ShilohChapter 19: Discussions free porn video

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Kyle ends the call and hugs his new bride while asking, “What do you want to do now, Missus Alexander?”

“Besides losing my virginity? I guess go to our new home.”

“I like your plans, but I think we have a problem.”

“And that is?”

“From what I remember about our tour of the house there are no linens, kitchenware, or food in the house.”

“Let’s call Paula and make sure as well as updating her of our new plans. If you’re right about the linens and other household items we can stay in a motel tonight and shop for the house in the morning.”

Kyle calls Paula Narduchi, the executrix of the trust Jonas created. The trust’s purpose is to care for and oversee the property Missionary Ridge, which is generally to be used by Kyle and his descendants. Kyle asks her about the linens and similar things in the house.

Paula replies, “Kyle, I really don’t know what’s there, so purchase what you think is needed for you to live there. I suggest for you and KK to review the entire house and make a list of things you’ll need. The house has never been lived in and I’ve never done a full inventory. Just keep the receipts of the non-food items you purchase and the trust will reimburse you for the purchases.”

“Are you sure about that?” asks a surprised Kyle.

“That’s the way Jonas wanted it. It won’t pay for food and personal items, but it will cover anything you buy to be able to live in the house.”

Before Kyle can respond Doctor Narduchi asks, “By the way, what happened to you at the grave-site? A lot of us wanted to express our condolences, but you just disappeared.”

“There’s some things going on at the moment that’ll probably hit the news within the next three days. Thus, for several reasons, my mother ordered us to run to New Mexico and to get married today.”

“Well, congratulations to both of you, but you’re a bad boy. You didn’t honor your agreement concerning inviting us to the wedding.”

Kyle chuckles, “Today was just to get the legal side of it covered. They’re still planning the church wedding in El Paso in a few weeks.”

“OK, I guess I’ll have to accept that. By the way, have you talked to Barbara Haywood today?”

“No, Ma’am. Why?”

“This afternoon she asked if I knew where you’d gone, and she seemed rather agitated.”

“And that woman doesn’t normally get agitated,” replies Kyle. “I’d better give her a call.”

“Do you have her number?”

“I think I have it in my phone’s memory.”

“Well, if you don’t it’s OK to call me back.”

While thinking about going to the house Kyle realizes he has a problem and says, “Oh Paula, I do have another problem. The keys and the remote you gave me Monday are in my jeep, which is in the garage at Jonas’ old house. Is there a keypad and code I can use to get inside?”

“No, but Hector Lopez has a key. He can let you in then show you how to raise and lower the garage doors manually.”

“Will he know who I am?”

“He’s seen your picture, but, remember, you met his daughter when you visited. Varena will verify your identity.”

“Then with her being in school during the day we probably ought to make a short visit this evening.”

“That might be wise,” Dr Narduchi agrees.

When Kyle ends the call Kathleen asks, “Who’s agitated?”

“Barbara Haywood. She seemed upset when we disappeared?”

“I know she’s the head librarian, but why should that bother her? Does she have a crush on you, or something?”

“A crush? No. As I sense it she’s madly in love with her husband. He’s the Captain who talked at the funeral about Jonas’ medal from Vietnam, as well as about his effect on so many of his students. I do think of her as a friend, though. Also, last Saturday I learned while her husband is a Special Forces captain, she’s an SF major.”

“And Special Forces majors don’t get easily agitated!” Kathleen says with some degree of force.

“You got it, Babe. I got the feeling, after watching her and her husband in action last Saturday, she can take on a group of rag-heads with a fingernail file and not even chip a nail.”

“Then you need to call her. Even if what she wants isn’t important hearing from you will put her mind at ease, which is the proper way to treat a friend. Why don’t I find a nice motel for us while you call her?”

The couple get into the Buick with Kathleen driving. While they turn toward the interstate Kyle reviews his call list and finds the number for Barbara Haywood. “This is Barbara. Is that you, Kyle?”

“Yes, Ma’am. Doctor Narduchi sensed your concern at the funeral.”

“Yes, you disappeared and we lost you. I was concerned you and Kathleen had been snatched.”

“Barbara, it sounds like we need to talk. The problem is we’re trying to stay hidden for a little while, both because of my father and because of some strange events surrounding Jonas’ suicide. I’ve been warned, by several people, I was being watched. Were you responsible for that?”

“No, but we’re watching those who’re watching you. You’re correct, we do need to talk. Where can we meet without being observed?”

“Why don’t we meet tomorrow where we spent last Saturday? That isolated area will reveal any prying eyes and keep away listening ears.

“I agree. That’s a good choice. What time do you want to meet?”

“Say fifteen-thirty. You bring your husband and I’ll bring my wife.”


“That’s where we disappeared to this afternoon!”

“Well, congratulations are in order! Marc and I wish you the best. Is there anything you need?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I don’t expect it to be a present and I know this will be stretching our friendship, but, based upon your remarks and concerns I need two forty caliber Glocks, one standard and one compact. I also need several spare magazines and boxes of ammunition. The ammo should be mixed, part hollow-point, and part standard ball for targets.”

“I can handle that. How about shotguns and long guns?”

“I don’t have anything right now. I had a Colt model nineteen eleven in my bedroom at Jonas’ house. Unfortunately I don’t have it with me, and to be honest, at the moment I’m beginning to feel a little exposed.”

“Kyle, I’m sure Marc and I can come up with a few things to help remove the feeling of being naked. Just be careful in the meantime.”

“I will, and thanks.”

Kyle ends the call and he refocuses on their surroundings. Kathleen has left the interstate and is driving down a new access road with many commercial lots for sale as well as buildings under construction.

“Where are we heading, KK.”

“A sign on the interstate pointed to a Springdale Suites down here. I thought we’d check it out. What’s the story on Barbara? And did I hear you asking her to get us some guns?”

“I did. Especially when she confirmed something is going on and we’re being shadowed. She and Marc have people tailing the watchers. Since she’s so concerned about us I feel we better get some personal protection. Besides, it’s not like we don’t have the money.”

Kathleen pulls into the entrance of the hotel and parks. They enter, and find the place to be new, clean, and functional. It can’t be classified as a five-star hotel, but they really don’t care. It’ll definitely meet their needs while it’s far enough off the beaten path to give them some element of anonymity. Kyle registers and pays cash for the suite. While the clerk checks them in Kathleen asks about a good place to eat.

“Do you want fast food, a main meal, or something in between?”

“I don’t know about my new husband, but I want a juicy steak.”

The clerk responds, “If that’s the case I would say The Cattle Barron on Telshor is probably your best choice. They have great steaks and an excellent prime rib. This map will show you how to get there.”

“Kyle?” she asks, looking at him questioningly.

“KK, I don’t have a problem with it. The next question is do we eat first or go see the new house?”

“I’m too hungry to not eat first, so let’s delay going to the house.”

They drive to the restaurant. It’s early enough not to have a long wait, so they’re soon served. When they leave, feeling stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, they’re surprised to find it’s still light outside as they head for their new home.

Since this area is still unfamiliar the couple is surprised it takes less than fifteen minutes to go from the restaurant to Hector Lopez’s house.

As Kyle and KK exit the Buick a man in his mid-thirties steps out the front door carrying a shotgun. Before either Kyle or the man can speak Varena comes running up to them from one of the outbuildings as she cries, “Papa, Papa, this is our new Patrón, Kyle. He’s Jonas’ grandson.”

The man smiles and moves the shotgun to the crook of his left arm. With his right arm now free Hector offers his hand to Kyle as he says, “Welcome to Missionary Ridge, Patrón. Come and meet my family.”

With great pride the man introduces each member of his family and Kyle introduces his bride. When each male is introduced he reaches out to shake Kyle’s hand and to kiss the back of Kathleen’s hand while all of the females in the family curtsy.

Kyle explains what they need and Hector has one of the children bring them an extra key from the house. With the key in hand Hector climbs onto an ATV to lead the couple to their new home. He opens a standard people door beside the garage doors and shows them how to raise and lower the two large roll-up metal doors, a single and a double.

Once they’re inside the garage Hector gives Kyle the spare key and, during a discussion of the couple’s plans Hector advises them some of the items that seem to be missing are stored in cupboards located in the pantry and the laundry room. Once Kyle feels everything is under reasonable control Hector returns to his home and the young couple go through the house making lists of items needed now and in the future.

Their efforts take more than an hour and it’s well after sundown when they finally lock up to go back to the motel. When they pass the Lopez’s house the outside lights flash twice, which Kyle correctly assumes is recognition Kyle and KK are leaving.

After a few minutes a slightly disturbed KK asks, “Didn’t all that hand kissing and curtsying bother you. I was surprised you didn’t put a stop to it.”

“I guess I’ve gotten used to it at Shiloh. You have to understand it’s part of their culture which stems from a feudal heritage. They know we aren’t their lords and masters, but, at the same time, we’re providing them with a nice place to live, food on their table, and a nice income for little work. So it helps their pride to see us in that way.”

“I don’t understand. How does it help their pride?”

“In a feudal system the people are tied to the land. They provide a service to their Patrón and, in turn, he takes care of them. By doing their best to please their Patrón they feel honor and pride. Without that view they’d see what Jonas set up, and we’re continuing, as charity.”

“And charity destroys that sense of pride?”

“Exactly. On Shiloh I have to admit it bothered me in the beginning. I was initially afraid Jonas had set himself up as a minor king, but after he explained things to me it made perfect sense.”

“But why haven’t I seen this among other Hispanics in the area?”

“Primarily because at one time Hector’s family was likely tied closely to one of the larger Haciendas ruled by a Spanish Hidalgo or nobleman. Their ancestors may have even come here from Spain. In contrast, most of the Hispanics we see today are mestizos. The mestizos’ heritage is more Aztec and other Indian rather than a Spanish one.”

“Kyle, I’m not sure I’m following what you’re trying to say.”

“OK, let me put it like this. Compare a typical Texan with someone from Boston, Philadelphia, or Virginia whose family came here from England prior to the Revolution. We’re all Americans, but our culture is entirely different. All of the Hispanics speak Spanish, but their cultures are shaped by their heritage and can vary drastically.”

“Now it’s making sense. Is it the same way on Chaos?”

“Not with everyone, but it is for most of the families that are part of Shiloh. It also stems for their love and respect for their Patrón. In a way, they actually see themselves as part of his family and when he’s shown respect they’re respected.”

“I understand, but it seems so - so un-American.”

“Why? They’re not slaves. They’re free to leave if they want to. We don’t tell them what to believe, who to vote for, or who to marry. I don’t even require them to refer to me as Patrón. So, to me, it’s nothing more than them calling me honored and respected Boss.”

“I guess it’s always been my view we’re all equal. For some reason I feel this sets us up in a higher class than them.”

“KK, how’d you feel when Doctor Narduchi said to call her Paula?”

“Awkward. Oh, I get it. I’ve no problem seeing her as someone better than me, but it was my own choice, not something forced upon me.”

“I think you’re finally getting the picture. We elevate her to a higher place in our minds because we feel she’s worthy of the respect, not that we’re lesser people.”

“Or a lower class.”

“Exactly. The difference in the US, today, is respect isn’t hereditary; it has to be earned. Now to the Lopez family. We’ve that respect because of Jonas and Doctor N vouching for us as good people. If we start acting like assholes then either the title or the family will disappear. It’ll be the same way at Shiloh. If we’re uncaring and abusive then the only way we can keep our people will be to turn them into slaves. That’s what those who are trying to take over the place intend to do. According to Jonas’ notes more than ten thousand independent and free people on that planet have been recently turned into slaves. If Jonas is correct and there’s a link to Earth then ultimately that’s also what they plan for us.”

“So you think the war on Shiloh can have an effect on the Earth?”

“That was Jonas’ conclusion. Remember, it was someone here on this planet who forced Jonas to the point of suicide to protect all of those he considered his family on both planets.”

“Wow! Kyle, that sure changes my perspective. Going to Chaos is no longer a ’we’ll see’ proposition; it’s mandatory!” After a pause Kathleen asks, “With that decision firmed up, where do we go from here?”

“I think our first priority is to get things in order here. I don’t want to take too long, but it’ll eliminate some outside distractions. It’ll also give us a chance to recruit Larry and Nadia, and to do some planning.”

“Wouldn’t a delay also throw off those watching us here? Looking at it from their perspective I’d expect you to immediately head to Chaos. If you don’t then they may figure either you’re ignorant about the portal or your new wife won’t allow you to put yourself into danger just to impregnate another woman.”

“And what does my new wife think about that?”

“Kyle, we fight the battle together and as long as I get the rest of you then I’m OK. Besides, from what I’ve read and from what you’ve told me the future of an entire world hangs in the balance. It makes me feel rather selfish to try to keep you all to myself.”

When they reach the outskirts of Las Cruces Kyle’s cell rings. Rather than be distracted in an unfamiliar area he hands it to KK. She reads the ID, sees it’s Charlotte and says, “Hi, Mom. How are things going?”

“Excellent! They’re satisfied Kyle is innocent of all charges and my soon-to-be ex-husband is going to spend a very long time in jail.”

“I like the sound of that, Mom! I was wondering what’s going to happen to CyberFun?”

“We’ve decided the two of you sold it in good faith so, thereforethe money you received is yours and everything else follows according to the original deal. What’s really the issue for the court to decide is: does Texas State Energy own it since it was purchased with stolen money, or will it be owned by Robert’s shell company which ultimately will be owned by us? Either way, it’ll stay in our family’s control and Felicia has requested to transfer to the university here and to help run it.”

Same as Shiloh
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"This is the Medibay on this floor." Alex says. "It looks similar to the one on Saitx's ship." Joshua says. "I don't doubt it. Medical technology around the universe has stayed pretty much at the same state. Though the tools here are way more advanced than on Earth's surface. I'll be sending some data throughout the super chambers computer system about some of the other medical finds I've made after we finish dimension hopping." Alex says. "That'll come in handy, thanks."...

2 years ago
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Choti Behan Ko Dera Kar Choda 8211 Part II

Hi friends how r you all….. I’m Raj once again, maine pheli story mai aap ko betaya k maine kaise apne choti kuware behan ritu ko dera kar bathroom mai choda…. uske baad mare to jaise kismat he khul gai,mai jab bhi chahta ritu ko sonu ka naam leekar derata or ouko chodne k leye bula letaa, or agar moka na mile chodne ka to jaldi se sucking he karwa letaa, mare to jaise har din janet mai kat rahe the par mai dhere dhere ritu se bor hone lega tha wo ab sirf mare liye time paas ka ek sadhen ben...

4 years ago
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The Interrogation of Natalie Rogers

I sat in the small, dark interrogation room- I mean, “interview room” waiting for my interrogator. I tried to convince myself that everything would be all right. I took deep breaths and tried not to appear nervous, but l I wasn’t doing a very good job of it. And who wouldn’t be anxious? All I could do was mentally re-trace my steps from the time I exited the plane to when a hard tap on the shoulder by a Customs official removed me from my comfort zone. This trip would not go as planned. ...

Straight Sex
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Lifes a bitch and now so am I This is a stor

Life's a bitch, and so am I now This is a fiction story!! The people in the story are not real!Please exsuse the puntuation and spelling I'm just a blond sissy!I start of my story with my wife leaving to go bingo with her mum, as soon as the car pulls away I'm up to my secret girl cloth's and sex toys.I am a sissy cross dresser, I can't help it i love the feel and how girlie it makes me look. I have tried many times to stop but I cant, so i lay on my bed and put my computer on. I don't know...

2 years ago
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Driver Seduces And Making Pregnant His Madam 8211 Part III

This is the continuation for my story please read the part I and II first:Madam Inturrupted me and said ‘stop! She then said in a low shy voice by looking down driver. I surrender to you driver please quench the thirst in my body that you have created please do whatever you want I’m your’s. I said ‘you bitch then why did you teas me all these days and showed all those dramas of a loyal housewife. I knew you were easy lay. Madam said no still today no one other than my husband has ever touched...

4 years ago
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How My SisterInLaw Gave Up To Her Desires

Hello fellas, This is Raj, writing my first story at ISS about a very recent real encounter with my sister-in-law. This story is dedicated to all the Housewives and mature girls, who have sacrificed their own deepest, wildest desires in order to please someone else. Request you all to encourage the further writing through personal mails and comments at First things first. Let me introduce myself. I am 26 years of age, married to a beautiful gal since one year and currently live in Bangalore. I...

3 years ago
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April Fools Diary Candys Birthday

 14 May 202113 May 2021Not since the morning of my birthday have I been quite so flustered and flummoxed. What you might ask had left perky, pokie, sodden-cunted me so bothered and bewildered? Well, when I finished my diary yesterday my fingertips were already tipping and tapping their way across the smooth runway of my public mound in a teasing dance of moan-inducing temptation, and the organisms were quivering beneath my touch in trembly anticipation. Now one thing I have learned as a...

4 years ago
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Marnies Clan Pt 2

Waking on Monday morning was a somewhat earlier than usual event, being in part triggered by a ringing in my head. The ringing persisted through my waking moments to become the sound of my doorbell. Quickly throwing on my robe, I made my way through to the hallway, and routinely checked the vid to see who was at my door. At 08:00 I was surprised to see Marnie at the door with Sami and Ellie and wondered what was afoot as I opened the door to enquire. Marnie was after a big favour, namely...

4 years ago
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Getting Between Them

Warning: this is a very weird story about a man's very strange transformation into a particular part of a woman's body. I was inspired by a caption series I saw on an old, sadly deleted blog called "6th Dimension Caps". This is my attempt to recreate that story, with my own twist on it. If you don't like poop or farts in your erotica, stay far, far away from this one. All characters are over 18, and if you are reading this, you should be too. Not intended for consumption by minors or...

2 years ago
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Night That Changed My Life

I am Hari this is a real story of one night changed my sexual inclination . I was about 14 years old I was studying my 10Th , I studied in trichy in cousins place as my father was facing severe financial crisis , forcing me to study at trichy , my parents lived in Always kerala, So for any Holidays I used to hop into a unreserved compartment in train called Tea garden express & go to Always. It was haly-early holidays I got into the train it was not much crowded , I took a top berth where you...

Gay Male
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Football Widow

Well, I guess it all started our first year of marriage. My husband Roy was working and making a very good living for us.We were married for less than a year; However, we have been together for almost three. Living together, happily I might add. We lived in Pueblo West, Colorado, in a small two bedroom apartment. It was overpriced and not really nice at all. I should share that this was the year 1987.Why would I be telling a story from 1987? Well, a lot of things happened that year. Me losing a...

3 years ago
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other day finished, I started my usual routine. Going to my bedroom I stripped off my clothes down to my boxers and headed to the bathroom to start running the shower. The pipes in my building were quite old and I lived the furthest from the water heater, so it always takes a minute or two for the hot water to come through. While waiting for the hot water, I took out my toothbrush, added some toothpaste and started brushing my teeth. When I finished, I rinsed my mouth and looked into the mirror...

4 years ago
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Cruising Another true story

On a cruising evening / night you can meet some strange characters. I sat in my car and I waited on my favorite cruising area, a highway parking lot, looking for horny guys to have horny fucks as well. I longed for a hard cock and a few plump balls. It was just before midnight and that was the time when the old horny grandpas had finally went home and the hot younger guys crawled out of the holes. As always, I lay naked in my car and slowly jerked my stiff cock to have the correct operating...

2 years ago
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Coeds Slave Girl FantasyChapter 4

I waited for a while. I don't know how long. The sun heated me up almost as much as my crotch, though it dried me out too. Then, I heard the sound, or perhaps the vibrations of someone coming towards me. Again, I pulled at the stakes, without effect. Then I froze as I heard voices. Horror flooded through me at the thought of being found like this by some middle-aged couple and their children. But then I head Al's voice and I groaned in relief. He came into view, a big, taunting grin on...

1 year ago
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Damn the AristocracyChapter 3

Over the next six months, Master Eli cut quite a swath through the female serfs and slaves. He was always rough with them, and he managed to cause the death of two of his youngest victims. Nothing was ever said about this to us, but I assumed that he was reprimanded by his father for wasting valuable resources. The strangest thing that happened to me during this time was that Mistress Ella came to me and demanded that I fuck her. “Mistress Ella, I can’t do that. What will your father say...

1 year ago
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I am finally a woman Episode 12

As a woman, I felt complete. My figurative pregnancy had come to an end, inducing my breasts to lactate and become ready to feed a new-born baby. It had been my first pregnancy, and Najib (consulted by Mustapha) reassured us that a transsexual woman's first attempt could sometimes result in early termination. After four months, my womb had released its vortex of motherly energy into the universe, and the wonderful sensation of life growing inside of me had given way to the unimaginable...

2 years ago
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Diannarsquos Awakening Ch 1

Paul and I have been married for thirty years, and the routine of our life was set in stone long ago. On Sunday afternoon he would spend time in the family room reading the newspaper, or watch whatever pro sports were on at the time, occasionally I would join him but lately, I found that boring so I started researching the internet for something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. We had raised four c***dren; the youngest having left the nest six months ago. When our second moved out I...

4 years ago
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Allow me to introduce myself to those of you who only know me by name. I am Intrafe, the story editor of almost a month, now, and regular reader of around 6 months. When I first came to this site, I had one thought in mind. The same as any of you. Getting off was my only agenda. I had no idea that I would be sitting here, today, editing stories, or telling you of my own personal experiences. What is to follow is an experience I have recently endured, since my placement into the position of...

1 year ago
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A Bittersweet Valentine

Once upon a time in a remote space station, an imposing ring of Hullsteel and Liquidarmor glass known as the Freehold Project... The stale smell of the air was unpleasant. Antje Robin was trapped in a restricted area on a skyway car ... certainly not the way she had planned on spending Valentine's Day. Earth was a distant memory, but the residents of this station took social holidays seriously. Living on the edge of human space, where few ships have reason to make port, generates more...

2 years ago
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Sandy and Frank Ch 12

She hung up, checked herself in the mirror one more time, and, opening the door, called down to Frank, ‘All right, you can come up now.’ She backed up until she was standing away from the bed in front of some bookcases and stood there until he came into the room. I have no idea as to what he was expecting, but his face had a stunned expression as he saw her. His mouth gaped open and he just stood there, speechless, until he was finally gasp out, ‘My god, Sandy, you’re beautiful!’ He didn’t say...

4 years ago
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Meagans Journey Into Business She Decides To Take The Job

Meagan rode the elevator down to the lobby but couldn’t get her mind off her last view of the secretaries’ office floor, those two red circles between the desks. She strolled across the floor towards the door and didn’t even hear the man at the reception desk wish her a good day. As she neared the doors to the outside she saw the black town car parked there with the driver standing beside the back door. He opened the door as she came out and slid into the backseat.Meagan sat there as the driver...

3 years ago
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Desert SonChapter 10

"I want you to have a class on shaving, you can make me be your model" announced Zithrusa, while blushing over her entire body. John said he would agree only if the women who wanted their husbands to learn all agreed and their husbands too. John was only going to demonstrate on Zithrusa and if she wanted to be part of the class, Vedeya, but would not be shaving any other woman, married or unmarried. Zithrusa agreed, and went about setting up the class. She thought that having the women...

4 years ago
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Learning to Resist a Good Cause

I get ready for an evening out with the girls ... got the hot dress on, the nice heels, the hair and makeup done, and just as I'm about to leave, there's a knock on the door. I open the door to see a good looking young man passing out literature door to door to raise money for some "good cause", which of course I cannot resist. I say "hold on a moment" and run back into the house to reach for my change jar. As I grab the change and turn to go back to the front door, I am startled by the...

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First time

Though I identify as straight, and have been married over 20 years, I've had a curiosity about engaging in oral sex with another man since I was in my teens. The urge to satisfy that curiosity has ranged from a mild, easily ignored buzz in the back of my mind, to an almost obsessive desire, but I never became motivated to actually try anything. Well, that's not entirely true. When I was 17, I did talk an older friend, who was bisexual, into having a go at it. It was nervous, adolescent...

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A man going through a nasty divorce decides to teach his bitchy wife a lesson in life

Daren Hughes watched is wife through the slits of the mini blinds from his darkened office. She was berating his voluptuous secretary for not having her papers ready. “Mrs. Hughes, please just come into the Notary’s office for the sign off,” the younger woman said. “You can leave your purse here.” Mrs. Hughes slammed down the coat and purse with impatience and followed the woman. He watched her bottom move under the too short white knit skirt. What an ass! Although...

2 years ago
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By DBARCLAY© DAY ONE Tony, Trevor and I were relaxing on the pool deck on a lovely Florida June day. They were visiting just for a week’s break from the UK. Buying a few cars for taking back and re-selling, something they did twice a year. The wife had gone on a four-day cruise with her mother to the Bahamas I told them that are weekend was going to be interrupted by a visit from my friend Monique, who was flying up from Miami, and staying for the weekend, she wanted some photos taken of...

1 year ago
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Five Hundred Dollar A Night Lesbian

Five Hundred Dollar A Night LesbianI looked at my Bank Account for “Amy Macabe, Associate Entertainment Specialist Cascade Club Tucson” and just smiled. Not bad money for a forty-three old divorcee. There were four $500.00 deposits in the past week and a $2000.00 deposit for my trip with Sophia to Vegas. I had a very good week being the highest paid lesbian escort in Tucson, Arizona. I earn close to $9,000.00 a month by making love to a very select group of seven very wealthy older female...

3 years ago
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Miss Rene and Tommy

Rene DeLong heard the bicycle rattling down the road in front of her house. She jumped out of her easy chair and raced to the window to peep through the blinds. There, peddling down the street toward the house directly across the street from her own, was Tommy Avera. Just barely fifteen years old, Tommy was returning from his paper route, a job he had just begun a few weeks earlier. In spite of his young age, he was physically well-developed. He was 5 feet, ten inches tall with sandy blond...

4 years ago
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Sister finally finds love pt 31

Kari was already at the door. He slipped down the hallway to eavesdrop on the conversation. "I DON'T CARE ASSHOLE!! YOU DIDNT EVEN STOP! WE ARE DONE! LEAVE!!" Kari was pissed and screaming at him. "I messed up, I was wrong and am wrong. It was a mistake. But please don't throw away all of our history over it. 5 years babe... 5 years!!" Eric had tears running down his face as he pleaded his case. "Do you really want to bring up the past dick? You were kissing Marcy at homecoming and...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 627

Diana is discussing Jeff’s attitude toward Tosha and Aiko ...”You’ve insulted them repeatedly. They’re in love with you. Everyone at the Retreat knows that, yet all you have done to them is a kiss now and then. Even then, most of the time I had to prompt you. You’ve made it clear that you aren’t going to marry any more women, so why should they hang around? Heck, I’m amazed they haven’t left the Retreat already. Tosha is in the General’s army, so she can put in for reassignment or...

2 years ago
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Helping Out A Friendand Myself

Chapter 1 When I lived in Sacramento a few years ago, I had met a neighbor, Betty, at a local bar, who was attractive and currently unattached. I was seeing another woman right at that moment but we did talk and email back and forth, sometimes talking about sex and the like. My relationship with the woman I had been seeing was definitely headed downhill, so when Betty told me one day in an email about her friend, Karen, who was not happy with the sex in her marriage and asked if I would like to...

Oral Sex

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