ConflictedChapter 14 free porn video

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Amanda and I lay awake most of the rest of the night, only occasionally dozing off, worry about Kelsey's reaction making us both sick to our stomachs. We talked about what we were going to do, but without knowing just how angry Kelsey was at us, it was hard to formulate any kind of plan.

Amanda had wanted to go over to my house straight away, to assure my sister that we had no intentions whatsoever of deserting her, but I was buzzed enough from the wine we'd had that I didn't feel comfortable driving. Dad would kill me if I got pulled over for a DUI.

So we tossed and turned, cuddled and talked, and generally just waited for the night to pass. We finally got up at 6am, no longer being able to just lie awake in bed, and took a shower together. Normally the sight of Amanda naked, with water streaming off her perfect body, would have driven me crazy, and we'd have been fucking mere seconds after the faucet came on, but my worry over my sister overrode my hormones. I felt pretty fucking miserable, even after what had started off as the greatest night of my life.

Amanda was quiet too, lost in her own thoughts, her beautiful face lined with worry. I took her in my arms and held her closely against me; it wasn't long until she began to cry.

"Damon, what are we going to do?" she sobbed. "I don't want to lose her."

"We won't," I said resolutely. "We'll make her sit down, and we'll explain everything to her. She'll understand. She loves you; she doesn't want to lose you either." It sounded like scant comfort, even to myself.

After showering, we quickly got dressed. Amanda was wearing a pair of jeans and a thick, green turtleneck sweater to counter the cold weather outside, and she'd put the cheerleading outfit she was going to wear later into a sports bag. She quickly went inside her mom's bedroom to say bye to her mom, then we left in a slightly bigger hurry than usual.

We hardly spoke during the drive over to my house, both of us just lost in our own thoughts. Though I didn't express it, my main worry was that Amanda—if faced with the choice—would pick Kelsey over me in a heartbeat. Though it would make me very unhappy, I decided that I wouldn't fight against that choice or try to change her mind in any way; the last thing Amanda needed was for me to create any more drama in her life. I knew she loved Kelsey as much, if not more, than she loved me, and they'd been together for a long time before I ever came along. They deserved to be together if that was what they really wanted. Part of me hoped that it wasn't, and the other part of me despised it for feeling that way.

Pulling over into our driveway, I was relieved to see Dad's cruiser wasn't there, which would make the upcoming confrontation a little easier. I still wasn't sure if he knew about me and Kelsey or not, though he'd been giving off certain signs that tended to make me think so. Either way, our discussion with Kelsey would be a lot easier if he wasn't there.

Mom looked up from behind the counter as I opened the kitchen door, giving me a bright smile.

"Hey Mom," I said, putting on a happy face, hiding my troubles.

"Hi honey, I'm glad to see you again," Mom said, coming over and giving me a hug and a kiss. Then she went over to Amanda and hugged her as well. "Hello dear."

"Hi Mrs. Richards," Amanda said sweetly, fiercely returning the hug.

"Oh, honey, you can stop calling me that. You're dating my son, and you're my daughter's best friend; you're as close to a third daughter as I'll ever get. Call me Shirley."

"Okay, Shirley," Amanda said, smiling happily. She was doing a far better job of hiding her concern than I was.

"I'll be right back," I said, quickly leaving the kitchen and going upstairs. Kelsey's bedroom door was closed, and I knocked on it several times. There was no answer. I knocked again. "Kel, it's me. Open up, please?" I said softly.

The silence was almost deafening.

I sighed irritably and went into my own bedroom, digging through my closet and grabbing the clothes I would need later, throwing them into a sports bag not unlike the one Amanda had brought. I smiled briefly as I thought to myself that I shouldn't get the two bags confused. I doubted I'd look half as good in that skimpy outfit as Amanda would.

I dropped the bag on my bed and went into the bathroom, fully expecting Kelsey's bathroom door to be closed too. To my surprise, it was wide open, and when I went into her bedroom I saw why: she wasn't there.

I sighed deeply and felt a shiver ripple through my gut. Kelsey and I had been thicker than flies for the last five years or so, and we were each other's best friends. Or at least, she was mine. Now, because we had started to experiment with being more than just siblings and friends, there suddenly was a rift between us. The mere thought of losing my friendship with my little sister made me want to punch a wall. For the first time since it all began, I started wondering if perhaps she and I should never have begun fooling around.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs, walking back into the kitchen to find Amanda and my mom talking quietly.

"Do you know where Kel is, Mom?" I asked, dropping my bag on the counter and reaching into the fridge for some chicken and a glass of orange juice.

"She left pretty early this morning. Stacey came and picked her up," Mom said. She was looking at me with a peculiar look, as if she was trying to figure something out.

"Did she tell you where she was going?"

Mom shook her head. "No, she didn't. I didn't get to talk to her even. Stacey showed up at the door, and Kelsey left without really saying anything."

I sighed, trying not to get desperate. I could try calling Kelsey again, but I was convinced she wouldn't answer anyways. I could ask Amanda to call Stacey, but it seemed highly unlikely that Stacey would do or say anything that Kelsey wouldn't want her to do. I violently tore into a chicken breast with my teeth, feeling myself get angry while I chewed.

"What's going on, Damon?" Mom asked, her tone deadly serious.

"Huh? What ... what do you mean going on?" I asked, stumbling over my words while chewing vigorously. Did she know about Kelsey and I?

"I mean that for the last week things have been strange. I have to yell at you kids for hours to come downstairs for school. You and Kel have constantly been at each other's sides, far more so than usual, and you're running around each other in your underwear, or even naked. Then last night I went to get myself something to drink from the fridge, and I found her sitting here in the kitchen, bawling like a baby. When I asked her what was wrong, she quickly got up and ran upstairs, slamming her bedroom door shut behind her. I followed her and knocked on her door, and she never answered."

My breath stuck in my throat as I listened to Mom rattle off her list. I fully expected her to fling the accusation at me: 'Are you and your sister fucking each other?'

I waited several long moments, unable to draw a breath of air, while Mom kept staring at me. Amanda was giving me a worried look, her face betraying her conflicting emotions.

"Well?" Mom asked, her voice betraying her impatience.

"I eh ... don't really know, Mom," I said hesitantly, trying to come up with a plausible lie. I silently wished that I had my sister's aptitude for lying; Kelsey would lie her way out of this predicament in an instant.

"Kelsey is worried that Damon and I dating is going to hurt her friendship with either one of us," Amanda said, coming to my rescue.

Mom turned towards my gorgeous girlfriend, frowning slightly at her. "Why would she think that? Have either of you given her any indication that that would happen?"

Amanda sighed. "We had promised her that we'd pick her up again last night and go do something together, like go out. And then Damon and I totally forgot about that."

"Why did you forget ... oh," Mom said, getting a faint smile on her face. "Yes, I can see how that would have interfered with those plans."

Amanda blushed brightly but kept staring directly at Mom, obviously not wanting to give anything away. I was praying fervently that Mom would accept Amanda's slight distortion of the truth.

"Well, that should be easily fixed then, right? You two just take her out for some fun tonight, and assure her that no matter what happens between you two, you'll still be her friends," Mom said, then she turned towards me. "Or, in your case, her brother."

I smiled at her. If only it were so easy, Mom, I thought to myself, but then I realized that perhaps she was right. "Do you think that will work?" I asked her as I mulled it over.

"Of course it will work! I know my daughter; she's just jealous and worried she won't be the focus of everyone's attention anymore. She craves that—especially in your case, Damon. She wants to know that she'll still be your little sister and your best friend. You just need to reassure her that you'll still have time for her, even if you and Amanda wind up getting more serious," Mom said, sounding so sure of herself that I allowed myself to believe it.

Amanda and I glanced at each other, our eyes speaking volumes about what we were thinking. Could it really be that simple? Did we just have to fuck Kelsey into submission, so to speak, to let her know we wanted her to be with us?

Amanda was the first to break our revery. "Thank you, Shirley," she said, leaning over and giving my Mom a kiss on her cheek.

Mom took the opportunity to wrap her arms around my girlfriend and nearly crush her against herself in a huge hug. "You're welcome, sweetheart. Trust me, this will work with Kelsey. Just shower her with attention, and you'll all be best buddies again before you know it."

"Thanks, Mom," I said gratefully. "But how are you so sure that this will work?"

"Because she's my daughter," Mom said resolutely. "And it sure as heck would work on me!"

Amanda and I stared at her in disbelief for a few moments, then we both laughed.

We pulled up into the pool parking lot a little after eight, both of us hoping that Kelsey and Stacey would be there. The talk with Mom had made us feel a little better since if there was one thing we knew we could do, it would be showering Kelsey with love and affection. If that's what it took to get my little sister to be happy again, I'd absolutely bury her with love, and I knew Amanda felt the same way.

Right as we were about to get out, Carynne pulled up beside me in her Spider, waving at us. Amanda and I couldn't help but grin; Carynne could put a smile on anyone's face no matter how down they were.

We got out, grabbing both our bags from the back seat, as Carynne locked up her car and ran over to us. "Hey, you guys," the gorgeous brunette said happily, giving Amanda a huge hug, then turning her attention to me.

"Hey Carynne," I said, smiling at her.

"Aww, don't I at least get a hug?" she pouted. I laughed loudly and engulfed her in my arms, squeezing her tightly against me.

"That's better," she said once I let go. "Where's Kelsey?"

"We don't know," I said softly.

Carynne frowned, her impossibly cute face scrunching up tightly. "You don't know? Why not?"

"We went to pick her up this morning, but she'd already left with Stacey," Amanda said.

"Why did you have to go pick her up? Why wasn't she with you guys?" Carynne asked.

Amanda sighed and explained what had happened after Carynne had left us alone yesterday. While she was explaining the details, I looked around the parking lot, trying to find Stacey's car. Though I saw several 4Runners, none of them had the distinct red color that Stacey's did.

" ... And now she's worried that we want to be together, and that she's become a third wheel," Amanda finished after several minutes.

"It wasn't very smart of you to promise you'd come fuck her again last night, then not actually do it, you know," Carynne said matter-of-factly. "You know Kel as well as I do; you knew that'd hurt her."

"I didn't mean to forget about it!" Amanda said, a little harshly. "It's just that after he told me he loved me, my mind went out the window."

Carynne looked a little shocked, then she wrapped her arms around Amanda's shoulders and pulled her close, kissing her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I didn't want that to sound as an accusation."

Amanda hugged her friend in return. "I know, it's okay. I didn't mean to snap at you either."

The two beauties hugged for several moments, then let go, even as Carynne smiled at Amanda. "I think congratulations are in order for you two, huh?" Carynne said, jumping topics so quickly Amanda and I both blinked.


"Because he told you he loved you! It's so awesome that you two are in love!" Carynne practically squealed, excitedly jumping up and down.

"Thank you," Amanda said, her smile lighting up her face. "I just hope that Kelsey won't break up with us because of it."

Carynne shook her head vigorously. "You three can't break up, I forbid it!"

"You forbid it?" Amanda said, giggling despite herself. "How come?"

"Because how else am I going to have more of those incredibly hot foursomes?"

Amanda and I burst out laughing, shaking our heads at a wildly grinning Carynne.

"There, that's much better," she chirped. "I hate it when you guys aren't happy! Come on, it will be fine. I'll give her a call and tell her to stop pouting, and then to come over here so we can all fuck her! That'll make her feel better."

"You're not the first one to suggest that, actually," I said, somewhat surprised.

"Oh, who else suggested it?" Carynne asked while she dug her phone out of her pocket.

"My mom."

Carynne froze, and her mouth fell open as she gawked at me. "Your mom told you to fuck your sister to make her feel better?"

"What? No! She said we needed to give her attention and shower her with love."

"Oh. Well, that too, but knowing Kel, I'd guess she'd rather you shower her with something else."

I couldn't help but grin profusely, much to Carynne's delight. We all started walking towards the main building, during which Carynne tried, several times, to call Kelsey.

"Nothing?" Amanda asked, her voice small.

"No, she's either out of range, or not answering. She's with Stace, right?" Carynne asked.

"Yeah. Or at least, we think so. Stacey came to pick her up this morning."

Carynne nodded and hit a few buttons, presumably calling Stacey. She let it ring for what seemed a long time, then sighed as she flipped her phone shut again. "No answer from her either. I wonder where they are."

"I hope they're alright," Amanda said quietly, while squeezing my hand.

"They're fine, they probably just have their phones turned off," I said, trying to remain upbeat, though I had to admit that I was getting pretty worried myself. I was also beginning to wonder how we were going to shower Kelsey with love and attention if she wouldn't answer her phone, and we had no idea where she was.

I held the door open for the girls, and we walked into the building, past a smiling Charlie.

"Give 'em hell, Damon!" the kind, old security guard said as he nodded at us.

"You bet, Charlie," I said, wishing I felt as confident as I sounded.

I gave Amanda a fierce kiss, then made my way over to the locker rooms which were not accessible to the girls this time around. A brutal looking security guard, with a neck made of what seemed to be spare tires, barred the way to anyone not possessing a Competing Athlete's badge. Fortunately I'd remembered to bring mine, and he grunted as he waved me through.

There were several other swimmers in the locker room, though each was lost in his own world, trying to build up concentration for the upcoming events. Judging by the amount of clothes actually left hanging around, as well as the number of lockers that were in use, I guessed that most of the competitors were already here.

I got changed quickly, stashing all my stuff into my own locker. I put the key into a small, waterproof wallet that I always had on me, then trapped that against my hip in my Speedos. It was small enough that it virtually made no difference in aerodynamics, and I'd gotten so used to swimming this way that it felt weird if I didn't have it there.

I made my way into the great hall, amazed at the amount of people that were already there. Quite a few of them were in the main pool, warming up and swimming a few practice laps, while others were sitting and standing around, either by themselves or while talking with others. There were perhaps a few hundred people in the stands, not a terribly huge crowd, but not small by any means either. I imagined there'd be a few thousand people at State.

I just had to make sure that I got an opportunity to see if I was right.

I dove into the water and did a few quick sprints, exploding to maximum speed for a few seconds, then slowing down to a crawl again. I felt my muscles slowly shed their lethargy from the lack of sleep and the phenomenal sex Amanda and I'd had. Thinking of Amanda's flawless body, shivering, moaning and sweating underneath my touch, brought a big grin to my face, and my stomach churned from the butterflies flapping through it. I loved her, and though I was worried to death over my sister and what she was thinking about us, I was glad that I loved her.

I swam over to where I saw Erik, Brian and Daryll talking and hoisted myself out of the pool near them.

"Hey guys," I said, walking over beside them.

"Hey D," Brian said, the others also greeting me. "Ready for today?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, man, to be honest. I'll go as fast as I can, and we'll see if it's enough."

He frowned at me. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, you look kinda like shit," Erik added.

"Thanks," I said wryly. "I'm okay, I guess."

Brian seemed to study me for a few moments, then he told me to follow him. I gave him a surprised look but did as he wanted, following him until we reached a somewhat quiet spot.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I didn't sleep well, and I—"

"Don't give me that bullshit. I'm willing to bet money this is about Kelsey, isn't it?"

I sighed and slumped my shoulders, giving him all the answer he needed.

"I thought so. So what's going on?"

"She's mad at me."

"Eh, that happens with girls from time to time. Why is that bothering you?"

"She thinks Amanda and I are deserting her."

"What? Aren't you having sex with both of them?"

"Yeah, but last night Amanda and I were by ourselves, and Kelsey thought we were abandoning her."

"Which isn't what you were doing, I take it?"

"No, we'd just kinda forgotten about her, because we'd gotten pretty emotional."

"Emotional? What were you so emotional about?"

I couldn't do anything but look particularly pleased with myself, even as I shrugged my shoulders.

He began to chuckle. "Let me guess, the L word?"

I nodded at him, grinning stupidly.

"Good for you, kid," he said, clapping my shoulder. "Still, if you're in love with Amanda, and she's in love with you, then why are you so upset over Kelsey? She'll be disappointed and even angry right now, but she'll get over it."

"She's my sister, Brian. I'm not going to just ignore her until she 'gets over it!'"

"She'll still be your sister, no matter what, and no matter who you wind up with. She'll forgive you. Why is this such a big deal?"

I drew in a deep breath, wondering if I should tell him. He already knew about us, so it probably wouldn't matter much anyways, but then I hadn't actually told this to anyone yet.

He raised his eyebrows as the silence endured for a few moments. "Well?" he finally asked.

"Because I love her too. And not just as my sister," I said decisively.

Brian whistled as he shook his head at me, though I didn't get the idea that he was judging me. "Wow, you're sure getting yourself in a pickle here, D."

"Yeah, I know."

He nodded and put his hand on my shoulder. "I wish I knew what to say, man, I really do. Katie should be here in awhile, perhaps she can give you some advice."

I shrugged. "We'll see."

Before he could say anything else, the announcer came on over the hall's sound system, welcoming everyone to the first of two State semi-finals being held, and after rattling off a list of sponsors he announced that in ten minutes we'd have the first heat of the 200 meters butterfly, which was mine. I was scheduled to start in lane five, right beside Wheeland in lane four.

"Good luck D. You can beat Wheeland, everyone knows you can," Brian said encouragingly.

I gave him a wan smile and nodded, walking over to my lane to get a final warm up going. Coach was waiting for me beside my starting block and gave me a grunt when he saw my body language. "Did you get enough sleep last night?"

I shrugged. "It'll do."

"That's not what I want to hear! I want to hear you say that you slept ten hours like you're supposed to!" he grumped.

I nodded, but didn't say anything else, staring straight ahead of me at the shimmering pool. The last of the swimmers were getting out, to prepare for the start of the events.

"How's your nose, kid?" coach asked, not unkindly.

"It's fine. I can dive with it without any problems," I said.

"And how's your head?"

I gave him a curious look, not quite comprehending.

"Mentally, I mean."

I sighed. "I don't know."

"Do you believe you can beat Wheeland?"

"I don't know."

"Goddammit, son, with that kind of attitude he's going to swim fucking circles around you! Now let me ask that question again; do you believe you can beat Wheeland?!"

I grinned at him and nodded. "Yeah, I can."

"Good. Now fucking prove it to me!" he snarled, right before stomping off.

I shook my head with amusement as I watched him leave. Suddenly my eyes crossed with Wheeland's, who was sitting just a few feet away, grinning at me.

"There is no way in fuck you can beat me, you little shithead," the asshole smirked. "It'll be a major fucking victory for you if you can stay within two seconds of me."

"Blow me, cunt drool," I growled, quickly turning away and taking a few deep breaths to try to calm my suddenly rapidly pounding heart. He always managed to get in my head, and I tried to psych myself up, imagining how awesome it would be to beat his dumb ass and be able to shove his bullshit right back in his face.

The announcer told us there were five minutes left, and he summoned all swimmers to their starting positions, then began to announce them one by one. I got a decent amount of applause as I was announced, and I could hear Carynne and Amanda yelling even over the noise of the crowd. I glanced over in their direction and grinned as I saw that they were, indeed, wearing the skimpy cheerleader outfits. My heart started beating faster as I saw a brunette stand beside Carynne, but I soon realized it was Mikaela, not Kelsey.

All three girls were managing to draw quite a bit of attention from the male crowd in attendance, which was apparently to Carynne's delight as she was constantly talking with one guy or another. I imagined she was flirting outrageously.

With one minute left, we all took our positions on the block, and Wheeland sneered at me. "Dead meat!" he said, pulling his finger across his throat. Rather than waste energy trying to come up with a reply, I just turned away and focused my thoughts on the water. Just swim fast, I thought. Stay with him and explode in the end.

We got set at the announcer's command, a resolute quiet settling over the hall, and my thoughts again turned to Kelsey. Slowly the shimmering water resolved into an image of her, smiling at me, and I stared at it aimlessly, marveling at how beautiful she was. The gunshot drew me out of my daydream, and I silently cursed as I was at least half a second too slow off the block, going eighth into the pool. I thrust my feet furiously under water, trying to make up some time. I came back up in the back of the pack, Wheeland and the guy in lane six at least a length ahead of me.

I settled in for a grim chase, determined to catch the fucker. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried, Wheeland easily stayed a length ahead of me, slowly starting to build on it. I took a quick peek around me, seeing that I was still seventh and not making up any distance either. I doubled my efforts, but only made up one spot over the next fifty meters; Wheeland was a solid two distances ahead of me, and I decided to save my strength since the race was lost anyways. I coasted almost leisurely to the end and finished last, a full six seconds behind Wheeland's winning time.

The fucker smirked at me with a satisfactory smile as he raised his hand in victory at the announcer's declaration of his triumph. Meanwhile, I quietly swam over to the ladder and wearily hauled myself out of the pool.

"What the fuck was that? Do you call that swimming?" Coach snarled as he walked up to me. "The dessicated corpse of my dear departed grandmother could swim faster than that!"

"I was slow off the block and couldn't make up the distance, so I decided to save my strength in the last fifty," I said, shrugging slightly. "I've got two more heats today, so what's the point in wearing myself out in a lost race?"

"Don't get snippy with me, kid! What the fuck were you doing on that starting block? Counting sheep?"

I sighed. "Yeah, something like that. It was a bad race, Coach. Can we forget about it and focus on the next one, please?"

He gave me a dark scowl, then turned around without saying anything further.

Wheeland walked past me with a smug, victorious smirk. I had to resist the urge to beat that goddamn grin right off his fucking face.

I stomped off towards the stands, figuring I'd go sit down with the girls for a bit since my next race wasn't up for awhile. Before I could get there, however, Brian intercepted me.

"What the hell are you doing, man?" he asked, his face pulled into a distasteful frown.

"Look, Brian, I already got a lecture from Coach, okay? Like I told him, it was a lost race, so why waste my strength just to finish seventh? I figured I'd be better–"

"I'm not talking about you slowing down, I'm talking about you freezing on the block and swimming like your heart isn't in it."

"Well, maybe it's not," I said softly.

He snorted. "So that's it? All your training, all your hard work, and you're just gonna piss it all away over some girl?"

"Kelsey is hardly just some girl, Brian," I said irritably.

"No, she is just some girl. Right now she is, because that's how you think about her, and that's why you're moping over her. You're not upset that she's mad at you as your sister, because if that was it you'd just let it slide, at least until after you're done swimming. But you're upset that the girl you love is mad at you, and that's why you're swimming like shit!"

I stared at him, wanting to reply, but his words were hitting so close to home that I just didn't know what to say.

He looked straight into my eyes, his own eyes hard as steel. "This has been your dream, man. To go to State, maybe even to Nationals. This is what you've been training for so hard for the last two plus years, and you might never actually get a better shot at it than you will this year. But if you keep fucking around like this, you're not going to make it. Don't throw away everything you've worked for, just because of some hot pussy."

I clenched my teeth, and I felt a wave of anger surge through me. I glared at him with flinty eyes.

"Don't get mad at me, D. This is simply the reality of the situation. If you weren't thinking with your dick, maybe you could see that!" he said tersely.

I ground my jaw together and bit back several furious remarks. Part of me wanted to haul off and deck him, while another part of me knew he was right, and that I wasn't thinking clearly. I drew in several deep breaths, letting them escape slowly as I began to calm down.

"You alright?" Brian finally asked, after I'd relaxed a bit.

"Yeah, I think so. I don't like the way you said it, but I have to admit you're probably right," I said, a little curtly.

"I'm sorry, man. I just hate to see you blow such a big chance like this."

I nodded at him, exhaling loudly. "Yeah, I know."

He gave me an encouraging smile, then perked up as the announcer requested the starters for the one hundred meters freestyle to go to their assigned lanes. "That's me. You think it over, okay? If you're not going to bother to concentrate today, then don't, but you're wasting a fantastic chance. You can beat Wheeland, and that's all you need to get into State!"

I nodded again. "Thanks Brian."

"Don't mention it." He was about to walk off, when he suddenly turned back to me. "Tell me something, D. Is it all worth it? What you do with Kelsey, I mean?"

I sighed deeply, pondering the question even while I stared at him. Was it really worth it? I asked myself. The sex and fun had been out of this world, but on the flip side, I'd had arguments with my friends; I'd been scared to death about Dad finding out; Mom had grown suspicious of me, and now I was in a messy love triangle situation which was hurting everyone. Was the great sex really worth all of that?

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David, April, and I were at the loading dock. David had assembled an assault team. 7 of his finest. They were double-checking their weapons and communications equipment. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be needed, but just in case they would be ready. I had just confirmed that David’s friend was standing by when Paul showed up in his patient gown. “And just what are you doing, Paul? I don’t think Doc Holland will be too happy with you wandering around outside sickbay.” “I’m going with you. I want...

1 year ago
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Wolf WorldChapter 12 Stranded

"Can you get it working again?" Phil peered anxiously over Charley's shoulder. "We've got to get out of here, and right now!" "What's the rush?" Charley had an access panel off and was poking around amidst the wiring with a sour expression on his face. "From the looks of this mess, we ain't going no place right away, if ever. This whole pile of junk was thrown together by a ham-fisted idiot out of odds and ends, and that bullet just about finished things." "Jordan knows we're...

1 year ago
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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 4

Introduction: Please read Parts 1, 2 & 3 Please read Parts 1 & 2 & 3 for a better understanding of this chapter. Names have been changed. __________________________________________________________________________________ When Thomas arrived, Ben was freshly woken and all three of us were cleaning up the backyard. He seemed surprised to see Tom but was welcoming, but Ashley thought it dreadful knowing that Tom would suspect her from the get-go, especially because she was still wearing her...

2 years ago
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Arab Neighbor Part 5

It was an unusually hot day and I had been mowing lawns and cleaning pools until late in the afternoon. My parents were away visiting some relatives so I was enjoying having the run of the house. I was leisurely swimming some laps to cool off and relax my muscles which were tense from the day's exertion.When I reached the end of the pool, my eyes caught sight of a pair of hairy legs standing on the deck. It was Mustafa.  He had apparently been swimming at Abdullah’s house as he was wearing damp...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The things i think about

i think about.. The vid cam fuck on top of a concrete plant overlooking Doncaster town centre at sunrise.. straight from a nightclub.. an old man walking his dog caught us.. i had to lock up before the police got there.The fuck at Doncaster racecourse on the finishing post.. daytime.. the same day as the grand national it aintree.. cctv all over the place.the revenge fuck at Doncaster aircraft museum.. her bent over my car with me up her ass.. late at night.. the security guard spotted us.. i...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Jessica Ryan Hazel Moore World Tour From Home

Jessica Ryan is walking down the stairs when she is stopped by her stepdaughter, Hazel Moore, coming out of the bathroom and closing the door quickly behind her. Jessica is surprised and curious as to what Hazel is up to. Hazel explains that since Jessica has gone to so much effort to save up for Hazel’s college – so much, in fact, that Jessica has been unable to afford a vacation for herself – Hazel has decided to show her gratitude with a special surprise! Hazel says that...

2 years ago
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Guys Move Her Into Her Apartment And Have Sex With Kelly

It was the end of August 1981. It was time for Kelly to move back to Milwaukee to take on her senior year of college. I was still out of town stuck working on a large project. Her brother Steve and his buddies had helped her load up her rental truck on Thursday. Steve had offered to go with her on Friday, to unload the truck but, with a wink, she assured him she would have no trouble finding help.Kelly was wearing a romper she had modified to fit her. She was a Small on the bottom and an Extra...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Mom and MeChapter 3

Nikki came home early, and Betty barely untangled from her son in time to dash for her bedroom and get dressed. They heard the door slam downstairs, and for one startled moment, Betty thought that he husband was coming in, that Chad had somehow dropped in from the office and would catch his son and his wife clinging naked to each other in the bathroom. "Later, Mom," Danny said, and got into his shorts to go calmly and casually down the stairwell to see who it was. It was almost fifteen...

1 year ago
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California ZephyrDay 3

I woke Chloe with a kiss. The soft morning light was coming in the window. She opened her eyes and smiled. "How about some breakfast?" I asked. "Okay," she responded. We had slept through Utah and were crossing Nevada. A light snow was falling outside when we sat down in the dining car for breakfast. Chloe sat across from me and I noticed a look in her eyes - a look that said love. It made me worry. She couldn't fall in love with an old guy like me, for a hundred reasons. Chloe didn't...

2 years ago
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Adventure With Sex Bomb Teacher Sneha In Tokyo 8211 Part 4

Hi all! It’s me Arjun and I am back with the story. First of all, I apologize for the delay and I hope you will forgive me. I recommend newcomers to take a look at my previous chapters before reading this one. Now let’s get started, shall we? After the intense blowjob, we took a break and chatted for a few minutes. M: That was one hell of a blowjob. S:  I am glad you loved it. M: Guess you have a pretty good experience, huh. S: Not that many but yea you could say that. In the meantime, we had...

3 years ago
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Me My Wife And Her Dear Friend

It had been raining since morning weather was quiet chilling unlike other summer days I was unable to control my excitement even while driving which was obvious as it was not one of those regular days today was the day Deepti and me had finalized the threesome it had been long we had been discussing such adventures but today was “the” day everything was planned except the fucking durations and timings which made it much more exciting in my absence Ajeet had been dating Deepti quite long but...

2 years ago
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Neighborhood Hospitality

Introduction: Hot wife introduces a twist into their stale relationship. Neighborly Hospitality Unannounced visitors were not very common, especially in the middle of the day, so when the knock came at the door for Lisa Ingles, she was caught a little off guard. Little did she know that she was about to be introduced to a world of experiences that would shift her reality and alter her life completely. Little did she know that she was about to become an entirely new woman. She opened the door...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little GirlChapter 4

Billy jumped out of the truck and walked around it heading for the entrance. As he came around the front of the truck, he stopped short. There in front of him was the biggest woman he had ever seen. Gail was dressed in a pair of jeans, a tee-shirt, a denim jacket and western boots, and her brown hair was tied in a ponytail. She saw the look of shock wash over his face; then she saw something else: lust. This teenager had it exceedingly bad. His hormones must really be working overtime, she...

2 years ago
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and another aruban vacation for the milf

My wife and I went to Aruba again and we happened to be there during the Easter week camping on eagle beach. The public can set up tents or makeshift tents on the beach and for the week it is open to all the people to camp We found this very entertaining since many of the people set up elaborate tents and some of them even set up stages for entertaining. a group of people gathered at one such tent and we were all drinking and having a good time. The young men on the beach were all high and were...

2 years ago
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My Hot English Teacher

Hey guys this is my first story posting here. Hope u all might like it. To tell about myself, I’m Manish, 21 yrs old, fair, 5 foot 8 inch and a bi sexual. This story is about fucking my English teacher during my coll days. Her name is kavitha, fair complexion, 5 foot 5 inch, around 30 yrs of age, divorcee and perfect aunty with big ass and big tits.She taught us English during my first yr of my engineering. She used to be jovial in class and free to talk with any boys. Our class had only 3...

1 year ago
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Busty Adventures of Brittany Ch 06

Brittany had woken up from her quiet sleep around 10:30am from a phone call from James. He had asked her if she wanted to play football with him and the other guys yesterday. She agreed to play in a sleepy voice and hung up. She stays in bed for a few minutes only to hear a knock on her door."Come in," shouted an aggravated Brittany. Her parents, Michael and Cindy Clarkson walk in to surprise their baby girl. She was stun to see them when she had risen from her bed."Mom? Dad? What a surprise to...

2 years ago
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The Roommate V

"The Roommate" (Pt. V) I heard Ted get up the next morning and head for the shower. I took off my outfit from the night before and put everything away. I wrapped myself in a bath towel then looked for something to wear for the day but at seeing only women's clothing in the closets and dressers my stomach tightened as I realized I had just graduated to living as a woman on a 24/7 basis! "All done honey!" he said as he came back into the bedroom...

3 years ago
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Andi - Chapter 1 It was my fifteenth birthday the day it all started. I'd gotten home and sat down in front of the TV to watch the usual kid's programs. Most of it was too young for me, but some programs, meant for younger kids, also had jokes in it intended for adults. I didn't really notice the time, till there was a knock at the door, by which time I noticed that the clock said 6pm. Standing at the door we're two police officers. They asked me my name, and the names of my...

4 years ago
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Getting Caught Masturbating

I have had a shy Korean girl staying in my unit with me.There are no doors on the bedrooms and she has to walk from her bed room past mine to go to the bathroom in the morning.Yesterday I heard her getting up so I threw the sheet off and pulled my panties down a little and took out my cock and hung my balls out, I also have a piercing in the shaft so made sure that was able to be seen. I started stroking myself and she walked past the room. She did not see me because she was walking away from...

1 year ago
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Trapped in a Fembot

{if start game = true}You slowly open your eyes and wake up. For some reason you are in a dentist's chair, your hands bound in place against the armrests with thick leather straps. It's dark, but not dark enough for you to not be able to see around you. The room is covered in white all over, with a very 'medical' smell in the air. There's a table nearby with a metallic body lying on top, some sort of robot in the shape of a woman. Try as you might, you can't seem to remember... anything, not...

1 year ago
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She Gets Him Bi Part 3a

She Gets Him Bi[/u]Part 3a - The Party BeginsJohn could barely contain his excitement as he sat on the couch. Tonight was the night of the party Alex had invited him to. John had taken a prolonged shower earlier in the day to make sure he was properly shaved and smooth, but his mind was spinning with the possibilities of what the night might entail.Tiffany, John's wife, excitedly pranced into the living room in her white, cotton panties, carrying an iPad and a box covered in wrapping paper. She...

1 year ago
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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 7

"Maya," said Marigold, trying to keep her voice calm. She wanted to pull away from her old friend's embrace, but was afraid to. Maya's chuckle was as cold and dead as her voice, "I bet you didn't expect to see me tonight. How are you, my dearest friend?" Marigold was saved from answering by Thule closing the door behind her. She turned to watch him. He was very careful not to meet her eyes, his face blank and unreadable. He walked past the two of them, unbuttoning his jacket and...

1 year ago
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Window Shopping

I at the time was living in Lewiston, Maine. One day I went to check my messages act a particular BDSM site. I had seen that I had gotten some mail. It was from a woman whom said she really enjoyed some of my pics on my profile. We talked and she had mentioned to me she was a swinger. Along with herself and her husband. She had expressed the idea several times during the conversation that she wanted to meet. I said no. I explained to her that swinging in and of itself is not the same as bdsm....

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Kay Lovely Crush On Daddy8217s Big Black Cock

Kay Lovely just got back to Los Angeles, her hometown. After spending time with family she stayed with her best friend for a few days. They have a beautiful house on the hills. One morning she was lounging by the pool when she noticed her friend’s dad sitting on the patio. She hadn’t seen him for years while she was away for college. She is blushing because he looks just as good if not better after all these years. She had a crush on him while in high school. She works up the...

2 years ago
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Goodbye Miss GrangerChapter 4 Belindas Rules for Virgins

I woke up at midday with a mild hangover and my face burning from third-degree pash-rash. I pulled on my robe and trudged to bathroom, and as I sat on the toilet, I jerked in surprise at the crazy-woman looking back at me in the bathroom mirror. God help Emma Watson if she ever looked like this; I had bloodshot eyes, hair in a crazy tangle, and my lips and chin were glowing red and swollen. I looked like a meth-addict's mug-shot. Stretching for the medicine cabinet while I peed what felt...

1 year ago
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My Military Man

Hey guys, this is my newest story called My Military Man, and it's dedicated to one of my special friends on here, Kent1734. He has started his retraining and has only recently come back to Lush. This is a story of when he returns to port. The sun beat down on me as I stood on the concrete landing of the Navy port in Norfolk, Virginia. Sweat was running down my body, but it wasn't because of the 95 degree weather. It was because, in a matter of minutes, the love of my life, Kent, would be...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Our First Cuckold

As you laid on the bed wearing nothing but a pair of black, fuck-me heels, my head was between your sexy legs as I devoured your pussy. Your eyes were closed and you were pulling on your hard nipples.“I bet I know who you’re thinking about,” I said. You smiled a little and said, “I’m sure you do.” The past two nights we had been to our favorite sex club and a new guy was there.  He was black, in his early thirties, good looking, muscular, and well-hung.  I noticed him looking at you both nights...

2 years ago
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Being Taught A Lesson

I walk slowly down the hallway. I am unsure as to why Ms. Minx wanted me to see her after school. I know I have been talking a lot in class, but she never seems to get onto me. I finally get to classroom 116 and I just stand in front of the door. Its slightly ajar and I push on it and walk through and I walk into the classroom and she is sitting in her chair behind her desk. I walk up to her and she just looks at me. As I stand in front of her, she starts telling me that I am a very bad girl. I...

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Fucking Hard Naked Sister

I grew up on a farm with my twin sister and both my parents. The farmhouse is a nice big cottage in the middle of big open fields and woods that are miles in every direction. Back in the woods is a great big pond that nobody knows about and sometimes when we were younger my sister and I would sneak off and go skinny dipping in it. There was nothing sexual about it. We both just liked the feeling of being naked outside and swimming. We are very close, my sister and I, being twins and all. Our...

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CreamFilled MotherinLaw

The soft knock on my bedroom door woke me up and started my heart pounding."Come in," I called. I sat up in my bed and turned, dropping my legs over the side, so I was facing the door.The door opened and my Mother-in-Law walked into my room, looking incredibly nervous. She was wearing a long, worn bathrobe that, before hundreds of washings, was a pink plaid belted around her waist.Her fingers clutched the neck of the robe, holding that shut, as if she wanted to be sure nothing showed. Her...

1 year ago
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Time JumperChapter 4

Having the contract with the Military Department opened so many doors for new business that I was absolutely awed. Several of the largest suppliers to the military wanted us to check out their company to see if anyone was padding the payroll or stealing some other way. Now this was a little harder to do, since many companies did not do all of their business by computer, and some that did were not fully hooked to the internet. That meant that I could not move in and check them out without...

2 years ago
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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 12

Cameron watched while Dandy rearranged his bedroll to a position at the rear of the wagon where anybody trying to leave, or enter, would have to step on him to do it. Ratso took one more pull on the jug and sacked out with his saddle as a pillow and shield from the dying fire. Hamfist, who apparently had the first watch wandered slowly around the camp area. He stood for awhile on the creek bank and then Cameron saw him discharge a stream of piss into the creek. He then stalked the jug,...

2 years ago
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Know Your Bull ESSAY

(For those of you following my blog:, you will find this article there along with others I've written over the months).Know your Bull, ladies and gents, white hubbies, slut wives, GFs and BFs. Take it as if it were a commandment from me. You may not like it when I say this, or think of it as a waste of time, but from my experience, fucking goes better once you know that all other options have been taken care of. Think of it like you’re a stunt man driving a fast car...

3 years ago
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Bachelor Party FuckUp

Ever think you have the perfect ideal to take care of a problem. You know one of those ideals that makes perfect sense in you head, but when you go through with it falls apart or worst it fucks everything up. Boy did I have one of those. Here is how it all went down.It was the weekend before Rob, my cousin's bachelor party, Katie the bride to be and my best friend, found out about the plans by read an email detailing the plans and came to me.The email talked about how my brother Tim was going...

4 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 39 Lama

The Emir did not often communicate with the Imperial Voyager, and he had not used the ship for some seven years, so the Admiral was surprised to receive a telephone call from him in person. "Admiral," he said, "It occurred to me that it must be boring, sitting in Mayia Asrag waiting for me to need your services. I thought I might relieve that boredom somewhat, so I am sending you a small present, a loan of one of my women; she has some special skills you may enjoy." With that enigmatic...

1 year ago
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Vinita Me First Time

HIe this is Shekhar From Mumbai me 20 year ka hu mera Land 8 inch(penis) he height 5.9 he our my body builder hu and gym me as a train hu and me last year Com me hu. mene first time sex 18 age me kiya tha meri gf ke sath me vahi aapni first sexy story patane ja raha hu. Me jab 10th me tha ye tab ki baat he vinita meri gf thi hamare relation ko 4 mahine ho gaye the me kabhi kabhi usake ghar jaya karata tha vo meri bulding ki next wing me reheti thi usake mom dad mujhe pehechan te the. Meri...

3 years ago
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Limo Ride

"Wow. it is finally over." "Yeah." You just got married. The ceremony was in a huge church, covered with flowers. Everybody you knew was there. Afterwards, you went to the reception, and danced and drank. "What time is the flight?" "Ten tomorrow, I think." You are in a limo. The flight to Mexico leaves tomorrow, so the limo is taking you to a hotel near the airport. Your parents booked the honeymoon suite for you. You are in your wedding dress. It is white and strapless. You spent...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Chloe Cherry Athena Faris I Bet You8217re Wet

Logan Long has two broken arms, so his sister Ms Faris is tasked with helping him out. Logan claims he’s feeling dirty and wants a sponge bath. That grosses Ms Faris out, but her friend Chloe Cherry seems okay with assisting Logan. Chloe recognizes that Logan needs to be cleaned below the waist, too, so she pulls his PJs down to get started. She can’t believe the size of Logan’s dick! Eventually he pops a boner from all the attention. Ms Faris peeks and sees the size of her...

3 years ago
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The Making of a Sissy Part Ten

Bella quickly gulped down her vodka and cherry, her bottom tingling with anticipation as her new mature friend gave her a commanding look; she had so enjoyed being submissive for her at the end of a leash, and now she knew she would be bound tightly on a soft inviting bed, and made completely helpless. Her cock stiffened sweetly at the thought; perhaps she would taste the cane again, she would love that. Ellen took Bella’s little hand and squeezed it tightly; though she had only just met this...

3 years ago
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jona sister

I was really disappointed. For months I had been anticipating my big sister coming home from college and jumping into my bed. For months I had been planning how I would fuck her and how surprised she would be when she found out what I could do and how much I had grown.Almost every day this spring I had been mounting a full grown woman after I cut her lawn, and every single one of them orgasmed and praised my efforts as well as giving me some money, in fact a lot of money. I was ready, ready and...

3 years ago
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Life Fantasy Part 8211 3

You put your hands on each side of the tub and pull yourself up to standing, but still very weak in the knees from your massively rapturous orgasm, and you turn around and then sit back down into the water, this time facing me. You slide yourself back down into the water, putting your feet on my hips and resting your knees on my thighs. You ask me, “Would you like me to wash you too?” “Please, ” I answer. I am still fully erect, but I am as excited about the reciprocation of you bathing me as...

1 year ago
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Sex education the first girls class

Cassandra smiled as she watched her first class of the year troop in. There had been a good turnout after the exact nature of the lesson was explained and the students sworn to secrecy on pain of expulsion. As the year 11 girls took their seats she appraised them silently. They were a good looking group of young ladies for the most part, though that partly because the ugly girls had mostly declined out of embarrassment. The eldest was almost 17, the youngest 15 (she had skipped a year and...

4 years ago
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Christina Looks for a College Chapter 4

As she opens it, she is taken back by the beauty that stands before her. Dawn is a tall blonde with a great body and currently only wearing a bath robe. Dawn steps forward into the room and closes the door behind her. She then pulls the knot on her robe and reveals her sexy body to Chris. Chris instantly turns as red as a sports car as she takes in the exposed skin and boldness that has presented itself to her. Dawn says that “I heard you through the wall and had to connect a face and body to...

1 year ago
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Broken WingsChapter 3

Two weeks later and things had not changed one bit. Angela stayed at home refusing all offers for a night out and she just kept on translating the book that was giving her so much trouble. Georgia phoned her though all the time and she talked about James and his kisses that were keeping her horny and his intelligence and blah blah blah! Who cares anyway? Screw the guy, just don't tell me about it! How can you say that to your best friend though? That's right. You don't. You just shut your...

4 years ago
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The Ticklish Travels Of Rachel Cook

THE TICKLISH TRAVELS OF RACHEL COOK PART ONE – ONE EVENING IN TOKYO        Yasuhiro Kato, the Japanese billionaire, was seated in the Yamazato restaurant on the fifth floor of the Okura Hotel in Akasaka eating his dinner when he first saw her.  She was blonde, about twenty-five years of age and about five feet four inches tall, wearing denim pants and vest with a white knit t-shirt.  She was very pretty.        ?Yukio,? he asked his waiter, ?who is that blonde girl over there – she’s quite...

1 year ago
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The Classic Porn

TheClassicPorn! They say some things never go out of style. Martinis, red lipstick, and lace underwear have all made the list, but usually, it will vary wildly depending on who you ask. One thing that everyone can agree on, though, is vintage porno. That type of sexual gold is exactly what’s on the menu over at The Classic Porn.Even in these futuristic times of interactive sex video games and VR hump helmets, perverts keep coming back to the classics. has been peddling their...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
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Down and Dirty Cowboy

My name is Bridget, I am twenty-nine years old, and I have just wasted five years of my life on a no-account man. I worked two jobs to put his ass through law school and as soon as he passed the bar, he dumped me.Daryl decided that the boss’s daughter would make a better trophy wife. It has been a month, I have licked my wounds, and tonight I have decided to prowl and find me a down and dirty cowboy who will rock my world, make me scream when I orgasm, and give me more than vanilla sex.Yes, I...

2 years ago
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Early masturbating and love for Patricia

Once I had my very first proper orgasm at the age of 12 , probably like most adolescents, I could never get enough of wanking to make myself cum. It’s like a new world opens up to you. A world of fantastic pleasure. All you need is one way or another to keep those fantastic feelings going is to keep rubbing that cock,You want , - no need, more and more of it, there is no porn channel, no access yet to porn mags, just pics of ladies in underwear in catalogues, they were good early wank material....

2 years ago
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Gangland Gangbang Part 1

Gangland GangbangI had loaded up the bike in the back of the car and headed over to the darker side of town. This was an area I had scoped before. You would see black guys just walking down the street in groups of 3, 4 or even more. Oftentimes, they would be passing a bottle or a blunt around. I knew by driving through that there might be some opportunity for this sissy white boy to get filled with black cocks because on a few occasions when I was driving around looking for where I could ride...

1 year ago
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Eporner MILF

Remember being a young man and going to a friend’s house for sleepovers? So many people harbor fond memories of staying up late with their best buds, playing video games, eating candy, and drinking Mountain Dew. It’s the epitome of youthful fun. Here’s the thing, though. I never had sleepovers with my best friends. Why? Well, it’s simple. My best friends’ moms were ugly sacks of shit.How much I liked someone had nothing to do with my urge to sleep over at someone’s house. For me, it was all...

Mature Porn Sites
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Lucy my daughters best friend

So the music blaring from my daughter’s room tells me that she is in as I enter the house. As I put down my keys I can hear that she is playing that new Aussie group 5 seconds of summer, again! I’d tell her to turn it down but I know that whilst she will oblige after some persuasion that within 10 minutes we’ll be back to where we are now, so I decide to leave it. Anyway at some point in the next 15-20 minutes one of her mates is bound to phone her for a really important chat about someone’s...

4 years ago
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A Swap

***Jeri and I had been married for about ten years, and most of our relationship had been great. We enjoyed most of the same things: music, sports, movies, and sex. We made love often, and it was usually super. Nevertheless, I had always had this nagging feeling that she was not being completely satisfied by our lovemaking. Still, I had to admit that she almost always seemed to reach orgasm, particularly when I took her clit in my lips and licked back and forth across it as fast as my tongue...

1 year ago
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Achanak me bhayanak part 1

Achanak me bhayanak part 1 Hi ISS, Pesh hai real story ap k samne ummed hai ap ko maza ayega.mai shaher me akela rahta tha gahr se dor job k liye or mera kahne ka tifn ek anty k pas tha bahot maldar thi wo us ka husbend dubai me tha par ayese hi khana khilati thi ow k ghar me koi or nahi tha anty ki age 30 thi mai b us ka thoda hat bata deta tha. Ek din mai apne rum par se khana kahne k liye anty k bangle par gaya dor andar se band tha khatka diya to thodi der k bad dor open hua. Mai...

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