kelsey's body arched as she forcefully shoved her cunt against my hand and her own, humping against the probing fingers desperately. The phone tumbled off her tummy, and she clenched her teeth while letting out a soft wail, her creamy juice exploding all over my fingers. She was cumming so hard her back looked like the St. Louis Arch, lifting almost completely off the bed.

I sighed in awe as I felt my sister's cum soak my hand, and I had to laugh a little when I saw the front of her pajama pants get wet from her massive orgasm. I tried to hump my cock into my sister's small fist, but she didn't have the strength to hold her hand still, and it kept slipping out. Instead I focused my attention completely on my sister, licking all over her breasts and neck while fingering her through her climax.

Several more squirts of my sister's cum flung out of her pussy, covering both our hands and splashing against the inside of her pajama pants, before she finally relaxed and fell down on the bed again. I tried to figure out how many times I'd made her cum so far, but I lost count. I just grinned proudly at her.

"Mmmm, fuck, that was so hot," Amanda moaned after a few moments, her voice coming from somewhere on the floor.

I quickly got up and retrieved the phone. "Sorry, baby. Kelsey dropped the phone when she came," I explained.

"That's okay. I dropped mine too," Amanda giggled.

"God, I can't believe what happened at Stars! You girls are unbelievable!"

"I know!" Amanda giggled again.

I looked over at Kelsey, who was still trembling in the aftermath of her powerful orgasm. She gave me a small questioning smile, as if looking for my approval.

I smiled back at her. "I love you, Kel," I said.

"I love you," she replied happily. Her smile grew so large it almost took over her entire face.

"She's a little slut, isn't she? Do you like that, Damon? Do you like what a little fucktoy your sister is?" Amanda asked teasingly.

"Yes!" I groaned. If possible, Kelsey's look became even happier.

"I love it. And I love you, Kel!" Amanda said.

"I love you too!" my sister replied.

I lay back down beside Kelsey, putting the phone back on her tummy. "Amanda?" I asked.


"Did you cum hard?" I breathed.

"Yes, I did. Not as hard as I did last night when your cock was inside me, though. I really want to do that again soon."

"Maybe sometime tomorrow, after I get my car?" I suggested. My cock was so eager to get back at my gorgeous blonde girlfriend that he was getting ready to call a cab and go right then and there.

"Is your car big enough to fuck in?"

"It's actually pretty cramped, but maybe we can take a ride somewhere and see if we can find a place to fool around?"

"Oh, I'd like that, yes," Amanda purred. "We're bringing Kelsey, though, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Yeah, you better!" Kelsey grinned, causing both Amanda and I to laugh.

"Good. I think I want to try that three different fingers thing she mentioned. That'd be so hot!" Amanda chirped.

"Haven't you girls already all had your fingers in her?" I asked.

"Yes, but never all in her pussy," Amanda said, and I could hear the grin pop up on her face.

"Mmmm, that sounds good!" Kelsey moaned.

"It's a date then," I said.

"God, I can't wait," Amanda moaned. "I'm going to be so horny all night."

"I'd be happy to phone sex you into a few more orgasms," I offered chivalrously.

"Oh, I'd like that!" she giggled as my sister nodded fervently too.

A knock on Kelsey's door interrupted our little soirée, and we both glanced at each other, uncertain of what to do. "Should I leave?" I asked quietly.

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I finally had enough money saved to take the vacation of my dreams. I have always wanted to visit the land of my ancestors and now that was going to happen. I was going to visit Ireland and Scotland, two out of three wasn’t so bad. Next time it will be Germany but I just couldn’t fit all three places in this time. The real bonus was that I was going to visit some friends that I had made online whilst there. I was a bundle of nerves as the day of departure drew closer. Checking and...

3 years ago
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First HybridChapter 3

I stayed in the village for a couple of weeks to heal up and rest. But then my restless nature and thirst for revenge made me antsy, wanting to get going again. I said goodbye to the people in the village who had become my friends and with a quick jump into the air I started to continue my flight northward. I didn't go straight north though, I made a slight detour through Colombia. I planned to go to the Embassy there, to send another message. Underway I rested a few times on hilltops and...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbors mdash Part 3

This is my original work; originally published on another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvGood Neighbors, Part 3*** This story continues Stacey's recollections of how she came intoher current situation. Please see Parts 1& 2 for the back story. ***"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Martin asked."Now that I've sucked your cock, it seems like the most natural thing,"I said. "Besides, I'm not sure where this is going, or what happensafter today; but I do know that I'm not going to pass up...

3 years ago
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Milking Men

I am an athletic male who is in good physical shape. Like all men I do love handjobs and I don't really care who gives them to me. I'm really into BDSM and visit a dominatrix on a regular basis. We know each other quite well. However, like all professionals in the BDSM scene, she refuses to give me a handjob. I always have to take care of myself in front of her. A few weeks ago, after one of my regular sessions, my dominatrix Anne asked me whether I would be interested in receiving handjobs...

3 years ago
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Bena adventures 2 The evening after the mall

Introduction: Bena is my girlfriend. This is the second story on my romanian slave slut bena. Sorry for the not perfect english. We are not native speaking. Bena showered when we got home. She was so exhausted. Her ass was still gaping. Her pussy and throat hurt. She still had cum in her pussy. She had that nasty taste of pee in her mouth. She was a wrack. She took a 2h sleep after the shower. When she was waking up, she found herself bound to the bed posts. Her arms and legs were spread to an...

3 years ago
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Youthful Lust and Curiosity

Part 1: Naked ObsessionBrian settled into his college life with an overwhelming workload, by day and by night. He was so thankful when all options for college accommodation were exhausted. His parents were left with no other choice but a one bedroomed, furnished apartment, across the road from the college.Frankly, he missed the freedom of home and especially mother’s cooking. Whenever his heavy study schedule allowed he scampered home for a long weekend to enjoy real food.Their neighbours of 20...

College Sex
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Anna and me

She’s sexy, Blue – my dog – didn’t wake me when she came over,she kneels down, my dick is hard, when she touches it, I shoot off, she says mmmm, and she licks all of it off my dick and her hand . Blue is also licking his dick. Anna says I’ve watched Blue fucking you, I want to try it too. She continues to suck on my dick, she turns and places her legs around my head and lowers her pussy lips to my mouth, she dripping pussy juice, I lick every drop up, her clit is...

3 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 04 The Fall Of St Michaels

The pair were freshly showered after a long morning romp that had satisfied both their thirsts. Jessica had a white bathrobe wrapped around her curvy mocha body and a light blue towel adorned her drying hair. Francis sat in a plain, white t-shirt, a fresh pair of boxers and nothing else. The self-satisfied Succubus fed herself fruit medley piece by piece as she watched him mull over his next move. It had been several years since she enjoyed a game of chess and Francis had a wonderful...

2 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 5

"Ladies and gentlemen," the posh English accent announced over the airplane's tannoy, "I'd like to thank you for flying Soixante-Trois airlines, and on behalf of the company, I'd like to wish you all a safe stay in Paris and a very Merry Christmas!" "Joyeux Noel!" Jessica said to the passengers as they disembarked the plane, barely giving the attractive young stewardess in her tight blue skirt and high-heeled shoes a second look as they stepped out into the cold December air. Once all...

4 years ago
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The Cableman

The cableman was coming at 11 to fix her TV and she has showered and waxed her pussy and glossed her nipples. She has big firm DD tits and can suck her own nipples to entertain the men. Her favorite hobby was sex. She loved men of all sizes and colors. She has even been paid for sex and loved being a whore. Her body earned her lots of money, but she loved doing it for free with repair men.He pulled up to the house and she liked his looks. He knocked and she opened the door stark naked. She told...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Flight Book 1Chapter 3

It took me all of my years in middle and high school to finally learn to just shut the fuck up until you know what is going on. Usually that gave me around a fifty-fifty chance of not getting the crap beaten out of me. There were so many suits, Air Force SPs and some GA State Troopers that I was sure a number of beatings were in my future, just to be sure I was not lying to any of them. I have heard how the rights go out the window for anyone suspected of even thinking about looking too...

3 years ago
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Panther Girl of Gor an alternative ending by Archer

Panther Girl of Gor: an alternative ending by 'Archer' Cordellian: So, I've always felt that the most flattering thing a writer can possibly hope for with her work is to find that some of her readers are inspired enough by the stories to try their own hand at adding to the existing body of work, either through art (my wonderful collaborator, ChloeK) or, as in this case, Archer's fan-fic writing. I'm obviously someone who is very much in favour of fan-fic. One of the very first...

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We Did It Under the Table in the Lift in a Side Street on the Freeway

I watched my beautiful wife Courtney get ready for our night out. It was an industry dinner after large trade show at the Crown Ball Room. About seven or eight hundred people.After doing her makeup she put on a tiny black G string and black lace bra, then the stay-up stockings. I love hosiery of any kind.A black transparent blouse and a long wrap-a-round skirt which meant a spilt that goes all the way up so I can easily get my hand under. Finally, a black lace shawl to put over her shoulders...

1 year ago
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Femme Your Hubby FAQ 3

Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #3 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions will only be accepted if in the form of standard text email. E- mails with attachments will NOT be opened. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to...

3 years ago
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A sluts talethe introduction

---------------- Hi, my name is Debbie and I am a nypho. [This is the part where you say, “HI Debbie”…think of AA but for sluts.] It has been two months since I have been fucked by a cock other then my husband’s. I confess, I celebrated on New Year’s with my best friend and her husband, but that doesn’t count as they are my closest and dearest friends. It has been two months since any “stranger” cock has fucked me. I love to fuck and to be fucked. I love to cum, and I love cum. ...

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Tonias first Party

Tonia was a typical student in her second year at Uni, pretty but not stunning, neither big breasted nor flat chested. She was polite, quiet, hard working and conscientious, she wasn't the brightest kid in the class but she made up for it in sheer effort and lots of patient work on her assignments but now she was finding it increasingly hard to keep up and was always studying when her friends were hanging out or partying and as a result life was passing her by. Her mother had finally...

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Addicted 2 Girls! A lot of people have accused me of being Addicted 2 Girls, but I’ve always considered myself more of a porn junkie. Some would argue they’re one in the same, and I guess that may well be true; the dirty movies I jack off to all day would be nothing without a steady stream of beautiful girls showing up to get their pussies licked clean on camera. Still, others might accuse me of being self-obsessed, committed to nothing more than my own pleasure as I stroke myself to...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Teachers Young Pet

The story of a tutor in his 40's and his 17 year old teen student crossing the line during a fateful stormy night while being watched by their neighbour. A story about carnal desires and the taste of youth. I was like anybody else, a healthy 17 year old. There was nothing awe inspiring about me. I was 5'2, outgoing, had a big social circle of friends who adored me, had a loving home, a good education and cute looks. With my soft caramel skin, pink full lips, long black hair that reached my...

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Meeting Mr Mac Muffin

Meeting Mr Mac-MuffinNow it was like 11.30 pm Saturday night when I had finish work and was one my way home when i saw my old gurlfriend Loraine at the bus stop. Its like two years since we last saw each other so i figure hell why not an the bus would leave the terminal an 12 sharp . Since I always have a stash of clothes in the car, I pull into a park an pull out my girl clothes. In less that 10 minutes I was a girl, my brunet wig was a little ruffle an some red lip stick made up my face ....

2 years ago
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Kimberly 20Chapter 22

Kim's turn: Let me tell you about Aunt Jenn's wedding. It was an adventure. Getting to California for the wedding was my first time flying off somewhere. Aunt Jenn, before Tim, was my rescuer, my rock. Mom's younger sister, the one who went to college, got a degree, became a schoolteacher. Decent person, and according to Mom, "One a'them bull dykes" like Mom's heterosexual alternative was somehow superior. When Mom went to jail, Aunt Jenn took me in without batting an eye and opened...

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Game WorldChapter 88

Once I was able to escape Ileana's company I went in search of Josh. I found him in one of the dining rooms lecturing some of the new staff. I stood out of sight and watched as the man made it clear to the ex-network people what their fate involved. It became obvious that this wasn't the first time that he had to speak to these people. His tone and manner was filled with exasperation of having to do it again and for a moment I was tempted to step in and make my own thoughts known. I didn't...

1 year ago
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How to train your fratboy Ch 8

He was coming along excellently, Sir mused. Way ahead of schedule. She could afford to take her time today, and give the poor thing some honey to go with all that vinegar. "Do you like my shoes Bradley?" she asked, pondering herself in the mirror. Too sore to attempt to raise his head just yet, Brad rested his cheek on the floor and looked over at Sir's shiny black high-heels thoughtfully. His first impulse was to compliment his mistress, but seeing how obviously the shoes clashed...

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A present from MaryBeth

True story? You decide A couple of years ago, I decided to lose weight and bought a bike for exercise. A few years later, I got a gym membership. Last Christmas, because I got tired of riding the bike in rush hour I got an elliptical machine. Between the workouts at home and at the gym and the long bike rides, I was, if I do say so myself, turning into middle-aged stud muffin. As I was trimming up, my wife of fifteen years was making no headway. She was always on the heavy side. With the...

3 years ago
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Friends Grandfather

A friend of mine asked me if I would have sex with his grandfather, it took a bit of talking round. His grandfather is a widower and hasn’t had sex in years and my friend knows I have been with other men. I wasn’t all that sure but my friend was insistent and I figures its not like I haven’t done other men before.My friend introduced to his grandfather, his eyes lit up when he saw me, knowing I had come for sex. He called me a ‘different kind of care in the community’. Looking me up and...

4 years ago
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Best Friends with benefits

We walk out of the house and i couldn’t help but stare at what Annabelle was wearing. She wore a red flannel shirt, the sleeves neatly tucked up to her elbow, firmly tied up under her 36DD breasts to expose her tight little waist. A short pair of cut off jeans, highlighting the thickness of her thighs. Her dark red hair flopped in the light breeze, and wore matching snakeskin leather boots. I slow down, and lost a trance tracing my eyes around her firm round wide bottom. An ass so perfectly...

3 years ago
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Boy CrazyChapter 2

I have the fondest of hopes that you have recently read the first part of my story. If you did, then you would know my name is Juan Cordero and that like many of my “Compadres”, I am here in this beautiful country without the benefit of proper documentation. It annoys me to be called illegal because that makes me a criminal in the eyes of most legal residents just because of a piece of paper. I know that my country of birth is a lot less safe than living in this so-called “Sanctuary City” in...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 26

After breakfast Vicky and I returned to the room to change. Craig took Hanna and Melinda to the palace steps to get set up. The Portugal media was to be notified of a VIP event ten minutes before we arrived but like most capitals, a few approved media always staked out the legislature halls and the presidential palaces. Hanna - being the experienced open field reporter - quickly took advantage of the wait to film material for the lead in to the other news reports and local interest shows on...

1 year ago
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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 7 Family Affair

***** Chapter 7 - Family Affair BEEP... BEEP.. BEEP. I awoke as my alarm started going off. I blindly reached for my phone that was on a nightstand and pressed the snooze button as my eyes slowly opened. My head ached, my body weak, and both my vagina and butthole felt sore. My mind was foggy as I tried to remember what happened last night. I then noticed a huge, heavy, and hairy arm hugging my stomach and a body pressed against my back while I laid on a bed, naked on my side. It has been a...

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Breaking my car in the wrong neighborhood

I had gone alone to our friends’ party.My beloved husband was arriving at the airport that same night and we would meet at home later.By midnight I left our friend’s old chalet and hit the highway.While I was driving, my head was filled with the thoughts about the wild sex session I was going to share at home with Victor after his four day trip to Dallas. I was already damp underneath my short black cocktail dress and couldn't suppress a smile when I recalled going to the ladies room during the...

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Step Daughter 4 Part 2

I left for work the next day fully anticipating my thoughts about what the evening would bring and into the weekend with her sleeping over and now her friend. As mentioned in part one, the friend is African-American and a complete knockout. I got home around four and they were already in the pool tying it heavily to margaritas. I asked if they wanted steaks and shrimps for supper and I would go and begin dinner. They both eagerly agreed and off I went to the kitchen. By about 530 I had a table...

3 years ago
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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 5

Adrienne awoke at dawn, uneasy about the fragmented, troubled dreams -- something about pain and pleasure. She tried to recall details but could not, so, anxious to make a good impression on the Vagnors, she put her dreams out of mind, dressed and hurried downstairs to find Lars and begin her duties. He was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. "Ssssit down Missss Adrienne. I have prepared you a good breakfasssst." "Thank you Lars, that's very kind, but you shouldn't bother on my...

4 years ago
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Small WorldChapter 3

Jones and Blackie approached the walls of the city and were stopped that the gates by two goons that went by the name of Guards, once they took a look at the 'horse' they began licking their lips. One Guard – Jones decided to call him Jerry – stood in the way of the gate with a halberd at the ready. The other one – Tom – reached up and held onto the reins, his hands were dangerously near the bit. "Now what do we have here?" Tom asked as he checked Blackie over, "Seems like this was one...

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Teenage Girl Seduces Adult Neighbor Online

It was very difficult for my father and me when my mother left us when I was only twelve years old. She was very beautiful and sexy looking, and probably still is. It turned out that she's a real slut and cared more about finding a lot of different cocks to fuck than she cared about us. Dad does his best and makes many sacrifices to be the best parent he can.My name is Ashlee, and I’m now sixteen years old and Dad is forty. We live in a comfortable condominium in the Little Rock area. Dad works...

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That erotic night I had with dad

100% fiction! It was 10 in the night , my dad and i were staying at some b&b and it must have been the most extraordinary nights of all my life. I was upstairs in my room watching porn while dad was downstairs "watching TV and doing his work". I was horny as fuck that night and I think I watched 7 videos on before jerking off 4 times. I came so much watching porn my balls started to hurt and due to my inquisitiveness I ate/swallowed my cum (it was very slimy and salty). I took a...

3 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 87 Claire Promotion

On returning to the hotel Phillip came up with Tina and the coffee’s. Reading the paper Phillip asked “You Miss sorry Mrs Helena?” Helena smiled “With the help of Fred, Claire and especially Xena. We laughed when she exclaimed, If Grandfather saw this he would kick them off the planet. Xena got a good lesson on the difference of good management to forced management. Her knowledge of the hotel scene really produced good information. She made a great impression on Fred and soaked him to give...

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ബാംഗ്ലൂരിൽ degree പഠനം കഴിഞു ഞാൻ ലെണ്ടനിൽ M BA പഠിക്കുന്ന സമയം. 22 വയസു , എന്റെ ആദ്യത്തെ അവധിക്കു ഞാൻ നാട്ടിൽ വന്നു. certificate മേടിക്കാനായി ഞാൻ ബാംഗ്ലൂർ ക്ക് പോകാൻ KPN വോൾവോ കൊച്ചി യിൽ നിന്നും ബുക്ക്‌ ചെയ്തു. ബസ്‌ കയറാൻ കൊച്ചി ഓഫീസിൽ വെയിറ്റ് ചയ്യുമ്പോ ഒരു ഭാര്യയും ഭർത്താവും അടുത്ത സീറ്റിൽ വന്നിരുന്നു. ഭർത്താവ് എന്റെ അടുത്ത് ബാംഗ്ലൂർ ക്ക് അന്നോ എന്ന് ചോദിച്ചു. അതെ എന്ന് മറുപടി. അയാൾ ഒരു ടീച്ചറ ആണ് ഭാര്യ ഒരു പ്രിവേറ്റ്‌ ബാങ്കിൽ അസിസ്റ്റന്റ്‌ മാനേജർ. 3 ദിവസത്തെ ഒരു ക്ലാസിനു ബാംഗ്ലൂർ കു...

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Blackmailed Dad Banged His Secretary

Hello guys and girls this is my first story on ISS, my name is ankur, i belong to a high class family, my dad is a business man. We r family of four, Dad, Mom, me and my sis Tamanna. Females in meerut contact at We were living a very good life. I was 19 years old. I am single, no girlfriend. I had earlier but now i am single. From last 3-4 years i always found unusual msgs at my dads mobile but never doubt him. Recently i started going to office with him joining his business. I met with his...

1 year ago
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My Moms Hot Friend Part 2 An Unexpected Visitor

It was Friday afternoon, I was waiting for Linda to finish working so the festivities could begin. Nothing seemed to amuse me for more than a few minutes, I would try playing video games or reading a book but I kept thinking about what was going to happen in less than an hour. It didn't help that I had an erection that wouldn't go away, I had already jacked off twice today but I was still horny as hell. I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't blow my load soon so I decided to...

3 years ago
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Laundry Room Confessions

Laundry Room Confessions I can’t keep this a secret for one minute longer! If I don’t spill my guts and confess my saucy secret, I’ll burst for sure. Thank Heavens you are here for me to share my story with!…. It was last fortnight when I was unceremoniously ‘dumped’ by my so-called man of two years. Initially it would be fair to say I was rather upset, after all, nobody likes to be told ‘ Hey, I don’t want to be with you anymore. ‘ To add insult to injury, he didn’t even try and sugar coat...

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My brother tried a Fleshlite then me

My brother can into my room, d****d in a towel, obviously nude underneath, and in a slightly agitated mood.'What'? I asked him.''s*s, I need your opinion', and at that he produced a box, the very same box that had been delivered by DHL earlier this morning.I took the box from him and pulled back the already opened paper. 'WTF', escaped my breath as I looked at the picture on the box, the I burst out in a fit of laughter.'You have got to be fucking with me', as I opened the box and pulled out...

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Jessies surprise

On friday night Jessie phoned me and told me to come to her place as soon as I could. I left and arrived around 7:30, I had a key so I was able to come and go as I pleased, I entered and hung my coat up and was about to call out "honey I'm home!" when I head some soft moaning coming from the living room, I thought she was watching porn, but as I peaked around the corner I was shocked at what I was seeing...... There she was on her knees licking pussy, The was a blonde laying on her back, right...

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Playing Around at the Ski Cabin

Sacramento is miserably hot in the summer. George had no idea how miserable it would be when he started working there last fall. But as summer rolled around he started complaining to his coworkers about the heat. "Patty and I hate this heat," he said one day in the company cafeteria. "If we'd known it was going to be like this I don't think we would have transferred here." Several people laughed and assured him he'd get used to it. But Al had a suggestion for him. "Why don't you...

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The Ghost of Fucks That Never Were

I open my eyes. My cell-phone’s alarm is crowing me good morning with a cockerel sound-effect it’s never emitted before. 9am on a Saturday. Normal wake-up time. Room’s normal too – so’s the light, the temperature… But something – I can’t identify what – isn’t. Something about today is other.It might be the girl perched on my bed’s end – the pretty bikini girl in denim cut-offs, with the cherry-lipstick smile, who wasn’t there last night. She flicks her tumbledown brunette locks aside to look at...

2 years ago
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A Virgin Incest Love Bond

Hello, friends, this is Arjun. I am from Hyderabad a good height fair handsome 18-year-old boy. You all can hang out me on for feedbacks/queries/etc etc. This is my real sex story. I have an elder sister, her name is Neha. Age 20. She is super cute and looks damn sexy. Her cute thighs often blew me up. Her silky hair, her adorable arms are just too sweet to describe. Best sister in the world. This morning, I got up with a huge tight hug and a face full of sweet kisses from someone very special...

3 years ago
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Stairway to Hell

The sun is setting when Jessica Porter finally decides to call it a day. She puts down the report she's been reading and rolls back her chair, glancing at her watch. She picks up the phone and pushes some buttons. "Yes, Maria?" she says. "You can go home now, I'm not going to work anymore tonight. Just leave the answering machine on. Good night." She stands and stretches, her breasts pushing against the fabric of her silk shirt. She grabs her briefcase and leaves her office, closing...

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Murder on the Phucktacular Express

"OK folks, nothing to see here. Please go back to your rooms" Lt. Will Swallow ordered the crowd as he made his way from the kitchen to the train's bed compartment. Inside I, Captain Ivana Swallow was bent over ass up, inspecting the deceased body that was sprawled out on the lower berth. Will moved behind me and rubbed his crotch against my tight firm ass. "Mmmmmmm, what do we have here?" Will smiled wickedly. "I wish you would stop doing that. What would happen if someone...

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The Wager Part 4

The early morning sun poured in through a small gap in the curtains. Mandy blinked as her eyes grew accustomed to the bright light. For a moment she was disorientated, unsure of her surroundings. As she woke, she realised John was lying close to her, she felt the heat radiate from his body and luxuriated in it. She lay watching him as his big chest rose and fell with every breath. Mandy leant over and kissed him softly on the cheek. The events of the previous evening came vividly into her...

4 years ago
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Sexual adventures with Emily and her family pt6

Mick walked me to behind the counter and grabbed some measuring tape. I asked him "Do you measure over my dress, or do I need to remove it?"... I knew he could do it over my dress... I just wanted to see what he'd say...I was giving him an opportunity to take advantage of me, and I wanted to see if he would take it. He looked at my dress, and I'm sure he could tell I wasn't wearing a bra... he said "well... I could do it over the dress... but we'd get a much better measurement without...

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The Biker Babe

Leah had always liked motorcycles. Every since her uncle took her for her first ride when she was a little girl, she had liked motorcycles. The feel of the wind in her hair, the vibrations coming from the seat, and the freedom to go where you want whenever you want. Whenever the family would get together, she would pester her uncle until, laughing, he weakened and took her for a ride. It was her uncle that bought her her first minibike. Then, a few years later, she got her first motorcycle, a...

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Jack8217s sister 8211 1

Hi this is lucky and I’m going to tell you my friend jacks story. Jake should have been able to get along great with girls. After all he grew up around a houseful of women, being the youngest of five siblings. He was the only boy and his four sisters almost constantly antagonized him. Despite all the women in the house, and all the experience he had talking to girls, he had nearly zero luck with the opposite sex. Which was actually more like absolutely zero? He was a eighteen year old virgin...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 19

Claudia and Dan did their best to keep Erin busy. Allison talked with Claudia while Erin was eager to chat with her new friend and tell her the news of her breast procedure. Allison couldn’t contain her great news, telling Erin she was being adopted by Dan and Claudia. Erin wanted non-stop sex with Dan and Claudia before she was laid up recovering from her operation. She prompted Dan to walk her through the park, leaving her blouse unbuttoned and showing her bare pussy, “The next time you...

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PornstarPlatinum Savana Styles Alura Jenson Ariel Blue Genevieve Hexxx Ziggy Star Miss Raquel The Orgy Trainer

It looks like it’s going to be a hot workout for me and the girls today! I have all my friends coming over, like Alura Jenson, Ariel Blue, Genevieve Hexxx, Ziggy Star and of course Miss Raquel. We do have to share the space with some of the guys, including Chris Strokes, Alex Legend and Jack Vegas, so it’s bound to get really hot in here! I can’t think of a better way to work up a sweat then with my girls working out and a bunch of buff dudes pumping iron right next to us! Lets see what this...

3 years ago
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The Club Chapter 2

Special thanks to Mr. S and Zeal for the support and inspiration. Any and all critiques or comments are welcome at [email protected]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The bikini was a hit! Every set of eyes in the place had been glued to my tits and ass for hours. The moment I sashayed out to the pool I could feel the desire hit me. I made sure to walk with some extra bounce in my step, my girls doing me proud. My hips swayed enticingly,...

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